The Best Monica Dutton Quotes

Monica: This place isn't a home, Kayce. It's a giant Alamo.

- She's a good woman.
- Better than I deserve.
Monica: God doesn't work like that.
- He would never let her love someone who didn't deserve her.

- But I wanna stay with mom.
- This is no place for a boy.
- You gotta take him.
- Doctor: We're gonna send your mom to a ct scan, okay?
- Let's go.
- Tate, you should come with me.
Monica: Love you, baby.

Tate: She was one hot tamale.
Monica: Tate!

- They won't let me.
- Let me in, you fucking child!
- Look at me!
- This is your vision!
- This is your destiny!
Monica: Baby, shh.
[Echoing] It's just a dream.

Monica: Oh, I can do it.
- Okay.
- I'm married, just so you know.
- I saw the ring.
- Not that I, just, um...
- I'm married.
- Got it. 3:00 pm. Tomorrow?
- Yeah.

Tate: Why can't we just live with Grandpa?
Monica: Because our home is here.
Tate: I like his home better. Our home sucks balls!
Monica: Hey! Where do you learn that kind of language?
Tate: School. Probably better I shouldn't go there from all the bad things I learn.
Monica: Mm-hmm.
Tate: Wonder what cuss word I'm gonna learn today.
Monica: Nice try, kid.

- Tate?
- Tate!
Monica: Tate.
[Different voices] Tate! Tate!
[Different voices] Tate! Tate!
Monica: Tate?

John: I know how you feel. I wished I didn't, but I do. I buried a son right over there.
Monica: I remember.
John: Blaming yourself, aren't you? Yeah, I did that too. Still do some days. I'll tell you something I've never told anybody. I had a brother for about 18 hours. His name was Peter. He was born early, and his little heart wasn't strong enough. Not much they could do back in those days. Not a lot they can do now. So, they just gave him back to my mother. The doctors hoped and we prayed and... neither worked. And it changed my mother, it hardened her. She never... she never tried to have children again. Years later, I was grown and Lee had just been born. Both my parents are looking at him, taking turns holding him. And my father got white as a ghost, looked at my mother and said, "Peter lived a perfect life. All he saw of this planet was you and all he knew was you loved him." That boy lived a perfect life, Monica. We're the only ones who know it was brief. All he knew was you and that you loved him.
Monica: Thank you.

Kayce: I'm, uh...
- I'm doing, you know?
Felix: Yeah.
Monica: Can you give us a minute?
- Good to see you, kayce.
- You, too.

John: Kayce.
- Shit.
Monica: Well, then there's the downside of having three generations on the same ranch.
John: Kayce.
- Get dressed.

Tate: You want me to drive?
Monica: You can't drive.
Tate: I can drive better than this.

Monica: When you said you saw the end of us, is this what you saw?
Kayce: No, Baby. No one ever saw this comin'.
Monica: What will?
Kayce: I'd have to choose the end of us. And I will never choose that.

- Ain't that the truth.
- You might be the worst liar I've ever met.
- So just stop lying and tell me why you're leaving us.
Kayce: I just...
Monica: The truth, kayce.
- We've always told it. Don't stop now.
- I was the one...

Tate: Why can't we ride with them?
Lloyd: 'Cause that's a pretty rough haul. Old Blue Jeans, he ain't got any more mountains in him.
Tate: Who's Blue Jeans?
Lloyd: Blue Jeans is the horse you're gonna be ridin'. He's almost as old as your daddy. In fact, I remember when your daddy used to run all over hell and gone on that son of a...
Monica: [clears throat]
Lloyd: Son of a gun.

Monica: Stop.
- Doing it to her doesn't undo what she did to me.
- I didn't steal from you.
- And you know it.
- You judged my skin. Just say it.
- I judged your skin.
- I'm sorry.