The Best Ram Quotes

Blue: This is Blue Leader to Blue Bikes. Run these guys into your jet walls.
Blue: Copy Blue Leader.
Blue: Copy Blue Leader.
Tron: This is Gold-1 to Gold-2 and 3. Split up. Take them one-on-one.
Blue: Watch it! Watch it!
Blue: [Tron corners him between a light wall and his own trail] Aah!
Blue: Taking him into the maze.
Kevin: This is it. Come on. Gold-3 to Gold-2 and 1. I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited.
Ram: Got it.
Tron: Ready?
Ram: Ready!
Tron: So long, suckers!
Kevin: Greetings, programs!
Announcer: Video game warriors escaping game grid. This is an illegal exit. You must return to game grid. Repeat! This is an illegal exit. You must return to the grid.
Ram: Gold-3 to Gold-2. Those demons are coming down.
Sark: Get them! Send out every game tank in the grid!
[knocks his lieutenant down]
Sark: Get them!

Ram: [about Flynn] The new guy was asking about you.
Tron: It's too bad he's in a match now. I'll probably never meet him.
Ram: You might. There's something different about him.

Ram: Are you a User?
[Flynn nods]
Ram: Flynn, help Tron.

Ram: My friends, my fellow conscripts, we have scored. I feel so much better.

Kevin: Hey Ram, what were you, you know, before?
Ram: I was an actuarial program. Worked for a big insurance company. It really gives you a great feeling helping folks plan for their future needs. Of course, if you take the payments as an annuity over the years, the cost is really quite minimal.

Ram: You really think the Users are still there?
Tron: They better be. I don't wanna bust out of here and find nothing but a lot of cold circuits waiting for me.

Ram: I'd say welcome, friend. But not here. Not like this.
Crom: I don't even know what I'm doing here.
Ram: Do you believe in the Users?
Crom: Sure I do! If I didn't have a User, than who wrote me?
Ram: That's what you're doing down here.