Top 50 Quotes From Sophie Moore

Sophie: You ever feel like you're hiding from the world.
Kate: I'm literally standing in a shadow.

Mary: Hey. Got you a prezzie.
Sophie: Mary, kind of busy right now. I-I can't really do...
Mary: [pointedly] It's not from me. It's from someone who knows how hard you are to shop for, and he got you this.
[Sophie opens it]
Mary: It's a targeted kill drive. Your lab is turning Batwoman's DNA evidence into a bunch of ones and zeroes, and that guy will rearrange those ones and zeroes, making it unreadable.
Sophie: Didn't know you were on Batwoman's payroll, as well.
Mary: Oh. Huh? No. Luke just asked me as a favor, 'cause we hang out casually as friends.
Sophie: [skeptical] Uh-huh.
Mary: Yeah.
Sophie: [leaving together] So, according to the Bat team, if I use this device, then when the file is transmitted to the DNA registry, it won't match anything?
Mary: Yeah.
Sophie: That's pretty clever. So, did Luke include an instruction manual?
Mary: No, but he is available for tech support. You just have to plug that little cutie into any computer in the building with tier one access.
Sophie: Tier one access? There's only one person with that.
[indicating Jacob's office]
Sophie: Your dad's been holed up in there for hours. How the hell do you expect me to get him to leave?
Mary: Why do you think I'm here?

Sophie: So, if I were the smoking gun that links Tommy Elliot to the murder of Lucius Fox, where would I be?
Julia: Oh, I don't know, luv, but I hope the Crows pay overtime.
Sophie: [seeing a large portrait of Tommy in the nude] I'll settle for hazard pay.

Mary: Who the hell is Cluemaster, again?
Sophie: Ever watch "Quiz Bowl" back in the day?
Mary: Uh, is that the "Jeopardy!" rip-off? Not on purpose.
Sophie: The host, Arthur Brown, got fired and went on a murdering spree. Along the way, he laid out clues for law enforcement to figure out where his next kill would be. It stumped everyone for weeks. Called himself Cluemaster.
Ryan: [on her phone] Guys, Arthur Brown escaped Blackgate today.
Mary: Oh, fine. I'll call my dad, tell him we made contact.
Sophie: No, you can't. This is all a part of Cluemaster's game. If we involve the authorities, he's gonna see it as cheating. He's toying with me. Getting his revenge.
Ryan: For what?
Sophie: He thinks he's the most brilliant mind in Gotham. He believes I'm the only person who's ever solved one of his puzzles, and it's driving him crazy.
Ryan: Okay. Well, it's time to solve another one.
Mary: Yeah.
[re-reading the clue]
Mary: "A girl's been poisoned; not you, that's no fun. Can you save her before midnight? I'll give you a clue, hotshot: probably not." Thanks. That's not a clue.
Sophie: It's gotta be. He's very specific about the words he uses.
Ryan: Has he ever called you hotshot before?
Sophie: Not that I know of. Why?
[Ryan picks up the tequila bottle and holds a candle against it]
Sophie: What are you doing?
Ryan: I'm making hot shots.
Mary: [a logo appears in the wax] Okay, that's kind of sexy.

Sophie: I know how you feel about vigilantes, sir, but instead of wasting our time with Batwoman, shouldn't we be trying to figure out who Black Mask is?
Colonel: Well, we were, but Batwoman got in the way of that, ruined our undercover operation, and cost us a chance to take down Black Mask.
Sophie: She's on our side, Commander.
Colonel: Heh. Well, if that were true, she wouldn't mind being on a first-name basis.
Sophie: Is that the real reason you're doing this? Trust? Or is it because every time you see her, you think of Kate?
Colonel: Get out of my office, Moore.
Sophie: Excuse me?
Colonel: You think a little fling with my daughter five years ago gives you permission to tell me how to do my job?
Sophie: Sir, I... I didn't mean to overstep.
Colonel: Get out of my office now.

Sophie: So let me get this straight. Alice, the defector thief, is granted a private audience with your queen while you, the loyal soldier, gets to babysit me all day. That's why you hate Alice, isn't it?
Tatiana: If Safiyah lets Alice live today, I need you to be okay with her roaming free in Gotham.
Sophie: Wouldn't it be easier for the both of us if I dumped her ass in a padded cell?
Tatiana: Easy rarely earns victory.
Sophie: What victory? Why are we here? What do you really want with us?
Tatiana: Are you going to grant her freedom or not?
Sophie: The second I have the chance, I'm putting Alice away for good.
Tatiana: Then I have no more use for you.

Sophie: Why am I still alive?
Alice: Yeah, that's probably not a good thing.
Sophie: Why is that not a good thing?
Alice: Because Safiyah spared you, which means she has a crush on you, which is all very well and good until it's not.
Sophie: Why are you still alive?
Alice: Because Safiyah and I need each other. Toodle-oo!
Sophie: Hey. You're still one of Gotham's most wanted criminals.
Alice: But if you arrest me, then I can't complete the job that your new... girlfriend has tasked me with. And then she might never tell me where... Kate is.
Sophie: Kate?

Sophie: So next time I'll have to bring you in. Which means there can't be a next time.

Sophie: If you tell anyone, it'll take me an hour to hide your body.

Colonel: NTSB found Kate's phone in the wreckage. Since you and Mary wouldn't answer my calls, I had the tech team on all night trying to override the password.
Sophie: Actually, that's why I'm here.
Colonel: Do you have any idea what in the hell Kate was doing looking into a painting by Jack Napier?
Sophie: Maybe we can ask her when we find her, sir. I think Kate's alive.

Kate: I need you to run that for DNA.
Sophie: Alice tried to kill me. She put me on a plank twenty stories in the air and watched it drop.
Kate: She's sick.
Sophie: She's a monster, Kate. She's not your twin.
Kate: If I can get her DNA off the knife, I can compare it with my own.
Sophie: Look... I know why you want Beth to be alive, but aren't you getting your hopes up over nothing?
Kate: Maybe. But you know me and hope.
Sophie: Your dad would kill me. I can't.

Mary: What was this puzzle about?
Sophie: "Quiz Bowl" was throwing a party to honor the game show's top winners. Arthur always thought the writers dumbed down the questions to appeal to a wider audience, so... he put a riddle in the Gazette, said he was gonna bomb the party.
Ryan: So how did you solve it?
Sophie: The truth? I didn't. All rookies spend a year on the tip line, and on my very first day, a girl called in frantic, told me about the puzzle, then told me what it meant. I was promoted to field agent the very next day.
Ryan: Because you lied and took credit for something you didn't do.
Sophie: You don't think it haunted me every time I strapped on a gun my first year that maybe I didn't deserve to be there?
Ryan: So, whose glory did you steal?
Sophie: Someone who begged me to keep her identity a secret, so I did. This will come as a shock to you, but I can be trusted.

Sophie: You ambushed 5 of my guys at a checkpoint last night. Care to explain?
Batwoman: Detaining the former commander's daughter, that's a statement. Besides, what happened to probable cause?
Sophie: Alice got away on my watch. It's on me to find her. The
Batwoman: And it's on me to protect my city.
Sophie: Copy that. So if the law breaking vigilante is done telling me how to do my job, I should get back to it.
Batwoman: Call off the shoot to kill order on Alice.
Sophie: Why are you protecting a terrorist all of a sudden?
Batwoman: I'm protecting you. Is this really how you want to start your command, roughing up innocents, unlawful searches? Your boss is in jail. You're losing your clients, and half the city thinks the Crows are on some kind of power trip. A manhunt like this puts innocent lives in jeopardy.
Sophie: Alice puts innocent lives in jeopardy.
Batwoman: Then let me find her my way. Tell the Crows to stand down.
Sophie: Are you crazy?
Batwoman: You once told me you trusted me.

Batwoman: How do you see this playing out? Dinner, movie, I take you back to my cave?
Sophie: You live in a cave?

Sophie: Pretty sure in the real world this would be an HR violation of appropriate workplace behavior.
Luke: Good thing it's not the real world.
Sophie: Yeah. Well, hurry up because you're breathing like Darth Vader and making me feel bad about that bagel I had for breakfast.

Alice: Can't imagine what years in that place must have been like.
Sophie: But you do know what it's like to feel trapped don't you, Sophie? I imagine you felt that way your entire life. It's unbearable when the only thing you dream about is being out.

Alice: There's nothing wrong in someone who takes pride in her work.
Sophie: There is if her work killed people.

Sophie: She could have killed you.
Kate: You totally sold me out.
Sophie: It's called caring about you.
Kate: If you cared, you wouldn't have lied to an entire military academy about me.
Sophie: That's not fair, Kate.
Kate: So you didn't lie?
Sophie: I would never lie to you. I won't ever lie to you.
Kate: Are you happy?
Sophie: Yes.
Kate: Yes or ish?
Sophie: I'm happy, Kate. And... there's no "us", okay? You need to move on.

Alice: Jeez, misdirected anger much?
Sophie: Miidrected? This is completely your fault.

Sophie: Her psychosis is getting worse. And she suspects the doctors don't care.
Mary: Honestly, whatever meds they're giving her in there could be causing a psychotic break instead of curing it.
Ryan: It's going to be everyone's problem if Alice fully loses her mind before we finish the job for Montoya.
Alice: But hypothetically, I could get a supervised work release from Arkham and sweet Mary could make sure I was taking my proper meds. I'm sure that Ry-Ry could convince Renee-nay it was for the best. You know, all for the sake of fighting crime.
Ryan: Right. And who's gonna put up with that baby-sitting job?
Sophie: Someone who sleeps with a gun under her pillow.
Alice: [wraps her arm around Sophie] What do you say? Roomies!

Sophie: Hey, just remember. She never gave you anything. So, she can't take anything away.

Sophie: Good to see you staying out of trouble.
Ryan: Good to have your approval that... I don't care about.

Ryan: Why is there a Crow in our loft?
Mary: I thought you were working late.
Ryan: I was, but then drama showed up and ruined my night, so I cut out early. Why is Crowphie here?
Mary: We were just hanging out. I didn't realize I had to run guests by you.
Ryan: You don't. It's just... her?
Sophie: Okay, look. I'm not here to add to your drama. The guys at work sent me tequila for my five-year anniversary, and I wanted to share it with someone. You're welcome to join us.
Mary: And, honestly, based on the vibage that you just walked in here with, it kind of seems like you could use some ultra-expensive tequila right now.
Ryan: So am I supposed to just act like I'm cool with her being here?
Sophie: As a lesbian who was married to a man for three years, I will say drinking is the key to denial.
Ryan: I thought you were bi.
Sophie: Yeah. There's a lot we don't know about each other yet, Ryan.

Ryan: Four targets.
Mary: Yeah.
Sophie: Four bullets.
Ryan: That's how we get her out. Look. We hit each of those targets in this specific color order.
Sophie: Too easy. The blocks detach from the chain, which means they're probably not in order. Besides, those symbols have to mean something.
Mary: Okay. Alphabetical by animal, then?
Ryan: Okay. So, uh, bird, bobcat, fly, and then spider.
Sophie: Bobcat? That's a puma, which means it comes after fly.
Ryan: It's a bobcat, which means it comes before.
Sophie: You want to bet her life on it?
Mary: Hey! There's a girl dying in a box. Think. If they're not in the right order, why chain them together in the first place?
Ryan: Food chain. They are in pecking order. Okay, so, bobcat/puma eats bird, bird eats spider, and spider eats fly.
Sophie: [taking aim] Let's find out.
Ryan: Whoa, whoa! Who said you were shooting?
Sophie: Pretty sure I just did.
Ryan: Anyone want to discuss the five shots of tequila you downed tonight?
Sophie: Mary.
Mary: Yeah?
Sophie: Pick. Someone who probably holds a high score in Duck Hunt or a military marksman?
[to Ryan]
Sophie: Unless you have some sharpshooter skills you'd like to disclose.
Ryan: Go for it.
Sophie: Thank you. Now back up.

Alice: You missed a gorgeous sunrise.
Sophie: Where are we?
Alice: Well, I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, although I'm a little surprised they got you a companion ticket. I guess they needed someone to report back I was dead.
Sophie: You planned on being kidnapped?
Alice: I needed a grand gesture to get an audience with the queen, and what do you get the girl who has everything? Answer: you get her so pissed off that she sends her most skilled killer to fetch you.
Sophie: Sorry. Who did you piss off?

Colonel: My own daughter and one of Gotham's most diabolical killers dead on a metal slab. After everything, it seems there should be so many emotions, but... all I feel is hollow.
Sophie: It was destined to end this way, sir.
Colonel: The bullet wasn't one of ours. You radioed in and said you had her in your sights. What-what happened?
Batwoman: [flashback] Call off the shoot-to-kill order on Alice.
Sophie: You're kidding.
Batwoman: Let me find her. Tell the Crows to stand down.
Sophie: [return to the present] I didn't have a lock. The target kept moving.
Colonel: Hmm. Well, someone got her, anyway. Side effect of making an entire city your enemy.

Sophie: [reading a note Kate left for her] "Hey, Sophie. If you're reading this, it means I'm not here to tell you this in person. I'm Batwoman. Though part of me thinks you always knew, even when I did a damn good job of convincing you otherwise, I'm telling you this because I know you'll figure it out eventually, and I want you to know that lying to you was the hardest thing I've ever done, but I lied because I love you, because I wanted to protect you, and because I was scared that you would push me away, so that's the truth. I hope you think I did a good job for our city, and I hope you'll always remember me."

Sophie: Oh, no.
Luke: What? What happened?
Sophie: It's not just Batwoman's file. They're uploading DNA profiles from dozens of Crows investigations.
Luke: You can't single hers out?
Sophie: That's the problem. They made the file labels numbers for anonymity. There are no names, meaning there's no way to tell them apart. The only way to get Batwoman's would be to corrupt them all.
Luke: How serious are these cases?
Sophie: This being Gotham, we can be damn sure it's not for jaywalking. If we did this, we wouldn't just be protecting Batwoman. We would be protecting rapists and murderers. We can't do it, Luke.
Luke: What about Batwoman, Sophie? The results will be back in a matter of minutes. What are we supposed to do?
Sophie: I might have an idea.

Colonel: Alice may be gone. So is the city's trust. We are hemorrhaging clients. Not because we're weak or ineffectual or indecisive. It's because for the first time in four years, we have competition. The city likes Batwoman because she doesn't subscribe to the rules. It makes her entertaining. She gets to dress up, cause whatever mayhem she chooses, and zip-line away to cheers and adoration. That's not how protecting a city works, and now... there is a new predator on the streets; Nocturna. Let's find this blood-guzzling serial killer before Batwoman does. Let's remind everyone what real authority actually looks like.
Sophie: [the assembled Crows disperse] Like you never left.

Ryan: And your brilliant plan will be?
Sophie: We're at a firing range. We shoot it open.
Ryan: With the girl inside?
Mary: Would you guys shut up?
Ryan: What are those?
Mary: I found these under the railing chained to that gun.
Sophie: It's one of his puzzles.
Mary: Exactly. So if you two would just release each other's throats for two seconds, maybe we could actually figure this thing out.

Arthur: Do you know why it's called beginner's luck? I'll give you a clue. It's because it's unexpected and because it doesn't last.
Sophie: As far as I'm concerned, it'll last for 13 life sentences.
Arthur: I love puzzles, but yours, rookie Crow, is missing a few pieces. How did you solve Cluemaster's riddle?
Sophie: I know it's just my first day, but a little advice: don't advertise the crime you're about to commit if you don't want to get caught.
Arthur: But that's how I showcase the sheer stupidity of mankind. I provide the authorities with all the clues and then watch as they screw it all up anyway.
Sophie: I'm sorry your view of mankind is so bleak. Get well.
Arthur: No one has ever matched wits with the Master. Tell me how you did it. Moore, please. I must know.
Sophie: You have the rest of your life in here to figure it out.

Sophie: [after Alice is captured by the Crows] Kate, hang on.
Kate: And here I thought you could keep a secret.

Mary: [finding Cluemaster's next clue] Guys! "Just a nip should do the trick." It's an antihistamine. It'll counteract the...
[as she picks it up, lights come up on a woman trapped in a plexiglass box]
Mary: ...poison.
Stephanie: Help! Help! Help me! Help!
Ryan: What did he do to her?
Sophie: Oh, my god. It's Stephanie Brown, Cluemaster's daughter.

Ryan: So, wait. Cluemaster knew you'd recognize some random-ass logo in the middle of nowhere?
Mary: [trying a padlock on the gate] It's locked. Give me a boost.
Sophie: [helping Mary up over the fence] After I put him away, he became obsessed with me; where I went to school, where I trained, what kind of tequila I drink. He couldn't figure out how some rookie Crow could solve a puzzle that no one else could.
Ryan: [Sophie starts to climb the fence] Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. What? I don't need a boost?
Sophie: You'll be fine.
[Mary snickers; watching Ryan scale the fence with some effort]
Sophie: First fence?
Ryan: It'll come as a shock to you, but B&E doesn't come naturally.

Sophie: You did the right thing.
Colonel: Thanks to you.
Sophie: Doesn't matter how we get there, sir. What matters is what we do. This is why I always looked up to you.
Colonel: You were always my best agent, Moore.

Sophie: Ever watch a horror movie? When black people go into the woods, they usually don't come out.
Ryan: Black people never write those movies. What do you say we flip the script?

Sophie: Safiyah? How do you know her?
Alice: How do *you* know her?
Sophie: She's been surveilling Julia and me for months.
Alice: Hmm. She always did like to watch.
Sophie: And why are you here?
Alice: To do us both a favor. It's been a while since I killed a queen.
Sophie: For the record, when you fail and I end up dead alongside you, it's no longer considered a favor.
Alice: I poisoned my one true friend Mouse so I could enact the perfect revenge on my family, and Safiyah ruined everything! If I die today, so be it.

Sophie: So, where do we start?
Julia: Whichever aisle's the property seized from Tommy Elliot.
Sophie: [laughing] Of course Tommy collected, like, every Kitty Delgado comic.
Julia: [snickering at a comic book with a well-endowed woman on the cover] Oh, my god. There's no way a cat burglar's squeezing into all those tight spaces with those jubblies.

Mary: [something obviously not a worm falls out of Sophie's tequila bottle] They say the worm is lucky.
Sophie: No. No, no, no. This... that ain't a worm.
Ryan: This is why you don't drink hooch from the Crows.
Mary: [looking it up on her phone] I think it's a puss caterpillar, the Southern Flannel Moth, genus megaloypyge. It's one of the most venomous caterpillars in the world.
Ryan: Oh, no, no, no, no.
Sophie: No.
Mary: Okay, but according to the internet, a single caterpillar isn't lethal.
Sophie: So we're good, right?
Ryan: [opening a card] Wait. I don't think we're the target, and I don't think this bottle came from your boys.
Sophie: What?
[taking it]
Sophie: "A girl's been poisoned; not you. That's no fun. Can you save her before midnight? I'll give you a clue, hotshot: probably not. Love... Cluemaster."

Colonel: Couldn't have done this without you, Moore.
Sophie: Glad to officially be back, sir.
Colonel: Formalities aside, this is the start of a major overhaul. Robles gave up everyone who took part in Harris's frame job to avoid the death penalty. We are draining the swamp. I'm putting a new strike team in place, and you are co-heading it.
Sophie: I'm not capable of running it solo?
Julia: [approaching] So, I just got off the phone with my agency. Apparently, I've been recruited to run a Crows strike team.
Sophie: Co-run, technically.
Julia: So, where do you want to start? Personal detail, homicide squad?
Sophie: With burgers. Good ones. Not the garbage you've been bringing to the motel all week.
Julia: Go on, then, twist my arm. But you're buying.
Sophie: Company card. You'll get yours at orientation.

Sophie: Is this you?
Kate: What? This-this dude in the picture?
Sophie: The person in this picture dressed at Batman who saved my life the other night. Was that you?
Kate: Anyone who knows me knows I hate Batman.
Sophie: So does your dad. Which would make putting on the suit makes an incredibly reckless move.
Kate: Wasn't me. Beside, if I were going to save you in a dramatic fashion, I would totally dress as Wonder Woman.

Sophie: Hey, I can't really talk.
Kate: Then just say yes. I need you to buy me some time while I find Alice.
Sophie: Kate, it's too late.
Kate: I just need you to stall the Crows for a couple of hours.
Sophie: Kate, I'm not helping you if I don't know what you did.
Kate: I got her a message. I asked her to meet at our favorite place, and if she's really Beth, she'll know what it means.
Sophie: The waffle stand.
Kate: You remembered.
Sophie: You know how dangerous she is. Don't do this.
Kate: My dad is going to kill my sister, Sophie. Please, just... buy me some time so I can prove him wrong.

Jada: How'd you get down here so fast?
Sophie: It's a lesbian bar. Know your exits.

Kate: You know, if... if I'd known you were getting married, I would have come back sooner.
Sophie: I didn't think weddings were your thing.
Kate: Not to go. To stop it.

Luke: Tell me you destroyed it.
Sophie: I can't. Too many eyes. We need a plan B.
Luke: No. What? Sophie, no. Every plan involves you destroying the damn sample!
Sophie: Look. My entire office is acting like they're sitting on the nuclear codes. I'd have an easier time swiping records out of Area 51. There are only 78 more minutes 'til they get her profile. Then they're gonna upload it to the national DNA database, and... and if she's ever been entered in there for any reason ever, such as an arrest, they're gonna get a match, and the whole world will know Batwoman's identity.

Crows: Surveillance narrows them to the Kubert District. Caught Dodgson in an alley about three hours ago.
Crows: The rabbit we shot last night was seen at a C store earlier just a few blocks away. Must be hovering around there.
Sophie: In a suburban, white picket fence neighborhood? Not really the M.O. of a gang who hides in the shadows.
Colonel: I know where they are. Get every available man to 1472 Norman Drive now.
Sophie: Sir?
Colonel: We're wasting time.

Colonel: This is exactly what I was worried about. You put yourself directly in Alice's crosshairs, and you brought her right to our doorstep.
Kate: How the hell did she even know I had her knife?
Colonel: Are you hearing yourself? Talk some sense into her, please.
Sophie: All due respect, sir, I don't see any harm in running a DNA test on Alice if we can catch her.
Colonel: [banging the table] My daughter died. I have the lab results that prove it. Alice - that thing - is a cop killer who drove enough C4 into Robinson Park to level a square block.
Kate: I'm not saying Alice is a good person. All I'm saying is it has been fifteen years. We don't know what happened to her. What if somewhere deep down inside of her, she is actually Beth?
Colonel: The GCPD just gave us the green light to put her down. I'm not wasting the shot.

Stephanie: Agent Moore!
Sophie: Stephanie, we're gonna get you out of there.
Ryan: How? Th-There's no lock, no door.
Stephanie: [realizing her nose is bleeding] What is... this? Did... did he poison me? Are you kidding me?

Mary: Never have I ever kissed Batwoman.
Sophie: [drinking her shot] Yeah. Never have I ever been saved by Batwoman.
[they all drink a shot]
Sophie: When did Batwoman save you?
Ryan: Last Halloween.
Sophie: Oh! The O.G. Makes more sense.
Ryan: Why does it make more sense?
Sophie: I don't know, Ryan. Why would it make absolutely no sense for the new Batwoman to have saved you?
Ryan: [confused] Huh?
Sophie: [dismissing it] It's okay.

Sophie: [on her relationship with Batwoman] You're right. As long as I am with the woman who wears a mask, I'll always be wearing one myself.