100 Best Wayne Grayson Quotes

Michaelangelo: [after hearing about the Mousers] Boy, I'd sure hate to be a rat in this city. Oh, sorry Master Splinter.

Raphael: [tending to his brother] Mikey... C'mon, bro. No... Ah, please, Mikey, say somethin'!
Michelangelo: ...I guess I'm lucky you didn't give me mouth to mouth!
Raphael: He's fine.

[the Turtles attempt sneaking out of the lair to stop Casey, but are caught by Master Splinter]
Splinter: Ahem.
Michelangelo: Busted!
Splinter: How many times have I told you not to sneak up to the surface?
Michelangelo: This month?
Donatello: 512, actually.
Splinter: It is dangerous for you to go about openly in the world above. You cannot simply walk amongst the humans. They will not accept who and what you are. It is as the great sage and warrior Kenji Hashimura once said, "Why walk when you can ride?"
Raphael: Come again?

Raphael: I'll fill you in over dinner.
Michaelangelo: Dinner? Now you're talkin' my language.
Raphael: What language is that Mikey? Nitwit?

Michelangelo: [with April in his arms] Hey, so... can I keep her?

Splinter: Young woman, we have something most important to discuss.
April: What?
Splinter: We have never revealed ourselves to the other world. You have placed us all in great danger.
Leonardo: But, Master Splinter... she was in trouble and we helped her.
Raphael: Yeah, aren't you always teaching us to do the right thing?
Splinter: As you grow older, you will learn there are many ways to do the right thing. But there is no going back. I'm afraid we find ourselves at your mercy.
April: Oh, I would never tell anybody. I mean, who would believe me?
Donatello: She's got a point.
Michaelangelo: Yeah! We're unbelievable!
Raphael: Geez, where's your off switch?

Michelangelo: We should become super heroes!
Donatello: [raises brow] Exsqueeze me?
Michelangelo: Yeah, yeah! Go out on nightly patrols, thwart crimes, help the helpless, rescue the... rescueless!
Donatello: I think you've got your mask on too tight, Mikey, the oxygen's not making it to your brain.
Michelangelo: Don't you get it? We'd have secret identities to protect ourselves. We could work out in the open.
Leonardo: Reading way too many comic books, Mikey.

Karai: Where is Leonardo?
Raphael: He ain't here.
Michelangelo: You know, you juuust missed him! But if you leave right now, we'll let him know that you stopped by!

[Leonardo, Michaelangelo and Donatello arrive]
Casey: Friends of yours?
Raphael: Brothers actually
Casey: I can see the family resemblance.
Michaelangelo: I'm the pretty one.

Splinter: How many times have I told you not to sneak up to the surface?
Michaelangelo: This month?
Donatello: About 512, Sensai.

Cody: Well, I suppose this is goodbye.
Splinter: Cody-san, thank you for your hospitality. Though this may be goodbye, we have forged a bound that will stand the tests of time. Past, present, and future. Remember your teachings, little ninja.
Raphael: Well, guess this is it.
Cody: Take care, guys. I won't ever forget you.
Donatello: And we won't forget you, Cody.
Michelangelo: Thanks for everything.
Leonardo: Remember the ninja code.
Raphael: Gonna miss ya, kid.
Cody: So long.

Michelangelo: Raph needs a hiding place, don't you Raphie boy? And I got just the spot.
Raphael: Hiding spot? Don't even...! N-no way am I missin' this action!
[Donnie and Mikey put him in a closet]
Michelangelo: Don't worry, Raph. We'll come back for you... maybe.
Raphael: Mikey! You better hope I never heal! Ow! Owww!

Leonardo: Can you imagine being that alone?
Donatello: You know, things may get roughat times, but at least we have each other.
Michaelangelo: Yeah, but do we have to have Raph?
Raphael: Come here, knucklehead!

Raphael: Hey. Hey, Earth to Mikey.
Michaelangelo: Ow! What?
Raphael: She woke up. Leo made her some tea and she's ready to consider we might be real.
Michaelangelo: Awesomely radical, dude!
Raphael: You keep talking like that, she's gonna pass out again.
Michaelangelo: Hey!

[Opening lines]
Leonardo: [Narrating] My name is Leonardo. And right now, my brothers and I are in a mess of trouble. Our backs are up against the wall in some trash thrown alley. Cornered by the toughest street gang on the east side.
Johnny: Look at the freaks!
Two: What's with the dweeby costumes?
Purple: This ain't Halloween!
Johnny: You're going down, freaks! Nobody messes with the Purple Dragons! Especially wearing stupid turtle costumes!
Leonardo: [Narrating] He's wrong. We're not wearing costumes.

Renet: [sends the Turtles through time] Wow! I like, actually did it!
Michaelangelo: Should we be worried she sounds so surprised?

Michelangelo: Zoinks!

Raphael: You didn't come all the way down here for the nickel tour. What's the 4-1-1 streetside?
Casey: Graffiti. It's everywhere, all over town.
Michelangelo: And I think I speak for everyone in the room when I say, DUH!
Donatello: We're New Yorkers, Casey. We've seen graffiti before.
Casey: Uh-uh, not this kind.
[Casey holds up a picture of a spear skewering four turtles]
Casey: I think someone's trying to send you a message.

Donatello: Don't worry, April, I'm a ninja, piece of cake.
Michelangelo: There's cake? I love cake!

[first lines]
Michelangelo: You are not gonna believe this one! I'm in a world where the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are Teenage Mutant Super Turtles! You heard me, Super Turtles! And I get to be a superhero. All right, more like a teen sidekick. But I'm beginning to get the idea that the one really bad thing about being a superhero is that you always have to fight supervillans...

Michaelangelo: I tried to get out of the way but then the building jumped out and attacked me.

Michelangelo: Leatherhead! You okay?
Leatherhead: Michelangelo? Is it... YOU? You're all right!
Michelangelo: Sure I'm all right.
Raphael: We're a pretty thick-skinned group.

Raphael: Watch out for him, because something that evil always comes back.
Michaelangelo: Dude, that was great. How do you come up with those?
Raphael: Don't keep recycling the old ones, Mikey. You gotta try and find something new.

Michelangelo: Brainiac here wants to go up against the Shredder.
Leonardo: We've already tried it, Donny. How do you think we lost Casey?
Raphael: The Shredder's palace is surrounded by an army of Foot police.
Leonardo: And Utrominators.
Raphael: And Karai Legions.
Leonardo: We can't even get inside to fight him.
Baxter: And if you could you couldn't beat him. The Shredder's new exo-suit is stronger than ever. I should know, I designed it.
Leonardo: It's impossible.
Raphael: Can't be done, Donny. It's hopeless.
Donatello: I don't know what happened to you guys, but the Turtles I knew believed that nothing was ever hopeless. Please. We can do this.
Leonardo: All right, Donny, we'll do it one more time. But please, tell me we have a fighting chance.

Michelangelo: Cowabung...
[Raph pushes Mikey down a hole]
Michelangelo: Not funny, Raph!
Raphael: Oh, yes it is.

Michelangelo: Whoa, my fellow cybernauts. We are bravely going where no turtles have gone before: the digital world! Cyberspace!
Raphael: No turtles have EVER done any of the things we do.
Michelangelo: Touche.

Michaelangelo: [smells towel] Ahhh, springtime fresh!

Michaelangelo: [after Michelangelo finds April's Shop] Well, there was this big fight...
Casey: Whoa! Big fight? Why wasn't I invited?

Leonardo: When are these dragon dudes gonna learn?
Michelangelo: Green beats purple every time!
Raphael: They'll all be black and blue by the time I'm done with them!

[first lines]
Michelangelo: I've always kinda thought my brothers and I were magnets for trouble. And I'm right, we are. But we're nothing compared to superheroes. Take the Justice Force. They can't lift a finger without trouble finding them. They... need a new member or two. Simple enough, right? Put an ad in super hero weekly, hang a "help wanted" sign outside your impenetrable fortress of super-dudes... and score some new teammates. Easy! Sorry, true believer. Nothing's easy when you're a super hero. The Justice Force's membership drive just went to shell. The only question is... am I gonna survive long enough to submit my application?

Michaelangelo: Cowabunga.

Casey: These the only DVDs you got?
Michelangelo: Yeah. In fact, why don't you borrow some and watch them at home?
Casey: That's okay, I'll watch them here.
[walks over to the DVD player]
Casey: C'mon, eject, EJECT! You useless piece of...!
[smashes the machine; Mikey screams]
Casey: Whoa, think your player's broken.
Donatello: Uh, no problem... I'll fix it, in the morning!
Casey: [to Donnie] Whatcha working on?
Donatello: Uh... boring stuff! Really really boring stuff!

Michaelangelo: And that's how they defeated "The Thing That Wouldn't Leave".

Michaelangelo: [Finding April] Can I keep her?

Leonardo: April we found the stolen jewels the police were looking for
Raphael: We thought you should turn them in there's a big reward
Leonardo: [hands her the chest] You can build your place again
April: But guys we should share the reward
Michelangelo: Sharing is good!
[Raphael hits him]
Raphael: Will you knock it off!
Michelangelo: What?
April: Thanks guys
Donatello: Guess if you get your place back we won't be seeing you so much anymore
April: [kisses him] Of course you will guys
[Donatello smiles]
April: we're family

Leonardo: We have to keep our wits about us.
Raphael: Don't worry, Mikey. You can share mine.
Michaelangelo: [annoyed] Oh, so now I'm witless?

Michelangelo: That is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen.
Raphael: Just this once, I totally agree with you
Garbageman: Greetings Filth!

Donatello: Where are all the people?
Michelangelo: You mean the ones that survived? They're forced to work 18-hour days in the Shredder's labor camps. No one's allowed at night.
Donatello: What happened to Leo and Raph?
Michelangelo: Let's just say they got in a big fight a long time ago. When you never came back, Donny... well, everything just fell apart. We were a team. Without you, it just didn't work. I guess we really needed that level head of yours.

Raphael: You know Bishop, you got to be about the only guy I hate more than Hun!
Michelangelo: And that's saying a lot!
Raphael: [flips Hun over] And you owe me a new bike fatso!

Splinter: You should never have tried to face The Shredder alone. He is too powerful.
Donatello: You're telling me. I've got bruises that have got bruises.
Leonardo: And did you see how The Shredder walked right through that fire?
Michaelangelo: Yeah, he's like, "The Shredinator" or something.

Raphael: What the shell?
Donatello: Mikey! Raph! You're young! And alive! And Mikey, you have both arms!
Michelangelo: Good to see you too Donnie, I think...

[an alien trucker makes amorous advances on Michelangelo, who is dressed as a female alien]
Michelangelo: You couldn't possibly hit a lady, but you know... a lady could hit you!
[knocks out the trucker]

Michelangelo: [fades away] If they write a comic about this, make sure they call me The Turtle Titan!

Michelangelo: Whatcha talking about, Willis?

Michaelangelo: A very wise frog once said: "It ain't easy being green."

Donatello: Mikey! Your... your arm! What happened to your arm?
Michelangelo: You're the one that's got some questions to answer! Where the shell have you been all these years?
Donatello: All these years?
Michelangelo: You've been gone over thirty years, Donatello.
Donatello: Thirty years? It can't be!
Michelangelo: Can be, and is! We thought you were dead... How the shell could you just abandon us like that?
Donatello: I didn't. I'd NEVER abandon you guys. One minute we were all in the lair together, the next minute I woke up here. I don't know how.
Michelangelo: So, the Turtle with the big brain doesn't have all the answers. Who would have thunk it?

Michelangelo: You asked for it, Dr. Stockman-Stein!

Michaelangelo: They don't call me "Air Mikey" for nothing.

Donatello: Uh, leave the shiny button alone, Mikey!
Michelangelo: But it might be something really good!
[presses it]
Michelangelo: Or not! AHHHHHHHHHH!

Michelangelo: You know... I feel kinda bad for the little bot.
Raphael: Little?
Michelangelo: You know, he was kinda like a little kid.
Donatello: Too bad he had such a rotten parent.

Michelangelo: [Michelangelo stops Raphael from hurting Leatherhead] Will you guys wait a minute? Sorry, sometimes we get carried away, too. How 'bout a truce?
Leatherhead: Very well, you may let go of me. I accept the truce.
Leonardo: All right, Mikey.
[the turtles get off Leatherhead]
Leonardo: But if this croc bites your head off, I don't want to hear any complaining.
Leatherhead: Allow me to introduce myself, I am Leatherhead.
Leonardo: Leonardo.
Raphael: Raphael.
Donatello: Donatello.
Michelangelo: I'm Mikey.
Leatherhead: Come, it's so very drafty in these sewers. Let us return to my temporary laboratory where we can speak in relative comfort.

Raphael: Donnie? No way!
Leonardo: Donatello! You're back! I don't believe it!
Michelangelo: Believe it!

Donatello: The elasticity of it's flesh is too resilient.
Michaelangelo: And it's really rubbery too.

Donatello: Piece of pie.
Michaelangelo: Mmm, piece of pizza pie!

Lance: [to Diantha] Shall we?
Diantha: I expect you not to pull any punches.
Lance: The same goes for you.
[Diantha chuckles]

Michelangelo: Zoinks!

Michaelangelo: Goodbye, dented manhole cover. Goodbye, home sweet home.
Raphael: Hello, cruel world. Come on.

Krang: I hate walking on my tentacles...
Ultrom: Shut up, Krang!

Michaelangelo: If you'd read comics you'd know the bad guy ALWAYS comes back.

Michelangelo: [beats a Purple Dragon] See guys, you never know what kinda fun you're gonna find on the ol' nightly training run.

Michelangelo: [fighting Donatello] Now I know how a piñata feels! And I don't like it!

Donatello: Mikey, keep constant pressure on that bo staff.
Michelangelo: Ok. Now what?
Donatello: Now Leo, Raph, and I go get some lunch.
[Don, Leo, and Raph start walking away]

Raphael: Oh, I can't believe I lost my bike!
Michelangelo: Look on the bright side, Raph. You may have lost the Shell Cycle, but Donny here gain a shiny new train car.
Donatello: Can I keep it, Leo?
Leonardo: If you can figure out a way to get it home...

Michelangelo: It's garbage day, fat man. Time to take your can out to the curb!
Garbageman: What?
Michelangelo: Uh, how about... time to dump you in the dumpster, smelly boy!
Garbageman: You! Shut up!

Donatello: I was thinking that the Shredder had a bigger hand in our lives than we know. Without the Shredder, we'd all still be pet turtles in a glass jar right now.
Michaelangelo: [Imitating Gary Coleman] What you talkin' 'bout, Willis?
Donatello: Well, allow me to explain: As you all may recall, we got mutated by that strange ooze when we were only babies.
Splinter: I remember it as if it were yesterday. You were all so cute.
Donatello: The ooze that mutated us came from the TCRI building, right? And, why did the TCRI building even exist? Because the Utroms were trying to build their Transmat so they could go home. And why did the Utroms need to go home?
Michaelangelo: Because they were late for dinner?
Donatello: No, because an evil prisoner they were transporting across the galaxy sabotaged their starship, causing them to crash land on Earth centuries ago. And they've been trapped here ever since. And who was this evil prisoner that caused the Utroms so much trouble? He was in fact... Drumroll please.
Donatello: He was in fact... The Shredder! Ergo, the Shredder had a direct hand in our creation. See what I mean?
Raphael: I think I speak for everyone when I say, "No".
Michaelangelo: Ladies and mutants, how NOT to tell our origin story.

[first lines]
Michelangelo: Donny's always telling me how great science is, how awesome technology can be and granted some of its pretty good. Like video games and microwave popcorn, that's very cool. But I've also seen a lot of old horror movies. You know the kind. Where some completely whacked out mad scientist decides to play God. Crazos like Agent Bishop here. They take the potential of science and they twist it and contort it and push it way too far and innocent people always wind up getting hurt.

[after entering a damp cavern]
Donatello: That's some stank.
Michaelangelo: Don't look at me, my brother. Remember, he who smelt it, dealt it.

Michelangelo: Great! I finally ditch those Purple Dragon Bozos and I end up on "The World's Scariest Police Chases!"

[first lines]
Michelangelo: 'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the town / Turtle Santa drove like crazy to not let the kids down. / Instead of a sleigh, a truck full of toys, / destined to be the presents for good girls and boys. / But evil thieves wanted to steal the toys at all costs. / Poor, poor Turtle Santa, all hope was lost...

Michelangelo: Scrambled's okay with everybody, right?
Raphael,101558: AGAIN?

Michelangelo: I'm a Turtle, not a titan.

Splinter: We will resume your training in the morning.
Michelangelo: [imitating Splinter] "We will resume your training in the morning."
Splinter: I heard that!
Donatello: Busted!

Leonardo: And, even if the Shredder is still out there, no matter what he throws at us, no matter how he messes with our lives, nothing he does will change the most important thing: that we are family.
Michaelangelo: Ha ha ha. Leo, that was off the charts on the Sap-O Meter. You been watching way too many after school specials, bro.
Raphael: Just eat your S'Mores and keep quiet, Mikey. Leo's got a point.

Michaelangelo: It's quiet. A little too quiet. Always wanted to say that.

Sliver: Welcome, my sons.
Michelangelo: No, it can't be! Master Splinter? You guys told me he was gone!
Shellectro: No, we lost him. Lost him to evil.

Donatello: Listen, if the Shredder hadn't have made the Utroms crash in the first place, then they never would have developed the ooze, and if they never developed the ooze, we'd never have been mutated. And if we'd never been mutated, we'd all be eating fish flakes in some kid's acquarium right now.
Michaelangelo: Wow. That's really deep.

Leonardo: Enough talk! Let's take them down!
Michelangelo: Leo, you're stealing Raph's line.
Raphael: Hey, I don't mind. I love it when Leo talks tough. We should get Karai to stab him more often.

[the Nanobot is crushed into a square cube]
Raphael: Yowch, looks like that did it.
Michelangelo: Yeah, he's flat broke.
[the Nanobot begins rebuilding itself]
Michelangelo: You know, I'm gonna stop with the puns. Seriously, they always come back to bite you!

Michaelangelo: What the shell is going on?

[Leo, Mikey, and Don arrive in the Battle Shell to back up Casey and Raph]
Casey: Friends of yours?
Raphael: Brothers, actually.
Casey: I can see the family resemblance.
Michelangelo: I'm the pretty one!

Donatello: [after beating the Purple Dragons] Well, that was easier then expected.
Raphael: I hope there are more of those guys. I'm just getting warmed up.
Michelangelo: [Notices the Foot arriving] Uh, well, looks like you got your wish, Raphy-boy.
Leonardo: Are those guys... ninjas?
Michelangelo: Well, they're certainly ninja-esq.

Gravi: Super Turtles, count it off! GRAVI-TURTLE!
Shellectro: SHELLECTRO!
Griddex: GRIDDEX!
Blobboid: BLOBBOID!

Raphael: What's the matter, Mikey? Didn't make the cut?
Michelangelo: In your dreams, you wanna-be! The Turtle Titan is now an official member of the Justice Force! Of course, I'm only on duty on the 3rd of every Wednesday on every 4th month, and February 29th when there is one...

Michelangelo: Come on! We gotta buy Donny a little more time! Keep the bots busy!
[Mikey battles several Karai Legion Bots, until he gets overwhelmed and sliced apart]
Donatello: Mikey, NOOO! You'll pay Shredder! If it's the last thing I do, you will pay!

Leonardo: We'd better find Raph quick before he brings back some seriously unwanted houseguests!
Michelangelo: [looks at Casey] Yeah, we've already got one of those.

[last lines]
Raphael: We'll heal. And then we'll beat the shell outta Casey for having such a whackbag family. But you're first, Mikey!
Michelangelo: OW!

Leonardo: Guys! The only way to stop them is to slice their heads off!
Michelangelo: Well, aint that great news, for the turtles with the BLADES!

Raphael: [watching football on TV] Panthers, Rams, Bears. They even got Dolphins. Think they'd have room for something a little more... reptilian.
Donatello: The Turtles? My friend, unfortunately the lowly turtle has been saddled by society with a stereotype of being velocity challenged.
Raphael: Say what?
Michelangelo: [steps in front of the TV] May I have your attention please!
[lets out a long belch]
Raphael,101558: Cool.
[applaud for Mikey]
April: Ewww!
Splinter: [to April] This is what I live with ALL THE TIME.

Raphael: You really wanna look like a Purple Dragon? Try getting your butt kicked by a Ninja Turtle!
Michelangelo: I'm down with that!

Leonardo: Your reign of terror is OVER, Stockman!!
Michaelangelo: [Admiringly] You been practicing that?
Leonardo: You like it?

[Splinter makes Raph take Casey to the surface]
Michelangelo: And that's how they defeated The Thing that Wouldn't Leave!

Reporter: In a press conference today at Stocktronics Incorporated, New York's leading new technology firm...
Michelangelo: Boring!
Donatello: Wait! I want to see this.
Reporter: Founder and CEO, Dr. Baxter Stockman was on hand to unveil his latest innovation.
Baxter: A wise man once said "Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door". Well, I say let the path beating begin! For I, Dr. Baxter Stockman, have designed the solution to the city's ever-growing rat problem. Ladies and gentlemen... I give you the ultimate expression of rodent extermination technology, the Stocktronics Mouser!

Michelangelo: Oh man, I slept on my hand, and it got numb and hit my face and I thought somebody slapped me. Don't ya hate that?
Raphael: Words fail me.

Donatello: What's the matter, Mikey? Can't decide what to watch?
Michelangelo: "I need more power captain". The Turtle Cave must be set to maximum entertainment potential.
Donatello: Turtle Cave? That is so lame.
Michelangelo: What would you call our new digs? The Shellter?
Donatello: Uh, how about... Sewer of Solitude?
Michelangelo: Terrapin Station?
Donatello: The School for Gifted Reptiles?
Michelangelo: The Hall of Ninjustice!
Splinter: Ahem, we will call this place... "Home".
Michelangelo: Hmm, Catchy!

[last lines]
Michelangelo: Yo Case, hows about introducing grandma to your friends?
Raphael: Forget it Mikey, we're ninjas. We stick to the shadows.
Leonardo: The unsung heroes of the urban jungle.
Donatello: The silent protectors of the way of Bushido.
Michelangelo: What kinda pie do you think it was?
[gets slapped on the head]
Michelangelo: OW! What?

Michelangelo: See Don, we can have our very own Battle Shell. I've even got a name for it. I call it: "The Battle Shell"! I've got it all figured out. Turbo-boosters, double-action traction, cool secret thingies shooting out the back. We should be tricking out the armored car!
Donatello: By "we", you mean me. And I don't have the time. There's too much to do around here. Besides, where would we keep the thing?
Michelangelo: We could find a place. Just think of overhauling the wheels. Please? Please please please please? Did I mention you're my favorite turtle?

Raphael: We'll go down fighting.
Michaelangelo: I don't really want to go down at all.

Michelangelo: That is so great! Donny would love this. I mean, the Donny from my world. Obviously, your Donny loves it already. Which kinda brings up a question that's been bugging me: if you guys are me and my bros. in this dimension, then which one of you is me?
Blobboid: Uh, I'm pretty sure it's not me...

Raphael: Hun stole my bike!
Michelangelo: And he's wearing your helmet Raph! Nasty!

Donatello: Who are you?
Agent: Well, Donatello, I'm the man the government realise upon for certain projects. The kind of projects that rather not dirty their own hands with.
Raphael: Hey, how do you know Donny's name and the Professor?
Agent: I know all your names, Raphael. And much, much, more.
Leonardo: And yet we know nothing about you, not even your name.
Michelangelo: How rude is that!
Agent: Very well, Michelangelo, when you scream my name, pleading to make the pain stop, begging for mercy, you may call me Bishop.