The Best Jarrod Johnson Quotes

Dr. Joe Early: [a little boy walks up to Dr Early in the hallway and tugs on his sleeve] Yes.
Steve: Are you a doctor?
Dr. Joe Early: Yes. What can I do for you, son?
[Steve reaches into his pocket and pulls out some coins]
Dr. Joe Early: So, you've got seven cents.
Steve: I'd like to buy a bandage.
Dr. Joe Early: What for?
Steve: My friend Pete. He's outside. He fell.
Dr. Joe Early: Oh. Why don't you bring Pete in? I'll bandage him myself.
Steve: He won't come in. He's afraid.
Dr. Joe Early: But you're not.
[Dr Early kneels down in front of Steve]
Dr. Joe Early: Listen, son. I'll tell you what. You tell Pete if he comes in and lets me bandage him, I'll do it for nothing. It's free. You guys can keep the seven cents. Okay?
Steve: No tricks?
Dr. Joe Early: No tricks.
Dr. Joe Early: [a few scenes later, Pete sits on a bed in an exam room while Dr Early places a bandage on his knee] There, Pete. That wasn't so bad, was it?
[Dr Early picks Pete up and stands him on the floor, then sits down in front of the boys]
Dr. Joe Early: I'll tell you what. You guys come back in a couple of days, I'll look at it again. Okay?
Pete: No thanks.
Dr. Joe Early: How come?
Pete: Cuz this is a scary lookin' place.
Dr. Joe Early: It is?
Steve: [Pointing to Dr Early's chest] Like that thing. What's it for?
Dr. Joe Early: A stethoscope? That's for listening. You wanna try it?
[Steve backs away and Dr Early gently pulls him back in toward him]
Dr. Joe Early: Come on, Steve. Don't be chicken. Come on. It won't hurt you.
[Looks at Pete]
Dr. Joe Early: Tell you what, Pete. Steve is going to listen to your heart and after he finishes, you're gonna listen to his heart. Okay?
[Pete nods yes and Dr Early places the stethoscope ear pieces into Steve's ears]
Dr. Joe Early: Those fit in your ears alright.
[Dr Early pulls Pete's shirt down a little and places the stethoscope against his chest]
Dr. Joe Early: Do you hear anything?
[after a few seconds, a smile comes to Steve's face]
Pete: Let me try.
Dr. Joe Early: Okay.
[He takes the ear pieces out of Steve's ears and places them in Pete's]
Dr. Joe Early: There you go. That side in your ear.
[Turns to Steve and reaches for his shirt]
Dr. Joe Early: Pull that zipper down a little bit.
[Places stethoscope against Steve's chest]
Dr. Joe Early: There you go.
[Turns to Pete]
Dr. Joe Early: Do you hear anything?
Pete: That's his heart?
Dr. Joe Early: That's right.
[Takes the ear pieces out of Pete's ears]
Pete: Doctor, if I put it against his head, could I hear what he was thinking?
Dr. Joe Early: [chuckles] It's not that sensitive. I'll tell you what. If you come back in a couple days, we'll do some more listening. We'll do some more talking. Alright?
Steve: Sure. We'll be back. Why not?
Pete: Yeah, we'll be here. Same time.
Dr. Joe Early: Good. Good enough.
[Dr Early walks the boys out of the exam room]
Steve: Thanks. Bye.
Dr. Joe Early: Bye boys.