The Best Little Fish Quotes

Patrick: I've been thinking. At first a handshake doesn't seem like much, but really it's the thought that counts...
[Fran walks up with a heart-shaped box of chocolates in her arms]
Fran: Hey SpongeBob, I just wanted to thank you for this box of chocolates.
SpongeBob: Uh, no problem Fran.
Patrick: And even though I was expecting more...
[Dave walks up with roses]
Dave: Thanks for the roses, SpongeBob. Happy Valentine's Day!
SpongeBob: You too, Dave.
Patrick: And not that it matters that we've been friends for so long...
[female fish walks up with a bike]
Female: Hey SpongeBob, thanks for the bike!
[to Patrick]
Female: Can you believe this guy? I just met him this morning!
Patrick: [getting angry, through clenched teeth] So, as I was saying...
Male: Excuse me; do you guys have the time?
Patrick: [snaps, screams and throws the fish] Patrick needs love, too-hoo-hoooo!