The Best Ann Ferris Quotes

Ann: What do you know about Paul John Mondebello?
Maxwell: He's the head of the Creative Entertainment buro. That's a theatrical agency which is actually a front for KAOS. Hmm, he's the best agent in showbusiness.
Ann: Mondebello is vicious, cunning and deceiving.
Maxwell: That's what I just said. He's the best agent in showbusiness.

Maxwell: There's enough evidence here to destroy KAOS' whole operation on the Western hemisphere and send Mondebello to the electric chair.
Mondebello: [jumps from hiding place pointing a pistol] I wouldn't be so sure.
Mrs: Mondebello!
#: Mondebello!
Maxwell: Who are you?
Mondebello: Mondebello.

Maxwell: Three months ago we had an open and shut case against Mondebello. Not only would he have gone to the electric chair, but he would have lost his booking franchise besides. Unfortunately, just before the trial, our key witness was murdered.
Ann: Were you on that case, Mr. Smart?
Maxwell: No, the Chief bungled that one himself.

Mrs: Ann and I were great believers in the hereafter.
#: But why would she contact Max?
Maxwell: Well maybe she didn't have her mother's number with her.