The Best Bones Quotes

[last lines]
Zee: Skull's not like you. He makes time for me and gives me the respect I deserve.
Bones: Whatever.
Zee: Bones!

Zee: You know, I saw an ambulance here today.
Bones: So?
Zee: So, maybe Nebbercracker really did die.
Bones: We should be so lucky. The guy is evil.
Zee: Nah, he's just a grouchy old dude.
Bones: Oh, really, Zee? When I was ten years old, I had a kite. *Awesome* kite. I could fly it so high, you couldn't see it! One day, it crashed down. I followed the string, and it ended right over there, across the street, right at the edge of his lawn.
Zee: Ohhh...
[leans in close]
Zee: Did he take your kite?
Bones: Pssh, yeah! He takes whatever lands on his lawn, but that's not the point. The point is that I saw him talking to his house... and kissing it.
[leans in to kiss Zee, but turns away at the last second]
Bones: Besides, everybody knows what he did to his wife.
Zee: Why? What? What did he do to her?
Bones: He ate her!
[growls and tackles Zee off the couch and onto the floor]