The Best Pete Quotes

Old: [Johnny Quid takes Old Man's drink and swigs] Oi, that's my drink.
Pete: Fuck you, sing-along.
[Johnny Quid gives the Old Man the finger]
Pete: You're no help, and stop calling me Pedro.
[Old Man grabs bottle to fight]
Johnny: [Johnny Quid turns to face him, crazy-eyed] Come on then, boy. I'll have you and your girlfriends. I'll do the lot of yas.
[Johnny Quid points a sharpened pencil at the Old Man]
Johnny: Do I not look like a pothouse? Six foot down the bar. Go on, jog on, walk on, goodbye, bon voyage, fuck off.
[Group of old men turn away]
Johnny: Was I good or what, Pete?
Pete: Yeah.
Johnny: It's all in the eyes. Junkies, I shit them.

Johnny: You see that pack of Virginia killing sticks on the end of the piano?
Pete: Yes.
Johnny: All you need to know about life is retained in those four walls. You will notice that one of your personalities is seduced by the illusions of grandeur: the gold packet of king-size with a regal insignia, an attractive implication towards glamour and wealth, the subtle suggestion that cigarettes are indeed your royal and loyal friends - and that, Pete, is a lie. Your other personality is trying to draw your attention to the flip side of the discussion: written in boring bold black and white, it's a statement that these neat little soldiers of death are in fact trying to kill you - and that, Pete, is the truth. Oh, beauty is a beguiling call to death and I'm addicted to the sweet pitch of its siren. That that starts sweet ends bitter, and that which starts bitter ends sweet. THAT is why you and I love the drugs and that is also why I cannot give that painting back. Now please, pass me a light.
Pete: Oh, you are something special, Mr. Johnny Quid.

Johnny: Did he ever interfere with you? You know, touch you inappropriately?
Pete: He tickled me, if that's what you mean.
Johnny: You see in psychological circles there's a technical term for that scenario.
Pete: There is?
Johnny: Monsteroustickalotis.
Pete: You what?
Johnny: Your dad was a tickling monster.

Pete: I'm sorry. I thought you might've liked a bit of company.
Johnny: I'm dead, Pete. What does that tell you? It tells you that dead people don't like company.