The Best Albert Tucker Quotes

Joe: [helping Tucker up] What happened?
Albert: Uh... I saw a prowler looking in that window right there. Shouted at him what he thought he was up to. He hit me. Lucky thing you showed up. George home?
Joe: Who are you?
Albert: Albert Tucker. I was about to ask you the same question.
Joe: My name is Mannix. I'm a private investigator. This is Mrs. Hewitt.
Albert: Mrs. Hewitt? George didn't say anything about being married.
Joe: When was the last time you saw him?
Albert: About a month ago. In my office in Washington. Legal matter. Where is George?
Joe: He's dead.
Albert: How did it happen?
Joe: Car crash.
Albert: I'm sorry, Mrs. Hewitt. I won't bother you at a time like this. Oh, I... the only thing is I don't know what I'm going to do with this now.
Amanda: They're just check stubs.
Joe: Yeah. With only the amounts filled in. There are no names. Do you have any idea who these might have been payable to?
Amanda: I've never seen them before.
Albert: The envelope was sealed when George gave it to me.
Joe: That was a month ago in Washington. What are you doing here now, Mr. Tucker?
Albert: Well, George knew I was coming out to Los Angeles on business, so he asked me to bring the envelope with me. He called me this afternoon at the Hamilton, asked me to come over this evening at 8:30.
Joe: What time did he call you?
Albert: About 6.
Joe: You're sure about the time, Mr. Tucker?
Albert: Yes, I found a note in my box when I got back from dinner. I came out right away.
Joe: Mr. Hewitt couldn't have called you at 6:00.
Albert: Why not?
Joe: Because he was killed at 4:30.
Albert: [shows Joe a phone bill] There, you can see for yourself. It says 6:05 P.M.
Joe: Mr. Tucker, you were Mr. Hewitt's attorney?
Albert: Yes.
Joe: What business was he in?
Albert: Well, now I don't think anybody knew, really. He seemed to want it that way. He enjoyed playing the man of mystery. Why... Why is that important now?
Amanda: Mr. Mannix thinks my husband's death wasn't accidental.
Joe: It's also very possible that we saved your life.
Albert: How?
Joe: Well, whoever it was that called you at 6:05 must have wanted that envelope pretty badly. If we hadn't arrived here before you, you would have walked right into his trap.