The Best Mrs. Chadwick Quotes

Mrs. Chadwick: But he had far too many responsibilities for marriage.

Mrs. Chadwick: I should think that would be obvious. I'm in no mood for coffee.

Columbo: That's a tough little monkey you got there.
Mrs. Chadwick: Enrico is not a monkey. He's a pedigreed silky.
Columbo: Oh, I can see that, ma'am. It's just a figure of speech.

Columbo: Uh, my name is Columbo, ma'am. I'm a, uh... lieutenant, uh, from the police.
[shows badge then puts it away]
Mrs. Chadwick: Dah, just a minute. Not so quickly. I'd like to look that over.
[examines his I.D. then him]
Mrs. Chadwick: Well, I must say, you hardly look the role.

Mrs. Chadwick: You aren't even capable of running your own life.
Beth: I've never been allowed to run my own life.