The Best Leslie Phillips Quotes

Bruno: Hey, hey, wait a minute what about us.
Capt. Barney Miller: Gentlemen, I'm afraid there are still a couple of assault complaints outstanding, unless you two have reconciled
Bruno: Well, look, if promises to stops weirding off in front of my store, it's going to be alright?
Leslie: Weirding off ? I'm an artist, and artists don't weird off.
Bruno: Who needs it ?
Capt. Barney Miller: Now, Mr. Binder, whatever you think of Mr. Phillips, he does have the ability to draw a crowd and it appears to me, you can turn that to your advantage
Bruno: Can I sue him ?
Leslie: I don't have no money . But, listen I really could help with your advertising at your store.
Bruno: Oh yeah, sure !
Leslie: No, No, listen, really, really, I could mine different sporting goods when you have them on sale
Bruno: Yeah
Leslie: Like... baseball... basketball... tennis... .
Bruno: Let me see mace.
Capt. Barney Miller: Dietrich, I have a feeling Mr. Binder and Mr. Phillips will be leaving us, you want to get their valuables ?
Det. Sgt. Arthur Dietrich: I saw it coming .

Bruno: He was scaring customers away
Leslie: They were entranced
Bruno: Well, no law says I got to let some freak do weird things in front of my store
Leslie: Mime is the oldest and purest of all art forms
Bruno: Yeah, I got your art right here
Capt. Barney Miller: Okay, let's everybody relax. Just, take it easy, huh? Uh, Dietrich, Do you want to take Mr. Bender's statement ?
Det. Sgt. Arthur Dietrich: Yeah, all right Mr. Bender ?