The Best Major Partagaz Quotes

Colonel: This is quite the wishlist. Full planetary comnet, full Garrison tech package, Series Nine Spectrum surveillance, local agent funding, Code Droid.
Dedra: All ready to go, sir. If someone there is talking, we need to be listening.
Colonel: It's a large investment.
Dedra: It's a fraction of the price of lost technology.
Colonel: So drill down on Ferrix, find this thief, and then what?
Dedra: Identify Axis. They escaped together. It's the first best lead we've had.
Major: Supervisor Meero has convinced me that this Axis has been nimble in spreading his activities across the galaxy. And, no, we don't know who he is, nor do we know the scope of our problem. The little we are aware of is already troubling.
Dedra: Ferrix was a mistake. It's the first one he's made. Drill down is exactly what I want to do, sir. Drill down, find Andor, and get a hunt started.

Major: Well played.
Dedra: Thank you, sir.
Major: Watch your back.

Major: What do we do in this building? Why are we here? Anyone?
Dedra: We're here to further security objectives by collecting intelligence, providing useful analysis, and conducting effective covert action, sir.
Major: Very good, Dedra. That is verbatim from the ISB mission statement... and wrong. Security is an illusion. You want security? Call the Navy. Launch a regiment of troopers. We are healthcare providers. We treat sickness. We identify symptoms. We locate germs whether they arise from within or have come from the outside. The longer we wait to identify a disorder, the harder it is to treat the disease.