The Best Person of Interest, Season 4, Episode 3 Quotes

Andre: See, that's your problem right there. You're cynical.
Lionel: I'm not cynical, I just know that people are terrible.

- Shaw: Hey there.
- Wicked stomach cramps.

Harold: What will we do with the missile?
Root: I'm sure we'll think of something.

- Here somewhere.
- Bear, zoek.
- Mickey and his goons are still out there.
- You get fusco and the pickup artist.
- I'm gonna go hunting.
- Fusco: Hey! Cooper: Hey!
- -Fusco? Fusco: We're in here.

Jumpy: You don't look so tough.
Harold: It's because I have only two modes, Jerry. Calm, and furious. It's a rare person that sees the latter and lives to talk about it.

- I know you do.
- But if you ever need a refresher course, you give me a call.
- Done.
- Here you go. Hi.
- Hi.
- Thank you. Welcome back.
Root: Our Latvian friends won't be needing these supplies anymore.

- She knows you so well, Harold.
- Now we get to kill two birds with one stone.
- Should we tie them up just in case?
- What was the point of all this, miss groves?
- How did this ridiculous journey help anyone?
- Let me show you.

- Who's this guy?
- Longshoreman.
- Fusco, grab Andre and go out the back exit now.
- Um, I'm sorry. I have to go.
- What are you doing?
- Why didn't you get her number?
- You're in danger.
- We need to get you out now.

Andre: Well, that went poorly. Although I have heard in some cultures, spilling drinks on a woman is a mating ritual.

- Now you are everywhere.
- How is that?
- I'm a very private person.
- I am as well.
- You're lucky you know my friend Jerry.
- We don't trust outsiders.

- That's because I have only two modes, Jerry.
- Calm and furious.
- It's a rare person that sees the latter and lives to talk about it.
- Okay. Okay.
- I got you. Everyone relax now.
- Follow me.

- I designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees everything.
- Violent crimes involving ordinary people.
- The government considers these people irrelevant.
- Hunted by the authorities, we work in secret.
- You will never find us.
- But victim or perpetrator, if your number's up, we 7! Find you.

- Yes, ma'am.
- Hey, you, in the fancy suit.
- You're part of a team now.
- No more narco cowboy nonsense.
- And try not to shoot anyone for a few days.
- You hear me?
- Loud and clear.

- But first, you need to tell me what you saw.
- Finch: Certain we can trust these men?
- Trust them? Of course not.
- Can't trust anyone, egret.
- What world are you living in?
- This is gonna be interesting.
- It's going to be a lot less interesting once we're dead, miss groves.

- Isn't that a little tacky?
- I prefer the word "strategic."
- Stop primping, gorgeous.
- Somebody's watching you.
- Lady by the silent auction.
- Great smile.
- What do we do?
- She's already done all the work for you.
- Now off you go.

- Relax, fusco.
- He's probably just some con artist who's in over his head.
- Have some fun with it.
- You're not the one pretending to need professional help to get a date.
- Then, when was the last time you had a date, Lionel?
- Looks like professional help just arrived.

- Have a little faith, Harry.
- Man: Put the case down.
- Woman: Hands in the air!
- See? She's still doing herjob, Harold.
- Always watching.
- Time to go.

- Hey, pal.
- Checking out my girl?
- You know what,
- I didn't realize she was anyone's girl.
- Yeah, right.
- N.y.p.d. You're cut off for the rest of the night. You understand me?
- Who the hell are you?

- Most fun I've had in a while. Good game.
- You too.
- Love to celebrate, but you're on a roll...
- It's a priority homicide.
- Came in from the commissioner's office.
- Illegal street vendor recanted his statement.
- Vendor's scared. Be scarier than the guy who made him clam up.
- Yes, ma'am.

- Nice piece of machinery.
- Fifty-thousand as agreed.
- It's nice doing business with a legend.
- Hope we work together again someday.
- Mr. Egret, you mind telling us what you plan to do with the missile?
- Just out of curiosity.
- You know, I would mind. Very much.

- I've spent the past two decades learning how not to color inside the lines.
- May take me a second or two to figure it out.
- Riley.
- Detective Riley, we have a new number.
- Now's not the best time, professor.
- I'm at work.
- Circumventing suspicious employers is part of our new challenge, John.
- Please, hurry.

- The only way the machine could give us this kind of financial assistance...
- Was to do so in a way that samaritan would never discover.
- III-gotten gains put to good use.
- Maybe it's time you give her a second chance.
- What'll we do with the missile?
- I'm sure we'll think of something.

- I lied because cops don't hire wingmen.
- The guys find out, they'll bust my chops to my grave.
- Well, the day's not done.
- And your friend paid in advance, so...
- What? You want to keep going?
- You're a hero. We should capitalize on that.
- I have another event we could catch.
- What's the worst that could happen?

- Once my buddy asked me to help him on the side, said he'll pay.
- A business is born.
- Two years later, he's getting married.
- So have some hope.
- Igothope, that this speech is gonna end soon.
- Keep living in the past, you're gonna wind up alone.
- Can't run away from your past either.

- I hired a friend to make sure this container never reaches its destination.
- Don't worry. You'll probably die of heat stroke before you drown.
- Let's go.

Lionel: I don't know. This just ain't me. Who wears cufflinks, anyway? How do you put these things on by yourself?
Andre: You're right. Cufflinks and perfectly-tailored pants are for suckers that just want to meet women. Maybe we could get you a track suit and a Barcalounger.
Lionel: What's wrong with a track suit?
Andre: Are you a track star?

- Man: Mr. Egret, it's an honor.
- I've read a lot about you, sir.
- Your tour in the Gulf.
- Your work with Blackwater.
- Who's the hottie?
- She's none of your concern.

- Back up.
- Mick, you don't know what you're doing.
- I'm afraid you got that the other way around.
- Get him in. Bring them both. Go.
- Let's go. Move.

- Maybe we can use that edginess of yours to our advantage.
- I'm intrigued.
- Tell me more.
- I told you no more developmentals.
- I was working up a lead.
- Your numbers are down, Riley.
- If you don't start closing more cases...
- I'm gonna ship you off to evidence lockup and find someone who can.

- This was the machine's plan?
- She believes in saving your irrelevant numbers, Harold.
- And while you can't access any of your old bank accounts right now...
- Things are looking up.

- Okay, but...
- No talking.
- Listening. Make eye contact.
- Be polite. Don't be a doormat.
- Smile, but not too much.
- You don't want to look like a crazy person.
- But most of all...
- Have fun, Lionel.
- All right.

Captain: What is that, the third or fourth guy you've kneecapped this month, Riley?
John: Fourth, ma'am.
Captain: I suppose I should give you points for being such a good shot.

- I suggest we get close to Cooper's operation and find out.
- You mean 90 undercover as a client?
- Not it, Finch.
- Oh, don't worry, Reese.
- Harold and I decided that we needed somebody with a few more people skills.
- And a little less hair gel.

- What is it that the machine wants?
- I don't know yet.
- She gave me very little to go on.
- She can't talk to me the way she used to with samaritan watching.
- But I do know where to start.
- Excellent. A wild-goose chase.
- I'd like to think of it more as a scavenger hunt.

- Come on. Let's get to work.
- Where we going?
- Shopping.
- I hope you have a decent line of credit.
- I think I know who's gonna kill our guy.
- -Who?

- Nice of you to show up.
- Was about to close my third case of the day.
- I wanted to make sure
- I had a chance to brag about it.
- Fusco: Mickey's still out there.
- I'm gonna get him.
- They never give you enough ammo.

Captain: The COMPSTAT numbers are an embarrassment. Homicides are up 20% in the last two months. I'm ready to fire me.