The Best The Last Kingdom, Season 3, Episode 4 Quotes

- If you wish to sit with me, you will respect me.
- Oh, I respect you very much.
- Though I do not wish to sit with you, brida. I wish to lie with you.
[Laughs] You should go while you still have a tongue in your head.
- I like that you are proud and strong and loyal...
- And I will go now.

[Man] Kill him! Kill him!
Finan: Come on, lord, that's it!
- Kill him!
[Man] Kill him!
Brida: Kill him!
- Come on!
Brida: Kill him!
[Man] Finish him!

- I will say nothing more than it is time we change these lands forever!
- It is time to begin a story that will be told amongst the living and by those in Valhalla forever more.
- It will be our song... and our story!
- Let it begin.
- Let's move out.

- Well, what do you suggest, then, lady?
- That you give yourself over?
- Yes.
- Haesten speaks the truth. Why should
- I live when so many others have died?
- Haesten has never spoken the truth in his life!
- Do not say as much again! Never!
- Or those men have died for no reason.

- And remember we have a task ahead.
- Cousin, you are our leader now.
- I am hungry for blood and battle!
- Nothing has changed! We've lost a handful of men and nothing more than that!
- Nothing has changed.
- We march as soon as we're ready!

- Well, perhaps.
- But I know when I'm hearing half-truths.
- I do not like him.
- Ugh, I like her even less.
- Nor I you, hag.
- She reminds me of my mother, and that woman was never wrong either.

- And you will need skade, the seer, to help you lead.
- It is not a seat I want.
- I have made my choice, uhtred, now you must do the same.
- Make your life your own once more.
- Turn away from me and you and those you love shall be tormented 'til death and beyond.

- Skade! He must remain cursed!
- It's your duty!
- He has defeated you twice over!
- I belong to uhtred now!
- Never! I've tasted your blood!
- What you see is mine!
- Ragnar, he cannot be allowed to leave.
- Didn't mean to miss! Next time, I won't!
- The gates. Now. Let us be rid of them.

- Kill him, go on!
- Take the legs off him, lord!
Brida: Kill him!
- Uhtred! Lord! Here!
- His shoulder!
Finan: Yes, lord!

- but first, there is a bargain to be made and a battle to be won.
- If the battle is not won, the children shall become slaves and their mother a viking's whore.
- The crown is all-important.
- Do you understand?
- I do.

- Tomorrow, ragnar will become a different man.
- Once it is done, you will have my protection.
- Fdend.
- Very well.
- Tonight.

- Ragnar is spent.
- That said, he will kill you.
- What? Why?
- He blames you for losing uhtred.
- Why? I merely opened his eyes.
- And he will close yours, for all time.
- I like you, aethelwold, but ragnar will kill you. Soon.

- I count a few more than 30 of the bastards.
- Fight, haesten, and you will lose men, many men, I guarantee it.
- I have many men.
- But you have just the one life!
- And I plan to take it.
- Move out!
- Dagfinn! Easy, easy!

- What we must do now is save the lives of your nuns and my men.
- And aethelflaed.
- Abbess?
- I will do it.
- No, this is my house, it's my responsibility.
- I will do it.

Haesten: Good morning, nun!
- I am an abbess.
[Chuckling] I don't care.
- We will wait... for aethelflaed!
- To the hall, all of you, quickly, now!
- That's it.

- Ragnar!
- Again?
- Yes.
- It's the last time, I promise.
- One more son, I swear.
- If it's not, I will take your cock.

- The ale is good.
- It is.
- Very good.
- To the creators of fine ale!
- May god... bless them.
- May the gods bless them. Him.

- I am to my bed.
- Good night. Good night.

- I am needed.
- You are a whore to the crown of Alfred.
- He does not leave with skade.
- Ragnar, she belongs to me.
- Yes, bloodhair, you can fight for the witch... to the death.
- Agreed, we fight.
Uhtred: Destiny is all!

- Agreed. The seer is mine.
- Then step back and she will walk to you.
- And then you leave.
- I will.
- And you are cursed once more, uhtred of bebbanburg.
- You shall wither!
- Open, let her pass.

- Get up.
- He took me by surprise.
- Otherwise, I would have made a contest.
- You were right to speak out.
- He should never have been allowed to leave.
- That was...
- Weak of my cousin.

- If you disagree with me, Saxon, then fight me!
- Kill him, ragnar, and be done with it!
- It is over! It is done.
- Take what belongs to you. Take your witch.
- She belongs to me!
- I shall see you across the battlefield.
- Have no doubt, I will kill you.
- Leave while you are still alive.
- Alfred needs his arse to be wiped!

- He is no fool. He will not wait for us to knock on his door.
- He will want to choose the place of battle and we cannot allow him that advantage.
- We each volunteer a man, you, me and bloodhair.
- Yes, lord.
- Will you speak to bloodhair or shall I?
- You.

- This does not mean the Princess is forgiven, uhtred.
- She is safe for now, no more than that.
- Leave! Go!

- Hmm, charming.
- Aethelhelm, I shall bring you into my confidence immediately.
- War is coming, your lands are under threat.
- Danes are marching in numbers from north to south.
- Let us pray for the strength and fortitude to defeat them once again.
- Join me.

- Ishahfight
- I must.
- As my father must, he too shall march.
- Aethelflaed...
- If you will excuse me, I promised the abbess I would pray with her.
- There is much to pray for.

- Show yourself!
- There are many horses at the stable.
- Why have her other men not shown themselves?
- Because like the men we just killed, they are busy filling their breeches.
- Aethelflaed!
- She is here!

- And you can tell him aethelflaed is well.
- Lord, if a Dane army is fast approaching, then there is only one path to take.
- To join Alfred.
- Tojoin him and to preserve mercia.
- Then we shall fight, aldhelm.
- And with luck, the right people shall die.

- Do not get yourself killed...
- Until aethelflaed is safe.
- That would be unfortunate.
- It would.
- And I would have had a wasted journey.
- Aethelflaed is important to the king and to all saxons.
- After she is safe, what then?
- Fate will decide.

- Bloodhair.
- A private moment, lord sigurd?

- Haesten...
- Only you may enter the palace.
- You must give up your weapons.