Top 700 Quotes From Shemar Moore

Derek: [opening quote] "The darkness always lies" - Anthony Liccione

Derek: You and Strauss got a little history?
Alex: Ah. In another life.
Derek: There's a story in there.

Derek: You don't like junkies?
Floyd: They taste funny.

Derek: Hey, Reid, you got a statistic on arsonists?
Dr. Spencer Reid: 82% are white males between 17 and 27. Female arsonists are far less likely, their motive typically being revenge.
Derek: Sounds like our boy's a student.
Jason: Oh, don't be so sure. You rely too much on precedent, you never allow for the unexpected.

David: [about Feylinn] Blaming the devil for his cannibalism wasn't enough to lessen his guilt, so he tricked others into participating. He made them all as guilty as he was.
Derek: He caught every break possible, Rossi. Gets released from the hospital. His records get destroyed. Gets pulled over with a victim in the trunk of his car, and they let him go. I've never seen anyone that lucky.
David: What's your point?
Derek: You've been doin' this a long time. You've seen a lot of things. You think it's possible Feylinn would... I don't know. That he was getting some kind of help from something else?
David: It's irrelevant. The job is to find evil, to stop it, not to know where it came from. Let somebody else take that job. This one's tough enough.

Jennifer: [Showing pictures] This is Henry wearing booties my mom knitted him
Penelope: I can't get over his cuteness
Jennifer: [Giggles] Oh, and this is him wearing the customized leather jacket aunty Penelope got him
Penelope: When he grows up he's gonna be a rebel!
[Phone rings]
Penelope: Is this David Rossi, the famous bestselling author David Rossi?
Derek: What you're doing? You're not supposed to call when you're on annual leave
David: I think my AL just ended

Derek: [closing, voiceover] "The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for." - Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Penelope: Give it to me
Derek: Hey Baby, can you pull up a map of the crime scene area for me?
Penelope: Sugar, I could shut down the power grid of the whole city if you told me to

[Hotchner watches a clip on his phone]
Derek: What's that?
Aaron: My son's first steps. I was out of town. Haley sent me the file
Derek: When's been?
Aaron: It's five month ago, I haven't loaded on it since
Derek: Okay, so you film a new one when you get home

Derek: [opening, voiceover] "Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher." - Japanese proverb

Derek: Talk to me, mama.
Penelope: First off, you are on restriction from my inner Lamborghini.
Derek: Garcia...
Penelope: I mean it. This high-performance engine may purr like a puma on the prowl, but this time, Derek, you have seriously overheated my engines, and I will require some cool-down laps upon your return, if you know what I mean by that.
Derek: Baby girl, you're on speaker.
Penelope: I knew that.

Detective: Scary.
Derek: Yeah. I was pretty sure he wasn't gonna try anything.
Detective: [taking a revolver out of Steven's backpack] Pretty sure, huh?
Derek: Well, let's call it an educated guess.

Jennifer: That's new.
David: What do you see?
Derek: [phone rings] Hey, what's up? You find anything in the array?
Jennifer: Yeah, there's some writing on the dumpster.
Derek: What's it say?
[looks around]
Derek: Hold on a second.
Alex: They got something?
Jennifer: Do you see something? Morgan?
David: Look up to the sky?
Derek: [finds the writing also] I gotta go.
Alex: Linguistically, it may mean God judges the victim for his sins...
Derek: That's not it.
Alex: And taken in context, with the pants pulled...
Derek: Blake, that's not it. Let's go.

David: Sydney Xavier Pearson. A name like that didn't come with manners? A gentleman walks a lady to the door.
Syd: Mm, she wasn't much of a lady.
David: Watch your mouth.
Syd: The girl was horny, man. I mean, she practically begged me for it.
David: That's a bunch of bull...
Derek: [bursting in with a polygraph result] The son of a bitch passed. How? How'd you do it?
David: Little bastard believes his lies are the truth. Takes a few deep breaths and passes.
Syd: Old-timer's kind of dramatic, isn't he? You know, it's actually much simpler than that. You see, uh, I didn't actually do anything to her.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Morgan. You knew I didn't want you to tell Hotch about my nightmares.
Derek: Reid, that's something they need to know about.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What do you mean "they"?
Derek: Hotch and Gideon.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You told Gideon, too?
Derek: Yeah. And it's okay, kid.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Well, wh... what if they think I can't do my job? What if... what if they want to pull me off the team?
Derek: They won't.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Oh, yeah? How do you know that?
Derek: [frustrated sigh] I just do.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You had no right, man. I... I confided in you. This is... you know, this is exactly what I get when I trust someone. It gets thrown back in my face.
Derek: Mine started six months after I got into the BAU. Yeah. Mine. We were working a strangler case in Montana. Four victims. Me, I was still pretty young at the time, so, you know, I was feeling myself. I was cocky, I was arrogant. The locals, they didn't have anything, so I stepped up. I said 'I can nail down a profile for you just as soon as I get what I need.'
Dr. Spencer Reid: More victims.
Derek: Mm-hmm. She was found the next day. So I went down to the scene to do my thing. And as I was looking over the body, that's when I saw them. Her eyes, Reid. They were wide open. And there was something different about them, it was like they were looking right at *me*. Like she knew. I asked for a victim; well, here she was. That's when they started for me. Night after night, I would fall asleep, and I would see those eyes. They were dead eyes. Accusing eyes. And it got to the point where it was happening even when I wasn't asleep. Reid, everywhere I went, I saw those eyes.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What'd you do?
Derek: Gideon. He knew. I didn't tell him. I was like you, I didn't want anybody to know. He just... he knew. And he sat me down and he... he just kind of talked me through it. I still have the nightmares to this day, just not nearly as often. But when they come back, I know how to handle them better.

Dr. Spencer Reid: I'm a man of science. I didn't know how to deal with it. There's no quantifiable proof that God exists, and yet, in that moment I was faced with something that I couldn't explain. I still can't.
Aaron: What if this UnSub has had a similar experience and this is his way of looking for answers?
David: If that's the case, why kill Jake Shepherd? Why not just talk to him?
Emily: He wanted to see if he had the same experience as before.
Jennifer: Once isn't enough?
Emily: Not if Jake didn't see the same thing the UnSub did. He wants to know if the experience can change. I can relate to that. Reid felt a warmth and saw a light. When I coded in the ambulance, all I felt was cold and darkness. And I would like to think that there's a different future waiting for me.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You actually died?
Derek: All right, but resuscitation is hit or miss. He can't guarantee that he can actually bring anyone back, let alone that anyone will remember what happened in their moment of so-called death.
David: Reid, what's the best way to make sure his victims had an experience?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Keep them dead longer.

Steven: [with a German accent] Why do you want Steven? Steven is stupid! He's... he's disgusting! He's filthy! Steven is filthy!
Derek: Steven, listen to me!
Steven: He is filthy!
Derek: Nothing is wrong with you! Nothing, man.

Derek: Look at me. I don't want to hurt you, okay? Let's make a deal. You give me that gun, I promise you I will walk you out of here and you will never have to come back. Sound pretty good?

Charles: Ooh... okay. Send the black guy in. I was wondering when they were gonna play that card. Attention all FBI employees, will the one negro in the building, please, get to the sixth floor.
Derek: You finished?
Charles: But then again... You're not fully black... are you? Well, that's okay. They say even one drop counts.

Penelope: You know that throw away cell phone that called Albert Stillman?
Derek: Yeah
Penelope: It made another call this morning to a dr. William Suri. He is a researcher scientist of entomology of all things
Derek: Baby girl, hold on a second
[Derek: walks to a room a reads a whiteboard]
Derek: This guy works at Barnett Collega?
Penelope: I know you guys are psychic but how did you do that?

Penelope: Do you think these guys did it?
Aaron: The locals do.
David: Tried to get them to turn against one another, but that didn't work.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It seems they have a bond that dates back to childhood.
Derek: We only have a thirty-minute flight. That's not enough time to delve into their histories.
Penelope: [passing out hard copies] Bullet points on the missing woman. Second and third pages are all about the suspects.
Aaron: Garcia, we're gonna need phone records, credit card receipts, anything you can find.
Penelope: Yes, you'll have them when you get there.

Derek: [looking at J.J. and Will kissing in the hallway with Prentiss and Reid] Well, finally.
Emily: Mm. I thought she was never going to admit it.
[walks away]
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah, what's it been like, a year?
[follows Prentiss]
Derek: Yeah, something like that.
[walks away, opposite of Reid and Prentiss]

Emily: [Derek just floored a suspect] Nice!
Derek: I played a little strong safety in college
Emily: No idea what that means

Derek: [opening quote] "The further backward you can look, the further forward you can see" - Winston Churchill

Aaron: We believe that this unsub is a white male in his 20s or 30s, and he thinks of himself as a painter or an artist.
Alex: The placement of the victims tells us a lot about who he is.
Jennifer: Pamela Hurd was found near a painting done by a little-known San Francisco artist, Henry Floyd.
Derek: Gary Porter was posed near a piece of graffiti art by a street artist named Cypher, who is currently wanted by the police.
Aaron: And the third victim, Lynn Stevens, was found near a mural painted by inner-city youths.
Alex: Finally, Amy Fortner was placed near the statue of St. Luke, patron saint of the artist.
Jennifer: This is a compulsion; it's not accidental. He is obsessed with art.
David: All of the works of art are neglected, ignored, cast aside. It's how he feels about himself.
Aaron: We believe it's also the reason that he's evolved into removing the victims' eyelids. He's forcing them to see what he sees.
Jennifer: There's no sexual component with these murders, but that's because the blood and the use of the blood is his sexual release.
Det. Lennon Miles: So, wait. What... what is he doing with the blood?
Aaron: Because he's so obsessed with art, we believe he's painting with it.
David: He has a quick kill pace. More blood means more paint. The more paintings he does, the greater the chance someone will recognize his work.
Aaron: We think that because of his need for acceptance, he may be trying to sell the paintings, so focus your canvassing on places that might sell this kind of fringe art.

Penelope: It's time.
Derek: Time for what?
Penelope: Isn't it obvious, eyebrows? I have to get into character.

Derek: Hey, you're talking to the room, PG.
Penelope: Hm, If by PG you mean Parental Guidance strongly advised, I'd say PA - prudent advice.

Derek: [Making himself some coffee] Hey, did you want a cup?
[JJ moans]
Derek: Oh! Right, right without the whole, uhm... Yeah JJ:
Jennifer: Yeah, I'm still nursing. That's okay, only 45 days, 3 hours and 6 minutes left, but who's counting?
Derek: You're really not messing around
Jennifer: No, you don't stand between a woman and her caffeine
Derek: Well, listen when your sentence is up, first cup's on me
Jennifer: Deal

Derek: [At the end of their phone call] Thank you, crazy
Penelope: Any time. Fantasy Fatale bids you good day

Derek: One of the drivers may have picked someone up off the meter.
Aaron: The cabs have GPS?
Penelope: Yeah. Taxis are tracked more than Gaga's Twitter.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What does that mean?
David: I'll explain it to him, Garcia.
Penelope: Yeah, teach him to worship the other Lady G, boss. Ta and ta.

Derek: Who in the hell thinks they can get away with murder in the middle of the day in New York City?
David: Someone patient, who waits for the one who gets separated from the flock.
Derek: [pantomimes holding a gun to Rossi's head] Bang.
Jennifer: Is that the spot?
Detective: Yeah, thereabouts.
David: Are we boring you? Look, I know you don't like SSA Joyner. Fine, I get it. But we're here to do a job.
Detective: Have any of your people ever been cops?
Derek: Chicago.
Detective: Then you'll understand. I take it real personal if something like this happens in my city. I was a beat cop during the Son of Sam. This is worse. He's not just going after one type; he's going after everybody. And I need everybody working on this case taking it personally.
Derek: You have that.
Detective: We'll see.

Jill: Great stuff guys! Keep me posted.
[walks away]
Derek: [to Reid] She does know we're not working for her, right?

Aaron: How many boats are there on Lake Mead?
Dr. Spencer Reid: 1908
Kate: Come on! You just know that?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah, there are 1908 boats on Lake Mead
Kate: Where did you get that number?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Based on the population density of the area, I estimated
Kate: You guessed! I mean: is this guy really a genius or does he just says things with authority and we all believe him?
Derek: Oh wow, thank you! Ten years! It took ten years for someone to finally have my back. Alright Einstein, she just called you out, bring it!
Dr. Spencer Reid: Look it up!
David: I am... And the kid's right!
Derek: Ah
Dr. Spencer Reid: [to Kate] I accept your apology.
[to Derek]
Dr. Spencer Reid: Blow it up.
Derek: Never!
Aaron: [Hotch secretly blows it up with Reid]

Derek: If there's one thing I've learned the hard way, is the last person you want to tick off is Miss Penelope Garcia.
Penelope: Aww... that a compliment, right?

Emily: We'd also like to take a look at your brother's house
Det. Ronnie Baleman: I'll take you there
David: I think it is better if you stay here
Det. Ronnie Baleman: It's my case, I... I brought you here
Derek: Technically there is no case and if there was you wouldn't be on it

Penelope: [Morgan's phone rings] Penelope Garcia beaming in.
Derek: Hey, throw me a bone, baby girl.
Penelope: Lover, I'm tossing you a 24-ounce tofu steak.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [about William's correspondence with his accomplice] One side of the discourse made a reference to the Devil's Strip.
Detective: What the hell's that?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Uh, it's a small patch of grass that separates the sidewalk from the street. Now, that term is only used in central Ohio. William lived in Atlanta for twenty years, but he grew up in Columbus. The other guy uses words like "turnpike" and "filling the gas tank", both specific regionalisms for Florida.
Derek: Kid, you sure about this?
[Reid gives Morgan an "are you serious?" look]
Derek: Right.

Derek: Guys, guys, come on. Seriously. You should have just said something. This whole fit test thing is just a formality. I could've got the whole thing waived... But since you didn't, you ready to do this?
Penelope: Yeah, let's do this!
[Garcia and Reid start running]
Penelope: Wow! Wow!
Derek: Hey, hey, hey. Happy-go-luckys, where are you going?
Penelope: To run a mile.
Derek: No, no, no. You didn't hear? The fit test is more than just a mile. Get your little butts back over here.
[to Garcia and Reid doing push-ups]
Derek: Come on, let's go, all the way down, all the way up.
[to Garcia and Reid doing sideways jumps]
Derek: Come on! My grandmamma can do way better than that.
[to Garcia and Reid doing chin-ups]
Derek: Let's go! This is not your high-tech room.
[to Garcia and Reid skipping rope]
Derek: On our toes, right on your toes. There you go, baby girl, that's sweet.
[to Garcia and Reid doing stepping exercise]
Derek: Go, girl, you know it. Turn around, right back down.
[to Garcia and Reid lying down]
Derek: Hey, hey, hey. What are we doing? What's all this huffin' and puffin'? Come on, we still got a two mile run to go. Let's go!
Penelope: Two miles?
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's supposed to be one mile.
Derek: No, no, no. Not my watch. This whole fit test is altogether different. Now suck it up!
Penelope: Oh, my God.
Derek: Let's go!... All right, all right, all right. Enough is enough. I guess I got to let the cat out of the bag. I kind of already had your fit test waived.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What?
Derek: Yeah. Baby girl, think about it. You're not even in the field. And Pretty Ricky, you already got enough case hours to qualify. This was just a good time for me.
Penelope: I'm gonna kill him.
Dr. Spencer Reid: If I can manage to lift my arms, I'll hold him down.
Penelope: I'm regaining my strength.
Derek: I told you, you should have said something. I said... Hey... Hey...
Penelope: You're getting it now!

Det. John Barton: You ever seen anything like this before?
Derek: Like what?
Det. John Barton: Everything. The, uh, suicide, the clippings, the journal.
Derek: I think it's pretty safe to say that no one's ever seen anything like this.

Savannah: Dinner was great last night
Derek: Desert was better
Savannah: So, how'd you sleep?
Derek: Like a rock
Savannah: Sounded like it. All that snoring
Derek: Whoa, wait! Hey, hey, hey, I do not snore
Savannah: [giggles] Oh, then I must have a Grizzly bear living under my bed

[first lines]
Derek: [carrying Savannah into an emergency room] Help me! Help! She's been shot! Help me!

Derek: All right, so tell us about blood drinkers, Reid
Dr. Spencer Reid: Human blood consumption, or clinical vampirism, is known as Renfield's syndrome. Named after the, eh, insect eating character in Bram Stoker's novel Dracula
Emily: Are they sadists?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Not necessarily. Pain to the victim is usually only a byproduct, blood is the focus. Renfield's syndrome is usually accompanied by varying levels of schizophrenia and occasionally more classic cannibalism, if the condition evolves
David: Classic cannibalism! Lovely job we have
Dr. Spencer Reid: I will say this: true cases are exceedingly rare
Jennifer: Uh, that's comforting. Sort of

Derek: [voiceover] Equality may perhaps be a right, but no power on earth can ever turn it into a fact. -Honore de Balzac

Jordan: This is Orange County, California. Ten days ago, Judy Hannity, a real estate worker and a mother, was shotgunned on the 91 freeway.
Emily: She survived this?
Jordan: Barely. She's paralyzed from the waist down. The second and third victims were both DOA. There were different vehicles for each shooting. A small black SUV, a black sedan, a white sedan. No makes, no plates.
Derek: No solid witnesses?
Jordan: The first victim described the shooter as a normal, middle-aged white guy in an SUV.
Aaron: She gave that description but she couldn't remember anything else?
Jordan: Isn't that consistent with trauma?
Emily: Uh, actually, no. Trauma victims either remember everything or nothing.

Derek: [opening quote, voiceover] "Fantasy abandoned by reason produces impossible monsters." - Francisco Goya.

Dr. Spencer Reid: There's no code of conduct that says agents can't socialize.
Derek: Well, see, my code of survival says never mess with a woman that carries a gun.

Derek: Do we know who in witness protection?
Penelope: Well, that's the $64,000 question, isn't it? And I will pay you the $64,000 if you can answer it!

Aaron: We believe the unsub responsible for these deaths may be a teenager.
Emily: He's a loner. He doesn't participate in team sports or group activities. He's withdrawn, very low self-esteem.
Dr. Spencer Reid: His only form of pure interaction is online. He engages in activity that draws attention to himself yet isolates himself from his peers.
Jennifer: [presenting the profile to a group of adults] Parents and teachers should watch out for the warning signs: kids with bloodshot eyes, marks on their necks, severe headaches, disorientation.
David: In real life, he considers himself a loser. In cyberspace, he can pull strings. Makes him feel powerful.
Deputy: Does this kid know that other kids are dying because of him?
Derek: He's choking himself and daring others to do it, so we're most likely looking at reckless homicides here.
Jennifer: If you see anything that's unusual or suspicious, just call the sheriff's department and we will try to direct you as best we can. All right, thank you.
[the crowd breaks up]
Jennifer: Well, we told as many parents as we could.
Sheriff: Do you think it helped?
Jennifer: Not as much as getting through to the kids will.

Derek: All right, Rossi, talk to me. What's up?
David: Only the sun. I like the sun.
Derek: Cute. That's real cute. Look, when I was the gym, conversation around the free weights is Hotch is interviewing to be Strauss's permanent replacement.
David: I know nothing.
Derek: Come on, man, you sure about that? Why do I get the feeling you're being a profiler?
David: If you have any questions about Hotch, maybe you should ask Hotch.
Derek: Ok, look, I get it. Doing double duty after the sequester, fine, but taking on a desk job full-time? You know what they say about desk jobs.
David: That's how you get the ladies?
Derek: No. Sitting is the new smoking. That'll kill Hotch, and you know that.

Derek: [voiceover] It was once said that love is giving someone the ability to destroy you, but trusting them not to.

Derek: [closing quote, voiceover] 16th century English novelist Thomas Deloney wrote "God sends meat, and the devil sends cooks."

Dr. Spencer Reid: Mrs. Tanner, please don't take this the wrong way, but exactly what drug are you addicted to? You're displaying symptoms of withdrawal.
Kelsey: [indignantly] Are you crazy?
Derek: Ma'am, we saw two deals go down on the other side of the park when we arrived. You were here to buy, weren't you? That's what had you distracted.
Kelsey: I can't believe that you... actually think I...
Derek: Your child is missing, Miss Tanner. Every minute, every half-minute, counts. You need to tell us the truth, and you need to tell us now.

Dr. Spencer Reid: I think I might just... stay home and, uh, man the tipline tonight. Clubs aren't really my thing.
Derek: Not a chance, kid; I need a wingman. Come on.
David: Actually, there is another angle we need to pursue.
Aaron: We still don't know what made the unsub change his victimology. What made him stop killing prostitutes and move into the clubs.
David: The answer might be something in Viper's class. But to figure that out we need to profile the teacher.
Derek: You need to bait him, then, with somebody he sees as a challenge.
Dr. Spencer Reid: We need to study his style up close and personal. It's gonna take someone he's already attracted to.
Emily: Ugh. Ugh, this is really gonna suck.

Marie: Realistically, it'll take at least three hours to cover this place.
Derek: Realistically, we have less than half that time.
Marie: How do you figure?
Dr. Spencer Reid: 99 percent of abducted children were killed or died within the first 24 hours, 75 percent within the first three hours, and like, of course you know, Jessica Davis, 44 percent of children were abducted and killed in the first hour.

Derek: All right, baby girl. Talk to me. I need employer records and a list of venues that Culpepper contracted out to this weekend!
Penelope: Oh, sir, check your email. It hit you inbox 60 seconds ago
Derek: Thanks, Penelope

Emily: Hey Morgan, be careful, the one in the back can take your wallet!
Derek: That's alright; I'll be a broke, happy man!

Penelope: Okay, Valentines day: I planned everything, from dinner to desert and by desert I mean me. I texted him and tell about. He wrote back: "sounds great", octopus emoticon.
Derek: I'm not quite sure I know what that means, but I guess it is kinda sweet? What's wrong with that?
Penelope: Not you too!
Derek: Okay, Baby Girl. Did you tell him about this?
Penelope: Did I tell him? I wanted him to take charge! Not really, not at all
Derek: Okay, let me get you on a secret: guys, we don't do well on subtle clues, okay? You got to be direct, straight up. Just tell him exactly what you want!
Penelope: [sigh] I learn something from you every day!

Derek: JJ, you okay?
Jennifer: They don't have any place safe to be.
Alex: It's not ideal, but they'll be in foster care until they find a family.
David: Yeah, but how many more kids like that are out there?
Aaron: That's a good question.

Derek: [Jeremy is holding his sister at knifepoint] Do you wanna die?
Jeremy: You won't shoot me when Mommy's little angel can get hurt.
Derek: Yes or no?
Jeremy: I'll cut her neck open. I know how to do it. I've practiced.
Derek: I'm not gonna ask you again, Jeremy.
Jeremy: You can't shoot a kid.
Derek: I can shoot a killer. And I will, believe that. If that knife even twitches, I'm gonna put a bullet right through your brain.

Derek: Hey, doll face. Ready to work some magic for me?
Penelope: Challenge me, you beautiful behavioral analyst.
Derek: Domestic terrorist activity in the Seattle area.
Penelope: Ugh. Morgan, I said challenge me. Doesn't even raise my blood pressure. Pacific Northwest is, like, ripe with the disgruntled. You have animal rights, zoning laws...
Derek: Specifically anti-technology?
Penelope: Ah, yes. My loony opposites.

Derek: Penelope, you gotta stop staring at her. Prentiss wouldn't want us to sulk. You know that.
Penelope: I'm not sulking. I'm surrounded by testosterone now.

Penelope: What?
Emily: I... I'll tell you later.
Penelope: I do not like the sound of "I'll tell you later."
Emily: It's JJ's night, and I don't want to...
Penelope: All right. If you are telling me that there is something bad happening right now to balance out the goodness that is tonight, I will have none of it, because I don't believe in that. Although it's totally one of the truths of life, isn't it? The bitter and the sweet mixed up together in a cosmic soup that we've all signed up for.
Derek: Penelope. Penelope. Breathe. Breathe.
Penelope: I think Kevin's here tonight. It would make sense that he would come tonight, don't you? He's here. He's here and he's with her, so I'm gonna go somewhere which is not... Go somewhere that is not... that is not here.

Derek: When is someone gonna let me know they're gonna be okay?
Penelope: I totally feel you. You're not alone in this.
Derek: Just stop. Please, just stop. I can't take your blind optimism right now. It's not helping me.

David: Reid and Prentiss are okay.
Derek: What about Cyrus?
David: He's too calm. But, it... it's like he was waiting for this to happen. And now that it has, he feels vindicated.
Techie: I got a signal. I'm getting a signal here.
Benjamin: [to his congregation] We will be with Him soon. We have drank the poison together.

Jennifer: This is the story for tomorrow.
[Hands Morgan the printout of the newspaper with the victim's of the Hollow Man]
Derek: [Reading from the paper] They were our daughters, sisters, mothers and friends.
Jason: They have every right to be remembered and memorialized.
Dr. Spencer Reid: They didn't mention the shooter.
Aaron: He was a nobody who wanted to be somebody by killing people, and they didn't give him that. Good.

Derek: I need a list, sweetness.
Penelope: Aw, sugar, you're in luck. Lists are my specialty. Go.
Derek: All, right. Philadelphia, 1988. I need all car accidents resulting in injuries.
Penelope: Wow, there's a lot of them. I guess friends let friends drive drunk back then. Okay, I got injuries - thirty-six in a twelve month period.
Derek: How many were American-made cars?
Penelope: Almost all of them. Except only five were serious enough to send the drivers to the hospital. Let's hear it for Americian-made safety.

Derek: [Morgan has been arrested] You know, you better have a real good reason for doing that in front of my family. Are you gonna tell me the charges now?
Det. Stan Gordinski: Oh, I bet if you think real hard, you'll be able to figure it out, Derek. Uncuff him.
Derek: "Agent Morgan".
Det. Stan Gordinski: You'll always just be "Derek" to me.
Derek: And you'll always be a racist son of a bitch to me.

Derek: My name's Derek Morgan. I'm with the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit. What'd you do?
Syd: [indicating his sprained wrist] Oh, I had this before Friday night.
Derek: That's not what I asked you.
Syd: But I know what you're thinking.
Derek: I hightly doubt that.

Aaron: [Arrives at the crime scene] What happened here?
Lt. Brantley: Took him down by himself
Derek: [Walks further] Hotch! Brantley says you took him down solo!
Aaron: He wasn't far behind me
Derek: You know you should have waited for backup
Aaron: Would you have?

Derek: Hey, mama. Tell me something good.
Penelope: Well, I cleaned up this nut bag's laptop. The guy was a torture porn connoisseur. The dude makes Rick James seem Amish.

Derek: Where are we?
David: Honestly? Nowhere. We just watched our two most viable suspects walk out the door.
Emily: If Adam isn't our unsub, he has all the makings to become one someday.
Aaron: Reid?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Tell me the question that he spiked under in the polygraph.
Derek: It was a control question to set the baseline.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It was a geometric equation?
Derek: Reid, I really think he was just intimidated. He tried, he got it wrong, but he wasn't supposed to know the answer anyway.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What if he lied? What if... what if he knew the answer to the question but intentionally got it wrong?
Jennifer: Why would he do that?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Because he realized that he wouldn't know that answer.
Derek: You're losing me, kid.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Adam said he wasn't getting any rest. He takes midday naps because he's always exhausted. He has a history of blackouts, reclusive behavior, prolonged repeated abuse suffered at the hands of a dominant male who transferred abuse from his female spouse to his prepubescent child.
Aaron: Where are you going with this?
Dr. Spencer Reid: What if our ubsub couple isn't a couple at all?
Aaron: Dissociative identity disorder.
David: You think Adam's a multiple personality?
Emily: Well, it fits. Recurrent physical abuse, knowledge he shouldn't have. We've seen this before.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Look at this. All right? The-the first intervention is timid. It's apprehensive, right? But then he gets knocked down... there's a moment of calm, and then his entire body language changes. I saw this exact same transformation when Adam left the station, only it wasn't rage, it was, uh... arrogance. Like... like the alter ego wanted me to know.
Aaron: Why?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I don't know. Power, control. All I know is the person that stared me down over there was not Adam. He's not assertive like that. He doesn't make eye contact.
Jennifer: So you think the stress of the interrogation blurred the line between Adam and his alter personality?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I think the unsub surfaced for just a moment. It-it-it knew the answer to the question, realized Adam wouldn't, and lied.

Derek: Considering the wide divergence of abduction and dumpsites, this guy could be anywhere. LA is over 500 square miles.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Ah, 498.3.

Derek: All right, so we got an unsub who's picking his victims at random, sedates them, then bleeds them dry. He's not drinking the blood. What the hell's he doing with it?

Derek: Well, we can't cover everything! Texas is huge
Dr. Spencer Reid: 286,581 square miles to be exact. Largest state in the contiguous 48 and the 2nd most populous. Don't mess with Texas!

Derek: Yeah, Hotch, the mother's addicted to Oxy. She was out here to buy.
Aaron: All right, let's put her in protective custody.
Derek: So we got one mom suicidal, and the other one addicted to drugs. At least we got a pattern developing.
Aaron: And if the unsub holds to pattern, he's gonna circle back and try to kill her.

Derek: Rodney, look at me.
[puts the gun down]
Derek: He did the same thing to me. I confronted him. I got him locked away for life. He's done.
Rodney: Done? Done ain't good enough.
Derek: Look at your son. Look at him. Don't go out like this in front of him. You don't want to destroy his life too, do you? Rodney, he loves you.
Tyler: I do, dad.
Sheila: He still needs you. He still needs you, Rodney.
Derek: Rodney... put that gun down.

David: Irish statesman and author Edmund Burke once wrote:"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." This job isn't just what I do, it's who I am.
Devin: Is it worth it?
David: For every life we save? Damn right it is.
Derek: Absolutely it's worth it.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I can't imagine doing anything else.

Derek: [to Reid after he has a nightmare] What the hell is scaring you?
Dr. Spencer Reid: This boy is gonna die and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

Emily: Damn!
Derek: That is a lot of people
Dr. Spencer Reid: Homeless man, homeless women, runaways, prostitutes, and drug users
Emily: Can all of their disappearances be a coincidences?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Technically it wouldn't really be a coincidence, since a number of these people share high-risk triaits, which throws the curve off. You see the word coincidence...
Derek: Hey kid!
Dr. Spencer Reid: implies more...
Derek: We do not need a vocabulary lesson right now
Dr. Spencer Reid: Right! Sorry

Derek: I'm really sorry this is triggering the trauma of that night.
Penelope: Oh, I-I am moving on.
Derek: All right, that's good. Did you know I prayed that night? Me. First time in a long time. I wanted to take your place. I still wish it was me who took that bullet.
Penelope: No. No, I'm... I mean, yeah, it was scary, but I'm glad it was me. I know it really weirdly made me stronger.
Derek: It did.

Derek: Nice job, Valdez. You just got your whole team killed.
Jimmy: Sorry.
Derek: You're damn right, you're sorry. Franklin's wife is pregnant. Maxwell over there just got engaged. Wedding's in May, right? It's too bad you won't make it.
Jimmy: I thought I cleared the room.
Derek: You didn't check the door. You missed the hidden threat.
Emily: I should have covered him.
Derek: No, Prentiss. You're on point. It's his job to cover you. And when you don't do your job, Valdez, people die. Now, if you're not ready to shoulder that responsibility, then maybe you need to reconsider joining the Bureau.
Jimmy: [pause] I said I was sorry, all right?
Derek: I heard you. But out in the field, "sorry" doesn't bring people back.
Derek: We're done today.

Derek: The bar matches his previous locations. It's another local hot spot.
David: Only five victims this time. Why lower the body count?
Derek: [pointing to a chain on the bar door] Rossi. There's something else that's different.
David: The front and back?
Derek: He really wanted to make sure nobody got out this time.
David: But why bother? No one made it out of the other ones.
Derek: Maybe he knew the fire department would show up sooner.
Fire: Yeah, we're faster now. Practice makes perfect. What the hell difference does it make? And what good are you guys doing us? You see chains, figure he didn't want anyone to get out? I could have told you that.
David: We're not criticizing anyone. Our job is to look at the same things you do, but to try and see them from a different perspective.
Fire: Sure.
Derek: Look, all due respect, captain, but you look at that chain and you say the killer wanted to make sure nobody got out, right? Well, we look at that chain and we see a little more. That chain is different than the first two fires. Now, either we're looking at an entirely new arsonist, or this unsub wanted to make absolutely certain that nobody got out. Now if this is true, that means something changed. Maybe his emotions changed. Maybe his agenda, but something. See, this chain tell us this is the fire that matters. This fire is gonna help us catch this guy.

Derek: [Open quote] "Beware the fury of a patient man", John Dryden

Derek: You've been with this team, what, 2 years, right?
Emily: Almost three already.
Derek: It's seven for me. I mean, that's all I can think of all day. 'Cause the entire time I've been with the BAU, working almost non-stop, having no real life, these brothers have been out there killing 89 people and we didn't even know about it.
Emily: Well, we know now and we'll make them pay.
Derek: But how many others are still out there, Prentiss? Hmm, hunting and killing? I mean, the thing is, no matter what we do, no matter how hard we work, no matter how good we are at what we do, this is never gonna end.

Derek: Hey, Baby Girl.
Penelope: If loving you is wrong, Baby Boy, I don't wanna be right.
Derek: Well, likewise, mama.

Sheriff: Hey, what's going on with him? :
Derek: That's what we need to find out

Jennifer: Do you always keep one with you?
Derek: Yeah. But the one I gave Angel was the only one that had wings on it.
Jennifer: You know, Angel's never gonna let that go. What you shared, I know that wasn't easy.
Derek: None of this is easy.
Jennifer: I can't help but picture little Morgan. You were so alone.
Derek: I'm here right now because of what that man did to me.
Jennifer: I know. I'm just... sorry.

[last lines]
Aaron: Yesterday while we in were in Florida, a body was found in the desert outside Las Cruces, New Mexico.
David: A man had his leg amputated and replaced with the leg of someone else.
Aaron: And as you know, last month a body was found in Dallas with its mouth sewn shut, like the Silencer.
David: What looked then to be a possible one-time copycat now has to be examined in a different light.
Derek: Someone's out there mimicking the crimes we've solved.
David: That's how it looks.
Aaron: This is now an active case, which we'll be investigating along with our other cases.

Derek: [searching for a clue to indicate the unsub's next target] You know, this is a lot of boxes. How are we supposed to narrow it down?
Jason: Check and see if it ended in acquittal. If it didn't, toss it aside.
Aaron: It has to be a capital case. He's escalating. The more brutal, the better.
Elle: Why not go by most recent?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Judging by his elaborate filing system, Doyle obviously has obsessive-compulsive disorder. People with OCD often finish tasks, and then go back to the beginning and start over.
Derek: So he continually goes through the transcripts and the first one to trigger him becomes his next victim.
Elle: Here's one. This is a liquor store owner who was shot with his own gun.
Aaron: Flip to when they present the defense. Did the defendant testify?
Elle: No.
Aaron: Stick with the ones where the accused took the stand. This is personal. He hears their voices.
Jason: Doyle's victims all claimed to be a type of victim themselves. The first two threw themselves on the mercy of the court, pleading alcohol and drug dependency. The priest said he was a victim, victim of recent hysteria.
Aaron: Look for key phrases: victim, mercy, anything that signifies they thought their crime wasn't their fault.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I think I might have one, guys: Ted Elmore. He shot and killed both his parents after claiming self-defense for years of physical abuse.
Jason: Doyle lost his own parents. Hearing someone get away with killing their own, that would haunt him.

Derek: [talking through the unsub's murders] Okay, so I've got Helen DiMarco tied to the chair. He probably killed her first.
Jason: Proof to the others that he had no mercy. Psychological torture before the physical pain.
Derek: [sigh] Only there was no satisfaction from her death. It was too brief. It was over too quickly. And the husband... with him, he took his time. There doesn't seem to be any wasted effort, no hesitation on the unsub's part. I mean, Gideon, look around. What he did... it's a lot of work. We're either dealing with a professional or...
Jason: A pure psychopath.

Derek: There's something I really want you to know, Garcia.
Penelope: Save it. Just get out.
Derek: No, no, no. I'm not quite there yet.
Penelope: Morgan...
Derek: Just listen to me.
Penelope: Morgan, please.
Derek: You know what you are, Garcia?
Penelope: Morgan!
[Ambulance explodes]
Penelope: Derek?
Derek: Garcia? I'll tell you what you are to me. You're my God-given solace. Woman, you promise me one thing - whatever happens... don't you ever stop talking to me.
Penelope: I can't right now 'cause I'm mad at you.
Derek: I can wait.

Penelope: Spin the wheel, and it is sunny Los Angeles, people.
Derek: Two times in one year?
David: Remind me again why it's called the City of Angels.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It was originally called "The Town of our Lady the Queen of the Angels."... That was a rhetorical question, wasn't it?

Derek: Yeah, I understand that. I'm just... I'm asking some type of alternative for that... Nothing? Yes, I got it. Don't ask me if I like it.
Emily: Oh, what? What is it?
Derek: Social Services won't intervene to a regular formal investigation.
Emily: We have to take them home?
Derek: Yeah.

Penelope: Oh, beauty and brains! Hey eyebrows: when they do the men of the FBI calendar, is it just 12 months of you?
Derek: Welcome to the team!

Penelope: Morgan?
Derek: Yeah, Baby
Penelope: You sound stressed
Derek: Do I?
Penelope: Where are you?
Penelope: Not where I want to be right now

Derek: You got any names?
Keron: Yeah. There was one. He was Buford's favorite.
Derek: Who?
Keron: Pretty sure his name was Rodney.
Derek: Rodney Harris?
Keron: Yeah. He got it the worst.

David: You know what we're looking at: 99% of abducted children are killed in the first 24 hours
Capt. Lancaster: I know. I'm gonna check on them
[Walks away]
David: We saw the pictures, we know what this guy does to little boys
Derek: Rossi, Kyle Murphy might be the 1% that makes it
David: Could take a miracle
Derek: For his sake, let's hope we get one

Derek: In the meantime, Agent Rossi retired, but the BAU grew. We trained more profilers, hired tech analysts, press liaisons, and we even got our own resident genius.
Penelope: Thank you.

Derek: What did you guys drink last night?
Penelope: The green fairy. You're in the FBI; could you get the entire crowd to stop cheering?

Jennifer: Excuse me, everybody. I have an announcement to make. As I'm sure some of you were aware, Henry was a little nervous about going trick-or-treating this year, but he's decided to go anyway.
David: Great. What changed his mind?
Jennifer: The BAU did. I told him that he should go out on Halloween and try to figure out which monsters are real and which ones are not.
Derek: So he wants to be a profiler.
Jennifer: Ah, he wants to be his favorite profiler.
[Henry appears in Reid-like wear]

Penelope: Okay, you never gave your vote on who should get what.
Derek: Give Reid the mug.
Penelope: Really? That means that JJ gets the double-decker bus?
Derek: I thought that was for Kevin.
Penelope: No, we're not talking right now.
Derek: Garcia, you guys were just talking yest... Never mind.

Jennifer: Three nights ago outside of Reno, this car was hit by a tractor trailer.
Derek: Any survivors?
Jennifer: The truck driver walked away unharmed. Jonathan and Rebecca Gallen, the passengers in the car, were DOA. When the local sheriff arrived on the scene, he noticed several things - no blood spatter inside the car, no seat belt burns, no lacerations from the air bags.
Dr. Spencer Reid: They were dead before the accident.
Jennifer: The autopsy report confirmed that, and the cause of death. Blunt force head trauma and evidence of rape and torture to the woman.
Aaron: Well, the unsub wasn't very successful at hiding the fact that he murdered two people.

Derek: Emily, I thought I lost you, and I blamed myself. Now you're back, but I don't want to be worried about losing you again and get distracted.

Derek: For someone on a spree, this unsub sure is patient.
Dr. Spencer Reid: If he's so patient, what is it that he's waiting for?

Derek: They don't start with entire families. There are more victims, we just haven't them found yet

Derek: See, there you go. That's what I'm talking about. That's called game.

Aaron: We're going to San Diego.
Derek: Not for the surfing, huh?
Jennifer: They're calling him the Tommy Killer.
Aaron: Six women raped and murdered in their homes in the last three weeks.
Elle: Six in three weeks?
Jason: That's a short fuse.
Aaron: And getting shorter. First two were eight days apart, then the next four in two weeks.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Rapid escalation. You think he's regressing to a psychopathic frenzy?
Aaron: No, he's too controlled for that. See you on the plane.

Jennifer: Kate Joyce, nineteen years old, was last seen leaving a bar with these two men, Sydney Pearson and James Barrett, both twenty years old. She was reported missing the next morning when she didn't meet her friends. That was almost three days ago.
David: Their story is they dropped Kate at the motel, but there were no cameras to confirm that.
Aaron: And Search and Rescue's been all over the island.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Dragged the inlet and they found absolutely nothing.
Jennifer: Both said they had sex with Kate. They're claiming it was consensual.
Emily: There's no way to confirm. There's no body.
Derek: I doubt it was consensual.
David: We've got to prove they're guilty of more than just being seen with her.
Derek: Well, the police weren't able to find any holes in their stories. So we're gonna have to break them down psychologically.
Aaron: Morgan, I want you and Prentiss to lead the interrogation. Dave, you and Reid start at the bar. JJ, Kate Joyce's family is still at the station.
Jennifer: Still? For three days?
Aaron: They never went to the hotel. I want you to stay with them.

Emily: Hey, where's Hotch?
Jennifer: Budget meeting
Derek: Well, maybe he'll get us a raise
David: They're cutting, not raising. I just hope they don't take the coffee
Dr. Spencer Reid: Then I quit
David: Oh, yeah. That'll save them like 50 bucks a week

Erin: Call in S.W.A.T. Secure the perimeter. Wait for him to come out.
Derek: Ma'am, he's holding a woman inside.
Erin: We don't know that for certain. We don't have probable cause.
Aaron: She's right.
Erin: If he's got her, he waits 48 hours. He's not going to kill her yet.
Derek: He's changed the pattern of the dump sites. Now he's changed how he abducts them. Do we really want to gamble that he's sticking to the rest of the model?
Cop: So let's pound on the door! Maybe he'll panic.
Aaron: But he could spook just enough to kill her early.
Emily: I want to go in alone. The boy's in the family room. He'll answer the door.
Erin: No.
Emily: We need to get invited in that door. He's looking for female authority figures. If he lets me in, I can signal as soon I see anything that gives us cause.
Erin: Technically you're not even in the F.B.I.
Aaron: All the better.
Erin: She's interfering with a federal investigation!
Emily: Well, if I'm no longer in the FBI, then you have no authority over me. I'm just a civilian knocking on a little boy's door.
Derek: Prentiss.
[hands her a gun]
Emily: Thanks.
Aaron: As soon as you have probable cause, give us the signal and get out of there.
Emily: Okay.

Derek: [discussing a home invasion] If this is related to vandalism, four dead is a hell of an escalation.
Emily: So there's the potential for a lot more bodies out there?
Aaron: That's what I'm afraid of.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Hey, if you guys are hungry, I know a pretty good Indian restaurant that's open all night.
Emily: Oh, I can't. I have a date.
Derek: You got a date? With who?
Emily: My hot tub.
Derek: Oh, now that sounds like a party.
Emily: [amused laugh] You're so not invited.

Derek: I asked her to go out last night. But she was pissed at me. She blew me off.
Dr. Spencer Reid: So you ended up in church?
Derek: Yeah. What does it mean? On one hand, if she'd gone out with me, she would have never got shot. On the other hand... what are the odds that the first time I pray in twenty years, she's on the table?

Derek: This guy sits here for days and just watches these people, and he waits for them to commit a sin.
Penelope: Yeah, but Reid's completely innocent.
Derek: But if you dig deep enough in any of us, we all have our sins.
Derek: Including Reid.

Derek: [picks up his cell phone] Yeah, talk to me, Baby Girl
Penelope: Are you at the crime scene?
Derek: Yeah
Penelope: Is there like a... a burgundy settee against one wall?
Derek: Uhm, if a settee is a low couch

David: [to Reid] Before we go down this road, you need to be sure.
Derek: He's right. Some rocks don't need looking under.

Derek: Suspect's cell is going straight to voicemail.
Dr. Rachel Howard: Karl's a good man.
Derek: That's what everybody says until they find a body in the basement.

Aaron: [knock, knock] Come in. Hey.
Derek: Hey. I thought I was the one supposed to be burning the midnight oil.
Aaron: Well, with Strauss away, the director asked me to do a little extra. I'm actually looking forward to having her back.
Derek: Right. It's not the greatest way to spend Valentine's Day, now, is it? I forgot, too. Some of the singles were gonna go find a bar and grab a drink if you want to come along. I mean, unless there's someplace else you could be.
Aaron: I think I'll pass, but thank you.
Derek: What about the paperwork?
Aaron: Well, when Strauss comes back next week, I don't want her to be bored.
Derek: Good night, Hotch.
Aaron: Good night, Morgan.

Jennifer: [looking at some clothes] This is all very Spencery.
Derek: Yeah, it sure is, but at least his style is consistent.
Jennifer: Yeah, what's going on with him anyway?
Derek: Oh, I think pretty boy has got a girlfriend.
Jennifer: You do? W-why hasn't he told us?
Derek: I respect his privacy.
Jennifer: No, you don't.
Derek: You're right, I don't, but I'm not about to play twenty questions with someone I'm not sleeping with.
Jennifer: Hm.

David: [walking the crime scene] Victim one gets dropped here.
Derek: While number two comes around the corner to see what's happening, and... the unsub attacks him here.
Emily: [indicating the dinner table] The female victims were probably here when the first attack occurred.
Derek: Which means somebody would have to control them pretty quickly.
Emily: How many unsubs are you thinking?
David: At least one to move the body inside, another one to take out man number two, and one more to subdue the others.
Emily: Well, vandalism breeds a pack mentality.
Derek: If it is the same unsubs, then yeah, we're looking at a group of three, maybe four.
David: These aren't kids. They're too efficient. There's control and precision. Juveniles are sloppy.
Emily: He's right. There is nothing tentative about these kills. There's no experimentation. These guys know what they're doing.
Derek: I don't know...
David: What are you thinking?
Derek: I can understand vandalism escalating into violence, but that's usually gradual. An assault, a single murder maybe, but come on, this? This feel fully evolved.

Derek: Good morning, Emily. Had a good weekend?
Emily: Yeah. No. Yes.
Derek: [giggles] Oh, I've been there.
Emily: No, it wasn't... I don't want to get into it.
Derek: No problem.
Emily: It... it just feels weird for me to talk about my personal life here, you know? I don't really know all you guys that well yet.
Derek: I totally get that.
[walks away]
Emily: [loud] I think I totally screwed up this date.
Derek: [returns] Okay, what happened?
Emily: You have to understand: I am a nerd, like seriously. And I can fool people, days, weeks even but sooner or later, I blow my cover and I say something so geeky and then he doesn't respond and I lose all confidence.
Derek: What did you say?
Emily: "Kilgore Trout."
Derek: Guy has a problem with Kurt Vonnegut?
Emily: You know Kilgore Trout?
Derek: I read "Slaughterhouse Five" when I was 12. It blew my mind. Seriously, I could not get enough, so I just kept going and read them all.
Emily: Yeah, yeah. Me, too. What's your favorite?
Derek: Oh, "Modern Knight."
Emily: The one about the American spy.
Derek: Who pretends to be a Nazi.
Emily: "You are who you pretend to be."
Derek: "So be careful who you pretend to be."
Emily: Oh my God! I can't believe you're a Vonnegut fan. You just made my day!
Derek: Anytime.

David: That's pretty brave what you did, running into that fire on your own.
Chad: Yeah? Look how that turned out.
Derek: I don't know, if you ask me, I say it was pretty stupid.
Chad: Stupid?
Derek: Yeah, that's right. You went in without protective gear. Looks like maybe you were trying to prove something.
Jennifer: Third generation fireman. What's there to prove? It's in his genes.
Derek: Quite a legacy to try to live up to. But you just wanted to be the best, didn't you?
Chad: I am the best!
David: Guess we'll never know for sure.
Chad: My whole life, I knew I was gonna be a fireman. That I would matter!
Jennifer: You do matter, Chad. Everyone matters.
Chad: Not him! He doesn't.
David: That man is a marine. He risked his life to protect us. You telling me that doesn't matter?

Dr. Spencer Reid: Up until now, he's been an equal opportunity, anger retaliatory sadist.
David: Which is fancy talk for he hates the husbands as much as the wives.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Most likely because his own marriage failed in a humiliating way, and his wife left him for a man she may be engaged or even already married to.
Derek: But a major shift happened with Mary Hammond. He wasn't able to kidnap the husband, but he needed someone to cut her.
Jennifer: So his MO was forced to evolve. We believe he's abducted the sixth victim, a man, probably someone who reminds him of his own failed marriage.
Alex: And he's keeping number six alive so he can repeat the process with Emma Churchill.
David: Number six could be a surrogate for the ex-wife's new husband or actually be the new husband.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Which is why the fastest way to find this UnSub is through this most recent unknown victim.

Kevin: Just the guy I'm looking for.
Derek: Hey, what's up, Kevin?
Kevin: Can we talk?
Derek: Is Penelope okay?
Kevin: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. She's perfect. In fact, that's why I'm here. Look, I know you're Penelope's boo and she's your baby girl. And what I'm about to embark on involves the keen insight of somebody who knows her inside and out. And no matter how much therapy I've gone through trying to understand your relationship, I know you're that person.
Derek: Okay, Kevin, land your plane.
Kevin: I want to propose to Penelope, and I need your help. Please, I'm not asking for your blessing, I'm asking for your advice. Okay, should I do it over a couple tacos and a nice can of Red Bull? All right. Should I take her to New York and do it at the Statue of Liberty? Maybe, I should serenade her at the round table right before you guys present a case. No, actually, that may not work, given the gruesome nature of your job. How about the high tech room, and I... and I pop up on an HD mainframe?
Derek: Kevin, seriously, I got a meeting I gotta get to.
Kevin: Derek, please. Come on, bro, this is important.
Penelope: [Morgan comes into the meeting room] Hi, yeah, what was that about?
Derek: You know, he just wanted to talk.
Penelope: About what?
Derek: Just guy stuff.
Penelope: Me?
Derek: I didn't say that.
Aaron: Garcia, I'd like to get started.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Think about who shares the exact DNA makeup of another person.
Derek: Read, you're not seriously floating around the idea of an evil twin, are you?
Dr. Spencer Reid: No, I'm not. I'm floating the idea of an *eviler* twin.

[last lines]
Derek: How did you know I was going to be home?
Savannah: Sit... Penelope sent me a text when you guys left Chicago.
Derek: Oh, she did?... And you did all of this for me?
Savannah: Yes. And... I made you... this.
Derek: Well.
Savannah: Which is why takeout will be here in 20 minutes. I hope you like Indian.
Derek: Anything is better than whatever that is.
Savannah: I know. It's kind of bad... Stop!
Derek: How was your day? Did you save some lives?
Savannah: Mm. We both did.
Derek: Yeah, we did... So, uh, what do you got in mind for the next 20 minutes?

Aaron: So The Laybournes were abusing their daughter, where's this going?
Dr. Spencer Reid: One of the unsubs decimates parental figures, but we know the statistics there. It's-- It's likely he was abused himself.
Aaron: So you're saying the unsub recognized the signs of abuse, flew into a rage, and killed the parents?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Anger displacement. He's getting revenge for his own childhood abuse.
Lt. Nellis: So you think what, the victims were beating their kids?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Uh, the Laybourne case was just the trigger, but now they see all the parents the same.
Lt. Nellis: That doesn't explain the kids.
Derek: Maybe it does. Think of the family annihilators John List and Mark Barton. They thought they were saving their kids by killin' em.
Lt. Nellis: But what is he savin' them from?
Derek: Life without their parents, without love, life like his.

David: What have you got?
Derek: It looks like this guy Talbot had another hobby. The girls in these photos can't be more than 16 years old.
David: Photos? Morgan, how many are there?
Derek: I'm thinking 30, 40.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Fifty-four.
Derek: Excuse me. That's 54.

Dr. Spencer Reid: You think they'll really terminate us if we can't run fast enough?
Penelope: Probably something worse. They'll probably make us take another fit test.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I'd rather be terminated.
Penelope: I just hope the PT instructor isn't a jerk. Those jock guys are always such jerks.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah, total jerks. That's probably him right now.
Penelope: Oh, look, he's totally walking like a jerk.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah, it's a total jerk walk.
Penelope: Total jerk walk.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Wait a minute. Wait, I think it's Morgan... Yeah.
Penelope: Oh, my God, it is. Why are you here?
Derek: It looks like I'm your new PT instructor. Watkins got sick. So, today's your lucky day. I'm your guy. Ha-ha.
Penelope: Awesome. That's awesome.

David: I'm gonna confirm the kids, Prentiss, and Reid are okay.
Derek: Rossi, at least let me come with you.
David: No. This is about building trust. I go alone.

Derek: Then why come back? What does a loser like you have to gain by seeing all the kids by seeing all the kids that he hated so much ?
Lewis: [showing a medal] I came this close to flushing two years of sobriety down the toilet tonight. Not just because Chelsea died, but because I knew that they were gonna cancel that ceremony. See, tomorrow night I was gonna tell people what I did. And I knew that I would be arrested as an accomplice. I knew it, but I had to. This is my final amends.

Derek: Garcia, baby girl, please tell me something I wanna hear.
Penelope: You're a statuesque god of sculpted chocolate thunder.
Derek: How about something I don't already know.
Penelope: I have a sweet tooth?

Derek: [Irritatedly] Come on, guys. Gentle lights, shadowy figures? Those are the lights in the emergency room and the doctors hovering over the patients, we all know that. No one actually sees the afterlife.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I did.
[Everyone in the room turns to look at him]
Dr. Spencer Reid: Before Tobias Hankel resuscitated me, I had that exact experience, and I wasn't in an emergency room. I was in a shed.
Derek: [More gently] Reid, you never told me that.

Derek: S'up, Reid?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Have the cornea or pupils been harmed in any way?
Derek: No, no. Blake said it looked like a very sharp instrument was used.
Dr. Spencer Reid: If he's taking care not to damage the eyes, then line of sight is probably what's important to him.
Derek: So this guy wants them to see what he's doing. Hey, Reid? How are you?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I gotta go.
[hangs up]

Aaron: We're looking for a physically fit male from his late twenties to mid-thirties.He's brazen, confident, and organized.
Derek: This person may be a moral vigilante. Abby Stafford had drug issues, Gloria Carlyle moved in with her boyfriend, Parker Mills was a sexual deviant.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Moral vigilantism typically has its roots in repression and guilt. This generally manifests itself in low self-esteem and self-loathing. By punishing others, the unsub may also be punishing himself.
Aaron: He's also literally branding his victims. We're not sure why, but he's likely marking them as his own.
Alex: His organizational skills suggest someone who can get and keep a full-time job.
David: But the work is likely low-level. His impaired social development would not allow him to move very far in the professional world.
Jennifer: Consequently, this is someone most comfortable working in solitude, having minimal interaction with others.
Derek: And this makes it a challenge to determine how and where this person is choosing his victims.
Dr. Spencer Reid: The two female victims were reserved and studious; Parker Mills lived quietly in the margins of conventional society.
Jennifer: So the killer may frequent or work in locations that attracts this type of person. Uh, places of solitude, contemplation.
Alex: Museums, gardens and parks, bookstores.
David: His choice of a city square, rather than a remote canyon, means he's gaining confidence.
Derek: But the recklessness of killing in such a public space suggests that this confidence may be stemming from a delusion.
Jennifer: He may believe he's in a place in time that makes him invulnerable.
Aaron: And if his delusion is gaining in strength, then his next killing may be riskier and more dramatic. Thank you.

Derek: Ugh! This heat is brutal!
Dr. Spencer Reid: You know, it isn't so much the heat as it is the humidity.
Derek: At some point, it doesn't matter how you look at it. It all sucks.

Penelope: [watching Hotch's office] JJ's still in there?
Emily: And Strauss.
[Reid picks up a bottle of anatacids]
Emily: Oh, again with the dairy?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I can't help it. I love dairy.
Penelope: It's been like, what, twenty minutes?
Derek: Well, ten more minutes, we're in the air.
Emily: I don't think it's about the case.

Derek: Garcia, did he write anything that could make him a potential target?
Penelope: Hm-mmm, nothing. Everything is really non-offensive and I have delicate sensibilities
Derek: It's part of your charm, mama
Penelope: [Melts] Aww!

Derek: [voiceover] "All truths are easy to understand, once you discover them; the point is to discover them." ~~ Galileo

Dr. Spencer Reid: Mr Lynch, I think you should know that nothing could have stopped these people from taking your daughter.
Frank: Yeah. Well, I would have never let go of her hand.
Barbara: Frank, please. Frank.
Derek: We've done all we can.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It doesn't make walking away any easier.
Derek: No, it doesn't.

Derek: Serial killers are kings of manipulation.

Derek: A policeman pulled over a man, and he said to him, "Sir, your eyes look bloodshot. Have you been drinking?" And that man replied, "Officer, your eyes look glazed. Have you been eating donuts?"
[people laugh]
Derek: You see, that right there was last joke that my father ever told me before he died. A special gift in my life are the eleven years that I did have with him, because, as brief as they may have been, my dad gave me unconditional love. He taught me a sense of duty, and he gave me a reason to keep working hard, because each and every day, I do all that I know how to do to make my father proud. Now, my dad was taken from this world way too soon, but if he wasn't, I wouldn't be the man that I am today. Now, you may be wondering why I'm talking about him here. It's because my father, the man that I admire the most, looked up to Mr. Jason Ryder, who we honor here tonight. Jason was the most important person in my father's life outside of his family. He was his partner and his best friend. Like my father, Jason strived to be the best he could be. He inspired me to be fearless and to go out into the world and find my inner light, and for that, Jason, I am eternally grateful.

Prof. Rothchild: [to Rossi] Some games are just intended to be played by higher intellects.
Derek: Harming a person weaker than you doesn't take any special ability.
Prof. Rothchild: Neither does slamming your fist down on a table, but we all must do what we must do.

Derek: [closing quotation, voiceover] "No matter how dark the moment, love and hope are always possible." - George Chakiris.

Derek: Tell me you got something.
David: A casing and a rifle up on the roof.
Jennifer: This guy isn't sloppy. He's sending us a message.
Aaron: Garcia, we need to access the surveillance footage.
Penelope: [leaving] Of course. I'm on it.
Derek: All right, what else we got?
David: That's it right now.

Derek: What do we got, baby girl?
Penelope: Thank you, sir. We have a killing in Enid, Oklahoma, and not the capital punishment one you are thinking of right now. I'm talking about a woman named Cara Smith, who was murdered in her apartment minutes after the execution of Rodney Garrett.
Aaron: A neighbor saw her front door open and discovered the body.
David: Look familiar?
Jennifer: Young, pretty, short blonde hair.
David: And stabbed directly through the heart.
Dr. Spencer Reid: That's exactly the way Garrett killed his victims.
Derek: So are we looking at a copycat?
Jennifer: Or someone creating doubt the right person was executed.
David: In Garrett's case, there was no doubt. His guilt was the slam dunk of all slam dunks. Prints, DNA, a confession.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He even led police to where he buried two of his victims.
Emily: Garrett killed twenty-five women before he was caught. If this new unsub is a copycat, body count's just started.

Derek: [voiceover] "Worse than telling a lie is spending your whole life staying true to a lie." - Robert Brault

Emily: [glancing at the completed star puzzle] There's a lot to hate about you, Dr. Reid.
David: Play poker with him sometime.
Derek: Try playing chess with him.
Penelope: Or Go.

Penelope: Hey, do you know who Frank Miller is?
Derek: Frank Miller. Um... it sounds familiar. Unsub?
Penelope: [laughing] No. Graphic novelist. 300? Sin City?
Derek: Oh. Right, right, right. Cool movies.
Penelope: Anyway... he said something once and it makes me think of you. "The noir hero is a knight in blood-caked armor. He's dirty, and he does his best to deny the fact that he's a hero the whole time."

Derek: Baby Girl! See if the owner of the convenient store had any military defensive training
Penelope: Oh, I will, as long as you promise to bring my future mother-in-law peach cobbler!
Derek: As soon as we're done here, I promise

Derek: [showing Garcia the bomb fragments] How these things are put together can tell you how the unsub thinks.
Penelope: You sound like Gideon.
Derek: Okay, ouch. Oh, you think it's bull? Okay... all right.
[showing Garcia an evidence baggie]
Derek: You see that section of pipe? Okay, that right there used to be part of the cap. It screwed onto these threads right here. But see, here's the thing: it had to be done very carefully because even if one tiny grain of powder got onto those threads while he was working, that little bit of friction would have ignited the bomb. Boom, boom, boom. See you later, unsub. Now, he didn't have to use a powder that fine. He didn't have to use threaded caps, and he didn't even have to use a steel pipe, and it would have been a whole lot safer if he hadn't. But the bomb wouldn't have been nearly as deadly. So what does that tell you about our unsub?
Penelope: He's one sick puppy?
Derek: [laughs] To say the least. One sick puppy that aims to kill. Not scare, not vandalize, or make some kind of political statement. Kill.

Derek: Any witnesses?
Penelope: Yeah, sort of. Nicole was last seen at the restaurant with her boyfriend, John Butler. They had some sort of icky spat
David: Then he's on the short list!
Penelope: No, he isn't. He actually has a solid alibi, uh... liquid. He was drinking at the bar all night

Derek: JJ, I need you to call these fertility specialists and get them over here for interviews
Jennifer: [Looks at the paper she got from Derek] Wow!
Derek: Yeah, I know. Hotch wants to focus on the prenatal drugs the unsub has given the victims. He thinks we can build a new suspect poolvand he wants it done yesterday
Jennifer: There's two pages of names here. Shouldn't we narrow it down?
Derek: JJ, just do it! Okay?
[JJ frowns]
Derek: I'm sorry
Jennifer: Is everything okay?
Derek: Hotch has been on me ever since we got here. And for the life of me, I can't figure out why

Derek: [in Hotch's flashback during his testimony] Hey, what's the new tech girl's name?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Ah, Gomez, I think.
Derek: [to Garcia] Excuse me, Gomez!
[Garcia starts walking away]
Derek: Hey, baby girl!
Penelope: Baby girl?
Derek: Ah, forgive me. I just didn't know your real name...
Penelope: I've been called worse. What can I do for you?

David: What is it?
Derek: I don't know. Some kind of scraps of paper. Looks like a fast-food wrapper. It's a receipt for a youth hostel. It's dated last night. The name on it is, uh, Michael Aldridge.
David: From the looks of his sunburn, it's a good guess this young man was hitchhiking.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Assuming Steven's taken over Michael's identity, he might've hitched a ride out of here.
David: He didn't drive?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Not if Michael didn't. He-he's not becoming his victims by choice. It's his illness. He'd have to travel the exact same way.

Emily: Where is he?
Agent: I put him in your office like you asked me to.
Emily: Thank you.
[as she enters her office, Morgan turns around]
Derek: Hey. We need to talk.

Derek: Why the Tommy Killer?
Aaron: You know the rock opera? Well, this unsub glues his victim's eyes wide open.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He wants them to see him.
Jason: And feel him.

Jason: You ever feel like there's something obvious right in front of you, you just can't see it?
Derek: Yeah, usually right before a woman dumps me.

Derek: He said his parents had been replaced.
Emily: He just sounds delusional.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You know, he might have Capgras syndrome. It's a delusional disorder in which one believes that their friends and loved ones have been replaced by imposters.
Derek: Sort of like Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It typically involves only one sense, such as sight. Basically, the neural connection between the visual cortex and the emotional center of the brain becomes severed, so that looking at a loved one doesn't elicit the same emotional response one would expect.
Aaron: So, you think they're an imposter.
Dr. Spencer Reid: And the interesting thing is that the auditory connection remains intact, so that if they were to hear a loved one speak and not see them, they'd think that they were real.

Aaron: You alright?
Derek: Yeah.
Emily: [shouts] No! Are you out of your mind? You blew out my eardrum!
Derek: What did you want me to do? He was coming right at us.
Emily: I told you I had him!
Derek: He was shooting at us, Emily.
Emily: Well, you could've given me a heads up!
Derek: What, a loaded MP5 and a shooting lunatic wasn't enough? Come on.

Aaron: It looks like we'll have to double up.
Derek: I'm not sleeping with Reid.
Penelope: [taking Morgan's hand] Dibs.
Kevin: [via phone to Garcia] What do you mean you're sharing a room with Morgan?

Derek: Come here, come here.
Savannah: You know, that's why I blame you.
Derek: What, me?
Savannah: Yes. One more time turned into two more times, and now there's no way we're getting a table on such short notice.
Derek: Girl, look at you. Can you blame me? But as long as I'm with you, we can go anywhere you want... Oh, wait a minute. Hello, what are you doing here?
Penelope: Oh, my God.
Savannah: Penelope?
Penelope: Wow, it is so nice to finally meet you.
Savannah: You, too.
Derek: Hey, you must be Sam.
Sam: Sam I am. I've heard a lot about you.
Derek: Oh, not guilty. Not guilty.
Penelope: Look at you guys. You're literally flawless. You're like the live-action Ken and Barbie.
Sam: So where are you guys headed?
Derek: Well, we actually had a change of plans.
Sam: Same here.
Penelope: Is what's happening right now what I think is happening right now?
Savannah: Why, I believe so.
Penelope: This is our first double date.
Sam: In that case, after you.
Savannah: All right.
Derek: And after you, sir.

Aaron: We are looking for a 20 to 30 year old male.
Derek: The unsub engages in anthropophagy. It's a psychotic conviction that he must drink human blood, and possibly eat human flesh.
Dr. Spencer Reid: For Richard Trenton Chase, the Vampire Killer, he drank his victims' blood because he believed that aliens had invaded his body and were slowly drinking his blood.
Aaron: And if he didn't get the blood he needed... he'd die. Anthropophagy suggests such an extreme level of psychosis and disorganization that he couldn't have ventured very far from home to commit these crimes.
Derek: This guy lives, or has lived, in this town.
Aaron: He knows the territory.
Derek: You've all seen him. Maybe at the ballpark. Or riding his bike home from the grocery store. He wasn't always a threat. He could have been your neighbor. He might have been your friend. We think something about his delusion is keeping him here in town.
Aaron: So we're gonna start at Annie Stuart's house and we're gonna spread out there in quadrants. We're going to eliminate all of his hiding places.
Sheriff: Paul Thompson's funeral is this afternoon. A lot of his neighbors are gonna be there.

Derek: 12 shots were fired?
Agent: That's right.
Jennifer: It sounds like an amateur.
Agent: You think?
Derek: Well, 6 people were hit. That's a 50% success rate during a crowded lunch hour with a high-powered rifle at a range of 200 yard. An average Joe can hit that many people.
Jennifer: Trained snipers hit 98% of their targets.

Derek: You know, your rhetoric sounds just hateful enough to justify violence.
Roy: We don't need to stoop to their level. We're fighting the Indians in court.
Derek: Is that right? Then why all the guns, Roy? Our records show that your 200 members carry over 450 firearms.
Roy: We're simply exercising our constitutional right under the Second Amendment. We have the right to defend ourselves.
Derek: 450 guns, Roy. I don't think so. That's not self-defense. That's plain paranoid.

Derek: Cheerful.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Depression is a vicious cycle. It frequently manifests itself in the degradation of one's personal living environment, which in turn, fuels the depression, which then worsens the living environment.
Derek: I'll take a look around in here. Why don't you check out the kitchen?
Dr. Spencer Reid: The kitchen.
Derek: Is that a problem?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Frankly, I'm not too anxious to see the perishable food version of this room.

Jennifer: Morgan.
Derek: What's up?
Reporter: [she turns on the news] What is reportedly being called a routine questions and answers meeting by Colorado Child Services has turned into a violent and deadly standoff between Colorado authorities and a fringe religious group known as the Separtarian Sect. The raid on...
Derek: JJ, that's not the ranch where Prentiss and Reid...
Jennifer: They're still inside.
Derek: HOTCH!

Penelope: Okay, know this: most adoption people are like the nicest, most dedicated people in the world. There are however real skeezy ones
Dr. Spencer Reid: How skeezy?
Penelope: Super skeezy. I've got a spreadsheet of one of them, expecting compensation for the baby I'm having
Derek: Something you want to tell me, Garcia?
Penelope: Uhm, that's the sad part, my prince. The genetically perfect offspring of Penelope Garcia and Derek Morgan wouldn't fetch top dollar
Jennifer: Who does?
Penelope: White babies are in higher demand than minorities. Boys are more popular than girls, at least this year anyway. And then there is the Swedish supermodel rule
Emily: The what?
Penelope: If I were to deliver a blond haired, blue eye, bundle of joy I would set for life. I would!

Derek: Garcia has got something
Penelope: Don't worry, it's not contagious

Aaron: The unsub we're looking for is a woman. She's a collector. It's a psychopathology similar to hoarding.
David: So when we say "collector", we're not talking about stamps or baseball cards. It's not what your kids, or even you, might pursue as a normal hobby.
Aaron: This is an attachment to objects that's become obsessive, by someone who is antisocial and extremely introverted.
Emily: These people attach a part of themselves to their collection. If you try to separate them from it or take it away from them, they will react violently, even psychotically.
Dr. Spencer Reid: They've suffered damage to their prefrontal cortex. That's the part of the brain that regulates basic Freudian fantasy/reality. They can still function, like drive a car or go to work, even do their taxes.
Derek: In fact, she excels at goal-oriented jobs, like the precision of sewing, or the details of abduction.
Dr. Spencer Reid: But they've lost their ability to categorize the difference between living and dead, uh, belonging and loss. That has been irreparably destroyed.
Detective: So what's she collecting, women?
David: Actually, we think she's collecting dolls.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Technically, replacing them. Uh, we believe that she lost the originals sometime within the last three months, and this is what served as her stressor.
David: She searched for a replacement, and when she couldn't find them, she started abducting the closest possible surrogate.
Emily: Women of different ethnicities but a similar physicality.
Derek: The drug-induced paralysis is part of the fantasy. She puts her victims in a position where they can't talk back so she can fetishize them like the objects she's lost.
Detective: Um... look. I respect your analysis, but this woman kidnapped six women and killed three of them. And you're telling us this is about dolls?
Emily: This unsub stitched a wig onto the scalp of her latest victim. It's a technique used to attach hair to porcelain dolls.
Dr. Spencer Reid: And keep in mind, collectors and serial killers do share certain traits. Uh... a lot of serial killers take trophies, attaching the same significance to them that this collector does to objects.
David: But this unsub's intent isn't violence. She needs this collection to be complete so she can feel in control of her life, probably to overcome some trauma she experienced.
Dr. Spencer Reid: She really only feels that control when the collection is complete, which is why she's repeating an abduction pattern with living victims. If she loses a doll, or in this case, if she loses a woman who represents a doll, she has to replace it.
Aaron: This woman works alone. We know she has medical training. Look for nurse's aides or orderlies who were fired for a lack of social graces. She can't fake a bedside manner.
Emily: We believe she's currently working as a tailor or a seamstress, and we're following those leads now. But do let us know if you notice any overlap in your suspect pools. Thank you.

David: [about a serial arsonist] Whoever set these went from no victims to thirty-one in less than two weeks. That's a hell of an escalation.
Emily: Why didn't they call us in sooner?
Jennifer: The local police and fire department knew they were dealing with an arsonist, but they had no idea he'd become a killer.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Most arsonists don't. They just like setting fires; any deaths that occur are almost always accidental.
Derek: Thirty-one victims is not an accident.
Aaron: Police chief knows he made a mistake. And he learned the hard way that even though not all arsonists are killers, they do have one thing in common: once they start, they can't stop.

Derek: You're gonna like this, kid. I promise. See it and hit it. Just relax. Here we go.
[Reid misses a ball]
Derek: Okay, okay. First try. Keep your eye on the ball.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Gravity plus drag coefficient plus magnus... I see what you're saying. If I can adjust the velocity of my swing...
Derek: No, what I'm saying is get out of your head. Just feel it.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Feel it. Feel it.
Derek: Don't think. Just feel it.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Just feel. Don't think. Just feel it.
Derek: Here it comes.
[Reid misses another ball]
Derek: Reid, that's not feeling it.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I'm feeling like an idiot.

Derek: I thought you didn't believe in dream analysis?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Freud has been discredited, but Jung still has its merits

[last lines]
Derek: You know, Prentiss, when I think about the things we see on a daily basis, all the bad, I'm still amazed at all the good.
Emily: Yeah, but... do you think it evens out?
Derek: I'd like to think it does.

Kevin: Agent Rossi? We need to talk, about Penelope, man to man
David: Man to man
[both walk away]
Derek: What about Penelope?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I don't know
Jennifer: [singing] Garcia and Kevin sitting in a tree...
[turns around and walks away]
Derek: Get out of here! Are you serious?
[joins JJ]
Emily: Just when I thought nothing scandalous was every gonna happen around here
Dr. Spencer Reid: What? What does that mean?
Emily: Didn't you hear JJ?
Dr. Spencer Reid: That song meant something? No! No I missed it
Emily: It... it... You know what, never mind
Dr. Spencer Reid: [looks around bewildered] What?

Aaron: [searching a residence registered to Jimmy Baker] Morgan, this is weird. There's nothing here. It's like nobody lives here. I guess he wasn't expecting company.
Derek: Something's wrong.
Aaron: Yeah, I know.
Derek: Look at this place. It's an artificial dwelling... to match an artificial past.

David: Hudson, this is Dr. Spencer Reid.
Field: [shaking Reid's hand] Field agent Anne Hudson. The, uh, father is serving in Iraq. Three nights ago the cops found his family buried over there.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Buried?
Emily: Neighbors heard the dog barking, came over, he was scratching at the grave. Lucy, their oldest child, she's still in her swimsuit.
Aaron: What does the father know?
Field: Some of it. He was on patrol. Took his unit a couple of days to reach him. He arrives today.
David: Last year, the Williams family was killed and found exactly the same way. They lived in Newport News.
Derek: The father, Dan Williams, was also serving overseas.
Field: Now the police are overwhelmed and getting serious heat from the military. We need some answers fast.
Jennifer: As do the media. They're already calling this the work of a serial killer.
Aaron: They're right. It is.
Field: But why bury them? I mean, it can't be to hide the bodies.
David: It's a sign of remorse.
Derek: And when they're done being remorseful, this will happen again.

Derek: Why are you acting so weird?
Elle: We're sitting with a guy who knows that there are 800 kernels of corn on the average cob...
Dr. Spencer Reid: Arranged in 16 separate rows.
Elle: ...and you're calling me weird?

Derek: What's all this?
Deputy: Dia de los Muertos
Dr. Spencer Reid: Day of the dead. Three day Latin holidays where souls of the dead relatives are send return to earth to enjoy the pleasure they once knew of
Deputy: He sounds like he is reading that out of a book
Derek: Trust me, he always sounds like that
Dr. Spencer Reid: Actually, I was reading I picked this pamphlet at the airport

Derek: So, why the woods, JJ?
Jennifer: Hmmm?
Derek: Your fear, you said it was of the woods.
Jennifer: Err, I used to be a camp counselor when I was a teenager, in the woods up around Vermont. I had the night shift, you know, tuck the girls in, turn off the lights, you know, the typical drill. Everything seemed fine. The kids were asleep, you know, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Until... I noticed that there was some blood, on the hallway floor. So I followed the blood trail down the hall to the camp director's cabin, walked up to his bed, and... he was just lying there, under his covers, dead. Someone stabbed him. I ran out of there so fast, out the door, down the hall. I can just remember it being really dark. Once I got to the door, there was another counselor; I guess she heard me scream. They caught the caretaker on his way in to town. I guess he still had the knife on him. Anyway, I guess that's probably when I decided I didn't like the woods.
Derek: You're serious?
Jennifer: [sips coffee looking serious and pauses] No!
[shakes head]
Jennifer: I mean you fell for that?
[they laugh]
Jennifer: Come on! I don't know why I'm afraid of the woods! I am. Why is he still afraid of the dark?
Derek: Yeah, Reid why are you still afraid of the dark?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Because of the inherent absence of light!
[they laugh]

Penelope: Ladies and gents, the Golden State awaits. Meet who is formerly Gary Porter. He was found dead outside a San Francisco nightclub last night, and Pamela Hurd, she was found near a cable car stop in San Francisco's Mission district.
Jennifer: They were both found wrapped in clear plastic.
Derek: It says here they were dead only a few hours before they were found, and that's not long enough for the elements to have made them that pale.
Penelope: 'Cause that's where we enter the town of Weirdville on the corner of eww and icky icky. Both victims were almost completely drained of their blood. Less than a pint left.
Alex: He's exsanguinating them.
Aaron: While they were still alive.
Derek: Well, it might be utilitarian. He needs them alive so they can pump out the blood themselves.
David: Draining a body like that is extremely hard to do. Once the heart stops pumping, it's difficult to continue to extract the blood.
Alex: So the question is how is he doing it?
Penelope: Oh, I wish you wouldn't ask that, 'cause now I've gotta show this picture.
Aaron: There are large bore holes in the femoral artery of each victim.
Jennifer: Our unsub could have medical knowledge.
Aaron: It's possible. We'll know more when we get there. Wheels up in thirty.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Hey, you wanna read? I always read when I'm anxious.
[hands Derek a book]
Derek: [reads the title] "The Magical Mathematics of Quantum Physics" - ah! Nope.
[hands it back]
Derek: I'm good, I'll wait for the movie.

Betty: [Derek and Emily entering the diner] Be right with you.
Derek: It's not even lunchtime yet.
Emily: Well, the sign said people travel miles for Flo's donuts.
Betty: Sorry to keep you waiting! Would like a dozen to share?
[Morgan and Prentiss show their badges]
Betty: Oh, FBI!
Derek: Ma'am, we're trying to trace the steps of a couple that may have been here a few days ago.
Betty: Darling, I've waited on 87 folks since we opened this morning. Someone would have to come through here doing cartwheels on fire for me to remember him.
Emily: Will you take a look anyway please?
Betty: Eh,
[picks up the photos]
Betty: Hm, well I'll be... I do remember them!
Derek: Where they doing cartwheels?
Betty: No! But I was! The lady left me $10 tip for breakfast two days in a row. Nice couple.

Derek: [closing quotation, voiceover] British historian C. Northcote Parkinson said "Delay is the deadliest form of denial."

Dr. Spencer Reid: When you first told me about Savannah, I'd never seen you like that. The decreased levels of central serotonin in your brain cause intrusive thinking. When I finally saw you guys together, that's when I knew for sure. Your pupils dilated, your posture changed, and I saw you involuntarily reach for her hand. Science confirmed it. You found the one. Do you believe that?
Derek: Yes.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Then believe this. Our team loves you, and we are not going to stop until we find whoever did this. But we can only do that with a completely dispassionate and unprejudiced point of view. Paternal instinct is a deadly bias that we just can't risk. It's for your protection, Morgan. I swear.
Derek: Okay.
[Reid turns to leave]
Derek: The unsub is a father, isn't he?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Why do you say that?
Derek: "A paternal instinct is a deadly bias". Those were your exact words.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I meant...
Derek: I know what you meant. But that's what you said.

Special: How did she know to call Reid?
Penelope: Nathan set Reid's business card on the table before he cut himself. Like a suicide note.

Penelope: [aggitated] All work and no play, huh? All work and no play? You just wait until I am through with you!
[picks up ringing phone]
Penelope: What?
Derek: Garcia, I need a rundown on a guy
Penelope: No!
Derek: What?
Penelope: The information super highway is closed.
Derek: What you're talking about?
Penelope: Someone had the nerve to run a black hat op into my computers, Morgan. They hacked me, okay? You can bet your sweet ass I will find them! I've got honey pot farms hidden behind UML kernel data packets and a first generation honey net I personally programmed. My snort logs every visitor, every server request, every keystroke on this entire network. If I had to backtrack his IP all the way to the freaking stone age, I will find this son of a bitch! So bye

Derek: Hey, baby girl.
Penelope: [running and hugging him] Oh, my god! Oh, my god! It's you! It's really you! Oh, you smell like... you smell like hope and happiness. It is really you.
Derek: [she lets him go] Yes, it's me. It's me. But listen, you gotta focus, okay?
Penelope: Yeah. Anything. Anything. Focus. Focus on what?
Emily: This text.
Penelope: [reading the text, her eyes bug out] Oh, crap.

Jason: In the last 6 months, your husband start asking you to play out sexual fantasies?
Linda: Excuse me?
Jason: Possibly even berated you if you played along?
Linda: I don't think that's appropriate.
Aaron: When it finally stopped about a month ago you were relieved.
Special: Ma'am, you're afraid to ask why we're here. Now, in your heart you know we're not here because Ronald's helping us with this investigation.
Linda: Good night.
Jason: You've been glad to have him leave the house at odd hours because he's been angry and frustrated. When he comes home he feels like the man you married again.

Derek: Does he ever take you to his cabin?
James: What?
Derek: Fishing in Wisconsin? Camping? Two things you wished you had a real father for.
James: Sometimes.
Derek: Yeah, he's good like that.
James: You know about the cabin?
Derek: James, I told you I used to be you.
James: What do you mean?
Derek: The first you weren't even sure what was going on. He brushed up against you. You thought it might have just been an accident. But then at the cabin he let you sit and drink with him. You thought that was kinda cool. Made you feel grown. Gave you a glass of wine, maybe a little shot of something harder. And then he took you swimming, only he told you to jump in without your swimsuit on. He did things to you, James, didn't he? He did them to me, too. You do whatever you think you gotta do to keep him happy because he's the closest thing to a father you've got. But what he's doing to you is wrong and you don't have to let it continue, man.

Lt. Al Garner: Do you know how rare it is for an arsonist to be a burn victim?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Less than 3.5%.
Derek: This guy's not an arsonist. He's a serial killer who uses fire.

Penelope: You are not really looking at my project. You always look at my projects, Derek. What's wrong?
Derek: Ah, Baby Girl, I am sorry. I don't know, me and Savannah we had like this amazing night, and cut to four hours later and she throwing me an air kiss and rushing out the door to work, and I got stuck at 2 o'clock in the morning walking her little pup!
Penelope: Oh, you got Morganed.
Derek: Morganed? What? What are you talking about?
Penelope: You are on call, 24/7, and when a case comes in, you drop whatever and whoever you are doing and haul ass back to work.
Derek: Well I guess I never thought about it like that.
Penelope: And now you have what Oprah calls an aha moment. Think about it: if you would have gotten the call, you would have done exactly the same thing to her because your job comes first and so does hers. And that's why you two work.
Derek: [sigh]
Penelope: Oh my gosh, she is you in heels.
Derek: You're right.
Penelope: I am always right. Also you are secretly in love with me.

Derek: [closing, voiceover] "For darkness restores what light cannot repair." - Joseph Brodsky

Detective: So, what if they didn't do it? Then we're back to nothing?
Aaron: One of them knows where Kate is.
Detective: How can you be sure?
Derek: Because an innocent person doesn't sit quietly for three days. They get angry and defensive.
Aaron: These guys are going out of their way to appear calm and in control. They've got something to hide.

Derek: What are you looking for, Sarah? You afraid somebody is gonna hear you? Who were you protecting your brother from, your father?
Emily: Was your father hurting Steven?
Sarah: He... he really believes he was doing what's right.
Derek: So, he did throw him around a little bit?
Sarah: They just... they didn't see eye to eye. Steven couldn't stay here anymore, and... and I had to help him get out.
Emily: Is your father hurting you, too?
Sarah: Never.
Emily: How come?
Derek: Because she's not the one who's gay.

Billy: Do you believe in heaven?
Derek: This is your last chance.
Billy: You think I might see her there? Maybe get a second chance?
[stands up]
Billy: I'd really like that.
[moves his right hand]

Derek: At the very least, the Zodiac would have to be about sixty by now.
Jennifer: Yeah, but it doesn't take a lot of strength to pull a trigger.
Derek: No, but it takes a lot of skill not to get caught for forty years.

Derek: It's called a challenge coin, Angel. Legend says an American pilot in World War I was gunned down over Germany, and he crawled across no-man's land into French territory. He was desperate to survive. And he should have been safe, except for the French thought he was a German, and he was almost executed. But he showed them a coin; it had his squadron's insignia on it. It was given to him by a fellow pilot so that they would never forget what they shared.
Angel: [his first words] What happened to him?
Derek: [surprised, he laughs softly] A French soldier recognized the insignia, and they set him free.

Emily: He's castrating the victims postmortem, so torture isn't his game.
Derek: Shot to the head is efficient. I don't think he wants his victims to suffer.
Aaron: And a quick kill is impersonal. It lacks the thrill on which a lot of unsubs thrive.

Alex: How far away from here did you grow up?
Derek: Five blocks. The park we just passed is where I used to play football. The bus stop on that corner, that's where I played kissy-face with my first girlfriend.
Alex: How old were you?
Derek: Ten.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [walks into his hotel room with a box, surprised to see Rossi and Morgan there] What are you guys doing here?
Derek: Hey. What's it look like we're doing?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Uh, breaking into my room and watching Days of Our Lives.
David: The Young and the Restless.

Derek: You can't examine his scars?
Dr. Larson: Can't get close enough. He has the most severe case of CER I've ever seen. Conditioned emotional response. I've only seen it in vets.
Jennifer: That's worse than PTSD.
Dr. Larson: He had an adrenaline rush when he escaped, but coming down from that will be just as extreme.
Derek: And I'm sure he's sensitive to light and sound.
Dr. Larson: Incredibly. We're keeping it as quiet and dark as possible.
Jennifer: That's probably what he's used to.
Dr. Larson: He's also been somewhere cramped. His legs show signs of advanced arthritis.
Jennifer: Any idea how old he is?
Dr. Larson: It's hard to tell. His growth has been stunted, he's got major tooth and skin decay. Clearly from a massive vitamin D deficiency.
Jennifer: Best guess?
Dr. Larson: Maybe sixteen.

Derek: Woman, you have lost your mind! But you are the best
Penelope: I completely agree

[last lines]
Kevin: What's wrong, plum sauce?
Derek: You know what? I'm gonna let you guys do what you guys do.
Kevin: You... You know, don't you?
Penelope: Kevin... I like the way that things are now. I love how you have your space and I have my space, and when we come together, we're our own weird world unto ourselves, and... I don't want to ruin that.
Kevin: That's not what this would do.
Penelope: Yeah, it would.
Kevin: [pause] Penelope, are you, are you against marriage, or are you just against marrying me?
Penelope: Kevin... I'm just not ready yet.
Kevin: Well, I am.
[walks away]
Penelope: Kevin.

Derek: Okay, we need to talk to this Dante guy
Emily: Garcia, can you get us an address?
Lt. Detective Owen Kim: Eh, that's gonna take a little while. These celebrities are protected by layers of privacy. It's like finding information on a deeply...
Penelope: 22423 Greenvale Circle, Holmby Hills. GPS coordinates are uploading to you now. And his name is Paul Davies, by the way
Emily: Run him for a criminal record too
Penelope: You got it
Emily: Thanks, PG.
Lt. Detective Owen Kim: I'd hate to think what she could find out about me
Emily: Oh, I prefer not even to consider it!

Elle: What are you doing out of your bunker?
Penelope: [distracted by Sean] I was on my way to file the things that I... file.
Sean: [approaching] Excuse me.
Elle: Hi.
Sean: I'm...
Derek: [entering] Sean, hey. Derek. You must be looking for your brother.
Sean: Yeah.
Derek: Right this way.
Elle: Brother, as in... that's Hotch's brother?
Penelope: Maybe Hotch is adopted.

Derek: Nice tackle kid!
Dr. Spencer Reid: Thanks! I have been working out lately

Special: So tell me, what does keep young Dr. Reid awake at night? Wait, let me guess. Memorizing some obscure textbook? No, no, no. Working on cold fusion? No, I got it, I got it, I got it. Watching Star Trek and laughing at all the physics mistakes?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Actually, there aren't that many scientific errors in Star Trek, especially considering how long ago it was made. There are certain improbabilities, but not that many outright errors.
Special: Right.

Erin: Agent Morgan, a word? I... I haven't had a chance to speak with you. I sort of hit the ground running. It took a lot of courage to confront me about my drinking. You changed my life. Thank you.
Derek: Honestly, ma'am, that's not necessary.
Erin: A simple "you're welcome" would suffice.
Derek: I'm just glad you're back.
Erin: No, you're not.

Derek: [closing quote] "Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil" - Baltasar Gracian

Aaron: With this unsub, we're looking at a compound profile: a Type-4 delusional assassin with an erotomanic fixation on the actress Lila Archer.
Derek: Erotomanics are a form of stalker who possess the delusional belief that another person, usually of a higher social status, is in love with them.
Elle: In the United States, at any given time, there are over 200,000 people being stalked. Our unsub is having a fantasy love affair with Lila Archer, the way John Hinckley did with Jodie Foster.
Aaron: Ms. Archer was not aware of her stalker until yesterday. He wasn't trying to impress her. He was more likely an unwanted, very violent guardian angel.
Jason: When the stalker feels as if they've been in some way betrayed by their love object, this often leads to violence against the target.
Dr. Spencer Reid: In the case of John Robert Bardo, when actress Rebecca Schaeffer took a role where she had to have a sexual relationship with another character, it was enough to force him to snap and seek her out to kill her.
Aaron: Though stalkers can be either male or female, it's most likely we're looking for a single male, a loner, in his late twenties to early forties, very intelligent, with ample time to follow his victim and study her habits.
Dr. Spencer Reid: As of yet, the unsub has not directed any violence towards Ms. Archer. But he has shifted his focus from those around her to her directly.
Jason: This doesn't preclude the fact that anyone who has the vaguest association with Ms. Archer is a potential target.

Derek: Your statement says that you and Jimmy first met Kate on Friday night. These are Kate's credit card receipts. Her and her friends rented a ski jet from Jimmy Friday morning.
Syd: Mm-hmm. He gets a hundred customers a day.
Derek: Yeah, but come on, man. I doubt they all look like Kate, now, do they? Hmm? I mean, isn't that really why Jimmy texted you Friday morning? Woke you up and said "Hey, man, you gotta get down here and see this girl." And you liked what you saw, didn't you? You invite her to the club, and maybe that would have been all right, but the problem is, when you and Jimmy get together, it's nothing but trouble.
Syd: Mm-hmm.
Derek: And when you add a girl to that mix, she didn't stand a chance, did she? Just like Kelly Graybeal.
Syd: Who?
Derek: Last summer. She filed a complaint, but lucky for you she dropped all the charges.
Syd: Look, man, we could do this for another, I don't know, whatever you got left. Or I could make it real simple for you. Give me a polygraph.
Derek: After 65 hours of sitting in here, you want a polygraph?
Syd: Well, that depends.
Derek: On what?
Syd: Are you gonna ask me the questions? 'Cause I was really hoping you'd send that pretty one back in here.

Aaron: What the hell was that?
Dr. Spencer Reid: He had a bomb.
Derek: You didn't think we needed to know that?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I told you to go downstairs.
Derek: Well, you didn't say "bomb". You left that part out.

Detective: Hello?
Damon: You're late.
Alex: Like... what... five minutes.
Damon: You're still late.
Detective: Hey Pop.
Damon: How's the melon?
Detective: It's all right. It's fine.
Damon: Uh, you two made up, didn't you? Yeah, I figured... been doing that since you were kids. Fight like cats and dogs, then forget about it 10 minutes later. Used to drive your mother crazy. Then she'd drive me crazy.
Detective: Hey, Pop, you know she got shot?
Alex: Oh, that's great.
Detective: Well...
Damon: Yeah, I heard.
Alex: You heard?
Penelope: Mr. Miller? We need more ice.
Damon: Help yourself.
Penelope: Hey, what's up?... You must be Scott. I'm Penelope.
Detective: Hi.
Alex: What are you doing here?
Damon: I invited them.
Penelope: Yeah. It's only a two-and-a-half-hour flight. When I hear Kansas City barbecue, I come a runnin', for the sides and the fixings. I'm a vegetarian.
Alex: What do you mean, them?
[comes out to the garden]
Alex: Oh, you're all here. My words are colliding.
Aaron: And your dad promised ribs.
Derek: And your pops is no joke on this grill.
Damon: Can't celebrate unless the whole family's here.
Alex: I can't argue with that.

Aaron: We're looking for two men. Probably white, given the neighborhoods that they hit, mid to late twenties, intelligent, and organized.
Derek: These are career criminals. One or both has done hard time, but neither presents as a convict. They would appear clean-shaven, well dressed...
Emily: Neighborly. This helps them talk their way into the homes. They may also be using a ruse.
Lt. Nellis: What kind of ruse?
Aaron: Given that the invasions have taken place in the evening, it could be anything. Could be door to door sales, person in distress, car trouble.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Uh, Derrick Todd Lee used a tape of a baby crying to get women to open their doors in Baton Rouge. Never underestimate their creativity.
Emily: These men share a very tight bond, and a mutual compulsion to kill, but their signatures reveal two very distinct personalities.
Aaron: One brutalizes the parents. This is the dominant one. Sadistic, remorseless, extremely volatile.
Emily: The other prefers a needle. His injections are consistent with an angel of death. He's more withdrawn, sensitive, and he has a warped sense of mercy.

Penelope: Now that superwoman is on the case you don't need me.
Derek: You know what, I'm gonna chalk that up to a little jealousy.

Penelope: If the name Ashley is on Scott's phone, I can't find it.
Derek: Penelope, this is sounding more like cubic zirconia.
Penelope: Bite your pretty tongue. I didn't stop at the first rejection. I did what you guys did; I profiled the guy. Scotty is a ladies' man, gets a lot of names and numbers, gotta keep track of 'em all. What's a playa to do, playa?
Derek: He gave her a nickname.
Penelope: "Baby Girl" was already taken. But "Bunny" wasn't.

Derek: [breaking into an encrypted computer] In six tries?
Jason: Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Samuel Buckett.
Derek: Try not. Do or do not.
Dr. Spencer Reid: [Gideon looks confused] Yoda.

David: He killed a woman this time.
Aaron: Yeah. She's also the first one he covered up. This is remorse. She wasn't part of the plan.
David: Which explains why he moved the body. She wasn't killed here.
Alex: The garrote was used postmortem. C.O.D. appears to be blunt-force trauma to the back of the head.
David: He didn't do a good job of covering this up.
Aaron: He's panicking. We find where she was killed, we find him.
Alex: Except no one even knows what her name is.
David: No ID, just a phone.
[Rossi plays the phone's voicemail]
Derek: Hi, my name is Derek Morgan with the FBI. I'm trying to locate a woman, first name Ashley. It's extremely important.
David: This is Ashley.

Jennifer: Who's that with Hotch?
Dr. Spencer Reid: There's been another abduction. A boy named Shaun Rutledge. That's his younger brother Billy.
Derek: Says a young white guy in an RV attacked them with a crowbar in the rain.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He's also changed his victim selection criterion. The boy he grabbed gets straight A's, plays football, even volunteers at his church.
Jennifer: So he wanted him so badly he was willing to leave a witness?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Which suggests he's losing touch with reality and his delusions are starting to take over.
Derek: What is it about this kid that was so attractive to him?
Jennifer: He was teenage and Caucasian like the others, right?
Dr. Spencer Reid: We also think that a sexual element may actually not be at play.
Derek: So then what the hell is driving this guy?
Jennifer: Maybe it's love. What if he's trying to recreate someone he loves?
Derek: It is an emotion that drives us to extremes.

Derek: [voiceover] Three can keep a secret, if two are dead. -Benjamin Franklin

Jennifer: That was Hotch.
Derek: Don't tell me. Reid already figured it out and we drove all the way out here for nothing, right?
Jennifer: Derek...
Derek: What? What?
Jennifer: The... the unsub... Elle was shot in her apartment this morning.
Derek: [stopping the car] What?
[Morgan turns the car around]
Jennifer: What are you doing?
Derek: I'm going back.
Jennifer: No, no, no. Hotch said not to.
Derek: I don't give a damn what Hotch said.

Derek: Hey, Baby Girl. Listen, I need you to check the neighborhood around our crime scenes. See if any unrelated crimes went down before ours
Penelope: Whatever you want, my caramel mocha surprise

David: All right. Luke, you don't want to be aiming that around. Snipers have the building covered.
Derek: You're in the crosshairs right now, I can guarantee that.
Luke: Windows are bulletproof. High-density Lexan, right?

Penelope: By the way, uh, totally different subject: I happened upon that invitation guest list for the British embassy thing. Did you know that Madonna and Stephen Hawking are going? Not together, but they're going.
Derek: Penelope...
Penelope: Seriously, you're gonna miss a chance to meet Stephen Hawking? Reid will kill you.
Derek: Well, then I'm dead.
Penelope: Why don't you want to go?
Derek: It's personal. How 'bout that?
Penelope: Oh, it's p... Oh, my God, it's personal? That never occurred to me that it would be personal. I thought it was, like, stock market related or 'cause of the weather or...
Derek: Will you cut it out, already?
Penelope: Okay. Keep your... super secrets to yourself, 007.

Derek: Reid, are you good with this? We've got a woman who's only got a few hours left to live, an incomplete profile and a Unit Chief on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
[Gideon comes in from behind him]
Jason: They don't call them nervous breakdowns anymore.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's called a "Major Depressive Episode."
Derek: I know!

Derek: [searching Owen Savage's room] All his clothes are black.
Dr. Spencer Reid: [looking in Owen's closet] Same here.
Derek: [seeing a poster of Johnny Cash] Just like his friend Johnny Cash. So Owen identifies as being a misunderstood loner. You know, I wish all our unsubs would just tack their profiles on their walls like this for us.

Derek: Garcia, all these people drink blood?
Penelope: Au contraire. They mostly just dress up like Prentiss did in high school and they make believe. It's all kinds of delicious
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's not the same thing at all. As a matter of fact, I... I... we should refer to this unsub as vampirist, not a vampire. And they would be attracted to the subculture merely for it's professed worship of blood

Dr. Spencer Reid: You should see what comes up when you type "death" into a search engine.
Derek: [laughs] Reid, no wonder you can't get a date.

Derek: We all know domestic disputes can be some of *the* most violent.

Emily: I think it's safe to assume our unsub is male
Aaron: I agree with you, given what we know about aggressive driving and road rage
Emily: And the fact that men have an unnatural bond with their cars
Jennifer: That is true!
Derek: Wait a minute, I don't know about unnatural
Jennifer: I once dated a guy who washed his car more than he washed his hair
David: A nice car needs love
Jennifer: And a woman doesn't?
David: Uh, I'm not qualified to answer that

[Morgan and JJ enter Angel's hospital room to find the lights off and Angel cowering under a table]
Derek: Hey. My name's Derek. I'm one of the good guys. And this is my friend.
Jennifer: I'm Jennifer. You're safe now.
Derek: Doctor says you haven't been eating much. Food looks pretty good.
Jennifer: You must be thirsty. Here you go.
[JJ offers Angel a water bottle and he slaps it away]
Jennifer: [trying to placate him] Okay. It's okay. It's okay.
Derek: JJ, this is years of conditioning. Have Garcia go back to 2000 for missing kids.

Derek: Rodney's not on this list
Aaron: Buford played us.

Derek: [Picks up his mobile] Hey, what's up mama? Wild guess: we got a case?
Penelope: You're correct! Please pass GO and collect 200 kisses from moi and Hotch wants to see us
Derek: For what?
Penelope: He didn't say, but I'm having flashbacks to being in highschool, having to go to the principal's office

Derek: I'm more concerned about the MO. Is this peakeristic or flat out sadist?
David: Could be a combo platter with a side order of *psycho.*

Dr. Spencer Reid: His area of control is relatively small and includes a number of residential and commercials buildings. In fact in a 3 miles radius in a city of a population of 636,479 over 48.2 miles broken approximately 39,549.23 people living in his comfort zone
Derek: How many of them male?
Dr. Spencer Reid: 18,944.08

Aaron: We're looking for a male unsub in his mid- to late twenties. Physically fit enough to subdue Marlene Smith, and carry out a vicious attack and sustained attack.
David: We believe he sees himself as a rescuer, taking children away from unfit parents. He may very well have abandonment issues from his own childhood.
Derek: The impulsive nature of committing the murder out in the open suggests that he's inexperienced.
Dr. Spencer Reid: The violence on Marlene Smith went from precision to frenzy, which points to someone with classic psychopathic traits; quick to rage and quick to recover.
Emily: He also appears to have insider knowledge of the families in these cases, so we need to look for someone who was privy to what went on behind those closed doors.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Emergency personnel were called to the Smith house after both suicide attempts, and once to the Tanner house after the mother overdosed on prescription drugs.
Jennifer: That means first responders, Child Service workers, ambulance personnel. Both missing children apparently went without struggle or protest. That makes us think that they had prior contact with the person we're looking for.
David: Or they inherently trust who he is by the virtue of his job. The uniform he wears; doctor, mailman, policeman.
Derek: So far, the violence has been directed to the offending parent, but we don't know what the unsub's endgame is.
Emily: We have written up a media release on precautions the public needs to take.
Aaron: And we've taken the second mother into protective custody, thus depriving him of his target. This will increase his volatility.
David: That's why it's critical we find these kids. If they are alive, he may turn his violence against the children themselves.

Derek: [First call after their argument] Hey girl
Penelope: [down] Hey. We're good?
Derek: Yeah, we're good
Penelope: [smiling again] What do you need?

Penelope: Live from Quantico, VA, it is divine Miss Penelope. Los Angeles, you're our first and favorite caller. Talk to me.
Derek: Okay, woman, you do know you're crazy, right?
Penelope: But like you always say, "Don't hate the playa, hate the game."
Derek: Okay, playa, my bad.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Maybe the events in our lives were set in motion a long time ago. There's an old Buddhist saying that when you meet your soulmate, remember that the act to bring you together was 500 years in the making. So always appreciate and be kind to each other.
Dr. Tara Lewis: That's lovely.
Dr. Spencer Reid: There's a corollary for friends. When you meet a true friend, you will be bound together through space and time for 500 years.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Which means, in the year 2200, I'm gonna get Morgan back for that practical joke he played on me last week.
Derek: Bring it, Pretty Boy. I'll be waitin' for you.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I'll be there.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Each of these crime scene locations are a representation of new wealth and status, but the areas surrounding the crime scenes are still populated by long-time residents who are slowly being pushed out.
Derek: That's a lot of disenfranchised people who are all part of the neighborhood makeup. Most likely these unsubs don't stand out because they're probably local themselves.
Emily: I don't know. I'm with Rossi. I mean, anger I get, but this much violence? We're looking at at least three men with an incredible amount of rage. Where do you hide that?

Derek: What happened to you in that camp, Paul?
Paul: It doesn't matter anymore.
Derek: Yes, it does. You kill yourself, they get away with it. If you testify, we can shut them down for good.
Paul: What good? I'm an abomination.
David: No, you're not. If you want to live your life according to a single message, go ahead, but try John 13:34 instead: "A new command I give you. Love one another. As I have loved you, you must love one another."
Derek: The best way for you to do that is to put that gun down. Paul, you are a victim, and there are others being victimized right now that you can help. Wouldn't Mitchell want you to do everything possible to make sure that nobody else suffered your same fate? Come on. Put it down.

Aaron: Dave, did you find anything in the woods?
David: Josh's tent was secluded, his things were left behind. He just took off.
Aaron: Massey said he never got any respect from Josh.
Jennifer: Josh's own parents said he was impossible to control.
Dr. Spencer Reid: His course load indicates increased isolation.
Emily: Isolated, smart, angry. That could be a budding psychopath.
Erin: What are you saying? Josh Redding killed his classmates? And he's not missing, he's on the run.
Derek: And he has been for a week.
David: One hell of a head start.
Emily: With all the skills he could ever need.

Aaron: We believe whoever poisoned these people was motivated by revenge.
Derek: The randomness of the victimology, average people in an average-sized town, all points to a local resident.
Elle: We know that people who poison for the purpose of revenge primarily act alone.
Aaron: However, he may have manipulated someone close to him to assist him. The unsub usually disposes of these accomplices when they are of no further use to him.
Elle: The unsub is likely a cautious, deliberate, and highly functioning male between the ages of 35 and 50.
Aaron: He chose LSD for a reason. LSD is about altering perception. We think that this unsub is striking out because he feels that's he's been inaccurately perceived by the community, or a subset of it.
Derek: He feels that these attacks will affect and alter a reality that he is caught in, that he perceives to be unjust.
Aaron: He's so self-centered, he believes his victims will know the reason for the attack and who did it.
Dr. Spencer Reid: This individual was savvy enough to use Rohypnol to obstruct our investigation, erasing the memories of the victims of how they were poisoned.
Detective: Hold on. If this guy believes that his victims know who he is, why is he covering his tracks?
Jason: Because these victims aren't his primary targets.
Aaron: We... we know from precedent that this kind of offender, the avenger, tests his weapon first. This attack was a test run.
Detective: A test run for what?
Aaron: We don't know yet. What we do know is this is not the first time he's aired his grievances. While it's not likely that he has a criminal record, it is possible that he has filed criminal charges, or pursued a civil action against his perceived adversaries. And now, to measure the results of his test, he's watching.
Jason: And he wants to see the results of his test. Once he has them, all those years of pent-up rage will be unleashed in the form of a larger attack. Profile indicates a lot of people could die.

Dr. Spencer Reid: I'm just saying it's possible. I don't know everything. I mean, despite the fact that you think that I do.
Special: I never said that. When have I ever said that?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Every day since I met you!
Elle: This morning at breakfast...
Agent: Yesterday when he beat you at cards. Um... we've got one minute.
Special: Anybody ever heard of sarcasm?
Dr. Spencer Reid,24010: Mm-hmm.

Emily: Hey Garcia, you normally call Morgan about these kinds of things. Is everything okay?
Penelope: God I hate profilers!
Emily: Okay, come on, tell me!
Penelope: I met this guy at the coffee shop I go to every day...
Emily: Right! Got it
[Hangs up, walks to Derek]
Derek: What?
Emily: When a woman tells a man about her feelings, she doesn't want him to fix her. She wants him to shut up and listen!

David: Con men usually don't murder, but when they do, it's to conceal their crimes.
Derek: Con man's a nice name for these guys. They profile as psychopaths.

Dr. Spencer Reid: What happened to you?
Derek: Guy was huge. Seriously.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You should start working out.
Derek: You got jokes now?
[Reid chuckles]

Aaron: Yeah, but I want every single employee in the year that he was arrested
Penelope: Okay, give me a minute
Derek: A whole minute? Come on, baby girl. What, you're losing your touch?
Penelope: Oh, watch your pretty mouth! Personnel files are come at you now

Derek: Hope you got a plan B!

Dr. Spencer Reid: Detective, can you make the surveillance videos go any faster?
Detective: How much speed do you want?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Go back to the beginning; I'll watch all 5 weeks in the video
Detective: But that's...
Dr. Spencer Reid: 525 hours
Detective: Yeah, we don't have time for that
Derek: Reid, tell him what you did this morning for breakfast
Dr. Spencer Reid: I read "War and Peace". Reread it actually, this time in original Russian
Derek: Trust me detective, there is enough time!

Derek: He's making them clean up their own murder!

[last lines]
David: Cooking is the most sensual art form. And these are my paints.
Penelope: So your hands must be brushes.
David: Don't interrupt. In a pot of boiling water, we cook our spaghetti until it's al dente, firm to the tooth. Here you go. Everybody pass it around. See? Feel the texture. There we go. Okay. Now, in a large pan, we fry up our pancetta. Keeping a sharp eye that the edges are crisp.
Aaron: But careful not to burn the onions.
David: Bravo, Aaron! We sauté until translucence.
Derek: [hearing ding-dong] I got it.
David: Grazie mille!
[seeing JJ raises the glass to her lips, puts up a hand to stop her]
David: Oh! Now, we mix in the eggs, the parmesan, the spaghetti and parsley. You see, it's all about timing and rhythm. And if you don't feel yourself doing it properly, please, order a pizza.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Sorry, I'm late.
David: Yeah. And this is why I cook alone.
Emily: So, when do we get to drink the wine?
David: Almost there. Okay. We start at the beginning. You eat what you cook, I'll supervise, but we're gonna do this all together, just like a family.
Jennifer: [holding the glass] Okay now?
David: Now. Salud!
Penelope: Salud!

Alex: He removed the white blood cells. Plasma.
David: Why would he take the plasma?
Aaron: It would make it thicker. Easier to use as a paint.
Derek: What type of equipment would it take to do that?
Alex: You can easily buy a centrifuge online these days for couple hundred bucks.
Aaron: What other reasons would he have for separating the plasma from the blood?
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's a habit.
Aaron: Reid.
Jennifer: Spence.
Aaron: I didn't expect you back this soon. You sure you're ready?
Dr. Spencer Reid: No, but I think I figured something out.

Derek: Baby girl, are you there?
Penelope: Speak now or forever hold your peace

Emily: Derek, oh, my god.
Derek: [they hug] Oh, princess. Princess, princess.
[they let go]
Derek: It is so good to see you. I'm liking your new digs.
Emily: Ohh. I'm not crazy about how I earned them. It's been a tough year.
Derek: Yeah, I heard some of what you've been going through. I mean, not everything. Why didn't anyone tell me that the kid had been arrested?
Emily: Reid made a list of people he was willing to see as visitors. You weren't on it. He was humiliated, and honestly, we were barely keeping it together. Garcia almost quit over it.

Sheriff: Here's your gun safe. I don't know the combination.
Aaron: Start with birthdays. Lou's, Owen's, Hope's.
Derek: Hotch. Dress blues in plastic. No pics of wife and son.
Sheriff: [trying to open the safe] No luck.
Aaron: Try 11-10-75.
Derek: November 10, 1975? What's that?
Aaron: 1775. Marine Corps birthday.
Sheriff: [the safe opens] You might have just sold me on that profiling of yours.

Penelope: Two women, Sarah Beck and Jill Elks, were found in a park in Glendale, Arizona within the last three days. Both of them were single in their late twenties, and following their normal low-risk routines when they were abducted.
Alex: Where we they taken from?
Penelope: Sarah was on her way to her theater group rehearsal, and Jill was abducted form her apartment. The unsub broke in through a window.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Well, clearly he's hunting a specific type.
Derek: He left the jewelry untouched.
Aaron: Yeah, it's not about robbery.
Penelope: Both women were sexually assaulted and then they were shot in the heart and left in that... prayer position.
Jennifer: It's odd.
David: Maybe it's religious. Looks like they're leaning on a cross.
Derek: Their hands are titled forward.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He could have made them supplicate and their hands clenched in rigor mortis.
Jennifer: So they're possibly trying to atone for their sins.
Alex: I doubt that. Both women have pretty clean backgrounds.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Since the posing was done postmortem, maybe it's representation of the way in which he made them beg for their lives.
David: We've definitely seen that before.
Aaron: Hmm. He's getting off on the power. Let's head to Arizona. Wheels up in thirty.

David: We never found any evidence of a killer satanic cult! In reality there are only two types of violent satanic criminals
Dr. Spencer Reid: Ah, type one: teens Satanists, assume satanic identity to rebel. Minor crimes, theft and vandalism, to churches, schools, symbols of authority. When combined with drugs and alcohol, they may turn violent
David: Yes, in extreme cases, deadly... That was out of my book, word for word!
Derek: Oh, trust us: we know!

Derek: [opening quote] Alfred Hitchcock said: "There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it."

Jennifer: We got a bad one.
[Walks brusquely past Morgan and Garcia]
Derek: How bad?
Jennifer: Florida.

Derek: How long have they been in custody?
Aaron: 60 hours. We have twelve hours to get a confession or find the body.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Syd Pearson has a lot of money and connections. If we let him go, we may never see him again.
Emily: And Barrett?
Dr. Spencer Reid: He doesn't have the same resources.

Penelope: Sir, it's not that I'm not glad to be coming with you, because I am. I just don't understand the why.
Aaron: One of the aspects of an equivocal death investigation when suicide is a probability is an indirect personality assessment. Our victims are all Internet generation kids. There should be invaluable personal data on their computers to mine for the evaluation.
Derek: If they committed suicide, evidence of it will probably be in their cyber world.
Penelope: So I'm gonna snoop through dead kids' computers?
David: This plane seldom makes pleasure trips.

Erin: So do we have a working theory?
Derek: Sure we do: somebody really doesn't like women!

Aaron: Be careful with those. I don't need broken MP-5s on our budget.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Hey, guys, here's the thing. I don't think I technically have authorization to carry a weapon like that.
Aaron: You don't.

Derek: Hey Tara. It's been a long time
Tara: What are you guys doing here?
Derek: We need to talk to you
Tara: Well, you could have called me first
Jennifer: We did! You never called us back

Aaron: We're going to provide a psychological profile of the man we're looking for. It contains some unusual, specific personality traits that someone out there is bound to recognize.
Jason: Which will make him relatively easy to locate. Long-lasting, negative impression he leaves on anyone he might meet.
Derek: We have a term for the killing behavior this unsub displays: cleaning house. Fixing what's wrong with the world.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He's deeply rationalized this behavior, and while he certainly knows the killing is wrong, he truly believes that he's doing the world a great service.
Derek: Ultimately, this type of unsub becomes a loner. There won't be too many people that can still tolerate him. Now, if he does have a relationship at all, the person will not be his equal. It'll be someone subservient to him.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He'll be... fastidious, tending toward obsessive-compulsive disorder, and he'll have an overwhelming sense of indignation towards the things that he's judged to be wrong. He wouldn't even consider the reasons why someone might disagree with him.
Detective: He sounds like a real jagoff.
Derek: Exactly. Class "A" scumbag.
Emily: Detective McGee started noticing the disappearances a year ago. The ubsub probably had a stressor at this time. The death of a family member, or someone who had some semblance of control over him. Right now, no one has control over him.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's probable that he isn't currently working after this many victims and the devolution that it brings, a job just wouldn't leave him time to practice his true calling.
Capt. Wright: Which is...?
Aaron: A predator. A killing machine. By now, it's become all he thinks about.

Derek: [while holding JJ's baby] What's he doing? He's smiling at Derek Morgan.
Emily: [Together] Gas!

Emily: [sees Rossi walking into the conference room wearing a suit] Wow!
Aaron: Sorry to ruin your night.
Derek: [smugly] What are you working on wife number four?
David: I see you people *way* too much.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Well, the fact of the matter is, "Beam me up, Scotty," was never actually said. The closest they ever got was "Scotty, beam us up" in "The Gamesters of Triskelion" and "The Savage Curtain" episode, but interestingly enough...
Derek: Reid, come on. Give it a rest.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Do you wanna know why horror movies are so successful?
Derek: Why is that, genius?
Dr. Spencer Reid: They prey on our instinctual need to survive. In tribal days, a woman's scream would signal danger and the men would return from hunting to protect their pack. That's why it's always the women and not the men who fall victim to the bogeyman.
Ashley: Count on you, Reid, to break a movie down to science.

Penelope: P.G. at your service, don't let the name fool ya.
Derek: Baby girl you're on speaker.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Garcia can you look for grave robberies in tornado alley over the last five years?
Penelope: Okey Dokey, searching.Oh it's a shockingly big list. Who knew grave robbing was so on trend?

Penelope: [badgering Rossi about his unused vacation days] Everyone likes vacation.
David: Vacations are overrated.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Didn't you take a vacation two years ago?
David: Luckily, two days in I was called back.
Penelope: Yeah, and now he's got thirty-one days.
Alex: A month?
Dr. Spencer Reid: You know, sunshine is an essential source of Vitamin D. You should go to Florida and get some sunshine.
David: That's for old guys.
Derek: What about a safari in Africa?
David: Too hot.
Dr. Spencer Reid: How about Italy?
David: Too many relatives.

Derek: [opening quote] "We are not only our brother's keeper, in countless large and small ways, we are our bother's maker" - Bonaro Overstreet

Derek: [voiceover] William Shakespeare wrote 'These violent delights have violent ends.'

Penelope: Wait for it
[and shows picture of the crime scene]
Derek: The Zodiac?
David: No way
Jennifer: Come on, it's got to be the 2.0 version

Derek: In America, they can only hurt you if you don't ask for help.
Natalya: Is that really true?
Derek: Most of the time.

Deputy: You guys need anything?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Coffee would be nice.
Derek: He takes about a quart of sugar in it.

Leopold: Agent Morgan?
Emily: What the hell?
Leopold: "They say beauty can cover a multitude of sins"
Derek: What?
Leopold: "But underneath it all..."
Leopold,7265: "we all look exactly the same!"
Derek: That's Frank! He said that to me in the diner!
Leopold: "Give me Jane or I'll kill them all"
Derek: Frank thinks we have Jane?
Aaron: We need to find him, fast!
Leopold: Can I have my ten bucks now?

Penelope: Let's see. June 22, 1992, Supreme Court ruled Minnesota hate crime laws violated free speech. The defendant burned a cross on the front yard of an African-American family's house who lived next door.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Nothing in the UnSub's profile suggests racial motivation, though.
David: No, but the cross has me thinking. Many religions suggest that following through on homosexual desires invites condemnation. What if the UnSub is struggling with his faith? Garcia, are there any 6:22 Bible passages that are relevant?
Penelope: Yeah, yeah, I thought of that, but the most popular one is-is... is Matthew 6:22, and it has to do with lights and eyes. I don't see how that fits.
Derek: All right, let's look at this another way. What are the passages that specifically relate to homosexuality?
Dr. Spencer Reid: That's it. He's not saying 6:22. He's saying 18:22. As in Leviticus 18:22, "Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind, for it is an abomination."
David: He converted 18:22 to 6:22 p.m., like military time.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Guys, we are about to meet Max Ryan, the guy responsible for catching the Boise Child Killer. Have you ever talked to him before?
Aaron: He's pretty intense. Brusque, not much of a bedside manner.
Elle: Sound like anyone else we know?
Derek: I heard he was forced into early retirement.
Aaron: No, he chose to retire.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He's written a new book on the Keystone Killer case.
Aaron: He moved to Philadelphia to be closer to the crime scenes.
Elle: That's retirement?
Derek: BAU style.

David: What is it, kid?
Ashley: We only rescued seven victims today. What about the rest of these?
David: It never ends.
Derek: But today, I think we did good.
David: Yeah, we did.
Penelope: Yeah, if we weren't so exhausted I would toast us.
Aaron: [Hotch comes in] Good work, everybody. Go home and get some rest. Nobody needs to come in until nine... Thirty.
[Hotch leaves]
Penelope: We were supposed to talk... Has he ever left before us?
Derek: Baby girl, I don't blame him. It's been a long-ass day.
Penelope: Well, you heard the man.
David: Go home.

Derek: How the hell did we beat the bomb squad here?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I could give you the statistics, but I don't think this is the time

Penelope: So, local PD have IDed your victims. I'm putting this all on your tablets if you'd like to follow along. First up is Jason Meredith, sixteen year old runaway from Garden City, Kansas. Mom said he took off over a year ago. Next up is Eric Janelle. Fifteen year old foster kid from Wichita. He's been gone three weeks. Oh, both of these kids have records, for possession and prostitution.
Emily: They were street hustlers.
Aaron: High-risk kids. This could be a sexual predator.
Derek: An extremely violent one, if the unsub is responsible for the damage done to the bodies, especially those missing limbs.
Emily: Well, now, he could be keeping the body parts for some sort of fetish.
Penelope: Ugh! Okay, eww. That is my cue. I'm here if you need me, with my binary machines that don't say gross things.

Derek: You're not enjoying this, are you?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I like a good paper-trail. I find it meditative.
Derek: Is it really that hard for you to be normal just one time?

Derek: So look, uh, my little dude is gonna need a big brother too. To teach him everything he knows about life... and chess
[both laugh]
Dr. Spencer Reid: I can do that!

Emily: [to Morgan] You're alright?
Derek: [Nods yes] I was just thinking. I know what it's like to grow up without a father.
Emily: Their father died a hero.
Derek: So did mine. Doesn't make it any easier.

Derek: How's Reid doing?
David: It doesn't even seem to faze him. He's just sitting there in the corner, turning pages
Jennifer: Yeah, Reid goes to another place when he reads

Dr. Spencer Reid: It's another spy whose cover is LR.
Emily: [in Reid's flashback] Lauren Reynolds is dead.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Lauren Reynolds is dead.
Aaron: What?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Lauren Reynolds is dead. Prentiss said that on a phone call 17 days ago. But her intonation wasn't surprise or grief. It was like a mantra, like she was reminding herself. Lauren Reynolds, LR.
Derek: She left her badge and gun? Why would she do that?
Dr. Spencer Reid: That doesn't make sense. Why run? We're her family. We can help.
David: Doyle's killing families. She's not married, not close to relatives. He was ready to wipe us out. She ran to protect us.

Jennifer: I got this offer from the Pentagon. I turned it down twice. I never told Hotch or Strauss.
Derek: And now Strauss wants you to take it.
[JJ nods]
Derek: Well, of course she does. It'll make her look good if you get promoted.
Jennifer: I don't trust her for a second.
Emily: You shouldn't. What does Hotch think?
Jennifer: He knows I don't want to go.
Emily: Well, then you won't.

Derek: [opening quote] "I swear from the bottom of my heart I want to be healed. I want to be like other men not this outcast nobody wants." - E. M. Forster

Derek: [about telling off SSA Joyner] I know, I was out of line.
David: You get too emotionally involved sometimes. I know the feeling.
Derek: I just felt like Hotch was taking her side.
David: There are no sides here.
Derek: I know.
David: The word is, they have an eye on you if SSA Joyner gets canned. People talk. But if she were to get fired, it would be because we didn't solve this case.
Derek: Rossi, I hope you're not saying you think I want her to fail.
David: Of course not. But I've never seen you push a superior like that before. So would you take the job?
Derek: I don't know. It might be nice to finally be the one making the calls.
David: And dealing with the politics of running a field office? That doesn't seem like you.
Derek: BAU wears people out, man. Look at Gideon. That man was *the* best, and in the end, he simply ran away. I mean, Hotch hasn't even thought about cracking a smile in over a year. That man has to take a personal day just so he can have a conversation with his own kid. What about you? How many times you been married?
David: I get it. But I'll make you a deal. If I think you're losing it, I'll pull you out myself. But right now, I see someone who wants to get back on the job. Or is there another reason why you haven't even touched that beer?

Derek: [In front of a door to a gated area] Well, he could have just pushed all the buttons, hope somebody let him in
David: Or...
[tries to open the gate, which works]
David: he just walked right in

Penelope: I was beginning to think you guys has forgotten all about me.
Derek: We need you now more than ever, Hot Stuff.
Penelope: Candy to my ear, Sugar. Go.

David: Anything?
Derek: Well, these women practically lived online. Their posts went up 5, 6 times an hour
Derek: [Reads a post] "Brian used his own toilet for the first time today"
Alex: Ah, cut her some slack, she's excited her son is potty trained!
David: Brian is her Cocker Spaniel!

Emily: No, it's more personal than that. It's their story.
Derek: What?
Emily: All of the details are a part of their story. Their timeline suggests they were both destructive before they met.
Erin: So, we're talking about ex-military turning on their country.
Emily: It's rare, but soldiers become disenfranchised no matter what the nationality, and if he met someone like-minded at that time, there'd be no stopping them.
Aaron: So, you're thinking they met during the civil unrest in Chad in '08.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah, and one or both of them are pilots.
Emily: So, if Garcia concentrates on that region, specifically weapons running in and out of Libya, there's a good chance we'll find their paths crossed.
Penelope: Okay, multiple entries into Libya from a private pilot named Matthew Downs in '08, but I don't have her name.
Emily: Well, because she had aliases. It's the only way to stay a ghost. Here's the thing. They are a couple. Regardless of what we believe of them, they will celebrate themselves and their connection. Is there anything that happened on this date in Chad?
Penelope: Oh, you are good, Emily Prentiss, but this news is not. Yes, there were multiple explosions on this date in '08.
Aaron: Where were the most casualties?
Penelope: At a church. No, no, a train.
Derek: Semtex and C-4?
Penelope: Yep.
Aaron: Are trains still arriving at Union Station?
Erin: Yes, but only the authorities are allowed in.
Emily: That's why they needed Will.

Derek: [phone rings] Hey mama, tell me something I don't know.
Penelope: Oh, hot chocolate, the thing I could spill to you...
Derek: Hey, hey, you're on speaker.

Derek: [opening quote, voiceover] "We are all brothers under the skin. And I for one would be willing to skin humanity to prove it." - Ayn Rand.

Derek: Drop it. Drop the knife.
Blake: Stand back. Stand back!
Derek: Okay, okay. I'm gonna put this away, all right? I just want to talk to you. Come on, man. Look at James. He's just a kid. Blake, you don't hurt kids. You're not that guy.
Blake: You have no idea who I am.
Derek: I know that you're a smart man. You had a long run at killing under the radar. But I also know that we can learn a lot from a man like you. See, studying men like you is my responsibility. And I'm telling you, if you let James go, we can be a part of your life. We won't abandon you, Blake.
Blake: What makes you think I want to teach you?
Derek: Look at your alternative, man. My guys are ready. They will take the shot and they will kill you. What happens after that, Blake? Do you really think you're gonna get to see your mom again? Or maybe it'll just be cold, dark, empty. Like the water where you put your dad. It's your choice, man.
[Blake drops the knife]

David,: Think it's time to rethink Cindi?
Derek: Rossi, the only connection right now is Charleston. It's weak.
David,: Victim number five is an African-American woman in her twenties who died in 2004. That's not weak.
David,: My aunt has spent years obsessing over Cindi's last few hours. She doesn't go out. She doesn't sleep. She forgets to take her medication. It's killing her, Rossi.
David,: It hasn't been easy for you, either.
Derek: But everything I've learned as a profiler has taught me that it's not about what I want to be true. It's about what I can prove.

Derek: [On the phone to Savanna] ... make it tonight... I know... Okay... Hey, I love you
[hangs up; turns chair towards Garcia]
Derek: What?
Penelope: You owe that woman something spectacular when this is all over
Derek: Ah Penelope, look that was the plan! I swear. Work, it always seem to get in the way
Penelope: Uh, I don't buy it. I know you
Derek: There's got to be some kind of balance
Penelope: You both save lives for a living! If anybody understands our crazy hours it's her!
Derek: Okay Oprah, what do I do?
Penelope: Stop making big plans. Commit to something you can actually make happen! It is the littlest gestures that go the longest ways. Trust me. When I am grumpy Sam does this Dalek impersonation, he stretches his arms out like a Cyberman, which makes no sense, but it delights me. My point is, do something to delight her. Okay, I'm done.

Aaron: We believe the unsub we're looking for is a white female who, based upon the organizational level of the crimes, is in her late 30s to early 40s.
Emily: We also believe that something in the last few days has triggered her to think that killing was the only way she was gonna be able to obtain a child. Consequently, the foster families that did not have a child in their care when she visited became her victims.
David: Because all these families recently had children in their homes, we believe our unsub is motivated by maternal desire.
Jennifer: Maternal desire is the profound emotional need to mother a baby. This stems from either the tragic loss of her own child, or the inability to have one at all.
Dr. Spencer Reid: This unsub may also fantasize that someone else's baby belongs to her, and this emotion feels beyond her control. A... a woman who miscarries sometimes projects onto someone else's baby, and then sets out to take that child.
Derek: This may cause our unsub to do something drastic, like commit a Caesarian abduction, or kidnap a random kid. The speed at which the kills are occurring suggests that our unsub is frustrated and devolving.
Jennifer: This is causing her to go on a spree, which usually ends in a very high body count and suicide by cop.
Derek: So we should look at anyone who was pregnant and suffering from postpartum psychosis.
David: We also need to check those who worked for or had access to the local foster system.
Aaron: Thank you. Any questions?
[all of the local police officers raise their hands]

Dr. Spencer Reid: This is kind of starting to freak me out a little bit.
Derek: Let's figure out if we have a crime before we start freaking out.

Derek: Whoever took Cruz and JJ is highly trained and highly organized. Justice, Defense, and State? They wouldn't be on edge like this if this was a simple matter of two missing agents.
David: Is Hotch worried that the recovery won't be made a priority?
Derek: It's our job to find the leverage that ensures it is. Let's get it done.

Dr. Spencer Reid: I don't think this was written under duress. You said Dr. Cormick wasn't taking medication for Parkinson's, right? Look at her handwriting. No indication of tremors or shaking. There's a drug called trilamide. In minute doses it treats Parkinson's, but its main use is for seasickness.
David,: Something a fisherman would have access to.
Derek: And criminals in South America. Intel reports say they figured out a high dose makes a victim totally compliant.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah, they slip it in your drink or blow the powder in your face and nasodermal absorption's almost immediate. You're instantaneously susceptible to any suggestion. There have been reports of locals letting thugs into their apartments to rob them, even helping them load the getaway trucks.

Derek: You're sure it was the same watch?
Jennifer: The unsub went to that camp. The watch he put on Michelle's wrist was the exact same model that all the kids were wearing.
Alex: What do you think was behind that padlocked door?
Jennifer: Well, that could be anything. I mean, come on, we've all read the stories. A conversion camp was just shut down last year for using electroshock therapy on children.
Alex: Another stripped the kids naked and screamed profanities at them.
Jennifer: We need to go back with a warrant.
Aaron: We're gonna need probable cause.
Jennifer: Well, let's find some, because there is more going on at that camp than they let on.

[a young child is a witness to his mother's murder]
Derek: Hey. Look, I'm really glad the kid didn't see anything, but it could have been helpful.
Detective: But covering his eyes like that, that means he couldn't cover his ears.

Derek: You know, this is beginning to remind me of clue: Colonel Mustard in the billiard room with the candlestick.

Detective: This Garcia girl of yours is good.
Dr. Spencer Reid: That's an understatement.
Detective: Hey, you can't go wrong with a Latina at the controls.
Derek: Yeah, that's my girl. But, uh, she's not nearly as Latino as the name sounds.

[snooping in Rossi's office, in order to learn more about him]
Dr. Spencer Reid: What happened to the moratorium on inter-team profiling, guys?
Derek: Come on, Reid, team? I don't think this guy knows the meaning of the word.

Derek: Well, that's gotta be a first: a killer actually leading us to another killer.
Jason: Oh, come on. We all know they make the best profilers. They admire each other's work.

Elle: You took a taser hit.
Derek: Yeah, I did, so?
Elle: So, nobody expects you to finish the Davenport file tonight.
Derek: I guess it's still fresh in my mind. Nothing like fifty thousand volts in the back to keep you motivated.

Penelope: I got the 4-1-1 on our first victim, Melvin Lewis. Originally from The Malibu of the Midwest, Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Melvin moved to Milwaukee 12 years ago when wifey ran away with his best friend.
David: Ouch.
Penelope: Yeah. Luckily, they had no kids. No criminal record. Like super squeaky clean. Not even a parking ticket. He joined Facebook a year ago. He has a whopping six friends, all from work.
Derek: He drives a truck, right?
Penelope: Yeah. A milk truck, to be exact. But only did that for a month. Before, he worked for 10 years at an animal control center, but he was laid off due to budget cuts.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What exactly did he do, Garcia?
Penelope: He was a dogcatcher. But like a SWAT team of dogcatchers. He specialized in dangerous and trapped animals, including, but not limited to skunks, a raccoon, and one time a giant python.
Derek: All right, thanks, babe.
Dr. Spencer Reid: That could be it.
Derek: What? The python?
Dr. Spencer Reid: No, bite marks. Of course. That could be how he was doing it. That's why it was undetectable. Brain tissue, we need to look at brain tissue...
Derek: Okay, Reid.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Sorry. I don't think this is a biting fetish or cannibalism. I think it's a virus, and the biting is merely a means of transmission.
Derek: What kind of virus?
Dr. Spencer Reid: There are several possibilities. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, tick-borne encephalitis, but the most likely culprit is rabies, and that wouldn't show up in an autopsy, except in brain tissue.
David: So, since Lewis was the only victim not bitten by a human, the UnSub must have used an animal to infect him first.
Dr. Spencer Reid: And after that, he somehow facilitated human to human transmission.
Derek: It would explain the random victimology. It doesn't matter who he infects. All he needs is a host.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Which also means the holding period isn't about torture, it's about incubation.
David: I was attacked by a rabid for once. Shot the thing three times before it went down. Freakin' terrifying. It was like a horror movie.
Dr. Spencer Reid: We need to have the M.E. test for rabies vectors in the brain samples.
Derek: And then we need to deliver the profile.

Derek: [seeing how fit JJ is upon her return from maternity leave] Okay, you did not just have a baby.

Derek: Nothing like jet-sleep, right?
Elle: Yeah, it's kind a like a night of drinking without the drinking

Derek: [When Kate spills some coffee on her sleeve] You're okay?
Kate: That's so typical. My mother used to say if clumsiness were a virtue, I would be anointed Katherine the first.

Jennifer: Okay, this is Rachel Moore, a 17-year-old runaway from Spokane, Washington.
David: Now, she grew up poor and in a broken home. Her mom left her dad because he liked to drink and beat on her.
Jennifer: And this is Tina Dyson, a 19-year-old college student from Seattle.
David: Now, she was a trust fund kid, and she got straight As and came from a loving family. Now, these two girls couldn't be more different, but the one thing that they had in common is they both crossed paths with the most prolific serial killer the BAU has ever seen.
Dr. Spencer Reid: One thing you should understand is that no two killers are the same. They each occupy their own point on the behavioral spectrum. Uh, genetics, brain chemistry, psychology, and environment are all factors.
Aaron: But we believe that this particular killer grew up in an environment so adverse that he never had a chance.
Emily: He endured years of cruel and abject physical abuse.
Aaron: As well as horribly profound psychological abuse.
Derek: And when he wasn't being ignored, he was being humiliated.
David: Now, let me be clear. Most abused kids do not turn into killers. Not even all psychopaths become killers, but this particular unknown subject, or unsub, suffered extreme abuse, and it has everything to do with why he does what he does.
Derek: Now, these are some of his victims. He kidnapped them, he restrained them, and he starved them for days.
Emily: Then he killed them by mutilating their reproductive organs. Right now, we know there are at least forty of them.
Aaron: But we believe that he may eventually claim over a hundred victims.
David: Now, we chose this case for today because we've been discovering bodies up and down the West Coast since 1992. For lack of a better word, it's a classic. This unsub's entire childhood was a crucible, and in it, a psychotic killer was forged.

Emily: Did you hear that?
Derek: What?
Emily: Was that a scream? I... I don't even know what direction it came from
Derek: That's another reason I hate these damn woods! It messes with the sound

Derek: [calls Garcia] Yeah Baby Girl, I need you, Boo.
Penelope: Always ready and eager to serve you!

Derek: Hey baby girl, I need you to work that magic of yours
Penelope: Rub my lamp, release the Genie

Derek: With no discernible victim patterns, the killer's practically impossible to stop.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Did you know the original Zodiac Killer actually continually changed his victims. Young, old, men, women, white black.
Jason: Exactly. And he killed for thirty years without ever being caught.

Derek: Garcia? We need those pretty little hands of yours, mama!

Derek: These guys are replicating a video game?
David: In the game, you take over a form of public transportation. Subway, train, bus. That's how you get your players.
Alex: Wait a minute. You've played this game before?
David: Well, I may have played it once or twice. As I remember, the game consists of five players. Captain, lieutenant, a pair of soldiers, and the pawn.

David: How come I've never heard of this guy?
Derek: Have you ever heard of Efren Saldivar?
David: No.
Derek: David Parker Ray? How about John Edward Robinson? See, at any given time, we have at least twenty-five open cases. Every year we're able to close around fifteen, yet new ones still seem to pop up. There are more serial killers out there than you may think.

Derek: Come on, think. Who was it?
Billy: [in Detective Spicer's flashback] Hello there.
Detective: He was... He said "Hello there."
Derek: That was his first message. What's he doing?

Derek: Rossi, don't tell me you believe in evil.
David: Don't tell me you do this job and you don't.
Derek: I believe there are evil acts, but those are choices - brain chemistry. What do you think, Hotch?
Aaron: I think, deep down, we're all capable of unspeakable things. Where it starts or what you call it, I don't know.

Aaron: The suspect we're looking for is a black male, statistically between the ages of 20 and 35. We know he's black because of his victims. Sexually motivated killers almost always kill within their own race.
Derek: The victims he's chosen are good girls. They're good students. No behavioral problems. They're what we call "low-risk".
Emily: And the lower the risk of the victim, the higher the intelligence of the unsub.
Jason: Guy's a smooth talker. Makes people feel at ease. Gains their confidence. You'd be amazed what these guys can talk people into.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Jeffrey Dahmer was once pulled over by police officers for driving over the center line. He'd a garbage bag full of body parts in the back seat of his car, but he was so calm and so self-assured that he convinced the officers not to look in the bag. He then went on to kill at least fifteen more people.
Aaron: This guy's a hustler. He may not have a lot of education, but he knows how to trick impressionable young girls. Victor Paleologus used to trawl shopping malls pretending to be a movie producer. He told Kristi Johnson he could get her an audition for a James Bond movie. And that was the last time she was ever seen alive. We think because all these girls are singers, that the unsub may be connected in some way to the recording industry.
Derek: We know the unsub has a vehicle. Big enough to transport a body. It's clean. It's not too old. Nice enough to make a girl feel comfortable inside, but it's not flashy. This is not a guy who wants to attract attention to himself.
Aaron: Probably a large, dark sedan.
Jennifer: We recommend putting this profile on the news, the paper, anywhere it might be seen by the people in this county.
Derek: This guy's ruse didn't work on everybody. Somewhere out there is at least one woman who didn't fall for his game, and... that's who we need to find.
Aaron: The key to this unsub's psychology is the souvenir he takes. We don't know what it is yet, but we know that once he has it, his victim then becomes disposable, and that's when he kills her.
Jason: The unsub's ritual was interrupted when he killed Sandra Davis. We don't believe he was able to take a souvenir from her. We think he may revisit her house or any place she may have frequented.
Aaron: We recommend surveillance in locations where the unsub might approach young girls. Churches, high schools, libraries, coffee shops.
Jason: Stick with the community. The people of this county should be able to offer some good leads.

Jennifer: [Looking at baby Jack] It's so gorgeous
Haley: Thank you
Dr. Spencer Reid: If you find baldness and wrinkles attractive
Penelope: Look at his little, witty, bitty nose!
[to Derek who walks in]
Penelope: Don't you want one of these?
Derek: Hm, I'll stick to practicing

Derek: You know, you're partially to blame for me leaving. You got such a big heart, I think it rubbed off on me.
Penelope: Partially. I think the actual reason is that little baby boy.
Derek: Yeah.
Penelope: I'm really glad it wasn't a baby girl.
[Morgan laughs]
Penelope: I'm really glad. Is that wrong?
Derek: No. No. You will always be my original Baby Girl.

Special: Reid, you know this is not your responsibility?
Dr. Spencer Reid: It is. I can't explain.
Special: Well try me.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He knows I understand him.
Special: Of course you do. You're a profiler.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's more than that.
Special: How?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I know what it's like to be afraid of your own mind.

Derek: What's up, baby girl?
Penelope: I'm worried about Reid.
Derek: I am, too.
Penelope: What do you think he's doing?
Derek: I think he's taking the time that Hotch gave him.
Penelope: I get it. He's sad. He should be sad, but... I... I was so worried, and... and when someone I love is hurting, it's like I hurt, too, which I know is super co-dependent, but it's just how I roll, and I feel like I should be doing something and I... I don't know what it is.
Derek: All right, slow down. All right? Just slow down.
Penelope: Could you call him?
Derek: I have. He's just not ready to talk to anybody right now.
Penelope: I-I need to hear his voice. It's impairing my ability to work.

Aaron: The unsub we're looking for is a highly intelligent, underachieving, 35 to 45 year old white male with a severe narcissistic character disorder.
Jason: Nothing in his life works for long. If he was married, he's now divorced. If employed, it won't last.
Derek: What he wants is admiration, but he's got no respect for others. Not their feelings, and most certainly not their safety.
Jason: He feels entitled. He's like a petulant adolescent. He both resents and he absolutely expects others to take care of him.
Aaron: And given that a male relative wouldn't tolerate this behavior, he most likely lives with a female relative; his mother, grandmother, aunt, whom he exploits.
Derek: His arson kit is expensive. Fire suit, oxygen mask. This suggests that he may be employed, but his personality will not allow him to work closely with others in an office setting.
Aaron: This, along with the information about his vehicle, lead us to believe that he's a traveling salesman of some sort who works for a company big enough not to notice that he's a sociopath.
Det. Leah Castro: Okay, this scumbag has issues. We all get it. But why fire?
Dr. Spencer Reid: He's, uh, like a drug addict. Only fire's his drug, and each time an addict needs a fix, they need more of the drug to get off. So his crimes will most likely get much worse. It would be almost impossible for him to quit without help.

Derek: [closing quote] "There are times when the mind is dealt such a blow it hides itself in insanity. There are times when reality is nothing but pain and to escape that pain the mind must leave reality behind"- Patrick Rothfuss

Lila: [Lila takes a sip of Reid's soda] You don't mind sharing with me, do you?
Dr. Spencer Reid: No.
[Lila takes off her robe. She is wearing a bikini underneath. Reid stares at her as she walks away]
Derek: You don't mind sharing with me, do you?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Shut up!

Dr. Spencer Reid: The consistency of the disposal sites and methodologies tell us that he has no known or identifiable connection between any of the victims, and in fact wants them to be found, in order to convey his pose prayer message.
Derek: Well, the parks will give us behavioral clues to help us fill out our profile.
Aaron: All right, we should split up when we hit the ground. He's probably already chosen his next victim.

Penelope: [Picks up the phone] Cómo se dice "Hottie"?
Derek: Garcia?
Penelope: Precisely!

Derek: TNT doesn't pack much bang for its buck. It'd be pretty hard to hide the amount needed to cause the damage to that coffeehouse
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's like page 118.
[Derek looks surprised]
Dr. Spencer Reid: The Anarchist Cook Book, TNT for Dummies?

Derek: None of the girls Brubaker filmed were underaged.
Kate: Oh, gosh. Do you think I gave Shane the wrong impression?
Derek: Kind of like your style, Callahan.

Jason: Have Garcia go through open files in Maryland, see if any of them involve this level of torture.
Derek: Got it.
Jason: Have her check the surrounding states, as well. If... the guy's a pro, why do jobs only close to home?
Derek: How far back do you want her to go?
Jason: At least ten years. Guy's no rookie.

Max: [reading a note] "In order for the light to shine so brightly, darkness must be present"
Jason: It's quoting Sir Francis Bacon now
Max: I used this specific quote...
Dr. Spencer Reid: In your book on page 184. I, eh, read it on the plane
Max: And you remembered the page number on that quote?
Derek: Don't ask!

Dr. Spencer Reid: [entering the BAU office] Case must be local. JJ said not to bring a go bag.
Derek: What's the Army doing here?
Emily: What the hell is going on?

Derek: What's he doing?
Dr. Spencer Reid: We've been thinking about this case too linearly. Based on the complexity of the code, it's obvious this UnSub is operating on several different levels, so we need to start thinking in multiple dimensions.

Jennifer: A guy who works for a paramilitary company probably thinks he's invincible.
Derek: I don't know. He knew something about his wife. The way he smiled at me before he died, he was smug. It's like he was trying to say "You're not gonna find her in time."
Agent: He'd rather die than let her live.
Derek: It's the classic psychology of the narcissistic abuser. You know, we may be looking at two unsubs.
Jennifer: He hired someone to kill her.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Guys, I think these numbers are dates. If you reverse them and chop off the 11 at the beginning and end...
Aaron: That's two days after each woman went missing.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's more than that, though. Look. March 1st is Saint Eichatadt day. March 21st is the spring equinox, and the 24th is the Feast of the Beast. All important holidays in the Satanic calendar for sacrifices.
Derek: What about the 11 on the end?
Dr. Spencer Reid: To many occultists 11 is symbolic of Lucifer.
Jennifer: Okay, I thought we were moving away from Satanic killings.
Aaron: Apparently we need to reconsider.
Dr. Spencer Reid: There's gotta be some sort of connection to the Devil here.
Aaron: Reid, what other upcoming dates are significant to Satanists?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Good Friday, then Easter eve. Then preparations begin in mid-April for the most important holiday of all, Walpurgis Night on April 30th.

Jason: The unsub brought his weapons with him. Tape, glue, wire. He did not leave them at the scene. Took them when he left. He has a kind of killing kit that he carries.
Aaron: Organized killers usually have a skilled job, likely technology related, which may involve the use of the hands. The crime scenes are far enough apart that he needs a vehicle. This will be well-kept, obsessively clean, as will be his home. He's diurnal, the attacks occurred during the day, so the vehicle may be related to his work, possibly a company car or truck.
Derek: We believe he watches the victims for a time, learns the rhythms of the home, knows his time frame.
Aaron: You're not gonna catch him accidentally.
Jason: He destroys symbols of wealth in the victims' homes. He harbors envy of and hatred toward people of a higher social class. He feels invisible around them.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Uh, class is the theme of the poem which he left at the various crime scenes. At one point in the poem, the woman attempts to bribe Death, but he doesn't accept it. He says this is the one moment when riches mean nothing. When Death comes, poor and the rich are exactly alike.
Captain: So, he's poor.
Aaron: Probably middle-class. A decidedly lower-class person would stick out in a highly patrolled neighborhood. This guy appears to, uh, belong there. He blends in.
Detective: Why does he glue the eyes open?
Elle: The unsub is an exploitative rapist. Most rape victims close their eyes during the attack, turn their heads. For some rapists, this ruins the fantasy. For this type of rapist, the goal is more related to the victim watching him than the act itself.
Aaron: The verses, the staging, the aggressive language, "I am death", this is a guy who, while being in control of the crime scene, almost certainly feels inadequate in the rest of his life.
Jason: That's why he couldn't wait for you to figure out what he'd done. Why he needed to make sure all his crimes were counted. His victims, they represent whatever it is that's controlling him, and he wants that control back. He is under the thumb of a powerful woman who frightens him. And a final point: He is white.
Captain: We have witnesses that identify him as a black male.
Jason: The attacker was black. He is not the Tommy Killer.
Aaron: Mrs. Gordon's husband came home at the same time that he always does. The Tommy Killer would've known that.
Elle: And Mrs. Gordon's attacker wore a ski mask. The unsub knows when he walks into a house, he's going to kill the woman who lives there. If you're not leaving any witnesses, why wear a ski mask?
Derek: And he wants the victims to see him anyway.
Aaron: Your attempted rapist is a garden-variety, disorganized young man.
Elle: As the victim's age goes up, generally the attacker's age goes down. Mrs. Gordon is about 60, which puts her rapist at about 20.

Jennifer: They wake up with no memory of the assault or how they got the permanent scar the wire leaves.
Emily: So he's branding his victims. How does he dose them?
Penelope: Houston PD still isn't sure. 'Cause, you know, date rape drugs metabolize quickly, and he's keeping them for twelve hours.
Derek: So why are they calling us in now?
Penelope: 'Cause with these most recent attacks, this piece of work has elevated sick and twisted to a whole new dimension.

Aaron: We're looking for an LDSK, or a long-distance serial killer. He's a very skilled marksman with a god complex.
Derek: He derives pleasure out of remaining unseen and determining the fates of people from afar.
Jennifer: He's criminally sophisticated and methodical, concealing his method of ingress and egress, leaving little evidence behind in the sniper perches.
Alex: This suggests a great deal of experience, so this unsub has a military or a law enforcement background, possibly even Special Forces.
Dr. Spencer Reid: His victims at first to be targets of opportunity, but it now appears that one or more of them are targets of choice. The remaining victims were collateral damage to be used as a forensic countermeasure; similar to what John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo did with the D.C. sniper case in 2002.
Derek: This means there's some unknown connection between one or more victims at the first and second crime scenes.
Agent: What about the Caucasian male that an eyewitness saw at the plaza?
Derek: It's something to consider, but we can't rule out others. We know that the unsub is likely in his late thirties to forties, in order to have the means and patience to plan and execute these attacks.
Aaron: If he still has specific targets, it's likely he won't wait long to attack, so the public needs to remain vigilant.

Derek: [points at a kissing young couple] Reid? You remember those days?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Not really.
Derek: Where did you hang out as a teenager?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Library, chemistry lab, library...
Derek: No, no, no, no, no. I'm talking about normal, non-genius teenage type of stuff. Malls, coffee shops, parks.

Derek: Take this gun.
Penelope: I don't believe in guns.
Derek: Okay, trust me, they are very real. Take it.

Derek: Come on, Reid, what are you talking about, a magic trick?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah I'm talkin' about a magic trick.

Aaron: Dave, a figure 8?
David: That's what it look like. I just sent you all a picture.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Maybe it's an infinity symbol.
Alex: Well, if it's infinity, he could be boasting "I'll go on forever"?
Derek: Or if it's an 8. Strauss was his 8th victim.
Jennifer: And the unofficial 8th member of our team.

[last lines]
Derek: How you doing?
Emily: I'm all right.
Derek: Emily, I'm so sorry.
Emily: "Out there in the field, 'sorry' doesn't bring people back."
Emily: Come on, I'm messing with you. It's nothing, really.
Emily: I'm okay. This isn't your fault.
Derek: Actually, it is.
Emily: You're a team leader. You made a tactical decision.
Derek: And you got hurt. Again.
Emily: You did what you thought was right. And that's all you can do. The rest of it, that's not up to us. That's the job. This is nothing, really.
Emily: I mean, the thing with Doyle, that... I'm kidding! I'm...

Derek: Hotch would never have taken this case. And I say "case" in the loosest sense.
David: Profile the facts as they are without bias. Isn't that what we do?
Derek: What facts, Rossi? Look at us. We don't have a single file.
David: Okay, let me help you out. Jump right in anytime. Fact one - there are no files, so it seems no case.
Emily: But what if there is?
Dr. Spencer Reid: One fire, fourteen deaths, five suicides.
Jennifer: All the suicides are connected to the original fire.
Emily: And all exactly two weeks apart.
David: Come on, Derek, you can't tell me that doesn't feel a lot like a pattern.
Emily: And a timeline.
David: Right?
Derek: A lot of people lost their kids in that fire. That's a whole world of grief, and for a few... suicide's their only way out.
David: Or someone decided it was.
Derek: And made it look this way?
David: What if they have?
Derek: Then we're looking for one very smart unsub.

Emily: It just happened. It'll never be clearer.
Derek: How many shots did you fire?
Emily: Three.
Derek: You emptied your clip.
Emily: No... I did?

Derek: You know what gets me? See, we figured you were down and out, pissed off. But you're out here working. What is so God-awful about your life that you've gotta take it out on the rest of the world?
J.R. Baker: It was fun, boss.

Dr. Spencer Reid: This unsub stitched the skin flap so tightly over Tony's stump that it didn't allow for proper blood flow and lead to gangrene. He's not a surgeon.
Derek: Then, what is he?
Dr. Spencer Reid: A butcher.

Derek: His name is Ezra Warren. He's 23 years old, works as a waiter in D.C. He's got a clean record.
David: So, except for being covered in blood at the scene of a mass murder, just your average Joe.

Derek: Hey, baby girl, you're on speaker. Give me the lowdown.
Penelope: Chocolate thunder, you can have the whole kit and caboodle. Just say the word.

Derek: What's with you? Are you okay?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah, I'm great; I am just doing some stretching because it helps me keep my brain limber.

Derek: [voiceover] "There is no such thing as 'part' freedom." ~~ Nelson Mandela

[the BAU team believes Cindi is suffering an extreme form of Stockholm syndrome]
Yvonne: Like that girl from the '70s, Hearst.
Derek: Patty Hearst. That's right.
Yvonne: So is Cindi gonna start robbing banks now?
Derek: No. He's done something a lot worse.

[last lines]
Derek: "A young man that I respect is putting his life on the line"?
Dr. Spencer Reid: [Gideon stares at Reid] What?
Derek: I do something?
Jason: What you did with the bomb was stupid.
Derek: Gideon, I couldn't leave that lady out there by herself like that.
Jason: I didn't say you were wrong. And what he said I said, I said.
Jason: I said.
Derek: I knew that.

Derek: He's only had a month off, Rossi
David: Technically, 34 days
Derek: You think that's long enough?
David: You don't? Tell him
Derek: No thanks, I like my job!
David: You like him more

Jennifer: No signs of forced entry or a struggle, according to the initial police report.
Penelope: Mom and dad put him to bed at ten. Woke up this morning, he was gone.
Alex: Any visitors or workers to the house recently?
Penelope: No, but the parents say in the last two weeks, they've received five phone calls from what sounds like a little boy prank calling them.
Aaron: They complained to authorities, but police determined that no laws had been broken.
Penelope: Mm-hmm. The little boy says "I'm gonna get you", according to police reports. There's a lot of crazy people talking in the background; it sounds like it's coming from an asylum or prison.
Derek: Well, I'd say the calls might coincidental, except the boy called again right after the parents found Andy missing, and he had a different message this time; "Did you see what I did?".
Jennifer: So he's taunting them. Maybe this is about revenge.
Alex: "I'm gonna get you" is typically a threat, but in the case of children, it can also be a phrase used during play.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You know, this sounds similar to a cold case from fifteen years ago. Frankie Clayvin of Memphis.
David: I remember that. Gideon handled it. It obviously pre-dates all of you.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Frankie Clayvin was nine years old at the time. He never made it home from school one day, was found dead in the woods thirty-six hours later five miles from his house.

Jennifer: While we initially thought Barry Flynn might be a suspect, it turns out we're looking for one of his followers, an unsub who suffers from erotomania. He's obsessed with Flynn, his latest abductee, and he may believe that Flynn's also in love with him.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Erotomania has very little to do with sex. It's a romantic or spiritual connection that erotomanics crave. Victims of the delusion tend to be from a higher social status and have done very little to stimulate or encourage such a belief.
David: In fact, it's likely the unsub and Barry Flynn have had no previous contact. His infatuation probably began from afar, considering Flynn's celebrity status.
Alex: The patience required to commit his crimes makes us believe he's a male in his late thirties to forties, who is single and socially immature. He's a loner with poor social skills.
Derek: And although he is capable of holding down a job, he most likely neglects his duties to focus on his obsession. This is a guy who spends much of his time living in his delusional fantasy world, and he may have been tracking Flynn for quite some time.
Aaron: And with erotomania, the most likely recipient of violence is the person standing in the way of the desired object.
Alex: It's possible the unsub witnessed an interaction between his two first victims and Flynn, killing them in a jealous rage.
Jennifer: Another possibility is that the unsub killed them to prove his devotion.
Dr. Spencer Reid: The weapon used had a ceremonial quality to it, which means the unsub probably views these victims as sacrifices, and the messages he is leaving may be meant for Flynn.
Derek: In his head, he may believe that he's already involved in a personal relationship with Flynn, and now that Flynn is under his control, the situation is especially precarious.
David: If the unsub is under the delusion that Flynn also cares about him, then any misstep by Flynn that contradicts that belief could lead to more victims, or even Flynn's own murder to prove they have a special bond.
Aaron: And with each passing hour, it's increasingly unlikely that Flynn will be able to match the unsub's expectations for him, so we must act quickly. Thank you.

Dr. Spencer Reid: So Seattle's where "it" all began.
Derek: We just need to figure out what "it" is. And off the top of my head, I can think of grunge music and overpriced coffee.
Dr. Spencer Reid: That doesn't seem significant enough for terrorism.
Jason: If it's a personal cause bomber, it only needs to be of significance to him.

Detective: Serial killers? Uh, there's only one potential victim.
Aaron: Serial killing is a qualitative characteristic. It's not just about numbers.
Derek: They've assaulted at least one girl before. It was only a matter of time before they did it again.
Emily: Barrett's a perfect match for Pearson. His family uprooted from the city, forcing him to adapt to his new surroundings. He's eager to fit in and quick to follow.
Derek: And Pearson's definitely got the dominant traits. He's loud, he's physical, he's smart, he's charismatic, and he's privileged.
David: Sounds like a peach.
Aaron: You should talk to him.
David: Love to.

Derek: [voiceover] Nothing fixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to forget it. -Michel de Montaigne

Derek: What did he do? You can tell me.
Angel: He used to... He used to bite me. He hasn't for a while. But he did... He did other things.
Jennifer: Will you let the doctor take a look? Maybe we can match dental records.
Angel: Okay.

Derek: "Hunting is not a sport; in a sport, both sides should know they're in the game." ~~ Comedian Paul Rodriguez

Derek: So tell me, what does keep young Dr. Reid awake at night? Wait, let me guess. Memorizing some obscure textbook? No, no, no. Working on cold fusion? No, I got it, I got it, I got it. Watching Star Trek and laughing at the physics mistakes.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Actually, there aren't that many scientific errors in Star Trek. Especially considering how long ago it was made. There are certain improbabilities, but not that many outright errors.
Derek: Right.

Jennifer: Phone calls before an abduction/murder? It's a rare signature.
Derek: But if it is the same unsub, a dormancy period of fifteen years is highly unusual. Maybe we're looking at a copycat.
David: If I'm not mistaken, Frankie Clayvin was killed within two hours of his abduction.
Aaron: Which means we're wasting time. Let's go.

Carl: Look at you. You'd probably be dead by now.
Derek: Yeah, well, it wasn't for free, was it?
Carl: I pulled you out of the gutter.
Derek: I pulled myself out of the gutter! All the way to the FBI! I DID THAT!
Carl: You saying I had nothing to do with making you who you are?
Derek: No, Carl. Actually, I'm saying you have everything to do with making me who I am.

Derek: I'm scared pap! I can't feel anything! Pap, I'm scared
Hank: Dying is easy. You know what's hard? Not being there for your son

[last lines]
David: Well, I guess this is proof positive that ancestry ain't all bad.
Penelope: How about a toast to the 30 or 40 of us?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Cheers!
Derek: Cheers!
Jennifer: Cheers!
David: Salute!

Kendra: I was pregnant with twins. And then one day I wasn't. Is that what you want to hear? The doctor said one fetus consumed the other.
Jeremy: I wasn't even born yet and you blamed me?
Kendra: You are rotten to the core! You always have been!
Derek: [Morgan comes in] FBI! Drop your weapon.
Kendra: Maybe I made you into a monster because I hated you when you were inside me!
[Prentiss tries to stop her]
Kendra: But I think I hated you because I knew what you were!

Derek: [opening quotation, voiceover] "Man usually avoids attributing cleverness to somebody else, unless it's an enemy." - Albert Einstein.

Derek: Hey, what's the matter with you? You've not gonna give me a bunch of facts about the area and the demographics?
Dr. Spencer Reid: The Allapattah neighborhood is named after the Native American word for alligator.
Derek: There you go. There's the kid I know.

Derek: You didn't do anything? You gave me some pretty graphic details.
Syd: Oh, don't get me wrong. My DNA is... all over that girl, but, uh, that doesn't mean I killed her. I got pictures.
Derek: What?
Syd: On my cell. You want to see?
David: You're giving us consent?
Derek: [calling to a cop in the hall] Give me this guy's property! Now!

Derek: He's got the placed lined with C-4. We've only got three minutes.
Dr. Spencer Reid: This seems too easy. Zugzwang also means a dilemma in chess where the best move is not to move at all.
[Blake stands up after Reid unlocks all locks]
Dr. Spencer Reid: Wait, don't get up! It's a pressure sensor.
[the door closes]

Derek: Well, look at you, look at you.
Penelope: Meet your new communications liaison. Trial communications liaison.
David: Garcia, I don't get to say this often, but I had no idea there was this side of you.
Penelope: Well, I figured since I'm gonna have to interact with the mass populace, I should dress in the traditional costume of a mere mortal.
[Garcia widens her eyes]
Derek: What's wrong?
Penelope: It's my contact. It keeps getting weird and... There it goes... No. Yes. No.

Dr. Spencer Reid: These pieces of twine are all different length
Derek: And you're just figuring that out?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I think it's by design! Starting with the first victim, the lengths are 25, 15, 12 and 19 inches
Derek: Yeah, so what?
Dr. Spencer Reid: If you convert inches to centimeters, you'll have a 64, 38, 31 and 48, the exact ages of all four victims! I think I know what this is about!

Derek: [On the phone] Just leave it alone until I get there! Hey, hey, hardhead! Don't make me spank you when I get back
Dr. Spencer Reid: Don't listen to him, Garcia, he's all talk...
[Derek hits him on the head]
Dr. Spencer Reid: Aah! JJ! He just hit me!
Jennifer: You boys behave or I will ground you both

Derek: [walking the crime scene] Hit pattern says they were fired on full auto. Tight grouping for it. Single burst put 'em both down. That takes skill, and some serious training.
Aaron: Letts lands here, still alive. Savage falls there dead.
Derek: But I walk past Letts, and I shoot Lou Savage in the face when I know he's already dead.
Aaron: This was personal.
Sheriff: They knew each other?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Enough to know Rod Norris would enter through the back door while smoking.
Derek: And that Lou Savage was on duty and would respond.
Sheriff: So what are we talking about here?
Aaron: This wasn't terrorism, domestic or otherwise. Terrorists rarely know their victims, at least not personally.
Sheriff: Because they knew Rod Norris was a smoker who used his back door?
Derek: And shot Deputy Savage in the face at point-blank range.
Sheriff: They weren't being thorough?
Derek: No. He walked past Letts, who was alive, shoots Savage in the face when he knows he's already dead. Responders were coming. That last shot was risky overkill.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Overkill means rage. Rage means a close personal relationship.

Derek: Reid, you getting a migraine?
Dr. Spencer Reid: No. No, I haven't had one of those for months, ever since I...

Derek: [closing quotation] As a good friend of mine said, every ending is also a beginning. We just don't know it at the time. I'd like to believe she's right.

Derek: I can't believe people actually pay good money to play these fixed games
Jennifer: Men
Derek: Excuse me?
Jennifer: It's not people, it's men
Derek: Is that a fact?
Jennifer: Only a man would waste $50 trying to win back that $3 stuffed animal

Derek: My bomb fragments, let's start putting this bad boy together.
Penelope: Why bother, don't you just dust for prints and... stuff?
Derek: Garcia, what are you doing in the FBI?
Penelope: I didn't get into medical school.

Penelope: Did you know that John Wayne Gacy painted clowns? A murdering pedophile paints clowns and people hang them on their walls. It's creepy on so many levels. I mean, clowns...
Derek: Garcia? I didn't know you had that hang up
Emily: Coulrophobia, abnormal fear of clowns
Penelope: Oh, no, there's nothing abnormal about it. When I was 12, a hobo clown groped my breasts at a birthday party and made this old timey honking noise when he did it! Apparently making it funny, makes it okay

Jennifer: Well, I think after this long, hard week we just had, we should all head over to Rossi's and pop open some old, expensive wine.
David: That's a plan.
Penelope: Could we maybe play some games, too?
Derek: Oh, what kind of games?
Penelope: You tell me, sweet cheeks.
[Derek laughs]

[They are next to an open manhole where a murder occurred]
Jason: Someone has to go down
Derek: Ah, see, this ain't cool!
[Prepares to descent]
Derek: I putting in for hazard pay
Jason: Good luck with that!

Derek: [closing quotation, voiceover] "Dwell in peace in the home of your own being, and the messenger of death will not be able to touch you." - Guru Nanak.

Derek: So, he parks in the road and then carries the body... what?
Dr. Spencer Reid: 52.6 yards.
Derek: Uphill. So, he's got to be in great shape.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You know, more often than not, prostitutes are murdered and dumped in the same area that they work.
Derek: So, then, why take the time to drive the extra 40 miles outside the city?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Maybe he's already up here. He picks them up downtown, takes them to a secondary location, kills them, and gets rid of the body as fast as possible.
Derek: Which means he lives nearby, in the suburbs.
Dr. Spencer Reid: With 76,728 other people.

Emily: I know we're all tired, but we might have a new lead on Mr. Scratch.
Penelope: Somebody did a bang-up job of cloning my cell phone to send Morgan a fake text luring him to a non-existent safe house. And whoever that somebody is has mad skills.
Stephen: The kind of skills Scratch has.
Luke: Were you able to trace where the hack came from?
Penelope: [to Morgan, insulted] Do... do you see what I have to put up with?
Derek: Alvez, you'll always get a location with this one. You guys are all good to go.
Emily: Obviously, Morgan can't come with us. He's a civilian now.
Jennifer: Yeah, we'll miss you out there.
Derek: I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss it out there in the field with you guys. I think about it every day. But between my old friends and my new friends, you guys are gonna go out there, you're gonna handle your business, you're gonna make people feel safe, and then you're gonna come home. And that's all that matters.

Derek: [Picks up mobile] Hey, what've you got cooking, baby girl?
Penelope: Besides that I'm all hopped upon dark roast and Espresso beans?

Dr. Spencer Reid: The verses.
Jason: Found something?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Uh, not an answer. A question. I... I found the full text; he's pretty much following it to a "T", at least the... the Death side of the conversation.
Jason: But?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Why didn't he leave them at the first three murders? I mean, this ballad is ten verses long, just on the Death side. He's got plenty to work with. But if it's not part of his signature, if it isn't something that he has to do for an emotional reason, then, I mean, why start?
Jason: JJ. Find out when the press ran the first story on this unsub.
Jennifer: When?
Jason: After which victim.
Jennifer: Yeah, you got it.
Derek: What are you thinking?
Jason: He wasn't getting enough attention.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Police departments sometimes don't even realize they're looking at a pattern.
Derek: Yeah, until somebody tells them.

Derek: You already checked his computer?
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's password encrypted.
Derek: Well, smart move if your dad is a cop.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Eh, assuming he cares enough to snoop.
Derek: Hey, Reid! Check yourself! That sheriff out there wanted to take your head off. I think Hotch might have let him.

Jennifer: I don't agree with taking you off the case. When someone hurts one of us... when someone hurts a baby...
Derek: Yeah.
Jennifer: Yeah. Uh, I need to show this to the team, but I wanted you to see it first.
[she hands over a scrap of paper]
Jennifer: I found it in the pay phone he used to call Garcia.
Derek: "How does it feel? Do you see red? I see red."
Jennifer: Does that mean anything to you?
Derek: [flashbacks; it obviously does] No.
Jennifer: You're sure?
Derek: Yeah.

David: As you all know, Eddie Lee Wilcox is armed and dangerous.
Jennifer: He's also smart and criminally sophisticated. He knows police procedure and how to use it.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He's flush with cash from his robbery in Chicago, but he'll try to maintain a low profile, so he may resort to his robbery skills at some point.
Derek: Eddie's a car thief. And he's a good one, so he'll switch vehicles often.
Jennifer: He was last seen in a Chevy minivan, but we do not count on him being in it for long.
Derek: So canvass crowded parking lots and malls. That's most likely where he'll ditch cars and find new ones.
David: We've been calling this a child abduction, but Eddie's daughter Samantha may actually be an unwitting participant.
Alex: We know she wanted to run away from home, and her father's somehow taking advantage of that.
Derek: This guy's evolved into a sociopathic spree killer, and he's got the ego of a career criminal, so there's no telling how far he'll go to save himself.
David: That ego may be feeding a sort of pipe dream that if he does escape, he may actually get to have a healthy relationship with his daughter.
Jennifer: A relationship he believes was taken from him.
Alex: But when reality sets in, his dream will be shattered and that's when Samantha will be in the most danger.
Dr. Spencer Reid: The majority of these cases end in either murder-suicide or suicide by cop.
Jennifer: Up to this point, we've been reacting to him, but the roadblocks and the media blitz are set up to make him react to us.
Derek: So if you spot him, call for backup and proceed with extreme caution. He's probably sleep deprived and irrational.
David: The closer we get, the more dangerous he becomes.

Penelope: [On the phone] Chocolate Thunder! Chocolate Thunder! Where have you been? I left like four messages!
Derek: I am sorry, mamy. You know there is no signal inside
Penelope: Ah! That is cruel and unusual punishment! You that if I don't phone flirt with you at least twice a day, I get all itchy! Promise me you will check in more!
Derek: Hey what do you think, I am doing right now? Come on! Breathe!

David: Jorden was right, you know, on the plane
Derek: What you're talking about?
David: We hide behind language. We don't talk about the ugliness we see
Derek: Rossi, we talk about it every day
David: No, we talk facts, signature, MO, pathology
Derek: What you're getting at?
David: We're working a case were a family is grooming their son to kill. They're not just murdering people, they're stealing children, poisoning minds. Where's the horror?
Derek: We can't do this job if we let it get to us
David: Exactly

Penelope: You've got a problem. Deadbolt's the number one password crack-resistant software out there. You're gonna have to get inside this guy's head to get the password.
Derek: I thought I was calling the office of Supreme Genius.
Penelope: Well, gorgeous, you've been re-routed to the office of Too Frickin' Bad.

Derek: Hey girl, you're on speaker. Behave.
Penelope: Or what, you'll spank me?

Jennifer: Evanescence, Linkin Park, and Nickelback.
Derek: So Herman Scobie's into that nu-metal goth stuff.
Jennifer: Yeah, and his tramp stamp probably spells out *Massengill*. This guy doesn't ever have any Rage Against The Machine. I rock.
Dr. Spencer Reid: How old were you when you started listening to that band?
Jennifer: I was probably a teenager. Why?
Dr. Spencer Reid: You know, 14 is when we start to make our own musical choices. Our cognitive development evolves at that age and we start to form our own cultural identity.
Derek: We stop listening to the music that our parents put on and we start listening to the music that our friends listen to.
Dr. Spencer Reid: And those musical experiences imprint on us. Our hormonal surges as teenagers may make the choices seem more personal and passionate. And later on in life we might experiment with other musical selections, but no music ever impacts us as much as that which we listen to at age 14.
Jennifer: Herman Scobie's what, 30?
Derek: If that.
Jennifer: Okay, so mid to late '90s is when he started to take music seriously, stuff like this.
Derek: And the Piano Man's songs were all early '80s.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Which means the signature doesn't fit. Herman Scobie's too young to be the Piano Man.

Penelope: [after witnessing the unsub commit a murder] He was still alive.
Derek: Baby, there's nothing else you could have done.
Penelope: I felt him leave. He was there one second, and then... just a body.
Derek: I'm really sorry that you had to see all of that.
Penelope: Derek, I didn't see... I was in it. I was sort of used to seeing horrible things from the safety of my screens every day, but this was... right there.
Derek: Why didn't you go and find someone before you ran out there?
Penelope: Because when I got shot, I remember thinking "The last thing I'm ever gonna see in this life is the man who killed me", and I couldn't let that happen to him. He had to see something good before he died.

Derek: Talk to me, baby girl.
Penelope: You better get ready to go down on one knee, because this BG boo just won herself one hell of a diamond!

Diane: [to Reid] Excuse me, Doctor. Um, Agent Hotchner said he was done with me upstairs. Can... can you tell me what's going on?
Derek: We'll be in touch, ma'am. Thank you.

Capt. Lancaster: [about his family dying in a car accident] I spent my life on the streets. And I couldn't be there for them. Every day, I wonder why it wasn't me in that car... and why I have to live every single day without them. You know, when Dan called, I thought... maybe this is it. Maybe I'm suffering so he doesn't have to.
Derek: Your kids died in an accident. Nobody can make sense of that. This family, your friends, they lost both kids the minute Danny killed Kyle.

Dr. Spencer Reid: The wounds on the thigh show hesitation marks. An unsub this experienced wouldn't display that.
Derek: I don't think the unsub did. The angle indicates left-handed dominance. The file says this guy was left-handed, too.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You know, if he'd been given trilamide, the unsub could have forced him to cut himself. It makes sense for a sadist with abandonment issues, but wouldn't he finish the job?
Derek: The victim must have gotten a chance to escape and took it.
Dr. Spencer Reid: But how? The trilamide kept him compliant enough to hurt himself. It overcame his self-preservation instinct.
Derek: Well, then another instinct must have been stronger.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Like what?
Derek: A protective one. This guy was mentally and physically compromised, but he still went after the unsub with everything he had.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Who would he fight that hard for?
[cut to Morgan on the phone with Garcia]
Derek: A child, Garcia. Search nationwide missing persons reports for men traveling with their kids.
Penelope: Am I looking for a son or daughter?
Derek: We don't know yet.
Penelope: No, no, I'm sorry, honey. No dice. Hey, what if they're not reported as missing yet?
Derek: Yeah, of course not. When the unsub met them, they were starting over. All right, baby girl, new deal. USPS changes of address notices, people moving into Florida and South Carolina.
Penelope: Done.
Derek: All right, eliminate women, wives, couples. Narrow it down to men only.
Penelope: So... so we're thinking divorced dad here, right?
Derek: Yeah, but not just any divorced dad. This guy wants as much distance between his son and his ex-wife as possible. So look for custody disputes, injunctions, allegations. The messier, the better, Garcia.

Tara: So, what makes you think that it's gonna work this time?
Jennifer: Well, we're gonna try something new. It's a psychotherapy called EMDR.
Derek: It stands for eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. It's very effective with PTSD and memories that have been buried especially deep.
Tara: What if I can't? What if there's really nothing in there?
Jennifer: There's evidence that suggests we process intellectual material in a different part of the brain than emotional material. EMDR helps link the two.
Jennifer: Tara, we will be with you the whole time.

Dr. Spencer Reid: It hit me Morgan freaked out when he got stuck in the elevator.
Emily: Got stuck in elevator?
Derek: I freaked?
Dr. Spencer Reid: That's not important. Here's what it is.

Derek: I'm your ride.
Aaron: I thought Agent Davis was driving me.
Derek: She was. I had her re-assigned.
Aaron: Don't you have something better to do?
Derek: Than to annoy you for three hours? Hell no.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Mirror neurons and stressors relating to the unsub's past may have triggered this. The strongest of which is smell
Derek: And sounds

Aaron: [indicating the hogtied prisoners] We took down these four.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Without firing a shot?
John: Captain America here shot number five.
Aaron: You're welcome. Number six is cut up pretty bad. I don't think he's gonna make it.
John: At least I didn't shoot him.
Derek: I think I'd rather be shot.

Dr. Spencer Reid: I think Hughes may have his next victim. An Alan Archer just came in and reported his boss missing. Madison Riley owns an art gallery in the Mission District. Said there was blood, signs of struggle. Hughes even left a painting of his on the wall this time. It's the same signature and it's definitely made of blood, which got me thinking about Maeve's stalker. If this guy's a tortured artist searching for approval, in his mind there may be only one way to get it.
Derek: Suicide. Thanks, Reid.

Derek: Give it to me, doll face.
Penelope: Do you know that over 50,000 people die of rabies every year in third world countries? Thank God for Monsieur Pasteur, otherwise we'd all be dead. Okay, so I looked into every known case of rabies exposure in the country over the last 20 years.
Derek: Did you find anything?
Penelope: Cool your jets, hot chocolate. I will let you know if I've got something. So, I've got something.

Derek: James, you are something, man. You're something right here, right now, without Carl Buford.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [voiceover as plane flies] "If it is a miracle, any sort of evidence will answer, but if it is a fact, proof is necessary." Mark Twain.
Aaron: Victimology is very similar. Blonde-haired, blue-eyed teenage girls.
[looks at photos]
Jennifer: We believe they were each abducted near public transportation stops.
Emily: [holds up photo] When was this photo taken?
Derek: Beth was caught on a bank surveillance camera three hours before she disappeared; that's a recent photo of Abby.
Emily: So, she wasn't found in the same clothes she was abducted in.
David: Maybe he changed them because hers were burned by the sulfuric acid.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's possible. Sulfuric acid can turn human flesh into soap.
[JJ's face as Reid is talking is shown as affected due to their conflict]
Aaron: Garcia, any recent similar cases in the surrounding area?
Penelope: [on laptop] Actually, yes. Two months ago, a prostitute and a runaway were both found raped and killed and they had stab wounds to their eyes.
Jennifer: So maybe he practiced on high-risk victims first.
Derek: And then advanced to chemical enucleation.
Jennifer: Isn't that a rare paraphilia?
Emily: Well, the chemical part is. It would exacerbate the pain.
David: Like Ed Kemper, he's probably practicing on surrogates, before going after the real object of his rage.
Aaron: Dave, you and I will talk to the parents. Morgan and Prentiss, go to the disposal sites. JJ, you and Reid to the abduction sites.
[JJ and Reid's faces reflect their feelings about the orders]

Dr. Spencer Reid: Elle was cleared?
Derek: It was self defense
Dr. Spencer Reid: So it was a good shoot?
Jennifer: Well, she hit what she was aiming for
Dr. Spencer Reid: That's not what I meant
Jennifer: I know!

Erin: Were all the victims friends of Bailey's?
Colonel: "Brotherhood is the very price and condition of man's survival."
Derek: Carlos Romulo.
Colonel: All of my boys are brothers.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [rushing into the briefing room] Sorry I'm late.
David: I hope she was worth it.
Derek: [turning to look at Reid with a grin] I hope it was a she.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Sorry, I was at the movies.
David: Oh, really. Why don't you tell us what it was about?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Uh, I had to leave early, so I can't really...
[stops because of Rossi's look]

Dr. Spencer Reid: [arriving at the crime scene] Should have listened to me.
Derek: It wouldn't have saved that much time, Reid. Let it go.
Dr. Spencer Reid: The interchange between the 405 and the 101 freeways is consistently rated the worst interchange in the entire world.
Derek: Why do you know that?
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's a government report.
Derek: So what?
Dr. Spencer Reid: So, you work for the government. What, you don't read the reports?
Derek: On traffic patterns in a city twenty-five hundred miles from where I live?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Twenty-two hundred and ninety-five miles.
Derek: Don't make me smack you in front of all these people.

Derek: You ready to do some work?
Garcia: Why not? I haven't slept this week,I might as well give up eating too.
Derek: Awwh,poor baby. Try not to let the tears hit the paper, it gets a little messy.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Although the observable universe is continually expanding, there's really no way of knowing the whole thing is gonna ultimately collapse into one gargantuan Black Hole.
Derek: Wow, there's actually something our little genius doesn't know.

Emily: It looks like they were out there for a long time before they were killed.
Jennifer: At least six or seven days.
Derek: What happened in that week?
Penelope: I don't wanna to know.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Look at they way they're dressed. They didn't voluntarily go into the woods like that.
Jennifer: Yeah, neither did this man. Found yesterday with similar wounds. There's still no ID.
Penelope: Okay, so I'm gonna look for missing persons in Washington.
Jason: Look everywhere. We don't know where this victim came from. We only know where he ended up.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Kills both males and females.
Aaron: Victims were found with their clothes on. No degradation, no experimentation. Doesn't look like he's interested in either.
Emily: A serial killer with no sexual preference?
Dr. Spencer Reid: That'd be a first.
Aaron: Broken nose, and bark's embedded in his face. Looks like he ran into a tree.
Derek: Now how do you miss a huge tree?
Aaron: Too busy looking behind you.
Dr. Spencer Reid: None of these are defensive wounds.
Emily: Courtney Jacobs' hands are torn up.
Derek: Shane Everett's only got one shoe on. It's like he ran out of the other one.
Aaron: He sustained numerous injuries and just kept going.
Jason: Only one thing you run that hard for. Your life.

Derek: Oh, one last favor. Look up the words sexy and brilliant in that computer of yours and tell me what you come up with.
Penelope: Look at that, it's me.
Derek: You are a goddess woman, ciao.
[Flicks the phone shut. Women in the waiting room are staring at him]
Derek: It was a... It was a work call.

[Morgan and Garcia are speaking to each other on the telephone. Morgan has placed her on speaker phone so that the other investigators in the room can hear Garcia's information]
Penelope: Hiya, baby.
Derek: Hey baby girl. We need to talk.
Penelope: PG or NC17?
Derek: You're on speaker phone.
Penelope: I charge extra for groups.

Penelope: So, I have a confession to make.
Derek: Mm.
Penelope: You are not the first guy to call me "baby girl."
Derek: Get outta here.
Penelope: It's true.
Derek: It better not be that guy.
Penelope: Oh. No. Actually, it was a different guy.
Derek: Okay, I'll bite. How did this pretender to the throne end up stealing my fire?
Penelope: I'm going to tell you, but first, I have to explain an explicit, sexually inappropriate detail what a flarpy blunderguff is. Okay, so, you need like an oil-based paint and some charcoal and some sort of food that you love. I mean love, because you are gonna be with it...

Penelope: You'd think after 10 years I'd seen them all
Derek: How many sites are there, Mama?
Penelope: Hundreds and that gem of fellow you've got in custody has looked at all of them at one time or another

Dr. Spencer Reid: What is a pickup? It's basically just a profile.
Derek: Decoding cues of interest and recoding similar ones.
Emily: If you're too obvious you turn off your target. If you're oblivious, your target moves on to a better profiler.

Detective: Gentlemen. Detective Sanchez.
Derek: Agent Morgan, agent Rossi.
Detective: Appreciate the help. Never seen anything like this before.
David: Consider yourself fortunate.

Erin: You want to arrest James Stanworth? Are you out of your mind?
Derek: He's got motive. Mary Rutka had a tape. She was blackmailing him.
Erin: It was a hooded figure. You can't prove it was him on that videotape.
David: He fits the profile, Erin.
Erin: Forgive me, but your profile sounds like a self-made man, not the psychopath you claim he is.
Derek: We said he'd be destructive. In 1998 alone, he fired 6,000 people from one of his companies. Some of those employees took their own lives. That is the type of power and devastation that he enjoys.
Erin: Hearsay. Slander if you're not careful.
Derek: Ma'am, he got into politics to be hard on crime. He would have access to keep tabs on Don Sanderson.
Erin: And now you're sounding as paranoid as Don Sanderson. You cannot accuse a man without a shred of physical evidence.
Derek: Mary Rutka had skin under her nails. Maybe she left a mark.
Erin: And you cannot arrest a man based on the possibility of a scratch.
David: We can't arrest this man. That's what you mean. Don't pull any punches now, Erin.
Erin: You don't understand what the politics are, do you, Dave? You never have.
David: No, I do. I just don't care.
Derek: Ma'am, all due respect, but we have an innocent man in our custody, and the killer is still out there. It just might be James Stanworth.
Erin: You don't have enough proof. The BAU functions without you. Don't push it.

Max: Did Jason ever tell you about the time that he found the Director's itinerary in a bomber's car?
Dr. Spencer Reid: What? What?
Jason: Max, come on.
Derek: No, no, he never said anything.
Max: Well, let me fill you in, then. We had this bomber case; it was one of Jason's first. So we had him go over and search the bomber's car, which was in the Quantico garage. Except for me and the guys had planted this piece of paper that had all these times and locations of where the FBI Director was gonna be over the next forty-eight hours. Anyway, Jason takes one look at this piece of paper, and before we could stop him, he takes off, runs up twenty-five flights of stairs to the Director's office, barges in.
Derek: [laughing] Get out of here!
Max: Interrupting a meeting with the Attorney General himself.
Derek: [slapping Gideon's knee] Yeah!
Jason: The Director didn't find it very funny.
Max: He was the only one who didn't.

Derek: We're not working a case, why call us to a crime scene?
David: I was hoping you knew

Derek: What am I looking for?
Jason: Anything that helps!

Aaron: All right; let's get started.
Jennifer: Oh.
[realizes the cases are not hers and proudly hands the information over to a thankful Garcia]
Penelope: All right, Mes Amis.
[stands to present]
Penelope: You are jetting to Durant, Oklahoma, because, in the last three days, two women have been found dead after being sexually tortured and then blinded with a sulfuric acid solution. Abby Elcott is our first victim; 19-year-old art student; she was heading to campus for an advanced drawing class. She'd been missing for two days. Same goes for our second victim, Beth Westerly, 17.
[draws a breath]
Penelope: She had just finished her coffee shop shift and was on her way to a bar method class.
Emily: Both low-risk victims.
Derek: And physically similar.
David: How close are the two abduction sites?
Penelope: [looking down at information] 5 miles apart at bus stops. Abby's cell was found near one. Beth's scarf near the other.
[map illustrates her words]
Dr. Spencer Reid: Where're the dump sites?
Penelope: One in an alley, the other in a field.
Jennifer: So he stapled their eyes open, then he blinded them.
[Spencer's reaction to JJ is seen and she notices it]
Derek: It's about power and control; maybe he didn't want them to watch while he hurt 'em.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Or it could be about shame; perhaps the unsub is disfigured himself. Blinding the victims leaves them helpless, lost, totally dependent; it may be a manifestation of how he sees himself in this world.
Emily: It is a form of enucleation, just without the scalpel.
David: His face is the last they see before darkness.
Aaron: Garcia, come up with a list of jobs that would give the unsub access to sulfuric acid. The rest of us, wheels up in 30 minutes.
[arises from seat]

Derek: Hey, Prentiss. "Sin-To-Win?"
Emily: I'm sorry, what?
Derek: Come on now, I gotta know. What the hell is a Sin-To-Win Weekend in Atlantic City?
Emily: Derek, I have a tremendous amount of respect for you, but there are some questions that, if you have to ask them, it means you probably couldn't handle the answer.
[Walks away]
Derek: ...There is a whole 'nother side to that woman.

Shane: When I win, what do I get?
Penelope: When you log on to the DOJ website, there'll be a picture of me and Super Special Agent Derek Morgan with shoes on our heads.
[Shane grins and disappears]
Penelope: He just left the table.
Derek: Did he take the bait?
Penelope: I don't know.
Derek: What's the shoe on the head mean?
Penelope: Uh, it's an Internet thing.

Derek: Detective, I've seen kids missing for a decade, and their rooms look exactly the way they did the day that they left. Parents don't just pack up their kid's stuff and put 'em in boxes in the garage. Parents don't give up, ever.

Derek: [Rossi is watching news reports of the case] They've had suspects in custody the whole time, but nothing.
David: Can't even charge them with anything unless they find her body.
Derek: What are the chances of that?

Dr. Spencer Reid: John Nash, he believed he'd been recruited by aliens, to save the world
Moretti: I saw the movie
Dr. Spencer Reid: Eh, actually the movie is rather inaccurate...
Derek: Okay, doc, doc, a movie review is not going to help us right now! Let's move
Dr. Spencer Reid: You're right, sorry

Derek: I don't take kindly to being blown up. In fact, it kind of pisses me off.

Jordan: So how bad did I just screw up?
Derek: On a normal scale of 1 to 10, I'd say a 6. But on Hotch's scale... an 11!

Jason: Karl Arnold, he has a boy and a girl, just like the Millers and the Crawfords.
Aaron: Target family will be the same.
Dr. Rachel Howard: How could I not have seen it?
Derek: Well, because he's that good. If he wasn't, we would have caught him sooner.

Derek: [voiceover, closing] Christopher Lasch said: Family is a haven in a heartless world.

Derek: You move, I'm gonna break your neck.

Derek: What? No Hotch, now no Gideon?
Jennifer: No, not yet
Derek: These guys have been out two weeks! You'd think at least they can do is be on time!
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah! 'Cause you're never late!
Derek: So, where is Prentiss?
Jennifer: Her phone keeps going straight to voicemail
Derek: Well, this team gets smaller and smaller, doesn't it?

David: Any lead on the manipulator killer theory?
Jennifer: Well, I found a bunch of references to Satan in Ferell's writing, and I'm sending a video from the archive to your monitor now.
Floyd: [on the video file] I'm not smart, but I have a smart friend who tells me things.
Derek: What's your smart friend's name?
Floyd: He says you know his name.
Jennifer: So it's possible he did have a partner.
David: Just enough in the interview to make it seem plausible, but no definitive proof either way.

[Phone rings]
Penelope: Dayton, Ohia, you're on the air
Derek: I'd like to make a request
Penelope: With that sultry voice? You name it!

Derek: Listen, we were gonna mail these, but I wanted you to have a birth announcement first.
Dr. Spencer Reid: [Morgan hands over a card] Hank Spencer Morgan.
Derek: Yeah. Hank is for my pops. But Spencer is for the best little brother anybody could ever ask for.
[he gives Reid a tight, brotherly hug]
Derek: I love you, kid.

Penelope: And no one knows how to handle me when I'm not in good form. I'm so unwieldy. So they brought in the secret weapon. Hey. Look at this. Huh?
Derek: [she leads him into his old office] Oh, wow. Check this out. Same furniture?
Penelope: What, you really think I'm gonna let them move it? I need it. I come in here when I miss you.
Derek: Oh, yeah?
Penelope: Yeah. I feel bashful telling you that, but... it makes me feel better. Even imaginary you. Now you're really... here. Thank you.
Derek: So that's all it took? Me showing up. No words of wisdom needed?
Penelope: Uh-huh. Basking in our connectivity, I feel healed.
Derek: We always could do that, couldn't we? No words.
Penelope: Oh, yeah. Although I do enjoy our delicious banter. Speaking of which, I know you didn't come all this way just to look at me.
Derek: Sure, I did.

David: We believe our unsub is already with his next victim. If he matches pattern, she'll be a successful woman, probably brunette, early 30s to mid-40s. She'll be at home in Nashville's upper echelon.
Dr. Spencer Reid: This means that he fits in. He drives the right car, he wears the right clothes, he's highly intelligent, and probably comes from a place of status.
Derek: This guy's sociable, and he's endearing. You would never suspect that this man is capable of murder. But he will do whatever it takes to protect the fantasy that he's trying to relive.
David: It's this fantasy which fuels his drive. He's recreating a romantic evening, repeating it with each of his victims.
Derek: He most likely recently had a relationship taken away from him. So look at men who have lost loved ones or gone through a messy divorce.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Like Bundy, these women are representations of that first loss. Uh... Bundy picked victims who had similar features to the woman that abandoned him, and we believe that our unsub is doing the exact same thing.
Emily: These women were confident, successful, and strong, and they fought back. Which means he has the ability to overpower them fairly easily.
David: He believes, or fantasizes, he's in a relationship with these women. No matter how fleeting the initial interaction is, it's everything to him, an invitation.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Our technical analyst has compiled a list of locations that the victims visited prior to their death. These are high-class establishments. We're going to want to visit the same places.
Derek: So look for men who fit the profile, but also women who match victimology. If somebody's been paying a little too much attention to them, talk to them. Get a read, then jot their name down so that we can check them out.
Det. Landon Kaminski: All right, folks, pick up your canvassing assignments and get to work.

Derek: You gonna tell me why you missed that flight to Galveston?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I already told you, there was no cell reception.
Derek: [skeptically] Right.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What?
Derek: Reid, any time you want to come up with a better answer, I'm standing right here.

Emily: Naughty boys.
Derek: Shoplifting, vandalism, burned a house down.
Emily: Abandoned building. Fireworks.
Derek: Assault charges were dropped last summer.
Emily: Well, it looks like they bring out the worst in each other.

David: So where are Garcia and Morgan? Are they finally having that love child?
Derek: [walking in and tapping Rossi's shoulder] Heard that.
David: Busted!
Aaron: Garcia is taking some personal time.
Jennifer: Is everything okay?
Kate: I hope it wasn't those burritos we had yesterday?
Aaron: She's fine; Kevin Lynch will be presenting the case.

Derek: Four pair of shoes.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Why exactly is that relevant?
Derek: Come on, Reid, how many women you know only have four pairs of shoes in their closet?
Dr. Spencer Reid: My experience in and around women's closets isn't exactly extensive enough to really formulate an opinion.
Derek: The answer is none. You can take my word for it.

David: I just saw your prince down the hall. He's sleeping like it's his job.
Derek: [laughs] 'Cause it is.
David: Whew. Pretty incredible, huh?
Derek: I'm so grateful.
David: You know, I've learned that, in the short time I've had the privilege of being a dad... it heals wounds, just being there for your kid.

Derek: [interrogating Derek] Damien Walter. D.O.A.
[hands over crime scene photos to Derek]
Derek: Oh no! Somebody killed him?
Det. Stan Gordinski: Not somebody
Derek: You think I did this?

Derek: A serial killer asking for help. Well, that's a new one on me.

Derek: [reviewing the case file] Aside from m.o., victimology's all over the place. It's like this guy doesn't care who he's killing, just how.
David: And he's doing it in public without compunction for who sees him.
Aaron: Do we have a sketch?
Jennifer: All anyone can agree on is that it's a white male between 25 and 40.
Emily: Well, that narrows it down to all of Providence.
David: Hard to fault the witnesses, given how bloody these murders must be.
Derek: What bothers me is the cooling-off period is getting shorter and shorter, but no attempt to hide who he is or what he's doing. I mean, an unsub this bold could be suffering from a major psychotic break.
Jennifer: I already asked Detective Moreland to pull recent releases on prisons and mental hospitals.
Aaron: We need to get to Providence ASAP. Whether he's suffering a psychotic break or not, this could be the start of a spree.
David: And anyone is a potential target.

Derek: Garcia's gonna love this
[takes a picture of a body]
Penelope: Oh, it's so not the way to a girl's heart

Jennifer: Now, that I noticed.
Derek: Is something going on?
Emily: How did it go the other night?
Derek: What happened the other night?
Dr. Spencer Reid: You okay?
David: Well, why wouldn't I be?
Jennifer: You seem distracted.
David: I'm considering a purchase.
Derek: Come on, now, Rossi, you know we're not buying that. What's really going on?
David: Look, it was a late night with Ringo and not enough coffee. I mean, the guy's a world-class drummer, but don't think I didn't wipe the floor with him in Rock Band.
Jennifer: All right, what do you think?
Emily: He could be telling the truth. I only played him to the easy level.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I can't tell.
David: And you never will.
Aaron: Let's get started.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Methanol is compositionally speaking, the simplest of the alcohols. It's actually ubiquitous in the environment. There are small traces of its vapor in the atmosphere, but atmospheric methanol is easily oxidized by sunlight.
Emily: Is it toxic?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Ingesting ten milliliters of it will cause permanent blindness, and as little as 30 is potentially fatal.
Derek: Well, these victims had between five and six ounces in their lungs.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You know, if they were immersed in it, they would have died even without ingesting or inhaling it. When absorbed through the skin, it depresses the central nervous system to an unsustainable degree.
Derek: Well, what's it used for?
Dr. Spencer Reid: What isn't it used for? A solvent, an antifreeze. In World War II, the Germans used it for rocket fuel. It's used in wine-making. Its most commonplace use however, is in the creation of other chemicals. Methanol can become plastic, plywood, paint, explosives, permanent-press textiles. It's essentially the chemical used to separate other chemicals from each other.

[last lines]
Derek: So, what starts you to think about coming back?
David: Unfinished business.
Derek: There's one thing you'll learn about me, Rossi. I'm relentless. I'll find out.

Derek: [closing, voiceover] Frederick Douglass said, "It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men."

Derek: [On the phone] What you got, baby girl?
Penelope: What I've got is fail, fail, and more fail
David: Remember Thomas Alva Edison, Penelope: "I have not failed, I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work"
Penelope: Okay, let me rephrase what I just said: I currently waist-deep in what's not working

Jennifer: Everybody's grieves in their own way. You can't be mad at her for going internal.
Derek: I'm not mad at all, I just... thought she might say something.

Derek: Hotch, we can't lose her.
Aaron: Strauss thinks we're all replaceable. I went over her head to try to explain that we're not.

Derek: Too bad there's no wireless in prison. Get him outa here!

Aaron: Contrary to popular belief, there has never been a proven case of satanic ritual killing. Never a verified human sacrifice. Having said that, there have been isolated cases of animal sacrifice... and many, many cases of vandalism in the name of Satan.
Derek: Now, that doesn't mean that ritual satanism is impossible. And more importantly, for our purposes, there have been cults that killed, just not in ritual fashion.
Dr. Spencer Reid: The reverend Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple... his followers killed a U.S. Congressman and three people before committing mass suicide, leaving over nine hundred people dead. And, perhaps, the most widely-known of the killer cults: the Manson Family, under the direction of Charles Manson, killed nine people in a four day period in an attempt to initiate a race war.
Elle: Killer cults do exist, and they all have one thing in common: invariably, they're headed by charismatic megalomaniacs.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You're looking for that leader. He's who will stand out. He'll be memorable to somebody; people who aren't in his group will see him as strange, weird, scary.
Aaron: Since we're dealing with professed satanists, which is often practiced by younger males, we may be looking for teenagers. Heavy metal music is often associated with satanism, and these kids and their leader may reflect that in their look.
Derek: Most likely, there'll be sex, drugs, and alcohol. Now, the leader, he'll be older. It's part of his charm.
Aaron: And he is from this area. He's definitely local.
Elle: These woods are too thick and confusing for a visitor to get around in.
Sheriff: You think one of our own people is doing this?
Aaron: We're sure of it.

Penelope: [while entering the plane] How come I only get to travel with you guys only like every two years?
Derek: Trust me mama, it can get old
Penelope: Oh, right, like the way spa treatments in five star hotels can get old
Emily: Remember the time we get onboard and they hadn't chilled the Cristal?
Derek: Oh, I almost quit the BAU that day!
Penelope: Hey, you know what? You guys can joke all you like, 'cause I am never leaving this plane!

Emily: Morgan. Is everything all right?
Derek: Yeah. Why?
Emily: You were a little hard on Valdez. He's just a new agent trainee.
Derek: Who made a fatal mistake.
Emily: Well, he looks up to you. I'm just saying, maybe you could build his confidence, not break it.
Derek: Imagine how he'd feel if that had been real.
Emily: Okay, yeah, I understand that. But that course is designed to force failure. That's how we learn.
Derek: And my job is to train the trainees, not to be their friend.
Emily: Look, I know you're doing the tough love thing, but they don't know you like I do.

David: We call this the minimal loss scenario. Every person we get out is a life saved. We won't save them all. All of us have to be prepared to accept that situation.
Derek: Cults are structured like pyramids. You got the leader at the top. Diehard believers beneath. The biggest group, the base, followers.
[drawing a triangle to illustrate, he circles "followers"]
Derek: Women and children. These are the people we can save.
Aaron: The "trickle, flow, gush" strategy is designed to get base followers out. First one or two, then three or four, then as many as we can as fast as we can. And if at any point it starts to go bad, we go in.
David: The leaders are charismatic sociopaths who target those most susceptible to their seduction. They have the ability to see what each person needs, and then become that thing. We have to undermine their perception that we're an invading army laying siege to their home.
Dan: We'll lose the fatigues. Rancher's clothes work for you? Like we did at the Freemen standoff?
David: Perfect. Anything we can do to de-militarize situation.

Derek: You got here fast.
Det. Benning: [shrugs] Detroit's not that far.
Derek: Did you bring the case files?
Det. Benning: I got 35 open missings.
Derek: That's all?
Det. Benning: That's not enough?
Derek: [indicating the shoes found next to the pig pen] 89 pairs.
Det. Benning: 89?
Derek: So far.
Det. Benning: Oh, God!
Derek: I don't think God's been out here in a long time.

Jennifer: Something's just... off about this guy.
Derek: Gut feeling?
Jennifer: Deep gut.
Derek: [finds a box in the drawings] Jennifer Jareau, your gut knows what it's talking about.

Derek: He was in his pajamas. Ronnie Brewer. Out there by Sideler Road, he was still in his pajamas. I'm sorry, kid, I... I don't know. Six months on the sidelines, I guess I still have a few blisters where I used to have calluses.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I don't think that's what this is.
Derek: Oh, no? Then what is it?
Dr. Spencer Reid: You're about to be a dad. You know? You have to expect the world to start to feel different.
Derek: It just feels so hard. Not as in difficult. Literally hard, like asphalt. It's hard, like... like pavement.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Children are soft.
Derek: Yeah. Defenseless.
Dr. Spencer Reid: That's why every day, we try to make this world a little safer. If there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that you and Savannah are going to be great parents.

Derek: [the team has two days to break a detained terrorist] We have two days to do what the CIA hasn't managed in two months?
Jason: We could be looking at the first attack on our soil since 9/11.

Jennifer: So, we get Henry to bed and, you know, we're about to finally have some alone time with mommy and daddy and... you guys know the rest!
Derek: Ah, trying to dust off the old cobwebs
Penelope: Inappropriate! Seriously, how long has it been?
Jennifer: Too long!

[last lines]
Emily: Hey, Reid. Hotch wants to talk to you. What's wrong?
Dr. Spencer Reid: He probably wants to talk to me about why I've been kind of weird lately.
Emily: You are making a difference, you know, one person at a time.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Thank you. You know, I've been thinking a lot lately about why I stayed after Gideon left, why I didn't take any of those other offers.
Emily: Nothing is accidental.
Dr. Spencer Reid: And I realized, I don't know, there's just something incredibly right about being here, with you guys.
Emily: Well, I'm glad to hear that. Otherwise this would have been really awkward.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What would have been really awkward?
Penelope: Surprise!
Emily: Surprise! Happy birthday!
Jennifer: Happy birthday!
Penelope: Happy birthday!
Dr. Spencer Reid: Thank you.
Aaron: Do you feel like 30?
Derek: Happy birthday, old man. Happy birthday. Almost 40 now.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I'm getting close.

Dr. Spencer Reid: There's something familiar about it. I think I heard it somewhere before
Derek: Thought you had a photographic memory.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Eidetic memory. That's primarily related to things I read. Like I said, this is something I think I've heard

Derek: Steven, do you remember who Sarah is? Hmm? Sarah is your sister. Sarah is worried about you, man.
Steven: My sister?
Derek: Yeah. Your sister Sarah. Steven, she loves you. She wants you to stop running.
Steven: Sarah.
Derek: Yeah. Steven, it's okay. Put that bag down.
Steven: I didn't do anything wrong.
Derek: I believe you. You did nothing wrong.
Steven: [dropping his backpack] I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't do anything wrong.
Derek: It's okay. It's okay.
Steven: I didn't do anything wrong.
Derek: [handcuffing him] It's okay. I gotta do this.
Steven: You have to tell them that I d... I didn't do anything with those other guys. I never did. I never did.
Derek: I will.
Steven: I never did. I never did.
Derek: Steven, I promise you, I will tell them.

David: Hey, I thought I'd lend you a hand
Derek: Ha, Rossi! Brought a little something to drink. I like that!
David: Well, you can't do renovation without a little bevvy
Derek: Ah, wait a minute now, you know I don't renovate, but restore, there's a big difference

Erin: My office will handle the press from here on.
Derek: That's unnecessary.
Erin: You don't need any more distractions. He looks genuinely distraught. He's very convincing. I can see why you fell for it. I don't need to remind you that your reputation's on the line here.
Derek: That's not what matters to me right now.
Erin: It should.

Emily: I'll be waiting for it. Thanks.
Derek: They got something?
Emily: I don't know. We'll see.
Derek: You know, Emily, you really need to trust people.
Emily: I trust people.
Derek: No, you don't. You don't because you can't. And I get it. Every time you tried to count on someone, they let you down, so you go it alone. You'll never admit that because you're just too damn stubborn. It's all right. It doesn't really matter. But I'll tell you what does matter. That you can trust me, Emily. With anything. I'm serious. No matter how awful you think it is, I promise you, you are not alone. I just wish you would believe that.
Emily: I do. You profile me again, you'll wish you hadn't.
[both smile]

Emily: What else do we have to go on?
Jennifer: Spence said the UnSub would have broken his hand beating Chelsea to death. Did you notice anyone with a cast on their hand, someone who seemed hurt?
Emily: No.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I might know why. This UnSub doesn't feel pain. There's a medical condition called pain asymbolia, where patients register harmful stimuli without being bothered by it. They've been documented holding their hand over an open flame because their brain doesn't send pain signals to the central nervous system.
David: Sounds pretty rare. You sure the UnSub has it?
Dr. Spencer Reid: The crime scenes prove it. This UnSub displayed an unusual level of savagery towards his victims. And consider this, he smashed through a glass display case, but there were not cuts on Jerry. That means he most likely punched through it as a show of force. Now, the only way the human body could withstand that level of pain is if he couldn't feel it at all.
David: It must take a major toll on someone's emotional development.
Derek: A significant contributor to our sense of empathy is the way we personally experience pain.
Aaron: And the UnSub didn't develop his sense of empathy because it was cut off. Does every person with asymbolia have this?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Actually, most feel empathy just fine, which makes me think the rest of our profile is still accurate. Loner, invisible, outcast, boiling rage...

Derek: How long have you been a ranger?
Ranger: Five years now, but I've lived in these woods my whole life.
Derek: Growing up out here help you do your job?
Ranger: Look around. Do you see or hear anything right now?
Emily: No.
Ranger: There's a black bear about twenty-five yards to your right.
[Morgan and Prentiss turn and see said bear]
Emily: [awed] How long before we're able to do that?

Derek: I get why you're back.
Aaron: Do you?
Derek: You were never going to sit behind a desk. You know why? Because your son knows that you get the bad guys. And if you're not out there trying to catch them, what's he gonna think?
Aaron: Well, tonight he's gonna think I wasn't there at bedtime.
Derek: You're his hero, Hotch.
[Morgan holds out some paperwork]
Derek: I, uh, figured I'd save you a couple hours.
Aaron: You don't have to do that anymore.
Derek: I know I don't. But I also know what it's like to be raised by a single parent. Every minute counts.

Carl: [Morgan visits Buford in prison] Derek Morgan.
Derek: Got yourself a new look, huh?
Carl: I'm Mohammad Allam now. Of all my boys, you're the last one that I thought would come back to me.

David: I, eh, may be able to hit on some old contacts, but I need to do it alone
Emily: Contacts?
Derek: Do we want to know?
Emily: Best not

Max: [reading a letter from the Keystone Killer] "Isn't Scott Harbin an inelegant creature? A monster. There is no light with him. No balance. He is pure evil. Balance is what gives one mercy. You'll be reminded of my brand of mercy tomorrow, Max."
Derek: What does that mean?
Jason: Scott Harbin's a predator, just not the one we're looking for.

[last lines]
Derek: Hi, Miss Thing. Enough is enough. It's time for you and me to have a little sit-down. What's going on with you? Half the time I call, I get your voicemail. When I do get you, I don't get even a little bit of sass coming my way. Now, what's the deal? Hello!
Penelope: Okay. Look. I get it that men and women are different and Venus and Mars and all that stuff, but I do not understand how you...
Derek: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, pump your brakes. What is this about?
Penelope: You were in my shower at 7:00 in the morning.
Derek: Because I shower at 7:00 in the morning. Baby, you had a little too much to drink the other night. You called me to come over and keep you company.
Penelope: I know. I remember that, but...
Derek: Okay, what happened between us was popcorn, and a movie on TV, which you fell asleep in the middle of, by the way.
Penelope: So, you slept on the...
Derek: Couch.
Penelope: Yes, you did. Oh, thank you. Oh, thank you, God, for maintaining the integrity of my most beloved of friendships, and from now on, I promise only mostly the purest of mineral water will cross these lips.
Kevin: [enters] Hey, plum sauce, are you coming?
Penelope: Yes. I'll be right there.
Kevin: Hey, Derek.
Derek: Hey, what's up, man?
Penelope: Since the fight, we have decided to have a standing date every Tuesday night.
Derek: Good luck with that with this job. You got a great guy out there. You know that, right?
Penelope: I know. What does a girl do when she has two great guys?
Derek: She doesn't pour that extra glass of wine.
Penelope: Yeah. Okay, love you, bye.
Derek: Plum sauce?

Tyler: They're lies.
Derek: I know. But you could have come in here and you could have made her pay. And you didn't, because you're good. You're not Gary. No, you're nothing like him.

Derek: [about Preston Clark] He doesn't give a damn about black or white. The only color that son of a bitch cares about is green.

Derek: I need to come clean about something. I lied about someone being dead.
Aaron: I'm sorry?
Derek: Last year, that fisherman unsub that was dumping the bodies in the Atlantic, he claimed that my cousin was one of his victims.
Aaron: Falsely. You deduced he'd never met her.
Derek: I told my family it was him. Cindi had been missing for eight years, and my aunt needed closure. And even though I kept looking, I lied, Hotch. I lied because I wanted my family to move on, but now there's evidence she's alive.
[Hotch doesn't say anything]
Derek: You still there?
Aaron: We're on our way.

Derek: And remember, play into the guy's fantasy, believe it yourself.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Actually, did you know that dentists and surgeons have been secretly recruited to implant these during otherwise normal medical procedures? This has been happening on and off since the late 1930s.
[Morgan looks at him]
Dr. Spencer Reid: Told me to believe.

Savannah: Run a tox screen, I'm guessing her severe pain is another case of oxy withdrawal.
Nurse: I'm on it.
Derek: [Walks in] You have a patient that suffers severe withdraws right here, doc.
Nurse: Does he need an exam?
[Savanna frowns at her]
Nurse: I'm running to the lab.

Derek: It tooks us almost two hours to get out to here
Jennifer: That's with you driving too!

Aaron: We believe we're looking for a white male in his late 20s to early 30s.
Deputy: Wait, wait, wait. I'm sorry, I thought we were looking at black gangbangers.
Derek: The unsub has been staging the crime scenes to make it look like black gangs and undocumented immigrants were responsible.
Deputy: Why would anyone do that?
Jennifer: We think he's trying to create some sort of racial conflict.
Dr. Spencer Reid: In 1969, Charles Manson orchestrated the Tate-LaBianca murders, in the hopes of creating a race war between the blacks and whites that he referred to as "Helter Skelter".
David: A name he stole from a Beatles song.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Members of the Manson family left watermelon rinds at the scene of the crime and also painted panther paws on the wall in blood in the hopes of convincing authorities that the Black Panther Party was responsible.
Aaron: Hate groups like the Aryan Nation believe that race war is not only inevitable, but necessary.
Emily: Our unsub may be a member of one of these groups. Aryan gangs have a strong presence in prison, so he may be an ex-con, or even possibly related to a convict.
David: We think he may also be some kind of zealot. He believes his war is already being fought, and these murders are a mission to him.
Jennifer: And like a solider, he is willing to put himself in harm's way.
Dr. Spencer Reid: The unsub may also be vulnerable somehow. Weak-minded or even lonely. His cause gives him a sense of power and belonging.
Derek: He's physically fit enough to move dead bodies, so he's probably young.
David: But not so young as to be impulsive. These attacks took planning and focus, so he's disciplined.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He uses Oxycodone to drug his unwilling partners. But he does so without killing them, which means he's knowledgeable about dosages.
Emily: And Oxy is expensive, so look at medical care professionals and caregivers, anyone with access to to prescription drugs.
Aaron: This unsub is dedicated and driven. Makes him especially dangerous. Surrender's not likely part of his strategy.

Derek: So what happened with you and JJ at the Redskins game?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Top secret!

Mrs. Donnolly: Gosh, I've been in this building 27 years. Now, the worst incident we ever had was when Benjamin Headley up in 402 found out his wife was sleeping with the cleaner guy and shot him in the groin.
Derek: You've been a really big help, Mrs. Donnolly. Thank you very much.

Aaron: Garcia, I need all the information you can find me on the Philadelphia boxing scene.
Penelope: Well, let's see. There's *Rocky I* through *V*. And let's not forget about the last one.
Derek: Penelope.

Derek: Alright, let's meet on the plane in 30

Derek: [to Garcia] Hey, Baby Girl

Emily: [browsing through mail Garrett received in prison] Get a load of this one. "Dear Mr. Garrett, it took a lot of courage to do what you did. Most people are cowards and don't do what they feel inside them. You are an inspiration, and I applaud you."
Emily: "I applaud you."
David: These are supposed to be the non-wacko letters.
Penelope: Hey, guess what? JJ's genius has struck again. That hunch about the hair was right. I'm sending you an ATM image of Cara Smith. She's the first victim. This was taken ten hours before her murder. Check it.
Detective: The unsub cut her hair, too.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You know, there could be a sexual element involved. Trichophilia is a fetish where one becomes aroused by the removal of hair.
Derek: Well either way, it's starting to look less like a copycat. The unsub's deviating too much from Garrett's M.O. Garrett never took trophies.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Do you mind if we swing by a book store, I want to re-read Empty Planet before we meet with the author; I haven't read it since I was six.
Derek: Six? I was still riding my big wheeler at six!
Dr. Spencer Reid: Do you mind, it'll only take ten minutes.
Jason: To buy it or to read it?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Uh, both, actually.

Emily: There was definitely something a little strange about her.
Aaron: It's curious, one woman at the center of two serial killers.
Jennifer: Yeah, what are the odds of that?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Astronomical. By removing from the calculations serial killer groupies...
Jennifer: Sorry I asked.
Derek: You know, whether she knew it or not, maybe Helen Garrett did give Dylan something. I mean, someone once said that every seed, even malignant ones, they won't grow unless they get water from someplace.

Derek: Hey silly girl. I love you, you know that, right?
Penelope: I love you too.

David: Morgan, obsessional crimes are your specialty.
Derek: Well, there's two kinds of obsessional offenders that would send gifts to survivors. Sadists, who want to make the families keep reliving the crime, or guilt-laden offenders, desperately trying to find some type of way to apologize.
David: Sadists usually use something they know will remind the family of the person or the crime. Jewelry, newspaper clippings.
Emily: These don't look like the kind of things you would send to inflict pain on someone.
David: So, guilt-laden.
Emily: You know, they actually look like the kind of thing a child would send.
Derek: Okay. Well, it's rare, but an unsub who feels this much guilt sometimes commits the crime unintentionally. They tend to be developmentally disabled, extremely low IQ offender, and generally, well, they're physically large and they're very strong. Strong enough to hurt somebody accidentally.
Emily: Like Lennie in "Of Mice and Men".

Aaron: The unsub we're looking for is a dangerous voyeur, who feeds off the thrill of knowing his victims can't see him.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Typically, voyeurs are non-violent and content to remain bystanders. This one is different; he's on a mission that includes taking action.
Aaron: And in that mission, he didn't hesitate to kill a teenage boy. Anyone who stands between him and his goal is at risk.
Alex: We believe he's documenting his work. He's taking pictures and collects personal connections to his victims; their wallets and their hair.
David: It's important to him to have proof of what he's doing.
Derek: Voyeurs like to create fantasies in their heads of what the objects of their obsession should be like.
David: He creates a character identity instead of a reality, and when a person steps outside of the parameters that the unsub has set for them, he strikes.
Jennifer: This unsub appears to be triggered by males acting on what he perceives to be character flaws. Seemingly innocuous infractions to us are magnified in the unsub's psychosis.
Aaron: Based on the planning and sophistication of the kills, we believe that he's in his late thirties or forties.
Dr. Spencer Reid: The geographic profile tells us this unsub is not only dumping his victims downtown, he's hunting there, too.
Derek: So this is where we need to redouble our efforts. Go building to building, door to door. This guy's a fly on the wall; he's able to leanr secrets without anyone realizing he's there.
Alex: He'll have a job that involves very little social interaction, but that puts him in a position where he can observe others unnoticed.
Jennifer: So we should look at service workers, groundskeepers, anyone paid to be invisible.
Aaron: And we need to move quickly. This unsub is approaching some sort of perceived deadline. The closer it gets, the more erratic and dangerous he'll become.

Emily: Hey, FBI.
Officer: Seriously?
Emily: Yeah, what can you tell us?
Officer: Eh, white male, been dead for hours, the medics say it was a brain aneurism.
Derek: Mind if we take a look at the scene?
Officer: Knock yourselves out.

Derek: [getting in Unsub's house trailer] Oh, God. We're definitely in the right place. Guys, just breathe through your nose like normal.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Smell is the weakest sense. In a few more minutes, you won't even notice it.
Emily: What about the taste?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I think that's in our head.

Aaron: So far it sounds like a standard double homicide, so why are we here?
Derek: Massive overkill

Jeff: [confronting Syd and Jimmy] Hey, you. What'd you do with Kate?
Syd: [the cops in the room separate them] Calm down, man.
Jeff: I will kill you, you understand? You understand me?
Syd: Keep them away from me.
Aaron: [watching as they're led out] Barrett avoided conflict. Pearson was provocative.
Derek: The blond one's getting off on this.
Emily: Well, if he knows where Kate is, that's his power.

Derek: [on the phone] Hey.
Penelope: Hey. Um... I... I sent you the case file Chicago PD sent me.
Derek: I got 'em.
Penelope: Yeah. So there's that. Bad, huh?
Derek: [soft laugh] Yeah. Yeah, it's pretty bad. Penelope, can you just talk to me?
Penelope: Uh-huh. Yeah, what about?
Derek: I don't care. Just... just talk.
Penelope: Okay, uhm...
[nervous laugh]
Penelope: uhm...
Derek: What?
Penelope: I... I, j'ah, this is the first time in my life I don't have anything to say, except that I'm... I'm here for you. Okay, Derek, I'm right here.
Derek: Yeah, I know you are.

Derek: [voiceover] "All humanity is one undivided and indivisible family. I cannot detach myself from the wickedest soul." Mahatma Gandhi.

Derek: You see, what I need is a list of everyone you've victimized.
Carl: You still like mint chocolate-chip ice cream?
Derek: The U.S. Attorney has offered immunity. They won't charge you with molesting any of the boys on this list as long as this list is complete.
Carl: Or was it butter pecan?
Derek: You leave even one name off that list, this deal is dead.
Carl: Are you threatening me, D.?
Derek: With my hand on the Qur'an. See, right now, you're in here for serial murder. And I bet that gives you a whole lot of credit out there in the yard. Am I right? But what do you think would happen if the brothers in here learned what you were really guilty of? So let me be direct, Mohammed, start writing.
Carl: I'll give you the list on one condition. All I want is a handshake. That's it. A gentleman's agreement. What do you say?
[shakes hands]
Carl: You were always special, Derek. You may have me in here, but there's a whole lot more of me out there, boy.
Aaron: You didn't have to shake his hand.
Derek: It's a long list, Hotch.
Aaron: This UnSub's devolving. He'll stand out. He won't be hard to find.
Derek: I'm gonna use the head before we leave.

Derek: Hey baby girl, I need you to look into something for me
Penelope: Tell me it's your melted chocolate eyes, because I'm so there
Derek: Likewise, but first things first, silly girl

Derek: [opening quotation] "Parents are the bones on which children sharpen their teeth." - Peter Ustinov.

Derek: With unsubs this violent, how do you just disappear and go dormant for 6 years?
Aaron: They may have been in prison. That would explain the criminal experience
David: Crime U., the best education taxpayer money can buy

Derek: Mama, is it even possible for somebody to live completely offline these days?
Penelope: Sure, if you live in an Afghani cave or certain parts of New Jersey, other than that not so much

David: You don't call, you don't write.
Derek: Rossi.
[they share a laugh and hug, too]
Jennifer: [entering] You don't even give us a heads-up and you decide to pop in at three in the morning?
Derek: Oh, blondie, come here, come here, come here.
[hugging JJ]
Derek: Mm. Oh, it is so good to see all of you. Look, I wish I could say I was just here to say hello, but, um, we may have bigger problems.
[to Prentiss]
Derek: You see what I'm saying about that text? It does not sound like Garcia. You do know what it does sound like.
Emily: A trap.

Detective: Why don't we start with him? Eddie Parrish, Tasha Brooks' pimp. He calls himself Sweetness
Derek: Oh, come on now, that's Walter Paytons nickname! This is wrong

Derek: [voiceover] Ralph Ellison said: I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me.

Aaron: [Morgan has gone off on his own to find Chazz] Where is he?
Derek: He's not gonna stop.
Aaron: Morgan, tell me where he is.
Derek: I can't get anyone else hurt.
Aaron: This isn't your call.
Derek: Come on, you have to know what I'm feeling right now.
Aaron: That's why you need to come back here or tell me where you're going.
Derek: I can't do it. I'm sorry, man. Goodbye, Aaron.
[Morgan hangs up and throws his phone out the car window]

Derek: Look, JJ, all I'm saying is I am never making you angry again. I mean, who knew the Pennsylvania petite could give such an ass-whupping?
Jennifer: Well, I'm just glad my hand-to-hand coach could work his schedule around my state department duties.
Derek: It's my pleasure. I'm just really grateful it all paid off. You were great out there. I'm proud of you. Well, why don't you get your little butt home? I'm sure Will's waiting on you.
Jennifer: Yeah, well, we did have dinner reservations, but I'm thinking we'll do takeout instead. Thanks, Derek.
Derek: Yeah.

Penelope: Hey, take care of yourself
Derek: Come on, you know me
Penelope: Yeah, I do, that's why I am saying it!

Penelope: San Bernadino, California. Two home invasions in less than a week, only a block apart. Exact same M.O. Both houses were burgled, power and phone lines cut, and they broke in through a back window.
Dr. Spencer Reid: And in each case, the entire family was shot and killed?
Penelope: Yes, that is right. I present to you the Mitchells and the Lewis families.
David: They took out the power and phones to isolate them. Their alarm systems wouldn't work and they can't call for help.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Most modern alarm systems have a backup generator and a cell phone connection to the security company.
Penelope: Yeah, but the Mitchells had an older system, and the Lewises were behind on their account, so it was inactive.
Jennifer: An assailant was killed in each case?
Penelope: Affirmative, but the sheriff hasn't IDed them yet.
Emily: So both families were armed and fought back and shot one of their attackers.
Derek: Is that a coincidence or a connection?
Aaron: What concerns me is the frequency of the kills.
Jennifer: Only four days apart.
Aaron: All right. It's a long flight. We'd better get going. Wheels up in thirty.

Derek: Ingrid isn't catatonic anymore, but she's answering every question with only her name and Social Security number.
Aaron: Like a prisoner of war.
Derek: There's more. Garcia did some checking. Ingrid hasn't been enrolled in school for over a year. She had good grades. Just suddenly dropped out and vacated her campus apartment. She left no forwarding, Hotch. We have no idea where or how she's been living.
Aaron: Thanks.
[Hotch hangs up]
Aaron: I need to see Peter Griesen's phone records.
[cut to Hotch entering the interrogation room with Griesen]
Aaron: How long has your daughter been in a cult?

The: [Hotch has Foyet down and is beating him] You got me... I surrender. I surr...
[Hotch's beating intensifies as his own life flashes before his eyes... Morgan, Prentiss and Rossi enter, and Morgan restrains him]
Derek: HOTCH! HOTCH! He's dead! Hotch, stop! Come on, stop! It's over! It's over... it's OK... it's over, man.
[Hotch breaks down sobbing, then frees himself from Morgan's grip]

Derek: I'll drive
Savannah: Uhm... no way!
Derek: What? What do you mean?
Savannah: I have seen you driving! I'm driving
Derek: Oh, so, this is how it's gonna be?
Savannah: Yep, get used to it

Emily: He could be suffering from cluster B
Detective: Cluster B?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Ah, cluster of personality disorders. It's also called a erratic, dramatic emotional cluster. An enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that differentiates itself markedly from the expectations the individual's cultures. It manifests...
Derek: [Interrupts Reid] This guy is a sick dude!
[Reid nods yes]

Derek: [picks up his mobile] Hey Garcia, you're on speaker. What do you got?
Penelope: The 4-double-1 on Barry Flynn. Hey, has anyone been listening to this "Unlimited Courage," 'cause it's pretty amazing. I just finished the first CD and I've already signed up for kickboxing class and I'm painting a wall in my apartment white, which is a risky color in my world.
Aaron: Garcia.
Penelope: Oh, Sorry.

Derek: Now he's graduated to nitroglycerine
Dr. Spencer Reid: Page 113

Penelope: All this talk of cold makes me cold. Is that weird?
Derek: Nothing weird about that, Baby Girl!

Det. Ware: Don't you ever wish it didn't matter?
Derek: "It"?
Det. Ware: Color.
Derek: Judge me by the content of my character.
Det. Ware: I mean, why does it even have to be part of the equation? People are dying. We need to get the bad guy. That should be it. No half-cocked reverends running around, getting people mad about the wrong thing. No mayors so afraid of offending black folks, he doesn't even wanna tell the community what to look out for.
Det. Ware: It's exhausting sometimes.
Derek: It's the way it's always been, man. Politicians, community leaders, they do what they do. You and me, we do what we do. We're the foot soldiers in these streets getting the job done.

Emily: Hey, Morgan? What do I do about Reid?
Derek: Emily, there's a lot about you being back that's unresolved.
Emily: Oh... are you pissed at me, too?
Derek: Come on, now. How can I be? You're here.
Emily: [relieved] Thank you. Because I know what you went through. Grief counseling, you carried my coffin.
Derek: Yeah, I sure did. What was in that thing, anyway?

Derek: It says here that vomit was found at the vicinity of his abduction.
Penelope: Hmm, thank you for reminding me of that disgusting detail, Dreamy D.! Yes, that vomit has been collected and is being analyzed as we speak, and I am very grateful that I have this job and someone has that one. That's not me.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Hey, Morgan? Has there ever been a girl that you wanted to be with for, you know, more than just one night?
Derek: Excuse me?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I've never seen you with the same girl twice.
Derek: What, are you calling me a dog?
Dr. Spencer Reid: No, no, not at all. I'm just trying to figure out if this feeling I have is ever gonna go away.

David: So, Morgan, when are you and Savannah walking down the aisle?
Derek: Hey, whoa, whoa. Baby steps. Baby steps.
Dr. Spencer Reid: When Derek Morgan says "I do", it'll be a national day of mourning for single women everywhere.

Emily: Have a good weekend, JJ!
Jennifer: [Holds up a case file] Sorry.
Derek: [Groans] There goes my beach house rental.
Emily: And my non-refundable Sin-To-Win Weekend in Atlantic City.
Derek: "Sin-To-Win?"
Emily: Yup. And I always win BIG.

Derek: Does anybody here know exactly what a serial killer is?
David: Someone who's committed more than one murder.
Derek: That's very good. By statute, three is the magic number. And it's actually more qualitative than quantitative for us.
David: Today we're going to talk about how some serial killers get made. Because if you can understand that, then you can figure out a way to catch them.

Penelope: Penelope Gracia's house of "How May I Save Your Ass Today?"
Derek: You can give me sex offenders registry for Wilmington, Delaware
Penelope: Ah, that's always a fun group!

Derek: [opening quote] "Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too was a gift" - Mary Oliver

Derek: It doesn't take much to ignite a Mob war.
David: And collateral damage means nothing to these guys. If we don't get a handle on this soon, innocent people are gonna die.

Emily: You're buyin', I'm drinkin'.
Derek: I don't think any of us could afford this place otherwise.
Jennifer: Yeah, I know I can't.
David: Go home.
Emily: We thought you might need some help.
David: You're wrong.
Derek: Come on, now, Rossi. Bounce some theories off us. Fresh eyes can't hurt.
David: This isn't even a BAU case.
Jennifer: Maybe not yet, but I can make anything a BAU case if I want to. It's about paperwork, and I know the paperwork.

Derek: [opening quote] "Naivety in grownups is often charming, but coupled with vanity it is indistinguishable from stupidity" - Eric Hoffer

Derek: There was a GFI unit installed in the kitchen. I put them in all my properties, especially bathroom and kitchen. Any surge of electric current shuts power down the source.
Emily: Properties?
Derek: [pause] Yeah.
Emily: How many properties?
Derek: Four.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [wakes up in hospital] Are you eating jello?
Derek: Hey kid.
[to the hallway]
Derek: Hey, Doc. He's awake.
Dr. Spencer Reid: [to Morgan] Is there any *more* jello?

Reporter: ...turned deadly when the Colorado state police officers tried to serve a warrant. Colorado Attorney General Jim Wells says the reclusive cult has been the subject of a six-month weapons investigation.
Derek: Six months. We didn't check?
Jennifer: No, we checked. I had ATF call Wells. He told ATF there were no pending state investigations. He lied.
David: Why?
Jennifer: Wells is challenging the governor in the next election. He thought that ATF was about to poach his big election-launching weapons bust. Now, it's clear he didn't know there were FBI agents there. He just thought that the best time to serve a state warrant was when the kids were safe inside the school being interviewed.

Detective: I can start a list from DMV matching what we've got
Derek: A list like that's gonna kill a lot of trees

Derek: Preston's a part of this. I know he is. You should have seen him in there.
Emily: Well, he's a racist and a little shady, maybe, but a murderer?
Derek: It may be just a feeling, but I know he's in this. We just need to figure out how.

Elle: Dominant one is the mastermind. That's not to say that the submissive partner is in any way pure or innocent in this exchange.
Jason: If their criminal desire wasn't present, their partnership wouldn't work.
Derek: The offenders share a common delusion. It's one that you and I would never accept, but it's this bond that justifies their actions.
Detective: So we're looking for two sick minds who complete each other.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's kind of like the perfect storm. Once these deviant personalities collide, they're deadly and unstoppable.
Aaron: Like the D.C. snipers or the Columbine assassins. Sometimes they've met in childhood. Other times, they can be related, like the Hillside Stranglers, Angelo Buono and Kenneth Bianchi, psychopathic cousins who terrorized women in Los Angeles. The dominant partner makes the submissive one feel invincible. That's his reward for doing as he's told. Unfortunately, there are countless opportunities for these twisted minds to meet. And once they've pulled off their vicious acts, the two accept this as common behavior and become bored with normal activity. They live only for their new reality. They're obsessed with it, addicted to it. And there's a fierce loyalty between the two. The submissive one, however, is usually less intelligent and easier to catch, and once caught, he is easier to turn.
Jason: Lack of remorse increases their aggressiveness. Sexual sadists will stop when they're caught.

David: I married the third ex-Mrs. Rossi at a drive-in wedding chapel in Las Vegas. I had an Elvis impersonator perform the ceremony.
Dr. Tara Lewis: [snickering] You're kidding.
Aaron: Wait for it.
David: I'm playing 21. I've got a streak going, I can't lose even if I try. Krystall's the dealer; one thing leads to another... I should have known it wouldn't last. Krystall spelled her name with a "K" and two "L"s. We sobered up the next morning, the divorce was... was just as quick. I'll never make that mistake again.
Derek: What, getting married or having the King of rock and roll as your justice of the peace?
David: Both.
[in an Elvis impression]
David: Thank you very much.

Penelope: Okay, out with it. Where's your head at presently?
Derek: Honestly, I'm trying to figure out why I'm not back at that police station trying to break this son of a bitch.
Penelope: Ohhhh...
Derek: What are you doing? What was that for?
Penelope: For thinking that this is about you.
Derek: Penelope, it IS about me. He called me out by name!
Penelope: [shouts] Ohhh !
Derek: Will you stop doing that?
Penelope: What? Seriously? Derek, seriously, in... You know, in the entire time I have known you, you are like the glistening hero in the movie of life, and now, just because some guy, some ass-hat guy decides to call you out by name, you... you think you have the right to get all weird and decide "this time it's personal?" Really? Derek, did you ever stop to think that said ass-hat is exhibiting this behavior just to get under your skin?
Derek: As a matter of fact, I have.
Penelope: Okay, you know, well, a real hero would roll with that instead of tripping over his gigantic ego. And as a wise black man once told me, "Baby girl, you be trippin';" so, I tell you what, why don't you call me back once you've gotten off the self-absorption train and decide to be a real hero - the kind that Cindi is waiting for? I am hanging up on you!

Derek: It sucks, doesn't it?
Penelope: What?
Derek: Just knowing that we couldn't have done any of this without you.
Penelope: [scoffing laugh] Yeah, pretty much.
Derek: I'm proud of you, Penelope. Despite everything that happened, you came back... and you got the job done.
Penelope: The sight of blood used to make me run away. And two nights ago I ran towards it.
Derek: It means you're changing into someone stronger than you realize. You cared enough to risk your own life to try and save someone else.
Penelope: Yeah, but... what's the difference between being strong and being jaded? I'm scared, Derek. I don't want to lose who I am just so I can do this job.
Derek: We are in one of the most beautiful places on Earth. I know you see that, don't you?
Penelope: Yeah.
Derek: Then we have nothing to worry about. It's who you are, baby girl. You see the beauty in everything and everyone no matter where you go. That part of you is never gonna change, and I won't let it.
Penelope: I don't need you to protect me.
Derek: Tough. I think I'm gonna stay on the job a little while longer.
Penelope: Yeah?
Derek: Mm-hmm.
Penelope: How much longer?
Derek: Every day of my life.
Penelope: I kind of love you, Derek Morgan.
Derek: I kinda love you, Penelope Garcia.

Jennifer: Victim one, Travis Bartlett, was last seen at a gay bar. He was shot at night in a park. Victim two, Lily Nicks, a thirty-four year old prostitute, her throat was slashed. Victims three and four, June Appleby and Troy Wertsler, were shot in their car at a parking lot outside of a movie theater. And victim five was a twenty-eight year old single woman, Kayla James, killed in her home. She was bound, suffocated with a bag over her head, evidence of rape.
Emily: And then the sixth victim was Zoe.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Victimology, weapons used, and C.O.D. are all different. I mean, it's hard to imagine it's even the same unsub.
David: It can't be a coincidence that Zoe goes to Kayla James' house and gets murdered.
Aaron: All right, let's say it is the same killer. Does anybody see a pattern?
Emily: Well, maybe. Okay, in the first crime, he shoots the victim. The second crime, he rapes a woman and slashes her throat; that's more personal. And the third crime, he escalates to killing two people, and the fourth, he escalates even more by raping a woman, binding her, and suffocating her.
Aaron: So if it is the same unsub, you could argue that there's a progression of violence with every kill.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It could be an anger excitation offender getting more daring with each crime.
Derek: I think I got something here. Look at this. The slashes in the prostitute's throat, they're all shallow, unsure cuts. The Kayla James crime scene, telephone cord, rope, and duct tape were used. It's like he couldn't decide how to bind her.
Aaron: So without a gun, he's sloppy, inexperienced.
Derek: The young couple shot in the car... that crime scene remind you of anything?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah, they were shot with a .44 Bulldog, just like the Son of Sam used on his victims, which were also young couples in parked cars. It might be nothing, but you're right, there is a parallel there.
Emily: With the second victim, it's hard not to think of Jack the Ripper. The obvious similarity being it's a prostitute whose throat was slashed.
Aaron: Kayla James was bound, tortured, raped, with a plastic bag over her head, like BTK.
Derek: What about victim number one?
David: Garcia, what neighborhood was he found in?
Penelope: At a park in the Kingsbury Run area.
David: Zoe reminded me last night that Cleveland's most famous serial killer was the Butcher of Kingsbury Run. He found his victims in gay bars, shot them, and dumped their body there. Travis Bartlett was last seen at a gay bar, and his body was found in Kingsbury Park.
Jennifer: So these are copycats of famous serial killers?
David: He's a serial killer studying serial killers.
Aaron: See you in Cleveland, Dave.

Jennifer: I can't believe he is walking out of here!
Derek: It's the right thing to do
Jennifer: Remind me of that the next time I have to tell someone their friend or daughter is murdered!

Emily: This focus on reproductive organs could also indicate a deep-seated sense of self-loathing. He might have hated the fact that he was born.
Jennifer: Or he had some sort of traumatic life-changing event associated with birth.
Derek: And he could have hated his own mother. The strained mother/child relationship is a hallmark for many killers.
Diane: That doesn't make any sense. "I hate myself or I hate my mother, so I kill women by ripping out their wombs"?
David: It only needs to make sense to him. One man's logic is another man's crazy.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Same victimology?
Detective: We don't have a positive id on either one of them yet, but the clothing fits. You really think this is only one guy, huh?
Dr. Spencer Reid: The level of overkill suggests an unsub in a psychotic break. Multiple unsubs in violent psychotic breaks operating in the exact same location is exceedingly unlikely
Derek: Yeah, it's probably one guy

Derek: [Rushing out of his office] Hey, hey, hey, there you are! How you're settling in?
Derek: Well, you know, it's like riding a bike
David: Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask, uh, I've got an opening in my poker group next week. Why don't you join us?
Derek: Oh, my dance card's kind of full these days, Rossi, you know, getting ready for a baby
David: Well, that's all the more reason to play, you know, jump start the kid's college fund a little money
Derek: Okay. Okay, I will see what I can do. I left a file in the conference room
David: I... I was just in there. I didn't see any files
Derek: You're sure about that?
David: Positive! No files! I... I would have noticed
Derek: All right, your eyes start to do that little thing they do. Let's have it
David: Have what?
Derek: It's not my birthday and I said to you: please no welcome back party
David: All right, look, I'm not saying, but, ehm, I was supposed to distract you, so do me a favor and act surprised when you go in there, all right?
Derek: All right, I got you covered
[starts walking in, Rossi blocks him]
David: And let's just keep it an extra 30 seconds, just to be sure
Derek: [laughs] No problem
David: So, my eyes do this thing, huh?
Derek: Little bit
David: I better work on that before poker night

Yvonne: Did you find her?
Derek: No, Auntie.
Yvonne: I'm never gonna know, am I?
Derek: He picked out her picture.
Yvonne: He did?... Thank you. Thank you... Thank you.

Derek: We believe that the unsub that we're looking for is a woman who's trying to get pregnant. She's experiencing what we call black widow maternal desire. She has a desperate need for a child, which most likely stems from the recent loss of one.
Alex: That child may have died or been taken away in a custody situation.
Dr. Spencer Reid: She's drugging her male victims in order to keep them under her control for forty-eight hours, and we believe she's using them as breeding partners to help replace the child that she lost.
David: Her victims are surrogates for a male figure in her life. One she may have already killed. He could be a boyfriend or husband who most likely fathered the child she lost.
Aaron: And the signs of torture indicate that she may blame the child's father for this loss and is exacting her revenge on these victims.
Alex: After they're dead, she dismembers them for easier disposal.
Derek: The strength required to do this, and transport body parts, it's likely that she's working with a submissive partner she dominates with her agenda.
David: Based on the sophistication and patience required for these crimes, we believe this unsub is probably in her thirties and no older than her early forties, if pregnancy is her goal.
Jennifer: And she works at night, luring victims from parties or bars. She may even have an illness, or feign one to gain their sympathy.
Aaron: Chad Dumont's been missing for almost thirty hours, and if the unsub keeps to her schedule, he may still be alive. But time is of the essence.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Even though the first two victims are dead, we can certainly step up our game so we can give the victims' families some answers
Aaron: Thank you.

[Morgan just saved Reid from a teenaged unsub who had a gun pointed at Reid's head]
Dr. Spencer Reid: What happened?
[As he pins the unsub to the ground]
Derek: Him bringing us down here was way too much of a coincidence.
Dr. Spencer Reid: No, I got that. Did you have to tackle us both?
Derek: You're welcome Reid.

Derek: You know what happened to me, don't you?
Kate: [nods her head]
Derek: Who told you?
Kate: You did! How you handled this case, body language, all of it. Look, you can tell me as little or as much as you want to. Or whatever happened. I am sorry

[Lyla is explaining her history with Cy in high school]
Lyla: I didn't know what to do. My friends laughed, but... I didn't want to be mean, so I went in the closet with him.
Derek: And what happened next?
Lyla: I let him feel me up.
Emily: How did he behave after that?
Lyla: He started following me around at school. Then one day, he overheard me tell a friend how gross I thought he was.
Derek: How he talked, how he smelled.
Matt: [Lyla nods] Why didn't you tell me this?
Lyla: I was sixteen. We had just started dating.
Emily: Does Cy know about your recent marital problems?
Matt: Yeah. I... I told him a couple of months ago.
Derek: [to Lyla] And then he probably started making advances towards you which you had to reject.
Emily: That's what triggered the killings.
Lyla: [crying] I did this?
Derek: No. No, ma'am. The events did.

Penelope: This boy was found two hours ago in the middle of nowhere. Technically, he was found outside of Crawford, Arizona; my point is he has clearly been to super hell and escaped some sort of captivity.
Derek: Well, how do we know he wasn't just dropped off there?
Penelope: Well, he has fresh cuts on the bottom of his feet from the local cactus fields, and that's way from any through roads, and his skin is rubbed raw around his ankles from chains.
Derek: He must have had a chance to escape and he took it.
Emily: Or the unsub could have had him in transit.
Penelope: My god, you guys, look at his eyes.
Jennifer: Yeah, he's jaundice. Probably hasn't seen daylight in a while.
Derek: Yeah, and there's a lot of scars here.
David: Those are the ones we can see.

Jennifer: Ugh! Why are men so messy?
Derek: I don't get down like this, I'm a clean freak!
Jennifer: Huh, why does that not surprise me?

Dr. Spencer Reid: How are you doing?
Derek: Well, I gave out all my flyers.
Dr. Spencer Reid: How many phone numbers did you get?
Derek: None. I'm working a case here, kid.
[Reid gives him a look]
Derek: Okay, four were offered, but I didn't take any of them.
[Reid gives him another look]
Derek: All right, look, let me school you a little bit. What you have to do with these ladies, just take control of the conversation. When you're talking what makes you feel like an expert?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Uh, statistics.
Derek: No, trust me. No. Something else.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Well, when I do magic.
Derek: See, that's perfect. Chicks dig magic.

Derek: Rossi? Do me a favor, you talk to the priest all right?
David: You rather interview the grieving parents on the worst day of their lives than the priest?
Derek: If it is all right with you, yeah!

Derek: Hey, say it like you mean it, baby.
Penelope: Yon know, I'm gonna. So, if you look in the dictionary, the word "normal," you will see Cara Smith. College student, uh, well-liked, straight A's, English lit. major. Ooo, speaking of which, I just got a transcript of Rodney Garrett's last words, hot off the press - and a gold star to the first person who can identify the source of this: "She comes like fullest moon on happy night. Taper of waist..."
Dr. Spencer Reid: "... With shape of magic might." It's from The Thousand and One Nights. Not the exact translation that I would have used, but it's got its own merits.
Emily: And in a shocking non-upset, we have a winner.
David: Garrett was sixth-grade dropout, an unlikely guy to be quoting from a Harvard Classic.

Aaron: And to Dr. Spencer Reid who may be adding MD to an already impressive list of credentials
Derek: And to Spencer Johnson, that he prove to be the child prodigy like his name says
Alex: How on earth did you know what to do?
Dr. Spencer Reid: When JJ was pregnant with Henry I memorized the delivery manuals, just in case she went into labor in the field. I have to admit the practical application did not quite live up to the theory.

Aaron: You answer your door and the next thing you know everyone you care about is gone!
Derek: If it's me, I wanna be gone too!

Ranger: How was the drive up the mountain?
Derek: Well, before or after the flat tire?
Ranger: That good, huh?

Penelope: Do you want to go into the Batcave and hang out like old times?
Derek: You know I want to. But I'd have to bargain with my boss, and my boss is no joke. He's real tough on me. Did you not get my text?
Penelope: While you were lovingly mansplaining to me? No, that would be rude.
Derek: Woman, look at your phone.
Penelope: Okay. Well, I would've, but...
Derek: [she takes her phone out] I don't know if you're ready.
[a video file plays]
Derek: Hey, Hank the Tank, say "Hey, Aunt Penelope."
Hank: Hey, Auntie.
Derek: Right?
Penelope: Oh, my gosh. How is my godson continuing to get cuter and smarter? This is everything! This is the greatest. You're the greatest. Thank you.
Derek: You're welcome.

Derek: I hate not having a plan. We're looking for a needle in a haystack.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Actually, it's more like we're looking for a needle in a pile of needles.
Derek: What?
Dr. Spencer Reid: A needle would stand out in a haystack.

Derek: Derek Morgan. Spencer Reid, Jennifer Jareau, and Section Chief Strauss.
Det. Vic Wolynski: Vic Wolynski, Milwaukee P.D.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You worked on Jeffrey Dahmer case?
Det. Vic Wolynski: Sixteen years ago.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I've studied it.
Det. Vic Wolynski: You remember my name?
Jennifer: He remembers everything.
Derek: It's what he does.

Derek: [opening quotation, voiceover] "And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out and cast it from thee." - Matthew 5:29.

Derek: Garcia, what do we got on Cyrus?
Penelope: Um... we've got bupkis. It's like the guy never cast a shadow on the known universe. However, his predecessor, Leo Cane, is doing a seventeen-year stretch at Dearfield Federal Prison. Apparently, Libertarians do not like paying taxes.
Derek: Seventeen years for tax evasion?
Penelope: Oh, no. That would be two years for tax evasion and fifteen for going after four I.R.S. agents with a Louisville Slugger.

Penelope: Bill, I... I know the pain you feel. I get you. I know. I-I heard you talk about it in group.
Bill: Why doesn't Monica understand that?
Penelope: Bill, I just think she needs more time to understand it.
Monica: What?
Penelope: Listen, Bill. I know all you've ever wanted was just somebody to love. You were trapped inside a cocoon just waiting for somebody to set you free.
Bill: Hope made me feel. For the first time in my life, I felt love.
Monica: She was my baby!
Penelope: You-you brought Monica here because you're heartbroken, and you're desperate to recreate what you lost with Hope.
Penelope: Bill, you need to tell her. You can do this, okay? You need to let her know why this is all happening. You need to tell her. You can do this.
Monica: Say something. Say something!
Bill: Our baby...
Monica: Oh-ho-ho, my-y God. Oh, my God, my baby.
Bill: Hope was pregnant.
Derek: [entering] Bill, drop the gun.
Penelope: Do what he says.
Derek: Drop it. Now.
Penelope: It's okay, Bill.
Dr. Spencer Reid: [entering] Nice and easy.
Derek: [Bill drops the gun] Now put your hands where I can see them.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Slowly step away from Monica.
Derek: Easy...
[Monica takes the gun]
Penelope: Monica!
[Monica shoots Bill]

Derek: Wow. Division I lacross player. Obviously left-handed.
Syd: Broke it in three places.
Derek: Ooh. That sucks. I bet you're a force. Too bad you didn't dominate the way they hoped, though. Why not? I mean, what happened? Were you still hung up on the Chapel Hill rejection? I mean, especially after you told everybody that you were gonna go. I mean, damn, that's gotta sting a little bit. What's the deal?
Syd: Isn't it all in your little file?
Derek: Well, let's see.
[opening the folder]
Derek: My little file says... you cheated on your SATs and you had your girlfriend take them for you. That's another hard lesson, isn't it? You can't trust anybody to keep their mouth shut. Why haven't you lawyered up?
Syd: I haven't done anything wrong.

Dr. Spencer Reid: How about 10 pairs of shoes? I mean, that has to be enough, right? Ten?
Jennifer: Spence, it's different with the ladies. We need them to match our belts, our handbags, our skirts, and the fashions change with the seasons.
Penelope: Yes. Boys are so boring. Pants, shoes, out the door.
Emily: Although, it's not like men don't have their things. I dated a golfer once. He had 12 putters in his closet. But this conversation is reminding me I need new boots.
Penelope: They're having a sale at DeMille's on those tall-shaft kitty heels. You like those. Do you want to go?
Emily: Yeah.
Derek: You getting all this, kid?
Dr. Spencer Reid: No.

Penelope: [Picks up the phone] Emily?
Derek: No, sorry, Baby Girl, just little old me. You're out of luck
Penelope: Right, sorry

Dr. Spencer Reid: [a woman is chatting to Dr. Reid as he's sitting at a poker machine, and she lights up a cigarette] Six minutes.
Adrianna: Excuse me?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Ah, it was something I used to say to my mom to try to get her to quit smoking. A cigarette takes six minutes off your life, so every time she'd light one, I'd say "It's six minutes less that I get to spend with you."
Adrianna: Aww. Did it work?
Dr. Spencer Reid: [Smiles] No.
Adrianna: 'Cause I've tried it all; the gum, the patch. Nothing works.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You should try hypnosis. They've had... had a lot of success in...
[trails off in realisation]
Adrianna: Tell you what. I'll put mine out if you buy me a drink?
Derek: [Appears with Rossi and interrupts] Ah, not today, sweetheart.
[to Reid]
Derek: We've been looking all over the place for you. Come on.
[Reid gets up and starts towards the exit with Morgan and Rossi]
Adrianna: [Looks at the poker machine] Hey, you won, like, $2000 dollars here!
Dr. Spencer Reid: Keep it.
David: You do realise you just gave two grand to a hooker?

Dr. Spencer Reid: What's going on with Penelope?
Derek: Reid, I'll talk to you more about that when we're alone, alright?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Okay, but she's isn't sick, isn't she?
Derek: That really depends on your definition of sick.

Derek: Blake?
Alex: Yeah, what's up?
Derek: I think I figured it out! Check every shelf in that house for a wooden box
Alex: What's in the box?
Derek: The answer to this case!

Aaron: The rest of us will meet with the legal attaché before we hit the royal Canadian mounted police
Jennifer: Actually, sir, the officer in charge said that his team was part of a fellowship the BAU gave to train the police forces in profiling
David: Ah, that was the first one we ever did. Jeff Bedwell
Jennifer: You know him?
David: Yeah
Derek: Is he any good?
David: He better be! I trained him

Derek: Hey, baby girl. Tell me you got something good.
Penelope: Hey. The M.E. report came back, and... none of the victims were sexually assaulted, aside from that unfortunate appendage removal thing.

Derek: You know what your only mistake has been since you started?
Penelope: Oh, hooray. More criticism.
Derek: You are trying to replace J.J. Nobody can replace J.J. Now, take the other one out, too.
Penelope: I'm not trying to replace her. I'm... I'm trying to do this job the way she'd want it done.
Derek: You know what J.J. would want? She'd want you to find a way to do this job on your own terms. Play to your strengths.
Penelope: Okay, all my exstensive knowledge of operating systems and internet protocol is not really gonna help me out here.
Derek: That's not what I'm talking about.
Penelope: What are you talking about?
Derek: You need to go O.G. Original Garcia.
Penelope: Derek Morgan, I'm a little blind right now, but it appears the rough blur that is you just threw out my only pair of contact lenses.
Derek: [putting Garcia's glasses back on her face] There she is. I know you.
[Morgan gives Garcia a teasing wave]
Penelope: How often do I tell you I love you?
Derek: Every day. It's implied.

Penelope: He inherited a family compound in rural Virginia. Coordinates are on your phone.
Alex: What else do you have on Curtis?
Penelope: Just like you thought. John Curtis was demoted in the FBI after the Amerithrax case. He was slated to take over the coveted New York field office, but then was shipped to the not coveted Kansas City one. He worked there for many years quietly before he was able to weasel his way back into the nation's capital. On paper, he is a rock star. He immediately transferred to the Department of Justice, the Intelligence Oversight section. He's a genius on multiple levels.
Aaron: What's his background?
Penelope: Only child, parents died when he was 18. Never married. Total loner, just like Blake said.
Aaron: And all he's ever had to care about is his work.
Derek: And when he lost that, he snapped.

Derek: Next time, show a little leg
Elle: Morgan! The only time you gonnal see a leg from me is when I'm about to kick your ass!

Derek: [closing quote] "There is a fellowship more quiet even than solitude and which rightly understood is solitude made perfect" - Robert Louis Stevenson

Jennifer: Bleeding internally from what?
David: They think it's probably all the scar tissue.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Torn adhesions from his stab wounds.
Derek: George Foyet returns from the grave.
Alex: What's the prognosis?
David: He's stable right now. They did an ultrasound, but they can't seem to see exactly where the bleeding was coming from.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He'll need an exploratory laparotomy.
Jennifer: Does Jack know?
David: Not yet. We talked to Haley's sister Jessica. We didn't want to worry the little guy.
Alex: And what about Beth?
David: I left a message, but she's on a business trip in Milan. Look, I know you're all worried; so am I, but a teenage girl's been abducted, and Hotch would want us to focus on the case, not on him, and that's exactly what we're gonna do. When the plane lands, Morgan, JJ, I want you to interview Samantha Wilcox's mother. Reid, Blake, you go check out the abduction site. I'm catching the next flight to Wichita and I'll meet you there.
Alex: What about Hotch?
David: Garcia's here. She's not going anywhere. Now let's go find this girl.

Penelope: [her phone rings] Call me back at my desk in two minutes.
Derek: Whatever you need, baby girl.
Penelope: [realizing who it is] This is you. You're on the phone.
Derek: Yeah, it's me. I heard what's going on.
Penelope: Did they tell you I'm being hideous? It's because, like... listen to me. I've lost my voice because I've been crying so much. I have, like, major PTSD, with an emphasis on the... on the "S" and the "T". And definitely some of the "D" and the "P". Because it's been a while since all of this happened and...
[she sees Morgan enter]
Penelope: You're right there. It's really you.
Derek: It's me.
[she walks up to him and he gives her a gentle hug]
Derek: It's okay. I got you.

Derek: What's going with you? You look like you've seen a ghost back there
Aaron: Haley is supposed to take Jack to the new mall to have his portrait taken
Derek: Go ahead and call her!
Aaron: It's a breach of security!
Derek: You lose Haley and Jack, screw this job! You won't have a life!
Aaron: [dials...] I can't reach her!

Dr. Spencer Reid: You know, that profile kind of makes it sound like schizophrenia leads to serial killing.
Derek: That's not what we said at all, Reid.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You know, my mom has schizophrenia. There are many different types.
Derek: I know that.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Catatonic, disorganized... Just because someone suffers from an inability to organize their thoughts, or they can't bathe or dress themselves, it doesn't mean they'd stab someone in the chest 30 times postmortem.
Derek: Reid, what's really going on?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Our UnSub's hallucinations aren't fractured like a typical schizophrenic. They're vivid and clear, leading me to believe that we're missing an important variable. Rather than making crazy conjectures, I think we should be trying to figure out what it is.
Derek: Okay, listen to me. I know this is a scary age for you. It's when schizophrenic breaks happen. Have you talked to anybody about this?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Emily.
Derek: Have you seen a doctor?
Dr. Spencer Reid: They all say I'm fine.
Derek: Then why don't you believe them?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Because predicting one's chances of developing a genetic condition are like finding a penny in an ocean. I have terrible headaches. I can't sleep at night. I can't focus on our cases. I only read five books last week.
Derek: Come on, kid, you gotta cut yourself some slack. You're also depressed about Prentiss, and I get it. We all are. Reid, I miss her every day. But if your mind was splitting, do you really think you'd be able to figure out that this team is missing a variable?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I'm just speculating that we are. I need to prove it.
Derek: Okay, then, you do that. The moment you are wandering around the streets aimlessly, that's when I'll be concerned about you. Come on, pretty boy. Let's get to work.

Derek: [to Reid] You wanna know what I really believe? I believe you coulda done anything in the world with your life and you chose to do this job. Your man Carl Jung says our unconscious is the key to our life's pursuits.

Derek: What'd you find, Reid?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I went back ten years, matching reports of missing children with Daniel and Tyler's victimology, and in my estimation, this UnSub may have taken 12 victims.
David: How can you attribute all of those to the same offender?
Dr. Spencer Reid: The dates and locations of the abductions create an unmistakable pattern.
Emily: Now, if he's been abducting children for ten years, why weren't we called in before now?
Dr. Spencer Reid: The thing is, he walks the entire trail, end to end, and each way takes approximately six months. His sixth victim was taken from Dawsonville, Georgia, in 2006. Then he walked all the way to Manchester, Vermont, and he took a seventh victim in 2007. He wasn't down south again until 2009, when James Clutter's parents woke up from a night of camping, he was gone. They just assumed he wandered off.
Aaron: We didn't get called in because nobody knew he existed. The crimes are years apart and across state lines.
Dr. Spencer Reid: The interesting thing is, ten years ago he was a more aggressive hunter, likely on the move hunting and killing all 365 days a year, but two years ago he stopped travelling so far.
Emily: He's slowing down.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I think something's affected his mobility, or old age, or an injury from years of living on the trail. But the odd thing is, for the past two winters, he's returned to this 30 mile radius. He takes a victim with him in the fall to stay with him until spring somewhere within that area.
David: These are harsh winters. He needs to find shelter.
Derek: And it would have to be heavily camouflaged. Even the most experienced hikers haven't seen it.

[Reid is pouring piles of sugar into his coffee]
Derek: Easy there tough guy. Have some coffee with your sugar.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I need something to wake me up.
Derek: Ooh, late night?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Very.
Derek: My man!
Dr. Spencer Reid: Not that kind of late night!

[Greenaway holds out the unsubs hotel room key to Morgan]
Elle: Key?
Derek: No, I got one.
[He kicks open the door]

Derek: Good morning, princess.
Penelope: [quickly says] Good morning.
[and keeps walking]
Derek: Pump... ya brakes.
[Derek beckons Penelope back to him]
Derek: Every day, I say 'Good morning', and every morning you say 'I'll show you a good morning, hot stuff.' Every day. But not today?
Penelope: I hate profilers. Do you know that?
Derek: Spit it out.
Penelope: Fine. I met a guy.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Tardive dyskinesia.
Derek: Once more for those of us who don't have an encyclopedic memory?

Penelope: And that's why we were able to get a match on his prints so fast.
Derek: You've always been fast, baby girl.
Penelope: [freezes] Eh, yeah. Got to go!
[hangs up]

Elle: You think Cheryl's a whack job because she claims she can feel her sister's anxiety?
Derek: I never said "whack job".

Derek: He's efficient and well-organized. It's not easy to make four people vanish and then stay vanished.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It has been done before, though. Uh, political kidnappings frequently require holding multiple adults simultaneously.
David: Or they're already dead. Nothing says "can't be found" like a shallow grave in the middle of nowhere.

Derek: Rossi, what's in the box?
David: Evil.

Dr. Spencer Reid: I think I know what the messages say.
Derek: Reid, spit it out already.
Dr. Spencer Reid: 6:22.
Derek: Okay, you talking about Michelle's watch or Doug's watch?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I'm talking about all the watches. If you take the time the bodies were discovered, subtract the varyings the corresponding watches are off by, you land within plus or minus six minutes of 6:22 every single time, which, taking into consideration the time between dump and discovery in all the public areas, and the fact that the only broken watch we found was already stuck at 6:22, it's reasonable to deduce the unsub sets the watches to the exact same time just before disposing of the bodies. I'm so stupid. It was literally staring me in the face the whole time and somehow I missed it.
Derek: Come on, Reid, stop. You're the only person that can realize all of this. So what does 6:22 mean?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I have no idea.
Derek: Reid.
Dr. Spencer Reid: All I know is what it says. I don't know what it means.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [the music on Morgan's iPod suddenly stops, and is replaced by Reid's voice] We interrupt your regularly scheduled musical selection with an important announcement: never wage a practical joke war against an MIT graduate, because we have a history of going nuclear. Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the dulcet sounds of me screaming in your ear. AAAAAAAAHHHHH!
Derek: [Morgan takes off his headphones] Okay, kid, that was cute. But that's all you got?
[Reid snores, feigning sleep]
Derek: [his phone rings] Hey, baby gi...
Dr. Spencer Reid: [Reid's recording cuts in] AHHHHHHH!
[still feigning sleep, Reid smirks; to diffuse the situation, Rossi waves a white flag of surrender]
Derek: Uh-uh. All right, Reid, it's on. Just know that paybacks are a bitch.

Derek: Wearing a bride-to-be sash must be like waving a red cape at a bull
Dr. Spencer Reid: Actually, bulls are colorblind, so it doesn't really matter what color cape a matador waves. It's the cape's movement that elicits an aggressive charge response...
[everyone gazes at Reid]
Dr. Spencer Reid: but Morgan's metaphor still applies here

Det. Stan Gordinski: Did you get some sleep?
Derek: You know I didn't.
Det. Stan Gordinski: Slept like a baby myself. Didn't even want to get out of bed.
Derek: Really? So that wasn't your donut-eating ass on the other side of that glass all night, then, huh?
Det. Dennison: [entering with a case file] Here you go. You want the other ones?
Det. Stan Gordinski: No, just this one right now.
[Dennison leaves, and Morgan laughs to himself]
Derek: Come on, man. You gotta be kidding me, right? Pretend you went home and slept. Put an empty box with my name on it on a table right in front of me? The FBI invented this stuff, you simple bastard. We *teach* it.

Elle: Well, what is the most sinful place on campus?
Derek: Come on Elle, when I was in college it was everywhere.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [discussing one of the unsub's victims] The camera pick up anything?
Derek: He dropped him off a block away. This poor guy limped into the hospital on a leg that wasn't his.

Derek: So Owen identifies with being a misunderstood loner. You know, I wish all of our unsubs would just tack their profiles on their walls like this for us.
Dr. Spencer Reid: [looks at him] That doesn't mean anything. What, you grew up in Chicago, a high school jock, and you have pictures of Scottie Pippen and Michael Jordan on your walls and trophies everywhere?
Derek: Yeah. But you forgot Walter Payton. Not to mention the sexy ladies of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.

Blake: [Morgan shows Cindi's photo] I didn't dump her there, did I? She means something to you, doesn't she?
Derek: They're all special to me, Blake. If you can't remember her, we can just move on.
Blake: I do remember her. You want to know, Agent Morgan, who she cried out for right before I made her slice her own throat?
Derek: Go ahead. Tell me.
Blake: You. She cried out for you. Where were you when she bled out on the floor of my boat?
Derek: You're a sick son of a bitch. But you didn't kill her.
Blake: I did kill her.
Derek: No. You didn't. And I was very clear about the rules. Deal's off.
[Morgan leaves the room]
Blake: I did kill her. You said you wanted to learn from me, and now you won't listen! Hey, come back here! Agent Morgan! I did kill her!
David,: How'd you know?
Derek: He knows his victims' names. He didn't know Cindi's.
Blake: Agent Morgan, you get back here!

Derek: All right, kid, talk to me. I can tell you're having something up in your head. What is it?
Dr. Spencer Reid: 2,412. It's the number of hours we spent communicating, counting ph-phone calls... and... letters.
Derek: All right, that's about a hundred days.
Dr. Spencer Reid: 100.5. What if that's all I get?
Derek: Well, it's not.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You can't say that.
Derek: Yes, I can, 'cause when we find her alive, and you finally get to lay your eyes on her, what's the first thing you're gonna say to her?
Dr. Spencer Reid: A couple of months ago, we were getting off the phone and... and she said "Bye. Love you." Just like that, "Bye. Love you." I know it was just a slip, but...
Derek: But she said it, Reid. She said it. You didn't say it back to her, did you?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I was waiting for when we finally met.

Dr. Spencer Reid: The Hollow Man uses simple statements, all first person. Uh, for example, "I won't be ignored." He's obviously tired of feeling this way. It's quite possible he has a job in solitude or one that he feels strips him of his identity. His job might require him to wear a uniform, something that shows absolutely no individuality. Or he may be overqualified for his menial job and feels like he doesn't get the respect that he necessarily deserves.
Aaron: But today, he's killed two women, which tells us he's growing confident. This makes him unpredictable and dangerous. And because he has no physical contact with his victims, it's going to make him that much harder to catch.
Derek: We have more information on the Mill Creek killer, because he spends a lot of time with his victims before and after his kills.
Jason: Because his victims willingly follow him in broad daylight, he appears harmless. He's most likely handsome.
Agent: Handsome?
Jason: Yes. These women wouldn't follow an unattractive man. They just wouldn't.
Derek: He's handsome, and he's got the social skills to trick his victims. Those who know him well, they'd be shocked to learn that he's the man that we're after.
Jason: He's been able to get his victims away from family, friends. Obviously, this makes him feel powerful.
Agent: If this guy is so smart, why would he risk driving his victims from the abduction site to the woods?
Jason: Because of the ritual. It's become the most important thing to him. Dominates his thoughts. Woods provide the privacy he needs.
Derek: The Hollow Man is motivated by external pressures. This is a guy who simply wants attention. The Mill Creek killer, on the other hand, he's driven by internal forces. He's a sexually motivated offender. Now, this makes him a lot more predictable, but don't think for a second it makes him any easier to catch.

Derek: Is that wise?
Aaron: No, but it is an order!

Aaron: Reid said he'd need painkillers right away. He left his supply in the mine.
Derek: Well, there was a lot of money left in that backpack. I don't know how much he's got on him, but those drugs aren't cheap.
David: But he's got Robert. For some people, that's as good as cash.

Derek: Did this guy and Karen interact?
Ben: [in Paul's flashback] I have a hypothetical for you.
Paul: He said something to her, but she blew him off.
Derek: Just put her head down and said something dismissive back?
Paul: Yeah, that's it. Yeah.
Derek: We tend to do that when strange people talk to us. Unfortunately, it can backfire.

Derek: [about Garcia's protection detail] I'm not going anywhere. This couch right here is gonna be my best friend until we find this guy.

Derek: [voiceover] Eckhart Tolle said, "Where there is anger, there is always pain underneath."

Dr. Spencer Reid: A popular theory among leading astrophysicists estimates that the hyper-matter reactor would need about 10³² Joules of energy to destroy a planet the size of Earth. Now, Lucas said it took 19 years to build the first Death Star, right? If you look at the universal chronology, there's a tested prototype for Superlaser - where're you going?
Derek: Take back the last five minutes of my life.

Derek: Penelope, how's the greatest computer tech this side of the Mississippi?
Penelope: Floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee, Garcia's gonna find what only her screens can see. What do you need, baby?

Derek: Hey, baby girl, whatever you're doing, drop it.
Penelope: Yes, and with pleasure. Let me tell you something, sweetheart. This is a Lamborghini you are talking to. You have to drive me. You can't just leave me parked in the garage collecting dust, or I will wilt.
Derek: Well, please forgive my neglect. I need you to rev up that fine-tuned, Italian engine of yours, then.
Penelope: Revving.
Derek: Our UnSub had personal details about Marlene Smith, so I need you to figure out who might have been in her house recently. Cable guy, plumber, people like that.
Penelope: Yeah. I always wonder about plumbers. You know, they peek in your medicine cabinet. You just know it.
Derek: Maybe try a phone repairman or a babysitter. Check computers in the house. Maybe she used one of those techie fix-it type dweebs who makes house calls.
Penelope: Hey, watch it. Language.
Derek: You know, I'm just playing with you, but come on, put a rush on it. Clock's ticking, okay?
Penelope: Rush is the only speed a Lamborghini has. Proud techie dweeb over and out.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Could you guys do me a favor?
Derek: Anything.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Could at least one of you look like you're going to see me again?
Aaron: See you when you get back.

Dr. Spencer Reid: So I checked the pregnant employees working with the foster program; no indication of maternal desire or postpartum psychosis.
[sits in front of Hotchner]
Aaron: What about those who were fired or quit?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Only two were pregnant, but they also had healthy children. The rest didn't fit the profile.
Aaron: Okay. We need to warn other parents in the foster system.
Dr. Spencer Reid: [subdued] The police department's already making phone calls.
Derek: [sits down with Jennifer as Reid looks on] This woman is erratic and unstable. What about someone who was recently released from a mental institution?
Jennifer: [off-screen] Well, that would explain taking the last victim's clothes. When you enter a facility, they strip you of your identity.
Dr. Spencer Reid: And when you get out of an institution, the first thing you do is try to get your identity back.
Aaron: [tapping on a device] I'll get Garcia.

Penelope: He is creepy good
Dr. Spencer Reid: How good?
Penelope: He wiped his hard drive. Might have been in a hurry to leave, but whatever was on there he did not want us to see it
Derek: Garcia, tell me that you hacked in and you can rebuild it
Penelope: Watch me work, darling

Derek: How many cameras do you have on the property?
Julie: Not enough

Penelope: So, what's the other reason you're not going with the team?
Derek: Baby girl, I made a promise to my son. Now, obviously he's not old enough to understand it, but that's not what matters. My promise was that I would come home to him every night, and so far I haven't broken it.
Penelope: How is Hank?
Derek: He just started walking.
[he laughs, and pantomimes]
Derek: Well, it's more like this little waddle. But the kid is walking. You know, I had no idea that I could love this much.

Dr. Spencer Reid: So wait, she knew your name?
Derek: I don't know how I could forget a face like hers.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You've been with so many girls that you can't remember all their names?
Emily: Oh, come on! You're surprised?
Derek: This has never happened to me before!
Dr. Spencer Reid: It hasn't happened to me before either.
Emily: Well, it can't happen to you, you have an eidetic memory.
Derek: And besides, you only have one name to remember.

Derek: [to a suspect with a crowbar in his hands] I've got a bullet that travels 1500 feet a second! How fast do you think you can get to us with that thing? Let's go! Put it down

David: All right, let's cut the crap! You need to be straight with us. Right now. Look at me, not them!
Penelope: I am not hiding anything...
David: You got shot! Most people get shot for a reason!
[Garcia looks around]
David: Eyes here!
Derek: Ease up Rossi!
David: You got a room full of people here, willing to believe that an FBI agent is trying to kill you! We need to know everything you do on company time that we don't know about!
Derek: Come on, man!
Penelope: It's nothing bad...
David: What? Spit it out!
Penelope: It's nothing bad! It's just... I council victim's families and they know where I work, so sometimes they ask to look into their cases for them.
David: What does that mean?
Penelope: Just means that the cases, the unsolved ones, I tag them, so whoever investigates them knows that the FBI considers them a priority.
Aaron: You're not authorized to do that.
Penelope: I know! I was just trying to help.

Derek: [Seeing Reid entering his waiting room] Were you with Garcia?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah. Here, I brought you a green tea. It won't make you as jittery as coffee
Derek: You came instead of Garcia, because you know I would be able to read her
Dr. Spencer Reid: That is correct
Derek: And Hotch send you here to see if I'm stable
Dr. Spencer Reid: He didn't say that, but...
[nods yes]
Derek: I don't get jittery
Dr. Spencer Reid: Usually you don't, but your carotid tells a different story. I've counted 10 heartbeats in the last 3 seconds, it's about 20 percent higher than usual when you're under stress
Derek: I know you're only trying to protect me, I get it, but knock it off! I just want to know what you've learned

Derek: OCD? I'm thinking more like OMG.
Elle: OMG?
Derek: 'Oh my God'.

Derek: [voiceover] We are tied to the ocean, and when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch, we are going back from whence we came. -John F. Kennedy

James: Damien always said I should call you.
Derek: What? Damien knew?
James: I didn't think you'd believe me.
Derek: James, I got your back forever.

Jennifer: Damn!
Derek: It looks like we just found our first victim!

Derek: Yeah, Baby Girl! How's that list coming along?
Penelope: Okay, of the 5 that hit the profile, one sticks out like a tiger in a room of kittens!

Derek: I am so proud of you. I love you, always. But do you think you can try to be a little friendlier to Alvez?
Penelope: Oh, my god.
Derek: Hey, hey, hey. Look at me. He seems like a pretty all right kid.
Penelope: He... I... it's complicated. I'll try. I make no promises.
Derek: Go save some lives, baby girl.
Penelope: Okay.
[he kisses his fingers and touches her cheek]
Penelope: Meow.
[checking him out as he turns to leave]
Penelope: I hate it when you go, but I love when you walk away.

Jennifer: Terra Mesa, New Mexico. Five dead, all from Mesa University. No signs of sexual assault, and no sign of theft.
Derek: Five nineteen-year-olds, minimal defensive wounds. One of them was impaled on a six-foot wooden pole.
Elle: Who'd want to torture five college freshmen?
Derek: They weren't tied up and no one escaped?
Dr. Spencer Reid: No single unsub could've exerted this much control over so many people.
Elle: So you think there were was more than two.
Jason: I think we're looking at a pack.
Jennifer: A pack?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Three or more that kill in unison. As in nature, the group dynamic dictates the pack's survival is dependent on their ability to hunt successfully.
Aaron: And as in nature, a pack will keep on killing until it runs out of prey or is stopped.
Elle: Stopped by what?
Jason: A stronger pack.

Derek: Hey Reid, you okay?
[Reid gives Morgan back his whistle]
Derek: Touche', kid!

Derek: It's all conjecture, because there's nothing deviant in this guy's history. But if you wanted to do something bad, wouldn't it be nice to have another version of you to blame it on?

Penelope: [the team reminisces about Strauss] Do you guys remember that one time that she called me, but I thought that it was somebody else?
[indicates Morgan]
Derek: Oh, no.
Jennifer: That... that was funny.
Penelope: Oh, maybe to you. I was mortified.
Alex: What did you say?
Penelope: [laughing] I said "Talk dirty to me."
Derek: Yes, she did.
Alex: [open-mouthed surprise] Are you kidding?

Derek: You've never been to New York?
Dr. Spencer Reid: We've never had an unsub there.
Aaron: [to Gideon] I thought you were going to talk to Reid about taking some vacation time.
Jason: What's vacation time?

Derek: [voiceover] Kingman Brewster Jr said: 'There is no lasting hope in violence, only temporary relief from hopelessness.'

Jason: This last kill had a different signature!
Derek: I know! I also know that Richard Jewel fit the profile of the Olympic Bomber to the "t" and he was innocent, but the accusations tore apart his life!

Derek: Well, you are breaking my heart baby girl. Where are you going?
Penelope: And who are you with?

Penelope: Attention, intrepid BAU adventurers. The land of Bermuda shorts, white leisure suits, and Sansabelt slacks requests your presence.
David: Vegas?
Derek: Arizona?
Emily: Palm Springs?
Aaron: Please.
Penelope: I was going to say Miami, but point well made about the dizzying number of locales with unfortunate fashion tendencies. Here we go.

Derek: [Reid is fretting about Adam's situation] Kid. You're gonna have to accept the fact that sometimes we can't save everyone.

Detective: Aren't you guys a little overqualified for this case? I mean, this guy's no serial killer.
Dr. Spencer Reid: We construct behavioral profiles for a variety of investigative scenarios. That includes stalking.
Derek: We've seen this kind of thing before, and it can get ugly real fast.

Emily: Fifty-three stab wounds. That's a lot of work. Does anyone want to tell me what they think that means?
Lance: Hatred?
Sloan: Frustration.
Bianca: He's angry.
Emily: You're all correct. It's called overkill. Typically, it means the murder was personal somehow.
Aaron: That or the unsub is psychotic and/or prone to violent outbursts.
Derek: The overkill may also show his inexperience. This was probably his first kill, and he was feeling his way through it, working out his M.O.
Emily: But there's a lot about Rachel that tells us about the unsub. She was young, so most likely he was, too.
Lance: What makes you think that?
Jennifer: She lived in a shelter, and had a part-time job, so she was a street kid, but not necessarily the reckless type. She wouldn't just go off with anyone.

Derek: You are the light of my life, sweet lady.
Penelope: Je suis toujours ici pour toi, mon cher.
Derek: Drives me crazy when you talk this "voulez-choucher" to me! Stop it!

Dr. Spencer Reid: It's Frankenstein.
Derek: What?
Dr. Spencer Reid: The UnSub isn't just trying to put his brother back together, he's trying to bring him back from the dead. He believes that tornadoes have the power to take life, so conversely, they should have the power to restore it.

Derek: Hey, talk to me, baby girl.
Penelope: I've been reading these heinous things that have happened to these women at the hands of their abusers, and can I just say thank God for men like you who are strong, yet gentle at the same time...
Derek: Okay, guess what? I'm about to put you on speaker. Maybe you want to stick to the facts.
Penelope: Right. The facts, okay.

Aaron: It's possible we're dealing with a terrorist organization with one man at the center. We're basing our profile on his motivation.
Derek: We believe these children were abducted by a preferential offender who targets pre-pubescent boys.
Alex: Our unsub is likely a male in his forties, with some military or law enforcement training.
Jennifer: We think he has a secluded location that provides enough privacy to hold his victims captive for several years.
David: In that time, he breaks these kids down, rebuilds them to be hardened soldiers.
Dr. Spencer Reid: We believe they're suffering from an extreme case of Stockholm syndrome. Much like Patty Hearst, who came to view the SLA as her new family and the rest of the world as adversaries, we believe he's attempting to instill this same feeling within his army.
Derek: He likely uses military torture techniques to get his victims to see his enemies as their own.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He puts them through a rigorous and punishing military training regimen in order to prepare them mentally and physically for his war.
Derek: And once this happens, the physical threats stop and the reprogramming begins.
Jennifer: And now that he has their trust, he maintains this connection by bolstering them with love and affection.
David: His connection to them is important. It ensures once they're released, they will not deviate from their orders.
Alex: His ultimate target has yet to be determined, but it could be as broad as American citizens.
Dr. Spencer Reid: These attacks have been well orchestrated, methodical, and extremely violent in order to maximize destruction and panic.
Aaron: Which is why we need to get ahead of him in order to prevent more bloodshed. But in order to do that, we need to identify the source of his rage.

Derek: [seeing a kidnapped child being reunited with his parents] How often does *that* happen?
David: Not often enough.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Guys, something's wrong. The umbilical cord's wrapped around the baby's throat.
Hannah: No.
Tanner: What?
Derek: Well, Reid, do something.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I need something to cut the cord with, quickly.
Tanner: [hands scissors to Reid] Use these.

Emily: I just talked to Hotch. They think he used a revolver
Derek: Who the hell uses a revolver?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Someone who doesn't want to leave shell casings behind as evidence.

[Reid, Morgan, and Hotchner arrive at a victim's apartment building]
Dr. Spencer Reid: Wittman's place is on the 4th floor.
[the elevator opens, then Morgan and Reid get into the relatively small car]
Dr. Spencer Reid: Can you get in there?
Aaron: [Looks into the small elevator car] I'll... meet you guys up there.
[He walks to the right and starts climbing upstairs]
Dr. Spencer Reid: [the elevator climbs slowly, then suddenly stops. Morgan jumps up a little to try and get it to move again] . Don't do that.
Derek: [continuing to jump] Why isn't it moving?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I don't know.
[Morgan starts pressing control buttons randomly]
Dr. Spencer Reid: . Don't... stop it... don't...
Derek: What? What's the problem?
[presses buttons more]
Dr. Spencer Reid: Don't do that!
Derek: Why not?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Because there are 6 elevator-related deaths per year, not to mention 10,000 injuries that require hospitalization. Chill out.
Derek: That sounds like pretty good odds to me. Are you scared, Reid?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I'm not scared. I don't want to be in an elevator with you, to be honest.
Derek: [teasing Reid by pushing buttons again] How about I push that? What if I push... .
[elevator lurches and falls a bit]
Derek: Whoa. Whoa. OK.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Um.. hit the... hit the... yeah.
[Morgan hits the red alarm button, sounding a bell]
Dr. Spencer Reid: [Hotch arrives on 4th floor, casually looks in the direction of the elevator, then walks away]
Dr. Spencer Reid: Push it! It might've...
Derek: Push, pull, push, pull, I'm doing it! Nothing's happening!
Dr. Spencer Reid: [panicked] Pry... pry... pry the door open! Just...
Derek: [Morgan tries to open the door by hand] It's stuck, man.
[elevator creaks, and falls a little more]
Derek: No, no, no, no. Not today. No, not today.
Dr. Spencer Reid: [high pitched] . Hotch?
Derek: [yelling] Hotch!
Derek: [Hotch walks casually back to the elevator, just as Morgan manages to open the door and falls out] . Hallelujah.
Aaron: Was that the alarm? You guys OK?
Dr. Spencer Reid: [slowly emerging from the elevator] . I'll get back to you on that.

Penelope: Okay, you know how on 'Star Trek' when Captain Kirk asked McCoy to do something totally impossible, and McCoy says, "Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor not a miracle worker"?
Derek: Hey, what are you telling me? Not to expect a miracle?
Penelope: No, I'm saying I'm not a doctor.

Penelope: You've reached Penelope Garcia in the FBI's Office of Supreme Genius.
Derek: Hey, it's Morgan. Need you to work some magic here. I got a program called Deadbolt Defense and a girl who has only a couple hours to live, so what do you know?
Penelope: Then you got a problem. Deadbolt's the #1 password crack-resistant software out there. You're gonna have to get inside this guy's head to get the password.
Derek: I thought I was calling the Office of Supreme Genius.
Penelope: Well, gorgeous, you've been rerouted to the Office of Too Friggin' Bad.
Derek: Thanks anyway.

Derek: [voiceover] Beware, so long as you live, of judging men by their outward appearance. -Jean De La Fontaine

Penelope: He was released last year for slinging bennies and heroin
Derek: Where is he now?
Penelope: Sleeping I imagine! I'm sending you his home address. There it is!

Jennifer: This is Delilah Grennan. She was bludgeoned and raped during the night at her home in Lower Canaan, Ohio.
Emily: Lower where?
Jennifer: Small town forty miles outside of Cincinnati.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Staging the body face up with the arms across the chest like that.
Derek: Ritual. Nice hair, by the way.
[Morgan flips a lock of Reid's hair into his face]
Dr. Spencer Reid: [brushing his hair back] Thanks.
Jennifer: Uh, there's more. Small puncture wounds on her stomach. Note the lack of blood.
Emily: They were inflicted postmortem. Were there any other victims?
Jennifer: Kind of. Victimology and signature match a serial killer from the same town ten years ago. Six victims spanning over ten months. He called himself...
Aaron: The Angel Maker. I remember the case.
Dr. Spencer Reid: They caught that guy.
David: And executed him.
Jennifer: That's right. He was put to death by lethal injection a year ago yesterday.
Emily: Yesterday.
Derek: So we're looking for a copycat.
David: Honoring the anniversary of his hero's death.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It says here they found semen at the crime scene. Perhaps locals will get a DNA match when they run it through VICAP?
Jennifer: Well, that's where it gets weird. They ran it already and they got a match, too.
Emily: Well, if they already have a name, why'd they call us?
David: [reading the report] They've got to be kidding. The match they got back on the DNA is to a Cortland Bryce Ryan. Otherwise known as... the Angel Maker.

Derek: [voiceover, opening] Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote : And out of the darkness came the hands that reach thro' nature, moulding men.

Dr. Spencer Reid: [Gets out of the car] Ah! Is it always as hot?
Derek: [Looking at girls walking by] Every day holiday!
David: That's South Beach!
Dr. Spencer Reid: No, that's not what I am talking about
Aaron: They know

Dr. Spencer Reid: Here's a question: if a tree falls in a forest does it make a sound if there is nobody there to hear it?
Derek: What the hell are you reading over there?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I'm just thinking

Jennifer: [Yawns] Oh, I'm sorry
Derek: Wow, kids really are game changers, aren't they?
Jennifer: Yeah, how is it that I wake up more exhausted than when I went to bed?
Derek: Why don't you try to get some shut-eye before we land?
Jennifer: Oh, trust me, I tried! It's not happening
[looks at her phone]
Derek: Hey Rossi, I remember Reid told me once, eh, I think it went something like this:
[mimics Reid]
Derek: "Hey Morgan, you know electronics, they emit a sleep depriving type of blue light that prevent you from falling asleep at night"
David: Yeah, I remember that. Actually it was more like, uhm
[mimics Reid]
David: "Studies show that we need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night"
[Both chuckle; they look at JJ who fell asleep]
David: Works like a charm!

Derek: [after Reid sneaks up behind him in a mask and scares him] See, that right there is why Halloween creeps me out.
Dr. Spencer Reid: You're scared of Halloween?
Derek: I didn't say I was *scared*, I said I was *creeped out*. There's a difference there, youngster, you should look it up.
Emily: What creeps you out about it?
Derek: I don't know, people wearing masks. I don't like folks in disguises.
Dr. Spencer Reid: That's the best thing about Halloween! You can be anyone you wanna be!
[Reid throws Morgan a piece of candy]
Derek: Nah, I'm pretty good just being me.
Emily: Yeah, why is it that neither of those points of view surprise me?

Derek: Listen to me. Carl Buford. That's the name of the man who hurt me. I was just a young boy like you, Angel. And I thought about doing that very same thing to myself. I did. Because the shame was too much. But instead, I kept the pain buried inside of me. And it tore me apart. But, Angel, I never let that son of a bitch beat me. I never gave him that. I want to make this man pay for what he's done to you. But I need your help. I promise you that whoever hurt you will not win. You and me together can take away what he kept from you and what he values the most, and that's freedom. Angel, please. Will you help me do that?
Angel: Yes.

Aaron: You can't investigate this.
Derek: Excuse me?
Aaron: You're a material witness in your wife's shooting, and a target. And not just tonight, but the past six months.
Derek: Hotch, how can you of all people ask me to sit this out? You didn't back off when Foyet attacked your family.
Aaron: And how'd that turn out?

Penelope: I am made of cream! Give me your coffee!
Derek: Hey Baby Girl, listen you're on speaker!

Emily: I hate Vegas.
Derek: Come on, Prentiss. How can you hate Vegas? This is a grown folks' playground.

Aaron: The assessment's routine. I asked her to let me do it rather than bring in somebody from the outside.
Derek: So, let me guess, it's about the five stages of grief. You want to figure out where we all are. All right. Denial. I'm fine, this can't be happening to me. Well, it didn't happen to me, did it? So, that rules that out. What else is there? Bargaining. Depression. Acceptance. Well, obviously I haven't accepted it, otherwise I wouldn't be in here. So, where does that leave me?
Aaron: Angry.
Derek: Angry. Yeah. Yes, sometimes I feel like I want to quit my job and spend my time chasing down the son of a bitch who killed Emily. You're damn right, I'm angry.

Derek: I'm telling you, that's not the woman I know. She wouldn't do that.
David: Then, what is it, Derek? Why would she behave this way?
Derek: She said she needed to cook dinner for him.
[holding a can of ravioli]
Derek: Is that what you cook for your husband? Would you make that for Will?
Jennifer: No. I might for Henry, though.
Derek: Exactly. When I was growing up, this is what Cindi and I ate. This exact brand. Hotch, what did your mom make you for breakfast?
Aaron: Oatmeal and orange juice.
Derek: What do you make for Jack?
Aaron: Oatmeal and orange juice.
Derek: Same brand?
Aaron: Uh-huh.
Derek: She might have been cooking dinner, but it was not for Malcolm Ford.
Emily: You think they have a child?
Derek: Yes, I do.
Dr. Spencer Reid: We didn't profile that. There's no evidence of one in the home or in their lives.
Jennifer: Unless Ford keeps the child from her to keep her in line. I mean, that fits the profile.
David: It's a stretch.
Derek: It's the only theory that would explain her behavior.
Aaron: All right, Morgan. Prove it.

Elle: [Morgan walks in, startles Elle] Dude!
Derek: Dude? You're *way* too tense.

David: [finding evidence at Belser's apartment] Look at these.
Derek: Garage door openers?
David: Universal garage door openers. This solves the problem of having to copy a key. Some drivers are smart enough to use a valet key, but no one thinks to take a garage door opener with them.
Emily: That's how he got into Melissa Johnson's house. We only found prints on the interior garage door. We thought it was from when he moved the dog into the garage.
David: People rarely think to lock a door that lies beyond another locked door.

Derek: Wait a minute! What if it's not the profile that's wrong, but the target?
Elle: Not this cafe
Derek: Just because a bunch of victims came to eat here, doesn't necessarily mean that they get poisoned here

Penelope: Beantown has turned into Chokeville. Three victims, all male, wallets stolen.
Aaron: The unsub uses a garrote to strangle his victims. He strikes at night, and there have been no witnesses.
David: How much did he get?
Aaron: What's odd. Each of the victims' socio-economically is lower to middle class. It's doubtful there would have been much cash, and there have been no charge attempts on any of the credit cards.
Alex: So the murders might not be about money at all. Taking the wallets could be a forensic countermeasure to delay victim identification.
Penelope: That could be the sitch with the first two victims, but the latest one, Scott Delfino, he was on the phone with his roommate when he was attacked; call cut out unexpectedly, repeated callbacks went straight to voicemail.
Aaron: And Delfino's body was found an hour later, indications were that he'd been blitzed.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Which speaks to the killer's prep work, but also his desperation. He chose a location to lay in wait, but wasn't capable of adapting to a target on the phone.
Jennifer: Well, that could be arrogance getting in the way, making his organization appear mixed. To me, that screams false confidence.
Derek: Which means the desperation is what's driving him. It's not about the kills, it's about what the murders represent.
Jennifer: He's mission oriented. He doesn't want to kill them, he has to.
David: Which suggests the unsub has no personal connection to his victims.
Alex: Except choking as a kill method is extremely personal. He feels each victim take their last breath.
Derek: What if the wallets are a form of depersonalization? He's stripping his victims of their identities.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Which means he may feel stripped of his own. If the wallets are trophies, he could be seeking recognition for his work.
Aaron: And he may not stop killing until he gets that recognition. Let's go.

Derek: Hey Sweetness, what do you've got?
Penelope: Tidbits as sweet as you, love shack!

Derek: Is that barbed wire?
Penelope: Indeed it is, arranged to fit like a noose.
Derek: How do you wrap that into a noose?
Penelope: I guess it's the same way that porcupines make love. Very carefully.

Aaron: Reid? Anything helpful?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah. Yeah... The Afro-Caribbean syncretic religions began when slaves mixed their traditional religions with Catholicism in order to camouflage them. The elements in this altar look to me like Santeria. It's a Yoruban-based religion developed in Cuba. Practitioners worship Orishas, deities that roughly correspond with Catholic saints.
Derek: And what about the shells?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Let's see. This is Ellegua, the deity of the crossroads, a trickster and the impartial enforcer of justice.
Ashley: So, is the UnSub sacrificing the victims to him?
Dr. Spencer Reid: None of these religions openly call for human sacrifice, only animals.

Elle: [about a bank robber that makes his victims' strip] "Stripping bandit." That sounds terrible. Makes it sound like the *bandit's* doing the stripping.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What would *you* call him?
Jennifer: Pervert!
Elle: Scumbag.
Derek: I'd call him an ass...
Aaron: [interrupting Morgan] . Focus please! We need to learn the details of *four* bank robberies *before* we get to Los Angeles.

Aaron: By now, we know the DNA found on the victims did not match anyone in the system, so we're gonna have to look beyond physical evidence to identify the killer.
Emily: Our unsub is a white male in his mid to late 20s, and he has money. He lives alone, in a large residence. There's enough space and ventilation to accommodate an embalming suite.
Aaron: He's awkward with people, especially women. An inability to relate socially is common in homicidal necrophiles.
Derek: Because of the alterations to the bodies, we believe the unsub is attempting to recreate a woman he once loved.
Detective: Like a girlfriend?
Aaron: Or a wife, a mother. Someone who left or died suddenly.
Dr. Spencer Reid: This projection of the loved one coupled with his need to preserve the victims through embalming is similar to the psychopathology of serial murderer Ed Gein. Gein had an Oedipal complex which developed in the years he nursed his paralyzed mother back from a stroke. After she died, his obsession compelled him to dig up corpses of women who resembled his mother. So persistent was his desire to resurrect his dead mother that he actually dressed in female suits fashioned from human skin. Eventually, Gein grew unhappy with the flesh of dead bodies, which had a tendency to dry and crack, so he shifted his focus to live victims, whose bodies he could better preserve.
Aaron: The evolution from dead to live victims will also be mirrored in our unsub's maturation.
Emily: We've put together a list of incident reports prior to 2006. You're gonna want to follow up on these. Uh, they are inappropriate postmortem conduct, cadaver theft, and graveyard disturbances.
Dr. Spencer Reid: 60% of necrophiles work in the death business, so be sure to canvas local cemeteries, mortuaries, and morgues.
Derek: And since we have the killer's DNA, we're gonna be sending you out with kits to swab potential suspects.
Aaron: The odds of finding Brooke Lombardini alive are slim, but the quicker we identify the killer, the better her chances are. For her sake, let's work fast.

Penelope: [picks up the phone] Go for greatness.
Derek: Hey, Baby Girl, I need you to run a search on delayed onset MDMA, Methamphetamine mixtures. See if you can find anything about...
Penelope: Whoa.
Jennifer: What?
Penelope: Double oh to the whoa to the oh whoa power. There's a drug called para-methox... ish...
Dr. Spencer Reid: Para-methoxymethamphetamine?
Penelope: Yes. What you just said. PMMA for short.

Derek: What the hell is that?
Penelope: I've beyond googled this! To the untrained eye it looks totally legit, 'cause someone went to a great length to make the website decent, the articles are well written. But, as my brilliant and bespectacled eyes can see, they all lead to dead ends!

Aaron: But the M.E. report says neither was sexually assaulted.
Dr. Spencer Reid: That's odd given the fact that 80% of crimes against women involve some sort of sexual component.
Derek: Well, it's the choking that gets him off. Some form of erotic asphyxiation filtered through a psychopath's need for power and control.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Autopsy report revealed fragments of glass in some of Angela's wounds.
Aaron: Were they able to identify the blades used?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Only that there were a number of them.
David: The doctor mentioned she had heavy metals in her blood.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Yeah, the highest one being lead.
Derek: Well, add that to the unique patterns of her wounds and the glass in her cuts. Maybe this guy worked with stained glass. Talbot had stained glass in his front door.
Ashley: The Owens had stained glass window chimes in their condo.
David: Lead fumes can get into your system during the soldering process.
[Seaver gives Rossi a weird glance]
David: What? My second wife was crafty.

[their victim's mother is making a public appeal to her daughter's kidnapper]
David: Wish she would have waited until we had a chance to coach her.
Jennifer: I don't know, she seems to be doing a pretty good job.
Derek: Good enough to make the unsub think twice about killing Brooke.
David: If he hasn't already. Chances are this is all too late.
Jennifer: It's her daughter. She has to have hope, right?
David: Hope's one thing. False hope is something else.
Derek: I guess you've worked with psychics before?
David: Yeah. Not by choice.
Jennifer: You know, there are cases where people believe they've helped.
David: When people are vulnerable, they'll believe a lot of things.

Derek: You're okay?
Penelope: I am okay? Eh, let me see: I have got images of a girl being tortured burned inside my brain over this strain over this once carefree choice of music. I isolated 4 sources from one track and each one is more distorted that the next. So no, I am not okay, that is going to take a while!
Derek: Penelope, you know I appreciate your doings
Penelope: Thank you sugar, but right now even that doesn't feel good

Derek: [voiceover] Siddhartha Buddha said, "It is not his enemy or foe that lures him to evil ways".

David: You know, Reid was right.
Derek: About?
David: If you believe in one, you have to believe in the other.

Derek: Hotch!
Aaron: Yeah?
Derek: We got a hot weapon. Oh, no. It's a Glock 19. And this round is standard law enforcement issue.
Aaron: So you're saying Baker's an undercover cop?
Derek: I'm saying I did 18 months deep cover, and this place has got all the makings of a crash pad.

Derek: [voiceover] For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth. -Bo Bennett

Derek: Uh, let me guess: she doesn't know nothin' about nothin'.
David: Practically a direct quote. How did you know that?
Derek: Uh, it's a busy enough street, broad daylight, house is fully exposed. Either this unsub is really, really good or this is the worst neighborhood watch program.

Aaron: Everybody, right now, what's my worst quality?
[nobody answers]
Aaron: Okay, I'll start. I have no sense of humor.
Jennifer: You're a bully.
Aaron: I'm a bully.
Derek: You can be a drill sergeant sometimes.
Aaron: Right.
Emily: You don't trust women as much as men.
Aaron: Okay, good. I'm all of these things. But none of you said that I ever put myself above the team, because I don't, ever. Reid and I argued about the definition of classic narcissism, and he knew that I would remember that. And he also quoted Genesis chapter 23, verse 4. Read it.
Jennifer: "I am a stranger and a sojourner with you. Give me property, forbear a place among you that I may bury my dead out of my sight."
Aaron: He wouldn't get it wrong unless it was on purpose.

Derek: Dammit, Reid, I said don't take the vest off.

Kane: Charles Mulgrew is his real name. Charles Mulgrew. His mother was five months pregnant when she showed up at our doorstep. He turned out to be one of the smart ones. Amazing memory that kid had. Anything he read, he could repeat back to you. And he did. Mouthy little son of a bitch.
Derek: Why'd he leave the ranch?
Kane: When he was 17, a couple of our young girls came to me and said that he'd been messing with them.
Derek: You mean sexually?
Kane: Yes, sir, I do. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm a Libertarian. But... those little girls were too young for a 17 year old to be messing with.
Derek: So you kicked him out for that?
Kane: Yes, sir. I did. His mother took him to Kentucky. Hadn't heard anything from him for years. And then when he finally showed up again, he said his mother had died, he found God, and he wanted to come home.
Derek: How does a kid like that get rid of you?
Kane: One day he came to me and said God told him that I should leave the ranch. I said if God felt that way, God can tell me himself. He put a gun to my head and said "He just did." Took me twenty years to build that ranch. I'll do anything I can to help you send that ungrateful son of a bitch straight to hell.

Derek: Well, how did you do last night?
Penelope: Three hours, again
Derek: Baby girl, you can't function on three hours of sleep. Trust me, I've tried
Penelope: I know, but it's better than the nightmares
Derek: There's got to be something you can do
Penelope: I've tried everything. Trust me
Derek: Have you tried not drinking coffee?
Penelope: This is tea! It's herbal! No caffeine! What else you've got?
[Derek starts gesture]
Penelope: Better be a good answer!
[Derek stops]
Penelope: Yeah, that's what I thought!

Derek: Hey baby girl, it's me. You're on speaker.
Penelope: Oh, sug, I don't care who hears. It's always been you.

Aaron: Seven months ago, I made a decision that affected this team. As you all know, Emily had lost a lot of blood after her fight with Doyle, but the doctors were able to stabilize her, and she was airlifted from Boston to Bethesda under covert exfiltration. Her identity was strictly need to know. And she stayed there until she was well enough to travel. She was reassigned to Paris, where she was given several identities, none of which we had access to, for her security.
Penelope: She's alive?
Dr. Spencer Reid: But we buried her.
Aaron: As I said, I take full responsibility for the decision. If anyone has any issues, they should be directed toward me.
Derek: [angry] Any issues? Yeah, I got issues.
[Prentiss appears in the doorway]
Penelope: [near tears] Oh, my God.