The Best Ron Hegel Quotes

Agent: My God, you're clever. But inconvenient, Goren.
Detective: Well, you know, multiple murders. And one of them being my captain, inspired me.
Agent: It's worth enough to hold you in federal detention.
Detective: Well, if you can figure out what to charge me with, go ahead.
Agent: You were once committed to an insane asylum.
Detective: Yeah. This insane thing. It follows me around, you know?
Agent: You came in at gunpoint with a hood over your head. You have any idea it was us?
Detective: No, not really.
Agent: That alone qualifies you for certification
Detective: There's no way that you can imagine me being useful to you?
Agent: That would be asking for a very high margin of trust.
Detective: Not if what you're doing is for the greater good.
Ron: Like you'd know what that is.
Detective: Don't question my patriotism, OKI? I resent that. I mean, drug me, lock me up, do whatever you want to do. But, uh, don't tell me how I feel about my country.
Agent: Whatever happens, you're gonna have problems from your own kind. And even if you help us, when those eggs hit the police fan, there's nothing we can do for you.
Detective: Well, Ross believed in what you were doing, and I have a lot of respect for that man, so...