The Best Police Chief Quotes

[first lines]
Klaus: [has the Chief of Police held by his throat, at arm's length, over balcony railing] The taxpayers of New Orleans deserve a skilled Chief of Police. How inept are you if not a single one of your men can locate the woman I seek?
Police: [shakes his head, gasping out his words:] We're trying. She's a ghost.
Klaus: Aurora de Martel is rather petite, and may indeed slip through the cracks like a wicked little cricket, but she is not a ghost.
[shifts his grip, and the Chief chokes]
Klaus: Not yet.
[hisses: ]
Klaus: I think the City's finest could try a bit harder. Hmm?
Police: [gasps:] Okay.
Freya: [enters] I see we're in for another normal Mikaelson breakfast.
Elijah: Niklaus, for heaven's sake, release the poor creature.
[which is what Klaus does, dropping the Chief down to the ground a storey below to land with a groan]
Elijah: That's not what I meant.
Klaus: [smiles] He'll live. And he'll remember to do better.
Freya: Is all this torture necessary?
Klaus: [to Marcel] Where have you been?
Marcel: I was making sure that the Strix and their witches were out trying to find your loony ex-girlfriend. Is that okay by you?
Elijah: Gentlemen, please.
Marcel: All our heads are on the chopping block because
[points at Klaus]
Marcel: he lost the one thing that can kill an Original.
Freya: It's not his fault that Cami was waving the white oak stake around like a kite, or that Aurora made a deal with one of your witches.
Marcel: Oh, yeah, it is.
Klaus: I'm quite capable of defending myself, thank you, Freya. What I cannot do is cast a spell to find Aurora.
[ironic: ]
Klaus: In that respect, we're alike.
Freya: [defensive] Aurora is cloaked, most likely by the very witch she killed. I have been working nonstop, every day.
Klaus: Well, you've stopped now, haven't you?
[Freya looks hurt by this slight]
Klaus: Well, go on. On your way.
Freya: [looks down, then meets his eyes again] Do you talk to our other sister like this?
[no answer]
Freya: Didn't think so.
[turns, walks away]
Elijah: Freya...!