The Best The Last Kingdom, Season 2, Episode 5 Quotes

- Just a cup or two, nothing more.
- I have news for you.
- You know where to find me.
- Before you take yourself away to an inn,
- I wish to speak with you.
- About what?
- Privately.

Finan: The harp string.
Eilaf: Welcome, bjorn.
- This is lord uhtred, who has sent a good many Dane to the place where you live.
- I do not live.
Eilaf: You have a message for lord uhtred.

- You are.
- Safe journey.
- All the way back to frankia.
- Uhtred ragnarson.
- You will always have my respect.
- But do not forget you were raised as a Dane.

- freeing my enslaved sister, thyra.
- Let me help you.
- Having defeated the Danes,
- I married my love, gisela, and now all seems quiet.
- But for a warrior there can never be peace.
- Destiny is all.

- Lord, we are crossing into wessex.
- This stretch of river is protected by lord uhtred.
- You say you have trade there?
- I do, lord.
- Lord, please,
- I cannot risk losing my ship.
- You will keep your ship.
- It's easy enough to say it.

- Fetch the blood.
- It is time.

- What she loves is your silver.
- Is that the name of his cock?
- I wish to marry her.
- I wish you to kill Danes and survive the night.
- We're the only chance the villagers have.
- They have begun.

- Hm. What did he mention?
- He mentioned you, lord, and how you took his crown.
Odda: Aethelwold is permanently idle.
- My advice is the same as it has always been.
- You should put him on trial and then kill him.
- Should the devil begin to whisper in his ear, then I may have no choice.

- So answer me this. Where might this lord come from? Do I know of him?
- Should I fear him?
- You can be sure he will not be called uhtred, lord, if that is your meaning.
- My advice, lord, is to send ships and men to beamfleot.
- We shall maintain the peace.

- Welcome to coccham.
- Finan.
- Lord uhtred is at the fortress, the burh.
- If you fetch him, finan, we'll be waiting in the hall.
- I will, lord.
- The man must have a priest for each day of the year.
- Man: God be with you.

- He insisted you were told.
- And where to after beamfleot?
- I can't say.
- But it is hoped that you will join us there.
- Eilaf is resting, lord, in preparation for tonight.
- You... may wish to do the same.

- Marry her.
- Marry her?
- You should marry her, father, and bed her.
- And then give thanks to god for giving us such a joy.
- Praise him, father.
- Praise him!
- But what if she refuses?

- Bury him.
- Lord king?
- It is done.

- I was just thinking about you.
- You were in my prayers...
- Is what I mean.
- Thank you, hild.
- Please continue.
- Do not let me disturb your peace.
- Would you care to sit with me...
- In peace, lord?
- I would, hild. I will.

- Even the air is rich here.
- Lundene is how far upriver?
- Half a day, with the tide.
- We take it at the earliest.
- And uhtred.
- As we planned.

- Who is a little too fond of himself.
- Will uhtred be coming to the wedding?
- Sadly, he will. I'm sure.
- I consider him to be our lucky charm.
- Now, now. There will be no mention of luck or charms.
- There is god's will and nothing more.
- Praise him.

- Lord! A ship is near.
- Traders.
- Perhaps you'd like a moment to pray, lord?
- I'll need to watch the trader.
- Yes.
- Yes, I would like that.

- I fear you have become someone
- I cannot live without.
- You fear?
- Life without you...
- Fear no more.
- I'm here.
- Always.

- His name is Erik.
- He has a brother, sigefrid.
- Finan.
- First sign of trouble, fire the ship.
- There'll be no need for fire, lord.
- Sihtric, fetch me a whole bunch of torches.
- I like to be prepared.

- Go take a piss.
- Who is he?
- A thief, lord.

- It's a Christian graveyard.
Haesten: Yes, lord.
- Perhaps that is why bjorn cannot rest, nor pass.

Eilaf: Bjorn...
- You have blood.
- I have given you life.
- I have sent you a message.
- If it's peace that you want, you shall not have it until we hear you speak.

- lundene and all of its riches shall be yours.
- Believe me when I tell you the gods are with us!
- The gods are with us!
- Oarsmen: Pull!
- Pull!

- What's your name?
- Her name is aethelflaed, lord.
- You're her mother?
- No, lord.

- It appears to be good progress, lord.
- The people of coccham seem to be in good spirits.
- It would appear so.
- We shall see.
- Man: Lord king.
- Open the gates!

- You have my permission. No question.
- Thank you.
- And you have my protection.
- Always... abbess hild.
- You will always be too good a woman for god alone.
Uhtred: Alfred will be pleased.

- What if he sees me, lord?
- What if...
- What if he knows that I am near?
- Then you shit yourself. [Chuckles]
- You will remain unseen and keep watch.
- Yes, lord.

Odda: The purpose of marriage is not to be happy...

- They have a fleet. How many, I wonder.
- 19 ships.
- That's more than 500 men, plus those already there.
- And those who will come.
- Then it has started.
- What?
- The end of the peace.

- We have an invitation.
- Who leads here?
- I am haesten and you... are uhtred of bebbanburg.
- You spared me at eofenlvic, lord.
- You're expected and welcome.

Uhtred: There will be no more than 30 raiders.
- We hide and we wait.
- We attack on my command, not before.
- You all heard the lord. We find cover.

- We're here.
- Ground her ahead. Be ready.

- Forgive me for not being awake to greet you, lord.
- Bjorn has given me little rest these recent times.
- We understand.
- The gods are wanting true men.
- So I thank you for being here, uhtred of bebbanburg.
- After tonight... I hope to sleep.

- A bridge from our world to bjorn's.
- Kill him.
- Please, lord. Please, lord, no, please!
- Get the message into his mouth and kill him!
- Spare me! Spare me and I will repay you with gratitude.
- Please, lord... [Sobbing]

- You'll fetch clapa, you'll go to the stables and wait for me.
- Ensure the horses are watered and fed, but ready.
- Yes, lord.
- Go.
- And thank you, lord.
- We will name our first son uhtred, lord.
- No, you will not!
- No, we will not.

- Swiftly.
- Yes, lord. I will gather what I need.
- Lord.
- You are ready?
- I am.
- There's still a little decorative work to be done.
- Now, do not touch it.
- You have ink on your hands.

- Do you wish Alfred harm?
- No. No, of course not.
- I mean, I wish him dead but I would not harm him.
- I know what I saw.
- I will not outstay my welcome.
- Thank you for your kindness.

- With Saxon blood.
- You... are to be king.
- King of mercia.
- King of Saxon and Dane.
- King of other kings.
- You, lord uhtred.

- Lord.
- Take back what belongs to you.
- You're safe now.
- You will go back to your rats' nest and tell anyone who cares to listen,
- "beyond lundene the river temes belongs to Alfred.
- And it's guarded by uhtred of bebbanburg."

- Keep them quiet!
- Elgin!
- Are you drunk?
- Now!
Finan: We kill 'em!
- Every bastard one of them!
- Man: To arms!
- Defend yourselves!
- Run!

- Whoa!
- I think we might be feeding you too much.
- Don't forget your daughter.
- She's here too.
- It went well?
- It did. Not a scratch.
- You have a visitor.
- He has been here all night.

- Uhtred.
- Well, my request to marry, lord.
- I would like to have a family.
- Lord, you will answer the man.
- I will speak with her at Winchester and give you my decision.
- Thank you, lord.
- But you're to give her no more of your Ann-rings nor silver!