Top 1000 Quotes From Criminal Minds

Dr. Spencer Reid: I notice you don't carry a gun.
John: Twenty-one feet.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What?
John: Ask Agent Hotchner there. He's the real gun hand.
Aaron: Why do you say that?
John: You carry two guns.
Aaron: The maximum distance an attacker with a knife can close in the time it takes to react, draw your sidearm and fire is twenty-one feet.
John: Inside twenty-one feet, I win. Outside twenty-one, I have other options besides shooting a man.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Like negotiating.
John: Like running.
Aaron: Why do you say I carry two guns?
John: Your right instep footprint's heavier than your left. And since you don't appear to have a clubbed right foot...
Aaron: You can't tell that from my footprints. There's no perceptible difference.
John: Your problem isn't with your prints. It's with your perception.

Aaron: [opening quote, voiceover] Thomas Fuller wrote "A fool's paradise is a wise man's hell."

Jason: I don't understand: why can't we shut it down?
Penelope: Because I can't point his IP-address
Jason: Just remove it once he sends it
Penelope: It's the internet. Sir, once it out there, you can never take it back
Jason: Just like history: you can't undo anything

David: You don't call, you don't write.
Derek: Rossi.
[they share a laugh and hug, too]
Jennifer: [entering] You don't even give us a heads-up and you decide to pop in at three in the morning?
Derek: Oh, blondie, come here, come here, come here.
[hugging JJ]
Derek: Mm. Oh, it is so good to see all of you. Look, I wish I could say I was just here to say hello, but, um, we may have bigger problems.
[to Prentiss]
Derek: You see what I'm saying about that text? It does not sound like Garcia. You do know what it does sound like.
Emily: A trap.

Dr. Jerry Berneman: [about Tara] I can tell you this. When she first came to me, she was suffering from extreme PTSD. For lacking a better clinical term, she was a *hot mess*!

Chester: Is that true - I never had a chance?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I don't know - maybe.

Derek: The woman killed yesterday was wearing a uniform. She could have been a waitress or maid.
Dr. Spencer Reid: There are 93 hotels in Las Vegas, 260 motels and inns, 1510 bars and 2996 restaurants, not to mention nearby Summerlin, which is growing in popularity.

Aaron: You knew he was gay.
Captain: You're a better profiler than Gideon is a lecturer.
Aaron: You also knew that a gay man couldn't have committed this murder. That's why you asked us about the sexuality of the killer at the crime scene, you knew Miguel was innocent.
Captain: You don't understand how things work here. If I had told the Attorney General that this man is a homosexual and that is why he must be innocent, she would have laughed in my face.
Aaron: Why did you lie to us?
Captain: I had to play along with the official line until I could trust that you would come to the same conclusion that I did.
Aaron: So we're here to serve as pawns in your political game.
Captain: There is a very bad man killing women in my district. And I've known this for a very long time. But so far, no one will believe me, or help stop him. So if I have to play politics to protect the women of the city, then that is a very small price to pay.

David: We don't get to pick who wins, detective. Even if that means no one does.

Undersecretary: What you need to do, Agent, is stand down. We are handling this. This needs to be managed a little more delicately than by the coarse hands of the BAU. What that means, no more SCIF break-ins, no more database searches... Go back to chasing serial killers. This is a state matter.
Aaron: [leaves the room and picks up his cell phone ringing] Yeah.
Derek: They just locked us out. The State doing anything to find JJ and Cruz?
Aaron: No.
Derek: So, what are we gonna do?
Aaron: We call in reinforcements.
Emily: [cell phone rings in London] Prentiss. Hotch, what's wrong?... Debrief me on the plane. I'm on my way.

Luke: Tara Lewis. You don't call, you don't write.
Dr. Tara Lewis: "Dear Luke Alvez, wish you were here." Seriously, though, I really wish you were here. Any chance you can fly up to Seattle? Looks like there's been an active killer up here for decades that we never knew about. We got 16 dead bodies in a buried shipping container.
Luke: 16?
Dr. Tara Lewis: Locals are overwhelmed, DEA is gonna swear cartel.
Luke: And you?
Dr. Tara Lewis: 100% serial killer.
Luke: Hey, listen, I wish I could jump on a flight, but I promised Rossi I'd hold down the fort here for another week.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Man, you staying still makes about as much sense as the Bureau benching our jet.
Luke: What's the over/under that we get that back this year?
Dr. Tara Lewis: Oh, it's looking bleak, my friend. Very bleak. Listen, I'd really like to show Rossi what's happening up here. I think he'd send you.
Luke: No, he's been focused on that Virginia case.
Dr. Tara Lewis: What Virginia case?
Luke: Family annihilator. It's brutal.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Yikes. Well, maybe we could get Prentiss to approve.
Luke: Eh...
Dr. Tara Lewis: What do you mean, "Eh"?
Luke: Just... eh. You know, since her promotion, she's, uh... she's got her mind on a lot more than just us.

David: [opening quotation] "Nothing happens until something moves." - Albert Einstein.

Jennifer: Mrs. Smith? I'm Agent Jareau. Jennifer. I'm with the FBI.
Marlene: Did you hear any more about my Bobby?
Jennifer: No, ma'am. But our entire team is here, and we are the best at what we do. We're gonna need your help, okay?
Marlene: Okay.
Jennifer: I have a boy of my own. He's almost three. I... can't even imagine what you are going through.
Marlene: He's so little.
Jennifer: I know. Can you tell me what happened the morning you dropped him off?
Marlene: I was having one of my bad days.
Jennifer: And what does one of your bad days look like?
Marlene: I wanted to hurt myself. I can't control it.
Jennifer: Is that why you took him to his grandmother?
Marlene: Yeah. I have to protect him.
Jennifer: And you had done this in the past?
Marlene: [near tears] Yeah. I just had to get him out of the house. You know? I just had to get him out of the house. That's all I kept thinking about, was just get him out! Get him out!

Emily: I encouraged him. Oh. I flirted with him. Made it personal. Getting intimate with a killer is... so different
Aaron: It's what we do
Emily: [Nods yes] Yeah, but... there's no fixing how I feel right now, is there?
Aaron: No. But you helped the case. And you did what you had to

Penelope: [picking up here phone] Talk to me with your face, Tara Lewis
Dr. Tara Lewis: Garcia, we need you to do some more digging
Penelope: I was born with a shovel in my hand. No, a backhoe!

Jason: Roman philosopher Lucretius wrote "What is food to one is to others bitter poison."

Dr. Tara Lewis: Hey Rebecca, thank you for that
Rebecca: When it comes to profiling, your team is the best. It's how you prove it is the problem

Penelope: [Sets herself behind her computer] All right, Voltron, sound off

Diane: [to Reid] Excuse me, Doctor. Um, Agent Hotchner said he was done with me upstairs. Can... can you tell me what's going on?
Derek: We'll be in touch, ma'am. Thank you.

[first lines]
Dr. Lorenz: Please. Listen. I'm telling you, he's not like our other patients. The crimes we got here are nothing compared to do with letting him out.

David: Abducting a bus, a form of transportation, gas masks, shock collars, dividing people into teams. This sounds a lot like, "Gods of Combat." This is a video game.

Penelope: [Rossi calls her] I am yours, give it to me! Wait! Sir, I meant that in the "how can help you?"-way, not in the... 'cause you're super lovely! And I am on speaker, aren't I?
David: Garcia, what can you tell us about the romance novel Bare Reflections?
Penelope: I can tell you it's very popular. And let me see, typing and checking and typing and... it is way more popular than I thought.

Mick: [flirting with Prentiss] So, what are you wearing?
Emily: A gun.

Catherine: My son. You've been so brave.
James: I have no fear.
Catherine: You will. The wives will be stronger.
James: It's an honor to be chosen defender.
Catherine: An honor and a curse for this family. Regardless, it is our sacred duty. Be vigilant. Never let your guard down. Send a warning. Show them our strength. Be ruthless and destroy them before they destroy us.
James: I will.
James: I promise.

Aaron: [picks up his mobile] Hotchner
Penelope: Who's your Daddy?
Aaron: I'm sorry?

Jordan: Did I do that? Is this my fault?
David: No, kiddo. No way. They were gone before we even got the case. We knew he would hurt his family; we just didn't know that he already had.

Aaron: How do I know you favor your son? I'm good at my job.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [closing quote] "The most important thing that parents can teach their children is how to get along without them" - Frank Clark

Derek: JJ, I need you to call these fertility specialists and get them over here for interviews
Jennifer: [Looks at the paper she got from Derek] Wow!
Derek: Yeah, I know. Hotch wants to focus on the prenatal drugs the unsub has given the victims. He thinks we can build a new suspect poolvand he wants it done yesterday
Jennifer: There's two pages of names here. Shouldn't we narrow it down?
Derek: JJ, just do it! Okay?
[JJ frowns]
Derek: I'm sorry
Jennifer: Is everything okay?
Derek: Hotch has been on me ever since we got here. And for the life of me, I can't figure out why

Kate: You know, I am convinced most people don't pay attention these days. If it doesn't happen on the phone, it doesn't exist!

Jason: You have the sign-in sheets?
Jennifer: Yeah.
Jason: Garcia standing by to do background checks on 'em all?
Jennifer: Yeah. I've got a deputy waiting to take me back to the station. I'm gonna fax her as soon as I get there.
Jason: Good. This type of unsub can't resist injecting himself into a show like this. He's here with us.

Derek: [about Detective Spicer getting killed] I told him that we should wait for backup, but he wouldn't listen to me. We split up, and he headed around back before I could stop him.
Aaron: Morgan, sometimes when it comes to family, common sense and procedure go out the window.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [opening quote] "The most heroic word in all languages is revolution" - Eugene Debs

David: [referring to Reid's father] He's keeping tabs on you. That's saying something.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah, and he Googled me. That makes up for everything.

Dr. Spencer Reid: We felt that it would take too much time to get authorization for another operation
Erin: We?
Dr. Spencer Reid: All of us
Erin: Don't you mean agent Hotchner wanted that?
Dr. Spencer Reid: No, I mean all of us wanted that. I know what you're thinking and, I agree, it would be easy for us to blame him
Erin: Easy?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah, why not just say it's his fault and then we can all just forget about it. But, eh, the problem is I have an eidetic memory and that's not what happened

Cat: We do deserve each other, by the way. You guessed right.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You lied, by the way. You were going to kill my mother regardless.
Cat: Yeah, I think you really liked hurting those men. And once you cross that line, you can't ever go back.
Dr. Spencer Reid: [kneeling down in front of her, he roughly removes his watch from her wrist] Watch me.

Dr. Spencer Reid: "The best and most beautiful things in life cannot be seen or even touched; they must be felt with the heart." ~~ Helen Keller

Derek: Alright, let's meet on the plane in 30

Jennifer: I don't agree with taking you off the case. When someone hurts one of us... when someone hurts a baby...
Derek: Yeah.
Jennifer: Yeah. Uh, I need to show this to the team, but I wanted you to see it first.
[she hands over a scrap of paper]
Jennifer: I found it in the pay phone he used to call Garcia.
Derek: "How does it feel? Do you see red? I see red."
Jennifer: Does that mean anything to you?
Derek: [flashbacks; it obviously does] No.
Jennifer: You're sure?
Derek: Yeah.

Bobby: This character, what's his name? Night? That's the whole name? Just Night? Not very catchy. What about Night Man? Or... I know: True Knight with a "K"
Jonny: No "K"
Bobby: I'm just saying...
Jonny: NO "K"!
Bobby: Message received

Derek: [Open quote] "Beware the fury of a patient man", John Dryden

Dr. Tara Lewis: [closing quote] "Holding on is believing that there is only a past, letting go is knowing there is a future" - Daphne Rose Kingma

Penelope: His name is Tanner Johnson, and life has not been kind.
Jennifer: He lost a child, didn't he?
Penelope: Yeah, last year. Ten year old son Jeremy. According to reports, Jeremy was playing with a friend, they were, like, fake 'wrestling', when Tanner, a freelance photographer/night time doorman, got a call, left the room to take it; when he returned, his son was unconscious, the friend was trying to revive him from a chokehold gone horribly wrong.
Aaron: The son was strangled; that's why he uses a garrote.
Penelope: Jeremy was on life support for a few days, but he died.
Alex: And Tanner blames himself. He stopped watching for a minute and he lost his son.
David: He hasn't stopped watching since. The grief must have consumed him.
Jennifer: That's a hell of a stressor, but what triggered the murders?
Aaron: Garcia, what happened to Tanner's wife? Did the marriage survive?
Penelope: Uh... nope. She kicked him out two months ago. Right before the killings started.
Jennifer: So he loses his child, then his wife and home. It's enough to make anyone unstable.
Alex: Add guilt to that, and it's all too much. He dissociated.
David: Paternal transference. Claimed the residents of the apartment building as his family.

Jordan: I'm not drunk. I'm... just buzzed a little bit.
Trish: "Buzzed a little bit" is something that drunk people say to convince themselves that they're not drunk.

Penelope: I looked into the disappearance of Chrissy Miller. I found something significant. That same week that Chrissy disappeared, another teen, Kylie Pritchard, also went missing.
Jennifer: Eighteen and pregnant. Like Chrissy, the police checked off the "troubled runaway" box.
Penelope: Yeah. And this will also whet your mystery whistle. Days after Kylie and Chrissy went missing, Dr. Roberta Childs vanished.
Emily: So if this is the same unsub, he probably started with high-risk victims like runaways, then graduated to high-profile ones.
Jennifer: What if Joanna Miller was right and her sister's disappearance is connected to the abduction of the professional women from five years ago?
Emily: Garcia, expand your search for...
Penelope: Missing women in Virginia and the metro D.C. area. I can read your voices and your minds.

Emma: My daughter will be dead by then.
Alex: I believe you, Emma. I can see how sick she is. I talked to your doctor.
Emma: Dr. Gourse? You... you talked to Dr. Gourse?
Alex: Yes. He said Lexy is too sick for this to work. This man's blood won't do anything.
Emma: But it has to. It's all I have left.
Alex: No. No. What can cure Lexy is what cured you. Funeral homes are required by law to keep a portion of the remains of those that they cremate. These are your husband's ashes. Only these will make your daughter well.

Katie: [about Stephanie] If she was a cartoon character, smoke would be coming out of her ears.
Aliza: She *is* a cartoon character!

David: I married the third ex-Mrs. Rossi at a drive-in wedding chapel in Las Vegas. I had an Elvis impersonator perform the ceremony.
Dr. Tara Lewis: [snickering] You're kidding.
Aaron: Wait for it.
David: I'm playing 21. I've got a streak going, I can't lose even if I try. Krystall's the dealer; one thing leads to another... I should have known it wouldn't last. Krystall spelled her name with a "K" and two "L"s. We sobered up the next morning, the divorce was... was just as quick. I'll never make that mistake again.
Derek: What, getting married or having the King of rock and roll as your justice of the peace?
David: Both.
[in an Elvis impression]
David: Thank you very much.

Penelope: [talking to all her desk toys] Hello Friends. I have an announcement. I don't think any of you all have been in love and any of you seem inanimate , but you witnessed all the icky I deal with and it makes momentous. I want to thank you, and you and you and you...
[stops when Emily walks in, pretending she is very busy]

Derek: [Rossi is watching news reports of the case] They've had suspects in custody the whole time, but nothing.
David: Can't even charge them with anything unless they find her body.
Derek: What are the chances of that?

Aaron: Sammy's autistic. So getting him to tell us what happened is going to be difficult.

Kate: I don't get it! Why get married if you're just going cheat?
Derek: Well, some people think the grass is greener on the other side
Kate: Yeah, what about you?
Derek: My grass is plenty green!

Stephen: [opening quote] "The past is never where you think you left it" - Katherine Anne Porter

Dr. Spencer Reid: Ancient Egyptians believed the souls of the deceased would return from the afterlife to re-inhabit their original bodies, so the human form was kept intact and recognizable

David: What about sexual violations?
Aaron: No, the ME's report says there's no evidence of sexual activity before death
Penelope: So, what's he doing with them?
Aaron: That's what we need to find out

[their victim's mother is making a public appeal to her daughter's kidnapper]
David: Wish she would have waited until we had a chance to coach her.
Jennifer: I don't know, she seems to be doing a pretty good job.
Derek: Good enough to make the unsub think twice about killing Brooke.
David: If he hasn't already. Chances are this is all too late.
Jennifer: It's her daughter. She has to have hope, right?
David: Hope's one thing. False hope is something else.
Derek: I guess you've worked with psychics before?
David: Yeah. Not by choice.
Jennifer: You know, there are cases where people believe they've helped.
David: When people are vulnerable, they'll believe a lot of things.

Penelope: Okay, so apparently the only local place using B-Cap is the Church of the Herbal Sacrament, "Where you can find everything for your spiritual needs that only ayahuasca can fulfill." Walk me through with what's gonna happen when we get there.
Matt: We ask questions, and we come home.
Penelope: No creepy weirdness?
Matt: No weirdness.
Penelope: Good, 'cause I'm about full up in the creepy weirdness department for one night.
[they arrive at their destination]
Shirtless: I've seen the face of God. I've seen it.
[bends down and vomits]
Penelope: So much for no creepy weirdness.

Luke: Damn! She's dead. This isn't good

Ashley: Is that the one where they fly around in the phone booth?
Dr. Spencer Reid: First of all, it's a police box, not a phone booth. Second of all, Doctor Who started a quarter of century before Bill and Ted even went on their bodacious adventures. So really, they should just call it Bill and Ted's excellent rip-off, I mean at least then...
Ashley: I'm really sorry.
Dr. Spencer Reid: For what?
Ashley: Asking.

Jennifer: So it seems this unsub knew who lived here and where each person slept, implying a personal connection with the victims.
Dr. Spencer Reid: In spite of the home invasion, there's no sign of burglary, so he's mission-oriented.
Emily: He's highly organized and sophisticated.
Dr. Spencer Reid: The big question is Amanda. Did he think she was home or did he deliberately strike while she was out?
Jennifer: We need to talk to her.

Elizabeth: I was wondering if you could show the class how to use a VPN to mash an onion router in, say... like, Romania.
Penelope: Romania? Yeah, you're not gonna need that, unless you need to hide, I mean, like "hide" hide your signal.
Elizabeth: I know.
Penelope: Who are you hiding from?
Elizabeth: Uh... I have a, you know... stalker. Heh. But i-it's all online, so it's probably fine, right?
Penelope: Maybe. Probably. But do you need my help?
Elizabeth: Maybe. Probably, yeah.
Penelope: [taking and plugging in her laptop] Yeah? Okay, um, let's start with this. Do you think it's a stalker or just, like, a troll? 'Cause sometimes it's hard to tell the difference.
Elizabeth: Check for yourself.
[Garcia sees pictures and messages pop up on her screens]
Elizabeth: It's bad, right?
Penelope: Yeah. Yeah, it's bad.

Emily: Hey, how's it going down there?
David: Well, it looks like we've got a malicious hacker on our hands. And he's got a wireless foothold to the 2013 Meridian.
Emily: Meridians are a popular model. He's got a huge victim pool.
David: Well, we're working on narrowing it down. Did you get Reid that lawyer?
Emily: I'm on my way to the jail right now to make the introduction.
David: Great.
Emily: I'll let you know how it goes.

Jennifer: Okay, two more of the initial ten victims have been identified. Twenty-eight year old dentist Tyler Roberts and teen runaway Heather Pineda. According to missing person reports and the timeline the M.E. sent over, they're most likely victims number four and five.
Dr. Tara Lewis: This guy's victimology is all over the place. I mean, he's bouncing back and forth between the vulnerable and working professionals.
Dr. Spencer Reid: These may all be victims of opportunity, but there's a measure of compassion to these kills. It doesn't feel random.
Matt: Yeah, he doesn't want them to suffer. It's almost like he's putting them to sleep.
Luke: Or putting them out of their misery.

Emily: Go ahead, Dave.
David: Well, it looks like Yvonne Westfield is this unsub's first kill. He's new at it, experimenting with the taste of human flesh. And behaviorally, we know that it's not Ferell.
Emily: Okay, let's play this out. If this killer's responsible for all the kills attributed to Ferell, he'd be experienced. He wouldn't be starting from scratch.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Yeah, and there'd be no reason for tentative bite or hestiation marks.
Emily: He also wouldn't have done such a poor job hiding Yvonne's body. I mean, that feels like a newbie mistake.
David: You know, I agree. All of that rules out the theory that the current unsub was operating ten years ago.
Emily: Let's look at this from the other way around. What if Ferell isn't the patsy? What if Ferell has a patsy? Meaning he's had a plan all along to get out of Hazelwood State.
David: So he trains a new unsub to kill using his exact same signature so we think that this new guy was killing ten years ago.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Then it stands to reason this new unsub is gonna make more boneheaded mistakes.
Emily: First-timers hunt where they live, work, and play. He probably knew the first victim. I'll have Detective Russ bring in her family.

Antonia: You got everyone fooled, don't you? Calling yourself doctor...
Dr. Spencer Reid: Who is this for and who helped you send it?
Antonia: You're really a phony, a puffed up little fraud. Is that why you're sad?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I know what you're doing and it won't work. You're treating us all in the opposite way that we are used to being treated 'cause you want to throw my team off balance
Antonia: You're not a complete idiot

David: [walking the crime scene] Victim one gets dropped here.
Derek: While number two comes around the corner to see what's happening, and... the unsub attacks him here.
Emily: [indicating the dinner table] The female victims were probably here when the first attack occurred.
Derek: Which means somebody would have to control them pretty quickly.
Emily: How many unsubs are you thinking?
David: At least one to move the body inside, another one to take out man number two, and one more to subdue the others.
Emily: Well, vandalism breeds a pack mentality.
Derek: If it is the same unsubs, then yeah, we're looking at a group of three, maybe four.
David: These aren't kids. They're too efficient. There's control and precision. Juveniles are sloppy.
Emily: He's right. There is nothing tentative about these kills. There's no experimentation. These guys know what they're doing.
Derek: I don't know...
David: What are you thinking?
Derek: I can understand vandalism escalating into violence, but that's usually gradual. An assault, a single murder maybe, but come on, this? This feel fully evolved.

Aaron: Gracia, check social networking sites, see if the unsubs have coordinatted these attacks online
Penelope: If they dare tweet, I'll flush them out like a birddog, sir

Emily: The unsub appears to be killing as a direct response to the old accident victims being pulled from the lake. So why is he dumping the stolen property into the lake instead of the victims themselves?
Luke: Maybe the coins are an offering. Some kind of superstition.
Emily: What if we've had this all backwards until now?
Jennifer: In what way?
Emily: We were thinking that the items he stole were unimportant, afterthoughts. But what if just the opposite is true, that it's 100% about the stolen items?

Elias: 2000 Petrus?
David: No, thanks.
Elias: What, do you think I'm gonna drug you?
David: Your body count is up to 52.God knows how many more. I'm not taking any chances.
Elias: I have these friends, Dan and Sheila.I... Actually, they're podcast hosts. Anyway, they have gone through every single one of your cases, and they have a pretty compelling argument that the Behavioral Analysis Unit is secretly terrible at profiling. Like right now, for instance. Why did you come in here, Dave? To make a deal. Do you have the authority to do that?
David: It's a gentlemen's agreement. You let Sydney and your daughters go, I'll let you go.
Elias: You think I would trade my family for my freedom? I love them.
David: I believe you. Oh. And that love makes you unique among psychopaths. And that's how I knew I would catch you through your family and why it would be difficult to kill them. Harlow especially. But you will.
Elias: Jesus. Dan and Sheila were right.
David: You've had intrusive thoughts about murdering them ever since Cyrus. Haven't you? Ohh, that's a yes.There's a term for what you're going through. It's called devolution.
Elias: Yes, I know what devolution is
Elias: .Then you know it never ends well.
David: Here's what I think. I think you're devolving a bit yourself because I'm here and you can't do anything about it.
David: Well, maybe you should stay right there and keep your hands where I can see them.
Elias: What? You're gonna shoot an unarmed man in his own house?
David: Well, maybe I am devolving.My career is over. What the hell have got to lose?
Elias: That is an interesting question, but it's not the most interesting question. The most interesting question is why would I need drugs and the wine and a gun in the kitchen when you're a 70-year-old man... and I'm not?

Emily: [in the investigation room; looking at Reid] What's missing from the Michelle Watson murder is any sign of rage or overkill.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah, instead on the tape we see signs of remorse. A complete and sudden emotional change. It's absolutely fascinating.
Penelope: [walking over to Prentiss, looking at Reid] I love you, Reid, but the stuff you find fascinating is sad.

Penelope: Ten-year-old Daniel Lanham was reported missing while on a camp trip with his father last November. His remains were just discovered by hikers in Pennsylvania.
Dr. Spencer Reid: That's really close to the Appalachian Trail.
Penelope: The rangers are the ones calling us in.
Dr. Spencer Reid: The trail covers 14 states and is nearly 2,200 miles long. It's a miracle he was ever found.

1st: Clara, is the building on fire?
Clara: Not yet.

Aaron: [searching a residence registered to Jimmy Baker] Morgan, this is weird. There's nothing here. It's like nobody lives here. I guess he wasn't expecting company.
Derek: Something's wrong.
Aaron: Yeah, I know.
Derek: Look at this place. It's an artificial dwelling... to match an artificial past.

Derek: [Jeremy is holding his sister at knifepoint] Do you wanna die?
Jeremy: You won't shoot me when Mommy's little angel can get hurt.
Derek: Yes or no?
Jeremy: I'll cut her neck open. I know how to do it. I've practiced.
Derek: I'm not gonna ask you again, Jeremy.
Jeremy: You can't shoot a kid.
Derek: I can shoot a killer. And I will, believe that. If that knife even twitches, I'm gonna put a bullet right through your brain.

Jennifer: Hey, guys, look at this. Okay, so this was taken from just inside Lindsey's garage. What's missing?
Matt: The cops. They're not there yet.
David: But they responded within minutes. So whoever filmed this had to be there when it happened.
Jennifer: Well, this was filmed by a Kal Montgomery at Channel 3. I checked their site. He's on their I.T. staff.
David: First Channel 3 breaks the story about the hairclips, and now this.
Matt: Well, if he's not a cameraman or a reporter, he wouldn't show up on our sweep.
Jennifer: Oh, and I double-checked. His name is on every Neon Terror crime scene Channel 3's put on the news.
Matt: All right. I got him. Found him on social media. And it looks like he's posted multiple rants about an ex-girlfriend who looks a lot like our victims.
David: Sounds like a digital loner to me. Let's go have a chat with Kal.

Aaron: The assessment's routine. I asked her to let me do it rather than bring in somebody from the outside.
Derek: So, let me guess, it's about the five stages of grief. You want to figure out where we all are. All right. Denial. I'm fine, this can't be happening to me. Well, it didn't happen to me, did it? So, that rules that out. What else is there? Bargaining. Depression. Acceptance. Well, obviously I haven't accepted it, otherwise I wouldn't be in here. So, where does that leave me?
Aaron: Angry.
Derek: Angry. Yeah. Yes, sometimes I feel like I want to quit my job and spend my time chasing down the son of a bitch who killed Emily. You're damn right, I'm angry.

Aaron: [opening quote, voiceover] "Never think that war, no matter how necessary nor how justified, is not a crime." - Ernest Hemingway.

Penelope: You're looking for something more specific, right? Someone who deals with custom work, different than, say that army tattoo that Simmons has on his very toned left bicep
Matt: Well, how about you Garcia? Ever go to the needle? You got any tattoos?
Penelope: I don't see why that is relevant to this conversation
Matt: So you do, that's interesting
Penelope: Didn't say that! And even if I did, wouldn't matter whether it said "Baby Girl" or what part of my body it is located on or whatever. And anyway, I have an answer to the question that is pertinent to this case. You got to talk to this guy

Alex: Come on, you're killing me here. The worst thing you can do to a linguist is not communicate.

Tammy: Who are you? What am I doing here?
Peter: God, you're even more beautiful up close.
Tammy: Don't touch me. Who are you?
Peter: It's me, Peter.
Tammy: Oh, my God. Why are you doing this?
Peter: I need your help with something I've been struggling with for a while now.
Tammy: What is it?
Peter: I need you to convince me not to kill you.

[Morgan, Prentiss, and JJ have arrived to help Rossi on a twenty year old cold case, after he asked them not to]
David: Why do you care?
Emily: Because you do.

Erin: Your team is in trouble. They've lost sight of the big picture. I believe they are reckless and at times out of control. It's time for Agent Hotchner's career to come to an end. And if you want to stay in the BAU, Agent Prentiss, you're going to help me make that happen.

Ronald: He should have stopped it.
Alex: We know why you're doing this, Ronald. What happened to Riley wasn't your fault.
Ronald: ...Nobody stopped it... Nobody did anything.
Alex: You did.
Ronald: You're damn right. And they got what they deserved.
Alex: But nobody else needs to die. You've got to leave the past in the past.

Derek: [voiceover] Eckhart Tolle said, "Where there is anger, there is always pain underneath."

Clerk: Can I help you with something, sir?
Clifford: How much ammunition can I buy?
Clerk: Well, depends how much you need.
Clifford: Those.
Clerk: That's 19.95.
Clifford: I'm gonna need a lot more than that.
Clerk: Okay.
[stacks the packs one by one]

Chief: I can only image what brings a man to do something like this
Dr. Tara Lewis: Well, in our experiences there is always an explanation, even if it only makes sense to the unsub

David: [growing weary of Detective Rizzo's hostility] Hey, what's with you? You need a hug or something?

Sandy: What the hell is it? Some kind of fetish?
Jennifer: It's called acrotomophilia. It's a sexual arousal related to...
Sandy: Stop! I don't need to know any more

Waiter: May I take your order, sir?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Um, I'll have a double espresso.
Dr. Maeve Donovan: And I'll have a non-fat latte. Fancy meeting you here.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Hi.
Dr. Maeve Donovan: Hi. Did you know Sir Arthur Conan Doyle probably sat right here drinking his coffee about 130 years ago?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I think he probably drank tea. You know, given his comment that the tea fields of Ceylon are as true a monument to courage as is the lion at Waterloo.
Dr. Maeve Donovan: Spencer...
Dr. Spencer Reid: And this is Oxford. Didn't Sir Arthur Conan Doyle go to school at the University of Edinburgh?
Dr. Maeve Donovan: Are you gonna argue with everything I say?
Dr. Spencer Reid: No, of course not.
Dr. Maeve Donovan: You know, there is such a thing as too much logic.
[music starts]
Dr. Maeve Donovan: Dance with me.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Why?
Dr. Maeve Donovan: I want to hold you once before I'm a ghost of a memory.

Derek: Wow. Division I lacross player. Obviously left-handed.
Syd: Broke it in three places.
Derek: Ooh. That sucks. I bet you're a force. Too bad you didn't dominate the way they hoped, though. Why not? I mean, what happened? Were you still hung up on the Chapel Hill rejection? I mean, especially after you told everybody that you were gonna go. I mean, damn, that's gotta sting a little bit. What's the deal?
Syd: Isn't it all in your little file?
Derek: Well, let's see.
[opening the folder]
Derek: My little file says... you cheated on your SATs and you had your girlfriend take them for you. That's another hard lesson, isn't it? You can't trust anybody to keep their mouth shut. Why haven't you lawyered up?
Syd: I haven't done anything wrong.

Bryan: I did what you said. This is my friend, Paul. I even used some of my own blood.
Madison: That's not what I meant.
Bryan: But you said if I made it more personal, you'd use me in your gallery.
Madison: Look, I've been trying to be nice and give you some encouragement, but I can see now that that's really not gonna help you, so I think I just have to be blunt. It's not good.
Bryan: This is... this is abstract.
Madison: I understand the concept, but splashing something onto a canvas, that doesn't make it art. Some people have it, some people don't.
Bryan: You-you don't know what you're talking about.
Madison: Maybe not, but that still doesn't mean that I'm gonna buy this.
Bryan: But you said...
Madison: Look, I don't know how to explain this to you any better. There is a difference between a dream and a talent.

Matt: Well, thanks for the ride home.
David: Don't mention it. Commercial airlines kick my ass nowadays. You?
Matt: Once you've had the best, it's hard to go back.
Emily: [approaching] I was just thanking Clara for helping us.
Clara: Yeah, and I told her when one of us is in trouble, we all are. You guys have any other problems with this, we happen to know some people.
David: Love that.

Penelope: Marital bliss followed by marital diss! Of course. Why didn't I think of that?

Penelope: By the way, uh, totally different subject: I happened upon that invitation guest list for the British embassy thing. Did you know that Madonna and Stephen Hawking are going? Not together, but they're going.
Derek: Penelope...
Penelope: Seriously, you're gonna miss a chance to meet Stephen Hawking? Reid will kill you.
Derek: Well, then I'm dead.
Penelope: Why don't you want to go?
Derek: It's personal. How 'bout that?
Penelope: Oh, it's p... Oh, my God, it's personal? That never occurred to me that it would be personal. I thought it was, like, stock market related or 'cause of the weather or...
Derek: Will you cut it out, already?
Penelope: Okay. Keep your... super secrets to yourself, 007.

Penelope: No, this isn't happening!

Penelope: The prints belong to Deacon Rogers of Odessa, Texas. He has a couple of minor arrest. One for marijuana possession and the other for lewd behavior. Which, I'm guessing is code for "gay" in Texas.

Emily: [opening quote] Tyron Edwards wrote: "Sinful and forbidden pleasures are like poisoned bread. They may satisfy appetite for the moment, but there's death in them at the end"

Penelope: Stay safe, my loves!
Emily: Thanks, Garcia

Dr. Tara Lewis: [after breaking up with her fiancé the previous night] Morning, guys! How do I look?
David: [Confused] You look great?
Dr. Tara Lewis: Went on a diet last night. Lost 185 pounds

Matt: Need a minute?
Penelope: So, so badly.

Aaron: Morgan never calls me Aaron. Why would he start?
Jennifer: What else did he say?
Aaron: That of all people, I should understand.
Jennifer: He was talking about Foyet.
Aaron: Yes, but he mentioned that earlier. Why bring it up again?
David: He wanted you to relate to his rage and back off?
Dr. Tara Lewis: Is there any other relevance to Foyet?
Aaron: He attacked in my home. Maybe Morgan subconsciously let that slip.
Penelope: Yeah, but Morgan's house isn't red.
Dr. Spencer Reid: [realizing something] Yeah, but he's renovated a lot of houses over the years. What if it's one of those?

Maggie: Agent Gideon! You're going to have to talk to a lot of victims. It would be helpful to have an extra female presence
Jason: Can you promise me you'll be sensitive?
Maggie: As long as you promise to stay pissed off at what happened to them. I've been on this case since day one. I don't want to have to step aside
Jason: You will not have to. Thank you

Dr. Spencer Reid: What was in those vials?
Matt: Yeah. There are some nootropic compounds like Ampalex, uh, but also some more natural stuff; coral calcium, jimsonweed, coconut oil, a variety of vitamins; B12, D3.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Where are we right now?
Matt: Matamoros, northern Mexico.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Jimsonweed, otherwise known as the Devil's snare, originated in Mexico, but its natural growing region is further north or south of the border.
Emily: Now that sounds like you.

Jennifer: Hey, uhm, so, I didn't get a chance to say it back there, but thank you for saving my life
Dr. Spencer Reid: You're welcome. You're ok?
Jennifer: Yeah, but... Luke was right though, two guns, uh? How long have you been wearing that ankle holster?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Around the time I got out of prison
Jennifer: Right... , look, so... , uhm... , what I said back there... I... eh, I needed to say something that would get his attention and I needed to say something that would get your attention, you know? So, I, eh, I needed to throw him off balance...
Dr. Spencer Reid: Jennifer... Truth or Dare?
Jennifer: [hesitating] Truth
Dr. Spencer Reid: Did you mean it?
Emily: [walks by and interrupts] Guys! They're about to cut the cake
Jennifer: Eh, great! We'll be right there
Dr. Spencer Reid: [starts walking away] Hm
Jennifer: [stops him] It's just...
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's ok, everything is ok
Jennifer: Yeah
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah

David: Con men usually don't murder, but when they do, it's to conceal their crimes.
Derek: Con man's a nice name for these guys. They profile as psychopaths.


Jennifer: So, Emily said they're gonna try a cognitive, but she isn't very hopeful.
Stephen: Did they run a full tox screen?
Jennifer: No. No, they only looked for cocaine and heroin because those were the drugs in his possession.
Penelope: And?
Jennifer: And he tested positive for both.
Penelope: What?
Stephen: Well, there's gotta be some other sedative present for him to be missing so much time.
Jennifer: Look, they're only gonna investigate what helps their case, and right now they have a dead Mexican citizen and a drugged-up American suspect.
Stephen: That's true. It's not up to the Mexican authorities to prove what we believe, which is Reid is being framed. They're only looking at who and what's in front of them.
Penelope: Okay, but... but we can't let him get stuck there.
Jennifer: Then we'd better hope they come up with something useful from this cognitive.

Jennifer: Ever since we took this case, all of these... memories are coming back, and they are not good memories. You know?
Emily: About Roslyn?
Jennifer: Yeah. Like that morning she took my father's razor. I found her. And I-I just stood there... frozen... for probably ten minutes.
[fighting back tears]
Jennifer: It's like my brain couldn't, um, comprehend what I was seeing. You know, sometimes I think... I think that's why I took this job, so I'd always know what to do, so I would never freeze again. So, can you... can you give me something to do, Emily? Because I am starting to freeze up again.

David: [Profiling the unsub] Either way, they're calculating and dispassionate.
Penelope: And no appreciation for Chenille throw pillows.

Emily: What other leads do we have inside the adoption system?
Penelope: It's kind of a slog. There is a lot of stuff to consider, like, for instance did you know that there is a home decorator for potential parents? That is a thing. It's not a thing we need to look in to right now, I don't think, but it's a thing
David: I know you have a full plate, but there's one more search we need
Penelope: Oh? No problem, put all the things on the plate. I do way better when I'm overwhelmed. Hit me

Dr. Spencer Reid: The consistency of the disposal sites and methodologies tell us that he has no known or identifiable connection between any of the victims, and in fact wants them to be found, in order to convey his pose prayer message.
Derek: Well, the parks will give us behavioral clues to help us fill out our profile.
Aaron: All right, we should split up when we hit the ground. He's probably already chosen his next victim.

Deputy: You want to move an entire container that presents as an organized crime dump site? Wish I could help, but you can't just claim serial killer if there's no proof.
Emily: Professional killers don't risk the time it takes to torture unless the act itself has meaning, not to mention the revisiting.
Deputy: It's just not enough. Sorry.

Jennifer: [closing quotation, voiceover] "The human voice can never reach the distance that is covered by the still, small voice of conscience." - Mahatma Gandhi.

Dr. Spencer Reid: JJ. We need to gather everyone. I know why he's doing this.

Eric: I always knew I'd end up back in prison, just a matter of when. You can come interview me if you want. I read in one of your books that's how you build your behavioral database right? Maybe you can learn something from me. I got a lot of questions myself. I'll be honest with you if you're honest with me. Cause the one thing that you always ask is the one thing that I don't understand: Why? I have no idea why. I see a guy walking down the street with a stupid look on his face and I want to bash him over the head with a bottle. To me that normal. It's weird to me that no one else feels that way. It's all I think about. I can't stop.

Dr. Spencer Reid: How long was it before the start of the bruising and the kill?
Dr. Paul Stumpo: Roughly 6 hours.
David: Nobody has sex for six straight hours, not even Sting!

Aaron: Garcia? Thank you for staying.
Penelope: Oh, wild horses, sir. Just... wild horses.

Benjamin: Distribute weapons and ammo. I prayed this day would never come, but it has. God will see us through.

Aaron: [closing quote] "Cruel is the strife of brothers." - Aristotle

Dr. Weinstein: We found several...
Dr. Spencer Reid: [browsing through thick report] Total of eleven?
Dr. Weinstein: You read fast!

Aaron: [voiceover] Nicolo Machiavelli wrote, "If an injury has to be done to a man, it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."

Dr. Weiss: C.O.D. on Paul McEntee was two successive gunshot wounds to the back of the head at close range with a .40 caliber pistol. Same as the first three.
Emily: So he controlled them with the gun. Did he torture them at all?
Dr. Weiss: There's no evidence of hematoma anywhere on his body, but there is pre-mortem bruising to his wrists.
Luke: If he's a professional, why go through all the trouble of tying him up just to kill him in there?
Emily: Maybe he wanted to muffle the sound? .40 cal's a big gun with a big bang.
Dr. Weiss: I also found sodium hypochlorite in his mouth, throat, and stomach.
Luke: Sodium hypochlorite? That's household bleach, isn't it?
Dr. Weiss: That's right. He made him drink an entire bottle's worth.
Emily: So he could have let him die from the poisoning, but he chose not to. That's a pretty clear message. "You're a rat, so I'm gonna silence you first by burning your mouth and throat, and then I'll kill you."
Luke: He did this to all of them, didn't he?
Dr. Weiss: He did.
Emily: Have you seen this before?
Luke: Yeah, I have. In Mexico.

Clara: Is there anything else you remember about your time here?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I remember what happened to the vials at home. My mom threw most of them out.
Clara: So that's why you were here. To get more.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It must be.
Matt: Well, you're off the hook for that. There was no contraband involved.
Clara: Yeah, but we were still looking at the planted drug and murder charges, which could keep you here for a long time.
Emily: So what can we do to delay the transfer?
Clara: You said that you met Nadie, who calls herself Rosa, in Houston. Why didn't she just give you the vials in the U.S.?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I don't know. I don't know. But she helped us and I trusted her. I was right to. I still believe that.
Matt: Well, she convinced you to cross the border multiple times. She had you risk your life.
Clara: Because she must have had something to lose, too.
Emily: Like family.
Clara: We need to know more about her.

[last lines]
Aaron: Emily, how much longer do we have you?
Emily: Um, six hours.
Penelope: It's too soon.
David: It's more than we had yesterday.
Penelope: Yeah.
Alex: I'm just glad I finally got to meet you. I've heard such amazing things.
Emily: All lies.
Jennifer: No. No more lies. Nothing but the truth from now on.
Detective William LaMontagne Jr.: Yeah?

Adam: We've been friends since I was just a kid.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Are you lovers?
Adam: [scoffs] No.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Well then why does she pay for everything you have?
Adam: It's not like it's a hand out. I'm working at the hotel so I can pay her back.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Does she pay for the drugs also?
Adam: I - I told you, I get migraines.
Dr. Spencer Reid: So, take a prescription.
Adam: I thought you were different.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What does that mean?

Emily: This all comes back to abusive men
David: We'd be out of work if it didn't!

Aaron: [Rossi enters his office] You don't have to be here.
David: Ah, I get antsy when I'm gone too long. And thanks for the team's donation to ALS in Carolyn's name. She would have appreciated it.
Aaron: So, how you doing?
David: I'm okay. It's funny, though. We were divorced twenty years, and I never missed her as much as I do right now.

David: He's gone by the name Eddie.
Dr. Elizabeth Rhodes: Well, I know some Eddies, but none that look like this young man.
Dr. Tara Lewis: But you are familiar with a Dennis Kirkwood?
Dr. Elizabeth Rhodes: Of course I am, Dr. Lewis.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Mr. Kirkwood was murdered, and over the last week, two of his close friends were killed as well, an Athony Nakamura and a Shaun Tate.
David: And we have reason to believe that this young man, Eddie here, murdered these men out of a desire to avenge your daughter's death.
Dr. Elizabeth Rhodes: Well, I'm really not sure how you expect me to respond to all of this.
David: Well, actually, we were hoping that you might know something about Eddie.
Dr. Elizabeth Rhodes: I hold on to two memories of my child that I shall never be able to let go. Her precious face, the first time I held it, and what was left of her face when the coroner pulled back the sheet and asked if I could identify her.

Lisa: Matt told me what happened before he left. I'm so sorry, Luke.
Luke: Go pack a bag.
Lisa: Pack a bag? Wait. You need to tell me what's going on here.
Luke: The guy that killed Phil, I knew him. I worked with him. And the two cops outside the door aren't gonna be able to stop him.

Emily: Fifty-three stab wounds. That's a lot of work. Does anyone want to tell me what they think that means?
Lance: Hatred?
Sloan: Frustration.
Bianca: He's angry.
Emily: You're all correct. It's called overkill. Typically, it means the murder was personal somehow.
Aaron: That or the unsub is psychotic and/or prone to violent outbursts.
Derek: The overkill may also show his inexperience. This was probably his first kill, and he was feeling his way through it, working out his M.O.
Emily: But there's a lot about Rachel that tells us about the unsub. She was young, so most likely he was, too.
Lance: What makes you think that?
Jennifer: She lived in a shelter, and had a part-time job, so she was a street kid, but not necessarily the reckless type. She wouldn't just go off with anyone.

Agent: And also I... I just spoke with JJ. She'll be at her desk by the time we get back to Quantico
Aaron: She has 3 more weeks of maternity leave
Agent: I know, but she's dying to be back. And honestly, I'm ready to get back to counter terrorism, it's where I'm needed
David: They're lucky to have you
[Shakes Jordan's hand and leaves the room]
Agent: May I say something?
Aaron: Sure
Agent: This team is like a family and families take on the traits of their leaders. You don't show much emotion
Aaron: Meaning what?
Agent: I've sat at JJ's desk and I have looked at some of the worst things I've ever seen, just trying to do half her job. I hope you don't take her for granted
Aaron: I don't

Aaron: Lost his dad, his house, about to lose the family business
Emily: Care to choose a stressor?

Manager: Steve was a good guy. Hope you find the psycho who did this
David: We have every intention!

Dr. Spencer Reid: [In autopsy] So, smothering is either his MO or his ritual
Dr. Samuel Bayo,: What kind of ritual?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Right now, only he knows

Aaron: Anthony Brandt wrote "Other things may change us, but we start and end with family."

Jennifer: So, they've already set up a task force in Los Angeles
David: This isn't their first serial case
Jennifer: You remember detective Owen Kim?
Aaron: From the stalker case
Jennifer: Yeah, you remember that case, don't you Spence?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I do remember that case
Jennifer: Yeah, ever talked to, uhm, Lila anymore?
Dr. Spencer Reid: You know, we should probably focus on this case right now. It's a little more pertinet

Emily: I hate Vegas.
Derek: Come on, Prentiss. How can you hate Vegas? This is a grown folks' playground.

Penelope: [via phone] And that is the whole kit and caboodle on each of your 64 suspects. Nothing really stands out. They're all pretty plain.
Dr. Spencer Reid: That's pretty much the main issue we're going to have here.
Penelope: Yeah. Vanilla doesn't make your job any easier.
Dr. Spencer Reid: No, it does not.
Penelope: So, how's it going with the agent whose father was a... You know?
Dr. Spencer Reid: How'd you know that?
Penelope: I might have looked into someone's hidden background... What? I am not gonna let some strange new person travel with my family and not find out who they are.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Well, she seems fine.
Penelope: What is that in your voice?
Dr. Spencer Reid: What's what in my voice?
Penelope: Oh, my God, you think she's pretty.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What? I never said that.
Penelope: You totally do. P.G. out, lover boy.

Derek: You got here fast.
Det. Benning: [shrugs] Detroit's not that far.
Derek: Did you bring the case files?
Det. Benning: I got 35 open missings.
Derek: That's all?
Det. Benning: That's not enough?
Derek: [indicating the shoes found next to the pig pen] 89 pairs.
Det. Benning: 89?
Derek: So far.
Det. Benning: Oh, God!
Derek: I don't think God's been out here in a long time.

Aaron: "We are made wise not by the recollection of our past but by the responsibility for our future." - George Bernard Shaw

Aaron: It's not that hard, a Dalmation could do it!

Emily: Penelope, you said you had something on Edward Addison?
Penelope: Yeah, I've been backtracking how he's soliciting his female helpers online. Looks like he tried to cover his tracks by bouncing around to different classified ad websites. This is his latest ad. It went live two minutes ago.
Emily: Can you stop someone from answering that ad?
Penelope: Done and doner.
Emily: I'm going to assume you can't pinpoint his computer's location.
Penelope: Well-assumed, my love.
Emily: But we might finally get the chance to start playing offense. I'm going to coordinate with our undercover tactical team. We are gonna answer this ad ourselves and bait David out into the open.

Mr. Shepherd: How old was Stephen when... when he died?
Charlie: He died protecting that little girl.
[points to the girl most recently abducted]
Mr. Shepherd: ...He was alive yesterday?
[breaks down]

Agent: I can't believe you guys have your own jet.
Emily: We take turns piloting. You want to give her a try?
Agent: Really?
Emily: No.

[Spencer is plunging the toilet]
Jennifer: Come on, you got to put your back into it, Spence!
Dr. Spencer Reid: Where is Morgan when you need him?

David: What's that saying: "Death by a thousand cuts"?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Lingchi. It's a form of torture and execution in ancient China. Knives were used to methodically remove portions of the body over an extended period of time, eventually resulting in death

David: We think Kate was comfortable with these guys.
Jennifer: How? Their only other encounter was at the jet ski rental.
Dr. Spencer Reid: The only documented encounter.
David: Garcia's running her friends' credit cards, too. They could have met someplace else.
Jennifer: I don't know. She's a smart girl.
David: Well, they're handsome, charming, nineteen. You remember nineteen?
Jennifer: Well, she would know better than to be outnumbered.
Emily: What if Pearson promised to dump Jim Barrett?
Jennifer: And, what, Jim retaliated?
Emily: I could work that theory.

Jennifer: If that isn't a man on a mission, I don't know what one is

Aaron: [opening quote] "No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness is always there first" - Terry Pratchett

Dr. Spencer Reid: [voiceover] "Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards." -Soren Kierkegaard

Aaron: [closing quotation] "The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being." - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

Emily: I know what you're gonna ask me, but I can't let you stay on this case. You're a potential target of a trained assassin. Now, I know you've requested a protective detail at the house for Lisa, but the fact of the matter is you need one, too.
Luke: Standard operating procedure. I get it.
Emily: Thank you for understanding. And we won't rest until we catch Jeremy Grant. I promise. Is there anything I can do for you?
Luke: Yeah. Yeah, I need to get home and see Lisa. I scared the hell out of her. And I need to start making phone calls and paying visits. Phil's parents... his brother and his sisters, his Army buddies and manhunters, people in C.I.D. Um... I need a little leeway with this detail on me.
Emily: Okay. But then I'll need regular check-ins from you.
Luke: Absolutely. We good?
Emily: We're good.

Dr. Spencer Reid: It's too bad all those e-mails and texts are gone forever.
Jennifer: Uhm... I'm sorry, have you ever met Penelope Garcia?

David: Ecstasy is frequently used as a date rape drug, but I've never seen it cause bleeding like this.
Erin: Could it be a bad batch?
Penelope: Well, according to the M.E., the victims had so much MDMA in their systems that it caused their internal body temperature to go out of control. They boiled from the inside out.

[last lines]
Section: You always here this late?
Jennifer: Pretty much, yeah. Every time your name was mentioned today and every time I didn't say, "Hey, yeah, I know him," I'm lying.
Section: I know it's not easy. I don't like it either.
Jennifer: We're surrounded by profilers, Matt. One side glance and they're gonna figure it all out.
Section: Separating us in the field was smart.
Jennifer: It was the only way. Look, I... I know why we can't tell them. I get that, but... We can't have too many of these conversations either.
Section: That case could stay open for a couple years.
Jennifer: It's already been almost three.
Jennifer: Did you take this position because of me?
Section: No, no. Trust me, I walked into the Hoover Building this morning and was told drive out to Quantico immediately. So, someone put this transfer on the fast track.
Jennifer: State?
Section: They wouldn't admit it if they did.
Jennifer: True.
Section: This... us... We're good, right?
Jennifer: Yeah.
Section: Okay. You want to meet at the Air and Space in the morning? Run some sprints?
Jennifer: I'm going to make breakfast for my boys.
Section: Great plan.
David: [walks to them and pushes the elevator button] Going home?
Jennifer: Yeah.
David: Cruz?
Section: I've got some work to do. Good night.
Jennifer: Good night.
David: Good night.
[getting in the elevator after JJ]
David: You good?
Jennifer: Yeah. All good.

Lt. Al Garner: Do you know how rare it is for an arsonist to be a burn victim?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Less than 3.5%.
Derek: This guy's not an arsonist. He's a serial killer who uses fire.

David: Look...
Derek: You don't have to explain, man.
David: No, you don't understand.
Derek: A locker? Really? You took a leak on the guy?
David: I was working him, Derek... But I'd like you to do something for me.

Sean: Ian Doyle disappeared from prison. Interpol can't find him.
Emily: What are you saying?
Sean: He's off the grid, Emily.
Emily: Is he headed here? Am I in danger?
Sean: We all are.

David: Talk about taking one for the team.
Agent: What was that all about?
Aaron: If she's a predisposed female offender, a major indicator is uncontrolled rage when challenged. I'd say she passed the test.

David: [closing quote] Dwight D. Eisenhower once wrote: "If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking is freedom"

Derek: Next time, show a little leg
Elle: Morgan! The only time you gonnal see a leg from me is when I'm about to kick your ass!

Penelope: [on the BAU jet] Not to be critical or anything, but this place could really use a splash of color.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Really? I find the neutral tones soothing.
Jennifer: Yeah, and they're a great background for when you're on the big screen.
Penelope: [pleased, but feigning a coy modesty] What, you mean I'm the splash of color? Stop it.

Charles: Ooh... okay. Send the black guy in. I was wondering when they were gonna play that card. Attention all FBI employees, will the one negro in the building, please, get to the sixth floor.
Derek: You finished?
Charles: But then again... You're not fully black... are you? Well, that's okay. They say even one drop counts.

Aaron: What's all that?
Jennifer: New cases, I got to figure out where we are going to next
Aaron: Wait a minute! We are the profilers, I thought we made those decisions?
Jennifer: Sure you do!

Aaron: [closing quote, voiceover] Wendell Berry said "The past is our definition. We may strive with good reason to escape it, or to escape what is bad in it, but we will escape it only by adding something better to it."

Sheriff: Poor kid was so distraught we took her to the ER. They ended up sedating her. She'll be coming around soon. I've got a deputy stationed outside her room over at County General.
David: Good. If the unsub wanted to wipe out the entire family, she could be in danger. What about the wife, Bridget? We heard she might be stepping out on her husband.
Sheriff: Yeah, that was an open secret. She was seeing Ron Fergusson. They met at the gym. He was a trainer.
Luke: Was? What... what happened?
Sheriff: Sticky fingers. Ronny got caught stealing personal items from lockers. They called us over, but nobody pressed charges. Just sent him packing.
David: Fergusson sounds like bad news.
Sheriff: He's no altar boy. Couple DUIs and a few assault convictions; bar fights, mostly. But nothing like this. You don't think he's involved in this, do you?
Luke: The guy's got a temper and he likes to drink. That's not a good combo.

Jennifer: By the time we got there, David was gone. He's in the wind.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Well, Garcia finally has a list compiled of David Kirkwood's party guests. We have federal marshals placing the rest of them into protective custody as we speak.
Emily: Good. Only I'm not so sure those men are on David's mind right now.
David: But if he feels betrayed by his idealized maternal figure, he might just decide to kill himself.
Emily: Or devolve to the point where he finally subscribes to his father's psychotic rage toward women.
David: Which means you'd be his target.
Emily: [realizing] No, not me.
David: [breaking into Dr. Rhodes' home, gun drawn] You really should answer my calls. You lied to me.

Dr. Spencer Reid: I think I can do it. I can get her to cooperate.
Aaron: How?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Right now, two alpha males are in there attacking her marriage. She'll react the same way to anyone challenging her husband's dominance. But I'm not a threat. I think she'll listen to me.

Jennifer: Victim one, Travis Bartlett, was last seen at a gay bar. He was shot at night in a park. Victim two, Lily Nicks, a thirty-four year old prostitute, her throat was slashed. Victims three and four, June Appleby and Troy Wertsler, were shot in their car at a parking lot outside of a movie theater. And victim five was a twenty-eight year old single woman, Kayla James, killed in her home. She was bound, suffocated with a bag over her head, evidence of rape.
Emily: And then the sixth victim was Zoe.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Victimology, weapons used, and C.O.D. are all different. I mean, it's hard to imagine it's even the same unsub.
David: It can't be a coincidence that Zoe goes to Kayla James' house and gets murdered.
Aaron: All right, let's say it is the same killer. Does anybody see a pattern?
Emily: Well, maybe. Okay, in the first crime, he shoots the victim. The second crime, he rapes a woman and slashes her throat; that's more personal. And the third crime, he escalates to killing two people, and the fourth, he escalates even more by raping a woman, binding her, and suffocating her.
Aaron: So if it is the same unsub, you could argue that there's a progression of violence with every kill.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It could be an anger excitation offender getting more daring with each crime.
Derek: I think I got something here. Look at this. The slashes in the prostitute's throat, they're all shallow, unsure cuts. The Kayla James crime scene, telephone cord, rope, and duct tape were used. It's like he couldn't decide how to bind her.
Aaron: So without a gun, he's sloppy, inexperienced.
Derek: The young couple shot in the car... that crime scene remind you of anything?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah, they were shot with a .44 Bulldog, just like the Son of Sam used on his victims, which were also young couples in parked cars. It might be nothing, but you're right, there is a parallel there.
Emily: With the second victim, it's hard not to think of Jack the Ripper. The obvious similarity being it's a prostitute whose throat was slashed.
Aaron: Kayla James was bound, tortured, raped, with a plastic bag over her head, like BTK.
Derek: What about victim number one?
David: Garcia, what neighborhood was he found in?
Penelope: At a park in the Kingsbury Run area.
David: Zoe reminded me last night that Cleveland's most famous serial killer was the Butcher of Kingsbury Run. He found his victims in gay bars, shot them, and dumped their body there. Travis Bartlett was last seen at a gay bar, and his body was found in Kingsbury Park.
Jennifer: So these are copycats of famous serial killers?
David: He's a serial killer studying serial killers.
Aaron: See you in Cleveland, Dave.

Penelope: [Picks up the phone] Cómo se dice "Hottie"?
Derek: Garcia?
Penelope: Precisely!

David: [closing quote] "Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet, we all breathe the same air, we all cherish our children's future, and we are all mortal." - John F. Kenedy

Penelope: Morgan?
Derek: Yeah, Baby
Penelope: You sound stressed
Derek: Do I?
Penelope: Where are you?
Penelope: Not where I want to be right now

David: [opening quote] "Man cannot possess anything as long as he fears death, but to him who does not fear it, everything belongs" - Leo Tolstoy

Jennifer: [opening quote, voiceover] "There are no secrets better kept than the secrets that everybody guesses." - George Bernard Shaw.

Aaron: I've been standing on the other side of that glass thinking about what to do with you, Steven. And this morning I decided to save your life. You're gonna tell me where my killer is. You're gonna give me an address, and you're gonna tell me how to get inside without raising an alarm. You're gonna draw me a map if I need one. And you're gonna do this because he's never been nice to you. He constantly insults you and belittles you. He emasculates you and makes you feel ugly and stupid and worthless. Nothing you ever do is right. Never good enough. You hate him, Steven. And you're also going to tell me because you know you screwed up last night. He told you that your paramount concern was not to attract the attention of the authorities, and you know the punishment will be severe. Nobody knows better than you what he can do to people. I've spent a long time studying monsters like your friend, and I can promise you he's gonna do things to you that even you can't imagine.

Dr. Tara Lewis: [closing quotation] "The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life." - Richard Bach.

Moretti: He wants "it" removed? Do you know what "it" is?
Jason: No. We just bought an hour, though, to figure it out.

Penelope: [Entering Scratch's IT room] Mother lode!

Jennifer: Who else uses a .308 rifle?
David: In Texas? Hunters... the Minutemen... housewives... which, unfortunately, doesn't narrow down the field.

Elle: You know he has no one, no family.
Aaron: Who's that?
Elle: Ryan. I mean, technically he's retired, but he hasn't seen his kids in years.
Aaron: Divorce is not uncommon in the BAU.
Elle: You know, the other night when you called - Saturday night - did you think it was weird that we all just... were able to drop everything and go to the office, that we're all available to you anytime you call, day or night?
Aaron: No, not really.
Elle: How do you do it? How do you do this job and still have... a wife and a baby?
Aaron: Well, when I'm with them, I try to focus a hundred percent of my attention there. And when I'm with you guys, I try to do the same thing. I mean, it's about priorities, Elle. It's about setting them and keeping them.
Elle: I'm just so scared I'm gonna turn into that guy over there. Look up and see that my life has passed me by while I was chasing monsters.
Aaron: It's hard. This job will eat you up if you let it.
Elle: So what do I do?
Aaron: Find a way not to let it.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Melted wax?
Jennifer: Candle wax?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Candles are used in rituals.
Jason: They're also used on birthday cakes.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Actually, they were originally used to protect the birthday celebrant from demons for the coming year. As a matter of fact, down to the fourth century, Christianity rejected the birthday celebration as a Pagan ritual.
Sheriff: What kind of a doctor are you?

Randall: [to Reid] If you want the grail, you must ask the question.
Dr. Spencer Reid: She's not a grail. She's your daughter. Her name's Rebecca.
Randall: My daughters died in a fire and my son and my wife.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Rebecca lived.
Randall: No. Your mother, she explained it all to me.
Dr. Spencer Reid: My mother is a paranoid schizophrenic who'd forget to eat if she wasn't properly medicated and supervised.
Randall: She made me realize none of it was real. I didn't lose Rebecca. She... she never existed in the first place.

Julie: Listen, we had another early check out, so could you turn it over before you clock out?
Adam: What? I am a cleaning lady now?
Julie: I'm your boss and you'll be whatever I want you to be

Emily: The unknown subject we're looking for is a male, most likely in his twenties, based on the two victims so far. But before we go any further, we need to be clear. Age is the most difficult variable to predict. He could be in his forties.
David: A very fit forties.
Emily: So, our point is the profile is a guide only. It's an investigative tool, and we need to stress that. All we have is a series of deductions, but one of those deductions is that the unsub knew his victims personally, which is why we're delivering the profile to you, because you also knew the victims. So, our goal is not to make you uncomfortable or suspicious. Normally we wouldn't even give the profile this early, but you are our best chance at discovering the identity of...
[Gary raises his hand]
Emily: Yes?
Gary: I have a question for Agent Rossi.
David: Go ahead.
Gary: Why did your last book suck so bad?
David: [laughter] Uh... well, we're not gonna talk about that now.
Gary: Really? That's all I want to talk about. I mean, you even consider that Tommy Yates was a patsy?
Jennifer: Look, we get it, okay? You have no reason to trust us. We're the FBI, and you are the official community of the Roswell, New Mexico truthers.
Melissa: Thanks for not calling us conspiracy theorists.

Tyler: They're lies.
Derek: I know. But you could have come in here and you could have made her pay. And you didn't, because you're good. You're not Gary. No, you're nothing like him.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Albert Einstein asked, "A question that sometimes drives me hazy: Am I or are the others crazy?"

David: [on the phone] Do me a favor, pull down the cell records for the tower closest to that hardware store. Make a list of all the missed calls and then give me a second list of the missed calls, originating from the Pacific Northwest
Penelope: You don't like it when it say this, but that's gonna take some time
David: Penelope, I... I'm not being mean here, I... I'm not being bitchy. This is not the old, rumpled Rossi who needs to go into therapy over his dead wife
Penelope: Okay, let me stop you there. You actually do need to go to therapy, but this is where I say: "I need more time" and you say: "We don't have any time" and then I save the day anyway. How about that?
David: It's like you know me
Penelope: Love you! Mean it
David: Thanks!

Aaron: [closing quote] Josh Billings once wrote: "There are two things in life for which we are never truly prepared: twins"

Dr. Spencer Reid: [closing quote] "You can't connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards, so you have to trust that they will somehow connect in your future" - Steve Jobs

Penelope: Are you sure?
Aaron: It's Gideon

Penelope: [voiceover] I believe humanity was born from conflict. Maybe that's why in all of us lives a dark side. Some of us choose to embrace it. Some have no choice. The rest of us fight it. But in the end, it's as natural as the air we breathe. At some point, all of us are forced to face the truth. Ourselves. For me, that day has come. I was 18 when I faced a man who chose to embrace his dark side, and by doing so, he took my humanity. Every day since I have put on a mask to hide what now suffocates me. The truth. And nothing speaks louder than the truth.

Emily: [sees Rossi walking into the conference room wearing a suit] Wow!
Aaron: Sorry to ruin your night.
Derek: [smugly] What are you working on wife number four?
David: I see you people *way* too much.

Cissy: And my words to him were: "Clarke, if you so much as hurt a hair on Matthias Lee's head, I will smite you like Jeroboam!". You don't even know who that is, do you?
Aaron: Second King, Old Testament. He followed in succession after King David. God killed his son, his wife and ultimately him
Cissy: So, you got some book learning. Well, good for you! Don't mean you got the sense to catch my boy's killer!

Izzy: [threatening the bank customers] Put your faces on the floor. I see eyes, you see bullets, get it?

Ivan: I don't know these women, okay. You have the wrong...
Detective: The wrong necrophile?
Ivan: What? You think I'm the only guy in town who likes to crack open a cold one?

Derek: If there's one thing I've learned the hard way, is the last person you want to tick off is Miss Penelope Garcia.
Penelope: Aww... that a compliment, right?

Elle: [looking at the search party volunteers] I grew up in Brooklyn. You couldn't get this many people out for anything less than free money.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Lila, I'm begging of you. Will you please get out of the pool?
Lila: Really, Spence, you should live a little.
Dr. Spencer Reid: "Live a little"? I've known you forty-eight hours, I feel like I've already aged ten years!

Derek: [Noticing Hotch watches him very closely] You're looking for micro expression
Aaron: You have divided this team when we need to work together! JJ disobeyed orders by going to you and now you are withholding
Derek: I didn't divide this team! You did!

Jennifer: [looks Reid walking into the room] Well, hello.
Aaron: What? Did you join a boy band?
[everybody except Hotch & Reid chuckles]
Dr. Spencer Reid: No.

David: [about a serial arsonist] Whoever set these went from no victims to thirty-one in less than two weeks. That's a hell of an escalation.
Emily: Why didn't they call us in sooner?
Jennifer: The local police and fire department knew they were dealing with an arsonist, but they had no idea he'd become a killer.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Most arsonists don't. They just like setting fires; any deaths that occur are almost always accidental.
Derek: Thirty-one victims is not an accident.
Aaron: Police chief knows he made a mistake. And he learned the hard way that even though not all arsonists are killers, they do have one thing in common: once they start, they can't stop.

Derek: You're okay?
Penelope: I am okay? Eh, let me see: I have got images of a girl being tortured burned inside my brain over this strain over this once carefree choice of music. I isolated 4 sources from one track and each one is more distorted that the next. So no, I am not okay, that is going to take a while!
Derek: Penelope, you know I appreciate your doings
Penelope: Thank you sugar, but right now even that doesn't feel good

Dr. Spencer Reid: The convention's still happening tomorrow if you want to go.
Penelope: Uh, that whole city on the brink of destruction thing kind of took the wind out of my sails, you know?
Emily: That'll do it every time.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [opening quotation, voiceover] "It will become fine dust over all the land of Egypt, and will become boils breaking out with sores on man and beast through all the land of Egypt." - Exodus 9:9.

Penelope: Live from Quantico, VA, it is divine Miss Penelope. Los Angeles, you're our first and favorite caller. Talk to me.
Derek: Okay, woman, you do know you're crazy, right?
Penelope: But like you always say, "Don't hate the playa, hate the game."
Derek: Okay, playa, my bad.

The: [Aaron and Hotch are fighting, and Foyet pulls out a knife while Hotch is down] After I finish you, I'm gonna find that little bastard son of yours. And I'm gonna show him both of his dead parents! And I'm gonna tell him it was all your fault! And then I'm gonna
[Hotch strikes him in the calf]
The: ... OWW!
[fighting resumes]

Stephen: Good news! We got a hot on the unsub's DNA
David: How's that not great news?
Emily: What's his name?
Stephen: That's why it's mot great news. We don't have a name

David: This won't be easy, Ashley. It may trigger some extremely painful memories.
Ashley: I appreciate the concern, but when your father kills 25 women before you're a teenager, painful memories don't need a trigger. They just are.

Derek: We believe that the unsub that we're looking for is a woman who's trying to get pregnant. She's experiencing what we call black widow maternal desire. She has a desperate need for a child, which most likely stems from the recent loss of one.
Alex: That child may have died or been taken away in a custody situation.
Dr. Spencer Reid: She's drugging her male victims in order to keep them under her control for forty-eight hours, and we believe she's using them as breeding partners to help replace the child that she lost.
David: Her victims are surrogates for a male figure in her life. One she may have already killed. He could be a boyfriend or husband who most likely fathered the child she lost.
Aaron: And the signs of torture indicate that she may blame the child's father for this loss and is exacting her revenge on these victims.
Alex: After they're dead, she dismembers them for easier disposal.
Derek: The strength required to do this, and transport body parts, it's likely that she's working with a submissive partner she dominates with her agenda.
David: Based on the sophistication and patience required for these crimes, we believe this unsub is probably in her thirties and no older than her early forties, if pregnancy is her goal.
Jennifer: And she works at night, luring victims from parties or bars. She may even have an illness, or feign one to gain their sympathy.
Aaron: Chad Dumont's been missing for almost thirty hours, and if the unsub keeps to her schedule, he may still be alive. But time is of the essence.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Even though the first two victims are dead, we can certainly step up our game so we can give the victims' families some answers
Aaron: Thank you.

Ethan: What in the world is this? Seriously.
Jennifer: Ethan, I am so sorry.
Ethan: This is ridiculous. They seem to think I've hurt those girls or something.
Jennifer: I know. It's just we have a warrant for your house. And they've already pulled your computer.
David: [watching outside] Is that...?
Emily: No, she's bluffing.
David: That's a hell of a bluff. Guys like him keep souvenirs, usually on computers.
Ethan: Did you see what was on it?
Jennifer: I did.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Based on the limited population of Royal, the unsub is most likely a local male, between the ages of 17 and 30
Penelope: What, arson is a sexist industry?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Ah, for the most part, yeah. Only 12% of arsonists are female
Emily: Apparently women just aren't inclined to burn things

Dr. Tara Lewis: 300 invisible soldiers of Gideon. Coincidence?
Emily: Gideon was no longer on the team when we were at the ranch. It could be connected, but...

Derek: I get why you're back.
Aaron: Do you?
Derek: You were never going to sit behind a desk. You know why? Because your son knows that you get the bad guys. And if you're not out there trying to catch them, what's he gonna think?
Aaron: Well, tonight he's gonna think I wasn't there at bedtime.
Derek: You're his hero, Hotch.
[Morgan holds out some paperwork]
Derek: I, uh, figured I'd save you a couple hours.
Aaron: You don't have to do that anymore.
Derek: I know I don't. But I also know what it's like to be raised by a single parent. Every minute counts.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [Looking at Emily's text message] B-CAP! What is B-CAP?
Matt: Geography maybe? I mean it is mentioned in relevance to DC
Penelope: Maybe it's a code name for a partner
Dr. Spencer Reid: [Rubs his eye] I can't see it

Dr. Spencer Reid: In 1947 the FBI issued a statement, discrediting It's a Wonderful Life, because they said it promoted communism
Luke: So good to have you back, doc

Emily: [watching Rossi on TV] Oh, good. We didn't miss it.
Penelope: Nope, it just started.
Luke: [entering with Matt and JJ] We're up to our eyeballs in cases. The guy never takes a vacation. I want to know when he'd find the time to write another book.
Jennifer: Someone must have put his mandatory six weeks off to good use.
Matt: Anybody heard from Tara?
Emily: Oh, she's finishing up with Floyd Ferell. She'll be back in D.C. soon.
Penelope: I'm DVRing this for her and Reid. They didn't want to miss it, either.

Alex: Can we rewind for a second? Is... is it possible to kill someone in San Diego and then drive two and a half hours up to L.A. and then do it again?
Dr. Spencer Reid: If you drove a V8 engine with a single plane crankshaft 80 miles per hour in good traffic, you took the I-5 to the 405 to the 10 east, got off on La Cienega, went right on Washington, north on Vermont, and then snuck up Selma using the back alley, you could do it in an hour, 42 minutes, and still have time for tacos.
Alex: [to JJ, stunned] Wow.
Jennifer: Yeah.

Penelope: [to Derek Morgan] I thought you'd never call! I'm hungry, and your voice is like food.

Luke: Assuming the women are still alive, the unsub would need a place to hold them. A home, warehouse, abandoned building.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He could be keeping them in multiple locations, in which case he most likely has a large truck or van.
Jennifer: He appears to be a night owl. All of the abductions took place around midnight.
Matt: Could do shift work. Maybe that's the time he gets off from his job.
Emily: Matt, Dave, go check out the latest crime scene. Tara, Luke, talk to Allie's co-workers at the restaurant. Captain Skinner from the State Police is on his way in. We will work the case from here.

Det. Payton: He's just a teenager
Emily: So were the Lords of Chaos!

Emily: [closing quote, voiceover] "Beyond the east the sunrise, beyond the west the sea, and the east and west, the wander thirst that will not let me be." - Gerald Gould.

Jennifer: Emily
Emily: Yeah?
Jennifer: How come none of this gets you?
Emily: What do you mean?
Jennifer: You came off a desk job, now suddenly you're in a field, surrounded by mutilated bodies and you don't even flinch
Aaron: She's right. You've never blinked
Emily: I... guess... maybe... I can compartmentalize better than most people

Jason: Samuel Johnson once said, "Almost all absurdity of conduct arises from the imitation of those whom we cannot resemble."

Aaron: I try not to think about on the ones I'm going to catch, I prefer to think about the ones I'm going to save

Emily: We'd also like to take a look at your brother's house
Det. Ronnie Baleman: I'll take you there
David: I think it is better if you stay here
Det. Ronnie Baleman: It's my case, I... I brought you here
Derek: Technically there is no case and if there was you wouldn't be on it

Dr. Spencer Reid: [a woman is chatting to Dr. Reid as he's sitting at a poker machine, and she lights up a cigarette] Six minutes.
Adrianna: Excuse me?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Ah, it was something I used to say to my mom to try to get her to quit smoking. A cigarette takes six minutes off your life, so every time she'd light one, I'd say "It's six minutes less that I get to spend with you."
Adrianna: Aww. Did it work?
Dr. Spencer Reid: [Smiles] No.
Adrianna: 'Cause I've tried it all; the gum, the patch. Nothing works.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You should try hypnosis. They've had... had a lot of success in...
[trails off in realisation]
Adrianna: Tell you what. I'll put mine out if you buy me a drink?
Derek: [Appears with Rossi and interrupts] Ah, not today, sweetheart.
[to Reid]
Derek: We've been looking all over the place for you. Come on.
[Reid gets up and starts towards the exit with Morgan and Rossi]
Adrianna: [Looks at the poker machine] Hey, you won, like, $2000 dollars here!
Dr. Spencer Reid: Keep it.
David: You do realise you just gave two grand to a hooker?

Dr. Spencer Reid: One thing's different, though. He's back in Griffith Park.
David: Coincidence?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Griffith Park spans 4,310 acres, making it one of the largest urban parks on all of North America. Given its sheer size, coincidence certainly is a possibility.
David: But he's never repeated parks before.
Dr. Spencer Reid: No, he hasn't.

[Closing Quote]
Jennifer: "The ultimate choice for a man, inasmuch as he is given to transcend himself, is to create or destroy, to love or to hate" - Erich Fromm

Jason: Diane Arbus once said "A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know."

Aaron: How much variation is there in the traffic pattern here?
Agent: This is it. It's pretty much the same all the time, except in the middle of the night, maybe.
Aaron: So the unsub had to time his shot to the quarter second to shoot between traffic and the gas pumps and hit all three victims.
David: And he did it from a concealed position.
Aaron: He's better than good. He's a sharpshooter.

David: Her children want to meet me at Bethesda.
Aaron: How old are they now?
David: Too young for this.
Aaron: You all right?
David: She smells of booze, Aaron. You and I know it's because that bastard took away her dignity, but her children might not believe that. It's hard for them to trust anything to do with her drinking. She struggled with it all her life, and she was finally beating it.

Dr. Spencer Reid: It hit me Morgan freaked out when he got stuck in the elevator.
Emily: Got stuck in elevator?
Derek: I freaked?
Dr. Spencer Reid: That's not important. Here's what it is.

Penelope: [after proposing a great, novel idea] What do you think?
Luke: I think it's a great idea!
Penelope: And the rumor is you're difficult to work with. Oh! Wait! I started that rumor

Liam: Open it.
Ian: Liam, something bothering you?
Liam: None of our other suppliers can get stuff this good. She's too good to be true, and you're too blind to see it.

Aaron: [opening quote] "If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky that would be like the splendor of the mighty one" - from the Hindu holy book, the Bhagavad Gita

Marvin: If you want to lift someone's wallet, don't kiss the dog.
Finn: What?
Marvin: Don't let him see your face. You almost had it, then you looked him in the eye and lost your nerve.
Finn: What do you know about it?
Marvin: What you tried, a Keystone Kop would have spotted. Cigarette?... You know my name. What's yours?
Finn: ...Finn.
Marvin: When's the last time you've slept without keeping one eye open, Finn?
Finn: What's it matter to you?
Marvin: It doesn't, really... I've seen you milling around. Maybe I could help.
Finn: ...Look, man, I don't care what you pay. I don't sleep with dudes.
Marvin: Believe me, if I were gonna pay for that, I wouldn't pick you.
Finn: So, uh... why do you want to help me?
Marvin: You remind me of someone.
Finn: Ah, gotcha. I remind you of you when you were young and just starting out or some crap like that, right?
Marvin: Word of advice, Finn. If someone offers to help you, don't step on him before you know the terms. Have a nice life.
[walks away]
Finn: Hey, Marvin! You, um... You want your lighter back?

Marvin: I'll help you, but you gotta be truthful. The one thing I can't abide are lies.

David: What are we getting from the scene, other than a bunch of unreliable witness statements?
Emily: The physical evidence is pretty straightforward. Multiple rounds went into each of the three victims, with very little indiscriminate spray of gunfire.
Matt: If the unsub wanted to go out in a blaze of glory, he would have stayed on the scene and taken out as many people as possible in that building.
Luke: One shooter or two shooters, it's looking more and more like at least two of the victims were targeted.
Emily: It could be personal. We're gonna have to deep-dive into the victimology to see how these three people overlap.
Matt: And who they might have pissed off.
Jennifer: Regardless of whether there's one or two unsubs, if there's a kill list, could be more names on it.

Derek: You already checked his computer?
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's password encrypted.
Derek: Well, smart move if your dad is a cop.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Eh, assuming he cares enough to snoop.
Derek: Hey, Reid! Check yourself! That sheriff out there wanted to take your head off. I think Hotch might have let him.

Emily: [picks up her phone] You're on speaker, Garcia
Penelope: Okay, I've gone through the registered sex-offenders in a 50-mile radius of Wesser, and at the conclusion of this phone call, I'm gonna take three, maybe four, showers, scrub myself with steel wool, during which time I'm gonna tent the office, fumigate it, when it clears out, I'm gonna fill it with kittens!

Jennifer: [voiceover]
[quoting her exit interview]
Jennifer: I'm thankful for my years spent with this family, for everything we shared, every chance we had to grow. I'll take the best of them with me and lead by their example wherever I go. A friend told me to be honest with you, so here it goes. This isn't what I want, but I'll take the high road. Maybe it's because I look at everything as a lesson, or because I don't want to walk around angry, or maybe it's because I finally understand. There are things we don't want to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn, and people we can't live without but have to let go.

[going through a victim's finances]
Dr. Spencer Reid: 18 cars, 6 houses and 3 boats. Can you even boat in Dallas?

David: Garcia, we need the records of every student at Pillsbury who filed a bullying complaint against Amanda Bergstrom, Matt Doherty, and Austin Settergren.
Emily: Also, anyone who received counseling for being bullied by those students.
Penelope: [typing] Wow. This is a really big pool. I've got twenty-seven names.
Emily: Any of those students bullied by all three?
Penelope: No.
David: Like Bakken said, most victims never come forward.
Penelope: So I'm seeing the tip of a really big iceberg.
Luke: Nobody wants to be a snitch.
Emily: Also, bullying is often so widespread, it's normalized.
Jennifer: It would only amplify the unsub's feeling of powerlessness.

Emily: Matt, what do we got?
Matt: City disposal crews discovered the body about 90 minutes ago, called it in. Alexandria police, they notified us, and they held the scene. The victim's been identified as Dennis Kirkwood, 47 years old. He ran a financial management company called Turnblade Capital.
Emily: [seeing JJ look around] JJ, you okay?
Jennifer: Yeah. Yeah, it's just odd. I have this overwhelming sense of deja vu.
Matt: What, the scene look familiar to you?
Jennifer: Look, I have been to way too many scenes like this before, right, so I don't know what it is exactly.

Emily: No, it's more personal than that. It's their story.
Derek: What?
Emily: All of the details are a part of their story. Their timeline suggests they were both destructive before they met.
Erin: So, we're talking about ex-military turning on their country.
Emily: It's rare, but soldiers become disenfranchised no matter what the nationality, and if he met someone like-minded at that time, there'd be no stopping them.
Aaron: So, you're thinking they met during the civil unrest in Chad in '08.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah, and one or both of them are pilots.
Emily: So, if Garcia concentrates on that region, specifically weapons running in and out of Libya, there's a good chance we'll find their paths crossed.
Penelope: Okay, multiple entries into Libya from a private pilot named Matthew Downs in '08, but I don't have her name.
Emily: Well, because she had aliases. It's the only way to stay a ghost. Here's the thing. They are a couple. Regardless of what we believe of them, they will celebrate themselves and their connection. Is there anything that happened on this date in Chad?
Penelope: Oh, you are good, Emily Prentiss, but this news is not. Yes, there were multiple explosions on this date in '08.
Aaron: Where were the most casualties?
Penelope: At a church. No, no, a train.
Derek: Semtex and C-4?
Penelope: Yep.
Aaron: Are trains still arriving at Union Station?
Erin: Yes, but only the authorities are allowed in.
Emily: That's why they needed Will.

David: You're an excellent dad, Aaron. Don't you ever forget it.

Penelope: I need baby kitten pics asap!
Kate: Oh, have you seen that hippo who lives with the family?
Penelope: What?
Kate: Sleeps with a blanket, gets massages, eats better than I do
Penelope: Where is that?
Kate: South Africa, it's amazing
Penelope: Trust me, I have an arsenal of cuteness. Have you seen the one with the baby elephant?
Kate: Oh, with the baby chicks? Yes! I love that one!
Dr. Spencer Reid: Eh, hey, guys?
Kate: Sorry
Penelope: Sorry

Jennifer: Two victims in three hours? That's a spree.

[Morgan has just telephoned Garcia from Houston, Texas]
Penelope: Are you lonely in the Lone Star State? And are you wearing chaps?
Derek: [laughing] Only in your dreams, Garcia.
Penelope: [laughing] Oh, not necessarily. I have Photoshop.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [in a suspect's home] We should secure the house, but we're not gonna find anything else here. Best hope is to get him talking, but that could be tough.
David: Why?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Well, he displays both collecting behavior and unique dysgraphia traits in his handwriting. I'm pretty sure he's autistic.

Melissa: Say something. We need to make sure the levels are good.
Dr. Tara Lewis: I'm Dr. Tara Lewis of the BAU...
Melissa: No, no. Say something interesting. Tell me how you really feel about truthers. My audience could use a sense of the FBI's bias against us.
Dr. Tara Lewis: I got my PhD by taking a theory, testing it, and then proving my results. Now, proving my results means that I take those results and I turn them over to other scientists to see if they can replicate them, and if they can't, then my theory was wrong. See, that's science. A consensus of evidence that we call truth. What you do is different.
Melissa: No, it's not.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Yes, it is, because your theories are unprovable. Give me one.
Melissa: Uh... President Obama wasn't born here. He was born in Kenya.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Perfect. That's perfect. So, I show you his long-form birth certificate, and then you would respond that it's been faked because that's how deep the conspiracy goes. And then that becomes your argument against any evidence that I provide. It's a cognitive trick that keeps you from having to admit that life is messy. It's random. Not everything fits the easy explanation that a conspiracy gives you.

Jennifer: [closing quotation] "There are times in our lives when we have to realize that our past is precisely what it is and we cannot change it. But we can change the story we tell ourselves about it. And by doing that, we can change the future." - Eleanor Brown.

Tyler: [Garcia calls him] Hi
Penelope: Hi, please don't say anything!
Tyler: Okay
Penelope: I see, I just asked you not to say anything. I specifically did and then you just said something!
Tyler: [frowning, but not saying anything]
Penelope: Hello? You're there?
Tyler: Yeah, eh no! You asked me not to say anything
Penelope: Correct, I did, okay, I... I need to rip the bend aid off right now!

Penelope: Wait for it
[and shows picture of the crime scene]
Derek: The Zodiac?
David: No way
Jennifer: Come on, it's got to be the 2.0 version

Penelope: And before you asked, of course I've already sent you the addresses to your handheld
Aaron: Garcia, you're the man!
Penelope: Oh no! You're the man!

Heather: Daddy? Daddy, please.
Ashley: I know how tired you are. I know how exhausting your life is. I watched him live it. I watched him fight it, and I saw how desperately he wanted to be different.
Aaron: [team arrives at Jacobs' house] Prentiss and Morgan, take the back. Make noise. Let him know he's caught. It may be the only chance she's got.
Ashley: ...I watched him try so hard to be a good father. But in the end, he just couldn't stop the other thing.
Aaron: [comes into house] FBI!
David: FBI!
Heather: Daddy, please, let's just leave!
Drew: Go downstairs, Heather.
Heather: Please, Daddy.
Aaron: FBI!
Ashley: My father once told me the best day of his life was the day he got arrested, because he could finally stop.
Drew: Do you hate him?
[Seaver gives her head a subtle shake]
Aaron: Drop the knife.
Heather: Daddy!
Aaron: Drop the knife!
Heather: Daddy!
Drew: I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry.
[walks toward Hotch]

Dr. Spencer Reid: But this sort of strenuous killing could result in fatigue, increase in appetite, and disorientation.
Jennifer: Like he ran a marathon.
Dr. Spencer Reid: For some, it could also result in convulsive episodes.
Jennifer: Epilepsy?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Sort of. Oftentimes after you kill, neurons in your brain misfire and you become overstimulated, which causes you to start seeing things.

David: You know, James Joyce also said, "There is no heresy or philosophy so abhorrent to the Church as a human being."

Derek: He's efficient and well-organized. It's not easy to make four people vanish and then stay vanished.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It has been done before, though. Uh, political kidnappings frequently require holding multiple adults simultaneously.
David: Or they're already dead. Nothing says "can't be found" like a shallow grave in the middle of nowhere.

Penelope: [closing quote] "The family: that dear octopus from whose tentacles we never quite escape, nor in our inmost hearts ever quite wished to." - Dodie Smith.

Luke: Hey, it's me.
Lisa: Is everything okay?
Luke: Yeah. What, a guy can't call his woman in the middle of the day just to say "how's it going"?
Lisa: Aw. Luke Alvez, you listened.
Luke: Technically, no. I-I called. I didn't text.
Lisa: And your one-upsmanship will be justly rewarded upon your triumphant return home, which hopefully is soon.
Luke: I hope so. How about I pick up a bottle of your favorite wine on the way back and you order Thai from that late-night place down the street and we get under the covers and watch the new season of our favorite show 'till sunrise?
Lisa: How about we do something else until sunrise?
Luke: Yeah, I got to call to check in more often.
Lisa: Unfortunately, it can't always be Thai food and sex.

Aaron: Agent, I don't know how you usually do things, but you need to let my team know if you're planning on holding a press conference.
Jill: No, I... it wasn't a conference. It was just an announcement.
Aaron: I think you know what I mean.
Jill: We're sending half the cops in the city out to canvass. The story would have leaked. I was just putting a reassuring face on the situation.
Aaron: Your face.
Jill: I'm the case agent.
Aaron: And you're also outranked by every member of my team.
Jill: Meaning what, you vote me off the island?
Aaron: Nothing tears a case apart faster than an agent trying to make his or her name on it.

Penelope: [her phone rings] Call me back at my desk in two minutes.
Derek: Whatever you need, baby girl.
Penelope: [realizing who it is] This is you. You're on the phone.
Derek: Yeah, it's me. I heard what's going on.
Penelope: Did they tell you I'm being hideous? It's because, like... listen to me. I've lost my voice because I've been crying so much. I have, like, major PTSD, with an emphasis on the... on the "S" and the "T". And definitely some of the "D" and the "P". Because it's been a while since all of this happened and...
[she sees Morgan enter]
Penelope: You're right there. It's really you.
Derek: It's me.
[she walks up to him and he gives her a gentle hug]
Derek: It's okay. I got you.

Jennifer: Well, Leland's juvie history was pretty innocuous. Vandalism, shoplifting. Hardly gateway crimes to the life of a serial killer.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Well, every grown-up monster was once a cute little baby monster.
Luke: The bigger issue for me is how does a thirteen year old boy stay off the radar for twenty years?
Jennifer: When Garcia can't find a breadcrumb, it's usually because the bread was never baked.
Luke: Yeah, at some point, it's time to stop thinking about what's possible and start thinking about what's likely. Which for me is that Leland is dead, and has been dead for a long, long time.
Jennifer: Which would leave us where?

Jennifer: I'm not sure what we have here, but I just got a call and some case files from a Sheriff Samuels in Uinta County, Wyoming. Six nights ago, two different teens were found hanging in their bedrooms.
Aaron: Hanging?
Jennifer: Trish Leake was dead when she was found. Ryan Krouse was revived on scene, but then died a few days later in the hospital.
[Hotch glances at the files and looks at JJ skeptically]
Jennifer: I know we don't handle suicides. But the previous Friday, two more boys a few towns over were found hanging on the backs of their doors.
Aaron: Four successful suicides in the same rural county in a week? That's, uh, way above the national average.
Jennifer: I know. These kids don't fit the pattern. No drug or alcohol abuse, no antidepressants, no prior arrests. These are just plain good kids who decided to hang themselves at approximately the same time on a Friday night. When someone feels trapped in what feels like a hopeless situation, pulling the trigger or swallowing pills or hanging yourself seems like the only way out. None of that seems to exist here. Something's really wrong. Hotch, I can feel it.

Aaron: Where were you between the hours of 10 and midnight last night?
Charles: At home, with Trixie... my Chihuahua
Aaron: Can anyone corroborate your story?
Charles: Trixie can

Jesse: You were right. I am like you. I've always been like you.
Wallace: That's why you found me, isn't it?
Jesse: Yeah. And I know this is gonna sound totally weird, but I was hoping we could do this one together.
Wallace: That's not weird. That's not weird at all.

Derek: Hey girl, you're on speaker. Behave.
Penelope: Or what, you'll spank me?

Detective: They haven't left. The mayor personally set them up with a penthouse suite at the Harrison Grand, but they won't go.
Jennifer: They can't. You're their only source of information. To be even a minute away would add to their torture.
Detective: I've kept them away from the suspects. Now, I don't get why you want them together.
Aaron: Trust me.

Kevin: Wow!
David: What is it?
Kevin: This system is insane! It's completely Linux based. Open Source programming! You don't see this in government systems, I mean outside like Switzerland

Dr. Spencer Reid: You all right?
Jason: What?
Dr. Spencer Reid: You seem unhappy.
Jason: I am unhappy. I'm tired of people using religion to justify the terrible things they do.

Jessica: Cyrus is my husband, and a prophet. It's an honor to bear his children.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Jessica, you're fifteen years old. The, uh, State of Colorado requires parental consent.
Emily: [noticing Kathy's expression] She gave consent.

Matt: Prentiss! Come on! You said we need a great plan
Emily: And we have one. It started 20 years ago when David Rossi and Jason Gideon submitted their first requisition for a private jet. There are things none of you know about that jet

Penelope: [about Morgan] I'm gonna kill him!
Dr. Spencer Reid: If I can manage to lift my arms, I'll hold him down.

Aaron: Contrary to popular belief, there has never been a proven case of satanic ritual killing. Never a verified human sacrifice. Having said that, there have been isolated cases of animal sacrifice... and many, many cases of vandalism in the name of Satan.
Derek: Now, that doesn't mean that ritual satanism is impossible. And more importantly, for our purposes, there have been cults that killed, just not in ritual fashion.
Dr. Spencer Reid: The reverend Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple... his followers killed a U.S. Congressman and three people before committing mass suicide, leaving over nine hundred people dead. And, perhaps, the most widely-known of the killer cults: the Manson Family, under the direction of Charles Manson, killed nine people in a four day period in an attempt to initiate a race war.
Elle: Killer cults do exist, and they all have one thing in common: invariably, they're headed by charismatic megalomaniacs.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You're looking for that leader. He's who will stand out. He'll be memorable to somebody; people who aren't in his group will see him as strange, weird, scary.
Aaron: Since we're dealing with professed satanists, which is often practiced by younger males, we may be looking for teenagers. Heavy metal music is often associated with satanism, and these kids and their leader may reflect that in their look.
Derek: Most likely, there'll be sex, drugs, and alcohol. Now, the leader, he'll be older. It's part of his charm.
Aaron: And he is from this area. He's definitely local.
Elle: These woods are too thick and confusing for a visitor to get around in.
Sheriff: You think one of our own people is doing this?
Aaron: We're sure of it.

Jason: So what are they going to take? The jet? I prefer the train anyways!

Dr. Spencer Reid: You know, that profile kind of makes it sound like schizophrenia leads to serial killing.
Derek: That's not what we said at all, Reid.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You know, my mom has schizophrenia. There are many different types.
Derek: I know that.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Catatonic, disorganized... Just because someone suffers from an inability to organize their thoughts, or they can't bathe or dress themselves, it doesn't mean they'd stab someone in the chest 30 times postmortem.
Derek: Reid, what's really going on?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Our UnSub's hallucinations aren't fractured like a typical schizophrenic. They're vivid and clear, leading me to believe that we're missing an important variable. Rather than making crazy conjectures, I think we should be trying to figure out what it is.
Derek: Okay, listen to me. I know this is a scary age for you. It's when schizophrenic breaks happen. Have you talked to anybody about this?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Emily.
Derek: Have you seen a doctor?
Dr. Spencer Reid: They all say I'm fine.
Derek: Then why don't you believe them?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Because predicting one's chances of developing a genetic condition are like finding a penny in an ocean. I have terrible headaches. I can't sleep at night. I can't focus on our cases. I only read five books last week.
Derek: Come on, kid, you gotta cut yourself some slack. You're also depressed about Prentiss, and I get it. We all are. Reid, I miss her every day. But if your mind was splitting, do you really think you'd be able to figure out that this team is missing a variable?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I'm just speculating that we are. I need to prove it.
Derek: Okay, then, you do that. The moment you are wandering around the streets aimlessly, that's when I'll be concerned about you. Come on, pretty boy. Let's get to work.

David: Well, we'll work with the tools we have, not the ones we need, JJ.
[JJ leaves the room; Tara is checking her phone again]
David: There's a term for that, you know: Phantom Vibration Syndrome

Jennifer: Three nights ago outside of Reno, this car was hit by a tractor trailer.
Derek: Any survivors?
Jennifer: The truck driver walked away unharmed. Jonathan and Rebecca Gallen, the passengers in the car, were DOA. When the local sheriff arrived on the scene, he noticed several things - no blood spatter inside the car, no seat belt burns, no lacerations from the air bags.
Dr. Spencer Reid: They were dead before the accident.
Jennifer: The autopsy report confirmed that, and the cause of death. Blunt force head trauma and evidence of rape and torture to the woman.
Aaron: Well, the unsub wasn't very successful at hiding the fact that he murdered two people.

Luke: Chrissy Delaney was targeted on SOAR.
Penelope: No. That's... that's impossible. Luke, SOAR is unhackable. I know. I'm the one that secured it. N-No, no. I'm not doing this. I'm not doing this!
Luke: She doesn't use any other social media platforms.
Penelope: One time. One time. Once.
Luke: Deal.
Penelope: Like, for reals. If somebody is... oh, I don't know. Let's say they're taking dead people and dressing them up like-like cast members from "Star Trek", I am not helping.
Luke: [she slaps him on the arm] Deal.
Penelope: Okay? I mean it. And if someone... if someone just starts killing everybody who shops at Goop because their wife blew her hoo-ha out with one of those eggs made of precious stones...
[slapping his arm again in emphasis]
Penelope: I am not helping!
Luke: Look, we're on a clock.
Penelope: Okay. I created SOAR to avoid things like this. I mean, users are protected through an end-to-end encryption with a VPN built in on both ends. You have no idea what I'm saying, do you, Luddite? The whole point is to avoid stranger danger. These big, beautiful lines of secure communication in a safe forum. Now, I can dig into this Chrissy Delaney person, but I do not feel good about it, and her DMs are not available, so don't even ask.
Luke: What discussion boards does she look at?
Penelope: Eh, academic expectations, semester abroad, GelX nail art, Korean drama. This is not unsub hunting territory.
Luke: Until it is. I mean, the unsub is looking for someone with a complicated family dynamic, and that's... that's not Chrissy Delaney, but sometimes...
Penelope: Sometimes.
Luke: Some people, you know...
Penelope: With strangers, they express frustration in a different... gah!
[slapping him again]
Penelope: I hate how easy it is to pick this back up! So why are you doing... I have a gorgeous life here.
Luke: One, stop slapping me, okay? That's number one. Number two, let's focus on what the unsub's hunting ground would be, okay?

Dr. Spencer Reid: Has anyone vetted them?
David: Garcia's doing a separate check on police and security staff.
Ashley: Why?
David: Law enforcement and security are the kind of jobs that would attract this UnSub.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Dennis Rader, BTK, was a compliance officer in Park City, Kansas. Kenneth Bianchi, one of the Hillside Stranglers, worked as a security guard in California and Washington.
David: Psychopaths love official jobs and uniforms.

Derek: [Morgan has been arrested] You know, you better have a real good reason for doing that in front of my family. Are you gonna tell me the charges now?
Det. Stan Gordinski: Oh, I bet if you think real hard, you'll be able to figure it out, Derek. Uncuff him.
Derek: "Agent Morgan".
Det. Stan Gordinski: You'll always just be "Derek" to me.
Derek: And you'll always be a racist son of a bitch to me.

Jason: Doesn't anybody ever go home?
Elle: You're here
Jason: Exactly! Trust me; you don't want to model your social life after mine
Jennifer: If it makes you feel any better: Hotchner and Morgan took off
Dr. Spencer Reid: Hotch is married, Morgan is just, you know, Morgan

Penelope: [arriving at Alvez's desk laden with shopping bags] It's just a little something.
Luke: For me?
Penelope: No, not for you. It's for Roxy. But you have opposable thumbs, so you can open it for her.
Luke: [snickering, he opens a small box] Wow. Biscuits.
Penelope: Yeah. They're all organic, human grade. Quite delicious, if I do say so myself. Uh, plus...
[indicating a larger bag]
Luke: It's a sweater.
Penelope: Oh! Isn't it amazing?
Luke: [halfheartedly] It is... amazing.
Penelope: What was that?
Luke: What was what?
Penelope: You paused.
Luke: No, I didn't.
Penelope: You don't like it.
Luke: No, I didn't... I didn't say that.
Penelope: Oh, you might be a profiler in training, but I am a profiler by association, and I can tell a lie when I hear one, and liar.

Derek: [voiceover] "All humanity is one undivided and indivisible family. I cannot detach myself from the wickedest soul." Mahatma Gandhi.

Peter: Well, hello, Emily.
Emily: Son of a bitch.
Peter: It's nice to meet you, too, finally.
Emily: Did you grab all of us, huh? Are we all here? Luke! JJ!
Peter: No. It's just you. Your team is fine, by the way. Excuse me. I take that back. The truck I drove into your team did kill SSA Stephen Walker; whiplash. Tragic. Leaves behind a wife and two children, I believe.
Emily: [crying] No.
Peter: That's good. Get it all out.
Emily: I will make sure you fry for this.
Peter: Will you? Well, maybe you shook take a look at yourself first.
[he pulls back the sheet, revealing her legs in braces with long pins poked into the epidermis]
Peter: Because from where I'm standing, you won't be doing much of anything for the rest of your life.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [opening quote] "It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease, than to know what sort of disease a person has" - Hippocrates

[a young child is a witness to his mother's murder]
Derek: Hey. Look, I'm really glad the kid didn't see anything, but it could have been helpful.
Detective: But covering his eyes like that, that means he couldn't cover his ears.

Penelope: Come on. You and me. We're hitting the town.
Dr. Spencer Reid: No offense, Garcia, but I'm not really feeling like I'd make the, uh, best company right now.
Penelope: Oh, no! Up! Up! Do not make me hurt you!
[Reid sighs and gives in]
Penelope: There you go, there you go.

Dr. Spencer Reid: We profiled Grant as either a hit man or a moral enforcer, but he's actually both. He's a moral enforcer posing as a hit man. It's the perfect cover.
Emily: We need to find everyone associated with the cartel in this immediate area. That's where he's heading next.
Jennifer: [entering] The DEA's just given us three more suspected Martinez cartel contacts in the D.C. area. I just sent you all their info, Garcia.
Penelope: On it. Ken Ronson, Steve Bagnis, Kathleen Jensen. I've sent you their home and work addresses.
Emily: Phil, do you recognize any of them?
Phil: No.
Emily: Okay, then we have to assume all three are still in play. Let's split up and go.

Joshua: What are you doing?
Penelope: Trying to make this place a little less analog... Sorry, I forget my hacker jokes aren't funny.

Mrs. Walker: Are you single?
Elle: Yes.
Mrs. Walker: I have a word of advice. Don't marry the first guy that proposes.

Assistant: My apologies for the cloak and dagger routine with the e-mail. I needed a reason to bring you in that would ensure a certain confidentiality.
Jennifer: What do mean Agent Prentiss has been placed on administrative leave?
Assistant: I've been looking over your work, and I think you're doing an excellent job. Why do you think the brass didn't give you a shot at Unit Chief when Agent Hotchner elected to leave?
Jennifer: Prentiss was the natural choice. She had seniority.

Campus: You're one of those FBI guys. A profiler, right? Like, one look at the crime scene you can tell what kind of shampoo a killer uses.
Jason: You're a bit skeptical.
Campus: Maybe a little.
Jason: Your girlfriend thinks you're going to break up with her.
Campus: You're kidding, right?

Penelope: Okay, know this: most adoption people are like the nicest, most dedicated people in the world. There are however real skeezy ones
Dr. Spencer Reid: How skeezy?
Penelope: Super skeezy. I've got a spreadsheet of one of them, expecting compensation for the baby I'm having
Derek: Something you want to tell me, Garcia?
Penelope: Uhm, that's the sad part, my prince. The genetically perfect offspring of Penelope Garcia and Derek Morgan wouldn't fetch top dollar
Jennifer: Who does?
Penelope: White babies are in higher demand than minorities. Boys are more popular than girls, at least this year anyway. And then there is the Swedish supermodel rule
Emily: The what?
Penelope: If I were to deliver a blond haired, blue eye, bundle of joy I would set for life. I would!

Jack: Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. Henry Ford

Alex: If I were you, I'd give your vacation days away to a colleague in need.
David: [snaps fingers] Garcia, see how many people in the bureau have spouses in the military serving overseas.
Penelope: I am on it. Altruism is sexy.
Aaron: [walks in] Yes, it is.

Marcus: I did it. I killed all those women in 2007.
Lee: What?
Marcus: I tried to be good, but these last few weeks, I couldn't help myself. I had to kill again.
Luke: No!
[letting Lee Ann go, Marcus cuts his own throat]
David: He's gone.
Luke: [comforting Lee Ann] It's okay.
David: That confession is all that Ferell needs to get off scot-free.

Doug: Listen, I am really sorry Mike! Is there anything I can do? Anything to make it up to you?
Michael: Sure! You can kill yourself!

[Reid, Morgan, and Hotchner arrive at a victim's apartment building]
Dr. Spencer Reid: Wittman's place is on the 4th floor.
[the elevator opens, then Morgan and Reid get into the relatively small car]
Dr. Spencer Reid: Can you get in there?
Aaron: [Looks into the small elevator car] I'll... meet you guys up there.
[He walks to the right and starts climbing upstairs]
Dr. Spencer Reid: [the elevator climbs slowly, then suddenly stops. Morgan jumps up a little to try and get it to move again] . Don't do that.
Derek: [continuing to jump] Why isn't it moving?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I don't know.
[Morgan starts pressing control buttons randomly]
Dr. Spencer Reid: . Don't... stop it... don't...
Derek: What? What's the problem?
[presses buttons more]
Dr. Spencer Reid: Don't do that!
Derek: Why not?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Because there are 6 elevator-related deaths per year, not to mention 10,000 injuries that require hospitalization. Chill out.
Derek: That sounds like pretty good odds to me. Are you scared, Reid?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I'm not scared. I don't want to be in an elevator with you, to be honest.
Derek: [teasing Reid by pushing buttons again] How about I push that? What if I push... .
[elevator lurches and falls a bit]
Derek: Whoa. Whoa. OK.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Um.. hit the... hit the... yeah.
[Morgan hits the red alarm button, sounding a bell]
Dr. Spencer Reid: [Hotch arrives on 4th floor, casually looks in the direction of the elevator, then walks away]
Dr. Spencer Reid: Push it! It might've...
Derek: Push, pull, push, pull, I'm doing it! Nothing's happening!
Dr. Spencer Reid: [panicked] Pry... pry... pry the door open! Just...
Derek: [Morgan tries to open the door by hand] It's stuck, man.
[elevator creaks, and falls a little more]
Derek: No, no, no, no. Not today. No, not today.
Dr. Spencer Reid: [high pitched] . Hotch?
Derek: [yelling] Hotch!
Derek: [Hotch walks casually back to the elevator, just as Morgan manages to open the door and falls out] . Hallelujah.
Aaron: Was that the alarm? You guys OK?
Dr. Spencer Reid: [slowly emerging from the elevator] . I'll get back to you on that.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [closing quote] "True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It's not the urge to surpass others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost" - Arthur Ashe

Eric: I see checkmate in 5. What do you see?
Dr. Spencer Reid: [considers chess board] I see it in 3.
Eric: [Eric works out the 3 moves] We've missed you out here.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Oh, thank you. Thanks. I, uh, had to take a little break.
Eric: How come?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I used to play with a co-worker friend of mine. He's probably the best mind I ever went up against. One day, he just decided that he didn't want to play anymore.
Eric: So you gave up, too?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Just the opposite. I attempted to play through every permutation of moves on a chessboard.
Eric: That's an infinite number of games.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's not infinite. It's just -- it's exponentially large.
Eric: You couldn't have played through them all.
Dr. Spencer Reid: There's an average of 40 moves per chess game, and I'll tell you something the more I played, the more I realized that every single match, every single chess game, is really just a simple variation on the exact same theme. You know? It's aggressive opening, patient mid-game, inevitable checkmate, and I realized why my friend quit. He was tired of repeating the exact same patterns and expecting a different outcome.
Eric: So you have a lifetime of chess strategy in your head and you're just sitting on it.
Dr. Spencer Reid: [reading message on cellphone] I still use it. I just, uh, I apply it differently. I have to go. It was good seeing you.

David: Garcia, are you ready?
Penelope: Born that way, sir! Okay, this is the horrible part of my job where I stream the sadness to your tablets

Erin: Were all the victims friends of Bailey's?
Colonel: "Brotherhood is the very price and condition of man's survival."
Derek: Carlos Romulo.
Colonel: All of my boys are brothers.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [closing quote, voiceover] "We cross our bridges when we come to them and burn them behind us, with nothing to show for our progress except the memory of the smell of smoke and a presumption that once our eyes watered." - Tom Stoppard.

Aaron: You know, I always take advantage of Reid for his brain, but I never actually teach him how to deal with things emotionally.

Emily: Well, I gotta give you a tip of the hat, Casey. It is not easy to evade law enforcement for twenty years. And if you hadn't come back to Lake Palmer, you'd still be out there free as a bird. But you're here. Why? That boat owner down at the dock. I think you were trying to see if maybe that was your son Leland behind those sunglasses.
Casey: How do you know about Leland?
Emily: Casey, people are dying, and we're on a clock. So if you know where Leland is, you need to tell us.
Casey: I don't. I haven't seen my boy in twenty years.
Emily: But when you heard about these murders, you thought he might be involved. That's why you came back.
Casey: Leland didn't want to leave Ramona. They were supposed to go. We got into this fight. Boy runs away. That's the last I ever saw of him.
Emily: He was thirteen years old. Did you look for him?
Casey: Called around, asked some people. It's not like I could walk into a police station and file a report. I had my own problems.
Emily: Casey, did your son like to play at being a pirate?
Casey: Yeah. He did. Why?
Emily: Whoever's committing these murders in Ramona, it's tied into a pirate fantasy.
[seeing Peters grin]
Emily: Are you smiling, Mr. Peters?
Casey: He's alive. My boy is out there.

David: [to Reid] Hey, Einstein, you're awfully quiet!

Penelope: Oh, beauty and brains! Hey eyebrows: when they do the men of the FBI calendar, is it just 12 months of you?
Derek: Welcome to the team!

Dr. Spencer Reid: I'm such an idiot.
Emily: Don't, Spencer. Don't. You were trying to help your mother.
Dr. Spencer Reid: And I fell right into Scratch's trap.
Emily: He won't win.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He already has.
Emily: Just the battle, not the war. You didn't do anything wrong.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You and I both know that doesn't matter. All that matters is what the prosecutor can prove, and Scratch has stacked the deck against me. I mean, even the FBI's abandoned me.
Emily: I know. But we'll keep fighting.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I don't even have a lawyer.
Emily: About that... I have a friend, Fiona Duncan. I've known her forever. Her father was in the Foreign Service, and we met in Italy when my mother was Charge D'affaires at the embassy there. After college, she was a Rhodes scholar. You'd like her. Anyway, now she's one of the best defense attorneys in D.C. I would like if you would let me reach out to her about representing you.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Emily, I really appreciate it, but you helping me could destroy your reputation at the Bureau,
Emily: My battle, my choice. Please, let me help you. Tell me I can reach out to my friend.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Thank you.
Emily: Good. Spencer, listen to me. We are gonna get you out of here. I promise.

Detective: So, eh, we're undercover, maybe we should, you know, act like a couple
Emily: [laughs] Oh, are you still working this tired sexual tension angle?
Detective: I don't know, you're the fortune teller. You tell me

Aaron: [voiceover] Elise Cabot said, Evil endures a moment's flush, and then leaves but a burnt-out shell.

Aaron: [closing quotation, voiceover] Mario Puzo wrote "The strength of a family, like the strength of an army, is in its loyalty to each other."

William LaMontagne Jr.: What's wrong?
Jennifer: Nothing. I just... can I please take care of my son?
William LaMontagne Jr.: He's sleeping. Trust me, you don't want to wake him up. JJ, come on, look at me. What is it? What's going on? You want to talk about it?
[she shakes her head no]
William LaMontagne Jr.: Well, you know we have to, right? Remember what the Bureau therapist said. No holding it in, ever. We bring it home, we gotta get it out.
[she instinctively glances at a framed picture of Henry and Michael]
William LaMontagne Jr.: It was kids, wasn't it?

Carl: [Morgan visits Buford in prison] Derek Morgan.
Derek: Got yourself a new look, huh?
Carl: I'm Mohammad Allam now. Of all my boys, you're the last one that I thought would come back to me.

Penelope: So, we're not gonna talk about that tall hunk you call your bae?
Emily: No!
Penelope: I have so many questions! Like, is he left handed? Was does he sleep in? Is he allergic to cats?
Emily: Bye Penelope!
[Turning TV off]
Penelope: Was he ever in a band?...

Emily: Morgan and I were joking around on the jet, but something is definitely up. Is there anything you want to share?
David: It's nothing. Uh... I had breakfast with Carolyn the other morning.
Emily: Carolyn? Oh! Is that wife number four or five?
David: Look, let's get our facts straight. I only had three wives. I mean, that's in the realm of reasonable.
Emily: [snickering] Okay, I'm sorry.

Derek: None of the girls Brubaker filmed were underaged.
Kate: Oh, gosh. Do you think I gave Shane the wrong impression?
Derek: Kind of like your style, Callahan.

Jennifer: [Hotch is watching Rossi's interrogation] How's he doing?
Aaron: I think he's making progress.
Jennifer: I'm surprised none of them have lawyered up yet.
Aaron: Tina and Lyle haven't because they know that they're innocent. Charles is a sociopath. He thinks he can talk his way out of it.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [entering the Philly field office with Rossi] How do you get used to the staring? I feel like I perpetually have something stuck in my teeth.
David: You learn to ignore it.

Bob: Carl Lee. His name was Carl Lee. And the reason that sticks out is because he asked me to write a dedication on the inside cover of the book. It's something I add for an extra twenty bucks. You know? And sometimes I use the wild man font and the truthers all go "Oh, wow, look. He actually wrote stuff in my book."
Emily: [dialing her phone] Tara, we have something.
[cut to Tara at Carl's apartment]
Dr. Tara Lewis: Found it, Emily.
Emily: What does it say?
Dr. Tara Lewis: "To my darling Melissa. Love always, Carl."

Jennifer: Do you recognize either of these two women?
Concierge: I'm very sorry, but I can't comment on our guests. We take their privacy very seriously
Luke: Totally understand that, but, uhm, I believe this trumps privacy
[shows his badge]
Concierge: Indeed it does, sir!

David: I can't imagine why not. We're only asking for fifty thousand bucks of taxpayer money so that FBI agents can play Texas Hold 'Em.
Emily: Hey, what about you?
David: What about me what?
Emily: You could stake us the buy-in.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah, you're a best-selling author.
David: No!
Emily: Why not?
David: One, it's against regulations, and I'd like to hold onto this job for a little while longer.
Jennifer: It's a minor administrative violation.
David: And two, I prefer to spend my money on actual things, like single-malt Scotch, a fine cigar, beautiful artwork.
Emily: Poker chips are things.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Maybe just think of it as, like, a new experience. I mean, at your age, how often does that happen?
David: At my WHAT?
Jennifer: Rossi, this may be our only chance to get this guy.
David: All right, fine. I'm a decent poker player, but I can't promise that I can stay in the game long enough to...
Emily: You know what? I bet you're a great poker player, but what if we sent in Reid?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I am banned from casinos in Las Vegas, Laughlin, and Pahrump because of my card-counting ability.
David: Look, I know I'm not a genius like the boy wonder here, but poker is not blackjack. It's about bluffing, reading human nature, head games. It's not math.
Dr. Spencer Reid: That's not entirely accurate. There actually is a mathematical equation for knowing when to raise and when to fold. If "P" represents the size of the pot at the time of play, then P x N - 1, with "N" representing the estimated number of players at the final round of betting...
David: Okay, fine. I surrender. Just try not to lose all of my money?

Roger: [Reid is walking up to a press conference] The dates match, eh, when Zodiac stopped killing, my cousin was put in mental hospital in Mexico. He was released two month ago
Reporter: Do you have anything more specific?
Roger: He was, eh, working on a production The Mikado in '68. Zodiac talked about The Mikado in a letter
Dr. Spencer Reid: Excuse me. I'm Dr. Reid with the Behavior Analysis Unit. Was your cousin by chance a fan of Wagner? Because, eh, a CD of the Tragic Overture was sent to the police this morning
Roger: He loved Wagner, specially the Tragic Overture. It's him!
Dr. Spencer Reid: Oh, yeah. Well, for the record: a CD was not sent to the police this morning and the Tragic Overture was written by Brahms, not Wagner. So luckily, I guess it's not your cousin!
[Into the TV camera]
Dr. Spencer Reid: The FBI would greatly appreciate if people would stop making false claims to get their 15 minutes of fame. Thank you. Thank you very much

Aaron: [voiceover] Herman Hesse wrote: "Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go."

Aaron: He's just a man! Nothing more
George: Then why can't you catch him?
Aaron: We will

Dr. Spencer Reid: What used to be up here? The dirt road leading in seems rather substantial
Sgt. Joe Mahaffey: Salt mining. Hauled this stuff out by the truckloads. These hills filled a hell of a lot saltshakers
Dr. Spencer Reid: Actually less than 6% of salt in the US is used for food. The fast majority goes for de-icing roads and snow control

Elias: [opening quote] The Latin phrase 'Memento mori' translates to 'remember that you must die', Romans slaves whispered it to the generals to prevent them from being consumed by hubris

David: [voiceover] A sincere artist tries to create something which is, in itself, a living thing. -painter William Dobell

David: What have you got?
Derek: It looks like this guy Talbot had another hobby. The girls in these photos can't be more than 16 years old.
David: Photos? Morgan, how many are there?
Derek: I'm thinking 30, 40.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Fifty-four.
Derek: Excuse me. That's 54.

Matt: Let's go back to the victims for a second. Did they sneak out or did their parents know?
Penelope: They told their parents that they were going to a party, and they actually did.
Matt: Okay, so then off the bat, we have two theories about the unsub. One is that he knew they were planning this.
David: Which puts him in the girls' inner circle.
Matt: Exactly. Or two, he waited in the woods opportunistically. But that strategy only works if he plays the odds right. So, how far-reaching is this-this ghost story?
Penelope: Maybe I can answer that. The story JJ grew up with, it's gone viral, and the Photoshop work is on fleek.
Emily: Tall Man is a story. What happened to these girls is real. The first 24 hours are crucial in an abduction case, and we are now down to 18. Let's move.

Assistant: Now we need to ensure that mistakes, likes the ones you made today, never happen again
Jennifer: Mistakes *we* made?
Assistant: That said, Agent Prentiss, your suspension is lifted. You'll be reassigned within the Bureau. Your new post has yet to be determined
Penelope: What?
Assistant: Agent Lewis, you will also be reassigned. Agent Reid, you will be a full-time professor with our exchange program. Agent Rossi, the FBI deeply appreciates your service, and the director wishes you nothing but the best in your retirement. Agent Simmons, Agent Alvez, you will remain here at the BAU. Garcia, your loyalty to the team is appreciated, but it feels like a fresh start in a different department would be best
Penelope: Fresh start? I don't want a fresh start. I need... I need to be here
Jennifer: I'm fired, aren't I?
Assistant: No. You're the conditional unit chief of the BAU. Congratulations
Jennifer: There's no such thing
Assistant: You're right. There wasn't. But I was able with the director's approval to create a new position just for you. I won't be going into the field with you anymore, but you will run every decision past me, big and small, before you act. Good night
Penelope: This can't be the end. Can it?

Jennifer: What's up, Spence?
Dr. Spencer Reid: There's something strange about this one branch of the family tree. Garcia?
Penelope: Talk to me. I am fluent in genius.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Roy and Becky Danary. They died in 1985, leaving behind a son named William Danary, but there's no record of what happened to him.
Penelope: The Danarys were Peace Corps workers in Ecuador. They died in a car accident there... and you're right, their kid just sort of vanished. Let me do some digging, and I will call you back.

Emily: I'll be two minutes grabbing my clothes. You're a sweetheart to let me stay the night
Gary: [chuckles] Ahm, when have I ever said no to a sleepover with you?

Bobbi: [after Paul and Johnny are apprehended] How can these guys do something like this?
Emily: Because they don't think like you and me.

Jason: If I ever found myself feeling the way you do, I'll kill myself!

Aaron: It looks like we'll have to double up.
Derek: I'm not sleeping with Reid.
Penelope: [taking Morgan's hand] Dibs.
Kevin: [via phone to Garcia] What do you mean you're sharing a room with Morgan?

David: So, how many of these do you think we've solved?
Lily: Hum, enough for another best seller!
Aaron: These are the endings we want!
Jack: Amen to that!

Dr. Spencer Reid: She's speaking Yoruba. It's a Western-Nigerian dialect. She's talking to her mother.
Agent: You speak Yoruba?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I can get by

Dr. Spencer Reid: I'm just saying it's possible. I don't know everything. I mean, despite the fact that you think that I do.
Special: I never said that. When have I ever said that?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Every day since I met you!
Elle: This morning at breakfast...
Agent: Yesterday when he beat you at cards. Um... we've got one minute.
Special: Anybody ever heard of sarcasm?
Dr. Spencer Reid,24010: Mm-hmm.

David: [opening quote, voiceover] "An earthly kingdom cannot exist without inequality of persons. Some must be free, some serfs, some rulers, some subjects." - Martin Luther.

Aaron: [Seeing Reid yawn, doesn't look up from his notepad] Tired?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I'm fine
Aaron: We all get them sometimes
Dr. Spencer Reid: Get what?
Aaron: Nightmares
Dr. Spencer Reid: [Glances at Derek] It's not that bad
Aaron: You want to talk about it, you know where I am

Dr. Spencer Reid: Hey, if you guys are hungry, I know a pretty good Indian restaurant that's open all night.
Emily: Oh, I can't. I have a date.
Derek: You got a date? With who?
Emily: My hot tub.
Derek: Oh, now that sounds like a party.
Emily: [amused laugh] You're so not invited.

Jennifer: Apparently, there is a quasi-religious cult not too far away.
Penelope: Yeah, I already checked into that. I know I'm not the profiler here, but they didn't do it,
David: What makes you so sure?
Penelope: Because that cult is so respectful of life... Okay, they don't eat carrots because they grow in the earth! I practice non-violence with my food choices, but that is whack-a-doodle!

David: Curious how only the female was shot.
Matt: Well, that means the men are most likely the true targets. He puts them through these prolonged, agonizing deaths when the gun would have done the job quickly.
Luke: Either that or he forgot an extra cinder block when he went to the Robbins' house.
Dr. Tara Lewis: You know, this unsub doesn't strike me as the forgetful type.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [Graig hands over a huge pile of personal dossiers] All these?
Craig: We cover the entire Great Lakes region
Dr. Spencer Reid: Let's narrow it down. The guy we're look for is male, white, between the ages of 20 and 40, socially awkward and unable to make connections easily
Craig: I have 250 employees, most of those are man and every single one of them match the description you just gave me

Jennifer: He gave a deadline of 3 hours to produce this authority
Dr. Spencer Reid: 3 hours, when was that?
Jennifer: Uhm, 2 1/2 hours ago

Aaron: All right; let's get started.
Jennifer: Oh.
[realizes the cases are not hers and proudly hands the information over to a thankful Garcia]
Penelope: All right, Mes Amis.
[stands to present]
Penelope: You are jetting to Durant, Oklahoma, because, in the last three days, two women have been found dead after being sexually tortured and then blinded with a sulfuric acid solution. Abby Elcott is our first victim; 19-year-old art student; she was heading to campus for an advanced drawing class. She'd been missing for two days. Same goes for our second victim, Beth Westerly, 17.
[draws a breath]
Penelope: She had just finished her coffee shop shift and was on her way to a bar method class.
Emily: Both low-risk victims.
Derek: And physically similar.
David: How close are the two abduction sites?
Penelope: [looking down at information] 5 miles apart at bus stops. Abby's cell was found near one. Beth's scarf near the other.
[map illustrates her words]
Dr. Spencer Reid: Where're the dump sites?
Penelope: One in an alley, the other in a field.
Jennifer: So he stapled their eyes open, then he blinded them.
[Spencer's reaction to JJ is seen and she notices it]
Derek: It's about power and control; maybe he didn't want them to watch while he hurt 'em.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Or it could be about shame; perhaps the unsub is disfigured himself. Blinding the victims leaves them helpless, lost, totally dependent; it may be a manifestation of how he sees himself in this world.
Emily: It is a form of enucleation, just without the scalpel.
David: His face is the last they see before darkness.
Aaron: Garcia, come up with a list of jobs that would give the unsub access to sulfuric acid. The rest of us, wheels up in 30 minutes.
[arises from seat]

Dr. Spencer Reid: This place brings back memories. When I was a kid, I made a model of the universe out of salt.
Alex: Was it for a school project?
Dr. Spencer Reid: No, it was a birthday present for Carl Sagan, but I don't think he ever got it.

Matt: She was parked when the unsub came up and shot her. She might not have even seen him coming.
Emily: Locals just sent over the details. They believe it's a series of robbery/homicides, but he only robbed the first victim.
Luke: Robbery could be a forensic countermeasure to try and keep the cops from tying the cases together.
Matt: Well, a big city like Miami, how do we even know they're related?
Emily: Ballistics match. He used a .44 caliber.
Jennifer: Bold choice. That's a big gun.

Aaron: [closing quote] "They mess you up, your mom and dad. They may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with the faults they had and some extra, just for you" - Philip Larkin

Penelope: Fount of All Knowledge. Check my flow.
Aaron: I need you to check all the victims and see if any were ever charged with a crime.
Penelope: Okay. You wanna time me, or should I just dazzle you off the clock?

Krystall: That must have been a long list of potential victims
David: Reid does have a kanck of finding a black cat in the coal mine

Jennifer: [closing, voiceover] "Body and soul cannot be separated for purposes of treatment, for they are one and indivisible. Sick minds must be healed as well as sick bodies." - Dr. Jeff Miller.

Aaron: I doubt anyone had ever spoken to him with any kindness.
Alex: None of us should be denied that.

Penelope: Believe me when I tell you the 1980s just called. They want their security system back.

Derek: Hey, Hotch, check this out. There's a mayoral race in town, and there's a guy named Clark Preston all over the news. Looks like he's running a close second.
Clark: [footage of a news conference] These vicious home invasions are a sign of the times. As demographics change, so do crime rates. Now, we may not be able to slow the browning of America, but we can sure as hell take our city back, and if you elect me, I'll lead that charge.
Derek: "The browning of America"? That's damn near a hate speech.
Aaron: He's using the murders to further his campaign, and I guess people are rallying behind it.
Derek: So what if our unsub is nothing like Manson? Manson never got his hands dirty. What if our unsub is more like his followers?
Aaron: You think he's being manipulated?
Derek: Maybe even unintentionally, but either way, rhetoric like this could fuel his fire.

David: But the jump to humans is usually made in their mid-twenties.
Alex: Hmm-mmm, Thomas Dillon started killing at thirty-nine.
Jennifer: Joseph Duncan was... forty-three.
David: "Usually."

Emily: What have you got?
Dr. Tara Lewis: We looked for overlap with all of Lindsey's known aliases and we found one. She made multiple purchases using multiple IDs at the same location.
Stephen: Fords Gun Shop.
Dr. Tara Lewis: And wouldn't you know it, he has the largest selection of hollow point ammunition in the Tri-State area.
Emily: Go, quickly. We are on Cat's clock now. We only have three and a half hours left.

Penelope: [to herself, while waiting for the results] All right, technology's working. Good things come to those who wait. Don't look at toast while it's cooking. That sort of thing
[Match found]
Penelope: Shut the front door!

Jennifer: [on mobile] How is he? Great... Okay, thanks Alex, bye.
[hangs up]
Jennifer: Spence is in recovery.
David: Good. The kid is too smart to die. Probably rerouted the bullets by power of suggestion.
Jennifer: Hm... I was scared
David: Yeah, I was too.

Penelope: [Reid calls] Office of supreme genius puzzle solver! You have a riddle for me?

Jason: He tells the mother, "Don't scream or I'll kill your children." He tells the children, "If you cry, I'll kill Mommy."

Mario: You're American?
[Reid nods]
Mario: Where's your identification?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I don't know.
Mario: Your papers? Passport?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Something's wrong. I can't... I can't remember anything.
Mario: What's your name? What happened to your hand?
Dr. Spencer Reid: [seeing blood and the cut on his palm] I don't know.
Mario: It seems like the kind of thing a person would remember. It could get infected.
[to another officer in Spanish]
Mario: Get the medic in here.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Thank you. I should call someone.
Mario: You don't get a phone call. That surprises Americans when they get in trouble here. But maybe if you help me figure out why you had narcotics in your possession, I can help you notify someone.

Assistant: Your daughter is in the Bay Area, huh? It's beautiful up there
David: [Reluctant] Yeah
Assistant: I hear you have a grandson who is five? My son just turned six. It seems like just yesterday when he was in my arms at the hospital and now Kenny doesn't want a hug when I drop him off at school
David: Hmm
Assistant: I look forward to the day I can sit my porch, enjoy the sunset, glass or red in my hand, with not a care in the world
David: Okay, stop!
Assistant: Stop what?
David: You're sniffing around to see if I am up for retirement
Assistant: Don't be so paranoid, agent Rossi, I am just making conversation. Besides I am not in the position to do that
David: That's right, because when it is time for me to retire, I'll let you know

Dr. Spencer Reid: Contrary to popular belief, decapitation is not that easy.
David: Hmm. You don't often hear "popular" and "decapitation" in the same sentence.

Nathan: So, I don't wet the bed or start fires.
Jason: [chuckles] I see you've read Dr. Harris's "Warning Signs of Psychopathy."
Nathan: Yeah, is that wrong?
Jason: No, it's healthy. You're intellectually curious; you want to understand how you're feeling.

Penelope: [Found something surprising] Shut the front door!

Jason: "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed" - Genesis 9:6.

Penelope: This is the block Derek was taken from. That blue dot is him and then at 9:23, we loose him. So., I checked all the other cell signals in the area, they're all legit, aside from one, that I was able to find thanks to some technology no one else outside this room needs to know about

Aaron: [voiceover] Where we love is home - home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts. -Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Agent: Just got a call from the postmaster general inspector's office
Jennifer: Already?
Agent: I'm not just a pretty face

Penelope: [mortified that Kevin will talk with Rossi about their relationship] If you get within a hundred feet of Agent Rossi, I will unleash an unrecoverable virus onto your personal computer system that will reduce your electronic world into something between a Commodore 64, and a block of government cheese.

Aaron: JJ. Pentagon?
Jennifer: Sorry I didn't tell you.
Aaron: It's okay. It's just... it's a big deal. A liaison for the Department of Defense, it's a major promotion. Are you sure you don't want this?
Jennifer: Hotch, I belong here.

Riley: There's not much I can tell you. Bethany and Chelsea, they-they loved each other. THey were more like sisters than friends.
Jennifer: Well, sisters fight. Did they get on each other's nerves? They ever have any kind of disagreement?
Riley: I mean, this is, like, totally a rumor, but Bethany had this secret boyfriend. She wouldn't tell anyone who he was. And Chelsea made fun of her for it, about Bethany keeping it a secret. And Bethany was like "Why can't you understand?".
[as Riley talks, JJ flashes back to her sister arguing with their father]
Riley: Do you know that feeling?
Jennifer: Yeah. Yeah, I know that feeling. Could you tell me more about this boyfriend? We might need to talk to him.
Riley: All I can tell you, he gave Bethany a gift. Jewelry, I think. Chelsea got her hands on it somehow, and she made it her mission to find out who Bethany got it from.
Jennifer: And did she?
Riley: She tried. She never got there.

Jason: Norman Maclean wrote "It is those we live with and love, and should know, who elude us."

Dr. Spencer Reid: [closing quote] Christopher Marlowe said: "It lies not in our power to love or hate, for will in us is overruled by fate"

Aaron: [opening quote] It's often said: "There is no footprint too small to leave an imprint on this world"

Jason: [opening quote] Dr. Thomas Fuller wrote: "With foxes, we must play the fox"

Jesse: Hey, look, I gotta go walk this dog, so...
Wallace: Jesse. You're not tying me up again. Or giving me any more pills. Just go. I'll be fine. I know why you're doing all this.
Jesse: Really? Why?
Wallace: You want to be like me.
Jesse: No, I don't.
Wallace: Then why bring me here? Why try to understand me? Why care? You want to know me so you can be me... And that's why I'm not gonna leave... Because I want that, too.

Emily: [with JJ, watching Matt and Luke question Tom] You okay with this?
Tom: I was at home by myself. You can check my cell phone. It's got GPS on it.
Luke: All that means is that your phone stayed home, not that you did.
Jennifer: How he responds to my sister's necklace will tell us everything.
[Prentiss gives her a nod of approval]
Tom: [she enters the room] JJ, thank god. Can you please explain...
Jennifer: We pulled this off of Bethany.
Tom: What is it?
Jennifer: [studying his face, then leaving] It's not him.
Emily: We're holding him anyway.
Jennifer: Fine. But it's not him.

Matt: It was right under our nose, the whole time

Aaron: [voiceover] "For the man sound of body and serene of mind, there is no such thing as bad weather; every day has its beauty, and storms that whip the blood do but make it pulse more vigorously" -George Gissing

Aaron: Alright, find the website?
Penelope: On it and... sweet mother Gross! It's the Tinder for sociopaths!

Aaron: Everything alright?
Alex: Ehm, yeah, sorry, just, I'm distracted.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Perfectly understandable. Familiar sounds, visual cues, even olfactory inputs can trigger memories and emotions we thought were long gone; happens to me every time I go home too.
Aaron: When was the last time you were back?
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's been like 422 days.
Aaron: I was talking to Blake.
Alex: Ah, it's been about five years.
Aaron: It's a long time.
Alex: Yeah, once I got out of Kansas City I pretty much wanted to stay out.

Penelope: And it looks like he tried them all. I've got a list. Alphabetically: alprazolam, clonazepam, diazepam...
Aaron: Just send it
Penelope: Yes, sir

Dr. Spencer Reid: [opening quote] "After all, what is every man but a horde of ghosts? Oaks that were acorns that were oaks" - Walter de la Mare

Jason: The unsub brought his weapons with him. Tape, glue, wire. He did not leave them at the scene. Took them when he left. He has a kind of killing kit that he carries.
Aaron: Organized killers usually have a skilled job, likely technology related, which may involve the use of the hands. The crime scenes are far enough apart that he needs a vehicle. This will be well-kept, obsessively clean, as will be his home. He's diurnal, the attacks occurred during the day, so the vehicle may be related to his work, possibly a company car or truck.
Derek: We believe he watches the victims for a time, learns the rhythms of the home, knows his time frame.
Aaron: You're not gonna catch him accidentally.
Jason: He destroys symbols of wealth in the victims' homes. He harbors envy of and hatred toward people of a higher social class. He feels invisible around them.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Uh, class is the theme of the poem which he left at the various crime scenes. At one point in the poem, the woman attempts to bribe Death, but he doesn't accept it. He says this is the one moment when riches mean nothing. When Death comes, poor and the rich are exactly alike.
Captain: So, he's poor.
Aaron: Probably middle-class. A decidedly lower-class person would stick out in a highly patrolled neighborhood. This guy appears to, uh, belong there. He blends in.
Detective: Why does he glue the eyes open?
Elle: The unsub is an exploitative rapist. Most rape victims close their eyes during the attack, turn their heads. For some rapists, this ruins the fantasy. For this type of rapist, the goal is more related to the victim watching him than the act itself.
Aaron: The verses, the staging, the aggressive language, "I am death", this is a guy who, while being in control of the crime scene, almost certainly feels inadequate in the rest of his life.
Jason: That's why he couldn't wait for you to figure out what he'd done. Why he needed to make sure all his crimes were counted. His victims, they represent whatever it is that's controlling him, and he wants that control back. He is under the thumb of a powerful woman who frightens him. And a final point: He is white.
Captain: We have witnesses that identify him as a black male.
Jason: The attacker was black. He is not the Tommy Killer.
Aaron: Mrs. Gordon's husband came home at the same time that he always does. The Tommy Killer would've known that.
Elle: And Mrs. Gordon's attacker wore a ski mask. The unsub knows when he walks into a house, he's going to kill the woman who lives there. If you're not leaving any witnesses, why wear a ski mask?
Derek: And he wants the victims to see him anyway.
Aaron: Your attempted rapist is a garden-variety, disorganized young man.
Elle: As the victim's age goes up, generally the attacker's age goes down. Mrs. Gordon is about 60, which puts her rapist at about 20.

Jennifer: Do you always keep one with you?
Derek: Yeah. But the one I gave Angel was the only one that had wings on it.
Jennifer: You know, Angel's never gonna let that go. What you shared, I know that wasn't easy.
Derek: None of this is easy.
Jennifer: I can't help but picture little Morgan. You were so alone.
Derek: I'm here right now because of what that man did to me.
Jennifer: I know. I'm just... sorry.

Emily: [closing quotation] It's been said that Mark Twain once observed "History never repeats itself, but it often rhymes."

Jennifer: Breakfast is served.
William LaMontagne Jr.: Thank you, babe. Say thank you, boys.
Michael: Thank you.
Henry: Thank you.
Jennifer: You're welcome. Uh, any special requests while I'm up?
Henry: Can I have some ketchup with my eggs?
William LaMontagne Jr.: Can I have lime juice?
Jennifer: [amused] Lime juice? What? On your eggs?

Nancy: What's going on?
Benjamin: We just got a very strange phone call from a news reporter. Is there anything you want to tell me, about a raid, maybe?
[seeing Prentiss and Reid's looks of surprise]
Benjamin: They don't know.

Emily: So, I wanted you to be the first to know that, uh, my name is on a short list of candidates being considered to fill the Director's chair.
Jennifer: Emily, that's incredible. Oh, my... god. You're gonna be the next Director of the FBI.
Emily: That still remains a definite "maybe". But I do know that I want the job. But I would feel much better if my first directive as Director was to appoint you Unit Chief of the BAU.
Jennifer: And I... I told you before, that really does mean a lot.
Emily: Enough to turn down being Special Agent in Charge of the New Orleans field office?
Jennifer: Um... I'm not sure.
Emily: Now I feel like I'm-I'm pressuring you into staying, and that's not what I...
Jennifer: Oh, no, no, no, see, and I'm feeling like if I do go to New Orleans, you might not decide to make history as the first female head of the FBI.
Emily: Oh, no, it's... don't worry. If given the chance, I'm making history.

Aaron: [closing quotation, voiceover] "Men heap together the mistakes of their lives and create a monster they call destiny." - John Hobbes.

Emily: Hey Garcia
Penelope: Em, I feel like I've been sent on a wild snipe hunt. Do you have any idea how many women in South Florida lease luxury cars and rent mansions? I will answer: too many! That's how many!

David: What else is on your mind?
Ashley: A dog... When I was seven years old, I found a puppy on my way home from school. I ran all the way home with this little ball of fur. I was so excited. And when I got to the house, my dad was the only one home. And I gave him the puppy to hold while I got him some milk. We didn't have dog food, but I thought, well, a puppy's like a baby, so milk, right? And when I got back, my dad was in the bathroom, and he turned and told me to put the milk away. I didn't understand. And he told me we didn't need the hassle of another mouth to feed, and I was never to do that again... And he tilted his head, and I started crying and I could swear he looked like he was having fun.
David: He's a psychopath. Cruelty to animals is part of that.
Ashley: I know. But what I don't understand... Mr. Jacobs asked me a question about my father, and... I don't hate him. I don't. I try, but I just don't.
David: No matter what else he is, he's your father. Now, you're not responsible for the things he did. But you can't change the fact that to you... he's still your dad.
Ashley: I just feel like he's winning if I don't hate him.
David: No, kiddo. There's no winning. There's just living. Moving forward. And if you keep doing that, you'll be all right.
Ashley: Is that true?
David: It is for me.
Ashley: Thank you.
[Rossi holds her hand]

Jennifer: Of all the departments, why'd you choose the BAU?
Aaron: You know, I had prosecuted dozens of murder cases, and by the time they reached my desk, it always felt like it was too late. I wanted to, um... stop them before they got to my desk.

Penelope: Hey. I... I got your text message. I'm confused. You want me to see if there are any missing children?
Emily: No, I asked if any AMBER alerts had been issued tonight.
Penelope: No. Is that important?
Emily: Yes. I'm gonna put one out.
Penelope: You're gonna put out Diana Reid's face and say she's a missing child?
Emily: No, I'm gonna put Lindsey's out as an abductor. People pay attention to AMBERs, and that's what we need.
Penelope: Okay. Oh... I'll do it.
[turning to her computer screens]
Emily: Penelope, no. It's my call. Which means I'll take responsibility for it. Just pull the screen up, okay?
[she does so; as she stands up, Prentiss takes her seat]
Emily: [before Garcia can say anything] I need you to leave. Right now.

Dr. Spencer Reid: That's the secret.
[standing up and pacing as he thinks]
Dr. Spencer Reid: What I don't want to admit about myself.
Jennifer: Wait, hold up. Let's play this out, because she will not lose to you twice. Now, she already said that this wasn't about the two of you being the same.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Then she's all about the game. She thinks that I cheated last time because I lied about her dad, so it's integral to her that she beats me by following the rules.
Jennifer: Yeah, but Spence, she controls the rules, and she will change them to ensure that she wins.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Which means that I'm locked in.
Jennifer: Like she is.
Dr. Spencer Reid: And she needs me locked in, playing by her rules, a game I can't win, so she...
[realization dawns on him]
Dr. Spencer Reid: I got it.

Jennifer: What about property records?
Det. John Barton: Eh, I talked to the owner, eh, she said, she rented it a couple of weeks ago to a quite, normal looking guy named Bob. He said he wanted to store some equipment. And paid in cash
David: They're always normal

Lt. Detective Owen Kim: So, what'd you tell the press?
David: My official statement was that I hate Los Angeles

Reporter: ...turned deadly when the Colorado state police officers tried to serve a warrant. Colorado Attorney General Jim Wells says the reclusive cult has been the subject of a six-month weapons investigation.
Derek: Six months. We didn't check?
Jennifer: No, we checked. I had ATF call Wells. He told ATF there were no pending state investigations. He lied.
David: Why?
Jennifer: Wells is challenging the governor in the next election. He thought that ATF was about to poach his big election-launching weapons bust. Now, it's clear he didn't know there were FBI agents there. He just thought that the best time to serve a state warrant was when the kids were safe inside the school being interviewed.

Celine: Hello, thanks for the bottle of champagne! Bartender told me you send it
David: So much for being a secret admirer
Celine: I am Celine Destin. This is my friend Audrey Hanson
David: David Rossi and my friend Aaron Hotchner
Aaron: Hi, how do you do?
Audrey: Hi
Aaron: Nice to meet you.
Celine: Hi
Aaron: Hi, how are you?
Celine: Strong silent types
Audrey: Yeah
Celine: Intelligent, honest eyes, so you're not politicians
[both women laugh]
Audrey: FBI?
David: Wow, you two could be profilers
Celine: Well, Audry practically is! I mean she's in marketing

Alex: He said he used eight locks because there used to be eight of us.
Aaron: That's all he said?
Alex: About that, yes.
Dr. Spencer Reid: There's only six keys. That mean two keys will be used twice. Each key is a letter, likely corresponds to a number on the locks. Seven, seventh letter of the alphabet's "g."
Aaron: What are the other letters?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Z, u, w... Zugzwang.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's too easy.

Jennifer: Who's that with Hotch?
Dr. Spencer Reid: There's been another abduction. A boy named Shaun Rutledge. That's his younger brother Billy.
Derek: Says a young white guy in an RV attacked them with a crowbar in the rain.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He's also changed his victim selection criterion. The boy he grabbed gets straight A's, plays football, even volunteers at his church.
Jennifer: So he wanted him so badly he was willing to leave a witness?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Which suggests he's losing touch with reality and his delusions are starting to take over.
Derek: What is it about this kid that was so attractive to him?
Jennifer: He was teenage and Caucasian like the others, right?
Dr. Spencer Reid: We also think that a sexual element may actually not be at play.
Derek: So then what the hell is driving this guy?
Jennifer: Maybe it's love. What if he's trying to recreate someone he loves?
Derek: It is an emotion that drives us to extremes.

Aaron: And to Dr. Spencer Reid who may be adding MD to an already impressive list of credentials
Derek: And to Spencer Johnson, that he prove to be the child prodigy like his name says
Alex: How on earth did you know what to do?
Dr. Spencer Reid: When JJ was pregnant with Henry I memorized the delivery manuals, just in case she went into labor in the field. I have to admit the practical application did not quite live up to the theory.

Penelope: Rainmaker, how wet do you want it?

Derek: It sucks, doesn't it?
Penelope: What?
Derek: Just knowing that we couldn't have done any of this without you.
Penelope: [scoffing laugh] Yeah, pretty much.
Derek: I'm proud of you, Penelope. Despite everything that happened, you came back... and you got the job done.
Penelope: The sight of blood used to make me run away. And two nights ago I ran towards it.
Derek: It means you're changing into someone stronger than you realize. You cared enough to risk your own life to try and save someone else.
Penelope: Yeah, but... what's the difference between being strong and being jaded? I'm scared, Derek. I don't want to lose who I am just so I can do this job.
Derek: We are in one of the most beautiful places on Earth. I know you see that, don't you?
Penelope: Yeah.
Derek: Then we have nothing to worry about. It's who you are, baby girl. You see the beauty in everything and everyone no matter where you go. That part of you is never gonna change, and I won't let it.
Penelope: I don't need you to protect me.
Derek: Tough. I think I'm gonna stay on the job a little while longer.
Penelope: Yeah?
Derek: Mm-hmm.
Penelope: How much longer?
Derek: Every day of my life.
Penelope: I kind of love you, Derek Morgan.
Derek: I kinda love you, Penelope Garcia.

Jennifer: How does a single father lose his teenage daughters for thirty-six hours?
David: He doesn't.

Luke: Garcia, have we confirmed that this truther's even legit?
Penelope: Of course I've confirmed that, and she is. Melissa Miller has a pretty popular truther podcast, especially around Roswell. She promotes all kinds of conspiracies, but her cause celebre is staged shootings.
Matt: So she thinks the reason we have gun violence, it's been faked by the government as a pretext to revoke the Second Amendment. Nice.
Emily: It's another reason not to do this.
Jennifer: Or it's the exact reason to do this. What was tonight, other than a staged shooting, and why is she the only one willing to cooperate?
Luke: Unsubs like to insert themselves into the investigation. Profile skews male, but she could be a partner.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Okay, then if she isn't involved, I can get her to talk. I'm a forensic psychologist. I'm trained to outwit and outsmart clinical psychopaths far more dangerous than her.
Emily: But if we're wrong, she's going to post her podcast. Then what? Then we're the next example of fake news.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [closing quotation, voiceover] "Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it." - Helen Keller.

Emily: What else do we have to go on?
Jennifer: Spence said the UnSub would have broken his hand beating Chelsea to death. Did you notice anyone with a cast on their hand, someone who seemed hurt?
Emily: No.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I might know why. This UnSub doesn't feel pain. There's a medical condition called pain asymbolia, where patients register harmful stimuli without being bothered by it. They've been documented holding their hand over an open flame because their brain doesn't send pain signals to the central nervous system.
David: Sounds pretty rare. You sure the UnSub has it?
Dr. Spencer Reid: The crime scenes prove it. This UnSub displayed an unusual level of savagery towards his victims. And consider this, he smashed through a glass display case, but there were not cuts on Jerry. That means he most likely punched through it as a show of force. Now, the only way the human body could withstand that level of pain is if he couldn't feel it at all.
David: It must take a major toll on someone's emotional development.
Derek: A significant contributor to our sense of empathy is the way we personally experience pain.
Aaron: And the UnSub didn't develop his sense of empathy because it was cut off. Does every person with asymbolia have this?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Actually, most feel empathy just fine, which makes me think the rest of our profile is still accurate. Loner, invisible, outcast, boiling rage...

Isabella: I'm done talking.
Aaron: You've said plenty. A professional like yourself wouldn't trust the camp to protect you. You had to get some sort of insurance directly from the parents, didn't you? Make sure that they were just as culpable for the crime. Your word against theirs wouldn't hold up in court, not with a child testifying to your abuse, unless, of course, the abuse damned the parents as well. They were in the room with you, weren't they? You made them watch.
[stands up and walks to the door]
Isabella: Where are you going? What about my deal?
Aaron: We never had a deal.

Emily: How'd you guys do?
Aaron: Well, Reid got propositioned by every prostitute we talked to, but we didn't find anybody who thinks they'd seen the unsub.

Emily: [to Reid] You know I could've gotten you a coloring book at the airport.

[Morgan and JJ enter Angel's hospital room to find the lights off and Angel cowering under a table]
Derek: Hey. My name's Derek. I'm one of the good guys. And this is my friend.
Jennifer: I'm Jennifer. You're safe now.
Derek: Doctor says you haven't been eating much. Food looks pretty good.
Jennifer: You must be thirsty. Here you go.
[JJ offers Angel a water bottle and he slaps it away]
Jennifer: [trying to placate him] Okay. It's okay. It's okay.
Derek: JJ, this is years of conditioning. Have Garcia go back to 2000 for missing kids.

Derek: Hey, Reid.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What's up?
Derek: Our man here was a prolific journaler.
Emily: With teeny, tiny handwriting.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He probably had counseling at some point, where journaling was part of his therapy.
Emily: That's what we were thinking.
Dr. Spencer Reid: [not quite sure what's coming] And...?
Derek: And, well, you know the two of us...
[indicating himself and Prentiss]
Derek: would take us, like, three days to read all of this stuff.
[pause; Reid purses his lips in consideration]
Dr. Spencer Reid: You guys owe me.

Aaron: He confirmed that the past fifteen years she suffers from Disassociate Identity Disorder
Luke: D.I.D.? You're talking split personality?
Dr. Spencer Reid: But technically it's an updated diagnosis from multiple personality disorder

Jason: There's a lot we still don't know, but we do know this: these are not blitz attacks. They're too controlled. These are absolutely executions.
Dr. Spencer Reid: An unsub's signature is his own extremely rare combination of M.O. and ritual. An unsub kills to satisfy an inner need, and he'll continue killing until that inner need, which is based on a ritual, is lived out perfectly. Because reality never lives up to fantasy, this becomes an impossibility.
Jason: In other words, he's not gonna stop killing until we catch him.

Derek: Good morning, Emily. Had a good weekend?
Emily: Yeah. No. Yes.
Derek: [giggles] Oh, I've been there.
Emily: No, it wasn't... I don't want to get into it.
Derek: No problem.
Emily: It... it just feels weird for me to talk about my personal life here, you know? I don't really know all you guys that well yet.
Derek: I totally get that.
[walks away]
Emily: [loud] I think I totally screwed up this date.
Derek: [returns] Okay, what happened?
Emily: You have to understand: I am a nerd, like seriously. And I can fool people, days, weeks even but sooner or later, I blow my cover and I say something so geeky and then he doesn't respond and I lose all confidence.
Derek: What did you say?
Emily: "Kilgore Trout."
Derek: Guy has a problem with Kurt Vonnegut?
Emily: You know Kilgore Trout?
Derek: I read "Slaughterhouse Five" when I was 12. It blew my mind. Seriously, I could not get enough, so I just kept going and read them all.
Emily: Yeah, yeah. Me, too. What's your favorite?
Derek: Oh, "Modern Knight."
Emily: The one about the American spy.
Derek: Who pretends to be a Nazi.
Emily: "You are who you pretend to be."
Derek: "So be careful who you pretend to be."
Emily: Oh my God! I can't believe you're a Vonnegut fan. You just made my day!
Derek: Anytime.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Strange, in this case the abused actually became the abuser!
Penelope: That doesn't happen a lot?
Dr. Spencer Reid: One in eight
Penelope: We found the one

Luke: Look, uh, the Delaneys' security was offline, probably from a signal jammer.
Jennifer: Unsub's organized, like we thought.
Luke: Yeah, but it didn't wipe out wi-fi on the whole block, so the neighbors got this.
[seeing the unsub stroll down the street]
Luke: 11:10 p.m. Let's fast-forward, see where he goes.
Luke: 11:43.
[a car drives past]
Luke: Wait, what's this?
Jennifer: Well, he walked in, killed the parents, and abducted Chrissy in the family station wagon. This guy's bold. Garage is attached. Gives him all the privacy he needs.
Luke: All right, look, I'll get a BOLO out on the Delaneys' car. Geography based on his lead time, we're gonna have to go two states in every direction that doesn't end in the Atlantic Ocean.

Penelope: Spin the wheel, and it is sunny Los Angeles, people.
Derek: Two times in one year?
David: Remind me again why it's called the City of Angels.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It was originally called "The Town of our Lady the Queen of the Angels."... That was a rhetorical question, wasn't it?

James: It's all chance you know! Wrong place, at wrong time, no logic, no sense! How does a parent reconcile that?
Aaron: They never do!

Dr. Spencer Reid: [closing quote, voiceover] "There is no refuge from memory and remorse in this world. The spirits of our foolish deeds haunt us with or without repentance." - Gilbert Parker.

Matt: Garcia wasn't part of the plan.
Luke: No, but she is now.

Lee: You're trying to make me look stupid. I'm not stupid.
Colby: No one said you were stupid. You just... You got to keep practicing.
Lee: I know a better way to practice.
Colby: It's not time.
Lee: It's time when I say it's time. I want to go out. Take me out.

Jennifer: [voiceover] Nietzsche wrote, "Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torment of men."

Penelope: I'll tell you what, those Canadians, they seem so sweet and innocent, but when they go bad, they go Darth Vader bad.

Penelope: [Picks up the phone] Oracle of Quantico. Speak if you're deign to hear truth

Sheriff: [cadaver dog keeps on barking] The dog looks like it's confused
David: The dog is not confused, it's overwhelmed

Dr. Spencer Reid: Hey, Morgan? Has there ever been a girl that you wanted to be with for, you know, more than just one night?
Derek: Excuse me?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I've never seen you with the same girl twice.
Derek: What, are you calling me a dog?
Dr. Spencer Reid: No, no, not at all. I'm just trying to figure out if this feeling I have is ever gonna go away.

David: [looking at a video frame on the screen] Magnify!
[Penelope zooms in]
David: More
[Penelope zooms in]
David: More!
Penelope: That is not how this works
David: Penelope, just do it!
Penelope: There! We cannot get anything about his face from this data
David: Look, I'm sorry we have to do this. I know that you did not get any sleep last night
Penelope: That is...
[wondering what to say about Tyler's visit last night, which is a secret]
Penelope: How do you know I did not sleep last night?
David: You drink a third cup of tea when you had a bad night sleep. Work stress?
Penelope: Yes. Yes... work stress
Penelope: Okay, now I know it's not that
[Penelope sighs]
Penelope: but whatever it is, it doesn't compare to this

Aaron: So, she has them paralyzed and she can do whatever she wants. Why is she killing them?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Well, I don't think she mean to. Eh, the brain is a machine, designed to respond to stimuli. You keep the brain awake but the body immobile, it breaks down, loses its hair. After two months it eventually strokes out
David: So, death isn't this unsub's goal, it's an unfortunately side effect
Dr. Spencer Reid: Exactly

Dr. Spencer Reid: [opening quotation] "To go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand. I can do no other." - Martin Luther.

Penelope: So, this is the part where you say that prison has made you a better man and all you need is a chance to prove it?
Jesse: No, the only thing I want is a chance to go back to that night, to make a better a choice
Penelope: We have that in common

David: Garcia?
Penelope: Yes sir, I'm here for you, sir.
David: Cochrane University in Ohio. What's the out-of-state tuition?
Penelope: Eh... Yikes! $37,000 annually. That's not taken in consideration books, cost of living, ramen, beer kegs, bean bags chairs, et cetera.

Erin: My office will handle the press from here on.
Derek: That's unnecessary.
Erin: You don't need any more distractions. He looks genuinely distraught. He's very convincing. I can see why you fell for it. I don't need to remind you that your reputation's on the line here.
Derek: That's not what matters to me right now.
Erin: It should.

Emily: And nobody got to find out that Bob Adams was a good kid, a brave kid. The kind of kid you'd want to hang out with.
Aaron: We can give you back your story, Bob, but you have to drop the gun.
Bob: Isn't it funny when your dream comes true, it's never the way you want.

Dr. Tara Lewis: Ballistics confirmed that the gun that killed Carl is the one that Doug used on himself. All the evidence points to Doug Downey as our killer, except...
Melissa: Except you don't have anything tying Doug to Bryan's drowning.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Melissa, I've been as transparent as I can possibly be. Is there anything we've missed?
Melissa: One thing. But you didn't miss it, you covered it up. Specifically, that the sheriff made us all walk through a metal detector.
Dr. Tara Lewis: What?
Melissa: [sardonic laugh] Don't pretend you didn't know that. And don't pretend you don't know why. Someone in law enforcement planted a gun on Doug. Because what was that he was saying earlier tonight?
Doug: [flashback] What did you put in my pocket?
Matt: Gun! Drop it!
Dr. Tara Lewis: [return to real time] Melissa, that doesn't make any sense.
Melissa: You tell me what's more believable: a missing gun in a wacky compartment, or the police planted a Bodyguard 380, a very popular firearm in law enforcement, on Doug. Then they call their friends all the way in Quantico and you guys get on your fancy jet and come out here to make sure that the cover-up's complete.
Dr. Tara Lewis: That's not what happened.

Derek: Considering the wide divergence of abduction and dumpsites, this guy could be anywhere. LA is over 500 square miles.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Ah, 498.3.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [Reid is being cleaned by a bio hazard team] I'm about to get naked so they can scrub me down. You sure that's something you wanna see?

Aaron: [at Tobias Hankle's empty house] . Think of this house as a witness. If it could talk, what would it say?
Penelope: My guess is it would say "get the hell out of here".

Emily: Gonna see the family for the holidays? Joy, Portia, grandkids?
David: Maybe.
Emily: I think you should. A long time ago, Gideon told me to make sure I didn't go quiet, because it meant I stopped trusting my team.
David: He told you that?
Emily: He said in the early days, it was easy to fall into two modes: silence and rage. And you guys had to find a way to fill in the middle, and you found that when you talked things through, it made it easier to remember you weren't alone.
David: Well, that was my advice to him.
Emily: Well, then, I'm here to remind you of your advice. This isn't your burden alone to carry.
David: That's so like you. You don't even mention how Alvez stayed at HQ for me, yet I still managed to lose my shit this morning. Or how Tara and JJ have answered every call, every consultation without fail, and how you have been covering for me.
Emily: Why do I need to keep score when you've been doing such a good job? Dave. When you lose someone the way you have, I know it might seem easier to ride the waves of grief alone, but you've got to let us help, because this... this isn't working.
David: You're a better person than I am, Emily. And I'm okay with that.

Alex: You're gonna need a bigger copying machine!

Dr. Spencer Reid: Jeremiah 29.11: "'I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to bring you hope and a future.'" Is blowing yourself up part of the prosperous future that God wants?
Benjamin: You think you know the Word better than I?
Dr. Spencer Reid: No, no. I'm just demonstrating that you can use the Bible to manipulate anything.
Benjamin: Matthew 10.24: "Do not suppose that I have come to the earth to bring peace. I did not come to bring peace but a sword."

Owner: Do you know what the biggest problem in America is today?
Dr. Spencer Reid: We're losing the war against antibiotics resistance!
Owner: Smartphones! I saw this family in a restaurant the other day and no one was talking to each other. And they were all on their phones, texting, tweeting, emailing, what have you

Young: [Lida picks up a phone] Did you see what I did? Did you see it?

David: [about Feylinn] Blaming the devil for his cannibalism wasn't enough to lessen his guilt, so he tricked others into participating. He made them all as guilty as he was.
Derek: He caught every break possible, Rossi. Gets released from the hospital. His records get destroyed. Gets pulled over with a victim in the trunk of his car, and they let him go. I've never seen anyone that lucky.
David: What's your point?
Derek: You've been doin' this a long time. You've seen a lot of things. You think it's possible Feylinn would... I don't know. That he was getting some kind of help from something else?
David: It's irrelevant. The job is to find evil, to stop it, not to know where it came from. Let somebody else take that job. This one's tough enough.

David: "A mole hunt is ill-advised for those who don't want to risk their own skin." It's an old proverb I just made up

David: His hand needs to be forced.
Aaron: I know that Dave. The point is you did it by forcing ours.

Penelope: Fortunately, one of the CIA versions of me is trying to crack the encryption signatures

[last lines]
Beth: So, are your tires pumped?
Aaron: I hope so. So, you haven't done a lot of biking?
Beth: No, not a ton.
Aaron: But you're gonna do a triathlon?
Beth: Go big or go home. That's what my dad always says.
Aaron: Your dad sounds smart.
Beth: He was. He passed away a few months ago.
Aaron: I'm sorry. Is your mom still alive?
Beth: Yeah, she's doing a lot better.
Aaron: That's good. How are you doing?
Beth: I'm hanging in there. So, where are we going?
Aaron: I usually go up Connecticut and through Rock Creek Park and then back down 16th, but we don't have to do all that if you don't want to.
Beth: No, let's do this. If we lose each other, we will meet back at Dupont Circle for coffee.
Aaron: Lose each other? I thought we were gonna do this together.
Beth: The chase is part of it.

Aaron: You knowingly jeopardized your life and the lives of others! I should fire you! You're the smartest kid in the room, but you're not the only one in that room. You pull something like this again, you will be! Am I clear?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yes sir. It won't happen again. Thank you.
Aaron: What were you thinking?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I was thinking that would have been, ah, the second time a kid died in front of me.
Aaron: You're keeping score, just like Owen.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It was my turn to save one.
Aaron: It doesn't work like that.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It should.
Aaron: I know it's painful when the person you identify with is the bad guy.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What does that make me?
Aaron: Good at the job! I know it's none of my business, but when we land I think you should go and catch the rest of that movie.

David: Prentiss won't be joining us. She's on Reid duty for the time being. This one was referred to us by a fellow federal agency, the National Transportation Safety Board.
Penelope: So, last week, two separate incidents. Two separate vehicles hit two separate pedestrians, crashed on the same stretch of road in Bradenton, Florida, just outside of Sarasota.
Luke: And they're sure they were both accidents?
David: No, they don't think so.
Penelope: Both vehicles were 2013 Meridians, and both drivers said they lost control of the cars.
David: The first pedestrian is alive, but the second one died of his injuries.
Dr. Tara Lewis: And it wasn't a vehicle defect?
David: That's what the NTSB suspected, but they've done extensive tests and they've ruled that out, along with hazardous road conditions.
Jennifer: [looking at the report] And they're saying driver error is unlikely, though the drivers suffered head injuries in the crashes and they can't recall any of the details.
Stephen: Same make and model vehicle, two drivers saying they lost control. It sounds like they're thinking hacker.
David: Could be. Most cars made after 2009, regardless of make or model, are vulnerable to hacking.
Luke: Is there any footage of the crashes?
Penelope: Oh, yeah. Middle school security camera caught the moments of impact. Brace yourselves. It ain't pretty. Here we go.
Dr. Tara Lewis: [Garcia plays the camera footage] Oh, god. No swerving, no braking, and an unsub turning cars into murder weapons. That's terrifying.
Luke: It could be a whole new frontier for serial killers.
David: Well, Garcia, since your area of expertise is relevant on this one, I want you to join us in the field.
Penelope: [excited] Me? Going wheels up? Sir, yes, sir.
David: Great. Wheels up in twenty.

Derek: [Reid is fretting about Adam's situation] Kid. You're gonna have to accept the fact that sometimes we can't save everyone.

Dr. Spencer Reid: ...So, at same point, he was most likely removed from his family. Now, I had Garcia widen the search of missing children to those in foster house and juvenile care facilities, all represented by those ten black dots.
Emily: Ten kids fit our profile. That's great.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Actually, each dot represents a thousand currently in system.
Emily: Ten thousand children?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Nebraska's one of the nation's highest per capita state ward populations.

Derek: What do we got, baby girl?
Penelope: Thank you, sir. We have a killing in Enid, Oklahoma, and not the capital punishment one you are thinking of right now. I'm talking about a woman named Cara Smith, who was murdered in her apartment minutes after the execution of Rodney Garrett.
Aaron: A neighbor saw her front door open and discovered the body.
David: Look familiar?
Jennifer: Young, pretty, short blonde hair.
David: And stabbed directly through the heart.
Dr. Spencer Reid: That's exactly the way Garrett killed his victims.
Derek: So are we looking at a copycat?
Jennifer: Or someone creating doubt the right person was executed.
David: In Garrett's case, there was no doubt. His guilt was the slam dunk of all slam dunks. Prints, DNA, a confession.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He even led police to where he buried two of his victims.
Emily: Garrett killed twenty-five women before he was caught. If this new unsub is a copycat, body count's just started.

David: How you doin'?
Penelope: Do you ever have one of those days that you want to unplug from everything... literally?
David: [opens his bag] Give me your phone. And your tablet. And your other phone. Okay. Tonight you're coming to my house. We're going to listen to Tony Bennett on vinyl and drink 18-year-old Scotch.
Penelope: I don't drink Scotch.
David: You'll learn.
Penelope: Thanks.
David: Anytime.
[Garcia passes another ringing phone]

Derek: [voiceover] Siddhartha Buddha said, "It is not his enemy or foe that lures him to evil ways".

Penelope: I matched a 911-call that mentioned a very distinctive and eponymous tattoo on her décolletage, that means she had a tattoo of cherries on her...
David: Yeah, we got it

Penelope: Oh, and if you hate sad stories as much as I do, you should leave the room right now, 'cause this is super sad!

David: They say it's never as good as your first time. The truth is... the first time sucks. You don't know what you're doing. You're fumbling around. It's awkward. It does get better. I promise.

Julie: Was that a baby?
Tommy: No, no, it's not a baby. It...
Julie: Ms. Hallman. I thought you were in jail.
Maggie: Let me give you a little lesson on the prison system, sweetie. It's overcrowded, so I'm out.
Julie: Yeah, well, you're not supposed to be here. You raped him.
Tommy: Julie!
Maggie: You think what we did was rape? We made love. Tell her, Tommy.
Tommy: It's true, Julie. This is my girl.
Julie: Your mom has a restraining order against her.
Maggie: Lesson number two, Julie, restraining orders can be broken.
[to Tommy]
Maggie: Take the baby to the car.
Tommy: Maggie, we...
Maggie: Tommy, take the baby to the car!
Julie: Tommy, what are you doing? I'm calling the police.
Maggie: Put the phone down.
Julie: He's sixteen!
Maggie: So, what?
[shoots a gun]
Maggie: This is your final lesson, Julie. Do not mess with the teacher.

Derek: Tell me you got something.
David: A casing and a rifle up on the roof.
Jennifer: This guy isn't sloppy. He's sending us a message.
Aaron: Garcia, we need to access the surveillance footage.
Penelope: [leaving] Of course. I'm on it.
Derek: All right, what else we got?
David: That's it right now.

Jennifer: So how does eight years locked up change someone?
David: It takes away their voice.
Jennifer: Doesn't take away their rage, it only makes it worse.

Emily: [opening quote] "Originality is nothing but judicious imitation" - Voltaire

Derek: She threw a flash bang grenade into a car, she's lucky the three people inside didn't die. Is anybody else bothered by that?
David: Well, three bad guys.
Aaron: Illegal as it is, I think Prentiss knows she has to be as ruthless as Doyle.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He's come to the US to wage a public vendetta and hired a group of mercenaries to remain loyal to him. He has nothing to lose, so she has to act the same way.

David: JJ, Roberta isn't there to kill Lynch. She's there to die with him.
Jennifer: [seeing Reid following the tac team] Spence, stop!

Derek: It's all conjecture, because there's nothing deviant in this guy's history. But if you wanted to do something bad, wouldn't it be nice to have another version of you to blame it on?

Wick: [On Garcia] She's quite the character. Is she always like this?
David: Luckily for us: yes!

Luke: Preppers typically plan to shelter in place, bug in. Which means that they want to ride out any bad situation at home.
David: What if they can't?
Luke: Then they bug out and they go to secret locations in remote areas.
Matt: Well, if Coleman is keeping the women and kids all in one place, it would have to be a really big space.
Penelope: I got a home and a work address for him, and also he has rented multiple storage locations in the last five years.
Emily: You know what to do.
Penelope: Yeah. Sent it to your phones.

Courtney: So, how many of these cases have you worked on?
Emily: Too many
Courtney: How many of the women have you gotten back alive?
[Emily stares, no answer]

David: What about the increase in calls and letters to the Dallas office?
Penelope: I have checked all the assassination buffs and conspiracy theorists, including myself, and I am sort of sad to say we're all in the clear.

Aaron: Ever since we had Jack, I always dread it when you bring me a case involving kids.
Jennifer: Why are you telling me this?
Aaron: Every case we work, every case we don't work comes across your desk.
Jennifer: Yeah.
Aaron: And most of the victims are women. And most of them are about your age. It's okay if you lose it every once in a while. It reminds people that we're human.

Dr. Spencer Reid: We have to hope Maya follows the rules. The shelter says the women are supposed to remain in hiding for at least two months. They're supposed to stay behind closed windows, closed doors. Volunteers bring supplies and food to them.
Agent: Maya left her husband six weeks ago, so the killer's gotta wait another two weeks for her to come out. There's a good chance he'll give up. He can't wait forever.
Aaron: Well, a sniper can wait up to seventy-two hours without sleeping.
Agent: Seriously?
David: That's part of their training. They can stay awake for seventy-two hours and reamin completely focused on their target.
Agent: How?
Aaron: By using a mental exercise called fantasy integration. The sniper creates a scenario involving the target that keeps that person at the forefront of their mind.
Derek: Often, they'll imagine a place where they're with the target doing something together that takes time; for example, building a car.
Jennifer: For some, the fantasy begins the minute they're assigned a target, and nothing will distract them.
Agent: So as long as she stays inside, she should be safe, right?
Alex: The problem is staying cooped up for a couple months without a breath of fresh air is hard to do.
David: It's what the sniper's counting on, and she has no idea he's waiting for her.

David: How's the diet going? I just wondered if you were trying to regain those 185 pounds?
Dr. Tara Lewis: No, I think, ehm, I wanna keep them off
David: I'm sorry it didn't work out. But if it's any consolation to you, I've been there, more than once and I'm still standing
Dr. Tara Lewis: Rossi, do you think our basic personalities can ever change?
David: No! Maybe a degree here or there, but I think we come out of the oven fully cooked
Dr. Tara Lewis: It worried me sometimes
David: Why?
Dr. Tara Lewis: I tend to be all in, you know? Damn the consequences
David: That's why you're good at your job! Embrace it

Brenda: [All by herself, alone in the dark, hears something, at loud] Anyone there?
[to herself]
Brenda: Yeah, Brenda, right, 'cause a homicidal maniac hiding in the shadows, is really going to answer you

David: Do you remember what Elvis said when he married us? He said, um...
[in an Elvis impression]
David: "Do you take this woman in sickness and health, for richer, for poorer, as long as you both shall live?"
[Krystall laughs]
David: [normally] And then, for some reason, you started giggling.
Krystall: Yeah, because after you said "I do", he said
[doing her own Elvis impression]
Krystall: "Thank you. Thank you very much."
David: I love that it was funny for us then. It's funny for me now. But I want to have a second chance; this time, no blackjack, no booze, no Elvis. I want to say those vows and mean them. It doesn't matter where or how, as long as I can spend the rest of my life living them with you. Will you give me that chance, Krystall?
[getting down on one knee and presenting an engagement ring]
David: Will you marry me?
Krystall: [taking the ring] Yes. Yes, I'll marry you.
[they kiss; cut to the elevator arriving on their floor, where the team is waiting]
David: She said yes!

David: What is it, kid?
Ashley: We only rescued seven victims today. What about the rest of these?
David: It never ends.
Derek: But today, I think we did good.
David: Yeah, we did.
Penelope: Yeah, if we weren't so exhausted I would toast us.
Aaron: [Hotch comes in] Good work, everybody. Go home and get some rest. Nobody needs to come in until nine... Thirty.
[Hotch leaves]
Penelope: We were supposed to talk... Has he ever left before us?
Derek: Baby girl, I don't blame him. It's been a long-ass day.
Penelope: Well, you heard the man.
David: Go home.

Josh: There's only one way to finish this.
Matt: Game on.

Calvin: [after Reid speaks to a prison guard] What was that?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I was thirsty.
Calvin: [knowing he's lying] I helped you because I like you. You're interesting to me. But if you keep this up, keep thinking the normal rules apply in here, then I cannot help you. And that would be a shame, 'cause I think you're the only innocent man in here. Good luck, brother. You're gonna need it.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Morgellons?
Penelope: There is a Magellan astronomy club that meets on Tuesdays
Dr. Spencer Reid: No Morgellons! M-O-R-G-E-L-L-O-N-S
Penelope: Ah, the vowels will get you
David: Okay, I'll bite: what's Morgellons?

Aaron: This is Special Agent Dr. Reid.
Man: Oh, you look too young to have gone to medical school.
Dr. Spencer Reid: They are Ph.D.'s, three of them.
Man: What, are you a genius or something?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I don't believe that intelligence can be accurately quantified, but I do have an IQ of 187, an eidetic memory, can read 20,000 words per minute.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yes, I'm a genius.

Derek: [opening quote, voiceover] "Fantasy abandoned by reason produces impossible monsters." - Francisco Goya.

Jennifer: I can't get through.
Dr. Spencer Reid: The doors are airtight and the glass is bomb-blast resistant. Our bullets would just bounce off.
Jennifer: Okay, uh, Garcia told everyone we were heading down here, so... wait, did you say airtight? Are we gonna run out of air?
Dr. Spencer Reid: No. High carbon dioxide levels are gonna kill us before low oxygen levels do.
Jennifer: What about the keypad?
Dr. Spencer Reid: On a 0 to 9 keypad, assuming a four digit code, there are 10,000 possible combinations. If you figure five seconds to input each combination, that'll take 13.89 hours, and that's not even accounting the finger fatigue.
Jennifer: Right. So even if we did try, after too many failed attempts, we would probably be locked in here anyway.

Emily: [voiceover] "All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on." -Henry Ellis

Penelope: Looking for past high-risk victims outside of Madison was completely ingenious because now we getting somewhere! I mean fool me once and all that, but don't worry, you're not going to be able to fool me twice because I'm a gonna get you...
Aaron: Garcia!
Penelope: Sorry, sir, I... I am super pumped because I've used my complete and total bad assery-ness to bust and move through layers of local legal bureaucracy!

Luke: So, the apartment building Danny White used to live in is abandoned.
Emily: You have a hunch about something?
Luke: Danny grew up in the neighborhood and up until recently lived here with his mom. So I'm thinking he wants to be someplace familiar.
Stephen: And we did profile he'd need a space to do his thing. An abandoned building would do the trick.
Emily: All right, you two go ahead. Keep me posted.

Emily: So this is the metal detector you had at the legion hall?
Sheriff: Mm-hmm.
Emily: And you made all the truthers walk through it.
Sheriff: Yep.
Emily: And then after that, you brought it back here to the police station, you haven't touched it since?
Sheriff: Mm-mm.
Emily: Sheriff, why didn't you tell us you were gonna do that?
Sheriff: You told us you didn't want to spook the truthers. You also told us the killer might show up, so this was for our protection. Can you tell me I was wrong?
Dr. Tara Lewis: No, Sheriff, you weren't wrong, but it does beg the bigger question: how the hell did Doug get a gun through that thing?
Sheriff: I was hoping you could answer that. You all being the geniuses with this investigation.

Sarah: I have been trying to think of something to say, and thank you just doesn't even come close.
Jennifer: You don't have to thank us.
Sarah: Yes, I do. Do you know how long it's been since someone believed in me? You are just surrounded by darkness. Why do you do it?
Emily: [looks over and sees the families happily reunited] Because of days like this.

Kate: What's his end game?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Fame
[together with JJ]
Jennifer: Fear
[together with Spencer]
Aaron: Probably both, he is a sadist and he is enjoying the panic he is creating.

Penelope: [hugging JJ] Come here. You magical, brilliant unicorn. How did you know? How did you know that the Morgan/Garcia cocktail is exactly what the doctor ordered?
Jennifer: Well, I couldn't stand to see you like this, and I knew that only one person could put that smile back on your baby girl face.

Emily: Local law enforcement has been treating these as burglaries gone wrong, but...
David: The "gone wrong" part could have been easily avoided.
Emily: Exactly. Straight-up burglary, the unsub would have made sure the homes were unoccupied first.
Dr. Tara Lewis: And he wouldn't have wasted time with drownings and cinder blocks. He would have been in and out.
Matt: Yeah, it's pretty obvious the unsub wanted these occupants dead.
Emily: We've got a long flight ahead of us. Wheels up in thirty.

Emily: [to Hotch] You wanted to see me?
Aaron: Yes, the Housten case. I am missing the coroner's supplementary for victim 3.
Emily: That's supposed to come in this afternoon. I just turned in that last night. When do you sleep?

Cat: How was prison? Did you like it?
Dr. Spencer Reid: No.
Cat: It's not fun, is it?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Unlike you, I didn't deserve to be there.
Cat: How did you stay sane? A brain like yours needs stimulation in such a... gray place.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I worked in the laundry room and I played chess.
Cat: That's three, maybe four hours, tops. What about the other twenty?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I read.
Cat: That's still not enough. You have to... go someplace.
[pointing to her temple, indicating her brain]
Cat: Up here. Or else you go crazy.

Aaron: Physics magic?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yes, sir.
Aaron: Reid, we talked about this.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I'm sorry, sir.
Aaron: [smiling] You're really starting to get some distance on these things.

Emily: You want to talk about Kate?
Jimmy: I didn't know her.
Emily: You brought her up.
Aaron: See the way he shifted his weight and cracked his neck? His behavior was consistent until Kate was mentioned.

Penelope: [closing quotation, voiceover] "Courage is grace under pressure." - Ernest Hemingway.

Betty: [Derek and Emily entering the diner] Be right with you.
Derek: It's not even lunchtime yet.
Emily: Well, the sign said people travel miles for Flo's donuts.
Betty: Sorry to keep you waiting! Would like a dozen to share?
[Morgan and Prentiss show their badges]
Betty: Oh, FBI!
Derek: Ma'am, we're trying to trace the steps of a couple that may have been here a few days ago.
Betty: Darling, I've waited on 87 folks since we opened this morning. Someone would have to come through here doing cartwheels on fire for me to remember him.
Emily: Will you take a look anyway please?
Betty: Eh,
[picks up the photos]
Betty: Hm, well I'll be... I do remember them!
Derek: Where they doing cartwheels?
Betty: No! But I was! The lady left me $10 tip for breakfast two days in a row. Nice couple.

David: You were having an affair, weren't you?
Dr. Spencer Reid: You'll be surprised what someone with a broken heart will do

Dr. Spencer Reid: Think about who shares the exact DNA makeup of another person.
Derek: Read, you're not seriously floating around the idea of an evil twin, are you?
Dr. Spencer Reid: No, I'm not. I'm floating the idea of an *eviler* twin.

[as he's introduced to the team]
John: [to Gideon] You look like a college professor.
John: [to Reid] And you look like his student.

Thomas: I don't... hate my father, Mr. Rossi. I don't not care about him. I love him... But I've got to protect my family... That's my priority.
David: All I ask... is that you don't take the possibility of forgiveness off the table. Not yet.

Dr. Tara Lewis: Dr. Rhodes, I've had the opportunity to read some of your published work on behavioral therapy. And I'm quite sure when you started your practice, you did hope to alleviate your patients' suffering.
Dr. Elizabeth Rhodes: It was my hope, and it is my accomplishment as well, Dr. Lewis.
Dr. Tara Lewis: But not for Eddie. He came to you a year ago after his father died in prison, desperate for help. And I get it; you were still raw about Robin's death being ruled an accident. But instead of easing his pain, you selfishly twisted it to gratify your own need for revenge.
Dr. Elizabeth Rhodes: No. I really did no such thing.
Jerome: He's obviously one of those paranoid schizophrenic types who is targeting Robin's assailants all on his lonesome.
Dr. Tara Lewis: We both know that's not why he's killing these men, don't we?
Dr. Elizabeth Rhodes: One reason he may be killing is pure genetics. It's in the blood.
Jerome: You've got nothing to arrest my client, so we're done here. And if I find out you guys are following my client without probable cause, I'm going to sue your asses off.

Jennifer: [calls] Hey, Garcia. I need you to check on an old case in Miami
Penelope: Fingers at the ready

Aaron: We believe whoever poisoned these people was motivated by revenge.
Derek: The randomness of the victimology, average people in an average-sized town, all points to a local resident.
Elle: We know that people who poison for the purpose of revenge primarily act alone.
Aaron: However, he may have manipulated someone close to him to assist him. The unsub usually disposes of these accomplices when they are of no further use to him.
Elle: The unsub is likely a cautious, deliberate, and highly functioning male between the ages of 35 and 50.
Aaron: He chose LSD for a reason. LSD is about altering perception. We think that this unsub is striking out because he feels that's he's been inaccurately perceived by the community, or a subset of it.
Derek: He feels that these attacks will affect and alter a reality that he is caught in, that he perceives to be unjust.
Aaron: He's so self-centered, he believes his victims will know the reason for the attack and who did it.
Dr. Spencer Reid: This individual was savvy enough to use Rohypnol to obstruct our investigation, erasing the memories of the victims of how they were poisoned.
Detective: Hold on. If this guy believes that his victims know who he is, why is he covering his tracks?
Jason: Because these victims aren't his primary targets.
Aaron: We... we know from precedent that this kind of offender, the avenger, tests his weapon first. This attack was a test run.
Detective: A test run for what?
Aaron: We don't know yet. What we do know is this is not the first time he's aired his grievances. While it's not likely that he has a criminal record, it is possible that he has filed criminal charges, or pursued a civil action against his perceived adversaries. And now, to measure the results of his test, he's watching.
Jason: And he wants to see the results of his test. Once he has them, all those years of pent-up rage will be unleashed in the form of a larger attack. Profile indicates a lot of people could die.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [puts a photo next to Maeve's] It's Nikola Tesla. I figured he's probably been inventing things on the other side, so hopefully, he'll bring something to us.

Phil: I don't know the others, but this guy, Paul McEntee, I recognize him. He was a middleman for the Martinez cartel. He greased the wheels that brought the product into the country.
Jennifer: You think he's the CI who gave up Ramos?
Phil: We never knew the identity of the CI, but it's possible.
Luke: If this is an act of revenge for Ramos, I don't think it matters. Anybody associated with the cartel's guilty in his eyes. All right, not only because they ratted him out, they also abandoned him in prison. So he's gonna kill everyone involved, no matter how far removed from his arrest in Mexico.

Jennifer: You know, from this angle she almost looks human!

Ann: Go find my son! You get out and you find Hunter! Get out!
Kate: Ma'am, I understand that this a lot
Ann: You son is missing as well? What a coincidence! Do you even have kids?

Aaron: What have you got, Garcia
Penelope: I'm trying to locate the last ping of Lance's cell phone, but I can't narrow it down to an exact tower yet.
David: How is that possible?
Penelope: Ping-a-cell 101. If I could direct your attention to the map. According to his last ping at 11 pm, the signal was bouncing off a tower in Benson, Arizona.
Aaron: But that doesn't fit the timeline. The security cameras show him entering the airport at 11:10 pm.
Penelope: It doesn't make sense. What makes even less sense is that 5 minutes later, the signal was bouncing off a tower in Drexel Heights 50 miles away.
Jennifer: That's impossible.
Penelope: Yeah, this is what I'm saying. The signal is tower hopping. It's giving a false read.
David: Correctamundo. The signal will automatically bounce to the next available tower even if it's out of the city.
Aaron: That means the unsub's hunting ground may be far bigger than we thought.

Penelope: I was doing some digging because that's what I do...

Penelope: [Hotch has called the team back into the office] You must be peeved.
Alex: I get to Dulles, make it through security, about to board the plane to Boston and bam, I get the call.
Penelope: I say we all demand a vacation.
Dr. Spencer Reid: From who, the guy that works three jobs? Good luck with that.

Thane: Look, I think I'd like my phone call now.
Erin: You could do that, sure.
David: Or, we could play a little game called "Let's Make a Deal."
Liz: I don't want to make any deals without my lawyer.
Alex: Yeah, this one you do. See, this is what somebody did to your boss.
David: You see, Thane, whoever it is that's out there, he managed to get to Jim Peters outside of his apartment.
Jennifer: The person who did that isn't very happy right now, and he is waiting, just waiting to get his hands on someone else connected to your club's operation. And you know what we're gonna do?
Erin: We're gonna let you go.
Thane: You're what?
David: What makes you think that if he was able to get to the big boss, he'd have any trouble getting his hands on you?
Alex: So, like I said, we're gonna let you walk right out of here...
Liz: All right. I'll tell you what you want to know. Just...
Thane: You have to protect me.

Dr. Spencer Reid: What chapter are you on?
Dr. Maeve Donovan: The part where she's at the coal mines.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Say what you will about his writing, Maeve, it's fascinating the way he weaves characters into situations, right?
Dr. Maeve Donovan: Yeah, I mean, I'm not sure what I think of it. It's slightly obtuse.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah, he tends to be that way. I probably should have warned you. He's not really anything like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Dr. Maeve Donovan: Still my favorite. Guess what.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What?
Dr. Maeve Donovan: I think the stalker's gone. The e-mails have stopped.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Really? Since when?
Dr. Maeve Donovan: Two weeks ago.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Why didn't you tell me?
Dr. Maeve Donovan: I wanted to make sure.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What about the phone calls?
Dr. Maeve Donovan: No, I haven't gotten any. No more heavy breathing on the machine, no more hang-ups.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You know, oftentimes when a stalker's advances are completely ignored, their erotomanic fantasies will be diverted to a more receptive target.
Dr. Maeve Donovan: I went to the store yesterday. I even sat in a café and had coffee without my disguise on. Something deep inside my gut tells me he's gone. I think it's over, Spencer.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Well, our instincts exist for a reason. They're definitely a response to specific...
Dr. Maeve Donovan: I want to meet you.
Dr. Spencer Reid: ...environmental stimuli.
Dr. Maeve Donovan: Do you hear me, Spence?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah, I-I... No, I heard you.
Dr. Maeve Donovan: Well, what do you think? I think it's time.

David: Any idea who's behind it?
Penelope: Best guess is that's online collective known as Star Chamber. There one of several justice oriented groups that sprung up in the wake of the Steubenville rape case
Alex: Star Chamber? Interesting name
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's derived from the 17th century British court designed to ensure fair enforcement of laws against the rich and powerful
Penelope: Actually according to my research they named it that because it's also the name of a mediocre, yet awesome Michael Douglas movie from 1983

Dr. Spencer Reid: [has to leave] I.. look, I know we said, eh, no names and no phone numbers, but I would really to do this again sometime... preferably...
Maxine: [Giggling] So, eh, what do you do for the FBI, for real?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I'm, eh, a profiler. I use psychology to find people
Maxine: Good! Find me

Carla: What's the matter?
Wallace: You hate me, don't you?
Carla: I do not hate you. I love you. I love you so much. I want to just eat... you... up.
[to Jesse]
Carla: Do it fast.
Jesse: No.
Carla: Jesse?
[Jesse holds her with the cleaver]
Carla: What are you doing?
Jesse: I spent some quality time with Wallace, Mom. And I've discovered that I've got more in common with him than with you.
Wallace: [holds the gun] Jesse, you put down that cleaver.
Jesse: Just listen to me.
Wallace: No. You listen to me! Don't you hurt her.
Jesse: Do you even know who she is?
Wallace: She's our mother.
Jesse: Mother? She abandoned me! And then she tried to convince me to kill you.
Wallace: You're lying!
Jesse: I'm not!
Wallace: She wouldn't do that.
Jesse: She begged me to do it.
Wallace: Did you say yes?
Jesse: Yeah, I did. But I couldn't go through with it.
Carla: It's not true.
Jesse: I'm like you, remember?

Emily: [Closing Quote] We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us. Joseph Campbell

Emily: Look, I'm only alive because you want something. So what do you want?
Peter: Information that only you have.
Emily: What are you waiting for, then? Dose me with your drugs, the ones that make me see whatever delusion you suggest, and I'll tell you what you want.
Peter: Hmm. I would love nothing more than that. Unfortunately, in your current physical condition, the sevoflourine and scopolamine would send you into a stroke.
Emily: I guess we're at a stalemate, then.
Peter: No. I still have drugs that can make you talk, just different drugs. This is morphine. This is what's making your life very livable right now. Without this, your body will be on fire, and then you really will tell me everything I want. No delusion necessary.

David: Not you too
Emily: You're tired of people asking you how you're doing?

David: So, why did you mutilate Mary Ann's genitalia?
Charles: I didn't mutilate anything.
David: And you cut the other girl, too. And the guy. Sexual punishment across gender lines is... pretty different. I think that somewhere down the line, a man and a woman each made you question your sexuality. You despise both sexes.

Assistant: I want to reiterate that this conversation is on the record. Today is February 1, 2018. This is Assistant Director Linda Barnes sitting with Unit Chief Emily Prentiss. Now, Agent Prentiss, do you know why you're here today?
Emily: I do not.
Assistant: Agent Jareau didn't call you?
Emily: No.
Assistant: [turning off her recorder] We're not off to a very good start, are we? I've asked you one question and you've lied to me. Shall we try that again?
[turning the recorder back on]
Assistant: Did Agent Jareau call you?
Emily: No, Agent Jareau did not call me. I called her to let her know we had another case. She informed me that she had spoken with you, but she did not disclose what was said.

Penelope: Oh and uhm, I came to this wedding by myself, but I will not be dancing by myself. Do you understand me, Dr. Reid?
Dr. Spencer Reid: [reluctant] Yes

Emily: Okay, get back to us
Penelope: You know it. Garcia down, but not out!

Jennifer: Okay, so let's think about this. He has no means of transportation, and he has nowhere to take his victims, so our unsub is starting over again. So, what does he do now? Does he steal another van?
Luke: No. Too risky.
Matt: This is a guy going through the stages of grief. So maybe anger's next.
Jennifer: Well, he could start to lash out, focus his rage.
Luke: Especially if he finds himself near a hospital or a pharmacy. Anywhere there's sick people.
Jennifer: Okay, uh, let's put a warning out to hospitals and clinics to be on the lookout for any suspicious persons loitering in the area, see if they can post extra security at all entrances and exits.

Aaron: So you have arrested the wrong person?
Commander: I brought in a viable suspect for questioning! I had to do something!

Jennifer: [closing quote] Nietzsche said: "When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you"

Sarah: [to Gideon] What wouldn't you do for your son to give him a life you could never hope to dream of?

Aaron: Detective Gordinski.
Captain: Captain, actually. I was promoted two years ago.
Aaron: You remember Dr. Reid.
Captain: Ah, what's it been, six, seven years?
[extends his hand]
Dr. Spencer Reid: The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering. It's actually safer to kiss.
Captain: [Retracts his hand] Ah, yeah, I do remember you.

Emily: We believe the unsub may be a member of the media.
Luke: It's these credentials that likely allow him to easily blend in at the crime scenes, no questions asked.
Emily: We're currently sifting through all local TV, print, and digital journalists in order to build a suspect pool.
Luke: But as you know, Miami's a big market; lots of media outlets, so it'll take some time.
Emily: Now, we aren't sure if he films the crime scenes immediately after the murders or is responding with other news crews.
Luke: Now, we have to think of this unsub in two parts. Okay? The first part, the part he's probably not aware of, is who he's killing. Okay? We believe the victims represent a personal loss.
Emily: It's most likely a maternal figure or a caregiver. The hairclip is his symbolic way of remaking his victims into that woman.
Luke: But the second part, the part that he's very aware of...
Emily: This unsub is obsessed with the media's representation of his murders. His dopamine levels rise when he's on the crime scene watching other people respond to what he's done.
Luke: Right. And they spike later, when he's at home watching his footage on the evening news.
Detective: Sounds like an addict.
Luke: Very much so. He's masking the pain of a childhood trauma by escalating his risks, but that only adds to his power of control and excitement.
Emily: That's why the nickname is a problem. The media is feeding his ego directly, and he will respond in kind.
Luke: Right now, he's planning for the biggest bang possible. Ratings, likes, shares on social media probably all matter to him, so he could be tracking them.
Emily: And because he's no longer focused on public crime scenes, we are asking all of you to cover as much ground as possible inside his hunting zone.
Luke: It's very important that the information shared in this profile is not posted online or leaked to the media.
Emily: Doing so could further embolden him and cause him to escalate. Thank you all.

Emily: [voiceover] "It is only in love and murder that we still remain sincere." - Friedrich Durrenmatt.

Aaron: Reid, how is it going?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Computers slow me down, so I prefer paper, but I wasn't expecting all these comments. Where do people find the time?

Aaron: How did you get by in Paris?
Emily: I... I played a lot of online Scrabble. With some girl named Cheeto Breath.
[Hotch looks back at JJ who is eating from a small bag of Cheetos]

Aaron: [voiceover] "Sooner murder an infant in its cradle than nurse unacted desires." - William Blake.

Aaron: "Nothing can drive one closer to his insanity than a haunting memory refusing its own death" - Darnell Ford.

Luke: Someone's posing as Eduardo Ramos.
Phil: Yeah, but who would do that?
Luke: Whoever it is killed the most feared sicario in Mexico using his own M.O. against him, then did it four more times without us knowing the difference. This guy's more dangerous than we thought.

Derek: S'up, Reid?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Have the cornea or pupils been harmed in any way?
Derek: No, no. Blake said it looked like a very sharp instrument was used.
Dr. Spencer Reid: If he's taking care not to damage the eyes, then line of sight is probably what's important to him.
Derek: So this guy wants them to see what he's doing. Hey, Reid? How are you?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I gotta go.
[hangs up]

Derek: What the hell is that?
Penelope: I've beyond googled this! To the untrained eye it looks totally legit, 'cause someone went to a great length to make the website decent, the articles are well written. But, as my brilliant and bespectacled eyes can see, they all lead to dead ends!

Derek: Hey, Baby Girl. Listen, I need you to check the neighborhood around our crime scenes. See if any unrelated crimes went down before ours
Penelope: Whatever you want, my caramel mocha surprise

Derek: What's he doing?
Dr. Spencer Reid: We've been thinking about this case too linearly. Based on the complexity of the code, it's obvious this UnSub is operating on several different levels, so we need to start thinking in multiple dimensions.

Lee: Hey, Rossi. I do remember you. In the end, you're the reason I stopped.

Jack: You know when a cigarette is best? After sex with me.
David: Mind your manners.
Jack: All right.
David: You're already extorting us for Prentiss' location.
Ashley: So, just out of curiosity, what's like working for Doyle?
Jack: He's not so tough.
Ashley: Wow. I bet you're his hookup, aren't you? I mean, after all, you're the man.
Jack: I could show you how much of a man I really am.
[Rossi moves to Jack]
Jack: All right, all right, all right. Jeez, what's with the sexy cop/bad cop routine? What do you two think...
[Jack gets shot]

Cat: Oh, you're mad at me, aren't you?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Not even a little bit
Cat: Yes, you are, I can tell!
Dr. Spencer Reid: No offense, but you're not really worth getting angry at

Sarah: [Gideon rushes in] My last supper. Like some? Look, it came with a toy

Emily: Derek, oh, my god.
Derek: [they hug] Oh, princess. Princess, princess.
[they let go]
Derek: It is so good to see you. I'm liking your new digs.
Emily: Ohh. I'm not crazy about how I earned them. It's been a tough year.
Derek: Yeah, I heard some of what you've been going through. I mean, not everything. Why didn't anyone tell me that the kid had been arrested?
Emily: Reid made a list of people he was willing to see as visitors. You weren't on it. He was humiliated, and honestly, we were barely keeping it together. Garcia almost quit over it.

Derek: [learning Garcia acts in her spare time] When did you plan on telling me?
Penelope: Oh, I wasn't gonna tell you. We all have things for ourselves. You know, you have property, I have the theater.
Derek: Well, can you at least tell me what it's about?
Penelope: Mm-hmm. It's about a woman who's attacked by a serial killer, but she catches him, and she knocks him out, and she keeps him for days.
Derek: Garcia, of all the plays in the world, you choose something like that?
Penelope: I get to vent.

Derek: You gonna tell me why you missed that flight to Galveston?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I already told you, there was no cell reception.
Derek: [skeptically] Right.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What?
Derek: Reid, any time you want to come up with a better answer, I'm standing right here.

Emily: [voiceover] Friedrich Nietzsche wrote "What really raises one's indignation against suffering is not suffering intrinsically, but the senselessness of suffering."

Emily: What have you got, Garcia?
Penelope: I've got the 411 on that rave that Nancy Santiago was at the night she died. I've sent it all to your tablets. You can follow along if you wish. It is a roving EDM party called Reclamation, and according to their website, their mission is to, quote, "Bring light and rhythm to places long forgotten."
David: Which means?
Penelope: Uh, sir, that's the millennial way of saying "We have illegal parties in abandoned places."

Jennifer: We got a bad one.
[Walks brusquely past Morgan and Garcia]
Derek: How bad?
Jennifer: Florida.

David: We haven't matched dental records of our Jane Doe yet. We're widen the search a 100 miles at the time
Luke: Oh, hopefully she didn't have her cavities filled in Alaska

Jennifer: The boyfriend, we thought he was a teenager, a peer, well, he's older. Much older.
Emily: How do you know?
Jennifer: [showing Emily her necklace] Chelsea saw this around my neck. The look in her eyes was recognition.
Emily: The jewelry the unsub gave Bethany.
Jennifer: Same one. He gave this to Roslyn, who gave it to me. God only knows how many other girls there's been since then. I have been wearing this around my neck, his trophy, this whole time.
Emily: JJ, we will arrest him.
Jennifer: I know. But when we do, I'm gonna need you to keep me away from him, because if I get a chance, I swear to God I will kill him.

Matt: I gotta say, Coleman's bunker was pretty impressive.
Emily: Yeah, but not where I want to spend my last day on Earth.
Matt: Yeah? Where would you?
Emily: Never thought about it.
Penelope: I... I don't want to think about it.
Dr. Tara Lewis: I would definitely be on a beach.
Luke: I think I'd prefer the mountains.
Matt: I'd be with my family.
Jennifer: Same. Spence?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Paris with my mom. She liked Paris.
Dr. Tara Lewis: You know, something tells me Dave has this all planned out.
David: Don't you know it. When the end comes, you'll find me at home enjoying a meal of carbonara a la Rossi, and if there's still time, I will adjourn to my patio to partake in a double Jack and a vintage Don Carlos.
Luke: That sounds great.
Emily: You mind if we join you?

Aaron: Hey, Dan. You know Dave Rossi.
Dan: Sure.
David: We've been here before, haven't we?
Dan: Waco. Ruby Ridge. Freemen standoff. Let's hope someone listens to you guys this time.
David: Oh, they did more than listen. They put us in charge.

Derek: [opening quote] "I swear from the bottom of my heart I want to be healed. I want to be like other men not this outcast nobody wants." - E. M. Forster

Dr. Spencer Reid: Hey. You should be in the office.
Emily: I'm right where I need to be. You okay?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah. I'm okay. How's my mom doing?
Emily: She's doing well. JJ's been by to visit every day since your arrest. She explained everything to your mom. Cassie's been great. That makes a big difference.

David: So, Morgan, when are you and Savannah walking down the aisle?
Derek: Hey, whoa, whoa. Baby steps. Baby steps.
Dr. Spencer Reid: When Derek Morgan says "I do", it'll be a national day of mourning for single women everywhere.

Roberta: Well, well, well. The BAU is just a cornucopia of delicious masculine goodness, isn't it?
David: I heard you were a sweet talker
Roberta: Oh, did you now? What, was it Brown Eyes? Or was it Muscles who told you that?
David: Well, you got me there
Roberta: Aw, you are... you are something special, aren't you? Uh-huh! Silver fox! You have the experience to know how to treat a real woman, don't you?
David: Hm
Roberta: Oh
David: You know, I'd rather talk about you, Bobbi
Roberta: That's sweet of you to say, but...

Penelope: Okay, okay, the TV movie is in hall H at 9:00. Can we go to that?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Absolutely. Do you think we can we make it to the Captains of the Enterprise panel at 11:00?
Penelope: Obvs. Thanks for coming with me.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Of course. I've been knitting this scarf for weeks.
Kevin: Penelope.
Penelope: Kevin. Hi. You came. And you brought a friend. CSU technician Sharp, how are you?
Evidence: Fine. You?
Penelope: I am also fine. Okay, well, see ya.
Kevin: You're not gonna go in?
Penelope: No. Actually, we just went in and it's super lame, so we're leaving.
Kevin: Uh, okay. Oh, great costume.
Penelope: Yeah, you, too.

Derek: [voiceover] We are tied to the ocean, and when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch, we are going back from whence we came. -John F. Kennedy

David: Garcia, remind me never to try to hide from you.
Penelope: Perish the thought, mon ami.

David: [closing quote] "Beware the fury of a patient man" - John Dryden

Luke: Off of bubblegum? For real?
Dr. Spencer Reid: We've seen the use of aerosolized drugs before. One called scopolamine, puts you in a catatonic state. The other's sevoflurane. It's used during dental surgery. It puts you in a suggestible, almost hypnotic trance
Jennifer: And because it is used in dental surgery, it tastes and smells like bubblegum

Penelope: Okay, you know how on 'Star Trek' when Captain Kirk asked McCoy to do something totally impossible, and McCoy says, "Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor not a miracle worker"?
Derek: Hey, what are you telling me? Not to expect a miracle?
Penelope: No, I'm saying I'm not a doctor.

Peter: There is a certain dearly departed team member of yours that I would like to discuss with you.
Emily: Stephen.
Peter: No, not Stephen. This one isn't dead, at least not yet. This agent and I had a little tête-à-tête, and I crossed a line I shouldn't have. I really couldn't help myself, and I started to stalk his son, and do you know what he did, that coward? He went into witness protection. And he has been very difficult to find ever since, so that's what I want to know. I want you tell me where he is, because I know you know.
Emily: [crying] No. Oh, stop. No.
Peter: Yes, Emily. Where is Aaron Hotchner?

Kate: [after distracting the press] Sorry guys, guess you have to capitalize on someone else's trauma today!

Jerry: Molly. Molly!
Molly: Dad.
Jerry: Oh, baby. There's so many things I want to tell you, so many things I want you to know... I love you so much.
Jane: [yells] You have to understand! All I wanted to do was help her.
Molly: [to Jerry] I love you, too.

James: Hey Garcia?
Penelope: Yeah?
James: I've been wanting to do this all night.

David: We appreciate you coming in, Sheryl.
Sheryl: I don't like being back here. I moved away ten years ago, took my name off of everything, just to avoid having to deal with this again.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Because there was no trial, you were never fully debriefed. We need to go over the details of your interactions with Ferell.
Sheryl: I've been doing everything I can to try to forget. It's been a living hell. I'm not sure I can be of much help.
[behind her, out in the bullpen, Luke and Matt lead Ferell in]
Sheryl: All of a sudden, I got the chills.

Derek: What is this?
Aaron: It's a tactical arrest plan. I'd like you to write it up for this case.
Derek: You want me to write up how we apprehend these unsubs without risking the lives of the children.
Aaron: Yes.
Derek: [scoffs] Hotch, I've led dozens of tactical assaults. You've never made me write up one of these before.
Aaron: That's because I always do it for you after each case.
Derek: [scoffs again] You know what? I'm sorry Strauss is coming down on you.
Aaron: This is not about Strauss.
Derek: Really? I disagree. Look, I understand that you're under the gun. But I gotta say it. I'm really not all that surprised. I've watched you walk away from a bunch of cops gunning down unsubs in D.C., you walked in unprotected to a hostage situation in Louisville. Of course the Bureau's worried about you. Man, *I'm* worried about you. But just because you're the one who's under the magnifying glass, that doesn't mean I can't do my job.
Aaron: Morgan, there's a big part of your job that I do for you, because I don't need you worried about paperwork and politics. I need you in the field and focused in catching the next unsub. But I can't do that anymore. I don't have to justify my orders to you, and you do have to follow them.
Derek: I've always followed your orders, when they made sense.

David: I am really sorry. I had to take that.
Carolyn: It's okay. Fruit plate? Whatever happened to the usual bacon and eggs, extra grease on the side?
David: Well, I've changed. Okay, the cantaloupe is for your benefit. When we were married, you were always warning me about clogged arteries.
Carolyn: And you would always say to me...
David: Nobody lives forever.

Derek: So, he parks in the road and then carries the body... what?
Dr. Spencer Reid: 52.6 yards.
Derek: Uphill. So, he's got to be in great shape.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You know, more often than not, prostitutes are murdered and dumped in the same area that they work.
Derek: So, then, why take the time to drive the extra 40 miles outside the city?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Maybe he's already up here. He picks them up downtown, takes them to a secondary location, kills them, and gets rid of the body as fast as possible.
Derek: Which means he lives nearby, in the suburbs.
Dr. Spencer Reid: With 76,728 other people.

Aaron: Garcia, if he does stream this again, how much time will you need to find the network?
Penelope: Oh, uh, that's hard to guess with all the international pinging, I...
Aaron: Ballpark?
Penelope: Eh, 7 minutes?
Aaron: That's not fast enough! He's in and out of the house in 5
Penelope: Oh God, I going to have to trim my time down, then!

Jennifer: Go ahead, Garcia.
Penelope: You were spot-on, crime fighters. Military records match. Francis Goehring, forty-two years old. Did a year in the Army, before a bad conduct discharge. Highlight of which was an arrest during a bar brawl in which three other people were hospitalized. Uh, he also appears in the federal database for - get this - aggressive militia groups.
Jennifer: Aggressive militia groups. Is there any other type?
Penelope: Mm-hmm. That's your federal government at work. We specialize in redundancy.

Penelope: [on the phone] Correct. Penelope Grace Garcia, technical analyst, badge number 0019er0. I am with International Response Team Special Agent Matt Simmons. Yeah. I know, but SSA Spencer Reid hasn't been reinstated yet, so... oh, my god. I know this is protocol, but you need to stop asking me questions and send backup to the coordinates I just gave you right now, please.
[Matt slams the brakes before he hits the spike strips Scratch laid out, and they see the totaled SUVs]
Penelope: And medical. Send lots of medical.

Officer: I'll never forget the look in that kid's eyes. It was like he was ready to die. They say the worst part about being a cop... is watching innocent people die in front of you... They were right.

David: [referring to JJ and Will kissing] Get a room, you two.

Aaron: If there is something in this profile that you're not agreeing with, I'd like to know what it is
Luke: You're not gonna like it
Aaron: Then everybody should hear it

David: Irish statesman and author Edmund Burke once wrote:"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." This job isn't just what I do, it's who I am.
Devin: Is it worth it?
David: For every life we save? Damn right it is.
Derek: Absolutely it's worth it.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I can't imagine doing anything else.

Larry: Agent Hotchner? I'm not a murderer!
Aaron: Yes, you are! And I'm gonna find out who turned you into one

Aaron: We believe we're looking for a white male in his late 20s to early 30s.
Deputy: Wait, wait, wait. I'm sorry, I thought we were looking at black gangbangers.
Derek: The unsub has been staging the crime scenes to make it look like black gangs and undocumented immigrants were responsible.
Deputy: Why would anyone do that?
Jennifer: We think he's trying to create some sort of racial conflict.
Dr. Spencer Reid: In 1969, Charles Manson orchestrated the Tate-LaBianca murders, in the hopes of creating a race war between the blacks and whites that he referred to as "Helter Skelter".
David: A name he stole from a Beatles song.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Members of the Manson family left watermelon rinds at the scene of the crime and also painted panther paws on the wall in blood in the hopes of convincing authorities that the Black Panther Party was responsible.
Aaron: Hate groups like the Aryan Nation believe that race war is not only inevitable, but necessary.
Emily: Our unsub may be a member of one of these groups. Aryan gangs have a strong presence in prison, so he may be an ex-con, or even possibly related to a convict.
David: We think he may also be some kind of zealot. He believes his war is already being fought, and these murders are a mission to him.
Jennifer: And like a solider, he is willing to put himself in harm's way.
Dr. Spencer Reid: The unsub may also be vulnerable somehow. Weak-minded or even lonely. His cause gives him a sense of power and belonging.
Derek: He's physically fit enough to move dead bodies, so he's probably young.
David: But not so young as to be impulsive. These attacks took planning and focus, so he's disciplined.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He uses Oxycodone to drug his unwilling partners. But he does so without killing them, which means he's knowledgeable about dosages.
Emily: And Oxy is expensive, so look at medical care professionals and caregivers, anyone with access to to prescription drugs.
Aaron: This unsub is dedicated and driven. Makes him especially dangerous. Surrender's not likely part of his strategy.

Penelope: You may be a wizard, but I am an oracle of the highest order

Emily: [Prentiss has the unsub by the throat] Fantasy's over. Is that what you did to them? You hit them to shut them up? Then forced them to play along with your sick delusion.
Joe: I loved them.
Emily: [scoffs] You're finally gonna meet your soul mate Joe... in prison. Only you're not going to be able to push him around the way you did those women. And when he comes for you, in the middle of the night, when you're least expecting it you do me a favor... play along.

Rhonda: Sexual harassment isn't always a quid pro quo arrangement. Maybe it's a conversation between two co-workers that makes you feel uncomfortable. Maybe these co-workers use phrases like, "Baby girl." "Chocolate thunder. " Or, "Where's my big black twelve-pack?"
Penelope: [whispers] Who blabbed?
Rhonda: And that creates a what? A hostile work environment. So, messages like, "More cushion for the pushing" Not appropriate. "I'll be Coco to your Ice-T." Not appropriate. "Flarpy blunderguff." I don't even know what that means.
[Garcia receives a text message]
Rhonda: But, not appropriate. Ms. Garcia, you really have to stay for this.
Penelope: I'm sorry, but I got... I... I have to... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so... I'm so, so sorry.
Rhonda: Not appropriate.

David: We think he may have burned himself, right? Maybe he was in some sort of accident during that time
Stephen: What kind of accident?
David: No idea!
[Walker frowns at him]
David: What? Alvez doesn't have a monopoly on grasping at straws

Derek: He's got the placed lined with C-4. We've only got three minutes.
Dr. Spencer Reid: This seems too easy. Zugzwang also means a dilemma in chess where the best move is not to move at all.
[Blake stands up after Reid unlocks all locks]
Dr. Spencer Reid: Wait, don't get up! It's a pressure sensor.
[the door closes]

Adam: Hey, can I ask you a question?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah.
Adam: Um... you've seen bad stuff right?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I have. Yeah.
Adam: How long before you can close your eyes without it being there?
Dr. Spencer Reid: [long pause] I'm afraid I still don't know.

Georgia: Every time I think it can't get anything worse, it does!

Jason: Playwright Eugene Ionescu said, "Ideologies separate us. Dreams and anguish bring us together."

David: Well, what kind of homicides are we talking about?
Zoe: Okay. Um, a man was shot in the park, a prostitute was found with her throat slashed, a couple was found shot in their car, a woman was killed in a burglary
David: Do you know what three things profilers look at to link serial crimes?
Zoe: Victimology, modus operandi and signature
David: Good! So were the victims similar?
Zoe: No
David: Was the MO consistent?
Zoe: No
David: Was the signature consistent?
Zoe: Not that I am aware of
David: Then there is no obvious reason to suggest that this spike in violence was due to a serial killer

Patty: I don't understand why those boys agreed to a polygraph.
Jeff: They didn't. They suggested it.
Jennifer: It's a countermeasure. They're trying to manage perceptions trying to prove they don't have anything to hide.
Jeff: They know where Kate is right now.
Jennifer: Well, we don't know that for sure.

Aaron: [closing, voiceover] "A man is known by the silence he keeps" - Oliver Herford

Jennifer: [calling] Garcia?
Penelope: Whacha got, Mama Grizzly?

[Morgan just saved Reid from a teenaged unsub who had a gun pointed at Reid's head]
Dr. Spencer Reid: What happened?
[As he pins the unsub to the ground]
Derek: Him bringing us down here was way too much of a coincidence.
Dr. Spencer Reid: No, I got that. Did you have to tackle us both?
Derek: You're welcome Reid.

[first lines]
Jonny: No one sees *True Night*, what's really there in the dark. It's not that they can't see, they simply don't. They feel an elemental force that scares them into deepest reaches of their minds. But they refuse to see the actual source. Something watching them just out of their reach. Something cold and frightening. Something inhuman.

Penelope: In the last five years, there have been two dozen missing person cases, mostly runaways, and young females.
Emily: So we have two waves of abductions: teen runaways and accomplished women. Dr. Childs was an obstetrician. What if some of the other runaways were pregnant?
Jennifer: Joanna said Chrissy was cleaning up her act before she disappeared. What if she was pregnant, too? Garcia, can you...
Penelope: In the flashiest of flashes, yes, I can. Uh... yeah, here's a medical chart from a downtown free clinic. Chrissy was pregnant. Two months, to be exact.
Jennifer: Okay, I get the unsub taking teen runaways. He probably figured fewer people would be looking for them. But why go out of his way to abduct pregnant ones?
Emily: And what happened to the babies?

Fiona: I know you're aware of this, but I need to remind you that everything we discuss is covered by attorney/client privilege. It's confidential. Not even Emily will know what we've discussed.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I understand. Thank you.
Fiona: Okay. So, tell me about what happened down in Mexico.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I did not kill her.
Fiona: Okay. I'm just asking what happened.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Sadly, I... I don't know.
Fiona: That's a problem. Because I don't need you to be innocent, but I do need you to be able to assist in your own defense.
Dr. Spencer Reid: There's a lot I don't remember.
Fiona: Okay. I want to be very clear about this. I'm not here to judge you. I'm here to defend you. My goal is a simple one: to keep you out of jail. But in order to do that, I need a narrative. Your story. If you killed her, I can work with that. But what I can't work with is a client who lies to me, because those lies will always come back to bite us in the ass. And by "us", I mean you. Lying to me could mean the difference between going home or spending the rest of your life in a cage. Do you understand me?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yes.
Fiona: Good. Because I need to know everything. I don't care how bad it makes you look. I need to know.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Okay.
Fiona: Let's start with what you're not telling Emily.

Penelope: [aggitated] All work and no play, huh? All work and no play? You just wait until I am through with you!
[picks up ringing phone]
Penelope: What?
Derek: Garcia, I need a rundown on a guy
Penelope: No!
Derek: What?
Penelope: The information super highway is closed.
Derek: What you're talking about?
Penelope: Someone had the nerve to run a black hat op into my computers, Morgan. They hacked me, okay? You can bet your sweet ass I will find them! I've got honey pot farms hidden behind UML kernel data packets and a first generation honey net I personally programmed. My snort logs every visitor, every server request, every keystroke on this entire network. If I had to backtrack his IP all the way to the freaking stone age, I will find this son of a bitch! So bye

Emily: Back in the '90s, you got into trouble with the law down in Florida; embezzling, writing bad checks. Then you moved to Ramona, you changed your identity, and you hid out in the canyon.
David: And then right before they flooded the canyon, you packed up again and took off.
Emily: Now, lo and behold, you are back at the exact same time these murders started up.
Casey: News flash: I was in jail when the first guy got killed.
David: Well, that guy you were hassling out on the dock, what was that all about?
Casey: You can ask all the questions you want. I'm done talking.

David: I, eh, may be able to hit on some old contacts, but I need to do it alone
Emily: Contacts?
Derek: Do we want to know?
Emily: Best not

Emily: Shaun Tate was married with a daughter. He practiced maritime law in Baltimore. Meanwhile, Anthony Nakamura was a criminal defense attorney in Rockville, married and divorced twice but no children.
Jennifer: Okay, well, here's some kind of connection. Both men were in the same graduating class in college; Wiltmore University.
Penelope: [entering with a laptop in hand] Ladies, you're gonna want to look at this security footage that I just found. It was taken in the parking lot of Anthony Nakamura's office. It is the night before he was reported as a missing person.
Jennifer: [watching the tape] So it looks like Nakamura's on his way home for the night when this young woman comes up to him in need of some kind of assistance.
Emily: Assistance or solicitation?
Jennifer: Okay, but doesn't it look more like she's telling him a sob story? Like she's in need of a ride.
Penelope: Yeah, and he's more than willing to be her knight in shining Beemer.
Emily: But the Rockville police said the last person who reported seeing Nakamura alive was his law partner, Geoffrey Flores.
Penelope: Uh-huh. This was taken minutes after that.
Emily: Meaning this woman is actually the last person who saw Nakamura alive, and she may very well be the reason he's dead.

David: 7 hours. A proper addict could kill a whole pack. Did you ever smoke?
Emily: I used to do a lot of things

Dr. Castro: Fifty-three stab wounds to the lower abdomen and genitals. The damage made it impossible to determine if there was any sexual assault.
David: That might be a forensic countermeasure.
Dr. Castro: Here's my report. Stay as long as you need. Her mother should be here in an hour.
David: Hell of a way to see her after two years.

Emily: What was that?
Jennifer: Bureaucratic red tape. Every case we take, I have to explain why, in terms of cost and size relative to the BAU. They don't always think it's worth it.
Emily: They do have four agents doing the work that locals should.
Jennifer: Just because there isn't a dead body doesn't mean we shouldn't take the case.
Emily: Hey, I... the fact that law enforcement, including the FBI, can't help someone until they've been injured is appalling. All I'm saying is it is a drain on the system.
Jennifer: Emily. Last year in Denver, a woman was being harassed by her ex-boyfriend. Cops knew who we was, but they couldn't arrest him. We didn't take that case. She was finally granted a restraining order three days after he threw acid in her face. Right now, I don't... I don't care about limited resources. I cannot make that same mistake again.

Aaron: Does she have a sealed juvie record?
Penelope: Why didn't I think of that? See, this is why you're the boss man and I am the minion who types things!

Jordan: This is Orange County, California. Ten days ago, Judy Hannity, a real estate worker and a mother, was shotgunned on the 91 freeway.
Emily: She survived this?
Jordan: Barely. She's paralyzed from the waist down. The second and third victims were both DOA. There were different vehicles for each shooting. A small black SUV, a black sedan, a white sedan. No makes, no plates.
Derek: No solid witnesses?
Jordan: The first victim described the shooter as a normal, middle-aged white guy in an SUV.
Aaron: She gave that description but she couldn't remember anything else?
Jordan: Isn't that consistent with trauma?
Emily: Uh, actually, no. Trauma victims either remember everything or nothing.

Matt: Well I talk to Tom Mitchell and Toby Stemple's wives and they both swear their husbands would never frequent prostitutes
Dr. Tara Lewis: Well, they never do, until they do

Emily: Of the twenty self-described pickup artists in the area, there's only one guy who encourages his students to dress like, uh, space cowboys.

Dr. Spencer Reid: With these three press conferences, we can prove to the Inspector General's office that Hotch's 911 call was spliced together.
David: That's a good start, but they're not gonna listen to anything we have to say until we give them a viable suspect.
Jennifer: Yeah, especially with explosives in play. They planted enough on Hotch to make it look like he was ready to blow up a city block.
David: Okay, back to basics. Someone's framing Hotch. Who'd want to?
Dr. Spencer Reid: He's put away a lot of people. We've seen the lengths that Chazz Montolo went to against Morgan for revenge. We shouldn't underestimate anything.

Dr. Spencer Reid: I know what the secret is.
Cat: You do?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Why else would you put me through all this?
Cat: Ooh. Phrasing it in the form of a question. That way it doesn't count as a guess. Very smart, Doctor.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I'm gonna walk you through a scenario and your face is gonna tell me how close I am. From the moment I arrested you, you watched and waited for the right time to take your revenge. When you learned I was going to Mexico, you took it. You and Lindsey framed me for murder so I'd be put in prison and treated like a criminal, and then you kidnapped my mother so I would know how it feels to have a parent manipulated, because you want to prove that you and I are the same. Am I right?
Cat: [yawning] Mm. Sorry, I couldn't hold that in any longer. What were you saying?

Penelope: [Picks up her phone] BAU, tech centre, where you should definitely pay attention to the girl begin the curtain

Luke: [Looking at the pictures of the victims] Good looking man in their thirties, that's not a victimology we see a lot of
David: They're usually the unsub

Coroner: Four layers of fatty tissue sliced through like butter. I only seen that three other times.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You worked this case initially?
Coroner: Yeah, you don't forget victims like this. It's like they were dissected.
Emily: I can still smell the alcohol on him.
Coroner: This *is* New Orleans. Dead or alive, it's a smell you get used to.

Emily: Hey, FBI.
Officer: Seriously?
Emily: Yeah, what can you tell us?
Officer: Eh, white male, been dead for hours, the medics say it was a brain aneurism.
Derek: Mind if we take a look at the scene?
Officer: Knock yourselves out.

Penelope: Okay, guys, I just got Samantha Malcolm's medical records, and... oh, my God, she was doomed. Like Emily Bronte doomed, like Shakespeare doomed, like red-shirted ensign in "Star Trek" doomed.

Aaron: [voiceover] Thomas Hardy wrote: "And yet to every bad there is a worse"

Penelope: Richard or Robert and no last name... so my judgement is that Bartholomew or Oglethorpe with no last name would be easier...

Penelope: [about Tara's selfies] She knew where to tow the line between right and raunchy.

Aaron: Was she able to give a description?
Jennifer: Not much of one. White guy, about 6 feet tall. That's about it
David: Well, that narrows the search

David: You're eleven. That's a fun age.
Jennifer: Yeah.
David: What was going on?
Jennifer: My parents weren't doing well. There was a lot of fighting.
David: Did that contribute to Roslyn's depression?
Jennifer: It did. But she'd always make time for me.

Benjamin: Acknowledge Him in all things and He will guide your way. Drink to acknowledge Him and I will guide our way.

Jennifer: [bringing Jack and Henry to the BAU after Hotch's arrest] It's bad.
Dr. Tara Lewis: How much did they see?
Jennifer: All of it. Which is why I figured this is the safest place to bring them.

Penelope: [while entering the plane] How come I only get to travel with you guys only like every two years?
Derek: Trust me mama, it can get old
Penelope: Oh, right, like the way spa treatments in five star hotels can get old
Emily: Remember the time we get onboard and they hadn't chilled the Cristal?
Derek: Oh, I almost quit the BAU that day!
Penelope: Hey, you know what? You guys can joke all you like, 'cause I am never leaving this plane!

Emily: According to the intake report, Catherine was an aspiring actress who went off her psychiatric medications when she was pregnant with her daughter. She had a minor part in *The Merry Wives of Windsor* 16 years ago when she became floridly psychotic. She was convinced the other actresses were the Devil's wives, so she stabbed one of them.
Detective: Is that when she was admitted here?
Emily: No, not yet. It seems she had a son and a daughter. After fleeing the theater, she chopped off the left arm of her infant daughter.
Jennifer: Why would she do that?
Emily: To make the child less appealing to the Devil. She believed that killing the Devil's wives was her mission on Earth, which is what our UnSub is doing now.

Floyd: I've told you: never touch my stuff!

Dr. Spencer Reid: Female serial killers are a fascinating field. We don't have much information on them, but what we do know involves throwing the rules completely out the window. Signature, for instance. They don't torture or take trophies.
Derek: Because there's no sexual gratification when a woman kills.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Exactly. Murder is the goal. They don't have to do anything extra.

David: [opening quote] "Change is the law of life, and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." - John F. Kennedy

Emily: Danny told me what he did to Kyle. Do you know what he did?
Dan: Yes, we know.
Emily: Everything he did? Danny stuffed... plane parts down Kyle's throat.
Dan: What?
Capt. Lancaster: Oh, God.
Dan: He wouldn't do that.
Emily: You told Danny to watch his temper. What else did you worry about? Danny said you had a puppy, but he died. Your son is ill, and he needs help. The truth is, the only thing Danny isn't capable of is remorse. He feels nothing. The son you were trying to protect... is a sociopath.

Jennifer: Central Plains. Right in the middle of Tornado Alley.
Dr. Spencer Reid: If this UnSub is using tornadoes as a forensic countermeasure, then Kansas certainly is the ideal setting. Tornadoes do pose a significant threat. During this year's Super Outbreak back in April, there were 336 confirmed tornadoes in just several days, resulting in over 300 lives lost.

Dr. Spencer Reid: In fact the shallow puncture wounds and short bite could indicate a bite from the bitis Atropos or pseudonaja textilis
David: English, kid!

Amanda: I was supposed to be home by 11:00. That's my curfew. But there was a party and I stayed out all night. My mom, she was really mad at me. She texted me.
Jennifer: Oh, sweetie, she wouldn't have stayed mad at you. Okay? Please believe that.
Amanda: She said she was disappointed in me. That's the last text she sent. And I ignored it.
Emily: Teenagers break curfew. It's normal. I'm sure she loved you very much.
Jennifer: Amanda, we need your help to find whoever did this. We need to ask you some difficult questions, okay?
Amanda: Okay.
Emily: Ron Fergusson said that you new about him and your mom. Is that true?
Amanda: Yeah.
Jennifer: He said you threatened to tell your dad about the affair.
Amanda: Well, that was just to keep him away from my mom. I... I didn't really want to tell my dad. I... I didn't want him to know.
Jennifer: How come? Because of the pills?
Amanda: Yeah. Yeah, after my dad broke his leg, he got addicted. And, um... it was really bad for a while.
Jennifer: And that's when your mom started having the affair?
Amanda: He was always yelling, at everybody, even Kevin. And my mom and him almost split up. Then he worked really hard to get clean. I didn't want to tell him about Ron because I didn't want him to give up. He was doing NA and everything, and he was doing really good, and then my mom even though so, and so when he got his six month chip, she broke up with Ron.
Emily: How did Ron feel about that?
Amanda: Okay, I guess. I mean, I'm pretty sure he was already seeing somebody else. Things were just starting to get good again. I thought I was getting my family back.
Amanda: Why did this happen? Why is my family dead?

Jennifer: We profiled the unsub as delusional. What if Stoughton being a great-great-great whatever is just part of his delusion?
Aaron: Or the discovery of being a direct descendant triggered the delusion.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He'd look into his ancestry.
Sgt. Joe Mahaffey: That would be easy to do here. Salt Lake City has the largest family history library in the world.

Jennifer: [Yawns] Oh, I'm sorry
Derek: Wow, kids really are game changers, aren't they?
Jennifer: Yeah, how is it that I wake up more exhausted than when I went to bed?
Derek: Why don't you try to get some shut-eye before we land?
Jennifer: Oh, trust me, I tried! It's not happening
[looks at her phone]
Derek: Hey Rossi, I remember Reid told me once, eh, I think it went something like this:
[mimics Reid]
Derek: "Hey Morgan, you know electronics, they emit a sleep depriving type of blue light that prevent you from falling asleep at night"
David: Yeah, I remember that. Actually it was more like, uhm
[mimics Reid]
David: "Studies show that we need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night"
[Both chuckle; they look at JJ who fell asleep]
David: Works like a charm!

Dan: I want the parabolic arc mikes fixed on every window in that structure.
Techie: They won't pick up much. They have blinds on all the windows. Unless they're shouting, the glass won't vibrate enough for us to get an audio.
Dan: Well, if they're not shouting, these bugs will pick 'em up. At least until the batteries die.

Lt. Evans: Being in a gang shortens your life expectancy, so it's no big surprise when a gangbanger ends up dead.

Penelope: Now, I can't tell you who the unsub is pretending to be now, but since a picture is worth a thousand databases, I can tell you who he was

Dr. Spencer Reid: The verses.
Jason: Found something?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Uh, not an answer. A question. I... I found the full text; he's pretty much following it to a "T", at least the... the Death side of the conversation.
Jason: But?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Why didn't he leave them at the first three murders? I mean, this ballad is ten verses long, just on the Death side. He's got plenty to work with. But if it's not part of his signature, if it isn't something that he has to do for an emotional reason, then, I mean, why start?
Jason: JJ. Find out when the press ran the first story on this unsub.
Jennifer: When?
Jason: After which victim.
Jennifer: Yeah, you got it.
Derek: What are you thinking?
Jason: He wasn't getting enough attention.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Police departments sometimes don't even realize they're looking at a pattern.
Derek: Yeah, until somebody tells them.

David: [opening, voiceover] "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." - Charles Caleb Colton

Derek: [the team has two days to break a detained terrorist] We have two days to do what the CIA hasn't managed in two months?
Jason: We could be looking at the first attack on our soil since 9/11.

Aaron: [voiceover] Gandhi said, I have seen children successfully surmount the effects of an evil inheritance. That is due to purity being an inherent attribute of the soul.

[last lines]
Stephen: Uh, I just got a text. Reid isn't eligible for the Bureau's legal assistance.
Emily: What?
Stephen: He was never briefed. And he wasn't in Mexico on government business. They won't represent him.
Emily: Oh, god. We're on our own.

Derek: Preston's a part of this. I know he is. You should have seen him in there.
Emily: Well, he's a racist and a little shady, maybe, but a murderer?
Derek: It may be just a feeling, but I know he's in this. We just need to figure out how.

Sheriff: [referring to high-school bullying] Oh, boys have a way of working these things out for themselves.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I'll say: Owen's out there right now working things out with an assault rifle.

Aaron: [about Garcia getting shot] I don't care about protocol, I don't care whether we're working this officially or not. We don't touch any new cases until we find out who did this.

Aaron: Upscale restaurant?
Detective: Well, let's just say that I don't go, unless it's on someone else's dime

William LaMontagne Jr.: How are you?
Jennifer: Um, he... he gave me the front seat.
William LaMontagne Jr.: Stephen did?
Jennifer: Yeah. I was all set to sit in the back, but he got there first, and I... so is it time to call it? That was the deal, right? If it got too scary, one of us could call it, not today, not this week, after we find Emily.
William LaMontagne Jr.: Well, if I remember, you would be a full-time mom, and I would run a breakfast place.
Jennifer: Mm, and I'd go to all the PTA meetings. You'd come home smelling like grease.
William LaMontagne Jr.: [he laughs softly] It's tempting.
Jennifer: Hmm. Yeah. So, do you want to call it?
William LaMontagne Jr.: You see these rings? We've worn them for five years, but I've loved you for ten.
Jennifer: Hasn't been easy.
William LaMontagne Jr.: No, but I wouldn't trade a single day, not even the awful ones like today. And I'll do whatever you want to do, but...
Jennifer: Oh, thank god. Neither do I.

Emily: We all know the stats. If we don't find these kids with the next 24 hours, we'd be looking at body recovery. Can't let that happen

Aaron: Your client was arrested as we were closing in on his brother. You're telling me that was a coincidence?
Mark: I'm going to "yes, and" you. Yes, and I can prove it in a court of law.

[last lines]
Dylan: You're here.
Helen: Well, of course I am. My place is here now, with you.
Dylan: But, I thought...
Helen: We don't ask for the gifts that we're given, Dylan. They're just part of us. This is a duty. And if I ever doubted before, I don't now. This is my calling. Ever read The Thousand and One Nights?
Dylan: No, what is it?
Helen: Oh, it's a wonderful book. I think you'll like it. "She comes like fullest moon on happy night. Taper of waist shaped like magic might. Her eye hath glances to quell mankind. And ruby of her cheeks reflect this light. Enveils her hips, the blackness of her hair. Beware of curls that bite with viper bite."

Aaron: G.K. Chesterton wrote, "Fairy tales do not tell children dragons exist. Children already know the dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed."

Ashley: Sir, the BAU is going to find the man that hurt your wife. And when they do, you'll probably learn that he has a family.
Drew: I'm sorry.
Ashley: A lot of craziness is gonna go on all at once, and the family won't be able to tell you. They'll be afraid. they won't know how to approach you. But they'll be very sorry. They'll wish they could have done something to stop him. They'll wish things could be different. They would do anything for things to be different... I just want to apologize for them.
Drew: ...Would you like to come in?
Ashley: No, I should get back.
Drew: It would just be for a minute. Heather, my daughter, she's afraid. It might make her feel better knowing there's an FBI agent here.
Ashley: Okay. Just for a minute.
[Jacobs closes the door]

Derek: [to a suspect with a crowbar in his hands] I've got a bullet that travels 1500 feet a second! How fast do you think you can get to us with that thing? Let's go! Put it down

Jennifer: [opening quote] "Revenge, the sweetest morsel to the mouth, cooked in hell" - Sir Walter Scott

Jennifer: Did the police checked to see whether any large, predatory animal has escaped from Central Park zoo?
Penelope: Every last creature has been accounted for, down to the last penguin

Penelope: Oh, you crafty little sicko.

Derek: [On the phone] What you got, baby girl?
Penelope: What I've got is fail, fail, and more fail
David: Remember Thomas Alva Edison, Penelope: "I have not failed, I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work"
Penelope: Okay, let me rephrase what I just said: I currently waist-deep in what's not working

Derek: [closing, voiceover] Frederick Douglass said, "It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men."

Dr. Tara Lewis: There's been a strange spike in questionable opiate overdose deaths here in Los Angeles, and I think it's worth us taking a look.
Emily: We are right now. What do you see?
Dr. Tara Lewis: Well, of the most recent cluster of ODs, there are seven cases that look suspicious. All of them died within 24 hours of completing rehab.
David: Well, there are a lot of explanations besides homicide, though.
Luke: Yeah, most addicts go back to their original dose from before they kicked, and their bodies can't tolerate it. They go into shock.
Matt: Or their heroin could be laced with fentanyl, which is fifty to a hundred times more potent. They only use a little, and that's all it takes to kill them.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Except we're not talking about heroin users here.
Luke: Arm tied off, fresh needle marks, complete system shutdown. They look like heroin overdoses to me.
Dr. Tara Lewis: I'm talking about the reason they went to rehab in the first place. They all checked in for different problems; cocaine, methamphetamine, alcohol. But after treatment, they all died of a heroin overdose. At least that's the pattern that was presented to me.
David: That is odd. Most addicts relapse on their original drug of choice.
Emily: Tara, who presented this case to you?
Dr. Tara Lewis: Uh... a Dr. Daryl Wright. He's my... he's my ex-husband.
Penelope: He's your what what what?

David: [in 1992, Rossi is at the morgue] He held her but he didn't feed her, so she's weak. It's his sadistic way to subdue her.
Dr. Castro: Several defensive wounds on her hands and forearms. She put up a hell of a fight.
David: Atta girl.

Jennifer: [a bar patron hits on Rossi] Who was that?
David: That was the fourth Mrs. Rossi, if I'm not careful.

Emily: [Prentiss has bid on a house for sale] I can't believe I'm doing it. I mean, it's probably not gonna work out anyway, right? There are five other sealed bids, and I offered way below what the owners are asking.
Jennifer: Uh huh. Sounds to me like someone's hoping they don't get it.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Orthophobia: fear of owning personal property.
Emily: No, I don't have a fear of owning stuff. Turn me loose in a shoe store, I'll prove that. My fear is personal property that weighs three hundred tons.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Actually, depending on materials used, square footage, and horizontal versus vertical construction, the average house only weighs about sixty tons.
Emily: [sarcastically] Well, thanks for that, Reid. I feel light as a bird already.

Robert: The guy that took my wife... he took the other missing women, didn't he? He's a serial killer, that's why you're here?
Aaron: No, we're here to help you find your wife.
Robert: You do believe she's alive?
Aaron: Unless I have evidence to the contrary, I very much consider her to be alive.

Derek: What did you guys drink last night?
Penelope: The green fairy. You're in the FBI; could you get the entire crowd to stop cheering?

Emily: We never get to say goodbye the way we want, and when we deal with a loss so sudden and cruel, our emotions can overwhelm us. Stephen Walker was a good agent, but he was a better man. He made the world a better place, and we can honor him by doing the work he never got to do.

Marvin: Thank God you showed up.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Marvin Caul, can I just say I'm a huge fan. I saw you perform at the Lotus Inn back in 1977 when I was a little kid and I always wondered what happened to you.
Marvin: Time. Time has not been kind.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Here, let me give you a ride to the station.
Marvin: Ah.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I can't imagine how hard it must have been for someone of your talent to stay hidden for so long. I mean, weren't you dying to get back out there?
Marvin: Of course. And I have a plan. I am going to book a stage at the Rio.
Dr. Spencer Reid: So, that's what the money was for. You know, I have to say, it's absolutely brilliant. You found the perfect population to steal from and someone else to do your dirty work. I tip my hat to you.
Marvin: Ha-ha. I have no idea what you're saying.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What I'm saying is that you're going to be charged with murder, and the first one will be Carrie's. I'm assuming you killed her because your ego got in the way when she left you to work for another magician. Am I right?... Look, Marvin, there's no place to go. You're a very clever man and you know how to read a situation. Tell me where Carrie's body is and at least you'll get recognition for what you accomplished in the tunnels.
Marvin: ...She's buried at the abandoned construction site. Did you really see me at the Lotus Inn?
Dr. Spencer Reid: The truth?
Marvin: I can't abide lies.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I wasn't even born yet.

Penelope: And that's why we were able to get a match on his prints so fast.
Derek: You've always been fast, baby girl.
Penelope: [freezes] Eh, yeah. Got to go!
[hangs up]

Aaron: Claude may have kidnapped those boys on his own, but you put the events of the last few days in motion for a reason.
Antonia: And you want me to tell you what it is. Well, you're going to have to prove you got a little bit more going on than a fancy title and nice suits to deserve an answer.
Aaron: When you were fourteen, you missed almost a year of school due to an unspecified illness. During the same year, a 15-year-old boy on a neighboring farm was killed in a hunting accident. I think these two events were related. You weren't ill. You were pregnant, and the neighbor boy was the father of your child. Your father, the German minister, the authoritarian, punished you for breaking the rules. He made you have the baby at home, and he murdered your boyfriend.
Antonia: Go on.
Aaron: At first, we profiled you as an extreme narcissist, but that's just a cover. You're actually full of self-loathing. And every time you killed a runaway teen, you were killing yourself or your boyfriend for lacking discipline. What happened to your baby, Antonia?
Antonia: I can't tell you that. But as a reward for being so clever, I will tell you this. There's a storm coming, Agent Hotchner, and you're about to be swept away.

Emily: How fast can you get us up to speed?
Jennifer: How fast can you sit down?

Penelope: [Typing on her computer] I don't think I'm gonna find anything and I am rarely wrong, so...
[a result pops up]
Penelope: I'm wrong!

Penelope: Give it to me
Derek: Hey Baby, can you pull up a map of the crime scene area for me?
Penelope: Sugar, I could shut down the power grid of the whole city if you told me to

Ryan: Is that you, Dad?
Jimmy: Yeah, It's me, buddy.
Ryan: What happened?
Jimmy: My fight didn't go too well.
Ryan: Did you win?
Jimmy: No, I got knocked out, kiddo. I got knocked out.
Ryan: But you always win.
Jimmy: Well, I couldn't, you know? I just couldn't.
Jimmy: And when I was in that ring getting punched over and over again, I figured out something. Sometimes, I want to fight, but my body, it keeps telling me to stop. And it doesn't matter how hard I punch, it just... I can't do it. And... and when that happens, you know what I do? I let go, Ryan.
Jimmy: And what I figured out is, letting go doesn't mean that you're a quitter. It doesn't mean that you lost. It just means that you realize in that moment that it's time to let go and move on.
Jimmy: So, if it's time, Ryan, it's all right, 'cause you fought a hell of a fight. Your mother and I, we both love you. Don't you ever forget that.
Ryan: I love you, too, Daddy.
[Hotch sheds one tear]

Penelope: [Rossi calls] Speak and be recognized by your empress, mortal!
David: Is this the technical analyst girl?
Penelope: Who is this?
David: Dr. Reid said that this was your direct line from the team.
Penelope: It is
David: This is agent Dave Rossi. We met yesterday
Penelope: Oh, of course, of course. I am sorry, sir.

Prof. Rothchild: [to Rossi] Some games are just intended to be played by higher intellects.
Derek: Harming a person weaker than you doesn't take any special ability.
Prof. Rothchild: Neither does slamming your fist down on a table, but we all must do what we must do.

Matt: [closing quote] It is Proverbs that reminds us: "Do not boast about tomorrow, for you not know what a day may bring"

Penelope: OK, OK, and by OK I mean the abbreviation of the great state of Oklahoma because everything I am gonna say now is not OK

Dr. Spencer Reid: Here's a question: if a tree falls in a forest does it make a sound if there is nobody there to hear it?
Derek: What the hell are you reading over there?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I'm just thinking

[the BAU team believes Cindi is suffering an extreme form of Stockholm syndrome]
Yvonne: Like that girl from the '70s, Hearst.
Derek: Patty Hearst. That's right.
Yvonne: So is Cindi gonna start robbing banks now?
Derek: No. He's done something a lot worse.

Aaron: [closing quote] "Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside of us while we live" - Norman Cousins

Dr. Spencer Reid: In any student/teacher dynamic there comes a day when the student no longer needs the teacher.

Emily: [opening quote] "Why should we look to the past in order to prepare for the future? Because there is nowhere else to look"- James Burke

Matt: So, how did we find him in the storage room?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I got an e-mail.
Jennifer: You've got an e-mail? You hate e-mail.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I do. I was even more surprised when I saw it was an anonymous sender.

Aaron: We believe the unsub resides in Seattle. All of the attacks, most of which have just involved property damage, have take place here, and the timing and location indicate knowledge of the area. Even though he escalated to a lethal bombing today, we don't believe that that was necessarily his intention.
Derek: In fact, anyone not directly next to the device received minor injuries. So we think fear may have been the larger motive.
Special: So he's a terrorist, then.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He is, but it's too vague a description for our purposes. Douglas and Olshaker categorize bombers as criminal, group cause, psychologically disorganized, and personal cause bombers. And we believe this guy to be a personal cause bomber.
Aaron: And personal cause bombers are motivated by an underlying emotional conflict.
Dr. Spencer Reid: In an interview from prison, the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, admitted that while he was a graduate student at the University of Michigan, he started having fantasies of becoming a woman. He even got on a list to get a sex change operation, but during a mandatory psychological exam prior to his procedure, he changed his mind. He told the psychologist that he'd made a mistake.
Jason: But from that moment, through the next three decades of his life, Ted Kaczynski carried out a campaign of isolation and murder.
Derek: This unsub is male. He lives alone. He's possibly self-employed. He's highly organized, he's meticulous, and he's very smart.
Aaron: And he seems odd to those who know him. Angry, distant, prone to sudden violent rage. This is not the kind of guy whose neighbors will be surprised to find out what he's arrested for. This guy's neighbors will have no trouble believing it.
Jason: Targets appear to be technology, but not the hi-tech variety. The kind of technology we're surrounded by.
Aaron: In a city the size of Seattle, we're talking... 10,000 possible targets.

Dr. Spencer Reid: There's something else that's been bothering me. Why is he putting white face makeup on his victims after they're dead?
David: Isn't that what they wore in the Elizabethan era?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yes, but only upper-class women wore white face makeup. It was a symbol of virginity and purity. But he's dressing them like characters out of *The Merry Wives of Windsor*, which is one of Shakespeare's rare plays about the middle class.
Jennifer: So, it's inconsistent.
Aaron: The makeup could mean that he believes death is purifying them.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What if this is like the Salem witch trials, where they test the girls by trying to drown them? If they died, it meant they were obviously innocent. If they somehow survived, they were considered witches and therefore hanged.
David: Wonderful. A lose-lose situation.
Jennifer: The UnSub didn't submerge the victims in water to torture them. It was some sort of a test?
Dr. Spencer Reid: With death being the only possible outcome.

Derek: Emily, I thought I lost you, and I blamed myself. Now you're back, but I don't want to be worried about losing you again and get distracted.

David: Five years ago, the unsub takes two pregnant teens. It's obvious why he then takes an obstetrician.
Matt: If he's taken other teen girls through the years and keeping them alive, they'd all be mothers with young children now.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Yeah, mothers and children with needs. Medical, dental, educational, and nutritional.
Luke: Yeah, and who would be better caretakers than a doctor, a dentist, a teacher, and a chef?
David: With such a large group, he'd need to control them to prevent escapes or rebellions.
Dr. Tara Lewis: And some could be staying willingly. Others because they're afraid or feel they have no choice.
Luke: You know, those are all reasons given by ex-cult members when asked why they didn't leave sooner.
Matt: This has the aspects of a cult, but members typically join by their own volition, not abducted.
David: There's nothing typical about this case.

David: I don't get it, why didn't you say anything?
Aaron: It didn't come up
David: Hello! We're not talking about switching to decaf. You and Beth broke up!
Aaron: Dave...
David: I have a 20 year old bottle of Scotch that could drown your sorrows in!

Aaron: It doesn't show who else saw this.
Kevin: [starts typing on the laptop] Two other people read the report.
Aaron: Who?
Kevin: You gonna need a tie.

Emily: I know this isn't easy for you
Samantha: If I accuse him and, and he has done nothing... then I betrayed him
Samantha: But if he has, you'll save a young boy

Emily: [Reid is rambling about Halloween] All I did was ask what he was doing this weekend.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I'm toying with the notion of either going to the Edgar Allan Poe Shadow Puppet Theater or the reenactment of the 19th century Phantasmagoria.
David: I don't wanna know.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Oh, yeah, you do.

Penelope: Talk to me, my pretties.
David: What can you tell us about Tanesa and Kevon Winters?
Penelope: Okay. Tanesa Winters. She died three weeks ago. She's survived by her son Kevon. It looks like he was born in New Orleans. Uh, he spent some time in Houston, but he returned at some point because I've got a local college transcript and a notice from a collection agency. Kevon dropped out of school, thousands of dollars in debt. That's when the trail goes cold.
Jennifer: We also need information on this flophouse. It was condemned about ten years ago. It's on 44th and Fig.
Penelope: Uh, I can tell you it's not there anymore. It's now a coffee shop. Let me take a deep dive here and see what secret secrets I can find.
David: We believe Tanesa Winters lived there for a short time.
Penelope: Yeah, she did. The tenants there filed a civil suit. It looks like Tanesa was the primary plaintiff. Uh, they sued for negligence and bodily harm. That building sustained a lot of damage after the flooding caused by Katrina.
David: And let me guess. It was never properly cleaned or vented.
Penelope: It was not. Uh, Tanesa became very ill due to black mold. The residents repeatedly asked for the building to be inspected, and the landlord and the insurance companies ignored them.
Jennifer: That's it. That's the unsub's stressor. That's the root of all of this.

Sarah: There is no greater gift in life than that of being a parent. But so many of us abuse and squander that gift.

Emily: Why are we doing any of this work? Don't you have so many kids at this point that the big ones raise the little ones, like on those reality shows?
Matt: How many kids do you think we have?
Emily: [scoffing] I don't know. Fifteen?

Emily: [opening quote] "The only thing new in the world, is the history you do not know." - Harry Truman.

Penelope: One guy owns a bunch of shoe stores up and down the eastern seaboard
Jennifer: Is he married?
Penelope: Yeah, story of my life, Sunshine

Aaron: [opening quotation, voiceover] "He who fights with monsters might take care, lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Frederich Nietzsche.

Aaron: You really don't need to be here if you're not ready. This is gonna take time.
Dr. Spencer Reid: How much time?
Aaron: It's hard to say, but we're all here for you.
Dr. Spencer Reid: [whispers] Thank you

[first lines]
Tony: [picks a phone up] What time is it?
Jimmy: Late. Something happened. Not good, Tony.
Tony: What? What's going on, Jimmy?
Jimmy: After the fight, Ryan was bad.
Tony: Ryan? What about Ryan?
Jimmy: He felt sick, Tony, so I took him to the hospital, you know? People, they started screaming at me. They started yelling at me, Tony.
Tony: About Ryan? Are they doing tests?
Jimmy: Yeah, I think so, but see, when I went outside, the screaming, it didn't stop.
Tony: Who was screaming?
Jimmy: These crazy guys, man. They were crazy. And I told them to leave me alone, and they wouldn't listen. They just wouldn't listen. And then I saw all sorts of stuff.
Tony: Stuff? What kind of stuff?
Jimmy: Like I saw my ma, then I saw my old man, and then... and then I saw the dude at the fight, but when I looked up, you see, the lights, they started spinning. Tony, it was like... it was like God was reaching his hand down and he was trying to take Ryan.
Tony: Look, look, Jimmy, you're punchy, J, you know? Ryan's gonna be fine. You had a tough fight tonight. You gotta sleep it off.
Jimmy: You sure?
Tony: In the morning, everything will be okay.
Jimmy: [pause] Yeah, you're probably right. I'm gonna be fine. Everything's gonna be fine. Thanks, Tony.
Tony: All right.

David: [to Professor Rothchild] Oh, and one more thing. I'm gonna be there when they strap you down for that lethal injection. And just before they hit the plunger, I'm gonna lean in real close and tell you to say hello to your scumbag brother.

Aaron: With this unsub, we're looking at a compound profile: a Type-4 delusional assassin with an erotomanic fixation on the actress Lila Archer.
Derek: Erotomanics are a form of stalker who possess the delusional belief that another person, usually of a higher social status, is in love with them.
Elle: In the United States, at any given time, there are over 200,000 people being stalked. Our unsub is having a fantasy love affair with Lila Archer, the way John Hinckley did with Jodie Foster.
Aaron: Ms. Archer was not aware of her stalker until yesterday. He wasn't trying to impress her. He was more likely an unwanted, very violent guardian angel.
Jason: When the stalker feels as if they've been in some way betrayed by their love object, this often leads to violence against the target.
Dr. Spencer Reid: In the case of John Robert Bardo, when actress Rebecca Schaeffer took a role where she had to have a sexual relationship with another character, it was enough to force him to snap and seek her out to kill her.
Aaron: Though stalkers can be either male or female, it's most likely we're looking for a single male, a loner, in his late twenties to early forties, very intelligent, with ample time to follow his victim and study her habits.
Dr. Spencer Reid: As of yet, the unsub has not directed any violence towards Ms. Archer. But he has shifted his focus from those around her to her directly.
Jason: This doesn't preclude the fact that anyone who has the vaguest association with Ms. Archer is a potential target.

Jennifer: [watching Jack and Henry with Reid] I had a hard time putting both boys down last night.
Aaron: They couldn't sleep?
Jennifer: Other way around. I didn't want to leave them. How are things on your end?
Aaron: You know, fortunately, Jack doesn't remember a lot about Haley's death. He knows the story, but he was young.
Jennifer: That's a good thing.
Aaron: That's a very good thing. But he's not gonna forget seeing me at gunpoint. I just don't want this job to take anything else away from him.
Jennifer: Well, maybe it gives him something, too. You're his hero. Not a pretend hero, a real hero.
Aaron: Well, he's growing up. He's not gonna feel that way for too much longer.
Jennifer: Nah, you can worry about that later. Just be his dad. Enjoy that.

Aaron: [Morgan has gone off on his own to find Chazz] Where is he?
Derek: He's not gonna stop.
Aaron: Morgan, tell me where he is.
Derek: I can't get anyone else hurt.
Aaron: This isn't your call.
Derek: Come on, you have to know what I'm feeling right now.
Aaron: That's why you need to come back here or tell me where you're going.
Derek: I can't do it. I'm sorry, man. Goodbye, Aaron.
[Morgan hangs up and throws his phone out the car window]

Aaron: We're going to San Diego.
Derek: Not for the surfing, huh?
Jennifer: They're calling him the Tommy Killer.
Aaron: Six women raped and murdered in their homes in the last three weeks.
Elle: Six in three weeks?
Jason: That's a short fuse.
Aaron: And getting shorter. First two were eight days apart, then the next four in two weeks.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Rapid escalation. You think he's regressing to a psychopathic frenzy?
Aaron: No, he's too controlled for that. See you on the plane.

Aaron: You can't investigate this.
Derek: Excuse me?
Aaron: You're a material witness in your wife's shooting, and a target. And not just tonight, but the past six months.
Derek: Hotch, how can you of all people ask me to sit this out? You didn't back off when Foyet attacked your family.
Aaron: And how'd that turn out?

David: I've known Sam Cooper for twenty years, and I've never seen him defy an order. If he feels this strong about a hunch, we need to help him however we can.

Derek: Wait a minute! What if it's not the profile that's wrong, but the target?
Elle: Not this cafe
Derek: Just because a bunch of victims came to eat here, doesn't necessarily mean that they get poisoned here

Luke: A lot of people think they saw a lot of things, not all of it accurate.
Emily: Eyewitnesses are notoriously unreliable, especially in a situation like this.
Luke: Yeah, a very violent, chaotic scene.
Emily: Anxiety spikes, makes it difficult for people to observe and recreate events.
Luke: Well, one thing everybody seems to agree on is that Abdella was killed first, and then there was a pause, followed by two bursts of gunfire that lasted a few seconds each. You know, the unsub must have used an automatic weapon. There's no need to reload.
Emily: Okay, so Devlin and the security guard, Bell, must have been killed in rapid succession. The bodies are several yards away from one another. Now, Devlin was hit with fourteen rounds, Bell with seventeen. The overkill could mean that the motive was personal.
Luke: Well, even with that many rounds fired, there were only a handful of strays.
Emily: Right. And given the distance between the victims, either our unsub is one hell of a marksman or there were two shooters. Multiple shooters are rare, I know.
Luke: But it does fit our crime scene. We can't rule it out.
Emily: Two gunmen would increase the level of planning and premeditation.

Ambassador: Are you enjoying your assignment with the BAU?
Emily: Well, "enjoying" is an odd description
Ambassador: Is it?
Emily: Well, we, uhm, deal with some pretty horrible things
Ambassador: I though that's where you wanted to be?
Emily: I did, definitely
Ambassador: Then you do enjoy it!
Emily: All I am saying is that "enjoy" feels wrong
Ambassador: Right!

Aaron: [quotes the evaluation report] Patient shows no hesitation tackling difficult goals as part of reintegrating into her life. She has reached out to her mother.
Emily: I'm going to.
Aaron: And has started a romantic relationship with a man named Sergio. Now, I don't care if you lie to your therapist. All I care about is how your behavior affects your job.
Emily: I don't think it has.
Aaron: You've been over-compensating.
Emily: How have I...
Aaron: You rushed to repair your relationship with Morgan. You've become an emotional sounding board for Reid and Rossi.
Emily: That's being a good friend.
Aaron: You offered me parenting advice.
Emily: Okay, so maybe I have been working a little bit harder to regain people's trust. Is that such a bad thing?
Aaron: No. It only is if you use it to avoid dealing with what you went through.
Emily: But I'm not. I chose to come back here. Why? Because I care about the people I work with? Yes. But also because it's clean. I know who the good guys and the bad guys are. I don't have to worry about screwing someone over to make a case.
Aaron: Okay, I want you to make a deal with me. You're gonna go weeks, months even, feeling fine. And then you're gonna have a bad day. Just let me know when you do
Emily: And that's it?
Aaron: That's it.
Emily: Deal.
Aaron: Sergio?
Emily: He is the perfect man. He doesn't hog the covers, and he poops in a box.

Penelope: I tracked the van via VIN number; say that three times fast. The vehicle was stolen from Houston, Texas eight years ago. After that, I got nada.
Matt: Well, there's no telling if or how many times it's changed hands since.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Can you get the police report and track down the original owner?
Penelope: Can do.
Matt: Hey, Garcia, anything from Prentiss?
Penelope: My crazy covert sources say that she was done with Barnes a few hours ago, but Emily's light is still on in her office, and I can't tell if that's a good thing or it's bad.
Matt: Well, she's probably just catching up on paperwork.
Penelope: Right. Totally. That's what I was telling myself, too. Yeah, okay. I'll hit you back when I have more.

Penelope: Now that superwoman is on the case you don't need me.
Derek: You know what, I'm gonna chalk that up to a little jealousy.

Jennifer: [voiceover] "Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are." -Arthur Golden

Jennifer: [talking to the phone] I don't know, Cruz. We could be here another day or two. Look, just send me a secure contact number and I'll get back...
[sees Hotch and Reid coming]
Jennifer: Okay, yeah. Well, you tell him Mommy misses him. Talk to you soon.

Penelope: [with fake blood running down on her cheeks] You didn't even flinch. JJ's right. I told her I wanted to go scary this Halloween, and she just laughed at me, and she said that I don't have a scary side.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I'm sorry. If it makes you feel any better, you probably do.
Penelope: Really?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah. The building blocks of the human personality are complex, varied, and multi-faceted. It's essential to one's mental health to want to express these hidden personalities, and... it's just a fact of nature that everybody has one.
Penelope: Everybody? You have one?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Oh, absolutely. Yeah.
Penelope: Okay, okay. I want to see it. I want to see Dr. Spencer Reid's hidden personality.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Uh, you, right here? Like right now you want to see it?
Penelope: I have fake blood running down my cheeks. Right here, right now.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Okay. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.
Penelope: Okay.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Did that guy just fire five shots?" or "Did that guy just fire six shots?" You're gonna have to ask yourself a question. Do you feel lucky, punk?... That was Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry. I mean, I know it's not as effective as my dominant personality, but I feel like there's...
Penelope: Hey, look, we gotta go.
Dr. Spencer Reid: These eyeballs, do they need to be refrigerated?
Dr. Spencer Reid: No, it's cool.

Jennifer: [closing quote, voiceover] Susan B. Anthony said "A woman must not depend on the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself."

Lida: [picks up a phone] Hello?
Young: I'm gonna get you. I'm gonna get you.
Lida: Stop it. I mean it. This isn't funny anymore. Stop calling here.
Malcolm: Who was it?
Lida: That damn kid again. I can't believe the police won't do anything about it.

Dr. Warren Spitz: I was deputy coroner in 2007. Didn't think I'd ever see this again. Legs and fingers removed antemortem. Inverted pentagram postmortem.
David: Cause of death exsanguination?
Dr. Warren Spitz: Mm-hmm. Due to bisection of the carotid when her throat was slashed. Just like before.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Looks like blunt force trauma to the head, as well.
Dr. Warren Spitz: Again, just like the historic cases. Whoever is doing this has Ferell down to a "T".
David: That doesn't make sense. Ferell's been locked up for years. Why would someone be copying him now?
Dr. Warren Spitz: Can't tell you, but this copycat seems to be an exact copy.
Dr. Tara Lewis: How so?
Dr. Warren Spitz: I x-rayed the stomach contents before I removed them. Five fingers in the stomach, fed to the victim just prior to her death, none of them hers.
David: Only Ferell knew that signature aspect. We never released it to the public.

Alex: [has no signal on her phone] Ah, thought you said it doesn't get any worse?
David: Until it does.

Derek: You know, your rhetoric sounds just hateful enough to justify violence.
Roy: We don't need to stoop to their level. We're fighting the Indians in court.
Derek: Is that right? Then why all the guns, Roy? Our records show that your 200 members carry over 450 firearms.
Roy: We're simply exercising our constitutional right under the Second Amendment. We have the right to defend ourselves.
Derek: 450 guns, Roy. I don't think so. That's not self-defense. That's plain paranoid.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Methanol is compositionally speaking, the simplest of the alcohols. It's actually ubiquitous in the environment. There are small traces of its vapor in the atmosphere, but atmospheric methanol is easily oxidized by sunlight.
Emily: Is it toxic?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Ingesting ten milliliters of it will cause permanent blindness, and as little as 30 is potentially fatal.
Derek: Well, these victims had between five and six ounces in their lungs.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You know, if they were immersed in it, they would have died even without ingesting or inhaling it. When absorbed through the skin, it depresses the central nervous system to an unsustainable degree.
Derek: Well, what's it used for?
Dr. Spencer Reid: What isn't it used for? A solvent, an antifreeze. In World War II, the Germans used it for rocket fuel. It's used in wine-making. Its most commonplace use however, is in the creation of other chemicals. Methanol can become plastic, plywood, paint, explosives, permanent-press textiles. It's essentially the chemical used to separate other chemicals from each other.

Penelope: I sent the rest of the class home. Thank you guys for coming in. I know you have a day off.
Jennifer: Well, Will totally has the sleepover covered, so I am happy to be here.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Yeah, and as long as I make it to dinner with my dad, I'm good. I mean, we should be able to knock this out by the end of the day.
Penelope: Oh. Now, should we bring in the rest of the team?
[pointing at Luke]
Penelope: Because we do have that holding us up.
Luke: Do you remember, like, thirty seconds ago when you thanked us? Yeah. We were so young then.

David: [voiceover] Marcel Proust wrote: "Remembrance of things past is not necessarily the remembrance of things as they were."

Elle: [about a phone tap] Is this gonna work?
Dr. Spencer Reid: The beam is reflected from the window pane according to the law of optics
Penelope: Yeah, the angel of instance is equal to the angle of reflection
Elle: Uh, huh! Is it gonna work?

Derek: [opening quote] It is in your moment of decision that your destiny is shaped" - Tony Robbins

Penelope: [closing quote] "It doesn't take a lot of strength to hang on, it takes a lot of strength to let go" - J.C. Watts

David: We believe the unsub is a variation of what we know as a family annihilator.
Emily: The garden variety family annihilator is usually a narcissistic male patriarch experiencing psychological stress. This causes him to become homicidal and then suicidal.
Dr. Spencer Reid: His narcissism often manifests as rage directed at a specific family member, prompting him to murder the entire family as an act of punishment and revenge. He then blames the object of his rage for his violent outburst.
Luke: Once the entire family is dead, the patriarch typically commits or attempts to commit suicide.
Jennifer: But this unsub is murdering families that are not his own.
Dr. Spencer Reid: There's a distinct punishment component to the annihilation that's driving this unsub.
David: He's more organized than the typical family annihilator, with greater impulse control and a high level of sophistication.
Emily: His sophistication is apparent in the fact that the object of his rage is deliberately spared rather than murdered.
Jennifer: This allows the unsub the satisfaction of inflicting ongoing psychological pain on the object of his rage.
David: We're looking for a male in his late twenties, early thirties. He's mature and highly intelligent.
Luke: Amanda Bergstrom and Matthew Doherty may be surrogates for individuals who wronged the unsub when he himself was an adolescent.
Emily: Amanda and Matt both attend Pillsbury High School, and we have not identified any other connection between them or their families.
David: Pay close attention to the faculty and administrators of the high school.
Sheriff: A lot of the parents are wondering if we should shut down the high school.
David: The school itself has not been a scene of violence. Closing it would not deter this unsub.
Luke: We need you to beef up patrols and warn the public of the ongoing danger.
David: And we ask you to encourage the entire Pillsbury High School community to report any suspicious individuals they may encounter.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [after hearing the 911 call recording] It's subtle but it inflections changes. It sounds like the words are spliced together
Jennifer: Let's look up all BAU press conferences led by Hotch
Penelope: Right, maybe this unsub Frankensteined his voice

Dr. Tara Lewis: So the burning was postmortem, like the others?
M.E. Dr. Aristeo Caruso: Yes, but C.O.D. was a stab wound to the back.
David: Well, just as we predicted, this is our guy. He's gone widly off pattern. Burned the clinic, attacked the doctor here. He's devolving.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Well, maybe he finally figured out that killing sick people won't stop the spread of disease.
David: The clinic was probably a stark reminder of the failure of modern medicine.
Dr. Tara Lewis: It shows an evolution of thought, and he's gone from putting the blameless out of their misery to punishing those in the medical profession.
David: Yeah, he's no longer on a mission of mercy, that's for sure. This could very quickly become about finding that person that he thinks is responsible for the loss he suffered.

Tom: But why didn't he take anything to eat for himself?
Jennifer: I really wish my brain didn't go into these places, but, eh, what, eh, Trooper Casron found in that bag, may have been the answers from source

Derek: All right, so tell us about blood drinkers, Reid
Dr. Spencer Reid: Human blood consumption, or clinical vampirism, is known as Renfield's syndrome. Named after the, eh, insect eating character in Bram Stoker's novel Dracula
Emily: Are they sadists?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Not necessarily. Pain to the victim is usually only a byproduct, blood is the focus. Renfield's syndrome is usually accompanied by varying levels of schizophrenia and occasionally more classic cannibalism, if the condition evolves
David: Classic cannibalism! Lovely job we have
Dr. Spencer Reid: I will say this: true cases are exceedingly rare
Jennifer: Uh, that's comforting. Sort of

[first lines]
Penelope: Here goes. And, uh... this is the part I always leave out: I had missed my curfew the second time that week, and when I got home, it was crazy late. It was like 3:00 in the morning, and my parents weren't home, and the phone rang - and my life stopped. My parents were killed by a drunk driver when they were out looking for me, and if they hadn't been out looking for me, then...
Penelope: W-we all have wounds that we want to heal. That's why we come here every week, right? A-a-a-and I have to believe that, as we keep coming here and talking and revealing, that eventually, in time, even the deepest wounds we carry will begin to heal.

Dr. Spencer Reid: What did you find?
Penelope: Well, let me tell you first what I didn't find: no kiddy porn, no membership to illicit websites, no dubious emails, no chat room history.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What about his finances?
Aaron: We went back ten years, no questionable transaction that we can find.
Emily: Well, he did buy a ticket to see Celine Dion 6 months ago, but I think we can overlook that.

Aaron: I'm supposed to be asking how you're doing.
David: I've always had troubles letting people in. But this is different. I guess I've come to realize I'm more married to this team than I ever was to three ex-wives.

Elle: What do we call them then?
Aaron: L.D.S.K.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Long Distance Serial Killers.
Elle: How many of these guys have we caught using a profile?
Jason: None.

Aaron: [opening quote, voiceover] The Taoist philosopher Lao Tzu once wrote "He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still."

Agent: Agent Price in position. Over.
Emily: Copy that. We have eyes on you. Over.
Luke: Matt and I are also in position, but nothing unusual yet.

Derek: I hope she reads as fast as Reid.
Jason: [hangs up phone] No one reads as fast as Reid.

Jonny: [to Bobby] I'm the *talent*; you're the *leech*!

Dr. Spencer Reid: What happened to you?
Derek: Guy was huge. Seriously.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You should start working out.
Derek: You got jokes now?
[Reid chuckles]

Dr. Elizabeth Rhodes: I didn't lie to you, David. Kirkwood murdered Robin. And those other men, they all helped him get away with it.
David: No. Emily, the police. It was an accident.
Dr. Elizabeth Rhodes: No.
David: These men were innocent.
Dr. Elizabeth Rhodes: No.
David: And I...
Dr. Elizabeth Rhodes: You did nothing wrong. It was justice.

Luke: [walks into tech room] Good morning, Penelope
Penelope: Thank you for entering my cleansed lair! Can I ask you something?
Luke: If you gonna ask me to look after your cat again, I'm gonna have to get an allergy prescription from my doctor
Penelope: No! But on behalf of Sergio and all senior cats everywhere, we appreciate you putting your immune system on the line like that for him

Jennifer: They wake up with no memory of the assault or how they got the permanent scar the wire leaves.
Emily: So he's branding his victims. How does he dose them?
Penelope: Houston PD still isn't sure. 'Cause, you know, date rape drugs metabolize quickly, and he's keeping them for twelve hours.
Derek: So why are they calling us in now?
Penelope: 'Cause with these most recent attacks, this piece of work has elevated sick and twisted to a whole new dimension.

David: You, go through my pants pockets and find my keys. Second, you, you're back on the team.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Not sure I should be. Has the Director approved that?
David: I'm making the calls now. I'll take the heat. You're back on the team.
Luke: [fiding the keys] I got 'em.
David: There's a little one there, to a file cabinet in my office. You following me?
Luke: Yeah. Following you.
David: Inside, there's Chicago Bears season tickets. When you get 'em, you call Matt Simmons. I promised him those tickets.
Luke: They must have given him something in the ambulance to make him loopy.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I'll get the doctor. We'll get him into surgery.
David: Just shut up and listen. Now, Emily is missing. Stephen is dead. As for you two ass clowns, you'll do me the courtesy of following my orders.
Luke: Your orders aren't making sense.
David: Follow my orders, and then I'll go into surgery.
Luke: [he and Reid turn to leave] This has got nothing to do with season tickets.
Dr. Spencer Reid: "Ass clown"?

[about to mutilate a man with a knife]
Sarah: You never did explain those "things" you could do to me.

Inspector: Phil Brooks.
[switching to Spanish]
Inspector: How's your better half?
Phil: [in Spanish, too] He's right here next to me.
Inspector: What can I do for you guys?
Luke: We think Eduardo Ramos is back, but he's in the States.
Inspector: [switching back to English] No, that's impossible.
Phil: It might sound impossible, but we've got four bodies that say so.
Inspector: No, I mean that's impossible because Eduardo Ramos is dead.
Luke: Dead?
Inspector: Yeah. He stayed off the radar after he got out of prison. We figured he was laying low. Then I got a call that Eduardo Ramos was gunned down in Sinaloa. Two shots behind the head. And listen to this, he had bleach in his stomach.
Luke: When did you find out about this?
Inspector: A few weeks ago. It was impossible to pin down. The very reputation of the sicarios are that they're ghosts. But a friend of mine confirmed it in Sinaloa, and I saw the body myself two days ago.

[returning from Missouri, Hotch enters his office and finds Prentiss sitting on his couch]
Aaron: Please tell me you haven't been there for the last four days.

Derek: [to Reid and Rossi] It's Garcia.
[answers phone]
Derek: Yeah, talk to me, baby girl.
Penelope: I'm not interrupting boy time at Crazy Horse Too, am I?
Derek: You know that's not my thing. I'm more for in-room entertainment.
Penelope: I can't help you there, but I do give good phone.

David: We got all the kids back safe. Think about it, Aaron. How often does that happen?
Aaron: Not often enough.

Special: Reid, you know this is not your responsibility?
Dr. Spencer Reid: It is. I can't explain.
Special: Well try me.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He knows I understand him.
Special: Of course you do. You're a profiler.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's more than that.
Special: How?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I know what it's like to be afraid of your own mind.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Already?
Penelope: You doubted?
Dr. Spencer Reid: No, I'll put you on speaker.
Penelope: Okay, let me preface this by saying that a 40-year-old murder in a suburb of Los Angeles is an absurdly impossible request. Having said that, yours truly happens to know that the Pollak Library at Cal State...
Aaron: Garcia.

David: A mother who wants to kill herself. What does that say to a child? That you're not worth sticking around for?

Dr. Tara Lewis: It looks like the next victim after Dr. Childs was abducted during a home invasion
Penelope: Yes, Diane Pearl, 26, a school teacher
Matt: [reading] 2013, a side door was jammed, setting off an home alarm at 11.52 PM. Nothing was taken
David: Nothing, but Diane...

David: Any lead on the manipulator killer theory?
Jennifer: Well, I found a bunch of references to Satan in Ferell's writing, and I'm sending a video from the archive to your monitor now.
Floyd: [on the video file] I'm not smart, but I have a smart friend who tells me things.
Derek: What's your smart friend's name?
Floyd: He says you know his name.
Jennifer: So it's possible he did have a partner.
David: Just enough in the interview to make it seem plausible, but no definitive proof either way.

Emily: [looking through a victim's personal belongings] It's always sad seeing someone's life reduced to the things they had with them when they died. It's just so clear they didn't know how short their time would be.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [Knocks on door] Paddy Morris? This is the FBI!
Paddy: [Wakes up] Very funny, Josh!
[Reid knocks again, Paddy walks to the door and opens it]
Paddy: It's too early for this...
[sees Reid and Derek]
Paddy: You're not Josh!

Emily: [entering the BAU] Some things never change.

Derek: Talk to me, baby girl.
Penelope: You better get ready to go down on one knee, because this BG boo just won herself one hell of a diamond!

Derek: [voiceover] "All truths are easy to understand, once you discover them; the point is to discover them." ~~ Galileo

Dr. Spencer Reid: What's so special about the 9th victim?
Aaron: He survived!

Derek: Why the Tommy Killer?
Aaron: You know the rock opera? Well, this unsub glues his victim's eyes wide open.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He wants them to see him.
Jason: And feel him.

Elle: You think Cheryl's a whack job because she claims she can feel her sister's anxiety?
Derek: I never said "whack job".

Penelope: You can't just waltz in here and blurt out "There's a missing girl." My Anglophile baking club is not equipped to handle that, and neither am I.
[indicating a plate of cookies]
Penelope: Take one of these. They're very good. And get out.
Luke: We didn't know who else could help.
Penelope: [reluctantly] We've got to wrap it up, mates.
[her guests murmur in disappointment]
Penelope: Yeah, we'll reschedule. I'm sorry. Take... take it all, please. There's so much soft butter here. These cookies were gonna be so short. We'll reschedule. We'll do it. We'll do it. Yes. Thank you.
[one guest whispers in her ear]
Penelope: Oh. Oh. One dinner. Three years ago. We thrive as frenemies, however.
Luke: We're friends. Why... why do I have to be your enemy?
Penelope: You owe me some very short cookies.
Luke: Well, just admit it, okay? You miss me.
Penelope: You know what? First of all, it's gross to talk with your mouth full, and also, I have banned the 24-hour news and doom scrolling, so whatever it is you're talking about, I don't even know and I can't tell you how well that works for me. Who'd you lose the bet to?
Luke: It wasn't a bet.
Penelope: Tell JJ I love her, but I can't. No, I just can't. I thought for a second I could, but I can't. You have destroyed my party, but not my day. Take your carbs and exit, sir.

Emily: Go ahead, Garcia.
Penelope: So, I was doing my due dilligence, as I do, on Mr. Dennis Kirkwood, and I have found a bewildering connection between him and the first two victims. If I can direct your attention to the big screen. Three years ago in Baltimore, Mr. Kirkwood was considered a person of interest in the death of Robin Rhodes, who was fished out of the Patapsco River. She was 22 years old and worked as an intern at Kirkwood's company, Turnblade Capital, for a year.
David: Were there rumors of an affair?
Penelope: Oh, you betcha, although at the time, Kirkwood was engaged to his current wife. I mean, current widow.
David: Okay, so how do Tate and Nakamura get connected to all this?
Penelope: Well, uh, Kirkwood's alibi the night that Robin Rhodes went missing was that he was at his bachelor party. And although I don't have the entire guest list, I can tell you that two people at that party where Shaun Tate and Anthony Nakamura.
Jennifer: And so Kirkwood was never charged?
Penelope: Not only was he never charged, but after a two-year-long investigation, Baltimore PD determined that Robin Rhodes' death was - wait for it - just accidental. They say that she went for a jog, slipped off a steep embankment, and hit her head on a rock.
Emily: Garcia, we're gonna need you to get a complete list of all the men who were at Kirkwood's bachelor party.
Jennifer: And I will get that for you. Copy.
Jennifer: [Garcia hangs up] Well, if we're looking for a personal trauma to inspire revenge killings, I think we just found it.
Emily: And I think we have what we need right now to deliver the profile.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [When JJ claims she can't remember ever being bullied in high school] Were you one of the mean girls?
Jennifer: Wh - ? No!
Dr. Spencer Reid: Valedictorian, soccer scholarship, corn fed but still a size zero - I think that you might've been a mean girl!
Jennifer: *I* was actually one of the *nice* girls. Even to guys like *you*!
Dr. Spencer Reid: Guys like me? I'll have you know that my social standing increased once I started winning at basketball.
Jennifer: [Disbelievingly] Oh yeah, you played basketball?
Dr. Spencer Reid: No, I didn't play. I *coached* basketball. I broke down the opposing team's shooting strategy.
Jennifer: Is that why Morgan kicked you out of the pool last week?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah. Took him three rounds to realize I was hustling him.

Jennifer: I miss so much. It goes... goes so fast
William LaMontagne Jr.: I know, yeah, but you and me both know you won't be happy unless you're on the job. Neither of us would

Penelope: [Picks up the phone] Garcia's lair of knowledge and wisdom
Aaron: Garcia, you have the list of Zodiac case experts?
Penelope: Yeah, standing by for you. I have everyone who has every written or blogged about it. FYI there are way too many people obsessed with this sicko
Aaron: Right, cross reference that with professional chess players
Penelope: Oh, that totally helps, yeah. Okay, the list is getting smaller... and smaller... down to nothing!

Chester: Nobody gives a *damn* about the truth.

Penelope: Let's see. June 22, 1992, Supreme Court ruled Minnesota hate crime laws violated free speech. The defendant burned a cross on the front yard of an African-American family's house who lived next door.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Nothing in the UnSub's profile suggests racial motivation, though.
David: No, but the cross has me thinking. Many religions suggest that following through on homosexual desires invites condemnation. What if the UnSub is struggling with his faith? Garcia, are there any 6:22 Bible passages that are relevant?
Penelope: Yeah, yeah, I thought of that, but the most popular one is-is... is Matthew 6:22, and it has to do with lights and eyes. I don't see how that fits.
Derek: All right, let's look at this another way. What are the passages that specifically relate to homosexuality?
Dr. Spencer Reid: That's it. He's not saying 6:22. He's saying 18:22. As in Leviticus 18:22, "Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind, for it is an abomination."
David: He converted 18:22 to 6:22 p.m., like military time.

Derek: [closing quotation] As a good friend of mine said, every ending is also a beginning. We just don't know it at the time. I'd like to believe she's right.

Derek: [voiceover] "All secrets are deep. All secrets become dark. That's in the nature of secrets." - Writer: Cory Doctorow.

David: You know, Reid was right.
Derek: About?
David: If you believe in one, you have to believe in the other.

David: Relax Hotch. I've got this.
Aaron: That's the problem, Dave. There is no *I*. We function as a team.

Aaron: The unsub we're looking for is a highly intelligent, underachieving, 35 to 45 year old white male with a severe narcissistic character disorder.
Jason: Nothing in his life works for long. If he was married, he's now divorced. If employed, it won't last.
Derek: What he wants is admiration, but he's got no respect for others. Not their feelings, and most certainly not their safety.
Jason: He feels entitled. He's like a petulant adolescent. He both resents and he absolutely expects others to take care of him.
Aaron: And given that a male relative wouldn't tolerate this behavior, he most likely lives with a female relative; his mother, grandmother, aunt, whom he exploits.
Derek: His arson kit is expensive. Fire suit, oxygen mask. This suggests that he may be employed, but his personality will not allow him to work closely with others in an office setting.
Aaron: This, along with the information about his vehicle, lead us to believe that he's a traveling salesman of some sort who works for a company big enough not to notice that he's a sociopath.
Det. Leah Castro: Okay, this scumbag has issues. We all get it. But why fire?
Dr. Spencer Reid: He's, uh, like a drug addict. Only fire's his drug, and each time an addict needs a fix, they need more of the drug to get off. So his crimes will most likely get much worse. It would be almost impossible for him to quit without help.

Calvin: [to Reid] Look, I know it's hard to think outside the box, when you're in a box, but think about the moves.

Aaron: It's unacceptable behavior. Why do you keep defending her?
David: Because I know what she is. She is me, twenty years ago.
Aaron: She is nothing like you, Dave.
David: Come on Hotch, I know what people think. I took serial killer's mass market. Now everyone knows their names, but not the victims, right? Somewhere along the line, I put myself first. I admit it. I can't go back and change it. But it's not too late for her.

Penelope: Okay, you never gave your vote on who should get what.
Derek: Give Reid the mug.
Penelope: Really? That means that JJ gets the double-decker bus?
Derek: I thought that was for Kevin.
Penelope: No, we're not talking right now.
Derek: Garcia, you guys were just talking yest... Never mind.

John: [Lewis shows him Lindsey's picture] Huh. Nope.
Dr. Tara Lewis: You've never seen this woman. She didn't buy hollow point rounds from you?
John: No, ma'am.
Dr. Tara Lewis: See... see, it's the way you said "huh". It makes me think you have seen her and that you decided to cover and say no.
John: [in the same tone] Huh.

Derek: They don't start with entire families. There are more victims, we just haven't them found yet

Emily: [opening quote] "We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion, the great task in live is to find reality" - Iris Murdoch

Aaron: [opening quote] "The enemy is within the gates. It is with our own luxury, our own folly, our own criminality that we have to contend"- Marcus Tullius Cicero

Phillip: You are one sick dude.
Aaron: How do you think I found you.

Aaron: [closing quote, voiceover] "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." - Thomas Paine.

Aaron: You know, we wouldn't be here if you hadn't worked the case as hard as you did.
Det. John Barton: How's that?
Aaron: It would have been an easy thing to miss a routine traffic ticket in the area she disappeared. You kept the pressure on. You cleared nine homicides and you brought Becky home. It's impressive work, detective.

Josh: Welcome to Hell, people.

Emily: Still no sitter?
Jennifer: My sitter is not available. Apparently I have a better chance of winning the lottery than getting a sitter on a Saturday night.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What's going on tonight?
Emily: Oh, it was ladies night, but...
Jennifer: I forgot to book a sitter.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I'll do it.
Jennifer: Spence.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What? I've seen an episode of Mr. Belvedere.
Jennifer: You've never babysat by yourself before.
Emily: You know, he could do a couple of hours.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What could possibly go wrong?

Dr. Spencer Reid: [opening, voiceover] William Shakespeare once wrote, "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind."

Aaron: [closing quote, voiceover] Eleanor Roosevelt once said "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do."

Penelope: [showing pictures on the big screen] St. Augustine, Fl. Uh, two bodies were found, early this evening, in a remote wooded area, just west of the city. Neither have been identified yet
Dr. Tara Lewis: This woman's complexion...
Penelope: She was exsanguinated, which is really a fun word to say, but I didn't know its terrible meaning until I started working here

Dr. Spencer Reid: [voiceover] Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it. Terry Pratchett.

David: No luck with the security cameras.
Matt: This was found next to Allie's car.
David: [reading the flyer] 20K a month. Well, we're in the wrong line of work.
Matt: Text code and number's disconnected. So if the unsub put this on her windshield, it could have been a ruse to grab her before she could drive away.
David: He might have known her routine. A deserted parking garage at night, it would be easy to take someone without being noticed.
Matt: They didn't find any traces of blood. Maybe he wanted her unharmed.
David: Let's hope so.

Emily: Hey, where's Hotch?
Jennifer: Budget meeting
Derek: Well, maybe he'll get us a raise
David: They're cutting, not raising. I just hope they don't take the coffee
Dr. Spencer Reid: Then I quit
David: Oh, yeah. That'll save them like 50 bucks a week

Jason: Rose Kennedy once said, "Birds sing after a storm. Why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?"

Maxine: [knocks on the door, Reid is cleaning his apartment and rushes to the door] Hey
Dr. Spencer Reid: Hi, come... come in
Maxine: [walks in] Boy, you, eh... cleaned!
Dr. Spencer Reid: I did
Maxine: I, eh... we're just... getting coffee... why did you bleach your apartment?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Well, even though it's our third coffee date, you wanted to see my apartment, which initially I actually felt a kind of odd, but then I remember that actually I was the one said you should meet me at my apartment and then I realized I hadn't had company in 4 years, so I should probably open up a window and air the place
Maxine: Are you ok with... this?
Dr. Spencer Reid: With what?
Maxine: Taking things slow
Dr. Spencer Reid: Oh, yeah, I'm good... with that!
Maxine: Good! Because, hm, whenever I've taken.. things fast, I've been disappointed
Dr. Spencer Reid: I know... the feeling. And... and I know what fast means to me, but in your book what... when you say fast, you mean...
[interrupted by Reids mobile ringing]
Dr. Spencer Reid: I am sorry
[picks up his phone]
Dr. Spencer Reid: What's up?

David: [voiceover] Mark Twain wrote: "When I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it had happened or not. But my faculties are decaying now, and soon I shall be so I cannot remember anything but the things that never happened." "It is sad to go to pieces like this, but we all have to do it."

David: His first victim was Erica Joy from Lexington, South Carolina. She disappeared from a truck stop
Aaron: What did she do for a living?
David: According to her rap sheet, every one she could
Sheriff: So she's a lot lizard. It's a name they give prostitutes who hang around truck stops

Dr. John Chen: The diatom results are back on the water in the lungs of the first two victims. Now this is interesting: 9200 milligrams of lead, 320 milligrams magnesium...
Dr. Spencer Reid: Do you mind if I just take a peek at this?
[graps report]
Dr. Spencer Reid: It'll be quicker.

Dr. Tara Lewis: I was just checking to see if we have a case
Emily: We don't
Dr. Tara Lewis: We don't?
Emily: No, I can double check, but...
[sees Garcia walking outside her room]
Emily: Eh Garcia?
Penelope: [Rushes in] Ma'am?
Emily: Please, stop calling me that! Eh, we've not been called in anywhere, haven we?
Penelope: No! As of 9:27 Eastern Standard Time, all serial killers have taken a day off, maybe they went to therapy

Dr. Spencer Reid: Set your search parameters at 35 to 40 and see who's working Glenport Village
Penelope: Those are some bang up parameters, brain brother!

Derek: You see, what I need is a list of everyone you've victimized.
Carl: You still like mint chocolate-chip ice cream?
Derek: The U.S. Attorney has offered immunity. They won't charge you with molesting any of the boys on this list as long as this list is complete.
Carl: Or was it butter pecan?
Derek: You leave even one name off that list, this deal is dead.
Carl: Are you threatening me, D.?
Derek: With my hand on the Qur'an. See, right now, you're in here for serial murder. And I bet that gives you a whole lot of credit out there in the yard. Am I right? But what do you think would happen if the brothers in here learned what you were really guilty of? So let me be direct, Mohammed, start writing.
Carl: I'll give you the list on one condition. All I want is a handshake. That's it. A gentleman's agreement. What do you say?
[shakes hands]
Carl: You were always special, Derek. You may have me in here, but there's a whole lot more of me out there, boy.
Aaron: You didn't have to shake his hand.
Derek: It's a long list, Hotch.
Aaron: This UnSub's devolving. He'll stand out. He won't be hard to find.
Derek: I'm gonna use the head before we leave.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [opening quotation] "The malicious have a dark happiness." - Victor Hugo.

Haley: Happiness is a choice, so choose!
Aaron: But how? How do I choose?
Haley: Get out of your head, the heart is the one that knows, so follow it

Eddie: Hey, did you hear what happened last night? Danny Savino got his head bashed in. He's dead. Didn't you two... you two did some business together, right?
Curtis: Not anymore, I guess

Derek: [opening quotation] "Parents are the bones on which children sharpen their teeth." - Peter Ustinov.

David: [Entering Hotch's office] As my dear mother used to say, a penny for your thoughts.
Aaron: Hey. Jack asked me to speak to his class about being an FBI agent. They're having career day.
David: Sounds like fun. Come on, every day you strap on the six-shooter and go after the bad guys. The kids'll love it.
Aaron: Oh, I know. and I'm glad he asked. It just, I'm a little worried about it because I don't want it to end up being difficult for him.
David: Because of what happened to Hailey.
Aaron: One of the bad guys killed his mom. And he's doing fine and we talk about it some, but I just don't want this to end up hurting him.
David: You're a good dad, Aaron. And I know you're doing everything you can to help him. And I also know you'll make the right decision about this, whatever it is.
Aaron: Thanks

Chrissy: He came at me.
Chrissy: I had to do it.

Aaron: You found any other suspicious drownings these last couple of days?
Penelope: Do you know how many people who drown every day?
Aaron: Well, yes, there are more in the summer, for obvious reasons, but I think it averages about 6500 per year, which is 17 a day
Penelope: Is this Reid?
Aaron: Why, are you impressed?
Penelope: I am slick, I am! You have been doing your research haven't you?

Bill: So this guy, he burns them, hangs them and smothers them. Why does he kill so many different ways?
Emily: That's exactly what we're trying to find out!

Dr. Spencer Reid: Well, if you really want me to support you, just answer me this question: why is it not ok for me to walk out on the team, but it is for you?
Emily: Because you and I are different

Luke: The victim is staged to face north, just like the others. Hmm.
Jennifer: What's up?
Luke: It's true north.
Sheriff: Which means?
Luke: True north is geographical accurate, unlike magnetic north.

David: I'll stay and help them however I can and then come up, two or three days max
Joy: Don't worry about it. The lake isn't going to dry up all of a sudden. Just take all the time you need
David: You're sure?
Joy: Yes, absolutely! We're gonna be fine, Dad!
Joy: You're there?
David: I... I'm sorry! Whenever I hear someone say "Dad", I start looking around to see who they are talking to!
Joy: Well, get used to it, Dad!

Melissa: Organic tomatoes.
Emily: Yeah.
Melissa: "ANFO" stands for ammonium nitrate fuel oil. *Fuel* oil. You can't grow anything with it.
Emily: We pointed that out to Bob. He said that must be why his tomatoes kept dying. We searched the whole compound anyway. There was no bomb. But Bob Orci had quite the story to tell.

Brian: Of the hundreds of murderers that you have encountered, why did you choose to write about Yates?
David: With him it was personal
Brian: Well, every year on your birthday you would visit Yates in prison and he'd give you the location of a body of one of his victims. Why is that?
David: Tommy Yates was in an 8-by-6 foot cell. Every second of his life was dictated
Brian: So it was a game to him?
David: It was and I played along in order to provide closure to those families

Jennifer: It's not that I didn't want them to know, okay? I... I don't care about that. It's not about the relocating. It's not about traveling on the weekends or some guy. It's... I didn't want to tell anyone because the minute I-I do, it becomes... it becomes real. And when it becomes real, people get hurt, and I've always run from getting hurt, I... always, and I... I don't want to run anymore. Not from you, and...
William LaMontagne Jr.: JJ, just shut up.
[he kisses her]

[in a dream state, Emily sees an open grave with a headstone reading "In loving memory Emily Prentiss Oct 12, 1970 - March 7, 2011 Sep 21, 2011 - ?"]
Emily: Of course. I get it now. I get it.

Sheriff: Every job has a patron saint. Cops have Saint Jude, doctors have Raphael the Archangel. But if you're a drug dealer or a killer, who do you pray to?
Jennifer: The saint of death.
Sheriff: I've learned that crossing the desert to get here, you lose track of the ways you can die. So if someone close doesn't make it, sometimes it's easier to blame a superstitious figure.
Aaron: Well, Omar doesn't seem like he believes what he's saying.
Sheriff: I didn't say he believes it. I said it's who people are blaming.
Aaron: What people?
Sheriff: Look, Santa Muerte has been coming up more and more. The illegals I send back, the coyotes I arrest. Some of the drug traffickers, they're afraid.
Jennifer: Afraid of a saint?
Sheriff: I handled a homicide once where my only witness was this four year old girl. And she told me her mom and dad got killed by a dragon. Turns out the bad guy wore a green rain suit with a pointy hood. To the kid, it looked like a dragon. So when hundreds of people are talking about the same monster, it's a sure bet something's going on. They just don't know what to call it.

Doctor: The sharp-force instrument used left several deep impressions in the sternum. So I was able to cast a couple of Mikrosil molds of it.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Looks like the blade of a chisel.
Doctor: That's exactly what I would say, too. I would also say that whoever did this took advantage of the hammer that usually comes along with it.
David: Makes sense. But what doesn't make sense is our female suspect who lured Nakamura from the parking lot.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Yeah. She doesn't look like she's got the upper body strength to shatter a sternum.
David: And if she couldn't do it, then she must have a partner who can.

Dr. Tara Lewis: You would not believe how long it took me to pick out that baby rocker for them.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I wouldn't beat yourself up. You know, it's not easy to choose the appropriate gift in this case.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Yeah, but I think my inability to choose stems from a recurring dream I've had since I was a kid. I'm at a birthday, and when a person finally opens their gift and sees it, they burst into tears.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Freud would say that your dream represents a disguised fulfillment of a repressed wish.
Dr. Tara Lewis: See? That's why that guy was a genius.

Yvonne: Did you find her?
Derek: No, Auntie.
Yvonne: I'm never gonna know, am I?
Derek: He picked out her picture.
Yvonne: He did?... Thank you. Thank you... Thank you.

Jennifer: Hi, Polly. My name is JJ. I grew up in East Allegheny, just right up the road. I was captain of the varsity soccer team my senior year. Got me a scholarship to Pittsburgh. Well, it's a pretty good school, but... it's not exactly Penn State. I know that's where you're going, 'cause your mom told me. You know, your mom carried a picture of you all the way up to the FBI academy in Quantico, Virginia, so that me and these agents here could help find you. And believe me, she was not leaving until we said we'd come. So no matter what happened over the past six days... no matter what, this... will all be a memory some day, but you will always have a mother that loves you that much.

Alex: [opening voiceover] "The world breaks everyone, and afterward, many are stronger at the broken places." - Ernest Hemingway

Peter: If would've known that putting you at death's door would get you to talk, I would've started with that. Now, are you ready to tell me where Hotch and Jack are?
[Prentiss nods]
Peter: Good. Go ahead.

Penelope: [opening quotation] "I like to turn things upside down to see pictures and situations from another perspective." - Ursus Wehrli.

Everett: [Opening Quote] They talk of my drinking but never my thirst. Scottish Proverb

Jason: Sir Peter Ustinov said, "Unfortunately, a superabundance of dreams is paid for by a growing potential for nightmares."

Luke: Did she have a job, Garcia?
Penelope: Eh, do you consider strolling to the local ATM a job? If you do: she had a job, if not: she was a trust fund kid

Penelope: [answering call] Oracle of Quantico - speak if you deign to hear truth!

Dr. Spencer Reid: One classic routine the Viper promotes is called the "push-pull." He'll insert himself between two women and, immediately after complimenting one, he'll deliver a subtle insult and then pay attention to the other.
[to Jordan]
Dr. Spencer Reid: Those are... they're really nice earrings. I like those.
Jordan: [flattered and embarrassed] Thanks.
Dr. Spencer Reid: My grandmother wears a lot of fake jewelry also. Looks nice.
[the others laugh]
Dr. Spencer Reid: Ignoring the one woman puts her in direct competition with her friend and causes the other to pursue you more aggressively.
[to Jordan]
Dr. Spencer Reid: I was just demonstrating, sorry.

Jennifer: A guy who works for a paramilitary company probably thinks he's invincible.
Derek: I don't know. He knew something about his wife. The way he smiled at me before he died, he was smug. It's like he was trying to say "You're not gonna find her in time."
Agent: He'd rather die than let her live.
Derek: It's the classic psychology of the narcissistic abuser. You know, we may be looking at two unsubs.
Jennifer: He hired someone to kill her.

Jennifer: This is Delilah Grennan. She was bludgeoned and raped during the night at her home in Lower Canaan, Ohio.
Emily: Lower where?
Jennifer: Small town forty miles outside of Cincinnati.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Staging the body face up with the arms across the chest like that.
Derek: Ritual. Nice hair, by the way.
[Morgan flips a lock of Reid's hair into his face]
Dr. Spencer Reid: [brushing his hair back] Thanks.
Jennifer: Uh, there's more. Small puncture wounds on her stomach. Note the lack of blood.
Emily: They were inflicted postmortem. Were there any other victims?
Jennifer: Kind of. Victimology and signature match a serial killer from the same town ten years ago. Six victims spanning over ten months. He called himself...
Aaron: The Angel Maker. I remember the case.
Dr. Spencer Reid: They caught that guy.
David: And executed him.
Jennifer: That's right. He was put to death by lethal injection a year ago yesterday.
Emily: Yesterday.
Derek: So we're looking for a copycat.
David: Honoring the anniversary of his hero's death.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It says here they found semen at the crime scene. Perhaps locals will get a DNA match when they run it through VICAP?
Jennifer: Well, that's where it gets weird. They ran it already and they got a match, too.
Emily: Well, if they already have a name, why'd they call us?
David: [reading the report] They've got to be kidding. The match they got back on the DNA is to a Cortland Bryce Ryan. Otherwise known as... the Angel Maker.

Luke: Parking lot cameras were offline. Signal jammer again. State police are taking witness statements. Nothing so far. I mean, it's like she just disappeared into a sea of cars.
Jennifer: Unsub's either confident or stupid. Huge risk making that deal out in the open. He must have some kind of control over her.
Luke: If she didn't know he'd killed her parents already, he could use that as a threat. You know, "Do what I say or I will circle back for them."
Jennifer: Okay, now don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled he didn't hurt the toddler, but it does make me wonder why. Someone this violent usually destroys everyone.
Luke: Could be that he saw himself in the little brother. Maybe he was one. Both families seemed really close. Maybe he's a neighbor who covets.
Jennifer: Mm. Well, nowadays, social media gives you all the access you need.
[checking on her tablet]
Jennifer: Mm. Only thing is, Chrissy Delaney isn't on any public platforms. Oh. She does, however, have a profile on SOAR. And so does our first victim, Jessie Westbrook.
Luke: SOAR? As in "Safe Online Acquaintance Revolution"? What are the chances that both girls only use this platform?
Jennifer: Well, it was created for teenagers to have a safe space online, so I can't say it's that big of a coincidence. Look, we... we both know it's a vault.
Luke: Unless you have an insider. Maybe it's time we call our expert.
Jennifer: Nope. Mm-mm. Nope. Ne. We... we promised we wouldn't.
Luke: There's a very good chance this unsub virtually befriended both girls. And given I don't see any other connections... I'm just saying.

David: [opening quote] "If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins" - Benjamin Franklin

Aaron: Where are we on the medical conditions that victim zero might have had?
Penelope: Nothing yet, but if you direct me, I can be a much more effective missile

Derek: James, you are something, man. You're something right here, right now, without Carl Buford.

Emily: [Entering the biker bar] Hey, listen up! We need some information and we need it fast, so we will be asking you some questions and we are looking for your cooperation

David: So, um, any news on the job front?
Aaron: No, but they said that they wanted to talk to me again when we got back. I've thought a lot about it. I don't know what to tell them.
David: Well, I can think of a million ways to sabotage you.
[Hotch half-smiles]
David: Just say the word.

Penelope: The rest stop victim, Rebecca Strong, was a sex trade worker.
Emily: High-risk, like the early victims Ferell preyed on back in 2007.
Penelope: After that, he graduated to low-risk victims like Sheryl Timmons, who's also the only known survivor.
Emily: Garcia, track down Sheryl.
Penelope: On it.

Emily: Glad they took our advice and started the press conference
David: Yeah, but it would be nice if there weren't so many people walking all over the crime scene

Penelope: There were no calls, but Ian's cell pinged off of three cell phone towers outside of town on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. I sent you the locations
Dr. Spencer Reid: Cell tower range and directionality can be dramatically influenced by atmospheric, electromagnetic and traffic capacity variations
David: Meaning?
Dr. Spencer Reid: A cell phone can travel to the same location but ping off of different towers on different days, due to independent outside variables.

State: We've located John Owen, the missing employee. He's been at a *Doctor Who* convention in San Diego since Saturday. It was a scheduled vacation.
David: Lucky guy.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I'll say. That's supposed to be an awesome convention.

Derek: Rossi, don't tell me you believe in evil.
David: Don't tell me you do this job and you don't.
Derek: I believe there are evil acts, but those are choices - brain chemistry. What do you think, Hotch?
Aaron: I think, deep down, we're all capable of unspeakable things. Where it starts or what you call it, I don't know.

Jennifer: [to Garcia as she joins the rest of the team in trying to find Reid] Welcome to our nightmare.

Derek: [seeing a kidnapped child being reunited with his parents] How often does *that* happen?
David: Not often enough.

Matt: So, based on what we know about Robin Rhodes, there was neither a David Smith nor an Edward Addison that was ever part of her life. The only connection they have is through her mother, Dr. Rhodes, who took him in as a client last year.
David: Well, she couldn't be paying him to kill off Kirkwood and all his friends.
Jennifer: No, David's inherited impulses wouldn't allow him to commit such a purely mercenary act of violence.
Dr. Tara Lewis: And we know vengeance isn't emotionally transferrable, so why would David be killing these men to satisfy Dr. Rhodes' need for revenge?
Emily: Dr. Rhodes was able to take advantage of the fact that David's internalized love map is in a state of arrested development. Even when I first encountered him, he was susceptible to extreme maternal transference.
Jennifer: It's also why he's not inclined to harm his female accomplices.
Luke: So David was worried that he shared his dad's violent urges, and he went to Dr. Rhodes for help, but instead of helping him, she manipulated his trust in order to do her own bidding.
David: I bet she's telling him that these guys are just like dear old dad, and if he has this urge to kill, the best way of working through it all is to kill them.

Agent: How effective are those press conferences?
David: Incredibly
Agent: Then why haven't we heard from him?
David: A bond like this takes years to develop. We're not going to break it in a few hours

David: If I give her a gentle push, I might make her talk
Emily: We have less than 48 hour, don't be gentle
David: Understood

Nathan: Dr. Reid?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah?
Nathan: I know I, um, don't deserve any favors, but... whatever my psych eval says, you promise you'll tell me the truth?
[Reid nods]
Nathan: Um, my mom says a promise doesn't count unless you say it out loud.
Dr. Spencer Reid: [smiles] I promise.

David: That's pretty brave what you did, running into that fire on your own.
Chad: Yeah? Look how that turned out.
Derek: I don't know, if you ask me, I say it was pretty stupid.
Chad: Stupid?
Derek: Yeah, that's right. You went in without protective gear. Looks like maybe you were trying to prove something.
Jennifer: Third generation fireman. What's there to prove? It's in his genes.
Derek: Quite a legacy to try to live up to. But you just wanted to be the best, didn't you?
Chad: I am the best!
David: Guess we'll never know for sure.
Chad: My whole life, I knew I was gonna be a fireman. That I would matter!
Jennifer: You do matter, Chad. Everyone matters.
Chad: Not him! He doesn't.
David: That man is a marine. He risked his life to protect us. You telling me that doesn't matter?

David: Do you know why I joined the FBI?
Harrison: If you say...
David: Because of you. You could say the corps changed me, or the war. But it was you who made me honest. So, please, be honest with me now. What are you running from?

Jason: Paramedics say he wouldn't have made it without you. You saved his life.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He wanted me to let him die.
Jason: He's sick. He needed saving.
Dr. Spencer Reid: And how many people's lives did I risk in the future?
Jason: Profiles can be wrong.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What if it's not? What if next time he kills somebody?
Jason: Then you catch him.

Penelope: [voiceover] Ralph W. Sockman said, Nothing is so strong as gentleness, and nothing is so gentle as real strength.

Luke: So that's how he went from socially awkward to socially skilled. The drugs.
Dr. Tara Lewis: That makes sense. His inhibitions would be lowered and he'd be emboldened.
Stephen: But repeated use could mean addiction and a higher tolerance, so he would need increasing larger doses.
David: His mother was trying to help him, but she may have unlocked the psychopath in him instead.
Emily: MDMA is supposed to enhance sexuality. If Nancy Santiago was his first victim and he was high when he killed her, that must have made quite an impression.
Dr. Tara Lewis: And since it's never as good as the first time, he's probably been chasing that dragon ever since.
Stephen: He probably needs to be under the influence himself to complete the experience.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Yeah, but if that was him in the alley with Nancy Santiago's body, then why no sexual assault with his most recent victims?
Emily: Because MDMA can cause impotence.
Luke: Yeah. Maybe he can't sexually get off, and that only adds to his rage.
David: That's why he's been so violent. Torture is an outlet for that.

Jennifer: Welcome to the locker room
David: I hate the locker room!

Raymond: B in Math? A B MINUS in English?

Aaron: Cooper, listen. Your theory's right. We know he's killing homeless men as well as fathers and daughters. But let us work it. If you go back to D.C. now, the director won't know that you ignored her order.
Sam: Look, I know you're sticking your neck out on this thing for me. I... I understand. I don't... I'm not trying to...
Aaron: This isn't about me. I want to protect you.
[Cooper pulls a photograph out of his wallet and hands it to Hotch]
Sam: You remember him?
Aaron: Holby Holme. Of course.
Sam: You remember we got that confession for those five child murders, but all we all had that gut feeling.
Aaron: We knew he wasn't good for all of them. The preference was too varied.
Sam: Local cops shut the investigation down. The FBI brass, they told us to... to get our asses back home.
Aaron: I remember.
Sam: Where were you when you heard they caught that second killer dumping this boy's body?
Aaron: I was in Denver working on a new case. You?
Sam: I wasn't on anything yet. I could have still been there. I won't ignore my gut again. I don't care what it costs me.

Derek: I need to come clean about something. I lied about someone being dead.
Aaron: I'm sorry?
Derek: Last year, that fisherman unsub that was dumping the bodies in the Atlantic, he claimed that my cousin was one of his victims.
Aaron: Falsely. You deduced he'd never met her.
Derek: I told my family it was him. Cindi had been missing for eight years, and my aunt needed closure. And even though I kept looking, I lied, Hotch. I lied because I wanted my family to move on, but now there's evidence she's alive.
[Hotch doesn't say anything]
Derek: You still there?
Aaron: We're on our way.

Matt: [closing quote] "A man travels the world in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it" - George Moore

David: Not bad for the first time steering the ship. Prentiss would be proud. Have you heard from Emily?
Jennifer: No. I, uh, I texted her to let her know we were on our way back, but...
David: I'll be glad when this is all over.
Jennifer: Yeah.

Ashley: Sometimes we do everything right, and we still lose.

Aaron: Reid? Anything helpful?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah. Yeah... The Afro-Caribbean syncretic religions began when slaves mixed their traditional religions with Catholicism in order to camouflage them. The elements in this altar look to me like Santeria. It's a Yoruban-based religion developed in Cuba. Practitioners worship Orishas, deities that roughly correspond with Catholic saints.
Derek: And what about the shells?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Let's see. This is Ellegua, the deity of the crossroads, a trickster and the impartial enforcer of justice.
Ashley: So, is the UnSub sacrificing the victims to him?
Dr. Spencer Reid: None of these religions openly call for human sacrifice, only animals.

Derek: Yeah, I understand that. I'm just... I'm asking some type of alternative for that... Nothing? Yes, I got it. Don't ask me if I like it.
Emily: Oh, what? What is it?
Derek: Social Services won't intervene to a regular formal investigation.
Emily: We have to take them home?
Derek: Yeah.

Detective: So, what if they didn't do it? Then we're back to nothing?
Aaron: One of them knows where Kate is.
Detective: How can you be sure?
Derek: Because an innocent person doesn't sit quietly for three days. They get angry and defensive.
Aaron: These guys are going out of their way to appear calm and in control. They've got something to hide.

David: Looks like local PD is still working on IDing the victims.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Has a cause of death been determined?
Penelope: No, but the coroner did reveal this one super-icky detail: all of the bodies had been drained of their blood.
Emily: Let's make sure to check on that first thing.

Penelope: [answering call] Fount of all Knowledge, check my flow!

Derek: [First call after their argument] Hey girl
Penelope: [down] Hey. We're good?
Derek: Yeah, we're good
Penelope: [smiling again] What do you need?

David: Your child enters and leaves your life on the same day. That's one hell of a stressor.

Jennifer: [Investigating the latest victim] Hey, Spence, look at this.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What is it?
Jennifer: I mean, this... this girl obviously cares about her a-appearance. I mean, she's fit and her nails are perfectly done, but look at her hair. It's uneven.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Could it maybe be a fashion statement? You know, bad on purpose?

Aaron: [closing quotation, voiceover] Poet Haniel Long said "So much of what is best in us is bound up in our love of family, that it remains the measure of our stability because it measures our sense of loyalty."

Emily: [looking at Hotch and Garcia] I so don't miss that face.
Jennifer: No matter how many cases we solve, there's always more.
Emily: Insert Dr. Reid's statistic about active serial killers at any given time here. Reid?
Jennifer: Spencer...
Dr. Spencer Reid: There's something wrong.
Emily: Why do you say that?
Dr. Spencer Reid: He's been reading the same page for 16 minutes and 24 seconds.
Emily: Maybe, it's a really good article.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's never taken him longer than 11 minutes 17 seconds to turn a page.
Emily: You time how long it...
[seeing JJ's nod]
Emily: What's your theory?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I'm extrapolating probabilities as we speak.

Emily: So four young women go missing, late at night, in the same geographical area.
Dr. Spencer Reid: There's been no ATM, no cell phone, credit card activity.
Matt: And no ransom demands. These weren't kidnappings.
Luke: Bodies have never been found. The unsub could be holding them.
Emily: Or he's good at permanent concealment.

Dr. Maeve Donovan: [Reid's mobile beeps] What happened? Something just happened?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Sorry. It's work. I actually have to go.
Dr. Maeve Donovan: Okay. Well, we'll talk Sunday. Be safe.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Okay. Wait. Are you being safe?
Dr. Maeve Donovan: Yes. Yes, I'm being safe.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Do you think he knows about us?
Dr. Maeve Donovan: No. As far as I can tell he doesn't, and we need to keep it that way.

Penelope: Like a genie in a bottle.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Accidents? In America someone is involved in a car accident once every 10 seconds!

David: So, are you gonna get psychological counseling for the team or handle it internally?
Aaron: No, I think that if we all just got together, maybe a cooking lesson at the home of one of our founders...
David: Oh, no, not you, too.
Aaron: It could boost morale.
David: Is this an order?
Aaron: No, it's just a very tempered suggestion.
David: Tempered suggestion.
[Hotch smiles]

Emily: [In prison, an inmate hits the glass facing them] Isn't that, eh...
Aaron: Garrett Pain. It's reinforced glass
Emily: Easy for you to say, he tore apart 14 women
Guard: Open on 15

Dr. Spencer Reid: Two eights instead of one could also be significant. I know in China the number eight symbolizes prosperity. The more eights, the better. As a matter of fact, in Chungdu a telephone number consisting of all eights was recently sold for over a quarter million dollars

Derek: What'd you got, Sweetness?
Penelope: Mama's hands are dirty, 'cause she's been digging

Penelope: [Getting a search request from Rossi] That's gonna take a different kind of rocket to another part of the cyber universe. Good thing I'm a galaxy girl. I'll hit you back.

Penelope: Excuse me, sir. You have a visitor.
Jack: [running into the room] Dad!
Aaron: Hey.
[Jack climbs onto the hospital bed and hugs his father]
Aaron: Easy.
Jack: Are you okay?
Aaron: I am now.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [closing, voiceover] Thomas Merton once wrote, "Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone. We find it with another."

Penelope: Hay, I got access to four bank robberies worth of security footages. What got I to do with them?
Aaron: You know that digital perspective whatever software?
Penelope: Digital perspective analysis rendering?
Aaron: Yes
Penelope: Honey, not only do I know it, I helped develop it!
Aaron: Good, as I want to know every physical dimension of the unsub: height, waist size, inseam, everything you can get me
Penelope: Right, if he opens his mouth, I can give you the length of his teeth
Aaron: Just keep it clean and don't call me honey!

Emily: Thank you all for getting back here so quickly. I got a call from Chief Wheeler at the New Orleans Police Department. They've requested our help. Garcia, go ahead.
Penelope: The Big Easy has its own big bad operating in its midst. Earlier today, police uncovered a mass grave inside a vandalized crypt.
Emily: Tremé Cemetery. Ten bodies in total were discovered by the groundskeeper this afternoon.
Penelope: Yeah. The bodies were buried and burned inside the secluded tomb that had been pried open. They are believed to have been placed there in the last few weeks. The tomb was off-limits due to some maintenance being done.

Cat: I want to play a game with. You like games?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I do.
Cat: Do you win?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I always win.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [voiceover] T.S. Eliot wrote "Between the desire and the spasm, between the potency and the existence, between the essence and the descent, falls the shadow. This is the way the world ends."

Aaron: I need a favor.
David: Of course.
Aaron: I need some personal time, no more than a day.
David: Take all the time you need.
Aaron: [about his divorce from Haley] I need to talk to Jack. I've lost her, but I'm not gonna lose him. I need to try to... tell him what's going on. I don't know how much he's going to understand, but...
David: All he needs to understand is that you love him.

Kate: [opening quote] William R. Alger once said: "Men often make up in wrath what they want in reason"

Penelope: Last night in St. Louis, four roommates were killed in a rental home in what the police called a robbery turned homicide
Luke: It's brutal!
Matt: Yeah! Looks like two sides of his brain were fighting with each other: left side want to rob the place, the right side want to cause some destruction
David: Yeah, and both sides got exactly what they wanted

Dana: [to Reid] I know there's a huge drug problem in the U.S, but it's so different when it's my mom.

David: The philosopher Voltaire wrote: "To the living we owe respect, but to the dead we owe only the truth." The dead are the cornerstone of every homicide investigation. Victims give us a look into the killer's mind. If you want to know about a hunter, study his prey.

Aaron: Aaron Hotchner:
[closing quote]
Aaron: "The first condition of immortality is death." Stanislaw Lec

Dr. Spencer Reid: [Seeing JJ exhausted, eating dry biscuit] Not you too! Am I getting another godson?
Jennifer: Possibly. Maybe goddaughter.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Morgan. You knew I didn't want you to tell Hotch about my nightmares.
Derek: Reid, that's something they need to know about.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What do you mean "they"?
Derek: Hotch and Gideon.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You told Gideon, too?
Derek: Yeah. And it's okay, kid.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Well, wh... what if they think I can't do my job? What if... what if they want to pull me off the team?
Derek: They won't.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Oh, yeah? How do you know that?
Derek: [frustrated sigh] I just do.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You had no right, man. I... I confided in you. This is... you know, this is exactly what I get when I trust someone. It gets thrown back in my face.
Derek: Mine started six months after I got into the BAU. Yeah. Mine. We were working a strangler case in Montana. Four victims. Me, I was still pretty young at the time, so, you know, I was feeling myself. I was cocky, I was arrogant. The locals, they didn't have anything, so I stepped up. I said 'I can nail down a profile for you just as soon as I get what I need.'
Dr. Spencer Reid: More victims.
Derek: Mm-hmm. She was found the next day. So I went down to the scene to do my thing. And as I was looking over the body, that's when I saw them. Her eyes, Reid. They were wide open. And there was something different about them, it was like they were looking right at *me*. Like she knew. I asked for a victim; well, here she was. That's when they started for me. Night after night, I would fall asleep, and I would see those eyes. They were dead eyes. Accusing eyes. And it got to the point where it was happening even when I wasn't asleep. Reid, everywhere I went, I saw those eyes.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What'd you do?
Derek: Gideon. He knew. I didn't tell him. I was like you, I didn't want anybody to know. He just... he knew. And he sat me down and he... he just kind of talked me through it. I still have the nightmares to this day, just not nearly as often. But when they come back, I know how to handle them better.

Matt: So, we went through Carl's meticulous log of his hardware, and the missing gun that should be here is a Bodyguard 380. Now, if the unsub found this in a secret compartment, then he knows Carl, probably very well. And based on the fortress that Carl lived in, it'd probably be another truther. No one else could get that close.
Jennifer: And that would explain why there was no forced entry at Bryan's, either.
Luke: So when Carl said "I'm close to finding out who it is", he wasn't talking about some secret cabal, he was talking about a friend.
Emily: Someone he was willing to call the cops on. We should bring all the truthers in for questioning.
Dr. Tara Lewis: No. No, that won't work. They won't cooperate under coercion. Look, I say we lay all our cards out on the table. Let's deliver our profile to them.
Emily: Oh, that's risky.
Dr. Tara Lewis: But worth it. Either one of the truthers points us to the unsub... or he shows up himself.

Benjamin: No one had to follow. God could have stopped me.
[Morgan comes in and shoots Cyrus down]
Dr. Spencer Reid: He just did!

Penelope: Can I share my truth with you?
Luke: When have you ever not?
Penelope: Ok. I find it very hard to have a conversation with you, when I am not dunking on you

Ms. McKee: As you can see, his scores are high across the board. But he seems to be holding back in the classroom.
Aaron: Why do you think that is?
Ms. McKee: Has he ever mentioned a classmate named Paul?
Aaron: Paul Cain? Yes, he's been over. He's a friend of Jack's.
Ms. McKee: Paul is being mean to Jack for some reason.
Aaron: How long has that been going on?
Ms. McKee: A few weeks. Jack's just his latest target. We've moved Jack away from Paul, and we're documenting everything, of course.
Aaron: Jack says that things are going very well at school, so the steps you're taking must be working.
Ms. McKee: Thank you.
Aaron: Let me know if anything changes.
Ms. McKee: Absolutely.
Aaron: Can I keep this?
Ms. McKee: Sure.
Aaron: Thank you so much.

Derek: What's all this?
Deputy: Dia de los Muertos
Dr. Spencer Reid: Day of the dead. Three day Latin holidays where souls of the dead relatives are send return to earth to enjoy the pleasure they once knew of
Deputy: He sounds like he is reading that out of a book
Derek: Trust me, he always sounds like that
Dr. Spencer Reid: Actually, I was reading I picked this pamphlet at the airport

Aaron: [Arrives at the crime scene] What happened here?
Lt. Brantley: Took him down by himself
Derek: [Walks further] Hotch! Brantley says you took him down solo!
Aaron: He wasn't far behind me
Derek: You know you should have waited for backup
Aaron: Would you have?

Emily: Where were you on the days Ethan Hayes and Michael Bridges were abducted?
Walter: I was home.
David: Don't you need to ask what days those were?

Matt: Isn't there a dance where the couple holds roses between their teeth? It's the tango, right?
Dr. Spencer Reid: That's actually a common misconception. Rudolph Valentino did that while dancing the tango in the 1921 film The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse but the authentic Argentinian dance does not involve a rose or any other flower, for that matter

Emily: Okay, we all want a profile that explains everything, wraps everything neatly, but we don't have that here. So, instead I'd like to hear everyone's best theories. We're gonna rebuild this case from the ground up.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Basically the assumed suspect will hunt close to where they live but far enough to remain anonymous. Each one of these data points represents the bank and the area where the lines intersect is the best estimate of the unsub home
Jennifer: To how many people does that narrow it down to?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Ahh... a couple of hundred thousand!
Jennifer: Oh...

Mario: You'll forgive me for feeling like justice isn't exactly being served with this move.
Emily: I understand. But I can assure you this has gone to the highest ranks and there will be a full investigation. Thank you for working with us.
Mario: For our reports, I would like to have the recording of that cognitive interview.
Emily: I didn't record it.
Mario: But that was our agreement.
Emily: I determined he was still under the influence. Anything he said wouldn't have clarified matters.
Mario: You're committed agents. And I've worked with the IRT before. I trust you know what you're doing.
Emily: We do. I promise.

Penelope: He's had a rough couple of months.

David: [closing quote] "A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it" - Jean de La Fontaine

Jennifer: [opening, voiceover] Life is a game, play it. Life is too precious, do not destroy it. -Mother Teresa

Jason: I believe it's a case of hero homicide.
Detective: What's that?
Dr. Spencer Reid: The best-known case was hospital nurse Richard Angelo. He would inject toxins into his victims, then wait for them to crash so that he could run to the rescue and save them. He killed twenty-five people, and that's just that we know of.
Detective: If he attacked 'em to save 'em, why'd he kill twenty-five people?
Jason: Wasn't very good at it.

Aaron: [voiceover] "The herds seek out the great, not for their sake, but for their influence; and the great welcome them, out of vanity or need." ~~ Napoleon Bonaparte

Derek: His name is Ezra Warren. He's 23 years old, works as a waiter in D.C. He's got a clean record.
David: So, except for being covered in blood at the scene of a mass murder, just your average Joe.

Dr. Spencer Reid: They found the knife? Where?
Fiona: In the desert. The theory is that you tossed it out the window of the stolen car during the chase.
Emily: It must have been whoever was in the car you were chasing.
Fiona: But that car and its driver are in the wind. The blood and the prints on the knife are yours.
Dr. Spencer Reid: This is bad.
Fiona: There's more. The blade on the murder weapon is consistent the blade that cut your hand. It means that the two to five year deal you didn't want this morning is no longer an option. The new offer is five to ten years
Emily: Oh, my god.
Fiona: And it's an exploding offer. That means that you have until the arraignment to take it. If you leave it, there won't be any more offers. You'll go to trial.
Emily: And if he loses, he gets twenty-five to life?
Fiona: Do you remember anything more about how you got that cut?
Dr. Spencer Reid: No. I'm trying, but I can't remember. And I'm not taking the offer. I understand what's at stake. I'm not taking it.
Emily: May I have a moment alone with Spencer, please?
Fiona: Of course.

Joanna: This is my sister. I miss her every day! I don't if you know what that feels like, but..
Jennifer: Actually, I... I do

Aaron: [Hotch is on his way to his house after learning that Foyet has gotten to Haley and Jack... his cell phone rings, it's Haley] Foyet?
Haley: [Foyet is with Haley] Aaron? You're OK?
Aaron: [stunned by the irony... pauses] I'm fine.
Haley: But... he said that... Oh, Aaron.
Aaron: He can hear us, right?
Haley: Yes... I'm so sorry.
Aaron: Haley... show him NO weakness... no fear.
Haley: I know... Sam told me all about him. Is he, um...
Aaron: [quickly... he's lying] No... Sam is fine.
The: Aaron, Aaron, Aaron... is that why your marriage broke up? Because you're a liar?
Aaron: Don't listen to him, Haley!
The: I have Sam's service phone right here. They sent out a mass text about his death. Take a look if you want.
Aaron: He's trying to scare you!
The: Did you even tell her what this was about? About the deal?
Aaron: He's just trying to make you angry.
The: Well she should be! She's gonna
[covers Jack's ears and lowers his voice]
The: D-I-E because of your inflated ego!
Aaron: Ignore him, Haley!
The: Oh sure, you don't want her to know this part, either.
[to Haley]
The: You know, all he had to do was stop lookin' for me and you wouldn't be in this mess.
Aaron: Don't react!
Haley: What is he talking about?
Aaron: [pauses] Tell Jack I need him working a case.
Haley: What?
Haley: Tell Jack I need him working a case!
Haley: Jack, did you hear that?
Jack: [comes to phone] Hi, Daddy.

Jennifer: What the hack is going on here?
Penelope: The NSA is routing all messages to us for language analysis. You know, rumor has it, much to my chagrin that during national security emergencies our fair country turns all of its satellites homeward and record all electronic traffic in the whole of US of A
Jennifer: Is this even legal?
Penelope: Yeah, I don't really want to think about that right now

Dr. Spencer Reid: Six letters. "Between the waves."
Alex: Slatch.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yes. 10 letters. "Wandering alone."
Alex: Uh... If it's Latin in origin, alone is "solus," vagare is "wondering," 10 letters... S-O-L-I-V-A-G-A-N-T.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Congratulations, Blake, you just finished that crossword puzzle in seven minutes.
Alex: I mean, you could do it, too.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I've done it in five and a half, actually. There's a theory about pattern recognition where you don't even have to look at the clues anymore, but I found that going across instead of down helps because the sequence of saccades and fixations in traditional reading assist with other oculomotor tasks such as solving crossword puzzles.
Alex: Ah.
David: Happy Wednesday, my nerds.
Alex: Hey, you're here early.
David: Apparently not early enough. I missed all the excitement. You do that in pen?
Alex: Is there any other way?

Matt: [closing quote] "Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them" - James Baldwin

David: The only people I ever made happy were divorce attorneys.

Betty: Nobody writes about prostitutes being shot, because they won't admit that they think there're cleaning up the place
Aaron: You're right. Cases like your daughter usually go unsolved. The problem is: people aren't looking for this is because they don't know they are missing. Part of their job was to stay below the radar. Doesn't mean that she was any less important
Betty: She made bad choices, but she was a good person. She loved her kids.

Phil: What's new with Penelope? Is she seeing anybody? What's up?
Luke: Come on, bro. How many times do I have to tell you, you are no match for Penelope Garcia.
Phil: I'm smart. I'm considerate, and stable.
Lisa: Mm-hmm. Don't forget employed.
Phil: Ah, employed. Man, I'm like the total package, man. Come on.
Luke: I don't know, okay? I'm not even sure she's looking. I've been busy at work.
Phil: Oh. Anything interesting?
[Luke avoids answering]
Phil: Come on, man. I'm getting frostbite out here.
Lisa: He does the same thing to me when I ask about the cases. I can't even get a middle of the day "how's it going?" text from the guy.
Luke: [amused] The two of you.

Elle: [Morgan walks in, startles Elle] Dude!
Derek: Dude? You're *way* too tense.

Derek: [voiceover] Three can keep a secret, if two are dead. -Benjamin Franklin

Luke: There has to be some kind of connection between the unsub and Veronica Perotta. I mean, he targeted her outside her home. He had to have some knowledge of her daily routine. This... this was personal.
Penelope: I'm looking through Veronica's social media now. She was single. She had recently joined something called Amorous Intrigue.
Luke: The dating website.
Penelope: Oh. Is that what that is? It's good. Maybe I should try it. Not that I'd want to join something you know about. Or I'd need a dating website. 'Cause I don't.
Luke: If the unsub needed a dating website, it was because he had trouble meeting women.
Penelope: Well, let's see if she was dating anyone on Amorous Intrigue. Well, she was pinged a few times. But those conversations didn't go anywhere. Oh, wait. Here's somebody. Jonathan Rhodes. He pinged her three... no, four times. She ignored him. She must have rejected him just off his profile.
Luke: Well, what's weird about his profile? Can you pull it up?
Penelope: Yeah. Jonathan enjoys games of the video variety, mostly single-shooter and... driving games. Uh... he's into computers, and he was a sound tech engineer at a local radio station.
Luke: Let me guess. WUKO.
Penelope: Yeah, that's the one. After she blew him off, he cyber stalked Veronica for months.
Luke: Who else rejected Jonathan's pings on Amorous Intrigue?
Penelope: Well, I don't know. He didn't really put himself out there that much.
Luke: Well, that would only intensify the rejections.
Penelope: Okay. Here's somebody. Alyssa Miles. Totally his type.
Luke: That's his next target. Can you pull up an address?
Penelope: Yep. Just sent it to your phone.
Luke: All right. Grab your laptop, hotshot. Let's go.
Penelope: What?
Luke: Come on.
Penelope: I'm going with you? I don't go with. I don't. I'm precious cargo.

Derek: I'll drive
Savannah: Uhm... no way!
Derek: What? What do you mean?
Savannah: I have seen you driving! I'm driving
Derek: Oh, so, this is how it's gonna be?
Savannah: Yep, get used to it

Aaron: Try not to shoot that inside the car
David: You mean: try not to deafen you?
Aaron: Exactly

Penelope: You'd think after 10 years I'd seen them all
Derek: How many sites are there, Mama?
Penelope: Hundreds and that gem of fellow you've got in custody has looked at all of them at one time or another

Max: Did Jason ever tell you about the time that he found the Director's itinerary in a bomber's car?
Dr. Spencer Reid: What? What?
Jason: Max, come on.
Derek: No, no, he never said anything.
Max: Well, let me fill you in, then. We had this bomber case; it was one of Jason's first. So we had him go over and search the bomber's car, which was in the Quantico garage. Except for me and the guys had planted this piece of paper that had all these times and locations of where the FBI Director was gonna be over the next forty-eight hours. Anyway, Jason takes one look at this piece of paper, and before we could stop him, he takes off, runs up twenty-five flights of stairs to the Director's office, barges in.
Derek: [laughing] Get out of here!
Max: Interrupting a meeting with the Attorney General himself.
Derek: [slapping Gideon's knee] Yeah!
Jason: The Director didn't find it very funny.
Max: He was the only one who didn't.

David: [voiceover] Ralph Steadman wrote, "Evil is always devising more corrosive misery though man's restless need to exact revenge out of his hate."

Aaron: Then I have to ask you, how do you know she's missing?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Because we always addressed our letters to our pseudonyms.
Aaron: And you're Dr. Joseph Bell?
Dr. Spencer Reid: The real-life inspiration for Sherlock Holmes. And that codename is how I know she's in trouble. The voice on the phone identified himself as Adam Worth. That was the American criminal that Arthur Conan Doyle based the character of Moriarty on.
Aaron: And what did he say to you?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Zugzwang. It's a chess term. It describes the point in a game when a plyer realizes he'll inevitably be checkmated. He has to decide whether to resign or play through the bitter end.
Aaron: If you're right about this, then you're part of his victimology, too.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I know. He thinks he'll get away with this, and... he might. I have a wealth of knowledge I should be applying to this case -- behavioral patterns of violent stalkers, tactical recovery strategies, victim survival odds -- but... right now I can't focus on anything for more than four seconds at a time, which makes me the dumbest person in the room, so... please help me. Help me find her.

David: [voiceover] If I am what I have, and if I lose what I have, who then am I? German psychologist Erich Fromm

Yvonne: Wait.
Cindi: I can't talk to you.
Malcolm: No, no. It's okay. I trust you.
Yvonne: Baby... let me just... let me just look at you.
[finds a bruise on Cindi's neck]
Yvonne: Oh! What has he done to you?
Cindi: He loves me.
Yvonne: You call that love?
Cindi: I have to go. I have to make him dinner.
Yvonne: [pause] That's not her. That is not my daughter.

Aaron: [voice over] "Of all the preposterous assumptions of humanity, nothing exceeds the criticisms made of the habits of the poor by the well-housed, well-warmed, and well-fed." - Herman Melville.

Dr. Tara Lewis: Look, we don't put words in peoples mouths! That's not how our interviews work

Emily: CCTV traffic camera captured this image on the afternoon that our last victim, Dennis Kirkwood, went missing. Alexandria PD have identified Kirkwood's passenger here as a Rebecca Marcus. She's also a working girl. She's telling the same story as Hale, except that Eddie told her to deliver Kirkwood to a different address.
Jennifer: Fortunately for her, he doesn't seem compelled to kill women.
Emily: Unfortunately for us, our description of this Eddie is just too generic, and Luke found nothing at either apartment.
David: You know, Eddie looks too damn young to this good at his M.O.
Emily: Yeah. Everything about this speaks to someone who's had more than enough time to perfect their craft.
Jennifer: Okay, so how did our young Eddie accelerate his learning curve?

Evan: Excuse me, can you actually read that fast?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Our conscious minds can process sixteen bits of information per second. Our unconscious, however, can process eleven million.
[Mr. Davenport looks at Reid]
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yes, I can actually read this fast.

Luke: Is that ANFO, Matt?
Matt: Yeah.
[cautiously approaching a house, they open the front door]
Luke: FBI!
Matt: Oh, my god.

[Closing Quote]
Aaron: There's an old Apache saying, "You can take many paths to get to the same place."

Dr. Spencer Reid: You know, rethinking the type of offender he was seven years ago, it's possible the UnSub didn't sexually assault Hope initially but waited until she was older.
Emily: Well, that would explain why he held on to her all this time. In his fantasy, he might envision Hope at a more desirable age.
David: What story did he use to get into the support group?
Jennifer: Well, he told them his pregnant wife committed suicide. Apparently they were trying to conceive for over a year.
David: Hope couldn't bear the thought of bringing his child into this world, so she took what little control she did have and ended her life.
Emily: And that was never part of his plan. Turned his world upside down.
David: He's not ready to let go of the bond he had with Hope.
Dr. Spencer Reid: And now he's trying to get back what was taken from him.
Emily: Wouldn't it just be easier for him to start over again?
David: Unless Monica could give him what he lost - another Hope. He didn't take Monica to remind him of Hope. He took her... to recreate her.

Jason: This is gonna hit you. And when it does, there are only three facts you need to remember. You did what you had to do, and a lot of good people are alive because of what you did.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What's the third?
Jason: I'm proud of you.

Emily: [On the recording of a 911-call] Were you able to run a digital trace?
Penelope: Yes and no: would you believe it came from the Ukrainian city of Sloviansk?

David: Bridget and Scott Bergstrom grew up in Winona and have deep ties to the community.
Jennifer: Scott was a local distributor of farm equipment, Bridget cut hair at a salon in the mall.
Emily: And yet they were murdered by a family annihilator.
Penelope: Sad, but true. The Bergstrom family had their share of dirty laundry. Though who of us does not?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Scott developed a Vicodin habit a few years back after a skiing accident.
Emily: So he could have been in over his head with his dealer.
Jennifer: So, Bridget was having an affair?
Penelope: Yeah. I looked at their financials. She's got a credit card secret just in her name, with charges to a motel just outside of town and nothing else.
David: She might have cut things off, causing him to go off the deep end. Can you get us a name?
Penelope: Yeah, I'm already into it. You'll have lover boy's name ASAP.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What about Amanda, the sole survivor? Any motive there?
Penelope: Deep sigh. I hate that you're asking that. And deep sigh again, I am bound by duty to report the facts. There's a modest insurance policy; seventeen year old Amanda is the beneficiary.
Emily: $100,000.
Luke: That would seem like all the money in the world to a teenager.
David: People have been killed for a lot less. That's an unlikely motive for the daughter, but we can't rule her out.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Whatever set this unsub off, he made the whole family pay for it.

Derek: Hey, Prentiss. "Sin-To-Win?"
Emily: I'm sorry, what?
Derek: Come on now, I gotta know. What the hell is a Sin-To-Win Weekend in Atlantic City?
Emily: Derek, I have a tremendous amount of respect for you, but there are some questions that, if you have to ask them, it means you probably couldn't handle the answer.
[Walks away]
Derek: ...There is a whole 'nother side to that woman.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [to Diana] Did Dad like kids?
Diana: Well, yes. If it were up to him, you would have a house full of brothers and sisters.
Dr. Spencer Reid: So you didn't want more children?
Diana: Why would I mess with perfection?

Jason: Nietzsche said, "The irrationality of a thing is no argument against its existence, rather a condition of it."

Dr. Spencer Reid: Who we are is... it's constantly evolving. I'm a lot older than you, and I'm changing all the time. You know, this job changes me. You've changed me. You sought me out to try to understand how *not* to harm people. It's a far more important part of who you are than the one that scares you.

Nathan: I know I'm crazy.
Jason: Did I say that?
Nathan: No. But what do you call pictures in your head that you can't make go away?

William LaMontagne Jr.: You spend a lot of time telling people they can't blame themselves. So maybe you ought to take your own advice. You saved that boy's life, and the woman, too.
Jennifer: Yeah, what about Francesca's?
William LaMontagne Jr.: That wasn't your fault.
Jennifer: Oh, whose fault was it?
William LaMontagne Jr.: The unsub. And now because of you, he's never gonna be able to do that to anyone again.
Jennifer: Now she's dead because I made a choice.
William LaMontagne Jr.: No, don't. That monster killed her.
Jennifer: No, I chose Roberto. You want to know why?
[starting to cry]
Jennifer: Because he reminded me of Henry. That's it. I didn't even realize it 'till later, you know? Maybe if I went to her first, I... I could have saved both of them. I shouldn't have sent Luke out. We could have saved all of them. I know that.
William LaMontagne Jr.: Or maybe you'd all be dead. JJ, you're gonna spin like a top with the "what if?"s. Now, you made a choice; the best choice you could, and two people are alive because of it. You're a hero, Jennifer Jareau. You're my hero and your boys' and your team, and all those other people that you saved. Don't you ever forget that.

Aaron: Mr. Robbins, which son is this?
Bill: [moves his right fingers and sees the son's fingers moving] That's Wallace. He's teachable. I taught him to do that whenever he gets nervous.
Aaron: Wallace Hines, you're under arrest.
Wallace: Mom? Mom, what do I do now? Mommy, no! Mom!

Erin: This is your fifth victim, right?
Det. Vic Wolynski: Yes.
Erin: You should've called sooner.
Det. Vic Wolynski: I thought we had a handle on.
Erin: Apparently, not.
Jennifer: Ma'am.
[to Det. Wolynski]
Jennifer: Excuse me, sir.
Jennifer: [to Strauss] We need to work with these detectives.
Erin: I'm sorry?
Jennifer: We don't generally criticize them. It just really doesn't get us anything.
Erin: Are you saying it wouldn't be helpful if they contact us sooner?
Jennifer: Of course, it's always, you know, the sooner the better.
Erin: Right... And Agent Jareau, don't question me again.

Emily: When David Smith was eight years old, his serial killer father used him as bait to lure his victims. David became so inured to this behavior that he actually lured his father's last victim without even being prompted.
Dr. Tara Lewis: What happened to David after his father was arrested? Was CPS able to reunite him with his mother?
Emily: They were. She didn't want him. So I kept tabs on his foster care and his therapy. Fortunately, about a year later, Kate and Alan Addison adopted David. They decided to change his name to Edward, and they moved to Baltimore in 2011.
Matt: Did you continue to keep in touch with him?
Emily: I wish I could have, but... anyway, the last time I checked on David, he was doing about as well as one could expect.

[last lines]
Aaron: I've just heard that the Attorney General is, uh, very pleased.
David: Now, they seldom call with just good news.
Aaron: They were also so happy with the way things turned out, that unfortunately, they've withdrawn my name as a candidate for section chief.
David: I'll drink to that.
[they clink glasses]
David: So that means we've got a new boss. Any idea who?
Aaron: They didn't say, but they did say that they were thinking outside the box.
David: Uh oh.
Aaron: Exactly.
David: Well, whatever happens, I'm sure it will be interesting. Always is.

Penelope: [Rossi just made a search request] Oh yeah, digital shovels already throwing up dirt

David: I have interviewed hundreds of killers. All types of crazy motives for doing what they did. They all share one thing in common, all of them: it's in their eyes!
Aaron: 'Till what they hold most precious is gone... and then they're lost. Just like the rest of us.

Penelope: Do you want to go into the Batcave and hang out like old times?
Derek: You know I want to. But I'd have to bargain with my boss, and my boss is no joke. He's real tough on me. Did you not get my text?
Penelope: While you were lovingly mansplaining to me? No, that would be rude.
Derek: Woman, look at your phone.
Penelope: Okay. Well, I would've, but...
Derek: [she takes her phone out] I don't know if you're ready.
[a video file plays]
Derek: Hey, Hank the Tank, say "Hey, Aunt Penelope."
Hank: Hey, Auntie.
Derek: Right?
Penelope: Oh, my gosh. How is my godson continuing to get cuter and smarter? This is everything! This is the greatest. You're the greatest. Thank you.
Derek: You're welcome.

Aaron: You're okay with this, right?
Emily: Yeah, I'll be fine. Sadly, I've actually dated people worse than Viper.
Aaron: [seems unsure what to say] Wow.

Emily: Any information on the first two victims?
Dr. Tara Lewis: Not much on Ben Stiles. His wife died ten years ago and he pretty much kept to himself after that. He had health issues. Barely went out.
Matt: So that should make it easier to narrow down who had access to him or knew about that coin collection.
Dr. Tara Lewis: Which was just some silver dollars, by the way. Not worth much. But it was more of a hobby with Stiles.
Sheriff: [entering] I just got a call from up at Lake Palmer. Ben Stiles' coin collection is scattered all along the shore.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [Jack has his daughter's kidnapper at gunpoint] Jack, you swore to your wife you'd protect Lindsey. Listen to her, Jack. Listen to what she wants. She's... she's begging you to kill somebody right in front of her. What do you think your wife wanted you to protect her from? Jack... your life has been, uh... it's been about violence, and if... you do this, Lindsey's will be, too. Do you want that?
Ryan: [pleading] No, you don't want that.
Dr. Spencer Reid: When does it end, Jack?
Ryan: Put down the gun.
Lindsey: [whispering] Kill him.
Dr. Spencer Reid: When does it stop?
Jack: Tomorrow.
[shotgun blast]

Bruce: I said open the door!
[gazes at himself in the mirror]
Bruce: Oh, my God. What a pathetic little crybaby. I was always right about you, huh? So you got old Bruce-y in a cage, huh? You think that's gonna help? It's only gonna make him hide longer. What do you want to know? I'm gonna have to tell you 'cause the baby's got his pacifier.
Aaron: Where's Sera?
Bruce: Ah, she's learning a lesson.
Aaron: What did you do to them?
Bruce: "What did you do to them?" I scared 'em, that's all. They needed it.
Aaron: Why?
Bruce: Because they're spoiled, ungrateful little bitches who walk all over him any chance they get.
Aaron: What happened to Bruce?
Bruce: He's hiding, of course. See, when he can't handle it, I save his ass. Bruce's problem is... he can't handle anything.

Penelope: [On the phone about a possible unsub] And she has an unusual high/placement rate
Matt: How unusual?
Penelope: Like get yourself to Vegas, call your bookie, the fix is in unusual
Dr. Tara Lewis: You'd think she's greasing the wheels?
Penelope: Oh, she's lubing them up bigtime
[Luke smiles]
Penelope: Eh, stop smiling Luke Alvez! I can feel it! That joke was not for you! What I am saying is her testimony holds a special kind of weight with the judge. She's got her finger in the cookie jar one way or the other

David: [opening, voiceover] "Dreams are true while they last, and do we not live in dreams?" - Alfred Lord Tennyson

Dr. Spencer Reid: Looking at their case histories, both men filed dozens of harassment and nuisance lawsuits against each other, including unfounded claims of burglary and trespassing. Then, in 2011, Matthias Lee filed a civil complaint against Clark Howard "to kiss his ass". Clark Howard responded with a motion to go...
[Looks at the folder, trails off]
Dr. Spencer Reid: You can't actually do that with the male anatomy.

Dr. Tara Lewis: Have a seat, Ms. Hale.
Kiara: No. I don't... why am I here?
Dr. Tara Lewis: [setting camera stills on the table] That's you with Anthony Nakamura, who was murdered, and it turns out he wasn't the only one. So have a seat.

Derek: [closing quotation, voiceover] "Our moral responsibility is not to stop the future, but to shape it, to channel our destiny in humane directions and to ease the trauma of transition" - Alvin Toffler.

Emily: I'll be waiting for it. Thanks.
Derek: They got something?
Emily: I don't know. We'll see.
Derek: You know, Emily, you really need to trust people.
Emily: I trust people.
Derek: No, you don't. You don't because you can't. And I get it. Every time you tried to count on someone, they let you down, so you go it alone. You'll never admit that because you're just too damn stubborn. It's all right. It doesn't really matter. But I'll tell you what does matter. That you can trust me, Emily. With anything. I'm serious. No matter how awful you think it is, I promise you, you are not alone. I just wish you would believe that.
Emily: I do. You profile me again, you'll wish you hadn't.
[both smile]

Aaron: Weather permitting, wheels up in 30

Jennifer: Four numbers. What is that? 3, something, something, 6
Penelope: That's a unit number, 4 digits ending with a 6. 999 possible combinations
Jennifer: Oh, but a unit number would be registered, right?
Penelope: Already on it, kitten
Jennifer: Of course you are
Penelope: That's how I roll

Emily: So, Syd has a Lexus. That's nice. Did he ever let you drive it?
Jimmy: No.
Emily: Yeah, he's kind of a control freak, huh? I met him. He seems like a jerk. And it says a lot that he can eat at a time like this.

David: "The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die inside of us while we live." - Norman Cousins.

Derek: With no discernible victim patterns, the killer's practically impossible to stop.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Did you know the original Zodiac Killer actually continually changed his victims. Young, old, men, women, white black.
Jason: Exactly. And he killed for thirty years without ever being caught.

Aaron: And now we have a two day old crime scene and a town full of suspects! Wheels up in 30

Derek: How's Reid doing?
David: It doesn't even seem to faze him. He's just sitting there in the corner, turning pages
Jennifer: Yeah, Reid goes to another place when he reads

Derek: Hey Sweetness, what do you've got?
Penelope: Tidbits as sweet as you, love shack!

Dr. Spencer Reid: It's another spy whose cover is LR.
Emily: [in Reid's flashback] Lauren Reynolds is dead.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Lauren Reynolds is dead.
Aaron: What?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Lauren Reynolds is dead. Prentiss said that on a phone call 17 days ago. But her intonation wasn't surprise or grief. It was like a mantra, like she was reminding herself. Lauren Reynolds, LR.
Derek: She left her badge and gun? Why would she do that?
Dr. Spencer Reid: That doesn't make sense. Why run? We're her family. We can help.
David: Doyle's killing families. She's not married, not close to relatives. He was ready to wipe us out. She ran to protect us.

Paul: They all thought that they could rape us straight. I think it's time we see if it works the other way around.

Dr. Spencer Reid: I'm with the FBI.
Trailer: FBI? You're not serious. You look like a pipe-cleaner with eyes. I could snap you like a twig.

Derek: [closing quote] "Lucky I'm sane after all I've been through. Life's been good to me so far" - Joe Walsh

Jennifer: You always drink while you're still on the clock?
William LaMontagne Jr.: This is New Orleans, honey. It's a cultural thing.

Jennifer: If losing her mother didn't change everything, I know losing her sister certainly will.
Alex: I didn't know. How old were you when your sister died?
Jennifer: Eleven. She was seventeen.

Charlie: Go on. Show it.
Julie: It's party.

Emily: Virginia State Police have asked for our help. It seems three young women have gone missing under similar circumstances in the last five years.
Matt: And why are we just hearing about this now?
Emily: Well, our field office in Richmond was called in to consult, but they haven't been able to crack it, and last night a fourth woman went missing.

[first lines]
Cat: Spencie.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Where's my mother?
Cat: I missed you.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What did you and Lindsey do to her? How did you...
Cat: Now stop. You don't get to walk in here and hiss at me like I'm the criminal. Now, we do this my way.
[she kicks a chair out from under the table]
Cat: Have a seat.

Jennifer: Joanna, this may sound strange, but did Chrissy ever talk about the end of the world? You know, doomsday?
Joanna: Yes, but she isn't crazy. She's a little naive, that's all.
Jennifer: And what would she say about it?
Joanna: That the end was coming soon, that we had to get ready.
Jennifer: Where would she get that idea from?
Joanna: I don't know. She'd get high and binge watch some TV show about zombies. She became obsessed with anything to do with Armageddon. Does that have something to do with her disappearance?
Jennifer: It might. Uh, could she have met someone that encouraged her to believe the end was near?
Joanna: She'd play her guitar on the street for money. Maybe she met someone there. Please, if she's alive, why haven't I heard from her?
Jennifer: She may be under the sway of whoever has her. Look, based on our experience with deprogramming, it could be hard for her to step back into the life she once had.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Have you determined whether or not she was raped?
Doc: I didn't even think to look

Melissa: Wait. So you got there before them. How?
Emily: By helicopter. Not the Bureau's helicopter. This one belongs to the police force.
Melissa: What?
Emily: There's been a push. Police forces across the country have been purchasing military-grade hardware.
Melissa: Yeah. Like grenade launchers and tanks.
Emily: Roswell doesn't need a tank. It needs a helicopter. People get lost in the desert. Sometimes an FBI agent like me needs to get to a cabin in the middle of nowhere as fast as possible. Based on your warning the sheriff and I landed a mile away and we came up with a plan.

Derek: [reviewing the case file] Aside from m.o., victimology's all over the place. It's like this guy doesn't care who he's killing, just how.
David: And he's doing it in public without compunction for who sees him.
Aaron: Do we have a sketch?
Jennifer: All anyone can agree on is that it's a white male between 25 and 40.
Emily: Well, that narrows it down to all of Providence.
David: Hard to fault the witnesses, given how bloody these murders must be.
Derek: What bothers me is the cooling-off period is getting shorter and shorter, but no attempt to hide who he is or what he's doing. I mean, an unsub this bold could be suffering from a major psychotic break.
Jennifer: I already asked Detective Moreland to pull recent releases on prisons and mental hospitals.
Aaron: We need to get to Providence ASAP. Whether he's suffering a psychotic break or not, this could be the start of a spree.
David: And anyone is a potential target.

David: Right over there, that's where I saw Carolyn the first time.
Dr. Spencer Reid: No offense, Rossi, but this place is kind of a dump.
David: No, back then it wasn't. Back then the biggest names would come here: Creedence, the Eagles, Chicago. It was a Marine bar; they played for us jarheads.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What was Carolyn doing here?
David: Waiting for Ringo. Beatlemania was no joke. I mean, it would make the women crazy. She'd write them a letter once a week, begging the band to come visit.
Dr. Spencer Reid: And they'd ever come?
David: Ringo did, after his divorce, but luckily Carolyn met me first.

Aaron: Garcia, we just lost our Internet. We need you to guide us into the storm.
Penelope: Consider me your eyes and ears, sir.

Jason: Hey Hotch, you're the best unit chief I know!
Aaron: Jason, I am the only unit chief you know!

David: Are you alright? You know, you haven't had a vacation in a while. Weren't you talking about Italy?
Emily: My mother extended her trip there. It wouldn't be much of a vacation.
David: It's a big country.
Emily: Not big enough.

Penelope: "So long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in my heart, I shall say that life is good." - Helen Keller

Dr. Tara Lewis: I don't understand: why are we just finding out about this place?
Penelope: Because I just found it under a big cyber rock

Stephen: My old unit chief at B.A.P. has a call in to the best legal counsel the Bureau has to offer.
Penelope: We need a dream team.
Stephen: That's what we'll get.
Dr. Tara Lewis: [approaching] Cruz said we need Reid's work history, performance reviews, commendations, and reprimands if there are any, and we need them in the next three minutes.
Jennifer: Yeah, Garcia and I compiled the list just in case.
Penelope: [on her phone] It's done. It's sent.
Dr. Tara Lewis: All right. Now we wait.

Benjamin: Savages, they call us, because our manners differ from theirs.
Nancy: We didn't come here to hear you cite scripture, Mr. Cyrus.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Actually, it's Benjamin Franklin.

Penelope: Rossi, I think she just wants a blurb for her next book, which she *needs* because the last one only sold 385 copies. Well, 387. I bought two 'cause I felt bad.

David: Hi, Connie. I brought the team with...
Connie: You need to stop this.
David: Excuse me?
Connie: We thought that if we didn't call you back the last couple times, you would just give up and leave us alone.
David: I know that it hurts, but I'm only trying to make sure someone pays for your parents' deaths.
Connie: We don't care anymore. It's been twenty years! We need to be able to move past it. Please!
David: I won't bother you kids again.
Connie: And you'll stop it with the gifts, too?
David: Gifts?
Connie: What are we suppose to do with... a bunch of toys that remind us of the worst day of our lives?
David: I never sent you any gifts.

Jason: [opening quote] Euripides said: "When a good man is hurt, all who would be called good, must suffer with him"

Luke: This must be the ankle monitor base station.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's an ancient model in a fundamentally flawed system. Not even GPS-enabled. It basically just tracks the person's distance from the base station.
Luke: Looks like it has a backup battery in case of a power outage.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah, Floyd could have literally unplugged it, plugged it into a mobile power source, and taken it with him anywhere. They're so easy to defeat that law enforcement stopped using them years ago.
Luke: State hospital may not know that. I mean, he could have snuck away with it last week and then killed Rebecca Strong.
Dr. Spencer Reid: If he did that, he easily could have done it earlier and killed the first victim, as well.

Penelope: Rainmaker. How wet do you want it?
Aaron: It's Hotch. I have a cell phone number, and I need the name on the account.
Penelope: Yeah. If you call the cell, I can throw in the real-time location, no charge.
Aaron: Are you ready?
Penelope: I was born ready.

Dr. Spencer Reid: I remember reading about the case like this in Spotsylvania County, similar marking on the bone.
Jennifer: It was the winter of 1980.

[first lines]
Hayden: Ooh, this reminds me of that morning in Budapest.
David: As I recall, that particular breakfast lasted all day.
Hayden: Well, we could try that again. Except you'd have to call in sick.
David: That's very tempting.

Clara: Hey, lady. We're trying to catch up on a few things.
Penelope: Shoot it at me.
Clara: Where is Nadie Ramos from?
Penelope: Mm, she lives with her family just north of Matamoros.
Emily: That must be where she got the jimsonweed.
Penelope: What's weird is she crosses the border, like, a lot.
Emily: Why?
Penelope: Well, she works at that clinic in Houston. She also helps at a local healthcare center. I can't find a visa on her, which is double weird. And in finishing the weird trifecta, there's a Social Security number on her W-2 form.
Matt: Social Security? She's an American citizen?
Penelope: Yeah. She has dual citizenship. She was born in Houston, and her family had to move back to Mexico. She lives with them and she works in the U.S.
Emily: Well, this changes everything, and we need to talk to the consulate.
Mario: [entering] It's time for his transfer.
Emily: We've had a break in the case. The victim was also American, and that calls for extradition.
Mario: I've got orders. Sorry.

Jennifer: I can't believe he is walking out of here!
Derek: It's the right thing to do
Jennifer: Remind me of that the next time I have to tell someone their friend or daughter is murdered!