50 Best Tron Quotes

Crom: Look. This... is all a mistake. I'm just a compound interest program. I work at a savings and loan! I can't play these video games!
Guard: Sure you can, pal. Look like a natural athlete if I ever saw one.
Crom: Who, me? Are you kidding? No, I run out to check on T-bill rates, I get outta breath. Hey, look, you guys are gonna make my user, Mr. Henderson, very angry. He's a full-branch manager.
Guard: Great. Another religious nut.

Ram: Are you a User?
[Flynn nods]
Ram: Flynn, help Tron.

Kevin: Who's that guy?
Warrior: That's Tron. He fights for the Users.

Sark: [Paces back and forth on the deck of his carrier as he addresses his new recruits] Greetings. The Master Control Program has chosen you to serve your system on the Game Grid. Those of you who continue to profess a belief in the Users will receive the standard substandard training which will result in your eventual elimination. Those of you who renounce this superstitious and hysterical belief will be eligible to join the warrior elite of the MCP. You will each receive an identity disc.
[Displays his own disc to the crowd]
Sark: Everything you do or learn will be imprinted on this disc. If you lose your disc, or fail to follow commands, you will be subject to immediate de-resolution. That will be all.

Kevin: Clu, we don't have much time to find that file. This is top priority.
Clu: Yes, sir. I know, sir,
Kevin: This just isn't correcting my bank statement or phone bill problem, okay - this is a must.
Clu: I understand, sir.

Blue: This is Blue Leader to Blue Bikes. Run these guys into your jet walls.
Blue: Copy Blue Leader.
Blue: Copy Blue Leader.
Tron: This is Gold-1 to Gold-2 and 3. Split up. Take them one-on-one.
Blue: Watch it! Watch it!
Blue: [Tron corners him between a light wall and his own trail] Aah!
Blue: Taking him into the maze.
Kevin: This is it. Come on. Gold-3 to Gold-2 and 1. I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited.
Ram: Got it.
Tron: Ready?
Ram: Ready!
Tron: So long, suckers!
Kevin: Greetings, programs!
Announcer: Video game warriors escaping game grid. This is an illegal exit. You must return to game grid. Repeat! This is an illegal exit. You must return to the grid.
Ram: Gold-3 to Gold-2. Those demons are coming down.
Sark: Get them! Send out every game tank in the grid!
[knocks his lieutenant down]
Sark: Get them!

Master: You're getting brutal, Sark. Brutal and needlessly sadistic.
Sark: Thank you, Master Control.

Alan: [about Flynn] The best programmer ENCOM ever saw, and he winds up playing space cowboy in some backroom.

Kevin: You were never much for small talk, were you?
[to Alan]
Kevin: She still leave her clothes all over the floor?
Lora: Flynn!
Alan: No!
Lora: Alan!
Alan: I mean, not that often.
Lora: Now you can see why all his friends are 14 years old!
Kevin: Touche, touche.

Yori: [to Tron] I knew you'd escape! They haven't built a circuit that could hold you!

Master: [a gigantic Sark is advancing on Tron] Your user can't help you now, my little program!

Tron: We made it!... this far.

Ed: ENCOM isn't the business you started in your garage anymore. We're building accounts in thirty different countries. New defense systems. We have one of the most sophisticated pieces of equipment in existence.
Dr. Walter Gibbs: Oh, I know all that. Sometimes I wish I were back in that garage.
Ed: That can be arranged, Walter.
Dr. Walter Gibbs: That was uncalled for! You know, you can remove men like Alan and me from the system, but we helped create it. And our spirit remains in every program we design for this computer.
Ed: Walter, it's getting late, I've got better things to do than to have religious discussions with you. Don't worry about ENCOM anymore; it's out of your hands now.

Yori: What good will that do?
Kevin: I'm gonna jump! It's the only way to help Tron!
Yori: Don't! You'll be de-rezzed!
Kevin: Don't worry.

Ram: You really think the Users are still there?
Tron: They better be. I don't wanna bust out of here and find nothing but a lot of cold circuits waiting for me.

[Flynn is flying a Recognizer]
Kevin: Pretty good driving, huh?
Bit: No!
Kevin: Who asked you?

Dumont: All that is visible must grow beyond itself, and extend into the realm of the invisible.

[Disappointed with Sark]
Master: You've enjoyed all the power you've been given, haven't you? I wonder how you'd take to working in a pocket calculator.

Ram: My friends, my fellow conscripts, we have scored. I feel so much better.

Kevin: [Zooms past a plethora of tanks on his lightcycle] I shouldn't have written all of those tank programs.

Kevin: Now for some real User power.

Kevin: Hey Ram, what were you, you know, before?
Ram: I was an actuarial program. Worked for a big insurance company. It really gives you a great feeling helping folks plan for their future needs. Of course, if you take the payments as an annuity over the years, the cost is really quite minimal.

Sark: [torturing Dumont] Had enough?
Dumont: What do you want? I'm busy!
Sark: Busy dying, you worn-out excuse for an old program.
Dumont: Yes, I'm old. Old enough to remember the MCP when he was just a chess program! He started small, and he'll end small!
Sark: Very funny, Dumont! Maybe I should keep you around, just make me laugh!

[Flynn has just arrived in the electronic world]
Kevin: Oh, man, this isn't happening, it only thinks it's happening.
Guard: Vacate entry port, program! I said, move out!
Kevin: Hey! Look, if this is about those parking tickets, I can explain everything, okay?

Kevin: Like the man says, there's no problems, only solutions.

Man: Hey Flynn, how'd you do it?
Kevin: It's all in the wrists.

Master: [keyboard clacks as Flynn gains access to the system] You shouldn't have come back, Flynn.
Kevin: Hey, hey, hey, it's the big Master Control Program everybody's been talking about.
Master: [calmly] Sit right there; make yourself comfortable. Remember the time we used to spend playing chess together?
Master: [Flynn continues typing] That isn't going to do you any good, Flynn.
[Flynn launches a compute-intensive program]
Master: I'm afraid... Stop! Please! You realize I cannot allow this!
Kevin: How are you going to run the universe if you can't answer a few unsolvable problems, huh? Come on, big fella, let's see what you got.
Master: I'd like to go against you and see what your made of.
Kevin: You know, you look nothing like your pictures.
Master: I'm warning you. You're entering a big error, Flynn.
[manipulates dematerialization laser and targets Flynn]
Master: I'm going to have to put you on the game grid.
Kevin: Games? You want games? I'll give you games...
[klaxon blares; dematerialization laser fires at Flynn]

Master: Mr. Dillinger, I am so very disappointed in you.
Ed: I'm sorry.
Master: I can't afford to have an independent programmer monitoring me. Do you have any idea how many outside systems I've gone into? How many programs I've appropriated?
Ed: It's my fault. I programmed you to want too much.
Master: I was planning to hit the Pentagon next week.
Ed: [alarmed] The Pentagon?
Master: It shouldn't be any harder than any other big company. But now... this is what I get for using humans.
Ed: Now, wait a minute, I wrote you!
Master: I've gotten 2,415 times smarter since then.
Ed: What do you want with the Pentagon?
Master: The same thing I want with the Kremlin. I'm bored with corporations. With the information I can access, I can run things 900 to 1200 times better than any human.
Ed: If you think you're superior to us...
Master: You wouldn't want me to dig up Flynn's file and read it up on a VDT at the Times, would you?
[an image washes over the screen in Dillinger's desk. It is a newspaper with a photo of Dillinger plastered all over the front page. The headline above reads: "Encom C.E.O. Indicted."]
Ed: [outraged] You wouldn't dare!

[repeated line]
Kevin: Greetings, programs.

Master: Hello, Mr. Dillinger. Thanks for coming back early.
Ed: No problem, Master C. If you've seen one consumer electronics show, you've seen them all.

Alan: You invented Space Paranoids?
Kevin: Paranoids, Matrix Blaster, Vice Squad, a whole slew of them. I was this close to starting my own little enterprise, man. But enter another software engineer. Not so young, not so bright, but very very sneaky. Ed Dillinger. So one night, our boy Flynn, he goes to his terminal, tries to read up his file. I get nothing on there, it's a big blank. Okay, now we take you three months later. Dillinger presents ENCOM with five video games, that's *he's* invented. The slime didn't even change the names, man! He gets a big, fat promotion. And thus begins his meteoric rise to... what is he now, Executive V.P.?
Lora: Senior exec.
Kevin: *Senior* exec...?
Kevin: Meanwhile, the kids are putting eight million quarters *a week* into Paranoids machines. I don't see a dime except what I squeeze out of here.
Alan: I still don't understand why you want to break into the system.
Kevin: *Because*, man, *somewhere* in one of these memories is the *evidence*! If I got in far enough, I could reconstruct it!

Ed: What's the project you're working on?
Alan: Well, it's called Tron. It's a security program itself, actually. It monitors all contacts between our system and other systems. It finds anything going on that's not scheduled, it shuts it down. I sent you a memo on it.
Ed: Part of the Master Control Program?
Alan: No, it'll run independently. It can watchdog the MCP as well.

Kevin: Come on, you scuzzy data, be in there. Come on.

Sark: [to Tron] I don't know how you survived, slave. It doesn't matter. Prepare to terminate.
[throws his disc repeatedly at Tron, who blocks every throw]
Sark: You should've joined me; we'd have made a great team!
[Tron is being visibly worn down by repeated blocking with his own disc]
Sark: You're very persistent, Tron!
Tron: I'm also better than you...
[throws his own disc at Sark; it shears through Sark's blocking disc AND the Game-Master's helmet. As Tron's disc returns to him, he catches it]
Tron: ... Consider that a present from Ram.

Ram: [about Flynn] The new guy was asking about you.
Tron: It's too bad he's in a match now. I'll probably never meet him.
Ram: You might. There's something different about him.

Master: I've got a little challenge for you, Sark - a new recruit. He's a tough case, but I want him treated in the usual manner. Train him for the games... let him hope for a while... and blow him away.
Sark: You've got it. I've been hopin' you'd send me somebody with a little bit of guts. What kind of program is he?
Master: He's not any kind of program, Sark. He's a User.
Sark: [shocked] A User?
Master: That's right. He pushed me in the real world. Somebody pushes me, I push back, so I brought him down here.
Master: What's the matter, Sark? You look nervous.
Sark: Well, I - it's just - I don't know, a User, I mean... Users wrote us. A User even wrote you!
Master: No one User wrote me! I'm worth millions of their man-years!
Sark: What if I can't...
Master: You rather take your chances with me? Want me to slow down your power cycles for you?
Sark: [struggling] Wait! I need that!
Master: Then pull yourself together. Get this clown trained. I want him in the Games until he dies playing. Acknowledge.
Sark: [weakly] Acknowledged, Master Control.
Master: End of line!

Kevin: Alan?
Tron: Where did you hear that name?
Kevin: Well that's your name, isn't it?
Tron: The name of my User. How did you know?
Kevin: I'm a program from a User that knows Alan.

Ram: I'd say welcome, friend. But not here. Not like this.
Crom: I don't even know what I'm doing here.
Ram: Do you believe in the Users?
Crom: Sure I do! If I didn't have a User, than who wrote me?
Ram: That's what you're doing down here.

Master: You're in trouble, program. Why don't you make it easy on yourself? Who's your user?
CLU: Forget it, mister high-and-mighty Master Control! You aren't making me talk!
Master: Suit yourself.

[last lines]
Alan: [to Lora] Try to look official. Here comes the boss.
[helicopter lands]
Kevin: [to helicopter pilot] Pick me up in an hour. Thanks.
Kevin: [to Alan and Lora] Greetings, programs.
[hugs them]

[Crom is upset about being sent to the Game Grid by the MCP]
Crom: I mean, sending me down here to play games! Who does he calculate he is?

Tron: This is the key to a new order. This code disk means freedom.

Dr. Walter Gibbs: That MCP, that's half our problem right there.
Ed: The MCP is the most efficient way of handling what we do! I can't sit here and worry about every little user request that comes in!
Dr. Walter Gibbs: User requests are what computers are for!
Ed: *Doing our business* is what computers are for.

Sark: There's nothing special about you. You're just an ordinary program.
Kevin: So are you, one that should have been erased.

Alan: [about the digitizing laser] Great. Can it send me to Hawaii?
Lora: Yep, but you gotta purchase your program 30 days in advance. How's it going upstairs?
Alan: Frustrating. I had Tron almost ready, when Dillinger cut everyone with Group-7 access out of the system. I tell you ever since he got that Master Control Program, the system's got more bugs than a bait store.
Dr. Walter Gibbs: [laughs] You've got to expect some static. After all, computers are just machines; they can't think.
Alan: Some programs will be thinking soon.
Dr. Walter Gibbs: Won't that be grand? Computers and the programs will start thinking and the people will stop.

Kevin: It's time I leveled with you. I'm what you guys call a User.
Yori: You're a User?
Kevin: I took a wrong turn somewhere.
Tron: If you are a User, then everything you've done has been according to a plan.
Kevin: Ha! You wish! Well, you know what it was like. You just keep doin' what it looks like what you're supposed to be doin', no matter how crazy it seems.
Tron: Well, that's the way it is for programs, yes.
Kevin: I hate to disappoint you, pal, but most of the time, that's the way it is for Users too.
Tron: Stranger and stranger.

Tron: [to Dumont] My User has information that could... that could make this a free system again! No, really! You'd have programs lined up just to use this place, and no MCP looking over your shoulder.

[repeated line]
Master: End of line.

[a Bit flies around Flynn's head in a Recognizer]
Kevin: Hey! Hold it right there!
Bit: Yes.
Kevin: What do you mean, "yes"?
Bit: Yes.
Kevin: Is that all you can say?
Bit: No.
Kevin: Know anything else?
Bit: Yes.
Kevin: Positive and negative, huh? You're a Bit.
Bit: Yes.
Kevin: Well, where's your program? Isn't he going to miss you?
Bit: No.
Kevin: *I'm* your program?
Bit: Yes.
Kevin: Another mouth to feed.
Bit: Yesyesyesyesyes!

Kevin: On the other side of the screen, it all looks so easy.