The Best Jesse Metcalfe Quotes

John: [John and Gabrielle are lying in her bed together after sex] You know what I don't get?
Gabrielle: What?
John: Why you married Mr. Solis.
Gabrielle: Well, he promised to give me everything I've ever wanted.
John: Well, did he?
Gabrielle: Yes.
John: Then... why aren't you happy?
Gabrielle: Turns out I wanted all the wrong things.
John: So. Do you love him?
Gabrielle: [sighs] I do.
John: Well, then, why are we here? Why are we doing this?
Gabrielle: Because I don't wanna wake up some morning with a sudden urge to blow my brains out.

Gabrielle: Please calm down!
John: This doesn't make any sense. Okay you love me. I know you love me.
Gabrielle: Love isn't enough. Where would we live? Here? With your roommates? The only decoration in the bathroom is a bong!
John: We could get our own place.
Gabrielle: How? You're barely making minimum wage!
John: Okay, sure. We'd be poor at first, but we'd be happy.
Gabrielle: I've tried poor, but happy. Guess what? Wasn't that happy!

John: [John and Gabrielle are lying in her bed together after sex] You know what I don't get?
Gabrielle: What?
John: Why you married Mr. Solis.
Gabrielle: Well, he promised to give me everything I've ever wanted.
John: Well, did he?
Gabrielle: Yes.
John: Then... why aren't you happy?
Gabrielle: Turns out I wanted all the wrong things.
John: So. Do you love him?
Gabrielle: [sighs] I do.
John: So, why are we here? Why are we doing this?
Gabrielle: [smoking a cigarette] Because I don't want to wake up one morning with the sudden urge to blow my brains out.
John: Hey, can I have a drag?
Gabrielle: Absolutely not. You are much too young to smoke.

Gabrielle: This table was hand-carved, Carlos had it imported from Italy. It cost him twenty three thousand dollars.
John: You wanna do it on the table this time?
Gabrielle: Absolutely.

John: This is great. Got tons of homework tonight. It's always easier to concentrate after sex.
Gabrielle: Well, I'm glad I could help. Education's very important.

Gabrielle: It's me. Don't turn around, my mother-in-law can see you.
John: I hate that she's always watching us.
Gabrielle: So meet me at the motel in an hour? John?
John: Uh, I've got plans.
Gabrielle: So cancel.
John: They're with Danielle. We're going to the movies.
Gabrielle: That sounds like a date.
John: Yeah.
Gabrielle: Well, I have a problem with you seeing other girls.

John: What other option do you have? Except return the shoes and get your money back.
Gabrielle: Return the shoes? I can't talk to you when you're hysterical.

John: Ah. This is great. I got tons of homework tonight. It's so easy to concentrate after sex.
Gabrielle: Well, I'm glad I could help. Education is very important.

Gabrielle: Damn it, John! What's our new rule?
John: [sadly] Stop pretending we have a future.