30 Best Andor Quotes

[Cassian looks left and right while walking]
Shoretrooper: What do you think you're doing?
Cassian: Excuse me?
Shoretrooper: You keep looking around.
Cassian: I'm just trying to figure out what's going on.
Shoretrooper: You a part of it?
Cassian: Part of what?
Shoretrooper: Don't play dumb.
Cassian: No, I'm on my way to the store.
Shoretrooper: You need to back up. Stand right there.
[Shoretrooper points. Cassian walks backwards and stands]
Shoretrooper: You look like you're sweating.
Cassian: Well, it's hot.
Shoretrooper: Or you've been running.
Cassian: Why would I be running?
Shoretrooper: Because you're a part of it.
Cassian: Part of what?
Shoretrooper: I'll ask the questions.
[Several people run by. Shoretrooper radios in]
Shoretrooper: Pier 9, Pier 9, runners heading South.
Cassian: [Looks at runners] I can wait for you here if you want.
Shoretrooper: Friends of yours?
Cassian: What?
Shoretrooper: You heard me.
Cassian: [KX Unit walks toward them] Wait, no... uh...
Cassian: I don't know anybody here. I'm a tourist.
Shoretrooper: Tourists don't run.
Cassian: But I'm not running.
Shoretrooper: You got that right. That window is shut.
[KX Unit is shown carrying two people, another KX unit throws a man across the ground]
Cassian: I'm just going to the store, it's right there!
[Points to building]
Shoretrooper: You need to calm down, sir.
[to KX Unit]
Shoretrooper: Droid assistance, please.
Cassian: [KX Unit drops two people to the ground and walks toward them] Uh... What? Wait. What is he... No, this is crazy
Shoretrooper: [to droid] Hang on to this one for me. I wanna check the shelter.
[Shoretrooper walks away]
KX: He said hang?
[Slowly walks toward Cassian]
Cassian: What? No, no, no. No. No, you misunderstand. No, he... he meant watch.
KX: Hang?
Cassian: No, no, he means watch.
[KX unit lifts Cassian by the neck and slams him against a wall. Cassian gasps and chokes]
KX: Hang.
Cassian: [Yells to Shoretrooper] Tell him!
Cassian: Tell him you mean watch!

Chief: There's no suspect at this point?
Syril: We have some excellent leads.
Chief: [giving Karn's report a glance] "A human with dark features asking about a Kenari girl who might have been working in the establishment." Are there no witnesses to the actual crime? It's usually quite busy there.
Syril: Apparently not. This happened just outside the district, at the plaza entrance to the causeway.
Chief: Yes, I know.
Syril: There's an intersection...
Chief: I said I know it. Were they robbed?
Syril: No, sir.
Chief: Tough case. Bad timing.
Syril: I'm sure that in several days, with the proper resources, I can bring this case to a...
Chief: Stop! And I don't mean just the talking. I mean stop.

Kino: I can't swim!

Cassian: [Points gun at Kravas] Tell me now! Tell me what to do! Let's hear it boss! Get up. Get him up. Get him up! Move!
Kravas: [Breathes shakily] He's not breathing.
Cassian: No.
Kravas: Verlo! Verlo!
Cassian: He's faking!
Kravas: He's not!
Kravas: You killed him.
[Guard gasping]
Kravas: You didn't mean it. He fell. We had a misunderstanding and... we'll go in together. We played hard in hitting and you didn't understand it. He tried to grab you, and... and he fell, and he hit his head. We'll go in together. We'll tell them what happened.
[Cassian shoots Karavas]

Karis: I'm struggling to understand why my faith doesn't calm me. I believe in something. Why am I so unsettled? I mean you have nothing, you sleep like a stone. I write when I can't sleep. Wrote about you last night. Not you specifically, not "Clem." Although I'm assuming that's not your real name, anyway. "The Role of Mercenaries in the Galactic Struggle for Freedom." My conclusion is simple. Weapons are tools. Those that use them are, by extension, functional assets that we must use to our best advantage. The Empire has no moral boundaries, why should we not take hold of every chance we can? Let them see how an insurgency adapts.
Cassian: [sighs] Well, you're half right. The Empire doesn't play by the rules.
Karis: And how am I wrong?
Cassian: They don't care enough to learn. They don't have to. You mean nothing to them.
Karis: Perhaps they'll think differently tomorrow.
Cassian: Be careful what you wish for.
Karis: So you think it's hopeless, do you? Freedom? Independence? Justice? We should just submit and be thankful? Just take what we're given?
Cassian: [Inhales deeply, leans toward Nemik and glares] Do I look thankful to you?

Vel: You're coming with us. Everyone else stays here. Your comms have been disabled. Ours are working. If you don't help us, your family will die. If you slow us down, if you stall, if you argue, if you play us in any way, they will die.
Commandant: You'll kill us anyway.
Vel: 'Cause that's what you'd do, right?

Eedy: Syril. You're slouching. Is that how you've been presenting yourself to the world? It would explain a great deal. Being a leader isn't something one just turns on and off. By the time you've remembered to sit up straight, it's too late. You might as well a sign that says, "I promise to disappoint you." Shame we couldn't have seen more of each other when you were flourishing. I'd have the memory to sustain me.
Syril: Well, you could have come any time you wanted.
Eedy: Any civilized being knows an open invitation is no invitation at all. My assumption is you have no prospect for the future.
Syril: I had a spare room. Could've visited any time you wanted. You know that.
Eedy: I know what you tell me. I intuit the rest. I intuit you have no future prospects.
Syril: I'd forgotten the precision of your predictive powers.
Eedy: Ah, you've remembered how to mock me.
Eedy: Forgotten how sensitive you can be.
Eedy: Perhaps you've forgotten my question. Do you have even a single prospect before you?
Syril: I'll find a way.
Eedy: I'm calling Uncle Harlo. I'm calling in the family favor.
Syril: Haven't heard that in a while.
Eedy: These are desperate times.
Syril: You're assuming he'll remember you.
Eedy: That's amusing.
Syril: And you think he'll talk to you?
Eedy: I know he will. And he'll know why I called. And he'll respect me for having waited so long in asking and being so prudent about my request.
Syril: [Scoffs] What is it you'll be asking for?
Eedy: Someone who will take you on, Syril.
Syril: Setting the bar high, are we?
Eedy: Uncle Harlo will know what's best.

Luthen: Calm Kindness, Kinship, Love.
Luthen: I've given up all chance of inner peace.
Luthen: I've made my mind a sunless place.
Luthen: I share my dreams with ghosts.
Luthen: I wake up every day to an equation I wrote 15 years ago from which there is only one conclusion, I'm damned for what I do.
Luthen: My anger, my ego, my unwillingness to yield, my eagerness to fight, they've set me on a path from which there is no escape.
Luthen: I yearned to be a savior against injustice without contemplating the cost and by the time I looked down there was no longer any ground beneath my feet.
Luthen: What, What is my sacrifice?
Luthen: I'm condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them.
Luthen: I burn my decency for someone else's future.
Luthen: I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know I'll never see.
Luthen: And the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror or an audience or the light of gratitude.
Luthen: So what do I sacrifice? EVERYTHING!
Luthen: You'll stay with me, Lonni.
Luthen: I need all the heroes I can get.

Vel: You do everything they tell you.
Commandant: Just what are you after?
Vel: You'll be taking us to the payroll vault.
Commandant: That's insane.
Vel: Or we die together.
Commandant: I can't open the vault.
Taramyn: Time check.
Karis: [Checks watch] Falling behind.
Vel: Go. We'll finish.
Commandant: [Cassian and Taramyn push Jayhold back] Didn't you hear me? I don't control the vault! It's on a code from the airbase. It's done remotely.
Vel: Keep lying and it'll be a short night for you. We know about the vault and how it works. We need your hand to key the sensor. We can take just that if you prefer.
Commandant: You'll never make it out.
Vel: You better pray we do.
Commandant: You have no idea...
Vel: One path! One choice. We win, or everyone dies.

Colonel: This is quite the wishlist. Full planetary comnet, full Garrison tech package, Series Nine Spectrum surveillance, local agent funding, Code Droid.
Dedra: All ready to go, sir. If someone there is talking, we need to be listening.
Colonel: It's a large investment.
Dedra: It's a fraction of the price of lost technology.
Colonel: So drill down on Ferrix, find this thief, and then what?
Dedra: Identify Axis. They escaped together. It's the first best lead we've had.
Major: Supervisor Meero has convinced me that this Axis has been nimble in spreading his activities across the galaxy. And, no, we don't know who he is, nor do we know the scope of our problem. The little we are aware of is already troubling.
Dedra: Ferrix was a mistake. It's the first one he's made. Drill down is exactly what I want to do, sir. Drill down, find Andor, and get a hunt started.

Luthen: It don't matter what you tell me or yourself. You'll ultimately die fighting these bastards. Wouldn't you rather give it all at once, to something real?

Commandant: [to Colonel Petigar] The Dhanis, they're a simple people. They breed a sad combination of traits that make them particularly vulnerable to manipulation. On a practical level, they have a great difficulty holding multiple ideas simultaneously. We've found the best way to steer them as we'd like is to offer alternatives. You put a number of options on the table, and they're so wrapped up in choosing, they fail to notice you've given them nothing they thought they wanted at the start. Their deeper problem is pride. The Dhanis would rather lose, they'd rather suffer, than accept. Which is wildly ironic as they've choked down everything we've thrown at them these last 12 years. It's a ten day trek up from the lowlands. We offered them a transport because we know they'll refuse, but then along the way, we've placed a series of "Comfort Units," shelters and taverns with cheap local beverages. Quite predictably, what began as 500 pilgrims at the bottom has already dwindled down to... where are we now, Lieutenant?
Lieutenant: We counted 60 last night, sir. They may pickup some highland stragglers along the way, but so far it's developing as expected.
Commandant: Not that long ago, they'd put 15,000 out there.
Colonel: Have they any idea that this is the last time they'll be allowed up here?
Commandant: No, there's no profit in that. We've spent the last decade promoting an Imperial viewing festival down in the Enterprise zone. They'll have that going forward.
Colonel: It is their sacred valley, is it not?
Commandant: Well, ultimately, they will return, won't they, Colonel? When you need plenty of arms and legs to build all you've got planned.

Chief: This is quite the report. This happened when?
Syril: Last night, sir. I knew you were leaving this morning, and I wanted to make sure you had all the available information before your departure.
Chief: You've been very busy,
Syril: Two men are dead, sir. Employees. If that's not worth staying up for, then I'm not worthy of the uniform.
Chief: Have you modified your uniform?
Syril: Perhaps slightly. Pockets, piping, and... and some light tailoring.
Chief: I know one of these men. Kravas.
Syril: That's another reason I wanted to make sure this got the most immediate attention.
Chief: He was a squad commander on Four.
Syril: He's obviously fallen a great deal since then. He was a sentry corporal here on One.
Chief: No mystery there. He's lucky he wasn't killed years ago. One of the most unpleasant people I've ever met.

Timm: [Cassian leaves Bix's workshop] She seems upset.
Cassian: It's good to see you, Timm.
Timm: Seems like that happens every time you come around.
Cassian: I wouldn't worry. She's tougher than both of us.
Timm: I'm getting tired of hearing that.
Cassian: Then you'd better find yourself a less-complicated woman. Good luck with that.

Major: Well played.
Dedra: Thank you, sir.
Major: Watch your back.

Saw: Kreeygr's a separatist. Maya Pei's a neo-Republican. The Ghorman front. The Partisan alliance? Sectorists! Human cultists! Galaxy partitionists! They're lost! All of them, lost! Lost!

Cassian: Look, you got the money. I got the box. What else is there to talk about?
Luthen: I'll give you another thousand credits to tell me how you got it.
Cassian: [Chuckles] Another thousand?
Luthen: Done. How?
Cassian: You just walk in like you belong.
Luthen: Takes more than that, doesn't it?
Cassian: What? To steal from the Empire? What do you need? A uniform, some dirty hands and an Imperial tool kit. They're so proud of themselves, they don't even care. They're so fat and satisfied, they can't imagine it.
Luthen: Can't imagine what?
Cassian: That someone like me would ever get inside their house, walk their floors, spit in their food, take their gear.
Luthen: The arrogance is remarkable, isn't it? They don't even think about us.
Cassian: Us? I don't know you.
Luthen: Fair enough, but I know you. These days will end, Cassian Andor. The way they laugh. The way they push through a crowd. The sound of that voice telling you to stop, to go, to move. Telling you to die. Rings in the ear, doesn't it?
Cassian: Why don't you let me count that money?
Luthen: But they'll think about us soon enough.
Cassian: We should get moving.
Luthen: Soon enough, they'll have something else to listen to.
Cassian: You don't want to get caught with it!
Luthen: Oh, they'd hang me, would they? Take me up Rix Road and hang me in the square. Wouldn't be the first time, would it? Isn't that where they hung your father?
Cassian: [Draws and cocks weapon and points it] Who are you! What is this?
Luthen: [Cassian walks toward Luthen with his gun aimed] I said I know you. I know all about you. And yes, I want the box, and I'll leave with that if it's all I can get. I came looking for something more and I think I found it. I'd like you to come with me.
Cassian: [Cassian walks closer and points his gun in front of Luthen's head] How do you know about me?
Luthen: I was hoping for a more relaxed conversation but you're right, we don't have time. Contrary to what you told me, I doubt that you'll be sticking around. I know you killed two Corpos at Morlana-One, and I know they're coming for you. Seems like such a waste to let them have you. A waste of talent.
Cassian: [Cassian pushes gun between Luthen's eyes and whispers] Who are you?
Luthen: That's the wrong question. The right question is how much time do we have to get out of here.
Cassian: Why would I go anywhere with you?
Luthen: Don't you want to fight these bastards for real?

Arvel: Who brings treasure to a robbery?

Brasso: You shouldn't be here now, Cass.
Cassian: But the last time I saw her, we argued.
Brasso: Don't.
Cassian: I told her. I was coming back.
Brasso: Stop.
Cassian: I never should have left that morning.
Brasso: Stop. She told me you'd say all this.
[Brasso sighs]
Brasso: "Tell him, none of this is his fault. It was already burning, He's just the first spark of the fire. Tell him, he knows everything he needs to know, and feels everything he needs to feel. And when the day comes, and those two pull together, he will be an unstoppable force for good. Tell him... I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong."

Commandant: You.
Lieutenant: Quit gawking and get pushing.
[Yells to others]
Lieutenant: Close it down! Let's go! Last call!
Commandant: You'll hang for this.
Lieutenant: Seven years serving you? I deserve worse than that.

Vel: What have you done for him lately?
Kleya: I don't have lately. I have always. I have a constant blur of plates spinning and knives on the floor and needy, panicked faces at the window, of which you are but one of many.

Chief: This case appears to bear all the hallmarks of what I like to describe as regrettable misadventure.
Syril: Sir?
Chief: Two dedicated Pre-Mor employees caught in the sad orbit of a rare calamity.
Syril: I don't understand.
Chief: I want you to conjure a suitable accident.
Syril: But...
Chief: And let's make sure it's on the far side of the plaza. Let's get it outside the Leisure Zone.
Syril: But they were murdered.
Chief: No. They were killed in a fight. They were in the brothel, which we're not supposed to have, the expensive one, which they shouldn't be able to afford, drinking Revnog, which we're not supposed to allow. Both of them supposedly on the job, which is a dismissable offense. They clearly harassed a human with dark features and chose the wrong person to annoy. I suspect they died rushing to aid someone in distress. Nothing too heroic. We don't need a parade. They died being helpful. Something sad but inspiring in a mundane sort of way. You look stricken, Deputy Inspector. Are you absorbing my meaning here?
Syril: Trying, sir.
Chief: When I said bad timing, I wasn't referring to the fact that you spent all night worrying this. I meant that I am on my way this very morning to an Imperial Regional Command review, where I'll be asked to make a report about our crime rates, and the goal of that speech, should you ever be asked to deliver it, is brevity. Minimizing the time the Empire spends thinking about Preox-Morlana benefits our superiors and, by extension, everyone here at the Pre-Mor Security Inspection team, which at the moment includes you. Don't put your feet on my desk in my absence, and let's have an accident report waiting when I get back.

Dedra: The very worst thing you can do right now, is bore me.

Karis: [Recording] There will be times when the struggle seems impossible. I know this already. Alone, unsure, dwarfed by the scale of the enemy. Remember this. Freedom is a pure idea. It occurs spontaneously and without instruction. Random acts of insurrection are occurring constantly throughout the galaxy. There are whole armies, battalions that have no idea that they've already enlisted in the cause. Remember that the frontier of the Rebellion is everywhere. And even the smallest act of insurrection pushes our lines forward. And then remember this. The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear. Remember that. And know this: the day will come when all these skirmishes and battles, these moments of defiance will have flooded the banks of the Empire's authority and then there will be one too many. One single thing will break the siege. Remember this. Try.

Dedra: We're treating what happened at Aldhani like a robbery.
Attendant: What would you call it?
Dedra: An announcement.

Kino: One way out!

Mon: Is Leida ready?
Perrin: I'm not sure.
Mon: Where is she? Leida?
[Leida walks in]
Mon: Did you eat?
Leida: When would that have happened? I just came down.
Mon: Take something for the ride.
Leida: What?
Mon: We need to be going.
Leida: Oh, change in plan. Dad's taking me. You're taking me, right?
Perrin: Got to clear it with her.
Leida: I don't have early class today.
Mon: We planned this.
Leida: You did.
Mon: Get your coat. It's not up for discussion.
Leida: Are you serious?
Mon: Am I serious?
Leida: Just go. You're off the hook.
Mon: [Turns to Perrin] Enjoying this?
[to Leida]
Mon: Get your coat.
Leida: It's out of your way anyway so what's the point.
Mon: The point is we have a schedule, the driver's waiting, I planned on this, and we're going
Leida: You're only doing it to show off.
Mon: What?
Leida: Just go.
Mon: What would I be showing off?
Leida: That you're involved somehow.
Mon: Well, that's just...
Leida: Nobody cares. You can relax.
Mon: That's just so hurtful.
Leida: See, there you go.
Mon: Go where?
Leida: That's my point. It's all about you, isn't it? It's always all about you.
Mon: Is this really how'd you like to start the day?
Leida: I didn't choose this conversation.
Mon: I so appreciate the support.
[Mon Mothma turns around and walks away]

Saw: Thirty men.
Luthen: Plus Kreeygr.
Saw: For the greater good.
Luthen: Call it what you will.
Saw: Let's call it... war.

Supervisor: My sacrifice? It means nothing to you, does it?
Luthen: I said I think of you constantly and I do. Your investment in the Rebellion is epic. A double life? Every day a performance? The stress of that? We need heroes, Lonni, and here you are.
Supervisor: And what do you sacrifice?
Luthen: Calm. Kindness. Kinship. Love. I've given up all chance at inner peace. I've made my mind a sunless space. I share my dreams with ghosts. I wake up every day to an equation I wrote 15 years ago from which there's only one conclusion, I'm damned for what I do. My anger, my ego, my unwillingness to yield, my eagerness to fight, they've set me on a path from which there is no escape. I yearned to be a savior against injustice without contemplating the cost and by the time I looked down there was no longer any ground beneath my feet. What is my sacrifice? I'm condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them. I burn my decency for someone else's future. I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know I'll never see. And the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror or an audience or the light of gratitude. So what do I sacrifice? Everything!

Cassian: We need to go tomorrow.
Kino: Tomorrow?
Cassian: You heard me.
Kino: Go where?
Cassian: Anywhere. It has to be tomorrow.
Kino: Tomorrow.
Cassian: We can't wait. We'll never have a better chance.
Kino: You sound insane.
Cassian: No, listen to me. They don't have enough guards, and they know it. They're afraid. Right now, they're afraid.
Kino: Afraid? Afraid of what!
Cassian: They just killed a hundred men to keep them quiet! What would you call that?
Kino: I'd call that power.
Cassian: Power? Power doesn't panic. Five thousand men are about to find out they're never leaving here alive. Don't you think that worries them upstairs? Whatever we're making here, it's clearly something they need. They can't afford to be surprised again.
[Buzzer sounds, alarm blaring]
Cassian: There'll never be less guards than tomorrow. You know that!
Kino: On-Program!
[Kinoy moves to door, hands behind head]
Cassian: Everyday we wait, they get stronger!
Kino: It might be wise to have a plan!
Cassian: We have a plan!
Kino: Oh what! You and Birnok and Melshi?
Cassian: You don't have time to be stupid!
Kino: Come on!
[Kinoy forcefully drags Cassian to door, both struggle]
Cassian: The plan works around the new man coming down! They'll replace Ulaf tomorrow. That might not happen again until it's too late. I'd rather die trying to take them down than die giving them what they want.
[Alarm continues blaring]
Cassian: We won't have a better chance. It has to be tomorrow.