The Best Sabrina Quotes

Emily: [at Rear Window, chatting to Sabrina] This was amazing, I'm telling you. I'm usually not afraid, but these planes were so much smaller.
Aria: [edgy] Em... Em, can I borrow you?
Emily: Yeah, I'm just in the middle of a conversation right...
Aria: It's urgent.
Sabrina: Are you okay?
Aria: Yeah, I just need to talk to my friend, that's all.
Sabrina: [to Emily] Uh, so, rain check on the rest of your Haiti adventure?
Emily: Yeah, sorry about all this.
Sabrina: [gets up from chair, chuckles] I used to mellow out with weed. Just saying.
Aria: [impatiently] Thanks.

Sabrina: Life is short, Emily. Save your lies for someone who has time to hear them.

Sabrina: [Emily gets woken with coffee] Morning.
Emily: You're one of those morning people, aren't you? Coffee's a nice touch.
Sabrina: It's my way of saying sorry that I talked your ear off and kept you up all night.
Emily: No. I liked getting to know you more.
Sabrina: I talked till you fell asleep.
Emily: [chuckles] Guess I missed my chance for a good night kiss. Come here.
Sabrina: [as she sits down next to Emily] For future reference, I usually talk like that when I'm nervous. And I'm waiting for somebody to make the first move.
[smiling, Emily kisses her, and Sabrina returns the kiss]