1000 Best Supergirl Quotes

Cat: I was really fabulous. God knows I hate generic sports metaphors, but that interview was a touchdown. A home run. Whatever you call it when you do something good in hockey.

Kara: There is one good thing about not having to work at CatCo.
Mon: And what's that?
Kara: There's more time with you.

Alex: So, some of that old time rock and roll, huh? That was an epic karaoke performance.
M'yrnn: Indeed. But a problematic genre.
Alex: Been on the Internet?
M'yrnn: Yes. Many of the pioneers of rock and roll were humans of color who did not receieve the fame or fortune their white counterparts did.
Alex: Have you faced many challenges in your human form since you've been here?
M'yrnn: No. My relative isolation has its silver linings. My son has found goodhearted friends in his time on this planet. You all treat me like family.

Kelly: [indicating the Guardian helmet] I need your help with that. The helmet needs... some work. The sight-lines aren't great, and more importantly, I have some other visibility ideas.
Brainiac: [picking the helmet up and inspecting it] I've been waiting for this moment a very long time.
Kelly: [he transfers data from his internal CPU to a monitor] Wow.
Brainiac: I've been working on yours for quite a while. I have a few 31st-century ideas I think you'll like.
Kelly: Brainy, I have a question.
Brainiac: Fire away.
Kelly: In the 31st century... are we any better? Have we figured out any of this? Ending discrimination, racism? Please tell me we do.
Brainiac: I want to tell you it's all in the past and that we have evolved past it all. Even in the 31st century, we haven't. It is better i-in-in so many ways, but there are generational scars. And honestly, a lot of work still to be done. You know what you have here, in this time, that we never had?
Kelly: What?
Brainiac: You. As the Guardian. There is still time to make a big difference. I believe in you, Kelly Olsen. I always have. Now... tell me. What do you think about something flashy?

Thomas: Now, many of us don't get second chances at life. Many of us stay lost. And I'm not talking about driving around in circles because you are running out of gas and you have no GPS. I'm talking about being spiritually lost and needing to find your way back home, like Olivia. Don't be shy. It's okay.
Olivia: Hello. Uh... well, it was, um... it was spring break when I caught my boyfriend cheating on me with my best friend. And I... I took it hard; snuck into a rooftop party, and I got totally wasted, and I stood on the ledge as a joke. And the next thing I knew, I was falling. And as I fell, I thought "I hope, if this is it, that it's quick." But it wasn't quick, and that fall lasted an eternity. And then she caught me, and she told me that everything is gonna be okay. Because of Supergirl, I realized that I still deserve to be loved. Supergirl saved me.
James: Do you remember saving her?
Kara: I... I remember all of them.

J'onn: What could do something like this?
Alex: The lead dispersal device. The one that we used to knock out the Daxamites?
Querl: Yeah, unlikely. That device is here under lock and key. Only a DEO agent could...
Querl: Jensen.
J'onn: What about Astra's anti-Kryptonite shield?
Querl: You have an anti-Kryptonite shield?
J'onn: Winn adapted it for moments just like this. It can leech the Kryptonite out of her system. Vault 97.
Querl: I'll get it.

Nia: Try reversing the totems' energy signatures. That should create a baseline to repel the Dream totem.
Lena: Yeah, she's right. That should theoretically work.
Brainiac: Sure. Yes, theoretically. What if Lex is using some other technology from the 31st century? Sprock. I should have known. The 31st century is a technology nirvana. Of course Lex would have been drawn to that time. I just... I just wish we knew what he was doing in the future.
Lena: Well, what's the Legion say?
Brainiac: Uh, I haven't contacted them yet.
Nia: What? Brainy, they would know what Lex is up to, and we need all the information we can get.
Brainiac: I know. But knowing things about the future could have major consequences on the...
Nia: Space/time continuum.
Brainiac: And the last time I acted on information from the future, I teamed up with Lex, betrayed my friends, and nearly destroyed half the world. I don't wanna go down that path again.
Lena: I understand.
Nia: All right. Well... I'll try to dream the location of the Love totem. But if you guys should have a need of my genius again, give a whistle.

Rick: Under two hours. The clock is ticking fast.
Maggie: I know. And if it ticks down completely, we both lose. And I don't think you want to lose.
Rick: Neither do you. I was wrong about Kara. She's too much of a Girl Scout to do what I need her to do. I misjudged her. But I may have discounted you. You're a cop. You can just walk into that prison and break my father free if you want to. You care for her. I've seen that.
Maggie: Stalking us.
Rick: The way you look at her. The way your hand touches her hand when you're walking down the street. Love can make people do things that they don't normally do. So, please, help us bring back the people we love.

Alex: And now for the big reveal.
[taking a towel off, revealing Ruby's new dyed hair]
Alex: Ta-da!
Ruby: It looks so good. I love it so much.
Alex: Yeah?
Ruby: You did such a good job.
Alex: Well, thank you. At least I know now that if this whole FBI thing doesn't work out, I have a calling as a hairdresser.

Kara: Here's your latte, Ms. Grant.
Cat: [taking a sip] It's hot.
Kara: Just how you like it.
Cat: A concern you didn't seem to share before today.

Querl: You told Colonel Haley to press the signal watch twice.
Alex: Yes. You know the code. Push it once, she comes; push it twice, it's a trap, don't come.
Querl: Thus keeping her safe. Brilliant. Yet Supergirl isn't the only one at risk. Since Benjamin Lockwood has come for her today, there is a high probability that next week he'll come for the entire alien registry.
Alex: Yeah.
Querl: After which he'll start rounding up aliens without discrimination, ergo I propose... we scrub the alien registry from our database.
Alex: If that's what you think, and until I can get Haley to listen to reason, then we need to do whatever we can. But please, Agent Dox, be clandestine.
Querl: Of course.
[a little too loudly, as she turns to leave]
Querl: As you well know, no one is more clandestine than I. No one.

Supergirl: How can there be two Supergirls?
Querl: Perhaps it's the result from kryptonite poisoning. Should we head to the DEO?
J'onn: Perhaps we should go back to the medbay.
Supergirl: No, this isn't real. I have to get out of here. I have to go.
Alex: [waking up in her apartment] That was weird.

Kelly: I know you just came back from the dead, but you're about to wish that you didn't, because I called mom.
Kara: I think that's our cue.
James: No, she... don't leave me alone. Guys.

J'onn: What happened?
Brainiac: [muttering to himself] Oh, yes, there it is. I see it now. The cure is designed to cure victims of the Blight. But because Pestilence is not technically the Blight but the forebearer of it, the cure we have needs to be modified to fight her particular strand of virus.
James: So how do we do that?
Mon: We need a piece of Pestilence's DNA.
Supergirl: So if we can't find her, more people could get infected, and the people that are already infected...
Brainiac: Yes, finding her as soon as humanly or non-humanly possible would be...
Supergirl: [Alex groans and collapses] No.
J'onn: Alex!
Supergirl: No, no, no! Alex. Alex!
Brainiac: ...imperative.

Imra: The ship's ready.
Mon: Just remember the light drive can get a little finicky.
Imra: I know.
Mon: And if there's a breach, just make sure...
Imra: Mon-El. I've captained the ship more times than you.
Mon: Just take care of each other.
Supergirl: We will.

Nxylgsptinz: What does a sleeping man have to do with me getting the Dream totem?
Nxylgsptinz: [AI] Dr. Pavoni has created a machine to get into the dream realm. All you need to do is access the machine and you can use the gauntlet to access the dream realm.

Alex: Hey, Brainy. What the hell happened? Malefic should not have been able to phase through the Phantom Zone projector. And our psychic inhibitors, he... he fried them.
Querl: Malefic's brain is unlike any other Green Martian. I tried to calibrate both to his unique physiology, but...
Alex: That was our one shot at tricking him. He could be after the real Kelly, my Kelly, right now.
Supergirl: We're not gonna let that happen. There's gotta be another way we can track him. Something we're missing. What did he yell at you, J'onn? Synd'ar'k?
J'onn: I... I don't know. It's a... it's a dialect I've not heard before.
[obviously lying]
Alex: We can't afford any more mishaps. I'm having the Verdex Blaster brought up from the armoury.
Supergirl: What?
J'onn: Alex! That Verdex Blaster was designed by Hank Henshaw to kill Green Martians. Specifically me! It's a last resort!
Alex: Hank Henshaw was wrong about you, but Malefic is exactly the kind of Martian that this blaster was designed for.
Supergirl: Hang on, wait, wait, wait! Let's not rush in, uh, because if we had had the Verdex Blaster, Malefic could have incepted one of us to use it on J'onn. Let's at least have Brainy try and fix it first.

Ben: People are concerned, James. People have alien whiplash. I mean, I understand the Super cousins. They protect us, kind of. But look, the last three disasters this country has seen have all been of alien origin. Now, Guardian... Guardian, that's what I want to talk to you about. That is a symbol of human hope.
James: I want no part of that.
Ben: Do not shut these people out, James. Can't you see people who think this way, they're not crazy? They're scared. And they need those fears acknowledged, and when they are not, when they get shut down, like you're doing right now, it just... it drives them deeper into darkness.
James: Let me be very clear about something, Professor. You will not lay this at my feet.

Supergirl: What's wrong?
Olivia: [trying to let the rock go] I can't get it... I can't get it.
Supergirl: I...
Olivia: Help me.
Supergirl: I can't touch it.
Olivia: Please, help.
Supergirl: Mon-El!

Nia: Welcome to Collinwood.
Kara: It doesn't seem so bad.
Querl: Oh, yes. What could go wrong?

Andrea: Can anyone tell me what this is?
Nia: It's the current media tracker's latest ranking of the top ten news outlets in the country.
Andrea: Yes. And CatCo is number eight. Number *eight*! Does anybody know what else ranked number eight?
[no response]
Andrea: No, you don't. Because no one ever remembers number eight. Look, I know that our reputation took a hit after our little slip-up covering the Lex Luthor trial... but we must do better. CatCo had the tradition of being *the* go-to news source. Trusted and respected. We need more breaking news. More hard-hitting journalism. We must rebuild. Find new sources, dig deeper. We will be number one by the end of next month's ranking... or I will get a new staff. Am I clear?
[taking the silence as affirmation of understanding]
Andrea: Good. Now, back to work.

Kara: I'm doing a feature on Mercy Graves' criminal history starting at LuthorCorp.
James: Only the facts, no spin.
Kara: Got it. Clean and steady, check.

Lena: I know you're working with Lex. I need to know where he is.
Ben: Why do you people keep insisting that I know him?
Lena: 'Cause you're running around with Otis and Mercy Graves, and they're his henchpeople. Come on, Benjamin. Last year you were an out-of-work history professor and now you're a Cabinet member with superpowers. Do you expect me to believe that just happened?
Ben: The President of the United States made me a Cabinet member.
Lena: The president works for Lex.
[seeing his surprise]
Lena: You really didn't know.

Supergirl: Ever since you told us what happened to Nxyly... she is troubled, but she has also been wrongly persecuted.
J'onn: She is still dangerous.
Supergirl: Only with magical powers. So if we take those away from her, I can try to get her to see that revenge is never the answer. We just need a way to power this device.
Alex: Didn't Mon-El use something magical against you when he fought you for Kara's hand?
Supergirl: Yes, that's right. That amulet. Except you destroyed it.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: I actually hid it in a place that nobody would ever find it. In a cave in the jungle in Corto Maltese. Although that cave was being used by a guerilla warlord as his base the last time I checked.
Supergirl: That's where I'm going. We can save you and Nxyly. We can save everyone.

William: [in the Tower] This place is incredible. How do you fund an operation like this?
Dreamer: Not easily. You would be amazed how much these suits cost to dry clean.

Eliza: You're still out here?
Kara: Yep.
Eliza: I made coffee in case this turns into a teary all-nighter.
Kara: Oh, you don't have to stay up.
Eliza: Well, this is the "mom" fine print. When your child's in agony, you show up regardless the hour.

Kara: So Mon-El just showed up like nothing was wrong?
Alex: I think he was just trying to make things seem normal.
Kara: Normal? The man I love, and thought was dead, is alive. And every night, I... I make up all these scenarios of how I would see him again. Now he's actually here, but guess what? He's married. Sorry, I shouldn't be complaning. I know you're still dealing with the pain of Maggie.
Alex: At least we have each other. And misery loves company.
Kara: God, that's depressing.

Warden: Kara Danvers, she came to see me again. It is only a matter of time before the truth comes out. Maybe you should bring those workers back and we can make up a story and go back to the way it was.
Officer: It's too late.
Warden: Nobody said anything about a dirty bomb.
Officer: It's what Mr. Mannheim wants. We're going after the uranium again tonight. When the job is done, you won't have to worry about the truth getting out. The alien workers'll be dead.

Alex: I really screwed up, Kelly. When Kara's powers overwhelmed Esme, I should have realized that she needed a break, but I just kept pushing her to keep going. It was like these instincts took over, and all of a sudden I'm acting more like a DEO drill sergeant than I am a mother. And it was exactly the wrong thing to do. Growing up, my mom with Kara, she was so kind and-and understanding, and it was exactly the mom that Kara needed. And that's everything that I want to be.
Kelly: You're being really hard on yourself. Your mom and Kara fought all the time. You even told me that once, Kara got so angry with Eliza that she almost burned the house down with her heat vision.
Alex: Well, Kara was a teenager, okay? Not some innocent little ball of cuteness.
Kelly: My point is, they worked it out and Kara thrived. And even your mother needed that grace period. So cut yourself some slack. And this morning, when Esme was scared, I... I wanted it to be about her powers, because that would have been an easier fix. But it's not about that. It's... it's us.
Alex: Okay, so I was right.
Kelly: No. She just told me that she thinks it's best if we take her back. And it wasn't because you pushed her. I think she is terrified of getting close to us because she thinks we're gonna abandon her like everyone else did. And I'm a therapist. I should have realized that this morning.
Alex: [taking her hands] Hey. Mm-mm.
Kelly: I just... I want to do better for Esme.
Alex: I know you do. I just wish we could make her see that.
Kelly: We can figure this out. We just gotta figure out a way to get her to see the truth.
Alex: [getting an idea] The truth.

J'onn: You've just been visited by a fifth-dimensional being.
Kara: Wait, you've seen one of these before?
J'onn: Not here on Earth. On Mars, one of them moved the Xan'Xie Mountains halfway across the planet during the Zook Uprising. Fifth-dimensional life forms possess the ability to warp our reality to their own whims. Abilities that would appear, to all intents and purposes, to be magic.
Mon: On Daxam, we had zero-tolerance policy for those creatures.
Kara: You had 'em on Daxam?
Mon: Yeah. And those guys knew how to party, but they're dangerous. Very dangerous.

Clark: Alura!
Alura: Kal, Lois, thank god.
Clark: What's happening?
Alura: A massive energy is moving through space. It's killing everything in its path.
Lois: How long do we have?
Alura: Minutes.

Supergirl: Well, we better get to the armory. If there are more of these aliens, we're gonna need a really big gun.

Kara: I had no idea your brother's history with Mercy went back this far.
Lena: Yeah. Mercy started out as his head of security, but over time she became his closest confidant and frequent dinner guest.
Kara: I knew Lex had a close relationship with her, but I-I had no idea you did.
Lena: Growing up, my mother was very critical of me, as you know. She wasn't very helpful with the life stuff. Then Mercy came into our lives and she kind of took me under her wing. She taught me how to act, how to dress, how to always reach for the biggest gun. She was almost like a big sister. Almost.
Kara: Was it hard for you after she left Lex?
Lena: Yeah. I felt abandoned. But I really can't blame her. Truthfully, I blame Lex entirely.
Kara: What happened between them?
Lena: Mercy grew frustrated because Lex was so hyper-focused on Superman. He lost sight of the bigger picture. She felt intelligence wasn't enough, that humans needed to develop even greater powers and abilities than aliens.
Kara: That sounds unhinged.
Lena: Yeah. But I don't disagree with her main point.
[seeing Kara's look of surprise]
Lena: Well, why can't humans be as powerful as aliens?

Kara: Kenny was one of the first people I lost on Earth. Doesn't get any easier.
Alex: Kenny Li.
Kara: Keeper of secrets.
Alex: You know, that's the first time I really understood what I had in you. What it could mean to have a sister. It's crazy to think that I ever thought that you were worst thing that could happen to me. I'd never get over it.
Kara: Well, I did hog the bathroom.
Alex: Yes.
[they snicker]
Alex: After Kenny, that's when I realized that you and I could get through anything together.
Kara: That was the first time I really became Kara Danvers.
Alex: It's a good thing, too. Got us through the next ten years.
Kara: Think I remember thinking I would never feel at home on Earth. I still don't, in a way. But I feel at home with you.
Alex: Always.

Lillian: Your sister is still MIA. You shouldn't be celebrating. You should be out there looking for her.
Lex: Can't, Mother. If I calculated correctly, we should be getting a call any moment.
[a hologram emitter pulses on]
Lex: Oh, see?
[Kara appears]
Lex: Ah, the maid of might. What a surprise.
Supergirl: We know you've placed satellites around the world, and when they sync up, they'll send out a signal killing everyone you haven't brainwashed.
Lex: What do you want? Gold star?

J'onn: Have we identified any potential suspects yet?
Alex: Uh, not yet. We've been going off the list that you had from the gun manufacturer, but trying to locate the weapons like this is particularly hard.
Winn: There's no digital trail, there's no paper trail. All we can do is actually call the individual retailers that sold the guns.
J'onn: Well, what are waiting for? I want that guy found and off the streets as soon as possible, before he can use that weapon on anybody else.

Kara: James, part of being your own man is knowing when to accept help.

Kara: I ask myself every day why my mother didn't crawl into that pod with me. Now I know she felt guilty. She felt responsible for what happened on Krypton. Dying must have seemed... honorable. But *dying is a lot easier than getting back up when the world's ended.* You have to get up. You have to go on.

Kelly: In my new job, I am gonna be using Obsidian's VR tech to heal the brains of dementia and PTSD patients.
Kara: Touché. I'm a curmudgeon. Your new job sounds amazing, and I'm so glad we're working in the same building. Big Belly Burger lunches.
J'onn: Ooh, look at the time. I gotta fly, guys. I'm teaching a tai chi class to a group of kids.
Alex: Oh, that's wonderful, J'onn.
J'onn: Yeah, I'm living with clarity and purpose. It's gonna be great.
Kelly: You know what would not be great is me being late for my first day.

Alex: [after being infected by a Phantom] This is all my fault. If I had just listened to J'onn and gone into containment in time, I...
[getting an idea]
Alex: But it's not too late. I am not gonna be the reason that Kara is trapped in here.
Kelly: [seeing her head to the airlock] Alex. Alex, what are you doing?
Alex: As long as I am on board, I am the problem. You could all die and we lose Kara forever.
Brainiac: If you open that airlock, we'll lose you forever.
Alex: I thought I was the one that was vital to rescuing Supergirl, but it's the opposite. I was so wrong. But I can draw the Phantoms away, and you can save her without me.
Kelly: There has to be something else.
Alex: There is no other way to save you... and Kara.
Kelly: No, you can't leave me.

Lucy: Superman? You should have just said Jimmy Olsen's special boyfriend?

Winn: Oh, God. Is that smell you?
Kara: Three showers and I still smell of reek oil. I went from superhero to eco-terrorist in a single bound.

Sara: Hey, guys, did we RSVP for Iris and Barry's wedding?
Jefferson: We definitely did not.
Dr. Martin Stein: Well, that's serious breach of courtesy.

James: Something happened with Reign?
Kara: No, actually, it's... it's Lena. Why did you tell her that Supergirl asked Guardian to go into her lab to find kryptonite? Now she has a problem with me.
James: She does not have a problem with you. She... she couldn't wait to see you this morning. She was talking about it.
Kara: She couldn't wait to see Kara, not Supergirl. She has a problem with... with Supergirl. Supergirl can't tell her that she can actually trust me because I'm her best friend Kara, but Kara can't tell her why Supergirl took it so personally that she was using kryponite behind her back because Lena doesn't actually know that I'm Supergirl.
James: You know what you said is really confusing, right?

Supergirl: Are you gonna try to kill me?
Lena: No. Supergirl, I'm not gonna kill you. I'm not a villain. You shouldn't have treated me like one.

Querl: She's fine. Thirty more seconds and her suit would've stopped filtering K-radiation.
Alex: And she would be dead.
Querl: Horribly so.

Kelly: That kid is really something, isn't she?
Alex: Yeah, she is.
Kelly: We're very lucky.
Alex: Yes, we are. You know, I knew I wanted to be a mom, but I never imagined what it would be like to be with such an amazing partner.
Kelly: The world may throw us a lot of curveballs, but the one thing that I am certain about is us.
[with a whoosh, a portal opens and Nxyly appears]
Kelly: It's showtime.

Kara: I know you lost your whole world, your friends, your home. I miss what I had too. I know what you're going through. How responsible you must feel.
Brainiac: You don't know anything!
Querl: But I know everything because I am you. I feel the darkness, too. You've made some bad choices, but they don't have to define you.

Brainiac: We can't do this, Nia. What if she runs into herself? She can't meet Cat Grant. It... it's too early.
Nia: Well, clearly locking her up doesn't work. We'll keep her close.
Naxim: [nearby] I love it when the animals...
Young: That's Naxim.
Nia: Ambushing the old us. We have to find CJ and her drone now.
Brainiac: [to Kara] Fine. You can help. But stay close and stay out of sight.

Kara: His rage was overpowering, you lost him. It happens. But it's not over yet.
J'onn: That's what I'm afraid of. I thought there was some light left in Manchester, but when I looked into his mind, there was nothing left.
Kara: [spotting something with her x-ray vision] Maybe you can get it back.
[lifting up the couch]
Kara: Brass knuckles.
J'onn: [seeing the engraved Union Jack] Well, he does have national pride.
Kara: And Bob's your uncle.

Alien: He's not an anti-human conspirator.
Marcus: [manhandling an alien] Let's go.
Alien: He didn't do anything.
Marcus: Let's go!
Alien: He's innocent.
Marcus: Open the door.
Alien: Please. He's a good man.
Ben: If he were a man, we wouldn't be in this situation now. Don't make a scene. Your children, they just lost their father. I would hate to see them lose their mother, too.

Kara: You're downsizing the Tribune? But that was your first acquisition.
Cat: Go see if the new art director has the layout ready. It's not that I don't see your frown, it's just not I don't care enough to ask why it's there.
Kara: All those people, they're going to lose their jobs. What's going to happen to them, their families? They don't have to downsize at the Daily Planet.
Cat: Metropolis has a person who wears a cape and flies around performing heroic acts. The Planet puts this superlative man on their cover 54% of the time. You want to save the Trib? Go find me a hero, Kerah.

Kara: Big chunk of concrete is not gonna do anything to me that her fists couldn't do better.
Mon: She's playing with her food.
Kara: [spotting something] That's how I beat her. Can, uh... can we rewind?
[the video rewinds]
Kara: Yeah, she's got me beat on muscle somehow. But all that power is coming from the ground, from that planted foot right there.
Mon: Mm-hmm.
Kara: And she doesn't bother with footwork. So when she goes high, that's my window.
Mon: It's also where your cape comes in. If she wants to be a bull, you be a bullfighter.

Mr. Bernard: Ms. Danvers.
[distracted, Kara doesn't reply]
Mr. Bernard: Earth to Ms. Danvers.
[Alex surreptitiously kicks her chair]
Young: Uh, sorry, what did you say?
Mr. Bernard: Who was the general of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War?
Young: [not quite sure] Washington? Isaiah Washington?
Mr. Bernard: [the class snickers] Creative, I'll give you that. Josie, I wouldn't say your GPA justifies that level of confidence.
[Alex raises her hand]
Mr. Bernard: Ah. Ms. Danvers, the older.
Young: George Washington was the leader of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, which spanned from 1775 to 1783, despite the fact that we claimed independence from Great Britain in 1776.
Mr. Bernard: Bravo, Ms. Danvers. Now...
Young: [whispering to Kara] Try and keep up.

William: Back in London, I once dressed up as a pizza delivery guy to bluff my way into 10 Downing Street to interview the prime minister.
Kara: Did it work?
William: No. All I got were a dozen pizzas with extra cheese.
J'onn: [calling on her comms] Supergirl, I need your help.
Kara: [as quietly as she can] I'm on my way.
William: On your way where?
Kara: [covering] To... go pound the pavement.

J'onn: The image in Amadei's mind came from Elizabeth's letters to her father. He wrote back, didn't he?
Elizabeth's: After you two left, she tore the house apart, found where I hid his letters. She said that I betrayed her. I made her deny the alien part of her, which made her feel like even more of an outcast. The Children of Liberty are right. All roaches do is bring misery.
Kara: What are you saying? Who are the Children of Liberty?
Elizabeth's: A group of people who know our country is overrun with aliens, and it's time to fight back. They needed help online, I answered.
Kara: We need the amulet. You will only hurt your daughter more if you let her father die.
Elizabeth's: No, I-I gave it to a Child of Liberty.
J'onn: For what?
Elizabeth's: To give it to a human who can take away a roach's power. Turn it into a husk.
Kara: [quietly] Jensen.

Alura: So, tell me about your life. I've missed so much.
Supergirl: Uh... okay. Uh... I was taken in by this amazing family. Jeremiah, Eliza, um, a sister, Alex.
Alura: A sister?
Supergirl: And she's so much more than that. She's a friend. She's... she's amazing. Um... Fort Rozz crashed on Earth.
Alura: Fort Rozz was my deepest shame. The prisoners, they all survived?
Supergirl: Astra survived. Non, too.
Alura: I've thought of her so much. I should've listened to her, but the way she did things was so...
Supergirl: Wrong. Yeah.
Alura: Yeah.
Supergirl: Her and Non tried to bring terror to Earth for a while, but she changed. Well, she was changing. Before she died. We gave her Kryptonian burial rites.

Supergirl: Julia, I know you're in there. If you can show yourself, I will help you.
Alex: Or you can just tell us where Reign is. I mean, that's why we brought you in here, which was super easy, by the way.
Purity: Oh, ladies. How will you ever make your minds up about me?

Lex: I just realized, you haven't asked me why I need the black rock.
Lena: I assumed homicide.
Lex: Just the opposite. I'm dying.

Mon: I get that you were upset that I wasn't listening to you and I... I-I tried really, really, really hard to listen to you this time. And I heard that you... you don't think that we belong together, and-and I respected that.
Kara: No, but Mxy wasn't the only one I tricked. I didn't mean it. I just said it so you'd let me go, to protect you. Plus, he could have been listening, so...
Mon: Wait. Wait, so you didn't mean any of that stuff that you said?
Kara: Well, the first bit about your infuriating male ego, that part I meant.
Mon: [she laughs] Okay, okay.
Kara: But the second part about us not being a match... I didn't mean that.

Lena: [Alex sits with Sam] Any changes?
Alex: No. Her vitals are weak, but they're steady.
Lena: We just have to hope she's strong enough to make it to the Fountain.
Alex: I know she will be. She's warrior for Ruby.

William: I think there's a connection between Lex and Toyman.
Kara: Actually, yeah. Um, I need to talk to you about that...
William: When the DEO put ToyCon on lockdown, Lex had just slipped up.
Kara: Okay, I... I believe that Lex is not who he says he is. But... that means we have to be smart, because if he's dangerous, we can't just go around making baseless accusations...
William: Kara, we're reporters. We dig into hunches, no matter the risk.

Lena: Out of over a hundred applicants, all but twelve were acceptably risk-tolerant.
Adam: Okay. But why did you pick me?
Lena: I have my reasons.
Adam: Oh, come on. Dr. K, I have never been picked for anything. So you have to tell me.
Lena: Nagel's spider in the shower conundrum.
Adam: The spider thing? That was a multiple choice question.
Lena: There's a spider in a shower, and it's been there for days, trapped. And every time you turn the water on, it tries to run for its life to escape, but it can't get out. So what do you do? Do you move it to safety, do you kill it?
Adam: Nothing. You don't know what the spider wants. You leave it the hell alone.
Lena: Yeah.
Adam: Was I the only one who picked C?
Lena: Other than me.

Elena: Elena Torres?
[Kara shrugs in awkward acknowledgment]
Elena: Don't take this personally.
[she pushes Kara out the window with a gust of wind from her hands]
Supergirl: [crashing through the front door] Hey, you really could have hurt that lady.

Red: I'm supposed to kill you, you know.
Kara: I see that. Kryptonite makes me soft. I bleed, you shoot me.
[grunting in pain]
Kara: I went to Kaznia. I saw those pictures you have of me, my sister.
Red: Know thy enemy.

Brainiac: Lex's behavior tonight... it was irrational. He had the Love totem in his grasp, and yet... yet he portaled away without it. Why?
Nia: I try not to get too much into the psyche of Lex Luthor.
Brainiac: Something changed him in the future. We need to know more. I don't want to make the same mistakes of the past.
Nia: Well, you won't. 'Cause this time, you don't have secrets. This time, you have me and the rest of the team, and we trust you. You need to call the future.

Alura: Your friend Sam is strong.
Alex: Well, she's fighting for her daughter, like you.

Kara: You sold CatCo without telling any of us?
Lena: To be honest, Kara, I only bought the company because I knew how much it meant to you, and it's frankly left me strapped for capital, which I desperately need for a new venture that I'm working on. When Andrea called, it was just too good of an offer to pass up.
Kara: I... I had no idea. I completely understand.
Lena: Andrea and I go way back. I mean, since boarding school. And she is a brilliant businesswoman. I would not have sold her CatCo if I didn't think she would do a great job.
Kara: Oh, of course. Why didn't you tell me beforehand?
Lena: I was a coward. And I hope that you don't feel like I made you out to be too much of a fool by keeping you in the dark.
Kara: No.
Lena: You're my best friend, and here I go, once again proving that you are more virtuous than I am. But I never did purport to be a saint.

Supergirl: I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. And since Superman left and Lex has been freed, it's a lot heavier.

Councilwoman Rankin: Supergirl, what a pleasant surprise. By the way, my daughter loves your PSAs.
Supergirl: Oh.
Councilwoman Rankin: She gets a kick out of that funny little green man.
Supergirl: Just trying to make a positive impact on my community, which actually brings me to the purpose of my visit. Please consider voting no on the Orquoia deal.
Councilwoman Rankin: Why in high heavens would I do that?
Supergirl: Reverting the Ormfell back to its original purpose could give the recently unincarcerated people living there the support they need to get their lives back on track. Housing projects like this also benefit the community by reducing eviction rates...
Councilwoman Rankin: That's exactly what I'm trying to do with Orquoia. Improve the community and the lives of everyone that lives there. A deal like this could inject the Heights with new money, growth, opportunity.
Supergirl: That's exactly what affordable housing could do. Instead of investing in a corporation, you'd be investing in the people to create that change.
Councilwoman Rankin: Do you know how many people are Orquoia employees? They add billions to the GDP each year. A business of this magnitude would increase property values in the Heights, bring better schools to the area, improve infrastructure...
Supergirl: You're talking about gentrification, which prices out everyone who currently lives in the Heights.
Councilwoman Rankin: I am talking about progress. I've spent years putting this deal together, and when it closes, it will be the largest community investment in the history of National City. You want me to sacrifice all that so a bunch of criminals can have a roof over their heads? Stick to leafy greens, Supergirl. Leave the politicking to me.

Young: I was failing calc. All right? You're not the only one with a secret. Kenny offered to tutor me. He knew I wouldn't want anyone to find out, so we would come out here. I just wanted to think about him. What are you doing here?
Young: I was here with Kenny last night. We were stargazing. Mrs. Li said that Kenny's telescope is missing, but this is the last place it could have been and it's not here. And neither is his laptop.
Young: Laptop?
Young: It was a part of some project he was working on. It took pictures of what the telescope saw.
Young: Maybe one night Kenny saw something he shouldn't have.
Young: Maybe he took a picture of it.
Young: We have to find that laptop.
Young: It's too dark.
Young: For me.
[Kara x-rays the woods and finds the laptop]
Young: I... I got it.
Young: Well, if he hid it, there's gotta be something pretty important on it.
Young: We have to get this to Sheriff Collins.
Young: We will, eventually, but we need more information. We've tampered with evidence and you were the last person to see Kenny alive. Do the math. We've got to get this home.

Morgan: You ready?
Robert: We are. They'll literally never see it coming.
Morgan: That's the idea.

Alex: You okay?
Kelly: Got a bum knee.
Alex: Ah.
Kelly: It really sucks when your body starts breaking down, huh?
Alex: Yeah, seriously. Sometimes I wonder when I can't run as fast as I used to, I'm like "Oh, right. I'm not 20 anymore." No one is spared.
Kelly: James will be.
Alex: Must be strange to have a sibling with superpowers, huh?

Councilwoman Jean Rankin: Yes, the disaster two nights ago was horrible for all of us. But as you can see, I'm back working for this community.
Reporter: I'm hearing that there are still people in the hospital injured from the explosion.
Councilwoman Jean Rankin: All I can say is I feel great. I'm back on my feet, and I'm here to show everyone that they shouldn't let their own weakness hold them back.
Orlando: So you just got better, huh? Just like that?
Councilwoman Jean Rankin: I'm not taking questions from the public right now.
Orlando: I watched you leave the hospital. You get some fancy treatment and get better? What about my brother? What about all the people in that hospital?
Councilwoman Jean Rankin: I want to help the people of this community. I want to help you pull yourselves up by your own bootstraps.
Orlando: It's not us who are the problem, it's you and the whole system that supports you. The same system that puts us down while it tells us to pull ourselves up. People deserve better.

J'onn: There's only one Supergirl, but we will all do our best to channel your spirit in your honor, protect National City with pride, and make you proud.

James: Hey, I saw you on "Counterpoint Daily". I-I'm really sorry to put you out there like that last minute.
Kara: I just worry that this manifesto really is a harbinger of something terrible.
Querl: In the text, we found numerous hidden messages, but even the most threatening was about charcuterie.

Kelly: [leaving a voicemail message] Hey, James... um, I am at a hospital in the Heights. There was an explosion. People are gonna die, um... and it's like no one cares. It's like their lives don't matter. Um, I just... I needed to vent to someone that I knew would get it. I'm okay. I'm okay. I just, um... I don't know how you did it.
Kelly: Because I'm already so tired. I am exhausted. I feel like I can't get anyone to see the real problem. It's like they're just focused on themselves. I feel so powerless. Everyone here is so powerless. These are someone's child, mothers, brothers... and I'm scared it's only gonna get worse. And I don't know what else to do.

Supergirl: The Monitor freed Mal? I didn't know he was of this universe.
Querl: Yes, I thought the Monitor was a Flash and Green Arrow's problem.
J'onn: He's of every universe, and he's everyone's problem. Last year, he tested Kara and Earth-1's heroes with Dr. Deegan and the Book of Destiny. This year, he's testing me to make sure I'm ready for this.
Alex: And what exactly is "this"?
Supergirl: Another reality wave?
Querl: Not exactly. Whatever it is, it is hurtling through space at an impossible speed. I calculate it will reach the edge of the universe in exactly 5.3 hours, at which point, it will boomerang back. Once it intersects again with our solar system, the results will be, in a word, cataclysmic.
J'onn: Exactly when will it reach us?
Querl: There are too many variables to calculate precisely, but I will say this. If this wave isn't stopped by tomorrow night... there will be no more "us". No more future. No more anything.

Lena: [seeing Eve reunited with her mother] In the last world, she betrayed us. We may never know what was driving her, but... I do know what was driving you. You didn't want to tell me who you really were because you didn't want me to get hurt. But I did get hurt. And I did what I always do when people hurt me. I... built a wall and I suffocated behind it. Makes it very difficult to see things from other people's point of view. But I see yours now. And I am very sorry it took me so long.
Supergirl: You know, when you showed up at my door this morning, I... I didn't wanna let you in. And I kept waiting for you to let me down. But at every turn, you came through. Building that suit, protecting my identity, supporting me. I wasn't ready to accept your apology. But maybe... *maybe* I am now.
Lena: [uneasy] Okay. What now?
Supergirl: Well, there's still one bad guy left to catch.
Lena: [offering a handshake] Let's go take my brother down.

Andrea: Kara. It's after lunch, and I haven't even received your first article yet.
Kara: I was just about to file that.
Andrea: William already did.
Kara: He wrote my article?
Andrea: And it's excellent, I may add. Perhaps the transition is harder on you than I thought. Our copy editing staff is a little shorthanded. Maybe you can help them out.
Kara: I'm... I'm not a copy editor.
Andrea: A beginner's mind is a Zen mind.
[an aide whispers in her ear]
Andrea: Really? Broken? Intentionally? And you're certain that it's that user?
[the aide nods]
Andrea: I'll handle it.
[to Kara]
Andrea: The pile on the right is for you.

Lex: What, no pleading, no hopeful pontification about how I can change and learn to be a better person...
Lex: That's your problem, Kara. You, Leviathan, you're all the same. Pushing an agenda, trying to make humanity bend in ways that it just doesn't want to.
Supergirl: Yeah, like you tried to bend Lena, pitting her against me? You're a man with alien DNA coursing through him, thinking he knows what's best for this world. Sound familiar?
Lex: Sounds like someone willing to do whatever it takes to save humanity.

Hank: I know you just started working here again, but to be clear, our job here at the DEO is to catch aliens, not let them escape.
Supergirl: How 'bout you just get off my back for once, Hank?
Alex: Supergirl.
Hank: I thought we were in a good place here.
Supergirl: We're in a good place, when I do what I'm told. When I don't, you come down on me. I am tired of it! You want to catch the K'hund, go try it yourself! You're just as strong as me, if you wanted to be.
Alex: You know how dangerous that is for him.
Supergirl: And it's not dangerous for me too? Every Kryptonian on this planet wants to kill me except my cousin. I have to live with that. And he could, too!

James: I can't stand Lucy's dad.
Kara: I can't stand him either.
James: I hate how he gets involved in our relationship, and I'm not holding Lucy back.
Kara: I can't stand the way Cat treats me.
James: And I really cannot stand how he talks about your cousin.
Kara: I hate how my emotions get the best of me. And I hate how my sister doesn't know what happens to her father. And I hate that I am never gonna get to have a normal life

Brainiac: I must admit, it was worthwhile to use our platform for more than just promoting healthy eating. Orlando really made a difference today. Why the burdened look?
Supergirl: I was thinking about Mitch, actually. How he went back to a life of crime after all these years. People like him slip through the cracks every day because the system isn't designed to help them. Don't get me wrong; I am so happy Orlando won this one today. But I can't help but think that's all this is; it's one.
Brainiac: The fight for systemic change often feels never-ending. All we can do is keep showing up. Keep sharing our platform. I can't promise you it'll ever get easier. But I can promise this: I will be beside you. Every step of the way.
J'onn: Sorry to interrupt. We picked up an energy signature coming from the Ormfell.
Brainiac: That's strange. The energy from the cryo-nuke should have dissipated by now.
Supergirl: It could be residual from my heat vision. I'll check it out on my way home.

Supergirl: I have what you want, Nxyly. Let him go.
Nxylgsptinz: Give me what I want first.
Supergirl: Suit yourself.
[she tosses the crystal over]
Nxylgsptinz: [reacting in pain to Lena's spell] Ah!
Supergirl: Run!
Nxylgsptinz: [catching William as he tries to escape] You tried to use magic against me.
Supergirl: Don't hurt him.
Nxylgsptinz: I'm not hurting him. You are.
William: [choking] You talk about me like I don't... get a say.
[he trips Nxyly and removes the Courage totem from her gauntlet]
William: But I do.
Nxylgsptinz: [realizing their connection is broken] You're not in my head anymore.
Supergirl: I guess hope does trump fear.
Nxylgsptinz: No. I won't be undone.

Supergirl: The exit can't be broken. Not after everything we've been through. Nyxly, your magic. Can you fix it?
Nxylgsptinz: I'll try.
Zor: [as she snaps, nothing happens] I knew this was a waste of time.
Nxylgsptinz: What, you're just going to give up?
Supergirl: Father, please. Please, think of everything we've accomplished already. We... we made an ally where there were only enemies. We found magic where there was only misery. We found each other after decades apart. We can't give up now. Not after all that.
Zor: What else is there to do? The mirror can't be fixed.
Supergirl: Maybe not, but you knew Mother better than anyone. And you know she never would have left her guards stranded, so... so think. What would she have done?
Zor: She would have built a second mirror.
Supergirl: Yes. Where?
Nxylgsptinz: The supply rooms.

Lex: Ms. Tessmacher, I need you to do me a favor. What do you know about CatCo Magazine?
Eve: Their circulation's down?
Lex: Jimmy Olsen works there. He's been a thorn. But he's connected to the second Kryptonian. And I happen to know that Cat Grant needs a new assistant. A woman of your talents would have no problem finding a job there.
Eve: Consider it done. But you do know there's a lot more that I can do...
Lex: And you will. We're gonna make you undeniable.

Ben: Sorry it took so long. It was a zoo, but I got everything. I got the sweet potatoes, I got the rolls, and I... think I got the allspice.
Lydia: My hero.

Hank: Got a shot of the bomber from the security cameras at Max's lab. Facial recognition came up with a match. His name is Ethan Knox. Worked at the first lab that was attacked. He was fired six months ago when his work became erratic. His family reported him missing two weeks ago.
Supergirl: How do we find him?
Alex: We? No, a fall from that height would have rattled your cousin. You are staying home.
Supergirl: There is a literal mad bomber out there. And I have to get back to work. Oh, my god! Ms. Grant's son. I have to get back to the office. I'm supposed to be babysitting.
Alex: Kara. Maybe you're spreading yourself too thin. Okay? You're trying to be Supergirl and Cat's assistant and a DEO agent on top of it all. At some point, even the Girl of Steel might break.

Hat: You called it. Girl of Steel went straight to the president. Idiot moved the launch up to tomorrow. Base is in Wyoming. Devils Tower.

Kara: You should've had my back.
James: Look, I'm sorry I told her, but I felt like it was important to be honest.
Kara: At my expense?
James: I really like her. And-and for this to move forward, I have to be honest about my life, about everything, about Guardian. And because I was, she opened up to me.
Kara: I'm really happy for you, James. I really am. But I can't be honest with Lena, and you know it.
James: You were straight with me.
Kara: My secret identity is there to protect people, and if Lena knew I was Supergirl, people might use it against her. For the past two years, I... I've had to be dishonest with her while she's been opening up to me. Lillian Luthor said it, and she was right. If Lena ever found out that I was Supergirl, she would be devastated, and she would lump me in with every other person in her life that's betrayed her.

CJ: [seeing the pink cougar] Beautiful animal.
[she takes a picture with her phone]
Naxim: We've got a full zoo, except for the one I want.
Young: [crashing through the roof] You want a Kryptonian? You got one.
Mitch: [as she punches them in the chest, they're thrown against a control panel] Oh, no. Every alien on the lower level has been released. Sir, the escape pod!
Naxim: [closing a hatch] Congratulations. You've just set free a school of Plutonian land sharks. And with what you've let free, your resting days are over!
Brainiac: We have to stop those land sharks.
Nia: Where's CJ? She can't tell the world about this.

Alex: So, how did it go? How was the trip?
[seeing Sam's confused look]
Alex: Your work trip.
[Sam smiles uncertainly]
Alex: Uh, wow. I mean, it must have been really bad if you've already blocked it out. It's okay.
Samantha: I said I had a work trip?
Alex: Yeah.
Samantha: No, I did. I did. I know... I know I did. I know I said that. But I didn't go anywhere.
[taking her phone out of her purse]
Samantha: Oh, my god. Lena called. How did I miss this?
Alex: Are you okay?
Samantha: They had a car for me. I never got in the car. I never got on a plane. How?
[a thought clicks in her mind]
Samantha: Oh, my god. Ruby said it the other day.
Alex: What did Ruby say?
Samantha: That I was gone. I told her that I was going somewhere, but I didn't. I don't know where I went. I thought maybe I was stressed, or, you know, maybe she was remembering wrong. But it keeps happening to me. I keep losing time.
Alex: Sam, take a deep breath.
Samantha: No, I don't know where I've been. Alex, I think something's wrong with me.

Alex: You look like crap.
Winn: Thank you, I saw the mirror this morning.

Kara: Chocolate pecan pie is the best dessert in the universe. And speaking as someone who's been to a dozen planets, that's saying something.

Rama: Do you know how long that I've been safeguarding this planet?
Margot: Since the beginning.
Rama: And since our ship, as big as an asteroid, wiped out the dinosaurs. Then humanity rose and became a scourge to this planet, and for eons we have kept their destructive behavior at bay, but now... they're ravaging the Earth like never before, and I granted you the privilege of serving our cause, and you failed.
Gamemnae: Is it her failure, Rama Khan? Or is it yours?

James: Someone just tried to heat-vision Edge. He's calling a press conference.
Supergirl: Is he hurt?
James: Sadly, no. Of course this guy has a lead-lined panic room in his office. But whatever's out there wants him dead. He just got lucky.

J'onn: We've got to find a way to track these weapons.
Winn: Okay. So, it emits phased muon particles. I could maybe come up with a way to detect it.

Supergirl: The violence out there is spreading. And the more we fight these attackers, the more joyful they seem in fighting back.
[clutching her chest with a gasp]
Supergirl: It's Nxyly. She feels different. There's no rage anymore, just... just... compassion. I've never felt anything like this from her before. I don't know what this means. We need that spell to work, Lena. And we need it to work now.

Kara: It's Alex. I thought we were good after the mind wipe, but I was wrong. The way she spoke to me last night, to Supergirl... she was so cold.
James: She doesn't know that you're Supergirl.
Kara: I know. Didn't realize how much it would hurt. I mean, not knowing that my favorite movie is "The Wizard of Oz"? Eliza thought that I would relate to the adventures of a young girl being lost in a faraway land. It was... it was my favorite movie, because I was from a different planet. And now, Alex doesn't know that. Not anymore.
James: Yeah. It's gotta be tough. I'm sorry. That must be really hard for you.
Kara: What if the mind wipe has consequences that we didn't anticipate?
James: You can't think that way. Look, maybe the best course of action right now is to throw yourself into your work and just take your mind off of it.

Kara: Alex, we're here. I don't see Jensen. But there's some sort of disturbance.
Alex: All right, I can see a purple glow. Jensen's somewhere in the middle of the black. All right, agents, get into position.

Winn: This one has the "S". For "Super", just like your cousin.
Kara: It's not an "S". It's my family coat of arms. The House of El.

Mon: What was that?
Lena: It's a refractive scatter field. She can't see us now.
Winn: Well, even... even with the x-ray vision?
Supergirl: [trying her x-ray vision, she winces and groans in pain] Yeah. Even with x-ray vision.
Lena: The wavelength interference of the force field hurts any Kryptonian that looks at it, and the shock seems to keep her in check.

Reign: You're different without your powers. Like a child, helpless and afraid.
Supergirl: I'm not afraid of you. Even though we're enemies, there's still something that binds us.
Reign: Save your speech, Supergirl.
Supergirl: No. No, you have to hear me. There is something in you that sees what you're doing is wrong, that sees the pain you're causing and regrets it. You don't have to be my enemy. You want justice in the world, so do I. But we're not going to find it by attacking each other.
Reign: And that's where you're wrong.
[as she prepares to fire her heat vision, she's knocked backwards by an electrical discharge]
Livewire: Watch out.
Reign: Coming to Supergirl's rescue?
Livewire: I'm coming to take you down.

Kara: You should give that ring back to Brainy. He'll be happy to see it.
J'onn: I'm not ready to explain how I got it.
Kara: James is okay. The whole city is okay because of you.
J'onn: Yeah, but at what cost? Manchester is dead.
Kara: I know you're trying to follow your father's code, but what happened today doesn't change who you're trying to be.
J'onn: But I don't know who that is, Kara. One thing I do know...
[giving the ring to her]
J'onn: I am not a man of peace.

Alex: [offering Kara dinner] Join me.
Kara: I can't. I have a deadline.
[snickering as Alex's face falls]
Kara: Okay, fine. But I call the potstickers.
Alex: What?
Kara: All of them.
Alex: No!
Kara: Mm-hmm.
Alex: That's ridiculous.
Kara: Uh-uh.

Alex: You've always been like a father to me, and, J'onn, I... I choose you to be my family. And I want, if you will, to have you walk me down the aisle.
[he chokes up and tears start to well in his eyes]
Alex: Stop. Don't cry. If you cry, I'm gonna cry, and then everybody here's gonna know that we actually can cry. So...
J'onn: Uh... Alex, it would... it would be my honor.

J'onn: Some light reading?
Alex: Yeah. I'm just trying to figure out how to reach Ruby. You know, I mean, I lost my dad as a teenager, so I figured "Hey, I should be a natural at helping her get through this whole ordeal with her mom." But nothing I have tried is working. So I bought every book that I could find on helping kids deal with trauma.
J'onn: I'd imagine none of those books have chapters on what to do when your mother's a Worldkiller who tried to murder you.
Alex: Mm. Yeah, they left that one out.

Leslie: Holy hell.
Gayle: I've seen worse.
Supergirl: He must have been poisoned by the blue star.
Leslie: The lesser sex.

Supergirl: Fellow citizens of America, these are complicated times. Some of you are confused, many of you are scared. You just found out that the President of the United States is not from northern Iowa like you thought. She's from a planet somewhere out in the vast universe. Many of you feel betrayed because you were lied to. President Marsdin took responsibility for that. She resigned from office. But the fear that's spreading in this country like wildfire isn't because the president lied. It's because she comes from somplace different. All of you know that I am also from a different place, another planet. But I've lived here long enough to know that it doesn't matter where we were born, because we are all the same. The character of a person, or alien, is not defined by where we are from, but by what we do. The people that exposed President Marsdin wanted to divide us. They want us to turn on one another, live in fear, grow in hate. But I know we are better than that. I know we can work together with love and respect, treat our neighbors with kindness. I am an alien, and I love this planet that I am proud to call home. I want what we all want: to be a good American. I will stand by the new administration as this nation begins to heal. And I'll continue to protect my friends and neighbors just as I always have. I hope you will all do the same.

J'onn: How do we reconcile who we are with who we wanna be, Alex?
Alex: We forgive ourselves. Pacifism doesn't mean inaction. It just means that you have to learn how to fight without raising the sword.
J'onn: I was right to put you in charge.
Alex: Oh, that was too soon.

Kara: All right, so, how does this work?
Mxyzptlk: I will show you relevant parts of your life. You'll tell me when to pause, I will snap...
[pantomiming in demonstration]
Mxyzptlk: ...like thus, sending you back. You will change history. Once you have confronted Lena, you will come back, we will watch from your loft and the safety of your couch. If you are comfortable with the domino effect...
[he claps, and an old-school film projector appears]
Mxyzptlk: ...I will then snap again, at which point it will become reality.

Supergirl: [to K'hund] I have defeated White Martians, Koluans and Kryptonians. You, you're not worth looking at. Get out of my sight. Before I change my mind.

Kenny: [exiting Tork's ship, surrounded by police] Kara, what do we do?
CJ: Brilliant. Everyone in the world is going to know that name. Keera.

Kelly: [after shouting at Kara and the others] Sorry about that. I don't know what just happened.
John: No need to apologize. You wanna talk about what's really going on?
Kelly: I am not one to be hopeless. I just don't know how to express what I'm feeling. And I'm a psychologist. I just want to make a difference. But I am one person fighting a system that has been against those that need it for centuries.
John: And we have been fighting for centuries. Fighting through exhaustion, fighting through being tired, fighting to get things right, but now is not the time to walk away from this fight. Use your exhaustion to fuel your fire.

Alex: If you're going to Mars, then Kara's going with you.
Kara: Yeah.
J'onn: I won't have you endanger your life just to fight my battles.
Kara: Your battles are my battles, J'onn.
J'onn: I can't take you away from Alex's shower.
Alex: Are you kidding? If I thought that I could survive Mars, then I would be right there fighting by your side.
Kara: J'onn, if Krypton still existed and I had to go back to where my parents were buried under rubble, I know you wouldn't let me do it alone.

Adam: So, are you ever actually gonna tell me what it is we're doing here?
Lena: In success, which I'm counting on, you'll need to know. We're attempting to cure everything.
Adam: Like, cancer?
Lena: Everything that makes men weak.
Adam: Are you telling me if this had happened a year ago, that my brother might still be here?
Lena: Not only that, but if this works, we'll cure not only all human ailments, but you'll get... abilities.
Adam: What, like superpowers?
Lena: Something like that.
Adam: But you didn't want a hero.
Lena: I wanted someone responsible. Somebody who wouldn't think that they knew what was best just because they had powers.

Kenny: Do you know what this is?
Young: [seeing a log with their initials and a date carved into it] It's the log where we had our first kiss.
Kenny: It's where you changed my life, Kara.
[indicating the decorated barn]
Kenny: This? This is our future. Our fortress.

Lena: Sam Arias is Reign. Supergirl knows, and... and so do the appropriate authorities.
James: So when you were telling me about your employee that-that couldn't accept her problem...
Lena: I was working to rid Sam of Reign, to free her.
James: But she put Supergirl in a coma. How-how did you keep her under control?
Lena: The last of Lex's Kryptonite. And... and don't worry, Supergirl knows about that, too.
James: And you're telling me this now, why?
Lena: Because I gambled everything. My reputation, Supergirl's trust in me, my relationship with you, on fixing Sam. And I failed. I really needed to hear your voice today, and I didn't want you to look at me like I was a Luthor.

Lucy: I hope you're bringing more to the table than just quick reflexes.
Barry: Well, as it just so happens, catching criminals is both my night and day job. I'm a CSI. By the way, do you guys have a crime lab here?
Supergirl: Yeah. My-my sister's lab's right over here.
Barry: Wait, you have a sister? Where is she at?
Supergirl: I wish I knew.

The: [speeding around the DEO] Yo, this place is amazing, all right? Is this a spaceship?
Supergirl: That's actually my spaceship.
The: I love this Earth. Hey, Winn, can I get a picture with this bad boy?
Winn: Oh, yeah. Sure.
The: Awesome.
Supergirl: Winn. Winn.
Winn: That's probably not a good idea, dude.

DEO: Sir, we found the alien that killed your wife.
Ben: Where?
[she shows him her tablet]
Ben: Get our agents over there right now.
Cooper: They're all out searching.
Ben: Then assemble a DEO strike team. I'll lead.

Supergirl: I should get back to the DEO.
Manchester: No, wait. The DEO is already on it looking for that bomb. So maybe you and I can crack something here. Your friend said he'll cal if he find something, right?

Alex: [needs password to open computer file] Okay... did Eve ever mention, like, a family pet?
Supergirl: Uh...
Lena: Here.
[types in her educated guess password]
Supergirl: "IloveLex"? Gross!

Kara: [on discovering that Cat dubbed her "Supergirl"] "Supergirl"? We can't name her that!
Cat: *We* didn't.
Kara: Right, I'm sorry. It's just, uh... A female superhero. Shouldn't she be called Super... woman?
Cat: I'm sorry, darling, I just can't hear you over the loud color of your cheap pants.
Kara: If we call her "Supergirl", something less than what she is, doesn't that make us guilty of, of being anti-feminist? Didn't you say she's the hero?
Cat: *I'm* the hero. I stuck a label on the side of the girl. I branded her. She will forever be linked to CatCo, to the Tribune, to me. And what do you think is so bad about "Girl?" Huh? I'm a girl. And your boss, and powerful, and rich, and hot and smart. So if you perceive "Supergirl" as anything less than excellent, isn't the real problem you?

Kara: I was so close. I had him. I... now they've destroyed all my evidence, so I've got nothing. Lockwood walked, and people think Supergirl's an assassin, and the president is working with a man who's almost blown up the world more than once.
J'onn: Come on. Don't do this.
Kara: I told myself, pen's mighter. "Let's do what Ms. Grant would do." And it all fell apart.
J'onn: Look, you'll find a way. You always do.
Kara: Lex knows who I am. He wants me dead.
Kara: Which means Alex is in danger. I... J'onn, I have to tell her why. She has to know I'm Supergirl. That's... I... she has to know.
J'onn: You can't, Kara. Look, when I wipe somebody's mind, I close off neural pathways. Alex's psyche has already compensated for the missing memories. They're walled off. If you tell her the truth, it's like you're taking a sledgehammer to that wall, forcing two realities together. She could go insane.
Kara: [crying] This can't be forever. There has... there has to be a way.
J'onn: I mean, maybe if she... finds out on her own, remembers on her own. Maybe.
Kara: Is that possible?
J'onn: I don't know.

Kara: I'm not flying around saving people in this thing. I... I wouldn't even wear it to the beach. Where's my cape?
Winn: Capes are lame. You can tell your cousin I said so. Actually, never, never do that.

Maeve: You have to understand. I was so wrapped up in my own pain. I never even thought about you or our family or... the ramifications my words could have on any of us. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry for trying to steal the totem. For abandoning you. I never thought you weren't a real woman. I just... I wanted you to be in as much pain as I was. But seeing you today, your abilities, your selflessness... you are the Dreamer. You always have been. Forgive me?
Nia: No. Maeve, you may have spent your life studying to be the Dreamer, but I spent mine trying to make you happy. You were my best friend. And you tore me down like it was nothing. And then you ran away. You changed your name. You pretended like nothing ever happened. You can't erase what you did, Maeve. Because of your actions, we both had to grieve Mom alone. And I had to learn these powers that I didn't ask for alone. I needed you! I needed my big sister. If it wasn't for Kara and Brainy, I would have been completely lost. So, no, I can't forgive you. But I can offer you a second chance. A final chance... for us to be sisters again.

Lillian: If this is so important, why don't you stay and help me?
Lena: Because I've got to find Lex. You don't happen to know where he is, do you?
Lillian: When you find out your child was plotting matricide, it tends to cast a pall over the relationship.
Lena: [feigning sympathy] Oh, did he hurt your feelings?
Lillian: Couldn't you just waterboard me like a normal person?

Kara: My dual identities made Lena think that she couldn't trust either side of me. I was a hypocrite.
Mxyzptlk: Okay, so, when exactly did this kryptonite-fueled tete-a-tete happen?
Kara: Ah... it was... it was, uh, just after we found out that Lena was housing Reign.
Supergirl: [on the tape] Lena, the Worldkillers are coming. We have to get you someplace...
Kara: Mmm, skip forward.
Mxyzptlk: Skip.
[he fast-forwards through various scenes]
Kara: See, there? This fight...
Mxyzptlk: Mm-hmm.
Kara: ...is what I'm trying to avoid.
Mxyzptlk: Okay.
Kara: So, go back.
[he rewinds, and she watches herself asking James to investigate Lena's kryptonite stock]
Kara: Ah, I never should have done that. Um... yeah, it has to be before this.
Mxyzptlk: Yeah, hang on, before.
Kara: We have to go back further. Here!
Mxyzptlk: Yep.
Lena: My friend came to me. She was alone and afraid. I had to do something.
Supergirl: I need you to level with me. Do you have any more kryptonite?
Kara: This is it. This is the moment that Lena started to distrust Supergirl. This is when I have to tell her.

Alura: [watching Mon-El work] He's a good man.
Kara: Yeah. Yeah, he is.
Alura: The connection between you two is obvious. He makes you happy. Do you love him?
Kara: Mom, that's... that's not an easy question to answer.
Alura: Why not?
Kara: There's a history between us. And complications.
Alura: When this crisis is over, I hope that we will find time for you to tell me all about it.
Kara: I'd like that.

Manchester: Lost my job to one of those roaches today. Sorry. I get a few in me...
Officer: No, no, no. I've been hearing that a lot lately. It's disgusting.
Manchester: It is.
[refilling Petrocelli's drink]
Manchester: To us, then.

Non: Kara Zor-El will no longer be a problem.
Indigo: Is she dead or isn't she?
Non: I could have killed her. But that would have spared her the agony of losing everyone she loves. I thought it would please you.
Indigo: You've always known how to please me. Now, it's time for us to consider what's next.
Non: Next, we go to Metropolis. Then to Opal City, Central City, Washington, D.C.
Indigo: You sound like a cut-rate politician running for office. The small dreams of a small man. Not worthy of you.
Non: Already, the humans in this city have cast away their differences and are working towards the salvation of their planet. For a lesser species, they are surprisingly creative. They show exceptional ingenuity.
Indigo: All the better to serve you. And yet, you falter.
Non: I am the Lord of Earth.
Indigo: You could be the Lord of the Universe. Don't you realize what you have? You've created a force that could take over the galaxy. A vast army that exists only to do your bidding. You want to take one planet and turn it into your fiefdom, when you have an entire universe crying out to be ruled by you. To worship you as I do.

Brainiac: Naxim Tork's ship just appeared on our radar.
Alex: It's go time.

Cat: You don't fool me. You're late. I noticed because there was no one mumbling and shuffling three paces behind me.
Kara: I'm sorry.
Cat: Where are the magazines?
Kara: The...
Cat: The paper ones. The ones that can be framed.
Kara: Right. The magazine.
Winn: [approaching] Uh, the truth is Kara is probably just a little foggy because she was up all night autographing the magazines with... with the author's name.
Cat: Huh. It's as if I thought of it myself, Ker-rah.
Kara: [Cat leaves] Oh, my god, Winn. You just saved my life. I owe you big time.

Supergirl: [to Dr. Jones] Sorry, pal. Saving the world's my job.
[aims blow]

Mon: How's my girlfriend, guys, huh?
Kara: What?
Mon: Bank robbers, zero. Supergirl, two. What do you even need cops for in this city?
Alex: [Maggie is insulted] He's from a different planet. He doesn't even know what he's saying.
Maggie: No, he's right. Why bother trying to talk a guy down when Supergirl can just swoop in and force him down? Seventeen hours of "What do you want, how can I help you?", good old-fashioned hostage negotiation wasted.
Kara: You're not upset that I caught the bad guys and got everyone out safely, are you?

Lillian: Twice in one day. It's almost like we have a real mother-daughter relationship.
Lena: The Medusa virus. That's why you sent your goon here. For Isotope 454. You're in charge of Cadmus.
Lillian: Is this the part where you lecture me, like you'd lecture Lex?
Lena: No. What you said before, there was truth in that. Ask me for your help and I'll give it to you.
Lillian: It's that easy?
Lena: It's that easy.
Lillian: I didn't think you believed in the cause.
Lena: Then it's time to get to know your daughter a little better.

Samantha: I was better, Alex. I was me. Now I feel like I can barely hold my head up.
Alex: What about the blackouts? Are you still losing any time?
Samantha: I just feel like my insides are wilting away.

Maxwell: [Supergirl saves him from Reactron] Twice in two days. I should put you on the payroll as a bodyguard.
Supergirl: Get somewhere safe.
Maxwell: Good idea.

Colonel: Agent Dox, sitrep.
Querl: [marching with J'onn] I have the team running perimeter checks. And I am in a prime location to run interference.

DEO: Ma'am, you need to see this. NORAD misidentified this as an asteroid, but it's some type of ship. And whatever came out of it seems to have eaten this man's heart. And nothing else.
Colonel: [inspects the gaping wound] Happy Valentine's Day.

J'onn: Still can't believe it.
[Kara hands him a cup of coffee]
J'onn: Thank you. He just ran straight into the room. He wouldn't stop.
Dreamer: What was in there?
Kara: A baby sun-eater. Kal's. It feeds on the chemical mass of small stars, so it's basically a living bomb.

Cat: [final line in the series] Hello National City. You know her as Kara Danvers, Catco's ace reporter and new editor-in-chief. But tonight, it is my great honour to introduce to you, Supergirl.

Nia: My family is from... far away.
Kara: It's okay.
Nia: They're from a planet called Naltor.
Kara: Wow, that's... you-you know you could have told me, right? I mean, I-I know it's not the best time to broadcast that you're an alien, but...
Nia: I know myself really, really well. Always have. But once in a generation, some of our women get this genetic oneiromancy.
[Kara shrugs her confusion]
Nia: They can dream the future.
Kara: And you can do that?

Yvette: You leaving early tonight?
Angus: Yeah. That place is way too crowded. Did you find your boyfriend?
Yvette: No, he'll be here in a minute.
Angus: Oh. He should have suggested that you meet at sunset.
Yvette: What?
Angus: Your favorite time of day... is on a yacht at sunset. At least that's what you told me in our first Upswipz chat. And I don't think you'd lie to me. Would you do that?

Kara: It's your first phone call. Think you can handle it?
Mon: Yeah.
[leaning over the phone]
Mon: Hello, this is CatCo. How may I help you?
[she picks up the ringing receiver and offers it to him]

Rama: Don't think of this as the end. Think of this as giving the world a second chance.
Andrea: For years I've worked for you, telling myself there was a just cause. No more. Maybe I can't beat you... but you don't think Supergirl will?
Rama: Supergirl is not a god. I am!

General: I need you to approve an immediate transfer. A member of your field unit to my command.
Hank: Really? Who would that be?
General: The lady in red.
Alex: Technically, Supergirl doesn't work for this organization.
General: If I had my way, no one would. Your covert operations could be handled effectively with my special forces and without foreign assistance.
Supergirl: Why do you need me?
General: We've been developing something, an anti-insurgent combat device. Project code-named RT. I need her help testing it for me.
Lucy: [coming forward] She has no choice. We have an executive order forcing you to comply.
General: [introducing] My legal attaché and my daughter, Major Lane.
[regarding the paperwork: ]
General: It's been signed by the President. You can take it up with her if you like.
Lucy: Unless you don't think you're up to it.
Supergirl: I'll do it.

Barry: So, I feel like I should be thanking you for something. The Monitor. You talked to him, didn't you?
[Oliver nods]
Barry: You got him to change our destinies somehow.
Oliver: You and Kara changed your destinies, Barry, by being the heroes that you always have been.
[Barry takes a sip from his beer]
Oliver: Hey, I've been you. I lived it, I felt it. You're a good man.
Barry: So are you. Even if you don't want people to believe it.
Oliver: I'm not as good as you think I am. But because of you, I think I'll get there someday.
Barry: Should we hug it out?
Oliver: No! No. And I really mean it this time. Twice you've made me hug you. No.

Alex: So, where's Mon-El? I mean, doesn't he practically live in this place?
Kara: Oh, knowing him? He's probably at Darla's apartment or Eve's apartment or with that blond Valeronian. What's the word for a male floozy?
Alex: A Daxamite.
Kara: Ha!
[toasts with beer bottle]
Kara: Well, at least he's having fun on Earth.

Lena: When do Esme and Kelly get back from Calvintown?
Alex: After the weekend. Kelly wants to give Esme the full Olsen family experience. So, catching fireflies, climbing trees, the enormous chili bowls. So if things stay as calm as they have been, I think I'm just gonna go back and join 'em.
Supergirl: Yeah, I guess destroying the Hope totem and having Brainy hide the rest was the right move. And now I even have time for my interview.
Lena: What interview?
Supergirl: Well, you know Kaznia and Corto Maltese agreed to a truce last week. Well, now Prime Minister Perez and President Zakharov are in town negotiating the official treaty. And my sources have told me that things are getting tense. But then I remembered this interview Larry King did years ago with three Middle Eastern leaders.
Lena: Yeah, that was Arafat, Rabin, and King Hussein of Jordan.
J'onn: They called it "World Diplomacy Live." I remember that. Were you on Earth back then?
Supergirl: No, I-I was actually in my pod, but I saw it. I just remember being so moved that a reporter could be a part of something so momentous. So I went out on a limb and asked Cat if she'd be willing to introduce me to the president and prime minister and she said yes.
[cut to her in Andrea's office]
Kara: And now CatCo has the chance to do something just like that. A once-in-a-generation interview that will show that even in these contentious times, two enemies were able to cross the divide and come together and help the Super Friends, by eliminating both countries' threats and, most importantly, how when people really set their minds to it, real peace is possible.
Andrea: Wow. That is inspiring. But not really interesting, is it?
Kara: What?
Kara: This could be historic.
Andrea: Oh, I know. We'll hype it as our version of Oprah and the Royals. "Kara Danvers and the heads of state." We'll put it on all the platforms. Our foreign markets will boom.
Kara: Okay, but I-I really think you're not getting this.
Andrea: Oh, but I am. Tomorrow at the Civic Center, we will have a full crew to support your broadcast. Anything you need before then, you let me know.

Supergirl: I know, I got a little over-excited. But, it's... it's okay. We can just... we can celebrate another night.
Alex: So, you're not mad at me?
Supergirl: No, no, no, I am not mad.
Alex: Because it really felt like you were mad at me. And then I felt guilty for trying to have fun.
Supergirl: Alex, I was being immature. I want you to have fun with your girlfriend. It's not a big deal, it's fine.
Alex: You promise?
Supergirl: Absolutely.
[but as she walks away, her expression tells a different story]

Ben: Why were the Children of Liberty out there patrolling in the first place? Petrocelli could blow this whole thing.
[he listens for a moment]
Ben: Just make sure they all lay low until the time comes.

Kara: [hearing a commotion outside her apartment] Parasite!
Alex: How is he still alive?
Kara: [getting into superhero mode] I don't know. Stay here.

Dr. Martin Stein: This is a molecular resequencing smart virus with a non-normative reciprocal action.
Jefferson: Do you just make up scientific words to make yourself sound smarter?

Supergirl: I'm guessing this alien didn't want just another ride. Kryptonian pods use anti-matter to propel them through space. And I know it's a long shot, but... can the engine be used...
Querl: To make a bomb? It would require great skill and enormous resources. But it is possible.
Alex: How destructive?
Querl: Strong enough to destroy all life across three solar systems.
Alex: Oh, well...
Querl: We face an even graver problem. Supergirl's cape has been destroyed!
Alex: [sarcastic] Oh, yes, uh... I totally forgot about the risk to life across three solar systems.
Querl: This is no time for sarcasm, however dry or well-crafted. Supergirl's cape is uniquely suited for the needs of high-speed superhero manuevers. And believe me, when a Farfarmniflatch is pursuing you across the poisonous prison pits of Takron-Galtos, you will wish for those heady days of old when your cape allowed you for an easy sharp right turn. Oh, yes. I... I shall repair your cape. And we will forget this sartorial disaster ever occurred.

Maggie: What's that?
Alex: It's from my mom. It's... it's kind of silly. I mean, she's... she's always made such a fuss about Valentine's Day. Here I am, 28 years old, and she still sends me cards.
Maggie: I always wondered who bought these. Let me see this.
[taking the card]
Maggie: "Daughter, thank you for being who you are. You will always be my star." Oh, my god...
Alex: I... Yeah, it's-it's kind of cheesy. I mean, Valentine's Day's kind of dumb, right?
Maggie: Well, the ridiculous notion that you need a manfuactured holiday to prove that you care? It just proves that people are patsies willing to throw away money on cheap chocolate and wilted roses. Makes me want to puke. I hate Valentine's Day.
Alex: [covering, as her face falls] Me, too.
Maggie: I knew we were right for each other, Danvers.

Young: Y-You spoke English? He said my name. Are people from your planet psychic?
Nia: Yes.
Brainiac: Y-Yeah, exactly.
Nia: Yes, we are.
Brainiac: We're...
Nia: Psychic aliens.
Brainiac: Mm-hmm.
Nia: From planet Psychon.

Veronica: Supergirl in my cage again.
Supergirl: Roulette?
Veronica: We have got to stop meeting like this.

Snowbird: Supergirl acts on her emotions. It's selfish, ugly. I will not be her. I will be me. I will be disciplined. I will follow you and destroy her.
Lex: Do you remember that story about Alexander the Great and his father?
Snowbird: I remember.
Lex: You thought I was Alexander. But I'm Philip. I only get one lifetime. But you're... forever. My gift to the world, my legacy.
[switching to Russian as he unveils a superhero costume]
Lex: My Red Daughter.

President: [Ben admires a pen in a glass case] FDR's. Used it to sign the Labor Relations Act. Your dad was a union man, right?
Ben: Oh, yes, sir. Through and through.

Supergirl: What are we doing in here?
Alex: When I joined the DEO, I spent twelve hours a day for five straight months in this room. We need to know that you're prepared for everything you might face out there.
Supergirl: Alex, I can bend steel with my bare hands, and last week I kicked Vartox's butt. I'm ready enough.
Alex: You really think so?
Supergirl: Yeah, I do.
[Alex punches her and sends her sprawling]
Supergirl: How did you do that?
Alex: [the room turns green] Kryptonite emitters. They're only at 18%. Not enough to permanently harm you, but enough to weaken you, make this a fair fight.
Supergirl: I just found out last week that kryptonite exists. Only the DEO knows it can hurt me.
Alex: You may have powers, Kara, but so do most of the Fort Rozz aliens. Not only do they have the element of surprise, but they've also had time to master their abilities. We may not always know who our enemies are, so we need to be prepared to face anyone. Now, come at me.

Kara: I figured it would be nice to get her away from everything for a couple days.
Eliza: This is gonna be hard no matter what, but at least here she can...
Eliza: lean into it. Better than letting her pretend she's fine.
Kara: [catches the hint] You're worried about me.
Eliza: I think I worry about you more than Alex. Losing Maggie is going to be excruciating, but at least Alex doesn't close herself off.
Kara: I'm not doing that.
Eliza: You have the most wide-open heart in the world for other people. But when you feel weak, you punish yourself for it. You've had an awful year.
Kara: And I'm feeling a lot better. I promise.
Eliza: You don't have to be better. You're allowed to be a mess.
Kara: Too many people depend on me.
Eliza: That is a great excuse.
Kara: I'm just accepting the fact that I'm not human. And if I'm gonna do the things I have to do, I have to walk away from... certain... vulnerabilities.
Eliza: You've thought a lot about this.
Kara: Yeah. It's been a long time coming. I'm happy about it.
[nods pensively]
Eliza: You don't seem happy.

Mon: I know my being back here hasn't made things easy for you.
Kara: Mon-El.
Mon: It's true. But I can see that you're struggling, and I wanna help. I wanna make things better for you.
Kara: I know you do.
Mon: Well, then try me.
Kara: What... what do you mean?
Mon: Talk to me. I promise I'm... I'm a heck of a lot wiser than whoever that guy was that landed here a year ago. Just try me. Try me. I'm a much better listener.
Kara: I feel badly that I couldn't get through to Reign. I saw humanity in her. I got a glimpse of it, and I should have been able to reach it. And maybe if I did reach it, Leslie would still be alive.
Mon: Yeah, I know the feeling. Leading people into battle and not bringing 'em home. It's hard.
Kara: No kidding.
Mon: But for what it's worth, you might not have gotten through to Reign. But, I mean, Livewire, she's... she was as bad as they come. And you got through to her. You-you... you gave her something to fight for, to sacrifice for. You changed her heart for the better. That's, I mean... that's amazing. And you did that without the yellow sun. That was all you.
[Kara laughs softly]
Mon: What?
Kara: Wow, your advice actually makes sense now. I think I'd actually follow it.

Hat: I'm just saying maybe a prison dye job wasn't the best move.
Manchester: Nor is base dealing, mate.
Hat: [seeing Menagerie's look, he puts a card down] Needed a third king.
Manchester: Gin.
Hat: Thought you'd never ask.
[he pulls a bottle of gin from his bowler]

Supergirl: Brainy, what is it? Did we get a hit on the contents of the container?
Querl: The label itself was too destroyed to interpret. But I found the residue on it to be 80% glue, and 9.73% ink. The rest was Nalcyite.
Supergirl: What is that? Is it dangerous?
Querl: It's Nalcian table salt. However, on Earth, it could be quite volatile. Under the right circumstancess, it has an explosive factor of 8,000 joules per gram, or that of a tiny, precise nuclear explosion.

J'onn: What language is that?
Kara: It's "Mxyzptlk" spelled backwards. Maybe Mon-El was right. I mean, how am I gonna get him to say this? I hope Winn found something that will work. Where is he?
J'onn: He should be here. Most of the relics tested negative for fifth dimensional energy, however, there was one that might be of some use.
[seeing the case is empty]
J'onn: Odd.
Kara: [realizing] Mon-El.

Supergirl: How do you feel?
Samantha: It's a cliché, but I feel like I got hit by a bus.
Supergirl: Sorry.

Kara: Jeez. This is America. You can't just kidnap a reporter.
Secret: And you can't publish state secrets when it's a matter of national security.
Kara: My editor already has all my evidence.
Secret: We scrubbed the CatCo servers.

Kara: So, was Maggie mad you missed the concert?
Alex: Well, luckily I have a girlfriend that understands when deadly aliens besiege my place of work, that takes precedence.

Lex: Pennies from heaven. How does this happen? Clone?
Eve: I think I know. It's called Harun-El. Black kryptonite. It splits Kryptonians in two. Supergirl must have come into contact with it.
Lex: But she's a blank slate. Doesn't she share Supergirl's memories?
Eve: We don't know exactly how this works, yet.
Lex: "We"?
Eve: It's Lena, and she has more.
Lex: [impressed] Brava.
Eve: I told you I'd be more useful at L-Corp than CatCo.

Supergirl: What was the word again? Cgyrzyx.
Totem: [her half of the totem activates] Face your past... face yourself... face the moment you lacked true courage.
Supergirl: What does that mean?
[in her mind, she finds herself in a bar, seeing a news report about an airplane in trouble]
Kara: This is the night I became Supergirl. Alex was on that plane.
[after saving the plane, she hears someone else calling for help]
Kara: I remember this. I didn't go because I was afraid I'd be seen.
Man: [getting mugged] I... I-I don't have any cash.
Kara: [pulling the mugger off and throwing him into a dumpster] You're safe now. I'll call the police.
Totem: [the memory ends] You have failed.

J'onn: Who runs the fights?
M'gann: Why?
J'onn: So I can stop them!
M'gann: You don't know who you'd be going up against. She has powerful friends.
J'onn: So do I. They're using you. Watching you fight like an animal.
M'gann: No, I don't fight for them. I fight for myself. This is the reality that we live in. This is the world you've created.
J'onn: So, what's in it for you? The money? The thrill of the kill?
M'gann: I have never killed anyone in the ring. You don't understand.
J'onn: Then make my understand! We're the last of our kind. There's no one else. It's our responsibility to preserve everything we've lost.
M'gann: That's the difference between us. I don't want to remember. You want to still be there. You want to relive it, over and over. I don't. I wanna forget.
J'onn: I will never forget my wife and daughters.
M'gann: They're dead. We're alive.
J'onn: God help you, M'gann. You're lost.
M'gann: She calls herself Roulette. Her real name is Veronica Sinclair. Don't come back here.

Supergirl: Where's Kara?
Hank: She's safe. For now.
Supergirl: What do you want?
Hank: WHAT DO I *WANT*? Your father infiltrated my organization, ambushed me. Left me for *dead* in the jungle! So this is what I want!
[drawing an energy weapon from his coat, he fires it, which ties her up in a kryptonite restraint]
Hank: You didn't think I'd come unprepared, did you?
Supergirl: [opening the case, he sees it's empty] You didn't think I'd bring an active warhead, did you?
Hank: I still have the missile. And I still have you. That's enough to get the DEO back to its former glory. By blowing it up and starting over. And now the DEO, your sister... and everyone you love will die. No one will be able to save them... or you.
Supergirl: I don't need anyone to save me. 'Cause I am Supergirl!

Supergirl: How's your head?
Alex: Don't worry about it. Just don't tell the president.
Supergirl: You were never here.

Till'all: Our survival depends on getting this information.
J'onn: Is that all you care about? Survival?
Till'all: I swore to die fighting for this resistance. But I'm not gonna die standing here waiting.
J'onn: You think you have what it takes to break my father's mind? More powerful Martians than you have tried, boy.
M'gann: Enough. Till'all is right about one thing. If we don't find the staff soon, we're finished. So you have to do this, J'onn. You have to get through to your father. Can you?
J'onn: I can. And I will.
M'gann: Good. So hurry, because time is running out.

Morgan: Lena. Twice in my office in as many days. People are going to start
Morgan: talking.
Lena: Morgan, you have all of the charisma of a Michael Douglas movie from '90s.
Morgan: You didn't come all this way just to flatter me, did you?

Maxwell: The Man of Steel brought to his knees all because he went to kindergarten and watched "Sesame Street".

Cisco: What Squidward here means to say is we took the data you extrapolated from Newton and Curie and Galileo.
Dr. Harry Wells: Hacks, every one of them.
Cisco: And we ran it through a Conway class nucleodynamic synthesizer.
[Stein and Jax stare at them blankly]
Cisco: Hold your applause, I only built it myself.
Dr. Harry Wells: First off, nobody was clapping. Second, that explains why you couldn't splice a proton from a neutrino field.
Cisco: I'll splice a proton from your neutrino field.
Dr. Harry Wells: [stressing the plural] Fields. Fields. I've got... I've got a million fields.
Cisco: Really? Are all your fields this unbearable?

Nia: He's gonna be okay.
Querl: It's not just James. Only months ago, Supergirl nearly died. And don't even get me started on the AI plate that has forced me to... just give up my entire existence! Have I mentioned that every single one of my ancestors is evil? And Mon-El, well, he was always a bit dismissive. Hmm? Microaggressions are their own form of trauma. I-I-I'm... I'm sorry. I think... I think this event has forced me to process every difficult thing I have ever experienced. And I still can't even get a Choco...
[spontaneously, she kisses him]

Nia: What's with all the old stories?
William: This is actually the first time I've been able to read this article since...
Nia: Eve Teschmacher shot you.
William: Honestly, I almost didn't even remember how it happened, I buried so much. I, um... just wanted to push past it. And then today for some reason, I had the courage to get out there again.
Nia: Well, I heard that the, um, the artifact that was stolen from the museum came with a sort of curse. It made everybody in the area more courageous.
William: Maybe it was a curse, but it forced me to really face everything I had gone through for the first time and actually walk through it.

Alex: I don't know how much longer I can do this, J'onn. I put my life on the line every day. And every day, I run the risk of losing it. And I feel like I haven't even had the chance to really live it yet. I'm afraid that if I don't make a move soon, right, if-if I don't reach out and-and take hold of my future, of what my heart wants, then I'm never really gonna be happy. So, that said, I, uh... I wanna give notice. So that I can find my new beginning, and I can have a family of my own.
J'onn: You're a hero. It's in your blood. You can't resign. Because I want to promote you. This year, I have had the most priceless gift. I found my father. I lived with him, I learned from him. He reminded me that the Martian way to live amongst the people, and to help them. Not hiding behind walls, like I have been here, but with open hands and compassion.
Alex: You're stepping down?
J'onn: I am. But I am not leaving you. I would never leave my family.

Nxylgsptinz: I've got her.
Lex: Ooh. Looks like we have what we need. I'll take my leave.
[coming back]
Lex: Just remembered one last thing I had to do.
[shooting William twice]
Lex: That was for leaking my journal. If by chance you're still alive when your friends return, remind them that I am always one step ahead. Your, uh, shameful little back-alley meeting with Otis... I arranged that. Oh, and, uh, when my dear sister used her data interception program to track my LexoSuits, she unknowingly activated a Trojan virus that infected the computer here. That caused a delay in a very important blood test result being sent out. See, I had to prevent your friends from understanding how important the little girl was until I got what I wanted.

Alex: If Claymore is launched, what are our odds?
Querl: 98% chance Myriad will be neutralized, and a .01% chance Lena will surrender, which makes it a virtual certainty Lena will not survive.
Alex: And if we use Malefic?
Querl: Our odds shift slightly. 86% chance we will stop Myriad and a 0% chance Lena will be harmed.
Alex: Lock Claymore in position, and prep Malefic. But, Brainy, you let him know that if he so much as smiles, I will have a dozen agents and their guns pointed directly at his heart.

Mon: Why didn't you tell me about this mission before we came here, Brainy?
Brainiac: Because you never would've agreed to it. To come back.
Mon: How do you know?
Brainiac: Well, obviously we ran simulations based off specific emotional behavioral data taken from your brain over the last seven years. The results were troubling.
Mon: We took an oath when we formed the Legion. To preserve all that is good and to never harm the innocent. How is this mission in line with that? We should not kill Pestilence. And you're obviously on Imra's side.
Brainiac: It's not about picking sides, Mon-El. If we kill Pestilence when we find her, there is a 98.459% chance the Blight will never happen. Millions of people will be saved. Now, if we try to rescue the person inside of her in order to defeat her, that chance is reduced to 52.744%.
Mon: Some decisions can't be made with a math equation.

Kara: What smells so... oh! Is that hash browns?
Mon: No, no, no, no, no, no. I'm trying to make you breakfast in bed. I'm going for full romance here and you have ruined it.
Kara: That's very sweet, but there's no way you're getting in the way of me and... bacon! And biscuits and... oh, is that a poached egg?
Mon: Yeah.
Kara: How did you learn how to poach?
Mon: [holding up "The Joy of Cooking"] Oh, I found the instructions. Turns out books have a lot more useful information than YouTube.

James: So, any luck finding the cult?
Supergirl: We went back to where you escaped from. They weren't there, but we did find evidence that they were trying to build the bomb you told James and Kara Danvers about. But they failed. Um... we think someone might have died there.
Tanya: [she holds out a necklace] This was Liza's. She was my friend.
Supergirl: [James' phone buzzes] What is it?
[noticing his expression change]
Supergirl: James.
[he tosses her the phone]
Supergirl: [reading a text] "Give us Tanya and the journal, or the world will see your true face."
James: They're gonna tell National City I'm Guardian.

Barry: [arriving in the Fortress of Solitude] Oh, thank god we're here.
Oliver: Yeah. Only took seventeen tries.

Otis: They don't call it the slammer for nothing.

Winn: You looking for Kara?
James: No. Looking for you.
Winn: [interested] Really?
James: I had some free time on my hands, and... I've kind of missed you from CatCo, man.
Winn: That's nice, and kind of weird, for you to say. Wait, wait. Is your computer frozen?

Supergirl: [he's going to be beamed up to alien spaceship] Are you sure about this?
Mon: I'll be okay.
[lovers share passionate kiss]

Acrata: [searching Lex's mansion] William's source was telling the truth. There's gotta be something here.
[finding surveillance dossiers on Supergirl, J'onn, and Alex]
Acrata: Jackpot.

Alex: Oh, gosh, I'm so glad you two are here. Uh, is Kelly around?
Supergirl: She just went to the lab with Brainy. Why? What's up?
Alex: Oh, I don't know. Maybe because this came in.
Supergirl: [she shows them an engagement ring] Ohhh! Oh, my god! Oh, my god! It's beautiful. She's gonna love it.
J'onn: Uh, I forgot. Tomorrow night's the big night, right?
Alex: Yes, it is the anniversary of the moment that I knew I was in love with Kelly.
Supergirl: Oh, I love this story. Tell it, tell it, tell it.
Alex: Okay, okay, okay. So, we're at Al's and everybody's there arguing about the greatest movie villain of all time. And she and I both say at the same time...
Supergirl: Hans Gruber.
Alex: Yes.
J'onn: Who knew Al's bar was so romantic?
Alex: Yeah. And it's gonna be even more so after I set it up. I'm thinking rose petals on the tabletop that we shared, and so many candles, we'll probably break the fire code. Esme and I are gonna take all the supplies there to Al's now so that it's easy to set up tomorrow. But, um, listen, I won't be gone long, so I can be back to help with Nxyly.
Supergirl: Go, go. We will let you know when we're ready. Just go. Get out of here.

Kara: Sorry I'm late, but I come bearing gifts.
James: [accepting a bottle of vodka] Were you in Russia?
Kara: Kasnia.

Kara: [excited] It's your first day of work!
Mon: No.
Kara: Yes!

Lena: I'm just tired of this cycle of violence, okay? I just want these threats, these attacks, these recriminations... you know, I've seen it ruin my mother's life, and my brother's. I just want it to stop.
Kara: Well, that's what we're here for. Let your friends help you.

CJ: [on the phone] No, Perry, I don't have anything to send yet, because I've been here less than 24 hours. Yes, I am aware this is outside the purview of my gossip column, but as discussed, I want to do real news. Look, based on my research, I believe there is some superbeing behind the so-called miracles in this town. I'm going to find this being, name them, and then do a story on them that will blow Lois Lane into the classified section. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an interview...
[hanging up]
CJ: ... as soon as I find someone to talk to.

Querl: My good man, I'm, uh, picking up a to-go order for Barney Fife. If anyone asks...
Querl: Halt.
Querl: Oh, my.
Querl: What? What is the meaning of this?
Querl: Meaning? I don't...
Nia: Who are you?
Querl: I'm Brainiac-5.
Querl: What? Liar!
Querl: You, sir, are the larcenist and pretender. How did you accomplish this ruse? Could it be an image inducer?
Querl: The question of pretending is to you, sir! What are you, huh? Martian, Durlan? Is your face made of clay?
Querl: Unhand me, you charlatan!
Querl: Okay, that's it. I'm taking you to the DEO for questioning.
Querl: Okay, that's rich. Guess what, I'm taking you into the DEO for questioning.
Querl: Oh, that's rich.
[they struggle and, standing up, are handcuffed to each other]
Querl: Citizen's arrest!

Supergirl: [Demos is hit by three heat vision rays] No!
Winn: No!
Vita: She actually cares for these humans.
Selena: One would have thought that the Girl of Steel would know that caring makes you weak. Give me the blood.
Supergirl: You want the blood?
[she glances at Alura, who gives a small nod]
Supergirl: You can have it.
[she tosses then vials into the air and fires her heat vision at them]

Winn: Dude, I do not undertand your obesession.
J'onn: It is the greatest Christmas song of all time.
Winn: That's great. We've played it, like, four times.
J'onn: If my father learns nothing else this holiday season, he will learn about Hall and Oates. Put it on.

Eve: My new apartment, it's a dream! When you said that you were getting me a new place, I thought you meant a small studio somewhere.
Lex: Well, you're very precious to me, Eve.
Eve: No one's ever treated me this way before.
Lex: It's time you realize how wonderful you are. But we still have a mission. How is Obsidian?
Eve: I've been monitoring all of the beta users. A-And Richard Bates still hasn't made a move on his wife's virtual lover.
Lex: Well, not yet. Because his friend, the bartender, who turned out to be an amazing hacker, I might add, won't let him complete his virtual torture chamber until the time is right. And I still need to create trust with Leviathan.

Hank: I am not Hank Henshaw. He died the same night as your father. The DEO had been pursuing an alien for months. Not one of Fort Rozz prisoners, but an innocent one that was stranded on this planet. With the help of your father, the DEO tracked the alien to a remote location in Peru. Henshaw led the squadron sent to terminate him.
Alex: My father would never have been part of that mission.
Hank: You're right. Jeremiah Danvers was a good man. He realized the alien we were hunting was no threat. He was a refugee, like your sister. Sole survivor of a lost world. Your father tried to stop the mission, but Henshaw was obsessed. He finally trapped the alien was hunting for so long. So, Jeremiah made the ultimate sacrifice. He gave his life to save that alien. Your father died a hero.
Alex: That alien... Is that you? But how are you him?
Hank: I am a shape shifter. When Hank Henshaw died, I assumed his identity to reform the DEO. But I also made your father a promise, that I would take care of his daughter. I recruited you so that I would honor that promise and protect you as if you were my own child.
Alex: If you're not Hank Henshaw, who are you?
[transforms into his martian shape]
J'onn: I am the sole survivor of my planet. The Last Son of Mars. My name is J'onn J'onzz.

Alura: If you didn't know I was alive, and you weren't searching for me, what brought you here?
Kara: Earth. Earth is in trouble. When Krypton exploded, the followers of Yuda Kal sent three pods after me, each with a Worldkiller.
Alura: A Worldkiller?
Kara: I stopped two of them, but one remains. Reign. And she's terrorizing Earth. She's hurting people I love, murdering indiscriminately. And we think we found something that could stop her, and we followed its radiation signature here.
Alura: [understanding] Harun-El. The Black Rock of Yuda Kal.

Lex: You had a good run, but this time, the planet hits back.
Supergirl: How are you doing this?
Lex: How do you think I did it? I'm Lex Luthor.

Zor: [comforting Kara] This is getting to you. I can see it. The Phantom chills, the terror, it's becoming too much.
Nxylgsptinz: Don't be such a killjoy, Papa El. Because I think I found what we're looking for.
Zor: [joining her and seeing across the ridge] The Anchor.
Supergirl: [taking his hand] We're going home.

Nxylgsptinz: Cgyrzyx.
Totem: [her half of the totem activates] Face your past... face yourself... face the moment you lacked true courage.
Bryxly: [in her mind, she finds herself in the Fifth Dimension] The rest of the troops are in the armory, sister.
Nxylgsptinz: [realizing where she is] It's the day of the coup.
Bryxly: They await our command.
King: Are you so sure about that?
[the guards raise their staffs defensively]
King: I don't think these traitors are in any condition to fight.
[he snaps, and the guards fall to the ground unconscious]
King: You... thought you could pull off a coup? You know what that makes me? Proud, son. You've got spine.
[to Nxyly]
King: But you... for a daughter to betray her father like this? It's unforgivable. Throw her in the dungeon.
[Bryxly isn't sure what to do]
King: Now, son.
Nxylgsptinz: Father!
[drawing a dagger, she stabs him]
Nxylgsptinz: I should have killed you when I had the chance.
Totem: [her memory ends] You have failed.

Lena: Mr. Olsen. Come to tell Kara "I told you so"? Another Luthor takes innocent lives, news at eleven?
James: Ms. Luthor, despite our differences, I would hope by now that you would recognize that I see you as more than just an extension of your brother. However, I... I do think that you should get ahead of this thing. Which, in my opinion, I think you should step down from CatCo; so whatever we report, good or bad, comes off as truthful.
Kara: No, that would look like an admission of guilt.
Lena: No, Kara, he's right. Whatever's happening, whoever's responsible, this is a public crisis, and the public deserves to be able to trust the reporting so that they can prepare themselves. They expect integrity from us. They deserve it, and they need it now more than ever. Mr. Olsen, you will run CatCo until this is resolved. And I think I should also step down from L-Corp.
Samantha: Lena, we need you. We need you to help guide the research.
Lena: No, no. L-Corp has a brain trust that is more than capable, okay? If I'm involved, I could be accused of... of covering things up, or even profiting from the sick. This can't be like Flint, Michigan, okay? Where... where bureaucracy got in the way. Helping people has to be the focus.

Lex: The recent fusing of the universes might have shifted what Andrea Rojas knows about Leviathan. If there was some way of finding out...
Lena: You want me to talk to Andrea? It won't do any good. She's not gonna tell me anything. We're not friends.
Lex: The Lena I know wouldn't let a little thing like friendship get in the way of saving the world. And as a thank-you, I can guarantee you a source of Q-waves by the end of tomorrow. Well, if you will excuse me, I have to get my beauty sleep; they're unveiling my new action figure at National City ToyCon tomorrow. I anticipate many photo ops.

Lois: Honestly, the world might be fine with just Kara Danvers. Your cousin ain't half bad. Clark? Clark!
Superman: [distracted] What?
Lois: Quick, it's burning.
Superman: Oh! Oh, no! No!
Lois: [pouring her drink on the fire to put it out] Next time, just use your heat vision.
Superman: Oh, you're right. I'm sorry. I'm... I just... I wanted tonight to be special.
Lois: Why?
Superman: Because I want every night to be special. I mean, with you. But also special. Forever. With you. I am so bad at this.
Lois: What did I tell you, Kansas? Be direct.
[he retreives a piece of coal, crushes it into a diamond, and places it in an engagement ring]
Superman: Lois Lane...
[as an acceptance, she kisses him]
Superman: That's all I had to say?
Lois: Yeah.
Superman: I like this direct thing.

Kara: I'm supposed to be the strongest person Earth but I think I'm actually the weakest.

Mercy: People who think taking candy from a baby is easy have never taken a laptop from a prepubescent computer nerd.
Agent: Look at Supergirl peddling help. She's going to be a problem, isn't she?
Mercy: [showing him a vial of kryptonite] Yes. But one we can manage.
Agent: Where did you get that?
Mercy: The web is dark and full of fun things.
Agent: Listen to me, you have to be very careful about that. We do not want to make her a martyr.
Mercy: The only thing that you and I are going to create is chaos. This... is just a security blanket.

Lex: Friendship and loyalty to Supergirl was what prompted Lena to kill me.
Lillian: Your obsession with Kryptonians led to your demise once. Let's not create a repeat performance, hmm? On this planet, the Luthors are cool-headed. We plan, we implement, and we rise, together. Show your sister you believe in her. Support her efforts. She'll gravitate toward you and away from the Kryptonian. The question is... can you give up your pet vendetta and stay focused?
Lex: Are you really querying my strength of will, Mother? I'm a Luthor.
Lillian: Good. Now go make Lena your ally.

Astra: I'm glad you're here.
Kara: I'm glad you're back in a cell.

Lex: BMP's 92 and rising. What was that tutor's name?
Lena: Krinick.
Lex: Yes. Yes, that's right.
Lena: Okay, injecting now.
Lex: If I misquoted my Salutati, 124 and rising, she would make me stand in a corner and repeat "I do not like myself" in perfect Latin.
Lena: [saying the phrase in Latin] No wonder you became a sociopath.
Lex: Well, if the Latin fits.

Alex: Supergirl, did Sam get there?
Supergirl: She did, but I screwed up. I need you to find me a disruption.
Alex: A disruption?
Supergirl: I need to go back in time, like the Legion.
Winn: You can't breathe in space.
Supergirl: I'm wearing Mon-El's ring. I can breathe with it on. If I can turn back time, I could use the electricity in the Harun-El to take us to the Fountain of Lillith.
Winn: Okay, but it disrupts... the-the pressure alone is gonna crush you.
Supergirl: Just find me a disruption, now!

Adam: I don't think this is a good idea. I'm not a good person. You know I lied to you about my scar?
Lena: Yeah, it's not from a hockey stick. Looks like a surgical incision. Maybe from a kidney transplant?
Adam: That kidney is the reason my perfect, selfless brother is dead. I needed a kidney and he volunteered. And the whole thing was supposed to be routine, but he died on the operating table to save me. You know what the worst part is? If the roles had been reversed, I wouldn't have given him my freaking kidney! No way! I was too selfish. I was the one dying, I am the one who's supposed to be dead!
Lena: Is that why you signed up? Because you don't care if you're gonna live or die?

M'gann: I know you think of Kara as a daughter... when you've already lost two.
J'onn: I think of K'hym and T'ania every day. But with Kara gone, enduring all that alone... my memories take a different shape.
M'gann: I'm worried about Kara, too. But I'm also worried about you and Alex. You're running yourselves ragged trying to get her back and speed up the process.
J'onn: We've taken risks before.
M'gann: It's not risk I object to. This mission calls for methodical planning, without ego or emotion. But instead, you're just charging ahead without getting the lay of the land. You're... you're not acting like a soldier, you're acting like a father.
J'onn: I'd rather die trying to get her back than live with the guilt that I didn't do everything that I could. I hear your wisdom, M'gann. I do. But we need to do this our way.

Supergirl: You holding up okay?
Alex: No.
Supergirl: It's happening tomorrow?
Alex: Yeah.

Alex: [after Silas is attacked] You said a Phantom did this?
J'onn: Yeah.
Brainiac: Or as they are originally known, a Zulian Melatarian. Originally from a dark planet on the outskirts of the Rao system, they were forced to flee, seeking a new home planet to repopulate. Unfortunately, their method of populating is to infect the planet's existing inhabitants by turning them into soulless, hive-minded minions. They were very successful. Until the Kryptonians stopped them, imprisoned them in the Phantom Zone. Their powers were diluted and they were unable to multiply. They were, however, able to continue spreading misery, making them excellent prison guards.
J'onn: But when this alien escaped, all of its powers returned. It can now infect people? Essentially, make new Phantoms?
Brainiac: And it only gets stronger the more it preys.
J'onn: Will it possess people like Silas?
Brainiac: No. I-I believe that was purely a means of escape and evasion. When the Phantoms attack, first they do so psychically, paralyzing their prey with misery. Then they strike using their venomous talons. After a short incubation period, the victim's life force leaves the body and migrates to the Phantom's nest.
Alex: Life force?
Brainiac: In the 31st century, we discovered a formula to quantify the intangible substance that makes a human unique. You call it a soul.
Alex: [an alarm sounds and Silas begins choking] His temperature is crashing.
[seeing Silas' life force leave his body]
Alex: What was that?

Kara: You've ignored what I need from moment one today. I asked for privacy and time, and you ignored that. And I asked you to give Jermiah the benefit of the doubt, and you ignored that too. So I don't...
Mon: Okay, okay, hey! I'm sorry. That, that is two strikes on me, okay, but let's just...
Kara: Oh my god...
Mon: Let's just let it go...
Kara: I am not baseball! And until you can learn that what I say counts, this isn't going to work.
Dr. Jeremiah Danvers: Why don't I show you out?
Kara: I think that's a really good idea.

Eve: Mercy's taken out our whole security team and got control of the whole building. But how?
Lena: When Mercy was head of Lex's security, she designed the whole system.
Kara: [turning to leave, to get into superhero mode] Okay.
Lena: Kara, wait, wait, wait. You-you can't go out there. We're on lockdown. There's no going in or out.
Kara: Uh... d... well, should I hide somewhere? Is there, like, a closet or somewhere where I can lay low?
Lena: Kara, the safest place for you to be right now is with me. I know Mercy's dangerous, but I know how to handle her.
Kara: [reluctantly going along] Okay.

Orlando: Thank you.
Guardian: I'll always be here for you all. Also, the cops got Rankin.
Orlando: I guess justice is being served.
Guardian: Sounds like the Heights is gonna need a new council member.
Orlando: Nah, I'm out. I'm an ex-con. I don't even have a place to live, and I gotta take care of Joey.
Guardian: That's exactly why they need you. You've fought harder than anyone I've met for what's right here.
Orlando: I'll think about it.

Supergirl: You don't have to use Claymore.
J'onn: We think we can use Malefic's Q-waves to counteract Lena's, stop her from using Myriad.
Querl: Theoretically, he is correct.
Alex: Okay, you want me to use a known threat to stop an imminent one? Handing over a global Q-wave projector to a terrorist? What if Malefic just decides to change his mind once we free him?
Supergirl: He's changed.
Alex: But you don't know that for sure. And between Lena and-and Rama Khan gearing up for Pompeii 2.0, the last thing that I need is a third catastrophe.

Indigo: Welcome to the Apocalypse!

Nxylgsptinz: Get a grip, girl. It's only the totem... messing with you. Concentrate. Concentrate on getting the next one. The hope totem. How can I be expected to get anything done when there's so much suffering on this planet? If only I didn't have this damn cuff, I could snap away poverty, disease, hunger. I could save the snow leopards from extinction. Am I the only one that cares?

Mon: Imra and I have a, uh... complicated history. We didn't exactly choose to get married to one another. So, she's from this important family, uh, on Titan. And Titan was the head of this faction of planets that were very against Earth and its allies. So, in the early days of the Legion, we needed to do something... symbolic. You know, to show that we represented everyone.
J'onn: You united the planets when you got married?
Mon: There it is.
J'onn: Wow.
Mon: And I was still mourning Kara. Imra and I were friends and... and partners, and I was fond of her. I respected her. But I knew that marrying Imra would help so many. It just... it seemed like the logical thing to do. And then, with time, I mean, I... our pretend marriage became more real and our feelings deepened, and... and I... I grew to love her. I was content. But with Kara, I mean...
[he laughs]
Mon: There was nothing logical about falling in love with Kara. I mean, she was... she was a Kryptonian elitist, and I was this completely self-absorbed misogynist. Not anymore. But what I felt for her, it was... it was just... being back here is, um... I've had to keep a distance from Kara because whenever I'm around her, these old feelings get stirred up. And then I have to hide it from Imra. But lately, there's just been all this friction between us 'cause of... I know it's my fault, and I just... I don't know what to do.
J'onn: You know, if you think keeping secrets from your wife is hard, you should try keeping secrets from a Martian. My wife and I would, uh... would bond and literally share our thoughts and feelings every night. Marriage is sharing, Mon-El. Everything. You are not a criminal because you have complicated feelings. If you truly love and honor Imra, maybe you should let her in.

Lex: Shame Supergirl couldn't make it. I bet your editor would have loved a twofer.
Kara: Ah.
Lex: Say, she's a friend of yours, isn't she, Ms. Danvers? I mean, how would Supergirl feel about these action figures? Two heroes saving the world.
Kara: You know what? I am more interested in how you feel, sir.
Lex: Uh, in a word, valiant.

Kara: I know how much it means to you to honor your father's wishes. And I shouldn't have asked you to compromise that.
J'onn: Look, I know the last few days have been difficult for you. I'm just sorry I made it even more so.
Kara: The thought of so much anger out there is... is not what I wanted to believe was true. I thought this country... that we were in a better place. The idea of having to fight something so vast, trying to unite such a divided world, it's... oh, it's overwhelming.
J'onn: It's your optimism that will help save us, Kara. You're a beacon of hope who sets an example, fighting for justice everywhere, the voice of unity and compassion. You inspire change.
Kara: I feel like I don't know anything.
J'onn: Then you are wiser than you realize.

Kara: While some feel Corto Maltese is to blame for the recent hostilities, others say it's Kaznia's economic sanctions that started the tension. Will you admit there's some truth to that?
William: [with an exaggerated accent] My opinion is not the issue. What matters is the actions of the countries involved. Next question.
Kara: Uh... okay. I guess...
William: [normally] Don't let them duck the question. Make them confront it.
Andrea: [approaching] William is absolutely right. Especially since I just arranged for an off-the-books meeting between you and the chief Kaznian treaty negotiator.
Kara: What?
Andrea: His other plans got canceled because of this ridiculous dome. Meeting's at 2:00 this afternoon at Noonan's on Main.
Kara: Yeah, of course. Yes, I will be there. Thank you.
William: You really are having a day of days.

Superman: It's over, Deegan.
Elseworlds: NO! I decide whose story ends!
Lois: I like you better in blue.

Mon: Hey, uh, while you're in Argo, would you do me a favor? They have artificial gravity there, which means they have some sort of synthetic gravity manipulator. And since gravity can bend space-time, you can use it to send a beacon into the future, and let the Legion know they can come back and get me.
Supergirl: You're leaving too? Why don't you just come with me?
Mon: I wouldn't wanna crash your homecoming.
Supergirl: You wouldn't be crashing anything. It would be lovely to have you there.
Mon: You're serious?
Supergirl: Absolutely.
Mon: Okay.

Brainiac: If we don't find this Naxim Tork, we will have torn the fabric of space and time, which could rewrite the victors of wars, create anomalies where none existed, erase entire existences!
Nia: Alex hasn't been able to get ahold of Kara. This is all my fault. If I had just been able to interpret my dream, we would have been able to catch this guy. I should have just kept trying my mom.
Brainiac: Kept trying who?
Nia: [realizing what she said] My mom. I called her.
Brainiac: Nia... how could you? Why...
Nia: Because I can't interpret my dreams and I need help. I didn't talk to her. I just... I just needed to hear her voice and feel close to her. So I listened to her voicemail and that's it.
Brainiac: [beginning to pace] Around the rugged rock, the ragged rascal ran. Around the rugged rock, the ragged rascal ran.
Nia: Brainy?
Brainiac: Around the rugged...
[falling to the ground and doing push-ups]
Brainiac: Around the rugged rock, the ragged rascal ran.
Nia: Brainy, what are you doing?
Brainiac: I'm coping. High school, Nia, with its many species and subcultures, each with its own tactics of stress mitigation. Now, I thought that given the extreme circumstances, that employing all the coping mechanisms I learned today would help. But disappointingly, they remain... ineffective! I'm sorry, you, uh... you... you partook in-in-in some, uh, high-school experience, yes? Yeah? Hmm? What-what-what subculture did you adhere to?
Nia: I don't know. I mostly tried to keep to myself.
Brainiac: Please, just... ju... how did... how did you cope?
Nia: I would sing my favorite song. It's corny, but it made me feel like I could do anything.
Brainiac: Please show me.
Nia: [singing] Tumble out of bed/And I stumble to the kitchen/Pour myself a cup of ambition/And yawn and stretch/And try to come to life/Jump in the shower and the blood stars pumping/Out on the street, the traffic starts jumping/With folks like me on the job/From nine to five/Working nine to five/What a way to make a living/Barely getting by/It's all taking and no giving/They just use your mind/And they never give you credit/It's enough...
[getting an alert that Tork has been located]
Nia: Naxim's ship. You okay?
Brainiac: [nodding] Let's go.

Barry: Livewire's ability to absorb the electrical energy in the air surrounding her gave me an idea. So I wrote an algorithm to monitor variations in meter usage around the city, and it all leads to that warehouse. I see bad guys love their abandoned warehouses on your Earth, too, huh?

Alex: [running tests on James at the DEO] Heart rate is 186. His ICP at 22 mil, and his BP is 160/30 and rising.
Querl: EKG now erratic. Pardon me for stating the obvious, but I do not believe the extraction process is working. You're pulling plasma, not Harun-El, and you're exacerbating his symptoms.
James: It's okay. Keep going.
[Lena taps her tablet; James grunts in pain as his hearing is overloaded with stimuli]
James: Oh, god... okay. I'm fine.
Lena: I'm sorry. I thought this would work. I took this AmerTek technology straight from Lex's cell and I followed the instruction plans from Eve's lab exactly.
Querl: In the interest of science, was that super hearing you just experienced?
Kelly: Super-hearing now, too?
Alex: It seems every panic attack is bringing out a new ability.
Lena: I will fix this. I just... need to better understand this.

Maeve: I never thought I'd be quoted in CatCo.
Kara: So, tell me what's it like to live in Parthas.
Maeve: Most people in Parthas never leave. Nia's one of the few. She's fearless. I've always been envious of that.
Kara: We all have our own gifts.
Maeve: My mom chose to use her gifts to nurture this town. But my grandmother, on Naltor, she was the hero of the planet. Like Supergirl. When my powers kick in, I want to be that kind of hero.
Kara: Well, I think maybe being a hero isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Lena: [when Morgan Edge takes credit for himself] Let's not forget about Supergirl.
Lena: Literally none of the heavy lifting could have been done without her.

Supergirl: Do you know what it's like to walk into a room and your skin feels like it's going to be seared off your bones? Or like nails are running through your blood? That's what Kryptonite feels like.
Lena: I don't know, it sounds like exactly what you need to subdue Reign.
Supergirl: I need to be the only person in control of Kryptonite on this planet. Even if I did trust you, even if we were on the same side, this substance is so lethal to me that I can't risk encountering it by mistake.
Lena: Trust is hard for me, too, Supergirl. But since we seem to need each other, we're just gonna have to figure it out.

Supergirl: Look at that city. They worship me. And those who don't, will.
Alex: Kara, just listen to yourself.
Supergirl: Go, cut the big sister act, Alex. We have never been sisters. We don't share blood. And you know what the sad truth is? Without me, you have no life. And that kills you. Deep down, you hate me. And that's why you killed my aunt. Aww, did I make you cry? You know what they say, the truth hurts.

Maxima: Do you value your life so little you won't fight back?
Lucy: Myriad has begun on Earth. Non calls you to his legions. You will be the kings and queens of this world, once you swear your fidelity to him.
Maxima: Since Superman refused to honor of marrying me... I will pledge allegiance to your Non.

Alex: I didn't know you made house calls.
Supergirl: Your place is great. I'm here about Operation Claymore. The president is planning on launching a satellite array that will blow up any alien spacecraft entering our orbit.
Alex: What? The DEO is supposed to be the first line of defense against invasions. I mean, not some giant gun. Is that even legal?
Supergirl: I don't know. But I do know it's immoral. But everything I do means something to people, so... if I stop the satellite, I'm aligning myself with the Elite. And then on the other hand, if I let the launch happen, what does that say to the Children of Liberty? Why does it feel like there are only two choices?
Alex: And aren't you on your own side?
Supergirl: Yes. Alone. Sometimes it feels like...
Alex: Screaming into the void. That's something my sister said. Look, you can only do what you feel is right.
Supergirl: Yeah. Come with me. Talk to the Marine Corps. You're the Director of the DEO; throw your weight around.
Alex: If I show up, I would jeopardize my position and the whole organization would be at risk. I can't.
Supergirl: I understand.

John: Congratulations, Guardian. That was a hell of a debut. James would be so proud to see you like this, working with the community. It reminds me of something Jefferson Pierce once said: "Don't be a hero to the people. Be a hero for the people."

William: Supergirl brought me up to speed. So, Lena Luthor can do magic.
Lena: That's off the record.
William: Of course. You can trust me.
Lena: I'm not sure how accurate that statement is, anyway.
William: So, what else are you working on?
Lena: It's a spell from my mother's book. I'm trying to track the humanity totem's energy, and hopefully, Nxyly as well.
William: This is your mum's book? Reminds me of a family recipe book.
Lena: Yeah, I guess you could call it that. Except I have followed this spell's recipe to a T, I have checked all the directions. I have measured all the ingredients twice, and... all I managed to do was break Dreamer.
William: Hmm. I remember when I was a kid. Every Sunday, I'd wake up and my dad was already in the kitchen tossing something together. Muffins, scones, the occasional pie. You name it. After he died... I would try to recreate his pastries, but they always came out... off. What I eventually realized was that I was being too technical. I was so focused on the exact measurements, I'd forgotten the ingredients. Berries he'd picked from our garden. The crust he'd make by hand. And he wasn't just baking. He was creating. Put his heart into it. When I stopped comparing my skills to my dad's, and I began to trust myself to make his recipes my way... I finally became the baker I'd always hoped to be. Next time you try one of your mum's spells, put your heart into it. Maybe you'd be surprised at the result.

Kara: And then I just went off on Andrea. I told her how I really feel about her new vision for CatCo, and I told her what I will and will not tolerate, and I did it all in front of the new guy.
Alex: Good for you.
Kara: Yeah. I mean, I can stand up in front of my new boss, but with Lena, when it comes to telling her the truth, I'm just... frozen. Why can't I do it?
Alex: Look, I know I've been hard on you. But you know what? Tonight, this is... this is your night. So I am giving you permission to stop beating yourself up and enjoy it, okay? You can worry about telling Lena another time.
Kara: I guess you're right.
Alex: Smile.

Samantha: You're here.
Lena: Of course we're here. You think I'd forget about you?
Samantha: Lena. Alex. Supergirl. I killed you, too. I'm sorry.
Supergirl: Sam, no.
Samantha: I'm sorry.
Alex: No, Reign didn't kill us. We're here to help you.
Lena: We're gonna get you out of here.

Lex: An elevator? Seems a little pedestrian for a goddess of technology.

Mon: [to Kara] Hey, you okay? You took a couple of serious blows back there at the house.
Winn: Oh, hey, you know what? I analyzed the frequency of the Worldkillers' vibrations when I was in the van. It turnsout, it is tuned specifically to hurt Kryptonians.
J'onn: Luckily, the inhibitors in the cell seem to be working on her.
Alex: Yeah, you do seem a bit off. Maybe we should run some tests. Guys?
J'onn: [turning to leave with Winn and Mon-El] Yeah, sure. We'll leave you to it.
Winn: Oh, yeah, yeah.
Alex: Thanks.
Winn: Break.
Supergirl: It's not the sonic blast that's bothering me.

Winn: I got our girl. Gayle Marsh, law-abiding citizen of Skokie, Illinois until one day she snapped and went on a bank robbing spree. Uh, let's see... authorities nicknamed her "Psi" after a string of "psi"cologically enhanced robberies which ravaged a series of small-town banks throughout the Midwest a couple of months ago.
Alex: Where do we go from here?
Winn: Well, now that we know a little bit more, I thought I might start trying to adapt our psychic dampening technology to stop her.
J'onn: Good work, Agent Schott.
Winn: I still love it when he calls me that.

J'onn: You're not seriously thinking of doing this, are you?
Kara: What if I *could* change things? If I told Lena that I was Supergirl before Lex, maybe she would have reacted differently. I mean, isn't that worth a try?
Alex: Changing history to save a friendship? Kara, I don't... I don't know.
Kara: This is changing history to *save* history, 'cause Lex and Lena are planning something horrible, and we are no closer to finding out what that is. And when the fight comes... I don't know if I have what it takes to stop her.

Lena: Guys, there's some kind of alien creature aboard. I've locked it in the engine room, but I could do with some backup now.
[getting on the elevator and hearing no response]
Lena: Guys? J'onn? Alex?
[returning to the bridge and seeing the others all dead]
Lena: No.
[hearing Nia choking]
Lena: Dreamer?
[Nia coughs up water]
Lena: Dreamer? Hey. Hey, hey! Are you okay?
Nia: I think so.
Lena: The creature? Right? Where is it? Where is it?
Nia: I don't know. I don't know.
Lena: [seeing it form from a puddle of water on the ground] Run. Run! Run!

Supergirl: I suppose you hate my mother too... like all the other escapees?
Professor: I did. At first. But over time, I understood. One tragedy cannot be undone by committing another.

Supergirl: When can I take this off?
Alex: When the air is 100% kryptonite-free.
Supergirl: But I can't just sit here.
Alex: This armor has the exact amount of energy to filter out the kryptonite from your system. If you use this to fight...
Supergirl: But...
Alex: But nothing. I know what I'm doing.
Supergirl: And I don't?

Brainiac: Alex and Nia were right. Behold, the May 25, 2009 Midvale Weekly.
Alex: Huh.
Brainiac: The week of Midvale High's prom.
Nia: The same night as the Aquarid meteor shower.
J'onn: This is where we need to go to save Supergirl?
Alex: Yeah, I was back from Stanford on vacation. I just dropped Kara off at the school assembly hall for prom, and, uh, with a jacket. It was oddly cold that night, and that's when the shower hit, and then this giant meteor just came bearing down and Kara flew up and punched it out of the sky.
Nia: But the meteor had kryptonite.
Alex: The impact was enough to destroy the meteor, but Kara got pretty hurt. She fell through the roof of the gym.
J'onn: No one saw her?
Alex: It was under construction, and when I found her, her hand was all cut up. It was the first time I ever saw her bleed.

Hank: [as Supergirl kneels next to the dead body] What is she doing here?
Alex: I called her, Sir. We have aliens. She is one. It's a resource we didn't have before.
Supergirl: What can I do to help?
Hank: Don't cause any oil spills.

Elizabeth's: What the hell are you doing in my house?
J'onn: Don't be alarmed. I'm not here to hurt you.
Elizabeth's: Elizabeth! Call the police.
Elizabeth: Get away from my mother!
Kara: No, he's not gonna hurt her.
Elizabeth: You know him?
Elizabeth's: And who are you?
Elizabeth: Both of you, get out.

J'onn: All right. Private security cameras everywhere, power-dampening clubs. They're guarding something important.
Dreamer: I have an idea to get us in. We do a Wookiee Gambit.
J'onn: Absolutely not.
Querl: A Wookiee what?
J'onn: You haven't seen "Star Wars"?
Querl: I believe I've been adequately shamed for that in the past, thank you.
Dreamer: Basically, J'onn shapeshifts as a guard and pretends to bring us in as prisoners. It's the best way to get in.
J'onn: Why does everyone always think getting captured is the best plan?

Lena: James, if you're doing this, I'm coming with you. I wanna stand beside you.
James: I really appreciate that. But you should continue working. Sam's life depends on it, right?

Alex: [Mxy is trying to be helpful without his powers] Poor guy.
J'onn: Yeah. An imp without magic is like a rocket ship without fuel. Impressive, but it won't get you very far.

Kelly: This community needs someone who is willing to fight for them, even when the system isn't listening.
Alex: Yeah.
Kelly: It's time to pick up where Jimmy left off. I wanna be the new Guardian.
Alex: I have something for you.
Kelly: What? Okay.
[Alex retrieves a box from the closet]
Kelly: What is this?
Alex: Okay. Open it.
[doing so, Kelly finds the Guardian helmet inside]
Alex: The moment I saw you use that shield during Crisis, I had a hunch that this might be coming. So I reached out to James. And he sent this for you. I don't think there is anyone better fit to be the next Guardian.
Kelly: I don't know what to say... except I love you.
Alex: Yeah, we'll see how you feel after we start your training.

Val: Mon-El!
Mon: Oh, hey. How you feeling, buddy?
Val: Good.
Mon: Yeah? Hey, Kara, this is... this is Val.
Kara: Nice to meet you.
[to Mon-El]
Kara: New friend?
Shopkeeper: Mon-El saved his life. Healed him with the device from his belt.
Mon: [explaining] It's a development from the future.
Kara: Saving people without telling me, hmm?

Ben: [learning his father closed his steel mill] Okay, we might not have much, but we still have the house. We can... we can get a second mortgage. I'm gonna go talk to the bank.
Peter: Talk. That's mostly what you do, right? Talk, talk, talk. When what you should be doing is go out there...
Ben: Hey.
Peter: ...and be a man.
Ben: Dad, calm down, all right? You're drunk.
Rhea: [they hear static on the television, and Rhea appears] People of Earth, do not be afraid. We come in peace. We have crossed a sea of stars in order to bring you a new way.
Peter: You were saying?

Hank: I designed these bullets especially for you, Martian. "The most powerful being on the face of this Earth." You know who calls you that? Superman. Sure means something, coming from him.
J'onn: I mean you no harm.

Kara: I know this is a personal attack, but you have to trust that when we find the guy, the cops are gonna put him behind bars.
Nia: Kara, I love you, but do not tell me what I can and can't do right now. There is no catching this guy and redeeming him. There is no hope speech that can make this better.
Kara: Nia...
Nia: No. Look, my community is vulnerable. This happens more than you could possibly know. And there are guys just like this jerk out there who want to hurt us. They want us to hide and to be afraid to be who we are. They want us to disappear, and it happens every day.
Kara: I know, and what this guy did is horrible...
Nia: He's not the first, and he won't be the last. And we haven't exactly been a priority for the cops. So just trust me when I say that I am the one protecting this community. And now this bastard is going after my community, trying to erase me? No. No, this guy is over.
Kara: Look, I-I know that you're hurting right now, and that I will never fully understand. But between us and the cops, we will make sure justice is served. Nia, just give us a chance.
Nia: Fine. A few hours. But then, I'm doing this my way.

Maxwell: What are you today? CIA? IRS? You wanna see my 1040s?
Alex: Shut up and listen. We need to talk. In private. Off the record. Lay everything on the table.
Maxwell: Sounds remarkably like a date. But what does your boss think?
Alex: My boss isn't always willing to take the necessary steps to get things done.
Maxwell: You're going rogue? How fun. How do I know I can trust you?
Alex: You don't.
Maxwell: See you tonight.
Alex: [hanging up] I'll have him out of Lord Tech until 10:00. But his employees and security are still going to be there.
Hank: I have it covered.
Alex: You or J'onn J'onzz?

Kara: I still can't get over J'onn. Following in his father's footsteps. Leaving the DEO. I did not see that coming.
Alex: Yeah.
Kara: What about you, Director Danvers? You're just so brave.
Alex: Yeah, look at you. Okay? I mean, leaving your mom after you just found her, coming back to Earth. I mean, that takes courage.
Kara: Mm. I just realized that everything that makes me me is here. This is my home. With you. On this couch, with this insanely huge pizza that we just downed.
Alex: There's no pizza on Argo, huh?
Kara: Nope.
Alex: That's a shame.

Hank: Maxwell Lord has a god complex, but he's not an actual god.

Alex: [about an inexplicably dead pigeon] Well, that was a very sick creature. And what's odd is that I can't find a virus or infection of any kind.
Supergirl: Well, something must have done that.
Imra: The Blight.
Mon: We went through this on Winath. The Blight is preceeded by mass wildlife death and plant life, crops rotting in the earth.
Imra: Soon it will manifest in people.
Mon: It's a short incubation period. It's 100% fatal and extremely contagious.

Lena: Morgan, what is this?
Morgan: I don't know. Looks weird. What, are you re-branding? I mean, hey, it worked for Prince, right?
Lena: I know you're behind this. It's more fearmongering, more of the same. You're so predictable.
Morgan: Lena, Lena. Lena, come on, it's Christmas. Where's your Christmas spirit? It's my favorite time of the year. The only fires I'm lighting are the ones I'm gonna roast chestnuts over. And if you think I had anything to do with going after you, which you sure as hell can't prove, my line of attack would be much, much more effective. Is that why you brought your bodyguard?
James: I'm here just to make sure that you remain... civil.
Morgan: Jimmy, I get the feeling your dislike for me is more than just purely professional.
James: You get feelings?
Morgan: I, for one, have work to do, so if you wouldn't mind, it's time to go.
[she and James turn to leave]
Morgan: Oh, hey, come on, look. Hold up. What am I thinking? Where's my manners?
[offering them coffee mugs]
Morgan: Little parting gift. Company present. I like to spread the cheer.
James: Bah humbug.

J'onn: A synd'ar'k is a sinner. That's what Malefic yelled at me. I asked Nia to use her dream power to help me find the truth about my brother, about the mind wipe. That's when we discovered...
J'onn: My brother wasn't born evil. He had a problem. And we... ostracized him. I wiped Malefic's existence from our minds. It was me. I did this. I failed my people more than once. I'm failing you.
Supergirl: No. No, you've saved us countless times. I would've been dead last year, when the Earth was seeded with kryptonite, if it weren't for you.
J'onn: Still... wiping him from our mind? It's like I murdered my own brother.
Supergirl: But you remember now. You risked your own life to find those memories, and now you can find him and make different choices.
J'onn: It was so selfish of me to... burden Nia with my secret, and keep this from you and Alex. But I'm-I'm glad Nia told her. She deserves to know the truth, and so do you.
Supergirl: It couldn't have been Nia. She's been with me.
J'onn: [realizing] That was Malefic. He incepted Alex.

Supergirl: You should be resting.
J'onn: I need to be on my feet. Lying down is just so boring.

Supergirl: Cgyrzyx.
[her half of the totem activates, and in her mind, she finds herself back in the bar]
Kara: Let's try this again.

Kara: Ms. Grant, I am so, so sorry. Suddenly, I looked up and he was... he was just gone.
Cat: I never should have let you take him in the first place.
Kara: It was very hard. Really, really very hard. There was work and... and watching Carter and then all this crazy stuff happening around the city. I... I just don't know how you do it, Ms. Grant. I don't understand how you juggle it all.
Cat: Oh, Kira, you have stumbled upon the most annoying question of the century, and you are so young that you do not even realize it. How do you juggle it all? You learn, that's how. You start with two balls before adding another. I figured out how to be brilliant in business, and then I added being a brilliant mother. Far too many women burn out trying to do too much before they're ready.
Kara: So you can have it all?
Cat: Of course. Just not all at once, and not right away. And not with that hair. Use conditioner, for god's sake.

Alex: Where are you?
Kara: I'm a little busy.
Alex: You said you would be here.
Kara: And I will be. I'm just dealing with an escaped alien prisoner.

James: Everything okay?
Lena: Well, now that you're here, with a very large present...
James: I took this on our last morning at the lake house together. Open it, please.
[opening it, she finds a portrait of herself sleeping]
James: This is how I see you when we're away from everything else and it's just you and I. When it's perfect.
Lena: Let's go to Paris. Tonight. For Valentine's weekend, away from everything else.
James: You're serious?
Lena: Have you ever known me to joke?
James: [amused laugh] No. Um, no. But I've never known you to offer spontaneous trips, either. Are you sure everything's okay?
Lena: James, we never just live in the moment. You know, we should do that more. Because we never know what tomorrow's gonna bring.
[seeing he's still reluctant]
Lena: Come on, all right, listen. If your billionaire girlfriend cannot whisk you away for a romantic holiday, then there really is something wrong with the world.
James: The lady has a point.
Lena: The lady usually does.

Lex: [preparing a Harun-El transfusion for Snowbird] Well... here goes everything.

Mon: I heard there was a fight. Is Kara okay?
Alex: She's fine. She's Supergirl.

John: I had an opportunity to become a special kind of hero. But it would've meant me leaving Lyla, my kids, and everything I love behind. So I had to ask myself... what kind of hero do I really wanna be? So the question is... what are you gonna do with what you're feeling right now?
Kelly: I wanna be an advocate for the people who have lost hope. For the people who have been failed by those meant to protect them. For the people who don't have heroes that look like them. Protecting those that are exhausted, so they don't have to fight every single day for themselves.
John: Good. Let that guide you.

[season 3 intro]
Kara: My name is Kara Zor-El. I'm from Krypton. I'm a refugee on this planet. I was sent to Earth to protect my cousin. But my pod got knocked off course, and by the time I got here, my cousin had already grown up and become Superman. I hid who I really was, until one day when an accident forced me to reveal myself to the world. To most people, I'm a reporter at CatCo Worldwide Media, but in secret, I work with my adopted sister for the DEO to protect my city from alien life and anyone else that means to cause it harm. I am Supergirl.

M'gann: Armek.
Armek: [in their native language] I knew you recognized me in the alley, k'onahr.
M'gann: Don't call me that.
Armek: [switching to English] Would you prefer it in the human tongue? "Wife".
M'gann: I am no longer bonded to you.
Armek: Well, the nest has been cold these three hundred years without you.
M'gann: It was always cold.
Armek: You've been impersonating a Green. How do you live with yourself?
M'gann: I thought you were dead. And I suppose it gave me some comfort.
Armek: [gesturing to the scars on his face] Your parting gift. No, you didn't kill me. But you came closer than anyone ever will.

Mr. Mxyzptlk: Where's the dress? The... the flowers? The pigs in blankets
Supergirl: [drinking from a glass of orange juice] Mm. Ahh. See, that's the thing, Mxy. I'm not going to marry you.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: What do you mean?
Supergirl: I brought you to the Fortress in case you got violent again. 'Cause I didn't want anyone to get hurt when I broke the news. It's not going to work between us. Ever.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: But you said... You don't love me?
Supergirl: Love isn't making demands of someone, or forcing them to marry you. Love is putting someone else's needs above your own.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: So you brought me all the way up here just to reject me?
[snapping his fingers]
Mr. Mxyzptlk: I think you're going to have to explain your catastrophic lack of judgment to your family.
[as a statute comes to life]
Mr. Mxyzptlk: What's that, Uncle Jor-El? If you have to hold Kara down 'till she sees reason and becomes my bride, you will?

Mitch: Hey, guys. I just wanted to thank you for not leaving me behind to get blown up with my ship. You know, I thought I'd feel sad, you know, seeing it go, but I feel kind of free. Like, for the first time in my life... I have options.
Lex: Here's an option. Go restock the fridge.
Mitch: You're not the boss of me.
Nxylgsptinz: Actually, he is. Out.

Supergirl: [chasing a group of robbers] Hey, boys, what's the hurry?
[they begin firing their guns, but the bullets harmlessly ricochet off her]
Supergirl: You're wasting your ammo. You know they can't hurt me.

Lena: It's Eve's location.
Kara: I'm going.
Lena: No, Kara, your suit isn't ready yet.
Kara: I don't care. Protecting people is what I do. You should know that by now.
Lena: Then I'm going with you.

Kara: You're about to hold a summit at Camp David on the anniversary of the Alien Amnesty Act. Can you say a few words about what this legislation has meant to you the past two years?
President: Of course. The impact has been far-reaching and profound.
James: [quietly] You are really good at multitasking.
Kara: Some might call it "super".
[they share a small laugh]
Kara: For the first time in my life, I've got everything under control.

Lena: [swirling ingredients in a test tube] Invenire res amissa.
[the power goes out, then comes back on]
Lena: Was there just an energy spike?
Dreamer: Let me check.
[turning to leave, she bumps into a tray, knocking beakers to the floor]
Lena: Dreamer!
Dreamer: Uh... I can't... I can't tell my lefts from my rights.
Lena: Okay, I am so sorry. I will... I will fix this.
Dreamer: I mean, it's kind of hilarious. Um... it's not permanent?
Lena: No, no, no. It... I just must have miscalculated the ingredients. It should wear off in about an hour.
Supergirl: [coming in] Any luck with that spell?
Dreamer: [turning to face a wall behind her] Not yet. But...
[realizing her error and turning back around]
Dreamer: Lena broke my brain.

Alex: [cleaning James' wounds] You're lucky you didn't take a direct hit.
Kara: Very lucky.
James: I had my shield. I love that shield.
[Kara gives him a pointed look]
James: And I know what I'm doing, Kara.
Kara: Even if Metallo is weakening though, he's still a fanatic follower of Lillian Luthor. We have to find out where he's taking Lena and how to help her.
James: What is it gonna take for you to realize that Lena is a criminal? She's not the victim. She got the kryptonite. He broke her out of prison.
Kara: Lena's not a member of Cadmus! She's not! She stopped the gang with alien weapons. She saved Alex's life when Corben tried to kill her.
James: She shot Corben and then her crazy mom turned Corben into Metallo, so that could've been the plan the entire time.
J'onn: We have to start treating Lena Luthor like a hostile. The evidence is too overwhelming.
Kara: Winn? If you watch that video, I know you'll find something.
Winn: I did, it's... it's clean.
Kara: Then find something to prove her innocent.
J'onn: Everything we've seen so far says the exact opposite.
Kara: Well, she's my friend and I believe in her.
[leaves room]
James: [follows Kara out the room] I'm your friend. Which is why I don't understand why it's so hard for you to believe me. People don't remember this, Kara, but Clark and Lex Luthor used to be best friends. For years and Clark believed in Lex for the longest time, no matter what people said, no matter what kind of proof he saw with his own eyes. No, Lex was his friend. But Clark was wrong.
Kara: Lena is not Lex.
James: But they grew up in the same house, Kara. I don't understand why you keep defending her. And you have so much faith in her, but none in me as Guardian.
Kara: That's entirely different. I am trying to protect you.
James: I do not need your protection. I need your trust. You have mine. I don't understand why it's so hard for me to get yours.

Kara: In the original version of events, Lena helped me and the DEO to fight the Worldkillers.
Mxyzptlk: Okay.
Kara: I know she's upset right now, but she's gonna help us.
Mxyzptlk: Welcome to the bizarro version where she does not help the DEO, right... right here.
Kara: What?
[seeing herself fighting Reign]
Kara: Oh, god! No. If Lena doesn't help us fight the Worldkillers, then...
Mxyzptlk: Yep.
Kara: [he starts fast-forwarding] Wait, wait, wait. Wait! You're skipping a lot!
Mxyzptlk: This is all exposition, so much exposition.

Supergirl: Where are J'onn and Dreamer?
Querl: It appears they're in the middle of a riot. But what's worse, the alien power being collected in this factory, Lex has it set up to be discharged into a Claymore satellite.
Supergirl: Claymore? I... I destroyed that.
Querl: This appears to be a newer, bigger, better Claymore.
James: Can you tell where it's targeting?
Querl: The target is in deep space. Argo City.
Supergirl: He's gonna wipe out my family.
Querl: I may be able to hack into the power core to stop it.
Supergirl: Good, do that. We'll help J'onn and Dreamer.

Supergirl: I owe you an apology, for being so hard on you. Without your kryptonite, we wouldn't have stopped her. You just have to understand when it's kryptonite, to me that's more than a gun or any of the other dangers you were talking about. It's personal.
Lena: It's personal to me, too. It was a way to help my friend.
Supergirl: I do trust you, Lena.
Lena: Good.
[noticing her share a look with Mon-El]
Lena: If you'll both excuse me, I'm gonna work on a cure.

Alex: I have to show you something. Okay. Stay right there.
[with a flick of her gauntlet, her new vigilante suit materializes]
Kara: [shrieking] AHHHHH! Oh, my god!
Alex: J'onn made it for me.
Kara: She looks great!
J'onn: Oh, it was a scream of delight. Thank H'ronmeer.

Lena: You know, Edge, you act like a bully, but underneath it all, you are scared to death of a powerful woman you can't control. You're so terrified, you would sacrifice kids, poison our water, do just about anything to kill me and get rid of the problem.
Morgan: And you got it wrong, Lena. I like powerful women. Nay, I love powerful women. But you're not a powerful woman. You're wasting away in that ivory tower. Posing as Cat Grant, hoping that the gleam of liberal media is gonna somehow magically rub off on you. I don't have to kill you, Lena. You're already dead.
[Lena scowls]
Morgan: Enjoy the eggs, kids. They're mediocre; you'll fit right in.
Lena: Burn in hell, Edge.
Morgan: I hear the company is fantastic.

Kara: [noticing Sam's pamphlet] Where did you get this?
Samantha: Oh. Some weirdo at Ruby's soccer game. She came up to me and tried to enlist me in some self-help meeting.
Lena: I hate those things. They're like a waste of trees and of our time.
Kara: You mind if I keep this?
Samantha: No. Go ahead.

Lillian: The past is the past. Best to focus on the future. In this world, the Luthors are revered. How do we maintain our status?
Lex: Well, of course, the first order of business is finding the Fortress of Solitude and destroying the Kryptonians.
Lillian: Why? Supergirl is your greatest ally.
Lex: Was, I'm afraid. Supergirl will remember the previous world as vividly as I do. Soon it will be war. We need to be prepared. You, me, and Lena.
Lillian: The Lena who killed you? That Lena? Well, you said she'll remember your previous world, too
Lex: What's your point?
Lillian: That you have an inferiority complex over a pair of hokey heroes in blue tights.
Lex: If Supergirl sneezes too hard, it would split this planet in half.
Lillian: And yet, it was her friendship with your sister that spun you out.

Cisco: [arriving in Kara's loft with Barry] This better be the right place.
Barry: It is.
Cisco: 'Cause if this isn't the right place, someone's about to be real confused.

Supergirl: Take down the force field.
Imra: Did you find her?
Supergirl: Take it down now! We have to get these people to a hospital.
Imra: Is Pestilence here?
Supergirl: There's no sign of her now. Just scared people who need real medical attention. Take it down!
[Imra lowers the force field]
Supergirl: Shouldn't you be working on the cure?
Imra: Brainy and Mon-El are getting the transfer set up now.
Supergirl: Well, we can handle this.
Imra: You say that, but you do not know what you're up against.

Nia: [in a dream, seeing the Phantom's empty containment unit] No. Where's the Phantom?
[touching the door handle]
Nia: It's just a dream. Just figure out what it's all about.
[opening the door and seeing something on the floor]
Nia: Is that a thimble?
[picking it up and seeing a mini-model of the Tower]
Nia: What does that mean?

Kara: I am not doing that interview. No. I can't. I mean, I *can't*. Ms. Grant's not stupid. She would recognize me in, like, one second.
James: She will look at Supergirl right in the face and she will not even see her assistant.
Kara: Well, how can you be so sure?
James: Because she doesn't see you now. I... I watched it happen for years with your cousin. Like, why don't you think people recognize him as Clark Kent?
Kara: Reading glasses and a good slouch?
James: No. He's able to hide because the world can't believe that there's really a hero in their mist.
Kara: Yeah, and I'm sure there's a good reason why my cousin keeps his job at the Daily Planet instead of flying around as Superman all the time, which would be so much easier.
James: Yeah, well, one, he's able to pay his rent.

Mon: Hey, can we talk real quick? It's, uh, kind of important.
Winn: [on stage] Here we go.
Kara: Yeah, yeah. Of course. In a second. Uh, Winn's about to melt our faces off.

Supergirl: Julia Freeman. No birth certificate, adopted in 1993 by Lawrence and Molly Freeman. Let's see what it says. Allergic to milk. Studied music at the Cincinnati Conservatory.
Purity: Doesn't Julia sound nice?
Supergirl: Yeah. Yeah, from the little I've been around her, I-I liked her.
Purity: She was very fun to play. Everything you have in that file is just a character description. There never was, and never will be, a Julia Freeman. Just little old me.
Supergirl: But why keep up an act for a decade?
Purity: When my sistren and I arrived, we knew it would be many years before the cosmic alignment of forces came to pass. Masks would be necessary.
Supergirl: [slapping a picture onto the cell door] Vinita Ripson, your roommate at Cincinnati, your ememrgency contact, your best friend for a decade, I bet you she's really worried about you right now.
Purity: Sounds about right. Vinita was always so clingy. It drove me crazy.
Supergirl: Crazy enough to save her life?

Alex: You're wearing my T-shirt.
Maggie: Yeah. Is that okay?
Alex: That's amazing. I mean, like, you're in my apartment and it's... it's morning and you slept in my apartment and... and now you're wearing my T-shirt and making coffee, and I can't believe this is happening, and everything coming out of my mouth is very cliché.
Maggie: It's called being happy. Get used to it, Danvers.

Ruby: What is that?
Alex: That's Reign. Get downstairs now. Go.

VR: Hey. Supergirl.
Supergirl: Hi. That's a... that's a really great costume.
VR: Black. Now, that is cool.
Supergirl: S... um, sorry, what-what are... what are you talking about?
VR: Oh, I love this place. They just never make the drinks cold enough, though.
Supergirl: [watching her use her freeze breath] Wait... how... how did you...
VR: I've come here to escape reality. Not have subpar drinks.
Supergirl: This... this isn't real?
VR: What, you think all these drinks would be on the house? Are you okay?
Supergirl: This is... this is impossible.
VR: You look like you are bugging out. I'll just get someone.

M'yrnn: I survived two centures of imprisonment and torture. Alone! So if you think exploiting the form of my dead son will break me, you are a fool! I will never tell you where the staff of Kolar is.
J'onn: Father, it's me, J'onn. I lived. I... I fled to Earth. I survived.
M'yrnn: You give yourself away, White. My son would never have fled.

Maggie: I have one pet peeve, Danvers, and that's not being heard.
Alex: Okay. I'm listening.
Maggie: [turning to leave] No, forget it. I'm outta here.
Alex: [stopping her] Hey, no! You don't get to just walk out, Maggie. This is a relationship. You're the one who told me not to push my feelings down, so... now it's your turn.
Maggie: You want... you want to know?
Alex: Yeah.
Maggie: Okay, yeah, fine. When I told you that my parents were supportive of my coming out, I lied.
Alex: What?
Maggie: I had this friend when I was fourteen, Elisa Wilkey. We'd hang out in her parents' basement, watching horror flicks, and smoking cigarettes. I... I... she was the first girl that I knew I liked in a way that was different. And I-I thought that she liked me, too. And so on Valentine's Day, I put a card in her locker, declaring my feelings, and asking her to the dance. Well... she gave that card to her parents. And then they called my parents. And that's how I was outed. And then my dad kicked me out, and I had to live with an aunt for three years.
Alex: Maggie, I'm... I'm sorry.
Maggie: Yeah, whatever.
Alex: But I don't understand. I mean, why... why didn't you just tell me the truth?
Maggie: I didn't want to scare you. Okay? I wanted it to be better for you.

Lena: To be honest, I didn't have much faith in politicians to begin with. I just don't think any of them can be trusted.
[Kara looks around, realizing she's in her memory]
Lena: Don't look so scandalized, Kara. You know how cynical I can be.
[seeing her look]
Lena: Is everything okay?
Kara: You shouldn't have to be so cynical. You're good and righteous, and... and the tragedy is, the world has made you cynical because you've been betrayed so many times. By your mother, by your brother... and now, by me.
Lena: What are you talking about?
Kara: [moving to sit next to her] I'm not who you think I am. I'm Supergirl.
[taking off her glasses]
Kara: I never meant to deceive you. I just didn't know how to tell you.
[an alarm sounds]
Kara: You stay here. I'll deal with this.
[she speeds away; after a brief fight, she returns]
Supergirl: Lena?
Kara: [watching with Mxy in her lot] What happened? Where'd she go?
Mxyzptlk: Ah. Events are unfolding differently now. Oh, boy. Um, I need to catch up.
Mxyzptlk: Ah, there she is.
Kara: She went to Metropolis.
[seeing who Lena is with]
Kara: Oh, my god. She went to see Sam.

Maggie: I told you not to rush in. Now you've made things worse.
Supergirl: I did what I thought was right...
Maggie: I should have been heard. I should have been listened to. I'm her girlfriend.
Supergirl: I'm her sister!
Maggie: And you think that trumps me. That you know what's right for her. I... I got her to be herself, Kara. I have just as much to lose as you. You should've listened to me.

Winn: [unaware they're being affected by M'yrnn] 'Cause I programmed the system. I input every parameter, every radiation marker to trace them, so, yeah. Yeah, I think that makes me the expert.
Demos: The rest of us were the experts before you got here and traded your friendship with Supergirl for favor with Director J'onzz.
Winn: Oh, if you were in charge, we'd still be wondering if Reign was an alien.
Demos: You egotistical little son of a serial killer.

Supergirl: Are those solar panels?
Superman: Looks close enough. We won't be able to power it indefinitely.
Supergirl: We just need to buy more time. We might lose the planet, but we can still save the people.

Hat: Shall I teleport us out, then?
Manchester: Ah, not yet. Gotta make another stop.
Hat: I can't take us anywhere I haven't been before. We'll have to do it the hard way.
Manchester: When's that ever stopped us?
[as a group of prison guards approach, Hat pulls a sword from his bowler]
Manchester: All out of guns?
Hat: Thought you'd like something dashing.

J'onn: So, uh, I almost lost you today because I was too busy soldiering on to open up and share my fears with you. I won't ever do that again. From now on... we're a team.
M'gann: We already were. I'm only here because a copy of my soul resided within you. I had a hunch that you'd be a good one to bind to, J'onn J'onzz.
J'onn: I'm not bad.

Snowbird: I don't understand. Why we are in such a hurry?
[hearing an explosion, she turns and see the sky turn green]
Snowbird: What is that?
Lex: We got to get you inside.
Snowbird: [she's led inside] What is happening to me?
Lex: There's only one thing on this Earth that can hurt you, and the Americans just seeded the skies with it.
Snowbird: [in Russian, groaning in pain] It hurts!
Lex: You will never feel like this again. I will protect you. But there's something we have to do first.
[taking out a pin and a pair of earrings]
Lex: Your flesh is weak. It's the only time we can do this.
[piercing her ears]
Lex: Someday, you may have to match her.
Snowbird: Who?

Alex: Are you okay? What are you thinking?
Samantha: Yeah, I'm just tired of all the lying. Lies to Lena about my whereabouts, about the press conferences and the board meetings, and the earnings calls, and just all of it. I lie and I tell her that everything is fine.
Alex: I thought you told her about the work trip.
Samantha: I told her that my adopted mother was in the hospital. So that's a lie on a lie on a lie.
Alex: So, maybe it's time for some truth.
Samantha: The truth is that I'm becoming a burden. To Lena. To L-Corp. To you. To my friends. To my daughter. I don't wanna be that person.

Lena: Supergirl, that last strike was 800 megajoules. At this rate, we're minutes away from a strike that could electrify the whole harbor and anyone nearby.
Supergirl: [looking around at the chaos] Lena, release the totem.
Lena: You can still pass the test.
Supergirl: But if I fail, it will get worse. I need my team functional. I need Dr. Lahr helpful. And none of that will happen unless the totem was restored.

Young: You know, you're the only person in Midvale who doesn't make me feel like I'm... like I shouldn't be here.
Kenny: I'm glad you're my friend.
Young: You, too.

Kara: I'm not the only one on that invitation.
Alex: You're right. This is... this is not a time for us to go out, or have any fun. This is our time to wallow, to drown our sorrows, and put on break-up weight.
Kara: No.
Alex: I was just kidding. I know that you are incapable of putting on weight, which I totally resent.
Kara: I mean we are not going to just sit here and wallow. We are going to get ourselves out of this funk and off of this couch, and we're going to get our mojo back.
Alex: Wait, what are we doing?
Kara: [with the inter-dimensional extrapolater Cisco gave her, she opens a portal to Earth-1] We're going to that wedding.

James: I have my shield on me. I can help you find Mercy and Otis.
Lena: No. If you go out as Guardian, you'll be arrested.
Alex: She's right. We already have enough boots on the ground.

Lex: I'm just glad that I can return to making a difference as a free man.
Brainiac: [watching on TV and crumpling his computer keyboard in frustration] These 21st-century keyboards suck!

Alex: Jewel thieves?
Supergirl: Nabbed. I nabbed 'em. But of course Guardian had to show up and pick up some of the stragglers. That guy is really starting to get on my nerves.
Alex: Well, he did help. That's something.
Supergirl: Yeah, barely. I was the one who had to dodge the surface to air missiles. All he did was slap cuffs on wrists.
Alex: Okay, what's bothering you? And it's not Guardian.
Supergirl: Who says anything's bothering me?
Alex: [tapping the bridge of her nose] Crinkle.
Supergirl: [gasp] Crinkle! I'm gonna get Botox for that. If you can figure out a way to get a needle in my skin, I mean.

Vartox: Just because you wear that symbol on your chest doesn't mean you're him. Fighting him would be an honor. Fighting you is just exercise.

Winn: I gotta go. I've been... I've been searching for my calling, you know. This... this is it. I must save... save the future. What about- what about you?
James: I can't keep waiting on the world to change. My future's now.

Supergirl: Rhea was about to kill me and Mon-El sacrificed everything to save my life. Now we have to save his.
J'onn: I can't let you do that.
Supergirl: No, I'm... I'm okay.
J'onn: It's not that. We're under strict orders not to engage. I'm sorry.
Supergirl: This is Mon-El's life. Please.
J'onn: I cannot disobey the President of the United States. I know it's easy to let emotions get involved, but there's a protocol. I am not the one calling the shots right now.
Alex: I know how much you care for Mon-El, but this is too dangerous.
Supergirl: I have to save him. I know you understand. Once that ship leaves, he's gone forever.
J'onn: He's made his choice. He's with his people, Kara.
Supergirl: Mon-El did not choose this. This is not like M'gann, and if we wait for president's orders, Mon-El and his parents could be light years away. We have to go now! I'm the one that convinced him to do this. To try and reason with his mother. He's up there because of me. Please. J'onn, I can't lose him.

Samantha: Before we started this, Alex was trying to figure out what was wrong with me. Or maybe Supergirl. You can call Supergirl. You can...
Lena: Sam.
Samantha: You can find her, right?
Lena: Sam. Sam, okay? Reign is the most wanted criminal in the world. If I go to Supergirl or the government before I can prove I can turn her off, they will treat you like you are the same, all right? They will lock you up, they will dissect you...
Samantha: It wouldn't be any worse than this, Lena. We need to get help.
Lena: Shh. Okay. I swear I am the only one who knows how to do this. I promise you, I will do it. I'm not gonna let her hurt Ruby. Ever.

Alex: His vitals are spiking.
Querl: Push through the memory.
[he returns to real time]
Querl: My connection's lost. I can't reach him. Kelly, I fear James' mind has merged with his younger self. You were there. You could tether him. Will you go in?
Kelly: No. No, no, no. I-I-I can't.
Querl: He needs guidance. He will recognize you as his young sister.
Alex: No, Brainy, it's too much to ask of her. Okay? There has to be another way.
Kelly: [reconsidering] I'll do it.

Tanya: You know Supergirl? I need you to get this to her.
James: What is this?
Tanya: It's Thomas Coville's journal.
Kara: How did you get this?
Tanya: I stole it from his cult. Can you get it to her or not? I thought you two were close. I think his followers are using it to make a bomb.

Kara: What happened in the meeting with James?
Nia: Well, um... MacKenzie pitched her take on the article, and she had a good approach.
Kara: Yours was better. You were so passionate when you talked to just me about it, but why'd you shut down?
Nia: It was a scary room. James Olsen is the CEO of this incredible media empire, and MacKenzie has more famous friends than Oprah.
Kara: Nia, what really happened when MacKenzie took that article? Why didn't you want to compete?
Nia: I guess, in the moment, I was afraid to make waves.
Kara: Okay, fear. I get that. No matter how much we believe in ourselves, that never goes away. Not fully. Even now, I think that I'm not afraid of anything, and then something new and ugly rears its head and chases me right back down the rabbit hole. But once we catch ourselves, we have to jump right back out there. So, you're afraid to make waves? Okay. Make 'em anyway. Make a tsunami.
Nia: You're right.
Kara: Of course I am. Acknowledge the fear, then kick its ass.
Nia: Thank you, Kara.
Kara: Don't thank me. Just get out there and kick up a storm. Come on, seriously. Time's a-wasting. Tick tock.

Supergirl: I've seen this before, when I was a kid on a field trip to the ruins of old Krypton. What does it mean?
Alura: The symbols predate recorded history. The glyphs are known as "low speech" and used in Urrika, the Kryptonian continent where life began.
Supergirl: And the people who used them?
Alura: The Juru were matriarchal. Tribal. Polytheistic. Over time, their sun god became known as Rao, the tribes began to worship him alone, and modern Krypton was born.
Supergirl: So, then the Book of Rao must have something that can help.
Alura: There is nothing in the book. The ruling council destroyed much of Krypton's so-called supersitions.
Supergirl: But if someone's trying to send me a message through this, I have to know what it means. This feels important.
Alura: I represent the total accumulation of knowledge on the twenty-eight known galaxies. If I cannot translate it, the translation may not exist.

Querl: I checked all the cams along the boulevards from 3rd Street to 86th for detection of Mercy.
Alex: And?
Querl: Nada. Not one lead.

J'onn: She's declaring war on criminality in National City.
Alex: And not just against the criminals, it's against the entire justice system. We have to stop her.
J'onn: Without Supergirl?
Winn: I mean, we have a literal legion of superheroes here.
Mon: I owe you all my life. And I hope you know that I would do anything I could for you. But unfortunately, this can't be our fight.
Imra: Surely we can help them somehow.
Mon: If we die now, we will endanger the future.
J'onn: What do you mean?
Mon: We're on a mission.
Querl: Careful.
Mon: Our involvement here could jeopardize that. I can tell you what we do know. We know that Supergirl lives. And we know that eventually, Reign will leave.
Alex: So, that's... that's all you can give? That's all you got?
Imra: We really don't know much at all.

Astra: [after revelation] Your mother never stopped believing in me. You are so much like her, Kara.
Supergirl: [sniffles] It's not too late, Astra. Please tell me where Henshaw is.
Astra: The only way to save him is to make the trade.
[looks down]
Astra: The humans will never agree to that.
Supergirl: [rises, sighs] Then it's a good thing I'm not human.

J'onn: This must be the core.
Querl: [landing behind them] J'onn, Dreamer. My plan worked.
Dreamer: [he dodges an energy blast] That was for abandoning us.

Lex: You can't just tell a woman how you feel. It scares them off.

Nia: I've never missed Harvest Fest.
Kara: You should take the day off. James won't mind.
Nia: It's a long drive, and I, you know...
Kara: Fall asleep at weird times? I know.
Nia: Yeah.
Kara: So I'll drive.
Nia: What? You'd... you'd come with me?
Kara: Yeah. Your town's, like, an osasis of tolerance, right? So I'll-I'll just pitch a story idea about it to James.
Nia: Well, Kara, that would be amazing.
Kara: First commandment of road trip...
Kara: Thou shalt defer to the driver's choice of music.

Lex: What's wrong?
Gamemnae: Supergirl. She's inside the Unity Festival. We need to hit the kill switch. Wipe out as many people as possible before she has a chance to interfere.
Lex: There aren't enough people logged in yet. We need to hit 50% saturation. What good is wiping out one-quarter of the world if the other three-quarters rise up against us?
Gamemnae: We'll worry about that problem tomorrow.
Lex: This is about tomorrow. You told me you answer to a higher power. How will she feel when you give in on the mission before it's complete? And if Supergirl is in the Unity Festival, then her physical body is vulnerable.
Gamemnae: Rama Khan, Tezumak, and Sela might be able to make it back in time.
Lex: They need to take out Supergirl's friends.
Gamemnae: Then what do you propose?
Lex: Send another assassin. Someone who won't fail you.

Kara: It doesn't matter when I tell Lena the truth. It always makes things worse. I think I've been too scared to admit it to myself, but I think Lena would be better off if she and I were never friends.
Mxyzptlk: Is that the world you want to see?
Kara: No. But please show me anyway.

Querl: [plotting an escape after getting abducted] It's simple. We bide our time, and then spring into action using our super...
[Kara looks up in alarm]
Querl: [covering] ... kung fu, in which we have many belts in an aggressive rainbow of colors.

Otis: We should leave, sis.
Mercy: Not 'till we finish what we started.
Otis: [seeing Supergirl] Make her dead, got it.

Kara: Did I kill anyone?
Alex: No. No, you didn't kill anyone.
Kara: [starts to cry] Your arm...
Alex: Broken bones heal, and this will too.
Kara: [crying] It was so horrible Alex. It was so bad. It was so horrible. Every bad thought I've ever had, it just came to the surface. I couldn't stop it. I didn't mean it... I didn't mean what I said to you, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I said.
Alex: Kara, you're my sister, and I love you, no matter what... Yeah. There's some truth to what you said. We're going to have to work on that.
Kara: What about J'onn?

Supergirl: I don't like this tension between us, Lena. And I know it's my fault. I know James told you what I asked him to do, and... look, I feel terrible about it. I made a huge mistake, and I'm sorry.
Lena: Well, it's easy to admit your mistake when you've been exposed.
Supergirl: That's fair. I just don't want one mistake to ruin our friendship, that's all.
Lena: It won't.
Supergirl: Good.
Lena: We don't have a friendship, Supergirl. All this time we've been working together, it's been about work. We have a mission to complete. And I am not about to let any tension between you and I get in the way of that. Are you?
Supergirl: Of course not. I-I just hope, um, when we solve this, we can work to rebuild our trust.
Lena: Why is it so important to you that we're friends? I have friends, Supergirl. Friends that don't scheme behind my back or lie. Given my family history, they know how painful that would be. They also know I would never enter into a friendship with anyone who's already breached that trust.
Supergirl: Understood.

Eve: Hi, Mr. Olsen.
James: Hey, Eve. Thanks for coming in.
Eve: Coffee, two sugars. Just how you like.
James: You remembered. Thank you, that's very kind.
Eve: Hey, anything for my favorite ex-boss. Don't tell Ms. Grant I said that.
James: I most certainly will.

Alex: What are you doing here? Your interview's in, like, less than an hour.
Supergirl: I know. But that riot broke out last night because people are furious at being trapped inside with the monster. And after I broke it up, I couldn't not search for it.
Alex: And?
Supergirl: Still nothing. Where are Brainy and Lena with the Dream portal?
Alex: Well, they figured out the interface, and they think activating it might function like a beacon, drawing the creature to it. The question is, will they be done before the Guard moves in?
Supergirl: Did Governor Pena say if she would grant an extension?
Alex: I haven't heard anything back yet.

J'onn: As you've been struggling with your illness, your psychic waves have escaped. It's... it's affecting people.
M'yrnn: No. I would know if it did. I've done nothing wrong. I would never hurt anyone.
J'onn: No one thinks you're trying to hurt them, Father. It happened with the Kalanorian.
M'yrnn: A Kalanorian? On this planet? Why didn't you tell me about this?
J'onn: We spoke about it.
M'yrnn: We did no such thing.
J'onn: Dad, you're forgetting.
M'yrnn: No! I will get control of it.
J'onn: I'm afraid you are not able to. Not by yourself.
M'yrnn: Don't you dare tell your father what he is or isn't able to do!

Kelly: I know what happened earlier must have been scary. But we're here for you. Getting comfortable mimicking other aliens' powers, it's... it's gonna take some time. And I know that Alex is sorry that she pushed you. Hey, when we get home, why don't we finish decorating your room?
Esme: I think it's better if we don't. I think it's better if you just take me back to the group home... before my powers hurt you, too.

Lex: Be wary of opening with the Queen's Gambit, sis. It's such an obvious first move.
Lena: This isn't over.
Lex: It never is.

Imra: Are you okay?
Alex: Considering my tibia's been snapped in half?
Mon: And what about Reign?
J'onn: She shrugged off that kryptonite like it was nothing.
Alex: [Brainiac tightens a leg brace] Ahh! Yes, thanks. That's good.
[to the others]
Alex: The same amount incapacitated Kara.
Mon: So why was Reign resistant?
J'onn: Maybe she's more than just Kryptonian.
Alex: No, the soil did hurt her, just... not enough.
J'onn: You have a plan?
Alex: Concentrate it. We'll put it straight in her bloodstream. Jugular should work.
Winn: Ah. One... one small hiccup. Uh, who would be strong enough to hit her with the syringe?

Lena: I have made a terrible mistake. I was hurt. I was so hurt. And... I thought I could get rid of the hurt. I thought that I knew better, that I could make the world a better place. But I was wrong. That hurt, um, took me down a dark, dark path, where I was blind to what I was really doing, to what I'd become. You were right. This whole time I became a villain, and then... I'm not looking for forgiveness. I'm... I know what I said and I know what I did, but I am... I am really hoping that you will believe me right now. Okay? Lex is working with Leviathan, and they are going to use Obsidian to do something terrible... using the system that I made with my project. I didn't know I was helping them, but I did. And... now I want to help stop them, so... please, okay? I want to help stop Lex and Leviathan.
Kara: [pulling out a chair] Sit down.

M'gann: Maybe waiting for Brainy's kinetic inhibitor to be ready is... risky. I mean, these Phantoms could be multiplying at very high rates. If we find them, we should contain them any way that we can.
J'onn: Absolutely not. Those energy field discs require close proximity to your target to work. You heard Brainy. The kinetic inhibitor shields us by a mile.
M'gann: But the longer we wait...
J'onn: I said no. That's an order, M'gann.

Alex: The president is in. He's speaking with other world leaders. We'll coordinate the effort from National City. But, J'onn... even if we did manage to get enough ships for everyone, we can't just fly off Earth. I mean, space itself is being erased.
J'onn: Earth-1 is the last stop on the anti-matter trajectory. We can try and get everybody there.
Alex: Well, one little extrapolator is not gonna do the job.
J'onn: The transmatter portal?
Alex: Who could build one big enough? I mean, not even Brainy has.
J'onn: Lena. She built an enormous one for the Daxamites. I'm sure she could build one twice as big.
Alex: No, that's too big of a risk. I mean, after Myriad, after everything... she can't be trusted.
J'onn: What other choice do we have?

Kara: You must be such a great dad.
Winn: I try.
Kara: [snickering] Oh.
Winn: It's, like, the hardest thing that I have ever done.
Kara: I bet.
Winn: I'm not kidding. Yeah, it's-it's like I became a dad, and suddenly my heart was just... on the outside of my body. You know? She's also my greatest accomplishment, my little Mary. She's my legacy.
Kara: Did you name her after your mom?
Winn: Well, it was either that or Winifred.
[she laughs]
Winn: Kara was an option.
Kara: What?
Winn: Yeah, Ayla pushed for it. But if I'm being honest, um, in the future, Kara isn't exactly what you would call an original name choice.
Kara: What are you talking about?
Winn: [mimicking a posh British accent] Parents naming their children after the legendary Kara Zor-El.
Kara: [a little embarrassed] Oh, my gosh.
[snorting as he feigns a bow of unworthiness]
Kara: No, I like Mary.
Winn: Yeah, me, too.

Lena: Someone just tried to kill me. I shouldn't be putting you and Ruby in danger.
Samantha: That woman is in custody. No one will be looking for you here. You're safe. So take your Louboutins off, relax, and chug this.
Lena: [Sam hand her a glass of water] This really isn't necessary.
Samantha: Stop it. You're dehydrated.
Lena: You could have been shot. You shouldn't be hiding me.
Samantha: You gave me a break when I needed it the most. Let me return the favor.
[they see Ruby enter carrying blankets and a pillow]
Lena: One night.
Samantha: Great. This is what friends are for.
Lena: If Ruby was sick, would you still be my friend?

President: A leader who caves to fear is no leader at all.

Lena: [seeing Guardian enter the fight at the fair] I can't believe he went.
Querl: [echoing her "feelings" exercise] Little boxes.

Martian: I checked the whole South Pacific. No sign of Lex or his helicopter.
Supergirl: Kal left me here to protect Earth, and I let his archnemesis slip through my fingers. Everything that Lex does now is because I failed.
Martian: I'm gonna cast a psychic net. I might be able to detect them.
M'yrnn: [faintly, as he searches] J'onn.
Supergirl: [he inexplicably passes out] J'onn?
[as he falls to the ground, she catches him before impact]
Supergirl: J'onn, are you okay? J'onn!

Mxyzptlk: [animatedly, a la an old-time radio broadcast] Only months after publicly declaring their partnership, the formidable duo of Supergirl and Lena Luthor have already cleaned up National City's criminal element. This pair is literally unstoppable! Not to mention fashionable, after Lena convinced Supergirl to cut the hair of steel, and gave her a new suit to boot. But their next adversary is Lillian Luthor herself, and this time, their battleground is a courtroom. Emotions. Drama. Will they persevere?

President: I will not apologize for protecting my country.
Supergirl: But that's why you have me.
President: That may have sufficed for Olivia Marsdin. Not anymore.
Supergirl: Everyone involved in Claymore, everyone that works at that satellite base is at risk. The Elite are going to attack.
President: If I closed every military base that might be threatened, I'd have no bases left. And last I checked, I don't answer to you.
Supergirl: Will you answer to your electorate the first time Claymore shoots down an alien ship that means us no harm? It's wrong. Innocent people will die.
President: Do not interfere with that satellite!
Supergirl: This is a mistake, Mr. President.

Margot: No one knows all about Leviathan. Leviathan is unknowable.
Lena: I'm not afraid.
Margot: You will be.

Carter: I met Supergirl. She was amazing. And she was so much prettier in person.
Cat: Oh. Well... did you notice any of her other attributes?
Carter: Um, she's super strong...
Cat: And smart and brave and kind and she saved you all. Tell me, what do you think makes her a hero?
Carter: I'd say her legs. Definitely her legs.
[was kidding]
Carter: Her heart, Mom.

Selena: We were drawn by the blood of our fallen Worldkillers. Hand it over, and we won't spill yours.
Alex: Get the blood. It's in the lab. Destroy it.
Demos: You got it.
Alex: [raising her gun to the Kryptonians] Didn't they teach you how to knock on Krypton?

[first lines]
Mon: I always forget how beautiful it is this far out in space.
Supergirl: It's perfect. Out here, with just you, I don't have to pretend. I can just be me.
Mon: [the ship's instrumentation beeps] We're coming up on it.
[they revert to normal space, and see what looks like a domed city in front of them]
Supergirl: What is that?

Lena: The hearts keep dying.
Eve: We shocked it three times, but it wouldn't revive.
Lena: Did you measure the tumor?
Eve: [checking her tablet] 3.6 millimeters.
Lena: The tumors are growing. The H-E radiation should be shrinking them completely.
Eve: Why don't we stay and adjust the protocol?
Lena: No. No, you go home to your family.
Eve: I don't really like them that much, anyway. No, we can figure this out.
Lena: No. We're not gonna come up with any solutions staying here today. Incinerate it.

Lena: If you do this, it's genocide. The public will find out the truth, and when they do...
Lex: The truth is meaningless. The people of Earth believe I am their savior. They needed a human hero, and I fulfill that need. Nothing will ever change their minds. Facts are irrelevant. All that matters is spin. People are so stupid, they don't even read. And even when they do, they certainly don't think. I am the leader of this nation now, and nothing can stop me.

J'onn: [after a flash of turbulence] That was a bad one. Our shields took a hit, but it looks like they pulled through.
[seeing the clock]
J'onn: But the last ten minutes are unaccounted for. What the hell happened?
[getting an alert]
J'onn: Oh, no. The temperature's dropping. Alex. Double-check the Phantom's containment, make sure it's still in place. Alex?
[seeing her eyes frosted over]
J'onn: Brainy?
Brainiac: [momentarily frozen] Uh, I'm okay, but it-it seems like the rest of our team has been compromised.
J'onn: That electromagnetic turbulence.
Brainiac: I-It caused a malfunction in the Phantom's containment unit. Right now, it's just enough for its power to leak out and affect our teammates. But the whole unit's compromised.
J'onn: Why aren't you and I affected?
Brainiac: It's possible your Martian physiology and psychic powers have safeguarded you. Your psychic bond with Malefic might have conferred to you some measure of, uh... resistance.
J'onn: And your Coluan nature is doing the same for you?
Brainiac: Well, sort of. My 12th-level intellect allows me to compartmentalize my fear. That and Kelly's coping mechanisms. But I assure you, I'm still... very much feeling it.
J'onn: You are?
Brainiac: For me, this entire room is filled with balloons.
J'onn: Balloons?
Brainiac: [balloons only he can see fall from the ceiling] Yes, balloons, J'onn. Balloon, balloon, balloon, balloon. Thin sheets of rubber holding in all that pressure, not knowing when to pop, balloon, J'onn! They must be stopped!
J'onn: Okay. I don't have time to unpack all that.

Supergirl: I never used you.
Lena: Do you remember when you finally told me you were Supergirl? You were weeping. Big crocodile tears. Well, I wept real tears. Bitter tears over you weeks before.
Supergirl: What? I... I thought... how long had you known?
Lena: I found out the day I killed my brother.

Lena: We had a deal.
Andrea: That's right. CatCo Worldwide Media for $1.3 billion. A little more than my board thought it was worth, but I'm a softie for an old friend in need.
Lena: I'm talking about the deal to keep the CatCo sale secret until tomorrow. Instead, you were upstairs measuring the drapes.
Andrea: Well, I'm sorry I ruffled your feathers. I didn't think a few hours would make a difference.
Lena: Look... I want us to start off on the right foot here. CatCo isn't the end-all of what we can offer each other.
Andrea: I agree.
Lena: If we're to have a relationship again, and I ask you not to disclose something for 24 hours, I expect you to take me at my word. Everything I do has a purpose.
Andrea: Understood.
Lena: Just no more surprises.
Andrea: And that big story you promised me, the one that would draw every eyeball in the world to CatCo's website? So long your hands were kept clean of it.
Lena: You'll get it tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. as promised. I keep my word.

Kara: [showing James the article about Lockwood's presidential appointment] "An asset to this administration." It's unbelievable.
James: Yeah, the president is making some very strange decisions lately. The Lockwood appointment, satellite.
Kara: How do you...
James: Brainy told me. We get brunch.
Kara: Cute.

Joey: There's something wrong with my brother.
Kelly: Why do you say that?
Joey: Last time I saw him, he had dark circles under his eyes. We get them if we use our powers a lot. We get sick if we use them too much.
Kelly: You think your brother's using his powers in prison?
Joey: For his job. I don't know what you call it, be he gets to go out to do it.
Kelly: He's in a work-release program.
Joey: He told me not to worry, but I can't help it. He took care of me after our mom and dad died. He only robbed that store to get money for a place for us to live. He says we'll be together again when he gets out. But what if his job makes him really sick? Wh... what if he dies?
Kelly: I am gonna do all that I can to help you and Orlando. You know, a good friend of mine knows the warden at the prison. She might be able to help.
Joey: I don't wanna get him in trouble.
Kelly: It's gonna be okay. I promise.

Andrea: Nia told me what you've been cooking up and, well, I smell another Pulitzer.
Kara: [trying to be modest] Oh.
Andrea: And that's gonna be great for business. I can't wait to read it immediately.
Kara: Well, uh, I'm not exactly done with it yet.
Andrea: Of course. End of day, then.
Kara: Uh, that's the weird thing, though. There's... there is no story.
Andrea: What?
Kara: Yeah, Mirando... Miranda changed his mind... at the last minute. He said he would take everything off the record, he would deny everything. It's... it's the funny thing about these resistance leaders, they think they want fame, but their lives depend on secrecy.

Lena: [watching Sam in her medbay bunk] She's gonna come through this, right? She's gonna be able to fight Reign.
James: No doubt in my mind.

Kelly: [while out jogging with Alex, there are a couple of military vehicles parked in the street] Feels like I'm back on deployment.
Alex: Hey, at least that's one upside to martial law. Maybe you feel like you're at home.

Supergirl: [finding the Love totem] Hey, guys, I see it.
Nxylgsptinz: [teleporting in] Oh, you didn't think I'd let you just come in and take such a pretty little bauble, did you?

Lena: Hard to believe a small piece of wood from the bodhi tree can cause so much chaos.
Supergirl: Well, now that Nxyly's back to her old self, she'll no doubt be on the hunt for another totem.
J'onn: And now that she's lost the humanity totem, she'll be angrier than ever.
Alex: When William publishes his article, everyone in National City's gonna know about her and the totems.
Dreamer: And that the Super Friends have evened the score.
Supergirl: It's time we get a head start on Nxyly. Any ideas how?
Lena: I still have some of those ionized particles left. They're still active. Each of the totems has the same energy signal, so we could use the particles to track another one. There's just enough left for one, though.
Alex: Okay, so, which one do we go after?
Dreamer: Well, there's the Dream totem. Sounds like something I might be able to help with.

Otis: Hey, there, Warden. Is Warden your first name or your last?
Warden: What are you doing here?
Otis: Got an alert. Kryptonian in the boss' cell.

Querl: Supergirl left us a present. And a note. Says "You're welcome."
Alex: Well, she did manage to take down one of the Elite and stop Lockwood's assassination in a day.
Colonel: Then it sounds like you've got some breathing room. Which is a good thing. The president asked me to reassign you to a security detail.
Alex: Security? Whose?
Ben: Mine. But please don't worry, Director Danvers. I, uh... I come in peace.

Leslie: I'll make you a deal, All-American Barbie. You can haul his ass to prison,
[shakes her head]
Leslie: but I never see the inside of a cell again.
Supergirl: I can't make that deal.
Leslie: Then he fries!
Supergirl: No, Leslie, don't!
Leslie: My name is Livewire!
[stream of electricity hits the unconscious mad scientist]
Supergirl: Livewire, listen to me!
Leslie: Why? You know you can't stop me from leaving.
Supergirl: And you know you can't stop me from chasing after you, and you know how fast I am. But if you spare him, if you do that much, maybe I'll wait to chase you until he's in jail.
Supergirl: Maybe.
Leslie: [stops her barrage] Just us girls next time.
[grins, savors prospect]
Leslie: We can braid each other's hair.

Kara: Selena couldn't have known I was going to come back after she gave me the Harun-El. She had to have another plan to get to Earth. Are there any other ships on Argo?
Alura: No, they were all destroyed, and we've rebuilt nothing.
Kara: What about the Legion? Can you call them with the beacon?
Mon: Unfortunately, the beacon didn't survive the explosion.

Lena: [finding Lex in her office] What a thoroughly unpleasant surprise.
Lex: Morning, sis. I promise this'll be quick. When I woke up this morning, I could not wait to get back to work. So I opened my computer and, wouldn't you know it, I have been locked out of all LuthorCorp accounts. Even my own Lex Foundation. Isn't that funny?
Lena: You may be a free man, Lex, but your time at LuthorCorp is over.
Lex: [sarcastic laugh] Ah-ha-ha! See, I had a feeling it was you. Uh, the firewalls were spectacular, by the way. Uh, and how did you change my bioscan? Ah, let me guess, the Coluan helped you out with that? Cute prank, sis. Now undo it.
Lena: Maybe I wasn't clear. I will do everything in my power to protect this company and the world from you. Do you think my testimony was some kind of a mistake?
Lex: Hmm. I thought you might be feeling stubborn. I had very expensive coffee this morning with my new friend ADA Matthews, uh, now District Attorney Matthews. He was freshly appointed after your friend, District Attorney Diaz, was fired for losing my case. Anyway, uh, Mr. Matthews was so grateful at his good fortune that he's willing to do me a favor. He's issuing you a court order to undo your little cyber attack within the hour. Oh, uh, and I also had a very nice chat with him about his investigation in you and Non Nocere. Just wanted to make sure he was giving it his full attention. It's now his number one priority.

Querl: [after Kara's broadcast] Oh, my. You're leaking.
Lena: [trying to fight the tears] I always considered myself strong, brave. But... to share yourself like that, I...
Querl: If I am understanding Dreamer's words correctly, none of us should be afraid of who we are. Nor should we fear sharing that.
Lena: I feel so paralyzed right now because I'm not able to. I'm... not able to move forward. I can't find Lex. I can't fix James.
Querl: I understand that you have been betrayed by many people in your life, Lena. I know that feeling, too. But if you want to be trusted and accepted, then you must also trust. It will be risky. But I can tell you that if you close all doors, you will have a 99.9% chance of sorrow.

Colonel: I was just informed that you're refusing to test my volunteers. Is this true?
Lena: Yes. The serum's purification level is still below 90%. At this point, human trials are too great a risk.
Colonel: I disagree.
Lena: Well, that's not your decision.
Colonel: Tensions in this nation are high. To keep the peace, I need my soldiers to be as strong and as fast as they can be. I need them super.
Lena: And I understand that, but rushing science is not the answer.
Colonel: Time is a luxury we do not have.
Lena: Don't you think I know that? I want this serum as quickly as you do, but I refuse to rush anything that may kill your agents.
Colonel: Soldiers take risks every day.
Lena: I just need more time.
Colonel: Fine. But remember, you were hired to do a job. Do it.

Dreamer: Guys. I found recording crystals.
Lex: Ah, yes. When I arrived, she was in the middle of a missive. Sort of a last will and testament. Very dry. You're lucky I cut her off when I did.
Alex: [Nia moves to insert the crystal] No. No, no, no. We are not watching those, 'cause Kara is not dead. We are bringing her home. And you are going to wish that you were dead while you are rotting in that cell.
Lex: Hmm. About that... I'm not going anywhere near a cell. Unless you want me to reveal Supergirl's identity. She may be gone, but she still has an awful lot of enemies out there. It would be tragic if Mama Danvers or your lovely Kelly Olsen were to become the target of one of...
Lena: [slugging him, hard] Sorry. Did you want to do that?
Alex: No. Family first.

Alex: J'onn?
J'onn: This is real. You are free of the Phantom's powers. You did it. You all did it. We have the Phantom back in full containment, but this trip's not over yet.
Brainiac: [getting an alert] We're close. We have a lock on Supergirl.
Alex: Are you sure this is real?
J'onn: Yes, but we're still being swarmed by Phantoms. We'll have to get as close as we can to Supergirl. And have that yellow-sun bomb ready.
Lena: On it.

[first lines]
Kara: I know some of you are scared. I know some of you have never done this before. I know some of you are ready to get out there and prove yourselves. But just remember why we do this. We do this for the people.
[Winn holds up a microphone; cut to them at a karaoke bar]

William: Wow. So that's 100 phone calls to 100 users, none who are trapped. Maybe I've taken us both down a conspiracy rabbit hole. There any word from Alex yet?
Kelly: Uh, I texted, and, um, no response. Maybe she still needs space.
William: You know, sometimes people need a shoulder to cry on even if they won't admit it. You should go to her. I'll keep on this. Saw you looking at it, I'll keep on it. In fact, I have a contact at the NSA who might be able to help us speed things up. You go be with the woman you love.

Kara: You...
Alex: It was not what it sounded like.
Kara: ...didn't.
Alex: I... I did. I did. Like, twice, I think. Three times.
[Kara cackles with laughter]
Alex: Oh, my god! What did I do? What did I do? Do you know... do you know what I did?
Kara: Not the specifics, no.
Alex: Look, I had a one-night stand!
Kara: You did.
Alex: Kara, it's horrible! I'm terrible. It's such a guy thing to do. I am a horrible, terrible... guy.
Kara: No, you're a healthy, single lady, and you just had a really great time at a wedding. There's nothing wrong with that. You didn't do anything wrong.
Alex: I didn't.
Kara: No, and Sara's awesome. Except for the fact that she's an assassin.
Alex: She's an assassin?
Kara: Mm-hmm.
Alex: Sassy
Alex: assassin.
Kara: Get into the church now.

Supergirl: You once believed in me. You thought I saved you for a reason, and I did. I saved you so that you could have a life.
Olivia: This is a life.
Supergirl: No, this is someone else's life. This is Coville's life. I know what it's like to not know which role you have to play. But you have so much to offer this world. So much. And this is not it.
Olivia: But... who am I without it?
Supergirl: Let go of that rock, and you'll have a lifetime to figure it out.

Ruby: I'm sorry I was so rude to you before, Alex.
Alex: No, I, um... I'm sorry that I kept pushing you to feel better before you were ready. But I'm-I'm really happy that you taught M'yrnn how to play foosball.
Ruby: How long has he been sick?
Alex: Not very long. A few months. But he's very old; like, hundreds of years old.
Ruby: Do you think J'onn ever worries about what happened to his father will happen to him?
Alex: I don't know. Are you worried that what happened to your mom might happen to you?
[Ruby gives a small nod]
Alex: I wish, more than anything, that I could take this burden from you. I really wish that I could tell you that you never have to worry about that. But the truth is... I don't know. But I'll tell you what I do know. Some of the smartest people on the planet love your mom. And they're working day and night to find a cure. And those very same people, they love you. And I give you my word, Ruby, I will fight to protect you as long as I live.

Lena: [separating Reign from Sam] Sam? Can you hear me?
Samantha: [weakly] I need a... do you have some aspirin?

Supergirl: Looks like I'm not the only one working out my aggression. Mind if I join?
Kelly: Be my guest.
Supergirl: Any sign of Dr. Raab or Mitch?
Kelly: No, uh, but everyone's out searching the city, so we should hear something soon.
Supergirl: [working out with a training device, she punches it across the room] Rankin doesn't care about anything but her own ambition. I even talked to two other city council members to try to get them to see my way, but it was... it was useless. Looks like the Ormfell is going to Orquoia anyway.

Alex: Are you all right?
J'onn: No, I'm not.
Alex: Look, you saved her, J'onn.
J'onn: She came to me to help her fight this, Alex. I turned her down. It was more important for me to keep my vow of non-violence than to fight by Kara's side.
Alex: You chose to honor a new path.
J'onn: What if I'm just making a big mistake? My father was a great spiritual leader. Maybe I never will be. Maybe I've just spent too many years steeped in rage to really change.

Kara: If you wanted, I could watch Carter overnight.
Cat: [suspiciously] What do you want?
Kara: You know how sometimes people just want to help other people?
Cat: Oh, I see. So you think that if you do me this favor, then I will owe you something. This is the first time I've ever seen this quality in you, Ker-rah. I love it. I didn't know you had it in you.

Supergirl: [Manchester uses the staff to deflect her heat vision] The dam's cracked. He's gonna flood the whole city.
J'onn: Go. This war is mine.

Maggie: I appreciate the beer and the pool, but I think I need to go home and drink something a little harder and lose my cool. See you later.
Alex: Okay. Well, hey, feel better.

Brainiac: Killing Pestilence saved the future from the Blight. Millions of people were spared. Including my... extremely distant relative. The evil one, who has created a plague to wipe out all AIs other than himself. In short, all AIs are in danger. And I can no longer stay there. The future needs heroes. The future needs leaders.
Mon: The future has leaders.
Brainiac: The future needs you, Mon-El. To fight. And it needs Winn to take my place in the Legion and save the AIs.
Winn: Uh... what? No. Okay, rewind. First of all, you've told me hundreds, literally hundreds of times, that I am far below a twelfth-level intellect. And... and... how could I possibly be your replacement?
[Brainiac places a thin plastic case on the table, which contains an aged piece of paper with the drawing Winn showed to Demos]
Winn: How'd you get this? What... what is- what is this?
Mon: That's from the National Archives.
Brainiac: You're right. And it's Winn's design.
Winn: The Nat... no. This... they... it... it didn't work! No, it didn't... it couldn't save Demos...
Brainiac: Regardless of what happened with your friend, this design is the foundation of some of the future's most groundbreaking technology. It has saved countless lives. And this, this dirty piece of paper, is an artifact, treasured centuries from now.
[sliding the case to Winn]
Brainiac: The future needs you.
[to Mon-El]
Brainiac: Both of you.

Supergirl: I'm really gonna miss you guys. This world was so foreign and terrifying. But over the years, I've learned to feel safe here. It's been an honor protecting this planet, and being protected by it. And I owe all of that to you.

Hank: Supergirl, there's a bomb at the Lord Air terminal!
Supergirl: I'm on it!
[takes off]

Kara: Your dad, he's... he's strong.
J'onn: Yeah, he seems to be taking this better than I am. He's doing everything he can to keep his mind sharp.

Supergirl: What happened?
Agent: Looks like someone took a flamethrower to large swaths of the property.
J'onn: Any chance it was a brush fire?
Agent: I don't think so.
Supergirl: But why call us for arson after the fact? The fire's already out.
Agent: There's something you should see.
Supergirl: Where?
Agent: Bird's-eye view.

William: Did you speak to Kara yourself? I just can't believe she left without telling me.
Nia: Alex told me. I'm sure she would have called you if she could have, William.

Maggie: [watching Supergirl fly away] She'll be okay.
Alex: I hope so.
Maggie: Hey. I know the Danvers girls. You don't break easy.
Alex: Marry me.
Maggie: Excuse me?
Alex: Seriously. Marry me. Please.

Alex: Speaking of that White Martian, um... when it was me, did you have a conversation? Because I have these memories; they're like, um... well, it's almost like a dream that... that we talked, but I'm not really sure if that was real.
Kara: Do you remember?
Alex: Yeah. So I'm not crazy.
Kara: Nope. I guess if the White Martian's bond is strong enough, the telepathy goes both ways.

Kara: [looking through Lex's files] Wait. This is Kopy. He attacked that carnival last fall. I wrote an article about him.
Lena: Yeah, he could clone himself.
Kara: Not exactly. He could split himself like a cell. And, uh, each copy was more powerful than the original. But the longer they were separated, the dumber they got.

Dreamer: [seeing the chaos in downtown National City] This is all my fault.
Brainiac: It's not. It's... a kitty?
[a gigantic housecat jumps off a roof and lands in the street]

Winn: [as Siobhan undergoes tests at the DEO] What is she?
Supergirl: She's definitely not a Fort Rozz escapee. Trust me, we checked.
Winn: And you're sure you don't recognize her from Krypton?
Supergirl: No. But it was a big place. I mean, we didn't all know each other.
Winn: She-she fell four stories, Kara. There's not a scratch on her. The only other person I know capable of that is you.

Cat: And, um... what, pray tell, brings you here?
Clark: Gosh, Ms. Grant, I, uh... I just wanted to see what I could do to help.
Cat: Oh, you do love danger, don't you, Clark Kent. Yet another reason why Lois made no sense.

Nxylgsptinz: What the hell was that? Your sister? How could she imitate a totem and fool my crystal ball?
Lex: I can take a look at that for you. Make it so it can't be tricked. I don't mind.
Nxylgsptinz: Just because you waltzed in at a very convenient moment doesn't mean that you... . wait. How did you know where I was?
[off his glance, she looks in the air behind her]
Nxylgsptinz: What is that? Is that a surveillance drone? Are you stalking me? Creep.
Lex: I was protecting you. If I hadn't shown up when I did, you would be powerless in a prison right now.
Nxylgsptinz: You claim to be on my side. But I am no closer to finding my totems. So get out!
Lex: Uh, this is my home.
Nxylgsptinz: Fine.
Lex: [opening a portal, she leaves] I... I love you.

Gayle: It was an accident!
Leslie: Didn't look that way to me.
Gayle: Do you want to try this thing on, see what it feels like to have your powers taken away?
Leslie: [conjuring a ball of electricity] Get that thing near me and I'm gonna fry you.
Supergirl: Hey! No one is getting fried, no one's getting hurt. We have a job to do.

Jacqueline: Heat vision, freeze breath, and so many points of articulation? I think I'll keep you.
[Supergirl is enclosed in a life-size plastic package for action figures]
Jacqueline: It's so rare to find a vintage superhero in mint condition.

Supergirl: Long time, no see. Who's Clockwork Orange?
Manchester: What's the line? "No man is a failure..."
Hat: "... who has friends."
Supergirl: [thrown aside by an invisible force] I thought we captured you.
Hat: [a Morae appears] She says that was a different Morae. They all look alike to you.

Rick: [disguising his voice] Hello, Kara Danvers.
Kara: Who is this?
Rick: Well, the real question is who are you? Everyone around you thinks you're just a mild-mannered reporter. But I know the truth.
Kara: What do you want?
Rick: I have your sister.
Kara: You're lying.
Rick: I'm not.
[Kara's phone chimes, and she and Maggie see a picture of Alex unconscious]
Rick: A man named Peter Thompson is serving a life sentence at Albatross Bay Supermax. You will free him in the next thirty-six hours or your sister will die. And I know you can, because I know... you're Supergirl.

Dreamer: Brainy, tell me the odds.
Querl: There is a 56.3% chance that faking our capture will lead to our actual capture.
J'onn: So, no Wookiee. Look, I'll fly the perimeter, see if I can find a safe place to get us in. You two stay here, watch the gate. Log anything important.

Ben: That's Nth metal, Supergirl! No point struggling.
Supergirl: [straining] I'm not struggling. I'm flying!

Kelly: No one tells you how being a mom brings up all of your past struggles.
Alex: Yeah. Or your worst insecurities. But... well, the truth is... it's so much better than I ever would have imagined.

Mar: In the beginning, there was only one... a single black infinitude. Then the infinitude found release, and finally, the darkness broke, filling it with life. With the Multiverse. Every existence multiplied by possibility, and spread out before space and time in infinite measure. Civilizations rose and fell, and rose again to cross realities grasping expanse. Life, a precious gift persevering in the face of every obstacle, until finally, the age of heroes was born. Chaos, the constant enemy of life, kept at bay by champions from across the Multiverse. Joining forces to fight on behalf of all creation, they found each other just in time. Because now, the entire Multiverse is about to come under attack. There is a malevolent force at work, one driven by a singular goal.
Alexander: [on Earth-89 Gotham City] I hope you're watching, big guy.
Mar: The destruction of all there is.
Ray: [on Earth-X] Oh, no!
Mar: I have planned. There are those who say I have schemed. But the time for preparation has passed. The Crisis is now upon us all.
Dick: [on Earth-66 Gotham City] Holy crimson skies of death!

Supergirl: If this thing goes sideways, I need you to promise me something. Pull Alex and Lena out, but leave me in until I finish the mission.
Mon: You heard Brainy. This could hurt you. This could kill you.
Supergirl: This is our only chance to save now or the future. This is all we've got. So promise me.
Mon: I promise.

Mon: You okay?
Supergirl: Yeah. Just thinking how ironic this is. Donning disguises across the solar system seems to be my karma.
Mon: It's necessary for survival.
Supergirl: So is Kara Danvers. I just wish my day to day life didn't have to have a disguise. It's exhausting.
Mon: In the future, I just live in the open. All Legionnaires do. There's no secret identities, no disguises. 24/7, I'm just me, Mon-El from the Legion of Superheroes. And it's still exhausting.
Supergirl: What we do, the responsibilities we have... there's always a trade-off, isn't there?

Lillian: You followed my breadcrumbs. More quickly, I expect, than your brother would have. I'm impressed. Now come give your mother a hug.

James: So?
Lena: He had no idea. The look he gave me, he hadn't even considered it.
James: So everything he believed in is a lie?
Lena: And there's another thing. I think he's deteriorating because of the Harun-El.
James: That's not gonna happen to me, is it?
Lena: No. Ben injected the untested serum. And by tomorrow, it won't matter anyway. I'm working on an extraction.
James: [seeing Lockwood's car peel out] Is it just me, or is that a man who needs answers?
Lena: Maybe this wasn't such a dead end after all.

Thara: Kara, do you recognize this?
Kara: [reading an inscription] "Whoever wields this sword shall bathe in the blood of the old worlds, and reign with might over the new."
Alura: It's an ancient religious text. According to lore, the scabbard holds the sword of Juru.
Mon: It would appear the sword is real, and missing.

Lena: Hey, I know you. You saved my life.
Alex: Yeah. Special Agent Alex Danvers, FBI.
Kara: She's my sister.
Lena: Oh. This city's smaller than I thought.

Lena: Hey, is everything okay at CatCo? I have six missed calls from James.
Kara: Actually... Andrea Rojas showed up in his office about a half an hour ago saying she bought CatCo?
Lena: Why would she do that?
Kara: Oh, thank god. I told James and Nia there must have been a huge mistake.
Lena: It's not a mistake, Kara, I... sold CatCo to Andrea. She wasn't supposed to show up 'til tomorrow after you and I had had lunch.

Alex: [finding the Crysalis and the Phantom progeny protecting it] It's a Phantom Zone on Earth.
Dreamer: [the progeny turn to look at them] No matter what happens, don't stop.
[she uses her powers to conjure a protective barrier/tunnel for Alex to traverse; trying to fight two progeny off, she flashes to Midvale again]
Dreamer: Sentinel, do it now!

Lillian: You aren't actually considering going to the Fortress, are you? Of course it's a trap.
Lex: Ah, no. I'm taking advantage of an opportunity. Supergirl hasn't seen new, improved me in action yet. I will destroy her.
Lillian: And while you're doing that, her friends will be busy undoing all your hard work.
Lex: With Supergirl out of the way, her friends will be easy targets. And even if they're successful at stopping my satellites, I'm a god, Mother. I'll have plenty of time to fix what they mess up. Oh, uh... and silver lining, if Supergirl's friends go behind my back and take down my satellites, you don't have to worry about Lena. See? It is time to celebrate.

Hank: What the hell do you think you're doing, Alex?
Alex: I have no choice, Hank. He's had us under surveillance. He knows about the DEO, he knows about Kara.
Hank: I don't care if he's got the nuclear codes and his finger's on the button. That is not some anonymous alien you've brought in. That is Maxwell Lord, head of a multi-billion dollar organization. Time magazine's ranking person of the year. Everybody's gonna be looking for this guy.
Alex: They won't find him.
Hank: You're compromising the security of this entire operation.
Alex: And he is compromising the security of my family. Guess which one I care about more. We are all willing to do a lot of things to protect our secrets, Hank. I would think you'd understand that better than anyone.

Supergirl: [sees long-haired young girl among other captives] Izzy? Are you Izzy Williams?
Izzy: Supergirl... You... you know who I am?
Supergirl: Your mother is looking for you.
Izzy: You know my mother?
Supergirl: Uh... uh... A friend of mine is a reporter and... your mother persuaded her to find out what happened to you. And she told me, that's why I'm here.
Izzy: You can save us. You can just knock down the walls!

J'onn: Who would want you dead?
Winn: Where do we start? Okay, well, there's Griggs, uh... the Hellgrammite, Hannibal. I mean...
Alex: Look, the Hellgrammite and Griggs have been in containment. So that's a no.
J'onn: Hannibal, we deported after the Daxamite invasion.
Winn: Right.
Alex: Okay, so let's just keep narrowing it down.

Brainiac: Your intel has been most informative, Winn. What was this personal matter you wish to discuss?
[his computer warbles]
Brainiac: Yes. Yes, I understand.

Pamela: [Menagerie sees young lady walking past] Maybe a little snack first.

Kara: I don't know how to fight this one. And I should be able to stop her, but... but then she makes her way into my mind, and... and forces me to re-live the scariest moment of my life. It's... it's torture. How am I supposed to deal with that?
Alex: Well... by remembering that your fears don't define you. You know, who you are as Supergirl, who you are as Kara, that's what defines you. And she's got nothing on that.
Kara: No. Who I am as Kara feels broken. I lost Mon-El. Lena keeps asking me where I'm going, which is new and horrible. Alex, I'm trying to be myself again, but everything that used to make me feel good feels like... like a relief that is... it's disappeared.
Alex: It's not always gonna feel like that, I promise.
Kara: My life as Supergirl is the one thing I can count on. I can go out there and help people. I can make a difference in the world. I can... feel strong, even though a huge part of me feels so weak, and she's taking that away from me. And if I don't have Supergirl, what do I have?
Alex: You got me.

Supergirl: People of National City, this is Supergirl, and... I hope you can hear me. We have been attacked. Mothers and fathers, friends and neighbors, children, everyone, suddenly stopped by a force of evil as great as this world has ever known. Your attacker has sought to take your free will. Your individuality. Your spirit, everything that makes you who you are. When facing an attack like this, it's easy to feel hopeless. We retreat, we lose our strength, we lose ourselves. I know. I lost everything when I was young. When I first landed on this planet, I was sad and alone. But I found out that there is so much love in this world, out there for the taking. And you, the people of National City, you helped me. You let me be who I'm meant to be. You gave me back to myself. You made me stronger than I ever thought possible, and I love you for that. Now, in each and every one of you, there is a light, a spirit that cannot be snuffed out. That won't give up. I need your help again. I need you to hope. Hope... that you will remember that you can all be heroes. Hope... that when faced with an enemy determined to destroy your spirit, you will fight back and thrive. Hope... that those who once may have shunned you will, in a moment of crisis, come to your aid. Hope... that you will see again the faces of those you love. And perhaps even those you've lost.

Pestilence: She's here.
Supergirl: [Purity appears] Julia!
Purity: [knocking them backwards with a sonic scream] Sister. I found you.

Cat: Where do you see yourself in five years?
Lucy: Uh... is this a job interview?
Cat: Do you want it to be?
Lucy: [laughs] I'm flattered, Cat, but I just moved here. I'm not looking for a position at the moment.
Cat: Oh, Lucy! A few weeks ago you were briefing the Joint Chiefs of Staff. And now you're available to meet me on a day's notice wearing a glorified pair of yoga pants.
Lucy: Oh, they're Balenciaga.
Cat: They're yoga pants. Now, look, I am not immune to the allure of James Olsen wearing a shirt that's unbuttoned one too many. But a woman with brains who gives up everything for love inevitably finds herself staring into an existential abyss that men, babies and cardio bars simply cannot fill. You are a smart and accomplished woman who needs to work, or you will lose your confidence, your sense of identity, and most importantly, your mind.
Lucy: Do you have a job for me?

James: [in his memories] I'm at the Daily Planet?
Querl: Welcome to level one.
James: [seeing a news report about Superman] This is right after I met Superman. The first time Lex kidnapped me.
[an elevator opens and three people get off]
James: No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait. This is... something wrong. This is not how it happened that day.
Querl: The memories are folding in on one another.

Maggie: Wow, you're breathtaking.
Alex: Maggie, what is all this?
Maggie: It's your belated Valentine's Day prom.
[offering a corsage]
Maggie: May I?

Alex: Why didn't you tell me that you saw Krypton? That... that you were having panic attacks?
Kara: I didn't want you to worry.
Alex: You fight the most dangerous and evil people on the planet, so I'm kind of always gonna worry.

Supergirl: I was mad before, about Earth birthday.
Alex: I knew it. I owe you an apology. I shouldn't have bailed on you.
Supergirl: Just... hurt my feelings.
Alex: I know. Look... it wasn't fair. Look, I don't want to feel bad for wanting to spend time with Maggie.
Supergirl: You shouldn't. That's a good thing. I just... ever since I've been on Earth, I don't know what life is like without you there all the time. I... I felt that changing, and... and it just... just... was scary. When my parents put me in that pod on Krypton, I... I don't think I realized what was actually happening. I... I didn't know that I was saying goodbye to them forever. It's just I've been abandoned before and I didn't want to be abandoned again.
Alex: I will never abandon you.

Brainiac: The Phantom Zone is an environment unlike one you've ever experienced. It will require the highest levels of your concentration to dream Supergirl's location in there. Accordingly, I give you my Phantom Zone simulation, meticulously crafted from all known data about the Zone. Sensors placed around the room will record your dream energy. Any fluctuations, distractions, emotional congruences will trigger the Phantoms I've populated this training exercise with to attack you, just as they will do in the Phantom Zone.
Dreamer: I got it. Just like the holodeck on "Next Gen".
Brainiac: Now, hidden somewhere in this simulation is my simulated Supergirl. Please close your eyes... and try to divine her location.
[Nia tries and is attacked by a Phantom]
Brainiac: Kara and Alex in high school. What a surprising divination.
Dreamer: It's not a divination. It's a distraction, Brainy.
Brainiac: Well, try again.
Dreamer: I could barely find you when you were dying on the Leviathan ship. I mean, I thought maybe our relationship was what was clouding my powers, but maybe I just don't know what I'm doing. Without my mom or my sister, I don't have anyone to actually teach me how to interpret my dreams. And until I learn, I'm never gonna be the hero I want to be.
Brainiac: I'm from the Legion of Superheroes, where everything we did was through the lens of Supergirl. Her virtue, her accomplishments, her drive. But you and I have had the opportunity to actually know her. And so we know she's more than just Supergirl. She's Kara. She is our beacon through the darkness. She's the example we all aspire to emulate. So, yes, you may fear that you will fail to live up to Kara's example. But I am here to tell you, in no uncertain terms, that you are not a liability to this mission. You are the reason it's going to succeed.

Kelly: Remember, this world is a construct. Nothing in here is by accident. The book that led you to the void, you said it was about the Martian civil war?
J'onn: It was the darkest moment in Martian history. In fact, it ended our history. The White Martians attacked us, sabotaging us on every front. Including our minds.
Kelly: How did they sabotage you?
J'onn: I don't know.
Kelly: Yes, you do.
J'onn: [in the void, he sees a Green Martian with a young White Martian] That's him. My brother was a traitor. He poisoned us with H'ronmeer's curse.

Supergirl: How does Nxyly have the Hope totem? I threw it into the Sun.
Brainiac: Evidently, the totems' powers are so potent and elemental in nature, they can't be destroyed. They only reconstitute in a new form.
Dreamer: I can use the Dream totem to help me pinpoint the ship's location while Lena re-tracks the LexoSuits.
J'onn: Brainy, can you find out anything else from the future that might help us... speed things along?
Brainiac: [dryly] Yes, of course. Should want to speed things up.

Mon: You've learned a lot of things about this world, Mother.
Rhea: I've had to.
Mon: And did you learn that we're not bullet proof here?

Alex: She followed your orders. She won.
Hank: Yeah. This time.
Alex: Director Henshaw. I wasn't only recruited because of my sister... was I?
Hank: Yeah, she's why you got in. *You* are why you to get to stay.

Alex: They're going for the precinct on Fourth Street. Echo Team, I want you on me. Kilo Team, you're behind us on overwatch. Let's go.
Supergirl: I'm coming with you.
Alex: The hell you are.
Supergirl: I'm literally wearing armor.
Alex: And I told you that that amor is using everything it's got to keep you safe. If you do anything else in it...
Supergirl: I've fought at half capacity before. I can do this.
Alex: There is a chain of command here.
Supergirl: I know what I'm capable of, and you need my help.
Alex: What I need is for you to do exactly what I say.

Lex: I left the journal for you, paired it with the mural, hoping you would remember this place and show up when I needed you. You know, it just comes down to this, sis. You can only count on blood. Come on, give me a hand.
[she draws a revolver]
Lex: Come on, Lena, this is no time for theatrics. We both know no matter how much you despise me, you're not ruthless enough to pull that trigger...
Lena: [shooting him] The world will never be a safe place with you in it.
Lex: Oh, brava! You did it, Lena. You killed me. You finally proved that I've been underestimating you all this time. But when I'm gone, who will be left to be proud of you? What, your friends? The joke's on you. It's always been on you.
[turning on a monitor]
Lex: Your friends have been lying to you from the start. Your boyfriend Jimmy, Alex, J'onn, that little alien runt Brainy. Even your own mother. They've mocked you, humiliated you, betrayed you. Every last one. Denial's a very powerful thing, isn't it? It's been standing right in front of you all this time. And you chose not to see it. Kara Danvers is Supergirl. I'm about to die, but at least I lived without ever being a fool. You're left with no one and nothing.

Supergirl: Are you kidding me? This is how you're using your powers? As muscle for hire?
Mon: It's a living.
[she scoffs]
Mon: A temporary living.
Supergirl: You're supposed to help people. You cannot use your powers for money.
Mon: [shrugs] Why? Don't you?
Supergirl: Absolutely not!
Mon: Well, that's a missed opportunity, 'cause...
Supergirl: This goes against everything we stand for!
Mon: Um, everything you stand for,
Mon: okay? I never said I wanted to save the world. Things in this world cost money, and if I can make a few bucks using my powers, why shouldn't I?
Supergirl: Okay, I... I...
Mon: Why?
Supergirl: No, don't. You are so selfish.
Mon: Oh, okay...
[walks away]
Supergirl: I don't know what else I should have expected from a...
[swallows her words]
Mon: [stops in his tracks] From what? From a Daxamite?
Supergirl: I didn't say that.
Mon: No, but you were going to, Kara. Okay, and I may have your powers, but I don't have this... this innate desire to go leaping into trouble, but that doesn't make me a bad person, right?
Supergirl: It kinda does.
Mon: No, it doesn't.
Mon: You're no saint, Kara Zor-El.
Supergirl: Excuse me?
Mon: You fly around, rescuing people, like you're just... just pure of heart. But that is crap. Because you... you love the attention, you love people loving you. You are not selfless.
Supergirl: [shakes her head] And you are no hero. I thought you could be, but I was wrong.
Mon: Kara...
[whoosh of air, she's flown off]

Kara: [supporting falling airplane, upside down, sees bridge structure rushing towards her] Oh, come on!

Olivia: I need to know if Tanya is here. We got separated, and I need to know that she's okay.
James: She's fine. Just calm down. Everything's good.
Olivia: It is not safe here!
James: Were you followed?
Security: [offscreen] Let her go!
Eve: James, help! They're taking Tanya!
James: [hurrying over] Hey!
Olivia: [cocking a pistol] You could say that.

Supergirl: [down in vault] Got you cornered.
Gayle: Do you?
Supergirl: What did you do to them up there?
Gayle: I only wanted to play. But they didn't want to play with me.
Supergirl: Well, you're not getting away with it.
Gayle: Oh? You think you're the cat, and I'm the bird.
Gayle: You got it backwards.
[takes bag]
Gayle: You could join me. Maybe then you'll be happy. You see, money equals happiness. More money, more happiness.
Supergirl: Your priorities are seriously out of whack.
Gayle: [scoffs] I know, right?
[laughs merrily]
Supergirl: Put the bag down.

Querl: Ben Lockwood is at the DEO.
James: But his wife's funeral is today.
Querl: I did not account for this. Alex just texted me moments ago saying she was dealing with a personal matter, and Colonel Haley's in D.C. trying to revoke Ben Lockwood's clearance. It's best I return immediately.
James: You think you can handle him?
Querl: The real question is can he handle me?
Nia: Be careful.
[holding up her hammer as Brainy leaves]
Nia: So... hammer time?
James: Not in the face, kiddo.

Kara: Look who I found.
Samantha: [entering with Ruby] And we come bearing carbs.
Alex: Oh, you didn't have to do that, but I'm really glad that you did.

Samantha: What am I?
Dark: You are a culmination of centuries of work, a being designed for one purpose: to execute justice.
Samantha: I'm a hero?
Dark: They will not call you a hero. They will call you Worldkiller. They will try to contain your power, but they will fail. You will show no mercy to those who oppose you. Your justice will burn the world of man.
Samantha: No. I'm not a Worldkiller. I'm not a Worldkiller. I have a life. I'm... I'm a good person. I have a daughter.
Dark: Your offspring was an unfortunate error. Your powers were supposed to manifest when you came of age. She delayed the realization of your destiny.
Samantha: She is not an error!
Dark: You will soon forget her. You will soon forget all mortal trappings.
Samantha: No. This can't be right.
Dark: It is time for you to emerge. It is time for you to become Reign.

Alex: All right, let's try this again. Where does Mercy usually like to go after she's killed a few dozen Secret Service agents?
Otis: That Italian place on 6th Street.
Alex: This isn't a joke.
Otis: Neither are their breadsticks.
Alex: Okay, I get it. Out there, it's your sister that's the boss, right? But in here, I'm the boss, and I can make your life extremely miserable.
Otis: Oh, I know. I have heard stories about the DEO. Poisoned a boatload of Daxamites by lacing the atmosphere with lead? Kablooey!
[he cackles with laughter]
Otis: You're cruel as ice. I bet you even keep that lead dispersal device around as a trophy.
Alex: You know what? Mercy's too smart to tell a plan like that to you.
[as she turns her back, he rushes her, but she easily puts him on the ground]
Otis: [in a headlock] Ow. Ow. Why do you got to be so mean?
Alex: [letting him go] Jensen, take Einstein back up to his containment cell.
Otis: Oh, keep searching, boss. Those two are so far underground by now, they're probably in China.

Kara: Any sign of Malific?
Alex: No. He doesn't seem to have any psychic signature, either. But we'll find him, we have to.
[notices that Kara is gorging herself with junk food]
Alex: Oh... are you all right?
Kara: [shrugs] Maybe I'm a little nervous about having lunch with Lena. The first time we're hanging out since I told her I was Supergirl.
Kara: I was just lying to her for *so* long.
Kara: Lena forgave you... okay? But you're gonna have to let go of the past.
Kara: I just want things to be great between us. I... I want this lunch to be...
Alex: Perfect.
Kara: The best.
Alex: And it will.
Alex: Look, Lena wants your relationship back on track too. Look, I have to get back to the DEO. You go be perfect somewhere else.
Kara: I'll try.
Alex: Okay.

James: How you doing, man?
Winn: He trusted me. And I killed him.
James: Kara told me that Demos got hit by three heat vision blasts at once. Nobody could have predicted that.
Winn: You know, for just a second, you-you really... really had me believing that I could change the world.
James: Winn, just stop, okay? Look, a lot of people would have died today if it wasn't for your technology. I mean, I-I would've died a hundred times over if it wasn't for you.
Winn: Alex said that you were gonna go see the mayor? Get CatCo to put out the word that the city needs to stay safe.
James: Yeah, but I came to see about you first.

Kara: Thara Ak-Var, this is Mon-El of the Legion of Superheroes.
Mon: [shaking hands] Hi. It... it's just like a space police.
Alura: Well, Thara is in law enforcement, as well. She's chief peace officer on Argo.
Thara: Times have been peaceful ever since we re-settled, thanks to Alura and the work of the High Council.
Alura: Well, we all play our part, but Thara has really stepped up. She knows the city like the back of her hand.
Kara: Well, maybe you can help us find something for Mon-El.
Mon: Right. Um... a-a synthetic gravity manipulator?
Thara: There's a guy in the market who sells anything with a microchip.
Mon: Great.
Thara: And after that, I'd love for you to meet my family.
Kara: Your... your family?
Thara: My husband, Lir-Al, and our two kids.
Kara: Okay, we really need to catch up.

Supergirl: Where are we with the Worldkillers?
Winn: So, last time you fought Purity, we managed to identify the frequency of the waves she emits.
Brainiac: We put a tracker on that specific frequency which should alert us when it's present in...
[an alert chimes]
Brainiac: ...in the city.
J'onn: Already?
Winn: She's on the move.
Mon: Hopefully with Pestilence.
J'onn: Where is she heading?
Winn: Toward L-Corp.

Supergirl: I felt like the walls of the vault were closing in on me. Like I was suffocating.
Alex: Sounds like she made you feel claustrophobic.
Supergirl: Claustrophobia is a human problem.
Alex: Well, you used to have episodes like that sometimes when you first came to Earth.
Supergirl: That was a long time ago. So we need to find out who she is and how we track her.
J'onn: Well, at the moment, you're our best clue.

Winn: Any of these look familiar?
Supergirl: That one! That's the gun he was carrying.
Winn: Okay. That is an Anndrannian Photon Cannon.
J'onn: How'd these guys get their hands on alien technology?
Alex: Are you sure they weren't Anndrannian?
Supergirl: Well, they weren't purple with fins, so, yeah, I'm sure.
Winn: Oh, you are lucky this thing hit you before it was fully charged. There's no telling what this might've done to you.

Reign: So, the Supergirl kneels. Good practice.

Supergirl: We're defined by our choices, and this is the wrong one.

Young: [infected with kryptonite for the first time] What's happening to me?

Winn: [proudly entering state-of-the-art DEO control room] And this is where the magic happens, my friend. From here, we can monitor and communicate with the Legion Cruiser at any time throughout their entire mission.
Brainiac: Incredible.
[clearly unimpressed]
Brainiac: You actually rely on this to keep people safe? Mm. This is the technology that backs up Supergirl when she goes into battle?
Winn: Uh... it is... yeah.
Brainiac: She is so much braver than I ever knew. I've seen espresso machines with more processing power.

Barry: This isn't the fortress of anything. This is the Time Vault.
Kara: [seeing the book] It's unlocked.
Barry: All right, well, how does one go about re-writing reality?
Kara: Well...
[she opens it, but is forced to close it again]
Alex: You must still be weak from the Pipeline.
Barry: Are you okay?
Kara: I don't know how Deegan did it.
Alex: Well, can I suggest that whatever it is you need to find out, we do far away from here.
Barry: Clark knew how to do it.
Kara: I'll get this to him.

Kara: What were you thinking?
Mon: That I haven't had sex in 35 years.
Kara: You can't do that here!
Mon: Are you sure? 'Cause I've been watching this TV show about doctors, and I'm pretty sure it's okay.

Kara: I know Lena can be forceful, but she protects the ones she loves.
James: She's not always right.
Kara: She's right most of the time.
James: Whose side are you on?
Kara: I'm on both of your sides.
James: But I'm still not doing the round-table.
Kara: I can do it.
James: No. No, no, no. No, it's-it's only in a few hours, and there's a lot of preparation that needs to be done, and half the newsroom is gone 'cause of the holiday. I mean... No.
Kara: Well, that's fine. I'll-I'll just ask Nia to help me. Where...?
James: [seeing Nia at her desk] You-Y-You mean Nia Nal, the one who's literally asleep on the job?
Kara: No, she's not asleep...
[seeing Nia facedown]
Kara: Oh.

Barry: You know, I mean, I've been in love with Iris since I was ten. How am I supposed to fit all that love into one vow? I've already written thirty-eight pages. Single-spaced.
Oliver: You could always speed read it.
Barry: No. No one would understand me. I don't know what to do, man. I need help.
Oliver: Barry, when you're... when you're up there, and you look into her eyes...
Barry: [seeing Oliver in his tuxedo] Damn.
Oliver: ...the words will come. And if they don't, the look on your face will tell her everything that she needs to know.

Jerry: Whoa. Dude, did you see that?
Kevin: [watching cartoons on TV] Yeah, that cat's so dumb.
Jerry: No, no, the pills. They're... they're glowing.

Lena: You don't know the first thing about pain. But I do. I can show you, make you feel what I feel.
Supergirl: I won't fight you, Lena.
Lena: Then you'll die screaming.

Supergirl: [their attacks have no effect on Midnight] Well, that's not great.

Alex: You doing okay?
Supergirl: Yeah. And thanks for being here. I know you pick your battles now.
Alex: Well, it seemed like a good battle to pick.

J'onn: We believe that in all the time Fort Rozz was marooned here on Earth, she never got out.
Kara: Uh, there's a small problem. I kind of threw Fort Rozz into space, remember?
J'onn: That's what we thought.
Winn: But then we found it orbiting a little star called AZ336X812.
Imra: Did you say AZ336X812?
J'onn: Problem?
Mon: Yeah, that's a blue star.
Kara: I won't have my powers there. There's no yellow sun.

Thara: Did you find the gravity manipulator you were looking for?
Mon: I did, but the guy who sold it to me was sort of an oddball. Do... do you know him?
Lir: Ol-Irus.
Thara: Mm-hmm.
Lir: Everybody knows him.
Kara: Ol-Irus, our schoolteacher?
Thara: Uh-huh. Do you remember that time he made us take home insect samples to study, and they reproduced by the hundreds in our houses?
Kara: [laughing at the memory] Well, maybe you weren't so good at your insect homework, but I'm sure you are an amazing mother.

Samantha: You're making me dinner tonight, right? It's your turn.
Ruby: Any dietary restrictions I should know about?
Samantha: I'm allergic to bad food.
Ruby: Okay. Well, save up for dinner. Don't eat too much.

Lex: Butterscotch sticky buns? Your favorite, as I recall.
Nxylgsptinz: I don't like sweets.
Lex: You will. Thought you might need a little pick-me-up after your ordeal passing the Truth gauntlet.
Nxylgsptinz: I told you... it was easy.
Lex: And yet, you haven't seemed like yourself since. Remember, there's nothing that I wouldn't do for you.
[getting to her feet, she puts the totem in his hand]
Lex: What are you doing?
Nxylgsptinz: Making sure of your intent.
[putting him under the totem's influence]
Nxylgsptinz: I can't risk giving my heart to a dishonest fool. But luckily I have the powers of the Truth totem, so... tell me, your poems, did you mean what you wrote?
Lex: Every word. My only desire is to rule by your side while destroying everyone who gets in our way.
Nxylgsptinz: And after we've rebuilt the AllStone, you're going to betray me.
Lex: Betray you? Betraying you is... inconceivable. I've spent my whole life believing no one was worthy of me, until you. It's why I came back to find you at this time. I want to help you achieve everything you want and deserve. And I know I can do this for you because I have. It is my only desire.
[she removes the totem's influence]
Lex: Did I pass?
Nxylgsptinz: You have performed admirably.

Eliza: Where's your sister?
Young: I don't have a sister.
Eliza: Did you not finish your calculus last night?
Young: No, I'm just double-checking my work.
Eliza: [Kara enters] Good morning, sweetheart.
Young: Good morning, Eliza.
[to Alex]
Young: It's kind of ironically called "advanced placement". On Krypton, we did calculus from age four.
Young: Sorry we can't all be as sophisticated as Kryptonians.
Eliza: Alex.
[to Kara]
Eliza: Math and science still fun?
Young: I don't know about "fun". They're easy.

Alex: [seeing the condition Kara is in] Oh, no, no. We need to get to a clean room, stat.
Querl: It won't do any good. The entire atmosphere was irradiated in an instant. Nowhere is safe.
Alex: We have to do something.
J'onn: Yellow sun radiation should help.
Alex: Yeah, okay, let's do it.

Clark: [to Kara] Hey. You're never gonna guess who wants to see us.
[in costume, they arrive at Lena's office]
Lillian: Of course the two of you would make an entrance.
Lena: Unfortunately, this is her on her best behavior.

James: So, my sister's planning a homemade dinner tonight. She's an awful cook. You know, you'd be doing me a solid if you came by and ate with us.
Simon: I broke into your house, camped out in your living room, and I can make it up to you by coming over and eating bad food?
James: Yeah. Misery loves company. So... what do you say?

Samantha: Explain it to me again.
Lena: When Reign is triggered, your genome is re-written. It's why you can't shoot heat beams out of your eyes whenever you want.
Samantha: So you think there's an enzyme in my body that triggers a change.
Lena: Yes. And if we can isolate it, we can eliminate it. And no more Reign. But in order to find it, I need to study you while you're her.
Samantha: And the only definite way to turn me into her is to electrocute me.
Lena: The pain response brings her out.
Samantha: How much is it gonna hurt?
Lena: We're gonna start with 500 volts.
Samantha: That's not what I asked.
Lena: A lot. If we had more time, we could find another way. But we don't. So we have to do it.
Samantha: Okay.
Lena: Okay.

Mon: Well, technology has developed beyond imagining, but at the end of the day, it's still in service of... of communicating with each other, and entertaining each other, and also killing each other. In this day or a thousand years, conflict is constant, but so is strength.
Imra: And... and what's where we come in.
Alex: So, what are you, um, soldiers?
Imra: The governments were overwhelmed by violence. By chaos. Mon-El organized us. And we banded together to help Earth's leaders keep the peace, at home and in the stars. We call ourselves the Legion. And we exist because of you.
Kara: Because of me?
Imra: Mm.
Mon: You inspired me. So when I founded the Legion, I chose to use you as an example of what we could be. Of what we aspire to be.
Imra: When I learned about your life and work, your compassionate fight for justice and your devotion to protecting others, everything just crystallized. Your example gave my life purpose. I can't express how much it means for me to meet you in person.

Brainiac: [after M'gann is attacked by a Phantom] The four progeny are in containment, but their combined dark-phantom energy is shorting the security system. I need to fortify the unit, but I'll need a second Luthor electro...
Alex: Her temperature is dropping faster than Silas's.
Brainiac: The Zulians were able to overwhelm the planets they invaded so easily because the stronger the Zulians got, the quicker the victims turned.
J'onn: Alex, get Martian plasma. A transfusion might slow M'gann's turn.
Alex: On it.
J'onn: [M'gann regains consciousness] Hey.
M'gann: I'm sorry I went against your orders.
J'onn: No, no, this is my fault. I had a hunch Martians might be more susceptible to their attacks.
M'gann: Let's just say we both screwed up.

Mr. Mxyzptlk: I don't have time to learn your stupid moon language!
[getting down on his knees]
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Please, Supergirl. I'm literally begging you. Don't do this. I'll do anything. You want world peace? You got it. I can make that happen. Just don't kill yourself. The world needs Supergirl.
[she considers it]
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Please. Tell me the code.
Supergirl: [leading him to the panel and indicating a button] Push that one.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Yes.
Supergirl: That one. That one. Uh... this one. Press that. That, that, and that.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: [the self-destruct deactivates] Yes!
[seeing the Kryptonian language turn to English]
Mr. Mxyzptlk: No. You made me write my name backwards.
Supergirl: Yep. On some planets, to write something down is to truly say it.

Minister: Welcome to you all. I'm honored to be presiding over the wedding of Barry Allen and Iris West. Although I don't know them well, I know that this is a good match. How do I know that? Well, because of you. Because of all of you looking out at their friends and their family, and seeing the joy on all your faces, seeing how happy you are for them. Tells me everything I need to know. It tells me that these two people deserve to be together. They deserve to be happy and fulfilled, and they deserve a long life together. And now to the standard housekeeping. Does anyone have just cause why these two should not be married? Speak now or forever hold your peace.
[the minister is blasted by a laser beam, and Earth X-ers enter]
Overgirl: Peace is overrated.
Iris: Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
Oliver: Nazis?
Oliver: I hate Nazis.

Lex: One hour until the Super Idiots find the Love totem for real.
Otis: You gonna crash their party again, rescue Nxyly?
Lex: No. I think this time, I'm just going to have to let the girl come to me. But that does not mean that I am just going to let her fail.
[going into another room, where he has Mitch tied up to a chair]
Lex: Hello, courier minion. I need you to deliver some highly sensitive intel to Nxyly for me. But do not tell her where you got it from.

J'onn: Damn it.
Supergirl: Dreamer said they'd be here.
J'onn: Dreams are interpretive. Maybe something about them is here.
Supergirl: [spotting something with her x-ray vision] Part of them is.
[picking up a broken claw]
Supergirl: Ugh.
J'onn: A Morae's claw.
Supergirl: You can use that to track the Morae psychically, right?
J'onn: Yeah.

Querl: Place your hand on the central terminal. You'll be able to upload the shrink code.
[struggling, Brainy makes his way to the panel and takes out the stasis bottle]
Querl: Now, you can't move your hand, or else you'll have to start over.
Querl: The upload will take ten minutes. I don't know if I can last that long.
Querl: You can. I'll be with you the whole way.

Lena: What I'm about to do is absolutely illegal. Any witnesses will be considered accessories to a crime.
Dr. Kaplan: Ms. Luthor.
Lena: Leave now before I fire you.

Cat: We will be publishing a special issue of our monthly magazine the day after tomorrow. It is going to make that Caitlyn Jenner "Vanity Fair" look like a Pennysaver pull-out. We need a big party to launch it. Throw something together. Uh... a thousand guests. Rent out a museum or something.
Kara: Um...
Cat: And move Dave out there to another desk. I find his hair distracting.

Alex: J'onn, thank you for coming.
J'onn: Sure. You sounded panicked on the phone. Is everything all right?
Alex: I'm not thinking clearly, and I can't afford to be making mistakes.
J'onn: Well, how can I help?
Alex: Scan me. My mind.
J'onn: [evasively] Why?
Alex: Something is wrong with me, J'onn. I-I don't know how to describe it, I just feel... disconnected. I feel vulnerable. I mean, look, what if something went wrong when I underwent the Truth Seeker? I know there's not supposed to be any side effects or anything, but that's when this began. I just need to know that I'm okay. And if I'm not okay, I just need to know that I'm not crazy. Please, J'onn.

Dr. Kaplan: Mr. Olsen is stable. We were able to remove a significant amount of shrapnel from around his cervical vertebra, but I have never seen a normal bullet cause this much damage. We've placed him in a medically-induced coma.
Alex: To reduce swelling, of course.
Dr. Kaplan: There are going to be some decisions to make. Who is next of kin?
Alex: Well, there's... there's no family present, but I can act as next of kin.
Dr. Kaplan: We need a family member.
Alex: Look, I'm FBI, and I have extensive medical training...
Dr. Kaplan: Sorry, without a court order...
Kelly: [approaching] I'm next of kin. Sorry, I just got off a red-eye. I'm Kelly Olsen, James' sister.

[first lines]
Lena: It's a biolistic delivery system. It's usually used for overwriting genes in crops, but... Reign's cells are closer to plant cells than you'd think.
Supergirl: Part of how Kryptonians process sunlight. How does it work?
Lena: You take particles of heavy metal, coat them in DNA, deliver the payload, and then overwrite Reign's DNA with Sam's.
[a needle injects something into Reign]
Lena: Plasmid inserted.
[the test fails]
Lena: I thought this would work. I just need the right vectors with the right metal. I just need more time.
Reign: Yes. Give Lena more time. She doesn't have much left. Because when I'm free, I'm gonna rip out her spine. And when that's done, I'm gonna crack this planet in half, and you'll hear every scream...

Eliza: Alex, I know how brave you are, but you cannot fight this.
Alex: Yes. Yes, we can. I remember the last time I watched my father walk out that door. It was the worst day of my life. Not finding out whether or not he was coming back, but watching him go. Knowing that whatever happened next, I had no say. That is not me.

Kara: You okay?
Nia: Yeah. It's just, um, with Brainy taking Zor-El back to Argo, I guess I haven't been sleeping that well.
J'onn: Well, maybe Lena could team up with me when she gets here.
Kara: No, she's still back east, looking for information about her birth mother. I really hope whatever she finds brings her some peace.
Alex: Right? You know, she's really had a rough go with the Luthor side of the family.
J'onn: That is putting it mildly.

Kara: Can you hack into hospital records?
Winn: Easy-peasy, fresh and squeezy... It's not something a man would say.

Querl: It's Jensen. He's been located at the National City Promenade.
Colonel: This is your collar, Danvers. Go get him.
Alex: [into her comms as she turns to leave] Supergirl, it's time to rumble.

Andrea: He can threaten whatever he wants! I will not postpone!

Supergirl: What's Mitch been up to since he was released?
Alex: Well, there's no known address on file. I mean, it looks like he's been in and out of county jail, just a few petty thefts, one B&E.
J'onn: Sounds like small-time crime wasn't paying him enough money, so he sparked up the menagerie again. Hence the kidnapping.
Brainiac: I tried tracing their ship. Either it left with Naxim, or Mitch is using a cloaking device.
Supergirl: God, another dead end? Feels like we just put this guy away and now we have to do it again. What are the odds of that?
Brainiac: Based on Mitch's history of non-violent offenses, his destitution, lack of support system and welfare available to him, and his overall lack of aptitude, two in five.
[seeing she meant the question rhetorically]
Brainiac: Recidivism is nothing if not statistically reliable.
Supergirl: That's why the Ormfell vote tomorrow is so important. I need to figure out how to sway that vote stat. Maybe if I speak directly to Councilwoman Rankin, I can convince her not to hand the building over to Orquoia. You guys keep looking for Mitch and Dr. Raab. Let me know if you find anything.

Siobhan: [deleted scene] I can't decide which I hate more. Your face or your skirt.
[appraises Kara critically]
Siobhan: It's a tie.
[walks off]
Winn: [to fuming Kara] Yes, yes, you wanna throw her into space. I... I got it, I got it.

Kara: Barry... is from another universe.
Winn: Cool! Whoa! Whoa! So, the-the theory of the multiverse, that's true?
Barry: True. Oh, yeah. Big time.
Kara: Yeah, I still can't believe it. And I'm from another planet.
Barry: [surprised] What?
Winn: Oh, yeah. She-she's an alien.
Barry: You're an alien?
Kara: Yeah.
Barry: So, do you have, like, other aliens on this Earth?
James: What-what do you mean by "this Earth"?

Supergirl: What'd you dream?
Dreamer: I saw Lex as the Anti-Monitor. He was destroying every planet in existence.

Kara: Were you just talking to someone that works at AmerTek?
Franklin: [with toothbrush still in his mouth] My sister.
Kara: Well, I'm working on an article to expose Lex Luthor, and I know AmerTek was involved. Do you think your sister would be willing to talk to me?
Franklin: I don't know. It's...
Nia: [approaching] Franklin, did you sleep here?
Franklin: Lockwood and his men raided the building across the street from mine.
Nia: I am so sorry.
Kara: Me, too. But that is why this is so important for us to put a stop to. Have your sister call me?
[he nods]
Kara: Thanks, Franklin.

Hank: I have been J'onn J'onzz on Earth. I have tried it. I was hunted for 50 years. People I've loved have tried to kill me once they discovered who I really was.
Alex: I'm sorry. But times have changed. Look at Supergirl, the world loves her...
Hank: Your sister looks like a pretty blonde cheerleader. J'onn J'onzz looks like a monster. I will never be tolerated here on Earth. The more time I spend as Hank Henshaw, the less I have to face what I've lost. But when I change my state, shapeshift into someone new, call upon new powers, I get one step closer to becoming the Martian Manhunter forever. And he creates panic and hysteria. I know, I've seen it. It's not only that I'm better off as human. Everyone is.
Alex: Except Kara. She needs your help.

Supergirl: Hey, Spike! Remember me? Ilana's worried about you. She knows you're afraid of something, but she just wants you to come home. Come here.
[he shrinks down to normal size]
Supergirl: [picking him up] What's got you so spooked, buddy?

Manchester: The next rally, when might that be?
Officer: Who cares? The real show is happening tonight. Columbia and Fourth, that's where everyone is gonna go.
Manchester: What's happening tonight?
Officer: [woozy] Can't tell you. She... she'd...
Manchester: She?
Officer: [passing out drunk] Mercy. Mercy...
Manchester: Americans, man. No idea how to drink.

Kara: Is James okay?
Alex: No, Kara. James' life is at stake and you left me here alone. And he's heading into surgery again.
Kara: What? Why?
Alex: He's bleeding internally. And his sister wanted the doctors to operate...
Kara: Hang on. Kelly's there? What... what is happening?
Alex: Well, you would know if you were here. We all need you here, Kara. He's headed into a very dangerous operation, and-and you may never get to say goodbye. And where are you, exactly? CatCo? Because, look, I-I called there, and they said that you haven't been there all day.
Kara: I... I'm helping J'onn with a lead.
Alex: J'onn needs a reporter to help fight Manchester Black? I mean, what-what are you gonna do, exactly? You gonna interview him?

Lex: And now, a toast... to incinerating the Man of Steel.
[Lillian declines the offered glass]
Lex: I promise there's no Polonium-210 in it, like you put in my tea. Killing your own son with ionizing radiation, now that is on brand.
Lillian: Cancer may have aged you prematurely, but you're still as sharp as ever. So, what's stopping you from shooting me and your sister?
Lex: Call me crazy, but I'm partial to my relatives. I just can't bear killing you guys.

Supergirl: I won't let you keep killing people.
Manchester: Oh, like your government intends to kill people? You really don't know, do you? Next week, your beloved government is launching a satellite that will shoot down any alien spacecraft trying to enter our atmosphere.
Supergirl: That's impossible.
Hat: I have it on good authority.
Manchester: Hat kidnaps secret agent types, learns what they're up to. That's why we formed this band of merry men.
[Menagerie clears her throat]
Manchester: Sorry, merry people.
Supergirl: Why should I believe you?
Manchester: Talk to your mate, Baker. You know, the bloke who just pardoned the grand bloody wizard of the Children of Liberty. Ask him about Operation Claymore. And then ask yourself, what if it were your ship they were blowing up? You came here in a rocket. Child in a basket, you know? Real Moses stuff. Here's your chance to tell the bosses to let your people go. Or us plagues'll do it for ya.
[they disappear in a puff of smoke; cut to President Baker entering the Oval Office]
Supergirl: Mr. President. We need to talk.

Alien: Professor Lockwood? Did you follow me here?
Ben: Did you tattle on me, snowflake?
Alien: What are you talking about?
Ben: What am I talking about? Okay, look, the complexion thing, I'm sorry. I apologize, but you had to get me fired? This is my job. This is my livelihood. I have a family!
Alien: I didn't say anything. But I'm not surprised someone did.
Ben: Oh, "someone"! Oh, absolutely, because I was *so* out of line!
Alien: Look at you. You're not okay.
Ben: Okay, I don't need your pity.
Kara: [intervening] Hey. Everything okay here?

Dreamer: We need to find the Crysalis before it fully hardens.
Brainiac: [a thought strikes him] Great Sprock. If we release the life forces from the Crysalis, M'gann will get her original soul back.
Alex: But then she'll lose her sensing power to find Supergirl in the Phantom Zone.
M'gann: Then we have to find Supergirl before that happens.
J'onn: No. Absolutely not. First, we need to focus on defeating Prime and releasing the captured life forces.
M'gann: But, J'onn...
J'onn: If we don't act now, not only will National City be lost... but the infection will reach a point of no return. A global pandemic. If we only go after Kara, she'll come back to find another Phantom Zone right here on Earth.
Alex: Okay, then we do both. We rescue Kara and we defeat Prime. Guys, we can do this. We can do anything if we just put our minds together. We always find a way.
Lena: Absolutely. There's got to be another way to find Prime's lair.
J'onn: There is still a way, if we combine M'gann's sensing power with and Dreamer's ability to astral project.
Lena: So I'll work on a way to try and copy M'gann's sensing power to track Supergirl. See, it's a win-win.
J'onn: You heard the lady. Let's go.

Supergirl: Are you a Fifth-Dimensional imp?
Myxlgsptinz: Do you know many imps?
Supergirl: Just one. His name is Mxyzptlk.
Myxlgsptinz: [laughing] You know Mxy? That guy is a wild card.
Supergirl: He has made some good strides recently. At least he had the last time I saw him.
[wincing as she tries to adjust her injured leg]
Supergirl: Yeah, maybe I... I could use that splint after all.

Supergirl: You were right, Brainy. This cape damage is terrible for aerodynamics. I keep keeling over to the right. I almost landed in a lake.
Querl: Well, fear not. I am deeply engaged in finding a solution.
Alex: And yet that is the least of our problems. The DEO just picked up a massive energy signature, and it's not a bomb like we thought.
J'onn: It's a homemade Phantom Zone projector.
Querl: Whoever built this seems to have been stealing rare, high-security materials for weeks from various armories, laboratories, and government agencies. But not from us.
J'onn: The pod's anti-matter engine was the final piece of the puzzle.
Supergirl: So they've spent weeks building a Phantom Zone projector, turned it on, and just left it on the ground?
Querl: It's almost as if they wanted us to find it. Only question is why?
Supergirl,11163: [realizing together] Trap.

Mon: So, when I become a superhero, I'll need a costume, right? Something awesome like... Like Kara's.
Winn: I mean, not to brag, but, uh, I actually designed Supergirl's costume.
Mon: Huh. And... And these names... "Supergirl," who coins these names?
Winn: Oh, yeah, that one's not me, sadly.
Mon: You... You... You can think of one for me.
Winn: Wait, really? You'd let me do that?
Mon: Yeah, and make me a costume.
Winn: Okay... Uh-huh. Okay, I see what you're doing here.
Mon: Sorry, me? Was I... Was I doing something?
Winn: "Oh, me, was I..." Yes! You think that if you appeal to my vanity and let me make your costume and name you, that I'm just going to let you out of the DEO.
Mon: That hadn't even cross my mind.
Winn: Uh-huh.
Mon: Us just sneaking out for a little bit, you know, just two new friends, right, running a... Running a couple of field tests, living out our dreams, not getting in trouble. Hmm. Not bad.
Winn: Damn you, Mon-El of Daxam. I'm so weak.

Zor: Your pod's coordinates are interlocked with Kal-El's. You will follow him to Earth.
Young: I'm not afraid, father.
Alura: The trip is long, but you'll sleep most of the way and we'll be with you in your dreams. You'll journey to Earth to look after your baby cousin, Kal-El. Because of the Earth's yellow sun, you'll have great powers on this planet. You will do extraordinary things.
Young: I won't fail Kal-El, or you.
Alura: [kissing her goodbye] I love you, Kara. You must go, now.

James: So, uh, a few weeks ago, I had a report put on my desk, um... that detailed a black budget at L-Corp. Normally, I would be digging into this myself, but I figured with the nature of your relationship there...
Eve: You figured you'd ask me first?
James: It's probably easier.
Eve: Um... obviously, this is something I'm going to have to talk about with Ms. Luthor. But there's nothing to worry about. The black budget is a tool we use to shield proprietary science from our competitors.
James: So nothing's off?
Eve: Mr. Olsen, you and Ms. Luthor are in... a rough patch.
[as he laughs dryly, she indicates the television newscast behind him]
Eve: Look at it out there. Lena's trying to help make that reality better. Still, with her approval, I will e-mail you the budget, so you can see for yourself. But I promise, we're one of the good guys.

Winn: So, uh, to be a superhero, you need a crime. I hacked into NCPD. There's a car chase on the 112 freeway.
Kara: I can do a car chase.

Mon: [their ship's systems go down] It's a tractor beam.
Supergirl: Everything's locked up.
Mon: Thrusters, roll, yaw and pitch. Nothing's responding.
Supergirl: What if we're not us?
Mon: What?
Supergirl: This ship can turn into other things.
Mon: Brainy's gonna be so mad he missed this.

Kara: Winn, this is Nia.
Nia: Hello.
Winn: Whoa, Nia. W... as in... as in Nia Nal?
Nia: Yeah?
Winn: Wow, wow. This is incredible. Holy...
Nia: Hi.
Winn: I'm sorry, your great-great-great-great-great... bunch of greats granddaughter, Nura Nal, is, like, one of my best friends and, like, the most kick-ass Legionnaire.
Nia: Uh... like, that's crazy. Tell... tell me everything. Uh, does-does she look like me?
Alex: Okay, wait. Let's save story time until after we catch the bad guy.

Grocer: [catching a shoplifter] That's it, I'm calling the cops.
Simon: I was gonna pay for it!
Kelly: Hey, get your hands off of him.
Grocer: He was stealing.
Kelly: Last time I checked, it wasn't stealing when you're still in the store.

Lena: It's been two days since the world saw Supergirl be brutalized, and still not a word about her whereabouts or well-being.
James: She'll turn up.
Lena: I hope so. And Kara's the only reporter who had a knack for tracking her down. Is she in yet?
James: Kara? She... no, she's, um... no, she's not, actually.

Cat: [on her way past] The morning meeting was to begin sixteen seconds ago. You people were more punctual when you were drones.
James: Oh...
Cat: Scurry!
Kara: Later?
James: Later.
Cat: Today, please.
[goes off]
James: After the scurrying?
Kara: Yeah.
[they dutifully scurry after Ms. Grant]

Nia: I just witnessed a business owner refuse to serve an alien, and then assualt him.
James: Yeah. We're getting a lot of calls like that lately. And it-it's good for us to follow up on these types of stories, so that people know how these businesses are treating aliens.
Nia: Absolutely, but... it's bigger than that. Mr. Olsen, I really think we need a statement from our Editor-in-Chief. Aliens are being subjected to hate crimes like never before.
James: It is horrible, which is why we are reporting on this kind of stuff. We are. But... I have to think strategically. You know, this is not the best time for me to write an editorial.
Nia: I know you've been under a lot of scrutiny since unmasking as Guardian. You have another chance to fight for justice now.

Alex: [after an incident with M'yrnn at the arcade] This was a bad idea. A very bad idea. I'm sorry.
J'onn: I should've known the stimulation would be too much.
Alex: I am burning those books.

Isabel: It was always Nia's dream to be a journalist. To be in the center of things, to effect change.
Maeve: Some of us actually like it far from the madding crowd.
Kara: So you live here in Parthas?
Maeve: I live just down the street. I apprentice with mom, and I own a painting studio.
Kara: I've been staring at these paintings all day.
[Maeve snickers]
Kara: Are they yours?
Maeve: They're mom's. She paints her dreams. So will I, once my dreams finally kick in.
Isabel: You can't rush things, honey.

Supergirl: You wanted to see me?
Lena: Yeah. Thank you for coming. I wanted to invite you to my party.
Supergirl: Kara Danvers told me you were going on with the fundraiser. You can't. It's definitely going to be a target for this gang.
Lena: Well, that's why I need you there to protect it. With Supergirl in attendance, I know my guests and I will be safe.
Supergirl: You like to take risks, don't you? When Corben was after you and now this. Why?
Lena: Well, you can't live in fear. You, more than anyone, must understand that. Time and again, you risk everything to see justice done. Is it so hard to believe that I feel the same way? Or are you one of those people that thinks there's no such thing as a good Luthor?
Supergirl: I believe everyone should be judged on their own merits.
Lena: Then judge me on mine. This party must happen, and I am asking you for your help.
Supergirl: I guess I have no choice.
Lena: Thank you. So Kara and I will see you tomorrow night?
Supergirl: Right. Yes, Kara and I will both be at your party.
[heading to the balcony to fly away]
Supergirl: Crap.

M'gann: You can't fool a sidekick. I saw you hesitate during the fight. You dreamed something. And it terrified you. What did you see?
Nia: Brainy.
M'gann: You two were a couple, right?
[seeing Nia react]
M'gann: You know J'onn. For a deeply serious man, he's got a big mouth.
Nia: [smiling in amusement] I know. It was more than a relationship. We were partners. We... protected each other. Turns out the one thing I couldn't protect him from was himself. I told him to take off those inhibitors. Maybe these dreams are because of my guilt.
M'gann: There may be more to what he's going through than you know. When J'onn discovered that I was a White Martian, he thought the worst of me. Until he finally saw my soul.
Nia: I'm not a telepath.
M'gann: No, you're a dreamer. And like it or not, you're dreaming now. You have to engage with it. It could have meaning far deeper than you realize.
Nia: I'm sorry, M'gann, I need to be keeping Brainy out of my mind, not letting him in.

Alex: Your being sick isn't a burden to anyone. Lena might be your boss...
[taking a blood draw and handing Sam a cotton swab]
Alex: Hang on to that. But she's also your friend. So maybe you should try letting her in.
Samantha: Alex, I've handled everything on my own since I was sixteen. Ruby, college, work, everything. Been white-knuckling my whole life. It's bad enough I included you in all these problems. So, I'm... I'll be fine.
Alex: I know what it's like to be afraid to let other people in. I have always been used to dealing with things in my life on my own. So, after Maggie and I broke up, uh... the thought of talking about it was terrifying. But Kara, being Kara, she wouldn't let me shut down. She... forced me to let her in so that we could figure things out together. That's the only way that I'm getting through any of this. And I am not about to let you make the same mistake that I almost made.

Cisco: Stop, stop. Stop! Jimmy, what are you thinking? What, are you gonna kill 'em here, now? Gary's still cleaning up from the last mess you made, Clockwork Orange. Do 'em out in the alley.
James: All right, come on, let's go.
Barry: Wait. Wait, wait, wait. I knew your brother Dante.
Cisco: Stop. Hold up. How'd you know Dante?
Barry: It's a long story. If he were here, he'd tell you to listen to our proposal.
[quietly to Oliver]
Barry: What's our proposal?
Oliver: How'd you like to get rid of Superman?

Mary: That is an angry monkey corpse.
Winn: I was hoping to access this thing's inner workings, but it's like a game of Operation. Every time I get close to cracking it, it just zaps me.
Mary: Can I try? I love Operation.
Winn: I'm not sure if you noticed, but it's, like, a top-secret government facility in here.
Mary: Oh, nobody cares.
[to a passing agent]
Mary: Are you paid enough to care? No, of course not.
[to another agent]
Mary: You should unionize, by the way.

Kara: [Season 1 Opening] When I was a child, my planet Krypton was dying. I was sent to Earth to protect my cousin. But my pod got knocked off-course and by time I got here, my cousin had already grown up and become Superman. And so I hid my powers until recently when an accident forced me to reveal myself to the world. To most people I'm assistant at Catco Worldwide Media. But in secret, I work with my adoptive sister for the DEO to protect my city from alien life and anyone else that means to cause it harm. I am Supergirl.

Lena: Eve's testimony was the backbone of this case. Now that Lex has completely damaged her credibility, all her evidence is tainted. It's fruit of the poisonous tree. If I don't speak to the brainwashing charges, then he might go free.
Lillian: So let him! Your brother nearly threw everything away and revealed his true colors to the world, but through cleverness and sheer force of will, he has convinced the jury that he's a good man framed by an evil woman. That perception is good for the entire family.
Lena: The truth is good for the family.
Lillian: The truth is you did nothing to stop Lex until it was nearly too late. If you take that stand, you'll have to accept your guilt for every single thing you did by his side. And then the world will not only think Lex is evil, but they'll think you are, too, and the Luthor name will be as good as worthless.
Lena: It's time for a Luthor to do some actual good instead of just pretending to. If I have to risk my name to make sure my brother stays behind bars forever, then I will.
Lillian: It's not a risk. It's a certainty. Lex won't hesitate to take you down with him. And he knows better than anyone how to get under your skin.
Lena: Oh, I'm counting on it.

Fratty: [finds dazed-looking girl in alley] Looks like it's my lucky night. Halloween was last month, but
Fratty: with a body like that, all I can say is Happy Turkey Day to me!
Leslie: Back off, loser!
Fratty: Oh.
Fratty: We can have some fun...
Leslie: Keep away from me!
[blasts him with a charge of self-generated electricity]
Leslie: Oh!
Leslie: Nice rush.

Astra: It's been a long time, little one. Look how you've grown. So beautiful.
Supergirl: You... you died. When Krypton exploded. Everyone died. You died!
[realization dawns on her]
Supergirl: Aunt Astra?
Astra: Except I wasn't on Krypton when it perished. I was a prisoner aboard Fort Rozz. Did your mother not tell you? How she sent me away? Banished her own blood, imprisoned me for speaking the truth while she told only lies?
Supergirl: Why did she send you to Fort Rozz?
Astra: For being a hero. For trying to save our world.
Supergirl: I remember so many nights. Sitting on your lap, listening as you taught me all the names of the stars.
Astra: Then let me education you once again, dear niece. Your alliance with the humans is misplaced. Do not stand against me. I let one planet die. I will not do so again.
Supergirl: Funny. I was going to say the same thing.

Hank: That the fastest you can go?
Supergirl: Are these tests mandatory for everyone or just because I'm a...
Hank: It's not because you're a woman, Ms. Danvers. The DEO requires rigorous physical and psychological evaluation for all our prospective field operatives.
Supergirl: I was gonna say "alien".

Morgan: I heard you were attacked by someone who tried to make it look like it was perpetrated by that thing that's leaving those alien marks. That's awful. Awful. I mean, it's... it's Christmas.
Lena: Morgan, you are a vile, despicable scrooge who's gonna die alone and in prison.

Lena: [healing Kara from kryptonite poisoning] Oh, you're awake. Thank god. How are you feeling?
Supergirl: I'm fine. I'm fine. Are you okay?
Lena: I'm not the one who just got blasted by her greatest weakness.
Supergirl: Lena, we just faced off with Lex. I saw your decoy totem catch fire. What happened?
Lena: I thought I was done with all that venom he brought into my life, but... when he turned up yesterday unexpected and unannounced... all that rage, it came... came back all over me. Magic is so tied to emotions, and... if I feel out of control or-or angry, then my magic reflects that.
Supergirl: Your rage started the fire?
Lena: It's what happened to my mother. She lost control and people got hurt.
Supergirl: I'm so sorry.
Lena: Just while Lex is in play and getting in my head, I-I think it's safer if I don't do magic. You know, God knows who I could hurt.
Supergirl: Yeah, I understand. And-And you bring so much more to the team than magic. I mean, look how you just healed me.
Lena: Well, that was science.

Alex: Hey, you.
Maggie: Hey.
Alex: You okay?
Maggie: Am I okay? Are you kidding?

Rama: The Staff of the Shadow World is worthless without the medallion.
Gamemnae: You need the medallion's power, not the medallion itself. And you know where that power is.
Rama: Acrata.

Leslie: [taunting] Nice tiara.
Gayle: Why don't you zap it off me and I'll show you what I can do. It would be such a delicious pleasure to bring you to your knees and watch you writhe in pain.
Leslie: [laughing] Do you always talk like that?
Gayle: At least I don't sound like an illiterate mean girl.
Leslie: Okay, Regina George.
[Psi scowls at her]
Supergirl: Hey, let's tone it down here, okay? We're all here for the same reason, right?
[no answer from either of them]
Supergirl: I'll take that as a yes.

J'onn: You didn't say goodbye to your sister.
Supergirl: If I say goodbye, I'm never leaving.

Kara: [watching Lucy Lane in Cat's office] That was a genuine laugh. That was not fake, that was real.
James: What do you think they're talking about in there?
Winn: Kara does have this handy ability called superhearing...
Kara: Yeah, but that just feels wrong, doesn't it? Is that wrong?
James: [whispering] Do it.

J'onn: I can't fight their battles for them, but maybe I can make it easier. Give the Phantom something else to fight against. Split his focus.
Brainiac: Yes. If you could force the Phantom back into containment, then everyone else can find their own way back to reality.
[J'onn heads to the elevator]
Brainiac: J'onn, there's still a chance that the Phantom can overpower you.
J'onn: Not when I have this much to fight for.

Alex: Based on the amount of power she's consumed, there's a very real chance that she's gonna be strong enough...
Supergirl: She can hurt me, I know.
Alex: Kara, she can kill you.
Supergirl: I'll see you soon.
[goes off]

Cat: [addressing Kara, Winn, James, and Barry] All four of you standing there doing nothing, you look like the attractive, yet non-threatening, racially diverse cast of a CW show.

Samantha: [in Kryptonian after her transformation] I have awoken.

Alex: Mmm, I really need those. Do you have any, um...
Kara: Rhubarb? Yeah, three. What do you think this is, amateur hour?
Alex: The queen of pies.

Cisco: Never pegged you as a wedding guy.
Mick: I never pass up on a free buffet.
[taking Cisco's beer]
Mick: Or an open bar.

Winn: You're a good egg, Sawyer.
Maggie: Leave before I hold you into holding for fun.
Winn: I have better places to go.
Maggie: Think I scared him?
Alex: Almost as good as I do.

Supergirl: On Krypton, I remember Aunt Astra and my mother always arguing.
Alex: Like sisters do.
Supergirl: And when I asked my mother why they could never get along, she said that it was because Astra didn't have faith in people.
Alex: You wanted to know if I have faith in you. I do. I always have. When you first came to live with us, my parents told me that you would be sad, and fragile, having just lost your world, your parents, your friends. But you never let that loss diminish your light. You've always had the heart of a hero, Kara. Way before you put on that "S".

Supergirl: [grabbing her hand] It's over, Indigo!
Indigo: For the human race?
Indigo: I agree!

Kara: I finished proofing the Supergirl article.
Cat: Please begin my compliments.

Cat: [Talking about Supergirl to Kara Danvers] National City may have lost faith, but I haven't. And you shouldn't either.

Alex: I know how hard it is to see a sibling in pain. But you... you have to know that Brainy and I are not gonna let anything happen to James.
Kelly: It's... it's not that. The memories are triggering for me.
Alex: You mean James at your dad's funeral?
Kelly: James wasn't at the funeral, Alex. I was eight. And it was the worst day of my life. My dad was dead. And my mom was so distraught that my aunts had to hold her up. I was scared that she was gonna die, too. James swore to me that he would be by my side. That everything was gonna be okay because we were gonna face it together. He disappeared before the service. And I sat there, alone, tears streaming down my face, staring at the door, waiting for my big brother to walk in and make everything... make everything okay. He never showed up.
Alex: Where was he?
Kelly: I don't know. I don't know where he really was. And look, I get it. He was a kid, too. But it is not a day that I am aching to re-live.
Alex: I understand. You know, you and I are a lot alike. We're really good at taking care of other people, but not so good at taking care of ourselves. You don't have to do this. I can stay by James' side for you.
Kelly: I, um... I actually... I think I can do it. Thank you.

Lena: There is too much at stake for you to still be mad at me.
Supergirl: I said we would work together. Never said it would be sunshine and rainbows.

Eliza: How did things go with your Children of Liberty contact? Doesn't seem very safe, James.
James: I happened to meet with a regular guy named Tom who happens to be afraid of aliens and afraid of their capabilities, and he feels inferior.
Kara: People can be powerful, too. You and Alex are examples of that, James.
Lena: Yeah, but not as powerful as aliens. I mean, no matter how many weights you lift, you'll never be as strong as Supergirl.
Alex: No, but with technology, we can hold our own.
Lena: What if we could do more? What if we could make people super?
Eliza: It's not possible. The biological processes that cause alien powers are incompatible with human DNA.
Lena: Okay, but just say we could, right? If James is right and people feeling inferior is what makes them join these hate groups, then we could just... level the playing field.
J'onn: The last thing we need is a bunch of evil people running around with superpowers.
Lena: Okay, but evil people wouldn't get powers.
James: So only certain people qualify?
Alex: And who would decide who gets them? They'd be playing God.

Cat: [ordering personal assistant Kara about] Salad. Burger. Rare. Go!

James: I only got shot once. You didn't have to come all this way.
Kelly: Aw, you never invite me to visit. How else was I gonna meet your friends? They're pretty great, by the way. One of them even saved your life.
James: Yeah, about that. Thank you.
Lena: I'm just glad you're okay. Besides, Supergirl was the one that found you. You should be thanking her.

Alex: If only there was a way to use Prime to make a new tracking device. I mean, i-if he was part-human like the progeny.
J'onn: I tried searching his mind, trying to convince him to look for Kara, but all I could sense was thirst and misery. He has no humanity, only instinct.
Lena: [getting an idea] Instinct. The... t-the Phantom, he-he tracks by instinct. He's a bloodhound.
Brainiac: If we can get our hands on more of Kara's DNA...
Lena: Then he'll track her by instinct.
Alex: It's a good idea, but the hologram crystal is broken. How are we gonna get more of Kara's DNA?
M'gann: We can collect DNA from a Kryptonian after a solar flare.
Lena: Or kryptonite poisoning.
J'onn: Alex, can you remember all the times Kara blew her powers out?
Alex: It's only happened a handful of times. Uh, uh... once was in a fight with Red Tornado, and then another was all the way back in high school.
Brainiac: Back in Midvale?
Alex: Y-Yeah.
Brainiac: Nia.
Nia: Cassandra, this is what my dreams have been about. If we want to bring Kara home, we have to go back in time... to Midvale High. I just hope we're not too late.

Mitch: What is Lex Luthor doing here?
Nxylgsptinz: You're Lex Luthor, the madman who sent Supergirl to the Phantom Zone.
Lex: That was some of my best work.
Nxylgsptinz: Do you know what I really, really loathe?
[raising a blaster]
Nxylgsptinz: Men who send women to the Phantom Zone. I know exactly what you are, Lex Luthor. I've had to deal with men like you my entire life. Arrogant, narcissistic, manipulative. And I can assure you that we are not and we will never be friends.

Supergirl: Mon-El?
Mon: Your big speech made the history books.

Lex: [loud yell:] Ms. Teschmacher!
[she rushes in]
Lex: Why is the satellite not firing?
Eve: There's an issue at Shelley Island.
Lex: [bombastic yell:] No one leaves!
[suits up, zooms off]
Eve: [as Lena gets up, aims gun at her] Don't get any ideas!
Lena: You wretched little traitor!
[grabs gun out of Eve's hand]

Brainiac: There's no sign of either Nxyly or Lex's energy signatures.
Kelly: This is bad.
Alex: [Kara gets off the elevator] Hey, how are you feeling?
Supergirl: [hugging] I'll be fine once we find Lex and Nxyly. Where's Nia?
Alex: She's trying to dream up their location.
Kelly: How did they even meet?
J'onn: We've been monitoring LuthorCorp's chatter in the underworld on Lex's activities. Nothing popped. We thought he was laying low.
Brainiac: He was. Just... just not in this century. The explosion Lex used, that tech is from the 31st century. And now Lex has his hands on it.
Alex: Wait, are you saying Lex went to the future?
Supergirl: All that matters is that two of the worst villains we have ever faced are now working together, and we need something big to stop them.
Brainiac: We do have two weapons we haven't considered using yet. The totems. We use our totems to take Lex and Nxyly's courage. Or give them humanity.
Alex: So if we do it the reverse, then it could take our humanity.
J'onn: Alex is right. The totems' consequences are too unpredictable.
Supergirl: I agree. It's... it's too risky. And-And we always said we were going to protect the totems.
J'onn: Maybe there's a way we can use the totems' energy, but not as a weapon. At the Hague, Nxyly used the Courage totem as a shield. Is there a way we can replicate that?
Brainiac: I can make a prototype. But we'll have to activate the totems to see if it'll work.
Supergirl: J'onn and I can do that. Brainy, you get working on that shield. Alex, Kelly, you two are on patrol. If Lex and Nxyly are working together, this city is the most vulnerable it's ever been.

M'yrnn: For 300 years, I lived in a cell. My son will not put me back in one!

Lena: I thought I made myself clear. Our business is done. Now get of my office before I call security.
Rhea: I'm the one who hasn't made myself clear, Lena. And I'm sorry for that. You're right. I lied to you. I pretended to be of this world, but only because I know how much your mother loathes aliens. And I presumed you'd be the same.
Lena: That's what people do when they hear I'm a Luthor. They presume.

Nia: No, Hannibal Lecter. He eats people.
Querl: Miranda Priestly.
Nia: Miranda Priestly? Are you serious?
Querl: I'm as serious as the pursed lips of Miranda Priestly.
Nia: [seeing Alex and Kara] Okay, good, you guys can help me prove a point. Who is the greatest movie villain of all time?
Kara: [answering simultaneously] Voldemort.
Alex: Hans Gruber.
Nia: Impressively unhelpful. Well, I guess you'll just have to accept that I'm right.
Querl: Hmm. This Earth custom that the girlfriend is always right is illogical and-and frustrating, but I can assimilate.

Alex: Are there any inhabited planets in its trajectory?
Querl: Just one.
Alex: [seeing the screens] Argo City.
J'onn: Oh, my god. Superman's there with Lois and...
Supergirl: My mom.
Alex: Can we warn them?
Querl: Argo's Harun-El sure makes communication difficult, but I will try.
Supergirl: How much time do they have, Brainy?
Querl: Not enough.

Alex: Whew. Purity is down, Reign and Pestilence to go. And it is only a Wednesday.
J'onn: It's certainly been a good morning so far.
Winn: Yes, and bonus points, the DEO techs found this at the Worldkiller's home. It is a Kryptonian cache crystal, as you know, used to store sensitive information.
Supergirl: I've seen crystals like this in the Fortress of Solitude. They contain elements of the Fortress itself, sort of like an artist's stamp.
Winn: Yes, but this crystal has a very different home, very different stamp.
Supergirl: We might be able to pinpoint the location of the Worldkillers' headquarters if we analyze it.
Alex: First round is on me. Winn, get your chicken wings.
Winn: And I will have an unecessary amount of chicken wings, as befits a man of my stature.

Adam: I've gotta say, I'm surprised you haven't kicked me out yet.
Lena: For what?
Adam: Assuming the scientist was a man. I was raised better than that. Sorry.
Lena: Apology accepted.
Adam: Can you at least tell me your name? Doctor...
Lena: Kieran. Dr. Kieran.

Kara: [voiceover] When people see that red cape, they expect to see a certain someone. Someone they know. But this isn't his story. It's mine. It's been a week since I revealed myself to National City; so far, things are going pretty well. I think I might actually have a handle on this.

William: Before your father's funeral, Kelly and I were onto this idea that Lex had done something to Obsidian to cause people to get stuck in VR and disappear.
Kelly: The missing people were wearing Obsidian lenses.
William: And a friend of mine from the NSA found a cluster of users all at the same address, a warehouse. But when I checked, it was empty. Only weird thing was a hospital ID bracelet on the ground. So, I checked it for fingerprints. I found one and sent it to my buddy at the NSA. Now, he just called me back with results while I was baking. The bracelet belonged to Richard Bates.
Kelly: The same person who hacked Obsidian's failsafe.
Alex: And who I beat up in VR.
William: One and the same. And get this: the hospital has no record of a Richard Bates ever being admitted.
Alex: Wait a minute. Kelly, you said there was a list of users that are still stuck in VR, right? Can you show me that?
Kelly: Yeah.
[taking out her tablet]
Kelly: Here. This is the current list of users.
Alex: Bonnie. I-I-I met this girl in VR. Why would anyone want to keep her there?
William: Human testing. Organ harvesting.
Kara: And if people are getting hurt in Obsidian, we need to find out about it and expose them.
William: If we find the proof, I'll run the story. It'll be around the globe in minutes. The world will know if Obsidian is endangering them.

Nia: Okay, no, Kelly, you need to settle something for us once and for all.
Kelly: Mm-hmm.
Nia: Who is the greatest movie villain of all time?
Kelly: Oh, that's easy. Hans Gruber.
Alex: Oh, my heart.
[they kiss]
Alex: Yes.
[to Brainy]
Alex: Told you.

Supergirl: Malefic, you said Lena was analyzing your Q-waves, right?
Malefic: Yes. She isolated a frequency which allowed her to replicate my ability.
Supergirl: Maybe you're the key. If we could harness your Q-waves...
J'onn: We could use them to counteract Lena's. But she's launching a worldwide attack. The amount of energy Malefic would need to counteract hers... it could kill him.
Malefic: It's worth the risk.
Supergirl: No, I am not trading one life for another.
Malefic: Please. If I can stop Ms. Luthor from making the same mistakes that I did, then all of the turmoil and pain that I have caused will be worth something. Let me help. Let me make amends.

Ben: And I'm sorry to say we're going to start tonight's show on a very somber note, because on Thanksgiving night, five men peacefully protesting the alien takeover of their home planet went missing.
Man on the Street: Roaches think they can just blow us out of the water whenever they want. They see Supergirl flying around, rounding up innocent people.
Supergirl: They're blaming me.
Ben: Is Supergirl a hero? Or is she the seed that may very well cause the eradication of the human race?
Supergirl: [insulted] What?
Alex: Hey. Hey, you saved hundreds of people on Thanksgiving. And we don't even know if aliens were involved in the disappearances. We're still investigating.

Acrata: [J'onn tries to remove the staff] It's useless. The staff holds me and it needs me.
J'onn: Together you're fuelling what he's doing. I'm not gonna let that happen.

Mon: Ms. Luthor, glad to see you're okay.
Lena: Yeah. I could say the same about you.

Maggie: [after impulsively having sex] What are we doing?
Alex: I know. That was crazy.

Snapper: I don't like you, and I never will, ponytail.
Kara: I don't need you to like me, jerk guy.
Snapper: You're as bad at insults as you are at reporting.

Winn: Yeah, just, uh... just uh, set it anywhere, then walk, like, way far back, and then set it off. The door will open.
[no reply]
Winn: Hello, are you there? Did you do it? Are you in? James?
James: [choosing not to breach the vault] Yeah, I'm in. Look, Winn, there's nothing here. Lena was telling the truth. She's clean.
Winn: Well, thank goodness. I did not have the emotional bandwidth for another enemy, gotta tell you.

Supergirl: I don't think I can find them all.
Querl: Never fear. I'm also on the streets removing markers.
[spotting an infrared "A"]
Querl: [removing it] In fact, I see one right now.
Col: Hey, what are you doing?
Querl: Return to your homes. Or else.
Col: Or else what?
Querl: Or else I'll be required to beat you up. With physics.

Supergirl: Do you really not believe in magic?
Lena: I believe in you. And in all of us. We'll defeat this, no matter what it's called. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go interrogate a Kryptonian witch.
Supergirl: Have fun.

Lena: Kelly opened a back door into the festival. It should help protect you from the kill switch.
Supergirl: Well, hopefully, we can get everyone out before Lex and Gemma hit it.
Lena: You will.
Supergirl: [putting her lenses in] Let's do this.
[entering the Obsidian VR]
Supergirl: Wow. This is amazing. I've never seen anything like this. No wonder so many people signed up.

J'onn: Wait a minute. These people will all think Lex saved them.
Supergirl: Wasn't Lex the one who put 'em in here?
William: Apparently not. Listen to this.
Margot: [he shows them his phone] Amy Sapphire was right. Technology is the greatest evil mankind has ever faced. I will continue her work by killing people until the world wakes up from its apathy.
William: She was an acolyte of Amy Sapphire's. She'd been kidnapping Obsidian Platinum users for weeks. Took full responsibility. I was sure Lex was behind this.
J'onn: Yeah. We all were.
Supergirl: I don't understand. Lex, a real hero? How could this be true?

Supergirl: She must be getting stronger. I felt her in that elevator with me. She was... she was in my head again.
Winn: Well, there is no sign of any psychic intrusion.
Supergirl: Wait, what?
Winn: I think that you just had a good old human panic attack.
Supergirl: That's not possible. No, I'm... I'm stronger than that.
Winn: Look, she got in your head, okay? And now she's forcing you to live through some serious trauma. That is gonna take a toll on anyone. I don't care if you're the strongest person in the world. It's... look, it's nothing to be ashamed of.

Brainiac: Sprock! The nano-plating's too thin. This lock needs to be strong enough to withstand anything Nxyly might attempt.
Nia: I mean, I can try dream energy.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: [popping up] And I can assist!
Brainiac: Uh, in what manner, exactly?
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Uh, b... I-I-I could, um... I could, um... try to stabilize some of the particle. Do I have permission to Patrick Swayze-in-"Ghost" you?
Nia: [a little grossed out] No!
Brainiac: No. Look, Mxy, if you really want to help, maybe sort wire. Or...
Nia: Organize the science lab.
Brainiac: Organize the science lab. I don't know. Just stay out of our way, okay?
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Sort, organize, yes.
J'onn: [calling on the intercom] Brainy, Dreamer, Supergirl is at the Fortress, where her scanner has just picked up a spike in Fifth-Dimensional energy downtown.
Nia: On it.
Brainiac: [Mxy moves to follow them] We've got this.

Mitch: [in his own LexoSuit] Why, hello, Martian.
[zapping J'onn with a blast of energy]
Mitch: Well, that was easier than I thought.
[J'onn phases through the floor]
Mitch: Wait. What... where-where'd you go?
[J'onn reappears and smashes through another LexoSuit]
Mitch: Can we talk about this?

Nxylgsptinz: [to Lex Luthor] You're nothing but a foul little man, who lies and cheats to get what he wants.

Supergirl: I took Kelex back to the Fortress. He'll be all right. We can go see him tomorrow if you want.
Zor: No. I need to return to Argo City and finally face your mother.
Supergirl: Face her?
Zor: When I found out you and your mother were alive... it was the happiest moment of my life. And I miss her so much, Kara. In the Phantom Zone, the memory of her and you were what kept me alive. But now seeing her again isn't just some far-off dream. It's... an inevitability. And the thought of looking her in the eye and seeing all of my mistakes reflected back on me... I didn't think I could handle the weight of that guilt.
Supergirl: You did everything you could to save Krypton.
Zor: I did. And that made me part of the problem. I made rash decisions out of hubris and made everything worse. Then when I saw your planet heading in the same direction, I thought if I could just fix Earth, I could earn my way back to her. I was so focused on avoiding the past, I ran headfirst into all my old mistakes.
Supergirl: I definitely understand that.
Zor: I may have made a lot of mistakes in my life. But the one thing that went right was you. You are strong and caring and have built a beautiful life. But, Kara... you don't need to carry the weight of this world or any world on your shoulders every moment of every day. Sometimes, even though you're Kryptonian... it's okay to be human.

Kara: Brainy, I'm so glad you made it.
[taking the flower bouquet]
Kara: These are lovely.
Querl: Mm-hmm. They're not real.
Kara: Oh.

Lena: Andrea, hi. I'm a little busy right now.
Andrea: Do you think I'm a callous, narcissistic monster?
Lena: Does this have anything to do with CatCo publishing my brother's journals?
Andrea: You're one of my oldest friends. Tell me the truth. Did I cross an ethical line?
Lena: Stealing my brother's journals and publishing them under William's byline isn't your finest hour.
Andrea: So I am a monster.
Lena: No, I didn't say that. Look, I am all for taking my brother down, but you have to be careful that you don't fall back into bad behaviors. We know you can act with a certain... single-mindedness, but you can't betray someone like William just to promote yourself.
Andrea: That's not why I did it.
Lena: Then why did you do it? When we feel like our back is against the wall, we can go into survival mode and damn the consequences. But only you can be the judge of whether that's who you wanna be. And if it's not, then... change it.

James: [watching news reports of Baker's removal from office] Talk about power of the press.
Kara: Says my injured friend. I still can't believe what happened to your eye.

Lena: Are you here to arrest me during the apocalypse, or to try and kill me because you weren't successful the other day?
Alex: I wasn't trying to hurt you, Lena. I was trying to stop you from using Myriad.
Lena: Right. Is that why you had a Claymore satellite aimed at me? And I didn't use Myriad, that was Eve Teschmacher.
Alex: You and I both know that that isn't true.
[the ground rumbles]
Alex: The reason the sky is red, and the planet feels like it's falling apart is because it is. There is an anti-matter wave that is tearing through the universe right now, and it will destroy Earth if Kara and the other heroes don't stop it. Now, I am working with J'onn to hedge our bets and mount an evacuation, but in order to do that... we need your help. Look, I am sorry that I lied to you. And not just me, and not just Kara. It was all of us. J'onn and Brainy and Nia.
Lena: You know, you actually had me believe that you hated Supergirl.
Alex: I wasn't pretending about that. And that is a... long story. Listen, I... I know that you feel burned by us. And that there is nothing that I can say in this moment that is gonna change that. But if you could please just put your feelings aside, J'onn and I really, really need your help.
Lena: I don't want your apology, Alex. 'Cause you will never again have my friendship or my trust. I've learned my lesson from all of you. But if the world is at stake, then of course I'll help. It is hubris of you to think that I wouldn't, but then, you've made it perfectly clear how little you've thought of me these last few years, so... what do you need me to do?

Ben: Listen, I, uh, don't really want to talk about the Elite or their assassination attempt on me last night. Instead, I would like to discuss with you what I was prevented from announcing. My drive to repeal the Alien Amnesty Act. Because, for too long, alien criminals have come down to this planet, and they have been given amnesty. They've been given protection, when we are the ones that need protecting. We are the ones who have been suffering, not them. With the repeal of the Alien Amnesty Act, I propose that we send these invaders back to the planets that they came from, allowing us to finally live in peace. I would like to invite you to a rally tomorrow in the main concourse of this very building, where I will share with you what I intend to share with Congress.
Kara: [watching on TV] He can't do that. Tell me Ben Lockwood cannot repeal a congressional act.
J'onn: No, but he can try and sway the will of the people.
Kara: Well, he's just begging the Elite to take another whack at him.
J'onn: Which is why we have to find them before his rally. If only we knew where to look.
Dreamer: [waking up] The balcony. Across from the Alien Affairs building.
Kara: The same place as last night?
Dreamer: I saw it in my dream. And returning to the scene of the crime is a classic bad guy move.

Supergirl: There he is! There he is.
Cat: Who? Superman? Where?
[sees Superman suddenly drop down from the sky]
Supergirl: What? What? Oh, God. No!
Cat: What is it?
Supergirl: Myriad. It's affecting my cousin too.
Cat: Myriad? Wait a minute, if it's affecting Superman, then are any of us safe?
Maxwell: Well, I may not be Superman, but... I do have my moments. Do Kryptonians gloat? Because I'll bet wherever he is, ol' Uncle Non is feeling pretty good about himself.

Alex: Rough day?
Kelly: It definitely started that way.
[taking a glass of wine]
Kelly: Aw. Thank you.
Alex: Of course.
Kelly: But for the first time... in a long time... I felt completely exhilarated. I felt empowered. And today, I saw I made a real difference.
Alex: I told you, the Kelly Olsen that I love never gives up.

Kara: I came to let you know that I'm not done. Not by a long shot. Until we know for sure, I will turn over every rock, and...
Lena: Just stop.
Kara: You are one of the strongest women I know. Why aren't you fighting?
Lena: Because I did it! Kara, I... I did it. You know, all I ever wanted to be was good. My whole life, I was a pariah; first because I was rich, and then because of my brother, so... and then then, finally, I did just... just one thing... one thing that was good, and now I'm the monster that poisons children. You know, even... even Lex Luthor never did that.
Kara: Anyone who knows you knows that you would never...
Lena: Maybe I'm the same. People are sick, and it's my fault.
Kara: There's still a chance it wasn't you.
Lena: And I know that you believe that everything is good and kind, and that... that is one of the things I love about you. But that's not the real world. In the real world, my last name's bin Laden, and everything I do hurts people. Hey, you know, it's... it's in my DNA, okay, so please, just... just... just stop. Stop believing me, okay? I am not worth it.

Gamemnae: Tezumak managed to injure one of the Martians. But Supergirl never even joined the fight, and the others got away. I've gambled everything on this Unity Festival.
Lex: Then we have to make sure it goes off without a hitch.
Andrea: [approaching] Lex, Gemma. It's time.
Lex: [as Andrea leaves] So? Shall we begin ending the world?

Nia: [waking from a dream with a gasp] Nyxly.

Alex: You don't look so dangerous shoving Chocos in your face.
Hank: How did you know they were my favorite?
Alex: You eat them at 3 AM. Only a favorite will do at 3 AM.

Kara: Alex, you remember, um... James Olsen, my friend from work.
Alex: Yeah.
James: [quietly] How's the covert alien hunting business?
Alex: Not as covert as we would prefer.
Kara: I didn't tell him.
James: Look, it's okay. I can be trusted with a big secret.
Alex: Well, I hope you'll extend the same courtesy to my sister.
James: Always.

Alex: Go see Nia, and let me know if you have any leads. Then at least I'll have something to report to the president.
Supergirl: Oh, you're having another one-on-one with the president?
[Alex clicks her tongue]
Supergirl: Ooh, I hope Haley so gets yelled at.

Councilwoman Jean Rankin: You don't know what you're doing.
Guardian: I know exactly what I'm doing.
[the Super Friends land next to her]

Alex: So, are you gonna let the staff in on all these pizzas or are you and I just gonna knock 'em out ourselves? Because challenge accepted.
Querl: Yes, uh... please, help yourself. This is apples and olives. It's my favorite.
Alex: So, Kara just called me, and, uh... she said your image inducer was hacked.
Querl: Yes. It was just for a moment. I've been trying to find the source of which, and it seems it was commanded from the computer of a senior L-Corp programmer.
Alex: Well, she and Lena think that Mercy's responsible, so Lena put up a firewall. No one can hack into the system.
Querl: That means the only way Mercy can access the image inducer now is through the mainframe at L-Corp, and based on the simulation I just created for her, there is a 99.99% chance that she is on her way there now.

Oliver: Barry? You, my friend... are the very best of us. I gave it all up... for you and Kara.
Barry: What do you... what do you mean?
Oliver: I need the two of you to... be the ones... to save us now.

Kelly: I just said a mask, but... wow. Bummer we have to get straight to business.
Alex: Yeah, I guess you inspired me.
Kelly: I could have never gotten past security. My girlfriend's a badass.
Alex: Breaking into a tech corps, that's easy. What I battled earlier today...
[showing Kelly her phone]
Alex: These are gods.
[indicating the wristband J'onn gave her]
Alex: I mean, I finally got this baby working. But compared to what those guys are packing... I might as well have brought a slingshot. I've never felt so... human.

M'yrnn: Where is the arcade?
J'onn: It's right there, Father.
M'yrnn: Do you think I'm a fool? The arcade is a high form of architecture of ancient Rome. Archways resting on columns. Where are the shops? The marketplace?
J'onn: Uh, this is a different kind of arcade, dad.

Mon: I don't know how you got to this planet, but she's with me.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: The other suitor! I didn't see you there, tall, dark and bland-some. You're barely there, let alone my romantic rival.
Kara: [Mon-El tries to hit him] No!
Mon: [as Mxy vanishes] What...
Mr. Mxyzptlk: [reappearing] Invisible is a good look on you. Let's play to your strengths.
J'onn: [seeing him appear in the DEO in nothing but his underwear] Mon-El?
Mon: Hey. Hey.
[under his breath]
Mon: I'm gonna kill him.

Reign: I'm gonna kill you.
Supergirl: [struggling to get up] You don't... You don't scare me.
Reign: You're no god just as I'm no devil. All I am is truth. And judgment.
[picks up Kara and hangs her over the building's edge]
Reign: And death. And I will reign.
[drops Kara over the edge]

William: In the past three weeks, Lex Luthor has rushed 32 satellites through approval by the FAA and launched them into space. Each of their orbits placed them directly above a city that Lex himself is visiting on this Obsidian world tour.
Kelly: So you're wondering what the satellites have to do with the Obsidian Platinum's launch.
William: Mmm.
Kelly: Nothing, as far as I'm aware. Platinum operates off of booster towers. So, whatever Lex's business is with the satellites, it has nothing to do with us.
William: But you're still skeptical of him?
Kelly: Yeah, I worry about what Lex is doing with our platform. And Alex is skeptical, too. So I'm keeping an eye out for anything that might prove that Lex isn't the hero that everyone thinks.

Mackenzie: I can't believe it. Lex Luthor, a bad guy?
Andrea: Believe it, Mackenzie. Lucky for us, our very own William Dey has the inside scoop. This firsthand account Eve Teschmacher gave you, it's going to earn CatCo another Pulitzer.
Hari: You mean we're still in business? After what happened with Obsidian?
Andrea: Sadly, Obsidian North has folded. But that is my father's problem. He bought all my shares right before the company crashed this morning. I realize in retrospect, I was undervaluing CatCo. We could be a beacon, the crown jewel of investigative journalism. We certainly have the talent. And reporting in-depth, real news, we can change hearts and minds. We'll start our relaunch with unparalleled news coverage on Lex Luthor, thanks to William.
William: Well, it wasn't just me, Andrea. That story has a shared byline. Kara Danvers, she's been with me following every lead on Lex since I got to National City.
Andrea: Oh. Well, where is Ms. Danvers? I'd like to thank her.
Nia: She's with Cat Grant on a story. She said it was supposed to be the biggest of her life.
William: Kara left town?
Nia: I guess when Cat says "jump", you jump.
Andrea: Well, since Kara is exclusive to CatCo, whatever story Cat's pulled her away to do will be our front page soon. Let's hope it's a doozy. Tick-tock. Everyone back to work. We've got a paper to put out.

Kara: Let's start with the aliens. We know you've been trying to harness their powers. Why?
Eve: I don't...
Kara: [she suddenly stops, like a computer powering down] Eve?
Eve: [perking up, like a computer rebooting] Kara! Hi.

J'onn: [playing Charades] That doesn't count.
M'yrnn: Why?
J'onn: Because you're shape-shifting, dad.
M'yrnn: [dressed like an astronaut] Oh.
[he shape-shifts back to normal]
M'yrnn: Human games have so many rules.
Kara: He didn't break any of the rules.
Alex: It's... you know what? It's fine. Just let him have it. We're slaughtering 'em, anyway.
Winn: [he laughs] Hey, the Martian Man-Father strikes again.
Kara: Martian Man-Father?
Winn: Fine. The Martian Dad Hunter.

Kara: Well, thank god for Eve's paper fetish.
Lena: [Kara hands her a tape recorder] Thanks.
Kara: [picking up a file] The DEO prisoner transfers.
[turning to the last page]
Kara: Signed and authorized by Sarah Walker.
Lena: The president's Chief of Staff?
Kara: She is the mole in the government. She's working with Lex.
Lena: [seeing Eve run by] Eve. I'll get her, you get the evidence.

J'onn: Thank you for saving me.
Supergirl: Why do you think this happened?
J'onn: I told you the other night... I am no longer a man of peace. When I took Manchester's life, I realized that I was done trying to be my father. But now I have clarity as to who I am not, I no longer have clarity as to who I am.
Supergirl: You think that caused you to lose your powers?
J'onn: There is an ancient story about a race of shapeshifters whose planet was destroyed. They had to constantly change shape to survive. For generations, they did this. Until, one day, they forgot their true form... and all that goes with it. History, culture, all sense of self. They even forgot the name of their race. I am a shapeshifter, too, Kara. The same thing could happen to me.
Supergirl: There must be something we can do.
J'onn: I heard my father's voice when I fell. The Staff of K'hollar was with him when he died. Maybe if I could use its power to summon his spirit for counsel. No. Lex is out there. I need to help you find him.
Supergirl: No, no, you are always helping everyone around you. Right now, you just need to take care of yourself.

Mon: Why are you smiling?
Kara: It just feels amazing to be normal. I'm actually relieved I can't fly. No one to save. Do you hear that undetectable sound in the distance?
Mon: No.
Kara: Exactly.

Maxwell: What I didn't tell your dear old sis... is that I warned them about those suits. I knew they wouldn't hold up. I begged them, and the CDC, to scrap them, but
Maxwell: no one would listen to me. The know-it-all. I swore, from that moment on, that if I could protect people, if I could save them, I wouldn't wait for permission. I would act. Just like you do every time you jump out the window and save the day. We act... you and I. We're more alike than you think.
Supergirl: I hope not.
Maxwell: I'll be in my facility getting the bomb ready.

James: So, when do I get to meet Agent Liberty?
Tom: You're talking to him.
James: You're Agent Liberty?
Tom: We're all agents of liberty.
James: I mean the big guy, the guy who signed the leaflet. I was hoping to get to interview him.
Tom: Oh, that's above my pay grade. I was just asked to show you what we do, answer some questions.
James: And this is what you do?
Tom: We patrol the streets, keep them safe for humans. Just like you do with Guardian. But this week is special. And we don't want any roaches crashing people's Thanksgiving dinners.
James: Roaches? That's pretty heavy langugage, and I would really appreciate it if you didn't call aliens "roaches" in my presence.
Tom: Well, that's what they are.
James: Or do you just classify them that way so you don't have to deal with the fact that they're living and breathing beings just like you and I?

Vartox: Now you know what it's like to bleed. Soon, your whole city will bleed.

Alex: Well, this used to be my lab. I'm glad it's in good hands.
Lena: It's just for a couple of weeks. Unless you wanna change that combat suit for a white coat?

Querl: In retrospect, it makes sense that more than one person would have run the Collinwood 5K.
Kara: Do you recognize anything?
Nia: No. All I saw in my dream was the woman, the shadow, and the hook. Do you think we should be looking for some kind of construction site?
Querl: No. What you saw were probably symbols; Jungian, Freudian. Where I'm from, we call them Frungian.

William: I heard about Kara and Alex's dad. I'm sorry for all of you.
Kelly: Thanks.
William: Hey, shouldn't you guys be getting on the road for the funeral about now?
Kelly: Yeah, we should. But things are complicated with her and her dad. So she says she doesn't wanna go to Midvale today.
William: That's rough.
Kelly: Yeah, but there's still time. So I am giving her space and hoping she changes her mind. Which leaves me here with nothing to do but worry.

Toyman: You should see me now, Father. Ha! On our Earth, they called you a psychopath, but here, they cheer for me. And yes, it may be too late for you, Father, but soon I will accomplish what you could not. What you always dreamed of. I will live forever.

Kara: I want to introduce you to our new intern. Mike.
James: Right, Mike. Welcome to CatCo.
Mon: Uh, you're... you're the big boss?
James: That I am.
Mon: Huh. Kind of expected someone a little more intimidating.

J'onn: You know, I, um... it's been a couple of centuries, but I was once married. Seventy-seven years, in fact. So I'm quite familiar with the marital spat.
Mon: Yeah, it's, uh... it's not what you think.
J'onn: It might help to talk about it.
Mon: Yeah, thanks, but, um... but I don't... I don't think so.
J'onn: You keep a lot of secrets, young man. Usually, they're to protect others, so your intentions are good, but it really might help if you share the load.

Alex: You're from the future. Did you know this was gonna happen?
Mon: No, but she's through the worst of it. She'll live.
J'onn: But when will she wake up?
Mon: We don't know.
J'onn: Well, Reign is stil out there. I don't like our odds without Supergirl by our side.
Winn: I mean, Reign's been quiet. Maybe she got injured, too.
Alex: Let's hope so. It's only a matter of time before she strikes again.

Steve: So, tell us, what brings you to Stryker's? Off the record, of course.
Kara: Uh... I'm actually... I'm writing a piece about Lex Luthor. You wouldn't happen to know anything about him, would you?
Steve: You know, you're the second person today to ask me about that psycho.
Kara: [feigning ignorance] Huh.
Steve: Truth is, my cell is right across from his. I could tell you some things. Uh, deep background, of course.
Kara: Of course.

Alex: Okay, I come bearing gifts.
[handing out children's drawings]
Alex: This is for you. This is for you. And of course, last but not least, Supergirl.
Supergirl: Oh, my gosh. My niece is one heck of an artist.
J'onn: I think you mean my granddaughter.

Winslow: [Kara hears his voice down below] Natural consequences, son.
Supergirl: He's in the basement!
Winslow: This is gonna hurt me more than it's gonna hurt you.
Supergirl: He's detonating the bomb!
[takes: ]
Supergirl: Everybody, move! Come this way!

Kelly: You okay?
Alex: That was a weird dream or a memory or... I don't know. It was about, um... it was about my sister.
Kelly: Your sister who was adopted?
Alex: Yeah.
Kelly: An adoption falling through is a big deal. And stuff like that isn't just emotional. It can make physiological changes to your brain and to the connections that it makes.
Alex: It's weird, 'cause the last time I felt like this, I was, uh... I was being questioned at the DEO. It was a security sweep. Something just feels off, and I think... I think it has to do with Kara somehow.

Alex: Supergirl, there's an armed sniper at the toy convention.
Kara: I'm already there.
Alex: Great. We're almost there.
Kara: I'll look for him.

Brainiac: Lena, I lost the drone with the virus in it. Can you recall it?
Lena: Stand by.
[trying as more trash bonds with Oscar]
Lena: Brainy, I'm trying, but I can't control it.
Supergirl: I think we can grab the drone.
J'onn: Wait. I did a psychic scan. Oscar is protected by a force field. He must have acquired it from the DEO tech. Trying to breach it could cause a backlash.
Lena: Brainy, that force field is keeping me from accessing the drone.
Zor: You have to find a way to get close enough to the drone to release the virus manually.
Brainiac: On it.
Supergirl: How will you get close enough?
Brainiac: I need to get him to think I'm trash.
[turning to the monster]
Brainiac: Kelex! Kelex, you stupid idiot! Can you hear me? Wow! Look how big and dumb you are!
[a metal chain rattles nearby]
Brainiac: A junkyard? Come on! You sorry excuse for a Roomba! I know you know the truth. Without that Coluan power core, you're nothing!
[grabbing hold of the chain as it flies toward Oscar]
Brainiac: I regret nothing!

Lena: How's it coming?
Brainiac: Kelly was able to access Lex's code at Obsidian. Thus far, it's been easy enough to reverse-engineer, but the sequencing, the control flow... the way Lex was able to override free will with a few keystrokes... it's quite terrifying.
Lena: The code was my design. Are J'onn and M'gann in position?
Brainiac: Affirmative. And we're ready to trigger Myriad as soon as they take down all the satellites.
Lena: Hopefully, Supergirl will keep Lex busy long enough so we can stop him.

Supergirl: If you think you can hurt my friends to get me out of the way, you've got another think coming!

Supergirl: Someone's in trouble. I have to go.
Alex: Well, you heard the president, it isn't safe.
Supergirl: If the government wants to stop me from helping people, let them try.

Winn: Is this about that truck you threw into a mountain?
Kara: Yes. But,
[clears throat]
Kara: uhm, that...
[leaning in confidentially]
Kara: that was not me.
Winn: Nope. No, not interested.
[clears throat, tries busying himself with computer]
Winn: Okay, fine, I'm interested, who was it?
Kara: [smiles] Does this mean we're on a planet where you're talking to me again?

Kelly: Well?
Alex: Well, she's only dilated to four centimeters, so we still have a while to wait, you know. But, um, I mean, she's... her vitals are good, and there's no signs of distress, and everything is just progressing normally.
Kelly: Great.
[seeing her look]
Kelly: Why do you look like it's not great?
Alex: She doesn't wanna see me until after she has the baby.
Kelly: That's understandable.
Alex: Yeah, of course. Yeah, you're right.
Kelly: Of course I'm right. Now, try to relax.
[offering a candy bar]
Kelly: Eat some chocolate.

Alex: Ooh! Your eye. What happened to you?
Thomas: Oh. I was spreading the truth to my fellow inmates. They would have preferred I lied.
Alex: Do you want to spread a little truth to me? I'll pass it along to Supergirl. You're her biggest fan, right? She said that you knew about the reign of the beast. What else do you know that can help us beat her?
Thomas: Beat her? She's already won.
Alex: No. Supergirl's still alive.
Thomas: She was supposed to rise, find her faith, and deliver it. But Supergirl refused her faith and she failed the test.
Alex: Supergirl will defeat her. You just have to help us stop her.
Thomas: Supergirl lost so that Reign can prepare us for what comes next.
Alex: Never underestimate Supergirl.

Kara: The Lena in this timeline might never forgive me. She might even hate me. You know what? You know what? If Sam stops her from going down a dark path, I can live with that.
Mxyzptlk: Except you literally can't.
Kara: What do you mean?
[he snaps, and she watches the sky turn green]
Kara: Oh, my god. This is the night Agent Liberty poisoned the air with kryptonite.
Mxyzptlk: Uh, you know what? Maybe we should shut this off, huh?
Kara: No, no, no. Lena saved me the first time. She might hate me, but she'll save me again.
Mxyzptlk: She wants to, but she'll never make it in time.
[Kara watches her heartbeat flatline, and the scene changes to Alex at Kara's grave]
Alex: Hey, Kara. I'm sorry I missed Thanksgiving. We're just... we so lost without you. I... am so lost without you.

Oliver: For a very long time, I have hated this place. I think about all the people that it took from me. It would just... It would just make me so angry.
Mia: But you're not now.
Oliver: I'm still a little bit angry. This island taught me to survive. It turned me into someone else. Somebody better than the person I was before. So, despite my feelings... there are no stories about the Green Arrow to tell if I don't make my way to Lian Yu. And I'm not also standing, at this moment looking at my daughter.
Mia: Thank you for letting me be part of your story. Even if it was only for a little while.
Oliver: Yeah, something tells me you're gonna create your own stories.

Mon: [concerned about Kara] She just looks so... breakable.
J'onn: She's strong. They all are.
Mon: All I wanna do is pull her out.
J'onn: Yeah, me, too.
Mon: But I can't do that, I can't. I can't do that. I can't help her, I can't hold her. I can't hurt my wife. What do I do?
J'onn: There's nothing to do, Mon-El. Come on.
Mon: [J'onn gives him a supportive hug] Thanks, J'onn.

Supergirl: What is it going to take to get you off this planet?
Mr. Mxyzptlk: It's like I said. It's going to take two little words: "I. Do." Or things will get very bad for your world.

Kara: Thank you.
Hank: You're welcome. But, you know, I wouldn't have minded you coming to work for the DEO full time.
Kara: I can't leave this place. It's not just a secret identity to me.
Kara: I almost did something today that I would've regretted the rest of my life.
Hank: What stopped you?
Kara: My friends. The DEO keeps you human, they do that for me.

Nia's: You sleep weird.
Nia: Some roommate. I told you not let let me sleep.
Nia's: Uh, I gave you two hours so you wouldn't look like a crackhead at work again.
Nia: The average Fortune 500 CEO only gets five hours of sleep night.
Nia's: The average CEO doesn't get to be a CEO if she's dead from exhaustion.

Leslie: [huge TV screen image] Oh, Supergirl, Cat's stock is plummeting!
[evil laughter]

Kara: [nonchalantly, but surreptitiously, knocking out a purse snatcher] Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm such a klutz. I feel so bad.

Young: We'll never catch up to that truck.
Young: I've got it.
Young: Kara, no!
[Kara flies over to the big rig and gets in the cab]
CJ: [on the side of the road] Where am I? There's got to be some story in this backwater.
[the big rig zooms past, blowing her map and coffee cup off her car hood]
CJ: [taking pictures with her phone and catching the tail end of Nia's powers] That is not normal.
Young: [accidentally stomping the brake pedal through the floor] Oh, the... the brakes don't work.
Nia: [trying to shift gears] Gear shift, either.
Young: [spotting danger ahead] There's a bus straight ahead. We have to stop this now!
Nia: [looking in the side mirror and getting an idea] The wheels. Use your freeze breath on the back axle.

Supergirl: Don't take another step, Grace.
Pestilence: It's not Grace anymore.
[the distraction allows the innocent bystanders to escape]
Pestilence: You would save even these scabs? They who profit on the suffering of others?
Supergirl: Everyone deserves saving.
Pestilence: Not them. They're not good.
Supergirl: But you are.

Dreamer: One sample of Kara blood fresh out of Midvale.
Alex: Ah! Finally.
Brainiac: Why, yes. We did just traverse time and space to get this. No big deal.
Alex: And thanks to you, we now have the last piece of our rescue mission.
Brainiac: Ah.
Dreamer: Wait. How long we were gone?
Kelly: About three days.
Brainiac: Three days? Sprock! I am a terrible time traveler.
Lena: Well, we put the time to good use. We're now fully equipped for the Phantom Zone.
J'onn: And M'gann is already patrolling to protect National City in our absence. Everything is ready to go.
Brainiac: All right, well, give me a moment to update the Legion ship so we're not relying on parts 3D-printed in 2009.
J'onn: That won't be necessary.
[pressing a button on the side of a table]
J'onn: When I first acquired the Tower, I installed some... upgrades.
Dreamer: The Tower is a ship.
Alex: I love Martian technology.

Alex: You should be proud of yourself. I mean, you're doing things that Superman couldn't even do.
Kara: Well, I may not need Superman to be a hero, but I will always need you.

Alex: You've been drafted.
Supergirl: Wait, what? Isn't there still kryptonite in the air? I thought you were doing things by the book.
Alex: I was. But I really need you out there with me. I was scared. Of failing, of letting everybody down; I mean, the president, the country. So I thought the rules would protect me from screwing everything up.
Supergirl: Mm, well, Danvers sisters have never really been big on rules.
Alex: I know, and I forgot that for a minute. I'm sorry. The only way that we're gonna win this thing is if I trust my instincts and I trust yours. And you're right. The air isn't fully clear. So this is a risk. Do you think you can do it?
Supergirl: I know I can.
Alex: Then suit up.
Supergirl: [indicating she already is] No choice.

Eve: Lena, I could have called for help, and all of this would have been over in one minute. But I didn't. Because I meant what I said. You can trust me.
Lena: [looking at a computer monitor] Yes, it appears that I can.

Supergirl: [finding Red Daughter's apartment mirrors her own] Oh, Rao. You're stalking me.

News: Powerful testimonies in the trial of Lillian Luthor today. But will they be undercut by Lena Luthor's refusal to give up Supergirl's identity?
Thomas: Well, nothing so trifling as the laws of man could stand in the way of Supergirl and Lena Luthor's divine victories!
[cheers from the crowd]
Thomas: For I once thought that true power was the Kryptonian walking amongst us, but that power is nothing compared to the might of a Kryptonian paired with a Luthor!
[more cheers]
Kara: [watching with Mxy] This is incredible. The last time Lillian was on trial, the whole world suspected Lena of working with her, but having Supergirl as a partner... it gives Lena the credibility her last name never could.

J'onn: Mrs. Bates, are you sure you don't know Trevor Crane? A number of leads have led me to this address. Perhaps he's using an alias?
Jennifer: No. Sorry.
J'onn: Could he be a friend of your spouse's?
Jennifer: No, I don't think I've ever heard Richard mention him.
J'onn: Your husband's name is Richard?

Eve: Amy Sapphire. She blames Obsidian's VR for the death of her husband. She threatened Andrea Rojas' life. You're going to warn Gemma to gain Leviathan's trust?
Lex: The opposite. We're gonna help Amy Sapphire attack Andrea Rojas and blow up Obsidian.
Eve: But if anyone attacks Obsidian, Leviathan is gonna want me to terminate them.
Lex: Gemma won't ask you to assassinate anybody, because I will intervene before she gets the chance. I will offer up Supergirl to protect Andrea and Obsidian. Just make sure that Amy Sapphire gets these gauntlets. It'll make her a worthy adversary for Supergirl. And after Supergirl succeeds in saving Andrea, I will have proven myself to Gemma. And then, I will suggest that I roll out Obsidian Platinum worldwide.
Eve: Lex, you're brilliant. But beyond that, you are so kind. And I think I'm...
Lex: I know, Eve. I feel the same. But we have to stay focused on our goals, free you from them and avenge your father. There'll be time for us later.

Kelly: Pressure and debris from the Ormfell building coming down caused damage all over the community.
Supergirl: It's awful.
Kelly: Neighborhoods like these get less resources and support, so it takes them longer to recover. Many times, it's just people in the community desperately trying to help themselves. They need help.
Supergirl: Well, Nxyly will pay for what she did. I'll make sure of it. And once we get Mxy back, he'll be able to fix everything. He can just snap his fingers and put everything back to the way it was.
Kelly: But the way it was wasn't...
Supergirl: [her scanner beeps] Oh. Looks like, uh, it found some more contaminated debris. Once it's gone, we will get things back to normal. I promise.

Mackenzie: [looking at angry crowd on TV] What are they protesting?
James: Us.

Andrea: So, will you be watching the trial?
Lena: Of course. You don't think I'd miss an opportunity for the world to see my brother as he really is?
Andrea: Well, what about who you are?
Lena: What do you mean?
Andrea: Well, you were there with Lex through everything. But you haven't spoken on the record and you haven't been asked to testify. Think of the good it could do if you aired your firsthand experience and asked for forgiveness publicly.
Lena: I thought I was coming here to catch up with a friend, but you're lobbying for an interview.
Andrea: Oh... please, Lena, I... I screwed up with Obsidian, and CatCo barely survived. It's all I have left, and it's in bad shape. If you go on the record, maybe we can help each other.
Lena: I'm sorry for your troubles, I really am, but what happened by Lex's side, I will never speak of publicly. I thought maybe we could talk about it, especially after everything we've been through. But I see now that I was mistaken because, as ever, you're always putting yourself first.
[putting her drink down]
Lena: Keep the Scotch.

Alex: You wouldn't happen to know where I can find a place called the Escape Palace, do you?
Casino: Escape Palace? You mean that spooky-looking joint up on the hill? Ridiculous add-on, if you ask me. They don't even have hills like that in the desert.

Alex: [tending groaning casualty in arena] Are you all right?
Supergirl: [coughing] I hope too many people didn't bet on me.

Supergirl: Hey. It's you. Are you shorter?
Querl: Are you suggesting that I augmented my height while I existed in your consciousness so that you might see me as a more stable and trustworthy figure and therefore work with me to help you?
Supergirl: Uh... yeah?
Querl: Yes. I did do exactly that.
Supergirl: [she laughs] Okay.
Querl: It's nice to meet you in real life.

Kelly: [Esme accidentally phases through a wall] Sweetie, are you okay?
Alex: Hey, hey. It's okay. It's okay. It's just your powers. Listen, so you can mimic other aliens' powers, and sometimes without even knowing it. Well, this time you mimicked J'onn's powers, and-and... he's a Martian. And I-I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you he was an alien. I-I-I'm so sorry, Esme.
J'onn: Esme, what you just did is called phasing.
Esme: I'm sorry. I won't do it again. I promise.
Kelly: Oh, sweetie, you're not in trouble.

Alex: Hey, have you found anything?
Querl: Nothing on the identity of Agent Liberty. However, I was able to find 10,011 codes within the leaflet. It is literally littered with codes. For example, if you scramble every seventh letter, it clearly indicates a common phrase in the Raolian language. "Ham sandwich." On a holiday celebrated exclusively with turkey, that is just a slap in the face.
Alex: And that's the most promising code?

President: That satellite array was created to protect Americans. Not to mention that it cost $2 billion! And now it's gone and here we are.
Supergirl: Yes, here we are. As well as your staff, your loved ones. Thanks to me wasn't leveled by a weapon of its own government's creation.
President: Come on, you can tell me. Hmm? You hated that satellite. You're a superhero. There had to have been a way to stop Claymore without blowing it up. No, you did it because you wanted to.
Supergirl: I assure you, sir, there was no other way.

J'onn: Alex, whatever you have attacking you, you are stronger than it. No one's more of a fighter than you. Keep holding on, okay?

Supergirl: Think of the lives you've saved. You're a doctor, Grace. The day you took an oath, you swore you would do no harm.
Pestilence: "Do no harm."
Supergirl: Grace.
[Pestilence returns to her human state]
Supergirl: It's gonna be okay.

Supergirl: When you are an alien, you are willing to sacrifice anything, everything, betray your fundamental instincts... just to fit in, to belong somewhere, to find your place in this world.
Lucy: [smart uniform, arms folded] If you have a problem fitting in, it's because you lie to people about who you really are.
James: Lucy, are you really willing to let Hank become a science experiment? And... and who knows what they have planned for Alex?
Supergirl: I know you're feeling betrayed and alone, but if you go along with Jim Harper, just to feel like you fit in, to feel like you belong somewhere, ultimately the only person you're betraying is yourself. It wasn't easy for me to show you who I really am, but I did it because I trust in who you are, who you really are, under that uniform. And I trust you'll do the right thing.

Lucy: [referring to the Flash] Who is this masked man?

Kara: James, I don't know what to do. Anndrannian cannons, Pytharian magma bombs. These are weapons that are far more advanced than anything we had on Krypton. Cadmus doesn't care who gets hurt in trying to make sure all aliens get a bad name.
James: Yeah, well, I'm sure you and the DEO will figure something out.
Kara: Don't sound so defeatest or anything.
James: I'm sorry. I just... I just don't feel like there's a lot that I can do to help behind Cat's desk.
Kara: You help.
James: I couldn't even save my dad's camera.

Supergirl: Whites kept you alive, why?
M'yrnn: Because I knew that the sacred scrolls were important to them. And inside my mind, I held all the knowledge and secrets of those scrolls.
Supergirl: And if they killed you, that knowledge would be lost to them forever.
J'onn: You abandoned your own beliefs and appealed to theirs. To their code.
Supergirl: And Reign has been pretty clear about her code of justice.
J'onn: Father, you might just have saved us today.
M'yrnn: I have?

Alex: Oh, my god.
Supergirl: What?
Alex: That's Grace.
Lena: Who?
Supergirl: She's the human form of one of the Worldkillers.
Lena: Sh-she's dead.
Alex: Which means that we are running out of time with Sam and Julia.

Kenny: No one should bother you so long as you keep the lights off.
Brainiac: Not to worry. I once assembled something similar on the planet Neuron, which orbits a black hole, so talk about, uh... talk about dark. This shouldn't be a problem.
Kenny: That must be so cool, having adventures like that.
Brainiac: It's so cool, man.
Kenny: That's... that's what I want to do, actually. I mean, not, like, be in space all the time, but to go around with Kara, helping people. She and I are staying local for college to... to get better at it. In fact, I, uh... I just made us a base.
Brainiac: Base?
Kenny: Here on Earth, we have this alien hero named Superman. He lives in this secret bunker.
Brainiac: [feigning ignorance] Oh. Sounds ingenious.
Kenny: Yeah, Kara kinda looks up to him.
Brainiac: I see. So, uh, you built yourself a bunker-in-training.
Kenny: I'm gonna show it to her after graduation. I really, really hope she likes it.

Winn: I can't trace the signal.
Alex: Well, look, some lone wolf shouldn't have the resources to thwart our trackers.
J'onn: He must have powerful help.
Winn: Yeah, help spelled L-E-X.
Alex: If that's the case, then we are never gonna find her.
Winn: [Supergirl crumples the table in frustration and storms off] Stay here. I got it.

Supergirl: For the record, I got here first.
The: Yeah, for the record, I went around the block to check the perimeter. So, technically, I let you get here first.

Supergirl: [after the Fortress identifies Lena as an intruder] Sorry. I... I had no idea Superman would... would take such extreme measures.
Lena: No, if Lex knew about this place, he would do anything or kill anyone to get in here, so...
Supergirl: Well, you are not Lex.
Lena: And you are not your cousin. We are miles beyond those boys with their sticks and their stones.
Supergirl: Yes, we are.

Thomas: Welcome, Children of Rao.
James: This is starting to feel a little...
Winn: Culty?
James: Yeah.
Thomas: We're here, all of us, by her grace. We're here together, standing in the light, for just one reason. We're here because Supergirl saved us.

Kara: You know I don't sleep anymore? I lay awake at night just staring at the ceiling, because if I close my eyes, I dream about you dying. I see you dis...
[choking up]
Kara: ...appearing to the blackness of space forever. This is was all I wanted. This. And... and when I saw you on that ship... oh, my god, I felt like I could hope again. I could touch you and see you and hear you and be with you, finally. But... you're... you're different. I...
[Mon-El remains silent]
Kara: You have nothing to say? Nothing?
Mon: I'm sorry.
Kara: [she scoffs and turns to leave] Shame on me for having a human heart.

Ruby: You okay?
Alex: Yeah, I'm fine.
Ruby: Maggie? From the text before? She's your girlfriend, right?
Alex: Fiancée. Ex. Ex-fiancée. I... I wasn't expecting to hear from her. It's been a while since we broke up.
Ruby: Does she wanna see you?
Alex: No. She thinks that she left her passport here, I guess, and was asking if I could please mail it to her.
Ruby: Do you know where it is?
Alex: [looking around] Honestly, the only place I can think of is maybe in that top drawer.
Ruby: [opening the drawer] Here it is. Wow. She traveled a lot.
Alex: Yeah. We had a lot of plans. You know... I really thought I was, uh... I was moving on. But I still feel so sad. It's like, uh... this is my life now. And I can't do anything about it.
Ruby: I know what you mean.
Alex: Oh, yeah?
Ruby: There's this girl at my school. Erika Morrison. And... I didn't let her copy my homework, and she got upset and starting texting and posting things about me.
Alex: Can you show me?
Ruby: [handing Alex her cell phone] Yeah.
Alex: [scoffing] Erika Morrison. What does she know?
[reading the messages]
Alex: Who died and made this girl queen? Uh-uh. No. Come on.
Ruby: What are we doing?
Alex: Oh, this, we can do something about.

Supergirl: [sighs] I might have ruined something
[covers herself with blanket as she settles in for Game of Thrones on TV]
Supergirl: and I don't know if I can fix it.
Alex: Did he ask you out or kiss you or something, and you freaked out?
Supergirl: What? How... did you...?
Alex: I'm an elite agent with an expertise in analyzing speech patterns and body language.
[Kara sighs]
Alex: I'm also a human being with eyes.

Lena: James, I really wish you'd call first.
James: Yeah, I tried that for a week. I just, uh... figured maybe I had better luck in person.
Lena: Listen, I'm sorry, I'm in the middle of an emergency.
James: Oh. I'm sorry. Is everything okay, or...?
Lena: An employee of mine asked for help with a problem. And now that I've diagnosed a solution, they don't want to accept it.
James: Sounds like they need an intervention.
Lena: Tried that. It's not going well.
James: You know, I had a roommate in college. Great guy, but he-he started taking something, I'm not sure what it was, but he would come home all hours of the night and just... just tear the place apart. You know, I-I-I tried to tell him that... that he had a problem, but-but he never wanted to hear it. So I just kept cleaning up after him.
Lena: Did he ever acknowledge what was wrong with him?
James: See, that's the thing. No matter how bad you wanna help somebody, all you can really do is hold up a mirror.

James: What the hell is that?
Mary: It's a message. For me.
[they see a skywriting message reading "Surrender, Mary"]
James: Is that a wicked witch?
Supergirl: No. Is it flying monkeys?

Lena: Non nocere. It's "to do no harm." I mean, that was always my intention. To make the world a better place, to inhibit our desires to hurt each other emotionally and physically. But Lex corrupted my technology to turn every Obsidian user into his own mindless followers, essentially brainwashing them.
Prosecutor: To what end?
Lena: To get away with murder.

Alex: What's the point of all this?
Kara: I dunno. We need to sleep. We always slept well here.
Alex: So we'll stay for, like, three days. Mom will cook tons of food, and I'll gain, like, five pounds, and then walk back into an empty apartment.
Kara: Do you wanna talk about it? It might help.
Alex: You don't get to do that.
Kara: What?
Alex: You don't get to shut down, what, for six months after Mon-El goes, and then now sit here and you tell me to talk.
Kara: It will get better.
Alex: Yeah? Are you better?
Kara: Okay. You are edging on mean drunk, and I only signed up for sad drunk.
Alex: Oh, that's right.
[snaps her fingers]
Alex: I forgot. It's whatever Kara says that goes. Right? I mean, screw everybody else. Kara knows best.
Kara: You know what? I'm sorry that I was trying to do something nice for you.
Alex: No, I'm sorry that I broke the imaginary rules for a weekend that I didn't ask for.
Kara: Then I'm not gonna try to help you anymore.
Alex: Good.
Kara: Great.
[lies down, turning her back on her sister in that same dismissive way that had been done to her]

J'onn: Are you ready?
Alex: Yeah. Thanks for doing this, J'onn.
J'onn: All right.
[his eyes turn red and he cups her face]
J'onn: You're fine. Everything is normal.
Alex: Really? Thank god. Okay.
J'onn: Perhaps the stress you're feeling at work is, uh, the lack of a partner. A good cop to your bad cop.
Alex: Or maybe... I need the opposite of a cop. Brainy, how are your acting skills?

Snapper: Teenage runaways are not news. They are clichés. You have more important stories to cover.
Kara: More important? What's more important than a mother finding her daughter?
Snapper: My coffee, my Danish, and the five minutes of peace and quiet you stole from me.

Nxylgsptinz: Let me tell you who you're protecting. 300 years ago, an imp I thought was my friend assured me he supported overthrowing my insane father. That imp was Mr. Mxyzptlk. I know you're watching. After our plot failed, I was certain my ally would come to my defense. But Mxy saw which way the wind was blowing and crawled back into the ranks of the patriarchy. Mxy has already proven he only cares about himself. He wouldn't do the same for you, suffer total annihilation.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: [watching as the dragon fires its kryptonite breath] No!
[snapping himself to their location and freeing them]
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Show's over. Everything's back as it was.
Supergirl: Mxy, you can't be here.
Nxylgsptinz: Oh, but he is.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: And I deserve to be. You see, when you live a life of magical privilege, making everything happen with a snap, you don't really understand consequences. I could have stood up for Nxyly when I had the chance. Could have helped save her. I can still save you.
Nxylgsptinz: Too little, too late.
Supergirl: No, hang on, hang on. Nxyly... I know you have the power to destroy us, but you also haven't killed a single soul. No matter what you say, you are not a murderer.
Nxylgsptinz: Mmm... did you not see the hell dragon?
Supergirl: That was just you playing with magic. You're angry, and-and you have every right to be. I'm angry for you. But dedicating your life to destruction and revenge, that is not gonna make up for the things that happened to you. You don't need that crystal. We... we don't need these weapons. We can be stronger together.
Nxylgsptinz: [thinking about it] Nah.
[she zaps the Phantom Zone projector out of Alex's hands, then takes aim at Mxy]
Mr. Mxyzptlk: [Kara picks the projector up] Supergirl, no! I've got this! Stronger together.
[as he's pulled into Nxyly's crystal, he manages to get the cuff on her, and she's teleported away]

James: What's that?
Lena: Game night training.
[he laughs]
Lena: What? Okay, listen, some couples need to work on their communication skills, and others need to work on their competitive trivia skills. You and I are deeply connected, Mr. Olsen. We just need our game night performance to reflect that.
James: And you hate to lose.
Lena: And I hate to lose.

Dreamer: When you took off your inhibitors, I swore to be there for you no matter what. But maybe I was wrong. Because I don't know who this Brainy is. But I know I don't like him. And I definitely don't trust him.
Querl: Look... I can't explain.
Dreamer: No more riddles. What the hell were you doing in there with Rama Khan? What was that language? And what did Lex Luthor have to do with it? Tell me. Right here, right now.
Querl: I can't.
Dreamer: You can't play the game from both sides, Brainy. You can't pretend to be on our side one minute and then push us away the next. If you can't pick a side, I'll choose one for you.
[walks past him, goes on her way]

Peter: Firing up that alien factory across the street today.
Ben: Two dozen known alien worlds, and Nth metal is just the strongest material brought to Earth by any one of them, by far. It's... you gotta think of the good it can do. Cars, skyscrapers.
Peter: It doesn't even have a vowel. It's supposed to hold up skyscrapers?

Barry: Nash?
Pariah: Once upon a time. Not anymore. Now, I'm simply a man serving his penance.
Superman: Penance for what?
Pariah: I've freed the Anti-Monitor from his confinement only to become a... Pariah. Sentenced to bear witness to his actions.

Supergirl: Why'd you come back?
Mon: Uh... well, it seems that, um, Brainy might have put a nanny cam in Winn's dirt.
Supergirl: That's... upsetting.
Mon: So, Brainy ran some calculations, and mathematically, the odds of you beating Reign in her new form exponentially increased if one member of the Legion comes back to help.
Supergirl: Well, as always, I am thankful for Brainy's calculations.
Mon: But you didn't even need me. Beating Reign using her-her ethical code against her? It's ingenious.
Supergirl: I have M'yrnn to thank for that. And we couldn't have contained her without you, so... hopefully we can keep her here until we turn her back to Sam.
Mon: Well, I'm not leaving until the mission's complete. And I think we should train.
Supergirl: Yeah, okay. But, uh, later, all right? I... I'm gonna go talk to Ruby. I promised her grandmother I would tell her something.

Mitch: [to infiltrate the Hague, Nxyly is disguised as a security guard] The totem is in an alcove just off the library. Get inside and look for a sculpture called The Hand of the Flower. Kill the guard without drawing attention.

Kelly: Andrea, traffic? Your network is focusing on the traffic?
Andrea: Kelly, our viewers care about traffic.
Kelly: A lot of people are suffering because of that Ormfell collapse in the Heights. If you covered what they were going through, it would bring needed attention and assistance.
Andrea: I know my demographic, and the Heights is just not newsworthy. I'm sorry, Kelly.

James: Brainy, how many of those have you had to drink?
Querl: The ginger juice?
James: Uh-huh.
Querl: Twelve. You see, James, the ginger root kicks the booty of the immune system. It also strangely makes the roof spin.
[falling over, about to pass out]
Querl: Long live the Legion.

Batwoman: Kara? Where are we? And what just happened?
Harbinger: You're on Earth-38. There was...
Batwoman: [punches Harbinger] That rabbit was about to talk.
Querl: This one speaks to rabbits.
Supergirl: It's okay. 'Cause we're all on the same side.
Batwoman: Are we? 'Cause I don't know them.
Supergirl: But you know me. And if you were brought here with all these other heroes, it's probably because we need you. I trust everyone in this room with my life. Including you.
Batwoman: [removes cowl] Well, I guess you should all just call me Kate.

Nia: I need breakfast. And coffee.
Querl: Yes, this is your pattern, which is why I've prepared accordingly.
Nia: [gasping and getting out of bed] Breakfast burritos!
Querl: With chorizo and crema, as you like. Plus your nitro-coffee with an extra shot of cold brew.
Nia: [through a mouthful of food] This is the best morning ever.
Querl: Best morning ever? But that would include eons, both before and after this moment. I really think you're misusing the ter...
[she kisses his cheek]
Querl: Message received.

Alex: Brainy, I need you to open a gap in the dome away from Jensen. I gotta get these civilians evacuated.
Colonel: Negative. Danvers, you need to focus on the target.
Alex: I am. Supergirl will get 'em out.
Kara: [getting into superhero mode] On it.

Supergirl: [turning the exit mirror on and seeing the Fortress of Solitude] It's home.
Nxylgsptinz: It's beautiful.
Supergirl: Let's go find my father.
Nxylgsptinz: Kara, we can't. It's too dangerous.
Supergirl: What? No.
Nxylgsptinz: Kara, honey. I know you believe the best in people. But don't you understand? Your father is beyond saving. He's been holding you back ever since you got here. Even today, you saw just how quickly he was ready to give up.
Supergirl: But he pushed through that. He... he got us here.
Nxylgsptinz: He also stuck you in a pod when you were just a child and sent you to a foreign planet alone. He banished you, Kara, just like my father banished me.
Supergirl: I'm sorry about what your dad did to you. Truly, I am. But I'm going back for him, whether you're coming with me or not.
Nxylgsptinz: I should have just slit his throat when I had the chance. I was going to. I was this close.
[holding her thumb and index finger about an inch apart]
Nxylgsptinz: Instead, I conjured myself up as Scar and I knocked him out instead. I let him live for you.
Supergirl: You're the one who attacked him?
Nxylgsptinz: Mm-hmm.
Supergirl: [realizing] You wanted me to activate the exit because it wouldn't activate for you.
Nxylgsptinz: Oh! Don't act so shocked. You wanted to be free of him, just like I want to be free of my father. You were just too weak to get rid of him yourself.

Kara: Marshmallow roses are so good.
Alex: You should save one of those for J'onn, you know.
Kara: This one's for me. You want one? They're delicious.

Eliza: Alex, do your homework. Kara, come with me.
Young: I... I had to do something. I couldn't let Mr. Bernard get away with it.
Eliza: You could have been discovered. Alex could have died.
Young: I'm sorry.
Eliza: I have been trying to tell you, it is not your job to protect people. You are just a kid. And since you won't listen to me, maybe you'll listen to her.
[she leads Kara into another room; waiting is a woman who is the spitting image of Alura]
Young: Mom?

Alura: Vita.
Vita: Alura. How did you survive?
Alura: I'm faster than I look.
[Alura leaves, and Vita follows her]
Supergirl: She took the bait.

Kelly: I should have run Joey's concerns about Orlando through the proper channels. I only made things worse for everyone.
Alex: It was because of you wanting to help Joey that we found out about Orlando and the others being exploited, which then led us to finding out about the bomb.
Kelly: The system is stacked against them, and I don't know why I thought I could do anything about it.
Alex: The Kelly Olsen that I know and that I love, she never gives up.
Kelly: When we rescued Kara from the Phantom Zone, do you remember when you asked me if I was sure if I wanted to go?
Alex: Yeah, I remember.
Kelly: I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to help. So, my fear vision, I was attacked by Phantom versions of you and the others. Telling me that I would never... be able to compete with everyone's powers and intellect. That I was weak. Maybe it was right.
Alex: I don't believe that.
Kelly: You have to say that, you're my girlfriend.
Alex: No, I don't. So... tell me how the fear vision ended.
Kelly: I, um... I realized that even if I couldn't fight your Phantom selves, maybe I could protect you instead. So I found a piece of shrapnel. It reminded me of Jimmy's Guardian shield.
Alex: Hmm.
Kelly: And I used it to get between all of you and the prime Phantom. And, yeah, it worked. I brought you back.
Alex: Well, of course you did. Because you are strong, and you are smart, and you are powerful. Hey, we all have doubts, but it's when you thought that you could protect me, you took a risk. And it's only when we take risks that we can really find out who we're meant to be. And Joey... is very lucky to have you in his corner, because you are a protector. And you'll always be there for him.

J'onn: [after putting Kryptonite restraints on Supergirl] I'm sorry. But I can't let you stop me.
Supergirl: J'onn. J'onn. J'onn. Listen to me. I lost everything - everyone. It makes a hole in your heart. But you can't fall into it. You have to fill it. You have to fight. Do not throw away who you are. If you do that thing wins. The last son of Mars dies even if you're still standing.

Alex: Hypothetically, what are the odds of us winning without Supergirl?
Querl: Aliens being mind-controlled, with no instinct to protect themselves. Only harm others. The odds are not great.
Alex: And with her?
Querl: If she can handle the fight, you will win. But the atmosphere isn't clear of Kryptonite.
Alex: Then finish getting it clear.

Nia: Hey, Lena, is everything okay?
Lena: Yeah, everything's actually good. I just got off the phone with Kara, but I wanted to call you. I finally understand what the kelpie means.
Nia: Y-You did? What's it mean?
Lena: That I don't have to feel guilty anymore. I've spent my entire life feeling responsible for my mother's death, even though I know it's not true, but... every time I thought about her, I would just be drowning in guilt. Facing that Phantom allowed me to break through and finally let go.
Nia: That's great.
Lena: It also made me realize that all of that guilt was keeping me from knowing who my mother really was. So... I've decided to change that. I'm gonna go home.
Nia: Uh, to Luthor Mansion?
Lena: No. To where I was born.

Reign: Priestess.
Jindah: My child. You've come. At last, our time is upon us. Deliver me from this prison, and we will bring anguish upon our enemies.
Supergirl: [Reign uses her heat vision to kill Rozz] How do you have your powers here?
Reign: My powers aren't dependent on something as trivial as a sun.

Kelly: Look, I get it. You know I have had a lot of loss. I know how you feel.
Alex: You have no idea... how I feel. I have mourned the loss of my father multiple times. You have no idea this stabbing pain here.
[indicating her heart]
Alex: I'm losing him over and over and over again. And I really... I really can't tolerate being psychoanalyzed by my girlfriend right now.
Kelly: I'm sorry.
Alex: So rather than your apology, what I want is to be left alone.
Kelly: Okay. I will give you space. But just know that I love you and I'm here for you unconditionally. And when you're ready, just call.

Alex: Hey, have you heard from Kara? She's not answering any of my calls.
Lena: She went to tell the president what we found. Kara's okay.

Superman: Where are you going?
Oliver: I have an idea. Just... get the book.
Superman: And Barry and Kara?
Oliver: We need to hope destinies can be re-written.

Supergirl: The fortress is gone, like it was never there. Stone turned to sand.
Alex: And Reign is gone, too. She's untraceable.
J'onn: You know, that eclipse ended as soon as the fortress was destroyed.
Winn: We got rid of two out of the three Worldkillers. Like, that's a win.
Alex: And we'll find Sam, somehow.
Supergirl: I know.

Querl: L-Corp owns a nano-tech subdivision, yes? Formerly Spheerical Industries.
Lena: We just have to reprogram the nanites so that they can detect and filter the kryptonite out of the atmosphere. We don't need a giant vacuum cleaner.
Querl: Just trillions of small ones.

J'onn: So, it finds a host, feeds off whatever energy the host comes into contact with, turning them into those husks we found.
Supergirl: [stutters] It's more than just food. The second he touched me, he got more powerful. The more he absorbs, the more dangerous he is.

Prosecutor: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, for perhaps the first time in history, "crimes against humanity" carries literal weight. Lex Luthor stands accused of attempting to brainwash half of humanity into loving him and to murder the rest. And this, in addition to the actual murder and conspiracy charges. Any one of these should put him away for life. Through evidence provided by Eve Tessmacher, who was present for every terrible moment, we'll prove him guilty of every charge.
Lex: [getting to his feet, simply] No, she won't.

Livewire: You really should watch where you're going, Cat, or someone's gonna need to declaw you.
Cat: [remains unfazed] You know, you really need to get some new material, Leslie.

Kenny: [dodging a piece of meteor] That was close.
[dodging another one]
Kenny: Way too close.

Alex: I have a conference in Geneva and I need to be on a plane in two hours.
Kara: And I have a blind date in a half an hour and I need you to help me pick out what to wear. I win.
Alex: Why do you do this to me?
Kara: Because I'm your sister and you love me.

Nia: You're CJ Grant.
CJ: How'd you know that? He sent you, didn't he? You're one of Perry's weasels here to drag me back to the gossip rag.
Nia: Who's Perry?
CJ: My overreaching editor, Perry White.
Nia: [remembering the cougar cage in her dream] P.W. Of course.
CJ: So you do work for him?
Nia: No. No, no, no. I-I... I'm just a journalism major at a local college.
CJ: [meaning the way she's dressed] It's a bit formal for college.
Nia: I'm minoring in performance art.

Young: [catching Kara sneaking into the house in the middle of the night] Where were you?
Young: None of your business.
Young: It is if I'm the one who would get in trouble for whatever dumb thing you were doing.
Young: I am so sick and tired of you blaming me for every bad thing that's happened to you.
Young: Really? Because my mom wasn't constantly on my ass before you came along. I didn't have to act like some earthly ambassador to the teenage underworld before you came along, and I am pretty sure my dad wasn't gone before you came along.
Young: How is that my fault?
Young: Before you crashed in that pod, I had a great life, with two great parents. Now all I have is you. And you are not worth it.

Maggie: Hola, papi. Soy yo Margarita. Como esta? I'm living in National City now. Oh, tio told you. Yeah. Yeah, I'm a... I'm a cop. I like it. It's good. So, um... anyway, I'm calling because I'm getting married. No, it's, um... it's not a... her name is Alex. Anyway, we're having a party, a wedding shower, on Sunday and I, um... you probably can't make it, but I thought maybe I would, um, invite you. See, I'd like it if you came. Anyway, I hope you and mom are good.
[bidding goodbye in Spanish, she hangs up; looking around, she sees Alex in bed watching her]
Maggie: Why'd I do that?

Elseworlds: There's no place you can run that I can't find you.
Oliver: [quietly] What?
Elseworlds: It's over.
Oliver: What are you talking about?
Barry: Clark, it's us. Barry and Oliver.
Elseworlds: Oh, I know who you are. Your confusion lies with me.
Oliver: [realizing] Deegan. The Monitor gave you the book back?
Elseworlds: And showed me how to *really* use it.

Alex: You have to tell Lena that you're Supergirl.
Kara: But...
Alex: When I told you to hold off, I just meant for one night.
Kara: But there's been so much going on. I-I'm covering the special election, and-and with the dog, and I'm helping you recover all those prisoners from the DEO desert facility.
Alex: And the DEO and I very much appreciate that. But you're doing all these other things when there's just one thing that you need to do.
Kara: I know. I've just put it off for so long, and now... I'm being given an award for my tireless pursuit of the truth, and I'm a liar. I'm terrible.
Alex: You're not terrible. You're just scared.
Kara: I am so scared. I'm so scared that she's never gonna forgive me, Alex. I mean, what kind of person lies to their best friend for this long?
Alex: Look, I... have told you a gazillion times, you are the bravest person that I know. Okay? So be brave and tell her.
Kara: You're right. Yeah, we're having lunch today. I-I'll tell her today.
Alex: Good. I believe in you.

Alex: There was a moment this year where I felt completely broken, when I regretted a choice that changed my life. And then you forced your way into my home, wrapped your arms around me, and you said "I'm proud of you." Didn't make me feel any better at the time, but... it was something to hold onto. I am so proud of you. Do... do you want me to stay over tonight? I mean, I can be there as long as you need me.
Supergirl: No. No, go be with your girlfriend. I need to know you two are happy. Like I want to know about Winn and Lyra, J'onn and M'gann, and Clark and Lois. It's not like everybody else's world stopped. You don't have to act like it.
Alex: What do you need right now?
Supergirl: Just... never let her go. Okay?

Alex: It was a good idea, coming here. I don't think I could have slept in any other bed last night without Maggie. Sorry I punished you for trying to help.
Kara: Oh, it was your turn.
Alex: I never want to hurt you.
Kara: I know. I am getting better. Sorry I haven't shown it. Maybe if I had, you'd have more hope right now.
Alex: You're here. Right now, that's all I really need.

The: [Supergirl lands as Flash speeds to a stop] How did you do that?
Supergirl: I'm Supergirl.
The: [Voice rising in surprise] You're who now?
Supergirl: How did you save me?
The: Well I... Y... You fell out a window and I... I caught you and... ran you... all the way out here, which I did NOT mean to do but I've been working on my speed and... Guess I'm faster than I thought.
Supergirl: Yes, yes but I...
[Takes a breath]
Supergirl: Who ARE you?
The: [Taken aback] I'm The Flash.
Supergirl: The who now?
The: The... Wait, do you not know who I am?
Supergirl: Should I?
The: What about the Green Arrow?
[Supergirl makes a questioning face and shrugs]
The: Black Canary?
[Supergirl shakes her head]
The: Firestorm? Atom? Zoom?
Supergirl: [Shows regret and some embarrassment] Sorry.
The: [sighs] Oh, boy. Not as sorry as I am.
[Flash removes mask and sighs again]
The: Hey, I'm Barry Allen. I'm the fastest man alive. Also I think I am on the wrong Earth. I'm gonna need your help.

Rhea: We can finally get away from the poison of planet Earth.

Alex: It's nice to see you so happy, Kara.
Kara: Well, the sun is shining, the... look, the Dar-Essa flower is even blooming. What is there to be upset about?
Alex: Um, Haley starts working full-time at the DEO tomorrow.
Kara: Got it. That's... that's a good reason.

Lois: About Jonathan... we set a course for Earth in a pod, but we don't know where it landed.
Superman: Or even if it landed.
Supergirl: Brainy, can you track his trajectory?
Querl: Absolutely. We'll find that bouncing bundle of Kryptonian joy faster than a flying Flackurian...

Kelly: First, we build. I find it's easiest for patients to create a method for organizing their memories. Imagine somewhere familiar.
[entering his memories, they find themselves in J'onn's P.I. office]
Kelly: [looking at a bookshelf] You see how some of these spines are blank? This must have been the breaks that I saw on the scan.
J'onn: [looking at the titles that bookend the blank ones] Battle of L'Zoril M'ht. Battle of C'arel. These are battles of the Martian civil war. There's something about... this one.
[as he reaches for a blank book in the middle, they hear a rumble; turning, they see an alien doorway nearby]
Kelly: I've never seen this before.
J'onn: It's Martian.
Kelly: [opening the door, he sees nothing beyond] What do you think that void means?
J'onn: Someone wiped my mind.

M'yrnn: J'onn, I do not know why you introduced me to coffee first. This brown water is vastly superior.
J'onn: Yeah, I don't take advantage of hot cocoa enough.

Brainiac: Nia, trying to pull that cat thing into the dream realm was rash.
Nia: I almost had it.
Brainiac: We could have lost you.
Nia: Does it matter? I have to stop Nxyly. I have to fix this.
Brainiac: You won't fix anything by dying. Your guilt is eating away at you. It's making you act irrationally. You have to tell Kara.
Supergirl: [coming in with J'onn and Alex] Tell me what?
Nia: That I'm sorry I screwed up today.
Supergirl: No, don't be sorry. It's not your fault. If anything, it's my fault.

George: How long do you think it's gonna take them to find Lex Luthor this time?
Ben: Find Lex... oh, no, no, no, put your phone down, son. What we're doing here, this is the real news. We are making history.

Alex: Are you Erika Morrison?
Erika: Yeah.
Alex: Special Agent Danvers, FBI. Have you been sending harassing messages to a young woman named Ruby Arias?
Erika: No, I haven't.
Alex: [showing her one of the messages] We intercepted this earlier today. Did you know the FBI monitors cyberbullying? I have twenty-three separate incidents of harassment catalogued here.
Erika: But I didn't mean it.
Alex: You violated three criminal statutes. Do you know what that means?
[Erika shakes her head "no"]
Alex: That means you could go to juvie.
Erika: I don't want to go to juvie!
Alex: Well, you should have thought about that before you broke the law.
Erika: I'll never do it again. I promise.
Alex: I don't know. I think I should probably still talk to your parents about this.
Erika: No, please don't tell my mom. She'll kill me.
Alex: Okay. You will apologize to Ms. Arias. And if I ever hear another incident of bullying from you ever again, you will have the federal government to deal with.
Erika: You won't. I swear.
Alex: Have a nice day. Go ahead. Close the door.
Ruby: [having been hiding out of sight] That was awesome.
Alex: Right? Give me the crutches.
Ruby: Okay. So, there's a girl who lives three houses down. She shoved me in kindergarten.
Alex: Don't push it.

Kenny: [finding Brainy at baseball practice] Where have you been? I have been searching for you. I thought we were keeping a low profile.
Brainiac: Key events sidelined that goal. I left our STEM lab in search of sustenance and immediately got conscripted by a Glee Club Spartan chief. Needing to preserve my student cover, I agreed. But that led me to getting recruited by your math league, drama guild, and... Coach Kripkey, who is desperately in need of someone who can switch-hit.
Kenny: Wow, that is a lot of exposure.
Brainiac: Yes, and given my status, a risky venture, but necessary in order to avoid unwanted attention, or worse, A.M. detention with Mrs. Gormley. But still, I have to say, it has been a revelation. Are you familiar with the emotion of stress?
Kenny: I'm... I'm kind of feeling it right now.
Brainiac: Well, I have been struggling with the emotion, and yet I have been under the impression that my only options were to stress eat or not to stress eat. But now, thanks to your school, I see a cornucopia of approaches. Math leaguers factor, drama clubbers soliloquize, and baseballers hit.
Kenny: Dude, that is fantastic. But now that you've seen all that, do you, uh... do you maybe want to get out of here? Because if Alex finds out, she's going to flip.
Brainiac: True. Okay. But how do I exfiltrate? I am a vassal of Coach Kripkey.
Kenny: You just say you're not feeling well and you got to go to the nurse.
Brainiac: Oh. Okay, yes. Another method of coping chicanery. Yes, I love it. Okay. Okay, I will do it...
Kenny: Good.
Brainiac: ...after one more line drive.

Supergirl: I thought you were all about your vendetta. Ben Lockwood, Fiona.
Manchester: Why do you think I came here? Brought her things to her family. Lockwood's time will come. But this is about me and you. You won't join us, and I can't beat you, so let's make a deal.
Supergirl: I accept your surrender.
Manchester: Never, but I can stay out of your soup. Cat in a tree, idiot in tights, bank robbers, all yours. But the racists, the fascists, the Children of Liberty, that's our department.

Kara: You know, this... this year has been really tough for me, but I did get two really great things out of it. And that's you guys.
Samantha: Aw.
Lena: I am not wearing waterproof mascara.
Kara: I've always been blessed. You know, my sister, I've always had her, and she has my back, but I've never had best friends. And I couldn't have gotten through what I've been through this year without you two.
Samantha: Okay, now you're gonna make me cry.
Kara: [laughing] Oh, no.
Lena: I am very grateful for both of you.
Samantha: Me, too. I love you guys.

Brainiac: It is I who's expressing gratitude for all of your help with this gift.
Winn: What, is this space dirt?
Brainiac: Earth dirt. But it is from the 31st century.
Winn: Are you serious? This is... this is future dirt?
Brainiac: Yes.
Winn: How did you... how... did Mon-El tell you about my dirt collection?
Brainiac: No. I ran a diagnostic of your personality, and calculated with a 98.7% certainty that you either collected dirt or New York Mets baseball cards. And judging by the last 783 uninterrupted Major League seasons, I figured dirt was more likely to hold its value.
[he turns off his image inducer, returning to his natural appearance]
Brainiac: Shall we embrace?

Alex: There's a big disturbance downtown.
Kara: Well, time to get back to the salt mine.
[seeing everyone look at her as she calmy unbuttons her shirt]
Kara: What? I like this shirt.

James: What's on your mind?
Nia: You may not know this about me, but I am a transgender woman. I know what it's like to be... attacked and denied because of who I am. When I saw that alien being attacked, I couldn't let it pass. I... I had to stand up, hold a mirror to that bully's face. And I made a difference. And that was just one person. You are the Editor-in-Chief of CatCo Worldwide Media. You can hold a mirror up to the entire city. We have to show people that violence against aliens is not okay, and that the only way we are going to survive is if we start truly seeing each other.
James: Thank you for sharing your truth, and your passion. But there's something else that I want you to understand, too, is that our readers that share our values already know that we support aliens.
Nia: Well, what about the others?
James: We're trying. We're-we're reaching over the aisle. If I editorialize too soon, they're just gonna call us biased. They're gonna prejudge us. Look, I've been doing this a long time, and the only way to reach people is through balanced reporting.
Nia: When innocent people are being attacked, it's not about balance. It's about justice.

Nxylgsptinz: If you won't deliver Mxy, I'll make him come to me.
[she snaps, and the Super Friends are tied to stone pillars]
Nxylgsptinz: Do you remember that story I told you about the Khundian general?
Mr. Mxyzptlk: [watching in the Tower] Oh, no. No, no.
Nxylgsptinz: Mxy. Mxy. Summon him.
Supergirl: Never.
Nxylgsptinz: You really think that imp is worth dying for?
Brainiac: Imps can't kill.
Nxylgsptinz: I'm not going to kill you.
[she whistles, and a kryptonite-breathing dragon appears]
Nxylgsptinz: He is.
Dreamer: My dream power's not working.
Alex: Neither is my Hand of the Soldier. Can you reach her psychically?
J'onn: Not so far.

Alex: Guard Ben Lockwood? You can't be serious.
Colonel: The president doesn't joke.
Alex: Lockwood is a murderer. The only ones that should be watching over him are prison guards.
Colonel: Director, you swore to keep this country safe. Protecting Ben Lockwood does just that. Now, extremists are out to kill him. And if they succeed, we will have a revolution on our hands.
Alex: There are other qualified agents.
Colonel: No one has more experience dealing with hostile extraterrestrials than you. And the president knows it. If you've got an issue doing your job, you need to take it up with him.
Ben: [approaching as Haley leaves] Well, looks like you're stuck with me. Press conference at 10:00. Shall we?

Querl: I do not know when or how I will find a way to be myself, and yet not succumb to my more obsessive qualities. Perhaps we could work on it together?
Nia: I'm not going anywhere.

Supergirl: [saying goodbye to Winn] You were the first person I told I was Supergirl. You made my suit, kept it safe. You've been a true friend. I'm really gonna miss you.

Adam: Um, look, Dr. K, you're obviously doing something great here, and I don't wanna mess this up for you. I mean, you said that this could save, what, millions?
Lena: Hundreds. Hundreds of millions.
Adam: Yeah, well, everything I touch is cursed.
Lena: If you've had a change of heart and wanna drop back, that's... that's okay.
Adam: That's not it at all. You deserve someone way better than me to help you achieve this.
Lena: Out of a hundred applicants, I chose you.
Adam: What if you chose wrong?
Lena: Well, I'm a very smart woman. I stand by my choice.

Samantha: Some things have been happening.
Patricia: What things?
Samantha: I guess I was just wondering if, growing up, if I ever did anything strange.
Patricia: Well, what do you mean by "strange"?
Samantha: I don't know, did I fall - like, *fall* - and not get hurt? Did I ever lift anything really heavy?
Patricia: No. No, nothing like that.
Samantha: Nothing?
Patricia: No.
Samantha: Okay. Uh... well, maybe you could help me find something out about my birth mother.
Patricia: Well, why do you want to know about her?
Samantha: You know what? Just forget it.
[turning to leave]
Samantha: Sorry I bothered you.
[she stops]
Samantha: I was at a press event. Someone had a gun; they fired it into the crowd. A lot of people got hurt. I got home, and I found a hole in my coat. Found a little piece of metal. A bullet. It was completely flattened. I got shot, and it didn't puncture my skin. I got shot, and I didn't feel it. How could I not feel it? Patricia, what is happening?
Patricia: Follow me.

Lena: I know why Sam's sick.
[showing them her tablet]
Lena: Okay, these are Sam's blood cells, and these are Reign's. Sam's blood cells are getting weaker, while Reign's are getting stronger. They share a symbiotic, non-local entanglement. Reign and Sam are still connected. Reign's back and she's getting stronger by the minute.
Supergirl: But I destroyed the Worldkillers' blood.
Winn: Demos gave his life to stop them.
Lena: Well, I don't know how, but they have it.

Lena: I spoke to Edge.
Kara: Please tell me you convinced him not to buy CatCo.
Lena: Well, you can't convince a bully like that of anything.
Kara: So, what, CatCo's gone?
Lena: No... I bought it.
Kara: You're kidding. Are you kidding?
Lena: Pretty badass, right? I'm just trying, in my own small way, to be more like Supergirl.
Kara: [impressed] Lena!
Lena: And I was hoping maybe you could break the story.
Kara: Oh, um... I actually quit.
Lena: Well, then un-quit. I can't do this without you. I literally know nothing about running a media empire.

Alex: There's a cold signature forming at the Noonan's in Grand Central Station. I'll monitor it from here.
Brainiac: [taking the Prototrap] May I?
Lena: Brainy, aren't you gonna want instructions?
Brainiac: I'm a 12th-level intellect, Lena. I think I'll figure it out.

Supergirl: Where is she?
Rick: I told you not to go there.
Supergirl: Tell me where she is now!
Rick: I gave you 36 hours to break my father out of prison. But you didn't listen. So now, that room is gonna fill up with water in less than four hours. I think it's time you got moving.

J'onn: The Prime Phantom will never hurt you, or anybody else, ever again. I'm glad you're okay.
M'gann: Me? I almost lost you today, too.
J'onn: Well, now you know how it feels.

Lena: He's a maniac. I mean, this is just sport to him. It's just another way to beat me. I hate him. So much. I hate his face. I hate his voice. I hate his suits, I hate his never-ending games of depravity. I wish he would just die. I wish we could kill him.
Brainiac: We should kill him. We can craft the perfect murder. First, with just the tiniest re-wiring of his home, we can deliver a near-fatal electric blow. He'll be paralyzed, but he'll still be aware of what's happening to him. From there, we'll finish him. You choose the method, he's your brother. But just make it slow, okay? After that, we'll dismember the body and scatter the pieces across the universe. I know exactly which planets have atmospheres with pressures high enough to decompose carbon in an instant. This time, there will be no Lex resurrection.
Lena: Brainy, stop. Okay? We can't kill Lex.
Brainiac: Why not? You... you just suggested it. Lena, you've already done it.
Lena: Brainy, it turned me into the darkest version of myself. I know it's hard, but you-you can't go down this dark path, okay? You're a good person.
Brainiac: Then what do we do? What do we do? What am I supposed to do? Ever since I removed my personality inhibitors, I... I have been overwhelmed by the depth of my emotions. The rage? It's... it's always there. Seeping out, burning me like acid, and... all I want to do is help you destroy him, Lena. I... I need to destroy him. And if I can't do that, then... how do I make these feelings go away?
Lena: Brainy, we were wrong. You-you can't put your emotions into little boxes. They'll eat away at you until there's nothing left. And I know it's hard, but you have to embrace that. It's okay to feel rage. You just gotta let it out and then let it go.
Brainiac: [trying to work, he angrily throws his tablet to the ground with a scream] I hate him! I hate him! And I'm... I miss her.
Lena: [taking his hands] Hey. Me, too.

Winn: Dr. Hamilton, how is Siobhan? How did she survive her... her belly flop on the sidewalk?
Dr. Amelia Hamilton: She emitted a high-frequency sound wave so powerful, it literally cushioned her fall, and-and pulverized the cement.
Winn: You're saying the girl that I have been... you-you know, is-is-is an alien?
Dr. Amelia Hamilton: Nope. DNA analysis confirms she's human.
Supergirl: So how does she have this power?
Dr. Amelia Hamilton: Do you believe in miracles?

Lex: [appearing in Lena's office at L-Corp] Hey, sis. Hate what you've done with the place.

Nia: [helping Kara prep for "Counterpoint Daily"] As a reporter for CatCo, what role do you think the media should be playing in the rising anti-alien sentiment?
Kara: The goal of the media is to ensure that every voice is heard. Ignorace breeds fear, so the more factual dynamic news stories we write, including about aliens, the less we will...
[seeing Nia is asleep]
Kara: Nia!
Nia: [jerking awake] I'm listening.
Kara: Nia, we have got to get you help. Hey, you know, you should come to my place on Thanksgiving. My mom will be there, and-and she knows all the top doctors in then city. She can help you.

Martian: Dreamer, can you close the dream portal?
Dreamer: I'm trying!
Brainiac: [removing the totem from Nxyly's gauntlet] I got the Dream totem.
Nxylgsptinz: No!
[sucked through the portal, the Super Friends enter the Dream Expanse, and Nia manages to portal them back to the Tower]
Supergirl: Fast thinking, Dreamer.
Lena: Naxim's ship, it's gone.
Martian: [Brainy shows her the totem] But we have this.

Lena: You can come out now.
Margot: [emerging from the shadows, gun in hand] Give me the medallion.
Lena: I don't think so.
[Margot fires her weapon, which deflects off an energy barrier]
Lena: I have the most intricate security system in the world. I know all about Leviathan.
Margot: No one knows all about Leviathan. Leviathan is unknowable.
Lena: I'm not afraid.
Margot: [turning to leave] You will be.

Manchester: [as J'onn beats on him] Ah... there you, J'onn J'onzz. Nice to finally meet you.
J'onn: I know why you called me now. You have a death wish.

Cat: Good evening National City, it's Cat Grant. Yes, I've been away for a while, but I'm back. Now I can imagine that you're feeling afraid and feeling like your world is spinning out of control, but believe me, you have power and right now you have a job to do. Resist. Resist these invaders with everything you've got. They come with empty promises and closed fists. They promise to make our world great again and yet they know nothing about the people that make this world great. They think they can con us and if that doesn't work, what, they're going to beat us into submission? They have no idea what they're up against. Aliens and Humans, we need to band together and we need to stand up and fight back. Everyone needs to be a superhero. Everyone needs to get up and say: Not in my house. Lets prove to these thugs that we're strong and we're united and we're not going to be conquered. And Tiara Woman, if you and your thugs happen to be listening, you have come to the wrong town. Yeah, I'm Cat Grant, not going anywhere.
Winn: [enthusiastic] Classic!

Winn: If you go after Maxwell Lord like this, then you know what, you're just proving him right. That you are no different from Astra or Non.
Kara: What if I'm not so different?
Winn: You have to be, Kara. Because if you aren't, then we lose.

Winn: So, tell me what I missed with this whole Crisis thing.
J'onn: Not tell you. Show you.
Winn: Ah.
J'onn: But I must warn you. The truth of the old Earth could be quite upsetting.
Winn: Uh, not more upsetting than what I'm already dealing with, so... how bad can it be?
[J'onn's eyes turn red, and he touches Winn's temple; a few moments later, Winn vomits into a paper bag]
Kara: Okay, get it out. Get it all out. It's okay.
Winn: Whoa! Uh, so, wait, Lena killed Lex? And then he came back to life? And James runs a small-town newspaper and mentors children? That's... that's adorable! And you! You were...
Kara: What?
Winn: ...what, you were Russian?
Kara: Yes. Kaznian. But that wasn't really me.
Winn: And so evil Lex now owns the DEO?
Alex: Yeah. Oh, but let me tell you about the doppelgangers who came through a wormhole...
[Winn gags and starts vomiting into his bag again]

Supergirl: We're looking for Jindah Kol Rozz. She has information we need.
Tormock: You're a bunch of fools.
Leslie: She's not wrong.
Tormock: Xitheria.
Supergirl: Who's that?
Tormock: The last one who ever went to try and find Jindah. Xitheria was a brutal criminal, but she had softened. She wanted Jindah to join us. We never did see her again, but we heard her screams. You wanna risk your life, you be my guest. Jindah is in the Dendara Corridor. Beyond the dark fog. Good luck.

James: I remember them. Billy New and Brandon Palmer. They taunted me, took my lunch money.
Young: My dad was a soldier. Have some respect.
Bully: [to his buddy] Let's say we show him some respect.

Maggie: [seeing a news report about Supergirl saving the day again] She does know that the cops are occasionally capable of doing their jobs, right?

Samantha: Well, I came to say thank you, but I think Ruby just did that for the both of us.
Alex: Yeah.
Ruby: You made me feel safe when everything was horrible, and you made me have faith that my mom would get better. And I don't know what I would've done without you.
Alex: Well, I mean, you're a pretty great roomie.

Hope: Myriad is ready to launch. Ms. Luthor, this is your moment. Shall I activate?
[Lena nods]
Hope: Three. Two.
Lena: One.
[Hope presses a button, but nothing happens]
Lena: What's happening?
Hope: It won't lock onto the satellite. Something's interfering with the dishes' ability to move. It's a virus. It's working through our mainframe. Ms. Luthor, the hologram.
Lena: It was a Trojan horse. Of course. How could I be so naive to think that Supergirl wanted to talk?

Nia: I can't believe it. CatCo's not gonna be the same without you.
Lena: Being a journalist is part of who you are.
Supergirl: I know, but with Nxyly still out there, I need to stay focused. She is the biggest threat we have ever faced, and there's no reason for us to always be one step behind. I want to draw Nxyly out and catch her off-guard.
J'onn: I like it. How do we do it?
Brainiac: We have a plan. Nia, Lena, Kelly, to the lab.
Supergirl: And I could use your help on disarming strategies.
J'onn: Sure.

Querl: In the year 2455, Earth experienced a third-degree extinction phenomenon.
Imra: Humanity came together, but Earth suffered catastrophic destruction. It wasn't just loss of life, it was its history, culture, art, music.
Querl: It was everything interesting.
Imra: Mon-El taught us everything we know. From Aristotle, Shakespeare, Bon Jovi.
Mon: But we have some gaps. And unfortunately, even if we know the end result, we don't necessarily know how it happens.

Kara: Our religion was so important on Krypton. Not just spiritually, but... it was our community.
James: Yeah, that's how I felt every Sunday at my church.
Kara: I didn't realize how much I missed it until I heard those prayers again. But Coville's teachings are so misguided. I tried to tell him, but he only hears what he wants to hear. I mean, how do I tell him that my sister was on a crashing plane and he just got lucky?
James: Hmm.
Kara: He knows I'm Supergirl.
James: Whoa, that... how? Wait. What? That's not good.
Kara: I can fight so many things, but I don't know how to fight someone's belief. He's blinded by faith.
James: Let me ask you. What makes somebody blind just because they believe?

Tanya: Oh, no, come on. Don't downplay it. You're Guardian! You're a superhero. And they still would've shot you.
James: You forget they did shoot me. In the face, with armor-piercing bullets.
Tanya: No, not the acolytes, the police. I've seen it happen to my father, my brothers. I just... never thought it would happen to Guardian.

J'onn: [training with Kara] You're off your game today, Supergirl.
Supergirl: [catching his leg with her cape] I could say the same to you.

Alex: I'm sure that Alura would be overjoyed to know that you're still alive.
Lena: Yes, you must be anxious to get back to Argo City.
Zor: I am, of course. But before I go, I'd like to see what my daughter's been up to here on Earth.
Supergirl: I think that can be arranged.

Fiona: What brings you to our group today?
Kesse: I guess I'm just happy today, and I wanted to share it. For the first time since I've been on this planet, I feel like I fit in. And it's 'cause of this.
Fiona: [he taps his neck to change his appearance and back] An image inducer. You're not the only one who's purchased one recently.
Kesse: Bought it last week, applied for a job, and I actually got it. All because I look normal for once.
Dr. Vose: Who decides what's normal? Why should we have to wear these devices that change our appearance so that we can be tolerated? I have these tusks. Why should I hide them?
Kesse: Well, that's easy for you to say. You just look like a Tolkien fan. You haven't been job hunting for six months and then been called a roach by your interviewer.
J'onn: It's not easy for any of us, young man. Dr. Vose has had his own struggles. But his research in nuclear physics is widely admired. And he's used his platform to become a great advocate for change.
Dr. Vose: We all must have the courage to be seen.

Alex: [Kara brings an unconscious Lena into the DEO] What happened?
Kara: Edge tried to poison her. It was in her coffee.
Alex: 200 milligrams phenobarbital, stat. Come on, Lena. Calm down, calm down. Two liters of saline, run it open. I want a radial artery line and two red tox.
DEO: Blood pressure, 70 over palp. Pulse is 30 and falling.
Alex: I need to know what poison he used.
Kara: I-I-I-I don't know.
Alex: [to herself] Mustard gas, cyanid, strychnine.
[taking Lena's mask off and smelling her breath]
Alex: Almonds. That's cyanide. Fifty mils of sodium thiosulfate. How long has it been?
Kara: About two, three minutes.
Alex: Cyanide is circulating through her system. Her brain and her heart are going to shut down. I need to slow down her circulation in order for this to work.
Kara: How do you slow it down?
Alex: Induce hypothermia.
Kara: I can do it. Let me do it.
Alex: [to the medic] Hold on.
[Kara uses her freeze breath on Lena]
Alex: Okay, that's good.
Kara: [watching her vitals] Come on, come on, come on.
Alex: Come on, Lena.
[after a moment, Lena's vitals return to normal; Kara heaves a sigh of relief]
Alex: Normal sinus rhythm. You saved her.
Kara: No, we did.

James: Look, whatever happened to you, Lena had nothing to do with it.
Kara: Yeah, so why don't you just turn around and go accuse one of the other fifty people who despise you in this city.
Morgan: She shows up where I have breakfast, hangs out at the valet stand just a little bit too long, tells me to go, what was it, "burn in hell"? And then somehow, mysteriously, my car steers itself off the road, explodes into the water. Coincidence? I don't think so.
Lena: I don't put hits on people, no matter how much I despise them.
Morgan: That's right, you like to do the dirty work yourself. Here I am, sister. Why don't you man up and finish the job?
James: Why don't you find the exit, or I'll find it for you?
Morgan: You better get ready to finish what you started, because you wound me up, and I'm not gonna rest until it's over. And I never lose.

Peter: Show that speech over and over again like it was the Gettysburg Address. Project Maniac was weeks ago.
Lydia: It's "Myriad".
Peter: Oh, that's right. Project Myriad. Stupid name. And who was responsible? Other roaches from her home planet.
Lydia: Pete, we don't talk like that in this house.
George: No, it-it's fine. I hear it at school sometimes.
Peter: W-w-what's the problem? Just saying that, you know, aliens are resilient like cockroaches. You know, a planet may die, but they survive and infest someone else's.
Ben: Dad!
Peter: What? Supergirl's family invades our planet with the power of gods. And all us little people are just supposed to sit back, relax, and have hope? Is that it? Meanwhile, our president offers them all amnesty? Amnesty. So, you tell me, Georgie, how deep does this conspiracy go?

Eve: I couldn't get Gamemnae to take me onto Leviathan's ship. I'm scared.
Lex: Ah. Forgive me, Eve. I... I should have eased your mind days ago. Please.
[leading her over to a computer monitor]
Lex: Now, this is a live feed. I'm sure you recognize the sweet little house you grew up in. There's your mother baking in the kitchen. But I suspect what you don't recognize is that sedan, or those other two. Those cars belong to ex-Mossad agents that I've hired to guard your mother around the clock.
Eve: How can I thank you, Mr. Luthor?
Lex: Lex, please. And you can thank me after we've found the cold-blooded killer who took your father's life. We're a team, Eve.

Kara: What are those alarms for?
Mon: No, no. They're not alarms, come here. That's a phone. You pick it up and you say "Hello, this is CatCo, how may I help you?". Oh, you definitely want to give Eve Tessmacher a coffee. She is James' assistant, the big boss. Eve, have you met our new intern?
[immediately smitten, she absent-mindedly drops her pen]
Eve: [taking the coffee he offers] Uh, thank you so much!

James: Lena Luthor calling me. What's up?
Lena: I really needed to hear your voice.
James: Everything okay?
Lena: I owe you an apology.
James: What for?
Lena: For ghosting you. For keeping secrets. But it's time to be honest.
James: About?

Supergirl: J'onn, I'm gonna need backup. Send everyone. Send... send anyone. And hurry.

Kara: Barry's leaving town and I was gonna see him off.
Cat: Okay. Tell Mr. Allen to have a good time zipping around in his red outfit.
Kara: Wait, you knew he was The Flash?
Cat: Oh, please. Barry shows up, The Flash shows up. His insistence on that silly name. And he was so unfailingly charming and nice, that he had to be either a superhero or a Mormon.

Batwoman: I'll take that upgrade now.
The: Oh, uh, if I could have one of those without losing an appendage.
Batwoman: Mm-hmm.
The: [taking a batarang] Oh, so cool! Incredibly balanced. Carbon fiber?
Mia: Your friend talks a lot.
Green: Yeah, you get used to it. Hey, Ray, focus!

Alura: [Astra] Much like Krypton, this planet is on the verge of ecological destruction. I can stop it. But the humans won't like my methods, that's why I need you. They trust you. Together we can save them
Kara: You're never gonna leave this cell.
Alura: [Astra] I am begging you. Please help me.
Alura: [Astra] Kara! I love you.

Lex: You're rather calm for a woman who just learned the entire multiverse has been obliterated. You do understand I'm not the son you raised?
Lillian: Perfectly. Would your Lillian have been frightened by world destruction? If so, you've upgraded.

Alex: Wait.
Kara: Did you use me to get Astra arrested?
Alura: Hello, Kara.
Kara: Don't say my name right now. Did you use me to draw Astra out of hiding?
Alura: Yes.
Kara: How could you do that?
Alura: Astra had broken the law. You were the only person she trusted enough to meet. It was necessary.
Kara: Could she have saved us?
Alura: She was a criminal
Kara: But was she right?
Alura: I am not programmed to give you that information.
Kara: Tell me!
Alura: I'm sorry, I am not programmed to give you that information

Supergirl: Every pet in National City is having a nervous breakdown. This feels bigger than Leviathan.
Alex: Well, the USGS didn't register an early warning, so it took everyone completely by surprise.
Querl: Yes, and she does mean everyone, because this earthquake is, quite literally, worldwide.
Alex: But the seismic activity wasn't coming from within the planet, it's coming from without.
Supergirl: Uh, that's...
Querl: Extra-normal?
Supergirl: I was gonna say "impossible", but okay.
Querl: Yes, yes, a fair descriptor. As would be, uh... unfeasible, unthinkable, absurd, outlandish. But however you choose to describe this event, one thing is absolutely certain. We have...
J'onn: [approaching] A major crisis on our hands.

Alex: You never told me the whole story about your dad and the car.
Maggie: What's the point?
Alex: I want to share everything with you, Maggie. The good and the bad. I knew that he was hard on you, but...
Maggie: Look, before that day, he was the best father. I know he sounds like a monster, but... you just don't know where he came from.
Alex: Well, it sounds like you still really love him.
Maggie: I don't know. I... I'm just saying that he didn't have it easy.
Alex: Well, have you ever thought about calling him?
Maggie: Of course I have.
Alex: And?
Maggie: My aunt told me that my mother removed every picture of me from the photo albums. They erased me. I... I don't need that.

Nia: Oh, I am so late. You know, the crazy thing is I am always punctual. Always. But the the one day it matters, my roommate took the keys to my rental car, accidentally, of course, and I had to take the bus, and I spilled coffee all over my skirt, and all I wanted to do was make a good first impression on Ms...
[seeing Kara and realizing who it is]
Nia: ...Danvers. It's you.

Kara: [seeing a picture of Superman flying through the air] I've seen this picture, like, a million times. It won a Pulitzer. Wow.
James: Yeah. Only because it was the first real shot of him. Little secret, he actually posed for that. Guess he liked me.
Kara: Oh, my god. You're Jimmy Olsen, the photographer from the Daily Planet.
James: James Olsen. Well, "Jimmy"'s reserved for my mom and the big guy. He's kind of stuck in his ways.

Nxylgsptinz: What took you so long?
Mitch: The shipment was delayed. But it arrived.
Nxylgsptinz: It did? The courage totem is in National City.
Mitch: Everything is in place. You'll enter the museum by this lab, undetected. There's a gap in their security when the shift change happens. That's your opening. Your target time is 12:52 p.m. on the dot. You'll have exactly eight minutes to steal it.
Nxylgsptinz: Eight minutes? What an annoyingly small window. Do the people of Earth have to go through these... ridiculously elaborate plans every time they want something? Hmm?
Mitch: [scoffing] People.
[indicating a blaster rifle nearby]
Mitch: You know, I could always use one of these bad boys and, uh...
Nxylgsptinz: No! I need to do it quietly. The only chance Supergirl and her friends have of finding the totems is if I give the game away. But thanks to my Mxy-powered crystal ball, the courage totem is within my grasp. And once I have it, my revenge will be only a few totems away.

Kenny: Hey, Alex.
Josie: You friends with him?
Young: What? Uh, no. No, he's, uh... he's Kara's friend.
Josie: Ugh. Why did your mom adopt her?
Voclo: Yeah, what's the return policy on annoying little brats?
Young: I know, right?

Alex: How are you doing?
Kara: Fine. Great.
[seeing her expression]
Kara: Alex, what's going on with me has nothing to do with you and Maggie. I could not be happier for you.

Nia: [waking from a dream] What was that?
Brainiac: That last patch of turbulence damaged the Phantom's containment, allowing it to briefly slip out of its bonds and affect all of us. Terrible fear visions for everyone.
[she glances at the Phantom Zone map]
Brainiac: You okay? Containment unit's back online and Phantom's locked down tight. Everything's back on track.
Nia: Are you sure? I had a vision there was something wrong with the containment unit.
Brainiac: [checking] Everything seems to be fine.
Nia: Something's wrong. I know it. It's the containment unit. We have to get down there. Now.
Brainiac: [following her to the elevator] Are you sure? I can run a full system diagnostic...
Nia: There's no time. It was in my dream. There is something wrong with the containment unit. The Phantom's gonna try to get out. I know it.
Brainiac: Nia, look, I... I don't want to say this, but...
Nia: You think I'm wrong?
Brainiac: Not "wrong". Of course I believe in you, but perhaps we shouldn't jump to conclusions. Remember your dream about Midvale? And then in Midvale... sometimes your interpretations aren't always...
Nia: I may not always know exactly what's going on in my dreams, but I know this is something we need to pay attention to, Brainy.
Brainiac: Look. I know you're doing the best you can. But you know you never got the full training before your mother...
Nia: I *can* do this. You'll see.

Mon: Well, thank you for being here. I know the circumstances weren't what you were expecting. And I'm sorry.
Imra: Don't be. These things happen for a reason. It's important that we both have our closure. The distance has made me realize our marriage was never what it should have been. I mean, the fact that I didn't feel I could tell you about the Pestilence mission. The fact I lied to you... I'm sorry.
Mon: Yeah, but we were still pretty good partners in the Legion, huh?

Lyra: You should have run when you had the chance.
Winn: I was a theater geek, not a track star.

Colonel: Supergirl!
Alex: Colonel. I thought you were in Washington.
Colonel: Are you insane? You brought an enemy combatant into the DEO?
Alex: No, she's here because the real enemies are on the way. We were right.
Supergirl: A copy of me attacked the White House. A clone, more or less.
Alex: The president knew, too. Baker's been working for Lex Luthor. And now Luthor is planning on attacking the U.S.
Colonel: Then I guess that's why we should work together on this.

Kara: Look at you.
Alex: What?
Kara: Are you kidding? You look like you've been shot with a love ray.
Alex: Oh.
[she scoffs, and they share a laugh]
Alex: [lowering her voice] Maggie... Maggie slept over last night.
Kara: [happy for her] What? Oh, my god.
Alex: Do you think... do you think anybody can tell?

Alex: J'onn, it's not Collins.
[she hangs up and climbs onto her motorcycle; nothing happens when she tries to start it]
Alex: Seriously?
[hearing a click, she looks down and sees a bomb; she jumps off the bike right before the bomb explodes]

Andrea: Kara, you didn't show up for the meeting I arranged yesterday.
Supergirl: I know. I know, I, uh... something came up and-and I had to cancel, but I-I let the negotiator know.
Andrea: No, no, no, no, I-I don't want to hear excuses. Kara, you're one of the most talented reporters I have ever seen. So often, I give you leeway. I don't ask where you go when you leave the office in the middle of the day. I don't get upset when you disappear for weeks on end saying you're working on a huge story with Cat Grant only to return empty-handed. Because your work is usually flawless. But lately, Kara, you're not here and it's beginning to show. You told me that an interview showing these two leaders coming together peacefully could inspire the world.
Supergirl: It-it... it can. It will.
Andrea: Then start acting like it. I'll see you at the Civic Center in 30 minutes. Don't be late.

Kara: I mean, as far as parties go, this one doesn't suck, right?
Alex: No, it's great. It is. But how about you? How are you doing?
Kara: I'm good. Yeah, totally. I love parties. And Christmas.
Alex: I mean, like, with... Mon-El and Imra. I mean, this... this can't be easy.
Kara: [dry laugh] No, that's not easy, but you know what? Here we are. Are you okay?
Alex: Yeah, well, Christmas without Maggie, that's... that's not my favorite thing, but... but we are not wallowing.
Kara: No. No, sir. And you know what? We can be single crones together.
Alex: Aww. Crone buddies.

Mon: Why would you take the elevator? It'd be so much quicker to just fly from floor to floor.
Kara: [shushing him] Mon-El!
Mon: Mike.
Kara: Mike. Mike. Um... I told you a million times, you are never to show your powers to anyone else. That's the whole point of the clothes and the glasses.

Samantha: The people I killed are coming.
Supergirl: Reign killed, not you.
Lena: We are gonna make sure Reign never hurts anyone again.
Supergirl: But Sam, you have to wake up. You have to go back to your body and send us a message, tell us where the Worldkillers are.
Samantha: Don't let them in. They want me. I killed them.
Supergirl: Hey. Hey, you are not a murderer.

Superman: See, now... if the bullets don't work, right, why the punching? I just never understood that.

Supergirl: [waking from a nightmare] It was so dark and horrible.
Alex: Was it about the Phantom Zone?
Supergirl: I don't... I don't wanna talk about it.
Alex: No, no, no, y-y-you don't have to, okay? It's-it's all over. We've got you. I've got you.
[Kara hugs her for comfort]
Alex: It's all behind us now.
Supergirl: [letting go] Good. Oh, 'cause I don't think I ever wanna hear the word "phantom" ever again. Not in an opera, not in a Star Wars prequel. Especially not in a Star Wars prequel. I don't even think I could handle an episode of Scooby-Doo right now.
Alex: [laughing together] It's... I'm sorry. It's so good to have you home. Now, uh, come on. You've got some folks that are waiting to see you.
Supergirl: Alex?
Alex: Yeah?
Supergirl: Can I have another hug, please?
Alex: Always.

J'onn: I know that look. Is something on your mind?
Supergirl: Yeah, I just, um... I don't know, everything just feels so... so good.
J'onn: Hmm.
Supergirl: You know? But I-I keep having this feeling that I've forgotten something. Kind of like that... the "Did I lock the front door?" kind of feeling.
J'onn: Mm-hmm.
Supergirl: You know? But-but still, I... I know that I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I've got my team, I've got my family... everything, it feels...
J'onn: Right? Alex, you saved your family, the DEO, and the citizens of National City today. That feeling you can't quite pin down... it's called happiness. Now, come on, let's go celebrate. Brainy's buying.
Supergirl: You're right. Let's celebrate.

Astra: Maybe I was wrong about you. Join me, little one.
Supergirl: Never call me that again.

Winn: Man, J'onn's gonna be sad he missed you.
Mon: Yeah, tell him it's okay. I'll see him in a thousand years.

Querl: Argo is being targeted by Lex imminently, and it is up to me to stop it.
[interfacing with the computer]
Querl: The system is denying me access.
Dreamer: There must be something we can do to stop the launch.
Querl: No. There is nothing we can do. The power core has reached its peak capacity. The Claymore will fire on Argo in less than two minutes.

Alex: Every time I tell you to do something, you either do too little or too much.
Querl: Yes, but I felt...
Alex: This isn't the Legion. Okay, you don't get to just go rogue whenever you feel like it. So from now on, you don't leave this building, you don't breathe, unless I tell you to. Is that understood?
Querl: Affirmative.
Alex: Good.
Querl: [she leaves] May I breathe now?

Eve: Is the reporter okay?
Supergirl: Yes. He told us everything.
Eve: Please understand... I was just trying to protect my mom. Now Lex is gonna kill her.
Supergirl: I know you must feel like there's no way out. But it is when things feel their most hopeless that we have to dig down deep to do what's right. Otherwise, the bad guys win. Help us, Eve. Help us fight. And I promise I will do everything in my power to keep you and your mom safe.
Eve: Gemma Cooper is not who she says she is. Her real name is Gamemnae. She's a member of Leviathan, just like Rama Khan. Tonight, they're planning to attack the Unity Festival. Once all four billion subscribers are inside... Gemma will kill them all.

Kara: So, from what I see, there is no way the warden could afford a luxury beach house, luxury cars, and first-class travel on his prison salary.
William: No, but he could by having a secret offshore account in the Caymans. My buddy in the CIA just sent me these.
Kara: [giving the documents a glance] I mean, he's been depositing large sums of money on a regular basis. Well, I guess what they say is true; follow the money.
William: I'm sorry, Kara. When you wrote your article on the work-release program, I remember how highly you thought of him and what he was trying to accomplish.
Kara: Yeah, well, I was a fool for believing in him.
William: It's not your fault he's corrupt. Power can bring out the best in some people, and the worst in others. Look, there's very little oversight for private, for-profit prisons. I'm sure that made it easier for the warden to become vulnerable to outside influences. The question is, who's doing the influencing?
Kara: The prison contracted Summerlin Industries for the work-release program. I traced it through two dozen different subsidiaries and tax ID numbers.
William: Yeah, no doubt shell companies.
Kara: Mmm. The trail dead-ends with an LLC registered in Panama under the name Cypress Holdings.
William: I know that name.
[sitting down at his laptop]
William: Yes. I was looking into Cypress Holdings while you were away with Cat Grant. I had good reason to suspect it had ties to Mob boss Bruno Mannheim's Intergang, but never could prove a direct link.
Kara: That's it. Cypress Holdings is a front for Intergang. William, you're brilliant. I gotta go. Thank you.

Alex: The atmosphere was just seeded with kryptonite.
J'onn: What?
Alex: Look, I'm not sure how it happened, but Supergirl was flying back from D.C., and now I can't get her on her comms. But she's way out in the atmosphere, J'onn, and the last known signal from her was in Nevada.
J'onn: I'm on it.

J'onn: I've located Lex's satellites. Twelve of them orbiting the Earth. Each armed with Claymore cannons to fire on hard targets should any one of them be tampered with. It would appear the only way to shut them down would be to shut them all down at the same time.
Supergirl: But only four of us can fly.
Brainiac: Synchronizing our movements, too, could prove impossible.
M'gann: We could shut it down with the Dorkri Surth-Uh.
Alex: The what?
M'gann: A Martian ritual which translates to "the binding".
Supergirl: And you could use this on the satellites?
J'onn: It would require M'gann and I to join our minds, synchronize our thoughts. We could create a web of psychic energy that we could literally bind onto things and move them in unison.
M'gann: We can do it.
Alex: Okay, but even if you stopped the satellites, half the people out there are still gonna be brainwashed by Lex.
Supergirl: Lena, if you had the code Lex used, could you reverse it using Myriad?
Lena: Myriad. Y-Yes, but... you'd trust me? Even after everything?
Supergirl: You want to help people. Whatever else has happened, I know what's in your heart.

Alex: I mean, the world is completely upside down, Kelly. Lex Luthor is still out there and I'm the one who's supposed to catch him, and then there's martial law. I mean, I can't... how would I even get out on the street and get diapers?
Kelly: I will find you some diapers.
Alex: It's not about the diapers.
Kelly: I know it's not. But you have to take a beat and breathe and look at the issues one at a time.
Alex: What I really need is to be able to talk to my sister, and she's unreachable. She's in Kaznia.
Kelly: Okay. If Kara was here, what would she say?
Alex: Okay. If Kara was here, she would tell me... that this has always been my dream. And she would say that it's never gonna be the perfect time. And that despite villains on the loose and martial law, this is a gift, and it would be sacrilege not to accept it.
Kelly: Sounds like you have your answer.

Winn: So, after this SOS went out, nobody has been able to get in touch with them. The government put the whole place under quarrantine until the DEO could investigate.
J'onn: All right. Supergirl and I will fly up there...
[seeing Kara asleep face-down on the tabletop]
J'onn: [sighs] Alex and I will take the jet. Let's go.

Mitch: Do you have the location of the totem yet?
Nxylgsptinz: No... we don't. Something's off. What could have gone wrong?
[the scene rewinds to 24 hours earlier]
Kelly: Hey, Joey. I'm just checking in.
Joey: Hey, Kelly. I'm taking my friend to see our new place. Orlando says I'm gonna have my own room and everything.
Kelly: Oh, I am so happy for you...
[he screams as the building implodes]
Kelly: Joey?
[seeing the building a few blocks away, she watches it collapse]

Nia: Is it go time?
Young: [showing Eliza's ID badge] You and I just need to be back before my mom heads out for work.

Alex: Jensen, hey, I'm just checking in for an update on Mercy and Otis.
[no answer]
Alex: Agent Jensen, are you there?
[no answer again]
Alex: Uh, pull up the camera on the containment cell.
Querl: [doing so] Otis seems anxious. He's been pacing around in that cell for the past hour.
Alex: [noticing something] Wait. Wait a minute. Look at that. That's a stutter step. He's not tripping. That... that's a glitch.
Querl: The security feed's been breached. It's a hologram.

Tom: I'm so sorry I got you involved in all this. They lied to me. I thought they were gonna give you an interview. I didn't know they were gonna use you.
James: [Tom offers a neoprene wristband] My gauntlet.
[he activates it, revealing his Guardian shield, then deactivates it]
Tom: [tossing him a Liberty mask] Come on. We don't have a lot of time.

Lena: Let me guess. Now that the trial has turned in Lex's favor, you want me to relinquish my shares and step down from the company so mama's number-one boy can retain his rightful throne.
Lillian: On the contrary. I'd like to sell you my shares.
Lena: [suspiciously] Why?
Lillian: Because LuthorCorp in your brother's hands is nothing more than a weapon. We both know it. My shares, coupled with yours, would form a majority Lex couldn't outvote no matter how hard he schemed. Think of what you could do with all that power.
Lena: You're trying to bribe me.
Lillian: Why in the world would I need to bribe my own daughter?
Lena: Because you know I'm gonna testify against Lex.

J'onn: I am so sorry. But we will find this other you and stop him.
Winn: Yeah. You always give the best hugs, papa bear.

Supergirl: [entering a dystopian reality] What happened? Where are we?
Mxyzptlk: Where your loft used to be.
Supergirl: [picking up a charred, framed picture] You know what? No, thanks. Nope. I don't need to see it.
Mxyzptlk: Yeah.
Supergirl: Can you just snap us out of here?
Mxyzptlk: Yep. With pleasure.
[as he snaps, nothing happens]
Supergirl: [he continues trying] What's happening?
Mxyzptlk: I can't feel the Fifth Dimension at all. Without my powers...
Supergirl: We're stuck here?

Alex: Listen, I'm gonna get you guys out of here. But we're looking for a man named Trevor Crane. Have you seen him in here?
Henry: Trevor's done a bunch of escape rooms with us. He and the new guy, Richard, solved the puzzle quickly and made it through, but that door slammed shut. We were about to follow when spiders suddenly started crawling all over me. And I hate spiders.
Alex: Whose idea was it to come to this escape experience?
Henry: It was Richard's.
Alex: How well do you know him?
Henry: He's new to the group.
Alex: I need to get to him before it's too late.

Querl: I am Brainiac-5. Half computer, half organic lifeform, all Coluan, and, not to brag, but a twelfth-level intellect. My name is Querl Dox, but the Legionnaires just call me Brainy.
Kara: Legionnaries? Did Mon-El send you?
Querl: Yes, yes. To make sure that your neural pathways are clear and intact. Your brain is in truly remarkable health for someone languishing in a coma.
Kara: Uh... I'm... I'm sorry, did you say coma?
Querl: Mm, did I bury the lede? You've been in a coma for two days.

Alex: We're training, people. Never charge without a plan. Jensen, right?
Jensen: Yes, Director Danvers.
Alex: Let's dance.

Winn: Uh, I'm here to rescue you. Hi.
Mon: Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?
Winn: You finally saw "Star Wars"!

Jury: In the matter of National City v. Alexander Joseph Luthor, we the jury find the defendant not guilty on all counts.
Otis: [just as surprised as Lex] Wait, you actually won?

Lena: What I did wasn't personal.
Alex: You had a stash of "Kills Kryptonians", Lena. It's personal.
Lena: I would never use it for that. You know that.
Supergirl: I thought I knew everything I needed to know, but you have secrets. It changes things.
Lena: Oh, right, you don't like secrets.
Supergirl: Nope, I don't.
Lena: Good. What's your real name?
Supergirl: [dodging] It's not a great question for a Luthor to ask someone in my family.

Nia: So, are you sure it worked? Did we really prevent CJ from freeing Naxim?
[cut to a hotel bar, where CJ sips a martini]
CJ: [answering a call from Perry] Hello. Perry, let me stop you right there. I don't know exactly what a balloon boy is, but I do know that I will not be reporting on one. I am done reporting on your shallow, insipid, white-noise bunk. I did not become a journalist to write about which celebrity is in rehab. I became a journalist to make waves. And that is exactly what I am going to do. I quit. Oh, and, Perry, from now on, it's Cat Grant.
Brainiac: [nearby as she leaves] That's one mission down.

Imra: Thank you for being honest. It's why I fell in love with you in the first point.
Mon: Imra, I swear to you that I will always be honest to you. Okay? I... I... I respect and love you. This is more difficult than anything I could have fathomed. But we will work through it, okay?
Imra: Mon-El, I'm... I haven't been completely honest with you. I always knew there was a risk when Brainy and I planned this mission.
Mon: What mission?
Imra: It's time for me to tell you the truth about why we're really here.

Alex: Can I ask you something?
Lena: You want to know why I didn't come to you when I found out what Sam really was.
Alex: I'm the one who did the first tests on her. And I'm the one that told her to come to her friends about her illness. So why not just tell me the truth?
Lena: Same reason you didn't tell me you were really DEO.
Alex: You knew.
Lena: My mother's DEO enemy number one. Of course I knew. But it was your secret to keep. Just like Sam's true nature is hers. It wasn't my place to say anything.
Alex: Fair enough. Just tell me one thing. Is Ruby safe?
Lena: Yes.

Hannibal: I'm the most powerful telepath in the Alcorian system. I know more than you can imagine.
Winn: Oh, yeah, except the difference between a gun and a stapler.

Killer: You know, Diggle can monitor the sorry sacks from upstairs. Why don't you take the night off?
Alex: That's okay. I still have some work to do.
Killer: You know, that's the third time in just as many weeks I've told you to go home and you've turned me down. You know, this sorry little pelt's really bringing me down. So why don't you wanna go home? Boyfriend troubles?
Alex: No.
Kara: [in her cell] Boyfriend?

Winn: Hello. Hello? Mon-El, can you hear me?
Alura: It's Kara's mother.
Winn: Listen, we have three Kryptonians that have just attacked us. We really need your daughter to come back, like, ASAP.

Supergirl: I need to talk to you.
Winn: [she leads him into an empty hall] Ooh, this is very covert ops. What's up?
Supergirl: I... I know how she's doing it. I felt it this time. She's targeting people's fear.
Winn: How... how... how do you know that?
Supergirl: I saw my mother. I saw... Krypton explode. I re-lived my last moments there. And then... being stuck floating through space for so long, knowing I could never have my life back... Psi put me back in that pod. Completely trapped and alone. It was... it was so quiet. Silence was the worst part. I felt completely cut off from everything and everyone I've ever known. We... we have to stop her, Winn.
Winn: You should tell J'onn and Alex.
Supergirl: No, they can't know. They'll... they'll just worry. You have to be the one to solve this. That's why I'm telling you.

Colonel: I've noticed you reorganized the strike team command and control system.
Alex: I did.
Colonel: Are you aware that system has been in place since the DEO's inception?
Alex: Yes. But with all due respect, the system was outmoded. It used to take us 90 seconds to get out the door after first alert. And now by retasking two analysts...
Colonel: You cut out the middle man and reduced deployment time to 60 seconds, which could be the difference between life and death.

[first lines]
Manchester: Clear eyes, full tums, can't lose.
Hat: Just so long as after this hater goes down, we get back to the real task at hand.
Manchester: This is the real task at hand.
Hat: Real small task is right.
Manchester: Friends, I promise tonight's job will be very much in the spirit of our revolutionary mission. Right, now let's synch our watches, so we can meet up you know where, you know when.
[cocking his gun]
Manchester: See you on the other side.

Alex: Like I said, Governor, we didn't have a choice in this.
Governor: And like I said, if you won't take your dome down, the National Guard will.
Alex: This situation is above the National Guard, okay? This creature is from the dream realm. Bullets can't harm it. And from what we can tell, dream energy is very similar to nuclear energy. So if you take that dome down, it's gonna go straight back for the plant, making matters even worse.
Governor: Worse? Than trapping thousands of citizens in a bubble with some other-dimensional terror? My phone is ringing off the hook with people locked indoors, sheltering in place, not knowing when they're going to see their family again.
J'onn: Governor, I assure you, we're working on a device that will allow us to transport the creature back to where it came from.
Governor: And when will that be ready?
Alex: [glancing at Brainy and Lena at work] 24 hours.
Governor: You have 12.
Brainiac: [the call ends] Alex, we are not 12 hours away from completing this.
Alex: How long, then?
Brainiac: Uncertain. Restructuring Dream tech requires massive concentration.
Lena: Brainy's just distracted because there's no word from Nia yet.
Brainiac: I'm not distracted. I'm appropriately concerned.

Supergirl: How do you think this ends? We have the same powers.
Red: Not exactly. I am evolved.

The: Oliver! It is time!
Green: Has the planet been evacuated yet?
The: Not entirely.
Green: Then it's not time.

Alex: You quit?
Kara: James has been making the rounds.
Alex: He's worried about you. I'm extremely worried about you. Since when do you quit?
Kara: CatCo isn't the point for me anymore.
Alex: You spent years working your way up to be a reporter.
Kara: And it was a waste of time.
Alex: I would love to see you tell Cat Grant that.

Barry: How you doing?
Kara: Well, aside from my eardrums ringing like church bells, I'm okay.
Barry: You sure? You don't seem okay.
Kara: I'm sorry I made you rush in on Livewire without a plan. I didn't know she was gonna have a cohort.
Barry: Yeah, that's the thing about being a superhero. You have to somehow be prepared for the unexpected.

Alex: I saw Astra standing over J'onn. He was defenceless. She said she was going to give him an honourable death. And I reacted. Because that's what I was taught to do. Hank didn't kill Astra, I did. I did. And when you got there he saw how devastated you were. He didn't want you to get angry, with me. He took the blame. And I let him. Because I was afraid of losing you. And I can't lose you.

Kara: There is a very clear difference between having something to say and the hate speech in these leaflets. This manifesto will only incite violence and fear, and as Americans, we are better than that. On Thanksgiving; tomorrow is Thanksgiving. It is a day for family, for our community. It is about welcoming different cultures and celebrating a gratitude for life together. That is what liberty is about.
Sean: [the studio audience applauds] Maybe that's a good place to end this conver...
Ben: [interrupting] That's a really good point. I'm sorry, I just need to respond to that. Um, I think it's very interesting that we are here, having this debate the day before Thanksgiving Day. I mean, American history, it has this nasty habit with this holiday particularly to just wrap it all up in a neat little bow, when the truth is in the years following the indigenous Wampanoag people inviting the pilgrims to a wonderful Thanksgiving meal, the European invaders slaughtered their hosts. So if we do not learn from American history, is it possible that a hundred years from now, the aliens will have their own wonderful, thankful holiday about how they slaughtered us?

J'onn: If this guy knows you're Supergirl, we use that to our advantage.
Mon: Well, that's got to be a short list. Who knows your secret?
Kara: Jeremiah, Eliza, Clark, the DEO. Lilian Luthor.
Maggie: Does Peter Thompson have ties with Cadmus?
Winn: No, I already checked. There's nothing.
Maggie: Then you're asking the wrong question. We don't know where Alex was taken, we don't have a crime scene, we don't have any physical evidence. They've clearly been planning this for a while. Whoever took Alex is a ghost who doesn't want to be found.
Kara: Then what's the right question?
Maggie: Who is Peter Thompson, and what does he mean to our ghost?

Mr. Mxyzptlk: Let me tell you how this works. I chose you as my mate, and now I will wow you with breathtaking feats of ardor until you fall madly in love with me. And fear not, Kara Zor-El, you will fall in love with me. Once you've been adored by all-powerful Mxy, there's no going back, see? Ciao, mio amore.

Supergirl: Brainy, they started the launch. The controls are destroyed. I can't do anything.
Manchester: [entering with Alex at gunpoint] Well, that was the plan, wasn't it?
Supergirl: What did you do?
Manchester: Picked my own target. 1600 Penn. The White House. Your government, on fire, hoisted by its own petard. As soon as it reaches orbit, it will fire. There's a reason it's called "playing God." It's fun.
Alex: [disarming him; to Kara] Fly.

Dr. Kaplan: Your brother's bleeding internally. Surgery poses a great risk to James' spinal cord, but if we don't operate, he'll continue to bleed out.
Kelly: He might die?
Dr. Kaplan: Correct.
Kelly: Yeah, let's do the surgery.
Dr. Kaplan: We'll prep him right away.

Orlando: [Kelly visits Joey in the hospital] I keep telling the doctors he's getting worse, but no one's listening. They keep saying he should be fine.
Joey: I feel really bad.
Kelly: I know. We are gonna figure this out, Joey. I promise.
[Dig's scanner beeps]
Kelly: Have the nurse check him again. As long as he's sick, keep pushing.

Querl: I want you to know I'll be doubling my efforts to calibrate my emotions with my actions. Uh... to wit, your favorite breakfast smoothie. And, uh, despite every urge in my corporeal being, I ordered only two.
Nia: Thanks, Brainy.

Supergirl: [facing off with Jensen] Why don't you pick on someone your own shape?
[he catches her thrown punch and begins to absorb her powers; as she falls to the ground, he fires her heat vision at her]
Supergirl: [covering herself with her cape] Alex, it's not just Jensen. He's been infected by Parasite.

Querl: I thought you could use some backup.
Supergirl: Brainy.
Querl: It is I. You're free now, Supergirl.
Supergirl: Free? The cuffs are still...
Querl: Opened?
Supergirl: [taking the cuffs off] Oh.
Querl: I was multitasking.
[she flies away without another word]
Querl: You're welcome.

Winn: So, I scanned the visitor logs for Peter Thompson over the past three years. They're pretty sparse, except for one name that keeps popping up.
Kara: Who?
Winn: Doesn't matter. It's a fake name. But I pulled security footage and, baby, I ran that facial recognition software. Thompson has a son.
Kara: But we checked. He... he doesn't have any relations.
Winn: Well, apparently, there's a lot of family drama. Thompson's name isn't even on the kid's birth certificate. And I only figured this out after I cross-checked the name with the court transcripts. The kid spoke at Thompson's sentencing, and his name is... Rick Malverne. He has a house an hour outside the city.
Kara: Malverne. Why does that sound so familiar?
Winn: Because he grew up in Midvale.

Mackenzie: Mr. Olsen, I wanted to pitch you a story, but it's, um...
James: [gesturing for her to sit down] Please.
Mackenzie: It's kind of sensitive.
James: Yeah, no worries.
Mackenzie: It's about L-Corp and Ms. Luthor. My source in the accouting department found a glitch in their numbers. Caught rumors of a black budget; he thinks it has to do with genetic testing.
James: Genetic testing isn't illegal.
Mackenzie: If it wasn't shady, why would they keep it off the books? So, can I follow the money?
James: Yeah. But send me what you have first. I want to vet it.

Nxylgsptinz: Why does she not suffer? My gauntlet brought me nothing but unfiltered pain. Supergirl went through the same trials, and yet she's hopeful, happy. Why?
Mitch: Perhaps you suffer most because you passed your test. She didn't.
Nxylgsptinz: You're right. I won. My pain is the price of the power... and with it, I will find the rest of the totems.

Supergirl: That woman was scared before her eyes turned white. She looked me in the eye and she asked me for help. It's... it's like someone else took over her.
Alex: Due respect, but what I saw in that house was a very capable liar putting on an act so she can get close enough to kill you.
Supergirl: No. No, I don't think she's faking it.
Alex: You told me about the vision you had. The world was burning. That is the Worldkiller that you saw.
Supergirl: Yes, but what if there's a part of her that isn't? If I can get her to be Julia again, doesn't that mean that there's someone we can work with? This?
[gesturing around the room, indicating the DEO in general]
Supergirl: This isn't telling us anything. Julia might.
Alex: We can try it your way.
Supergirl: Thank you.
Alex: And when your way fails, we try it mine.

J'onn: Manchester was trying to show me what could happen if I continue to sit idly by. I have left you and Alex alone to face dangers. Is choosing the path of peace worth it if it means I could lose everyone I care about?
Kara: After what happened on Krypton, the way my mom stood by and did nothing, I've always sworn that if I can act, I will. But until you took your vow of peace, I didn't truly understand that simply by standing with someone you can make them feel braver. J'onn, the only reason Alex and I can face danger the way we do is because we know you're standing by us. In whatever way you choose.
J'onn: Thank you. What should we do now?
Kara: Well, certainly, Manchester wants you to hunt him, so he can exploit your psychic connection and attack you, and we've just been playing into his hands. So maybe the best thing to do now is let him come to us.

Steve: The entire country is itching to nuke you. And when they do, guess who else gets nuked?
Supergirl: No, they wouldn't do that.
Steve: They want to. Nobody cares about the little people. Even if we're fighting for justice by, say, releasing classified documents about illegal drone warfare.
Supergirl: [recognizing him] Wait. You're Steve Lomeli. You stole all that data from the DOD.
Steve: I exposed the truth. And I paid for it with my freedom. Because, unlike you, I'm not above the law.
Supergirl: That's ridiculous. I...
Steve: Oh, really? How many times has your unilateral bull-in-a-china-shop approach destroyed exculpatory evidence? The term for someone like you is "malignant narcissist".
Supergirl: I help people.
Steve: Oh, no, you don't. Everything you touch, you ruin.

J'onn: Agent Schott, have you found records of human dealings with these lifeforms?
Winn: Uh, yes. Actually, lots. If you just...
[putting information up on the monitors]
Winn: ...take from it what you will, but between genies, djinn, and leprechauns, I mean, humans have been documenting contact with reality-bending creatures for centuries.
Mon: [entering] And how did they slay them? On Daxam, we crush them.
Kara: What? No. Absolutely not.
Mon: We learned the hard way that the only way to deal with them was to kill them quickly. Let me... let me take care of him.
Kara: No! No. We don't kill.
Mon: I'm not gonna let some imp stalk you and live.
Kara: I can take care of myself, Mon-El. Let me handle it.

J'onn: No one knows who Midnight is, what planet she's from. One day, she just appeared on Mars to fight alongside the White Martians.
Alex: But why?
J'onn: Because she's fueled by death. The White Martians were quite happy to let her loose on my people.
Supergirl: How did you defeat her?
J'onn: I can't remember.
Querl: You're still recovering from the psychic trauma you experienced at the museum. It could affect your memory.
Supergirl: This feels personal, J'onn.

Oliver: We should consider doing something along these lines.
Felicity: Along what lines? What do you mean?
Oliver: I mean the... the friends and family, and crab cakes and toasts, and... those lines.
Felicity: Oh, yeah? You want to have a rehearsal dinner? What exactly would we be rehearsing?
Oliver: The... we... the thing that we would do the next day.
Felicity: Did I have some of Cisco's 10,000 proof cocktail that he gives to Barry so that he can get drunk, or are you asking me to marry you?
Oliver: What if I was?
Felicity: Would...
Oliver: That was silly. I am... I am. I mean, I don't want to get down on a knee and make it overly formal because I'm a little bit sore from handling those ninjas...
Felicity: Right.
Oliver: But... Felicity Megan Smoak, will you marry me?
Felicity: No.
Oliver: No?
Felicity: Yes.
Oliver: Yes?
Felicity: No. No, no. No. "Yes" as in I meant "no". No, no. No.
Oliver: I'm not understanding what's going on here.

Ruby: [looking at Alex's cast] Who's Wine?
Alex: That says "Winn". Do you want to sign?
Ruby: Of course.

Kelly: You did it. Okay, now give me the names and locations, so I can send teams in to eject them.
Alex: Tell your teams to hurry.
Kelly: On it. I'm gonna figure out why the failsafe didn't trigger.

Dreamer: Right on time, J'onn. Are you ready to get this evacuation underway?
J'onn: Start getting people into groups, and I'll start beaming them up. Let's just hope Alex and Lena get that portal on in time so we have somewhere to go.

Hank: I see you share your cousin's appetite for wanton destruction, Miss Danvers.
Supergirl: You know, I am starting to answer to Supergirl.

Supergirl: It was Nxyly. I don't know how...
Alex: [helping her sit up] Here.
Supergirl: ...but I could feel her emotions. She was... she was triumphant, yet still vengeful. Determined more than ever to get her hands on the next totem.
Lena: I couldn't begin to explain it, but it is possible that restoring the totem created a psychic connection between you and Nxyly.
Alex: Well, I can't find anything wrong. And your vitals are normal.
Lena: Really? She just fainted due to a psychic bond with a fifth-dimensional imp.
Alex: Exactly. So whatever's happening between you and Nxyly, our monitors can't detect it. So, do you think Nxyly senses you, too?
Supergirl: I think so. And I think to fight her, I'm gonna need every bit of power I can find, and then some.

Querl: I think it would mean a lot to have Supergirl march today.
Kara: I wish I could, Brainy, but I think it's more important for me to patrol in case anything gets out of hand.
Querl: They won't. I am AmericanAlien. Hashtag AmericanAlien.
Kara: You... you organized it?
Querl: When I lost my Legion ring, I realized how much I depended on it for strength and confidence. I thought it's what made me a hero. But not having it these past few days has made me see it wasn't my ring that gave me strength. It was fighting alongside all of you, helping to make the Earth a better place. In times like this, change won't come from someone with a ring or a cape. It'll only come when each one of us answers the call to stand up and be heard. El mayarah. Stronger together.
[glancing at Nia stretching]
Querl: Just because we're superheroes doesn't mean we forget who we are.
Kara: I'm sorry, Brainy. The risk is too great.
Dreamer: Ready.
Querl: Supergirl may be a symbol, but more importantly, she's a citizen of Earth, like the rest of us. Remember that.

Alex: I'm not gonna let the chopsticks defeat me tonight. But you, you're gonna have to open the wine. I, I tried.
[putting the bottle down for Kara]
Alex: There we go.
[sitting down next to her]
Alex: Okay.
Kara: It was so cold in there.
Alex: What?
Kara: In the... Phantom Zone.
Alex: Oh, Kara...
Kara: So empty. Every breath felt like... like ice. And I was so weak.
Alex: It's okay. You don't have to talk about this, okay? Remember?
Kara: No, no, no, I-I want to. I need to.
Alex: Okay.
Kara: I don't wanna be alone anymore.
Alex: You are not alone. You've got me.
[Kara allows herself to let her emotions out]
Alex: It's okay.
Kara: I think I just... I just... so desperately wanted to get away from the Phantom Zone that I... didn't let myself process... how much I went through. How afraid I was.
[Alex gives her a comforting hug]
Kara: What if that fear never goes away?

Samantha: I just wanna go home. Lena, please? Please let me out of here.
Lena: I wanna get you home to your daughter as much as you do. Believe me. I am just trying to protect you. Both of you.

Barry: Do you remember the newspaper article I showed you in the Time Vault? Red skies and a crisis?
Oliver: Mm-hmm.
Barry: Okay, well, the Monitor confirmed the papers had lied. In this Crisis, I'm supposed to die.
Oliver: No.
Barry: No?
Oliver: We need to talk. Now!
Barry: Who're you talking to?
Oliver: Hey, right now!

J'onn: [collecting the nuclear arsenals of Kaznia and Corto Maltese] Brainy and I will fly the missiles into the sun, where they won't be able to hurt anyone.
Supergirl: I hope this is enough to get the totem.
[flying to the Hague]
Supergirl: Cgyrzyx.
Totem: [she manages to free the totem] You have performed admirably.
Supergirl: Lena, I'm heading your way now.

Alex: Don't you think that it's weird that we're sitting here eating dumplings like everything is normal, and yet Jeremiah is gone?
Kelly: No. The only permanent thing about life is that things change. The cycle of life goes on. And you... still need to eat.
Kara: Yeah, you know what? This book that Lena gave me actually has strikingly similar advice. "Things are constantly in flux, arising and passing with each moment." We have no control, so eat the dumplings.
Alex: Yeah. Well, I still can't believe the fact that she gave you that after everything that happened.
Kara: Well, maybe she's coming around. Seeing the light about Lex.
Kelly: No. No light about him. That man is...
Kara: The devil incarnate.

Kara: I don't understand. I wanna give you the benefit of the doubt, but you attacked two agents. Was... wh... were you confused by the hypersleep? Is that why you snuck out of the medbay, broke into a secure storage room and almost killed two people?
Mon: I didn't "almost kill" anyone.
Kara: Is it not you?
Mon: It's me.
Kara: Then... then make me believe it. Please.

Alex: What did Lilian want?
Superman: Lilian and Lena have a way - a fail safe - to get rid of the Daxamites if Kara doesn't beat Rhea.
Supergirl: It's a device that will seed the Earth's atmosphere with lead. No Daxamite would survive on this planet.
Winn: What... except for Mon-El, right?
Superman: Mon-El might be able to survive a little longer than the others; he's been exposed to our yellow sun for a few months.
Mon: Well, if it comes down it, you use it. I won't be the reason this planet suffers.
Supergirl: No. No, it's not gonna come to that. I told Lena to start working, but I want to be very clear about something. We will not have to use that device. And I'm going to beat her. Your mother is going to leave. For good.

Mitch: I thought our little friend was building a trap for Supergirl. That cube looks too small to snatch a mouse.
Nxylgsptinz: That device might not look like much, but trust me, it's our Trojan horse.

Brainiac: He started running into the south wall over and over again. Like he's being drawn to something.
Alex: I got a hit on the police scanner. It says that there is a disturbance at a warehouse two miles south from here. It's being attacked by hostile ghost creatures.
Brainiac: The Phantom has created a new progeny.
J'onn: We have to secure that warehouse. Keep everybody from the area. Where's M'gann?
Alex: She said that she was going on patrol.
J'onn: [seeing two of the energy field discs are gone] She's already there.

Myxlgsptinz: You gotta get out of here. Phantoms, over the ridge, coming this way. They just tore through a bunch of White Martians. Now they're on the rampage, too.
Scar: Why should I believe you?
Myxlgsptinz: Because they got Az-Rel.
[tossing a cigarette lighter on the ground]
Myxlgsptinz: That was all that was left of him. Oh, no. They're here.
Scar: [fleeing with his compatriots] Go!
Myxlgsptinz: [after a moment, nothing happens] That was too easy.
Supergirl: There are no Phantoms or White Martians coming over the ridge, are there?
[Nxy shakes her head]
Supergirl: And Az-Rel?
Myxlgsptinz: Oh, he's fine, wherever he is.
[picking the lighter back up]
Myxlgsptinz: I nicked this from him weeks ago. Girl's gotta light a fire somehow.
Supergirl: Thank you, but they took my father. I have to go rescue him.
Myxlgsptinz: [Kara yells in pain trying to stand up] You will. But first, we have to get you and that leg somewhere safe. Come with me.

Lena: At the base of the nearest dish, there should be an access panel.
Hope: It's locked, and the keypad's rigged to blow.
Lena: Damn it, Lex. We only have three minutes.
Hope: Well, it's a group of satellite dishes aimed at the sky. Lex loved symbolism. Perhaps the code has something to do with Heaven.
Lena: Or Hell.
Hope: John Milton.
Lena: What was Lex's favorite quote from "Paradise Lost"?
Hope: "Arise or be forever fallen."
[as she enters the phrase on the keypad, a panel opens, revealing a joystick]
Hope: It worked. Manually positioning the dishes. Elevation, 14.9. Azimuth, 253.1. Ms. Luthor, we are locked and ready to launch Myriad.
Lena: Amazing, Hope. You've done it.
[reaching for the launch button]
Lena: And now, so will I.

Kara: [Blood bonds us all]

Philippe: I see you won your war with Ms. Luthor.
[awkward silence]
Philippe: So, what's next for the man who has everything?
Lex: I go get more.

Nia: I was talking to Kara about the dream powers...
Isabel: Mm-hmm.
Nia: And she was wondering, just out of curiosity, if you didn't want the powers when you were my age, was there a way that you could've refused them?
Isabel: No.
Nia: What if you really didn't want to use them? What if you needed to direct them to somebody else?
Isabel: The Dreamer is destined. The chosen one doesn't have a choice. It's in her blood.

CJ: [mistaking Alex for her mother] Excuse me, Professor Danvers. CJ Grant, Daily Planet. I'm looking into some of the events that have inspired this place to be named "the luckiest town in America." Apparently, six months ago, one of these phenomenons happened here.
Young: [feigning ignorance] Oh?
CJ: Yes, nearby construction caused this column to dislodge and nearly crash onto a group of students. But before it could, the column seemingly flew back into place, saving everyone.
Young: [stealing a glance at Kara and Nia] Wow. Wow. Wow, that is amazing.
CJ: Mm-hmm. Well, that's the legend. What I want is the truth. As a professor, Dr. Danvers, you must have heard something. Your students can chime in, too.
Young: Oh. Oh, actually, um, my students have just a big, big project to get to.
Young: [taking Eliza's ID] Oh, right.
[she leaves with Nia]
Young: Still, still, I can say a few words. Uh, I believe that we need to look at the facts, and the facts here suggest that nothing in Midvale is worth finding. Absolutely nothing.

Siobhan: [on her cell-phone to rival newspaper] I'm almost done with this e-mail. This is the scoop of your life.
Kara: [approaching] Hi, Siobhan!
Siobhan: What do you want?
[snarling: ]
Siobhan: Stalker.

Mon: Well, you did it. Just like a Greek myth, you went down to the underworld, and slayed the three-headed monster and saved Persephone.
Supergirl: Uh, I think in the myth, Persephone eats pomegranate seeds, and is confined to the realm of Hades forever.
Mon: Yeah, well, that just strengthens my point, because the Greek gods have nothing on you.
Supergirl: I couldn't have done it without you.
Mon: No, that's not true. This, uh... this victory was yours. It was flawless.

Supergirl: [confronting a group of Children of Liberty, their dog takes off] That's weird. Dogs usually love me.

Judge: Mr. Luthor, you are charged with murder, ecoterrorism, and crimes against humanity. Since you have chosen to represent yourself, have you anything to say before I render the verdict of this court?
Lex: [getting to his feet] Superman made me do it.
[murmurs in the gallery]
Lex: This is a paradigm shift. Aliens are among us. And for the rest of human history, there will only ever be "before Superman" and "after". I am protecting mankind from an extinction event. And if this pearl-clutching jury of my... peers... wants to put me behind bars for it, they are welcome to try. But know this. I will always have my thumb on the scales.
Judge: Alexander Joseph Luthor, you've been found guilty on all counts and will serve 31 consecutive life sentences.
Lex: [she begins coughing and choking] Maybe we should make it 32.

[last lines]
James: Did I catch you at a bad time?
Ben: No, you just caught me in the middle of some car trouble.
James: Look, I've been thinking about what you said. Do you have time to talk?
Ben: Do I have time to talk? Hey, for you, friend, I got all the time in the world. What's on your mind?
[his Agent Liberty mask hanging nearby comes into focus]

Mon: You keep walking away from me.
Kara: I'm not walking away from you. I'm just walking away.

Brainiac: I meant what I said before. I truly am so sorry for everything.
Dreamer: You hurt me, Brainy. You abandoned us. I know it was to save the world, but... what's the point of saving anything if it means you have to hurt the people who love you?
Brainiac: Yeah. You're right.
[giving her his Legion ring]
Brainiac: Take this. It's a loaner while I'm recovering. And the first step in trying to... make up for everything I've done. Who knows, it might be of service.

Supergirl: You know what? Those glasses that Mom and Dad gave me when we were little, they were such a big help to me. Maybe something like that could help Esme.
Alex: She had power dampeners before when she was at that terrible group home. I'm-I'm not gonna control her like that.
Supergirl: No, it's not about control. I-It could just give her some relief. My glasses cut out the noise for me. They let me belong.
Alex: They let you hide.
Supergirl: Well, hide my powers, yeah, but that was a good thing.
Alex: Kara, when you came to Earth, it was... it was dangerous to be an alien. It's not like that anymore. I mean, she doesn't have to hide to fit in. And I am certainly not gonna make her suppress who she is.
Supergirl: But the world is still pretty dangerous, Alex. I mean, imagine how many people I could have accidentally hurt if I didn't know how to handle my super-strength.
Alex: Well, she needs to learn how to manage her powers, not bury them.
Supergirl: She will learn how to manage them, in time. I'm just saying this because I have the life experience to know what she's going through.
Alex: I know what you went through, as well. I mean, I was there, remember?
Supergirl: Of course. It's just, you're raising a child with powers now, and there is no way for you to fully grasp what that feels like.
Alex: Okay, as you just said, Kara, she's my daughter and I am raising her. And apparently, we need to set some ground rules here. 'Cause if I want parenting advice, I'll ask. And if I don't... don't tell me how to raise my kid.

Eve: Sorry I'm late. My car was wet and these leaflets stuck to it like papier mâché
Lena: It's okay. I was just about to check the efficiency of the Harun-El treatment on the tumors.
Eve: They call themselves the Children of Liberty. I think these are the ones who kept calling Guardian a human hero. So creepy.

Young: Kara, wake up. Kara!
Young: Inside voice, please.
Kenny: [running in] Kara! What-what happened? Are you okay?
Young: [he sees the cuts on her knuckles] It's just a flesh wound.
Young: This time. Can you stand?
[she and Kenny help Kara to her feet]
Young: Okay. Stay here. I'll get the van and we'll get you home, okay?

Lena: My mother's back.
Kara: Lillian.
Lena: She manufactured the disintegrating bullets. I just saw her. And as darkly twisted as Lillian is, she made me realize two things about myself. One, I very well may be a killer.
Kara: You're not a killer.
Lena: No, not as yet. But I do have the emotional range of Medea.
Kara: And what's number two?
Lena: I'm smart. Cunning. Strategic. I think steps ahead of most people.
Kara: And you needed your mother to remind you of that? Lena, come on, you're a chess prodigy. I've seen your trophies.
Lena: You know, I always confuse my cunning and my emotional insecurity, and thought of it all as something to be suppressed. And then when I saw Lillian, I had an epiphany. I can separate the two parts. My mother is gonna try and kill Edge. She's gonna do it tonight. I have an idea about how she'll do it, but I don't have the full picture. If we're gonna save him, I'm gonna need to use my wit, and I'm gonna need your help.
Kara: You got it.

Alex: If you thought I was badass before, you just wait until you see what I just bought. It's parked right outside. You wanna go see it?
[Ruby shrugs half-heartedly]
Alex: Look, it's a 1962 Item. I have always wanted this bike. What do you say? You wanna take a ride around the block? I got you your own helmet.
Ruby: No, thanks.
Alex: Oh, um... yeah, that's okay. Uh... um, well, what's something that you've always wanted to do? I mean, didn't you tell me once that you wanted to dye the ends of your hair blue?
Ruby: No.
Alex: Um... well, what if we got you a pet? Why don't we get you a cat?
Ruby: My mom's allergic.
Alex: Uh... well, you wanna play Scrabble? Or we could just... we could just talk.
Ruby: No offense, but I just wanna be left alone right now.

Nia: We're here to get you out.
CJ: It's about time. Perhaps you can fill the holes in the story young Mr. Li has been refusing to talk about.
Kenny: She's a reporter.
CJ: The one who's breaking this story.
Kenny: She also let Naxim Tork out.
CJ: Accidentally. Either way, the story's mine. What are you two waiting for? We have to get out of here, stat.
Nia: [quietly] Brainy, that's not just any reporter. That's Cat Grant.
Brainiac: Cat Grant. As in...
Nia: The pink cougar. She's what my dreams have been about. None of this has been about Naxim Tork at all.

Lex: Did your husband enjoy those Knights tickets?
Warden: Oh, yes. Courtside? He felt like Nicholson. And uh, the other inmates, they seemed to like all that lobster you trucked in.
Lex: Lobster's 18th century peasant food, only fit for the indentured and the incarcerated.

Mask: Get out here, you filthy roaches!
[the keyhole opens, and a Liberty mask appears; taken by surprise, the Children of Liberty retreat as Manchester reveals himself, raising his pistol]
Manchester: Sorry, Fi. I've got to do it my way.

Lena: I haven't made Kara an anti-kryptonite suit in this world. But I could. Just need to get you safely to my lab.
Alex: Your lab is across the city. And Kara can't use her powers.
J'onn: We could get her there. If we had the right distraction.
M'gann: Or the right decoys.
J'onn: [seeing her wink, he gets what she's implying] N-No, no, no way. Absolutely not. I can tell those pants will chafe.

Rhea: Put the gun down, Mon-El. You don't want to hurt me...
Mon: Shut up!
Rhea: The Kryptonian girl was right. You are a hero of Earth. But would a hero kill his own mother?

Supergirl: [seeing the artwork in Lex's cell] Wow.
Lena: It's "Hannibal Crossing the Alps." So pretentious.

J'onn: Mr. Thompson. Hank Henshaw, FBI. This is Detective Sawyer from NCPD, and Ms. Danvers from CatCo magazine.
Peter: The feds, a pig, and a journo. To what do I owe this confusing pleasure?
Maggie: Your jacket's a thrilling read. Three home invasions, two DUIs, two counts of felony murder.
Peter: You all didn't come down here just to flatter me, did you?
Maggie: This morning, we got a call from an anonymous source, asking that you be released from prison.
Peter: Someone wants me out of jail? Not used to that. People usually want to keep me behind bars.
J'onn: A life sentence can't be all that easy, being in here all by yourself. You ever keep in contact with anyone on the outside?
Peter: Just last week, Mr. JC Penny sent me a letter. He said there was a sale on galoshes. It's just that I don't have anywhere to wear them.

J'onn: [getting scratched by a Phantom's talon] Alex... RUN!

Lena: Left arm.
Adam: Back to treating me like a number. I guess you've finally seen the error of your ways. I don't deserve to be here.
Lena: You're not a bad person, Adam.

James: Well, I'm just happy that you're safe and the three of us are back together.
Supergirl: Me, too.
James: But I think we should talk about that thing that happened, uh... right before Myriad struck.
Supergirl: The thing.
James: Yeah. The thing thing
Supergirl: [realizing] The thing.
James: Hmm.
Winn: [understanding] Oh, this thing has nothing to do with me. All good. I got other things.

Mon: My mother and the Luthors, they betrayed Lena for their own selfish reasons. They wanted to take advantage of her. You lied to protect her. Because she's your friend. I know Lena's hurting right now, but once she understands that, she'll forgive you.
Kara: I hope you're right. But I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive myself.
Mon: You know it's okay to mess up, right? No matter how many mistakes I've made, you've always forgiven me. You should know that you deserve the same compassion that you show others.

Cisco: [noticing a machine in the Fortress] Hey, uh, what's this?
Lois: [he presses a button and a bright light flashes] Yeah, you, uh... you really shouldn't touch that.
Cisco: Hey, you could throw a party with this thing. Get some party favors; you know, I know a guy.
Barry: Look, everything is back to normal. Well, not everything.
Superman: Where's Kara?

Manchester: I keep coming across this problem. The container was empty when we got to it, which means they had to get rid of the cargo somewhere. But the logs say the shipment just arrived. They didn't have time to unload there or to make land at any other docks.
Supergirl: At least not on the mainland. They had to have stopped at an island. That's... that's the only way. The missing alien fission rods are...
Supergirl: They're on Shelley Island.
Manchester: That's where Fi came through. I thought it was defunct.
Supergirl: It was, but it runs on alien fission rods, just like the ones that were stolen.
Manchester: They turned the island back on.

Colonel: You did good work today. But the next time I give you orders, I expect for you to follow them.
Alex: Yes, ma'am.
Colonel: Still, I have to say, it's much better to have you in charge than that imposter, J'onn J'onzz.
Alex: Excuse me?
Colonel: When we at the White House learned about your former director's true identity, I recommended his removal. He was trying to erode the DEO's mission. Employing aliens instead of catching them, all the while pretending to be someone he's not. I am glad order's been restored, and we're heading towards more civil, honest times.
Alex: J'onn J'onzz is the one who recruited me, promoted me, and taught me everything that I know. He's my family. And he is the best director this organization has ever seen.
Colonel: J'onzz set a bad precedent. But we will set things right. From now on, we are strictly by-the-book, which means we are going to act according to rank, and let's be clear about yours. Now, you might run this place, but I am your superior officer. You report to me. Understood?
Alex: Understood.
Colonel: [Alex turns to leave] Director Danvers, when you exit, you salute your ranking officer.
Alex: [saluting] Yes, ma'am.
Colonel: [returning the salute] We'll work on that. I still believe there's hope for you yet.

Lena: [Kara covertly blocks bullets fired at them] Kara, are you okay?
Kara: Yeah. Mercy must have hired terrible marksmen. They totally missed me.

Supergirl: He set the fire to join a cult that... worships me. The man who leads it, this guy named Coville, thinks that being saved by Supergirl anoints you. So he set the fire so that I would save him.
Maggie: What if you weren't here?
Supergirl: Coville's telling people to put themselves at risk. He needs to be arrested.
Maggie: Unless Coville specifically told that kid to harm himself and others, he's protected. It's freedom of speech.
Supergirl: But he holds sway over these people as their pastor.
Maggie: People can worship whatever they want. It's called freedom of religion.
Supergirl: There's got to be something you can do before this escalates.
Maggie: Until Coville breaks the law, my hands are tied. I'm sorry.

Nxylgsptinz: I trusted you. And you betrayed me. You were my baby brother. There's nothing I wouldn't have done to protect you. I raised you. I wasn't just your sister. I was your most loyal friend. And this is how you repay me? You're going to just turn away from me? I would never have betrayed you. I would never have hurt you. I would never, ever have turned my back on you. Especially for him. I would've died for you. I did die. Right here. You destroyed everything. You destroyed me.
Mitch: [her vision ends] What? What-what happened?
Nxylgsptinz: I broke down and told my brother how his betrayal destroyed me. I failed.
Mitch: Must've been hard.
Totem: [the totem shapeshifts into a red crystal] You have performed admirably.
Nxylgsptinz: That was it. The test. That was what they meant by courage. The courage to be vulnerable.
Supergirl: [at the Tower, her half of the totem glows red] Nxyly passed her test.

William: I just wanted to say I appreciate you trusting me with your secrets, J'onn. Or should I call you "Mr. Manhunter"?
J'onn: "J'onn" will do.

Kara: If this Eve is working with Lex, William has no idea the danger he's in. I... Alex, I have to do something. I can't just sit here. I have to help him somehow.
Alex: Okay, listen to me. Stop. I know how hard it is for you to sit on the sidelines. Okay, but Kelly and I, we will handle this. Okay? W-We'll access Eve's files at Obsidian North and we'll see what she's up to. And if she has gotten to William...
[seeing the concern in Kara's face]
Alex: ...hey. We will find him. You just need to stay safe until Lena finishes your suit.
Kara: Okay, all right, fine. But please, be careful.
Alex: You know me.
Kara: Yeah, exactly. That's what I'm worried about.

Eliza: So, Mars... I have to ask, underneath it all, are you a little green man?
Hank: I'm a big green man, actually.
Eliza: Ha! And how are you able to change form? Is it an enzyme or some other chemical catalyst your body secretes that allows you to reorganize your DNA? And how do you adjust for the change in body density? How does your respiratory system process the increased oxygen and nitrogen present in our air that...
[he laughs]
Eliza: What? What is so funny?
Hank: Like mother, like daughter.

Quentin: [reached out to help elderly alien, now understands what she meant] Thank you, Supergirl.
Supergirl: No, thank you.

Supergirl: Hi, Julia. You seemed really scared at your house earlier, and I totally understand that. And I'm here to help you. Julia.
Purity: That's not my name.
Supergirl: Okay. What would you like me to call you?
Purity: I am the scalding light. I am the flood that sweeps away sins. I am the word and cry of justice.
Alex: Yeah, would you mind just condensing that a little bit?
Supergirl: Alex.
Alex: It's long.

Kara: I circled the Earth twice east to west.
J'onn: North to south for me. And?
Kara: No sign of the Elite anywhere. I should have dealt with this Manchester business when I had the chance.
J'onn: You brought him to the police. What more could you have done?
Kara: Now the Elite are as bad as Lockwood and his Liberty fanatics. Look, all that matters now is that we find them and we end this.
Dreamer: A classic superhero speech. Just, first, we should really do something about Menagerie. There's only so much footwear advice I can take.
Menagerie: Gucci all day and Prada all night.

James: What is that?
Mon: It's a plane.
Winn: No, it's not. It's a bomb!

Kelly: We are waiting for the van from Social Services. The Fords changed their mind. They requested another placement for Esme.
Alex: They're giving her back?
Kelly: Mm-hmm. They said she's not a right fit for their family.
Alex: Oh, but she *was* a right fit when they forced her to confront armed attackers?
Kelly: I told them even though she's an alien with powers, it was their job to protect her. Not the other way around.
Alex: Good for you, babe. 'Cause I would have punched their lights out.

Eve: Ms. Luthor. It's so nice to see you.
Lena: Eve Teschmascher, right?
Eve: [with a thrilled giggle that Lena knows who she is] Sorry. I'm a huge admirer of yours.
Lena: Thank you, Eve.
Eve: Oh, uh, can I get you a coffee? You take it black, right? I... I'm... I'm not stalking you. I e-mailed your assistant at L-Corp about all your favorite things.
Lena: Oh.
Eve: I hate salmon, too.
Lena: Well, thank you. Yes, a coffee would be lovely.
Eve: [turning to leave] Great.
Lena: Uh, Eve, why don't you just use this elevator? It goes straight to the ground floor.
Eve: Oh, no. Only the boss can use it.
Lena: [with an amused laugh] That's just silly. Anybody who needs it should be able to use it.

Supergirl: [holographic recording] Welcome to Earth. You are about to processed for immigration. The island will dampen your powers, but rest assured, they'll return as soon as you leave. Earth is a friendly place. You are safe here. Welcome to Shelley Island.

Alex: Engage psychic inhibitors.
J'onn: [her agents all turn their inhibitors on] Alex, please.
Alex: Agent Dox, apprehend the suspect.
J'onn: Alex, please! Malefic and I mind-melded. I know his true intentions. He is here to help. He has some information, about Lena.
Malefic: I was her prisoner.

Supergirl: Why are you fighting me so hard on this?
Alex: You realize that Purity is just toying with you, right?
Supergirl: If we have the chance to save Julia, we have to take it.
Alex: That is such a nice motto, Kara, but it's not very practical.
Supergirl: Excuse me?
Alex: No matter how much evidence piles up saying that you are wrong, you always hope.
Supergirl: That's my job.
Alex: Purity is evil. She is a Worldkiller. And there's two others out there just like her, endangering lives, and your feelings are costing us time.
Supergirl: Okay, my feelings have saved lives countless times.
[Alex turns to leave]
Supergirl: Alex... wait. Listen to me. I am used to you being pragmatic, but since when have you become so hard and cynical?
Alex: Well, not all of us are bulletproof, Kara.
Supergirl: I know.
Alex: So, cynicism, that's what's keeping the rest of us alive.
Supergirl: Well, it seems like it's killing you. My sister, the sister I know, she has compassion for others.
Alex: I am just trying to do my job. Now, we've tried it your way. We did. But now we're gonna do it mine.

Amadei: [recovering after his amulet is returned] I'm dreaming.
Elizabeth: No. I'm here. I'm so sorry my mother hurt you.
Amadei: Because I broke her heart. And I didn't mean to. And I never, ever, wanted to hurt you. My daughter.
Elizabeth: It's okay. I'm okay.
Amadei: My goal has always been to heal the human heart.
[looking at J'onn and back]
Amadei: But it is the two of you who have helped me to heal mine.

Kara: This is really nice. Thanks for having us.
Barry: Of course. Um, actually, I wanted to ask you for a favor. By the way, your sister seems to be tipping the elbow pretty heavy.
Kara: It's fine.
Barry: Oh.
Kara: No one can drink Alex under a table. She's just had a rough go lately.
Barry: She's not the only one, I'm guessing. I just notice you don't have your plus-one with you.
Kara: Well... I am plus-zero these days.
Barry: I'm sorry. What happened with Mon-El?
Kara: What didn't happen? The end of the world.
Barry: Faced it three times.
Kara: Time travel.
Barry: I've been there a lot.
Kara: He's married to someone else.
Barry: Oh. That's... I got nothing for that. I'm sorry.
Kara: I mean, it's my own fault. I keep forgetting that my life should only be about Supergirl, but then... you know, life keeps finding a way to remind me.

Lena: You made it.
James: Um, of course.
Lena: I just thought you'd be sitting down to dinner with your new friends.
James: Did you get my message?
Lena: Yeah. Did you still go meet with them?
James: Yeah.
Lena: Well, there you go.

Pestilence: You honestly thought you could talk me into being redeemed? You're such a child. Words will never hurt me.
Supergirl: What about sticks and stones?

Lex: I thought visitors were forbidden in this wing.
Lillian: Well, the Luthor name still commands respect... and the occasional favor.
Lex: Ah, favors. Is that how you secured me that plea deal? Admit to conspiracy and manslaughter, and go away for...
[waving Otis away as he moves to sit down with them]
Lex: Ah, ah. Go away for 25 years.
Lillian: I'm sure your lawyer advised you to accept it.
Lex: He did. Which is why I fired him.

Nelson: Somebody get me a photographer. We got a celebrity sighting here.
James: Nelson, what's up, brother? How you doing?
Nelson: Jimmy Olsen. What the hell are you doing here? I hope you're not looking for a job. We can't afford you.

Snowbird: Alex, your name is only thing I remember.
Lex: Let's just say we were... besties.
[seeing she's confused, he switches to Russian]
Lex: Friends. Good friends.
Snowbird: [switching to Russian, too] Where do I come from? I am different. Why?
Lex: [the alarm on his watch rings] Time's up, and I have to go.
[offering her a package of Chocos]
Lex: Go on. You need to see the world as they do. I'll send you books. Materials for you to study. And when I return...
[switching back to English]
Lex: English.

Hank: So now we know why Coville is the leader of a religion that worships Supergirl.
Kara: But it's not a religion, J'onn, it's a cult. He's taking the teachings of Rao and twisting them.
Winn: Yeah, and how does he know so much about it, right? And I don't mean just, like, you know, the symbol, but I'm talking about the sacred texts...
Kara: Coville's handing out pamphlets and recruiting people that have been saved by Supergirl to his cult of Rao. He's gotta have a motive. Winn, can you keep digging on Coville?
Winn: I can dig it.

Maeve: [after their mother dies] It's my fault. I should have gotten the powers by now, Nia. It doesn't make sense. I mean, maybe... maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Nia: Of course you're not doing anything wrong.
Maeve: I must be. If I had the powers, I would have dreamed mom was in danger. I could have prevented it.
Nia: Even if you had a dream, you don't know if you could have interpreted it...
Maeve: Of course I could have. I'm fluent in dream interpretation. I would have been forewarned about mom, I would have... I would have saved her.

James: The newspaper might've been a bust, but good news. The best lawyer in National City has decided to take your mom's case.
Simon: For real?
James: Yeah, I wouldn't kid about that. And don't worry about her fee. I'll cover it.
Simon: Wow. When do we meet her?
James: I could probably set up a meeting with you guys next week.
Simon: You mean you won't be there?
James: Oh, no, no. I... this was a visit, Simon. I-I can't stay here.
Simon: Right. Of course, why would you? This town is a hellhole.
James: Hey, no, no, no, it's not like that.
Simon: No, it's cool. I get it. It's not your problem. Thanks for the help and the food. See you around.

Nia: Brainy, I was wrong. You can't delete the Registry.
Querl: Oh. Uh... I didn't.
Nia: Thank god. Oh, I had a dream they came for you.
Querl: I should clarify. I did, in fact, erase the list from the DEO servers, but seeing as how there may come a time when we need it, I downloaded a copy. To my brain.
Nia: Why-why would you do that? Now you could be a target.
Querl: Well, that's just the cost of being a hero.
Nia: Oh, uh... Brainy, that's, um... that's actually very heroic.

Lena: You know, you're terrible at hiding things from me.
Kara: [chuckles] I wouldn't be so sure of that.

Lex: My colleague is retrieving a code that digitizes the human psyche, enabling us to make someone immortal by uploading their consciousness into a computer. I believe we can reverse the same code and use it against Leviathan. Then Leviathan is immortal no more. But I need an invitation to get onto their ship. Which means I need Gamamnae, or Gemma, if you prefer, to trust me. And trust begins with that glitch.
Eve: But if there's a glitch and people are getting stuck, nobody's gonna buy the lenses.
Lex: Correct. Leviathan will need to fix it. But they won't be able to because you won't let them. And when Leviathan can't fix it, they'll have to cover it up, and that's where I come in. I will help Gemma with the cover-up.
Eve: Once she trusts you, she'll give you an invitation to the ship.
Lex: An engraved one. So, you need to go back to Obsidian and make sure that glitch does not get fixed, or traced back to me or Lena.
Eve: Done. What are you gonna do?
Lex: Start exerting pressure.

Alex: Hey.
[seeing Kara remove a burned pan from the oven]
Alex: Oh, my. Um, I don't think you can cook a turkey four different times.
Kara: It's accumulating flavor.

J'onn: I tried, Alex. I tried to use prayer, the power of my mind to find Fiona, but... every time I think I'm getting somewhere, my mind is just hijacked with anger. Violence, how I failed Kara. It's no use, I'm not the man my father hoped I'd be. Only thing I've done right is put you in charge of the DEO.
Alex: No, that's... that's the only thing that you've done wrong.
J'onn: What?
Alex: Everything is my fault. I mean, all of this, it's... it's on me, okay?
J'onn: A lot of bad things happened here under my watch. But I prevailed because I trusted my gut, and my people. Alex, you have to trust your gut. You do that, and you will soar.
Alex: You realize that, um, wisdom literally emanates from you? You are exactly who your father saw you would be.

J'onn: You know, these days, I don't know what my father will remember. I wake up and have the same conversation with him every day. I keep at it because sometimes he remembers we've had that conversatoin before, and we actually laugh about it. I keep trying. I keep talking, so that he can find those moments of clarity. And laugh. Just because something's hard doesn't mean it's impossible. You break through impossible every day. You inspire the rest of us to do the same.
Supergirl: You're a good son. And thank you.

Snapper: "A halb emes iz a gants lign," as my grandmother from the shtetl would say: A half truth is a whole lie.

Mon: You just invoked a trial by combat created by barbarians. It's been around since we crawled out of caves on Daxam with rocks and sticks.
Supergirl: If I win, she goes. They all go. They are bound by ancient law to leave this planet in peace. She's not gonna win.
Mon: But what if she does? Do you know what will happen? You'll have to stand by and watch her walk this planet trampling everyone underfoot.
Supergirl: I just have to beat her. And I will.
Mon: Why not Superman? Isn't this his fight, too?
Superman: [entering] It's everyone's fight. But Kara just defeated me. She's the champion of Earth.

Querl: Nia Nal, I understand this interaction might be difficult for you given that we haven't spoke since our incredible, yet devastating romantic encounter at the hospital.
Nia: [sarcastic] Yeah, I've, um, barely been able to eat.

Mia: Okay, please tell me you're planning on wearing this.
Oliver: I don't think that that one would fit me. There should always be at least one Green Arrow.
Mia: Dad, I can't.
Oliver: You know, Mia, the Monitor has taken a lot from me. But I will always be grateful for the time he has given me with you.
Mia: If you're not gonna wear this, then no one should.
Oliver: You earned it. Just try it on. I gotta find Barry.

J'onn: Good job today. Henshaw's in containment.
Supergirl: Good. How's Kara?
J'onn: Back at CatCo, finishing her article as we speak. Oh, and she, uh, wanted me to remind you it's your turn to pick up the dumplings tonight.
Supergirl: Hmm. That's my sister.

Supergirl: Hey. We beat her, for now. Thanks for fighting alongside us.
Imra: It was an honor.

Winn: Hey, guys, I just got word from City Hall...
[pause as he and Brainiac, who is masquerading as a human, stare at each other]
Winn: Hey, Brainy.
Supergirl: Wait, you recognize him?
Winn: Yeah. What is that, an image inducer? Eh? Ah, so our brains just think we're seeing a human, but no. Hey, can I borrow that for Halloween?

Mon: I couldn't even believe it. There's a thing called a Dunkaroo! Have you ever heard of this?
Eve: No.

Eve: Alien energy transfer complete. Your gauntlet should be recharged.
Lex: Only one way to find out.
[to a guard above him]
Lex: Um... excuse me, uh, stand very still.
[he fires an energy blast, and the guard dissolves into liquid]
Lex: Hmm. Get a mop.

Alex: Come on, Kara, snap out of it.
Mon: Brainy will figure it out.
Querl: Don't overpromise. I've never seen anything like this before.
[seeing Alex's look of concern]
Querl: I'm sorry. Insensitive.
Alex: What happens if she stays like this?
Querl: The longer she remains unconscious, the more likely it is that it will become permanent.

Lydia: You're a good man, Ben Lockwood.
Ben: You're not so bad yourself.

Samantha: [seeing her mother in the Dark Valley] Get away from me!
Patricia: Shh! I'm trying to help you. It's not safe here.
Samantha: No, you're dead. This is a mirage. I've been here before.
Patricia: I'm not a mirage. I'm your mother and I love you.
Samantha: Get out of my head!

Alex: [knocking on Kara's door] Kara, it's me. Can we talk?
[Kara x-rays the door and sees her outside]
Alex: I know you can see me. I know what you're thinking, okay? That this is all your fault. But it's not. Before you came to live with us, I was the star. And then, I mean... h... how could I compete with you? With... with someone who could touch the stars? You know, I was happy when you decided not to use your powers. You know, you... feeling like less, it somehow, it... made me feel like more. Now the world needs you to fly, Kara.
Kara: [opening the door] I can't, Alex. I can't do it.
Alex: Yeah, you can. Your family believes in you.
Kara: I know you do.
Alex: No, I don't mean me.
Kara: [Alex hands her a metallic box] That's Kryptonese writing.
Alex: Yeah. Hank and his old team recovered it from the pod that brought you to Earth.

Snapper: [to the rookie] You're supposed to be at the Sanitation Department getting figures on pelican deaths at the trash dump.
Kara: I am so excited about that. But I just overheard a report about a murdered alien on my NCPD scanner. They're calling it "alien-on-alien" violence.
Snapper: An alien got killed, an alien did it. Where's the story?
Kara: I... I just told you the story.

Ben: Manifest Destiny. That was the name of America's unstoppable push west during the mid-1800s. It's, quote, "progress"...
[noticing a magnet with the Nth metal logo]
Ben: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm gonna go off script a little bit. Progress. What do we think of progress? Without continual growth and progress, notions such as improvement, achievement, and success, have no meaning. That's not me; that's Ben Franklin. But my point is, ever since the beginning, our leaders had been obsessed with progress. But can you tell me what's so great about it? Well, the discovery of the New World, that's progress, right? For Spain and Columbus. Not so much for the Native Americans. President Marsdin's Alien Amnesty Act. Is that progress? I think it's progress, right? Of course it is. But I know some Americans who don't think so. In fact, I know some Americans who are worse off for it. So, what's my point? The next time someone tells you how great progress is, I want you to stop for a moment, I want you to think about who paid the price for it.

Querl: Let me get this straight. You want me a facial recognition search... of you?
J'onn: Correct.
Querl: I fear something is getting lost in translation. You see, my satellite tells me the exact coordinates of your location at this very instant, so running a facial recognition search would be the very definition of red...
[J'onn shapeshifts into the woman he saw]
Querl: Oh. That's another matter entirely.
J'onn: Run the algorithm.
Querl: Yes, ma'am. Sir.

Andrea: My father runs Obsidian headquarters in Buenos Aires. He's consumed with the space colonization rivalry with Uncle Elon.
Kelly: Musk?
Andrea: Mm-hmm. Which works in my favor, because dad turned the entire virtual and augmented reality business over to me. This is our VR gym, where our VIP customers can scale El Capitan from the safety of our office. Or if they're like me, they can do a couple of half-baked crunches on the Sao Paulo beach while scrolling through Instagram on their phones. Here's our new medical wing.
Kelly: I am so excited for this opportunity, Ms. Rojas.
Andrea: As you should be. This is a special moment in time. I'm determined to have Obsidian tech in every household within the year.

Supergirl: [entering the VR National City] Let's go punch things.

Nia: [practicing with her powers] Come on. No. No. No. No. No. No. Bad astral projection.
Querl: [she's forcefully thrown backwards] Hmm. You went behind my back. You took advantage of that simpleton Kelex. And now you're astral projecting. That jumps months of training.
Nia: I know, I'm sorry. I just... I move too fast 'cause that's what I do. I push myself and I take on more than I can handle. My mother always said it.
Querl: But that's what heroes do. Leaping before one looks is part of the job description.
Nia: It backfired.
Querl: Yes. But next time, you shall fire forward.

Hank: It's Agent Danvers and her sister from another planet.
Alex: She's here to help us fight Vartox.
Hank: I told you, I don't trust aliens.
Alex: There's no one I trust more.

Kara: [on what her friends and family brought into her life] Guys, you've been with me from the second I became Supergirl. In my best moments and especially my worst moments. That means the world to me.

J'onn: Dreamer, you'll be on Phantom detection duty. If they attack the ship, Lena's got a surprise for them.
Lena: [showing them a yellow sun bomb] I cooked this up from the DEO's yellow sun grenades. It has enough firepower to disperse any Phantoms nearby and recharge Supergirl's powers. But it's a one-shot thing, so we have to use it wisely.
Brainiac: I'll be the getaway driver, ready to make a quick exit.
J'onn: And it will need to be quick. The Tower shields can only withstand the Phantom Zone for two hours before the ship will start to degrade around us.
Dreamer: [sarcastic] Great. No pressure.
J'onn: That power level meter will keep track of how strong our shields are. If it drops into the red, we'll be in trouble. And we'll have to abandon the mission.
Alex: Well, we're not gonna let that happen, because we're ready, and we can do this together. Now, we only have one shot.
J'onn: Well, let's be sure to get it right. Everyone take your positions.

Mon: So, this-this... this day of Valen-teen, is that something we're supposed to...
Kara: Gee, uh, let's talk in private.
Mon: Okay, yeah, private. This is good.

Supergirl: The Fortress has one of the most powerful fusion furnaces on Earth. I'm overloading the Sunstones at its core.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Okay, well, Kara. Let's not be too hasty, huh? You know, maybe we should just, um...
Supergirl: When the Cauldron goes up, it'll explode with the force of a 400-megaton bomb. The Fortress is sealed, so, should contain the blast, but anyone inside it will...
Mr. Mxyzptlk: This sounds bad.

Manchester: Why are you here? Hmm? Both times you let me go on my merry. Both times I've gone on to do... oh, let's call it unspeakable things. So my theory is part of you wanted me to get away. Part of you wanted me to do what you couldn't.
J'onn: You're wrong.
Manchester: Ah, 'cause you want to be a bloody saint. 'Cause you ain't gonna study war no more, yeah?
J'onn: You think that's a weakness?
Manchester: I think it's a character defect.
J'onn: Couple of weeks ago, you had that same defect. But maybe that's my curse, believing in people who don't deserve it.
Manchester: You think my soul's still up for grabs, old man?
J'onn: Yes, I do.
[turning to leave]
J'onn: And I think you do, too.

Paul: Kara, do you like radishes?
Kara: Uh... yeah.
Paul: Isabel's radishes are legendary.
Isabel: [downplaying] Okay. Okay.
Paul: And the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Maeve: [a little embarrassed] Oh.
Paul: Maeve's got all her mom's gifts. Look at her orchids.
Maeve: Mom's a natural. I have labored to memorize the 30,000 species of orchids.
Isabel: Sweetheart, you have been a prodigy since you were in diapers.
Maeve: More like your protégé since I was in diapers.

Tanya: You don't have to reveal yourself for me. I'm gonna give myself up. I wanna face them. I wanna fight.
James: No, no, no, Tanya. It is way too dangerous for that.
Tanya: No, I need to do this. For once, I need to take a risk and stand up for what I believe. I need to be myself.
James: Well, you're not doing this alone.

Brainiac: [finding the Phantom safely in its containment unit] Everything seems to be under control here. What exactly did you dream?
Nia: The containment unit was empty. Except for...
Brainiac: What?
[hearing a crash, J'onn then calls on the intercom]
J'onn: That's the hull integrity sensor. There's some kind of breach. Brainy, you and Dreamer have to find it.
Nia: [reacting as a piece of wall panel is torn away] Brainy!
Brainiac: Nia! Sprock! Our shields must have been breached! The pressure could tear this whole ship apart! We have to seal that airlock, now!
Nia: [remembering her dream] Of course. The thimble! It had a picture of the Tower, cracked. That's why it was in the containment unit. It was telling me to contain the problem, protect the Tower.
Brainiac: Well, help me fix it now! You dreamt this. Help me stop it.
Nia: A thimble means sewing. Sewing... maybe I need to use my powers to sew this shut.
Brainiac: [she tries] That's it. That's it, you're doing it!
Nia: [losing her grip, the whole panel is torn away] Brainy!
Brainiac: [hanging on to a pillar] We're too late! The breach is already too big! If we had gotten here sooner...
Nia: We wasted too much time. I wasted too much time. Because I couldn't interpret my dream right.

J'onn: [one the phone] And just when exactly were you going to notify us that you had a Damaxmite warship in your possession? Alien artifacts are the DEO's purview. You can rest assured I will talk to the president, General Lane. And if anything happens as a result of your overreach, you mark my words, she'll have your stars.
Winn: Respect.
J'onn: Whilst I appreciate the nod of confidence, Agent Schott, do you have any words that might actually help me?
Winn: Words, no. Pictures, definitely.

Supergirl: Look at me. I'm not a White Martian. You can sense that, can't you?
M'yrnn: You're a Kryptonian.
Supergirl: Yes, that's right. I come from a dead planet. I come from a dead people, just like you.
M'yrnn: Krypton is gone, but my world remains. And every day for 200 years, I have been forced to remember the horror of what happened to my people.
Supergirl: You're right.
M'yrnn: There is no future for Mars.
Supergirl: Not for Green Martians, no. But this is bigger than you now. This is about your faith.
M'yrnn: What do you know of my God?
Supergirl: I heard you earlier. H'ronmeer tests us. This is a test. You have a chance to save your planet. Not for your people, maybe, but for another people who want to do better than those that came before. I don't blame you for not wanting to believe that J'onn is actually your son. I don't blame you for not wanting to open your mind, because if it weren't true...
M'yrnn: It would be like losing him all over again.
Supergirl: Yes. And whether or not you believe he is your son, he wants to save Mars. So please, M'yrnn, open your mind just a little bit. Just give him a chance.

Lena: I saw it... it reminded me of... no, that's ridiculous.
Nia: What?
Lena: A kelpie. A shapeshifter that drags people underwater. No, no, that's a myth. It's a story from my mother's book of folklore. It always gave me nightmares.
Nia: Well, I can see why. That thing's terrifying.
Lena: No, that's not it. It's the drowning. My mother drowned. Right in front of me. I always blamed myself 'cause I didn't stop it. I would read the story over and over, punishing myself. But in my nightmares, it was always the kelpie who drowned me.
Nia: Lena... I'm so sorry. Did the story say anything about how to fight a kelpie? Because it is clearly not a myth.
Lena: [a watery tentacle appears and Nia begins choking] Dreamer?
[fleeing as the kelpie appears]
Lena: This is my nightmare.
[water seeps in under the door]
Lena: This is my nightmare. Kelpies are a myth.
[the kelpie re-forms]
Lena: This is a fear vision! What did Kelly say? Remember what's real. Motor oil, Martian steel, the Tower, the lab, my friends.

Nxylgsptinz: [AI] The spires of light represent the dreams of everyone on Earth. But only one houses the Dream totem. The lit path will lead us there.
Nxylgsptinz: Right, where is this bloody path?
Nxylgsptinz: [AI] We'll come to it soon enough.
Nxylgsptinz: We've passed these spires before. I'm heading back.
[something whooshes past her]
Nxylgsptinz: What was that?
Nxylgsptinz: [AI] I don't know. I suppose you could go investigate and face a nightmare. Or you could go back the way I told you to. I know trust is hard, but maybe take a look around the corner.
Nxylgsptinz: [doing so] Is that...
Nxylgsptinz: [AI] Nia Nal and her sister.
Nxylgsptinz: Huh. Maybe you're not so bad after all.

Oscar: So, um, you're a homicide detective?
Maggie: Yeah. Among other things.
Oscar: That cold case you cracked sounded very interesting, the Marshall murder.
Maggie: You know about that?
Oscar: Well, I'm an old man, but I know how to Google. I follow all your cases. Tell me something. For eighteen years, they didn't have a single lead. How did you solve that?
Maggie: I went back to the scene of the crime, studied the ordinary details everyone dismissed, like you taught me. You used to say "The key to most mysteries is in the mundane."
Oscar: You remember that.
Maggie: I remember everything you taught me.

Kara: I can be strong and stand my ground when I'm protecting someone else, but when that someone is me, it's a lot harder, because I don't like feeling vulnerable. We're really different.
Mon: Yeah, I'm super fun, you're hyper critical.
Kara: And you're an arrogant dude bro, and I'm the personification of the American way.
Mon: I'm sorry, and I'm arrogant?
Kara: That's not the point
Kara: . It's just. Last year, I thought I could have it all, and then I thought I couldn't, that I had to pick. So I chose being Supergirl over having a relationship. And then, you came along. And I thought you were thoughtless, and selfish. And I kept writing you off, and you kept proving me wrong. And It just got me thinking : Maybe I can have it all.

Lex: How are you alive? How did you do it?
Supergirl: How do you think I did it? I'm Supergirl.
Lex: Just like your cousin. No matter how many times I stamp you out, you miraculously resurface with your glossy cape and your perfect hair.
Supergirl: Let me let you in on a little secret, Lex. Truth and justice always prevail.
Lex: [laughs] You and your cousin are such saps.

Dreamer: [deleted scene] What about the bad odds of getting caught?
Querl: Yes, well, I wanted to apologize for my calculations in regards to the likelihood that you and I would be apprehended without Supergirl. I forgot to take one important X factor into consideration. You. Nia Nal. When you are taken into consideration, it seems our chances become limitless. We start our patrol tonight by helping the aliens you rescued at Al's. I'm sure they could use help finding a place to stay.
Dreamer: Well, um, I actually found them someplace already.

Querl: I was certain this was the last confirmed location of Roberta Miller's van.
J'onn: I think it was. Looks like somebody already did your job for you.
Alex: [seeing them tied up] Jerry Miller? Kevin Huggins? You're under arrest for selling an unidentified alien substance. Search 'em.
Kevin: No, no, you won't find anything. We were robbed.
Alex: By who?
Jerry: I don't know. They said something about attacking some alien festival?
Alex: This is what I was afraid of. Brainy, take 'em in.

Alex: You almost got it?
Lena: Almost done, I think. Yes! Systems are a go. Calculating destination... destination set.
[sighing in relief]
Lena: Smart call with Galleon's theory.
Alex: Oh, lucky guess. But you're the real genius here, so...
Lena: Don't mistake us working together for friendship. I told you before, Kara and you showed me who you were, and I accept that. Now let's go help these people get on these ships.

Mon: This is Maaldoria?
Supergirl: You know where we are?
Mon: The locals call it Slaver's Moon. The royal family on Daxam would buy their slaves here.

Alex: [watching a documentary about outer space] Now, Supergirl is up there right now on a mission to find a substance that's gonna fix your mom.
Ruby: There's so much nothing. What if she doesn't make it back in time?
Alex: She's called "Supergirl" for a reason. She will, I promise.
[a moment of silence]
Alex: Hey, you know what? Why don't we get out of here? I just happen to know where there is a wicked ice cream truck. And, I mean, all the toppings.
Ruby: That's all I need right now.
Alex: Let's do it. Me, too.

Samantha: Hey.
Lena: Hey.
Samantha: What's up?
Lena: Nothing. Is everything okay?
Samantha: Yeah. TYK Labs branch, I'm gonna have to replace a few people there.
Lena: Oh, I can handle that. I've been away from L-Corp too long. I'm looking forward to getting back in and getting my hands a little dirty again.
[seeing Sam's concern]
Lena: Sam, this has nothing to do with the way things have been running, believe me.
Samantha: But it's because I'm sick, though. You don't think I'm up for the job anymore?

Sentinel: [using a flamethrower on her gauntlet to try and melt a sheet of ice] Damn it.
Brainiac: The ice is too thick to penetrate.
Councilwoman Rankin: There's a fire escape on the other side of the building.

Supergirl: What's... what's happening? Why am I in here? Get me out!
Alex: Hey, it's okay. Just breathe. I'm here. Mercy fired kryptonite into the air.
Supergirl: God, I can't breathe. I can't breathe.
Alex: No, no. Hey, look at me. You're fine. This suit is keeping you alive. Okay, so just breathe.
Supergirl: [calming down] I'm okay. Tell me everything.

Kelly: We have been through a lot of intense stuff together in a short amount of time, haven't we?
Alex: That would be the understatement of the century. Yeah.
Kelly: So, here's the strange part. I don't want it to end. The closeness with you, it has felt like both the most natural thing in the world and like a revelation. And I hope to God that I haven't made this awkward between us. I just... I haven't felt like this in a long time, and I just felt like I had to...
Alex: [kissing her] Ditto.
Querl: [passing by, hand in hand with Nia] Fear not. We see nothing.

Agent: Ma'am, there's a fire downtown. A fireman is trapped on the roof.
Hank: Punch it up.
[sees a fireman trapped under a steel beam]
Senator: Supergirl, can you get there in time?
[Supergirl is already gone]
Alex: Yeah, she can.

Kelly: What are you doing?
Miss: I'm suppressing his powers.
Kelly: He's in pain.
Miss: No, he is fine. What on earth are you doing here?
Kelly: I came to check on Joey, and I am glad I did. He is obviously terrified about his brother, and this is how you treat him?
Miss: You may not agree with my methods, but it is my job to keep this place in order, and to teach those kids that actions have consequences.
Kelly: I wonder how your bosses would feel about your teaching methods if they ever saw the security videos.
Miss: Do you think anyone has time to look at what goes on in here?
Kelly: If you're not gonna protect these children... I will.
Miss: Listen, Ms. Olsen. I have been working in this system longer than you've been alive. So, go ahead. I wish you all the best.

Supergirl: Oh, it was awful. Oh, the look on Esme's face, the fear in her eyes only hearing this... frightening, horrible stuff. If I can't help inspire hope in one little girl, how am I supposed to do it for the whole world and pass the Hope gauntlet?
[indicating the news on TV]
Supergirl: And-And this world? How is any of this hopeful?
Lena: Things escalating at the Hague, maybe you should just wipe those countries of their nuclear weapons. That'll bring out lasting peace and hope.
Supergirl: Yeah, I wish I could, but unfortunately, I am forbidden from interfering in human history.
Lena: Weren't you the person that convinced me to use magic to make people just a little bit violent in order to draw out Nxyly and the Humanity totem?
Supergirl: Yeah, but that was different. That was in pursuit of stopping a villain. And it was temporary. Unilaterally changing the world stage, getting involved at that level, that is not for me to do. People, nations should be self-determining; that's freedom. That's what we're fighting for.

Hank: As I'm sure you've discovered by now, I've stolen a missile from a nearby base. What you haven't discovered is that while the DEO was focused on my larceny, I kidnapped your sister.
Dreamer: Kara?
Querl: [on his tablet] Sprock! It is true. Look.
Supergirl: How?
J'onn: The only way he could know Kara is your sister is... if he found out your secret identity.
Hank: There's a nuclear warhead at the Tamaki Air Force Base south of the city. Get it and deliver it to the abandoned warehouse on Waterfront Road within the hour. Do it, or I'll reveal your secret identity and kill your sister.
J'onn: Alex, I know your history with Henshaw. Promise me you won't let feelings cloud your judgment as we bring him to justice.
Supergirl: I can handle it.

Nia: With your inhibitors off, you're feeling a lot of emotions right now.
Brainiac: Lena advised me to embrace them.
Nia: Right now, you're not embracing them, you're eating them.
Brainiac: Mmm.
Nia: I've been there. Kara and Alex, too.
Brainiac: Their dumpling obsession.
Nia: A donut can't be there for you... but I'm here if you wanna talk.
Brainiac: It's not a problem, Nia.
Nia: Okay.
Brainiac: Well, I can stop comfort eating whenever I want.

Manchester: Hey, partner. Wait up.
Supergirl: Look, I-I appreciate what you're doing, but I can take it from here.
Manchester: Look, Agent Liberty took everything from me. I will do anything to see him brought to justice. Anything. Just let me help. I'm resourceful. I tracked them here, didn't I?
Supergirl: I'll call you if I find anything.

William: I think that is the fastest I've ever seen anyone watch a video.
Kara: Yeah, it's 1.5 speed. It gets easier to follow once you're used to it. What's up?
William: Well, I heard about your scoop and I wanted to offer my services as a partner for mock interviews. Back in London, I was the Times' point man on Kaznia, but I also did a big piece on the corruption in Corto Maltese.
Kara: Yeah, that'd be great. And I will take you up on as many practice interviews as I can get.
[her phone chimes, and she sees a text from Brainy that Nxyly has been spotted]
Kara: Starting this afternoon. Because right now, I'm researching. That is the cardinal rule of interviewing. Research, research, research.

Lena: [seeing the Fortress] Wow. This is... breathtaking.
Supergirl: It's our Krypton on Earth.

Kara: We started with the assumption that Amadei was spotless. Let's retrace our steps.
J'onn: Amadei hasn't given an interview in over twenty years. But let's see what he said the last time he did speak to the press.
Kara: [running a search on her laptop] Okay... Alexis Nexus. Wow, Amadei gave lots of interviews then, over the course of many years. And look who's next to him in all of them.
J'onn: [recognizing pictures of Elizabeth's mother] A woman who claimed to have met him only once.

J'onn: I'm trying, Father. Just like you taught me. But every time I reach out, all I feel is anger. That scares me because the anger is all mine. You said you'd be with me. So prove it. Show me.
Fiona: J'onn.
J'onn: Fiona.

Supergirl: Still no results from Esme's blood test?
Alex: No. I'm gonna cancel the party tonight.
Supergirl: Alex, no. Are you sure you wanna cancel the party?
Alex: Yes, I'm sure.
Kelly: [coming in] We may not need Esme's blood test after all. I just got off the phone with her school again. There's a new alien in her class, a Tattamite.
Supergirl: I've read about them. They have powerful tempers and can manifest distinctive skin markings, which they use as camouflage.
Alex: Skin markings? Esme might have mimicked this student, which caused the rose tattoo on her neck.
Kelly: And that would account for her erratic powers and her anger.
Alex: [sighing in relief] Thank God.
Supergirl: So this means you guys don't have to cancel the party, and Esme doesn't have to miss the baking competition.
Alex: Yeah, but, I mean, are we gonna get there in time?
Kelly: If we leave now.
[as they leave, Kara wants to apologize, but doesn't know what to say]
Lena: [on comms] Hey, Kara, we just got a hit off Naxim's ship. Good thing your Kryptosuit's good for outer space.

Kara: Everything okay?
James: Yeah. Uh... Lena booked me on this round-table thing.
Kara: That's great.
[seeing his expression]
Kara: Isn't... isn't that great?
James: Um... she should have told me first, you know? Okay, so, I made plans to meet with somebody from Children of Liberty, and now she wants me to go on a TV show and denounce them.
Kara: Well, she... so she's worried about your image as Guardian.

Querl: The word "Leviathan" occurs six times in the Hebrew Bible. Never once does it appear in any historical scientific literature.
Alex: So how are we supposed to fight a highly secretive, thousand-year-old alien with powers that we have no idea how to beat?
Lena: Well, I know one person who spent his life fighting aliens, both real and imagined.
Supergirl: Your brother.
Lena: I know most of his minor weapons are in Fort Summit, but his truly horrendous ones, they were all destroyed by Superman.
Supergirl: That's not necessarily true. A lot of Lex's weapons are in the Fortress of Solitude.
[seeing her look of surprised shock]
Supergirl: Oh, it... it's a place Superman created. We keep things there that can harm us.
Lena: Well, you just go to the Fortress, and I'll give you a list of every weapon that Lex ever created.
Supergirl: Why don't you come with me? I mean, there's no telling what weapons we'll encounter.
Alex: And then Brainy and I will stay here, and we'll continue our search for Rip Roar and this Earth-Bender.
Querl: Supergirl, remember the strongest, most potent weapon is knowledge. So send me whatever you can find from the Fortress database.

Winn: You're just, like, a week into the superhero thing. You're gonna make some mistakes. Like when you first started working here, and Cat asked you to get her lunch and you went to Chipotle.
Kara: Yeah, except now I'm making mistakes in front of the whole world.

Zor: [about the upgrades he made to Kelex] I attached a Coluan energy core, so Oscar can shrink trash and convert it into energy in seconds. Oscar will then absorb that energy, rendering it harmless.
Alex: [he demonstrates with an empty to-go coffee cup] Okay. I will admit that that is very impressive. But the Earth is covered in 70% water. I mean, do you really think that Oscar can handle that?
Zor: Yes. And this is something I could never have achieved on Krypton. Your planet has an amazing melting pot of alien technology that we never had access to on Krypton.
J'onn: That's what concerns me. Some alien technology interacts poorly with others. Plus, I saw kryptonite out there.
Supergirl: Kryptonite?
J'onn: Yes, but you must have been too far away from the garbage to feel its effect. But that's my point. We don't know the full scope of the garbage on those islands. We should run some tests before we release Zor-El's invention.
Zor: I understand your concern. I wish I could give you an exact timeline of when Earth will reach Krypton's tipping point. But that's the thing; once you can see the tipping point, it's too late. That's why we need to act now.
J'onn: [seeing the logic of his argument] Okay. But I want him recalled at the first sign of distress.
Zor: Of course.

Barry: So imagine there are multiple versions of Earth... One where the Nazis won World War II... One where President Kennedy wasn't assassinated...
Winn: One where all of us are evil.
Barry: Been there. It sucks.

Nia: We've been together, or something like together, for almost a month.
Querl: Almost.
Nia: And... we still never get past a firm handshake. I just need to know what you're comfortable with. Because I get the feeling that maybe you haven't... done this before. Which is fine if you haven't, I totally understand that...
Querl: You thought that...
Nia: Are you?
Querl: No.
Nia: Oh.
Querl: I've had plenty of romatic experience. I mean, a lot, actually.
Nia: Oh, okay.
Querl: Truth is... you are the first person I have ever loved.
Nia: Brainy.
Querl: You want to know why I find Miranda Priestly so terrifying? It's because she's cold, she's uncaring, she betrays the people she cares about the most. And last month at Lex Luthor's camp, that... that is exactly how I behaved toward you.
Nia: Brainy.
Querl: Even though I love you, I hurt you. If I've kept my distance, it's because I find myself wondering how could I ever let my guard down with you again. I...
Nia: Querl Dox, I know you. That person who left me at the camp wasn't you. You are caring, and selfless, and good. I want to be the person you let your guard down with. I want you to be able to... fully be yourself with me. Do you want that, too?
Querl: More than anything.
Nia: Then kiss me?

J'onn: The talks broke down completely. The Corto Maltesian prime minister said he felt threatened.
Supergirl: [looking at the news on TV] This morning, I was so hopeful. Thinking about Esme, about... a future that was so much brighter than yesterday, and now this. This is what lies ahead of us. I can't have it. I won't have it.
J'onn: If they launch those missiles, we will stop them.
Supergirl: We have to do more than that, J'onn.
Lena: Didn't you say you weren't supposed to interfere?
Supergirl: I did, but someone is interfering with human history who doesn't care about humanity or hope. And I will do whatever it takes to protect this planet, including disarming those countries, so that the people don't have to fear tomorrow or the next day or the next.
J'onn: You'll inspire a hope that burns longer and brighter than the sun. And get that totem.
Brainiac: I'm accessing Kaznian and Corto Maltese military data and downloading the location of their missile silos, so Lena can direct you to them over comms. I calculate you should have all the missiles removed and the Hope totem in your hands with several minutes to spare before Nxyly's clock runs out.
Lena: And then you can use the totems against Nxyly.
J'onn: No. No, absolutely not. Even if Supergirl can wield the totems' power, it's too risky. Every time a totem's been used, we've had untold consequences.
Lena: But trading the totems for William... my protective charm isn't enough to stop Nxyly from using it for herself.
Supergirl: Your charm may be weak, but it could be what we need to turn the tide.
Brainiac: Unfortunately, the tide did just turn. Corto Maltese just fired the first missile.

Hannibal the Alcorian: You'll never get me to talk. You humans are too moral to do what's necessary to penetrate my mind.
Alex: Winn, get me a wrench.

Winn: Hey, Brainy. J'onn said that you, uh, want to talk to me.
Mon: Hey, sorry, Winn, just, uh... could you give us a moment? We're just talking about some Legion...
Brainiac: Oh, no. This involves Winn, as well.
Winn: [simultaneously with Mon-El] It involves me?
Mon: It involves him?
Brainiac: Oh, yes. The Legion needs the both of you.

Young: [at prom with Kenny] Look at us. We're just a couple of regular teens. It's kind of fun, huh?
Kenny: You couldn't be regular if you tried, Kara.

Warden: The whereabouts of the five alien workers are unknown at this time, but we believe that while they were making their escape, they kidnapped Van Kull officer Larry Chapman.
Supergirl: [watching on TV at the Tower] That officer held them at gunpoint.
Kelly: We need to find them.
Alex: Well, it's obvious someone has infiltrated the prison program and is using Orlando and the other workers for their alien powers.
J'onn: Exactly. So, we have a Metalomite who can warp metal, a Toradine who creates force fields, an Obscuran who has cloaking abilities, and a Dynamorph who can unleash energy blasts.
Supergirl: And Orlando is a Zeltarian who can produce EMPs.
Kelly: I promised Joey I'd help, and all I did was put his brother in danger.
Supergirl: They were threatened. I should have been able to save them.
J'onn: The only people to blame are those behind all this.
Alex: Well, whoever they are, if they're dead set on getting their hands on a dirty bomb, then they're bound to target other sources of uranium.
Supergirl: Well, we can't let that happen, or they'd have enough material to make 20 bombs.
J'onn: Contaminate the whole city. We can start by following all five alien energy signatures.
Alex: Right now, there's no trace of 'em. I mean, they must be shielded somehow. I'll... I don't know, I'll look for ways around it.
Supergirl: While you do that, I'm gonna head back to the prison. Warden Kote needs to know the truth.

Kara: So, Sebastian Melmoth withdrew $5.8 billion from L-Corp on October 10. The same day, AmerTek paid $5.8 billion for a missile base in Rubniu. Coincidence?
Lena: No, I don't believe in them. More likely, our mystery man took the money he withdrew from L-Corp and paid for the missile base using AmerTek as a smokescreen.
Kara: So, who is Sebastian Melmoth, and where the hell is Rubniu?
Lena: [as she studies the board, something suddenly clicks] That nostalgic bastard. When Lex was thirteen, he read the entire works of Oscar Wilde, and for weeks, he had us call him by Oscar Wilde's pseudonym, Sebastian Melmoth.
Kara: Are we saying that *Lex Luthor* bought a missile base?
Lena: No, but not in Rubniu. Lex loves codes, so Sebastian loves codes. It's a double-breasted interrupted key cypher. It's Lex's favorite.
Kara: [watching her write "KAZNIA"] Guess we're going to Kaznia.

Mick: [after the fight in church, with carnage all around him] Best wedding ever!

Lena: Reign's becoming immune to my Kryptonite. If Supergirl doesn't get back soon, she'll become stronger and break out, and then God knows what will happen. But I can still flood her system with the Kryptonite. It would work. She would OD, but... she would die.
James: So you lose Sam.
Lena: It's Sam or the world.