The Best Reporter Quotes

Roger: [Reid is walking up to a press conference] The dates match, eh, when Zodiac stopped killing, my cousin was put in mental hospital in Mexico. He was released two month ago
Reporter: Do you have anything more specific?
Roger: He was, eh, working on a production The Mikado in '68. Zodiac talked about The Mikado in a letter
Dr. Spencer Reid: Excuse me. I'm Dr. Reid with the Behavior Analysis Unit. Was your cousin by chance a fan of Wagner? Because, eh, a CD of the Tragic Overture was sent to the police this morning
Roger: He loved Wagner, specially the Tragic Overture. It's him!
Dr. Spencer Reid: Oh, yeah. Well, for the record: a CD was not sent to the police this morning and the Tragic Overture was written by Brahms, not Wagner. So luckily, I guess it's not your cousin!
[Into the TV camera]
Dr. Spencer Reid: The FBI would greatly appreciate if people would stop making false claims to get their 15 minutes of fame. Thank you. Thank you very much