Top 30 Quotes From Mía Maestro

Mira: So, strong handsome guy your age working as a bellhop must have made a wrong turn somewhere.
John: Yeah. I... uh stopped counting a while back.

Nadia: Wait a minute... I hate that perfume. It has a weird patrulli smell.
Sydney: See the end of the bed, the sling backs.
Nadia: Champagne bottles on the nightstand.
Sydney: Check out the magazines.
Nadia: Designer purse.
Sydney: It's a shot.
Eric: What's a shot, what are you talking about?
Nadia: I know where to get what we need.
Eric: What? Where is she going?
Michael: You mind filling us in?
Sydney: Tambor's got a girlfriend, she's staying with him. She's our way in.

Nadia: I was hoping we could talk about our mother.
Sydney: Did you bring your passport?

Sloane: [after Nadia visits Katya in prison to ask about her mother] What did she tell you?
Nadia: Nothing I didn't already know. That she was a criminal, a murderer.
Sloane: Sweetheart, no one is a single thing.

Michael: No I'm fine, thanks, I'll help.
Eric: Oh boo hoo, I'm going to go up north and drink wine for two days, while my friends stay here and work.
Michael: It's called accumulated vacation man, use it or lose it.
Sydney: So you'll water the plants...
Nadia: Got it.
Sydney: And you'll send out the...
Nadia: Sydney, go have a good time.
Eric: You know what; we could actually drive up and meet you guys.
Michael: Ahh
[He looks at Sydney and pulls her closer to him]
Sydney: We're busy...
Michael: Yeah...
[He smiles]
Eric: You gotta eat; one meal?
Michael: Yeah, that's what room service is for...
[Sydney half hugs Vaughn and they both happily grin]

Arvin: Nadia, I'm so glad you're here. If I didn't have someone to share this with, I may have doubted my own eyes.
Nadia: You're talking to your dead daughter. This is an odd time to question your sanity.
Arvin: Perhaps.

Sophia: Eric, you have no idea how excited I am to finally meet you. Nadia says the most beautiful things about you.
Eric: Really?
Nadia: She asked me if you were tall, dark and handsome. I told her you were tall.
[Weiss and Nadia giggle then kiss]

Eric: No woman ever wants to go to the Magic Castle.
Nadia: Oh, I like magic.

Michael: How you holding up?
Nadia: I'm trying to stay focused.
Michael: By re-opening up the Bishop files?
Nadia: He killed my mother; supposedly, if she's alive then the CIA obviously missed something.
Michael: [Vaughn sighs] Nadia, researching Martin Bishop, it's... It's not the most productive use of your time.
Nadia: What do you mean?
Michael: You should talk to Jack...

Arvin: Sydney, we didn't expect you back so soon... So Russia was a success?
Sydney: Yeah, there's a report waiting for you in the office.
Nadia: Sydney, he just dropped by, I didn't realize.
Sydney: Get Out.
Arvin: Very Well... I'll walk myself to the door. I'll see you both tomorrow.
Nadia: OK... He came by wanting to talk; he says he wants a fresh start to get to know me.
Sydney: You think that's all he wants; a little father daughter bonding?
Nadia: I know how you feel about him.
Sydney: You can't possibly.
Nadia: I don't understand, you work with him at APO.
Sydney: I accepted the job so I can watch him. Don't delude yourself, Nadia, into thinking you can trust that man. Do that and you will end up hating yourself for it.
Nadia: He's my father.
Sydney: If you knew what he's done...
Nadia: Sydney, I know, I know what he did to you. What he took from you, your best friend, your fiance...
Sydney: And knowing that, you still let him into my home?

Mira: Why won't you just leave me alone?
John: [Reese shoots guy with gun] That a good enough reason?

Arvin: You're gonna be okay. I promise.
Nadia: No, I won't. I guess the angel isn't coming.

Arvin: Because I didn't have the orchid, I attempted to artificially manufacture its nectar
Sydney: Because your imposter already has the orchid, he doesn't need to acquire any of the other substances you mentioned. All he has to do is put the nectar into the water, you contaminated.
Nadia: You loaded the gun.
Arvin: [nods his head] That's right.
Sydney: How many people are we talking about? How many people drank the contaminated water?
Arvin: Somewhere between three and four hundred million.
Sydney: What?

Nadia: We have bowling in Argentina, you know.
Eric: Yes, but you don't have like glow in the dark pins, you don't have all you can eat hot dogs after 10, or bad disco music pumping through the stereo. You know what, why am I still talking about this? Let's just do it. We're going bowling. Come on.
Nadia: Really?
Eric: Yeah, yeah, come on, we're all going bowling.
Sydney: Now?
Eric: Yeah, there's a 24 bowling alley.
Vaughn: No, no, that's not the point.
Sydney: We have work tomorrow.
Eric: Guys, you don't have to analyze everything you do, you can just decide to have fun, it's ok.
Sydney: We're fun.
Eric: Yeah... You guys are about as spontaneous as my grandparents. And they're dead.
Vaughn: No, look, it's Wednesday night.
Sydney: We're not going bowling.
Eric: Alright, well suit yourselves, the kids are going out.
Nadia: How can I resist all you can eat hot dogs after 10.
Eric: Don't wait up.
Nadia: Let's go.
Sydney: [to Vaughn] We don't analyze everything that we do.
Sydney: Do we?

Marcus: Smile and look like a lot of money.
Nadia: Dollars or Euros?
Marcus: Euros, definitely.

Arvin: Nadia? I can't move.
Nadia: I don't think there's anything I can do.
Arvin: I can't move.
Nadia: Well, as you said, you have all the time in the world. Unfortunately, I think you'll have to spend it here.
Arvin: Well, at least you're here with me.
Nadia: No.
[She fades away]

Nadia: And you have no idea who was responsible? Who killed her?
Sydney: [after a pause] No.
Nadia: I swear... somehow I will find out who did this to our mother, and I will kill him.

Arvin: I don't want to hurt you.
Nadia: Then why are you doing this?
Arvin: When Abraham was asked to take his only child, Isaac, and offer him up to God, he didn't hesitate. And he took in his hand the fire and the knife, and it was only then, that the angel came. But Abraham had to be willing to make this unbearable choice.
Nadia: I understand.
Arvin: You do?
Nadia: You're a man of faith.
Arvin: Oh, my child. My child.
[Nadia opens her restraints with a pen and stabs Sloane with the needle he used on her]
Nadia: How do you like it?

Michael: You okay?
[He looks at Sydney, get closer and places his hands on her shoulders]
Michael: You're not okay.
Sydney: I don't know how I'm going to do this.
Michael: Well, you know it's not too late, we can always have Weiss dress up as Irina. He'd make a great housewife.
[Sydney has a small laugh]
Sydney: I don't remember my parents; back when they were together.
Michael: Well, you were a little girl.
Sydney: I remember the time; I don't remember them .My dad was my dad. He was never around when I was a kid. He was always away on business. My mom, I don't know what my dad was like around my mother. Or what she was like around him. I... I don't know how to do this.
Michael: Syd, it's just a job. It's another alias, like all the others. Just trust your training, follow your dad's cues, follow his lead. Besides, I've got snipers everywhere if he starts to get inappropriate.
[Sydney laughs a little]
Nadia: They're ready.
Michael: Hey listen to me. You can do this.

Mira: He was going to kill me for talking to the journalist.
John: He was going to kill you for knowing what Petrovic did to your family in Kosovo.
Mira: What does that make you?
John: Just a guy at the right place at the right time.

Nadia: [Agents are rifling through all the drawers, cupboards and all over Sydney's home looking for items] She also has...
[We come to an agent questioning Sydney]
Young: An assault rifle, a twelve gauge shotgun, four handguns, two Tasers, and a secret drawer of knives. Let's start with the knives.

Arvin: What you did yesterday, destroying all the fluid like that: I want you to know I was not angry with you. I was proud of your courage.
Nadia: Every Sunday at the orphanage in San Telmo, they made us dress up in our finest clothes. They would have us stand in line for hours waiting to be chosen by families. I wouldn't do it. I'd make myself filthy and always frown. I didn't want to be chosen, because I knew... I knew that somewhere my dad was still looking for me. And one day he'd come to take me away from that place... If I had known it was you I was waiting for, I would have cleaned up.

Nadia: When I was drawing, there were moments as the fluid wore off. I altered the equation. I didn't want to give you what you were looking for.
Arvin: Which means the Covenant has the wrong coordinates. They're looking for the sphere in the wrong place.
Nadia: We should go. We have a long journey ahead of us.

Sydney: What's going on?
Nadia: Nothing...
Sydney: When something's bothering me I go running. You've gone twice in less than 12 hours.

Arvin: [Nadia has just found Rambaldi's page 47 in Sloane's homes office] Let me explain. Nadia you're going to have to trust me.
Nadia: You said it was over.
Arvin: No... It's not what it looks like.
Nadia: You've been lying all along.
Arvin: Look, I handed everything over to the DSR except for that page; I couldn't part with it, I... I'd spent so much time.
Nadia: I don't want more excuses. Just talking about Rambaldi, your face, your voice, it all changes. This obsession you have...
Arvin: No it's not an obsession... It's faith.
Nadia: Do you have any idea what your faith costs me? What did you think, that I was sleeping peacefully? The last twelve months were an extended nap?
[She begins to cry]
Nadia: I heard people talking; I felt tubes being shoved down my throat. I couldn't open my eyes, I couldn't move, I couldn't scream. But I felt everything! So forgive me if I don't have much tolerance for your faith.
Arvin: Nadia, please... You have to understand.
Nadia: I'm done trying to understand you. You have to make a choice; either me or this.
[She holds up the page]
Arvin: Please don't make me choose between the two most important things in my life.
Nadia: I suppose then, you'll lose us both.
[She throws the page in the fire. They fight and he recovers part of the page from the fire and knocks her into a glass table. She falls thru it and glass shards slash her neck and Sloane watches her die]

Elena: I feel like I know your dad.
Jennifer: He was mayor of New York for a while, back when I was a kid.
Elena: Cool.
Jennifer: It wasn't.

Dolores: I promise I'll kill you.
Lado: That's the Dolores I'd like to fuck.

Sydney: It's okay to be nervous.
Nadia: It's just not about meeting Irina. It's just this feeling...
Sydney: Dread; darkness?
Nadia: Yeah, how do you know?
Sydney: I've been feeling it to.
Nadia: I've never believed in prophecies, fate, now I'm not so sure.

Eric: [Sydney and Weiss are at Sydney's house] I just... I just don't see it, you're working in a bank? What kind of a job is that? Cashing checks, making change, "excuse me, next in line please".
Sydney: I'm a loans officer, I travel, service accounts.
Eric: Wait a minute, that cover job you had for SD-6?
Sydney: I happen to be good at it.
Eric: Great! That's stimulating stuff, watching over someone else's money, Syd come on seriously since you left the spy business you're a bore!
Sydney: It's an adjustment it's all... are you sure you don't want to stay for dinner?
Eric: I'd love to, but I've got to go save the world, see you.
Sydney: Bye.
[Weiss goes to the door and opens it, Nadia is standing there]
Eric: Hello.
Nadia: Hi.
Eric: I'm Eric Weiss, 38, single...
Nadia: Nadia.
Eric: How are you?
Nadia: Good
[turns to Sydney]
Nadia: Is this a bad time?
Sydney: Not at all Nadia, this is Eric he was just leaving.
Eric: No, I can stay...
[Sydney waves Weiss good bye]
Eric: or go, nice to meet you.

Arvin: Just so we don't have these misunderstandings again, let me be clear to both of you. Questioning my authority, whether it's in this office or in the field; is unacceptable.
Sydney: Unacceptable... Coming from you that's almost funny
Nadia: Sydney, please.
Sydney: Do you really want to engage in a conversation about what is and what is not acceptable? Every day I work here, I see your face in briefings; I hear your voice in my ear during missions. And do you want to know what it's like? It makes me sick to my stomach. Having to pretend that the past never happened, that you're not the same murderous, criminal, sociopath you were three years ago. It makes me want to wretch. If you want to talk unacceptable, that is unacceptable.
Arvin: I assumed that you had accepted the fact that I made amends for my past.
Sydney: Amends; Francie and Danny are gone and yet here you are. And everywhere I look I'm reminded of the man that killed them.