The Best Ryan Quotes

Cody: Brendan tells me that you're having a little bit of trouble reading.
Ryan: He told you that? I thought he's my friend.
Cody: Oh he is, he wasn't trying to rat you out. No he just thought I could help you.
Ryan: I don't think anyone can help me, I'm not that good at reading.
Cody: Ryan, dude, learning how to read is just like learning how to play the guitar man. Nobody is good right away, you've got to practice.

Ryan: I don't really like the library.
Cody: Ryan, dude! Are you kidding? The library's totally awesome, it's like a travel agency for the mind. Anyplace you want to go, you can get there just by opening a book, you want to go to Mars? Boom! Astronomy. Like dinosaurs? Boom! Prehistoric history. Like northern Italian cuisine? Boom, we've got a killer pizza parlor next to the library.

Ryan: [reading] Then... Huckle... Huckleberry thought, maybe I'd get a new name if I did something herc, heric...
Cody: That's right, just sound it out one syllable at a time just like we practiced, you'll get it.
Ryan: coic... heroic!
Cody: That's right, he did it! Is Ryan a great reader or what?
[kids applause]
Cody: Now see the point here is you can learn anything you want to learn, just put your mind to it. Like take me for example, I want to learn how to do taxidermy, anyone else here want to learn how to stuff a parrot?
[all the kids raise their hands]
Cody: Okay, next week at my house!

Ryan: I just think it's too hard.
Cody: Well okay, but you'd be missing a lot of cool stuff.
Ryan: What kind of stuff?
Cody: Oh I don't know, sports, adventure stories, science fiction, monsters!
Ryan: Monsters? I like monsters!
Cody: Dude, me too! You've got to read The Monster on Space Station X, it's got this really big monster that spits this green ooze at you. And if it hits you, you don't die right away, you just swell up really big and then you explode! And there's like brains and guts and bones flying all over the place.

Cody: So what do you say? You wanna come here and practice reading with me? We can do it everyday, we can just read the books you like.
Ryan: But what if I make mistakes?
Cody: Dude, EVERYBODY makes mistakes. Do you think I MEANT to cut my hair like this?

Ryan: I have to go to the bathroom.
[runs off]
Cody: Whoa boy, when nature calls, Ryan really listens, eh?
Brendan: Cody, come here.
Cody: What's up dude?
Brendan: That's not why he's running away, he's kind of embarrassed because he can't read very well.
Cody: Oh, wow, reading problems at the library, eh? That's kind of like being at 31 Flavors and having no tatste buds.