The Best The Brigadier Quotes

The: I've got to program a temporal deviation to escape the warp ellipse.
Brigadier: We stuck on this ship?
The: I wonder... if I reverse the polarity of the neutron flow...

The: I've lost my TARDIS; you've lost your memory. I'd be surprised if the two events weren't connected.
Brigadier: Let me tell you, sir, that I'm in full possession of all my faculties. After all, if I was suffering from amnesia I'd be the first to know about it, wouldn't I?

[Thanks to the Doctor, the Brigadier regains his memory]
Brigadier: Well, bless my soul. So, you've done it again, Doctor.

The: The transmat could be dangerous.
Brigadier: I'm coming with you.
The: If you insist.
Vislor: And so am I.
Brigadier: Oh, don't be ridiculous, Turlough.
Vislor: The Doctor needs my help. And, besides, how do I explain to the Headmaster where you've gone?
The: Turlough could be useful.
Brigadier: And what about the danger you implied?
The: It still exists, but if you're so concerned about Turlough, set an example and stay behind.

The: Ah, Brigadier, quickly think: Did you go into the TARDIS with Tegan and Nyssa?
Brigadier: Well, I can't remember. Does it really matter?
The: Of course it matters! Can you imagine what would happen if you walked out of the TARDIS in 1977 and met yourself in 1983?
Brigadier: Oh, that's ridiculous.
The: It's not ridiculous, Brigadier. Almost certainly catastrophic.
Brigadier: What do you mean? That I could be two people?
The: Obviously. You'd exist twice over, and if the two of you met you'd short out the time differential, don't you see? The Blinovitch Limitation Time Effect? Oh, dear. As Tegan would say - zap!