The Best Martin Kimbrough Quotes

Martin: [shakes hands with Joe] Mr. Mannix, Martin Kimbrough.
Joe: How do you do?
Martin: You said you wanted to talk to me about Tully's death?
Joe: Yes, but, uh, before we do, I'm a private detective like Wes Tully. We were friends.
Martin: What is it you want to say about Mr. Tully's death?
Joe: He was murdered.
Martin: It was ruled an accidental drowning.
Joe: Well, it was made to look that way. He was murdered.
Martin: How can you be so sure?
Joe: I was told so. In a way.
Martin: Told by whom?
Joe: Wes Tully.
Martin: [sighs] Mr. Mannix, you'll forgive me, but... riddles don't amuse me.
Joe: Wes came to my apartment the morning of the day he died. He was worried.
Martin: Worried about what?
Joe: [shows Kimbrough a can of undeveloped film] About this. He had it hidden in his home. Cost him his life.
Martin: [takes the canister and examines it] What is this?
Joe: Undeveloped negatives of a man Tully thought masterminded the robbery at your bank four months ago- Darrell Andrews. Wes took the pictures, but never got a chance to develop them.
Martin: How did you get this?
Joe: He told me where he hid it. Just in case.
Martin: Wes Tully's been dead for two days. Why have you waited so long?
Joe: I was in San Francisco on a case. I left a couple of hours after talking to Wes last Sunday. I just got back this afternoon and heard what had happened.
Martin: Why have you brought this to me?
Joe: Wes asked me to. After all, you and the bank directors were his employers.
Martin: Yes, of course. I'll call the police.
Joe: I've already called them, Mr. Kimbrough. Lieutenant Charleston is due back from San Francisco at 9:00 A.M. I'm gonna meet him.
[takes the canister from Kimbrough]
Joe: I don't think it would be very healthy for you to have this around the house. You may have callers.
Martin: Callers?
Joe: Two men have been following me.