200 Best Beauty and the Beast Quotes

Father: She can only bring you unhappiness.
Vincent: Then I'll be unhappy!

Vincent: You'd sacrificed so much.
Catherine: I would sacrifice everything for you.

Father: [referring to Vincent's relationship with Catherine] I sometimes feel that I'm standing on the bank of a raging river watching you try to swim across. How can I not worry? I'd be a fool. And yet, Vincent, sometimes I have to marvel at your courage.
Vincent: Catherine swims across that river as well. She faces the same dangers, shows the same courage. And in many ways the toll on her is even greater.
Father: You really think that's so?
Vincent: On the other side of the river there is no one standing on the bank watching. On her side of the river there is no one praying for a safe passage. On her side of the river, Father, there is no one but Catherine.
Father: Then I shall stand watch, and pray, for both of you.

D.A. John Moreno: What's on your mind, Joe?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: I heard some things. Things I didn't want to hear.
D.A. John Moreno: What things?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: About the ones who killed Cathy.
D.A. John Moreno: You can't let that go, can you?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: About someone bought and paid for in this office. Deny it for me, please.
D.A. John Moreno: I'm going to let you apologize for that, and then I'm gonna let you leave!
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Do you think I would come here if I wasn't sure?

Vincent: These four days...
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I know. I know.
Vincent: There was a moment I... I thought you were in great danger. There was nothing I could do. I wanted so desperately to reach out to you.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: But you did, Vincent. I could feel you watching over me. I heard you call out. Vincent, you saved me.
Vincent: Catherine, this... this bond we share, this connection...
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Yes. That strong.

Vincent: Rolley's gift was immense. But it was fragile and it was lost to us. I don't think there's ever been a young person in our world with more promise and more desire. Catherine, I must see him.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Are you sure he wants to see you, Vincent? To be reminded of that terrible loss?
Vincent: While he's still alive, there's hope to regain that loss, to recover his gift.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I'm thinking of you, trying to spare you more disappointment.
Vincent: Catherine, if we don't act now, next time may be too late.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Then we must. I'll be ready in a minute

Snow: He's beautiful.
Gabriel: Yes. Qin Dynasty grave figure. 2,000 years old.
Snow: I'm not talking about the stupid statue. He's not human.
Gabriel: So few of us are these days.
Snow: What do you think he is?
Gabriel: My enemy.
Snow: You're frightened, Gabe. You're not sleeping nights, knowing that he's out there somewhere. But I'm gonna fix it for you. So you can sleep like a babe.

Catherine: Tell me it's a nightmare... that it didn't happen... it couldn't have...
Vincent: [pause, then] It's not a nightmare... it did happen... and you're alive.
[Catherine makes a scornful sound and turns away. Vincent kneels before her]
Vincent: Catherine... you survived. And what you endured will make you stronger... and better.
Catherine: I don't have your strength. I don't know if I can do it.
Vincent: You have the strength, Catherine. You do. I know you.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: What's wrong?
Vincent: I've just seen something... hideous.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: What?
Vincent: A woman murdered before my eyes.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: My god, Vincent. Where?
Vincent: The park.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Tonight?
Vincent: Just now.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Well, what happened?
Vincent: The ones who killed her... barely more than boys. I've seen death before, even murder, but... not like this. Not so cold.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Tell me what happened.
Vincent: They rejoiced in it.

[last lines]
Vincent: It went well.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Tony has a family again.
Vincent: Good.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I think he stole a piece of my heart.
Vincent: And you will always keep a part of his. You helped him find his way home again, Catherine. No one could ever give a child a better gift.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: It came from both of us.

Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Suspect's name's Hector Ocala. Cops found the poison in his room. Lab says it was Haitian, just like Hector.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Awfully damning. Do we have a motive?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: His boss left him $50,000 in his will.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: That'll do.

Vincent: Someone has come into my life. Someone from the world above. A woman.
Jacob: A woman?
Vincent: Her name is Diana. She works with the police investigating... Catherine's murder.
Jacob: And you went to her?
Vincent: She found me, near death. She... brought me to her home. She nursed me until I was well again.
Jacob: What... what do you mean she... she "found you"?
Vincent: Over the months, she... gathered the threads of my life with Catherine, wove them together... understood. Truly, Father, she understands. She... knew that I would return to Catherine's grave.
Jacob: So she waited?
Vincent: She saved my life.
Jacob: Vincent, if she managed to find you, surely others...
Vincent: No, this is different. The power of her mind is extraordinary. Unique. Her imagination...
Jacob: Can she be trusted?
Vincent: She would not betray me, or Catherine's memory.
Jacob: Are you certain?
Vincent: Father, she's my last hope.

Vincent: Who's there? Catherine?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I am the image of her within you. I am your heart, your mind.
Vincent: Why are you here?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: You have nothing to fear from me.
Vincent: [looking around] What is this place?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Don't you recognize it?
Vincent: My chamber.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Yes. In another life.
Vincent: Another life?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: The one you never lived.
Vincent: Am I dreaming?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Call it what you will. Sleep, a waking dream. In a world without you where you don't exist.
Vincent: But I'm here. I can feel myself.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: The vision was yours, don't you remember? You died as a child.
Vincent: I remember thinking... there would be less pain for those I love.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: It's already begun. You're here... but you're no one.

[after recieving an urgent message from Catherine, Vincent waited on her balcony all night and is concerned that she never showed]
Jacob: You mustn't let fear eclipse logic.
Vincent: Fear is all I have left to feel.
Jacob: What about hope?
Vincent: She's gone, Father! Without a word! Or a sign. My sense of her...
Jacob: Your empathic connection will return, Vincent. I'm sure of it.
Vincent: Until then?
Jacob: Until then, you must have patience. And faith, Vincent. These are powerful healers.
Vincent: Patience, faith.
Jacob: For now, it's all you can do.
Vincent: Well, all I can do is not enough!

Vincent: Catherine, no.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I have to. It's the only way. With Luz discredited, nothing stands in way of the tower. Elliot leaked the story, I'm sure of it. Luz stood in his way, so he removed her and used me to do it.
Vincent: But how can you even consider a union with this man?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: He's a human being. Strong, weak, good, and bad. You said so yourself, Vincent. And he loves me, as much as a man like Elliot can love.
Vincent: But you do not love this man.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: No. But there's more at stake than just me here. The painted tunnels, Elizabeth. Father and Mouse. All the children who have found safety below. And you. You most of all. Vincent, you have risked your life for me a hundred times. How can I stand by and watch your world be destroyed when I have the power to save it?
Vincent: I can't allow you to sacrifice yourself in such a way.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I'm sorry, Vincent, but it's not your decision. I'm going to marry him. I have to.

Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: All I'm hearing are complaints about the D.A.'s office. And I don't even work there now.
Elliot: That's right. You ever ask yourself why?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: I never had to. My boss made it real clear. I was "acting against orders".
Elliot: You think he was right?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Maybe. Why, what's your point?
Elliot: Cathy worked there, too. I mean, doesn't the D.A. take care of their own?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: What are you driving at?
Elliot: Six months ago when Cathy disappeared, everybody got interested and started looking into it. Two people looked harder than the rest. And after a while, it started looking hopeless. People lost interest, except you and me. We got warned off. We didn't pay attention to the warnings. And then the warnings started to hurt.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Come on, you're giving me coincidences like they prove something.
Elliot: They're not coincidences, Joe. It's all coming from the same man.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Who? Moreno?
Elliot: The man Moreno works for.

Snow: Cold night.
Gabriel: Yes. Winter's coming. How long have you been here?
Snow: Just long enough to make sure you came alone.
Gabriel: I've outgrown those games. I have a job for you.
Snow: I'm retired.
Gabriel: Un-retire.
Snow: Why should I?
Gabriel: There's money it in.
Snow: You're boring me.
Gabriel: For old time's sake.
Snow: For old time's sake, I could kill you quick.
Gabriel: You could try. But then there'd be no one left to blame. You'd be all alone.

Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Headache at 9:00 a.m.? Mm, not a good sign.
Catherine: Keep eating those and my headache is going to move into my stomach. What are those?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Chocolate cheese nuggets. Mm.
Catherine: For breakfast?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Want some?
Catherine: No, thank you.

Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: You were looking for Adam Gold?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Yeah.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: [dropping a stack of pictures on her desk] Our star witness ODed last night.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Oh, god. No.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Yeah. The found an inventory of counterfeit tapes and drugs in his apartment. Interesting thing is the coroner said he didn't appear to be a drug user.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: He was ready to go public on the countefeit operation. Someone killed him and planted the evidence to make us drop the case.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Something like that.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: [after getting caught in a downpour of rain] I don't think I'll ever be able to hear Schubert's "Unfinished Symphony" in quite the same way.
Vincent: I wanted to share that place with you.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Thursday night, they're playing the Brandenburg concertos.
Vincent: Then I'll come for you... Thursday night.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I'll be here.

Gabriel: Gabriel says to Patrick Hanlon's boy: "Remember this day. You'll come to cherish it."

Vincent: I'm sorry to wake you, Catherine.
Catherine: Something's wrong.
Vincent: It's Father.
Catherine: What's happened?
Vincent: He went above today, for the first time I can remember. He should have been back hours ago. He's somewhere in this city. I need your help, Catherine.
Catherine: Of course I'll help.

Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Hey, Radcliffe, I'm reading this deposition you took on the Willis case. Where are you going with this line of questioning about where he does his shopping? Who cares?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: The death threats came from a pay phone at a grocery about three blocks from Willis' apartment.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Oh, yeah. That's good.

[last lines]
Jacob: It has been said that the child is the meaning of life. The truth of that has never been more apparent to me than it is on this day when we celebrate the child, this new life that has been brought into our world. We welcome the child with love, that he may be able to love. We welcome the child with gifts, that he may learn generosity. And finally, we welcome the child with a name.
Vincent: I've named my son Jacob.

Dr. Peter Alcott: Cathy?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Peter! Hi!
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Oh, Cathy.
[they hug and he kisses her cheek]
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Five'll get you ten says they know each other.
Dr. Peter Alcott: Hey, you'd win that bet. First time I met Cathy, she was stark naked.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Oh, do tell.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: You might mention that I was also upside down and screaming at the top of my lungs.
Dr. Peter Alcott: What, and spoil a good story? Susan'll be delighted to hear that I ran into you. She asks about you all the time.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Will you send her my love? I really wanted to get out to Santa Fe for the wedding, but... you know how it is.
Dr. Peter Alcott: You work this girl much too hard.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Don't blame me. I don't chain her to her desk.
Rita: That's not what she tells me.

Charles: You could do a lot worse than Tom Gunther...
Catherine: ...and have!

Vincent: Gabriel.
Gabriel: I'm here, Vincent.
Vincent: I can feel your eyes on me.
Gabriel: Does that make you uneasy?
Vincent: I can feel my son, too. Our bond is growing stronger, Gabriel.
Gabriel: There's only one bond that counts. I gave this child life.
Vincent: Catherine gave him life.
Gabriel: I kept her alive for months when a word would have ended it. I was there when Julian was born. The first time he opened his eyes, he looked at *me*. He's mine.
Vincent: He'll never be yours. Hour by hour, minute by minute, our bond grows, and nothing you do can stop it.
Gabriel: Your death would stop it.
Vincent: Death... shall have no dominion.
Gabriel: Tell that to Catherine Chandler.
Vincent: She knew it, even at the end.

Mitch: The day we went to the train yard - you, me, Rennie, and Ike. Those hobos were chasing us, they had their knives, they were gonna carve us up, and they were right on your heels. Who held open the grate so you could slip through by the skin of your teeth? Who held open the grate? Remember?
Vincent: Yes. I remember.
Mitch: Not well enough! Not enough to help me when I needed help, when I was in trouble!
Vincent: You betrayed our faith in you. Our trust. You ceased to be a part of us years ago.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: What do you know about Chinatown?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Great flick.
[Catherine rolls her eyes]
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Okay, Radcliffe, what's the problem?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I'm trying to help a young restaurant owner down there.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: He willing to help himself?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I don't know. I'll find out today.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: I ever tell you about Jack Millhouse? Guy I went to law school with.
[Catherine shakes her head no]
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Jack was investigating some union busting going in a Chinatown sweatshop when he disappeared. They found his body in a dumpster off Pell. I worked on that case for over a year. Took me six months just to find a witness. Finally found this nice old guy, not afraid of anything. Two days later, he was hit by a car in front of his market. Ten o'clock in the morning, street packed with people. No one saw a thing.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: That was just one case, Joe. This one could be different.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Great Wall's been around China for 2,000 years, Radcliffe. You're not gonna tear it down overnight.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: No. But I can try to put a hole in it.

Vincent: This is where you go out.
Catherine: Where are we?
Vincent: The basement of your apartment building.
Catherine: We are?

Jacob: [getting bested in chess by one of the young children] I'm looking forward to Winterfest. There are a few helpers I can still beat.
Vincent: Don't think of yourself as a bad player, Father. Only a very good teacher.

Mitch: Who's there?
[Vincent steps out of the shadows]
Mitch: Vincent. Don't you recognize me? I've come home, old friend.
Vincent: You're not welcome here.
Mitch: Well, I couldn't resist a little nostalgia. Came by to see my old man. I thought I'd check out the tunnels.
Vincent: What do you want?
Mitch: You changed the tunnel entrances. I got lost.
Vincent: We changed them to keep out intruders.
Mitch: Me, an intruder? I used to live down here, remember?
Vincent: What I remember is our friendship as children. Those times I remember.

Jacob: Vincent, what weighs so heavy?
Vincent: Hmm?
Jacob: Please, tell me.
Vincent: She met a man. She's falling in love.
Jacob: Let her. Let her fall in love, Vincent.
Vincent: My mind tells me to rejoice for her, that she deserves that happiness. But my heart... is dying. I'm poisoned by feelings I've never felt before. Father... it hurts.

Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: What's at 1900 Sixth Avenue?
Elliot: You talked to Moreno?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: I did.
Elliot: And?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Why don't you tell me what 1900 Sixth Avenue is?
Elliot: It's where Cathy died.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Jesus.
[a thought strikes him]
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: How do you know?
Elliot: I can't tell you.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Why not? What, are you protecting someone? How do you know so much?
Elliot: It doesn't matter how I know.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: The hell it doesn't!
Elliot: Moreno's dirty, Joe! We both know that! What's important is that he may be the only link we have to whoever killed Cathy.

Bridget: I'm beholden to you, Vincent. You cannot know what this means to me. Or perhaps you can, at that. Will you telling me of her, then?
Vincent: Of who?
Bridget: Your lady. The one who's breaking your heart. Ah, you didn't come to me just to say you liked me books. Something about Ian and me struck close to home.
Vincent: She brings me... such joy... and such pain... as I have never known. I have no place in her world, she has none in mine. Our bond endangers everything. People I love, secrets I am sworn to keep, beliefs I've lived by.
Bridget: Aye, that sounds like Ian and me, sure enough. They don't understand, do they? Father raged.
Vincent: Yet you went on, despite everything.
Bridget: Oh, yes, we went on until he died for it. Are you asking me for counsel, then? Forget you ever knew her and you'll both be happier.
Vincent: You wrote that the price of your love had been high, but that you would pay it willingly, until the end of your days. That you would change nothing, regret nothing.
Bridget: That's damned unfair of you, you know, quoting me own words back at me again after I gave you all that good advice. The brain tells you all the sensible things to do, but the heart knows nothing about sense, and the heart is as stubborn as the Irish.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: We have a murder suspect in custody. His defense attorneys claim that he's a voodoo priest.
Alexander: Well, if he's committed murder, he's not a priest. More liklely a sorcerer.

Devin: I've been having these dreams lately, about the tunnels. Weird, isn't it? I've been to Casablanca, the Himalayas, Paris...all over the world. Everywhere south of Oz and north of Shangri-La! And I dream...about a hole in the ground.
Vincent: It's not so weird, when that hole in the ground is home.

Diana: You can't continue alone in this.
Vincent: I am alone.
Diana: Then you'll fail. What chance do you have in a world where you can't even show your face? I can help you.
Vincent: I cannot accept that responsibility.
Diana: You're not responsible for me.
Vincent: I loved her. She was my world. But I could not protect her from everything.
Diana: I'm not Catherine.
Vincent: Diana...
Diana: You need me.
Vincent: No.
Diana: Please.
Vincent: You must forget me.
Diana: I can't.
Vincent: Then remember me as you would a dream.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I thought I might never see you again.
Vincent: You have enough fear in your world. I could never bring you more.

Vincent: Three thousand miles. That's a great distance to be apart from someone.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Someone close.
Vincent: How long will you be away?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: A week, maybe. Is there something you'd like me to bring you from California?
[he gives a small nod]
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: What?
Vincent: Yourself, safely home.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Last time I was in L.A., I was eight. I got sick on cotton candy at Disneyland; vomited in Sleeping Beauty's castle.

Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: You got your tush handed to you at that hearing, but things could have been a lot worse.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I let two murderers get away. How can that be worse?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Those people could've sued you right out of a job. You're just lucky they hate publicity even more than they hate you.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I'm not afraid of them.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Well, maybe you should be.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: They're guilty!
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: You know, you keep saying that. You know something I don't know?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: [reluctantly] I had a tip, Joe. I had a witness.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Well, why the hell didn't you say something earlier?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Because he can't testify.

Vincent: How was your time with Jessica?
Jacob: I'm not sure. I think we fell in love. If such a thing is... possible. I... I don't know. All I know is I want to be with her.
Vincent: And she feels the same way?
Jacob: She's amazing, Vincent. So alive. So willing to share love with an old man like me.
Vincent: There isn't a man who better deserves a woman's love.
Jacob: It's a very... strange feeling f-for me, Vincent. Um... it's actually... physically painful, not being with her.
Vincent: I understand.
Jacob: For Jessica, this could never be home. Living here again, for her, would be impossible.
Vincent: But you would go above?
Jacob: I don't know. I have to sort things out in my mind.
Vincent: Father. Whatever path you chose, know that I would help you follow it.

Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: What do you make of this? A woman is violently kidnapped; six months later, she turns up dead in her own bed, only she wasn't killed there. She was murdered someplace else and then brought there later. Up seventeen flights, with no witnesses.
Diana: I don't know.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Nobody does. And in three weeks, nobody's gonna care. And that's why I came here.

Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: The tiles are Italian made. Turn of the century. They cost a fortune. The importer gave us a list of addresses.
Diana: Hunter Point, Staten Island, Westchester. The rest are all in Manhattan.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Yeah, so?
Diana: So the chopper flew over water. Montauk Point's too far; it's got to be Staten Island.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Then let's move.
Diana: Joe, this guy is gonna have an army waiting for you. Now, it's gonna take you hours to get organized, and by that time he's gonna know you're coming.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: [she turns to leave] What are you gonna do?
Diana: I'm gonna do whatever I can.

Father: Vincent, I've... I've never lied to you. The things I've taught you about the world above, so much was to protect you. And it was also to help me to forget... forget a world I once loved.
Vincent: I've... always sensed that.
Father: I have kept certain things from you... about my life before.
Vincent: Father, what are you trying to tell me?
Father: I have to return. I have to go above.
Vincent: When will you go?
Father: As soon as I prepare myself. I'll be back this evening. When I return, we'll talk.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Vincent, I've been given a chance to do something important at work. It's a great challenge. The risk.
Vincent: Is it a risk worth taking?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: It's a chance to help honest men keep their jobs. A chance to make a difference. It's everything I wanted. But I'm afraid.
Vincent: Of what, Catherine?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Failure? The danger.
Vincent: You can't fail.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I hope not.
Vincent: You have the strength. You have the courage. We both know that. So you must use them. I only wish could be there for you, keep you safe... always.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: You are.

Jacob: What's distracting you, son?
[Vincent is silent]
Jacob: As if I had to ask.
Vincent: She's in great turmoil. Don't worry yourself about me, Father.
Jacob: I sometimes feel, uh... that I'm standing on the bank of a raging river, watching you try to swim across. How can I not worry? I'd be a fool. And yet, Vincent, at the same time, I have to marvel at your courage.
Vincent: Catherine swims across that river, as well. She faces the same dangers, shows the same courage. And in many ways, the toll on her is even greater.
Jacob: You really think that's so?
Vincent: On her side of the river, there is no one standing on the bank watching. On her side of the river, there is no one praying for a safe passage. On her side of the river, Father, there is no one but Catherine.
Jacob: Then I shall stand watch... and pray for both of you.

Vincent: Maria help you find him?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: He picked the lock on my front door.
[she laughs]
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Beneath the bravado is a very frightened little boy. I can't imagine what his life is like. When I was his age, my big decisions were what dresses to wear. Maria helped me find his grandparents. They won't see him.
Vincent: How can their hearts be so hardened?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: If I could just talk to his grandfather, have him call a new kris for Tony. If they won't take him back into the family, I'll have to turn Tony over to Child Welfare for foster placement. I'm afraid that would just break his spirit.
Vincent: Then his grandfather must be convinced.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Thanks for coming.
Issac: Friends do for each other. That's what it's about. Now what can you tell me about this friend of yours?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: He's very special to me, Isaac. I know this is strange, but I can't give you more than that.
Issac: Well, you can trust me.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I know I can trust you. I just can't explain.
Issac: Then don't. He's your friend, that's enough.

Diana: Joe Maxwell came by to see me this morning. He knows what happened last night. He's looking for you.
Vincent: He won't find me.
Diana: I found you.
Vincent: There are no safe places for anyone.
Diana: The place you destroyed belonged to Gabriel. It was his. I can't prove it, but I know it's true.
Vincent: Gabriel.
Diana: Vincent, why? If you didn't know, why did you do it?
Vincent: I had a friend. His name is Rolley. I did it for him.
Diana: And did it help him? Is he better now? Vincent, I've been there, too, and this is not the way.
Vincent: Then where is the way? What would you have me do? He has my son and I have nothing but these.
Diana: [he balls his hands into fists] Those can't help you find your son.
Vincent: They can make Gabriel bleed. Night after night, until...
Diana: Until you kill him or he kills you. By then it won't matter who wins, Vincent. What kind of father do you want your son to have? You continue alone in this, you are going to lose everything.
Vincent: Where is the hope, Diana? Where is the hope?

Diana: I was hoping you'd come.
Vincent: I wanted to see you. Thank you for... everything.
Diana: It's over now. He's dead. Gabriel's dead.
Vincent: For so long, he was a... shadow between us.
Diana: When I was alone in that room with him, everything seemed so simple, so... mm...
Vincent: Clear.
Diana: I knew exactly what I was thinking. But when I try remembering, it's almost as if... it never even happened.
Vincent: Memory can be a forgiving thing.
Diana: I don't want to forget.
Vincent: Sometimes it's best to forget.
Diana: I don't believe that.

Jacob: What happened?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: It's Vincent. I'm afraid he might be hurt.
Jacob: Tell me.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: There was an explosion. A guy was killed. Vincent went in to try to save him. That's when the bomb went off.
Jacob: Oh, my god.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: The firemen searched the rubble. They found the body of the man, but no trace of Vincent.
Jacob: Where did this happen?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: On the Lower East Side. Broome Street.
Jacob: The most dangerous part of the city for us. He knew that. What was he doing there?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: He was with me.
Jacob: I... I've warned him. Pleaded with him. And now this. If he's caught, above...
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I care for him. More than anything in my life.

Jason: Inside, we're all children, scared of the dark, wishing there really was a Batman.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: But Batman was never half as formidable as you, was he?
Jason: I can take care of myself. But I tell you, all the fighting techniques in the world don't equal what I learned from Isaac Stubbs in one afternoon. You remember his first rule?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: On the street, there are no rules.
Jason: That's the problem with doing things your way. You believe in rules; the predators don't.

Paracelcus: Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.
Vincent: Paracelsus.
Paracelcus: Milton, actually.

Gabriel: Do you know what prison is? A place to grow stronger. No court will convict me. Jurors have families, too. And even if they did, you can rule the world from a prison cell. I own nations, Diana. I'll have the child back. In the end, I always win.
Diana: Not this time, Gabriel.
[raising the gun Father gave her]
Diana: This is Catherine Chandler's gun.

Jacob: You're hesitant about telling Vincent.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: The memory of those moments is painful to him.
Jacob: Catherine, he should be told. Every time you meet, every moment you spend together now, increases the risk.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I know.
Jacob: You musn't blame yourself. This was inevitable. I knew it from the moment he first brought you to us.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I do blame myself, Father.
Jacob: Don't.

[last lines]
Vincent: He won't come back.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: You did everything you could.
Vincent: Catherine, I feel as though I'll never see him again.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: But he knows now that you'll wait for him, that you love him. And as long as you do, Vincent, there's hope.

Vincent: It's gone.
Catherine: What's gone?
Vincent: The connection. Our connection, our bond.
Catherine: It'll return.
Vincent: No, I don't think so.
Catherine: Have faith that it will.
Vincent: It's lost to me, I know.
Catherine: How do you know? Why do you say that?
Vincent: Because it is the price. The price I must pay for this... new peace, this contentment. But Catherine, what have I lost?
Catherine: I don't think that it is lost. And even if it is, Vincent, it was a gift. That power was a gift. It came to you in a life when it was needed, and you used it, and... perhaps it is no longer needed.
Vincent: More than once, it saved your life.
Catherine: Maybe the gift will return to you in another form. Something you never even dreamed of. Vincent, your power was extraordinary. But it has nothing to do with what we are together, what we feel for each other. That is our connection. And if one gift is lost, there are other gifts waiting to be found, believe me. Vincent, there are so many gifts waiting for you. All you have to do is... just open your arms, receive them.

Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Don't you get it? Prosecute her, and we lose her testimony. Then all we have against Nolan is circumstantial.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: She is an accessory to her own child's murder. She should pay for that.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Maybe. Maybe she'll be paying for it for the rest of her life.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: That is not what I meant.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Cathy, you're thinking with your heart.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: So will the jury.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Look, I am not going to debate the ethics of granting Molly Nolan immunity, because she *is* the key to this thing. That's what Moreno thinks, that's what I think, and that's all there is to it.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: How can you be so reductive, Joe? It's not that simple.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: In a court of law, and for our purposes, it is that simple. As simple as the fact that you and I both know Richard Nolan is guilty.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: So I'm just supposed to put aside my feelings?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: If it interferes with your work, absolutely.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: There was something in her voice. I don't know, a calling out to be a part of something. To belong. She's really just a girl, alone in a dangerous city. And it's Christmas.
Vincent: So many come into your life, Catherine. This girl must have truly touched you.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: She's dying, Vincent. The streets are killing her. And she's fighting to hold on to her spirit. And she's carrying a child. She told me that she would rather see the baby die than bring another life into this world.
Vincent: How can it be that this world could have no more to offer her?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I've talked to a dozen social workers at a dozen shelters, but I don't think... I *know*... she won't respond. She doesn't have the strength anymore, or the hope.
Vincent: Then she has lost her way.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I am afraid to think of what might happen to her, Vincent, if she's left alone. She's so far away from herself. I broke every rule by going to see her.
Vincent: Perhaps Father can break a few rules of his own.

Edward: Speak to me. Please. I know you can; I heard you. You've got to let me help you.
Vincent: Then release me.
Edward: So you can speak. And you can understand what I say?
Vincent: Yes.
Edward: Why did you keep silent in front of Gould?
Vincent: The other man means me harm. No words would change that.
Edward: I never meant you harm. You must believe that. Do you have a name?
Vincent: Vincent.
Edward: Vincent. My name is Hughes. I have so many questions. You spoke the name "Catherine". Who is Catherine?
Vincent: She is everything, but she lives only in my heart.
Edward: Is she like you? Another of your kind?
Vincent: There is only me.
Edward: Vincent... what are you?
Vincent: I am only what I am. If you cut me, I will bleed. If you strike me, I will strike back. And if you keep me in chains, I will die.

Catherine: Can I get you anything?
Father: No. Please stay out of it. You must. Anything you do to draw attention to me can only...
Catherine: You are being charged with murder. You must tell me everything that happened.
[Father is reluctant to say anything]
Catherine: Don't you know by now that you can trust me?
Father: It's not that. I may be a stranger to your world, but I am no stranger to the betrayals of your judicial system.
Catherine: I am the only one who can help you.
Father: If you really want to help me, please... go away.
Catherine: I can't do that.

[last lines]
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: What Paracelsus said... about your past...
Vincent: Before I left, Father told me something that I am just now beginning to understand. He said that there is a truth beyond knowledge, beyond... everything I ever hoped to know.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Yes.
Vincent: And that truth... is love.
Vincent: So, you see, Winslow knew the truth all along. He valued love enough to ie for it. There's something worth protecting at any cost. He knew it as the force that binds us together. And in the end, is death allowed our love to live.

Dr. Grafton: You haven't introduced Vincent to any of your friends or family?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: No.
Dr. Grafton: Is it that he doesn't want to take part in your life or that you don't want him to?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: He can't.
Dr. Grafton: Why not?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: He's not able to. He... has to live separate and apart from me, from my life. For reasons I'm not able to go into.
Dr. Grafton: Do you want to end it?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: No. I don't want to.
Dr. Grafton: What do you think you're getting out of this relationship?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Everything. He gives me everything. All the things I never had before.
Dr. Grafton: So what's the problem?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: A part of me wants to go and be with him, live with him in his world. And a part of me is just a woman living in New York and trying to be happy.
Dr. Grafton: And that feels impossible?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: It is impossible.

Charles: Every year when this day comes around, it brings something different. I can't believe it's been twenty years.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Strange thing is it just hit me like it's never hit me before. It just came crashing down. It's the loss of her and what that meant.
Charles: I don't think the loss of a mother, or a wife, is ever behind you.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I just felt her so strongly this morning. Her memory, all the things we never got to share. Wondering... what she would think of me now.
Charles: She very much wanted you to have a happy life. Your mother didn't have a lot of happiness in her childhood. She wanted that for you.

Vincent: You're smiling.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Our worlds are so different. Every day, I see people who work just for a paycheck, but Pascal and his pipes...
Vincent: That tapping is the sweetest music in the world for Pascal.

[opening credits narration]
Vincent: This is where the wealthy and the powerful rule. It is her world... a world apart from mine. Her name... is Catherine. From the moment I saw her, she captured my heart with her beauty, her warmth, and her courage. I knew then, as I know now, she would change my life... forever.
Catherine: He comes from a secret place, far below the city streets, hiding his face from strangers, safe from hate and harm. He brought me there to save my life... and now, wherever I go, he is with me, in spirit. For we have a bond stronger than friendship or love. And although we cannot be together, we will never, ever be apart.

Charles: [arriving at Catherine's apartment to find her in just a towel] Am I early, are you late, or is that your costume?

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I-I brought something for Mouse. Where is he?
Winslow: Well, he's supposed to be here, but Mouse isn't exactly the most dependable when it comes to...
[Mouse comes running in]
Jacob: As Winslow was saying, Mouse hasn't entirely grasped the concept of time.
Mouse: Time? Easy. Early, come before Mouse. Late, come after.

Jacob: Have you both gone completely mad?
Vincent: Not at all.
Jacob: I cannot believe you could seriously entertain something so foolhardy and dangerous.
Vincent: You overstate the risk.
Jacob: Any risk is too great. Surely that's apparent. That Catherine could even suggest such a thing.
Vincent: An innocent dream, Father, born of love!
Jacob: An irresponsible dream born of selfishness!
Vincent: No!
Jacob: Yes! Yes, I know because... I've had the same dream for you myself over and again for so many years. Ever since you were young, I've... I've wanted nothing more than to be able to show you the sun, the mountains... things for which you have only words.
Vincent: This is not merely for myself, Father, but for Catherine as well. This is a chance for us. No more than a moment, the briefest moment, free from the perils and the urgency of the time we share.
Jacob: Vincent, your love for Catherine... and hers for you is something that warms all of us. But you have a responsibility beyond that, a duty to those down here in this community who depend on you, who look to you for truth... and strength, for hope and protection. Without you, their world would be a very dark place.
Vincent: And what about my responsibility to Catherine, who gives so much and asks for so little? How can I deny her, Father?
Jacob: Vincent, if I thought it were in any way possible...
Vincent: It *is* possible, and there are ways!
Jacob: Nonsense! Supposing something goes wrong; supposing you're discovered.
Vincent: Am I unable to fulfill even her slightest wish? Tell me, Father! Are we forever bound to accept a poem for a sunset?
Jacob: Vincent... you cannot do this.
[Vincent storms out]
Jacob: Vincent. Vincent!

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I'm only going to interview someone. It won't be dangerous.
Vincent: If something should happen to you...
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I'll be all right. You'll be with me.
Vincent: Tomorrow, you'll be standing on another shore. Looking out at another ocean.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I'll be seeing it for both of us.
Vincent: I'll miss you, Catherine.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I already miss you.

Vincent: What is it, Father? He's going to recover, isn't he?
Jacob: From the gunshot wound, yes. But you've seen his arms, Vincent.
Vincent: Rolley is a heroin addict. You knew that.
Jacob: His habit has built up a tolerance to morphine. I might have to give him as much as five times the dosage I would give anyone else just to numb the pain.
Vincent: You don't have it?
Jacob: Well, I can only send word to Peter, but there's only so much he can do, and you see, even if we do get the drugs, we're walking a very thin line here. Too much morphine, we risk an oversose. Too little and...
Vincent: Then you're saying that Rolley might die?
Jacob: Well, if I ration the morphine and monitor it day and night, I can keep him out of danger. But I can't keep him out of pain.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: You scared me.
Vincent: You were right to be afraid. This is a dangerous place. I sensed your fear.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I'm supposed to meet a witness. He set the time and place.
Vincent: Can you trust him?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: It's worth the gamble.
Vincent: Sometimes your fear can keep you alive. You should listen to it more often.

Bridget: The night has a special magic to it, don't you think? This night, especially.
Vincent: Halloween.
Bridget: In the Old Religion they call it Samhain. It's a night when the walls between the worlds grow thin, and spirits of the Underworld walk the earth. A night of masks and balefires, when anything is possible and nothing is quite as it seems. Your city has its own magic as well.

Vincent: The hunter came for me. Because he did, two of my friends are dead.
Jacob: You risked your life to protect us. You've always kept our world safe from harm.
Vincent: And I cannot allow myself to endanger our world now. What happened will never happen again. I must go, Father.
Jacob: Go? Where?
Vincent: Away. Somewhere separate and apart.
Jacob: Don't do this, Vincent.
Vincent: This is the only home I've ever known. But I must leave in order to keep it safe. Don't make this parting any harder.
Jacob: [hugging him tightly] I tried to make a world free from fear and violence.
Vincent: We cannot always choose the roads we walk.
Jacob: [letting him go] Be careful, Vincent. The road you walk could cost you more than your life. It could cost you yourself.
Vincent: I know the dangers, Father. That's why I must walk this road alone.

Charles: Hal Sherwood's coming up from Atlanta tonight. Will you have dinner with us?
Catherine: I can't. Tom's having a party for the architects of the new project. Another excuse to wine and dine the planning commission.
Charles: I used to be invited to all these functions. I should have thought twice before I handed you over to our best client.
Catherine: You make it sound like a horse trade.

Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Radcliffe.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: [on the phone] Uh, hang on, Charlie.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: [setting a stack of folders on her desk] Sorry.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: No.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: It's your turn.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: No!
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Just some odds and ends.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Joe, I am swamped.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: [dryly sarcastic] You're breakin' my heart, Radcliffe.

Vincent: What concerns you so?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: A boy. He claims to be a gypsy. He's lied to me. He stole from me. And yet I can't help caring about him. And feeling that somehow he wants my help.

Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Uh... who's playing? Maybe I'll go.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Tonight?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Yeah.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Well, I think they're playing Schubert. Maybe Haydn.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Oh. When you said "concert in the park", I thought maybe...
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: No. Billy Joel is next week.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Schubert? Haydn? You're really attracted to these cultured types, aren't you?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I don't think you could call what I'm attracted to a "type".

Catherine: Your message said it was urgent.
Jacob: Vincent is missing. He's been gone since night before last.
Catherine: But I saw him that night.
Jacob: I know.
Catherine: Is there somewhere he might have gone?
Jacob: No, he would never cause me such undue worry. We've searched everywhere. He's nowhere below. Vincent was not himself after he spoke with you.
Catherine: About my going away?
Jacob: Mm-hmm.
Catherine: I'm only doing what we both thought best.
Jacob: Once, I thought I knew the answer. No longer. We must find Vincent, quickly.
Catherine: What can we do?
Jacob: Our friends above are searching the city. Beyond that... I don't know.
Catherine: Why did you come to tell me?
Jacob: Because I know you care.

Vincent: We're below the city, below the subways. There's a whole world of tunnels and chambers that most people don't even know exists. There are no maps to where we are. It's a forgotten place. But it's warm, and it's safe, and we have all the room we need. So we live here and we try to live as well as we can. And we try to take care of each other. It's our city down here.
Catherine: What are you doing down here? Why are you here?
Vincent: I was a baby... abandoned... left to die. Someone found me, brought me here to the man who became my father. He took me, he raised me, he taught me everything... and he named me Vincent. That's where I was found, near the hospital, St. Vincent's.
Catherine: I don't know what to believe.
Vincent: It's all true.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: They weren't policemen. They couldn't have been.
Vincent: Do you have any idea who might have sent them?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Do you really think they were sent by someone?
Vincent: Well, Catherine, what happened in the park hardly seemed...
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Random.

Mouse: Okay good! Okay fine!

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: You can't do this.
Vincent: They must be stopped.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Not this way!
Vincent: Then how? How? Last night, I stopped them from killing again.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: They will be caught. Vincent, trust me. They will be caught.
Vincent: Before they kill again? They were caught, and they were set free.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: You can't endanger yourself because of it. It's wrong!
Vincent: With my own eyes, I saw them kill a defenseless woman. How can I pretend, merely because I cannot walk into your court, that what I saw did not happen?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I know it seems unjust. It is unjust. But you have to let me, you have to let my world deal with it.
Vincent: They've come to my world. They come into the back streets and the alleys, looking to play in the darkness. I know the darkness; I am its friend. And I know it is nothing to be played with. When they come to my world, Catherine, I will be there, waiting for them. When they come looking for the darkness, they will find me.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Would you mind telling me what the hell is going on?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: All right, Radcliffe, calm down. There's nothing we can do about it.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: So they can just walk in, order us off the case, and that's it? It isn't even legal. I mean, their jurisdiction...
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Hey, cool it! Now, since when does the CIA worry about what's legal? I don't like this any better than you do, but Moreno didn't ask my opinion.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Vincent?
Vincent: In here.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: [entering, in awe of the candlelit room] Oh... Oh, Vincent.
Vincent: You like it?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: It's beautiful. It's perfect. How could Kanin carve solid rock into something like this?
Vincent: Because he trained himself. I don't think he knows what can't be done.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: That explains him asking me to get lilacs at this time of year.
Vincent: When he asked me to light the candles, I thought he meant four or five.

Vincent: Every year they ask for the same stories. By now they must know them better than you do.
Father: Well, you know, old stories are rather like old friends. Every once in a while, you have to drop in on them, just to see how they're doing.

Catherine: Your secret is safe with me. I would never betray your trust.
Vincent: I know. I knew that from the begining... when you trusted me.

Catherine: It's been hard, Vincent.
Vincent: Yes.
Catherine: I'm learning to be strong.
Vincent: I know. Catherine... I feel the things you're feeling when you do.
Catherine: How do you mean?
Vincent: Just know that it's true. And that your pain is my pain; sometimes, almost as if we're one. I came here because I wanted to see that you were well. And because I wanted to see you... one last time.
Catherine: I'll never see you again?
Vincent: I've seen your world. There's no place for me in it. I know what I am. Your world is filled with frightened people. And I remind them of what they're most afraid of.
Catherine: Their own ignorance.
Vincent: Their aloneness.
Catherine: Yes.
Vincent: So, now I have to begin to forget.
Catherine: Forget me?
Vincent: No. I'll never forget you. But I must forget the dream of being part of you. Find someone, Catherine, to be part of. Be happy.

Vincent: Has it stopped?
Pascal: No. Like a machine. Is it Catherine?
Vincent: [shrugging, unsure] Tell me, Pascal, where does this pipe lead to?
Pascal: Down. Down, below the Chamber of the Winds. After that, it's been silent ever since I can remember.
Vincent: How far away is the tapping?
Pascal: Hard to tell. These old pipes twist and turn in the bedrock. But judging by the faintness, I'd say... three days' travel. Two, at least.
Vincent: Code?
Pascal: Archaic. One of the very first my father taught me. Morse derivative. You remember, Vincent, before we shorthanded the system.
Vincent: So Paracelsus would know of this code?
Pascal: He probably invented it.

Vincent: I've lived here all my life, and yet it's as though I've never seen the city. Until tonight.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: You've seen so much of the violence and hatred of my world. I wanted you to know that there's beauty, as well.
Vincent: Oh... I know that. Ever since the night I found you, Catherine.
Jogger: [passing by] What the...? Oh, jeez! You gave me a real scare. Hey, man, Halloween was yesterday.

Vincent: Earlier tonight, for a moment, I felt your fear.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: In the garage?
Vincent: I was coming for you, but suddenly the fear disappeared when you saw him.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Elliot may be... many things, but he would never hurt me.
Vincent: Your mind is full of doubts, but your heart still trusts this man.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Are you saying that I should help him?
Vincent: We must, Catherine. I owe you my life.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I just found out Mundy's leg breakers are back on the street.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Yeah, I know. It kind of surprised me, too, bail being as high as it was. No self-respecting bondsman would touch 'em.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Spare change to whoever signs Leo Mundy's paychecks.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: You turn a name?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I have a hunch. I don't want to jinx it.

Bernie: I'm a reporter, Ms. Chandler. I find things out. I dig up secrets. That's what I do.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: What do you think you're going to find?
Bernie: I don't know yet. But you do. Come on, what is the big secret? Why not just tell me? Because with or without you, I'm going to find out. Believe me.

Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: What the hell is this?
Jacob: A pattern of a floor tile, from the home of the man who killed Catherine Chandler. Diana Bennett said you'd know what to do with it.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Diana? Diana Bennett's been missing since last night when she was taken out of a diner at gunpoint. If you know her whereabouts...
Jacob: I know she's safe. I also know we're running short of time.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Why am I listening to you?
Jacob: Because Catherine would want you to.

Catherine: [referring to Vincent] Father, I just want you to know. I would never hurt him. I love him.
Father: I know. I also know it can only bring him unhappiness.
Catherine: Why do you say that?
Father: Because part of him is a man.

Vincent: Diana... there's something that I've kept from you; a secret that I couldn't share with you before about where I live, those I live among.
Diana: I know about Jacob.
Vincent: Yes, but there are many others. Good people whose lives depend on the secret of how and where we live.
Diana: I've... I've tried imagining, but...
Vincent: It is a more wonderful place than you could imagine, because it is real. Ours is a world woven with of most delicate threads. Our only protection against those who would threaten us is trust.
Diana: Tell me more about this world.
Vincent: No. Let me show you.

Elliot: So, it begins again.
Vincent: It never ended.
Elliot: It's like a nightmare. He's killing me, Vincent. Inch by inch.
Vincent: His name is Gabriel. This is important to him, somehow.
Elliot: [Vincent hands him the ring Snow left him] Gold. It's interesting. Looks old. Where'd you get this?
Vincent: From the hand of the hunter he sent to kill me. But he took it off, in the end.
Elliot: You don't know what you ask of me. If I go on with this, I'm risking...
Vincent: Everything.

Vincent: Do you have any idea who it might be?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: There was a call on my answering machine yesterday. I didn't think anything of it. I just thought it was a prank call.
Vincent: What do we do now?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I can't go to the police. We can't take that chance. We don't know what he has. I mean, maybe he took pictures. Vincent... the balcony isn't safe anymore. That was the only part of my world that belonged to us. I will not let him destroy it.

Pascal: "Great Expectations". Do you remember the first time we read this book? We all took turns. Winslow, Devin, Molly.
Vincent: It was... the book I read to Catherine when I...
Pascal: I didn't mean to awaken painful memories.
Vincent: Some memories never sleep. Bitter and sweet, dark and bright, they stay with us. When I read the books I shared with Catherine, I can feel her presence in the room with me. Beyond the light of the candle, listening, smiling. But afterwards, when the... story ends and I put the book down to look for her... all stories end, Pascal.
Pascal: Yes. But we can always read them again.

Vincent: Can I lead you through the dark?
Catherine: There is no darkness, Vincent, when you're with me.

Mitch: I can't forget. And only God forgives.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Remember how I told you when I was little, I was afraid of the dark? Well, my mother gave me a candle to light at the bedside before I went to sleep. It was just a tiny little thing, a birthday candle. Somehow it made it all right. I've loved candles ever since.
Vincent: This is no ordinary candle. This is for Winterfest. It's a special time for us. We have other celebrations, all the holidays and traditions we share with your world, but... Winterfest is our own. It's a time to remember the past. Dream of the future. Each year, we deliver these candles to our helpers in the world above. Without their light, our world would be dark. Our lives would be cold without their warmth. The candles are our way of saying that they are a part of us. Everyone, the entire community is agreed. This year's Winterfest will be incomplete unless you are there.

Vincent: Our time together is always so short.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Tell me something, Vincent, before I have to go.
Vincent: What should I tell you?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Tell me how it felt to hold a baby in your arms.
Vincent: There are no words.

Vincent: Park is beautiful when it's wet. I, uh... found myself on Caterine's balcony.
Jacob: There can be little comfort in that when it's empty.
Vincent: I wanted a sense of her.
Jacob: What did you find?
Vincent: Only her absence.
Jacob: What about your... your connection to her? Your bond?
Vincent: I feel it. At a distance. She's so far away.
Jacob: But you can feel it?
Vincent: Oh, yes.
Jacob: Then trust in that, Vincent. It's a remarkable thing. To feel the beat of a woman's heart... on a distant shore.

Vincent: Life is not complete unless you've been loved.

Vincent: I should never have let him go alone.
Catherine: Where was he going?
Vincent: It had something to do with his life before.
Catherine: When he lived above?
[Vincent nods]
Catherine: What has he told you about his life then?
Vincent: Only that it was another life, lived by another person. And that the memory of it was best forgotten. I know he was a doctor.
Catherine: Do you know his full name?
Vincent: I've always called him Father.

Gabriel: The police are coming.
Vincent: Let them come.
Gabriel: If they find you, they'll kill you. Or maybe they won't. Maybe they'll just leave the monster in his cage for the rest of his life.
Vincent: Your words have no more power, Gabriel. You're the only monster here.

Diana: What kind of roses did she like?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: What do I look like, her florist?
Diana: The only way that you can get a red and white rose to grow off of the same bush is with a special grit. Did you know that?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Maybe she couldn't make up her mind.
Diana: Joe, there's a language to flowers. The red rose means passion and love, and the white rose is eternity or... or death. Now, somehow, I don't know how, but somehow Vincent knew whenever she was in trouble, and... and he came to her. He was her protector.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: You sound like you know this guy.
Diana: Well, sometimes I feel like I do.

Vincent: I've never regretted what I am... until now.

Jacob: And what is she doing to find this man?
Vincent: All she can. But she's alone in this. She refuses to seek help. She's afraid for me, for our secret.
Jacob: He probably knows, then.
Vincent: And will use it to torment her.

Vincent: Since that night when I found you in the park, I've felt in you, time and again, a need to confront your fears. As you did last night.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Why are you telling me this?
Vincent: I don't want what happened to you to cause you to take unnecessary risks.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Vincent, they needed my help.
Vincent: You survived once.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: And it's because I survived then that I'm doing this now. So that others are spared.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Someone else could be watching.
Vincent: Perhaps.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: We can't be afraid, can we? We can't let that stop us.
Vincent: This balcony is our window. Our vantage point. And... perhaps, Catherine, someone behind one of those lights is watching, and smiling on us.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: [smiling herself at the thought] Perhaps they are.

Vincent: My name is Vincent.
Elliot: Vincent. You know about me from what she told you?
Vincent: Yes.
Elliot: What do you want from me, Vincent?
Vincent: I need your help.
Elliot: Why should I help you?
Vincent: I do not do this for myself. I saw the man who killed her.
Elliot: You what?
Vincent: I was there... with her, at the... end. But I was too late.
Elliot: Who is this man? Do you know him?
Vincent: No. But his face is burning inside my mind. I know where he kept her. Will you help me?
Elliot: Why should I help you?
Vincent: Because you loved her, too.

Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: That's what I like to see. Taxpayers' money hard at work.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I never thought of that. Huh. I pay my own salary.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Don't get any ideas.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: [amused smile] Good night, Joe.

Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Elliot Burch at my doorstep. I'm speechless.
Elliot: Hello, Joe.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Let me guess. You bought my building and you're here for the rent.
Elliot: You think I could come in?
[Joe is reluctant]
Elliot: It's about Cathy.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: She's dead, Elliot. Why don't you stop chasing her?
Elliot: Why don't you?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Look, what do you want?
Elliot: I got a lead on her killer.

Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: You got a choice one, Radcliffe. Wealthy socialite throws himself out a window. Turns out he was poisoned by a loyal servant.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: You mean I finally get a case where the butler did it?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Hey, good help's hard to find.

Snow: Gabriel.
Gabriel: How'd you get in here?
[Snow tosses him the VHS tape]
Gabriel: I have twenty men patrolling the grounds.
Snow: Nineteen.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I was just thinking of you.
Vincent: Catherine, I come on an urgent mission.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: What is it?
Vincent: The children insist that you come below tonight, to Father's chamber.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Really? What's the occasion?
Vincent: Something of a miracle.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Tell me.
Vincent: This year, there were several chilren in the music classes who were felt not to be ready to perform at the Winterfest. Some were simply too inexperienced, but others failed to show true commitment to the music. I think in order to prove to all of us that we were in grave error, these children have joined together to form their own concert society.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: That's wonderful.
Vincent: Their first recital is tonight. They say you must be there.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Well, then, I wouldn't miss it.
Vincent: You hold a very special place in their hearts.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: They're like a part of my family.

Gabriel: Snow. I have a child. A son.
Snow: I don't kill children anymore. Not even yours.

Vincent: Bridgit O'Donnell.
Bridget: Herself.
Vincent: I... didn't mean to interrupt your dancing.
Bridget: An act of mercy. Thomas is a good friend and a brave man, but a dancer he's not. Extraordinary. You look as though you might have ridden with Cuchulainn, or sailed with Theseus.
Vincent: Only in my dreams. And sometimes in books like yours. Your writing has helped me through dark times. You've touched me, made me think. I just wanted... to tell you. To thank you.
Bridget: Come. Thank me outside.

Jacob: Vincent, how about a game of chess?
Vincent: Not tonight.
Jacob: I see. The prospect of beating me doesn't excite you.
Vincent: Well, I must admit that thrill has begun to wear thin.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: When I was a girl, we spent our summers at a lake in Connecticut. I had a secret place, too. A glen. I would hide there in the tall grass, and I felt as if I were the only person on Earth. Safe.
Vincent: Yes.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: And if I sat very still, the deer would walk by and not even see me. I could almost reach out and touch them. It seemed... enchanted. It seemed so far from the city, like a different world. It's only two hours away. I wish you could see it.
Vincent: Oh... so do I.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: If only we could be there.
Vincent: We are there. You're taking me with your words, showing me.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I would love to share it with you. It seems so unfair. You, of all people, would appreciate how magical this place is.
Vincent: Catherine...
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: If you saw it, you would know in an instant. And then it would be ours.
Vincent: I could want nothing more.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Maybe there's a way.
Vincent: Please, don't even...
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: All we really need is a way to get out of the city and up there safely. A van. We could drive up at night. No one's even at the lake at this time of year. Maybe we could really do it. Vincent, let me try to arrange it. If I can, will you come with me?
Vincent: It's something I never even dared to wish for.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: To go there, to share that with you would mean so much.
Vincent: Then... we must try.

[last lines]
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Poor man. To come so far, only to have his dream turn to ashes in his hands. Even if Dmirtri had lived, he would have found his Anna too late.
Vincent: Perhaps he knew that. Even when he first received her letter.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: And he came anyway.
Vincent: He loved her. He had no choice.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Even though he already knew.
Vincent: One either moves toward love or away from it, Catherine. There is no other direction.

Catherine: [dying] Though lovers be lost...
Vincent: Love shall not.
Vincent: [Catherine dies] And death shall have no dominion.

Catherine: I owe you everything. Everything.
Vincent: You owe me nothing. I'm part of you, Catherine, just as you're part of me. Wherever you go, wherever I am, I'm with you.

Catherine: How are you feeling?
Vincent: I'm not sure.
Catherine: Try to tell me.
Vincent: Like a stranger.
Catherine: What seems unfamiliar?
Vincent: Many things. Many things I can't... I don't remember.
Catherine: Do you feel like a stranger with me?
Vincent: No, not with you. You're the woman that I love.

Vincent: Why is he doing this, Father?
Jacob: Why? Because in his mind, you are the one person that prevents his return to this world. A world which he still considers to be his own. Know the consequences of this action may stretch far beyond Catherine. The whole future of what we built here is in balance. Vincent, you must be careful. Expect anything. Remember, Paracelsus has misled you before.
Vincent: I haven't forgotten.
Jacob: Whatever he tells you, remember this: there is a truth beyond knowledge.
Vincent: I'll remember, Father.

Father: Is she awake?
Vincent: Yes. She's very frightened.
Father: How could you bring a stranger down here? To where we live! You ignored our most important rule.
Vincent: I know that. But there was no other way.
Father: Do you know what they'd do if they caught you up there? Or found you down here? They'd kill you. Or put you behind bars and make you wish you were dead. How could you?
Vincent: How could I have turned my back on her, and left her there?

Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: So, what you're telling me is there's no trace of her.
Det. Greg Hughs: We'll keep looking, but I'm not holding my breath. The guys who grabbed Bennett were pros.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: And what the hell are you, the Campfire Girls?

Winslow: So, what's on your mind? You've been awfully quiet ever since we left this morning.
Vincent: Just... thinking. Wondering.
Winslow: About Catherine?
Vincent: If she's really in danger, why can't I feel her fear?
Winslow: We'll get her back. Don't worry.

Vincent: It's been difficult for her above. We've known that for some time. Little by little, she began to shed her duties as a helper. Until last week, when... she disappeared.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Why didn't you tell me, Vincent? I might have helped.
Vincent: Somehow, I still think of the tunnels as her home. I felt certain that if she needed sanctuary, for whatever reasons, that she would seek it among us.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Well, she's found it, Vincent, but in a dangerous place, among people who live by violence. One of them, we think, killed a security guard.
Vincent: And this is her new home?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I'm sorry.
Vincent: I know.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Vincent... Laura herself may have broken the law. I'm not sure, but you should prepare yourself for that possibility.
Vincent: We have our own laws, Catherine, and... Laura must still answer to them. Until the council and the others determine otherwise, she remains a part of our community.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I can't protect her in any way.
Vincent: I know, but... I must see her. Tonight. Please.

Jacob: Vincent, someone has seen you. If you go to her, he'll see you again.
Vincent: How can I leave her alone? She must be protected.
Jacob: If she is in danger, we'll find a way to protect her. There are other ways.
Vincent: This is Catherine. *I* must protect her.

Vincent: On the journey, I felt for the first time as if somehow you were lost to me. I knew you were in danger and yet I could sense no fear.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I was afraid, Vincent. But I couldn't allow myself to feel the fear.
Vincent: You didn't want to draw me.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I couldn't.
Vincent: You've sacrificed so much.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I would sacrifice everything for you.

Vincent: You look like an angel standing there...
Catherine: I needed to see you... I have to make a decision and I need your help.

Snow: I heard about your little war. It's no challenge for me to kill a guy like Elliot Burch.
Gabriel: Well, Burch is an inconvience. I... wouldn't dream of wasting a man of your talents on him. There are other ways to solve that problem. You've heard about our little merry-go-round murders?
Snow: Friends of yours?
Gabriel: I had years invested in Moreno.
Snow: That's too bad. Politicians don't come with a warranty.
Gabriel: Do you? Moreno and Gates were ripped apart. Eviscerated by something with inhuman strength and speed. The police are keeping a lid on it. They seem to think the particulars might be too ugly for, uh... public consumption.
[he offers Snow a VHS tape, who moves to take it, then stops]
Gabriel: You might be interested in this. The night this tape was made, eight armed men were ripped apart, like Moreno.
Snow: [taking the tape] Creature features. Maybe I should make popcorn.

Diana: Whoever killed Cathy Chandler was not the same person who brought her home.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Now, what makes you think that?
Diana: Vincent brought her home, Joe. He brought her home because he loved her.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Oh, come on.
Diana: Look at these pictures. Moreno and Gates were ripped to pieces. Claw marks on the bones, torn flesh, heavy bruising, heavy bleeding.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Yeah, I read the autopsies.
Diana: Coroner says it looked more like an animal attack than a murder. Now, I ran a computer check just to see if there were any other instances of this same M.O. in the last three years.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: I remember these cases. But what do they have to do with ours?
Diana: The earliest was eight months after Cathy Chandler came to work for you. A third of them tie into cases that she was involved with.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: All circumstantial. You can't prove a damn thing.
[she sets a chunk of concrete on the table]
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Vincent? Where'd you get this?
Diana: Drainage tunnel under the park. Did you know there are hundreds of unmapped tunnels underneath this city, with access through Cathy's sub-basement?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: So?
Diana: Oh, Joe, so... I don't know.

Gabriel: Why do people put flowers on graves? Do they really think it makes death smell sweeter?
Elliot: Why'd you bring me here?
Gabriel: Does it make you uncomfortable?
Elliot: Only the company.
Gabriel: Elliot... the war's over. In a month, you'll be bankrupt. In a year, you'll be in prison. Half your people are already mine.
Elliot: You're lying.
Gabriel: Maybe I am. How will you ever be sure? Machiavelli wrote that a wise prince knows it is better to be feared than loved. Look around you. All these tombstones. All these wasted possibilities. There's no reason for us to be enemies, Elliot.
Elliot: [pointing to Cathy's headstone] There's a reason.
Gabriel: Catherine Chandler. You know, if I'd known all the trouble it would cause, I would never have killed her. But it's done. There she lies. If you want to lie down beside her, so be it. But I had heard that you were a more practical man.
Elliot: Maybe I was, once. She changed me.
Gabriel: I don't think so.
Elliot: What do you mean?
Gabriel: I know you.
Elliot: You don't know anything about me.

Elliot: I built a sand castle once. I couldn't have been more than eight years old. It was a wonderful sand castle; walls and turrets. Must have been six feet high. Then the tide came in. Gabriel is the tide, Vincent. He's washing away everything that I've built in my life. He's washing away my dreams.
Vincent: Dreams can be dreamt again. Sand castles can be rebuilt. Catherine said you were a fighter.
Elliot: Catherine was wrong about many things.
Vincent: Sometimes in my sleep, I see another world. A world where I died in Catherine's place. I see her walking in the sunshine, lauging. I watch her grow old, reading to her children. Cradling her grandchildren in her arms. A happy life. The life that she was born to live. The life that she deserved. It seems so real that if, somehow, I can make it so, then... Grave is a fine and a private place.
Elliot: It's not much to go on. But I'll see what I can find.

Art: Can I have my book back?
Kristopher: Yeah, sure. Well, hey, are you using that sketch pad?
Art: [protectively] I just bought it.
Kristopher: [taking the pad] Great! Thanks.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: You know, they do sell those.
Kristopher: Only to people with money.

Lena: When we first met, do you remember how we talked about feeling alone?
Vincent: I remember.
Lena: Well, I've been thinking... it doesn't have to be that way. Not anymore. All these things keep coming back into my head. Everything we've talked about. Things I never talked to anybody about before. And I keep thinking about when the baby came... how you were there, close to me. Close to her. Let me love you, Vincent.
Vincent: Lena.
Lena: [touching his neck] I can feel your heart.
Vincent: [removing her hand] I will always cherish the moment we first met. How you saw me, how you accepted me.
Lena: You did the same for me.
Vincent: I know. But... what you ask now... is impossible.
Lena: Why?
Vincent: Because... my heart is bound to another.
Lena: Catherine?
Vincent: Yes.
Lena: Do you love her?
Vincent: With all that I am. With all... that I can ever become.

Catherine: How do you feel?
Vincent: There are no words.
Catherine: Try one.
Vincent: Blessed.

Vincent: Where's Rolley?
Jacob: He's gone. I did my best to stop him, but... I fear he may have gone back up above.
Vincent: There's nothing for him up there but death. You know that.
Jacob: So does Rolley.
[Vincent turns to leave]
Jacob: And if you do find him, what are you going to tell him that he doesn't already know?
Vincent: Am I meant to stand aside while he's killing himself?
Jacob: If that is a choice that he's made.

Jacob: How about Rosalind? Uh, no. Imogen.
Vincent: Please, Father, Imogen?
Jacob: What's wrong with Imogen?
Vincent: Well, for one thing, it's difficult to pronounce.
Jacob: It was good enough for Shakespeare.
Vincent: Well, if it's Shakespeare you're set on, then why not Juliet or Maria?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: What's going on?
Jacob: Oh, we were discussing possible names for the child.
Vincent: After every birth, the child is welcomed into the community with a naming ceremony.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Don't you think Lena should have a say in it?
Vincent: [simultaneously with Father] Of course.
Jacob: Yes, by all means. Yes, we were just, uh... speculating.

Father: [to Vincent] You know, you have the soul of a doctor. When I studied medicine, they wouldn't admit minorities. Wonder what they would have done with you? Let's not even think about it.
[gives Vincent a kiss on the cheek]

Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Cathy Chandler is dead, and her blood is all over you.
D.A. John Moreno: You better get out of here, Joe.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: What are you doing here? This office stands for something!
D.A. John Moreno: Get out of here!
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: How many times have told me the only difference between us and the people we put away is what's here?
[indicating his heart]
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: "It's like a religion, Joe. It's like a faith, Joe. It has to be."
D.A. John Moreno: I also remember telling you something about loyalty! Where's your loyalty?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Where should it be, John? With you or the law? I didn't think there was a difference. Now, I know you didn't kill her. Help me get the one who did.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: It's so peaceful and quiet out there tonight.
Vincent: But there's a storm raging within you.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: You felt it?
Vincent: I can almost hear it. All your feelings, colliding, thundering.

Vincent: It was a dream. A terrible dream. Everything was changed. I couldn't wake up.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Well, it's over now. I'm here.
Vincent: Yes. Oh...
[he kisses her hand]
Vincent: I thought I lost you.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Oh, Vincent... don't you know? You could never lose me. We could never lose each other. As long as we remember.
Vincent: Remember...?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Remember love.

Gabriel: I have so much to offer you. Your life, your freedom.
Vincent: Nothing you could give me can replace what you took.
Gabriel: Love?
Vincent: You don't kow the meaning of love.
Gabriel: Julian needs both of us.
Vincent: My son needs nothing from you. You have nothing to give.
Gabriel: I can protect him. I can, uh, show him the way the world works, the real world. I can make him a king.
Vincent: I've seen your kingdom. It's a kingdom of shadows. It's a kingdom of death.
Gabriel: It's our kingdom, Vincent. Remember.

Diana: Cathy was pregnant. Autopsy says she delivered a child less than an hour before she died. Then they injected her with morphine. And whoever did this kept her alive long enough just to have the baby.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: She never said anything to me.
Diana: Look, I'm just throwing out the possibility here that what if all this has more to do with the baby than with the case?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: No.
Diana: Why not?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Look, I gave Cathy a piece of evidence. First she turns up missing, then she turns up murdered. There's a connection there.
Diana: Of course there is a connection there, but you have to keep your mind open to the fact of the pregnancy. What this could mean...
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: I don't...! I don't know what this could mean.
Diana: Well, consider it, Joe. This could be the piece that makes everything fit.

Paracelcus: Vincent is close.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I know.
Paracelcus: You're really not afraid to die, are you?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: No.
Paracelcus: Not even as you watch the stage being built? Don't you feel anything?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Sadness.
Paracelcus: About dying?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: About you. And the world you helped create. Vincent has told me. Your vision, your ideals. All wasted.
Paracelcus: Taken from me.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Still wasted. Now all you want to do is destroy something. Someone you don't even know.
Paracelcus: Then you'll perceive my life to be... contradictory.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: No. Tragic.
Paracelcus: Don't you see? It doesn't end with your death, or Vincent's. This is only the beginning.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: The beginning... of what?
Paracelcus: Reclaiming what is mine. After all these years... I've decided to go home.

Vincent: Catherine, I don't know what will happen now.
Catherine: You must promise me one thing; that you'll share it with me. Whatever happens, whatever comes.
Vincent: Whatever happens, whatever comes... know that I love you.

Alexander: What can I do for you, Catherine Chandler?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Well, I've been told that you're an authority on voodoo.
Alexander: [with an amused laugh] Yeah. Yeah, much to the chagrin of my colleagues in science.

Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: So, what are you working on?
Catherine: Nothing.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Nothing. That's good. 'Cause you're fifteen minutes late for the Bartoli deposition.
Catherine: [checking her watch and jumping out of her chair] Great. See you later, Joe.

Winslow: Vincent. I want you to know that I'm not just doing because of Paracelsus. It's for Catherine, too. She's a good woman. I've always said that. What's between you two... is something I've never felt myself. But seeing it... I know it's real. I believe in it.

Elliot: Who the hell are you?
Vincent: [remaining in the shadows] No one to fear.
[Elliot moves to turn on a nearby lamp]
Vincent: Don't. Please.
Elliot: How do you know me?
Vincent: We shared something - a friend - very dear to us both.
Elliot: Who?
Vincent: Catherine.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: [Mouse was caught at Elliot's construction site] Let him go, Elliot. He won't bother you again. I promise.
Elliot: He asked for you. Doesn't know the name of the President of the United States, but he knows your name. Now, I find that just a little curious.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Please, just let him go. No harm was done. What good would it do you to have him arrested?
Elliot: I might get a few answers. A few months ago, you came to me, needed my help. You couldn't explain why. "Trust me", you said. Well, trust is a two-way street. If you want me to let this person go, then trust me enough to answer some of my questions.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: You can't barter for trust, Elliot.
Elliot: Oof.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: And I can't tell you what you want to know. I made a promise.
Elliot: Well, then why should I let him go?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Because I'm asking you to.

Gabriel: I told him she was dead. Are you making a liar out of me, Pope?
Jonathan: Oh, no, sir. It's only a matter of time.
Gabriel: When it's over, bring her here. I want him to see her. I want him to learn - the truth will set him free.

Gabriel: This is my son, Ms. Bennett. He's very beautiful. Don't you agree? Look at his hands, Ms. Bennett. And his face. There's nothing unusual there. Do you find that strange?
Diana: Why would I find it strange?
Gabriel: I think the resemblance is in the eyes. What do you think?
Diana: I don't think he looks anything like you.
Gabriel: Precisely. The trouble is... he's dying. Some powerful illness. The doctors don't know how to help him. I do. And I believe you do, too. The child needs his natural father.
Diana: You lost me about two steps back.
Gabriel: You have brass, Ms. Bennett. I'll give you that. Unfortunately, I don't have any time to play. Maybe a few hours.
Diana: I still don't know what you're talking about.
Gabriel: The ring, Ms. Bennett. He gave you the ring. I believe you were curious about the inscription.
Diana: Veritas.
Gabriel: Veritas Te Liberabit. All that matters is that you find him. Find him and tell him Catherine Chandler's child is dying.
Diana: What proof do I have that that's Catherine Chandler's?
Gabriel: You have no proof, Ms. Bennett. And the child has no time. Take that message to Vincent.
Diana: And what makes you assume that I can make contact with him?
Gabriel: You'll find a way.

Vincent: This is where we began.
Diana: Now I know how Alice felt.
Vincent: I'm sorry the Mad Hatter couldn't be at the feast.
Diana: Well, I think that Mouse was about I could have handled. I want to thank you for making me feel so welcome.
Vincent: You felt welcome because you are welcome. If ever you need a home or a place to rest, these tunnels and chambers will be kept warm for you by friends.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I didn't know that she'd been sick for a long time. I was ten when she died.
Vincent: The sadness must have been overwhelming.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: It was. But what I felt this morning... what I feel now, is deeper and more terrifying than anything I felt then.
Vincent: Yes?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: The loss. A terrible feeling of loss. Not just my mother, but a part of my life. Safety and simplicity. Things that I've never been able to know before. I saw an old friend today, and I looked at her and I knew that she had those things. I was happy for her, but it made me sad.
Vincent: Perhaps these feelings, these memories, are calling out to remind you.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Of what?
Vincent: Something you need.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I don't know. I...
Vincent: Of what you long for.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: My life is full of complications and risks. I don't know how to have a simple life.
Vincent: Catherine... your mother's memory reminds you of your aloneness. Of the family you lost when she died, of all the friends you left behind when our paths crossed. Because that secret that you carry now, our secret, sets you apart from your past, your friends, even from the family you are yet to have, the children waiting to be born. Catherine, the burden you bear with that secret, is your aloneness. Know that our bond, our dream, exists at the cost of all your other dreams. Know that, Catherine.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: It's worth it.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I had to come. I had to see you. I was afraid.
Vincent: I know.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: You didn't come. I called, I banged on the pipes. You never came.
Vincent: I could feel your fear, Catherine. Even now, I frighten you.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: You taught me to face my fears, always, Vincent. Tell me.
Vincent: What should I tell you? That I am not this shadow, this man-monster, that you hunt? Must you hear the words before you trust? Hear them, then. It is not me. Catherine, I would never hurt you.
[he moves towards her, but she backs away]
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: No, Vincent, no. I'm sorry. I didn't mean...
Vincent: To pull away? I know. I know your heart, Catherine. But sometimes the words that are not spoken are the truest words of all, however much they hurt.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: What are you saying?
Vincent: We both know what these hands can do. Have done. Catherine, if your heart does not trust, then no words I speak could help.

Mouse: Grew up down here. Know these tunnels better than anyone. Vincent's my best friend. We hang out. Look, something's wrong, something's broken, something needs fixing, so they come to Mouse. Even in the Silence.

Vincent: Margaret said the last seven days were the happiest of her life.
Catherine: And how is Father?
Vincent: Healing. Alone. Grateful.
Catherine: They truly loved each other.
Vincent: Yes.
Catherine: It's so sad. To have had beginning and an end, and all the time in the middle, empty.
Vincent: They had seven days, Catherine.

Vincent: I'm remembering how I once loved this city at night. Imagined myself a part of it, saw stories behind each and every light.
Diana: And now?
Vincent: Now I am a stranger here.
Diana: You found Catherine in one of those lights.
Vincent: And I lost her in another.

Issac: You should always know what's coming up behind you. This time, it's good news. I'm Isaac. Isaac Stubbs.
Catherine: [shaking hands] Catherine Chandler.
Issac: So, you want to learn to take care of yourself?
Catherine: That's right.
Issac: Because something bad happened to you. And you don't want anything like that to ever happen again.
Catherine: Never.
Issac: Okay. Now, I don't teach none of that Oriental stuff. No kung fu, no egg foo yung. This is New York City, so what I do teach is New York City street fighting, mean and dirty. Only philosophy that counts is doing whatever it takes to come out alive.

Father: You're still determined to go, are you? I wish you'd reconsider.
Vincent: Father, surely on this night, of all nights, I can walk among them in safety.
Father: Safety? Vincent, there is no safety up there. For you or anyone else.
Vincent: Well... sometimes we must leave our safe places, Father, and walk empty handed among our enemies.
Father: Those are Bridgit O'Donnell's words.
Vincent: Those are true words. Words that have opened doors for me, let some light in on the dark places. You know what she's meant to me.
Father: I do. And I also know there's a danger of confusing the magic with the magician. Sometimes the person is smaller than the work. Weaker, more frightened, more human. And I don't want to see you hurt, disappointed.
Vincent: She will not disappoint me. Our lives are very different, and yet I'm sure we'll understand each other.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Joe, this is Michael Richmond. Michael, meet my boss, friend, and chief tormentor Joe Maxwell.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: [shaking hands] Hi, Michael. How you doing?
Michael: Nice to meet you.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Michael's a friend from out of town. He's come here for college.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Gee, you know, for a minute there, I thought maybe your life had taken a new turn, Radcliffe.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Well, I won't say anything to spoil your fantasies.

Vincent: Gabriel! He's dying. I can feel him dying. Bring him to me, Gabriel. He needs more than my blood; he needs me. Are you listening? Go to him. Look at him. Touch him. He's dying. Can't you feel it? He's your son only in life, but in death, he's mine. If he dies, you will have lost. Bring him to me. Let him live.

Catherine: I need to talk to you.
Vincent: I can see that you do. There was a time when I would come to you.
Catherine: What do you mean? I don't expect you to...
Vincent: Catherine, I look in your face, I can see your unrest. There was a time when I could have felt it, here.
[indicating his heart]
Vincent: Feel what you were feeling, everything. Across the city, across a continent. Now I have to wait for you to tell me. There was a time when I could feel you coming to me; feel you nearing in the tunnels. It was a source of great joy eradiating from you, filling me with joy. Tonight, I waited. 'Till the sentries sent me a message that you were here.

Vincent: I watched you a moment ago with Ellie.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: My mother used to sing me that song. I haven't heard it since. I think she must have made it up.
Vincent: You're remarkable.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I hope you're not talking about my singing.
Vincent: No, about... how much you give to... all of us.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: To be able to give is what all of you have given to me.

D.A. John Moreno: I just heard that you had requested continued surveillance on the Benson kid. Is that true?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Yes.
D.A. John Moreno: Are you out of your mind? I just spent all day getting chewed out for putting those kids in front of a judge. And now this? Why?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Sir, she has a witness.
D.A. John Moreno: Well, then why didn't he testify?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: He can't.
D.A. John Moreno: What do you mean he can't? Who is he?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: It doesn't matter who he is.
D.A. John Moreno: This is a murder case.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I lost him, okay?
D.A. John Moreno: Then drop it. When you find your witness, call me. Until then, drop it.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: [Moreno leaves] What's going on here, Cathy?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: He *can't* testify.

[first lines]
Vincent: What is it, Catherine? What makes you so sad?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Sometimes I see things, and I can't help but wonder if there's any hope left for any of us.
Vincent: I have known that feeling.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: [showing him a crime scene photo] A father beats his child to death. What does that say about us, about our world and the way we treat each other?
Vincent: Evil exists. It's real, we know that. But when it touches little children... it tells us that no one anywhere is safe.

Vincent: What is it, Pascal?
Pascal: Then it's true. You're leaving.
Vincent: Who told you this?
Pascal: There's been talk, rumors on the pipes. Mouse. He overheard you arguing with Father. It scared him.
Vincent: Mouse has no reason to be frightened.
[Mouse and Jamie enter]
Vincent: Jamie. Mouse.
Jamie: We heard you and Catherine were going away... forever.
Vincent: Forever? It's not true.
Jamie: Then why are you packing?
Mouse: Don't go away, Vincent.
Vincent: This is my home. You're my family. I'll only be gone for a very short time.
Pascal: Where are you going?
Vincent: To a place... a special place that Catherine wishes for me to see. It's unlike anywhere I've ever been. It's a lake in the mountains. It's a place from her childhood. I want to go, to be there with her. Do you understand?
Jamie: What if something happens to you?
Pascal: What if you get caught above?
Mouse: Like Mouse.
Vincent: This is a quiet place, a safe place. Please don't worry yourselves. I'll be back, I promise.
Jamie: Just be careful, Vincent. We need you.
Vincent: I'll be careful.

Jacob: You miss her.
Vincent: I miss feeling her near, knowing where to find her.
Jacob: How fortunate you are, Vincent. To know that feeling.
Vincent: Yes.
Jacob: So until she returns, you'll simply have to put up with me.

Sebastian: Ah, chess. The game of kings! Not to mention rooks and pawns.
[he laughs]
Sebastian: Come on, set them up, set them up. Time for your annual humiliation.
Jacob: Never again. Last year, he took my king.
Sebastian: Well, isn't that the whole idea?
Jacob: No, the whole idea is that you capture the pieces. You do not make them disappear. Peter, would you care for a game?
Dr. Peter Alcott: Oh, Jacob, have you ever considered consulting a psychologist about this streak of masochism?

Diana: Do you know the meaning of "veritas te liberabit"?
Jacob: Veritas... yes. "The truth will set you free."

Diana: Excuse me. My name is Dianna Bennett. I'm looking for the new acting district att...
[the chair turns around, revealing Joe]
Diana: Joe.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Hi.
Diana: You?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Well, 'till the next election, anyway. Weird thing is, the suspension worked out in my favor. All the dirt turning up on Moreno, was as good as a commendation.
Diana: You don't look too happy about this promotion.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: I used to dream that someday I'd sit behind this desk. Only I didn't want it to happen this way.

Vincent: Did he contact you?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: He sent me flowers.
Vincent: It was more than just flowers.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: He talks about you. About us. And until we find out what he wants...
Vincent: He wants you, Catherine.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Vincent, you have to stay away.
Vincent: I feel your fear. How do I leave you alone with that?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: 'Cause I can handle fear. But if something happened to you...
Vincent: [holding her to comfort her] Come below at night.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I can't. I can't let him do that to me. I can't. We're alone in this.

Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Here. Take a look at this.
[he hands her a folder; inside is a police composite sketch]
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Last night, he delivered some flowers to an old guy by the name of Stanley Kazmarek, then shot him three times.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Any motive?
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Maybe Kazmarek stiffed him on the tip. Anyway, bag lady outside gave us the face, but the cops haven't been able to make it. Turns out Kazmarek was a lot tougher than anyone figured. He's still hanging on.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: You want me to get a statement.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Bingo.

Vincent: What makes you smile?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Everything. This is a wonderful spot.
Vincent: I've spent many an evening here. I've heard all the great music... here.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: The sound is remarkable. It's like we're in the first row.
Vincent: We're just under it.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I have been coming to concerts in the park all my life. It's strange to think there might have been nights we were listening to the same music. That you were so close.
Vincent: I come here, and the music engulfs and... I can feel the presence of everyone sitting just above us. You'll see. When the music ends, you'll hear fragments of conversations echo throughout the chamber, and... and footsteps. And then... all will be very still again.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: The stillness. Didn't it make you feel...
Vincent: Alone? Sometimes. And sometimes I found a wonderful peace in that stillness.

Jacob: I'm sorry, Mouse, but one simply does not "find" a concert grand piano.
Mouse: Mouse did.
Jacob: Where?
Mouse: In the park.
Jacob: [snickers] The park?
Mouse: Underground. Under platform.
Jacob: The concert platform in the park. You disassembled a grand piano under the concert platform in the park.
Mouse: Two more there. Just as big.
Jacob: I don't think I want to hear any more of this.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: [on the phone with the bank] My name is Catherine Chandler. My credit cards were stolen. I have to cancel them.
[her frustration brewing]
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Yes, I'll hold.
[lowering the reciever]
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I am gonna find that kid, Joe.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: I wouldn't bet the family jewels on it.

Doctor: [watching Vincent in his cell] He's going to kill himself.
Gabriel: No. He won't die. Death has no meaning for him. He's not afraid of pain.
Doctor: Perhaps he's not intelligent enough to comprehend his own mortality.
Gabriel: He's more intellingent than you are, Doctor, and less mortal. No, the only thing he's afraid of is himself.
Doctor: You sound like you envy him.
Gabriel: Do you feel sorry for him, Doctor? Don't. The day will come... when he'll watch himself with pleasure. He'll savor every murder... and polish the memories like precious gems. Life and death make a perfect circle, like a ring that has no beginning and no end. The serpent eating its own tail forever. Violence feeds on violence... murder on murder, vengeance on vengeance, century after century, through all... eternity.

Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: I know Moreno.
Elliot: Whoever killed Cathy has a direct line into your office. To somebody powerful enough to suspend you, and to launch a witch hunt against me.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Well, maybe it's this guy Vincent nobody seems to be able to find.
Elliot: It's not him.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: How do you know?
Elliot: I know.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Then I don't know. Maybe it's nobody. Let me ask you something. How much is Moreno costing you holding up your building permits?
Elliot: That's not it, Joe.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: You know what else I don't like about this picture, Burch? Time after time, I saw you put Cathy on the line when there was something in it for you. And now you're back here doing the same thing to me.
Elliot: I'll tell you something. You got no idea how wrong you are!
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: I think it's time for you to leave.
Elliot: No, Joe. Joe, listen. I'd at least like you to promise me that you'll look into it.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: I'm not promising you anything. Have a nice day.

Jacob: Paracelsus, alive? But how? I thought you said he was...
Vincent: He's alive, Father.
[he drops a gold coin on the table]
Vincent: And he's taken Catherine.
Jacob: Catherine? Do you know where?
Vincent: No. Our connection has been broken somehow.
Jacob: I know Paracelsus. As twisted as his mind may be, it's still very complex, full of designs and structures. Know, Vincent, I assure you, if he intended to kill Catherine, he would have done so already. He's luring you. Calling you away from this place of safety.
Vincent: I have no choice but to try and find her.
Jacob: I know.

Charles: When you put your mind to it, you're a fine corporate lawyer.
Catherine: No, Dad. I'm the daughter of a fine corporate lawyer.

Alexander: [Catherine's apartment has been trashed] If you hadn't phoned this morning, I was gonna call you and warn you. You ought to see what they did to my place.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: But why? And who?
Alexander: Ocala's followers, I imagine. Catherine, I don't want to frighten you, but this thing isn't over yet. Ocala's followers will avenge his death. They liken themselves to the stars; working at night, touching everything, and invisible during the day.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Well, if they think they can frighten me off, they're wrong.
Alexander: Catherine, I don't think you understand. They're not trying to scare you off the case. They're trying to scare you to death.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: I will not drop this. I have two suspicious deaths, and more questions than answers.
Alexander: Well, then obviously, I will do everything I can to help you.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: It's me he protects. What he does, he does in my name.
Jacob: He protects all of us. He protects the people he loves.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: It's a feeling of shame, Father. I have watched, I have seen, him when he loses himself.
Jacob: Yes, I know it's terrifying.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: No.
Jacob: Anyone would feel the same.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: No. Part of me shares that with him. In some deep way, I wonder... have I been reckless? Have I put myself in danger knowing that he would come to me?

Jacob: Mouse, what in the world have you got there?
Mouse: Found it. Up top. For Rolley.
Jacob: Some kind of keyboard?
Miss: It's from a concert grand piano.
Jacob: Mouse, what did you do? I hope you didn't wreck this piano.
Mouse: Found it.
Miss: But where's the rest of it?
Mouse: Up above, down below, in between. Mouse took it apart.
Jacob: I was afraid of that.
Mouse: Take it apart, bring it down, put it together. So Rolley can play.

Catherine: Professor Hughes, I don't know how to explain this to you - I don't even pretend to understand it - but Vincent and I are connected. I know him. And I know that, whatever he is, he's also the best part of what it means to be human. And if you take away his freedom, then you take away that very part that makes him most human.

Jacob: You were a prostitute?
[Lena stays silent, unsure of what to say]
Jacob: Was there nothing else for you to do?
[she remains silent again]
Jacob: What has Catherine told you about where we live?
Lena: She told me... it's a secret place where people live together and take care of each other. I thought she was making it up.
Jacob: No. She wasn't making it up. We have made a life together down here. We've built a home, and yes, we really do try to take care of each other.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: And each of us is also responsible for keeping this place safe from those who wouldn't understand.
Lena: I can keep a secret.
Jacob: Whatever may happen?
Lena: Whatever happens.
Jacob: Good. Now, I'm going to ask you a difficult question. Ordinarily, there's a process by which people come to live with us. It's a slow and gradual process. Our friends above, like Catherine, act as our eyes and ears, judging need... trustworthiness. Sometimes, as with you, we are forced to make exceptions. But we must ask ourselves: why should we risk everything we've worked so hard to create? Why should we trust you?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: It's all right. Just... tell him what you're feeling.
Lena: What I'm feeling? I'm feeling you've got no reason to trust me, and I should just save you the trouble and walk out of here myself. But I can't. I got someone else to think about now. And it's not fair that this baby should have to suffer just 'cause it's unlucky enough to get stuck inside of me instead of someone else. You give my baby a chance for something better and I won't mess it up.

Jacob: Vincent, the pain you feel now will lessen in time, and finally pass. That I promise.
Vincent: So the best I can hope for is to forget her? Forget everything?
[pounding a tabletop in anger]
Vincent: Mine was another life before Catherine! I'm changed, forever.
Jacob: All right. Then accept the change. Learn from it. But you must let the woman follow her own path.
[Vincent starts to leave]
Jacob: Vincent. For your sake.
Vincent: Those are just words, Father, shadows of feelings. They offer no consolation.

Richie: Well, they've both got the same sub-frequency copy code, so the bootleg had to come from the studio master.
Gina: Adam laid in a secret sound code on the master tape. Mel never knew it was there.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: Sub-frequency?
Richie: Yeah, you can't hear it, but you can see it. It's right here on the printout.
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: This might just be the only proof we need.
Gina: Hey, I maybe a little hyperactive, but when I'm motivated, I can be semi-brilliant.

Det. Greg Hughs: We got no prints, no witnesses.
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: We've got a witness, Greg. Somebody saw something. Somebody called and reported it. You just haven't found her yet.
Det. Greg Hughs: Well, if you've got any suggestions...
Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell: Look, this is the fourth time in three weeks I've been pulled out of bed to come down and look at a teenager with her throat slashed. I don't want to do it again.

Snow: I watched your tape, then I went to the carousel. Your friend Moreno wounded him. The blood spots... faint. The NYPD, they missed it. I followed the trail. It dead ends at a drainage tunnel under the park.
Gabriel: Sometimes a dead end is the best place to begin.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: [pricking her finger on a rose thorn] Ow! Damn it.
Vincent: Catherine, are you hurt?
Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler: How long have you been...
Vincent: Only a moment. You were so absorbed in your work, I didn't want to intrude.

Jacob: Peter, those, uh, journals you gave me are quite fascinating. Some of the results they're getting with laser surgery these days is incredible.
Dr. Peter Alcott: Makes you wish you had a laser down here, doesn't it?
Jacob: Oh, I'd give anything.
Mouse: Build you one!
Jacob: Uh... no. No, thank you, Mouse.

Jacob: Catherine is missing.
Pascal: Missing? Is she in danger?
Jacob: I don't know.
Pascal: Well, if she were, wouldn't Vincent know?
Jacob: No. After what happened to him, the bond between them somehow seems to have been impaired.
Pascal: I'll alert every outpost right away, issue an all-clear.
Jacob: Good. I've already contacted the helpers.
Pascal: We'll find her, Father.
Jacob: We must find her.