Top 50 Quotes From Ramona Young

Ava: Sara, the situation with the Kaupe has gotten much worse. He now has an accomplice, Mona Wu. Now, she may not look it, but she is extremely dangerous. She completely wiped Gary's mind.
Sara: Uh... um...
Ava: [seeing Mona trying to sneak away] Wait, you've had Mona in custody this whole time, and you didn't...
Sara: It's a long story, but I need to explain it to you in person. This line might not be secure.
Ava: The line isn't secure? Sara, what are you...
[seeing the Kaupe]
Ava: You have the Kaupe, too?
Sara: Look, I ju... I can't explain right now.
Ava: Okay, then I'm sending an extraction team.
Sara: Gideon, mask our location.
Ava: Sara, you need to bring in that Fugitive right now.
Sara: I'm sorry.
Ava: [seeing her move to a control panel] Don't you dare hang up on...
Mona: [Sara ends the call] Whoa. Did you just hang up on your girlfriend?
Sara: Mona, you better not be wrong about this.

Mick: There's something about Buck and Garima you should know. They didn't live happily ever after. They came from two different worlds. Worlds that needed them. They didn't belong together. But they loved one another. A lot.
Mona: How do you know? The next book in the series hasn't even been published yet.
Mick: I just DO!

Mona: Hi, guys! I forged a letter that's gonna save history.
[Rory takes it]
Mona: That's for Rasputin.
Mick: [reading it] Hmm, not bad. Nice use of "musky embrace."
Mona: I learned from Rebecca Silver.
Mick: Well, you learned from the best.

Mona: I finally find a job where I can use my skills...
Ava: Debatable.
Mona: And I blow it in the first week. Guess I'm stuck doing my fallback plan, going back to law school. At least Yale wants me.
Ava: Wait, wait, that's the fallback plan? Law school? What are you even doing here?
Mona: This is my dream job. It's my mom who wants me to be a lawyer.
Nora: No, you can't give in to what your parents want. That's what I did, and look how that ended.
Ava: Okay, you're not gonna take life advice from Nora Darhk, right? That's rich. You should listen to your parents. Think about your future.
Nora: Oh, easy for you to say. At least you had a future. When I was a kid, my dad convinced me to be a demon vessel.
Ava: You think it was easy for me? At least you got to be a kid. Try being a clone from 2213, okay? The only taste of childhood I've ever had was almost being killed by a shtriga at summer camp.
Mona: Wow, okay, I need to hear your entire life stories right now.
Ava: No!

Ava: So, your ID is in process.
Mona: And you have me to help you with your orientation.
Ava: [dropping two folder-sized stacks of paperwork on the desk] All that's left is this.
Nora: What the hell's that?
Ava: It's your start paperwork.
Nora: No, I should be out looking for Ray. I really have to fill all this out?
Ava: I know. I know, Nora. But until we have a line on Neron, there's really nothing we can do. And let's be honest, Nora. You have a storied history here. I need you to prove that you can be a team player. Have fun.

Sara: Gideon, what's the point of origin?
Gideon: It appears my Jonah Hex has beebo Lala loves you.
Behrad: Gideon may have a virus.
Mona: Doesn't she make everything work?
Ava: We are perfectly safe.
Nate: [running in] Guys, that was a class-five timequake. That is is so dangerous.

Charlie: Now, who wants a nice, juicy steak?
Mona: Charlie, uh, you know that I'm a vegetarian.
Charlie: No, no, no, you used to be a vegetarian when you were a normal, boring human. But now you are...
Mona: A monster?
Charlie: Exactly! I mean, how cool is that?
Mona: Wait, are you trying to get me to shift into Wolfie?
Charlie: Of course I am. You've been moping about the ship, thinking about your lost love. But I think that he would really want you to just embrace your wild side.

Mona: [Sitting beside the dead body of Konane, to Mick Rory] You were right. There's no such thing as happily ever after.

Mona: Hey, Ava, hope I'm not too early.
Ava: It's Director Sharpe. And you're not early, Mona. You're late.
Mona: Oh, no, are you firing me? Why does this always happen?

Mona: Koane, I know you don't like losing, but it doesn't make you any less of a king. In fact, it makes you a hero, like Buck in my favorite Rebecca Silver book.
Mick: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Where Buck crash-lands on Garima's home planet and then is forced into mortal combat? That one?
Mona: Yeah. You read it?
Mick: Heard of it.
[the book was written by Mick Rory himself under the alias of Rebecca Silver]

Sara: Mona, look, please stop. I should have never blamed you for everything. Look, Ava, the ship, Konane, none of it was your fault. And I am so sorry that I told you to ignore your feelings. It was because I thought... look, I thought that if I could forget the way that I was feeling, then maybe it wouldn't hurt so bad. Look, Mona, I was wrong. I was so wrong. And you don't have to bury your feelings. You can let them out.
[Mona returns to her human form]
Sara: And if you ever need a shoulder to lean on, I will be there.
Mona: You promise?
Sara: I promise.

Charlie: If you don't jump that buff coachman's bones, I will.
Zari: We are at this wedding to catch a magical creature.
Sara: If that's the groom, then I'm glad I'm not the bride.
Jane: [seated in front of them] A man's charms are equal to his fortunes. And Mr. Dockerty's fortunes are prodigious.
Cassandra: Shh. Jane, don't be rude.
Mona: [awed] That's Jane Austen.

Mona: Sara, hey! We got you a collectible Romanti-Con tote bag.
Mick: [seeing her look] Who died?
Charlie: Yeah, what's going on?
Sara: I have some bad news.

Mona: Oh, my god, this can't be real. I have to go now.
Sara: What? You just said that book club requires all three of you.
Mona: It's Rebecca Silver. She's revealing her identity at Romanti-Con tonight.
Ava: Rebecca Silver?
Mona: The sex-positive novelist reinventing feminism.
Ava: Yeah, we know who she is.
Sara: Make sure you take lots of pictures.

Ramona: I love my little guy. When we were separated, it was like a part of me was missing. The ball part.
Sheila: Really? You feel a connection to yours?
Ramona: Oh, yeah. You should thaw yours out and see.
Sheila: Hmmm. Maybe I'm...
Joel: We're good. We got Abby.
Abby: Great stuff.

Mona: I have come to believe that love will find a way to overcome any obstacle.
Jane: Then you're either lying or you're a fool. Tell me, has love worked out so well for you?
Mona: No...
Jane: Then you are a fool. For you shouldn't have to learn a lesson twice.

Charlie: How much of that did you hear?
Mona: Uh... nothing at all. Nothing about breaking out or hacking history. Please don't turn me into a cat.
John: Well, I didn't turn her into a cat. I returned her to being a cat, which is considerably easier, believe me.

Mona: I know that getting your boss locked in a prison isn't the best way to start a job, so if it comes to it, I'd like you to eat me first.
Ava: No one's eating anyone, Mona, but when we get out of here, we do have to talk about your continued employment at the Bureau.
Mona: Wait, no, no, no, you can't fire me.
Ava: Give me one good reason why.
Mona: Okay. Okay. I was gonna save this for upstairs, but...
[retrieving the birthday cake Sara brought]
Mona: ...surprise!
Ava: Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to...
[seeing Ava's look, she trails off]
Mona: This isn't making things better, is it?
Nora: No, it's fantastic. Keep going.

Joel: What are you doing here?
Ramona: Looking for Mr. Ball Legs. Sheila texted me he was sick. So I drove down from Seattle.
Sheila: How'd you get in?
Ramona: The lock on your side door is broken... now. So where is he?
Sheila: I keep him in the closet under the stairs, because he freaks Joel out.
Joel: He's a mucous-covered peach pit with spindly legs. And I'm more of a cat person.

Sara: All right, Time bros...
Ava: And Time ladies.
Charlie: And Time monsters.
Mona: And Gary.
Sara: As I was saying: Legends... our work here is done. Gideon, fire up the ship! It's time to hit it.

Mona: I got it! Natari.
Zari: I'm gonna regret asking this, but what's that?

Nate: This is for the best, right? Maybe, maybe not? I don't know. I feel like I'm supposed to say that.
Behrad: We're better off. Fame messes with people.
Ava: Still have that money problem.
Sara: Oh, I almost forgot. Mick?
Mick: [growling, he takes something out of his pocket] I steal things.
Mona: Whoa. Is that a Faberge egg?
Sara: Mm-hmm.
Mona: What's that worth?
Mick: 50 million.
[Ava gasps in surprise and drops it, but Sara catches it]
Sara: Whoa, be careful with that, babes.

Kamadeva: [singing] I want you badly as my bride/Please make my wish come true.
Zari: These feelings can't be denied/So yes I say I...
Mona: Stop! You're making a mistake!
Zari: Zari...
Mona: Whoa. Why did I just sing that? Okay, I guess I'm just gonna roll with the whole singing thing.

Mona: [about the magical fugitives] Stay calm, they smell fear.
Gary: [nervous] What if fear is my natural scent?

Mona: I'm telling you, the men in black are behind all of this. They're framing me so they can keep hurting the magical creatures.
Zari: Hurting them how?
Mona: I don't know. But Konane was terrified when they came for him. I was just trying to help him.
Sara: Mona, we saw the security footage, and... there were no men in black. Just you.
Mona: Well, they must have altered the footage to hide the truth. I'm like Mulder, and those guys are like the shadow government covering their tracks! It's a conspiracy! The truth is out there!
Ray: Okay. Okay, Fox. Okay, Fox, take a breath.

Mick: [speaking to the audience at the Romanti-Con Q&A] Nasgowa chased Cash for one reason. t's the same reason humans have gotten together since the dawn of time. It's why people like you come to conventions and dress up as your favorite characters. Why a man sits behind a desk typing, pouring out his heart. Why an author - a writer - replies to fans. It's connection. Human connection... I am Rebecca Silver.
[the audience gasps]
Mona: You are Rebecca. I'd recognize that wisdom anywhere.

Gary: Now, I know performance reviews can be quite a drag, but this year's gonna be different 'cause you've got superagent Gary Green in your corner. So no need to stress, unless your infraction is looking too good in that suit. Agent Reyes knows what I'm talking about.
Mona: [Reyes giggles] Oh, my god. I think she just swooned.
Agent: This is a nightmare.

Ramona: There are a million things I wanna do to you.
Eric: There's a million things I've had done to me. But I did all of them myself. Actually, it's just one thing a million times.

Sara: So you guys decided to go off on your own and face Rasputin.
Nate: I thought I could calm him down.
Mona: I thought I could make him fall in love?
Ava: And I thought I could, you know, assassinate him.
Sara: None that was ever going to happen. He's fresh out of Hell.
Mick: Well, let's kill him then.
Sara: You - you can't. Look, John said he can't be killed with a chit of his soul is in Hell, or whatever that means.

Mona: Apparently, when Rasputin cured the Czarina's only son, the two fell madly in love. I think if Rasputin realized how much the Czarina loved him, he would wanna settle down with her, lead the kind of quiet life that doesn't disturb history. Maybe Rebecca Silver's next series could be called "Russian Nights."
Nate: So, the St. Petersburg elite hated Rasputin's influence over the Czarina. So the Czar's own nephew, a prince by the name of Yusupov, he spearheaded the assassination. Ray, what if old Grigori came back...
Ray: To settle the score?
[gearing up]
Nate: We need to stop Rasputin from killing Yusupov.
Mona: [writing and sealing a love letter] I'm going to deliver a love letter to Rasputin.
Ava: [assembling and loading a sniper rifle] I'm gonna kill Rasputin. You in?
Mick: Yep.

Mona: Look at him. This is what he's always wanted; to be worshipped and admired like the demigod he is, not feared and shunned like some monster.
Mick: Well, he'd better make the most of it. The second he gets backstage, it's lights out and back to the Time Bureau.
Mona: That wasn't the plan. He can't go back to the Time Bureau. It's not safe.
Mick: Not my call, don't care.

Ramona: And I also missed you, Eric. Meow, meow, sexy panthy purr.
Eric: Oh. It's nice to see you too Ramona. Ruff, ruff, dog tail wag.

Nate: What if more baddies start coming back, like, throughout history?
Ray: If they do, we can call them evil do-overs.
Ray: Villa-agains.
Mona: I like "encores".

Mona: [after sniffing Zari] I think my sense of smell has improved because of Wolfie, and you smell exactly like... Nate.
Zari: No, I don't.
Mona: It's definitely Nate! Nate and something else.
Mona: Arousal?
[Charlie laughs]
Zari: No, I don't. I mean, Nate, that would be wrong and...
Sara: He likes you.
[off Zari's look]
Sara: He confessed it when he swallowed the truth bug.
Zari: We're so not passing the Bechdel test right now.
Sara: It's okay to talk about guys sometimes.

Ramona: But I want a Joel! And not just to hunt with. I want what you two have. I don't want to do this alone anymore.
Sheila: Oh, sweetie. Well, you can't just grab someone off the street and have what we have.
Ramona: Why not?
Sheila: Because Joel and I built a life together. We spent 20 years learning to care for each other. And lately, I've done nothing but bring chaos to his life. And does he complain? Often. But that's OK 'cause he's given up so much for me.
Joel: But when you love someone, that doesn't matter. Because it's not about what you give up, it's about what you get. And I don't complain that much.

Charlie: [seeing the words on Mona's shirt vanish] Whoa. The words on your shirt.
Mona: These are the names of my favorite Jane Austen characters.
Gideon: It appears that you're experiencing the impact of a magical fugitive.

Sara: So we have a vicious monster on the loose and no idea where it might have disappeared to.
Mona: He's not a vicious monster! People just assume that because of the way he looks. He's a demigod. He used to be a king!
Ray: [Mick raises his tranq gun] Hey, what are you doing?
Mick: Seeing if this thing works on her mouth.

Charlie: Gideon traced a new Fugitive to a wedding Jane Austen attended in Bath, England, 1802.
Mona: I already had Gideon chart a course. Can I come on the mission? Please?
Sara: [somewhat reluctant] Sure.
Ray: Yeah, and as much as I love a good wedding sneak, I-I'm gonna QB from, uh... from my bedroom.
Sara: Is he acting weirder than normal?
Charlie,66356: Yeah.

Charlie: Come on. I bet it's been months since you got laid. Now, why don't you just go smash Nate?
Sara: Or better yet, you should go smash somebody else, because if you're still thinking about Nate, then you know you're really into him.
Mona: Why don't you talk to Nate? Tell him how you feel.
Charlie: Oh, boo.
Sara: That is a terrible idea.
Zari: [ending the conversation] Okay, I'm going. Bye.

Mona: Ava, are you sure this is the best time for performance reviews?
Ava: There's no better time to assess the performance of our operation.
Mona: But are you sure Gary's qualified for responsibilities?
Ava: Of course, Mona. Gary Green is all the man we need.

Ava: And that's when I found out I was from the future.
Mona: Whoa, the future.
Ava: Yep. It was all fake: my parents, my memories, growing up in Fresno.
Nora: Still better than spending your childhood with the Order of the Shrouded Compass.
Mona: Is that like the Sisterhood of Traveling Pants?
Nora: Even worse. Death cult. And before that, I just moved around from one mental institution to the next.

Mona: Hey! You haven't happened to see an ogre wandering around about yay high, likes to grunt, drink beer?
Sara: [annoyed] Ask Rory.

Mick: Listen, um, I'm giving up the writing. It's getting in the way of my thievery. So I'm handing the Rebecca Silver novels over to you. Someone deserving.
Mona: Me? This is... this... this is so much. Are... are you sure?
Mick: Yes, I'm sure. It's why I'm saying it. There's a novelist inside you.
Mona: There's more inside of me than just Wolfie?
Mick: Yes, that's right.
Mona: Well, it was great living with you on the Waverider.
Mick: What?
Mona: [collecting her things] Yeah. I-I can't stay here to write. I... I need to be free. I need to fall in love and... and break hearts. I can't do Rebecca Silver justice here.
Mick: B-B-But I...
Mona: But you tried writing on the ship and ran out of ideas? I mean, frankly, Mick, your latest novel, "Carjacked", it... sucked. But don't worry, Rebecca Silver is about to have her comeback. You'll see.
[moving to leave, then returning to give him a hug]
Mona: You were my favorite.

Sara: So, the bride and the scullery maid, that was...
Zari: Insane?
Mona: Romantic.
Sara: I was gonna say hot.

Sara: Hey, cheer up. I mean, what does Jane Austen know?
Mona: How to be witty and wise and mix satire with romance.

Mona: [singing] Every day we find a way to hold grief in/Not let them see/We feel so wrong, we often long/Get swept away in fantasy/You've been so brave, wise, and strong/By opening your door/Please, Zari, have courage now/To wait for something more.
Sanjay: [speaking] Don't listen to her, my love.
Sara: No, Mona's right, Z. You don't even know this guy.
Charlie: He's been using the powers of a love god for years. Guaranteed he's got a wife.
Zari: Is that true?
Sanjay: Not exactly. I have a thousand wives. But lucky number 1,001 is the most important.
Zari: [in disbelief] Seriously?
Sanjay: So, you still want to marry me?
Zari: No. I definitely do not.

Ava: Okay, big smiles everyone. And nobody mention Oliver Queen.
Mona: Why?
Ava: Because he died.
Nate: Shouldn't have done the crossover.

Ava: Oh, there you are. I was beginning to think you weren't gonna make it.
Sara: This is an interesting choice of venue.
Mona: We can't have book club without Nora. It takes all three of us for a book club quorum.
Sara: Very sweet.

Mona: Why are you working on Thanksgiving? What's the Time Bureau do, anyway?
Gary: [seeing she's noticed the emblem on the wall] Ugh, it's like "Groundhog Day".

Mona: That's your ID picture?
Nora: They wouldn't let me re-take it.
Ava: Oh, it can't be that bad. Let me see.
[seeing the unflattering photo]
Ava: Uh, maybe we'll just use your photo from the wanted poster.