The Best Alia Quotes

[Alia his holding Sam at gunpoint]
Al: You gotta stop her, because she's gonna destroy you and Jimmy and the whole family.
Sam: Where do you come from?
Alia: What difference does it make? You lost and I won.
Sam: So you're gonna shoot me?
Alia: You're not the first person I've killed, Sam.
Zoey: Get on with it.
Sam: Why are you doing this?
Al: Because she's evil.
Sam: Evil?
Zoey: Now, there's a novel concept.
Al: Sam, she's your counterpart. You're good and she's evil. That's what she does.
Sam: No, I don't believe that there's some force leaping her around, ruining people's live for the pleasure of it.
Zoey: How deliciously naïve.
Alia: Then you're a fool.

Mike: Congratulations, stud.
Sam: What did I do now?
Mike: I don't know. I don't know, Arnold. Just what did you do?
Sam: Nothing.
Mike: Right.
Alia: Don't be so modest, Arnie.
Mike: Arnie?
Sam: Arnie?
Alia: I'm not ashamed of what we did.
Mike: Oh, that does it. I want you, dweebo, today at the quarry!
Sam: Just wait a minute...
Mike: And bring your wheels!
Sam: If you wanna commit suicide, that's your problem.
Alia: That's not what you said last night.
Sam: What?
Alia: You said that Mike and his friends were just playing a bunch of crazy kids' games, that they had no idea what real danger was like.
Mike: I'll show you danger. The quarry, an hour!
[Mike storms out of the library]
Sam: Dawn, what's going on?
[Sam grabs Alia, allowing the two leapers to see each others' true forms]
Sam: My god... Alia?
Alia: I don't have a choice, Sam.

[Alia's hologram, Zoey, comes through an imaging chamber door and sees Sam]
Zoey: Well, well, well, well, well... So, where did this studly morsel come from?
Alia: Not n... not now.
Sam: Not now? I just want to know where you're from.
Zoey: She's talking to me, sweet cheeks.
Zoey: [to Alia] Well, I don't mind a little afternoon's delight, as long as you don't, uh, forget your assignment. Where's Jimmy?
Alia: He's Jimmy. He used to be.
Sam: Excuse me. Excuse me for a second. A-are y- are you talking to a hologram? You're talking to a hologram, aren't you? You are a... time-traveler too!
Zoey: "Too"? What does he mean, "too"?

[Vivian is helping Sam and Alia escape]
Alia: Why are you doing this?
Sam: Does it matter?
Alia: Yes. I wanna know why some people help other people.
Vivian: 'cause all my life, I never did anything really special. And if one tenth of what you've said is true, then this is special. For once, I wanna be the good guy.

Sam: [trying to hypnotize Alia] You're standing on the top of a mountain, looking out. Can you see yourself there?
Alia: Mm-hmm.
Sam: All right. You're looking up, at a yellow sun, in the middle of a dark, dark blue sky. A warm summer breeze... blows across your face. White clouds streak across the dark blue sky. What do you see there?
Alia: Only clouds. White clouds.
Sam: Yes.
Alia: And miles and miles of sky.
Sam: That's good.
Alia: It's almost as if I'm...
Al: [in a trance] Dark blue sky. Clouds...
Sam: Al.
Al: Clouds...
Sam: Al, where are you?
Al: Vegas.
Sam: [subtly clapping his hands] Al!
Al: [wakes up] Oh, uh, Mallard Correctional Facility.

Alia: Sam? Sam! Sam...
Sophie: Sam? If you're yellin' for a three-letter savior, I suggest you make it start with a 'G'.

[Zoey and Alia have just discovered that Arnold is actually Sam, who Alia has previously been instructed to kill]
Zoey: You know, Lothos is not too pleased with your prior performance concerning Dr. Beckett.
Alia: Well, then why the hell did he send me here?
Zoey: Seems to be as much of a surprise to Lothos as it is to us.
Alia: He's supposed to know everything.
Zoey: He does. Dr. Beckett's appearances follow the random event theory. It's just a fantastic stroke of luck - or maybe a little test to see if you've improved.
Alia: Just tell me my mission.
Zoey: Oh. Don't tell me, after all you've been through, that you still...
Alia: Just tell me. I'm supposed to kill him, right? I'm supposed to blow his brains out?
Zoey: 'fraid not, darling. Seems you weren't too successful with the gun last time. Perhaps a grenade or a flamethrower?
Alia: Zoey, just tell me!
Zoey: Lothos hasn't decided. But whatever happens, Beckett must not know that you're here, so you may not touch him. Pity.

[Sam touches Connie and she transforms into another woman]
Alia: Who *are* you?
Sam: Who are *you*?
[Sam and Alia look in a mirror where they see Jimmy and Connie's reflections]
Alia: How can this be happening?
Sam: This is incredible!
Alia: You mean that the whole time, that you've been...
Sam: Who are you? I mean, what's your name?
Alia: Alia.
Sam: Alia... I'm Sam. Sam Beckett.
Alia: Sam Beckett.
Sam: Where are you from? I mean, where did you come from?
Alia: The future.

[Sam and Alia are meeting in the library, both unaware of who the other is]
Alia: I'm sorry Mike was such a jerk today.
Sam: Oh, it's not your fault.
Alia: Most of the time he's really sweet. He only acts macho when it comes to his fraternity.
Sam: Macho?
Alia: Yeah, I learned it last summer in Spain. It means manly, masculine, *macho*.
Sam: Yeah, well, he sure likes acting macho when he's out chicken racing with his buddies, doesn't he?
Alia: Yeah, you're not kidding.
Sam: Have you ever tried to talk him out of it?
Alia: He doesn't listen to me. I'm just his girl.
Sam: Oh, yeah, right. It's the '50s.
[Alia gives Sam a puzzled expression]
Sam: I mean, I've got this feeling that s-, that someday, men are gonna be much more receptive to the way women think.

Alia: Why haven't I leaped. Why am I still here?
Zoey: Lothos has decided you've got one more thing to do before you go. A little bonus.
Alia: What kind of bonus?
Zoey: Seems you're to kill the good Dr. Beckett.

[the morning after "Arnold" enraged the Chi Kappas and Alia has discovered who he really is]
Mike: What's wrong with you?
Alia: Nothing.
Mike: Where'd you disappear to last night? I tried to call you.
Alia: I had a study date, or did you forget?
Mike: No, I didn't forget. But that was before your date tried to break up our initiation.
Alia: I know. I was there. It was hilarious watching you all plowing through the bushes looking for him, with Arnold safely curled up in my backseat.
[Mike grabs Alia]
Alia: Get your hands off me.
Mike: This is me, baby. Mike. Your guy.
Alia: My ex-guy.
Mike: Don't tell me you're hot for that wimp.
Alia: Oh, you'd be amazed, Mike. A man's performance on the basketball court has nothing to do with his performance in bed.

Sam: I saw you die.
Alia: It was worse than death.

Zoey: Where the hell is he?
Alia: He'll be here.
Zoey: Nerds are nothing if not punctual.
Alia: Would you relax? I guarantee within five minutes, I'll have Arnold's slide rule fully extended.
Zoey: That's my girl.