The Best Justus Ward Quotes

Justice: I've done a lot of things I'm not proud of. I'm not a good man.
Edward: Only a good man can say that.

Faith: We don't have much time to get out of here.
Justice: You know what, Faith? You've been stabbed twice. You're in no condition to go anywhere but to the hospital.
Faith: So I'm in pain. That's not going to stop my legs from working. If we wait any longer, I will never get out of here. If the killer doesn't get me, the Quartermaines are going to stone me to death.
Justice: You know what? You're right. They're not the most compassionate group.
Faith: You think?
Justice: You know, I hate the way the Quartermaines treat other people, especially each other. They're like a pack of wolves waiting to tear each other to shreds. I don't know why I wanted to be a part of this family.
Faith: Everybody wants to belong somewhere.