The Best Another Student Quotes

Ben: Nativist. A term often used in a derogatory fashion to describe those who fear the other. Question for you. What's wrong with those who wish to protect their homes from the outsiders?
Alien: Well, America is a country of immigrants.
Ben: Yes, but that's always been controversial. You see, in 1775, Benjamin Franklin himself writes of his own fears of immigrants, whom he warned "The immigrant will never adopt our language or customs any more than he can acquire our complexion."
Alien: Franklin was talking about German immigrants back when America was still a British colony. I don't see how it applies to anything.
Ben: Oh, I can see why this, uh, point of view would be problematic, especially since we are talking about human immigrants; human immigrants who, in the past 200 years, made America great no matter what their complexion. But now, we welcome immigrants not only from outside our borders, but from beyond our atmosphere, so let me just ask you, how does the human worker compete? Anyone? How does the human worker compete against an alien who could lift two tons of steel over its head without even breaking a sweat? How does the human worker compete against an alien that can fly goods from one coast to the other, leaving our trucks to rust away in the sand?
Another: [confused] Sorry, professor, what page are we on?
Ben: Ben Franklin's fears have come to pass. The modern immigrant cannot assimilate, and it's not a question of desire, it's not a question of culture. It is a question of biology, and from that context...
[an alien student, insulted, stands and leaves]
Ben: From that context, I should be proud if you were to call me a nativist.
Alien: This... isn't nativism. It's xenophobia.
Ben: Well, I can't say I'm surprised to hear that from someone with your complexion.