The Best Robert Prosky Quotes

Nick: There are lots of things worse than movies: politicians, wars, forest fires, famine, plague, sickness, pain, warts, politicians...
Jack: You already mentioned them.
Nick: I know I did. They are twice as bad as anything else.

The: I thought I could rely on your honor!

Leo: Look. I said fuckin' look at 'im! Look at what happened to ya friend 'cause you gotta go against the way the things go down. You treat what I try to do for you like shit? You don't wanna work for me, what's wrong with you? And then, you carry a piece, in my house! You one of those burned-out demolished wackos in the joint? You're scary, because you don't give a fuck. But don't come onto me now with your jailhouse bullshit 'cause you are not that guy, dont'chu get it, you prick? You got a home, car, businesses, family, n' I own the paper on ya whole fuckin' life. I'll put ya cunt wife on the street to be fucked in the ass by niggers and Puerto Ricans. Ya kids mine because I bought 'it. You got 'im on loan, he is leased, you are renting him. I'll whack out ya whole family. People'll be eatin' 'em in their lunch tomorrow in their Wimpyburgers and not know it. You get paid what I say. You do what I say, I run you, there is no discussion. I want, you work, until you are burned-out, you are busted, or you're dead... you get it? You got responsibilities - tighten up n' do it. Clean this mess up, get 'im outta here. Back to work, Frank.

Leo: Plus, I've got a major score for you in Palm Springs in six weeks.

[repeated line]
Sergeant: Let's do it to them before they do it to us.

Daniel: [watching a boring children's show] I can't believe they're still subjecting kids to this. This is insane. They should have a little disclaimer that says, "Do not operate heavy machinery while watching this show." It's incredible. This guy used to put *me* to sleep when I was a kid. It's amazing. He has the warmth of a snow pea. He makes Mr. Rogers look like Mick Jagger. That's insane! What kind of idiot kept this guy on the air for twenty-five years?
Jonathan: Me.
Daniel: [smiles, mortified] You?
Jonathan: [offers his hand] Jonathan Lundy.
Daniel: Jonathan Lundy, general manager, owner?
[Lundy nods]
Daniel: I'm Daniel Hillard, former employee.

[last lines]
Jessica: Bishop Shea, we couldn't have done it without your blessing.
Bishop: Well, yes, that, that's true, isn't it? Oh. There's one more thing that you can do for me before you go.
Jessica: Oh, what's that?
Bishop: Try to impress on your dear old friend here the obligation of obedience. She is a troublemaker, you know.
Jessica: I'm afraid that is your problem. And a delightful one you're going to have to deal with for a long, long time.

Frank: You are making big profits from my work, my risk, my sweat. But that is okay, because I elected to make that deal. But now, the deal is over. I want my end, and I am out.
Leo: Why don't you join a labor union?
Frank: I am wearing it.
Mitch: Frank, don't.
Attaglia: Do it slick.
Frank: My money in 24 hours, or you will wear your ass for a hat.

Jonathan: [after Daniel tells him about an ex in the dining staff] Does your girlfriend have a girlfriend?
Daniel: Hey, it's the '90s!

Daniel: [as Mrs. Doubtfire in his own voice] Sorry I'm late. After all those scotches I had to piss like a racehorse.
[Takes a drink of scotch]
Jonathan: Daniel?
Daniel: Yeah?
Jonathan: Why in God's name are you dressed like a woman?
Daniel: Oh, damn. Well, I'd like you to meet the host of your new show.
Jonathan: Host?
Daniel: [in Mrs. Doubtfire's voice] Euphegenia Doubtfire, dear. I specialize in the education and entertainment of children.
Daniel: Surprise!
Jonathan: Tell me, why would Mrs. Doubtfire be a good host?
Daniel: [in Mrs. Doubtfire's voice] I'm a hip old granny who can hip-hop, bebop, dance til ya drop and yo yo, make a wicked cup of cocoa.

The: I thought I could rely on your honor, Hobbs?
Roy: You're about to.

Sgt. Stan Jablonski: [having dismissed the officers at the end of rollcall] Hey!
[everybody stops and turns]
Sgt. Stan Jablonski: Lets be careful out there.

Lt. Howard Hunter: [after struggling to get Paul 'The Wall' up the precinct stairs] That old parable about Mohammed and the mountain comes to mind. If Mohammed won't come to the mountain...
Sgt. Stan Jablonski: We don't need a parable, Lieutenant. We need a forklift.
Lt. Howard Hunter: Actually, in this case, it's the mountain that can't get to Mohammed.
Sgt. Stan Jablonski: [Still gasping from exertion] What?
Lt. Howard Hunter: Well, what I'm simply suggesting is that we call in the coroner, cordon off the area, let him proceed with his autopsy, and then we'll remove this fella piece by piece.
Lt. Henry Goldblume: I saw that movie. "Texas Chainsaw Coroner."