The Best Ray Donovan Quotes

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Abby: Who the fuck are you Ray?

Ray: I have a black half brother.
Abby: You're jokin' me.
Ray: No.
Abby: Oh my God. That's crazy!

Abby: [Talking about their son] What did you do to him?
Ray: I took him downtown and had a talk with him.
Abby: Talk?
Ray: Showed him some pictures. Took him some place he doesn't want to be.
Abby: Did you traumatize him?
Ray: I sure fucking hope so.

Liberty: I heard you talking. You have a nice energy. Sagittarius, right?
[Terry doesn't answer]
Liberty: Your zodiac sign. When you were born...
Terry: Yeah, I know what Sagittarius means. I spent a lot of time in California.

Ray: Do you think you're the first person I've dealt with woke up with a dead body...

Ray: [Reminiscing with the family about Mickey] That's the problem with stories about Mick, there aren't a lot of happy endings. Unless, of course, he was getting one.

Mickey: No offense, Daryll, but if you couldn't whistle, you wouldn't know which end of yourself to wipe.

Samantha: My husband Roger used to go on these ridiculous safaris for weeks at a time. He wanted to be John Huston but, actually, he was more like Woody Allen. Roger used to tell this story of a man from Australia who was famous for killing lions and a lion from Kenya who was famous for killing men. This particular lion had killed and eaten over twenty-five villagers and the hunter thought, Well, this creature must be the fiercest creature he will ever encounter. When he got to the village he built a blind right at the edge of the trees and he waited. He was terrified. He felt vulnerable. I mean, what kind of creature was this who could kill twenty-five men and never be stopped? Night came and as the hunter looked out into the bush he didn't realize that behind him the villagers had gathered up their goats inside their huts to keep them safe. But, then, there wasn't enough room for everyone to sleep so they pushed the elderly outside for the lion, you see, for the lion. Cheers.
Ray: Cheers.
Samantha: Do you think there's a moral to this story, Mr. Donovan?
Ray: I don't know. Don't get old.
Samantha: Don't get pushed out.

Terry: It's good to have a Southie bitch on your side.

Mickey: [Walking over to Frank Barnes' car] I'm gonna need those files from Nevada. Everything.
Frank: Yeah. They're in my trunk.
Mickey: Had some back luck with trunks.
[Frank opens his car's trunk and removes a pair of handcuffs]
Frank: I'm gonna need you to put your hands behind your back, Mick.
Mickey: What the f**k?

Dr. Arthur Amiot: I don't believe in court ordered therapy. I think it's a total waste of time. You have to be willing to be helped, you know, you have to be so uncomfortable or so, so much pain that you're truly willing to be helped. That's what I think. What do you think?

Ray: I'm not the kind of guy you fire.