The Best Lonnie Jackson Quotes

Lonnie: [speaking to his son and referring to his new attorney] Take your next ex-wife and get the hell outta here.

Lonnie: [standing in the docket] I am not incompetent! You're the incompetent ones! Not me!... Not me.

Executive A.D.A. Jack McCoy: Do you know what a Pyrrhic victory is, Mr Jackson?
Lonnie: I'm not really sure.
Executive A.D.A. Jack McCoy: That's when you win but you really lose. Like this hearing: if I win, I get to say that you're competent, in which case, I get to go into another courtroom and try to prove that you did something I know you did, but at the same time I can't prove.
Lonnie: So why don't we just call it a day?
Executive A.D.A. Jack McCoy: It's what they call going through the motions, it's what I get paid for. So will you bear with me?
Lonnie: Sure.

Arraignment: It's good to see you're still alive, Aaron.
Aaron: May I say the same for you, sir.
Arraignment: Tell me, Aaron, what's the best thing about getting old? I forgot.
Aaron: When you remember, Your Honor, please let me know.
Arraignment: [referring to defendant] So, what's his story?
Lonnie: Not guilty, sir.
Arraignment: You know, in the past 40 years, your lawyer has yet to represent a guilty man.
Aaron: Must be the luck of the draw, Your Honor.

McCoy's: There's a doctor here - he says he's Mr. Jackson's son.
Lonnie: [sternly] Tell him to go to hell.

Lonnie: You know how long it took me? Three days. Three days to find him, kill him, and get rid of the gun.