The Best Cadet Korkie Quotes

Ahsoka: Corruption is what happens when someone in power puts their own personal gain before the internets of the people they represent.
Cadet: So it's a result of greed?
Ahsoka: Yes. A leader sacrifices moral integrity for the sake of money or power. Entire star systems have collapsed into chaos or revolution because their greedy politicians got caught up in a cycle of bribery and blackmail while their people suffered.
Cadet: Does that mean most government officials are corrupt?
Ahsoka: Well... no, but the point is that temptation is always there, and citizens must be vigilant so corruption can't take root. The deadliest enemies of a society dwell within its borders, and from these internal threats, the people need to be protected.
Cadet: But if you don't trust your leaders, isn't that treason?
Ahsoka: It's every citizen's duty to challenge their leaders, to keep them honest, and hold them accountable if they're not.
Cadet: How do you do that?
Ahsoka: By exposing corrupt officials for what they are. Lasting change can only come from within.

Cadet: [to Ahsoka] You sound more like my aunt then a Jedi knight.