1000 Best Alias Quotes

Vaughn: I saw a picture of Isabelle... I don't know how we do this anymore.
Sydney: We do it the way we've always done it. It's the only way to keep her safe. We end this.

Sydney: They are gonna kill us both if we don't help each other get out here.
Martin: Then you got a real problem because I am not leaving here. I would rather die than leave the way I am now.

Michael: Yeah. Last week, when you talked about quitting SD-6
Sydney: I was being naive.
Michael: No, but, um, what you said about wanting to go to a hockey game... wanting me to be part of your life... I, uh, I think I wasn't clear about something.
Michael: That it would be nice to be in public with you, to actually get to look at you. Grab a pizza or go to a hockey game. I-I just... I wasn't clear that I would really like that, too.

Arvin: [to Sydney and Jack] All I want to do is protect my child.

Jack: You warned him, didn't you? Sloane. Whatever trust I'd established with him over the past few months has been compromised. What I can't figure out is, how will this play to Irina's advantage? Or your own?
Katya: One day when you least expect it, Irina's intentions will present themselves to you. And when that day comes, I promise you - it will be unmistakable.

Sydney: I don't want that, to jump right back in where we were, before everything. To pretend like those years didn't happen.
Vaughn: That would be nice, wouldn't it.
Sydney: But they did.

Eric: Fine, you know what we've managed harder, come on, there's gotta be a way.
Eric: What would Jack do in this situation? Jack is the king of this sort of thing.
Marshall: Well, first he'd probably glower a bit, right? And then he'd, I don't know, probably blackmail or torture somebody, Right?
Marshall: You're a genius!
[Gets out of his chair]
Marshall: You Eric Weiss are a genius.
[They move into Sloane's office]
Eric: I thought Sloane turned the Blackwell index over to Langley?
Marshall: He didn't, it's complicated.
Eric: Yeah, not really. Sloane's evil, why wouldn't he hold onto blackmail material on world leaders?

Marshall: [to Sark] Hi. Welcome. Don't kill me.

Marshall: This guy Lang created this really cool device. Basically, take it to any missile silo in all of Russia and it interfaces with the launch control console, bypasses all security protocols: initiation codes, the commander's launch key... irrelevant.
Sydney: It's a skeleton key for Russia's nuclear weapons?
Marshall: Yeah and to be honest, I'm just a little bit jealous.

Sydney: What about the file - the one you pulled for me? There were pages missing. Maybe it didn't end twenty years ago. Maybe he's still working for Russia!
Michael: Stop. Okay? Stop. What matters, what "is" important, is taking down SD-6. Jack - your father - is helping us do that!

Michael: ...You already reported her.
Lauren: You followed your orders. I followed mine.

Sydney: How long have you known about this?
Jack: I didn't tell you because it didn't concern you!
Sydney: If the Alliance thinks you're lying to them, they'll kill you. That concerns me!
Jack: What concerns me is having them suspect that you're my accomplice. That's why I kept you out of it.

Jack: Sydney, what are you doing here?
Sydney: I would have called, I just didn't know if that was...
Jack: You shouldn't be here.
Sydney: I told you I have a thousand questions. They're keeping me awake at night.
Jack: Then take something.
Sydney: Dad, did you know SD-6 was going to recruit me? I mean, did you help?
Jack: This isn't the time.
Sydney: Then I need to ask you about mom.
Jack: Sydney...
Sydney: Was it just an accident? Or-or did you tell her about what you were doing, like I told Danny?
Jack: Look where you are! You're exposed.
Sydney: Dad, please...
Jack: Don't come here again. Not again.

Arvin: He had so many brilliant creations. Rambaldi. But there was one in particular, a machine. He called it "il dire" - the telling. The construction consists of forty-seven pieces. Classic Rambaldi. As you know, it took me a long time, longer than I thought, but I've acquired them all, including the Di Regno heart with your help. They're in the next room, Jack. I have a team assembling "il dire" right now. They said it shouldn't be more than a day.
Jack: And then what?
Arvin: I've seen things recently. I've seen what's possible. There's a change coming, Jack. Something even I couldn't imagine.

Francie: Well, why is there a return ticket from Italy in her pocket?
Will: Probably from another trip.
Francie: It's dated for last week.
Will: Why wouldn't she tell us about a trip to Italy?

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Mountaineer, abort the op and head back. We'll find another way to...
Sydney: Abort? We don't have time to find something else!
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: If you use the machine, they'll know you're there.
Sydney: Then I'll run fast.

Michael: I know, but the DNA sequencing, the heart size. I mean, they both match with what Rambaldi wrote. Either this thing is completely insane... or it isn't.
Eric: Okay, what happened? The FBI's involved?
Michael: Yeah. There's an FBI tribunal flying in from DC. They're going to question her and decide what the next move is.

Hayden: [Director Chase is caressing Dixon in the hospital where he is unconscious. She walks out and approaches Jack and Sydney] If anything changes, you call me.
Sydney: [to Jack] Did you have any idea she and Dixon...
Jack: No... But then I tend to miss those kinds of details.
Sydney: What are you talking about? You're the master of details.
Jack: Really? I've gone over the details a thousand times in my mind. Each one, added up to the same conclusion. That your life was in danger, and your mother was the lethal threat.

Arvin: I miss LA. I miss Emily. I miss the friendship with your father.
Arvin: I miss your confidence and trust. Perhaps, I can get it back someday?
Sydney: You will never have my confidence and trust... or my father's friendship and respect... ever.

Jack: Kane called a meeting.
Michael: Does she know anything?
Jack: Unclear. But I'm told she has two units from security section prepared to take me in. I have to be ready for anything.

Sydney: I know about you! That you were hunted by the F.B.I.! And I know that mom died because they went after you.
Jack: Sydney...
Sydney: Every time I think I know just how awful you are, I learn something worse.

SD: [to Sloane] Sydney Bristow's the mole... if you don't follow protocol on this, I'm going to The Alliance.

Michael: The Snowman. He's been spotted in Mackay. Sydney's there, too. He's going after Calder to get to Khasinau. Can you think of a way to contact Sydney, put out a warning?

Irina: And about my indiscretion with Sloane, I can only hope you accept my apology.
Jack: Of all the things you've done, that's what you're going to apologize for?
[Jack smirks]
Jack: You're going to enjoy getting to know Nadia. She's exceptional.
Irina: I wonder where she got that from?

Irina: [to Jack] There were times when the illusion of our marriage was as powerful for me as it was for you.

Arvin: We have no Intel on that woman. You'll be going in blind Sydney.
Sydney: We know enough. She has gossip rags all over the room, which means she's fine making a mess, so we know she's not a one-night stand. Her shoes cost more than most people's monthly salary, so she either has money of her own or access to Tambor's.
[Vaughn stares at Sydney, then looks up at Weiss bewildered]
Sydney: Either way, empty champagne bottles, her side of the bed. This girl likes to party. But her boyfriend would rather stay in and watch TV their last night in Monaco than hang out with her, so she's bored. Most likely pissed off.
Jack: How do you propose to find her?
Sydney: Well, she let her handbag. She didn't go far. In fact, I'm guessing she's hitting the hotel bar right now.
[Vaughn grins at Sydney]
Sydney: All Nadia and I need to do is get to her and get her to take us to the room. Why are you smiling?
Michael: I don't know.

Professor: She loved the man, and she lost him. This isn't a new theme in literature, but it seems to be one of the favourites.

Michael: [Vaughn shoots out a control panel] The relay's blown, check the signal strength.
Irina: No good Vaughn, the signal's still broadcasting.
Elena: I've planned this for five years. Don't you think I've accounted for every possibility?
Irina: Vaughn; Is Sloane with you?
Michael: No; he's not with you?
Irina: Get to the roof right now.
Michael: On my way.

Michael: Mr. Kishell, I appreciate you talking to me. I know this must be very difficult.
Mr. Kishell: I know difficult. Talk is easy.

Sydney: You didn't think about it. Not once. The possibility that Rambaldi could be right about me.
Michael: No. I didn't.
Sydney: Why not?
Michael: Because I believe in you. Do you think I'd just throw anyone in my trunk?

[while undercover]
Marcus: If it's worth something to you, it's worth something to me.

Arvin: Jack, don't go digging. You won't find anything. I know that you were imprisoned for making contact with your ex-wife. You went to Irina Derevko for help to find Sydney. Now I wouldn't have believed that you would ally yourself with a woman you vowed you'd never trust again. So, if you're capable of having such a change of heart, why is it so hard to believe that I am as well?
Jack: Because every morally questionable thing I have done has been to protect Sydney. You don't have the same excuse.
Arvin: Really?

Michael: [Opens book to find a syringe with a note that reads, Inject Me] You've gotta be kidding me!
[He walks away and throws the book in the trash. His cell begins to ring immediately after, he answers it]
Michael: Listen if you think I'm going to inject myself, you're out of your mind!
Roberts: If I wanted you dead, I'd kill you right now. You want to know about your father, I'll give you two minutes to do the right thing.
[Vaughn looks around the library. Walks over to a sofa, and sits down. He spends a minute rubbing his head looking very conflicted. Grabs the syringe and injects himself]

Desk: Checking in?
Will: [with British accent] Of course. I'm here, she's here. We made it.
Desk: And you are...?
Sydney: We're the next big thing.

Alice: The paramedics called. What was his last meal? Is he allergic to any medication? I got to the hospital as fast as I could... So you work with Michael?
Sydney: Yeah. We're in the same bureau at state. I'm Rita.
Alice: I'm Alice. I'm listed as his emergency contact. I'm Michael's girlfriend. Excuse me.

Another Mr. Sloane: [to the real Sloane] The affair in Santiago; I noticed that both Marcus Dixon and Sydney Bristow were in on that mission. It beggars reason to believe that these same two agents would ever agree to work with a man, who killed their loved ones. What's the most logical scenario? That I'm the imposter or that you are?

Irina: You know, you haven't asked me how I could shoot my own daughter.
Sydney: No, I haven't.
Irina: I assume you wouldn't need this combination so urgently if you didn't know where the music box was. Sark won't hesitate to kill you. I don't want to lose the chance to explain myself someday.

Michael: How are you?
Olivia: I'm doing surprisingly well for a pariah. I never liked politics. You never know who your friends are. At least now that I'm the wife of a traitor, I know the answer. I have none.

Sydney: [on the phone with Francie] Have I heard from Will? No.
Francie: Well, me neither and there's this story on the news right now. Will wrote a story in today's paper that wasn't supposed to get printed unless he went missing.
Sydney: What was Will's story about?
Francie: It's about the murder of your fiance, and some conspiracy, and some group called SD-6.

Eric: You alright?
Vaughn: Yeah, I think that a full month of Psych evaluations; more than enough.
Eric: Really; for you? I don't know. It was a little overkill though. Come on, burning your house down...
Vaughn: It wasn't a happy home.
Eric: But still *fire*...
Vaughn: Yeah, well you kill your wife after learning she's a vicious homicidal double agent and see how rational you are.
Eric: I just want you to know that I'm there for you, whatever you need. You know if you need to stay with me for a while, cause your house is... ashes.

Jack: You went behind my back.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: That's hardly unheard of in this office.
Jack: So what is this? Retribution for me taking your parking space?

Michael: Well, 'cause it's common, you know, to dream about work, have anxiety over keeping it secret. Especially in the beginning.
Will: Really.
Michael: Goes away though.
Will: What, the excitement?
Michael: No. The dreams.

Andre: [Sydney has delusion of watching Andre load his gun, wonders why Jack and Vaughn aren't doing anything] It's too bad for you, because you're dying too.
[He shoots himself in the head in her delusion]
Andre: [Sydney takes in a deep breath]
Michael: Vaughn:
[to Sydney]
Michael: You alright?

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: What exactly did you promise Sark?
Sydney: That I would render Sloane unconscious and deliver him to Sark.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: So he could kill him.
Sydney: Yes.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: There are just so many problems with this that I don't even know where to begin.

Jack: What I'm about to tell you, is not to leave this room. Agent Vaughn is alive.
[Tom and Dixon share a confused look]
Marshall: I knew it! I knew it! I knew he couldn't be dead!
Jack: For the last several months, Vaughn's been kept in a secure location in Nepal; pending his recovery. I hope you all can understand that secrecy was a necessary measure to ensure his safety. Unfortunately those measures weren't sufficient. Through Sloane's tapping of our network, the Prophet Five network learned of Sydney's trip to Nepal. They sent an agent to intercept her.
Marcus: Is she okay?
Jack: She's fine; she made it to Vaughn's location, but Vaughn was no longer there.
Rachel: He was abducted.
Jack: In a manner of speaking.
[He turns on the monitor with a picture of Vaughn and Anna -as Sydney- walking together]
Jack: We managed to pick up the trail. This was taken in Hamburg international airport one hour ago. The woman in the photo is not Sydney...

Marcus: Sydney, for the record, I did miss you.

Sydney: Sark is like the good-looking guy in high school who knows how cute he is and won't take "no" for an answer.

Sydney: I thought you sold airplane parts!
Agent: I don't sell airplane parts. I never sold airplane parts.

Michael: I've never worked with anyone who can improvise better than you can... but when Simon called you Julia... your reaction... You didn't seem surprised.
Sydney: Vaughn...
Michael: No. Tell me what's going on. Look, I know we're not where we were, but even before then, professionally, we never kept secrets from each other. I'm still on your side...
Sydney: You're right, we're not where we were. And trust me when I tell you, I am doing you a favor by keeping you out of it.

Sydney: There's a future date listed on the page, isn't there?
N.S.A. Deputy Director Brandon: Forty-eight hours from now.
Sydney: What's the prediction?
Carrie: The page doesn't say, it just gives the time. It's the equivalent of midnight, eastern standard time.

Sydney: Ask yourself, "Would you betray someone you love?"
Counter: Well I guess we have an answer to the intimacy question.

Arvin: [Voiceover the last shots of the episode. Jack finds out that Sloane killed Nadia, and Sydney finds Renee dead] A few days I was absolutely horrified that you would suggest that I turn against APO that I would kill my own daughter. I realize now that both were inevitable. That death is a necessary sacrifice; necessary to complete the final leg of this journey. And I have been preparing for this my whole life, I knew it was coming. I have betrayed everyone I ever loved, but I was chosen.
Joseph: We appreciate what you've done.
Arvin: This is my road to follow.
Joseph: Welcome back.
[last lines]

Jack: She was putting on a show for Cuvee. Before she left, she put these in my hand. She told me they're using the cores to activate a Rambaldi artifact.
Sydney: They're not detonating the nukes?
Jack: Among the things Rambaldi experimented with was self-sustaining cell regeneration. This artifact they're opening today is reported to be Rambaldi's proof of endless life.

Marcus: [Sydney is sliding across a wire between two buildings] How's it hanging, Syd?
Sydney: Very funny.

Sydney: I've seen too much... Everything gets stolen.

Lauren: We're both pawns in the same game. The difference between us is: I know who controls me.
Sydney: Who controls me?
Lauren: I guess you'll never know.

Will: [reading from a book] "Laura, all my love forever and a day. Jack." That's not, like, your dad Jack, is it?
Sydney: Yeah.
Will: Wow. That's uncharacteristically sweet of him.
Sydney: I know. He actually has a heart, which I'm learning little by little.

Mysterious: We have your wife, and, yes, she's alive. You will provide us with the account numbers for all of SD-6's investments, or the Alliance will be informed that you failed to carry out her execution.
Arvin: Offer me proof that she's alive. Until then, know this: as soon as I hang up the phone I will use every available resource to find out who I'm talking to and when I do, it will be my sincere pleasure to make your acquaintance.

McKenas: Dear person, beating up my men. I assume that you're an employee here. I am now standing in Sloane's tastefully minimalistic office. And if you're not here, standing in front of me in the next 20 seconds, I'm going to start executing your friends, starting with the man that I assume to be your partner... Mr. Jack Bristow.

Michael: [Sydney is heading to the roof to disable the device, walking away from everyone. Vaughn runs after her] Syd...
Sydney: Did I forget something?
Michael: Yeah... Me. I'm coming with you.
Sydney: Did my dad change the plans?
Michael: No... I did. I'm joining you on the roof.
Sydney: It's a one person job, my mom will relay up the wiring instructions, I can disarm the device myself.
Michael: Look I know you can, but you can't outrun the wall of water that thing's going to turn into.
Sydney: How are you going to help me?
Michael: We'll figure something out. You'll run faster if I'm chasing you.
Sydney: I'll be fine. And they need you in the bunker.
Michael: Syd...
Sydney: If they don't get Elena...
Sydney: Don't say it...
Sydney: I'll see you in a few minutes.
Michael: [Nodding his head] Okay...
Sydney: [She turns to head up to the roof and then turns around back to Vaughn] Just in case... Yes...
Michael: Yeah...
Sydney: Yeah, I wanna marry you...
[They kiss passionately, he opens the ring box, Sydney takes the ring and puts it on]
Sydney: It's perfect. So are you!
[She begins to cry, and they kiss passionately again]
Michael: Go...
Sydney: I'll see you...
Michael: I know...

Ineni: Listen, I have a wife and a son. They are a target. Not just SD-6. I've made many enemies in the past. Now, you bring them to the United States, give them protection. You do that for me, and I'll tell you whatever you want to know. Everything.
Vaughn: Let me make one thing very clear, Mr. Hassan. The extent to which I am willing to service you is when I offer you a soda. There is no room for negotations. There are no perks coming your way. You have nothing to gain here!

Michael: I want to find your sister, but I need to find my wife. Lauren cannot be allowed to get away with what she's done.
Sydney: Well, Lauren might. And you have to be prepared to deal with that.

Marcus: You know, I have been meaning to tell you something. I'm proud of you.
Sydney: What? With me?
Marcus: Yeah.
Sydney: Why?
Marcus: I worked with a lot of people. You make it look easy. But the thing I admire most is your courage.

Sydney: [answers phone] I'm heading to the extraction point.
Dr. Parks: Sydney, this is Dr. Park, your test results are in.
Sydney: Now isn't really the best time.
Dr. Parks: You're going to want to hear this.
[Sydney continues towards the cliff, she reaches it and shuts the phone]
Michael: We have to go!
[Vaughn is strapping himself into a parachute]
Sydney: The doctor called... I'm pregnant...
Michael: What?
[Someone yells after them. Vaughn grabs hold of Sydney and they jump off the cliff]

Eric: If I found out that you screwed Vaughn, you do understand this : your ass is mine.
C.I.A. Agent Steven Haladki: I am not scared of you.
Eric: You should start being scared of me.

Eric: It's not an alias she's ever used with us before.
Michael: There's no mention of a Julia in her SD-6 files.
Eric: Right. Which means, last two years, when she was supposedly being held by the Covenant...
Michael: What? You think she was operational?

Irina: I'll give you one chance to do the right thing. Not that you were ever any good at that. Which wire?
Elena: It's useless... In a few minutes when this signal broadcasts, the whole world will be different. However you plan on torturing me I'll hold out, at least for that long.
Irina: I'm not going to torture you; I'm going to let him do it.
[She nods towards Jack]
Irina: And he really doesn't care for you. Especially after you tricked him into killing me, one thing you should know about Jack, he hates being anybody's puppet.
Jack: I'm actually hoping you don't tell us what we need to know.
[He is filling up syringes at a workstation]
Jack: There's a 50/50 chance Sydney cuts the right wire. I'm willing to take those odds if it means I get to stand here and watch you turn into an animal.

Marcus: Before I saw I saw Sloane, I saw a prisoner shackled, Syd, it's your mother. She's alive.

Sydney: I can't help it, I just miss you. I do.
Michael: You know we can't do this.
Sydney: Give me a break, it's a dream... we can do whatever we want. At least, I can.

Oleg: [trying to brainwash Sydney] Your name is Julia Thorne. You were born in London on August 2, 1973.
Sydney: My name is Sydney Bristow, you ugly bastard.

Sydney: If someone wanted to set Will up, this is exactly what they would do... plant these clues, condition him. I'd like permission to assign Francie protective detail. If Sloane is targeting my friends, she could be next.
Jack: Done.
Sydney: I'd also like to speak to her about Will. She might have information that could help.
Jack: Tell her what you think is necessary, but only what's necessary.

Arvin: This is bigger than SD-6. Bigger than the CIA.

Sydney: [Showing a picture of Vaughn to Rachael] Have you ever seen this man?
Rachel: Yeah... Dean said he was a CIA agent that turned. He's in custody outside Los Alamos. That was a lie too...
Sydney: His name is Michael Vaughn... He was a US agent, he was a good man.

Arvin: Sydney, whatever grief my apparent death might have caused you, I only wish I could have spared you the pain.
Sydney: When I heard you were dead, any grief I felt was over the possibility of never knowing my sister. I did not grieve for you.

Francie: Will Tippin may be compromised.
Julian: Our superiors deal in absolutes. Either he is or he's not.
Francie: The CIA is on a mole hunt to find out who accessed the defense satellite communications system. It's only a matter of time before they trace it back to Tippin, and then to me.

Dr. Brezzel: [about Sydney] She's in a tangent.
Kaya: I was in a tangent once.
Jack: How nice for you.

Will: [whispering, leaving a message for Syd] Sydney, it's me. Listen, this is going to sound insane but I just found Provacillium in the bathroom and I think that... I think that... uh, okay, just think about it. I think that the double is Franc...

Thomas: Son of a bitch, why do I always get the assignments that involve hypothermia?
Jack: Because you're always late to briefings.

McKenas: [to Sark] You're cockier than I am. I love that about you.

SD: I told you to meet me in San Pedro.
Sydney: I never got a letter.
SD: I didn't send you a letter. I wasn't allowed to discuss my reassignment. I encoded a message in a junk e-mail. You should've been able to pick it up from the subject line.
Sydney: [pauses] I always set my computer to filter out junk e-mail.

Michael: We tracked down server forty-seven. The reason you couldn't get a twenty on it is because it doesn't exist on this planet. It's in the sky. It's a 747 purchased by the Alliance in 1998. They retrofitted the interior to contain a secure server and a satellite uplink.

Arvin: I presume that you treated Sydney and Jack Bristow before.
Dr. Judy Barnett: I can't discuss other patients with you.
Arvin: Then they were your patients?

Irina: You shouldn't wait.
Michael: For what?
Irina: I saw the ring.
Michael: You know what, you killed my father, the way I see it, I don't need to ask for your blessings.
Irina: Despite that, you may have them; along with some advice.
Michael: [Vaughn laughs a little] Marital advice from you, wonderful, like what, don't betray your spouse.
Irina: Yeah, that would be one of them. But even between a husband and a wife, some secrets are acceptable. However your activities are not.
Michael: What are you talking about?
Irina: You're not as covert as you'd like to think. Consider my life an object lesson. You don't want to end up like Jack and me, tell Sydney the truth.

Sydney: You and I are friends, Charlie, so you know I have nothing against you going into this, but I swear to God, if you marry Francie without telling her what you've been up to, I will kill you.
Charlie: Sydney...
Sydney: No discussion. You don't tell her, and I will. Got it?

Sydney: The people you were looking for, the people behind Prophet Five, I think they're holding me.
Michael: How do you know about Prophet Five?
Sydney: You told me, then they shot you.
Michael: They *shot* me?

Sark: This is where you keep her?
Michael: For national security reasons, some bodies are not allowed a public grave. In this case, we didn't want Laurens death to become public knowledge.
[Laurens metal casket is coming out of the wall]
Michael: This make you feel better, watching this happen?
Sark: It gives me hope, that I can still achieve closure.
Michael: Guys like you don't believe in closure. That would actually require you care about something.
Sark: Perhaps that's true. Perhaps all I can hope for is a moment for us all to share; you, me, her. I'm letting go of all pretext in subterfuge, we can finally admit the truth. Your wife loved me. Not even death can change that. Do it, open it.
Michael: You want your moment, take it.
[He opens the casket]
Michael: [Sark begins to unzip her top] Stop!
Sark: My agreement, Mr. Vaughn, allows for this.
[Sark examines at Laurens bullet holes]
Sark: Perfect triangular pattern, consistent with CIA training. It was you. You did this.
Michael: Yes, I did.
Sark: I'll take you to CRF, but I want you to face what you did, I want you to look at her.

Julian: I understand I am in no position to demand anything, but for the record, I'm far more comfortable talking over a glass of Chateau Petreuse... '82.

Jack: Marshall; Sydney has a limited supply of oxygen in a coffin. We have no margin for error. Understood?
Marshall: Yeah, I understand, I can do this.

Sydney: Is something wrong?
Michael: No. I'm just getting old, I guess.
Sydney: You expect me to believe that?
Michael: I've just had a lot on my mind lately, that's all. It'll pass.
Sydney: Yesterday was the day, wasn't it? The anniversary of your father's death?
Michael: How could you remember that?
Sydney: I remember what missing him does to you.

Jack: Personally I would have found it anti-climactic that after expecting to assemble a weapon of ultimate power you found a revelation you could have acquired from a fortune cookie.

Arvin: If we overload the cerebrum, her brain won't be able to function properly. She could die.
Julian: But we would have the equation, wouldn't we?
Arvin: Don't. Don't push me, Julian.
Lauren: You are wasting time we do not have. We have all chosen this path, Arvin. We have all made sacrifices. I trust you are willing to do the same.

Arvin: Jack Bristow is not the man responsible for blackmailing me.
Ariana: His answers are too perfect. I mean, he even gets angry when it makes strategic sense.
Arvin: If he had nothing to do with it, I would expect his answers to be perfect. Now, Ariana, unless you have evidence...
Ariana: Contrary to what you tell your subordinates, we are not the US government. I don't need probable cause to go after Bristow. All I need is a hunch.

Arvin: I'm taking a leave. I want you to continue without me.
Julian: Sir, not to belittle your grief, but do not deny yourself the victory of a thirty-year pursuit.
Arvin: If I don't see you again, Mr. Sark, tell Irina that I hope you both succeed where I couldn't.

Lauren: I know how hard this might be for you...
[Sydney punches her]
Lauren: .
Sydney: That was for turning me in to Lindsey.

Sydney: [She is on the roof and Nadia approaches her] Nadia!
[Sydney realizes that Nadia has been infected]
Sydney: Nadia, it's me. It's Sydney. I don't want to hurt you.
Jack: [Over the coms] Sydney, what's happening?
Sydney: It's Nadia, she's guarding the device. She's infected.
Arvin: [to Elena] This is all you're doing.
Jack: You have to take her out.
Sydney: No dad... She's my sister.
Irina: Listen to me; she's not your sister anymore.

Sydney: I have a crush on a guy from work.
Francie: Really? Who is he?
Sydney: Someone in my department. We've worked together for about a year now.

Nadia: We have bowling in Argentina, you know.
Eric: Yes, but you don't have like glow in the dark pins, you don't have all you can eat hot dogs after 10, or bad disco music pumping through the stereo. You know what, why am I still talking about this? Let's just do it. We're going bowling. Come on.
Nadia: Really?
Eric: Yeah, yeah, come on, we're all going bowling.
Sydney: Now?
Eric: Yeah, there's a 24 bowling alley.
Vaughn: No, no, that's not the point.
Sydney: We have work tomorrow.
Eric: Guys, you don't have to analyze everything you do, you can just decide to have fun, it's ok.
Sydney: We're fun.
Eric: Yeah... You guys are about as spontaneous as my grandparents. And they're dead.
Vaughn: No, look, it's Wednesday night.
Sydney: We're not going bowling.
Eric: Alright, well suit yourselves, the kids are going out.
Nadia: How can I resist all you can eat hot dogs after 10.
Eric: Don't wait up.
Nadia: Let's go.
Sydney: [to Vaughn] We don't analyze everything that we do.
Sydney: Do we?

Michael: I love you Syd. That's why I have to tell you something.
Sydney: Okay, whatever it is I can handle it, just don't tell me you're a bad guy.
[Vaughn goes silent and looks at Sydney]
Sydney: You're not a bad guy are you?
[Vaughn sighs]
Sydney: Vaughn?
Michael: It's no accident that I was the one you came to when you walked in the CIA with your story about SD-6.
Sydney: Vaughn... I don't understand, what are you telling me?
Michael: Well for starters, my name isn't Michael Vaughn...
[There is a pause, before Sydney can respond another car slams into them]

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Based on her Intel we sent in some of our finest trained agents, we took control of a storage facility and with the help of a bomb squad we're now in control of two dozen rusted kitchen appliances.

Sydney: How many more hickeys in the air?
Will: Shut up.
Sydney: Just asking.

Ariana: Men always call women crazy when they're caught with their pants down.

Sydney: [Vaughn and Sydney are playing hockey] You were a chick magnet right?
Michael: Actually, my first face off I ever took as a center, I got knocked right on my ass. The other teams' center was like this 15 year old 6 foot 2 bearded, actually probably on steroids, now that I think about it. Finally there was 12 seconds left; we're down by a goal. I had my teeth kicked in so many times; I said you know what screw it. I just stopped caring. I won the draw, skated around him, moved in for the shot...
Sydney: You tied the game
Michael: Nah, I hit the post.
Michael: But I did learn something about how we can let fear get in the way. Syd, I know you want to take things slow, but what are you afraid of?
[Both of their cell's ring]

Agent: Impressive.
Vaughn: Yeah.
Agent: Balls of steel. That's what I'm going to call you from now on. Hey, have you met Balls of Steel?

Irina: [about being an agent and a mother] In time you'll learn... you can't do both.
Sydney: Watch me.

Eric: So, in a case like this, we start by digitizing all the news coverage that covered the bombing. You, uh, you like Italian food?
Christine: I have a boyfriend.
Eric: [Weiss looks up as Vaughn walks in the room] Yeah, me too.

Sydney: Now that I know what happened to me over the last two years, in theory I should finally be able to move on with my life.
Dr. Judy Barnett: "In theory".
Sydney: The thing is, when I look ahead all I see is Vaughn.

Sydney: [talking about TV show] Why does that guy has such a guilty look on his face?
Francie: Yesterday Ginger told Rod that Gavin is a Ginger's pimp. Rod didn't even know that Ruby was a prostitute.
Sydney: Who is Gavin?
Francie: Ruby's father.
Sydney: Ew.
Francie: Right.

Sydney: [about Patel] What I'm about to say, Dixon, you just have to believe me.
Marcus: Of course.
Sydney: The bomb we're looking for, it's inside of him.
Marcus: What?

Will: When Lazarey spoke, he didn't sound like it was somewhere protected.
Sydney: I know. That's why I'm thinking, bank or maybe hotel safety deposit box.
Will: How come?
Sydney: Because that's where I'd put it.

Sydney: You like hockey, right, the Kings?
Michael: Right, how'd you...
Sydney: The pen you keep in your briefcase, it's a Kings pen.
Michael: Yeah, I got that at...
Sydney: They're playing the Islanders next week, we should go.
Michael: [There is a long pause as he contemplates her question] Sydney, you can't do this.

Sydney: Charlie got an offer.
Will: Hey, that's great! Where?
Charlie: Leming Letterman. That's corporate law. Downtown office.

Sydney: What are we saying they want?
Arvin: What about the Rambaldi device?
Sydney: You'd like that, wouldn't you.
Arvin: Sydney, I know what you're thinking. Why don't you ask yourself, if the device was so valuable to me why did I let it go?
Sydney: For your freedom. You traded it for your pardon. Here's your chance to get it back.

Marcus: The day you showed up in Rome... when you called in... they put you through to Kendall? I was there that day, in the office. When he hung up, he told me that it was you. Sydney, I've known the truth about what happened to you, and I was ordered to say nothing.
Sydney: Dixon, we've been working together for months.
Marcus: It's not easy, is it. Keeping the truth from someone you love. Now I have an idea what it was like for you at SD-6.
Sydney: You're coming with us?
Marcus: Of course I am; it's personal for me too.

Sydney: I understand that you are the owner of the club.
Minos: Ola! You are a American?
Sydney: That's right. God bless America.

Gils: [Sydney comes in wearing a black lingerie set]
[in French]
Gils: No, put on the red one.
Gils: [Sydney now appears in a red lingerie set]
[in French, approvingly]
Gils: Not bad, that's better.
[Nacor's bodyguard exits the room and Syd goes to the bed with Nacor]
Sydney: [Sydney pulls a wire from her bracelet, wraps it around Nacor's neck and starts tightening it]
[seemingly agitated]
Sydney: What was wrong with the black one?

Sydney: You want me to talk to her again.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Mr. Sark has assumed control of your mother's operation
Sydney: Please stop referring to her as my mother.

Arvin: [watching a video of Will's visit to the prison] Lompoc prison, about two hours ago. The man talking to Tippin is David McNeil, software designer. About eight years ago, he created an encryption system that we wanted to acquire but he wouldn't sell. We don't have audio, but we got hold of the prison log. This is Tippin's third visit to McNeil in the last two weeks. You and I talked about Tippin some time ago. You convinced me that he was just a harmless metro reporter, far from a credible threat.

Sydney: My dad thinks Lauren's leaking information to the Covenant.
Eric: I don't understand... didn't Senator Reed confess to being the leak before he died?
Sydney: Yes, and his confessions answered all the questions my father had raised. But I can't help it, I still have doubts.
Eric: All right, let me ask you a question: do you think she's the mole, or do you just want her to be the mole?

Sydney: You said you wanted to talk about the plan. I'm giving you the plan
Michael: It's not your job to give me the plan. I'm giving you the plan. Tomorrow's your first day back at SD-6. Now, nothing should change. When you get your assignment, you'll detail your mission on a paper bag.
[picks one up, showing her]
Michael: Bag. Then you'll call this number.
[gives her card]
Michael: Memorize it. After three tones, press the appropriate digit - one through six. Each corresponds to a trash can in a specific location. Now we'll review your information, create a countermission, and we'll contact you posing as a wrong number: Joey's Pizza. Any questions so far?
Sydney: Yeah. Can you show me what a bag looks like again?

Sydney: I slept with Will.
Michael: What?
Sydney: In Warsaw... we got drunk, and we slept together.
Michael: How am I suppose to react to that?
Sydney: However you want to.

Sydney: [Posing as Anna] Sloane's here.
Kelly: Of course, you didn't' think we'd dispose of him this soon, did you?
Arvin: I hear your mission was a success. I suppose I should offer you congratulations.
Sydney: Thank you.
Arvin: Did you encounter any complications.
Sydney: Just one; but I've dealt with her once and for all. We should celebrate Arvin. Sydney Bristow is dead.

Michael: Oh, by the way, I'm meeting with Will tomorrow to help him prep for his psych evaluation.
Sydney: Thank you. And I like it.
Michael: What?
Sydney: Your new suit.
Michael: Oh. It's not new. I just... don't wear it that often. I came from a funeral. Alice's father died.

Arvin: You have your answer regarding Sydney Bristow.
SD: What are you protecting?
Arvin: Mr. Dreyer, I still believe we have a situation here at SD-6. I strongly suggest you keep looking for the mole and stop questioning every decision I make.

Carrie: Are you gay?
Marshall: Why, is there someone you wanted to set me up with?
Carrie: No, it's just every cute guy that I meet turns out to be gay.

Sydney: I've always liked Owen.
[She gives Vaughn something to drink]
Michael: Owen... Sounds like something you name a gerbil.
Sydney: Clementine is cute...
Michael: For a fruit...
Sydney: It's also a name...
Michael: It's also a campfire song.
Sydney: Hey, don't worry about it... What about Isabelle?
Michael: Isabelle Vaughn... Isabelle Bristow Vaughn.
Sydney: [Sydney is working very hard to keep her tears from flowing] That's pretty, I like that.
Michael: Me too... I'm sorry I'm just getting so tired
Sydney: Close your eyes, I'll be right here.
[She kisses his hand]
Michael: Syd, I love you
Sydney: I love you too.
[She kisses his mouth and then his forehead and walks to the window. His heart rate falls the doctor's rushed in and start working on him. She is escorted out, and she watches from the window until they close the blinds. She is fully crying now]

Dr. Brezzel: I wasn't expecting you until Tuesday, and, um, uh... then I realized that it is, it's Tuesday. You've come to me at a really awkward time...

Rachel: Your father is kind of scary.
Sydney: Tell me about it.

Julian: I see your bargaining skills have gone the way of your manhood.
Michael: Let me rephrase then. I'd be willing to leave you with what you already have and not make your life more uncomfortable.
Julian: I don't see that there's much left to take away.
Michael: You stonewall me and I'll have you shipped to Alder Penitentiary, and I'll have you secured in darkened solitary until the end of days. 24/7 in a pitch black cell with zero human contact is a slow way to die. Especially with all the demons you've got in your closet, and believe me they will come knocking.
Julian: I regret to inform you, Mr. Vaughn, I'm not afraid of the dark
Michael: You should be, I'm having you transferred to Alder tonight.

Thomas: My mother always said, "If somebody's worth shooting once, they're worth shooting twice."
Jack: I'm sorry I never met her; she sounds like my kind of woman.
Thomas: I think the two of you would've gotten along.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Jack, you make this happen, you can have my job.
Jack: No, thanks

Sark: You fooled a small army into thinking that they worked for the CIA, when in fact, they worked for you. How you convinced the US government into offering you the real thing is a story I'm dying to hear. Sufficed to say, Arvin, you have my undying admiration.

Eric: [to Vaughn] It wouldn't be weird for you would it, if we were dating sisters?

Jack: What's a little treason between old friends?

Jack: Sydney; Vaughn is not the person you think... He's been working with a known criminal...
Sydney: Renée Rienne, I know.
Jack: Then what on earth prompted you to risk your own life, not to mention your professional integrity.
Sydney: Dad; Vaughn and I... were having a baby.

Sydney: It's strange, but I'm not exactly excited about returning to America, for some reason.
Vaughn: It was kinda nice not to have to be us for a while.
[They remove the wedding rings they used in Liberty Village]
Sydney: Well, I happen to like us, even if we are a little cold.
Vaughn: And boring, don't forget boring.
Sydney: Oh, how could I.
Vaughn: You know we have operational command of this aircraft. The pilot could take us anywhere we want.
Sydney: Our orders are to proceed with our extraction, if we were to divert this aircraft for our personal use, we would get into a lot of trouble.
Vaughn: Yes...
Sydney: Yeah...
Vaughn: You want to have dinner with me in Paris?
Sydney: Absolutely!
[Sydney and Vaughn kiss]

Sydney: Last week, I was ready to leave SD-6 but maybe I was focused on the wrong place. I think maybe I only went to grad school because Mom did. She was a teacher, so I always thought that was something I wanted to do. But now that I know it was just her cover, and that it didn't mean anything to her, I'm thinking I should just drop it.

Sydney: [to McKenas Cole] I think you're right. Taking a punch is something I gotta learn how to do.
[kicks him]

Toni: I want you.
Marshall: C-Come again?
Toni: To work for me.

Sydney: Get off the ledge now!
Irina: Sloane believes he's been chosen to realize the word of Rambaldi. But you, too, have been chosen.
Sydney: If you think I'm bluffing...
Irina: It's you in the prophecy, Sydney, not me. Only you can stop him. Good luck, sweetheart. I love you.

Jack: I need you to tell me what's happening!
SD: You didn't hear this from me.... While Sydney and Russek were in Geneva, a transmission was recorded from her location and it was not one of ours.
Jack: You think it was Sydney?
SD: This is not the first indication that she might be working for someone else.

Jack: Are there concerns?
Arvin: Since I was made a partner in the Alliance, SD-6 has consistently stumbled in its operations. We lost the terahertz wave camera. We failed to retrieve the formula for zero-point energy. We didn't acquire Derevko's operations manual.
Jack: The situation regarding Emily has been a distraction. Informing them puts these setbacks in context.
Arvin: Christophe wants me to meet with him in Tokyo. I need a victory, Jack. I need to bring something tangible to the organization.

Martin: So, what's your real name, Charlene?
Sydney: I'm a...
Martin: I'm a what?
Sydney: I'm a gonna kick your ass.

Irina: Tell me... Sydney... who sent you here? You must tell me.
Sydney: Or what? I'm grounded?

Jack: [to Haladki] I have no desire to blow your head off, or ruin your paint job, but I will do both unless you tell me where the hell Sydney Bristow is

Vaughn: Are you romantically interested in anyone?
[She looks at him weirdly]
Vaughn: It could be a question.
Sydney: No, I'm not.
[Machine jumps to 56]
Vaughn: Interesting.
Sydney: Wait, ask me that again.
Vaughn: No, I don't have to. We have our answer right here. That's very good. Moving on.

[Sydney and Vaughn are returning to the US from a mission in Russia]
Vaughn: You know, we have operational command of this aircraft. The pilot could take us anywhere we want...
Sydney: [playfully scolding] Our orders are to proceed with our extraction. If we were divert this aircraft for our personal use, we would get into a lot of trouble.
Vaughn: Yes.
Sydney: [disappointed] Yeah...
Vaughn: Wanna have dinner with me in Paris?
Sydney: [without hesitating] Absolutely.
[they kiss]

Arvin: Look, Judy, why don't you ask yourself: if I wanted to damage you, if I wanted to damage the CIA, would I be so careless? Would I leave a trail that so obviously leads in my direction?
Dr. Judy Barnett: You used me. I compromised my judgment because I believed that you had changed. You are incapable of it.

Agent: Let me go instead.
Sydney: I can't.
Agent: I'll cover for you with Foster...
Sydney: What is it?
Agent: Nothing. We'll talk when you get back.

Sydney: Dad... dad can you hear me?
[Jack moans]
Jack: Hello...
Sydney: Hi.
Jack: [Very delirious] What are you doin... Why am I...
Sydney: I need to ask you something; Dad?
Jack: Oh no, it was my turn to pick up Sydney. After dance class, I'm sorry, can you take care of it. I'll cover next time Laura, I promise
Sydney: Laura?

Sydney: I know, and maybe I'm being reckless or selfish... or masochistic. But if my mother is alive, then I just have to know that. Can you help me get everything the CIA's got on her?
Michael: Actually, I can't. All information concerning her has been classified omega 17 by the FBI, including her connections to the Rambaldi prophecy.

Jack: What about Vaughn?
Sydney: I've tried talking to him about it. He won't even entertain the possibility. It's like he can't hear it.
Jack: Perhaps he can't hear it from you.

Sydney: SD-6 and the Alliance believe that my mother's in hiding. And they know that Khasinau is dead, and they're correct to assume that what's left of her organization is vulnerable. The Alliance wants whatever assets they can get their hands on.
Michael: So where are they starting?
Sydney: My mother used blackmail. Extensively. In running her operation, she would get dirt on people - powerful and important people... and coerce them into doing whatever she needed. Pornographic photographs, illegally obtained audio files, names, dates, they're all on one computer disk.

Sydney: Approaching the building.
Julian: Good luck, Sydney.
Sydney: I don't need you to wish me luck, you son of a bitch.
Julian: That's a wonderful attitude.

Dr. Judy Barnett: And how would you define a "normal" family?
Jack: I suppose it's one in which the family members aren't under orders to lie to each other.

Marshall: Okay, now this is what I was looking at. That's your basic land mass. But then if I compare the topography with oceanic mapping... heh, Sloane is a genius.
[Sydney looks at Marshall funny]
Marshall: I mean an evil, horrible genius. Bad man genius. But still, genius.

Another Mr. Sloane: Come on Sydney, how many wars were there last century? How many people died in those wars thru genocide or political repression? We're disgusting; humans. Do we learn from grace, or beauty or what we call God?
Sydney: What were you going to do about it?
Another Mr. Sloane: Suppose one could administer a formula to the general population. That would quietly alter our brain chemistry, exponentially expanding our capacity for qualities like empathy and harmonic co-existence.
Sydney: This formula, how would you administer it?
Another Mr. Sloane: Nothing could be more simple. Do you have any idea how many additives are in our drinking water?

Julian: I understand your investigation into the Lazarey murder has hit a dead end. What a pity.
Lauren: How do you know about that?
Julian: I know because I framed Javier Perez, assuming he'd be extradited to the United States, and that once he was in custody, he'd be forced to confess what he knows... namely, the identity of Andrian Lazarey's murderer.

Michael: [Marshall is offered a job with the real CIA] Hi, I'm Michael Vaughn. Welcome to the CIA.
Marshall: Uh, yeah I've heard that one before.

Arvin: [to Jack] I've missed your poker face.

Will: And I look up and everybody from the office is just staring at me. So I left my office this afternoon for, like, the last time. I got a lot of, like, "Take care, man." I got a lot of that.
Sydney: I'm so sorry, Will.
Will: Hey, I'm sitting here. I'm on a couch. I'm alive
Will: . Is anybody listening to us right now?
Sydney: No. That lamp has a bug killer in it. So we're safe here.

Will: We live in a world where people drive over other people's cats.

McKenas: [to Sydney] Who this man is, is not important. What is important is this knife on the table. Use it. Kill this unimportant man.

Sydney: Hey... how's your mouth?
Will: I think it'll be fine
Will: . Of course I lose my health insurance the same day I need a root canal.

Agent: [to Sloane] Personally, I would have found it anticlimactic, that after expecting to assemble a weapon of ultimate power, you ended up with a revelation you could have acquired from a fortune cookie.

Arvin: [to Lauren] I must admit, I was concerned for you when Sydney resurfaced. I remembered seeing her with Vaughn: their relationship reminded me my own with my late wife. It was the kind of bond that even death cannot sever. Hmmm. Well, apparently I misjudged.

Vaughn: [undercover as a priest] I was married... for a short time.
Kiera: That being your secret?
Vaughn: That... being part of it. Now obviously, that was... before I had... the collar. The woman I was married to betrayed me. She betrayed a lot of people. And when I found out what she'd done, I let my... my hate for her consumed me. And I began to wish, the woman I loved, was dead. I woke up everyday imagining how I'd do it. What was the best way, what was the most efficient way. I mean, it's all I wanted. That woman was evil and deserved to be punished. So, I killed her. And although that woman was the worst kind of evil, I also know that killing her was wrong. I don't sleep much. I can't... I can't close my eyes without... without seeing it... that... that moment. That look on her face. She won't leave me. She won't.

Lauren: I don't know about you, but I can't work to the best of my abilities while wondering whether or not I'm being polite enough to my husband's ex-girlfriend.
Sydney: You don't need to be polite with me. We're both past formalities.
Lauren: Then I'll be blunt. I want you to request a transfer to another field office.

[Sydney and Vaughn walk into Syd's apartment, Vaughn's cell phone rings]
Vaughn: Hello?
Agent: Hey, Kendall has something he wants to show you.
Vaughn: Ah, can it wait?
Agent: Apparently not, he wants to Sydney too. Are you with her?
Vaughn: Ah, no. I haven't seen her.
Agent: You're in bed with her right now, aren't you?
Vaughn: Trying. Just find out what he wants.

Jack: Sydney...
Sydney: We lost our only lead on Gordon Dean. I'm not sure if I can do this dad.
Jack: We'll get another lead.
Sydney: It's not that... It's everything... It's... It's hard being without him... I saw the baby's heart beat for the first time the other day... I was by myself... It's not fair, he should have been there.
Jack: I'm here, how can I help?
Sydney: My next doctor's appointments in a few weeks, would you go with me?
Jack: Oh sweetheart, of course I will.

Michael: I know you want to see your daughter. I can guarantee you that is never going to happen unless she knows you're cooperating. Prove yourself. Give Sydney a reason to see you.
Irina: Sydney? Interesting

Calvin: Are you an operative of SD-6?
Sydney: Yes.
Calvin: How long have you been an operative of SD-6?
Sydney: Seven years.
Calvin: What is your identification and classification numbers with SD-6?
Sydney: My identification and classifcation numbers are...
Calvin: Have you ever been so entertained by the cleverness of a crook that you thought he'd get away with it? Did you reveal information regarding SD-6 to Daniel Hecht? Did you ever lie? What is your relationship to Daniel Hecht? Do you believe that a person is a risk...
Sydney: Yes.

Michael: If you ever put my wife's life in danger again, I will kill you!
Jack: Then perhaps you finally understand the moral compromises you'll make when someone you love is in danger.

Sydney: You were right to investigate her.
Michael: Sydney...
Sydney: No, it's okay. It's the truth. I'm not blaming you, it's me. I was so naive about her.
Michael: I don't think you should be a part of this task force. Look, you know how I feel about Irina Derevko but no one should have to hunt down their own mother, no matter what the circumstances are.

Sydney: About last night...
Michael: Is this going to be about Alice?
Sydney: I know it's complicated...
Michael: We're not together anymore.
Sydney: Since when?
Michael: Since this morning. The truth is, we've been over for a long time.

Michael: Trigger the belt.
Marshall: What, you don't want to milk this a little bit?

Jack: [to Ryan] There's no white light. Not for people like you.

Will: I know, I just don't want to miss the previews, though. They're, like, my favorite part.

Eric: [to Sydney] Is that a smile? It's good to see that again.

Arvin: This is Hensel Corporation. A Germany-based chemical conglomerate. They make ibuprofen, hand lotion, toothpaste. They also have a multi-million dollar research and development fund with ties going back to World War II and the third reich. They don't list the last part in their annual stock report. This is Jeroen Schiller. He's one of Hensel's leading biotech engineers. He lives in Berlin. We've been in communication with him since August. Now, the news is that Hensel has perfected a vaccine against biological weapons. Schiller has access to that information. He wants to make a trade.
Sydney: What does he want in exchange?
Arvin: Safe passage to the United States.

[last line of Season 3]
Agent: You were never supposed to see this.

Michael: Think that was the best move? Punching Lindsey in the face?
Jack: Based on the comments he was making, it was obvious that you and I were going to end up here no matter what we did. Whether I hit him or not. I wasn't about to pass up the opportunity.

Eric: No woman ever wants to go to the Magic Castle.
Nadia: Oh, I like magic.

Sydney: Excuse me. Sloane's being replaced?
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: He's been MIA for five days. With Sloane gone and Geiger coming in, we no longer have access to their inner circle. So, Sydney and Jack, your assignment is to get close to Geiger, earn his trust, get back in that inner circle. That's it.

Vaughn: Even though everything's changed... some things don't... I'm not going to lose you twice.

Marshall: [to Vaughn] She is good. If you had to fall in love with someone who's evil, I would see why it'd be her.

Arvin: Sydney, you have my word.
Sydney: That's a relief.

Arvin: I expect you to trust in the consistency of my obsessions.

Jack: [Marshall is going into detail about the technology, while Sydney is in the field] Marshall; not the time.
Marshall: Vaughn asked me to lunch.

Eric: [On Sydney's dream] Syd, you made it! I hope you're ready for an expensive lesson in the art of gambling...
Sydney: I'm looking for that building.
Eric: Try the kitchen.

Kiera: It's a pretty nasty cut. Mind telling me how you got it?
Michael: [disguised as a priest] Someone didn't like my last sermon.

Sydney: There's something that happens when you discover the truth about someone. I know a little about this. The truth changes everything. There is this woman, a personality, like a collage put together from the photographs, the few memories I have, the scraps of stories I've heard. The clothes of hers I've got, her books. None of it's real. She wasn't that woman at all. She was... she was a horrible person, who killed your father. Vaughn, I just wanted to say, that I'm so sorry.

Michael: The Triad? You never mentioned them before.
Sydney: It's a loose coalition of organized crime entities. They deal in mainly drugs and prostitution, but over the past couple of years they've made a significant foray into weapons.

Eric: How are you doing?
Michael: Fine.
Eric: Hey, guess what? It's me. Come on, how're you doing?
Michael: I'm hanging in there.
Eric: How's Lauren about it?
Michael: She didn't remember.
Eric: And, you didn't say anything?
Michael: No. I mean, she's got a lot on her mind.
Eric: Yeah, that's probably it.

Sydney: [holding a paperclip] This is a bug?
Michael: It's good, huh? You should see the guys who make it, it's like they've never seen sunlight.
Sydney: Well, you should meet Marshall.

Sydney: [Dixon smiles at Sydney after she explains how they will deceive Sloane] What?
Marcus: I'm just now realizing how complicated your life was at SD-6. I appreciate you doing this. I know you have your reservations.
Sydney: It's just that things are a little different now since Nadia. He's her father. I know this may seem weird, but I hope for her sake that we're wrong.

Irina: I don't imagine that means you've decided to trust me?
Jack: Our previous... dealings would indicate that your strategy here may be long-term. So for now, I trust that your behavior is predictable.
Irina: By "previous dealings" you mean our marriage? You know, technically, we may still be husband and wife.

Sydney: She told me to pull the alarm.
Jack: Yes, and for all you know, that could've made things worse. Sydney, you're smarter than this. Your mother wants you to think she's your ally. That she can help you get what you want. Her intel might even be accurate once, twice, but the minute you start depending on her, she will gut you.

Brill: He was a follower of Rambaldi.
Michael: That's impossible.
Brill: He died protecting the little girl. The followers knew she was the Passenger. He broke her out of KGB custody, but he didn't trust the CIA either, so he took her somewhere where she would be safe, with other followers.

Sydney: None of this changes the fact that you were using Will!
Jack: He was already being used! It's no coincidence that out of all the reporters in the world, he was chosen.
Sydney: What are you saying?
Jack: For some reason, Khasinau is trying to expose us.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: And at this time, you believed that SD-6 was affiliated with the CIA?
Sydney: Yes, that's right. That it was a black ops division of the CIA.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Meaning...
Sydney: You mean what is black ops? A division that is funded by the CIA's black budget. Operations that are highly classified, even hidden from congressional oversight. They led me to believe that SD-6 was one of these divisions and that that was why they didn't operate through Langley.

Sydney: [Sydney and Vaughn are in the restaurant together and they have a very long awkward silence] I think wine would help the situation.
Michael: I was just thinking the same thing.

Vaughn: [Vaughn sneaks out of bed with Lauren to call Sydney] Sorry about how I got pulled away earlier.
Sydney: How is she?
Vaughn: It's hard, dealing her father's death and betrayal.
Sydney: Are you at Eric's?
Vaughn: No...
Sydney: I see... Well I guess we won't be getting that cup of coffee.
Vaughn: No were not...
Sydney: Okay... I'm gonna go...
Vaughn: Syd...
[Sydney hangs up the phone and begins to cry. Vaughn goes back to bed and Lauren opens her eyes and smiles]

Michael: What wife? I have no wife.
Sydney: No, there was a picture in your office. You and that woman. I thought you were married.
Michael: No. She and I are not remotely m - You thought I was married this whole time?

Sydney: You're NSA?
Neil: They recruited me out of Caltech. Even though, if you ask them, they'll deny any affiliation with me. I knew Elsa was a spy the day we met.
Sydney: Okay, look, your wife injected you with a cyanide caplet. We have to remove it right now!
Neil: What?

Michael: Marshall; ah, we should have lunch sometime.
Marshall: Really, yeah, oh man, anytime, absolutely, I'm there. Did you... today?
Michael: No.

Arvin: You didn't tell her, did you? The truth?
Jack: I told her that I was responsible for the death of her mother.
Arvin: Did you tell her everything?
Jack: She's better off not knowing everything.

Eric: [Watching Nadia] Did you see that? She just palmed the PDA from his jacket. That's magic man. I showed her that with, like, a business card. It's like Fazham!
Michael: I get it.
Eric: She's Amazing!
Michael: I get it.
Eric: She's incredible!
Michael: Fazham?
Eric: Yeah, Fazham.

Julian: Sark: Tell me, did they spot us?
Lauren: No, I don't think so. According to the transport order, the ship docks in 16 hours. We should get going.
Julian: You should know that you are amazing. Before, I mean. Typically, this is where you return the compliment.
[Lauren ignores him and gets out of bed]

Will: Being reporter sucks. Can I just establish that?
Francie: Okay.
Will: Hi.
Francie: Hi, and what have we been drinking?
Will: Uh, I don't know. It was something with a little horse on the label. Or a dog, I don't know. Some mythical creature condemned to live in a bottle for the rest of eternity. Doghorse, it's a doghorse. Did I mention that my life sucks? Did I mention that?

McKenas: But another part that sucks is seeing guys you worked with, guys you thought were tougher than deer jerky... tortured to death. That's no good.

Irina: I'm afraid I can't allow you to be such a complication in my life any longer. For whatever it's worth, I truly do love you.

Michael: Syd, come here.
[She sits next to him]
Michael: I had it all planned out.
Sydney: What?
Michael: I was gonna take you to the beach. Santa Barbara. We'd go out for a walk, maybe when the sun was setting. But now we're here and I don't know what we're jumping into and I may never get another chance to do this again. Sometimes I wake up before you do and I watch you sleep and I'm overwhelmed because you're so amazing and I don't know why I'm lucky enough to have you in my life; but you're here with me. And I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you trying to make you as happy as you make me.
Sydney: Oh, my God, Vaughn.
[Vaughn reaches into his pocket and pulls out a ring]
Michael: Sydney Bristow, will you marry me?
[She kisses him]
Sydney: We're going to make it out of here!
Michael: Is that a yes?
Sydney: [Kisses him again] Ask me on the beach.
[They smile at each other]

C.I.A. Agent Craig Blair: I knew about Weiss. How is He?
Michael: It was rough, but he's gonna be okay, which is more than I can say about the nursing staff.

Michael: The escape tunnel only gave them a 10 minute lead; they have got to be somewhere.
Marshall: [Talking over Vaughn] I know... I know... I know...
Michael: So find her
Marshall: You're getting very impatient I'm doing the best that I can
Michael: You've been doing it for an hour
Marshall: To trace a guy on a cellular network using the frequency of his phone is like trying to find a needle in a county full of haystacks.
Michael: You have to find her!
Marshall: [Starts yelling] Yeah; I know what I'm supposed to be doing alright, just shut up!
[Vaughn is speechless]
Marshall: Sorry about that
Michael: No; that was good...

Michael: [about Sloane's wife death] Killing his wife wouldn't surprise me. Eating his wife wouldn't surprise me.

Michael: How do you break into the house of a master thief?
Sydney: I don't think you do. I think you have to be invited in.

Julian: If you've read my transcript, you know how cooperative I've been. I'll be glad to pay you the same courtesy if you simply tell me what you're getting at.
Sydney: That explosion in my apartment; was a cover up to make the CIA believe I was dead. What I believe is that Sloane abducted me. I think you know why, but you failed to mention that in your confession.
Julian: If I'm to understand what you're saying, you have no idea where you've been for the last two years, none.
[Sark laughs]
Julian: Unbelievable! I'm sorry, I... I don't mean to laugh. I'm... I'm just speechless.

Marshall: [holding Sloane's severed finger] Hey, Sloane gave me the finger.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: [during Sydney's interrogation] What did they tell you was the objective of SD-6?
Sydney: The retrieval of intelligence both military and industrial throughout the world that is critical to the superiority and survival of the United States of America... it's a company line.

Eric: [helping Syd move] You're sure you're okay with this? I mean, are you going to be all right? By yourself?
Sydney: I just can't wrap my head around it. I mean, Francie's been dead for two years, but I feel like I saw her a few days ago. And now that Will is in the witness protection, I can't even contact him. All my friends are just... gone.
Eric: Not all your friends.

C.I.A. Agent James L. Lennox: Emma used to say that she had spent so much of her life pretending to be other people that she was afraid she might disappear. And I have been sitting here trying to remember all her aliases and you're right. It's hard to keep track.
Sydney: I lost my fiance last year and I know we're trained to compartmentalize things that hurt too much but I still haven't been able to do that. As hard as it is, I would rather feel it than to not feel anything.

Jack: [to Sydney] When you compelled the NSC to release me from prison, you told me you'd done so because... you needed your father; that you needed my strength. Twelve months in solitary would have an effect on anyone; something that allowed me to stay focused was your... strength. Don't lose it now...

Arvin: Sydney, we didn't expect you back so soon... So Russia was a success?
Sydney: Yeah, there's a report waiting for you in the office.
Nadia: Sydney, he just dropped by, I didn't realize.
Sydney: Get Out.
Arvin: Very Well... I'll walk myself to the door. I'll see you both tomorrow.
Nadia: OK... He came by wanting to talk; he says he wants a fresh start to get to know me.
Sydney: You think that's all he wants; a little father daughter bonding?
Nadia: I know how you feel about him.
Sydney: You can't possibly.
Nadia: I don't understand, you work with him at APO.
Sydney: I accepted the job so I can watch him. Don't delude yourself, Nadia, into thinking you can trust that man. Do that and you will end up hating yourself for it.
Nadia: He's my father.
Sydney: If you knew what he's done...
Nadia: Sydney, I know, I know what he did to you. What he took from you, your best friend, your fiance...
Sydney: And knowing that, you still let him into my home?

Michael: What I said was I feel I have an understanding of Sydney Bristow and that she doesn't just accept problems, she tries to fix them.
C.I.A. Agent Steven Haladki: And that perhaps Ms. Bristow and her father are trying to secure release of Mr. Tippin on their own?

Claude: So you liked everything?
[Sydney and Vaughn reply in French]
Claude: So, a, 'tis too late for you to set out for avenue, and, a, you had much to drink. Upstairs I have an inn, and tonight you are my guest, please.
[the waiter places a room key on top of their table]
Claude: Take your time.
[Vaughn and Sydney look at the key and then each other suspiciously]
Michael: [Sydney and Vaughn lean over the table towards each other] Did you ask him to do that?
[Sydney smiles and blushes]
Sydney: There are so many issues with this I don't know where to be...
Michael: Now, hold on a second I think we should have an open mind about this.
Sydney: An open mind?
Michael: It'd be rude to overlook such a generous offer without proper consideration.
Sydney: I wouldn't dream of it.
Michael: Okay...
Sydney: But there are clearly issues...
Michael: Yes, I don't disagree.
[They stare into each other's eyes]
Sydney: Okay.
[Sydney smiles at Vaughn]

Disguised: Mr. Tippin... it was Jack Bristow.

Marshall: If I were any more nervous, I'd need new underpants just about now.

Will: [making a statement to the press for SD-6 to hear] My problem with heroin goes back three years. I'm embarrassed for myself and for my family when I tell you that most of what I've written in that time has been complete fiction including my most recent report about an organization that I called SD-6. These were desperate attempts...

Michael: Nadia's great, I know that, alright. But you might want to consider just taking it slow.
Eric: Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, What's with the warning?
Michael: Uhh, Sally Vincent
Eric: Haaaa, Sally; that was a completely different story.
Michael: How is it different? When it ended you were all like weird.
Eric: Weird, how?
Michael: You were building ships in bottles. You built many, many ships in many bottles over many, many months.
Eric: Yeah, that's called a hobby.
Michael: Hobby; you locked yourself in a closet for a month.
Eric: Tell me you don't still think about how I got those ships in the bottles
Michael: No I don't

Jack: Tippin didn't turn out to be a problem, did he?
Arvin: Sydney wasn't intimate with Tippin. She is with Hicks.
Jack: I'm not sure that's my business, and I know it isn't yours.

Sydney: Listen to me, there is not a chance that he is a traitor, that he would be collaborating with an enemy.
Counter: You know, I knew your mother. About twenty years ago, met her with your father. We used to go to a lot of these agency functions, you know. She was, uh, charming. Very disarming woman... who wasn't what she seemed.

Sydney: [Sydney shows Vaughn her bandage over her bite marks] Oh, you think it's sexy don't you?
Michael: Only if I'd done it

Michael: [to Sydney] Bad enough being a fugitive in North Korea. Now I have to find out that you slept with Will?

Marshall: Now as far as our technology can detect - and these are next gen tests, as high-end as it gets - he's not lyin', folks.
Sydney: If there's someone who can fool those tests, it's Sloane.
Marshall: Yeah, well, in theory, yes. But in practice, he'd really have to be using the next gen's next gen lie detector defeating tech, which frankly, even I can't imagine.

Eric: Can I say something? And not just as a fellow officer but as a very smart man?
Michael: What?
Eric: You're starting to get emotional about this.

Lauren: You should know, in addition to being the new NSC liaison, I'm also Michael Vaughn's wife...
Sydney: Hi...

Sydney: I'm not going to let anything happen to you.
Will: I know that. Wait, what did you think I was asking?
Sydney: I was just being supportive in case you thought you might...
Will: Die?
Sydney: It's not important. What were you asking?
Will: I was asking you to be my best man.
Sydney: Really?
Will: Yeah... Before I realized you have so little faith in me. You thought I was going to die?
Sydney: No! . . You want me to be your best man?
Will: Well I did. Now I'm not so sure.
Sydney: How would that work exactly? I mean, would I wear a tux?
Will: You don't have to worry about it. Because you're not invited.

Sydney: So, SD-6 wants to send out a message to everyone else they do business with.
Michael: Don't mess with SD-6.

Michael: So, I was thinking, later tonight when we get the code key, maybe we can check it out?
Sydney: What, the restaurant?
Michael: Yeah. Well, it's almost too good not to.
Sydney: Unless SD-6 spots us there and has us killed.
Michael: Well, the food's so good it's almost worth the risk.

Marcus: You recall that I requested Dr. Barnett's notes from her sessions with Sloane?
Jack: Yes. Did they reveal anything?
Marcus: Yes. There is something in the notes that concerns you. In one of his sessions with Barnett, Sloane admitted having an affair with Irina while you were married.

Sydney: [to Vaughn] What we saw, in the church. Every time we think we've seen the worst...

Will: That file, the DNA string, was there a name attached to it?
Sydney: There was but we don't have any leads yet.
Will: What was the name?
Sydney: A.G. Doren.

Jack: I work in Intelligence. That is all you need to know.
Will: So, the bank, Credit Delphine... that was all just a front cover?
Jack: You and I meet only when and where I decide. Never contact me by any means. Do not call, write, text, email or use any means of communication to contact me. I will contact you.
Will: When you say "intelligence" that means SD-6? Is that some off-the-books government agency...
Jack: We go after the source first. Everything else comes later. Are we clear on that?
Will: Does Sydney know? Jack? Is your daughter a part of this?
Jack: [after a short pause; lying] No, she is not. Now... are we clear?
Will: Yes.
Jack: Do you have a way of contacting your source?
Will: Yeah, it's a transmitter in a pin. I found it in a box of stuff belonging to Eloise Kurtz.
Jack: [surprised] I planted that pin on Eloise Kurtz.
Will: Of course. That's why it's government issued. So, you hired her to play the nonexistent Kate Jones so she could lie to me about being involved with Danny. When she said too much... you had her killed.
Jack: I did not kill her, but I bear some responsibility for her death as do you for involving her in this.
Will: I don't understand why...
Jack: [cutting him off] Focus, Mr. Tippin! Do as I instruct or more people will die!
Will: All right, I'll contact Deep Throat and I'll insist on a meeting...
Jack: [cutting him off again] No! He told you about me! If you insist on a meeting, he will know that it's a set up. You will contact him and tell him you know that I was the one who kidnapped you that night and you are terrified. Then, tell him that you are back on the story. This meeting never took place.

C.I.A. Agent Steven Haladki: I think your judgment is impaired.
Michael: I think I'm going to kick your ass.

Michael: What are you talking about?
Eric: I really don't know.
Michael: That's helpful advice.

Sydney: He owns a fleet of sports cars, Ferrari's Lamborghini's, Bentley's
Eric: This guy's living my junior high fantasy
Marshall: Or my current one

Lauren: [to Vaughn] He's asked me to go with him: as an observer of Sydney's interrogation. Clearly, he's got nothing to hide.

Jack: Lie detector test.
Sydney: I studied the C.I.A. instruction book on how to take a successful LDT.
Jack: This isn't like that. This test monitors variations in blood flow in the brain. It's very difficult to deceive. Tell your handler Vaughn he needs to prepare you for this. If he can't, he'll get someone who can.

Michael: You killed Javier Perez, you son of a bitch!
Jack: You've just returned from a traumatic experience, Mr. Vaughn. You're understandably emotional, which would explain your baseless accusation.
Michael: You're right, I am emotional. I get that way when I see a gun pressed to my wife's temple!
Jack: Ours is a risky business.

Sydney: You said you didn't tell us the truth because you were trying to protect me, because you didn't want to risk Sark finding out that I was a double agent. The thing is, someone now has the ability to detonate six nuclear weapons and I am responsible. So I am going to be part of the team that finds and disarms those warheds no matter what you do. But if you were telling the truth when you said you wanted to protect me, then, Mom, I need your help.

Sydney: You're in a good mood, anything you're not telling me?
Rachel: What... I... Nothing... I just a... The trip was really relaxing.
Sydney: What did you do? Spit it out.
Rachel: I met a guy at the hotel. He's a business guy, which is not my at all my type. And we were just talking at the bar, and well one thing...
Sydney: Led to another, obviously. I mean are you going to see him again?
Rachel: He thinks I'm Lydia, a British engineer.
Sydney: Oh rats, yeah.
Rachel: So no, I guess.
Sydney: What happens in Brazil stays in Brazil.

Lauren: Are you ready for our first job as senior management?
Julian: You're so ambitious, I love it.
Lauren: The job's in Vancouver. Requires a breach of a data storage facility.
Julian: Really? What's the prize?
Lauren: A plasma charge. Next generation destructive power.
Julian: I thought those were just theoretical.
Lauren: Apparently not in Vancouver.
Julian: All right. I'll meet you there in four hours.
Lauren: Three. We have to be first in line. The CIA's sending agents.
Julian: Who?
Lauren: One guess.
Julian: Sweetheart, this should be fun.
Lauren: I'll see you in Vancouver. Don't be late or call me sweetheart.
Julian: Ambitious and domineering. Fantastic.

Vaughn: There's nothing routine about that list. There's something very specific about it. It's been a mystery within the agency for over two decades. Who murdered those C.I.A. officers? I'm sorry, but we have our answer now. It was your father. And I'm going to report him.

Sydney: Six years ago, when I walked into that CIA office, why was Vaughn assigned to my case?
Eric: I don't know, he asked to be. You came in, you were all screwed up, you had that freaky red hair. He likes a challenge...

Jack: When it comes to Irina Derevko, my judgment's proven to be... impaired.

Martin: You just rolled your car... you must have been going at two hundred kilometers per hour.
Sydney: Sometimes you need to drive fast.

[about relationships]
Francie: Have you ever spied on anyone?
[Sydney stares surprised]

Sydney: Nice shot.
SD: Thanks. Easier to shoot tranqs. No anxiety of killing somebody.

Arvin: You and Sydney still believe I'm pursuing some hidden agenda. Now, whatever you may perceive that agenda to be, clearly it would be easier to obtain if you were both dead, given that you're my most vocal detractors - my most capable antagonists.
Jack: Or you need us for something. Something you believe only we can provide.

Arvin: [Sloane joins Jack at his outdoor table at a restaurant] It's good to see you, Jack.
Jack: I assume that since you're sitting across from me with so little regard for your life, I'm in the cross hairs of a sniper rifle.
Arvin: Two of them.

Sydney: What happens if what we're looking for isn't metal?
Jack: Then we're screwed; it isn't an unfamiliar situation.

Sydney: They told me you were charged with resisting authority. Dad, I don't understand.
Agent: I became obsessed with your death; with finding those responsible. And at a certain point in my pursuit, I needed help. So I contacted the one person I believed I could trust, given the circumstances... your mother.
Sydney: You were working with Mom?
Agent: At the time, she was number 6 on the CIA's most wanted list. The National Security Council, primarily... Robert Lindsey. You met him?
Sydney: Yes.
Agent: He discovered that I was collaborating with your mother, so he threatened me, questioned my allegiance to this country. He chose to make an example of me - an NSC power play. And here we are.

Marshall: As luck would have it, I'm feeling kind of a... a Stockholm Syndrome thing happening.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: What does "SD" stand for?
Sydney: Section Disparu - the section that doesn't exist. Alain Christophe, one of the Alliance founders. The term was his.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Explain to us about the Alliance of Twelve?
Sydney: The Alliance is like a board of directors. Some are from the private sector, but most are former intelligence officers. All wealthy. They started a company together, except this company - the Alliance - trades intelligence.

Eric: [to Sydney] You weren't dumped. You were dead.

Sydney: Don't hook up the hard drive.
Michael: We know; where are you?
Michael: I'm not sure, they... they dragged me to a cemetery, knocked me out, and I woke up in a coffin.
Marshall: Syd, are you... have you been buried?
Sydney: Yes

Irina: Agnet Vaughn has trouble sleeping. When you're in the field.
Sydney: I doubt he told you that.
Irina: No he didn't have to tell me I could see it in his eyes. You're so willing to take risks for your country, why aren't you willing to do the same for you're own happiness?
Jack: I hardly think you've earned he right to give anyone relationship advice.

Julian: It looks like another black mark on your husband's record. How's it feel to systematically ruin a man from the inside out?
Lauren: It wouldn't be the first time.

Francie: [as Sydney is packing to go on yet another trip] You should report your boss to the corporate office.
Sydney: No kidding.

Sydney: Weiss, have you seen Vaughn?
Weiss: That's all I am to you - just a conduit to Vaughn. Have you ever seen Vaughn and said "Hey, where's Weiss?"

Eric: Hey, you sure you don't want to talk about this?
Michael: There's nothing to talk about.
Eric: I share my fights with you.
Michael: No you don't.
Eric: Yeah I do. Remember when Alan pissed in the living room?
Michael: That was your dog!
Eric: Yeah, but I was angry about it and I let you know how upset I was.

Agent: At seven twenty-two this evening, you were logged in at the safe-house where Nadia Santos is being held. Is that accurate?
Sydney: It was around dinner. I brought her a sandwich.
Agent: Where were you before that?
Sydney: Buying her the sandwich.

Jack: It's been a rather interesting year for me. It's made me reevaluate certain parts of my life. I'm trying to have more fun these days.
Elena: [Jack pushes needle into Elena's neck] Waaiiit... How do I know you won't inject me anyway?
Jack: You don't...
Elena: White, tell her to cut the white wire.
[Irina shots Elena in the head]
Irina: Sydney; cut the blue wire, and then run like hell, you have 15 seconds before the ball bursts.

C.I.A. Agent Steven Haladki: Any irregularities at all?
Michael: What, you mean other than a desperate message from an agent begging for help?

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: The Covenant believes Rambaldi's prophecies. They believe a lot of things... including the idea that you are the Chosen One.

Eloise: Just leave me alone! I don't know anything!
Will: See, it's people who say that that always know much more than they think they do.

Francie: So, what's going on with work? You always talk about work and you haven't even mentioned it today.
Will: I wasn't working on a S.A.T. story. When I bumped into you guys? There is no S.A.T. story. I was trying to track down a woman named Kate Jones. She was supposed to be seated next to Danny on a flight from Singapore to Hong Kong.

Sydney: Marshall has a photograpic memory. Once the files flash across the screen, he'll remember them.
Michael: Yes, we know that.
Sydney: I can't just give SD-6 a fake Marshall!

CIA: [to Sydney] Even for you, Agent Bristow, your arrogance today is appalling!

Sydney: But the truth is, it affects me. Never knowing who to trust, learning to expect betrayal, plotting in secrecy and hatred and anger. It's becoming a part of me. I am becoming what I despise.

Arvin: It seems that Mr. Sark's loyalty to Khasinau disappeared the moment we kidnapped him.

Arvin: My sources confirm that their panicking
Sydney: Your sources...
Arvin: If that vial is their only prototype as Intel appears to collaborate. Its theft has set their classified weapons program back decades.
Sydney: Would you mind telling us where that Intel came from? Or are we all supposed to rely on your sources no questions asked?

Will: When I was in sixth grade, I was sort of anonymous. You know, you had the smart kid, and the funny kid, and the good athlete. And I was just Will.

Sydney: I know that you're thinking about coming back, to the agency, on the off chance that your hesitation is out of some courtesy to me... You can forget about it. I mean, I can handle you being there, so don't worry about me.
Michael: The other day you said that I gave up on us because I didn't have faith, that somehow you didn't mean enough to me.
Sydney: When I said that I was...
Michael: No, let me finish. After you died, I used to talk to you, like you were still around. Literally. Out loud whole conversations about... About nothing. The weather... Should I get a new car? Should I have another drink? And one day, you started answering. I mean I could hear you in my head like you were right next to me, Sydney. And although rationally I knew I was a guy who stayed up nights drinking, talking to his dead girlfriend, still I couldn't stop. So, before you tell me you can handle my coming back to the CIA, there are two things you need to know. First... is that I was so in love with you... it nearly killed me. And second... that I don't regret moving on with my life.

Lauren: You've told Bomani you'd work for the Covenant?
Arvin: Yes. And now I'm telling you that I'm in the position to be a double agent. Working for the Covenant but loyal to the CIA... What is it, Sydney?
Sydney: [in disbelief] This is classic...

Marcus: Sloane is asking about Berlin. He thinks someone might have gotten to Schiller. He thinks he might be a plant. He wanted to know why you had me change the pick up to Koenig Strasse.
Sydney: I told you, I thought I was being followed.
Marcus: Syd, is there something I should know?
Sydney: No.

Francie: Okay, the next time that Charlie and I go to breakfast with our parents, remind me that mimosas are verboten.
Sydney: Oh, God, today was a big brunch.
Will: They didn't get along?
Francie: Oh, we wish. They got along so well they are going on a vacation together.
Sydney: Ew.
Francie: Yeah.
Will: What's wrong with that? That's nice.
Francie: That is a making of a disaster. They are going without us and they are going to plan a whole wedding.

Sydney: You didn't think about it. Not once. The possibility that Rambaldi could be right about me.
Vaughn: No. I didn't.
Sydney: Why not?
Vaughn: Because I believe in you. Do you think I'd just throw anyone in my trunk?

[the French conversation when Sloane meets Briault]
Jean: My friend!
Arvin: How are you my friend?
Jean: Very, very well. I became a grandfather last week.
Arvin: Oh, you are a grandfather.

Michael: You should go.
Sydney: Vaughn... why are you doing this? My life is already a disaster... now yours is, too.
Michael: What happened between us... everything... the way it is... isn't anyone's fault, Sydney. And even though everything's changed... some things don't. I'm not gonna lose you twice.

Irina: The only reason I saved the baby was because you're my daughter.

Sydney: I just wanted to rip his finger right off again. Does that make me a bad person?
Michael: [chuckles] No. But it might have blown your cover.
Sydney: You think?

Vaughn: [Vaughn takes the phone from Roberts] Hello.
Roberts: You violated our agreement.
Vaughn: You listen to me; I'm sick and tired of these games. Here's how were going to do things...
Roberts: Your angry, good. You can channel that into your next assignment.
Vaughn: No... No... No more assignments, you got what you asked for.
Roberts: You didn't abide by the terms of our deal, the price has just gone up. Disobey again and we'll continue to do so.
Vaughn: No, that's it, I'm done.
Roberts: Check beneath the table.
Vaughn: What?
Roberts: Beneath the table, there's an envelope, open it.
[Vaughn opens the envelope and sees pictures of a man he believes could be his father]
Roberts: If you still wish to back out, feel free to do so.
Vaughn: He's a... alive...
Roberts: Your father's very much alive, the question, Mr. Vaughn, is how far are you willing to go to find him.

Francie: [Allison has hypnotized Will] Now I'm going to count back from five, and when you wake up, you will remember nothing of this conversation. All you will remember is that you had the best sex of your life.

Lauren: [to Sydney] So, I was an idiot. Michael tried to tell me about Lindsey, but I couldn't believe what he was saying. So... so, I did what I always do. I followed the rules.

Jack: When you asked me the other day about school, I couldn't help you. I... I'm out of practice when it comes to, uh... personal matters.
Sydney: Dad, I'm in no rush.
Jack: Believing your mother was a professor may have influenced you somewhat but the decision to go back to school was yours. And I'd trust that. I think that, uh, if you stick with it... you could become the kind of teacher your students will always remember.
Sydney: Thank you.

Arvin: Jack will no longer be working out of Jennings Aerospace. His assignment there is complete. As of today, he will be working here with a cover as portfolio manager for Credit Dauphine. This way, he can more actively participate in the planning and execution of missions.
Sydney: [forces a smile] Good.

Kazu: You look familiar.
Vaughn: Sometimes people tell me I look like hockey player, Alexei Kovalev.
Kazu: Nah... that's not it.

Michael: No I'm fine, thanks, I'll help.
Eric: Oh boo hoo, I'm going to go up north and drink wine for two days, while my friends stay here and work.
Michael: It's called accumulated vacation man, use it or lose it.
Sydney: So you'll water the plants...
Nadia: Got it.
Sydney: And you'll send out the...
Nadia: Sydney, go have a good time.
Eric: You know what; we could actually drive up and meet you guys.
Michael: Ahh
[He looks at Sydney and pulls her closer to him]
Sydney: We're busy...
Michael: Yeah...
[He smiles]
Eric: You gotta eat; one meal?
Michael: Yeah, that's what room service is for...
[Sydney half hugs Vaughn and they both happily grin]

Sydney: I want that tape.
Agent: No you don't, not if you want what's best for Vaughn.
Sydney: You know what he's going to do if we don't stop him.
Agent: Yes; he'll get closure.
Sydney: You want him to kill Lauren.
Agent: If he doesn't, it will eat at him like a cancer. The only cure it is to end it now! She destroyed Vaughn's life.
Sydney: Vaughn's life, not yours, this is about what Lauren did to Vaughn, not what mom did to you. I don't know what you've told him, or how much of all this you've orchestrated. In some twisted way, you've got Vaughn carrying your burden; trying to get you closure by doing the one thing you never had a chance to do, kill the person who betrayed you.
Agent: I did have a chance, and I didn't take it. And not a day went by that I didn't regret letting her go. Vaughn will feel the same way. He will end up like me, and I love you too much to let that happen.

Sydney: No. I don't want an explanation. I came here because I need you to help me find her.
Arvin: Mmm. Sydney, how much do you remember about the year after you were told that your mother died?
Sydney: I remember... just feeling disconnected from everything. My father was away on business for most of that year.
Arvin: No. Your father spent six months in solitary in a federal prison. He was suspected of being in collusion with Laura. The FBI almost tried him for treason and even though he was vindicated, the damage was done. And he began to unravel.
Sydney: Unravel...
Arvin: He drank. He started taking unnecessary risks. Come on, Sydney, you know the father he was to you all those years. He took a long time to fully recover and I was under direct orders from the DCI not to let him know that Laura survived the accident. Unfortunately, that also required lying to you.

Sydney: My father used to encrypt my crossword puzzles when I was a kid.

Jack: Is something on your mind Agent Vaughn.
Michael: [hesitant] No, not really. I'm not very sleeping well.
Jack: It's Lauren, isn't it.
Michael: I think I see her sometimes; I thought I saw her in the market in Algeria. Did that ever happen with you?
Jack: Do I have visions of Lauren?
Michael: I don't know that many people who killed the woman they were married to. I was just wondering if that's what happens.
Jack: It did, now it doesn't.

Sydney: One thing I have learned doing this: there's no drug like adrenaline.

Nadia: [Nadia was watching Jack and Sydney talk] Is he always so cold?
Arvin: Jack? I'm afraid so.

Sydney: When am I going to see you again? I have so many questions...
Simon: Bout what?
Sydney: Everything...
Simon: Oh, yeah, well, we work well together. And I have your number; there's always going to be another job coming up... I'll call you.

Lauren: The risks you are describing have already been factored into our analysis. And as for SD-6, the Alliance doesn't exist anymore...
Sydney: Well, the only reason that SD-6 and the Alliance broke down is because Arvin Sloane, a man the White House pardoned by the way, wanted them to! So do me a favor and don't revise history that I lived through!
Michael: All right, enough! Sark was an inch away from initiating a nuclear exchange, and that was only Phase One. Capturing Sark, while it might put a smile on my face, will do nothing to shut down the Covenant.

Sydney: This is suicide.
Jack: I don't think it is.
Sydney: What exactly is your strategy here? Politely asking Sloane to let you out of SD-6?

Sydney: I've never been a depressed person... until now.

Agent: Your girlfriend's name is Alice, right?
Michael: Would you shut up?
Agent: I'm just checking to see...
Michael: Get out of my office!

Sydney: We'd have to leave tonight. You in?
Michael: [shy smile] Yeah. I'll break into the Vatican with you.

Haladki: I think your judgment is impaired.
Vaughn: I think I'm going to kick your ass.

Arvin: I'm sending you, Sydney. I'll give you the details in my office.
Sydney: Lucky me.

Jack: You broke my heart Irina.
Irina: That was another lifetime. I won't do it again
Jack: Good to know
[They kiss]
Irina: This has been lovely, but I should go back.
Jack: Tell me Irina... How did it feel giving the order? Was it difficult or were you able to remain cold, indifferent, were you amused?
Irina: Jack, this is cryptic, even for you.
Jack: Then let me be clear. How did it feel to pay a man, to kill your own daughter?
Irina: You weren't supposed to find out.
Jack: You didn't feel a thing did you? How's that possible? Were Sydney and I nothing to you, merely strategic alliances to be disposed of once we outlived our usefulness? After what we've been through Irina, I deserve and explanation. Why? I need a reason.
Irina: Because, it had to be done.
[Jack pulls out a gun and places it to Irina's head]
Irina: Jack...
Jack: To end you...
[Jack shoots Irina]

Julian: Would you consider coming to work for me if it meant I'd let you walk out of here? I believe if you took the time to hear a comprehensive offer, you might actually say yes.
Sydney: You're cute, but I'll pass.

Eric: [to Sydney] There's got to be something that you had that you just loved that it kills you that you don't have it anymore.

Jack: Sloane gave you a key, which he claims was sent to him some time before you woke up in Hong Kong.
Sydney: Yeah, his claim was pretty convincing: it was written in my handwriting.

Katya: I find you sexy, Jack. Deal with it.

Sydney: I happen to like us. Even if we're cold...
Vaughn: and boring... don't forget the boring.
Sydney: How could I?

Michael: Are you okay?
Sydney: [touching her cheek] It's nothing, I'm just little bruised.
Michael: I can't really tell.
Sydney: That's because I am wearing like a pound of cover-up.

Will: I understand that, but you can't think of another way than this?
Jack: Yes, I can think of a number of other ways. But they all involve your burial.
Will: Is that your idea of a joke? You're morbid, Jack.

Marshall: [Weiss is attempting to speak Russian with Minister Karkov on the phone. Karkov just told him that his Russian is terrible. Marshall gets upset and talks at the phone, whispering] Whatever, I wrote this program in five minutes, you perv!
Eric: Okay, I'm going to make this real simple for you. We need your Milsat access codes. You either give it to us now or every major news organization will get the tuba photos by morning.
Minister: A; I don't know what you're talking about. B; I'm running a trace on this call.
Eric: Great, you know what; I look forward to meeting you. Hey, while I've got you on the line, let me ask you, what's the significance of the green balloons?
[There is a long pause, Weiss and Marshall look hopeful]
Minister: Alpha, 572811, Mike. Now let me be clear, if those photos ever...
Eric: Oh sure thing Minister, or should I call you a Cowboy?
[Cowboy is said with a Russian accent]

Agent: When I look at her, when I look at the little girl who raised herself to become one of the most extraordinary human beings and one of the finest agents I've ever had the privilege of knowing, I see only the promise of my own redemption. Turning myself in was the only way I could think of to make that clear to her, to prove that despite... my limited abilities as a father, I love her more than I could ever say.

Sydney: You move out of my way or I will make you move out of my way.

Irina: Sydney, you may not see me at your wedding. But I will see you.

Arvin: So Sydney, I contacted Chase. She's expecting a call from you regarding a transfer from this unit. Given your sentiments, I assume that's what you want.
[Sydney leans in closer to Sloane]
Sydney: I want to make something clear. I will never forgive you for what you've done to me, to the people I love. No amount of time or distance will ever change that.
[She Pauses and stands up]
Sydney: I'll see you tomorrow.
[Last lines]

Kendall: Just so we're clear, Mr. Vaughn, I know all about your participation in busting Agent Bristow out of federal custody. Convince her to talk to her mother, or face charges of obstructing justice and harboring a fugitive.
Vaughn: Guess it's two-for-one day on blackmail.

Rachel: Uhh... how high up are we?
Sydney: Well just... a couple hundred feet. But don't worry... I've been in much worse situations than this.
Rachel: You have...

[Marshall is offered a job with the real CIA]
Vaughn: Hi, I'm Michael Vaughn. Welcome to the CIA.
Agent: Uh, yeah I've heard that one before.

Marcus: [to Sydney] I want you to accompany the hostage rescue team.
Marshall: Actually, I had an idea. Syd should go in as a biochem major. Harvard dropout, totally spoiled. Maybe she got kicked out because she was synthesizing ecstasy in her dorm room, or maybe crystal, crank...
Marcus: Fine

Marshall: So, you want to hack into casino? Well, you remember how tight security was in that Siberian silo a couple years ago? Cakewalk compared to Vegas. I mean, casino security is like an onion; it's layer after layer after layer, and the more you peel back, the more you want to cry. Face recognition, video surveillance... The only way to get inside the system is to splice directly into one of the fiber-optic cables, but any interruption in the feed will alert security. Except, the one thing nobody else has but you, is me...

Marshall: Cut the blue wire.
Sydney: I'm cutting the blue wire.
Marshall: Wait, hold your phone!
Sydney: Don't tell me to hold the phone, I'm sitting on a ticking nuclear bomb!

Will: Okay, okay, whatever, it sucks, all right? But it's why I wanted to become a reporter. I saw this when I was a kid and I loved it. And I was just like, I don't know, all the quick...
Francie: Repartee.
Will: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, it just looked fun. You know, being a reporter looked fun. But it's not. It's not fun. It's a pain in the ass.

Marshall: Okay, first of all, I didn't touch anything, I swear! But the bomb's been activated!
Jack: We know. We just spoke to Vaughn.
Marshall: No, not on the plane, in my office! The bomb in my office has been activated!

Arvin: For the past few weeks, you've been under suspicion. We knew we had a mole and there were signs that indicated that it was you. And then when you were in Geneva, we picked up a third-party transmission and it seemed to confirm that you betrayed SD-6. And what I just learned is that it wasn't your transmission. It was Russek's.
Sydney: Russek...?

[after hen refuse to cooperate with her]
Sydney: I'm disappointed!
[punches him]

Michael: [after Sydney gives him his drawer] I love my drawer!

[after Irina's past surfaces]
Michael: It's a weird thing you know when, learning how your father died. I mean it's always been this intellectual idea I had... knowing he died, just not having any details.
Eric: You really want some space, or are you and I going to get drunk? Because there's this bar, you won't even remember it tomorrow.

Steven: Hey! What a day, huh?
Michael: Why do you say that?
Steven: Come one. Bristow's mom, your dad. It's not like a secret around here. Vaughn, that really sucks.
Eric: Well played.
Steven: You know what I think? Barnett is gonna be good for you.
Michael: I am not seeing Barnett.
Steven: Oh, yeah, you are. She wants to see ya. I mean, come on. You're Bristow's handler, you found out that her mom killed your dad... She is a shrink, she lives for crisis management I think she will be good for ya...
[after a small pause, referring to Eric's and Vaughn previous conversation]
Steven: I like thick crust, in case you wanted me to come.
Eric: Oh, hey, we don't.

Arvin: He believed that Ice 5 was being covertly developed there by a man named Fenton Keene.
Marcus: Haven't heard that name in a while.
Arvin: That's because Mr. Keene claims to have gone legitimate.
Sydney: Seems to be all the rage among evil geniuses.

Katya: The only reason I joined the Russian Secret Service was to help Irina find her younger daughter. For years we heard nothing about her; every lead went cold. But then recently we found out that her father, Arvin Sloane, was also looking for her... What is it, Sydney?
Sydney: Sloane has her.

Arvin: In his last communique to our source in Vienna, Hater informed us that the triad was engaged in a plot to deploy and develop sixteen Next Generation weapons.
Marcus: Any idea what Next Generation refers to?
Arvin: No, which is a major source for concern. According to the communique, testing of the weapons is ahead of schedule which means they may soon be put into the field.

Cypher: Nice trick. Looks like I'll have to readjust my firewall settings.
Sydney: I could still get through.

Sydney: Who hired you? Who put a contract on my life? Who hired you?
Kazu: Derevko; Irina Derevko.
[Tamazaki dies]

Michael: This is where your dad lives, huh?
Sydney: What do you except?
Michael: I don't know; a bunker or something... You've really never been here?
Sydney: No...
Michael: That's very strange.
Sydney: As opposed to everything else about my relationship with my father.

Sydney: [On Sydney's dream] You don't have a wedding ring.
Michael: I thought we'd go to Santa Barbara first and see how that went...
Sydney: You're not married?
Michael: You really hit your head, didn't you?

Marshall: That sound that you're - you know that boom? That's my mind blowing!

Eric: You know, Syd, nobody would blame you for hating him for going back to her.
Sydney: He's not the one I hate. How horrible does that sound?
Eric: Well I'm mad at her, and I don't even think he's that cute.

Sydney: Did you close your eyes at all?
Michael: Not enough. You talk in your sleep.
Sydney: No... What did I say?
Michael: "Don't frost the Pie." It seemed really important.
[They laugh]
Sydney: I had no idea...

Michael: Whatever Lauren did to me, I want you to know I take full responsibility for what's happened. I messed up, and if you can't get past that, I understand. But will you try?
Sydney: I don't know.
Michael: Will you at least think about it? Because it's all I can think about.
Sydney: Yeah. I will think about it.

Dr. Judy Barnett: So the operation in France must have gone well. Your spirits seem lifted.
Sydney: The doctor said Vaughn's going to be all right, so...
[long pause]
Sydney: Okay. I see what you're thinking and the answer is 'no'. There's no line being crossed. He's my handler. Vaughn and I have a professional relationship. That's it.
Dr. Judy Barnett: Well, actually, I was thinking about your reporter friend.

Julian: It's just it's not every day one gets to be a part of global genocide.

Jack: I've worked with Agent Dixon for nearly a dozen years. You've worked with him for little over a month. If he feels ready to be in the field, I'm going to accord him that respect.
Michael: But given his state of mind, do you really think he's the right person to make that decision?
Jack: Yes.
Michael: Jack, he just lost his wife. I mean, with all due respect, why are you fighting with me on this?
Jack: I'm not required to justify my decisions to you, Agent Vaughn. However, I recruited Agent Dixon into SD-6. I'm the man who sold him the lie he was working for the CIA. I introduced him to the man who killed his wife. I will not be the one to tell him he can't assist in Sloane's capture.

Weiss: Okay, whenever you want to have that talk...
Vaughn: What talk?
Weiss: About the cologne or whatever the hell you're wearing.
Vaughn: I'm not wearing cologne.
Weiss: Well, something's going on. No man naturally smells as good as you do right now.

Sydney: Sloane wouldn't agree to partner with him unless Sark made it worth his while. Do you have any idea what they're after?
Jack: Given the scope of Sark's previous contacts and operations, he could be offering almost anything. What concerns me more is that your mother knew we were double agents before she turned herself in. She may have told Sark.
Sydney: I'll find out.
Jack: Before you do, consider this: two months ago she surrendered to the CIA. Yesterday, Sark made a back-door agreement with Sloane that places him inside SD-6. Do you believe that's just a coincidence?

Arvin: Quite frankly I was surprised by their call too, until I understood what it is they want: their own SD-6.

Sydney: Since I've known the truth about you, I've asked myself questions. Thousands of questions. But this one I have to ask you now. When Danny was killed... Dad... did you know? Did you know that's what they were going to do?
Jack: Yes.
[Sydney slaps him]
Sydney: Don't you ever speak to me again

Michael: Hey.
Eric: Hey.
Michael: I need you to feed Donovan.
Eric: Who?
Michael: What do you mean who? My dog, Donovan. Come here.
Eric: Oh, right. Hey, which keys to the front... Where are you going?
Michael: That's the top lock, That's the bottom lock. I'm going to Bogota. Give him a can of the dog food that's on the floor uncovered and a half a can of dried stuff.
Eric: All right. What's in Bogota?
Michael: But only a half a can. There is a bag of dried stuff next to the can stuff.
Eric: Right, right. What the hell is in Bogota?
Michael: I just got off of a phone with Interpol's officer. Eight years ago guy named Kishell was attacked by the Snowman. Punctured heart, collapsed lung, he lost an eye.
Eric: Okay, I got it. It was bad, yeah.
Michael: This guy, Kishell, use to work with Snowman.
Eric: Really?
Michael: And we know he is after Khasinau.
Eric: Right. So we get Kishell, we can get to Snowman and then we can get to Khasinau.
Michael: Exactly. Half a can, man. I don't wanna come home to fat dog.
Eric: All right.

Dr. Brezzel: She's still in beta, but she's dreaming... that just doesn't happen.

Dr. Danny Hecht: Build me up buttercup baby, then you bring me down! And mess me around, and then worst of all! You never call, baby, when you say you will! But I love you still, I need you! More than anyone, darling! I know I'm yours from the start... so build me up buttercup, don't break my heart!

Julian: [Sydney pulls of her Lauren disguise] This little trick of yours means Vaughn failed. Tell me, is he dead?
Sydney: No, he's not. But thanks to you, Lauren won't be so lucky.

Francie: It's just going to take me six months to get a legitimate liquor license!
Will: So you're hanging out with the Gambino crime family and you're giving me grief about doing drugs?

Jack: About last week: it was a matter of circumstance, Arvin. Whether I would have gone through with it...
Arvin: Oh, you would've. I would've.
Jack: Perhaps.
Arvin: And now you feel guilty. Well don't bother, Jack. Sydney's life was at stake. How can I blame a man for doing whatever he can to save his daughter's life?

Sydney: Ah, thank you! Marshall, remind me to kiss you.
Marshall: Uhhh... okay.
[He gets a huge grin]
Eric: What... What did she say?
Marshall: Uhh... Uhh... nothin'.

Will: So this is what your life is? Lying to everybody all the time? I've only been doing it for a few days and it's killing me

SD: There are no fingerprints on the glass. The wine is a '99 Hadley Cabernet Franc, unremarkable vintage. What is remarkable is what I extracted from inside the wine. I was so surprised I redid the test but I'm certain. It's VTX, a calcium-based anitdote. Extremely scarce.
Arvin: Antidote to what?
SD: Uh, mainly heart attack inducing toxins. Kertotic acid, um, sodium morphate. VTX simulates death, it slows the lungs, nearly stops the heart, which is how it prevents the poisons from causing cardiac arrest. And then the VTX is, uh, is metabolized. The, uh, body, it returns to normal.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: And after she died, your father raised you? Is that right?
Sydney: No. He hired a nanny.

Sydney: You're selling your car?
Will: Yeah, well, it's either that or I quit paying my student loans. I can't afford to have bad credit and a criminal record.

Jack: You don't have clearance.
Sydney: Clearance to know how my mother died?
Jack: There are rules, Sydney.
Sydney: Then you break them!

Arvin: Nadia won't be getting better Jack.
Arvin: if I have to face life without my daughter, I still have to live with myself. It sounds hollow, I know, in light of what I just told you. But I consider you both to be my family.

Sydney: Research? What kind of research?
Michael: It's something private. Something just for me.
Sydney: Who do you think you work for? Nothing is private. You're being investigated.

Lucien: You're enjoying yourselves.
Sydney: He's French; I like the French, their tender.
Michael: Fine.
Sydney: You just going to stand around and watch all night; or you want to get involved?
Lucien: What, a, did you have in mind?
Sydney: [They are now in the bathroom, Sydney slams Lucien into the wall] Check the stalls.
Lucien: Is he going to join us, or a just observe.
Michael: I think I'll just watch.
[Vaughn smiles at Sydney]
Sydney: Suit yourself
[She slams Lucien into the bathroom stall corner]

Sydney: What's going on?
Nadia: Nothing...
Sydney: When something's bothering me I go running. You've gone twice in less than 12 hours.

Michael: Why did you come to me?
Brill: Because it's what he would want me to do.

Sydney: I thought you'd be home by now.
Jack: I was about to say the same to you. The plasma charge, it's in our hands.
Sydney: Sark isn't... the Covenant.
Jack: Have you had dinner? If memory serves, you always liked Mitchellis.
Sydney: I haven't eaten there since I was eight.
Jack: I do eat, you know.
Sydney: I'd like that, actually.

Sydney: I don't know how much longer I can do this. Sit in these meetings with Sloane. Look at him as if I don't despise him, as if I don't want to leap across the table and use the skills I've learned, against him.

Michael: I had to find out if she was deceiving us again. I mean, I could not sleep at night knowing I was doing nothing. That somehow, I was helping her.
Sydney: And did you find anything?
Michael: Nothing. She's clean.

Michael: [to Sydney] Okay listen to me, there's something you need to know. When you first walked into my office with that stupid bozo hair, I thought you were crazy. I mean, I actually thought you might have been a crazy person. But I watched you and I read your statement. And I've seen... I've seen how you think, I've seen how you work, I've seen who you are. In this job you see darkness; you see the worst in people. And though the jobs are different and the missions change and the enemies have a thousand names, the one crucial thing, the one real responsibility you have is to not let your rage and your resentment and your disgust darken you. When you're at your absolute lowest, at your most depressed, just remember that you can always... You know, you got my number.
[Sydney thinks about this for a moment, and they share a glance, then reaches over and holds Vaughn's hand]

Sydney: You're part of this?
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Well, that all depends on which part you're referring to.
Sydney: You're Covenant.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: No, no, no. That wouldn't go over too well at home.

Arvin: There was a time you trusted me.
Sydney: That was before I knew who you were... That was before I knew who "I" was.

Eric: Uhhh... You heard from Vaughn?
Sydney: [shakes head] Not yet.
Eric: Gotta be tough on him right? Going to see his uncle and all you can do is watch him die. Nothing you can do about it.
Sydney: Yeah...
Eric: My mom used to do stuff like that.
Sydney: Like what?
Eric: Scrub the sink; when she was worried about stuff that was out of her control.
Sydney: I like a clean sink.

Sydney: Okay. Just so someone has said it: in the past two years, Sloane has obtained a pardon based mainly on the capture of a criminal who is now free. In addition, Sloane will be allowed to openly participate in Covenant activities, based on the promise that he will inform us of those activities. One could argue that he's just pulled off the con job of the century.
Lauren: It also appears that Bomani will kill Sloane if we interfere with his plans.
Sydney: And who here would lose sleep over that?

Jack: The advantages of high-level clearance. Let's go.

Michael: Ready to talk?
Julian: Yes. When I first learned of your wife's true allegiance, I almost felt pity for you. How embarrassing it must've been to learn that the woman you shared your bed with was only using you as an unfortunate means to an end.
Michael: I wouldn't do this, if I were you.
Julian: But then, she wasn't sharing your bed lately, was she? She was in mine. Or in my car. Or the elevator. Or a garage. There is one time... this is my favourite... we were engaged in an alley and she called you to tell you she loved you.
[Vaughn twists Sark's arm]
Julian: That woman was deliciously filthy.

Michael: [to Sark] You like the electric batons, the injections... I'm not into accessories...

Marshall: [to Sydney] Okay, Phoenix, you are hot... and I mean that in many ways.

Michael: Respectfully Syd, I don't think your father can think clearly where your mother is concerned.
Sydney: And you can?
Michael: I'm trying and she has nothing to gain by lying.

Nadia: [Agents are rifling through all the drawers, cupboards and all over Sydney's home looking for items] She also has...
[We come to an agent questioning Sydney]
Young: An assault rifle, a twelve gauge shotgun, four handguns, two Tasers, and a secret drawer of knives. Let's start with the knives.

Sydney: You killed the man I loved!
Sloane: No, Agent Bristow. *You* did.

Eric: What, I can't ask my buddy...
Michael: [angrily] The marriage is fantastic.
Eric: [Vaughn leaves in a huff] Yeah, I can tell.

Michael: Lauren, no one's judging you.
Lauren: I've seen the way they look at me... like I'm a traitor too. To tell you the truth, I don't blame them.
Michael: People are just angry.
Lauren: And I'm not? He was my father! You have no idea what it's like to think you know someone, to love them, and then figure out it was nothing but lies.

Sydney: Vaughn?
Vaughn: How come you never call me Michael?
Sydney: I call you Michael sometimes.
Sydney: Vaughn.

Weiss: Hey, you sure you don't want to talk about this?
Vaughn: There's nothing to talk about.
Weiss: I share my fights with you.
Vaughn: No you don't.
Weiss: Yeah I do. Remember when Alan pissed in the living room?
Vaughn: That was your dog!
Weiss: Yeah, but I was angry about it and I let you know how upset I was.

Lauren: We need access to the bunker; Sloane can get it for us. If we can use him, I don't see why we...
Sydney: Maybe you haven't been lucky enough to have firsthand experience with that psychopath...
Michael: She brokered his deal.
Sydney: What?
Lauren: I was part of the team that arranged for Sloane's pardon.
Michael: Look, none of us have any illusions about Sloane. The only reason he was given a pardon is because he provided us with intel that led to the destruction of terrorist cells...

Sydney: I'm here.
McKenas: You are the badass that's been killing my men? I don't know I... I just kinda thought you'd be an ugly guy.

Michael: Okay. I'll confer with your father about your countermission.
Sydney: My father?
Michael: He didn't tell you? Based on your father's instincts in the Madagascar incident, Devlin gave him operational approval.

[Sloane at The Alliance meeting]
Arvin: I feel rather awkward sitting here... asking you to allow my wife to die of cancer.
Alain: Arvin, the agreement is simple: people with any unauthorized information regarding SD-6 or any SD cell, must be eliminated.
Arvin: My wife is being eliminated... by cancer.

Michael: [to Sydney] First, I was so in love with you that it almost killed me. And second, I don't regret moving on with my life.

Dr. Brezzel: Be aware that if you encounter a new memory, it might be traumatic.
Sydney: But it won't necessarily be real.
Dr. Brezzel: Oh, it will be to you.

Sydney: You erased it...
Irina: I transferred a copy to a secure location. I'll give it to you. In exchange, I want you to do something.
Sydney: Go to hell!
Irina: If you don't, you'll never clear Will's name. He'll be tried as a traitor and executed. I'll be calling on you soon, Sydney.

Ariana: I'm aware of your reputation as a first-class strategist, Agent Bristow. Tell me, where would you begin this investigation?
Jack: With me. Over the years Arvin's trusted me with everything I'd need to know to be the perpetrator. And if his standing within the Alliance were undermined, I'd be a candidate to inherit his seat. Motive.

Rebecca: I know who you are, Will Tippin. I read your articles. The reporter with the big imagination who fell in love with the heroin chic lifestyle.
Will: Yeah. Yeah, that's me.
Rebecca: My theory? I don't think you ever really were a drug addict.

Marshall: And... to be honest with you, I kind of like working for the good guys. No offense.
Toni: None taken.

Arvin: My foundation gives grants to various researchers. One of these men has in development a non-invasive therapy for treating long-term severe amnesia.
Sydney: If this therapy works, why didn't you mention it before now?
Arvin: Well, Sydney, until now I didn't think you'd be willing to accept my help.

Sark: [Sark is wheeled into the room handcuffed and with his head covered. The cover is taken off and he see Sloane] This is... Classic.

Vaughn: I chose not to stay with the CIA after your death.
Sydney: You're not with the Agency?
Vaughn: No. I'm a teacher.

Sydney: [watching Emily on security camera footage] She's alive?
Jack: She walked through the front door, told the duty guard she is the wife of Arvin Sloane, that she wants to cooperate with the CIA and that she will only talk to you.

Francie: Well, if I were you and if I thought I may be able to help somebody, I would.

Sydney: [Sydney and jack are talking about the mission, and Isabelle laughs in the background] Dad, did she just...
Agent: Giggle, yeah, apparently I'm funny.
Sydney: She hasn't done that before. It was a first.
Agent: Of which there will be many...
Sydney: I know...

Hayden: I will not trust Irina Derevko.
Sydney: When you brought me into APO and placed me under Arvin Sloane's supervision, you asked me to trust you, and I did.
Hayden: My mind is made up agent Bristow.
Sydney: You put Sloane in charge; you gave Sloane full access to the resources of the CIA and now he is going to do more harm than you can even imagine. We need to find him and end this. And the only person who can do this is my mother. Please director Chase, this time, you have to trust me.

Lauren: I'm looking forward to a nice weekend alone.
Michael: Me too
Michael: So what did you do while I was gone?
[Lauren stops what she was doing and saunters over to Vaughn and kisses him]
Lauren: I missed you. I'm going to run a bath.
[Vaughn has a pained look on his face, and then begins to search thru Laurens things. He finds a secret compartment in her suitcase with a red and black wig, guns and a passport]

Arvin: Marshall, go back to work.
Marshall: Just to clarify this, I am not fired?
Arvin: 'Go back to work' does not mean fired.

Arvin: Using all available resources, we have finally tracked down the enemy who we no longer have to refer to as The Man. Thanks to the surveillance photos you obtained in Brazil, we have confirmed his identity. He is Alexander Khasinau.

Sydney: Vaughn, I am sad for you. For you and Lauren. That you have to go through this. But I'm also hopeful. That's what scares me.
Vaughn: I understand.
[They pause]
Vaughn: When we get home... Wanna get a cup of coffee?
Sydney: Yeah...

Michael: Roberts, the man you are about to see is your former employer, Arvin Sloane. All we need you to do is make a positive ID.
[Vaughn sits Roberts in a chair and has him look through a window at the real Arvin Sloane]
Michael: Well...
Roberts: Huh...
Michael: What does that mean?
Roberts: That dude is him, sort... Sort of
Jack: Is it him or not?
Roberts: I mean, yeah, it's him, then it's not. You know what I'm sayin'?
Sydney: It's not him...
Roberts: But almost him. But it's wild, it's like they don't even look that much alike. But... I don't know; this is freaky man. If you're asking me, both of them give me the creeps.

Sydney: Hey did you know Kobe Bryant was named for a steak?

Sydney: Dad, can I ask you something? When you started with SD-6, you knew that they were a mercenary group and that they had no connection with the C.I.A. But I didn't. When I joined, I thought I was going to be saving the world and not making it more dangerous.
Jack: What's the question?
Sydney: Why didn't you say something? I mean, you could have told me what I was really doing - damage instead of good - but you kept quiet.
Jack: [sighs] Revealing the truth about what you were doing would have required revealing the truth about what I was doing.

Marshall: Vaughn, can you task a satellite over my position?
Michael: [Vaughn walks to Marshall's desk] Alright I'm here, what do I do?
Marshall: Well tasking a satellite through the NRO will take forever. So go to the config dot system and my phone has GPS and it should be able to route the coordinates through the system.
Michael: Got it.
Marshall: Okay, now type K H 11 backslash 8 backslash therm backslash config dot sys. Let me know when your there.
Michael: Hang on, I don't see a prompt.
Marshall: Well there is no prompt, the prompt's implied.
Michael: What, I'm supposed to just type it in?
Marshall: Yes, God, Vaughn, this is not that hard.
Michael: Well I've never done this before.
Marshall: Well I do for you people all the time. Now come on.

Jack: Arvin, the nuance of fatherhood elude me; but there is one thing I'm sure of. You are not going to forge any kind of bond with Nadia if you attempt to keep her from working with her sister.

Michael: I still think it would just be easier to sic your father on him.
Sydney: We have twenty-seven hours before Ryan sets off another bomb. Our best chance to prevent that is to let him know that his first demonstration convinced us to buy every weapon he can produce.
Michael: Us, being the Covenant, based on intel received from someone we may or may not be able to trust.

Oleg: [to Sydney] The sooner you accept that you are no longer who you were, the easier this will be. Sydney Bristow... is gone.

[Talking about Tippin getting closer to SD-6]
Arvin: What concerns me is that this doesn't seem to concern you.
Jack: There is a difference between concern and assassination.

Sydney: The truth is...
Eric: You're insane.

Marcus: Oh god.
Sydney: I know, if only brother Rama Salaam were still teaching in Tampa.
Marcus: No, not my case work. It's these new headsets - they keep pinching my ear.
Sydney: Oh, give it to me. Any word from Declan?
Marcus: Not since Tehran. I keep telling myself it's alright, he's done this before, disappear without a trace- what's up with you?
Sydney: What? Nothing.
Marcus: You've got, like, a glow.
Sydney: I don't have a glow.
Marcus: Yeah, look at that!
Sydney: Come on, Sloane's waiting. There's no glow.
Marcus: Is she glowing?
SD: Big time.
Marcus: You hear that?

Vaughn: It's part of their test.
Sydney: Which apparently we're failing.
Vaughn: Oh, come on that was ridiculous.
Sydney: What did they expect us to do; just drop and go at it on the floor?
Vaughn: If one more person calls us boring...
Sydney: He didn't call us boring, he called us cold...
Sydney: Who thinks we're boring?
Vaughn: Nobody... that's, that's not the point.

Will: I better get going before I get fired, which is inevitable.

Arvin: You don't really think it was a coincidence that I happened to be away these past two weeks, do you? The intel that you acquired that allowed the CIA to take down the Alliance... I provided that. My involvement with the Alliance is merely a means to an end.
Sydney: Why are you telling me this?
Arvin: Because knowing that I'm alive is going to tempt you to come after me. Don't. We've helped set each other free, Sydney. And as much as I wish you well, I will end your life if you get in my way.

Sydney: I've seen the footage. Mom's briefing with her KGB handler. She was sent here for one specific purpose, to steal information from you about a project you were developing for the CIA. An operation to train children to be American spies. Project Christmas. Ever since Mom came back, you were afraid she'd figure out what you did to me. You weren't trying to protect me from her, you were trying to protect your secret. So the first opportunity you had, you set her up... in Madagascar.
Jack: Sydney, understand something...
Sydney: No, Dad, you understand something. You took away my choices in life. You programmed me to be a spy. I will never forgive you for this.

Marcus: How long have you known?
Sydney: Two years. I wanted to tell you so many times, but I was ordered not to. The CIA had no way to verify what I knew in my heart was true... that you would never consider working for a man like Arvin Sloane.
Marcus: We were partners. You lied to me, then chose to tell me the truth when it was convenient for you. I never want to see you again.

Michael: Listen, about what happened in Richmond...
Sydney: You were doing your job. And she is your wife.
Michael: Not for long.

Sydney: Before he died, he told me my mother was not the Passenger. He said my sister was.
Agent: Who was this man?
Sydney: A monk, a cleric, a Rambaldi scholar... what difference does it make? Do I have a sister?

Michael: He wanted the bomb squad called in?
Marshall: Well, maybe because he knew there was nothing they could do.

Michael: Either this thing is completely insane... or it isn't.

Lauren: My access extends beyond my husband.
Julian: Perhaps, but Vaughn is central to the CIA's efforts regarding The Passenger, so you must do everything possible to keep him close.

Vaughn: You know these never have to see the surface.
Sydney: What do you mean?
Vaughn: If what's in the Rambaldi box is a danger to you, and these keys are the only way to open it... Maybe they should be destroyed.
Sydney: Thank you for saying that.

Marshall: [after get married with Carrie] I love you, Mrs. Flinkman!
Carrie: I'm keeping my name!

Sydney: You're angry, with good reason. The Covenant took away your brother's life.
Daniel: Took his life. What an interesting choice of words. I mean, personally I would've gone with something a little more colorful, like um, murdered, but even that's not... Slaughtered, yeah, what about slaughtered. Try that.
Sydney: The Covenant held me captive for almost two years, they did things to me that I will never get over. They starved me, subjected me to electroshock, sensory deprivation, they used hypnotherapy, all to convince me I was someone else. A... An operative they created named Julia Thorne. I'm telling you this, it may not change anything, but you need to know that I understand what it is like having the Covenant take away people you love. They are evil, evil people. The thing is, I was luckier than you. The man I love, the Covenant didn't murder him, he's on that plane. Like I said, my telling you this may not change anything. But I swear to you if you disable that bomb, I will not rest until the Covenant pays for what they have done to us. Please I beg you. Don't do this.

Sydney: I've never heard of Project Blackhole.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Thank you.

Agent: You're right. I'm not going to help you. Since this is the last conversation we will ever have, I want to make this perfectly clear. What you have done to my daughter is nothing compared to what I will do when I find yours. Salut.

CIA: I'm recommending to the board that you be stripped of classified clearance and assigned to the Dispatch Office at Langley.
Sydney: You're transferring me... to the mail room?

[about Sloane's congratulations to the SD-6 personnel after Cole's attack]
Sydney: I felt sick... all those people, standing there, patriots, believing they work for the U.S. Government, none of them realize that the information they gather is being used by heartless men like Arvin Sloane, for an organization that would trade their lives for a profit in a heart beat.

Vaughn: [smashes Sark's face into a table] See, when I have a gun, I don't just pull the trigger.
Sark: Thank you.
Vaughn: [smashes Sark's face again] Where's Sloane?
Sark: Not a problem; my loyalties are flexible.

Arvin: Just so we don't have these misunderstandings again, let me be clear to both of you. Questioning my authority, whether it's in this office or in the field; is unacceptable.
Sydney: Unacceptable... Coming from you that's almost funny
Nadia: Sydney, please.
Sydney: Do you really want to engage in a conversation about what is and what is not acceptable? Every day I work here, I see your face in briefings; I hear your voice in my ear during missions. And do you want to know what it's like? It makes me sick to my stomach. Having to pretend that the past never happened, that you're not the same murderous, criminal, sociopath you were three years ago. It makes me want to wretch. If you want to talk unacceptable, that is unacceptable.
Arvin: I assumed that you had accepted the fact that I made amends for my past.
Sydney: Amends; Francie and Danny are gone and yet here you are. And everywhere I look I'm reminded of the man that killed them.

Dr. Hans Jürgens: [after being caught in an incriminating position] I do not know! I swear to God! Please do not send those pictures
[to my wife]
Dr. Hans Jürgens: ! Please let me go! Please! Let me go!
Michael: Here's your pictures.
[leaves with Sydney]
Dr. Hans Jürgens: Please give me back my pants!

Marcus: Noah, I'll be straight with you. I don't trust you. Which wouldn't be such a problem, except that I'm an intelligence officer and if you stick around, sooner or later, my life is going to be in your hands and yours in mine. And in that scenario, the only person truly safe will be you.
SD: Mr. Sloane asked for you to come with us.
SD: Well, that's never a good thing. Excuse me.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: What can you tell me about him?
Sydney: Milo Rambaldi was Pope Alexander VI's chief architect. He was an artist, an inventor. His designs were so technologically advanced, at the time, they thought he was heretic. And he was executed. Now, five hundred years later, many believe he was a prophet. And SD-6, CIA, GRU, K-Directorate, the entire intelligence world, is on a Rambaldi scavenger hunt.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Why?
Sydney: They assume that Rambaldi had some sort of master plan.

[Francie jumps out of nowhere]
Francie: We have rats.
Sydney: What?
Will: All likely, possibly mice. Hi.
Sydney: Hi. Mice isn't better than rats.
Francie: There is no way that they are mice. They are rats and they are huge. The exterminators are coming between noon and three, you think you can be here?
Sydney: No, I have got work.
Francie: But I have to cater a lunch for thirty.
[Francie and Sydney stare at Will]
Will: I don't live here.
Sydney: Then why are you always here?
Francie: Yeah, it's not like you are paying any rent.
Will: What is this, attack on Will?

Will: You have to admit, my accent was pretty good. It was, like, early Stones.
Sydney: I thought it was Australian.

Michael: Anyway, I read your debrief. So did Devlin. We'll deal with the loss of the Rambaldi document later but first you should know that, uh, offices of security is drawing up a contingency plan to keep Will Tippin safe.
Sydney: What kind of contingencies?
Michael: Witness protection. Worst-case scenario, recruitment.
Sydney: Absolutely not!

Conrad: I cannot help you, Mr. Sark.
Julian: How do you know my name?

Michael: According to Rambaldi, the woman in question, the subject of this prophecy, will have never seen Mt. Subasio. Meaning if Sydney were to go there and see it herself.
Jack: She couldn't possibly be the woman Rambaldi was talking about.
Michael: That makes sense, doesn't it? I thought that made sense.

Sydney: Wait, wait, wait! Wait a minute, what's going on? Is he going to be all right?
Attending: We don't know, but you have to wait here. Your designated cover: "you're with the state department bureau of arms control. Your name is Rita Stevens", give no details about his illness.

Sydney: If you go back there, they will kill you.
Sam: You're serious.
Sydney: If you stick with me, I promise, I'll protect you. We have ways of handling these situations.
Sam: Whose we?
Sydney: I can't tell you that.
Sam: You've already lied to me once, so how do I know that you're not one of the bad guys?
Sydney: If I was one of the bad guys, you'd already be dead.

Sydney: It took me a second to realize what you were doing.
Jack: I was blinking as fast as I could.
Sydney: I know. I was like, "Hard on your light"?
Jack: Guard on your right.
Sydney: Well, I figured it out. I was just never very good at Morse code.

[Sloane can't go to his office to defuse a bomb due to him being cuffed]
Arvin: You could take my fingerprint.

Jack: I gave your sister closure.
Sydney: But not the truth.
Jack: Sometimes a satisfying lie, Sydney, can do more good than the awful truth.

Michael: You're saying that Sydney could be held long enough to blow her cover with SD-6?
Jack: Under directive 81A, they could conceivably hold her without trial or charges for the rest of her life.

Danny: This isn't real.
Sydney: Danny... since my mother died, I always hoped I would find someone to give my life meaning. That person is you. I just met the agency first. I can't quit.

Sydney: What is that?
Will: What?
Sydney: Is that a hickey?
Will: No. What? Oh my God, I have to go to a meeting.
Sydney: Wait, you know, I actually have cover-up.
Will: Do you have enough?
Sydney: Yeah, I've got enough.
Will: It's very embarrassing.
Sydney: The fact that I saw or just because it's there at all?
Will: No, look at me. I look like I am 15 years old.
Sydney: That's about the age of your intern.
Will: When I said 15, I knew you would say...
Sydney: Did the Clinton Administration teach you nothing?
Will: I am not married, I...
Sydney: Don't start defending your thing with Jenny. She's not in your league and you know it.
Will: Who's in my league? What league? Show me a league and I'll buy a ticket, I'll go to the meetings and I will try and find those people. Where are they?

Sydney: Four months ago, you murdered a man, Michael Vaughn, do you remember?
[Curtis looks at her blankly]
Sydney: I do, I was there. It'll be burned into my memory for the rest of my life as the day that my child lost its father. So you can imagine what I'd like to do to you. Lucky for you, there's someone I want even more. Tell me where I can find Gordon Dean.
Ivan: Is this whole routine supposed to scare me? I do this for a living.
Sydney: It's a funny thing about pregnancy... Hormones... Whew... I woke up today feeling pretty hormonal. I'm going to give you another chance. Where is Gordon Dean?
[He shakes his head no, she punches him in the face]

Julian: Have you been made?
Lauren: Of course not. If he knew I was Covenant he would arrest me, not break up with me.

Marshall: [holding a gadget] Okay, now, this thing sucks... literally. Sucks all the information from the computer hard drive right into the internal flash RAM.

Sydney: You will set up a meeting with Sark and Allison. You'll explain to them that their travel plans have been compromised. You'll then offer them assistance in revising their arrangements.
Arvin: And pass the information along to you.
Sydney: That won't be necessary. You'll be wearing a wire.
Arvin: And if they discover that it's a setup?
Sydney: Then I get to hear them kill you.

Kazu: The day before the job, my client was killed. Most unfortunate. For me.

Sydney: [in disguise as an astronomer] Our radio telescopes inspect the cosmos looking to detect artificially generated signals, basically anything below three hundred hertz. Don't worry, the alien invasion is still a few months away.

Neil: I don't understand. Why do you want me? I'm nobody.
Arvin: You're going to help me put them together because, you see, Mr. Caplan, I know that you feel like you're only a hostage right now. But I assume you became a scientist to discover what secrets the universe has to offer. Believe me, when we're done here, you'll be thanking me for giving you the answer. So why don't you go ahead and take a look?

Michael: Sark gave us the contact protocol, to meet the CRF. It's a coded message in the classified ads. If all goes as he says it will, we should have a response by the evening edition.
Sydney: Then what, you and I go in alone?
Michael: You mean is it a glorified date?
Sydney: That's not what I meant, but is it?
Michael: No not exactly, we've gotta take Sark with us. He insists we won't get through the front door without him. So we rely on the explosive tracking device we put in his neck. If he tries to burn us, in any way, um, sabotage, escape, whatever...
Sydney: We take him out.

Michael: I was married for a short time... The woman I was married to betrayed me, she betrayed alot of people. And when I found out what she'd done I let my hate for her consume me, I began to wish the woman I loved was dead. I woke up every day imagining how I'd do it, what was the best way, what was the most efficient way. It's all I wanted. That woman was evil and deserved to be punished and so I killed her. And although that woman was the worst kind of evil I also know that killing her was wrong. I don't sleep much, I can't. I can't close my eyes without seeing it, that moment, the look on her face. She won't leave me. She won't.

Eric: [Vaughn is beating a punching bag, obviously angry] The bag is dead, I think you can stop now.
Vaughn: Thanks for coming.
Eric: Thanks for sweating.

June: And on the eve of your first front-page story, you suddenly get cold feet.
Will: What are you saying? What are you saying? I made this whole thing up? Look, I swear to God, the only reason I didn't want this story to run is 'cause I don't want to hurt Sydney Bristow. That's it.
June: You're a talented writer, Will. But I promise you, if anything like this ever happens again, the only thing you'll be inventing are facts on your own resume.

Michael: [Sydney is freed from the reactor chamber and she meets Vaughn in the hall way with the coil] Sydney... You okay?
Sydney: Yeah, I'm fine.
[Sydney hands the coil to Vaughn]
Sydney: Plan B?
Michael: I hate this...
Sydney: Vaughn... Are you sure?
[They kiss]
Michael: I love you!
Sydney: Yeah, still?
[They smile and nod at each other]
Sydney: [Vaughn punches Sydney, she falls to the ground and gets back up, her lip is bleeding] Remember what you promised.
Michael: I'll let you know when I get there.
[Vaughn runs off]

Michael: When she got done with my father, he could only be identified by his dental records.

Sydney: I've been through too much with him; I don't trust that man. I still can't believe that you don't feel the same.
Jack: What I'm feeling is irrelevant. In conspiring to save you from the NSC, Sloane's also given us all the ammunition we'd ever need to invalidate his pardon agreement. He's put his life in our hands.

Sydney: I don't support the death penalty. I but I hope she dies for all that she has done. I really do.

Michael: [as the FBI is taking Sydney into custody] Those medical tests you took, they were looking to match three specific anomalies Rambaldi mentioned: DNA sequencing, platelet levels, and the size of your heart. You match all three.
Sydney: So what does the prophecy say?
Dr. Carson Evans,: This woman here depicted will possess unseen marks. Signs that she will be the one to bring forth my works. Bind them with fury, a burning anger unless prevented at vulgar cost this woman will render the greatest power unto utter desolation.

Sydney: You bought Vaughn a present?
Francie: Why not?
Will: Because it's the weirdest thing of all time?

Sydney: Where's my father? Or... or my mom... have you heard from her since Mexico City? Vaughn said Will's alive. If there was a fire in my apartment, if he thought I was dead, then how did Will survive? Where is he?
Marcus: Sydney...
Sydney: And Francie... is she dead? Did they find her body, too?
Marcus: I know you have a million questions, but...
Sydney: I have a lot more than a million questions! I which I only had a million questions!

Sydney: We don't analyze everything that we do.
Sydney: Do we?
Vaughn: No, no, we don't. And besides we agreed to take things slow.
Sydney: Right. We're choosing not to be spontaneous.
Vaughn: Exactly
[Vaughn and Sydney's cell phones ring]
Vaughn: And that's why they call us when something is wrong.

Toni: And how do two South African rock wranglers hear about Chamonix?
Sydney: The owner was a client.
Toni: Yeah, I outdid myself on that one. If you're interested in a job like that, those stones won't even cover the down payment. They barely cover this conversation.

Sydney: You were hired to kill me? Who hired you?
Kazu: Sydney... Assassin/Client privilege.

Jack: Tell me, which of Irina's sisters are you? Elena or Ekatarina?
Katya: I haven't been Ekatarina since I was a child. My sisters call me Katya. Which means Irina wasn't the one who told you about me.
Jack: Learning that your wife is actually a Russian spy drives you to learn all you can about her true identity.

Marshall: Forensics guys are monitoring the network.
Michael: Isn't there any way to bypass that?
Marshall: Of course... it's me, but...
[He goes to get something]
Marshall: . I give you the codes, you're gonna bust her out, aren't you? Kick some NSC booty? Can I just say... love.

Will: You know, I always thought of myself as a pacifist. The idea of taking someone's life is just inconceivable. But if I had the chance to kill Allison...
Sydney: I never would've come here if I didn't have to.

Marshall: [Marshall has to infiltrate a German nightclub; he is communicating with Sydney with an earpiece] Okay, I'm in. Now what do I do?
Sydney: What do you see?
Marshall: Well, a lot of people who are into spanking, apparently.
[a random woman grabs him and kisses him]
Marshall: Oh my god, I think I just got hepatitis.

Sydney: Is that Will?
Francie: Maybe he's here to talk to you about the humiliating kiss.
Sydney: Stop calling it that.
Francie: That's what it was.

Sydney: Did the guy from your office end up reporting you?
Michael: Haladki? Yeah, he did. But Devlin only slapped me on the wrist. Even though going into SD-6 without clearance wasn't exactly constitutional. I was kinda hoping that Haladki will get nailed for snitching. I guess we kinda broke even on this one.

Senator: t'd break your mother's heart if she ever found out about this.
[He shows her the file Jack gave him]
Senator: . I know because it broke mine.
Lauren: If it's any consolation, I feel the cause I'm working for is just.

Irina: [Vaughn has come to ask a favor of Irina] Tell me how you feel about my daughter?
Michael: That's none of your business.
Irina: Are you in love with her?
Michael: I don't know why that matters.
Irina: [cutting him off] I don't have the advantage of observing casual behavior... I'm curious.
Michael: Help me... and I'll tell you what you want to know.

Sydney: I'm so sorry. I'm going to shoot you with adrenaline. We have got to run.
Michael: Uh... don't do that.

Sydney: [Sydney and Vaughn are in the shower together] The story that you told at the dealership... We were supposed to go to Santa Barbara three years ago.
[they kiss]
Sydney: We never made it.
Vaughn: Silent no
[shakes head]
Vaughn: Karen and Dave did.

Arvin: You'll need to get him to open the case for you.
Sydney: Do you have any suggestions?
Arvin: I assume you'll come up with something interesting.

Arvin: [to Barnett] I manipulate people. I'm good at that, and I know it. I lie. I keep secrets. I divulge only what I must in order to elicit the reaction I need. That skill, in part, is why I'm still alive. One of those secrets affects the only two people I care about in the world, Sydney and Jack Bristow. There are many secrets I enjoy keeping. There is power in secrets that you keep. But this one... no. This one wears on me. It has for many years. It's central to my very existence. It's who I am.

Alexander: [Jack is watching the video footage of Laura] How did you acquire your intel?
Irina: Every night for ten years I went through his briefcase. I eavesdropped on all of his private conversations. I planted listening devices on his clothing. He was blinded by his emotions. He knew nothing. I can tell you one thing: Jack Bristow was a fool.

Vogel: Mr. Sloane, I'm sorry to report, Mr. Sloane, we didn't recover the manuscript, and Roberts hasn't reported in.
[We see the Sloane clone for the first time]
Another Mr. Sloane: I see, nothing changes, everything proceeds, as planned.

Michael: Freeze! Give me the bomb. Give it to me.
[Sark activates the explosive]
Julian: With pleasure.

Arvin: What do you want?
Mysterious: One hundred million in bearer bonds.
Arvin: This is about money?
Mysterious: Everything is about money. Instructions for the drop have been electronically mailed to you. You have twenty-four hours. Fail to deliver the bonds, and the next delivery will go to the Alliance.

Michael: She was knocked unconscious after the fight. How can she remember anything that happened after that?
Dr. Brezzel: Because unconsciously the mind can still establish transhistorical accounts of the real world.
Jack: Meaning even with her eyes closed, her other senses were alert?
Dr. Brezzel: Yes, thank you. And based upon those senses, her brain will construct an accurate but incomplete memory of the events that followed.

[Katya kisses Jack]
Katya: That was from Irina.
Jack: Okay.
[Katya plants a hot and heavy kiss on Jack]
Jack: And *who* was that from?
Katya: You ask too many questions.

Michael: Let's just take this one step at a time. This is a charge of C-4. I can tell, 'cause it says "C-4" everywhere.

Ushek: [Ushek San'ko brings Sark wine] Chateau Patreuse, 1982... your favorite, no?
Julian: [surprised] Have we met?

Michael: Besides, it'll give you a chance to brush up on some of your old-school tricks.
Marcus: [with a laugh] Hey... a little respect for your elders.

Arvin: [about Nadia] Because I see in her something I once saw in you: the need to work for what's right. And because you know what it is to put aside personal issues, and that... that's a gift.
Sydney: It's not a gift. What it's been is a necessity, and it's become a burden, and, quite frankly, something I've run out of patience for.

Alliance: Who else knew about your instruction to kill Emily?
Arvin: Only the people in this room.
Alliance: You believe one of us may be behind this?
Arvin: No. But someone has infiltrated our secure communications.

Sydney: We still are. Less so since she's been diagnosed. She's been a little reclusive. Actually, I haven't seen her since before I learned the truth about her husband.
Michael: I think this is a real opportunity. We'd like you to call Emily. Tell her you'd like to see her again and get invited to their house.

Senator: I could tell the Agency I learned there was a mole in the Rotunda six months ago, and that I've been conducting my own investigation. I'm a Senator on the Intelligence Committee. No one would say a word.
Lauren: You would do that for me?
Senator: Of course I would... I love you.

Sydney: So I heard you on the phone with base ops; your code name is Boy Scout?
Michael: [Vaughn laughs] Yeah...
Sydney: Why?
Michael: Um... it goes back to CST, Clandestine Service Training. You don't want to hear this...
Sydney: Vaughn...
Michael: Okay, the boy scouts have a motto...
Sydney: Always be prepared...
Michael: Well, on my first day I showed up and I forgot my field manual. So the instructor said, that is your one screw up, from then on you better be prepared!
Eric: [Over coms to Vaughn only, Vaughn signals to his ear for Sydney] This story is a disaster! Just tell her she's pretty. Are you an idiot?
Michael: [Over Coms] Look, I'm going to turn you off now, goodbye!
[Vaughn removes his earpiece]
Michael: Sorry!

Michael: Last time we were together, our roles were reversed. Funny how things happen.
Julian: I'm afraid the irony is lost on me.

Arvin: What you did yesterday, destroying all the fluid like that: I want you to know I was not angry with you. I was proud of your courage.
Nadia: Every Sunday at the orphanage in San Telmo, they made us dress up in our finest clothes. They would have us stand in line for hours waiting to be chosen by families. I wouldn't do it. I'd make myself filthy and always frown. I didn't want to be chosen, because I knew... I knew that somewhere my dad was still looking for me. And one day he'd come to take me away from that place... If I had known it was you I was waiting for, I would have cleaned up.

Michael: Look, you're probably going to say no to this but I want to go to India. I was stationed there for two years, I have relationships...
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Go.
Michael: Go?
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: I'll have a military aircraft waiting. This is totally back channel.
Michael: You're just gonna... Are you trying to get rid of me?

Derek: My bird is missing... My bird is missing... My bird is missing... My bird is missing.
Weiss: It's "I've lost my canary," and try telling it to the women in café upstairs

Jack: [to Sydney] You and I need to assume Dixon's reported you. The best move for us is for me to take full responsibility.
Sydney: What about Will?
Jack: [to Will] You're... going to have a hard time.

Sydney: If Sloane dies, any chance I have of finding my sister dies with him.
Agent: Has it occurred to you that your half-sister might be a danger to you?
Sydney: Yes of course. But it's equally possible that I can help her. She could be an innocent victim.
Agent: With Irina Derevko and Arvin Sloane as her parents, I don't think so.

Sydney: Your husband might have been working for the Russian SVR. It's their equivalent to the CIA.
Elsa: What did the fax say?
Sydney: A single Russian word. "Razvyaska". It means "endgame".
Elsa: [starts to cry] Neil's gonna die.

Lauren: [to Vaughn] You have no idea what it's like to think you know someone, to love them and then figure out it was nothing but lies.

[Sloane is asked if he has any last words]
Sloane: I do. For you who pay witness, I can only believe there is a common thought amongst you all - this is as it should be. I do not disagree. My only request - that if my daughter is in fact found alive, that she understand my actions. That she understand that this day's events are the net result of her father's passion to find her... to know her... to love her.

Marshall: You've got the looks. I've got the brains.
Vaughn: I've got the looks? You've got the brains?

Michael: What, are you suggesting Lauren framed her own father?
Sydney: I know it's hard for you to consider.
Michael: Hard for me? My wife just found out her father was betraying her, not to mention our country.
Sydney: But if I saw her...
Michael: You didn't.

Dr. Judy Barnett: Are you telling me Sydney is your daughter?
Arvin: I never tried to prove it, one way or the other. But the strength that Sydney finds within, I like to believe that comes from me... How about that: the world didn't come to an end.

Jack: I've been trying to think of a single reason why you saved my life. The only conclusion I've come to is that it would incur some feeling of debt on my part.
Arvin: As usual, Jack, you're in danger of outsmarting yourself.

Eric: If you take this tunnel to the end, it'll drop you at the southeast edge of the complex. I've got to go back inside and wipe out the surveillance footage. Oh, if you hear anything about Sydney...
Marcus: We will.
Eric: Okay, and one more thing. Next time, just call.

Michael: I saw de Souza. He told me that you hired him to rig those explosives.
Jack: Irina Derevko would eagerly destroy all of our lives.
Michael: I'm not a big fan, either. It still doesn't justify what you did.
Jack: You do good work, Agent Vaughn. But your consistent shortcoming - you should know this - is your naive sense of morality. Evil must be eliminated by whatever means necessary.

Sydney: Did you put out the order to kill Vaughn?
[Sydney has a contraction]
Irina: [Irina eyes Sydney up and down] I'd known about his investigation for a long time. In Sovogda I tried to warn him. He didn't take my advice.
Sydney: I fell for you. Even *Dad* fell for you.
Sydney: But Vaughn never trusted you.

Jack: Please try to understand what I'm about to tell you, Sydney. After your mother left, I tested Project Christmas on you because I didn't want you to be a victim. I thought it was my responsibility to teach you how to think strategically, to see through people's lies, to be as strong as you could be in an environment where one mistake could cost you your life.
Sydney: Then you should've told me the truth before I ended up here.
Jack: Yes, you're right! I never intended you to lead a double life. I imagined recruiting you into the CIA after you finished college. But Sloane got to you first, and that is a mistake I will never live down.
Sydney: I'd like to believe you, but I don't trust anything you say.

Michael: [Sydney walks into Vaughn's hospital room. He shows the scars of being tortured] Sydney; are you all right?
Sydney: I'm fine.
Michael: [He breathes a sigh of relief] The passenger; did you find her?
Sydney: Yes, but she's gone, she's missing.
Michael: You can't go after her.
Sydney: What?
Michael: Your sister... you have to let her go.
Sydney: You're tired. I should let you sleep.
Michael: No. My father was killed because he took her from the KGB. He hid her from your mother. That's why she murdered him... I met someone who told me the prophecy. "The Passenger and the Chosen One shall battle; neither will survive." Sydney, you can't see her again.

Sydney: All I know is the myth. You know, a women so ugly that if you looked at her you'd turn to stone.
Eric: Sounds like the myth of my college girlfriend.

Kazari: This girl, her work for us of late has been uneven.
Julian: The Il Dire machine is in our possession because she managed to steal it from the CIA. She is a considerable asset.
Kazari: [skeptical] An asset for you in ways that do not interest me.

Julian: I recently learned that Sydney Bristow murdered a father I never had a chance to know. I suspect you have your own reasons for disliking her; therefore I'm confident that you'll relay this information to the appropriate parties.

Sydney: You were right. Lauren has to pay.
Agent: Vaughn is going to be okay, and when he is, he has to end it, not you.
Sydney: If it's okay for Vaughn it's okay for me.

Irina: You must have known this day would come. I could have prevented all this, of course. You were so small when you were born. It would have been so easy

Irina: I'll need to send an access code.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: How will we know you're not signaling your operation?
Irina: You won't.
[Kendall looks at Jack]
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Do it.

Will: Nothing's wrong?
[she shakes her head negatively]
Will: Syd, if we'd just met I'd know something's wrong

Lauren: But Sydney's made it very clear she doesn't remember anything.
NSC: But when we searched her flat in Rome, we found a coded message taped to the underside of her desk. Now, if she can decode that message, it may help us infiltrate or even take down the Covenant.
Lauren: What if she doesn't recognize the code?
NSC: As long as she demonstrates a willingness to cooperate, that surgery will be nothing more than a threat.

Leonid: Daniel, I know about Belfast. Your extraction was cleared to the highest levels. Emma saved your life. You should kiss her... whatever she wants.

Sydney: Eating newspaper's a condition?
Will: Yeah, yeah. This is what I write about. This is how I make a living. And Lintback says my writing's too judgemental and I'm like, "Well, who cares? She's not gonna read it anyway, she's gonna swallow it."

Michael: I didn't think Devlin, my superior, would mind me having you research this, but he did and he ordered me to let you go.
Will: Hold on. Wait a second. There's something here. Okay, look, I'll narrow the test scores down to a small group of kids. Now Devlin won't be able to deny the value of that.
Michael: He thinks since you're a journalist, since you've been trained to report what you know, that you're a security risk.

Michael: See you later.
Lauren: Not if I see you first, love.

Anthony: This binary was witten by a fifteenth century fortuneteller. How come I've never heard of him?
Arvin: His designs were so advanced, they just assumed he was insane. On some of his drawings, he made lists of part numbers. I.D. numbers of actual technology not manufactured until now. This year. It's real, it's a hunt. This man spent the last ten years of his life working on one project. We don't know whether it's a weapon, a fuel source, a transportation system. Based on the little we do know, its technology is beyond anything we have ever seen.

Jack: We may never have a better chance to get Sloane. Remember, without Irina's help, the operation in Kashmir would have been an embarrassment.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Jack, when the hell did we switch places? Derevko could be using this operation just to convince us that she's trustworthy.
Jack: I've had twenty years to reflect on that woman's ability to deceive. Trust me. If she lies to me again, I'll know it.

Jenny: You don't take me seriously, do you?
Will: No, I don't.

Jack: We're waiting for Sloane.
Michael: You called Sloane on this?
Jack: You and I will be the prime suspects behind any attempt to free Sydney from NSC custody. Sloane has agreed to make it seem as if it were the work of the Covenant. Do I trust him on this? Not necessarily.

Michael: You said everyone in the radius was affected, even people who were taking cover?
Marshall: Yeah. Well, there's no defense against this kind of energy. It goes through walls, concrete, steel, everything.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: There's no shield.
Marshall: No. Sorry. Oh, um, I should probably also tell you that, um, this kind of energy knocks out computer circuitry. Which means if it's pointed at the sky, it could take down planes.

Irina: This plan might not hold up. The CIA knows too much: they could guess why we were after the genetic database.
Arvin: I'm not interested in the database. I want satellite footage of Tuscany. I want to know who murdered my wife.
Irina: We both had to make sacrifices, Arvin. You won't forgive yourself if you stop now. We're so close to knowing what Rambaldi knew.
Arvin: I wish I never heard that man's name.

Marcus: The only thing that we do know for certain: Sark managed his escape because he was provided with information that could only have come from this office. I want this leak identified.

Michael: I do this for a living... not the drinking.

Michael: We're not gonna make it out of here. There's something I need you to know.
Sydney: Vaughn...
Michael: In my life, there's only one person...
Sydney: Don't do this.
Michael: Look at me.
Sydney: Vaughn...
Michael: The only reason I pushed you away...
Sydney: Please...
Michael: The only reason I didn't know how to be around you...
[hear marching]
Sydney: They're coming.
Michael: Sydney...
Sydney: I know, Vaughn. I know. We'll find each other. We always find each other.

Francie: Okay, seriously, we are not putting chocolate chips in the pancakes.
Will: I got news for you. Oh yes we are.

Francie: [on the phone] I intercepted a DOJ transmission. They're moving Tippin to a more secure location. Once he's there he will be unreachable.
Julian: Organize a team to intercept the transport and extract him. To the CIA, this will confirm his value to us.
Francie: And once we have him?
Julian: Kill him.

Dr. Judy Barnett: Well, I'm sorry, but I am not in the habit of helping a father manipulate his daughter. No matter how good his intentions may be.
Jack: I see. And is your opinion here based on what's best for Sydney, or for the agency? Because the fact is if Sydney doesn't talk to Laura, the CIA learns nothing.
Dr. Judy Barnett: So you still think of her as Laura, even though that was her alias.

Oleg: Your name is Julia Thorne.
Sydney: Really? Then why is my name Sydney Bristow?

Irina: There must be a dozen ways to blackmail the Alliance, all of them far less elaborate than this one.
Jack: So we can assume a secondary objective to make Arvin suffer. Someone harboring an acute hatred... meaning it could be anyone.

Julian: [to Vaughn] But there are three things that you should understand. The first involves this item I hold in my hands. It's capable of delivering up to 500,000 volts... not enough to kill you, just enough to let you wish it would. The second is I believe Mr. Brill disclosed the location of the Passenger, which means I won't stop until you tell me. And third, Mr. Vaughn, is that I'm going to enjoy this far more than I should.

Sydney: Do you think there's a chance you'll get Sloane?
Irina: I wanted to see you because... it's going to be dangerous, setting this trap. I hope it goes well but there's no guarantee. So whatever happens, there's something I need you to know. Sydney, I love you.

Michael: [to Sloane] Despite the fact that he almost killed her, the doctor was great.

Marcus: We've already prepared the mission specs - low risk incursion, simple alias. Who knows, could be fun.
Sydney: That's what you say every time you show up on my doorstep. The next thing you know I'm jumping over canals in three-inch heels while napalm explodes around me.
Marcus: Yes, that's how I define "fun".

Irina: You didn't pull the alarm. I wouldn't have pulled it either.

Jack: How was the first briefing with Lauren?
Sydney: [sarcastically] Wonderful.
Jack: I'm not asking because I'm a fan of inter-office gossip. Tell me how it went.

Irina: You said Sloane requested Kane to investigate.
Jack: The one person who had an apparent motive for blackmail.
Irina: Someone easy to frame.

Marshall: [Talking to Sydney and Noah] 0.05DBs is closer to, like, a sound of a cockroach rubbing his legs together. You know... reeeeer, reeeeeer

Sydney: Well you could tell her the truth. That you had to cut out a man's eyes to save the world.
Marshall: Yeah, I can tell her that, probably be best just to keep that between us.
Marshall: And I didn't save the world exactly, just Hong Kong.
Sydney: You saved me.

Sydney: There are so many things I hate about Arvin Sloane. But the thing that I hate the most is the way he wraps his criminal activity in the flag.
Michael: Well, we won't let him get away with it.

Emily: I look just like everyone else and usually feel thst way. The fact is, I wont be alive next Christmas.
Sydney: Don't say that. You dont know that.
Emily: I do. For a long time I ignored the pain. Then one morning over there I... I collapsed. I woke up in the hospital and the doctor told me. Cancer. He said If i'd seen him in the beginning I probably could have survived. But there's a fear, like nothing i've ever felt before. It comes over you when you know that there's something really wrong. For four months I did nothing, I was so terrified of what I didn't know. So terrified that I was paralyzed. The longer that went on, the more terrified I got, wanting to know the truth but being too afraid to find the answers.

Michael: [to Sydney] It's not everyday you see a guy shatter into a million pieces.

Sydney: What do you mean? Look there, he's saying... he's saying "Jul" or "Julie"...
Jack: He could be saying any number of things. Sydney, I have already subjected this video to the most intense technological scrutiny available to the CIA.
Sydney: Maybe "Julia"...
Jack: If you want me to do a re-analysis, fine, but you have to stop punishing yourself.

Vaughn: [Jack has just asked Vaughn to relay a message to Sydney] No, I'm not going to be a conduit to your daughter. I've tried that before; you can imagine how well that went over. And no she didn't say anything, if that's what you're asking. So... She hasn't said a word about anything that happened between the of you; which gives me an idea of what that is. And Jack, I hope for Sydney's sake, that I'm wrong.

Francie: He has a law review in an hour.
Sydney: You want to follow him.
Francie: So much, I cannot even tell you.

Marshall: The pickup location The Covenant specified is a theater in Munich in the red light district. Actually, it's an adult theater. I checked, and today's feature... A rough translation, I don't speak German. It's "Penile Code Part Deux." If anybody cares, I have the times.

Michael: It's been three weeks since I learned that Sydney murdered Lazarey... I've been lying to my wife for three weeks.
Eric: Vaughn, I know guys who've lied to their wives for a lot longer than that...
Michael: You understand that the reason your brother didn't like talking to you is because you say stupid things, right?

Lauren: [Sydney and Vaughn are following to Lauren and Sark] They're right behind us.
Julian: Yes, thank you. I can see that.

Michael: Open it up.
Prison: Procedure Dictates...
Michael: Him, we're old friends
Julian: Actually, giving our shared intimacies with your late wife, I may even go so far as to say that we're family.

Sydney: See you when I get back.
Michael: No, actually, you won't. Uh, I'm being replaced by a senior officer. It seems I wasn't experienced enough to be your handler.

Sydney: Are you still having fun, Anna? You can't beat me.
Anna: Yet you still don't understand the game.

Michael: The nearest Alliance cell is in Zurich. The CIA tracks SD-6 security section. There haven't been any signals, no movement.
Sydney: You're serious.
Michael: We've been to restaurants and sat near each other. We've met in parks and convenience stores, and all of them in LA where we are much more likely to be seen. Look, two things... one, I think it's not that great a risk and two, I am hungry. I'm starving. I mean, we're going to be together anyway, why can't we be eating? Aren't you hungry?
Sydney: Yeah, I'm hungry.
Sydney: Let's do it.

Sydney: How is this possible without obvious scarring?
Jack: The procedure isn't surgical. A patient's genetic code is altered to reshape their physical attributes.
Sydney: Is it reversible?
Jack: It's unclear. It only works on people of a certain genetic disposition and the recipient must be induced into a comatose state for several days while their cells regenerate. The data indicates the only way to distinguish the real person from the double is by an ocular scan. A flaw in the iris was deliberately built into the procedure to tell them apart.

Sydney: Vaughn. I mean, okay. The backpack is getting a little ridiculous.
Michael: What do you mean?
Sydney: [She points to her bureau] The middle drawer. It's yours.

Jack: You're going to tell your contact you want a meeting. A meeting to take place at your contact's discretion.
Will: Why would he lead me to you knowing that you'd want to flush him out?
Jack: He only told you my name so you would realize that my threat to you was a bluff. That I would never hurt Sydney, even if you continue your investigation. He didn't expect you'd have the guts to contact me.
Will: Oh, well, I'll assume that's a compliment.

Marshall: The only guy we have left is Sark and that's only because he's in custody. I hate that guy, I mean, really, kinda scares... although I did go visit him... twice... just to see a familiar face. We had eggs.
Eric: Don't do that.

Marcus: Marshall, can you remember back to the Aconcagua operation? Sydney's code name?
Marshall: Miss Bristow? It was, uh, Bluebird.
Marcus: Bluebird. So it wasn't Freelancer?
Marshall: Freelancer? No, no, it was Bluebird. Definitely.

Francie: Hey, how was your trip?
Sydney: Oh. Not good. I was working with these people who - they were terminated.
Francie: Oh, man. The economy sucks.

Sydney: He practically apologized.
Michael: Sloane did?
Sydney: For thinking maybe I'd mailed him the wrong guy. Imagine that.

Vaughn: This entire bunker contains evidence of mysterious deaths, assassinations, car bombings; all of them involving people who were investigating prophet five. They basically killed anyone who got to close.
Marcus: But they didn't get you.
Vaughn: They might have, if not for Jack. When I was in the hospital, he convinced me that Prophet Five wouldn't rest until they killed me, and that I was in no condition to fight back.
Marcus: How'd he manage it?
Vaughn: Sodium Morphate. It slowed down my body functions to a point that mimicked death. Apparently I spent four hours in a drawer in the morgue waiting for Jack's contact to reach me to administer the antidote. And then a couple days of traveling, before I made it to Nepal. Yeah, it's funny, it's the first time I ever felt Jack accepted me.
Marcus: Or else he manufactured a very elaborate scheme to postpone your wedding to his daughter.

Irina: We still need your help. I just downloaded this. That's a catalog of over ten million people's DNA. We're looking for someone specific, a man. But it's encrypted. We need you to break it.
Neil: For the past two months I haven't heard a word about my family or been given any indication whether they're dead or alive. So you can just kill me. Just kill me because there's no way in hell I'm going to help you people anymore.

Sydney: It was you, on the ship, wasn't it; behind the glass? You orchestrated the whole thing, because you wanted this. And when... When you couldn't torture it out of me, you came to me as my mother.
Irina: I am your mother.

Jack: I'm going to bury you.

Vaughn: [Sydney opens her front door to find Vaughn] Sorry to drop by.
Sydney: It's ok.
Vaughn: I miss you I wanted to say that I missed you.
Sydney: I've been thinking, obviously... about what we...
Vaughn: What you're afraid to...
Sydney: I'm not afraid... I... a... but I...
Vaughn: You don't return my calls.
Sydney: That's 'cause I could feel what was happening.
[They both pause]
Vaughn: Can I come in?
Sydney: If you come in, we both know what's gonna happen. I don't want that; to jump right back in where we were, before everything, to pretend that those years didn't happen.
Vaughn: Well that would be nice, wouldn't it?
Sydney: But they did, we need to take it slow, Vaughn.
Vaughn: Yeah, you're probably right...

Sydney: My mother's earrings. They found a note she left. She wanted me to have them. Just now, when my dad was telling me, the first thought I had was that she was dead, that she'd been killed. I had this whole thing in my head that she died proving herself a hero.
Marcus: No one can be blamed for trusting their own mother.
Sydney: I wish she had been killed.

Michael: You okay?
[He looks at Sydney, get closer and places his hands on her shoulders]
Michael: You're not okay.
Sydney: I don't know how I'm going to do this.
Michael: Well, you know it's not too late, we can always have Weiss dress up as Irina. He'd make a great housewife.
[Sydney has a small laugh]
Sydney: I don't remember my parents; back when they were together.
Michael: Well, you were a little girl.
Sydney: I remember the time; I don't remember them .My dad was my dad. He was never around when I was a kid. He was always away on business. My mom, I don't know what my dad was like around my mother. Or what she was like around him. I... I don't know how to do this.
Michael: Syd, it's just a job. It's another alias, like all the others. Just trust your training, follow your dad's cues, follow his lead. Besides, I've got snipers everywhere if he starts to get inappropriate.
[Sydney laughs a little]
Nadia: They're ready.
Michael: Hey listen to me. You can do this.

Sydney: So that's it. It's the Horizon, isn't it? You shot the man I loved. You betrayed my trust. You risked my daughter's life, all for that.
Irina: I don't expect you to understand. We're very different, Sydney. You still cling to naive ideals. I learned, at a very young age, the only currency worth anything in this world is power.
Sydney: And the Horizon gives you that?
Irina: You've never seen Rambaldi for what he is. You dismissed his work as the labor of a madman. You blind yourself to his true potential. I've spent a lifetime acquiring power. With this... And I'll never have to give it up. Rambaldi is life, Sydney. Through him, we can live forever. I offered you an out. I gave you your daughter. I was hoping you'd settle down, leave me to my affairs.
Sydney: You don't know me very well, do you?
Irina: Sadly, I think I do. After all, I'm still your mother.
Sydney: That doesn't mean anything. Not anymore. I am through being disappointed by you.
Irina: I hate that it's come to this.
Sydney: I suppose it had to.
Irina: I've come too far to let anything get in my way.
Sydney: Then you'll have to go through me first.

Sydney: [Sydney and Dixon are in Micro Self Storage] I used to meet Vaughn like this, when he was my handler as SD-6.
Marcus: Must have been romantic.
[Sydney laughs]

Marshall: I enhanced the audio, and it turns out our friend Mr. Sark made a phone call.
Julian: [on recording] Notify the extraction team. I should be at the LZ on schedule. Do we have the hostages?... Excellent... Not if I see you first, love.

Michael: [Syd and Vaughn are about to approach a source for information] How do you wanna play this?
Sydney: You wanna be rough, or you want me to be rough?
Michael: You're always rough.
Sydney: No, I'm not.
Michael: Yes, you are.
Sydney: That's not true!
Michael: Yes, it is.
Sydney: Are you talking about at home, or on Ops?
Michael: Both. Hey, I'm not complaining!
[Vaughn gives Sydney a huge grin]
Sydney: If I'm rough, it's because you like me to...
[pauses looks around embarrassed]
Sydney: Are we on coms?
Jack: Yes, you're both on coms right now.
Sydney: [Sydney covers her mouth in embarrassment, Vaughn grins and nods happily] We'll both be rough.

Eric: You're not gonna like my suggestion: you should go see Arvin Sloane.
Sydney: What?
Eric: Sloane negotiated a pardon after your... death. He's now a consultant for the CIA. Yeah, he now runs a world health organization in Zurich: OMNIFAM.

Vaughn: You wrote a lot.
Sydney: I know.
Vaughn: I mean, it's, like, Tolstoy long.

Gerard: Not to brag, but I'm kind of responsible for matchmaking you and Irina. Didn't she tell you? I was a supervisor at the KGB. I was the one who gave her the assignment to go to the US and marry a CIA officer. Now, you weren't the only prospect, of course. But you had the most potential. Ha! I actually thought it would dawn on you that a woman like this would never go for someone like you. Luckily for me, your ego was too big for that.

Sydney: I need someone in my life to be real.

Francie: I just need a liquor license.
Will: No, no, no, what you need is someone who knows how the system works. Someone who can help you navigate. What you need is me. You know, former drug addict reporter... and sometimes lobster impersonator.

Irina: You should know something Sydney. I never wanted to have a child. The KGB demanded it. They knew it would ensure allegiance to me. You were simply a means to an end. And then when the doctor put you in my arms and I looked at you, so fragile, all I could think was, how could I have made such a terrible mistake. And at that moment I was sure of one thing. I couldn't be an agent and a mother. I'd either fail at one or both. And I chose to fail at being a mother.

Francie: Dear Aunt Stephanie. Unfortunately, as my mother has informed you, the wedding is off so I am returning your kind gift of a coffee maker because, as it turns out, the man to whom I was engaged is a deceitful, two-faced, sex-crazed jackass. All my love, Francie.
Sydney: It's not too harsh.
Francie: I want to read you one more. This is the restrained one.

Will: I was kidnapped! The lives of the people I care about were threatened!
Disguised: It's a bluff to scare you off the story.
Will: Well, you know what? It worked. I'm off it.

Irina: [to Sydney] Stop being as stubborn as I am!

Michael: [about Sydney] If you betray her, I swear to you no matter what it costs me, I will kill you.
Arvin: No need to worry, Agent Vaughn. I love her too.

Sydney: I appreciate your effort to protect me on this; but as of this moment, I'm back.

McKenas: [holding one 'needles of fire'] Each one is like you took a bag of red jalapeños, threw them in a blender, and used them for an enema. And Arvin, you're about to get to know them.

Julian: I'll ask you again: where is the Passenger?
Michael: Holding that thing... you almost look like you've reached puberty.

Arvin: I always knew there was something about you, from the first time I saw you.
Sydney: A lot can change in seven years.
Arvin: It's been a lot longer than seven years. I've known your father since 1971. I met him at Langley. I knew your mother. I went to your parents' wedding. Sydney, I've known you since you were a baby. I was out of the country for most of your childhood, various operations, but I kept tabs on you. I checked in on you in my own way. I always thought of you as my daughter, even from the beginning. Well, I just wanted to let you know... before you went away.

Irina: [Sydney is watching the video footage of her mother] My Russian or American name?
Alexander: Why not both?
Irina: Irina Derevko and Laura Bristow.

Sydney: I forget how beautiful it is, the ocean.
Michael: Yeah... we should've come here more often.
[Sydney's cell phone rings and she answers it]
Dr. Gonzalo Burris: [Over the phone] Draw me a map, how far it reaches.
[Sydney hangs up on him and throws her phone into the ocean]
Sydney: They're pushing me closer.
Michael: What do they want?
Sydney: I don't know; something about a map.
Michael: A map?
[Sydney's phone rings again and she answers]
Dr. Gonzalo Burris: Listen to me; draw me a map, how far it reaches.
[Sydney hangs up on him and throws her phone into the ocean again]
Michael: You just threw your phone into the pacific, twice.

Eric: That was good, right? It's called method acting: I was shot in the neck once... I can do it again.

Marshall: Well, post-fish, when I went to drop her off, this is traditionally, clasically the time where I would - or a man would - kiss her. And, well, I just started sweating.
Eric: How bad?
Marshall: Bad. Weird bad. Freak show bad.

Sydney: They wanted a code deciphered. That's what all of this was about: a code.

Arvin: The deal's off. If you go quietly, you leave unharmed.
Lauren: You remind me of my father. When he learned the CIA was close to identifying me as Covenant, he was willing to do anything to protect me, even take the fall. He loved me that much. He's dead now, because reaching this goal is far more important.

McKenas: [hasn't heard from Chen] I feel like I'm a mom at the mall! He said he was going down to the sub-basement. I don't know if his walkie's not working, if he's on a coffee break...

Jack: Sydney, I heard about what happened. Are you alright?
Sydney: I'm fine.
Jack: Russek. That was a shock.
Sydney: You didn't?
Jack: What?
Sydney: Have anything to do with that?
Jack: What do you mean, did I engineer it, somehow? No, Sydney, of course not.

Sydney: She's my sister; I need to tell her...
Jack: This isn't about what you need, Sydney...
Sydney: No, apparently it's about what you need.

Dr. Zhang Lee: [after whirling a drill in Will's mouth] You had a cavity.

Abigail: It's been six days. Will warned me something might happen. He didn't even turn up to his own awards dinner. Called his friends, they haven't heard from him either. Are you going to publish his story?
June: Yeah. In the "A" section. I have to tell Deitrick that this is coming in. Call Orsay in graphics, get a photo of Will.

Michael: I just don't think we should cut them loose.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Listen. Alive or dead, the mission failed. So if the Bristows are out there, they're on their own.

Dr. Gonzalo Burris: Sydney, I want you to remember the last time you were with Vaughn. Think of the comfort you feel when you're with him. Live there in your memories.
[He touches an electrical device to her head and she goes into her dreams]

[after Vaughn confronts him about Russek's transmission]
Jack: Whoever the hell you think you are : checking up on me, pulling my file, second-guessing my choices, let's just both face the facts: you are not that person. Neither your experience nor your intelligence has earned you the right to question the thing that I do. So I'm gonna make two suggestions. One: that you stop it and two: that the next time they assigned you to be my handler, you kindly decline.

Arvin: Nadia? I can't move.
Nadia: I don't think there's anything I can do.
Arvin: I can't move.
Nadia: Well, as you said, you have all the time in the world. Unfortunately, I think you'll have to spend it here.
Arvin: Well, at least you're here with me.
Nadia: No.
[She fades away]

Jack: Simply put, it's the study of geometric objects and how they fit together. All Alliance facilities have been raided yet we haven't found a single Rambaldi artifact. If Sloane was expecting our raid, he could've had everything moved to a secure location. He must be using Caplan to help him assemble a Rambaldi device.
Michael: So what happens when Sloane puts the pieces together?
Jack: Whether or not you believe Rambaldi was a prophet, he did anticipate technological advances, many of which seem most applicable to warfare. It's likely Sloane is building a weapon.

Sydney: The execution is going forward?
Marshall: Yeah, at midnight. I thought... Ya know... for some reason, it makes me incredibly sad. I feel like you're the only person I can talk to about this.
Sydney: Marshall; kill the grid now!
Marshall: Right... Sorry. Talk later.

Michael: [to Jack] You're starting to like me again.

Will: Look, just meet with me or find somebody else because I am sick of this Cloak and Dagger stuff.

Arvin: I don't want to hurt you.
Nadia: Then why are you doing this?
Arvin: When Abraham was asked to take his only child, Isaac, and offer him up to God, he didn't hesitate. And he took in his hand the fire and the knife, and it was only then, that the angel came. But Abraham had to be willing to make this unbearable choice.
Nadia: I understand.
Arvin: You do?
Nadia: You're a man of faith.
Arvin: Oh, my child. My child.
[Nadia opens her restraints with a pen and stabs Sloane with the needle he used on her]
Nadia: How do you like it?

Sydney: [Sydney just took a gun from Will, after convincing him that she was not a double, and points it at him] You know that if I wanted to hurt you, I could. You're my best friend, you're my oldest friend. I love you!
Will: Why are you aiming a gun at me?
[She drops the gun and they embrace]

Michael: What the hell is your problem, Haladki? Reporting me to Barnett?
Steven: I don't have a problem, I told you. You have a problem.
Michael: You know what? This might shock you: my business is not you business.
Steven: I am looking out for the good of the agency.
Michael: Yeah? Then you should quit.
Steven: Stay out of my way.
Steven: Did it make you feel better about yourself when you told Barnett that I got Sydney a Christmas gift?
Steven: You are too emotionally attached to that woman!
Michael: Oh, like you would know anything about being emotionally attached to a woman!
Steven: I think your judgement is impaired!
Michael: I think I am gonna kick your ass!
Steven: You are out of line!
Michael: You are out of line, you stay the hell out of my operation, do you understand me?
Eric: [gets in between them] Okay, okay, okay, we don't need to start down...
Steven: [interrupts him] Who is losing control, me?
Eric: Hey!
Steven: Did you see that? Did everyone see that? That's what I'm talking about.

Michael: We have to keep the bomb at altitude, right? So why... why don't we just land at a high-altitude airport?
Marshall: No, the highest altitude airport is in Bangda, Tibet, and that's only 14,000 feet.
[a thought strikes him]
Marshall: Wait a minute. Wait, wait a minute. Wait a minute. We can't get rid of the bomb, right? We can't diffuse the bomb, but... we can trick it. Air pressure is the force exerted on a surface by the weight of the air above.
Michael: Okay, English, please.
Marshall: We need to encase the bomb in an airtight, temperature controlled bubble.
Michael: To fool the bomb into thinking we're still at altitude.
Marshall: Right, but the thing is, in order to do any of that, you need to remove it from the fuselage and deactivate the motion sensor.
Michael: Which is what the bomb squad in Belfast was doing when they died.
Marshall: Well... yeah.

Jack: The answer is in the document. According to the information you retrieved, each SD cell uses a code which changes weekly to operate their security system. The current code is listed right here.
Michael: So you're saying we need to get into SD-6 and find out what the actual code is right now?
Sydney: If it matches the one in the document, then the rest of the intel is real.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: In which case I could go to Langley about raiding the Alliance facilities.
Michael: Do we have the current SD-6 code?
Jack: No. But I can get it.

C.I.A. Agent James L. Lennox: I'm not the only one who's been doubled.
Sydney: Who else?
C.I.A. Agent James L. Lennox: It doesn't say.

Jack: All of the resources of this agency are being diverted to meet demands the Covenant must know are unattainable, which leads me to believe it's merely a distraction. What do they really want?
Arvin: Well, then my question to you is: why target Dixon? What does he have access to, Jack?

Weiss: Come on, what do you want me to say? If you think I'm going to tell you to stay in a loveless marriage...
Vaughn: It's not a loveless marriage.
Weiss: Whatever. And if you're waiting for me to tell you to leave your wife for another woman, you can forget about that, too.
Vaughn: Do you think you can be in love with two people at the same time?
Weiss: No. I don't. However, I did have the same intense feelings for both Sporty and Posh Spice.
Vaughn: Yeah, who didn't?

Sydney: [to Sark] I'm here to remind you what I hope is obvious but I don't wanna overestimate your intelligence. If you burn me, I burn you.

Sydney: I found the hacker, Linus Halsey; He's an MIT graduate, with a degree in nonlinear crypto algorithms and stochastic systems analysis. Because if they called it code breaking, they couldn't charge thirty grand tuition.

Lauren: [being strangled by Sydney] If you kill me, you'll never know the truth!
Sydney: This is the truth. Sucks, doesn't it?

[to Sydney]
Arvin: It was your duty to report Emily to security section. You didn't. And that's more than I did for you.

Anna: I heard about your fiancé. Very sad. I thought perhaps it was a security execution sanctioned by your employer. Maybe you said something in your sleep you shouldn't have. But then why would you be here in service for the men that killed your true love?

Sydney: Seeing her again, I'm realizing there are these gaps in my memory from around the time she left. Dad... do you remember the Thanksgiving play I was in that year in school? Because I sort of do. I mean, I have an impression of it, but I can't remember... was I a pilgrim or an indian...?
[He stares off]
Sydney: What?
Jack: You were neither. You were a turkey. You were the only turkey that was spared to celebrate the harvest.

Sydney: I just came from a meeting with Sloane. The camera I took from Fordson's vault, the camera we tried to keep from SD-6, was an early prototype. The real camera is scheduled to be launched into orbit seventy-two hours from now.

Vaughn: Consider this the second time you've been rejected by the CIA

Arvin: Mr. Vaughn. You know, I remember how close you were with Sydney. I'm sure you share my relief in having her back.

Arvin: [to Dr. Barnett] I found our time together very therapeutic.

Sydney: [Nadia has just unloaded her gun into Martin Bishop] Is that how you normally deal with bad guys?

Arvin: They broke you, didn't they? They made you beg. You wept like a baby!

Sydney: Look, to you, my job might seem pointless and stupid but it's not. It's far from pointless and if you knew what I dealt with every day, you might even thank me for doing my job so well!
Will: [confused] What the hell are you talking about?
Sydney: Nothing. I'm going to work. I'll see you guys.

Julian: Eight hundred million dollars? I have nowhere near that amount in my nest egg.
Ushek: That, Mr. Sark, you do.

Lauren: Sloane is dead. We can now locate the Passenger without his interference.
Olivia: Not quite. The code key you retrieved from the CIA is unusable; I can only assume that was deliberate on their part. Vaughn played you. He's likely to try again, but that will be his last mistake.

Dr. Brezzel: [about drugs that will hypnotize Sydney] They won't kill you. But depending on what they are, your dreams just might.

Sydney: [while undercover] Mon Chéri, I would rather a lamborghini.
Marcus: You are the birthday girl.

Francie: Any news about that guy Michael from work?
Sydney: No... And there's not gonna be. I realized it's not worth fantasizing about. Nothings ever gonna come of it.

Jack: If she were apprised of the situation, she might help.
Michael: I'll make her help; where is she?

Vaughn: [to Sydney] Lauren and I are separating. When we get home I'm on Weiss's couch.
Sydney: Are you sure that's what you really want?
Vaughn: It is.

Will: Oh, I got my, uh, thirty days sobriety chip. Even though I was never drug addict, I'm kind of proud.

Yuri: Just a couple things to keep in mind, we recruited you because you're a couple, embrace it. Americans, love to show affection for each other. You two, you seem a little cold.
Sydney: We're not cold.
Yuri: I know, I know, first night it's a common problem. Don't sweat it.

Marcus: My headache and I are on level 1017.

Eric: [Impatiently] Marshall, how much longer for that door?
Marshall: You know, just give me 10 seconds.
Eric: [to Rachel] Alright, when I say 'go' I need you to run as fast as you possibly can towards the doors at the far end. Don't Stop. We will have those doors open by the time you get there.
Marshall: Okay, I got it!
Eric: Okay, GO!
Marshall: [Rachel runs full speed, slams into the locked doors and falls to the floor] Ooo, sorry. I forgot to hit enter. Okay, now go

[Sloane's fully convinced that Sydney's the mole]
Arvin: I need to send a communiqué to SD-4 office in Rome: attention Spinelli, put it through Server 5.
Officer: Yes Sir.
Arvin: I'm ordering with Security Section full knowledge, the assassination of an SD-6 Officer. Method: close range hit, this Officer's scheduled to make a dead drop at Denati Park 10 pm tomorrow, that's when the kill should take place.
Officer: Yes Sir.
Arvin: The target's name is Bristow... Sydney Bristow.

Sydney: In the videotape, when Nadia was a child, she was drawing something. What I assume was Rambaldi's message. If the message was already relayed, why is she valuable?
Katya: Your sister was taken away from the laboratory before she could complete the message.

Eric: This is a mistake; you gotta bring the team in on this one.
Michael: No way, not until I find out more.
Eric: Alright, let's just assume that your father did right those journals.
Michael: Weiss; I know my father's handwriting alright, things were referenced, things he couldn't know about. I know it sounds crazy.
Eric: It sucks when something serious is crazy. But what you're thinking about doing here is insane.
Michael: The nurse that led me to those journals, she disappeared, she was a plant.
Eric: Fine, so someone is trying to manipulate you.
Michael: What if my father is still alive? What... What if it's his way to try and contact me?
Eric: Okay, why now? Why let you and your mother believe that he's been dead for 25 years?
Michael: I don't know, that's what I'm gonna find out.

Arvin: Tell me something. How did Tippin get a lead on the Kate Jones alias in the first place?
Jack: I don't know yet, but I'm looking into it.
Arvin: Well, your efforts notwithstanding, that reporter may be a casualty of his own curiosity.
Jack: I'd consider that a last resort. I know you want what's best for Sydney, and if at all possible, we should spare her the pain of losing someone else.

Marshall: [to Dixon] Uh, you know I was curious. Lyndsey briefs the president, right? Well, you think maybe, assuming that all this goes well, he could request one of those little White House tie clips for me or maybe some peanuts from Air Force One because I love peanuts. Uh, you figure they would get top quality peanuts if you're, uh, President.

Anthony: Jack, I know you are disloyal. I know your daughter is too. Both your files, there were so many red flags, I thought I was in a Russian airport.

[Sydney and Dixon are staking out an arms sale]
Sydney: Damn it, the little guy's bodyguard, I know him.
Marcus: What?
Sydney: From Corsica, two years ago. The son of a bitch broke my arm.

Sydney: The truth is, I didn't love any of the subjects I was studying. My father and I weren't speaking, my mother had died when I was six and the highlight of my social life was my dorm's salad bar. So, I called them.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: SD-6.
Sydney: They didn't use that name. These men led me to believe they were CIA. They were very convincing. They are very convincing.

Lab: You need blood from the patient. In this case, Vaughn. The equipment that manufactures the serum reads the blood and creates a custom genetic-specific antidote for that particular patient.
Sydney: I'll need to take some of Vaughn's blood with me.
Lab: Yes.

Jack: She pled guilty to keep you from witnessing her trial, Sydney, from having you see photos of the agents she savagely murdered, including Vaughn's father. She knew if you sat through that, whatever sympathy she'd managed to elicit from you would vanish, so she cast herself as the victim to compel you to save her and guess what? You fell for it.

Weiss: Killed? He exploded like a frozen pinata.

Jack: [to Nadia] Irina told me years ago that this is a picture of her holding her niece. She told me that holding this baby filled her with a longing and a hope to have children of her own. The next day I asked Irina to marry me; I wanted my child to be loved like the baby in this photograph. Of course, her story could have been a total fabrication, another one of her countless lies designed to draw me in. But I choose to believe it was truth. When we had Sydney, Irina held her in this exact same way, and I can only imagine that she did the same with you. So for me, I choose to believe. But than I suppose each of us needs to find out own sense of closure.

Jack: Once we make the exchange, the device will be destroyed. No one will have it.

Nadia: [Nadia is tied to a chair in Elena's bunker] The only reason that you want me on your side is because you believe that I'm the one to stop Sydney Bristow. But she's my sister. You're nothing to me.
Elena: I'm sorry you feel that way.
[Elena goes over to a work station and gets a syringe and fills it]
Nadia: What's that?
Elena: Don't worry darling, it's only tap water.
Nadia: I will never betray my sister.
Elena: Oh we'll see.
[Elena injects Nadia in the back of her neck. Nadia starts screaming]

Sydney: When my mom first came back into my life, I wanted her dead. So how the hell did I become the person who's trying to save her?

Sydney: I was thinking... I can actually go to the CIA through the front door.
Michael: And I can actually give you a ride.

Julian: I need access to Arvin Sloane.
Sydney: Why?
Julian: Because I intend to kill him.
Sydney: I can get you to Sloane, but only if you promise to let me keep the antidote.
Julian: No. Sloane first. Then you'll get back your precious antidote.

Daniel: My former handler confessed to me on the day before she was killed, that my brother had been murdered by the Covenant, and that it was a test of loyalty, for a woman named Julia Thorne.
[He looks at Sydney]
Daniel: You killed my brother.

Marshall: [singing his son to sleep over the phone] Hush... hush... hush little Mitchell, don't you cry. Daddy's here to teach you about Lanthanides. Cerium is first, yes it leads the way. Hexagonal structure and it's iron gray. Praseodymium is next and it looks like brass...

Lauren: Stop the car!
Julian: What are you talking about?
Lauren: Stop the car, now. Pull in here.
[they begin to make out]

Sydney: I thought you said we need to keep this secret!
Jack: Yes, from the NSC, which is what we've done.
Sydney: You knew Dixon would order Vaughn to keep this from Lauren. If the NSC found out, I'd be pulled.
Jack: In time, you would have come to the same conclusion.
Sydney: Maybe, yes, but I wouldn't have acted on it. The last thing I want is to be responsible for driving a wedge between Vaughn and Lauren.
Jack: That is a concern I do not share.

Jack: [Syd pauses after seeing Sloane in the helicopter] He's with us. Get in!

Lauren: Under authority of the National Security Council, Robert Lindsay has instructed me to relieve you of duty as director of this task force until he arrives to assume control.
Marcus: On what grounds?
Lauren: Obstruction of justice. Willingly conspiring to impede an international investigation into the murder of Andrian Lazarey.

Eric: Vaughn will back me up. This is a true story, I swear. Sophmore year, college. Her name was April First.
Michael: Birth name, by the way.
Eric: Right. And for a month I was obsessed. I though this women had to have my children, okay? The problem was that she only dated guitar players. Literally.
Lauren: A girl should have her standards.
Michael: Since she worked at a coffeehouse, Eric decided to impress her on open-mike night.
Sydney: You play the guitar?
Eric: No, no not even a little. But I thought that, you know, if I got up on that stage and the spotlight was in my face, that maybe God would imbue my hands with the power of Stevie Ray Vaughn.
Lauren: So what happened?
Eric: Oh, disaster. Just embarrassment. I didn't play two notes that went together.
Lauren: And what about April First?
Eric: Oh, we made out in my Gremlin.

Sydney: It was a little over the top.
Will: Over the top? I'm wearing seat covering, there is no "over the top".

Sydney: I can fend for myself.
Marcus: But you're not just fending for yourself. You're fending for two. And let's be honest, Syd, right now, you're waddling.
Sydney: I don't waddle.
Marcus: Oh yes you do.
Sydney: I'll admit, I may be a little less graceful, but I don't waddle.
Sydney: [She shakes her head, and then makes a disagreeing sound]
Marcus: Actually, it's more of a teeter.
Sydney: [They both smile]

Sydney: [Talking about Sloane] I keep thinking about all the people he's killed, including his own daughter. I know what it's like to grow up without a mom. I don't want that for Isabelle, she needs me.
Michael: Which is why we won't let that happen.
Sydney: You promise?
Michael: I promise.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Contact the Bristows, tell them to pull out immediately.
Michael: I have no way of initiating. Why?
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: The Indians found out the Pakastani rebels have acquired nukes. They're launching air strikes in twenty-four hours.

Eric: [talking with Vaughn about Sydney] What ever she just did, man, she's good. She is really good.

Dr. Atticus Liddell: A clean conscious, that's a treatment I can stand behind. We both know how this is going to end. We could filter your blood until the cows come home, but there's no changing the outcome. Clear your conscious Jack.
Jack: That will take another lifetime, at least...
Dr. Atticus Liddell: I'm not suggesting you write your memoirs... Although, I'm sure they would make a hell of a read.

Sydney: [to Jack] After mom died, I used to have these daydreams. I would imagine her leading my girl scout troop or taking me shopping for new school clothes. I thought if only she'd lived, she would have been my best friend. When I learned the truth about her, and saw Irina for who she truly was, I was devastated. I won't make the same mistake twice.

Julian: You'd love to arrest right now wouldn't you?
Marcus: Next time.
Thomas: Give us the account number; we'll wire you your fee.
[Sark looks over at Rachael and smiles at her]
Julian: Don't bother, this one's a freebie.

Marshall: Syd, this guy buried you alive.
Sydney: Yeah, but he cheated, he hit me with a car first!

Sydney: [to Lennox] One thing about my fiance... I was lucky to have known him for as long as I did.

Francie: What's in the bag and where are you off to this time?
Sydney: Vegas.
Francie: Vegas! What was I just saying? Where should we go?
Charlie: After that brunch, Vegas isn't far enough.
Francie: I'm serious. Look, that's our cue. We could just go tonight.
Sydney: W-w-wait. This is not a vacation for me. I mean, there's this public relations conference and...
Francie: Sydney, we don't need you to babysit.
Sydney: What I mean is I'd want to hang out with you guys. Just wait a week. We'll all go together.

Will: Yes, I've been tortured and I've been kidnapped, several times actually. But most likely none of that would've happened if I hadn't' helped a clumsy girl pick up her books freshman year in bio class. But it's not your fault. You can't blame yourself for the evils of the world. Look, since I've known you I've seen a lot of horrible things. There are people out there, that are capable of more cruelty and more hatred, than I even thought possible. But I still sleep well at night. You know why? Because I know that you're out there fighting against them. Sydney, you save the world every day and you never ask for anything in return. I think I speak for everybody who loves you, when I say; Thank you for watching over us.
Sydney: But if you hadn't met me you'd have a regular life.
Will: Who wants it? I wouldn't trade you for anything. I know a lot of regular people who live regular lives. But there's only one Sydney Bristow.
[last lines]

Julian: You're surprisingly adept at keeping your curiosity in check.
Sydney: Don't flatter yourself.
Julian: I'm referring to the fact that your mother and I worked together before I arrived here - before she... went into hiding. I learned a lot from her. In some ways, I think of her as a mother myself.

Eric: And what if there has been a takeover?
Michael: [gets his gun out of his locker and loads it] If I'm not back in a couple of hours, I'm probably dead.
Eric: Good to know.

Michael: Give me the override codes!
Julian: I don't have the codes, I swear.
[Vaughn shots Sark in the leg]
Julian: You shot me.
Michael: Yeah, and I'll keep shooting you until you either give me the codes or bleed to death; you're choice.
Julian: You know, I didn't want any of this, mass extermination isn't exactly my passion, Michael. I'm a business man, you know, I simply want to come out on the winning end.
[Vaughn cocks the gun]
Julian: I'll give you the codes, but you have to let me go after I do.
Michael: No; codes first, then we negotiate.

NSC: I plan on making the trade. During the exchange, I want Sydney Bristow taken out.
Arvin: Ah, I see. She has something on you.

Marshall: Hey, I just brought about thirty federal laws, if I get caught, I'll be sharing a cell with a guy named Bruno...
Eric: It's white collar, more like Martha Stewart.

Jack: [Posing as a security system tech] Yeah, got a call. You guys down?
FEMA: Where's Stuart?
Jack: Sick. Got a nasal infection. Freakin' nightmare.

C.I.A. Agent Steven Haladki: [answering the phone] Extraction Teams "R" Us?

McKenas: You still got that room downstairs right? The "Conversation Room"? That's what you used to call it right? The torture room, like you're ever going to admit what ever it is you did down there right? So Arvin lets go to the Conversation Room.

Suit: Who do you work for you pretty little girl?

Sydney: I decided to leave the program, and I need your signature to drop the course.
Professor: Why?
Sydney: I've been just wearing myself too thin, trying to finish the program and do my job. And you were so right when you said that work was getting in the way here. But the fact is, I'm not sure I want to be a teacher anymore.
Professor: Sydney, you are one of the best students I've ever had. That's it. That's my pep talk. But I heard you; think about it a little more before you make your final decision.
[gives her her A-rated essay]

Kazu: Have you eaten breakfast?
Sydney: Why? You want to grab something?

Sydney: I thought about that, but I've always thought about teaching as my safety net.
Francie: Teaching's no safety net. You know how dangerous it is to be a teacher? Kids bring knives to school these days.

Jack: Are Sydney and I switching handlers or is this a special occasion?
Michael: No, we have a problem.
Jack: Fisher hasn't make contact, I know.
Michael: No, we believe K-Directorate had an agent waiting in the hospital.
Jack: SD-6 does not have conformation of that.
Michael: CIA does. We have an extraction team waiting on the ready line out of Serbia. I want to pull Sydney out of there. I was hoping we could coordinate this together.

Sydney: Some people go miniature golfing with their parents. We go to India to look for nukes.

Dr. Judy Barnett: One more thing. You haven't said anything about your mother.
Sydney: What, am I supposed to say something insightful? The first time I see my mother in twenty years, and she almost kills me. Which would have made me the thirteenth CIA officer she's killed. She's former KGB. She's betrayed my father. She's betrayed me. She's betrayed this country. All anyone needs to know about that woman is that she's a bad guy.
Dr. Judy Barnett: I think this was a good beginning.

Sydney: [On the phone with Vaughn] Eric said you took off, need some company?
Michael: No, I'm good.
Sydney: Where are you?
Michael: It doesn't matter.
Sydney: What does that mean?
[Vaughn doesn't respond]
Sydney: Vaughn, what's going on?
[Again no response from Vaughn]
Sydney: Sark talked, didn't he? You know where Lauren is.
Michael: I'm taking care of it.
Sydney: I don't know what you're thinking, but you cannot do this Michael. If you kill her, you will be arrested and charged with her murder. If you're not, if you get away with it, it will haunt you Michael. God, after everything we've been through... I'll lose you all over again.
Michael: [a car pulls up near Vaughn] I have to go.
[He hangs up the phone]

Michael: That's where we want it. Especially now that SD-6 has the Rambaldi book. The C.I.A.'s been studying those photos you took.
Sydney: Then they turned out all right?
Michael: There's one blank page. Well, C.I.A. sci-tech says that of the few Rambaldi documents they've recovered, the forty-seventh page is always particularly significant. This blank page was number forty-seven. Your father's strategizing on how to get it out of SD-6 and replace it with a counterfeit. But in the meantime, we're just hoping we learn something with that bug.

Sydney: What are you up to, Dad?
Jack: They're waiting for you, Sydney.

Jack: We can assume what they've stolen is a precursor agent requiring further synthesis.
Eric: Okay, does everyone here speak science?
Marshall: Yeah.
Eric: No, Marshall, they don't.

Arvin: So you want to see your family again, don't you? Don't be difficult. Think about your son. Marshall, you're not cut out for this.
Marshall: You know, I never liked you. But I tolerated you, because I had to, because you were my superior, and I was afraid of you. I mean I saw how twisted you were. But now I see you for you for who you really are, you are a weak pathetic man. You know what, you're right, I'm not cut out for this, but I am thinking about my son. I want Mitchell to look up to me, to be proud of his dad, which is why, no matter what you do to me... I'll never help you.

CIA: I know you spoke of being hungry, looking for a fresh start.
Sydney: It was nothing, my father, Vaughn, irrelevant personal stuff. I want to serve my country the best I can.
CIA: Well this assignment will be a challenge for you. More than you were lead to believe.
[Director Chase opens a set of doors and motions for Sydney to follow. She walks in and sees Dixon, Jack, and Vaughn]
CIA: The four of you chosen, handpicked to help run this team.
Sydney: The four of us? Handpicked by whom?
[Sydney turns around to see Sloane]
Arvin: This is exciting!

Marshall: This transmitter will override the CPU and make the network think that you are the sys admin - the system administrator.

NSC: Who the hell do you think you are?
Sydney: I'm the person who's going to hold you accountable if they kill him!
NSC: Oh, you're going to hold me responsible?
Sydney: Did I stutter?

[while discussing the attack on FTL and SD-6]
Marcus: What you are saying is that FTL no longer exists?
Marshall: Uhm, sorry, stupid question but since FTL is, sorry, was our enemy for like ever, shouldn't we be drinking champagne?

Eric: Are we close?
Marshall: Listen, that's not really a helpful question right now. Okay?
Eric: Ahh, you know what, don't blame yourself; this satellite network was designed to withstand World War III.
[He takes out his earpiece and sighs]
Eric: So I just got off the phone with my buddy at the secret service. They've initiated the continuity of government protocol. The President, his cabinet, their family members being evacuated to underground command centers. I don't know, somewhere in the back of my mind, I'm kidding myself, but I thought maybe I'd be on the list.
Marshall: Yeah, it's kinda like high school again, the cool kids are having a party and I'm not invited.
Eric: Alright, there's still time left, let's not give up on them yet.
Marshall: [Picks up his phone and call his wife] Hey honey, hi, uhh, no I don't have a lot of time, I just... I just wanted to tell you I love you, I don't get to tell you that often enough...
[Looks up at Weiss]
Marshall: No I'm haven't been drinking. I'm just going to be home early tonight, okay, bye.

Vaughn: Well, you kill your wife after learning she's a vicious, homicidal, double agent, and see how rational you are.

Francie: Was coming to Vegas the greatest idea or what? Hey, check it out. There's a wedding chapel.
Charlie: Aw, come on.
Francie: Why not? I mean, just think about it. Just us. No parents. No hassle.

McKenas: [to Sydney] Yeah, you didn't want to kiss me, but working for a scumbag like Sloane, that's alright by you. Well let me tell you something about that weasel boss of yours, he will disappoint you, one day and hope to God I'm there when that day happens, you will hate him.

Eric: [Weiss is looking for Bishop's body guards, rounds a corner and aims his gun at Vaughn] Dude, I knew it!
[Vaughn nods his head and smiles]

Lauren: [on the phone] What else did Bomani tell you? Did he instruct you in the quietest way to murder me?
Julian: Absolutely not.
Lauren: You pathetic little errand boy. Tell Bomani he'll get proof of my worth the next time he sees me, when I deliver the Passenger.

Marcus: The intelligence committee is sending Senator Reed to oversee the interrogation.
Sydney: Why the sudden interest from Washington?
Marcus: Sark is a key player now. They expect us to bleed him dry.

Sydney: I don't know what is your problem with me. Maybe it's because I am a woman or you don't like my attitude or something like that, and I am sorry about that but I don't feel like wasting time here. There is only one why we are going to mobilise SD-6 and that's my way. I am sorry for being a forthright or a female but this is how it's going to be.
Michael: [showing her map of SD-6] Since I have been at CIA I only have seen this map grows. This is what you are in the middle of, Sydney.

Jack: Sydney, Washington has made a decision regarding your mother. What she did to you invalidated her agreement with the CIA. The government is pressing charges. They're going to seek the death penalty.

Michael: The fact that you're letting me see this place means: it's not your only one, is it?
Jack: You're smarter than you look.

Eric: Hey guys! I just talked to base. We did it; we kicked their asses!
[Sydney and Vaughn keep kissing]
Eric: Hey! Guys! Did you hear what I said? Asses... kicked...

Will: Okay, the suspense is killing me. What's the occasion?
Francie: The restaurant is actually making a profit.
Will: After only six months? Is that even possible?

Dr. Kreshnik: Let us not waste time. I know that you work for SD-6, I know that you are here to find out where Martin Shepard buried Perkashov. That you need Perkashov's DNA to read FTL code. What I do not know is whether you have succeeded.
Sydney: Since we're not playing games, which is refreshing, I'd like to know who's asking.
Dr. Kreshnik: My affiliation is unimportant.

Michael: You asked me some questions. I told you I'd answer them if you helped me. You did help me. And I thank you for that.
Irina: I didn't do it for you.
Michael: I'm trying to live a normal life... which was always hard, given what I do. But it's gotten harder since I met your daughter. It's not that knowing her hasn't made my life better. It has. But it's also made it that much worse... I think I've said enough.
Irina: The problem, Mr. Vaughn... Is that to the one person who matters... You haven't said anything at all.
Michael: Listen, this may not mean anything to you, this may not be something you understand, or appreciate, but we have rules. Very clear, important rules that govern the relationship between a handler and his asset.
Irina: And between a man and a woman?

Sydney: Say there was a break-in at that museum this week. It would be widely publicized. Khasinau would start to hear rumors of what was taken.
Michael: Including rumors of an existing second ampule.

Sydney: Every day I wish I could go back in time, but I can't. And as much as I... as much as I still have feelings for you, I won't be the other woman... not ever.
Michael: I know.

Eric: [On the phone] A lockdown? Thirty seconds ago I got a call about an evacuation due to an Anthrax attack. Well there's a big difference. Evacuation means everyone has to leave, lockdown means everyone has...
Eric: No, he's in with the delegation. I'm not going to disturb him. Besides, what the hell am I going to tell him? I've got a great idea. Why don't you get your facts straight and then call me back?

Sydney: A member of Walker's team caught Michael; I still don't know how. Walker ID'd him as CIA...
Lauren: ...and stabbed him and left him for dead. I already know all this. It's in the briefing. Thank you.
Sydney: Lauren, that's not... Walker had a gun to Michael's head. He was about to pull the trigger. I took his knife... I stabbed him myself.

Sydney: [Posing as Anna] So this is why you needed her? Or should I say me?
Arvin: In his prophecies, Rambaldi referred to Sydney as the chosen one. He foretold that she would bring forth his final works.
Sydney: And you really believe that? That a man who lived five hundred years ago, had intentions for Sydney Bristow?
Arvin: Excuse me... I may be mistaken, but I always believed you to be a follower of Rambaldi's works.
Sydney: Only when it suits my checkbook. I'm not someone who'll guide my life by some perverted sense of faith. But as long as I have to look like this, I might as well make some use of it. What does Rambaldi want me to do?

Lauren: What about my father?
Arvin: Well, he knew how badly you wanted to become field rated, and he thought it was too dangerous, so he made sure it didn't happen. But you knew that... didn't you?

[to Jack, after their session]
Dr. Judy Barnett: I think that someone so skilled at deception is in danger of deceiving himself

Jack: If for some reason this doesn't work, tell my girls I love them; Sydney and Laura.
Dr. Atticus Liddell: You're going to pull through this Jack. I'll see you on the other side.

Eric: [Weiss has just prompted Vaughn to finally ask Sydney out on a date while on a mission in Nice] And?
Michael: We're going to dinner.
[Weiss breaks into a celebratory dance]
Michael: I'm going to keep my comm channel open. I need you to monitor the RF frequency.
Eric: Got it. Okay, in exchange I get an eclair.
Michael: No, I'm serious, any suspect signal and I want to know about it. Anything.
Eric: If they're small, bring at least two!

Will: What's the paper on?
Sydney: It's a redo. Professor said it didn't have any soul, so I'm writing a paper with soul. It's got lots of soul.

NSC: The Covenant doesn't want anyone to know they're behind the assassination.
Lauren: And your source believes their reach extends so far within the Russian government that they can make that happen.
NSC: You leave tonight. Any leak, and our source could be compromised and killed. That means no one at the CIA can know about this, including your husband.

Sydney: When I was approached about joining a black-ops unit within the CIA, I thought I was doing the right thing. And while I appreciate the necessary protocol in assembling a new team, Arvin Sloane is not...
CIA: [cutting her off] I understand you used to work for Sloane.
Sydney: Yeah, a criminal psychopath beyond verbal descripition...
CIA: I know all about Sloane.
Sydney: Then allow me to ask the most obvious question in the history of time: How can the CIA let that man, who ran what amounts to a terrorist cell within the borders of this country, run anything?

Francie: You know, Sydney, you've been acting sort of weird lately. Sydney:
Sydney: Really? I thought you'd been acting weird. I thought maybe it was because of Will.
Francie: You don't talk to me anymore.
Sydney: I'm sorry, Francie. I just get so caught up in work.
Francie: Don't forget. We used to be really good friends. You can talk to me.

Ineni: You misspelled Ineni.
Eric: Shut up.

Danny: The whole world is a nightmare, anyway, no matter what we do.

Julian: Correct me if I'm wrong, Mr. Vaughn, but aren't you supposed to be dead?

Michael: [to Sark] I'm not gonna kill you. That would be too easy. But I'll leave you so disfigured that when you walk down the street people will pity you. Lauren is gonna pay for the damage she's done to the people I care about, not for having had an affair with you. I don't give a rat's ass who she's sleeping with. So for the last time: where is she?

Michael: Are you romantically interested in anyone?
[She looks at him weirdly]
Michael: It could be a question.
Sydney: No, I'm not.
[Machine jumps to 56]
Michael: Interesting.
Sydney: Wait, ask me that again.
Michael: No, I don't have to. We have our answer right here. That's very good. Moving on.

Arvin: Because I didn't have the orchid, I attempted to artificially manufacture its nectar
Sydney: Because your imposter already has the orchid, he doesn't need to acquire any of the other substances you mentioned. All he has to do is put the nectar into the water, you contaminated.
Nadia: You loaded the gun.
Arvin: [nods his head] That's right.
Sydney: How many people are we talking about? How many people drank the contaminated water?
Arvin: Somewhere between three and four hundred million.
Sydney: What?

Michael: When I was a kid, I was a swimmer; I could swim the hundred meters in 68 seconds. I can't tell you how irrelevant that was that night we were in Taipei. There'd been some pretty incredible inventions over the last 2000 years, but none more incredible than the screwdriver. None! I thought I was home free, but they knocked me out, next thing I knew I was in France.

Sydney: [In hospital] Vaughn... Vaughn...
Michael: Sorry I guess I drifted off there. Hey, we should think of more names for the baby.
Sydney: There'll be plenty of time for that.
Michael: I know... What do you think about Oscar?
Sydney: What if we have a girl?
Michael: [laughs] I meant for a girl. I wish it were here already, I want to meet her.
Sydney: You will.
Michael: I know.

Jack: [Jack and Sydney sit in total silence waiting for a contact] This is the best conversation we've had in weeks.

Michael: [answers cell phone] Hello
Roberts: Say it's Weiss
Michael: What?
Roberts: Tell your girlfriend that it's Weiss, if you want to know about your father.
Michael: [to Sydney] It's Weiss
Roberts: You got lucky in Munich, but Nightingale won't answer your questions. Only I can. Sherwood library; UCLA campus, get there in an hour, the library will be closed, but the side door will be open.
Michael: [Vaughn looks distraught and stumbles over his words] Oh... yeah, alright, I'll see if I can.
Roberts: What I have is for you alone, if you tell your girlfriend, she'll be dead by the time you get back.

Jack: Forensic analysis leads Marshall to believe that whoever this hand belonged to was alive as recent as four months ago.
Sydney: It couldn't have been Lazarey because I killed him last year.
Jack: Unless, you didn't.

Arvin: What's this about Jack?
[Jack grabs Sloane and slams him against the wall]
Jack: You can't imagine what it felt like looking into the face of a woman that I once shared a life with and with a single bullet, ending that life. I ran through every scenario... Why, what was the purpose of having me believe that the only way to save my daughter's life; was to kill her mother. And then it occurred to me, why you would go to such lengths, it was for Sydney. You imagined you could drive a wedge between me and my daughter.
Arvin: I didn't, I had nothing to do with Irina's death.
[Jack pulls out a gun and holds it to Sloane's head]
Jack: One good reason, why I shouldn't do to you what I did to my wife?

Arvin: You're gonna be okay. I promise.
Nadia: No, I won't. I guess the angel isn't coming.

Julian: I made contact with our point man. He's assembling a team for the bank but I must question your decision to lead them in yourself. In spite of your precautions, it's wildly risky, given your new level of notoriety.
Arvin: I'm approaching the finish line of a thirty-year odyssey. I won't let anyone else take the final steps for me.

Sydney: Are we sure he'll have his computer with him?
Marshall: Does a cowboy leave his gun at home when he goes to the saloon? Trust me, he'll have it.

Michael: There are other ways to keep him from having power over you, to make him go away.
Kiera: You underestimate my brother.
Michael: Or maybe you underestimate me.

Marshall: Well, it's a sub-derma device placed just below the skull at the base of the brain stem. I've never seen one this small before. It's like they patched a radio receiver to a powerful micro-charger.
Will: [Sydney, Jack, and Sloan share worried looks] So what-what does that mean?
Marshall: It means that they-they put a bomb in your head.
Will: What?
Marshall: I know, I know. Um... but there's good news. It looks like the charge is small enough that the blast will be localized.
Will: Waitwaitwait - So it might not kill me?
Marshall: No. It will definitely kill you. There just won't be any collateral damage.
Sydney: Marshall. How do we get it out of him?
Marshall: Well, um, we could perform a surgical procedure, but I'm worried there's a gyroscopic fail-safe. I mean, there is a very real chance that if we try to remove it, uh... Will's head could explode.
Jack: Get medical in here. I want a full extraction scenario.
Will: What? No! Didn't you hear what he said about the exploding?
Sydney: Will... Calm down.
Will: Sydney, how am I supposed to calm down when there's a bomb in my head?

Marcus: [to Sydney] Kendall wants all of this brought back for analysis... Do your thing.

Julian: [In an American accent] Lydia...
Rachel: How nice, you remembered my name.
Sydney: Do you remember me?
Julian: [Back to his British accent] Sydney; I suppose a congratulations is in order.

Nadia: Mr. Bristow, I don't mean to seem impatient, but I've never done anything that's lasted as long as this.
Jack: How sad for you.

Sydney: Why didn't she kill me?
Eric: Maybe she likes you.
Sydney: Weiss, I'm serious.
Eric: So am I! Come on. She lived with you for months. She doubled herself as your best friend; maybe in that time, she started to like you. I could see that happening.

Danny: Sir, I love your daughter and I want to marry her. That's why I'm calling.
Agent: First of all, Danny, the truth is this is just a courtesy call. Like when you say to your neighbor, "We're having a loud party on Saturday night if that's all right with you," what you really mean is, "We're having a loud party on Saturday night."
Danny: Mr. Bristow.
Agent: Sydney doesn't give a damn what my opinion is. What interests me is that you do.
Danny: It's just a custom to call the father. That's all this is.
Agent: Well then, I'll tell you what. I may become your father-in-law, that's just fine. But I will not be used as part of a charming little anecdote you tell your friends at cocktail parties so they can see what a quaint, old-fashioned guy Danny really is. Are we clear?
Danny: Yes, sir.
Agent: Good. Then welcome to the family.

Sydney: And the bank called. Uh, I might have another trip.
Will: You take an insane amount of trips.

Will: But in the hell-hath-no-fury department, I figure this woman would pay us to mess with her ex.

Vaughn: [to Sydney] No, but, what you said about wanting to go to a hockey game... wanting me to be part of your life... I think I wasn't clear about something. That it would be nice to be in public with you, to actually get to look at you. Grab a pizza or go to a hockey game. I just... I wasn't clear that I would really like that, too.

McKenas: You will learn about The Man. What The Man wants is a little sumthin' sumthin' you got in the SD-6 vault.

Marcus: The emotional toll this has taken and my current state of mind convince me I am no longer the best guarantee of her return. Therefore, I am stepping down temporarily as director of this task force until this matter is resolved. Jack, I trust you will stand in my stead and do everything in your power to bring my daughter back to me.

Michael: [Sydney pulls gun on Vaughn] What are you doing?
Sydney: Get... get down, on your knees.
Michael: Sydney, its Michael. I've got the antidote, its right here in this bag.
Sydney: Don't lie to me.
Michael: Oh Sydney... Sydney, listen to me.
Sydney: Put your hands up. Now! I know what this is; this is a game to you, a cruel joke at my expense.
Michael: What's a game?
Sydney: You and me. Admit it.
Michael: No, Sydney... Sydney, listen to me. What are you scared of?
Sydney: I am scared. I'm scared you're going to betray me, again. Like you did when you married Lauren.
Michael: Sydney, I would never... ever hurt you
Sydney: Stop, stop right there.
Michael: You need to give me the gun alright...
Sydney: I said stop.
Michael: Just give me the gun.
[Sydney pulls trigger, gun is unloaded, Sydney and Vaughn fight]
Michael: Sydney, don't do this.
[more fighting]
Michael: Sydney, don't do this.
[Sydney bites Vaughn]
Jack: No...
[Jack places Sydney in choke hold and knocks her out]
Michael: You took the bullets out.
Jack: Seemed a reasonable precaution

Agent: [to Sydney] Cover your mother.

Sydney: A lot's happened since you left. And I want to fill you in but... I don't know if I feel comfortable doing that yet.
SD: Right. You're still mad.
Sydney: No. When you left and you just disappeared, it was a kick in the stomach, and I carried that around for a long time.
SD: You were the last person that I ever wanted to see again. Ever. And you were the only person that I ever wanted to see again.

Jack: [to Andre] I'll only say that if you choose not to cooperate with us, you'll regret that decision for the rest of your life.

McKenas: You know... for a lot of guys it's their socks, their piece, their guns, their bullets custom hollow tips, but for me I have always sucked my luck from a bottle of champagne.

Michael: Hey, what did you say before about Haladki?
Eric: I don't think he showers?

Sydney: Sixth grade was an awkward phase for me.
Will: Oh, come on. You, awkward?
Sydney: Yeah. Big teeth and little eyes. And I always was a foot taller than everyone else so I sort of hunched over.

Sydney: [to Dixon] One thing makes up for all of this... having you as my partner again.

Sydney: What about Will?
Agent: [turns to Will] You're gonna have a hard time.

Marshall: Actually, um, Mr. Sloane, I noticed you're not wearing the tie I gave you.
[Sloane ignores his comment and Marshall faded smile]
Marshall: It's okay.

Sydney: I lost my mind a little. I started imagining things.
Will: Whatever the hell you're talking about, maybe you're not imagining it. Syd, this is what I do. I might be able to find something that the police overlooked!
Sydney: Stop it! Please. I'm trying to move on here. I need your help to do that. Okay?

Elsa: I just committed treason against my government because I want to get him back. I'm telling you because I love him.

Arvin: This is Anthony Russett, he's transferring here from Jennings. He's working on the UCO file. You've already met Marshall. This is Sydney Bristow.
Anthony: I know your father.
Arvin: We read the code you recovered. Accordingly, we sent a team to Athens. So, I just got a phone call from SD-3, he said there was no evidence to anything pertaining to Rambaldi. And we were there first. Turns out, we made a giant mistake. But so did K-Directorate.
Marshall: In our rush to decipher the Rambaldi enigma, we misinterpreted the code. It left us with two series of digits. We assumed longitude and latitude. But he was using a compression scheme. I should have seen that. Instead of sending a team to Athens, we should have been headed to Malaga, Spain.
Arvin: Which is where you're going. There's a five-hundred-year-old church sitting on the exact site of Rambaldi's coordinates.
Sydney: What am I looking for?
Arvin: We don't know. The only clue we have, if it is indeed a clue, are two words that were part of a code: Sol d'oro.
Anthony: Golden sun.

Sydney: I'm going to be alright, aren't I?
Jack: Of course you will.
Sydney: What if we can't make it stop?
Jack: Shh... Don't talk... You can't imagine how much I hate it, when you talk.
Sydney: What?
Jack: The reason I killed your mother, I had a desperate need to make her voice stop ringing in my ears. What torments me now is that every time I look at you, I see your mothers face.
Sydney: No... that's... that's not true, that's not.
Jack: Sydney, listen to me, this is all going to pass.

Arvin: [Nadia has just found Rambaldi's page 47 in Sloane's homes office] Let me explain. Nadia you're going to have to trust me.
Nadia: You said it was over.
Arvin: No... It's not what it looks like.
Nadia: You've been lying all along.
Arvin: Look, I handed everything over to the DSR except for that page; I couldn't part with it, I... I'd spent so much time.
Nadia: I don't want more excuses. Just talking about Rambaldi, your face, your voice, it all changes. This obsession you have...
Arvin: No it's not an obsession... It's faith.
Nadia: Do you have any idea what your faith costs me? What did you think, that I was sleeping peacefully? The last twelve months were an extended nap?
[She begins to cry]
Nadia: I heard people talking; I felt tubes being shoved down my throat. I couldn't open my eyes, I couldn't move, I couldn't scream. But I felt everything! So forgive me if I don't have much tolerance for your faith.
Arvin: Nadia, please... You have to understand.
Nadia: I'm done trying to understand you. You have to make a choice; either me or this.
[She holds up the page]
Arvin: Please don't make me choose between the two most important things in my life.
Nadia: I suppose then, you'll lose us both.
[She throws the page in the fire. They fight and he recovers part of the page from the fire and knocks her into a glass table. She falls thru it and glass shards slash her neck and Sloane watches her die]

Eric: Did you ever stop to think that the reason you and Sydney work so well together is because of the feelings you have for each other?
Eric: How's that for spin?
Michael: Pretty good.

Michael: [to Roberts] Are you out of your mind?
Roberts: I'm not the one who injected myself with an unknown substance.

Marshall: Syd...Sloane is here.
Sydney: We know.
Marshall: OK.
[hugs Sydney]
Marshall: We're back.

Dr. Judy Barnett: Excuse me?
Arvin: I'm suggesting that we talk over dinner. You know, in vino veritas?

Will: She said her name was Kate Jones, but it was really Eloise Kurtz. She was my source in the Danny Hecht investigation. That means she was more than a source, she was involved somehow! She was trying to tell me something, and now she's dead!

Agent: Shepard killed Danny. I'm assuming you know that.
Sydney: If I hadn't, thank you for breaking it to me so gently.

Sydney: You can't even stand up straight, how do you expect to confront mom?
Agent: I'm not coming with you.

[Referring to the Rambaldi symbol]
Sydney: This symbol on the front, what does it mean?
Giovanni: The Magnific Order of Rambaldi. Rambaldi's most loyal followers entrusted with safeguarding his creations. Sadly, like most things that once were pure, criminals now use the symbol to infiltrate the order.

Sydney: [reading one of Rambaldi's schematics] "Rudimentary Schematic for Transportable Vocal Communicator".
Arvin: The guy was drawing up plans for a cellphone around the time of the Ottoman Empire.
Marcus: Come on!
Arvin: Ridiculous, right? You know me, I'm not a new age kind of guy, I don't believe in the power of the pyramids, I'm not a big granola fan.

Michael: [Sydney and Vaughn are making out on Sydney's couch. They are undressing each other and kissing between lines] I couldn't take it.
Sydney: Me either.
Michael: No, seriously, I thought I was losing my mind.
Sydney: Me too, it was the longest debrief in history.
Michael: I was staring at you the whole time. Did you notice?
Sydney: Yeah, I bet my dad noticed too.
Michael: No, he didn't notice.

Agent: Last week, Ms. Santos was in the custody of the Covenant.
Sydney: As a prisoner they nearly killed.
Agent: If Lauren Reed broke in using your identity, she would need to be sure you were out of the office. Did your sister call you to come see her?
Sydney: If you want to arrest me, hold me under the Patriot Act. We're through talking.

Agent: You pulled my file last week, that's my problem, Mr. Vaughn. Now, did curiosity get the better of you, or were you trying to impress my daughter?
Vaughn: She thinks you were KGB. But, I'm sure you already knew that. So, what I'm wondering is what were you doing checking up on me checking up on you?

Michael: Bishop also recently purchased an MK-1200 from Shalini Tech.
Marshall: Wow! You don't buy a server like that to look at on-line porn.
Michael: [sarcastically] No, you buy it to coordinate international business operations, that's what it's designed for.

Will: Sodium thiopental, like a truth serum? They are going to give me that.
Jack: I would.
Will: Great.
Jack: Don't worry. I will be monitoring you the whole time. You have your cover story straight?
Will: They are going to kill me, aren't they?
Jack: If they wanted that, you would have been dead long ago.

Vaughn: I'm going to say something, and it will either be obvious to you or seem presumptuous, either way I'm going to say it. This isn't working. I've been thinking about this for a while, I don't know what the hell to do.
Sydney: What?
Vaughn: I think you know what.
Sydney: I need you to tell me.
Vaughn: You need me to tell you what, that when you're on operations I can't sleep at night, that when we're in debrief I have to force myself to remember what the hell we're supposed to be reviewing when all I want to do is kiss you.
Sydney: Sometimes it is hard to remember what we're supposed to be talking about.
Vaughn: That's what I'm talking about, and the thing that drives me insane every day is that the people who would kill us if we were ever seen together-the Alliance, SD-6, Sloane, are the very forces that brought you into my life. What kind of a sick joke is that?
Sydney: So what are you thinking, that maybe we shouldn't be working together?
Vaughn: Yes, that was what I was thinking, but we're great together, and the more we work together the sooner the Alliance gets destroyed.
Sydney: So, what are you suggesting?
[Agent Weiss interrupts]

Francie: See, the thing about rats is they're clever. You have to outthink them. You can't really just leave out cheese. You have to leave the good stuff. The heavy-duty stuff. The stuff that they want. It's the only way they're going to come out. Otherwise, you're just wasting your time.

Sydney: Without even knowing why these people want Sark, how can we even consider this?
NSC: We think we know why they want him. They want him so they can kill him.

Jack: All I have is a paper trail. Not definitive proof but the beginning of what Director Dixon and I believe to be a strong case for the existence of a mole.
Senator: Other than Sloane.
Jack: Or instead of him. At this point, that is unclear.
Senator: Is it that hard to identify a traitor? Honestly, sometimes I think you people just get too close.

Marcus: [to Sloan] I'd have said this earlier, but when I get done, it's likely; you'll have me relieved of my position. And I didn't want that to happen while Sydney was in the field. I've asked myself, countless times, why I never saw the true nature of SD-6. For a while I punished myself, over it, finally I realized, my only failure was that of imagination. Despite all the evil I'd encountered, I never imagined a person could exist, someone as thoroughly toxic as yourself. I won't make that mistake again. You want us to believe that you've reformed? That for the love of your daughter, you've decided to listen to the better angels of your nature. Arvin, let's be honest, you don't have any. And on that inevitable day, when your true motive reveals itself, I promise you, I'll be there. I'll be waiting.

Jack: [to Haladki] Just so we're clear: you report this conversation, and you'll never wear a hat again.

Marshall: [Marshall has accidentally shot a man; they need the man's eyes for a retinal scan. Marshall digs into one eye with a letter opener] Oh god. It's oozing. It's oozing everywhere, sir.
Jack: [via cell phone] That means you've ruptured the macula. The eye is useless, abandon it. Approach the second one gently, like a soft-boiled egg. You're going to need a digging instrument to assist with this.
Marshall: [looks in a drawer] I've got a spork.
Jack: [bewildered] What's a spork?
Marshall: It's like a half-spoon... half-fork, will that do?
Jack: That will work.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Just so we're clear, Mr. Vaughn, I know all about your participation in busting Agent Bristow out of federal custody. Convince her to talk to her mother, or face charges of obstructing justice and harboring a fugitive.
Michael: Guess it's two-for-one day on blackmail.

Anna: [as Sydney cutting something out of Vaughn's chest and Vaughn is groaning in pain the whole time] You need to stay still, think about something else.
Michael: Yeah, well give me something to think about. Tell me about Isabelle.
Anna: Well she has your eyes, the same blue green. And her smile is like your smile.
Michael: Really?
Anna: Yeah, her chin is pointy like mine. Cute...
Michael: Oh God, I can't wait to meet her.

Arvin: I'm curious, Jack. When did our friendship end?
Jack: The moment you recruited Sydney over my objections.
Arvin: Ahh. I thought so. If I had known that decision would cost me our friendship and my relationship with Sydney, I would have done things differently.

Irina: Jack, we're in enemy territory and the PRF knows we're here. We need to start trusting each other right now.

Rachel: Uhh, guys, who's Rambaldi?

Lauren: No, I'm sorry, but if I'm going to chronicle our treatment of Sydney Bristow, I need to see how she's being treated.
NSC: How do you suppose it was that Sydney Bristow knew to flee the country before she was even aware the NSC wanted to take her into custody?

Julian: [posing like a CIA's agent] Well I assure you, the United States will be happy to have you.
Leonid: Yes. The Covenant must be stopped. What they are planning... keeps me awake at night.

Arvin: You remember the Rambaldi device? The machine designed 500 years ago by a prophet? All I did was bring all the pieces together and have it assembled. And when I turned it on, it delivered a message, as I suspected it would. I wasn't prepared for what it said. The message was just one word, one simple word: Peace. The epiphany I had at that moment... suddenly I saw all the mistakes I'd made, the pain I had inflicted on the world, the people I loved. So I chose right then and there to give information to the CIA with which they were able to dismantle at least two dozen terrorist cells.
Sydney: I don't know how you convinced the CIA that you're trustworthy...
Arvin: Why don't you check my files?
Sydney: I know you too well. I don't buy any of it.

Sydney: Governments, corporations, wealthy citizens, families, it's all black market; it's organized crime.

Sloane: I have seventy-two hours to live. I want you to focus on that, not on some affair I had twenty-five years ago.
Sydney: I'm not focusing on the affair. I'm focusing on the child that resulted from it: a sister I never knew I had.
Sloane: Must have come as a shock to you. It did to me when I found out.
Sydney: Are you telling me you didn't know?
Sloane: No, not until two years ago, while I was in a monastery in Nepal run by followers of Rambaldi.

Sydney: This drawing is five hundred years old. Millions of women have looked like that. My mom looked like that. Maybe it's a picture of my mother.

Julian: I must admit, this is one of the most impressive operations I've seen. Though it is a touch pathetic how so many of them believe they actually work for the CIA.
Arvin: Look at me. You've offered me a substantial prize to make our partnership worthwhile, but do not think for a second that gives you the right to insult my people.

Will: Does my voice annoy you?
Jenny: Your voice?
Will: Yeah, I was just going through this interview with Eloise Kurtz and I started thinking about McNeil and the guy had this look in his eyes while I was interviewing him. And with his lawyer, the same thing. They were trying to get away from me.
Jenny: Will, you are journalist for God's sake. You get paid to be annoying.
Will: So you are saying I'm annoying.
Jenny: Not to Danny or Eloise Kurtz.
Will: Oh, so I don't annoy dead people.
Jenny: Will, you are their champion.
Will: What am I doing if I am hurting the people I'm trying to write about? Look, if I could bring back Danny Hecht or Eloise Kurtz I would. But I jus... I can't. And if championing them is gonna cause David McNeil's daughter danger, I can't live with that. I don't think I can do this anymore, this SD-6 story. I'm out.

Michael: We thought you were dead. They asked me to come back to... to explain.
Sydney: Come back from what? What are you talking about?
Sydney: Vaughn... why are you wearing that ring?
Michael: Syd... since that night... you were missing. You've been missing for almost two years.

Jack: Almost. Sydney got the antidote. The doctors say your blood levels are looking good.
Michael: How did she do it?
Jack: She had Sloane killed.

Agent: You beat death Arvin. But you couldn't beat me.

Kazu: Before you leave this room, you will tell me why.
Sydney: I might. I'm relatively open-minded.

Sydney: Where was I buried?
Jack: You were cremated. Vaughn spread your ashes at sea.

Marshall: Okay. Who here has trouble falling asleep at night, hmm?
[raises his hand - the others just look at him]
Marshall: No one else does? OKay. Well, anyway, myself, on occasion, I find it difficult to nod off - mind racing, ideas, et cetera. So, this kind of pertains to the whole sleeping thing.

Conrad: [to Sloane] Now you understand. Your journey has just begun.

Sydney: [to Lauren] Vaughn and I have a history, a complicated one - I can't deny that, but I won't apologize for it either. If your marriage is in trouble, if you and Vaughn are having problems, I suggest you leave me out of it and take it up with your husband.

Bernard: Forgive me if I look shocking to you, but I was believing that you were dead.
Sydney: I was. But now I'm not.
Bernard: This is why I love our business.

Sydney: I'm going in. Alone.
Jack: [on comms] I assume you all heard that...?

Jack: [Sydney has just injected Dean with a version of LSD that Marshall modified] How long until we can interrogate Dean?
Marshall: Not long. In about an hour, he'll think your God. He'll tell you anything you want to know. Of course, if you'd like, I could facilitate the process.
Jack: Let's do that.
[Psychedelic music starts playing in the background]
Jack: I see you've done this before.

Michael: [Rips an earring out of Linus's ear] Listen, you son of a bitch, I'm not going to let you hang my partner out to dry.
[a few moments later]
Michael: Now by my count, you still have 3 rings left, that's on one ear. What happened?

Michael: Look, there is something you don't know about me. I don't like it when people question my loyalty. It makes me insane.
Sydney: This isn't about loyalty. I never said anything about loyalty.
Michael: When you ask me if I'm keeping secrets, the suggestion's pretty clear.
Sydney: And you know what? Secrets will be a problem between us. After everything we've been through, you should know that.

Marshall: [to Dixon] How cool is this? Stealing a sword so we can fight a bad guy, you know, in order to catch an even bigger bad guy, come on come on you would have never let us do this back in the CIA, you know, when you were double breasted serious robot Dixon, you...I mean, not that you...you were just...authoritative...I'm sorry.

Ariana: I don't trust anyone who doesn't have the sense to know when he's being insulted.

Jack: Who's leading the team to recover Marshall?
Arvin: We've changed his access codes. There is nothing that Marshall can tell Cuvee that could possibly hurt us.
Jack: He will be tortured. Most likely, killed.
Arvin: Oh yes, I'm sure he will be. I've already contacted SD-4. There'll be a replacement in op tech by morning.

Sydney: The CIA has a hit list, 35 people world-wide that agents are allowed to kill. 35 out of 6 billion. You're one of them, which means when I kill you I won't even be breaking the law.

Arvin: Sydney, I was very pleased when Dixon said you'd agreed to be my handler.
Sydney: It was an assignment, not an agreement - the way a janitor doesn't agree to clean a toilet. But as your handler, you'll do as I say, when I say it. I select your assignments; I design your missions. I control you, not the other way around.
Arvin: Is that what you used to let Vaughn do? Control you?

Sydney: Look where we are. I mean, this isn't real. This isn't what we should be doing. I want out.
Michael: Out?
[Sydney nods]
Michael: You want to enter the protection program.
Sydney: No. I'm not going into hiding.
Michael: If you don't, Sloane will kill you.
Sydney: I don't think he will.

Sydney: You have another lead.
James: These people, whoever they are, when they know you're on to it, they'll stop at nothing to silence you.
Michael: I'll contact you when I have the book.

Leonid: Sark has never met Ryan.
Jack: Are you sure of this?
Leonid: Yes.
Sydney: That wasn't a "yes," that was a "no."

Jack: We've decrypted the specs on Project Helix that you and Vaughn obtained. The data describes a breakthrough in next-generation molecular gene therapy. It refers to a new procedure whereby a patient's face and body are reshaped to identically resemble someone else. Agent Lennox was the first test subject to be doubled.

Marcus: How am I supposed to know what you believe when you've been lying to me? I'm your partner!
Sydney: Just think about this for a minute. Just think about everything we've been through. Just think about who I am. Now, what I am going to ask you to do is just accept the fact that I cannot tell you what this is about. What I am doing is classified but Dixon... I swear to you that I am not betraying this country. I could never do that. You know that!
Marcus: I don't need rhetoric, Sydney. Right now, I need a reason not to report you to security section.

Sydney: Have I told you that I love you?
Michael: [Nods his head] yeah, go ahead, tell me again.
Sydney: I love you!
Michael: [sighs] I love you too.
Sydney: I know, say it again.
Michael: I love you Syd. That's why I need to tell you something. Just so there's no secrets between us.
Sydney: Okay, whatever it is I can handle it, just don't tell me you're a bad guy.
[Vaughn goes silent and looks at Sydney]
Sydney: You're not a bad guy are you?
Michael: I guess that depends who you ask.
Sydney: Vaughn?
Michael: It's from a long time ago. It's before we met, actually, it's the reason we met. It's no accident that I was the one you came to when you came to the CIA with your story about SD-6.
Sydney: Wait, I don't understand, Vaughn... What are you telling me?
Michael: Well for starters, my name isn't Michael Vaughn...
[There is a pause, before Sydney can respond another car slams into them]

Will: It was Julia Thorne. She told me your name. She needs to see you. She trusts you, but she's in danger.
Lazarey: Did they find it? Have they been to Graz?

Lauren: [to Vaughn] If you love her, you'll put the gun down!
[Vaughn puts it down]
Lauren: You really are a Boy Scout.
[Vaughn shoots her]

Michael: Can I, I'm thirsty?
Sydney: [She picks up his cup and takes a deep breath] I gave you this, and then you crashed. Vaughn I can't...
Michael: Syd... Shhh... Shhh they can hear us, come closer, you said it yourself, they are using me against you. The only way to defeat them, I need to go away.
Sydney: [She starts crying] I don't care, I don't want to say goodbye to you again.
Michael: I know... I know... It's okay... I need to go away. We'll find each other...
[the scene cuts away from the hospital bed to their cell in North Korea]
Sydney: We always find each other.

Sydney: How am I supposed to make a double switch invisible to my partner? He'll be there.
Michael: You cannot tell him the truth. I mean, he might already know who he's working for.

Ariana: Who is Steven Haladki?
Jack: He was a CIA agent loyal to Irina Derevko.
Ariana: Whom you murdered. We found brain matter in the gun you fired on the day Emily was murdered. I admit, I thought DNA tests would prove that you killed her but instead they proved you killed Haladki.
Jack: We had reliable intel that Derevko was accessing information through the CIA. Her source turned out to be Haladki. He was crucial to her operation and had to be removed.

Will: [to Suit and Glasses] One in five, you little bitch! ONE IN FIVE!

Michael: Did he get the code? Syd?
Sydney: He was compromised.
Michael: What?
Sydney: He just said "Take surface streets, they're doing some work on the freeway".
Michael: I don't understand.
Sydney: It's a phrase we came up with last year. A code to let one of us know if the other was ever discovered, to warn them to stay away. He's with Geiger now.

Rachel: Your father's kinda scary.
Sydney: Tell me about it.

Michael: Listen to me, you have got to let me go.
Sydney: I can't.
Michael: You have to.
Sydney: I can't Vaughn. I can't stand it, being here without you...
Michael: Sydney...
Sydney: I feel like I'm losing my mind, I do. I don't know who I am anymore. What I'm doing or why I'm doing it.
Michael: Okay stop, do you remember the last time we were here? Your contact had just been killed in Morocco, and you... your world was collapsing around you. And I told you that even in the middle of all this darkness, you cannot allow it to swallow you.
Sydney: You gave me strength.
Michael: Yeah, but the truth is, the truth has always been you are the one who has kept the darkness from overtaking me. You can do this; I know you can do this. I've seen you do this time and time again. I'm gonna go, and you're gonna take these guys down, okay.

Francie: Okay, so I'm in my Operations and Technology Management class, and I realize two things. One, I prepared the wrong chapter.
Sydney: No!
Francie: I don't want to talk about it. And two, you and I are going to have a Halloween party.

Jack: I used to think you didn't have much of a spine.
Michael: And has that assessment changed?
Jack: No.
[Jack smiles ever so slightly]

Sydney: Why did the NSC want me in on this?
Lauren: I wanted you... Michael said you were the best.

Arvin: Briault wasn't the traitor, it was you... this whole time! Our conversations were never recorded. We talked on secure phone lines. I made sure I met Briault in secret. You used me. You wanted him removed so no one could stand in your way from aquiring your special place in the Alliance!
Edward: [makes a very wicked smirk] I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about.
Arvin: [angry and frustrated] Someday, somehow... I will repay the favor.

Julian: If I may ask, who is our source of intel at the CIA? And how do we know he's reliable?
Mr. Zisman: Mr. Sark, do not burden yourself with unnecessary details.

Julian: [to Sloane] You talk of power and control. But when you create a completely powerful weapon, you leave it in the hands of a complete stranger.

Michael: Syd, we do missions like this all the time.
Sydney: Not on our own. Not rogue. My father wants us to bring this in to APO.
Michael: You talked to him again?
[pauses, Sydney nods her head]
Michael: Yeah, well your father and Sloane, will never let me keep technology like this for myself. And besides I don't trust them. I don't trust anybody; except you.
Sydney: Then what do you suggest?
Michael: We come clean with APO, like your father wants, we draw up a mission that will get us Nightingale, and then we run a counter mission.
Sydney: Like the old days...
Michael: Our stated goal is to retrieve the coil.
Sydney: But instead we keep it for ourselves.
Michael: The only problem is, there's no way we can make a duplicate. We won't have time to make a fake one.
Sydney: So we have a plan B.

Disguised: [on the phone] You have questions about Kate Jones. How far are you willing to go, Mr. Tippin? I need to hear the words "I'm ready."
Will: Why? Why, could my life be in danger?
Disguised: Say the words.
Will: Yeah, I'm in. I'm ready.

Sydney: [about Sloane] It's okay. You're safe. He will never hurt you again.
Nadia: He protected me.

Marshall: This guy scares me. I mean you know, he killed his wife, he's a wife killer. Beat her to death, stuffed her in a dumpster who knows what else.
Michael: [Watching Sydney on the monitor] Marshall; Shut up!

Sydney: Have you actually ever built anything before?
Jack: Yes, in fact, I built your crib.
Sydney: Really?
Jack: Well your mother and I did it together.
[Jack grabs the crib mattress and throws it inside the crib]
Jack: Done.
Sydney: Done?
Jack: Uh huh, why did you doubt me?
Sydney: No, of course not.
[She stands up and they push the crib out of the room, but it won't fit thru the doorway]
Jack: Get me the screwdriver.

Julian: Sydney leaked the intel to the CIA and the rest played out exactly as you predicted it would. So congratulations, sir. The Alliance is gone.
Arvin: We shouldn't celebrate yet. As you know, there's much more work to be done.
Julian: I just wanted to let you know that phase one is complete.

Sloane: [after Nadia visits Katya in prison to ask about her mother] What did she tell you?
Nadia: Nothing I didn't already know. That she was a criminal, a murderer.
Sloane: Sweetheart, no one is a single thing.

Irina: I see through you. You must know that.
Sloane: This is who I am.
Irina: You may need to think of yourself as an honorable husband, a father figure. But I don't. I will never see that man in you, which frankly is why we have this agreement.
Sloane: You need to get some rest.
Irina: Never talk to me about your love for Sydney again.

Jack: [about Kendall] Legally he's right, Ethically he's an ass

Michael: What if I don't find anything?
Jack: Let's not discuss that here.
[Another delusion begins]
Jack: Sydney's not as trust worthy as her mother.
Michael: I know
Jack: I'm going to kill her just like I did Irina
Michael: Good

Sydney: How's Weiss?
Michael: He's still in the hospital, but the doctors say he's gonna be okay. And until then, I've gotta feed his fish.

Sydney: You're telling us you gave this information to a man who is working with the Covenant.
Arvin: That's right. And now I'm giving it to you. So that you can disable it before the Covenant gets it.

Arvin: The deceiver was Lindsey. Not me. His team might've thought so, but apparently Lindsey never gave us the Rambaldi device. It was a setup.
Sydney: I don't know how you did this, but you're not going to get away with it.
Arvin: I don't know what you're talking about.

Sydney: You're not really going to Banku, are you?
SD: No. Tuvalu. It's an island in the South Pacific. I, uh, talked to my contact. He says now's my window. I'm leaving tonight and we could go together.
Sydney: Sometimes, all I want to do is disappear. Just let all this go. And just start over again.

Will: [talking to his editor] Don't make me regret working for people in their fifties... uh, forties.

Arvin: As you are aware, someone has been actively perpetrating crime in my name. Objective is simple, find the man. Apprehend him.
Michael: Assuming he exists at all.
Jack: That's the assumption we're working with.
Arvin: Our best lead, so far, is Roberts. Where are we with him?
Marcus: Roberts has been interrogated, his knowledge of the organization he's working for is extremely limited.
Sydney: Well, we can still use him, he knows their contact protocol. We give Roberts the coil, put him into play. He makes an exchange, we track the coil back to Arvin Clone.
[Sloane looks at her puzzled]
Sydney: Sorry, that's what we've been calling him.
Eric: Yeah also Marvin Sloane,
[laughing in the room]
Eric: Rolling Sloane's...
Marshall: But obviously equally disrespectful...

Will: Who would live a double life like that?
Sydney: There are people.

Jack: [after they learn that someone stole all of Vaughn's files] Sydney; you should know, when it comes to Vaughn, I take it quite personally.
Sydney: I know dad.
Jack: We're going to fix this.

Lauren: What I said about requesting you transferred to another field office... it wasn't my place. And it's... it's hard; but I'd really like this to work.
Sydney: I appreciate you saying that.

Lauren: Michael. Please, I need you to understand. When the Covenant asked me to marry you, I knew eventually they wanted me to coax you back into the CIA. But two years went by and I hadn't heard from them. And by then I'd convinced myself I never would. I prayed I wouldn't because I'd fallen in love with you.
Michael: Shut up! I am gonna erase you! I'm gonna remove any evidence you ever existed! You used me. You used my grief, my work, who I am. You took that from me... I'm taking it back. This is hydrochloric acid. You'll be unrecognizable.
Lauren: Michael, I swear I was gonna tell you everything. You remember that night we went downtown and had dinner? Instead you told me Sydney was back.
Michael: Don't say her name.
Lauren: She came back and you didn't need me anymore. I could see it in your eyes. Sydney came back and...
Michael: I said don't say her name!
Lauren: Sydney came back and I lost you.
[Vaughn shoots gun above his head]
Michael: I hate you. But I love Sydney more. That's the only reason you're not dying tonight.
[Vaughn gets stabbed in the back]
Lauren: Thank god.

Nadia: I was hoping we could talk about our mother.
Sydney: Did you bring your passport?

Sydney: I'm graduating today.
Michael: What? When the hell did you have time to take a class this year?
Sydney: I wasn't even going to go to the ceremony but... And I've been lying here remembering why I never gave school up and why I killed myself writing papers instead of... I don't know, accepting that I'd be an agent forever.
Michael: You're going to quit the CIA, aren't you?

Jack: Vaughn's been quizzing me about "Julia". I tried shutting down his inquiry, but apparently something you said has made that impossible.
Sydney: All I said was that I couldn't talk about it.
Jack: Which, of course, has only piqued his interest.

Julian: I'm like anyone, Mr. Caplan. What I want is that which I never had.

[Vaughn and Weiss watch as a sleazy bad guy leers at Sydney while she's in disguise as a prostitute]
Vaughn: That son of a bitch!
Weiss: Easy, come on.
Vaughn: I swear I'm gonna to kill this guy.
Weiss: There's no way that guy smells as good as you do.
Vaughn: It's aftershave, I got a new aftershave.
Weiss: Yeah, well, I'd lighten up on it a little.
Vaughn: Yeah?
Weiss: Oh yeah. To the point of non-use.

Michael: No suit, huh?
Will: It's been a while since I tried it on, or worked out apparently. So it makes me overwhelmed and fat.

Jack: [Hangs up phone] As if weapon grade anthrax grows on trees.
[to Vaughn]
Jack: What is it?
Michael: Oh if this is a bad time I can...
Jack: No, please. After dealing with that Chechnyan lunatic for the past couple of hours, whatever business you have will be a welcome relief.
Michael: [Vaughn smirks to himself and walks towards jack desk] Well we've umm... I know you're a man who... I know you're a man who respects tradition. As... as do I. And...
Jack: Please just get to the point agent Vaughn.
Michael: I'm gonna ask Sydney to marry me and I'd like your blessing.
Jack: Perhaps you believe my recent illness rendered me less incoherent than before or that my cogitative faculties have been somehow dulled or diminished. Allow me to clarify the facts for you Mr. Vaughn. While I've come to believe that you're not as useless as I first imagined. I still don't feel you have...
[They are interrupted by loud sirens]

Julian: With regards to your previous request, I will help you locate CRF leadership. But as always, you must do something for me in return.
Michael: Why the Charade, if you were going to cooperate, why run at all?
Julian: For the Bubbly, of course.

Will: Well, I've got four weeks left of community service and then I'm done. Hey, um, you remember last week when I cooperated and let the CIA hypnotize me?
Sydney: Yeah.
Will: What happened with that? I mean, was I helpful at all? And I'm only asking because about five minutes ago I was doing pretty well as a reporter, you know, and now I'm a dishwasher living in denial. That's all.
Sydney: The information you provided was huge.
[Sydney's pager goes off]
Will: Good guys or bad guys?
Sydney: Neither. My father.

[Jack is conducting Nadia's psych evaluation and giving her hypothetical scenarios]
Jack: While tapping a phone line of a target in New Delhi, you're spotted by the enemy. Your partner tells you to continue with the mission objective while he neutralizes the target. Do you obey him or fight back?
Nadia: Is the phone system the new PBX Matrix?
Jack: [impatiently] Just answer the question, please.
Nadia: [pause] Why is my partner a man?
Jack: [stiffly] The sex of your partner is irrelevant.
Nadia: Oh. No, I would not obey. I'd help her fight him off, then she and I could finish the job together.

Michael: My wife betrayed me. She betrayed all of us. You can't expect me to pretend that never happened.
Agent: I'm not sure you have a choice.
Michael: Why is that?
Agent: Because you're the one that married her.

Sydney: When's the last time you did something just for fun?
Rachel: Hitting Gordon Dean on the head with a shovel, that was fun.

Sophia: Eric, you have no idea how excited I am to finally meet you. Nadia says the most beautiful things about you.
Eric: Really?
Nadia: She asked me if you were tall, dark and handsome. I told her you were tall.
[Weiss and Nadia giggle then kiss]

[referring to Francie]
Will: Iron Chef in there needs me.

[Sydney and Marshall have just talked their way past a security post]
Sydney: What did you say to him?
Agent: [nervous] I don't know. I think it was "Go away I can smell you from here" in Ewok.

Marcus: How are you holding up?
Sydney: What if I was wrong about him?
Marcus: Sydney, you remember when we were working for SD-6, that night on the pier? I caught you breaking into a secure facility. You asked me to trust you but I didn't, the proof was right in front of me. You were a traitor. If I had to do it over again, I'd give you the benefit of the doubt.

Julian: Allison... we can't reverse the process. Markovic's lab was destroyed. But we're doing everything we can to retreive the lost data. And I'm hopeful that we will find a way to reverse the process.
Francie: I may have to stay this way?
Julian: No, no. We'll get you back.

Sydney: Thinking of Emily, I often wondered about my own mother and what she would have been like, had she lived. Would she have been as strong as Emily? As kind, as good? I always told myself that she would have had those qualities even though I couldn't see them, I simply believed them. But Emily wasn't just the mother I never had. She was the mother all of us wish we had.

Michael: I didn't know you wore glasses.
Jack: Only during surgery.

Michael: Look, I know this will drive you insane, but we can't employ you because you have a criminal record.
Will: I have a criminal record because of a drug habit I never had.

Sydney: Heading home?
Jack: Yeah, I'm going to grab some dinner first.
Sydney: Okay, night.
Jack: Goodnight.
Sydney: Dad, I'm kinda hungry myself, if you wouldn't mind the company.
Jack: What about your report?
Sydney: It'll keep.

Irina: How do you say thank you to the woman who killed your father?
Vaughn: You don't.

Sydney: I have known Will for years. Trust me on this.
Jack: There's another possibility... that the man we have in custody is not Will Tippin. Project Helix. The doubling prototype that you destroyed in Poland was designed to reshape a person's physical attributes to identically resemble someone else. The prototype's database revealed two scheduled recipients of the procedure: Dr. Markovic who was killed, and a second unknown individual.
Sydney: You think Will is the double.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: We found Provacillium in Will's car. It's a medication usually taken by gene therapy patients to keep the body from rejecting the DNA mutations.

Irina: We need to be up early.
Irina: We should get to bed.
Jack: Yeah we should.
[they kiss]

Thomas: [the countdown on the bomb is at 13 seconds and Tom is sitting next to it, talking over coms] Hey Rachael, I wish there was more time; I would've asked you out.
Rachel: I would've said yes.

Sydney: Write this down. E.M.E.T.I.B. Got it? Now, reverse it.

Irina: I cannot give you details because I don't trust the CIA. They almost had me executed two weeks ago. The only way for me to maintain my value is to tell you only what you need to know in order to stay ahead of Sloane. And all you need to know now is that if I'm not allowed to leave, everything you've worked to accomplish will be lost.

Arvin: Ivankov's body was delivered last night to K-Directorate headquarters in Saint Petersburg.
Marcus: Delivered how?
Arvin: Commercial freight carrier, packed inside a crate of frozen Atlantic cod fish...
[Sloane changes the picture on the monitor]
Arvin: Lavro Kessar, K-Directorate's second in command, he hasn't been seen since that night. We believe he's being held by Mr. Sark as a captive. Unless K-Directorate delivers Rambaldi's manuscripts to Sark's employer, "The Man"... they should be expecting more fish in Saint Petersburg.

Jack: Khasinau knew about the safehouse. He must have someone on the inside.
Sydney: I know.
Jack: As long as there's a mole at the CIA, you can't tell Vaughn a thing. Not that you've been contacted, or that you and I have spoken.

Sydney: Help! Help! Anybody! Help!
[Vaughn runs after her, finds her in an alley]
Sydney: My father...
[Vaughn sees Jack passed out in alley]
Sydney: I think...
Michael: Sydney, what did you do?
Sydney: [Crying] I think I killed him.

Sydney: [after Vaughn kisses her] Dinner's ready.
Vaughn: You do have an oven you know, we can reheat.

Julian: The new boss has a dreadful personality, don't you think?
Sydney: I've seen worse.
Julian: Am I supposed to take that personally?
Sydney: Sark, what do you want?
Julian: When I met with Geiger this morning, I left his office feeling as unstrung as you look.
Sydney: Just so you know, I'm fully strung.

[Sydney and Vaughn are undercover as a married couple]
[Phil looks at Sydney's ring and whistles]
Phil: How'd he pop the question?
Sydney: [hesitates, trying to think of an answer] He... took me... to...
Vaughn: Santa Barbara. Actually... I had this whole romantic weekend planned. Presidential suite at the Biltmore, candlelit dinner on the cliffs over looking the ocean. So we went into town and she wouldn't stop talkin' about the zoo. So we went to the zoo. Figured I'd get it over with.
[looks into Sydney's eyes]
Vaughn: Then I saw how happy it made her... and it made me forget about all my stupid plans. Here we had a personal chef making this unbelievable meal at the hotel and... I proposed on one knee in sawdust in front of a giraffe with a crooked neck.
[Sydney and Vaughn stare into each other eyes]

Michael: You're not the easiest guy to work with, are you?
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: No. No, definitely not.

Michael: Sydney's life is worth the risk!
Jack: Not to Sydney! Taking them down is what gets her up in the morning. Or... did you think it was those meetings she has with you?

Agent: In April '75 in Saigon, you toasted Sydney's birth with a bottle of Chambertin Clos de Bez. Your favorite. Now that I know you have a daughter, I thought I should return the honor, especially considering they share the same mother
Sloane: Irina betrayed both of us Jack. She sought me out for information the same way she did you.
Agent: She was my wife
Sloane: She was a KGB spy who cared nothing about you or me. I've always thought that you understood your relationship with Irina was nothing more than that. But now that your schoolboy crush on the woman who destroyed your life is preventing you from saving mine, I will have to revise that assessment.

Sydney: Can you locate the cube?
Marshall: Well, no, not exactly, but I can narrow it down to a ten-yard radius.
Sydney: [happily relieved] Marshall, that's called locating it.

Thomas: You okay?
Rachel: If by okay, you mean freaked and embarrassed, I'm great.

Jack: [to Sydney] Those cyrillic codes you found in those books - yes, they were orders from the KGB and yes, they were orders to kill. An agent recieved those orders and carried them out, murdering officers of the C.I.A., including your father, Mr. Vaughn. All this is true. But, Sydney, I was not that agent. Your mother was.

Julian: Mr. Vaughn, your timing is impeccable, the last of my broken bones is finally healed and I sit before you a fresh canvas, for your aggression. But before we begin whatever inquisition you're here for, there is a pesky question that's been lingering in my head. Do you mind?
Michael: Go ahead.
Julian: Was it the infidelity or the espionage that motivated you to kill the woman I loved?
Michael: The woman that you loved?
Julian: Yes, loved. You know she once actually told me that she longed to love you, but the mundane existence you provided, couldn't hold a candle to my passion.
Michael: [Vaughn punches Sark in the face] That wasn't for sleeping with the woman I was married to, I couldn't care less about her.

Sydney: [watching Vaughn with Lauren] After thirty years you still live with your wife's betrayal. Will he?
Agent: Absolutely.

Tupikov: How does a British woman become an American spy?
Lauren: I'm not a spy. And though I grew up in London, I was born in the United States. Now that you know my life story, I have some questions myself. Your government's running a probe into this. I would think you'd want to bring closure to your own investigation. Why come to us?

Sydney: [Sydney and Vaughn move to the dance floor at a party] You're waltzing.
Michael: Yep... I've been practicing for our wedding.
Sydney: With whom?
Michael: Weiss...

Irina: I've seen you all my life. In my mind.

Michael: You're saying that five hundred years ago Rambaldi drew the DNA profile of a man who's alive today?
Carrie: It gets even better. Di Regno's DNA profile was a code key. It let us decrypt page 94 of the Rambaldi manuscript.
Marcus: What's on the page?
N.S.A. Deputy Director Brandon: Times and dates, each marking an apocalyptic event.

Jack: Yes, Vaughn briefed me. Elsa Caplan shouldn't be processed as a walk-in, she's an SVR agent.
Sydney: Which means we can classify her as a defector.
Jack: Or we can arraign her and try her for espionage. Until we make that determination, I'm holding her here.

Will: Sydney tells me you're doing analysis for the bank.
Jack: Strategy. Investment strategy. Arvin made me an offer I couldn't refuse.
Emily: Oh, that sounds like my husband!

Sydney: [Vaughn calls Sydney and she answers] Hello... Vaughn... Vaughn say something
[Vaughn closes his eyes and makes up his mind and closes the phone]

McKenas: You're going to give me the combination to the SD-6 vault and if you don't, I'm going to open this box. And Arvin, trust me when I tell you, you do not want me to open this box.

Vaughn: Marshall! I'm gonna need a green light in a hurry!
Agent: Easyer said than done. It's all in german..."Anschlag"?
Agent: "Gruen"

Eric: [Sydney and Weiss are at Sydney's house] I just... I just don't see it, you're working in a bank? What kind of a job is that? Cashing checks, making change, "excuse me, next in line please".
Sydney: I'm a loans officer, I travel, service accounts.
Eric: Wait a minute, that cover job you had for SD-6?
Sydney: I happen to be good at it.
Eric: Great! That's stimulating stuff, watching over someone else's money, Syd come on seriously since you left the spy business you're a bore!
Sydney: It's an adjustment it's all... are you sure you don't want to stay for dinner?
Eric: I'd love to, but I've got to go save the world, see you.
Sydney: Bye.
[Weiss goes to the door and opens it, Nadia is standing there]
Eric: Hello.
Nadia: Hi.
Eric: I'm Eric Weiss, 38, single...
Nadia: Nadia.
Eric: How are you?
Nadia: Good
[turns to Sydney]
Nadia: Is this a bad time?
Sydney: Not at all Nadia, this is Eric he was just leaving.
Eric: No, I can stay...
[Sydney waves Weiss good bye]
Eric: or go, nice to meet you.

Sydney: I haven't even asked anyone how they met.
Eric: Are you asking me? The NSC was wrapping up the case on your mom... uh, we were all deposed... Lauren was the one asking the questions. They hit it off.

Lauren: [Lauren and Vaughn are sitting at a bar. Lauren's phone rings] Sorry.
Michael: It's okay.
Lauren: Hello?
Julian: It killed you, didn't it? Seeing him drop the gun for Sydney?
Lauren: No it isn't a good time. Can I call you in the morning?
Julian: He's there with you, is that it? Though he'd rather be with her. You know, it's quite a charade you two are engaged in.
Lauren: I think we both know how dedicated I am to this assignment. If you have any issues, take it up through the proper channels.
Julian: Don't mistake me. It's not your dedication that I question.
Lauren: We'll talk about this later.
[she hangs up]

Michael: When's the last time you went to confession, Kiera MacLaine?
Kiera: ...I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel.
Michael: About what?
Kiera: A flirty priest.
Michael: I assure you my intentions are honorable... mostly.

Sark: Put the gun down, Agent Vaughn. Drop the gun.
Vaughn: Not a chance, you drop yours.
Sark: Put the gun down now.
Sydney: No, Vaughn, don't!
Sark: Drop it. If you love her, you will put the gun down now.
[Masked figure looks at Vaughn]
Sydney: Vaughn, don't!
[Vaughn drops the gun]

Vaughn: [Sydney opens door and sees Vaughn on the other side] Hey...
Sydney: Hi...
[They embrace she kisses his cheek]
Vaughn: [He takes a deep breath and sighs] He's dead Syd... My Father... He's been dead all along. I think... You know, I've... I've lived with his death for so long that I would've done anything just to see him again. But then I realized that, my father, he would have never left my mom and me, not for anything. The man I knew would have never walked away from the people he loved.
Sydney: How did you know?
Vaughn: Because I couldn't either.
[Smiles at Sydney for a moment and then sighs]
Vaughn: It was Sloane; I should have seen it all along. I swear to God Syd, I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch.
Sydney: Come inside, there's something I have to tell you.

Sydney: Would you like to hold your granddaughter?
Agent: Yes, I would.
[Sydney hands the baby to Jack]
Sydney: She has Vaughn's eyes.
Agent: Yeah, she does.
[Sydney looks down and thinks for a moment]
Sydney: Dad...
Agent: I'll take care of it.
[the scene changes from the airplane to Bhutan and a man riding a horse to a shack, he enters the shack and whispers a message to the monk]
Lama: [in subtitles] My brother... there's good news. You have a daughter.
[the screen moves over and you see Vaughn look up and smile]
Lama: [last lines]

Jack: [to Vaughn] And, just because you have gotten comfortable with my daughter doesn't mean you can get comfortable with me.

Michael: I don't see why you're denying this possibility!
Sydney: I understand that your authority has been superceded by my father and maybe you feel irrelevant. But he saved our lives. Remember that! I won't wait to hear from you.

Lauren: Michael, I got you something while you were gone, open it.
[He opens up a box to find his father's watch inside]
Lauren: I realized I forgot the anniversary of your father's death and I felt terribly, and I wanted to do something special to make up for it. It's the watch he gave you, I had it fixed.
Vaughn: This isn't working.
Lauren: It's not...
Vaughn: Not the watch, us... This isn't working for me. I'm not happy.
Lauren: I see...
Vaughn: I don't know, I guess for a while I thought I could be... again.
Vaughn: But I don't think that's going to happen. I think we should separate.
Lauren: This is about Sydney, isn't it?
Vaughn: No it isn't.
Lauren: Did she give you an ultimatum?
Vaughn: This is about us, our problems.
Lauren: She is our problem! Michael, if you're going to destroy my life, the least you can do is be honest about why you're doing it!

Jack: Sydney!
[Sydney and Jack embrace]
Sydney: I couldn't stop him. It was Vaughn, he took the coil. I couldn't stop him dad.

Francie: Hey.
Will: What's up?
Sydney: Where you been?
Francie: Okay, listen. Every time I walk into the room lately, you guys hush up as if I'm interrupting something. I mean, am I?
Will: What? No.

Marshall: You're probably going to want to kill me once I tell you this, but I ran some tests.
Jack: What kind of tests?
Marshall: You may be very sick Mr Bristow. Now you'll need additional blood work...
Jack: I thought I made myself clear Marshall; this is not something that I care to discuss.
Marshall: I understand... Just hear me out. You have a mutation.
Jack: Marshall, I've heard enough.
Marshall: Damn it, you may not care what happens to you, but what happens to you affects other people, Sydney, for example. Have you thought about that? You need to see a doctor now!

Marshall: Hi, I'm sorry I'm late sorry and I'm sorry that I have hives. I'm developing a thermal pigmentation capsule and you know, not quite react, uhm, you know, it's... Never mind. It should be gone in couple of hours.

Michael: Thanks for getting back to me so soon. Uh, the thing is, I think I have a problem.
Doctor: I know you're worried, but we ran every available diagnostic test for viral infections. Everything that could be related to your exposure to the fluid inside the Rambaldi device. They all came back negative.

Will: This is an article I've written. Abby, you've got to do this for me. Make sure you keep it sealed, and don't mention this to anyone. And you got to promise me you're not going to open it, unless something happens to me. And if something happens to me, you got to publish it.

[Jack prepares Will for his meet with Khasinau]
Jack: You'll be picked up by men in a van, they'll be armed.
Will: Okay.
Jack: You'll be blindfolded and taken to another location.
Will: Okay, I know what that feels like.
Jack: But they will not hurt you, they need you.
Will: But they're going to take me to "deep throat".
Jack: Or someone who works for him.

Vaughn: I hate you but I love Sydney more, thats the only reason you're not dying tonight.

McKenas: You give us the codes, I won't have to open the box which will be really excellent for you.
Arvin: I can't be the first person to have difficulty taking you seriously, can I?

Michael: Chances are, we won't have time to pull a switch, so deliver it to SD-6. When they break the code, they'll inform their affiliate offices through the computer network. Thanks to you, we're still downloading from their mainframe.
Sydney: How much have you gotten so far?
Michael: Almost two per cent.
Sydney: In all this time? That's all you got?
Michael: If we take too much, too quickly, they'll notice the leak. But we're patient. We can get all their internal files and then we can do some real damage.

Agent: Any complications?
Sydney: Well, I think I lost us about $900,000, depending on the exchange rate...

Eric: Jack is going to shoot you in the face.
Michael: Just give me a half-hour head start. Tell him that she called your phone and you gave it to me. We only have ten hours to find Kaplan.
Eric: If we end up sharing a cell in federal prison, I'm not giving you a drawer.

Sydney: Dixon contacted you?
Michael: Not directly. Through Langley. Said SD-6 was under attack. Are you okay?
Sydney: It's true. There's a team of six, maybe seven. They've got the latest military specs. They're after something in the vault.

Michael: If you don't say goodbye to me they win.
Sydney: I can't do it on my own.
Michael: I'm not here, this isn't real, none of this is real.
Sydney: It's real to me, that's all that matters.
Michael: Don't say that, that's what they want you to say.
Sydney: Well do you know what I want? I want the world to forget about us. I'm tired Vaughn, I'm tired of having this weight on my shoulders, I don't... I don't want to be the one who has to save the world. I want you back; I want you all to myself. I want to go away, just you and me and our baby. Somewhere no one can bother us a deserted island. I want out; I don't care if they win Vaughn, I don't care, I just want you to stay with me.

Michael: Look, I don't like it any more than you do, but if Listening to him, helps us get the bomb back, I can live with it.
Sydney: Even if your right, what if Anna gets away?
Jack: Sark has agreed to lead us to Ushek San'ko, the leader of CRF. We believe San'ko can provide operational intelligence that will allow us to stop Anna, and recover the weapon.
Sydney: When do we leave?
Jack: He has however made a demand which involves you.
[Looks up at Vaughn]
Jack: He wants to exhume your wife's body.
Michael: Fine, let him.
Jack: That's not all, Sark has demanded that you open her coffin for him.
Sydney: No!
Jack: Agent Vaughn?
Sydney: You can't order him to do this?
Jack: I'm not ordering, I'm asking. Sark's participation leading us to CRF, stopping Anna is dependent...
Michael: I'll do it.

Sydney: Hey guys.
Will: Hey.
Francie: Oh, you still live here?

Marcus: Smile and look like a lot of money.
Nadia: Dollars or Euros?
Marcus: Euros, definitely.

Sydney: Where have you been?
Francie: Three movies.

Jack: Sloane's on his way to Japan. He plans to stay at a Yakuza-run Ryokan, the Nyoshi Ginza. Use the numbers he gave you and contact Sark. Tell him we will hand him Sloane the night before his Alliance meeting.
Sydney: Tell me you agree with me, that we have no choice in this.
Jack: Of course we have a choice, and it's a moment I never wanted you to face. To kill someone. I'm not talking about self-defense: I'm talking about premeditated murder. To be there when the door closes on him for the last time. Knowing you are responsible. That is something you never came close to considering before getting to know your mother.

Arvin: We both are. We're both doing our job. And I look at Sydney Bristow's test results - I don't see a single spike. She didn't falter once.
SD: She's guilty. She's the one.
Arvin: I think that's a dangerous accusation made by a desperate man.
SD: I'm not desperate, Mr. Sloane. But I am curious why you feel the need to defend Miss Bristow?

Agent: That sound that you're- you know, that 'boom'? That's my mind blowing.

Michael: [smashes Sark's face into a table] See, when I have a gun, I don't just pull the trigger.
Julian: Thank you.
Michael: [smashes Sark's face again] Where's Sloane?
Julian: Not a problem; my loyalties are flexible.

Michael: What I learned is that it was a hoax. My father was killed by Irina Derevko in 1979. But someone was trying to make me believe otherwise.
Jack: Any idea who may have perpetrated this elaborate conspiracy?
Michael: Arvin Sloane...
Sydney: One of his colleagues confessed.
Jack: What possible motive would he have...
Michael: To force me into stealing something they wanted. I mean come on Jack; do I really have to explain to you what this is about? Sloane hasn't reformed... he's still after the same things.
Sydney: There's more dad; Vaughn wasn't the only person deceived by Sloane. The contract, the hit that was put on my life, I've seen the bank records. The payments paid to the assassin, wasn't mom. It was Sloane, he was behind it, he wanted you to kill her.
[They all pause and look at each other]
Sydney: I'm sorry dad. We should notify the agency, Chase...
Jack: No; I'll handle everything.

Jack: You realize it is your prerogative to ask Dixon to send someone else.
Sydney: If Dixon sends me on an operation, I'm going.
Jack: What I mean is, someone instead of Vaughn.

Arvin: It's good to see you again, Irina.
Irina: Thank you for extracting me.

Sydney: [after getting a call] I have to go in.
Michael: Of course you do, it's your day off.

Jack: You were right. Although our marital contract was founded on fraudulent pretenses, it's still valid until it's annulled. Which means, technically, we are still married.
Irina: Jack. Thus far, I've agreed to be debriefed only by Sydney. From now on, I'm willing to talk to you, too.

C.I.A. Agent Virginia Kerr: Agent Bristow, I've seen your profile. Your spatial intelligence is stellar. It's no surprise that you can solve the puzzle.
Sydney: But I wasn't solving it. When I was standing there, staring at the puzzle, it was like I remembered where every piece belonged. There wasn't any thought involved. You said the KGB developed a similar project, it's possible that my mother new the techniques and maybe she...
C.I.A. Agent Virginia Kerr: Agent Bristow. If you are looking to uncover a trauma then I need to warn you. Hypnotic regression can trigger severe nightmares, flashbacks, acute depression...
Sydney: Understand that to do what I do, maintain my cover at SD-6, I compartmentalize a lot. But the idea that I might have been programmed to be a spy... I can't tuck that away. I need to know what happened to me.

Sydney: What was wrong with the black one?

Jenny: I found out that SD-6 is an ingredient in artificial sweeteners... but that's probably not the SD-6 you're talking about.

Sydney: [on the phone] Hello?
Arvin: Congratulations, Sydney. You have so many things to celebrate today. I, myself, am still coping with the pain and disappointment of learning that you and Jack were double agents. The two people I trusted most in the world.

Sydney: Mr. Sark, I wanted a word before you get traded.
[Sark stands up and looks amazed as he sees Sydney alive]
Julian: Dear God, it can't possibly be you.
Sydney: Don't start this conversation by acting surprised that I'm alive.
Julian: Sydney, you know how highly I regard your abilities as an operative, but... Even I didn't think you were capable of cheating death once your remains had identified. Which begs the question, if it wasn't your body they removed from the ashes, whose was it?

Michael: Hey, Will. I got your psych report back. You did well.
Will: I'm not a sociopath.
Michael: Well, I didn't say that.
Will: Do I have a job?
Michael: Yes.
Will: A paying job?
Michael: Yes. As an analyst. You'll be asked to review classified documents and file reports. Think of it as writing articles only now your source material is classified. In fact, your cover is a journalist.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: just got off the phone with the director again and he asked me again if I knew we were in the intelligence business.

Irina: [to Elena] Hello sis.
[Walks closer to her]
Irina: Ever since you were eleven, there's something I wanted to do.
[Irina knocks Elena over with her gun]
Irina: Now!
[Sloane picks up Elena and ties her to a chair]

Dr. Judy Barnett: How would you feel if Vaughn left his wife for you?
Sydney: I don't know. I don't think he would ever leave his wife because of me. I mean, I think it would be because he and Lauren don't belong together.
Dr. Judy Barnett: Does he belong with you?
Sydney: Have you ever felt that someone's your soul mate?

Francie: "Dear Aunt Stephanie. Unfortunately, as my mother has informed you, the wedding is off so I am returning your kind gift of a coffee maker because, as it turns out, the man to whom I was engaged is a deceitful, two-faced, sex-crazed jackass. All my love, Francie."
Sydney: It's not too harsh.

Agent: My name is Marshall J. Flinkman, and I'm here to rescue you.

Emily: The Daniels are planning to fly out to visit next week.
Arvin: I think that's a very good idea, sweetheart.
Emily: Bold of me to make plans for the next week, don't you think?
Arvin: Come on, honey.
Emily: Arvin, you have to keep your sense of humor.
Arvin: I suppose I do.

Eric: [Thomas Grace enters APO for the first time and finds an empty desk and start to settle in at it. Weiss approaches him] Hey, how ya doin'? Eric Weiss.
Thomas: Tom Grace...
Eric: Hey, Tom... Ahh look, this desk isn't exactly an ideal location, ahh for you, it's right underneath the air conditioning vent, and there's actually a wobble in the desk. You know...
Thomas: Yeah... I get it. The guy I'm replacing... he sat here.
Eric: You can have mine, I'm not going to need it anymore, and actually I suppose you're replacing me as well.
Eric: These are really good people here...

Irina: There's one thing. The tracker you put in my shoulder.
Jack: You want it removed.
Irina: If they discover I've been tagged, it's over. We both know that.

Sydney: I don't understand what Khasinau has to do with my mother!
Arvin: He has everything to do with your mother. He was her superior. When you first identified Khasinau as The Man, I recognized his name from your mother's investigations. I thought, "This has to be a coincidence." I did some checking. He was her superior back in his days at the KGB. This is the only clue I have to offer you. Get the microchip. The more we find out about Khasinau, the closer you get to your mother.

Daniel: [to Sydney] There's loads of things I'm really good at. Some, I'm exceptional at. One of them is poker. Ahh, I love poker. Play twice a week. My friends come 'round, they bring their money, they lose their money. I always win. Do you know why? I can see a bluff a mile away.

Sydney: Raid my closet!
Francie: Thanks, but I got boobs.

Marshall: I didn't shut down that reactor at all.
Jack: That's impossible!
Marshall: No it isn't. The printouts, listen, it is physically impossible for me to shut down that reactor from a remote location. I mean given its particular status. It would have to be shut down manually but that's impossible too, because that you mean that someone, that that's
[pauses as he realizes what happened]
Marshall: ... I mean you. The only way it could happen is if you went into the reactor yourself.
Jack: It was my daughter's life.
[pauses; walks into elevator]
Jack: Between *us*

Vaughn: We thought you were dead. They asked me to come back to... to explain.
Sydney: Come back from what? What are you talking about? Vaughn... why are you wearing that ring?
Vaughn: Syd... since that night... you were missing. You've been missing for almost two years.

Sydney: [from Hassan's weapons storage in Crete] Vaughn, what's going on? The room just went into lockdown!
Vaughn: [Back at the C.I.A] What the hell did you just do?
Ineni: I gave you the wrong code. Your agent has activated an anti-intruder device.

Sydney: [returning her mother's earrings] They've been checked for hidden compartments, transmitters, passive sensors. Every sharp edge has been dulled.
Irina: I was twenty-one years old when I was given these at the graduation from the academy. My mother--your grandmother--put these in my hands. I cried. She said: "Sweetheart, wear them well". You would have liked her. Had things... been different.

Marcus: You know, you always do that.
Sydney: What?
Marcus: What you just did with your hair. It's your thing.
Sydney: I don't have a thing.
Sydney: It is. It's your thing.

[Sloane wants Will to stop looking into Danny's murder]
Arvin: How do you suggest we proceed?
Jack: Leave it to me, I'll get Tippin off the story.
Arvin: And if you can't?
Jack: Then I'll kill him myself.

Michael: [to Sydney's double] Who are you?
Anna: It's a pity, you'll never know.
[She pulls the trigger on her gun pointed at Vaughn, it clicks, but there is no ammo. Vaughn holds up the clip and shakes it]
Michael: Sydney and I never went to Cartagena.
[They fight, Vaughn pins her to the desk]
Michael: And just for the record, you're a terrible kisser.
Anna: I always said Sydney was too good for you.
[They continue to fight; eventually Anna finds another gun and points it at Vaughn]
Anna: Let's see if this ones' loaded.
[We hear gunshots, then we see that Anna as Sydney has a bullet hole in her head. The real Sydney is standing behind her with her own gun]

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Well, if she was so concerned about helping us stay ahead of SD-6, she could have told us what was at stake.
Irina: And what would you have done? Given Sydney false control codes to hand over to SD-6? Sark may have known the difference and she would have been exposed as a double agent. I wasn't willing to risk her life that way.

Michael: Is it Allison?
Sydney: Since I learned that she's alive... I keep wondering. Does she still look like her? Does she look like Francie? Because if she does? As much as I know I should keep her alive to maybe try to figure out the last two years of my life? All I'll wanna do is kill her.

Michael: [embarrassed] I don't know. I was in this store, you know, um... this little antique place
Sydney: [big smile] What were you doing in an antique store?
Michael: I don't know.
[laughs nervously]
Michael: Whatever. Um, look, if you don't like it just... don't tell me.

Michael: Involving you had no upside.
Sydney: There's no upside to keeping me informed? You didn't tell me about Manolo or that you had discussions with my mother! You didn't even tell me that you were seeing Alice again!
Michael: Wait. What is this about?
Sydney: This is about me being too old to be coddled!

Sydney: We received a file, a DNA string, of the person who was doubled.
Will: And?
Sydney: Your DNA didn't match and there was no Provacillium in your blood. You've been cleared.

Sabina: [Sabina and Vaughn are doing a job and talking about Vaughn being CIA] I went through the training program, Camp Perry. The CIA was looking for female agents with Russian language skills. They rejected me.
Vaughn: Yeah, you're probably better off.

Irina: [In India] So, Sydney, how's school?
Sydney: I'm writing my dissertation... supposedly.

Michael: Sydney spoke to you...
Jack: All I ask is that you hear me out.
[Vaughn nods and looks down]
Jack: My marriage with Irina, in spite of everything, was a happy time for me; it was easy being with her. There were times, moments, when I become curious, how would she occupy her morning, what were her plans while I was out of town. Usually she told me, but occasionally she'd stop what she was doing, walk over and offer me a kiss; A spontaneous gesture. But on one occasion it struck me, this impulsive kiss, what if it was an evasion; camouflaging the truth in an expression of love. Of course I dismissed my concern immediately, merely my professional paranoia. After all she was my wife I don't regret having married her. I have Sydney because of our time together. What I do regret is that once I saw signs of her duplicity, once I sensed her betrayal, I chose to ignore it. All I'm asking is that you be responsive to the signs if and when they present themselves.
Michael: You never respected me. Never thought I was worthy of your daughter. So I'm not surprised you're so quick to think Lauren is betraying me. But whether or not you or Sydney believe me, I know the life I'm living, and I know the woman I am married to. Lauren is not Irina, and I am definitely not you.

Michael: Do you think you can be in love with two people at the same time?
Eric: No, I don't. However I did have the same intense feelings for both Sport and Posh Spice.
Michael: Yeah, who didn't?

Marcus: [to Sydney] I can't judge you for not telling me about SD-6.

Jack: This is no different than when you were sent back into SD-6.
Sydney: It's completely different... I had Vaughn.
Jack: And Rachael will have you.

Sydney: By the way, I got Francie season tickets to The Hollywood Bowl for her birthday from the both of us.
Will: Oh, great, thank you. You know, she was right about what she said. We used to tell each other everything, now we don't. I can't tell her anything.
Sydney: I know. I hate it, too. But after Danny and what happened to you, I've accepted the fact that it's as a gesture of love to deceive the people I care about.