The Best Uncle Fungus Quotes

Diego: [Roars] Yeah, you don't scare me mother nature! There's nothing you can throw at me that I can't handle.
[Hears whooping]
Diego: Huh?
[Gets hit by log being driven by sloths]
Eunice: I think we're almost there!
Milton: We'd better be! I just lost the steering!
Granny: Has anyone seen Precious? It's her feeding time.
Marshall: Mom! Granny's talking about her dead pet again.
Uncle: Hey, paws up, everybody!
Marshall: Paws down, Uncle, please! That is nasty.
Uncle: Whoo-hoo!
Eunice: Be careful, Milton, you're gonna hurt somebody!
[Diego tries to reach safety]
Eunice: Aah! Bad kitty!
Marshall: Rock!
Granny: [Diego flies into Granny] Whoo!
Diego: [When log has finally stopped] That was fun. Now, who should I eat first?

Uncle: [during a log ride] Hey, paws up, everybody!
Marshall: Woah! Paws down, uncle, *please*, that is nasty!