The Best Paul Malloy Quotes

Grant: Gentlemen, I have a theory. Unfortunately, the only way I can prove it or disprove it is going to put me in considerable jeopardy. Any one of you ever hear of mass suggestion?
Paul: So?
Grant: I think that's what we're dealing with now - a kind of hypnosis. To put it more bluntly or perhaps a little less believably, I don't think this airplane is really here. I think every one of us had a little hypnosis performed on him, a little suggestion. Someone somewhere told us that a DC-3 is inside this hangar and that it landed this morning. That's what they said, so every one of us had pictured in his mind a DC-3 as he knows one. Therefore, one of us sees the seats as blue, another sees them as brown, still another sees them as red. I read one number off the tail. Two other guys read two others. Don't you understand what I'm trying to say? This particular aircraft doesn't exist. It really isn't here at all.

Airline: Look, boys... we've have been theorizing for six solid hours. I'm just a simple-minded vice president in charge of operations, but I've got a passel of newsmen out there bugging me to death as to what kind of haunted operations we are running here.
Paul: Tell them to keep their shirts on.
Airline: That's what you should be telling them or a reasonable facsimile of an explanation.
Paul: Then you better get me another head and a couple of sets of arms, because I've been on that phone for six hours. I've had every news service, every television network, and a couple of professional mind readers trying to figure out what the great big mystery is we're supposed to be hiding in here. And you know how long I can keep it up, Mr. Bengston? Maybe another 15 minutes and then the whole thing is going to pop wide open and we're going to be stuck with rotten egg on our face. And Sheckly, and the government, are going to take our franchise away from us. Incompetence, mental instability, and and you name it, you can have it!