800 Best Star Wars: The Clone Wars Quotes

Kit: No guards... that's odd.
Nahdar: The entrance looks sealed.
Comander: We specialize in making entrances.
[pulls out a thermal detonator]
Nahdar: [ignites his lightsaber] This will make less noise.
Kit: Patience, both of you. A second look usually pays off.

Yoda: Smaller in number are we, but larger in mind.

Waxer: Why do we always get the fun missions?
Boil: Oh this isn't the fun part, getting back to the square is the fun part.

Cham: We have little food or drink. But it is our tradition to share what we do have with our guests.

Duchess: If the Republic gets involved in our affairs, it will only lead to further violence. Thus I shall reassert our position of neutrality.
Mas: [scoffs] Talk of an idealist!
Duchess: No, those are the words of a pacifist, and a people who have chosen non-violent action.

Kit: Those who have power should restrain themselves from using it.

Trooper: Okay clankers, suck lasers!

Anakin: You lack faith in the Jedi.
Tarkin: I find their tactics ineffective. The Jedi Code prevents them from going far enough to achieve victory, to do whatever it takes to win. The very reason why peacekeepers should not be leading a war.
[Anakin scowls at him]
Tarkin: Have I... offended you?
Anakin: No. I've also found that we sometimes fall short of victory because of our methods.
Tarkin: There. I see we agree on something.

Narrator: Hard-pressed Jedi and their valiant clone troopers have thwarted an insidious Separatist plot to plant bombs loaded with the deadly Blue Shadow Virus in key Republic systems. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker have captured the vile scientist behind the nefarious scheme: Doctor Nuvo Vindi. Now the Jedi plan to transport Vindi to the Republic capital for trial...

The: You showed them the altar?
The: I'm sorry, Father. I didn't know how else to stop him.

[Kit Fisto informing the Jedi High Council about the loss of his former apprentice]
Mace: What about your former padawan?
Kit: His heart was in the right place, but he tried to answer Grievouses power with his own.
Yoda: To answer power with power the jedi way this is not, in this war a danger there is of losing who we are.

Count: You must strengthen your connection with the Force, my apprentice. Feel it's power within you.
[Levitates various pillars around them to demonstrate his power]
Count: Now, lift them. Concentrate.
Savage: [Savage struggles to list the pillars with the force, but loses hold] What you ask is the impossible!
Count: Impossible? The task is only impossible because you have deemed it so! You must connect with your hatred!
[Blasts Savage with force lightning]
Count: Focus on your power building. Do not think of anyone or anything else.
[Blasts him again]
Count: That's it! Your anger is your strength!
Savage: I hate you!
Count: Good.

Ki: I'm afraid we have a complication.
Anakin: Don't we always?

Obi: [via hologram] You are a more experienced diplomat than the representative from Naboo who is already there.
Bail: Senator Amidala is an excellent negotiator. I am sure that...
Obi: [interrupting] Senator Amidala could not leave the senate. Representative Binks accompanied the shipment.

[last lines]
Maul: I was hoping for Kenobi. Why are you here?

Ahsoka: Enjoy this while can, sleemo. This burning boat is about to finish us both off.

Captain: You're a deserter.
Cut: Well, well... I like to think I'm merely exercising my freedom to choose: to choose not to kill for a living.
Captain: That is not your choice to make. You swore an oath to the Republic. You have a duty.
Cut: I have a duty. You're right. But to my family. Does that count, or do you still plan to turn me in?
Captain: Do I have a choice?

Prime: Because of Master Kenobi's recent visit and the trouble that followed, no offworlders may carry weapons on Mandalore.
Ahsoka: Master Obi-Wan caused trouble? That's a first.

Clone: I thought we were bred for battle, not running errands.
Clone: Hey! We were bred to follow orders, Pulsar. You got a problem with that?

Narrator: A flaw in the plan! While in the middle of a heated battle, clone trooper Tup lost his senses and killed a Jedi general. Seeming to have no awareness of his actions, Tup's health began to deteriorate rapidly. Fearing the illness was linked to a Separatist plot, Anakin Skywalker has dispatched Captain Rex and ARC Trooper 5555 to escort Tup back to the cloning facilities on Kamino for an intensive evaluation...

Boss: Hmmm. Mesa need some thinking time to respond to dissa news.
Jar: Thinking? Nosa thinking! Mesa thinking Padmé would help us, has helped, us, big time! Wesa gotsta to help her now!
Boss: Youssa right. Thinking time'sa done!

Boba: I see now I've done terrible things.
[raises voice]
Boba: But you started when you murdered my father! I'll never forgive you.
Mace: Hm... Well, you're going to have to. Take him away.

Narrator: Counterattack! With the clone army stretched in desparate attempt to engage General Grievous' Starfleet, Separatists planets that were once thought secure are now rising up against the Republic. On Geonosis, Separatist leader Poggle the Lesser, safe in his newly ray-shielded factories, creates thousands of terrible new weapons which march off the assembly line against the outnumbered clone army. The Jedi, resolute in the effort to restore order to the Republic, mount a massive invasion to retake Geonosis and shut down Poggle's factories once and for all...

Broadside: I always know where I'm going.
Matchstick: Yeah, where's that, Broadside?
Broadside: I'm gonna blow up that battleship.
Plo: A clear path if ever there was one.

Asajj: What a surprise! My former servant, still an animal. And you have a friend now.
Savage: My brother.
Asajj: A brother? Looks like he's half the man you are, Savage. How unfortunate, I was looking for a challenge. Not some castoffs from the Nightbrothers clan. What a disappointment.
Darth: Who is this, brother?
Savage: A Dathomir witch. She betrayed me.
Darth: She knows too much. Destroy her.

Obi: Majesty, destroying us shall only make the Republic's judgement of you harsher.
Queen: No, Jedi, no. I no destroy you, I devour you.

Anakin: You should be more patient, Master. After all, the Count is an elderly gentleman and doesn't move like he used to.
Obi: I suppose you're right.
Count: I would kill you both right now if I did not have to drag your bodies.

Clone: You keep watch here, 327.
[the droid twitters a reply]
Clone: Okay, okay, 327-T. You know droids never like to be called by their nicknames.

Riyo: Chairman, can you hear me?
Chairman Chi Cho: Senator... Good...
Chairman Chi Cho: You must... avenge me. As my final command as Chairman of Pantora I order you to destroy the Talz.
Riyo: I'm afraid I cannot do that, Chairman. The Pantoran assembly has called you out of order. I am to negotiate peace.
Chairman Chi Cho: No... Impossible ! Peace, never! I died for our people...
[breathes his last breath]

99: Hevy. You going somewhere?
Hevy: Get out of here.
99: You're going AWOL, aren't you.
Hevy: Just go back to sleep, 99. This doesn't concern you.
99: But you can't do this to your squad.
Hevy: My squad? We're nothing but a bad batch - failures, like you.
99: Yeah but how can I be a failure when I never even got my chance? A chance you're throwing away. You're always trying to be the anchor, Hevy, you know, do it on your own. Well, maybe you should embrace the fact that you have a team. See, I never had that. But you need them, and they need you. Why carry such a heavy burden on your own when you have your brothers at your side, Hevy?
Hevy: Hevy? Would - stop calling me that! We're just numbers, 99. Just numbers.
99: Not to me. To me, you've always had a name.

Obi: Where are the rest of your men?
Hondo: They are setting up an ambush. We can use your help. Where is the other Jedi?
Obi: She's... she's dead.
Hondo: She's d-- They're too powerful for even you? I am semi-speechless.

Obi: I don't know much of Mother Talzin. I don't expect to be welcome here.
Anakin: Heh, you never know, I tend to be popular with the ladies.
Obi: Too popular.

Echo: This is our home. This is our war.

Ahsoka: And now, the student will kill the master.
[Anakin uses the Force to summon his lightsaber as Ahsoka Force-jumps towards him]
Anakin: You're getting ahead of yourself, aren't you, Snips?
Ahsoka: Don't call me that! I hate it when you call me that.

Narrator: Desperate times on Mandalore! Having won neutrality for the Mandalorian system, Duchess Satine now finds herself an outsider with little aid to her people. Supplies are impossible to come by, except on the black market. As a result, the Duchess faces a world consumed by greed. Hoping to alleviate some of the tensions rising on the capital city of Sundari, Satine has called upon her friend Padmé Amidala to make a diplomatic visit...

Cut: Yes, well, you and I may be clones, but we're still individuals. You have a name rather than a number, Captain. Why is that?
Captain: Perhaps our leaders feel it's a more efficient way of distinguishing us.
Cut: More efficient than a number? Hmm. I doubt the Kaminoan's think that way. Still, a name has to make you feel unique, especially in an army where everyone looks like you and talks like you.
Captain: Actually, I've never really thought about it.
Cut: Yes, you have.
Captain: Well, how would you know?
Cut: Because I'm as close to you as any life-form can be. I've seen how you look at my family, our home. Come on, Rex, admit it. You've thought about what your life could look like if you were to also leave the army, choose he life you want.
Captain: What if I am choosing the life I want? What if I'm staying in the army because it's meaningful to me?
Cut: And how is it meaningful?
Captain: Because I'm part of the most pivotal moment in the history of the Republic. If we fail, then our children and their children could be forced to live under an evil I can't well imagine.
Cut: If you were to have children, of course, but hat would be against the rules, wouldn't it? Isn't that what somebody programmed you to believe, Captain?
Captain: No, Cut, it's simply what I believe. It doesn't matter if it's my children or other people's children. Does that meet with your approval?
Cut: Perfectly.

Obi: Things are changing. And sometimes the line between friend and foe is blurred. Now more than ever.

Padmé: It's what we're capable of that frightens me. A creature's life, maybe even an entire species, is at stake. Doesn't that at least warrant a discussion?

Shaeeah: [to Rex] You look like my daddy.
Suu: Shaeeah, don't bother the soldier. Now get inside with your brother.

Plo: The data on Jango Fett suggested he frequented this area. We must be cautious...

Anakin: Where's Ahsoka?
Obi: Following your teachings.
Anakin: Is she winning?
Obi: For now...

Narrator: The clone Starfleet is under siege! Dozens of Republic warships have been destroyed in merciless surprise attacks that leave no survivors. Rumors spread of a terrible new Separatist weapon. In the face of growing fear, the Jedi Council sends Master Plo Koon to hunt down the menace before it strikes again...

Ahsoka: So which part of the situation did you have under control? The blocked entrance, or the poison gas, or that gundark behind you?

Anakin: Don't worry about me, I'm alright.
Mace: Where's your starfighter?
Anakin: That thing ate it.

Cadet: [to Ahsoka] You sound more like my aunt then a Jedi knight.

Jar: Der be some bombad clankens comin' dis way!
Commander: Er... uh... what? Bombad clankens?

Narrator: A planet of peace! The artisan colony of the planet Kiros created a society without weapons. Instead of war, they pursued art and beauty. But in the Clone Wars even peace-loving worlds are seemingly forced to change sides.

Anakin: [to IG-100 Magnaguards] You have something that belongs to me.

Admiral: Good luck, General
Ki: [boarding the Republic Gunship 'Seperatist Nightmare'] There is no such thing as luck.

Padmé: Go back to the ship and call for help.
C: I regret the transmitters on the ship are out of order.
Padmé: What?
C: The ship has been destroyed.
Padmé: Battle droids?
C: No.
Padmé: Jar Jar?
C: Jar Jar.

Nute: [via hologram] Transmit the information and close the deal, immediately.
Cad: I can't. Only a Jedi can access the device. Fortunately, there are two on their way to help me. One more than we need for our purposes.

Narrator: The Clone War threatens the unity of the Republic! As battles rage across the galaxy, more worlds succumb to the seductive lure of the Separatists and leave the Republic. On a vital mission of peace, Senator Padmé Amidala journeys to the Outer Rim world of Rodia, desperate to ensure its loyalty remains to the Republic...

Riff: What good would their help be anyway, Prince? The Quarren are more gutless than your people.

Ahsoka: [about Anakin] You might find some of his thoughts on the future eh... a bit radical.
Barriss: Really? Why?
Ahsoka: Let's just say my master will always do what needs to be done. I'm not even sure how peacetime will agree with him.

Ahsoka: I don't know, Barris. I think we should stay together.
Barriss: As do I. Unfortunately that's not a luxury we have right now. One of us must succeed, Ahsoka. If you need to, you'll do what must be done. I know it.

Narrator: A calculated risk! Following a costly victory on the planet Malastare, Chancellor Palpatine orders Jedi Knights Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker to transport a fearsome Zillo beast, captured during the battle, back to Coruscant. After seeing that not even a lightsaber could harm the beast, Chancellor Palpatine hopes to unlock the secret of it's invulnerability to create new armor for the Republic's Clone troopers. Tensions run high as the most dangerous life form in the galaxy touches down on the Republic's most populous planet.

Captain: What? What happened?
Hardcase: Commando droids took a potshot that would've gone straight through your heart had it been two inches to the left.
Captain: I can't move my arm.
Kix: You have some nerve damage.
Captain: Understood. Now patch me up and let's get on with it.
Kix: Sir, you're in no condition. It will heal, but it will take time.
Captain: We're getting underway, Kix. That's an order.
Kix: Sir, as the team medic, when it comes to the health of the men, including you, I outrank everyone.

Chancellor: A democracy is only as strong as the people who comprise it. At present, the people I am charged with protecting are dying faster than I can count. It is my moral imperative to take action. Anakin, is it not worth the life of one savage beast to give our brave troops the advantage they need to win this war?

Satine: I told Senator Amidala that Mandalore was not part of the war, yet here I find a battle in my own place.

Padmé: Should you really proceed without the Council's approval?
Anakin: We do it all the time, don't we, Snips?
Ahsoka: Yep!
Padmé: Well, be careful Ahsoka.
[to Anakin]
Padmé: I still can't believe they let you teach.

Boil: Good. You caught her. You know, I have binders if we need them.

Narrator: Criminals captured! Jedi Master Plo Koon and Padawan Ahsoka Tano successfully thwarted an attempt on Mace Windu's life, killing bounty hunter Aurra Sing in the process. Since that time, young Ahsoka has grown strong in the ways of the Force. Now, after several harrowing adventures alongside her Master, the two Jedi have returned to the Temple on Coruscant to receive their next mission...

Obi: Rushing in like this, it's... it's foolhardy.
Duchess: Ironic words from a man who spends his days running hither and yon, wielding his lightsaber with deadly force as if on a crusade! Why should I listen to someone who so frequently relies on violence? In my opinion, you're the one who's foolhardy.

Battle: We've lost all his vital signs.
Cad: Check.
[a Magna droid uses his electrostaff on Bolla Ropal]
Battle: He is no longer functioning
Cad: Drop him.
[a B1 Battle Droid releases Ropal from the force field, who falls to the ground]
Battle: [gets down on one knee to scan Ropal's vital signs] He's dead.
Cad: Looks like we'll have to find another Jedi to open this Holocron.

Anakin: There are going to be Jedi who disappoint us, Ahsoka. But as long as we know there are good Jedi who fight for what's right, it makes it all worthwhile.

Narrator: Viceroy Gunray captured! Senator Padmé Amidala has scored a victory against the Separatist Alliance on the remote world of Rodia, securing the arrest of the diabolical Confederate leader, Nute Gunray. The Jedi Council has dispatched Master Luminara Unduli and Anakin Skywalker's Padawan Ahsoka to escort the Viceroy to Coruscant under heavy guard. Once there, he will face trial for his many war crimes...

Lt. Tan Divo: Politicians always have something to hide, and it always comes back to haunt them, am I right? Oh, look who I'm asking. Room full of politicians.

Cut: What made me decide to leave the corps? Shortly after the Battle of Geonosis, our troop transport got caught between two Separatist gunships. They fired at us with everything they had. We crashed. Most of us were either dead or severely injured. So when they started working their way through the wounded, killing us off, I knew there was no hope. I ran. It still haunts me.
Captain: I'm sorry.
Cut: It's the day I felt my life didn't have any meaning. Everyone I cared about, my team, was gone. I was just another expendable clone waiting for my turn to be slaughtered in a war that made no sense to me. Can you understand that, Rex?
Captain: I've been in countless battles and lost many brothers. They were my family. My home.

Boil: [being hailed on wrist comlink] It's the commander! We're way overdue, Waxer. We're going to end up polishing R2 units.

Comlink: [off screen] This is command. You must break through enemy lines and take the target.
Echo: Comlink just relaid orders for us...
Cutup: [interrupting] We all heard the orders, Echo!
Echo: Stop calling me that.
Droidbait: Stop repeating every order!
Hevy: Less yap and more blastin'!

Mee: That was quite a moment, my dear.
Padmé: Thank you, Senator Deechi.
Mee: Oh, it wasn't a compliment. You shouldn't make speeches like that. It's unpatriotic.
Padmé: The only thing I find unpatriotic is your warmongering.

Satine: Bo, it's been a long time.
Korkie: It's okay, auntie. She's on our side now.
Satine: Why are you helping now?
Bo: The enemy of my enemy, is my friend.
Satine: There was a time when we weren't enemies. Perhaps that time has come again.

Cad: Oh, I just hate it when someone does my job.
Todo: And the holo-diary is gone as well.
Cad: Oh, drat.

Darth: Jedi! I have been waiting for you.
Obi: I'm not sure I've made your acquaintance.
Darth: I am surprised you could have forgotten me soo easily. After I killed your master and you left me for dead on Naboo.
Obi: ...It is you.
Darth: You have forgotten me, but I will never forget you! You cannot imagine the depths I would go to stay alive. Fueled by my singular hatred for you.
Obi: That may be so, but I've defeated you before, and I can defeat you again!
Darth: [chuckles] Don't be so certain.

General: How does it feel to die?
Tarpals: Not... die... Sacrifice!

Hondo: Even a Sith Lord is no match for my warriors. Put up quite a fight! Blasters. Cannons. That glowy thing.

Satine: [Mistaking a disguised Obi-Wan for Death Watch] Here to do more of your master's bidding?
Obi: [reveals himself] I do my own bidding.
Satine: Obi-Wan!
[hugs him]
Satine: Are you alone?
Obi: Yes, the Jedi Council and Galactic Senate will be of no help to us here.
Satine: I trust you have an escape plan, then?
Obi: As always, my dear.

Plo: Master Kenobi, what has happened?
Obi: [via hologram] I'm afraid we've had a situation with the shuttle.
Anakin: [Anakin enters the holovision] By situation he means: big explosion. We're gonna need a rescue.

C: This is terrible.

Ahsoka: Tell us what we what we want to know right now, or I will gut you like a Rokarian dirt-fish!

Christo: What does ideology matter at this point? Is it worth being beaten to death? Look at what they did to you.
Onaconda: These wounds will heal, but what about the millions who are dying in this war?
Christo: Who? The clones? We created them for just that purpose.
Padmé: They are people.
Christo: The people I care about are my constituents, the ones who put me in office.
Onaconda: And when was the last time you ever spoke to your people?
Christo: Probably the same time you did... or you, Senator.
Padmé: Senator Christo, please, is there anything we can do to get you to change your mind?
Christo: [sighs] Where does Senator Organa stand on this? Why isn't he here?
Padmé: Senator Organa is preparing to speak before the full Senate.
Christo: Senator Organa? Hmm, I'll listen to what he has to say.
Padmé: So you are open to voting with us?
Christo: I said, "I'll listen to what he has to say."

Obi: [after the cruiser explodes; to Anakin] And you thought this conference would be boring.

Chairman Chi Cho: [hit in the back by a spear] Savages!

Narrator: A diplomatic mission! As dissent threatens to tear apart the peaceful Mandalore system, Duchess Satine struggles to protect her people against the escalating violence. Betrayed by two of her trusted allies, Satine now travels to Coruscant. There, she hopes to convince the Senate that a destructive splinter group, Death Watch, does not represent the entire Mandalorian government.

Narrator: The battle for Anaxes! One of the Republic's largest shipyards is under attack from Admiral Trench's Separatist forces. Jedi Generals Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker lead a two-pronged assault on the ground and in the air. But after weeks of heated battle and mounting losses, the Republic's grip on Anaxes begins to slip away... .

Obi: Well done, senator.
Anakin: Yes. Most impressive.
Riyo: Thank you, Master Jedi.
Obi: Now that you have created peace between your people and the Talz, remember one crucial thing...
Riyo: Yes, Master Kenobi?
Obi: Make it last, senator. Make it last.

Narrator: Death and destruction! Darth Maul and Savage Opress spread chaos as they descend on the Outer Rim. After rescuing his brother from despair, Savage and Maul murder and pillage at every turn. Fueled by rage and vengeance, they search for meaning in their new alliance as reports of their brutal attacks spread across the galaxy...

Lok: Help! I'll be defoliated!

Narrator: Invasion! The planet Cato Neimoidia is under Separatist attack. Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, rush to the rescue as they lead a squadron of starfighters to the planet below...

Senator: The last time I went on one of these ransom missions, I spent three weeks in a dungeon.

Narrator: Invasion! Separatist leader Wat Tambor has taken control of the planet Ryloth and subjugates its people through a brutal droid occupation. In a daring surprise attack, Jedi Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano defeated the space blockade guarding the planet. Now, Jedi Generals Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi lead a massive invasion to liberate the starving people...

Narrator: Obi-Wan Kenobi in disguise! Working undercover as assassin Rako Hardeen, Obi-Wan leads a secret mission to uncover the Separatist plot against Chancellor Palpatine. Using cunning and courage, he gains the trust of bounty hunter Cad Bane and criminal mastermind Moralo Eval, earning him entrance to the stronghold of Separatist leader, Count Dooku. Now it is here, on the beautiful planet of Serenno, that a barbaric contest will determine the fate of Obi-Wan Kenobi and possibly, the Republic itself.

Pong: Feeble minded Clones!

Narrator: Conspiracy! After repeated setbacks on the planet Anaxes, an elite clone squad is deployed to investigate the Separatist tactical advantage. This special unit, called the Bad Batch, infiltrates Admiral Trench's cyber center to steal a strategic algorithm capable of predicting the Republic's every move. What our heroes found was a live signal from the ARC trooper known as Echo, a clone long believed to be dead... .

Aayla: I am sure that you are aware that the Jedi did not initiate the Clone Wars. Our only intention is to end it and restore peace to our galaxy.
Tee: What difference does it make who started the war and who only wants to end it? No side is free of fault. It takes two to fight.
Aayla: But isn't liberty worth fighting for?
Tee: But is it worth killing for?

Hardcase: Live to fight another day, boys. Live to fight another day.

Narrator: Revenge! Boba Fett, son of the notorious bounty hunter Jango Fett, infiltrated a Jedi cruiser in an attempt to assassinate General Mace Windu, the man who killed his father. After a near miss at Windu's quarters, Boba was forced to destroy the Jedi cruiser, and escape with the help of notorious bounty hunter Aurra Sing. Now, having lost contact with Admiral Kilian when his doomed starship crashed, the Jedi search for survivors with the aid of a Republic rescue ship.

Doge: Our ancestors warned us that one would return someday and destroy our entire civilization. Will you help us or not?
Mace: I respect your traditions and your ancestors, but... we cannot allow the destruction of an innocent life form.
Doge: Then there will be no treaty.

Qui: You have grown strong and powerful, just as I imagined.
Anakin: Master!
Qui: Do you believe you are the chosen one?
Anakin: How... can I know?
Qui: I can tell you what I believe: I believe you will bring balance to the Force. That you will face your demons and save the universe.

The: Welcome. I believe there has been a misunderstanding. We really don't have to be enemies.
Anakin: You murdered your sister. The Force is out of balance. I have to stop you.
The: Must you?
[Anakin activates his lightsaber]
The: There is no use for such crude implements here.

Narrator: Terror at the Temple! The Jedi Temple is in disarray after a vicious terrorist attack. Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano set out to find the truth of who was really behind this horrendous catastrophe. Their investigation led them to discover the true saboteur, Letta Turmond. Now the Jedi attempt to return the Temple to normalcy. But first, Master Yoda must give a eulogy to the fallen Jedi warriors...

Nahdar: [to Grievous] Don't make me destroy you!

Chancellor: We must let the wheels of the Senate turn.

Narrator: A bid for revenge! Betrayed and left for dead by Count Dooku, Asajj Ventress has begun a deadly game with her former Master, launching a secret assassination attempt against him with the help of her kin, the mysterious Nightsisters. Deceived into believing the Jedi were behind the recent attack, Dooku has traveled across the galaxy to enlist the Nightsisters in his quest for vengeance...

[the Zillo Beast is starting to escape the research facility. Several AT-TEs, tanks and three Clone Troopers get into position]
Clone: I don't like the sound of that.
Kosmos: If that creature is as powerful as they say, what good are these rifles gonna be?
Clone: Ah, shut up, Kosmos.
[the Zillo Beast rams into the wall one more time before finally bursting through, killing all the clones instantly]

Narrator: Stranded! Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano are caught in the middle of a treacherous battle between good and evil. The scales now tip toward the dark side. Our three warriors must guard against attack as they plan their escape. A great weight has been placed on Anakin's shoulders, for it is now that he must face who he really is...

Narrator: Turmoil in the Outer Rim! Located near a major hyperspace lane, the planet Felucia is caught in an unending battle between Republic and Separatist forces. Clone tank divisions make a valiant push deep into Separatist- controlled territory, led by Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano. General Grievous, learning of the impending Jedi attack, has dispatched reinforcements to one of his droid outposts, hoping to secure his grip on the system...

Prince: People of Mon Cala, all people of Mon Cala who would not be slaves, have hope! You will not be prisoners much longer.

Shaak: You are where you need to be. Solve your problems as a whole, not as individuals.

Narrator: Homeward bound! On a peaceful mission on the planet Aleen, R2-D2 and C-3PO were caught up in an adventure beyond their comprehension. After finally resolving the crisis and being taken to Jedi master Adi Gallia's cruiser, they now head home toward the safety of the Republic, hoping to avoid a Separatist attack...

King: That's a lot of smoke for a surrender.

Narrator: Planet Ryloth invaded! Subjected to a brutal droid occupation, the people of Ryloth are starving under the blockade of a Separatist fleet. Evil Separatist leader Wat Tambor now rules with an iron fist. Answering a plea from the Senate, the Grand Army of the Republic mounts a bold offensive to liberate the system. It is up to Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka to make way for Obi-Wan's ground assault.

Pre: For generations, my ancestors fought proudly as warriors against the Jedi. Now, that woman tarnishes the very name Mandalorian. Defend her, if you will.
[throws Obi-Wan his lightsaber, who instantly ignites it]
Pre: This lightsaber was stolen from the Jedi Temple by my ancestors during the fall of the Old Republic. Since then, many Jedi have died upon its blade. Prepare yourself to join them.

Obi: Anakin... always on the move.

Orn: Ah! Dessert, excellent.
Obi: This morsel may prove too much even for the legendary appetite of Orn Free Taa.

The: I held hope that you could resist the dark side. But I see now... there is no going back.
The: Father.
[the Father stabs himself]
The: No! What have you done? It did not have to be this way.
The: Yes, my child, it did. You and I are tied together, and your strength runs through me. This way, I take your power.
The: [gasps] Please, don't die.
The: I always knew there was good in you.
The: [gasps and groans as Anakin stabs the Son with his lightsaber] And so you have betrayed me, Father.

Plo: [reactivating R2-D2] Koh-to-ya, Droid.

Obi: [via hologram] Anakin, I've got enough problems without you becoming one of them.

Anakin: [Ahsoka walks toward the steps of the Jedi Temple. Anakin chases after her] Ahsoka, wait!
[Ahsoka shakes her head without stopping]
Anakin: Ahsoka, I need to talk to you!
[Ahsoka stops. She turns to Anakin as he stops in front of her, breathless]
Anakin: Why... are you doing this?
Ahsoka: The Council didn't trust me.
[Ahsoka crosses her arms and turns aside]
Ahsoka: So how can I trust myself?
Anakin: What about me? I believed in you, I stood by you!
Ahsoka: [Ahsoka turns back to face Anakin] I know you believe in me, Anakin. And I'm grateful for that. But this isn't about you. I can't stay here any longer.
[Ahsoka turns aside again]
Ahsoka: Not now.
Anakin: The Jedi Order is your life. You can't just throw it away like this!
[Ahsoka winces]
Anakin: Ahsoka, you are making a mistake.
[Anakin turns aside as well]
Ahsoka: [Ahsoka faces Anakin] Maybe. But I have to sort this out on my own. Without the Council... and without you.
[Ahsoka turns her back on Anakin completely]
Anakin: [Anakin sighs] I understand. More than you realize, I understand wanting to walk away from the Order.
Ahsoka: [Ahsoka glances back over her shoulder] I know.
[Anakin's eyes widen in surprise. As Ahsoka begins to walk away again, he almost reaches out for her, but stops and stays where he is, simply watching her leave. Ahsoka heads toward the steps, eyes watering. A single tear slips down her cheek. She descends the steps and disappears from view. Fade to black]

Anakin: Tracking torpedos? Hm. What class ship was he fighting?
Obi: [via hologram] Mostly cruiser to cruiser. Nothing as small as your ship.
Anakin: Well, no ship this small usually has a cloaking device.

Battle: Sir, the enemy fighters are closing.
General: Let them come! Prepare the ion cannon! First we will destroy the medical station. Then we will finish off Skywalker.
Battle: I have a bad feeling about this.

Ahsoka: Well, you want the bad news, or the really bad news?
Obi: Well, let's try the bad news laced with a little optimism.

Obi: Must you always rush into things?
Anakin: Oh no. You don't actually want to talk to it, do you?
Obi: As a matter of fact, I do.

Yoda: Clones you may be, but the Force resides in all Living Things.

Plo: Great job, Master Skywalker, your leadership skills are most impressive.
Anakin: You didn't do so bad yourself.
Ahsoka: Eh, excuse me? I believe it was my suggestion to change the plan.
Anakin: That's kind of true, Snips.
Plo: From a certain point of view.

Padmé: It wasn't Death Watch, Prime Minister. It was a group of black market smugglers. They were diluting the drink with slabin. What they didn't count on was that the process would make the drinks poisonous.
Prime: And what about the sick children?
Satine: I ordered shipments of the antidote for all the schools and hospitals.
Prime: Oh, I'm glad this is over.
Satine: No, I'm afraid it's not over. The corruption we witnessed is intolerable. Payoffs, police unwilling to comply, my government fooled. How does this happen?
Prime: I'm sorry. I'm setting up a committee to look into it.
Satine: Children nearly died because our government cannot be counted on.
Prime: I assure you this will not go unpunished.
Satine: I'm counting on you, Almec.

Lok: [laughs] Ransack this dung-heep!

Obi: [arriving on Orto Plutonia in the middle of a snow storm] And this is the planet's tropical zone.
Anakin: It's not Tatooine, that's for sure.

Hondo: Hello, hello and welcome to Florrum.
Plo: I should assume you are walking us into a trap?
Hondo: Yes you should.
[hushed tones]
Hondo: They're waiting inside the bar. I have no idea what she has planned for you.
Plo: And the reason you are telling us is?
Hondo: So you know that I am not involved in this.

Kit: You may have been a proud warrior once, but now you're just a pawn in Dooku's game.

Narrator: A darkness awakes! Count Dooku's bitter betrayal of his former apprentice Asajj Ventress resulted in the creation of a new menace in the galaxy: Savage Opress. Caught in a deadly game of revenge between Ventress and Dooku, Savage barely escaped the carnage. Beaten and alone, he returned to Mother Talzin, his creator, who gave him a new quest: to pursue his long-lost brother.

Pong: Make no mistake, for crossing me, you will pay the price.

Narrator: Outer Rim under siege! Separatist forces have launched a major offensive. Led by the evil droid General Grievous, Republic forces are pushed to the brink. In response to this overwhelming attack, the Jedi Council has despatched its Generals, sending them far from the Core Words to bolster the beleaguered clones. On the distant planet of Yerbana, we find Commander Cody of the 212th in desperate need of reinforcements... .

Aurra: I never took you for a coward, Castas. And what about you, Bossk? Do you feel the same?
Bossk: I'm still in. I've got a lot riding on this kill, and I need the cash.

Ahsoka: [shivering with cold] Oh, master Fisto, we're ready to pick up the supplies.
Kit: We'll take care of that. You rest now, Ahsoka.

Satine: I have to tell you, I'm opposed to all of this!
Obi: I'd be disappointed if you weren't.

C: We're doomed.

Narrator: A world under siege! The Separatists have launched a massive offensive against the planet Ryloth. A blockade of deadly battleships has cut off any support for the dwindling Republic defenses. Though they have fought valiantly with the help of Twi'lek freedom fighter Cham Syndulla, hope is fading for Jedi Master Di and his men as the droid army closes in...

Count: [referring to the Weequay pirates] They are devious and deceitful and most importantly, stupid.
Obi: It's a wonder you don't get along with them, Dooku. You have so much in common.

Cody: Are you alright, sir?
Obi: No. I'm right back where we started.

Ahsoka: Suicide is not the Jedi way, master.
Obi: [via hologram] You should listen to your Padawan.
Anakin: As you listened to yours, my old Master?

Bric: I thought you had faith they'd be the best, right? Well, the best pass, no matter what.
El: General, you have to stop this. This is unfair to the cadets.
Shaak: Adversity in war is a constant, El-Les.
El: But Bric has cheated.
Shaak: The enemy won't play fair either.

Yoda: Hmm. In the end, cowards are those who follow the dark side.

Anakin: You couldn't be a greater disappointment. How could you do this to your brothers?
Sergeant: [scoffs] Only a Jedi would ask that. It's the Jedi who keep my brothers enslaved. We do your bidding. We serve at your whim. I just wanted something more.

C: I'm having a bad feeling about this. With your permission, Senator Padmé, I would like to shut down before I get sensory overload.
Padmé: Permission denied.

Anakin: Look, when this doesn't go as planned, which it won't, I'll be ready.
Obi: That is so reassuring.

Ziro the Hutt: [upon being released from prison] Oh! It's so bright out here!
Clone: [talking over Ziro] Oh my god!

Ahsoka: I get so confused sometimes. It's forbidden for Jedi to form attachment, yet we're supposed to be compassionate.
Aayla: It is nothing to be ashamed of, Ahsoka. I went through the same process when I was your age with my own Master.
Ahsoka: Really? You?
Aayla: He was like a father to me. I realized that for the greater good, I had to let him go. Don't lose a thousand lives just to save one.
Ahsoka: Maybe. But that doesn't mean that I can't try to save his life.

Darth: We have failed to break Master Yoda. He is strong. We will need more time if we are to defeat him and the Jedi.

Narrator: Clone forces rally! As the war escalates in the Outer Rim, the Jedi Knights are spread thinly across the galaxy. Many new clones are rushed into service to support their Jedi generals. Unfortunately, because of the relentless demands of battle, many young clones must join the struggle before their intensive training has been completed. These clones, manning a vital network of tracking stations are all that stand between the Republic and invasion...

Obi: That's your plan? Just fly there, land, hope they don't spot us and walk in the door?
Anakin: Basically.
Obi: Oh. Brilliant. Let's get going.

Suu: He was injured. His men brought him here. I told him he could stay just for the night.
Cut: Of course he can. We never turn away those in need, do we?
Jek: No, we always help anyone we can.
Cut: Right. You, uh, you look hungry, Rex.
Captain: No I'm fine. I'll stay here.
Jek: No, you have to eat with us. Please?
Shaeeah: Please?
Cut: They're never going to stop till you say yes.
Captain: All right. I'll join you.

Obi: Just like that swarm of venom-mites on Draboon, remember?
Satine: How could I forget? I still have the scar.
Obi: Begging your pardon, Duchess, I distinctly remember carrying you to safety.
Satine: I meant the scar I got after you fell and dropped me.
Obi: Oh.

TX: I calculate the remaining clones are attempting a desperate final offensive. Their chances of success against us are 742 to one.
Wat: [via hologram] You had better be right.
TX: I am a droid. I am always right.

Gha: [about R2-D2] It contains every Republic formation and strategy they have.
General: Good work. You certainly earned your fee this time.
Gha: More than my fee. This droid is worth more, I get paid more. Now, I suggest...
[Gha Nachkt is surpassed by Grievous' light saber and dies instantaneously]
General: There is your bonus.

Darth: Hmm, I sense a presence... a presence I haven't felt since... Master!
[Darth Sidious enters the room, Maul kneeling before hm]
Darth: Master.
Darth: I am most impressed to see you have survived your injuries.
Darth: I have used your training, Master. And I have built all this in hopes of returning to your side.
Darth: Hmm... how unfortunate that you are attempting to deceive me.
Darth: Master?
Darth: You have become... A RIVAL!

Satine: You have the romantic soul of a slug, Merrik.
[stomps his boot with her high heel, grabs his weapon as he releases his grip on her]
Satine: And slugs are so often trod upon.

Ahsoka: Hey Goldie, what did you think of your first adventure?
Anakin: I'll tell you what I think: I think I'm lucky to be alive!
[R3-S6 turns around and leaves]
Ahsoka: Great! Now you hurt his feelings.
Anakin: His feelings? What about R2? He's still out there. I know it.

Mace: The council has assembled. They are eager to hear your report.
Yoda: Afraid, not much there is to say, about my journey.
Obi: So, nothing significant happened to you out there?
Yoda: Yes, and no. To the end, we are coming now.
Mace: Did your journey give you insight on how to win the war?
Yoda: No longer certain, that one ever does win a war, I am. For in fighting the battles, the bloodshed, already lost we have. Yet, open to us a path remains. That unknown to the Sith is. Through this path, victory we may yet find. Not victory in the Clone Wars, but victory for all time.

Ahsoka: Sorry to interrupt your playtime, Grumpy, but wouldn't you prefer a challenge?
General: That wouldn't be you.

Obi: We'll have to stand and fight. Or in your case, just stand.

Obi: [via hologram] The Seperatists are being unusually tidy. They don't want any witnesses.

Padmé: There are times I wish I could follow Mandalore's lead. Neutrality. And not just in the war.
Satine: But the politics as well?

The: Their conflict is feeding you, isn't it? I must stop them.
The: No!
[He stops the Daughter with the Force, and she then attacks him with it]
The: If you will stand in my way, then I guess we must fight.

Cad: [Scene starts off with C-3PO being shock] I don't want this gibberish. I want the plans for the Senate Building.
C: I don't know what you're talking about
Cad: You're Senator Amidala's personal droid.
C: I am a protocol droid, human-cyborg relations. I can translate and instruct on appropriate etiquette, which in your case, sir if you don't mind me saying, is sorely lacking.
[Bane looks at J0-N0, telling him to shock C-3P0 again]
C: That is exactly the type of behavior I am talking about.
J0: According to the analyzer, he's not lying. His head is totally empty of any information useful to us.
C: Empty? I protest, I am fluent in over six million forms of communication.
Cad: Ain't that great? A brainless droid.
C: My lack of knowledge is not an impediment at all.

Narrator: Stolen secrets! Villainous mercenary Cad Bane was hired by Darth Sidious to steal a holocron from the vaults of the Jedi Temple. After fleeing the scene of the crime, Bane hunted down and captured Master Bolla Ropal, who has a crystal which holds secrets of the Jedi Order. As a Separatist fleet arrives to help the bounty hunter, Anakin Skywalker races in to cut off their escape and stop Bane from delivering the stolen holocron.

Ahsoka: That was close, Master.
Anakin: Isn't it always, Snips?

Aayla: I've certainly perfected the art of demolishing ships and almost getting my master killed.

Ahsoka: I was just thinking about what you said earlier about enjoying the peace while it lasts. As a Jedi, I'm not sure I know how to do that.
Barriss: Master Windu has said we are keepers of the peace, not warriors. However, once the war is over, it will be our job to maintain the peace.
Ahsoka: Yes, but will we do so as keepers of the peace or warriors? And what's the difference?
Barriss: I don't have all the answers, Ahsoka. Like you I'm a learner.

Anakin: What were those things? We couldn't kill them.
Obi: I've heard stories of a Geonosian hyve mind so powerful, so strong, that it can maintain it's connection with it's warriors even after they have died.
Anakin: And you think that's why we couldn't kill them? Because they're...
Obi: Already dead, yes.
Anakin: That can't be true. That's impossible!

The: Forgive me, Daughter. I am an old fool who believed he could control the future. Now you are gone... and all is lost. Sleep well, my child. Sleep free.

[while Anakin and Ahsoka are trying to find Rako Hardeen and spot a ship with Cad Bane walking aboard]
Ahsoka: Look it's Cad Bane.
Anakin: Are you sure it's him?
Ahsoka: Ugh, who else wears a hat like that?
Anakin: [off-screen] Good point.

Onaconda: I am sorry, my sweet. I had no choice.
Padmé: There's always a choice! To live in fear is no life at all!

Cad: [Shahan Alama enters the room without his droid partner] What happened? Where's the droid?
Shahan: The droid's gone, but there's good news. The Jedi is unarmed.
Cad: What?
Shahan: It doesn't look like he has his lightsaber.
Cad: Go, bring him back to me.
[Aurra Sing and Shahan Alama go after the unarmed Anakin Skywalker]

Captain: [Going to Fives after he was shot in the chest] Fives, brother. Call for help! We need a medic!
Fives: Rex...
Captain: Fives...
Fives: This, it's... it's bigger than any of us... than anything I could have imagined... I never meant to... I only wanted to do my duty...
Captain: Brother, Fives. Stay with me Fives! Fives!
Fives: The mission... the nightmares... they're... finally... over...
[Fives dies]
Captain: Fives! No, Fives! Come on, Fives. Don't go, stay with me, stay with me! Fives! Fives! Don't go... Oh... Oh no...

Satine: [Dying] Remember, my dear Obi-Wan... I loved you always. I always will...

Narrator: While fighting to control the darkened world of Umbara, Anakin Skywalker's battalion is temporarily placed under the command of Jedi General Pong Krell. As Krell's disastrous strategies result in increasing casualties, his men begin to turn against him. Captain Rex struggles to balance loyalty between his commander and his fellow men. Under his watch, Fives and Jesse disobey Krell's orders, resulting in their court-martial.

Obi: [in submarine, pressing his comlink] Nothing as of yet.
Anakin: [flying his Jedi Fighter in space above Kamino] Only you could be worried about the ship I already shot down.

C: Jar Jar, you great webfoot! You're squooshing my circuits!

Count: I do not need my eyes to see you, Jedi.

Feral: There are only two of us left, brother. But only one will survive.
Savage: No, not if I can help it.
[Watches Asajj prepare]
Savage: Stick together, we must work as a team.

Clone: Next time, just tell me to jump.
Anakin: Now where's the fun in that?

Luminara: We'll monitor your progress on these chronimeters. Synchronize on my mark.

Battle: [Battle Droid looking at Heavy crawling towards Tanks]
Battle: Do we take prisoners?
Hevy: I don't!
Hevy: [detonates Explosives]

Ahsoka: Senate Commando's? How does a money grabbing worm like Gunray rate all this security? He doesn't look that dangerous.
Luminara: Don't let your overconfidence get Gunray another advantage, Ahsoka. Even now, his allies may be conspiring against us.

Satine: Obi-Wan... it looks like I may never see you again. I don't know quite how to say this, but I've loved you from the moment you came to my aid, all those years ago.
Tal: [rolls his eyes] I don't believe this.
Obi: Satine, this is hardly the time or place for...
[notices her desperation]
Obi: Alright. Had you said the word, I would have left the Jedi order.

Eeth: Your reputation precedes you, General. The reputation of a coward, and a murderer.
General: Murderer? Is it murder to rid the galaxy of you Jedi filth?

Padmé: That's a lot of enemy troops between us and the surface.
Anakin: It's no problem. I just hope you're a fast swimmer.
Padmé: Says the boy from the desert planet.

Narrator: Turning the tide! As Separatist control over vital but isolated supply routes expands, Republic forces invade a key planet - the darkened world of Umbara. In the midst of helping Obi-Wan Kenobi's battalion conquering the Umbaran capital, Anakin Skywalker is called away to Coruscant. His battalion is temporarily placed under the command of Jedi General Pong Krell, a shrewd and temperamental leader. Krell's reckless strategy force Captain Rex to retreat with his platoons in a disastrous defeat.

Padmé: What has happened to democracy? And why doesn't anyone seem to care?
Teckla: Well, you do. Forgive me, my lady. Um, you're not like most politicians.
Padmé: If only that were enough, Teckla.
Teckla: Well, you actually talk to the people... people like me. Good night, my lady.
Padmé: Teckla, tell me, how is your family?
Teckla: They are fine.
Padmé: How is the war affecting them?
Teckla: Well, it hasn't been easy, and it's only getting worse.
Padmé: How? Please, tell me. Tell me how it's getting worse.

Captain: Hear that? They're cheering for you.
Prince: They're cheering for them.
Captain: Then make it for you
[hands over a weapon]
Captain: Come on, lead!

Savage: [Savage contacts Dooku via hologram] My Lord.
Count: Is it finished?
Savage: Yes. The temple has been taken.
Count: And the Jedi?
Savage: Dead.
Count: Very impressive, Savage. Return to Serenno immediately.
Savage: Very well, my Lord.

Ahsoka: Sniper, get down!

Queen: You dare raise a hand against your master? Clearly you require further processing.

Narrator: A world in crisis! The peaceful planet of Mandalore is being strangled by the grip of corruption. With shortages of every kind, citizens must turn to the black market in order to survive. Desperate to free her people, Duchess Satine has asked her friend Padmé Amidala to speak with the Jedi Council in hopes that they will send assistance to her struggling world.

Narrator: Viceroy Gunray escapes! En route to Coruscant to stand trial for war crimes, evil Separatist leader Nute Gunray has broken free of his Jedi escort. With the help of Count Dooku's sinister agents, the villainous viceroy has made a daring getaway. Alerted to the bold prison break, Jedi Master Kit Fisto has traced the stolen ship to a remote system, hoping to recapture Gunray and return him to justice.

Narrator: Mystery on Mortis! Sent to discover the origin of mysterious distress call, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano are stranded on a distant planet. There, they discover three beings more powerful with the Force than any Jedi have seen before. The Father keeps a fragile balance between his Daughter, who allies with the light side, and the Son, who drifts ever closer to the dark. With his strength failing, the Father asks Anakin to stay and take his place, preserving the balance between light and dark. But after passing a perilous test, Skywalker refuses. Now we find our heroes about to depart for their journey home, or so they think...

C: [after being hit by strange fruit thrown by an unseen jeerer] I don't think that needs translating.

C: I have a bad feeling about thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis!
[slips and falls down a hole in the ground]

Narrator: Captured! Returning from a perilous assignment in the Outer Rim, Jedi Master Even Piell's cruiser has fallen under attack and been boarded. Seeking vital information he carries about secret hyperspace lanes called the Nexus Route, Separatist forces have taken him alive. Now the Jedi are preparing a stealth mission into the heart of Separatist space in an effort to rescue Master Piell from the deadly prison known as the Citadel...

Padmé: Can't you all see this bill is shortsighted l? Millions of clones won't win this war. The only winner will be the Banking Clan. They want to pass this bill so badly, they're using scare tactics to sway votes.

Narrator: Mystery on Bardotta! An oasis of peace during the Clone Wars, the galaxy-wide conflict now threatens the ancient ways of the Bardottan people. With their spiritual leaders mysteriously vanishing, the foundations of order in its systems are near collapse. In desperation, the Queen of Bardotta has called upon the Republic Senate with a puzzling request to help save her people from certain doom...

Obi: The air is warmer here. We must be getting close.
Anakin: Forget the heat.
Anakin: It smells in here.
Obi: Keep your voice down.
Anakin: I'm just saying... This planet is rotten from the inside out.

Asajj: Bring in the prisoner! Now for the final test.
[the Nightsisters haul in Feral, dropping him in front of the transformed Savage Opress]
Feral: Savage?
Asajj: Kill him.
Feral: Savage, you know me. I am your kin! Do not do this!
Asajj: [slaps Savage across the face] I said, kill him!
[Savage grabs Feral around the neck, lifting him up into the air]
Feral: No! Brother! Brother, please!
Savage: You... beg? Weakling!
Feral: Savage!
[Savage snaps Feral's neck, killing him]
Asajj: Good. Very good. You will learn to draw your strength from your emotions. Hate will feed you. Never sympathize with the enemy, not even for a moment.
Savage: Yes, sister.

Obi: Still here, Anakin. When was the last time you've slept?
Anakin: I'll sleep after we find General Grievous.

Gha: [to R2] Keep moving, grease butt.

Narrator: Blinded by the dark side! The Jedi Council has begun to unravel the mystery of how the clone army was created and now fear the Sith Lord Count Dooku was behind it. Master Yoda searches for answers and during deep meditation he is able to contact the spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn, who reveals to Yoda that he must manifest his consciousness after death if he is to preserve the Jedi Order. Now, we find Master Yoda deep in space, searching for a path to ones who will teach him all he does not know of the Force...

Obi: Sorry, I don't believe we've met. You are?
Bo: Bo-Katan. I'm here to rescue you, that's all you need to know.
Obi: Sounds good to me.
Bo: [Holding up a Mandalorian jet pack] You ever use one of these before?
Obi: No, but in this case I'm a fast learner.

Ahsoka: Master, wait! Stop! This is the way to the hanger. We must get off the ship now.
Anakin: [resolved] I can't let Bane get away.
Ahsoka: [shouting] Patience!
Ahsoka: Master... patience.
Anakin: You're right.

Narrator: Trapped! On an unsanctioned mission to rescue ARC trooper Echo, General Skywalker, Captain Rex, and the Bad Batch travel to Skako Minor, headquarters of the Techno Union. After a harrowing encounter with the natives, our heroes infiltrate the city of Purkoll, only to find themselves surrounded by Wat Tambor's forces... .

Batle: Boy, this is a lot more fun when they're not shooting back!

Savage: How does one defend against such power?
Count: A wise master does not reveal all his secrets at once. In due time, my apprentice.

Narrator: Galactic showdown! In a fierce battle for survival, the Republic and Separatist armies have clashed in the distant Sullust system. Count Dooku's most cunning assassin, Asajj Ventress, leads the vicious attack...

Narrator: Calm before the storm! A rare and welcome respite from endless battle awaits Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu as they travel through deep space aboard the Jedi cruiser Endurance. Preparing to rendezvous with a Republic frigate, the Jedi remain unaware of a deadly peril lying hidden in their midst...

General: [to Gha Nachkt] Don't push me, slime!

Anakin: Oh poodoo!

Narrator: Treachery in the Senate! The Jedi Council suspects that Senator Rush Clovis is secretly taking part in a Separatist conspiracy. But to find out what the Senator from Scipio is up to, the Council will need a spy of its own. Meanwhile, Jedi Anakin Skywalker has been away from Coruscant on a lengthy tour of duty leading the clone army. Now Anakin returns for a long-awaited reunion with his wife, Padmé Amidala...

Barriss: You should enjoy this peace while it lasts.

Battle: They escaped Sir.
Osi: Captain, show this droid what happens when we use that word.

Anakin: Great. The one time I actually ask Obi-Wan for help, he's nowhere to be found!

Count: Your failure is most unfortunate. I will have to discuss this with my master.

Anakin: Where are they?
Obi: Patience. They'll be here in a moment. You seem a bit on edge.
Anakin: There's a good chance we're about to destroy all life on this planet, including the Senator's, so, yes. I'm on edge. Why aren't you?
Obi: I'm better at hiding it.

Ahsoka: We could've stopped them.
Kalifa: No, Ahsoka. We are not saviors here. Here, we are survivors.

The: What did he show you?
Anakin: I've seen what I become, and I cannot let that happen.
The: And for this, you join him? Your destiny can change just as quickly as the love in one's heart can fade. Nothing is set in stone.
Anakin: But I will cause so much pain.
The: If there is to be balance, what you have seen must be forgotten.

Narrator: Jedi form rebel alliance! Led by Anakin Skywalker, the Jedi have trained a band of rebels to fight the Separatists on the planet Onderon. With the help of the Jedi, the rebels escaped capture and infiltrated the heavily fortified city of Iziz. Now our heroes have launched an armed campaign to subvert the Separatist occupation of the planet. The Jedi Council continue to observe and advise as the rebels strive to gain momentum against the Separatist forces. Despite the absence of civilian casualties, public fear has ensued as reports of the rebels' daring strikes circulate throughout the city...

Ahsoka: [via hologram] Koh-to-ya, Master Koon.
Plo: Koh-to-ya, little 'Soka.

Captain: Hands above your heads. Take your sun bonnets off.

Ahsoka: [arriving at the Lurmen village] Pod central. We made it.

Padmé: This is a mission of peace. I put my faith in diplomacy. We can't solve all of our problems by throwing troops at them.

Sugi: That's far enough. I speak for the people of this village. State your name and business.
Pirate: My name is my own business. And my business is taking what's ours.

Obi: [via hologram] I know you're fond of that droid, but he's fallen into enemy hands.
Anakin: I could... rescue R2.
Obi: No. This is not a rescue mission.

Todo: You know if you would just tell me what it is you're doing back there I could probably be of some assistance.
Cad: No. I am just doing some maintanance. You've been having memory crashes.
Todo: That is preposterous. I have no memory of any crashes. Oh my goodness! I have no memories of any crashes!
Cad: Exactly...
Todo: Oh no, I am doomed!

Count: [via hologram] Commander Sobeck, you've been avoiding my transmissions.
Osi: My deepest respect. I was... hoping to surprise you with good news.
Count: Good news would indeed be a surprise.

Narrator: Grievous in retreat! Before the battleship Malevolence could destroy an Outer Rim clone medical base, a Republic strike force, under the command of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, crippled the warship, disabling its dreaded ion cannon. Now the Jedi relentlessly pursue the Malevolence...

Anakin: [faced with a tribe of Talz and no translator] Well, say something.
Obi: Just shut up.

Anakin: I still don't get it.
Obi: Get what?
Anakin: How a buch of drunken pirates managed to catch Dooku when we couldn't.
Obi: Maybe there's a lesson to be learned here.
Anakin: [sighs] I still don't get it.
Obi: It's to remind us to be humble and never too proud to accept a gift when it comes our way.

Count: Well done, if I do say so myself.
Obi: Most impressive.

Ahsoka: [speaking into her comlink] Master, can you hear me? Master?
Anakin: [answering while fighting off Battle Droids] Ahsoka!
[raises voice]
Anakin: Set of the bombs, we're trapped.
Ahsoka: I'm sorry Master, we can't make it out.
Anakin: [through comlink] Can't make it out? Ahsoka, wait!
Ahsoka: Fire.
[pushes button]

Narrator: The final surge. Having learned of warlord Poggle the Lesser's plot to rebuild a Separatist droid foundry on Geonosis, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, prepare to assault this heavily-fortified installation. Their mission: destroy the factory at all costs. Anticipating stiff resistance, Republic commanders send Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and her Padawan, Barriss Offee, to reinforce the attack. But time runs short for our intrepid heroes as the dreaded droid mill nears completion...

Obi: A great leap forward often requires taking two steps back.

Anakin: How about tracking him down?
Mace: So I should behave as this child does? I should seek revenge?

Obi: Oh well, just another boring day saving the universe.

C: [after Jar Jar accidentally destroys Padmé's ship; part woefully, part sarcastically] That's the end of our ship... typical!

Count: [about Savage Opress] He certainly is a sight to behold.
Mother: The fiercest of his kind, my lord. He shall serve you well.
Count: Yes, he shall.

Hologram: You're listening to the Grand Army of the Republic broadcast, the voice of the Outer Rim. This next one goes out to the Mud-Jumpers of the 224th, slugging it out on Mimban. Keep your heads down and your seals tight, boys.

Tup: Good soldiers follow orders.

Wullf: So, did you manage to recover the Holocron or capture the bounty hunter?
Anakin: Ehm, no... and no.
Wullf: I see. So, the mission was your usual version of success, then?
Anakin: If by success you mean I won, then yes.

Narrator: Sinister forces on the move! Asajj Ventress has suffered a humiliating betrayal at the hands of her own assassin, Savage Opress. Having gone into hiding, she now has no choice but to seek sanctuary with the Nightsisters of Dathomir.

Padmé: See if you and 3P0 can download any of the other battle droid's memory. I'm going to find that lab.
Captain: Are you sure that's wise?
Padmé: Come on, Jar Jar.

Ki: You interrogated Poggle?
Anakin: I did. There wasn't time to get the rest of you.
Luminara: How did you get him to talk?
Anakin: Look, all that matters is that he told me how to stop the worms.

Cadet: I thought you said it was the duty of every citizen to expose corrupt officials.
Ahsoka: I'm only saying that you should take this slowly. Examine all the facts and all of the people involved before you act.

Mace: The Chancellor wants a report on our progress.
Obi: Tell him this is not Republic business. It's an internal Jedi affair
Anakin: I'm sorry to dissagree, but as long as the Jedi are acting military, we should report to the Chancellor. Even on internal matters such as this.
Obi: [puts his arm on Anakin's shoulder] Well then, I guess you just volunteered to go. Give the Chancellor my regards.
Anakin: Now wait a minute.
Mace: I agree, report back here when you're finished
Anakin: This could be a trap, Master. You sure you don't need us to go?
Mace: Of course it's a trap, Skywalker.
Obi: I shall contact you when we find the children.
Ahsoka: What if they don't find those kids?
Anakin: [to Ahsoka] They will, Snips. Come on.

Castas: Ugh, this is no good. If we can barely survive in here, Windu must have been killed in the blast.
Boba: I'm not quitting now. Not when I'm so close.

Tee: You must leave. You will only destroy what small amount of peace is left in the galaxy. You will only bring the destruction of us.

Bail: It's been a difficult time. You've handled yourself well.
Padmé: I had to try. Ono believed if you see injustice, you can't wait for someone else to fix it. You must stand up and get involved.

Hondo: Tell the Jedi what he wants to know, Boba.
Boba: [shouting] Why should I help anybody, I've got no one.
Hondo: It is the honorable thing to do. It's what your father would have wanted.

Captain: Where were you before you went to the mess, Chopper?
Chopper: Nowhere. Walking around.
Commander: Son, you know we'll need a better answer than that.
Chopper: [sighs] I was hiding... at the South exit. Didn't want anyone to see me string these together.
[takes out a selfmade necklace]
Captain: [with disgust] Battle droid fingers.
Chopper: I just... I just wanted something back. I guess I felt like... like they owed me.
Clone: I always knew there was something deficient about you.

Lux: You really believe the Republic will vote for peace?
Ahsoka: I hope so. I wouldn't want to meet you on the battle field. For your sake.

Orn: Oh, why do I have to go to the jail for this?
3D: Move it.
Chancellor: Sorry Senator, but everyone has a job to do.

Obi: Very impressive. You've just destroyed seventeen defenseless Battle droids without suffering a scratch.
Anakin: [another B1 falls apart] Eighteen, actually.

Darth: [via hologram] I would hate to think you are training your own Sith apprentice to destroy me...
Count: Never! My allegiance is to you and you alone.
Darth: Then you must prove it. Eliminate her.
Count: She's my most trusted...
Darth: [interrupting] I said: eliminate her!
Count: [bows his head] As you wish, my lord.

Narrator: Crossroads! After leaving the Jedi Order, Ahsoka Tano finds herself far away from the life she once knew. Here in the underworld of Coruscant, she meets Trace Martez, an aspiring pilot, and her older sister Rafa, a streetwise gambler with lofty aspirations. In their short time together, Ahsoka realizes not everyone sees the Jedi as heroes, a lesson she only recently learned herself... .

Narrator: Ahsoka Tano on the run! After an attack on the Jedi Temple, Anakin Skywalker's young Padawan found herself accused of murdering the person responsible for the bombings. With no choice but to run, she was chased by her Master, who begged her to turn herself in. Knowing there is little hope of being cleared of the crimes, Ahsoka decided to find out the truth and prove her innocence on her own...

Ahsoka: Rex, droid poppers, now!

Aurra: Well, what do we have here?

C: R2-D2, oh my, you are a sight for short circuits!

Ahsoka: For a guy who moves slow, you always seem to get ahead of me.
Tera: The value of moving slowly is that one can always clearly see the way ahead.

Ahsoka: I'm the first Jedi you've ever met, aren't I?
Lux: Well... ehm, yes.
Ahsoka: Look at me. I'm not so bad, am I?
Lux: [a beat] No, not bad at all.
Ahsoka: Ugh. Well, it seems boys are the same whether they're Republic or Separatist.
Lux: Wait. How many Separatists have you met?
Ahsoka: What?
Lux: Well, I mean, you think we all are the bad guys. But how many of us have you actually met? And droids don't count.
Ahsoka: Well, other than military officers like Grievous and Ventress, none, I guess. You and your mother are the first.
Lux: Well, look at me. Am I so bad?

Darth: [to Obi-Wan] I will make sure you stay awake long enough to feel every single cut, your death will be beyond excruciating. You will suffer... as I have suffered.

Aurra: I wasn't expecting you to bring friends along.
Boba: I couldn't help it, Aurra. What are you gonna do with them?
Aurra: What do you think?
Boba: Let them go?
Aurra: [sighs] They're living witnesses, honey.

Anakin: That looks like a lot of droids...
Luminara: Well, it is a droid factory.
Anakin: As long as we can destroy 'em faster than they can make 'em, we'll come out on top.
Luminara: I love your simple logic, Skywalker.

Narrator: A terrorist threat! Moralo Eval, mastermind of a Separatist plot to kidnap Chancellor Palpatine, has been captured by Republic forces. But even with the criminal behind bars, rumors swirl in the underworld of Coruscant that Moralo's plot has already been set in motion... With precious time running out, the Jedi Council hatches their own plot to keep the Chancellor safe.

Narrator: An impenetrable defense! Separatist ships blockade the resource-rich planet of Christophsis, trapping Senator Bail Organa and his relief Effort. Desperate to aid the esteemed Senator, a Republic task force under the command of Anakin Skywalker must break the impasse. But time runs short for the Senator and the good citizens of Christophsis...

Narrator: Ancient Jedi tradition! Six younglings are sent to the secret caverns of Ilum, where they are tested by The Gathering, an ancient Jedi ritual where each youngling must harvest a crystal around which they will construct their own lightsaber. Along the journey, they underwent great perils, hardest of which was to face themselves. Now, having passed the test, they take their first steps into a larger world...

Anakin: Why bring the war to Naboo?
Count: How quickly you forget. After all, the war started here years ago.
Anakin: You were a part of that first battle?
Count: The Sith control everything. You just don't know it.

Savage: You are the brother I've been searching for!
Darth: [Snarling] No! No! No! No!... No!
Savage: Yes, we are! We are brothers!
Darth: NO!
[laughs insanely]
Darth: You... You don't know. You don't know ANYTHING! NEVER!

[Two Clone troopers are trying figure out how to connect the cables to restore power in the escape pod]
Clone: Clone Trooper 1: No that's not it, this one goes there, that one goes there.
Clone: Clone Trooper 2: Are you sure? We don't wanna make things worse.
Clone: Clone Trooper 1: How are we going to make things worse?
Plo: When you ask for trouble, you should not be surprised when it finds you.

Ahsoka: [referring to a giant Neebray closing in on them] That one looks hungry!
Anakin: Nah, it's just smiling at you.

Narrator: Lost! Queen Julia of the planet Bardotta has been abducted. If Representative Jar Jar Binks and Jedi Master Mace Windu cannot find the missing Queen in three rotations, a sinister prophecy will be fulfilled. The bloodthirsty Frangawl cult will take over the Bardottan government and its planetary system will be overwhelmed by chaos, death, and destruction.

Obi: If this Cad Bane is still here on Coruscant, I'll find him.

Pong: I am no longer naive enough to be a Jedi. A new power is rising. I have foreseen it.

C: Congratulations. You are now a democracy!

Commander: Start the citadel challenge. Version THX variable 1138.

Even: [to Ahsoka] Whether you were meant to be on this mission or not, you are now the most important part of it.

Narrator: Darkness on Dagobah! All attention is focused on Yoda, who claims to hear the voice of a long dead Jedi. Convinced that he is guided by Qui-Gon Jinn, he finds five Priestesses who will teach him how to manifest consciousness after death. After many trials, Yoda travels to Moraband, ancient home planet of the Sith. For now he must face the true evil that may be his undoing and one that seeks to control the galaxy...

Todo: This job just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

Asajj: If Yoda is indeed the Jedi warrior you believe he is, let him prove it. Allow me to send my best troops to capture him. If he escapes, join the republic. But should my droids defeat Yoda, consider an alliance with the Separatists.
King: I did not request Yoda's presence here to test him in battle.
Yoda: [via hologram] Accept the challenge I do, your Highness.

Clone: What are we gonna do?
99: A Separatist victory means death for all of us. The cadet is right. What are we gonna do?
Captain: We fight.
Clone: But our training's not finished.
Fives: Look around. We're one and the same, same heart same blood. Your training is in your blood. And my blood's boiling for a fight.
Echo: This is our home. This is our war.

Padmé: [Padme is pleading Ahsoka's defence in the Republic military courtroom] Look at the facts. Letta Turmond called Ahsoka to her cell to reveal the name of the true mastermind behind the bombing of the Jedi Temple. Letta told Ahsoka she was afraid. She told her the mastermind was a Jedi. And before she could reveal the Jedi's name, Letta Turmond was strangled to death by way of the Force. Why would Ahsoka kill Letta with a method that would so obviously tie the murder to her? A Jedi may be responsible for the murder. But that Jedi is not Ahsoka Tano. Members of the court, you are prosecuting the wrong Jedi!
Admiral: [Takin claps, slowly and exaggeratedly] Well said, Senator Amidala. However, if she is innocent, then why was she seen conspiring with known Separatist terrorist Asajj Ventress?
Ahsoka: Ventress set me up! My Master will prove that.
Admiral: And where is your Master?
Ahsoka: He's trying to find the real murderer!
Admiral: Then maybe, he should be looking at you.

Anakin: Too bad we didn't bring Threepio along. How do you plan on communicating with these things?
Obi: Patience. Maybe they're smarter than we are.

Savage: Do we kill him now, brother?
Darth: No. Imprison him below, let him frown in his misery. Take him to his cell to rot.

The: It is forbidden for you to touch me.

Narrator: Clone troopers unite! As war rages across the galaxy, the Republic's clone army strives for victory against the evil forces of the Separatists. Bravery, valor, unity - the lifeblood of victory on the battlefield and in space. It all begins on the planet Kamino, where Jedi General Shaak Ti oversees the training of clones with the help of contracted bounty hunters. Bred to be perfect soldiers, these cadets must first be subjected to intense physical and mental training before heading off to war...

Mace: [to Jar Jar; about Queen Julia's choosing Jar Jar as the senator she needs to speak to about the crisis on Bardotta] So... why did the queen pick you?
Jar: [proudly] Oh, Queenie Julia is meesa pal-o! Wesa know each other for a long-o time.
[Mace Windu rolls his eyes in exasperation, while Jar Jar romantically looks out the window]

Obi: Ventress, you're not looking well.
Anakin: [aside] She never does.

Narrator: Stranded! On a secret mission for the Republic, Colonel Gascon and his intrepid droid squad successfully steal an encryption module from a Separatist ship. During their escape, our heroes crash on the Outer Rim planet of Abafar and find themselves stranded in the strange wasteland called The Void. Now, after surviving against all odds, our heroes must find a way home and deliver the encryption module to crack the Separatist code and stop an enemy attack...

Asajj: [via hologram] I have the exact locations of both the clone DNA room and the clone trooper barracks.
General: Both shall be annihilated under my hand.
Asajj: Our hand, General. Count Dooku assigned us both this task.
General: But of course, assassin. I look forward to meeting you.

Baron: Ladies, do any of you know Greedo?
Trella: [after a beat] Who's asking?
Baron: We're asking. We're looking to hire a bounty hunter.

Obi: [via hologram] Oh Anakin, one day...

Anakin: [pointing his lightsaber at the Doctor] Where's the antidote, Vindi?
Dr. Nuvo Vindi: [chuckles wickedly] You mistake my role, Jedi. My job was to manufacture plaque. Not to cure it.
Anakin: We don't have time for games.
Obi: Patience, Anakin. There's more than one way to skin a womp rat

Anakin: [to Padmé] Eh, I suggest you teach my young Padawan a thing or two about politics.

Cham: Another armed occupation is not a free Ryloth. How long before I am fighting you, Master Jedi?

Yoda: Left behind, no one will be.

Darth: It has been soo long and my path has been soo dark. Darker than I ever dreamed it could be.
Savage: And yet you survived.
Darth: Of course I survived.

Captain: [referring to Jar Jar] I am not training him.

Pong: It's treason, then.

Fives: No clone uses their number. Not anymore.
AZI: But you are a number: CT-5555.
Fives: No, I am Fives. Call me Fives.
AZI: But, five *is* a number.
Fives: No, not five, Fives.
AZI: Oh.
AZI: The difference is minimal.
Fives: Not to me. And not to any clone.

Obi: [charming] Hello...
Anakin: Who are you?
The: I am Daughter. Are you the One?
Anakin: The one what?

Anakin: What's wrong, who's Bolla Ropal?
Mace: He is the keeper of the Kyber crystal, the data on which can only be read by Holocrons.
Ahsoka: What's on the crystal?
Mace: A list of every known force sensitive child in the galaxy. The future younglings. The future of the Jedi order.

Padmé: [referring to her apartment] You called this home.
Anakin: What else would I call it?

Narrator: Fugitive! Though the Republic has Won many decisive battles against the Separatist army in the Outer Rim, the Jedi have failed to capture the elusive General Grievous. After specifically targeting members of the Jedi Council, a trap was set. But following a fierce confrontation, the droid general managed to escape to the surface of the planet Saleucami. Now, the chase is on as General Kenobi leads a squadron of clone troopers and closes in on his desperate target...

Jar: Ani! Mesa so happy to see you.
Anakin: Perfect timing, Jar Jar.
Jar: Whassa? Mesa can't hear so good since we submergify!

Kit: Ah, eels. Very dangerous.

Ahsoka: I know, Artooyee. This is gonna be a tough one.
Anakin: Cut the chatter, Ahsoka.

Brother: Welcome, sister.
Savage: I have come for the selection.
Brother: Yes, yes, of course.
[claps hands]
Brother: Line up! Heads of each tribe! Line up for the sister!
Savage: Feral, try not to draw attention to yourself.
Feral: That won't be a problem for me, Savage.

Prince: Have courage. The next time I appear to you, I will appear as your King.

Satine: Terrorists? Our minds should be on the sick children that are dying in the streets. What are you going to do to save them?

Ahsoka: Well, I hope we have better luck here, this is the fifth scumbucket drinking hole we've been to.

Greedo: Poodoo!

Mace: Boba was on Geonosis when his father died. He watched as I killed him.
Anakin: That would complicate things.
Mace: Indeed.

Bo: Maul must really want you dead.
Obi: You have no idea.

Obi: Well, take your short cut and I'll take the long way. But you'd better be there before I arrive.

Bail: We cannot allow the Chancellor to move this Enhanced Privacy Invasion Bill forward.
Senator: We're all in agreement then.
[Cad Bane enters the room and shoots two gunshots into the ceiling, startling Philo]
Cad: Morning, Senators. You should all consider yourselves to be in my power.
[the other bounty hunters begin to enter the room]
Cad: As long as everybody behaves, this will be quick and painless. Do nothing, and it will all be over soon.
Senator: I don't know who you think you are, but I, for one, have no intention of listening to this kind of insolence.
[Philo walks past Bane, who proceeds to pull out his blaster and shoot the senator in the back, who slumps over dead]
Cad: All right then. If you'll all gather at the center of this lovely atrium, my co-workers and I will relieve you of any communication devices.
Padmé: [whispering to Bail] I see five of them here in the room. If we...
Bail: [whispering back] What are you going to do? It's not like we carry weapons.

Lok: You are now under the protection of the Separatist Alliance. I congratulate you on your good fortune.
Tee: Thank you. But we enjoyed good fortune well before your arrival.

Master: For the Republic. For the Twi'leks!

Prince: There must be something more I can do.
Ahsoka: I know it's hard, but you have to be patient.
Prince: But you saw my people. I've failed them.
Ahsoka: No. Remember Captain Ackbar's words: You are the hope of your people. As long as you live, they will endure.
Prince: I need an army. We have to fight back.
Ahsoka: You don't have to carry a sword to be powerful. Some leaders' strength is inspiring greatness in others.
Prince: But my people don't even know I'm alive. How can I inspire them if they think I'm dead?

C: I have a very bad feeling about this.

General: So Kenobi, is everything going as planned?
Obi: That depends on your point of view, General.

Anakin: So, was that close enough for you?
Adi: Any closer, and we'd be flying down hallways.
Anakin: Ah, next time.

Anakin: War is complicated, Ahsoka, but let me simplify it. The Separatists believe the Republic is corrupt, but they're wrong. And we have to restore order.
Padmé: [to Anakin] Maybe talking to the Jedi Council isn't the role for you after all.

Commander: So what do we do? Fight our way to the shuttle?
Ahsoka: There are too many. Besides, I don't wanna hurt them.
Commander: I hate to tell you this, but they don't care! This ship is going down and those soldiers, my brothers, are willing to die and take you and me along with them!
[Ahsoka pauses. Then she takes Rex's helmet off of him. Rex sheds a tear]
Ahsoka: You're a good soldier, Rex. So is everyone of those men down there. They may be willing to die, but I am not the one who is going to kill them.

Commander: Sergeant, what did you mean 'till the Jedi come back'? How did you know the Jedi were gone?
Sergeant: I really wish you hadn't noticed that, sir.
[punches Cody in the face]

Obi: Anakin, have faith in your Padawan.
Anakin: She would have checked in.
Obi: Like you always do?
Anakin: Good point.
Obi: Sometimes I don't think you realize how alike you two have become.

Rush: [to Padmé] If you get tired, you can rest your head on my shoulder.

Kit: Stand firm. There may be worse things here than Grievous.
Comander: [enter Grievous giant pet roggwart] Looks like you're right about that, sir.

Satine: War is intolerable. We have been deceived into thinking that we must be a part of it. I say the moment we committed to fighting, we already lost.

Cad: Get the door.
Todo: I am a Techno Service Droid, not a Butler Droid.
Cad: Damn it, Todo, you are what I say you are.

Ahsoka: I have a bad feeling about this, Master Fisto.

Riyo: To die for one's people is a great sacrifice; to live for one's people, an even greater sacrifice. I choose to live for my people. What do you choose?

Obi: Unfortunately war tends to distort our point of view. If we sacrifice our code, even for victory, we may lose that which is most important: our honor.

Anakin: Doing what the Jedi Council says, that's one thing. How we go about doing it, that's another. That's what I'm trying to teach you, my young Padawan.

Riyo: Would you like me to represent Pantora in this matter?
Chairman Chi Cho: Not on your life, Senator. There will be no diplomacy this time.

Obi: Give up, Ventress.
Asajj: I'm all yours, Obi-Wan.

Tee: Stop building that wall. I didn't ask ya to defend us.
Anakin: This battle is inevitable. You can stand by your beliefs. But let us stand by ours.

Narrator: Piracy in deep space! Infamous outlaw Hondo Ohnaka attacks a Jedi transport bearng six younglings who just received their lightsaber crystals. So rare are these crystals, that Hondo knows he can sell them on the black market for a small fortune. In a desperate attempt to save the younglings, Ahsoka Tano is captured by Hondo and his pirate horde. Now, with a damaged ship, the younglings are stranded and alone...

Fives: Look around. We're one and the same, same heart same blood.

Nute: Don't shoot! I am an innocent pawn!

Battle: Send them off to the incinerator room with the rest of the pirate scum.
C: The incinerator room?
Battle: Yes. You will be melted down for General Grievous's war machine.

Chancellor: Isn't it remarkable, that one can have all the power in the Galaxy, and yet the words of a single senator can swade the thoughts of millions?

Mother: You have come home to us.
Savage: I was betrayed by Ventress. The Jedi are after me! I'm not strong enough to defeat them all!
Mother: Calm yourself. You will be.
Savage: I... don't understand. Who will teach me?
Mother: You have a brother.
Savage: A brother? But all of my kin were killed.
Mother: Not all of them. He lives in the Outer Rim, in exile. You will find him. He will teach you everything you need to learn to become even more powerful.
Savage: My brother. How? How will I find him?
Mother: This talisman has been imbued with the power of our clan. It will be your compass. You have an important destiny to fulfill, Savage Opress. You... and your brother. Go. You will know where to find him.
Savage: I will return, Mother.

Commander: Cameron's dead. So are Lucky & Flash.

Anakin: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Obi: Almost certainly not!

Rush: Why don't you try fighting like a man without your Jedi tricks?
Anakin: Oh, it would be my pleasure.

Count: [Training Savage in lightsaber dueling] You have no technique. Sloppy! But with the proper training, you could be a powerful warrior. You have a natural ability, but we must hone it. Are you up for the challenge of putting your hate to better use.
Savage: Yes, master.

Jar: [finding a robe aboard Padmé's ship] Dat's a lookin like a Jedi robe. Whosa you supposin dis belongs to?
C: [uncomfortable] I wouldn't, um, know. Hm.

Qui: You have grown strong and powerful, just as I imagined.
Anakin: Master.
Qui: Do you believe you're the Chosen One?
Anakin: How can I know?
Qui: I can tell you what I believe. I believe you will bring balance to the Force, that you will face your demons and save the universe.
Anakin: A-And this creature of the dark side? Do I leave, or do I stay and kill him?
Qui: Neither. Look deeper. You will find another way.
Anakin: I don't understand.
Qui: Not far from here, there is a place which is strong in the dark side of the Force. You must go there.
Anakin: And destroy the Son?
Qui: Remember your training, Anakin. Trust your instincts.

Darth: We meet again, Kenobi. Welcome... to my world.

Anakin: [referring to Daughter] And we thought the planet was strange. How about this one?

The: My daughter! What have I done?
The: [coughs] Do not hate him, Father. It is his nature.
The: No. All is lost. The balance has been broken.

Obi: [while fighting a IG-100 Magna Guard] I hear a lot of talking, General, but in the final accounting, what does all the talk get you? A futile quest for power? A mutilated body? And your place as Dooku's errand boy!
General: I'm no errand boy, and I'm not in this war for Dooku's politics. I am the leader of the most powerfull droid army the galaxy has ever seen.
[urges another Magna Guard forward]
Obi: [Obi-Wan finished off the Magna Guard with two swift strokes and picks up it's electro staff] An army with no loyalty, no spirit. Just programming. What have you to show for all your power, what have you to gain?
General: The future. A future where there are no Jedi.

Barriss: What? What is it?
Ahsoka: It's too quiet. It's a big change from all the fighting the last few days.
Barriss: You should enjoy this peace while it lasts.
Ahsoka: I can't.

Narrator: Water wars! Tensions run high on the ocean world of Mon Calamari, where two separate peoples, the aggressive squid-like Quarren and their peaceful neighbor the Mon Calamari, struggle to maintain a fragile co-existence. Adding to this strife: the King of the Mon Calamari has been found mysteriously murdered, leaving his young son Prince Lee-Char, to guide his people alone. But the Quarren race will not accept the new ruler as their King. Senator Amidala and her Jedi bodyguard have arrived to help resolve the matter and to avoid plunging the planet into civil war...

Jar: [putting on a Jedi robe] Wait! Mesa eyeball stuck in the sleeve!

Narrator: Reunited! With the help of the Bad Batch, Captain Rex rescues his old friend, ARC Trooper Echo, from the Techno Union. The Separatists' loss of Echo's strategic algorithm provides a chance for the Republic to turn the tide in the Battle for Anaxes. However, Echo's horrifying experience behind enemy lines leaves lingering questions of his true loyalty and uncertain future... .

Ahsoka: So why the big show? You didn't really have a choice. You know we have to work together.
Hondo: Because, Jedi, you know what we are about to attempt is very dangerous. And I may be a pirate, but I do not like taking children into battle.
Ahsoka: That didn't seem to bother you when you attacked us.
Hondo: [laughs] Well, today is a new day, and lucky for you, today, I like children. Now, let's free the rest of my men.

Narrator: Danger looms! Despite recent victories in the Outer Rim, criminal minds plot at the very heart of the Republic! The bounty hunter Cad Bane has assembled some of the deadliest criminals in the galaxy and plans a daring attack to seize members of the Senate. What can be the aim of this despicable act?

Plo: There he goes again, craving adventure and excitement.
Ahsoka: You get used to it.

Admiral: You don't have to do this, you're not like them. I can tell.
Boba: What do you know, old man?
Admiral: I know a good soldier when I see one.
Boba: I'm no soldier! I'm no clone! Not like those two.

Obi: How did you get over here?
Anakin: I improvised.

Adi: How close are you going to jump in next to Grievous' ship?
Anakin: Hm, pretty close.
[turns to adress Clone troopers]
Anakin: Buckle up, boys.
Adi: Divine 'pretty close'.
Anakin: Close enough to get the job done.

Anakin: Ugh! I hate just sitting here!
Mace: Calm yourself, Skywalker. We'll soon see if the faith you put in the droid is worth it...

Hondo: As my sweet mother always said, 'son, if one hostage is good, two are better, and three, well, that's just good business!' Heh heh.

Barriss: [Barriss is mediating in her chambers before a ritualistic idol, her lightsaber sitting on the low alter-like table. Her door chimes] Enter.
Anakin: [the door opens. Anakin walks in. Barriss rises to meet him] Barriss. I need to talk to you.
Barriss: Master Skywalker. How can I help you?
Anakin: [Anakin pulls Barriss' lightsaber to him and studies it absentmindedly as he speaks] I was told you spoke with Ahsoka before she was arrested. What did you say to her?
Barriss: We've been friends for a long time. I was only trying to help her. I hope I'm not in any trouble.
Anakin: It's no trouble. I just need to know what you told her.
[Anakin turns his back to Barriss]
Anakin: And if you told anyone else.
Barriss: No. I thought I had a clue for her, but I really could't tell her anything. Who told you I spoke to her?
Anakin: [Anakin turns to face Barriss] Ventress. She told me.
Barriss: Ventress? Isn't she the one Ahsoka says is really behind all this?
Anakin: That's what Ahsoka says. But I think she's wrong. Ventress thinks someone else was involved.
Barriss: And you believe her? Who else could it be if not her? Surely not Ahsoka.
Anakin: No. I don't think it was Ahsoka, either.
[Barriss inches toward a small pot in the corner of her room, turning her hand toward it]
Anakin: I think both Ahsoka and Ventress are telling the truth. But there's only one way to find out.
[Anakin ignites Barriss' lightsaber and swings at her. Barriss calls two familiar lightsabers to hand on instinct and blocks in self-defence]
Anakin: Funny! Those belong to Ventress!
[Barriss attempts to kick Anakin before locking blades with him once more]
Anakin: You should have gotten rid of them!
Barriss: [Barriss gives a crazed smile] I think they suit me.

Sifo: Help me... Please, please free me.
Yoda: Sifo-Dyas? Alive, you are?
Sifo: Help me, please. Yoda. I have been imprisoned for so long.
Yoda: Know, who did this to you?
Sifo: [Chuckles] What if I could tell you who the Sith lord is? Free me, and I will reveal it.
Yoda: No.
Sifo: He knows how to achieve what you seek.
Yoda: Captivated by the physical realm, the Sith are.
Sifo: What else is there? Free me, and together we can know who the Sith lord is. Gain the power you deserve, and save the future.
Yoda: No.
Sifo: You must free me!
Yoda: Nothing to show me, the Sith have.
Sifo: We shall see.

Ki: 65, Skywalker.
Anakin: Uhm, sorry?
Ki: My total: 65. So what do I win?
Anakin: [thinks a moment] My everlasting respect, Master Mundi.
Ki: Oh.
Obi: That is a gift Anakin rarely bestows, I assure you.

Narrator: Victory on Geonosis! After a massive planetary siege, the Separatist forces on Geonosis have finally fallen. Key weapons factories have been destroyed, but at a heavy cost to Republic troops. Now, as Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and Obi-Wan Kenobi begin a clean-up of the planet, they launch an intense campaign to find Separatist leader the Lesser and bring him to justice.

The: I have a gift for you.
Anakin: I've had enough of your trickery.
The: Oh, but you'll like this one. I promise. What if I could show you the future?
Anakin: [clutches his head as unseen visions assault him] No! No! Stop it!
The: Know yourself. Know what you will become!

Anakin: How come I'm the one getting caught all the time? It doesn't look good.
Obi: When you're a Jedi Master, you can make the plan.
Anakin: That's just it. How can I become a Jedi Master if I'm always getting caught?
Obi: At least you're a master... at getting caught.

Amit: Cursed we are... the planet is cursed!
Obi: Cursed by whom, my twitchy friend?
Amit: The ghost of Drol, that's who!
Obi: A ghost?
Amit: The spirit of the thousand moons. Our protector and destroyer.
Anakin: If you ask me, sounds like a load of...
Obi: [quickly interrupting] Superstition?
Anakin: That's one word for it.

Count: [via hologram] General, the ongoing stalemate in the war has become unacceptable. There is concern you have lost your focus. Lord Sidious demands more dramatic results: more dead Jedi.
General: You expect victory over Jedi, but all you give me to fight them is battle droids. Bah!

Ahsoka: You're lucky Anakin didn't show up. The way you're fighting, you wouldn't have lasted long.
Maul: Oh, you have Kenobi's arrogance!
Ahsoka: You'll find I have many qualities for you to dislike!

Hondo: [holds up Dooku and Anakin's sabers] Are these what you are looking for... Jedi?
Count: I am more powerful than any Jedi. Know that you are dealing with a Sith lord.

Narrator: War in the Inner Rim! Rebel leader Steela Gerrera has joined forces with General Tandin after boldly rescuing Onderon's former king from execution, evading a trap set by Separatist ally King Rash and the droid general Kalani. Amid growing public support and rising unrest, Ahsoka continues to monitor the rebels' efforts as they rally around Ramsis Dendup to restore his reign as the rightful king and finally put an end to the Separatist occupation of Onderon...

Nossor: Your Aqua-droids are no match for the Mon Calamari. What makes you think these secret weapons you brought from your home world will fare any better?
Riff: They are half machine, half monster. We call them Hydroid-Medusas. They are invincible.

TJ: By your command.

The: I have ordered my children to kill your friends. The question is: which one will you choose to safe. Your master, or your apprentice? You must now release the guilt and free yourself by choosing.

Narrator: The Republic fleet is on the defensive and pushed to the brink! As war rages in the much contested Outer Rim Territories, chaos and fear mount as the Separatist army wages an epic battle against heavily outnumbered Republic ships in the far reaches of the Quell system. Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka race across the galaxy to aid Jedi Knight Aayla Secura who is in the midst of a fight for her life as the sinister droid army closes in...

Asajj: Do you think you'll still be able to call on the Force even after I've separated your head from your body?
Luminara: Even with my vision clouded, I recognize the fighting style of Count Dooku. Your version is unrefined, amateurish, sloppy.

Savage: [Dying] Brother, I am an unworthy apprentice. I'm not like you, brother. I never was...

Queen: You are a bold one, aren't you?
Anakin: My reputation proceeds me then.

Sugi: Make it quick general, we're charging by the minute, and if my ship gets damaged it'll cost you extra.

Mother: You found him? I knew you would.
Savage: Yes. He is... damaged. He doesn't remember much of his old life.
Mother: Hmm, but he does remember something?
Savage: Something or someone, named "Kenobi". It's an obsession.

Kit: [laughs heartily] Nahdar! Congratulations on passing the trials. I'm sorry the war has prevented me from seeing your training through till the end.
Nahdar: You were missed, Master, but is an honor to finally serve beside you as a knight.

Anakin: [talking into wrist comlink] Admiral, look down the Hyperspace rings, hurry!
Admiral: What could possibly have happened since I last spoke with you?
Anakin: It's Bane. Lock those rings, now!
Admiral: No, lock them all down, hurry!

Jar: Let mesa thru. Mesa on a diplomatic mission.

Battle: Sir, we need to get our power recharged.
General: [riding on top of a Reek] Not this again! How could your power cells be so depleted?
Battle: You would not let us ride on one of those creatures with you, sir. If you would allow us to close down for a few moments - Oh my G-
[Grievous cuts down droid with one of his lightsabers]
General: Any more complaints?
Battle: Ah, no. Nope. I don't think so.
[the Battle Droids clearing saying this out of fear]
General: That's what I thought.
[Grievous closes his lightsaber]
General: Now lets find that pod.
Battle: [looking back at the droid that was destroyed] Yikes.

Narrator: Pantora in peril! The newly elected Chairman of Pantora, Baron Papanoida, is caught in a deadly political game. The Trade Federation has blockaded Pantora and suspended all commerce with the system. Isolated from the rest of the Republic, the people of Pantora are beginning to rally against the Senate, who have seemed unsympathetic to their plight. To make matters worse, Count Dooku has come forward offering aid if Pantora joins the Separatist alliance. Chairman Papanoida has dispatched Senator Chuchi to Coruscant with the hope that she can motivate the Senate to act in favor of Pantora before Lott Dod can legitimize the blockade...

Aurra: And that's Castus. But he's getting off here.
Hondo: Couldn't handle her, could you? Well, don't be ashamed. You're not the first man to bail out from under her command.
Aurra: He's speaking from experience.
Hondo: Ohoh, oh, you're a dangerous woman. Yes, very dangerous. Come, come, come. Let us go inside where we can discuss business over a drink, like civilized people.

Plo: We are not alone out here.

Tal: [held at gunpoint by Satine] Interesting turnabout. But even if I do not deliver the Duchess to the Sepratists, I still win. The second I'm away, I'll simply trigger the explosives and blow the Coronet to bits.
Satine: I will NOT allow that!
Tal: [laughs] What are you going to do? If you shoot me, you brand yourself a hypocrite to every pacifist idea you hold dear. And you, Kenobi, you're no stranger to violence. You'd be hailed as a hero by everyone on the ship. Well, almost everyone.
[Obi-Wan glances at Satine]
Tal: Come on, then. Who will strike first and brand themselves a cold-blooded killer?
[Anakin stabs Merrik through the chest, killing him]
Obi: Anakin...
Anakin: What? He was gonna blow up the ship.

Satine: Well, Master Kenobi, my shining Jedi Knight to the rescue once again.
Obi: After all these years, you're even more beautiful than ever.
Satine: Kind words for a man who accuses me of treachery.

Riff: What took your squids so long?
Nossor: I didn't think you and your Separatists droids would need backup. Your reputation is a little exaggerated.
Riff: Exaggeration is a weapon of war. It's what helped deliver the enemy in your hands.

Narrator: Mysterious deaths! Unknown to the Jedi, a new threat has unleashed on the galaxy: Savage Opress, a pawn in the dangerous game between Count Dooku and his former assassin, Ventress. The victims of his brutal massacre on the planet of Devaron are being returned to the Jedi Temple for evaluation. It's up to the Jedi Council to find this mysterious killer, and eradicate him...

Ahsoka: Remind me why I'm the one playing the part of a slave?
Anakin: I tried it once. I wasn't any good at it. Besides, the role of Master comes easily to me.
Ahsoka: Really? Well this time try to be convincing at it.

Anakin: Hey! It worked.
Mace: Are you sure?
Anakin: Yes I'm sure. You go first.

Shaak: What are you thinking?
Obi: I think I'd like to go for a swim.

The: You didn't do as you were asked.
Obi: And what was that?
The: My sister said to wait.
Obi: Did she now? Well, we were unfortunately separated. We'd like our ship back, if you don't mind.
The: NOT... yet... Is it true he is the chosen one?
[Obi-Wan and Ahsoka ignite their lightsabers]
Obi: What do you know of such things?
The: What is about to happen, shall occur whether you like it or not!
[the Son waves his hand across, causing both Obi-Wan and Ahoka's lightsabers to turn off automatically]
Obi: You are Sith!
The: Sith?
The: Yes... and no. The storms here are quite lethal. You wanna live, I suggest you find shelter.

Narrator: The rebels elect a new leader! With their training complete, Obi-Wan and Anakin have left Ahsoka on Onderon to monitor and advise the rebels as they continue to strike Separatist targets under the command of Steela Gerrera. Facing an escalation of rebel attacks, the Separatists have sent reinforcements to straighten their hold on the city of Iziz as the battle for the planet unfolds...

Shaeeah: [Shaeeah has accidentally activated a group of Comando Droids] Uh oh...
Jek: I didn't do it, you did!

King: You were right, Count Dooku. One Jedi is not worth a hundred battle droids. More like a thousand.

Anakin: Don't worry about us, you just make sure you get to that landing zone in one piece.
Obi: Yes, I shall be waiting for you when you finally arrive.
Luminara: [via hologram] Gentlemen, if you are quite fininshed we have a battle to begin.

Narrator: Trapped behind enemy lines! Carrying secret information vital to the Republic's war effort, Jedi Master Even Piell and Captain Tarkin were taken prisoner by the Separatists. An elite strike team led by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker landed on the planet Lola Sayu and infiltrated the prison. The team rescued Master Piell and Tarkin, but they were pursued by the prison's evil commandant, Osi Sobeck. During the escape, their ship was destroyed. Now we find them on the run, desperate to escape the trap that is the Citadel...

Anakin: [using wrist comlink] Ahsoka, are you there?
Ahsoka: I'm here Master, the bomb has been deactivated. Did you find Vindi?
Anakin: Deactivated as well. Have you seen Padmé?
Ahsoka: She's right next to me. I'm okay too. Thanks for asking.

Padmé: I'm on the Holonet with the Neimoidians every day asking for trade concessions but I can't ever seem to make progress.

Bo: Go back to your Republic and tell them what's happened!
Obi: That would likely lead to an invasion of Mandalore!
Bo: Yes, and Maul will die! But Mandalore will survive! We always survive. Now go.
Obi: ...You're Satine's sister, aren't you? I'm so sorry...

Asajj: Take me to Dathomir.
Ratch: Now why would anybody want to go there? Ain't nothing there but fog and witches.
Asajj: Exactly.
[unleashes a force choke hold]

Anakin: Who's helmet is that anyway?
Mace: It belongs to a bounty hunter I killed on Geonosis by the name of Jango Fett.

Narrator: Battle for Ringo Vinda! Republic forces are locked in heated combat with the droid armada on a massive space station that encircles an entire planet. Anakin Skywalker valiantly leads his men against the onslaught which has lasted several rotations with neither side gaining any ground. Aided by the twin sister Jedi Masters, Tiplee and Tiplar, the Republic now mounts a desperate offensive to break the deadlock...

Padmé: I sense Dooku's dirty hand in all of this.

Padmé: Teckla Minnau. Teckla is one of my aides. Like so many of the people that we tell ourselves we're here to serve, Teckla lives in a district that rarely has electricity and running water as a result of the war. Her children can now only bathe every two weeks, and they have no light in which to read or study at night. The Republic has always funded these basic services, but now there are those who would divert the money to the war with no thought for what the people need to survive. If not for people like Teckla and her children, who are we fighting for? My people, your people, all of our people-this war is meant to save them from suffering, not increase it. I support our brave soldiers, whether they come from the clone factories or from any of the thousands of systems loyal to the Republic, but if we continue to impoverish our people, it is not on the battlefield where Dooku will defeat us, but in our own homes. Therefore, it is our duty and our responsibility to preserve the lives of those around us by defeating this bill.

Count: You ignorant beast! I told you, I wanted him alive!
[Blasts Savage with force lightning]
Savage: Forgive me, my master!
Count: That is not the way of the dark side!

General: I will rest when the Jedi are dead.

Mak: We will lend the Republic at our standard interest rate of... 25%.
Padmé: What?
Onaconda: 25% - that's outright theft.
Padmé: Your previous arrangement with the Republic was 10%.
Mak: Please, please, that was before deregulation. The same rules don't apply, my dear. The Separatists don't seem to mind a rate hike. In fact, they just secured a loan to fund an additional 3 million battle droids.
Onaconda: They will wipe us out.
Padmé: You would let Dooku do that? You live on Coruscant too.
Mak: We have no stake in this war, Senator. You know that. War is... distasteful to all of us.

Anakin: [via comlink] Master Mundi, do you read me?
Ki: We're here, Skywalker. We took a slight detour that put us out of communications for a bit.
Anakin: This has been a day for detours, Master.
Ki: Indeed. But now the road is clear. I can see the landing zone. It does not look good.

Anakin: [running after his Padawan] Ahsoka, wait! It's a trap.
[Bane pushes a button to close the blas doors and cut Anakin off]
Anakin: Ahsoka wait, we'll take him together.

Ahsoka: Do not trust him.
Anakin: You think?

Shmi: Wake up my son, I must tell you a secret.

Narrator: Escape from a Separatist prison! Carrying information about secret routes into the heart of the Republic and Separatist home-worlds, Jedi Master Even Piell was captured and imprisoned in a fortress known as The Citadel. Leading an elite strike team, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker rescue Master Piell and his officers. Now the Jedi have split up to evade Separatist forces as they attempt to escape the Citadel...

Captain: All right, listen up. There's only one target of interest in this sector: Kamino. It's the closest thing we clones have to a home. Today we fight for more than the Republic. Today we fight for all our brothers back home, understood?

Cad: Some Butler Droid you turned out to be!
Todo: I am a Techno Service Droid!

Lt. Tan Divo: I'll need to find out who wanted to hurt Senator Farr. Actually, kill him would be more accurate, what with him being dead.
Lolo: No one wanted him dead. Everyone loved him.
Lt. Tan Divo: Well that's obviously not true, or else I wouldn't be here and he would.
Bail: Lieutenant, even Onno's political enemies respected him. We need time to deal with this situation.
Lt. Tan Divo: Time, time, there's no time for time! A murderer's on the loose and it's my job to find him.

The: My daughter... what have I done?

Waxer: Sir, what is that she keeps calling us?
Obi: 'Nerra'. It means 'brother'.

Commander: A spy sir? But... who would want to betray our troops to the Seppies?

Priestesses: Yoda... come back to us, Yoda.
Yoda: Died, have I?
Priestesses: In a way.
Yoda: Now, does my training begin?
Priestesses: The one you know as Qui-Gon Jinn will commune with you and guide your training. Like us, you will learn to maintain your consciousness after death. Enlightenment, spirit, balance... There is another... Skywalker.
Yoda: There is another... Skywalker?

Asajj: That's no way to treat your apprentice. I should know.
Count: Savage, you can make amends for your mistake by destroying this witch!
Asajj: [laughs] I don't think that will be happening. Will it, Savage? Remember where your true loyalties lie.
Savage: With you, mistress.

Anakin: There it is: Iego. What do you make of this?
Obi: It looks like a graveyard... of ships.

Riff: Do not worry, Jedi. There's plenty of suffering to go around.

Ahsoka: You can't fight them alone.
Tee: We will not fight them at all. We would rather die than to kill others.

Anakin: This may not be the time to ask, but were you and Satine ever...
Obi: I don't see how that has any bearing on the situation at hand!

Obi: You should turn yourself in. We have both sworn a loyalty to the Republic.
Duchess: Believe me, neither one of us is breaking our oath. And this will prove it.
[hands him a recording disc]
Duchess: I need to get it into the proper hands.

Obi: I shall draw the brothers away. Once that's done, blast the passageway closed.
Hondo: And leave you alone with the two crazies? Well, okay.

Older: Are you happy, child? Your master, does he treat you well?
Ahsoka: What concern of it is yours?
Older: I am your future. Your potential.
[Ahsoka ignites her lightsabers]
Ahsoka: This is a trick!
Older: There is a wildness to you, young one. Seeds of the dark side planted by your master. Do you feel it?
Ahsoka: No! He is like no other Jedi! Passionate, impulsive... but I trust him with my life!
Older: There are many contradictions in you. And in him. Be warned, you may never see your future if you remain his student! Leave this planet!

Chancellor: Nothing is truly indescribable.

Mace: What is Skywalker doing?
[hands macrobinoculars to General Kenobi]
Obi: It appears to be one of Anakin's improvised plans.
Mace: How can it be a plan if it's improvised?
Obi: Not to worry, just catch them when they fall.
Captain: A lot of the General's plans involve falling.

Mace: I can see why your master trusts you, little one. Good job.
[R2 chirps a happy reply, then rolls off]
Anakin: Heh. That's definitely more praise than I ever get.

The: Why are you here?
The: I won't let you leave this planet.

Captain: General Kenobi, Anakin. We're so glad you're...
Anakin: [interrupting] Where's Senator Amidala?
Captain: She went to look for the lab.
Anakin: And you let her go?
C: Senator Padmé can be very hard to stop once she's made up her mind.
Anakin: [calms down slightly] Good point. I know what you mean.

Jar: Thisa bad. Thisa very bad.

Battle: Sir, we're scanning a small ship off our bow.
General: Good. Our hostage has arrived.

Clone: I can't believe it was one of us. Someone just like us.
Clone: He's nothing like us.
Clone: Let's hope he is. If he is like us, he'll realize he's wrong.

Obi: Well, let's make sure we don't have to take Geonosis a third time.

Onaconda: It is quite exciting.
Padmé: Exciting isn't exactly the word I would use. I think terrifying is more appropriate.

Padmé: I'm sorry.
Anakin: What for? We got away and we have the hologram. The Jedi will use that information to destroy Count Dooku's foundry. Your mission was a success.
Padmé: But I made you doubt me...
Anakin: Never.

Queen: [approaching a shy-looking Jar Jar] It's been a long time since we've been together, my love.
[Queen Julia caresses Jar Jar's face; romantically]
Queen: Meditate with me... so that our minds will come together as one.
[She kisses Jar Jar on the lips. Jar Jar's eyes widen in surprise before fluttering close in romantic bliss]

Narrator: slaver planet of Zygerria, only to be captured by its ambitious queen who plots to rebuild her Empire of oppression. Now, even Obi-Wan Kenobi must come to terms with a life in chains...

Darth: [via hologram] As I was saying, Bounty Hunter, I have need of your services.
Cad: I'm listening.
Darth: I need a Jedi... Holocron.

The: Our father is dying. Did you do it?
The: He is just so selfish and was taking too long to die, so I decided to move things along.

Obi: A peacekeeper belongs on the front lines of conflict. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to do his job.
Satine: The work of a peacekeeper is to make sure that conflict does not arise.
Obi: Yes, a noble description, but not a realistic one.
Satine: Is reality what makes a Jedi abandon his ideals? Or is it simply a response to political convenience?

The: That was my brother's work. You are in great danger. Wait for me. Do not leave this place.

Hondo: [shouting] This effort is no longer profitable!

Narrator: Betrayal! Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano was wrongly accused of treason by the Jedi Council and hunted by the Grand Army of the Republic. Believing his apprentice was innocent, Anakin Skywalker discovered the true villain was Ahsoka's close friend Barriss Offee. Unable to reconcile her relationship with the Jedi Order, Ahsoka decided to walk away from the only life she had ever known... .

Battle: [scrubbing the floor of the Gutkurr pens] Yep. This is about the worst job in the droid army.

Riff: Let them get within sight of their ship. I want them to watch their hope sink to the bottom of the sea.

Asajj: Keep playing with your droids. I'll handle breaking into the DNA room.
[as she turns to leave, Grievous grabs her arm]
General: Shall I provide you with a droid escort?
Asajj: [caressing his faceplate] My dear General, there's nothing you have that I could want.

Cut: I know you think I'm a coward, Rex, but believe me... I'll fight to my last breath to keep them safe.

Battle: All for one and one for aaaah!
[is trampled by a crab droid]

Chancellor: Let us commit our military might to defending the Mandalorian people.
Duchess: Defending? You mean to occupy our home. You would trample our right to self-determination.
Chancellor: We mean to save your people.
Duchess: You will turn our planet into a military target, which will bring the war to us. Mandalore must remain a neutral system.

Yoda: Remember, always in motion is the future and many possible futures there are.

Anakin: I'm afraid you'll need some new droids to boss around, Jaybo. The one's you lent us are pretty much toast.

Obi: We know you've taken at least two children. Where are they?
Cad: Beyond your reach.
Mace: Who are you working for?
Cad: I work alone.
Obi: It is only a matter of time before we locate the holocron. Make it easier on yourself.
Cad: [deviant] What are you going to do, Jedi, torture me?
Mace: [firmly] I think the fear of whoever you work for outweighs your fear of us.
Cad: [suddenly serious] This conversation is over.
[Windu and Kenobi exit]

General: [to Obi-Wan] Hello there.

Battle: We're defending the bridge alone?
Battle: Against the Jedi? I hate this job.

Ahsoka: Some pretty serious burns. But nothing a night in the bacta tank won't fix.
[hits Sky-Guy in the leg, who grunts in pain]
Ahsoka: Oh, sorry.

Narrator: A planet under siege! Separatist forces mercilessly batter the beautiful and elegant world of Christophsis. Unable to defend themselves any longer, the people of Christophsis call upon the Jedi for assistance. Hoping to save lives and prevent further destruction, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker plan a daring ambush that can turn the tide in the fight for this crucial star system...

Echo: We've got those Tinnies on the run.
Fiver: Thanks to Hevy.

Obi: [comlink beeps] Captain Rex, are you still with us?
Captain: Yes General Kenobi, I'm still with you and thankfully on the mend, Sir.
Obi: That's great news. We certainly missed you at the party.
Captain: Sorry Sir, I had one of my own to attend.
Obi: Can't wait to hear about it. We're standing by.

Narrator: Manhunt! After a long and perilous search, the Jedi finally track down Separatist leader, Count Dooku. During a heroic attempt to capture the Count, Anakin Skywalker has gone missing. Having lost contact with Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi heads towards his friend's last known location, a lone Separatist frigate in the far reaches of the Outer Rim...

Ahsoka: I sense something Master, and I don't like it.
Anakin: It's the Dark Side, Ahsoka. This is the right place.

Satine: Tell me, Padmé, how do you feel about the Republic's war with the Separatists?
Padmé: It's so complicated. As you know, in the Senate, the Chancellor says it's going very well, but my sources say otherwise.
Satine: And how does that make you feel?
Padmé: There are times I wish I could follow Mandalore's lead: neutrality, and not just in the war.
Satine: But the politics as well? The contamination of greed reaches deep and far within the Republic: corporations, trade guilds, too many senators serving their own interests.
Padmé: There are still those of us who work to overcome the corruption and believe it to be possible.
Satine: Enough of this dreary talk. A new hospital has opened. Tomorrow you and I shall visit, see true good at work.

Hondo: Oh my dear, you never were good at asking for permission to land.
Aurra: I never ask for permition to do anything, my darling.
[kisses him hard on the lips]
Hondo: Ah yes. Yes,
Hondo: I remember.
[noticing Boba Fett]
Hondo: Not mine, I take it?"

Chancellor: Members of the Senate, please, please...
Senator: How dare they?
Zion: They attack, and now they want peace?
Padmé: Chancellor Palpatine, may I remind the senators that the peace proposal was made prior to their assault.
Senator: That only highlights its insincerity.
Halle: Chancellor Palpatine, in light of this unprovoked attack on Coruscant and the vulnerabilities it raises, I propose the Republic purchase an additional 5 million clone troopers.
Bail: The Republic is already operating in deep debt. How do you propose we pay for these additional troops?
Halle: My people are drafting an emergency appropriations bill that would raise funds...
Padmé: From the Banking Clan?
Halle: Yes, of course. Do you have an alternate means of paying?
Padmé: One alternative might be to stop the war, not escalate it.
All: Traitor! Traitor!
Padmé: Whoever attacked the power grid wants us to continue to fight. It's a calculated attempt to destroy the peace process. Not everyone in the Confederacy wants this. I know this for a fact.
Mee: You have Separatist friends, Senator?

Hondo: Hey, hey, someone scrape that guy off the floor. He sprung a leak.

Obi: [after a crash landing] I didn't think you saw it.
Anakin: [annoyed] It was a giant tower! Of course I saw it.

Count: [via hologram] Consider: once the Senate orders peacekeeping troops to Mandalore, the people will be surrounded by a military presence. Most distasteful. They will rebel.
Pre: And rally the Death Watch. Our insurgence will grow stronger.
Count: Yes. And Dutchess Satine will fall.

Narrator: Peace shattered! Once-promising negotiations between the Republic and the Separatists are now in shambles following a droid suicide bombing on the capital city planet of Coruscant. As fear and anger prevail, the Senate overwhelmingly passes a bill to deregulate the banks, opening a gateway to additional troops, and an increase in fighting...

Satine: We have to contact my sister for help. She'll send reinforcements.
Obi: Who's your sister?

Protocol: [translating for Poggle the Lesser] You're feeble Jedi mind tricks do not work on Geonosians. The other Jedi already learned this.
Anakin: [Anakin turns to leave] Mind tricks?
[turns around and punches Poggle across the tentacles]
Anakin: I don't need mind tricks to get you to talk.

Captain: We did a robo-lobotamy on the battle droids and came up with this piece of memory.
[a hologram appears out of the severed battle droid head]
Obi: Who is that?
Captain: Dr. Nuvo Vindi. The senior medic for the Perma families. He disappeared ten years ago.

Narrator: A last gasp of hope! After the assassination of his father and the fall of his kingdom beneath a planetary civil war, Mon Cala Prince Lee-Char has gone into hiding with Padawan Ahsoka Tano as his only protector. With his armies captured and friends imprisoned, the situation seems hopeless for the Prince. Count Dooku commands his sinister agent Riff Tamson to use any means necessary to bring Prince Lee-Char out of hiding, for he knows that hope does remain as long as the Prince is alive...

The: Now you see who you truly are. Only the Chosen One could tame both my children.

Hondo: But you know what I always say: speak softly, and drive a big tank.

Count: Obi-Wan Kenobi. I thought I sensed an unpleasant disturbance in the Force.

Clone: General, there's something down here with us. And it's not Seppies...

Ahsoka: [after performing Sai tok on an IG-86 Assasin droid] You were right about the hands-on experience, gramps. Much better than the archives.
Anakin: Good job, but you missed one.
[performs Cho mai and Sai cha on the last droid]
Anakin: As for you, stubby, you'd make a poor excuse for a light switch.

Chancellor: [via hologram] That may be the only way we shall get this treaty signed, and rest Master Windu's conscience.

Narrator: As war continues to fracture the galaxy, planets become pawns in a dangerous chess game. One planet in peril is Naboo, where suffering and civil unrest threaten once friendly relations between the people on the surface and the underwater dwelling Gungans. Rumors that the Gungans plan to aid the Separatists in an attack on Theed, force Senator Padmé Amidala home, accompanied by Jedi General Anakin Skywalker...

Tee: What menace have you brought to our village now, Jedi?

Lok: Ready?
Aqualish: [repeating the order in Huttese] Rundee?
Battle: Roger Roger.
Lok: Aim.
Aqualish: Togwa!
Lok: Fire!
Aqualish: Keepuna!

Narrator: Cause of death unknown! Kaminoan doctor Nala Se was unable to find a cause for an illness in clone trooper Tup. In a desperate attempt to save his friend's life, Fives located and removed a tumor from Tup's brain with the help of medical droid AZI-3. Immediately following the procedure, Tup died and Fives was placed under arrest. Now the tumor is the only hope to finding answers for Tup's mysterious illness...

Anakin: Why do you even ask for my opinion, you never do things my way.
Obi: We crashed the ship your way.
Anakin: Very funny. I see your sense of humor survived the landing.
Obi: It's about the only thing.

Anakin: Our only hope is that Master Yoda can send help in time.
Captain: No, Prince Lee-Char is our only hope.

Prince: I will not leave my people to die.
Anakin: With all due respect, Your Highness, if we stay, we all die.

Gume: This is not a matter of philosophy. More troops are needed. The Republic cannot afford to let the Separatists gain anymore ground.
Bail: Our generals inform us that troops in the field continue to perform valiantly. What we cannot afford is to be irresponsible. The Republic is near bankruptcy due to the cost of the war.
Lott: Bankruptcy is not necessary, my friends. If we pass Senator Saam's bill to open new lines of credit, we will gain access to the needed funds.
Mon: Won't this bill essentially deregulate the banks?
Halle: A small price to pay to finance the war, is it not?
Padmé: Members of the Senate. Do you hear yourselves? More money, more clones, more war. Say nothing of fiscal responsibility, what about moral responsibility? Hasn't this war gone on long enough?
Gume: Senator Amidala, are you suggesting we surrender to the Separatists?
Padmé: Of course not. But negotiation might be a better course of action.

Appo: The platoons are in the formation you requested, General. Should I send them to support Captain Rex?
Pong: I'll give the order when I give it, Sergeant Appo.

Lott: You forget yourself, Clovis, you cannot threaten me on my own planet.

Anakin: [Anakin and Adi Galia are surrounded by Commando Droids] Well, at least they're not Destroyer Droids.

Obi: Well it certainly took you long enough!
Satine: You know, I haven't saved you yet!

Ziro the Hutt: Some people are just happier when they're miserable.

Nix: Perhaps some unexpected bloodshed on Coruscant, eh, may change a few minds.
Lott: Coruscant? Coruscant has not been attacked in over one thousand years.
Nix: Then it has a false sense of security. There are some powerful clients on the other side who could help us, eh, shall we say, make the point.
Gume: I like this plan.
Nix: No one cares what you think.

Narrator: A long awaited truth! A distress signal has been received at the Jedi Temple and Master Plo Koon has been dispatched to investigate its origin. The signal is from a ship thought to be lost and was last known to be in the possession of a Jedi Master who was killed long ago...

Matchstick: There hasn't been a mission Shadow Squadron couldn't complete.
Tag: That's right. Minimal casualties, maximum effectiveness. That's us.

Narrator: Lethal trackdown! The young Boba Fett has taken the law into his own hands and made two attempts on the life of Mace Windu, the Jedi Master who killed his father. Boba's mentor, bounty hunter Aurra Sing, has taken three Republic officers hostage in an effort to force Windu to face Boba on their terms, a tactic that does not sit well with the young vigilante...

Ahsoka: You know, Master, my briefings might go better if you didn't interrupt me every time I tried to...
Anakin: [cuts her off] I wasn't interrupting. I was trying to help you.
Ahsoka: Which I would appreciate... if you didn't interrupt me to do it.

Anakin: Things seem to be going as planned.
Captain: It's when things do not go as planned that concerns me. What then?
Anakin: It's when things don't go as planned that we Jedi are at our best. Trust me.
Captain: I reserve me trust for those who take action, General Skywalker.
Anakin: Then let me remind you, we rescued you back there. And I reserve my trust for those who understand gratitude, Captain Tarkin.

Anakin: Excuse me, who are you taking us to?
The: The Father, of course.
Ahsoka: [rolls eyes] Of course!
Obi: And what exactly are you?
The: We are the ones who guard the power. We are the beginning, the middle and the end.
Anakin: Glad she cleared that up for us.

OM: [approaching a downed Republic Gunship] Careful. It might be full of Clones.
OM: [opens Gunship hatch] Eh, no clones, just explosives. Explosives?

Onaconda: Master Bombad, on behalf of the people of Rodia I thank you. You are either the bravest, or the most foolish Jedi I have ever met.
Jar: I'm just a Gungan, and I don't think I'm either.

Priestesses: Yoda... come back to us, Yoda.
Yoda: Died, have I?
Priestesses: In a way.
Yoda: Now, does my training begin?
Priestesses: The one you know as Qui-Gon Jinn will commune with you and guide your training. Like us, you will learn to maintain your consciousness after death. Enlightenment, spirit, balance... There is another... Skywalker.
Yoda: There is... another?

Hondo: I warned them. I didn't want to torture anyone. But now... even in a galaxy at war, you hope to find some honor.

Obi: Satine...

Count: [via hologram] The whispering of his name can rekindle hope, and hope is something we cannot allow our enemy to possess.

Anakin: Here's where the fun begins. Hang on!

Captain: What's the point of all this. I mean, why?
Fives: I don't know, sir. I don't think anybody knows. But I do know, that some day, this war is gonna end.
Captain: Then what? We're soldiers. What happens to us then?

Cham: Senator Taa. So glad you could join us from comfortable Coruscant. Our people have survived with only me.
Orn: [via hologram] I knew you would try to turn this into a campaign to take power. Need I remind you that it is I who leads our people in the senate?
Cham: And it is I who leads our people here and now.
Mace: There will be nothing left to lead if you two refuse to work together.

Obi: Nice shot, senator.
Padmé: Beginners luck.

Count: [via hologram] Your Tactical droid has informed me of the pitiful job you have done protecting our investment on Ryloth.
Wat: That droid exaggerates. I have not lost yet.

Narrator: War in the Expansion Region! As the Separatists tighten their grip over vital but isolated supply routes, the Republic launches a lightning strike into a remote ghost nebula to control the strategic system of Umbara. Republic forces smash through the Separatist Blockade in an effort to claim the shadowy world...

Bric: Well... I'll be. Heh. Creative little clones, aren't they?

Mas: You summoned me, Chancellor?
Chancellor: Prepare my ship.

Ahsoka: Temptation is always there, and citizens must be vigilant so corruption can't take root. The deadliest enemies of a society dwell within its borders, and from these internal threats, the people need to be protected.

Hondo: What happened to the power? I was having fun!

Ahsoka: Master Plo, I don't understand. Shouldn't we be heading for the last place we know Boba Fett was spotted?
Plo: Why head to the one place we know he's not.

Mother: Where one sees failure, others see opportunity.

Hevy: Don't forget about those giant eels.
Cutup: Now I've never seen -
[begins to scream as a giant eel grabs him between it's teeth]

Obi: We need to remember why we're here. We came to aid the Twi'leks, not destroy their home. Cody?
Commander: That means we'll be taking it back the hard way. Minimal destructions with blasters and Droid poppers only. No rockets or detonators. Check your aim. Keep an eye out for the locals. Am I understood?
Clone: Sir, yes sir!

The: Do not underestimate my son. He will seek your ship to escape our isolation and sow terror through the universe. And while you are here, he will use you to do it.
Anakin: What will you do now that he's given himself over to the dark side?
The: It is my actions that have unleashed great danger on the universe. I must kill him.
Anakin: But he's too powerful for you alone.
The: Hmm, perhaps, perhaps not. The Force will decide.
Anakin: I can help you.
The: The choice is no longer yours to make. Both our destinies are clouded.

Narrator: Victory on Geonosis! After a massive assault, the Republic has finally recaptured the Separatist planet and shut down its droid factories of doom. An investigation by Luminara Undulli led to the discovery of Queen Karina the Great, whose hive-mind could reanimate dead Geonosian soldiers. During the destruction of the Queen's temple, the Jedi apprehended her advisor Poggle the Lesser, and now prepare to deliver the villain to Coruscant for trial...

[TA-175 and 2 B1 droids by his side exit Lessu HQ]
TA: Start my shit. That Tambor is a fool.
[the B1 droids start walking ahead of TA-175 as they all head towards Wat Tambor's shuttle. Tambor then exits with two B2 droids by his side, only to see TA-175 enter the shuttle and close the door behind him]
Wat: My Ship!
[the Shuttle flies off. Cut to inside the shuttle where TA-175 is conversing with Dooku]
TA: I'm afraid Emir Tambor refused to retreat in time.
Count: That is... unfortunate. Order out bombers to destroy the capital immediately.

Clone: General, you still there?
Anakin: Yep. I'm just sitting here, watching the show.

Trooper: [facing incoming Droidekas] Rollies inbound!

Aayla: Sometimes it takes courage to stick to one's believes, young Padawan, as any Jedi well knows.

Anakin: Our target will be the bridge, and General Grievous.
Matchstick: [turns to Broadside] The head clanker! Skywalker's getting pretty ambitious, heh.

Padmé: The creation of more warriors will not end this war. The financial costs alone will bankrupt and cripple the Republic. By adding more clones to the conflict, we are only escalating destruction, not winning the war, which is why we must vote for this resolution, to promote more diplomacy and to bring an end to this killing and hatred.

Darth: [to Maul] Remember, the first and only reality of the Sith. There can only be two. And you are no longer my apprentice. You have been replaced.

Chancellor: I should have known secrets do not stay secret for long around here.
Padmé: Isn't that precisely the point of a democracy?
Anakin: Of course, in wartime, some things must be kept secret, even from the people, so as not to aid the enemy.
Mas: It is unfortunate that the beast must die, Senator. But the greater good demands it.
Padmé: How is killing the last of a species, in secret and without debate, good for anyone?

Padmé: I think I'm getting seasick...

Narrator: A royal welcome! Sent to investigate allegations that Mandalore was joining Count Dooku's Separatists, Obi-Wan Kenobi was reunited with an old friend, the Duchess Satine of Kalevala. While Satine claimed Mandalore's intentions were to remain neutral during the war, an attack on the capital city led Obi-Wan to the discovery of a terrorist organization known as Death Watch. Now the Duchess travels to the Senate, so she can plead her case against her involvement in the war, as the Jedi prepare a defense against her opponents...

Savage: This is where you live? How long have you been here?
Darth: Years, and years, and years... my chains are broken, the chains... the chains are the easy part. It's what goes on in here that's hard...
[Maul starts sobs]
Savage: You have been lost, my brother. Do you remember who you are? Where you came from?
Darth: Always remember I am fear, always remember I am hunter, always remember I am filth... always remember... I am nothing!
Savage: Your legs...
Darth: That scum, he took them from me! He took them!
Savage: Who? Who took them?
Darth: Jedi!... Jedi.
Savage: You remember?
Darth: [Muttering to himself] Mercy, master... mercy is a lie. A delusion of the weak to make themselves strong. I ask not for mercy.
Savage: What? What is it? Brother, what are you saying?
Darth: [Grabbing Savage and pushing him against the fall] ... To the filth, to the grief... Jedi!
[Showing signs of sanity]
Darth: ... Revenge. I must have revenge.

Chancellor: Isn't it remarkable that one can have all the power in the galaxy and yet the words of a single senator can sway the thoughts of millions?
Mas: What do you plan to do about this?
Chancellor: For now, we must adhere to the principles of our democracy. We must let the wheels of the Senate turn.

The: Are you the one?
Obi: Hello.
Anakin: Who are you?
The: I am Daughter. Are you the one?
Anakin: The one what?
The: I will take you to him.
Ahsoka: 'Him' who?
Obi: Did you bring us here?
The: Only he can help you. There is little time. Follow me. We must have shelter before nightfall.
Anakin: And we thought the plant was strange. How about this one?

General: They sent a child to destroy my station? The Republic must be running out of Jedi!
Ahsoka: You must be General Grievous.
[the General laughs and coughs]
Ahsoka: He's just another Tinnie boys, let's scrap 'em like the rest.

B1: Take this upstairs. And make sure not to drop it.
Clumsy: [trips and drops the box immediately] Whoa! Ow.
B1: Those 631s are not the brightest lights on the ship.

Clone: Looks like General Skywalker has already engaged the enemy.
Obi: That's nothing out of the ordinary. Especially since I gave him a direct order not to.

Wullf: Of all the Jedi, why did I have to end up with Skywalker?

Narrator: Fugitives on the run! Disguised as the Jedi killer Rako Hardeen, Obi-Wan Kenobi works undercover to solve a Separatist plot against Chancellor Palpatine. Obi-Wan meets the plot's mastermind, Moralo Eval, breaking him out of jail to gain his trust. But now Kenobi faces another obstacle: bounty hunter Cad Bane. Can Obi-Wan Kenobi overcome Bane's suspicions? Or will the ruthless criminal see through his disguise and expose the Jedi? Only time will tell...

Admiral: [via hologram] Turn back now. Retreat while you can, for I am your doom.

The: We will leave him to rest.
Obi: I must talk to him.
The: Not until he's stronger.
Obi: But your brother is losing himself to the Dark side. He's taken our friend.
The: Then he must have his reasons.
Obi: Same reason he had for attempting to murder your father?
The: He would never do such a thing.

Asajj: Kenobi, don't tell me someone's finally knocked the fight out of you. Wake up!
[slaps him]
Obi: Ventress?
Asajj: It looks like I'm here to rescue you.
Obi: When did you become the good guy?
Asajj: Don't insult me.
Obi: Ah, what a lovely sight to wake up to.
Asajj: Don't flatter yourself, Kenobi. You've never been one to look at. Especially now.

Mon: My dear, you were brilliant.
Padmé: Thank you. But perhaps we should wait till we actually win the vote before we make a victory speech.
Halle: [Burtoni enters the room] What a novel idea. Imagine that. Amidala's actually making sense for once in her life.
Padmé: Senator Burtoni, this is a private conversation.
Halle: Private conversation or Separatist conspiracy?
Lolo: How dare you? We are not pro-Separatist. We want to end the war.
Padmé: Committing more troops to the front lines will not allow diplomacy to resume.
Halle: Diplomacy failed the Republic long ago.

Narrator: Republic victory is at hand! Clone troopers under the command of the Jedi have successfully invaded the Separatist-occupied world of Ryloth. Anakin Skywalker battles the enemy in the skies, while Obi-Wan Kenobi frees villages from the grip of vile Separatist leader, Wat Tambor. Now, Jedi General Mace Windu leads the attack on the enemy lines in the final offensive to liberate the capital city of Lessu...

Anakin: First rule of war: listen and obey your superiors.
Ahsoka: But sometimes you get carried away.
Anakin: All that means is that I understand what you're going through.

Obi: Where's Anakin?
The: He came to me for guidance, but at the crossroad, only he can choose. The Force will be his guide now.
Obi: I don't like this. What have you done?
The: I have done nothing. I am merely letting the will of the Force take shape.
Obi: Where has he gone?
The: To the Well of the Dark Side.

Narrator: Abandoned! After an assassination attempt by his forsaken apprentice, Asajj Ventress, Count Dooku launches a brutal counterattack against the Nightsisters, massacring the entire clan. Forced into exile, Ventress wanders far into the Outer Rim, among the castaways and vagabonds of the galaxy, seeking her new life that was foretold by Mother Talzin...

Captain: As successful a rescue as one could hope for, Viceroy. I will be a legend for this.
Nute: I always had a good feeling about you, Captain.

Captain: I've got a bad feeling about this, sir.

Captain: Unless you want to become a box of spare parts, you'll tell us where that lab is!

Battle: [torturing Jedi Master Bolla Ropal] I'm not sure how much more of this he can take.
Cad: Are you a medical droid?
Battle: Eh... no sir.
Cad: Then step back and shut up.
Battle: Roger roger.
Cad: More power.

Anakin: Not that it isn't a pleasure, Senator, but I thought I was just meeting with Obi-Wan here.
Padmé: Master Kenobi explained the problem. I'm here to help.
Anakin: Problem? What problem?
Obi: The situation with our friend from Malastare.
Anakin: Uh-huh. I see what's going on here. You think I could influence the Chancellor.
Padmé: The Zillo Beast was chained up and brought here against its will. It has no voice to defend itself. Anakin, we have to be that voice.
Anakin: [chuckles] You haven't seen it in action. You have no idea what it's capable of.
Padmé: It's what we're capable of that frightens me. A creature's life, maybe even an entire species, is at stake. Doesn't that at least warrant a discussion?
Anakin: [sighs] I didn't think you'd feel so strongly about it. All right, let's speak to the Chancellor. But I still don't like this.

Battle: Eh, sir, that Republic ship has destroyed our escort and is blocking our escape.
Cad: Whoevers commanding that cruiser is a bold one.

Narrator: Neutral star systems in peril! Darth Maul and Savage Opress command the planet Mandalore through the puppet Prime Minister, Almec, while they expand their criminal enterprise. With the Death Watch removed from power, and the Jedi unaware of the villainous plot, nothing stands in the way of Darth Maul's vision for a vast criminal empire. We now find Duchess Satine imprisoned, as her few remaining loyal subjects make a desperate attempt to rescue her...

General: Did you really think I would be so foolish as to leave the hyperdrive unguarded?
Obi: Anything's possible. You haven't exactly impressed me today.

Obi: Anakin, you're crazy. Spinning is not flying.
Anakin: But it's a good trick.

Dr. Nuvo Vindi: What's a life form like you doing in a swamp like this?
Padmé: I was about to ask you the same thing.

Tee: If it is our destiny to be destroyed in your war, so be it.

Narrator: A great escape! Cad Bane and his notorious crew of bounty hunters liberated Ziro the Hutt from a Republic prison after holding the Galactic Senate hostage. The Jedi Council has assigned Obi-Wan Kenobi to retrieve Ziro the Hutt with the help of Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos. Unknown to the Jedi, we find Ziro in the clutches of the five Hutt families on the distant world of Nal Hutta...

Mother: You have heard of the Sith warrior Darth Maul, have you not?
Count: Yes... he was slain on Naboo at the hand of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Mother: A few still remain in his bloodline. The men dwell on the far side of Dathomir. What if I could provide another of his kind?
Count: A warrior of the same caliber?
Mother: Yes. But I warn you: men are easy to acquire, hard to control.

Barriss: Whatever you're doing, I hope it works because I'd sure rather have died fighting up there than starve to death down here.
Ahsoka: Don't worry. We'll run out of air long before we starve.
Barriss: That's a comforting thought, thanks.

Ahsoka: You taught me well. I can handle anything.
Anakin: Don't get cocky.

Anakin: Are you okay?
Padmé: Ani, how about the next time you rescue me before you kill all the Battle droids.
Anakin: A little thank you would go a long way.

Obi: A great leap forward often requires taking two steps back.
Anakin: And sometimes all it requires is the will to jump.

General: [to hostage R2-D2] What secrets do you carry, my little friend?
[R2-D2 responds]
General: So defiant. No need for fear. We're all droids here. Ha ha ha. Rip this little rat apart, and find out everything he knows!

Casiss: Even with the bounty hunters help, I had feared the worst. But now, there are seven of you!

Ahsoka: I can't just stay behind knowing about the threat to your life. Allow me to come with you, please?
Padmé: Well, I... suppose it couldn't hurt. Besides, I enjoy your company. Of course you can join me. As... extra security.

Narrator: Pursued by pirates! While on a rite of passage, six Jedi younglings and Ahsoka Tano are ambushed. While protecting the young Jedi, Ahsoka was captured by the nefarious Hondo Ohnaka and taken to the planet Florrum. Marshalling their courage and training, the younglings infiltrated the pirate stronghold and rescued Ahsoka. Now we find our heroes in a race to their starship, with the pirates closing in...

Ahsoka: Violence. That's what those droids are programmed for.

Narrator: As the war between the Republic and the Separatists intensifies, many are driven from their home planets, and it is up to Senator Amidala to secure aid for them. All eyes turn to the Banking Clan and the planet Scipio. In an effort to remain independent from the Republic and the Separatists, all operations are divided and money transactions are performed in a neutral zone surrounding the Main Vault. For operations to continue there must be no war on Scipio. However, worry about the stability of the Banking Clan is brewing within the Republic as the wellspring of money may be in jeopardy...

Delta: There were no survivors on Devaron. Everyone was killed, including Master Halsey and his padawan.
Adi: in the past, only Dooku's assassin was capable of such an effort. But she was presumed dead at the battle of Sullust.
Plo: Not everything is what it seems. There may be a new threat. Someone or something has eluded us, perhaps a newly appointed Sith Lord.
Obi: This is not the work of a Sith Lord or a Jedi, but a reckless, impulsive animal.

Cad: I've delivered what you wanted. The Jedi were no problem. Anything else I can help you with?
Darth: [via hologram] I need test subjects. Choose four children and bring them to Mustafar. I will take care of them.
Cad: Kidnapping innocent children? Seems like a small-time crime from the likes of you.
Darth: Among the children of the Jedi, there are no innocents.
Cad: Sure, sure. As long as I get paid, it makes no difference to me.

Castas: This place is a death trap!
Aurra: When I hired you, I didn't realize that you were such a coward.
Castas: Oh, well... I don't wanna be next!

Narrator: Invasion in peril! Republic forces struggle to take Umbara, a hostile planet completely enshrouded in darkness. Jedi General Pong Krell and Captain Rex lead a battalion against a constant attack by a brutal enemy. Krell's aggressive and reckless strategies backfire, killing many clones. Despite the Jedi general's dangerous tactics, Captain Rex's squad successfully captures a critical airbase. This further fuels the mistrust of Krell's leadership, dividing his men.

C: Lost? Distracted? Oh, I cannot imagine where Master Anakin gets these ideas. You are the one who gets distracted.
[Artoo bleeps a negative reply]
C: You most certainly do. You wander off like a drunken Nuna. I have half a mind to recalibrate your focusing capacitors.

C: Hm, it seems no one wants my company tonight.

Anakin: We dropped that bomb to save your planet, at your request!
Doge: To save our fuel for you to buy!

Anakin: You'll find I like to do things differently from time to time.
Yularen: Indeed. The Chancellor mentioned as much, though he insisted it was the highest compliment."

Padmé: I will not be made a Separatist bargaining chip. Continue your attack! You must destroy this monstrous ship.

Mace: You seem more disappointed than our cadets.
Anakin: It's our job to instruct and inspire.
Mace: You just wanted to show off.
Anakin: Hey, when I show off, it is instructive.
[a beat]
Anakin: And inspiring.
Mace: For you, maybe.

Obi: [Kenobi and Voss are hanging of the side of a cliff by their fingertips] I never did enjoy hanging out with you.

[On a Separatist battleship over the sky]
Tactical: This is taking too long. Destroy that cruiser.
Battle: But, sir, there could still be hundreds of droids onboard.
Tactical: [frustrated] I don't care.
Battle: Roger, roger.

Ahsoka: These gasgulpers are huge!

Anakin: I will do such terrible things.
The: Yes. But it doesn't have to be that way. The choice is still yours to make.
Anakin: How?
The: The future, by its nature, can be changed.

Narrator: War profiteers! In time of war, credits are the fuel that fund all operations. Senator Amidala is sent to Scipio to resolve matters between the Republic and InterGalactic Banking Clan. Here she is reunited with Rush Clovis, a once close friend, but now a known traitor to the Republic. When Clovis reveals corruption at the core of the Banking Clan, Senator Amidala helps him steal vital files that may uncover the full extent of the plot. Anakin Skywalker is sent to rescue the Senator and escort the information back to Coruscant leaving the Banking Clan in chaos...

Maul: [Looks at the battlefield in the throne room on Mandalore] Look at them, so blissfully ignorant.
Ahsoka: Care to tell me what this is all about? Or would you rather save it for the Council?
Maul: Oh, no. No. You are the one that I wished to speak with.
[turns around and walks to the throne]
Maul: Were you not cast out of your Order?
Ahsoka: I left voluntarily.
Maul: Yes, but you were motivated to leave by the hypocrisy of the Jedi Council.
Ahsoka: [Looks concerned]
Maul: We were both tools for greater powers.
Ahsoka: I'm here to bring you to justice.
Maul: Justice is merely the construct of the current power base. A base which, according to my calculations, is about to change.
Ahsoka: And Darth Sidious is behind it?
Maul: He is behind everything. In the shadows, always. But soon, very soon, he will reveal himself.
Ahsoka: With your help, the Jedi can stop Sidious before it's too late!
Maul: Too late for what? The Republic to fall? It already has! And you just can't see it! There's no justice! No law! No Order! Except for the one that will replace it!
Ahsoka: [Looks confused]
Maul: The time of the Jedi has passed! They cannot defeat Sidious!
Maul: But together, you and I can.
Ahsoka: [Looks unsettled]
Maul: Every choice you have made... has led you to this moment.
[lends out his hand to Ahsoka to join him]

Padmé: I must say, when I came to visit I hadn't pictured us in such an... informal setting.
Satine: Yes, well, from what Master Kenobi tells me, during your tenure as Queen you became quite familliar with such 'excursions'.

Jar: Thisa rescuing is hard jobbin'.

Obi: [Anakin crushes one of the Queen's brain worms with his foot] What are you doing? I was going to study that!
Anakin: Study the bottom of my boot.

Captain: Sir, you talking about stealing from one of the clankers? Count me in.

Narrator: Missing in action! Anakin Skywalker's heroic droid navigator R2-D2 was lost in battle. When a desperate search fails to locate Artoo, Anakin is forced to take on a new navigator, R3-S6. Now the Jedi embark on a dangerous new mission, to find a secret enemy listening post. Meanwhile, R2-D2 has fallen into the hands of a vile droid smuggler and is on his way to General Grievous who will surely plunder the Republic's secrets hidden within him...

Anakin: I'll take care of this, Obi-Wan. You, go find your girlfriend.
Obi: Right... Anakin, no! She's not my girlfr...

Anakin: When I finished constructing my lightsaber. Ob-Wan said to me: Anakin, this weapon is your life. This weapon is my life.
Padmé: No, Anakin, I can't. A Jedi lightsaber is...
[Anakan puts his weapon in her hand]
Padmé: Wow. It's heaver than I thought.
Anakin: It's yours. Believe me now?

Prime: Using a Jedi mind trick was a very poor decision. My guards have been trained to resist such archaic magic.

Luminara: Just make sure to leave a bit of strategic planning for me when I come back, Master Kenobi. I'd hate to feel left out.

General: All too easy.
Obi: Devine 'easy', General.

99: Well, maybe you should embrace the fact that you have a team. See, I never had that. But you need them, and they need you. Why carry such a heavy burden on your own when you have your brothers at your side?

The: We are the ones who guard the power. We are the middle, the beginning, and the end.

Anakin: Oh, the things you do to get me alone.
Padmé: Stop talking.

Anakin: All right, lets take this sleemo back to Theed so we can help Padmé and 'Soka clean up back there.

Darth: [defeated] Have mercy. Please... please!
Darth: There is no mercy.
[Electrocutes Maul with Force lightning]
Darth: Do not worry. I'm not going to kill you. I have... *other* uses for you.

C: We surrender. We surrender.
Battle: Uh, where did you come from?
Battle: They must be pirate droids.
Battle: Pirate droids? You're under arrest.
C: Pirate droids? We're not pirate droids. We are part of the Republ--
[R2D2 bumps against C3PO's leg]
C: Oh, yes, uh, we are pirate droids.
Battle: That is what we thought.

Anakin: [they're walking through a pitch-dark hallway] R2 says we're close, stay sharp.
Captain: [Rex accidentally hits his head on a pipe that Ahsoka avoided] Ow! Switch to night vision.

Echo: General, may we have a word?
Shaak: You are here to discuss your squad, aren't you?
Fives: How did you...
Echo: Ah, Jedi, mate.
Shaak: One doesn't need to be a Jedi to feel the stress on your mind.
Echo: General, we would like to request a transfer to another squad.
Fives: Bravo Squad, perhaps?
Shaak: I am a Jedi, where the individual and the group are one and the same, much like you clones.
Echo: Which is why Fives and I are looking out for each other.
Shaak: As individuals, but not as a group. You are where you need to be. Solve your problems as a whole, not as individuals. I have decided to allow you and the rest of your squad to take the test again tomorrow.

Satine: I'm troubled, Padmé.
Padmé: You heard Prime Minister Almec say he'll investigate.
Satine: His heart is in the right place, but this corruption...
Padmé: You must have hope, Satine.
Satine: Hope will only go so far. The very people conducting this investigation might be corrupt. Perhaps a Jedi working undercover at the academy could be of service to us and in more ways than one, for if we lose our young, Mandalore will indeed be lost.

Captain: You have wonderful children.
Cut: I know you think I'm a coward, Rex, but believe me. I'll fight to my last breath to keep them safe.

Ahsoka: It seems to me that the people we're looking for live near giant trees.
Aayla: Very perceptive, Padawan.

Spark: I thought we were on a relief mission?
Blackout: You learn pretty quickly that when you serve under General Skywalker, you're always on the offensive.

Anakin: [speaking into wrist comlink] Gunship, come in. Hawk, we need an evac in the South tower.
Hawk: Roger that sir, we're coming.
Captain: South tower? We're in the North.
Anakin: Not for long
[draws his lightsaber]

Jar: Oh lookie, here's a button that's still working.
[pushes it]

Boba: [pointing a blaster at the back of Plo Koon's head] I'm not a murderer, but I want justice!
Plo: We are justice.

Narrator: Evil alliance! Darth Maul and Savage Opress escape Obi-Wan Kenobi's assault once again. With their plan to build a crime organization in peril, the brothers' fate is about to be changed forever as they drift barely alive, through unknown space...

Shmi: It is time you realize that your guilt does not define you, my son. You define your guilt.
Anakin: The only love I feel in my heart is haunted by what would happen should I let go.
Shmi: Then it is not love, it is a prison.

Padmé: [Padme crosses Ahsoka's cell and sits beside her] Until we hear from Anakin, let's work on your defence.
Ahsoka: [Ahsoka sighs] Forgive me if I'm not optimistic. I thought I was part of that Order. But everyone, except Anakin, has abandoned me. I'm not holding out much hope the Senate will treat me any better.

Narrator: As the Clone War scorches its destructive path across the galaxy, it is the Jedi who bring order to the chaos. Though as the war progresses, the number of Jedi have declined, and new younglings are harder to find. When a youngling is located, they are brought to the Jedi Temple and learn quickly that their true family is now the Jedi Order. The trials are hard. Tests must be passed. But none is as important as The Gathering. It is then that a Jedi's path will truly begin...

Ahsoka: That is one big cruiser-crusher!

Anakin: Who are you taking us to?
The: The Father of course.
Ahsoka: Of course.

Asajj: I was beginning to think my presence went unnoticed.
Anakin: You weren't planning on leaving without saying 'hello', were you?

K2: Count Dooku insists that you speak with him, commander.
Osi: Well, lets not keep him waiting.
K2: He's already waiting, sir.

Fives: [about Krell] He may have had some victories. But have you seen his casualty numbers? More troopers have been killed under his command than anyone else.

Darth: My hatred kept my spirit intact even though my body was not. As I was lost and became a rabid animal, and such is how you found me, brother. Discarded, forgotten... I have missed soo much. The force feels... out of balance.
Savage: Yes, there is conflict. The Clone Wars.
Darth: Ah, yes. So it began... without me.
Savage: You can begin again, brother?
[Handing Maul his lightsaber]
Darth: I was apprentice to the most powerful being in the galaxy once. I was destined to become... so much more. But I was robbed of that destiny by the Jedi, by Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Savage: Then you must have your revenge, my brother.
Darth: Yes, we will start with revenge...

Obi: Do you always carry a deactivator?
Satine: Just because I'm a pacifist doesn't mean I won't defend myself.
Obi: Now you sound like a Jedi.

The: I cannot interfere with the ways of the Force. My father forbids it.

Prince: We can't retreat, not now. We've got to be brave.
Captain: There's a time to attack, and a time to retreat. And now is not the time to be brave.

Anakin: Don't worry, Clovis. It's good to know you have a heart. I wishI could give you the disc, but I have a lot faith in your survival skills.

Captain: 99, you can't!
99: I'm a soldier, like you! This is what I was bred for.

Anakin: [having just witnessed a holo recording of a creature attacking a B1 droid] What was that?
Obi: Whatever it was, it's a good warrior.

Numa: [the two clones have taken off their helmest for Numa] Nerra... nerra.
Waxer: I'm Waxer, he's Boil.
Numa: [points at them again] Nerra, nerra.
Boil: Aw, you made a friend. Mission accomplished. Can we go now?

Narrator: Separatist attack! After the destruction of the Republic outpost on the Rishi Moon, General Grievous and Asajj Ventress plan an attack on the planet Kamino, home of the cloning factories. Meanwhile, aboard a Jedi cruiser, Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi examine an intercepted message from General Grievous...

General: You have been designed for this mission. To be the ultimate infiltration units. Some of you may not return. Actually, none of you will return. But don't let that get in your way. Is that clear?

[last lines]
Anakin: [about Satine] A remarkable woman.
Obi: Yes, remarkable...

The: I can go no further. When you reach the altar, it will give you want you need.
Obi: I... I don't understand.
The: He who wields the blade, will be able to control my brother.

Narrator: Brothers reunited! Darth Maul, the sinister Sith thought to have been destroyed so many years ago by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, was found alive by his brother, Savage Opress, and taken back to Mother Talzin on Dathomir. Though Darth Maul's memory has yet to be fully restored, his need for vengeance has awakened, more powerful than ever...

Tera: You need to be more quiet, young one.
Ahsoka: [hushed tones] Okay, okay.
Tera: Not quiet with your mouth, quiet with your mind.

Count: There is no margin for error this time, child. You must prove yourself worthy of being my apprentice.
Asajj: I am worthy, as you shall see.

Narrator: Diplomacy or deception? The Council of Neutral Systems speaks for over 1,500 worlds who want to stay out of the war. But rumors have reached the Republic Senate suggesting that the Council's new leader, Duchess Satine of Mandalore, is secretly building her own army to fight for the Separatist cause! Now, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi has been sent to Mandalore to discover the truth behind these claims...

Narrator: Global crisis! The Mid Rim planet of Aleen is devastated by catastrophic earthquakes. As the people struggle, the future of the survivors rests on their ability to rekindle their way of life from the rubble of the past. A Jedi transport, on a mission to block Separatist annexation of the Qiilura system, is waylaid to provide desperately needed humanitarian relief to the people on the surface of Aleen...

Cut: To each, his own. That's what I always say.
Shaeeah: What does that mean, Daddy?
Cut: It means you can do anything with your life that you want to.

Jinx: Fine, we'll do it the Wookiee way.

Satine: I'm not too sure about the beard.
Obi: Why? What's wrong with it?
Satine: It hides too much of your handsome face.
Anakin: Whoa. What was that all about?

General: The story of Obi-Wan Kenobi ends here.

Padmé: I'll be happy to go with you. It'll be like... old times.
Rush: [chuckles] On the contrary. I hope it'll be better than old times.

Narrator: Battle droids on Naboo! As the Separatist rebellion rages through the galaxy, even peaceful planets are threatened. Following the discovery of Separatist droids wandering the grassy wasteland, Naboo is once again on high alert. Fearing their home is facing another invasion, Senator Amidala and Representative Binks race to Naboo to assess the situation. Meanwhile, near the Gungan swamplands, an even graver threat is about to be discovered...

Hondo: Jedi! After everything, you're just going to walk away?
Obi: We have no quarrel with you and we seek no revenge.
Hondo: Indeed. Very honorable, Master Jedi.
Obi: Oh, Captain, you will find that Count Dooku does not share our sense of honor... and he knows where you live.

Plo: When you ask for trouble, you should not be surprised when it finds you.

Narrator: Mysterious message! A transmission has been intercepted far beyond the Outer Rim,deep in the Chrelythiumn system. Why the call has been made, and from where cannot be established. But buried in the message is a Jedi distress code that has not been used in over 2,000 years. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka are sent to investigate. Fearing a Separatist trap, they are to meet with a heavily armed Jedi cruiser...

Padmé: Should you really proceed without the Council's approval?
Anakin: We do it all the time, don't we, Snips?
Ahsoka: Yep!
Padmé: Well, be careful Ahsoka.
[to Anakin]
Padmé: I still can't believe they let you teach.

Axe: Come on, you whiners. Let's get dirty!

Echo: Hevy always did hate that place.

Darth: [Taunting Obi-Wan] Your master, Qui-Gon Jinn. I gutted him while you stood helpless and watched. How did that make you feel, Obi-Wan? Your rage has unbalanced you. That is not the Jedi way, is it?

Fives: [about to be frozen in Carbonite] Are, eh, we sure this thing is safe? I don't want to end up a wall decoration.

Osi: Welcome... back.
Obi: I must say, you're not at all what I pictured. Someone with such a soft voice...

Plo: Sergeant, why are you so certain no one is coming?
Clone: We're just clones, sir. We're meant to be expendable.
Plo: Not to me.

Onaconda: You must give the speech in his place.
Padmé: But they're expecting to hear from the great Bail Organa. He carries a certain weight. He's seen as a voice of reason.
Onaconda: You are very respected.
Padmé: As a partisan. I've been against this bill from day one. If they didn't listen to me before, why would they listen now?
Teckla: Because you do listen. You understand what the people are going through. Please... your people are waiting for you.

Gamac: So... now the Younglings are organized, bold and they've got a Wookiee.

Ahsoka: [igniting her lightsaber] Don't move, Sleemo!
Cad: You weren't the child I was expecting to find.
Ahsoka: Obviously.
Cad: You're quite clever, but naive.

Obi: Anakin, the planet is the Force. Use it.

Padmé: As long as senators are being threatened and attacked, I'm afraid we don't stand a chance.
Bail: Intimidation won't work on everyone. Senator Farr is proof of that.
Padmé: Even so, we're still at least six votes short of a majority, and you saw how effective my plea was today.
Bail: Some minds can't be altered no matter what they hear.
Padmé: From my experience, it depends a great deal on who's sending the message.
Bail: And what are you thinking?
Padmé: Bail, you're the finest public speaker I know. If anyone can convince the Senate that voting for this bill will bankrupt the Republic both financially and spiritually, it's you.
Bail: It will be dangerous.
Padmé: I urge you to speak before the full Senate.
Bail: I'll need some time to prepare.

The: When news reached me that the Chose One had been found, I needed to see for myself.
Anakin: The Chosen One's a myth.
The: It is? I should very much like to know. Why don't we find out together?

Shaeeah: They hatched from the big egg in the field!

Ahsoka: When I was out there, alone, all I had was your training and the lessons you taught me. And because of you, I did survive. And not only that, I was able to lead others to survive as well.

Ion: [to Greedo] All right, sleemo, no tricks.

Anakin: So this is the belly of the beast.
[Anakin and Obi-Wan turn atound to see Asaij Ventress appear out of nowhere]
Obi: Ventress. And here I thought this mission would be unpleasant.
Asajj: The pleasure is all mine, my dear Obi-Wan. I've missed you.

Padmé: Fear: in these times, it is the greatest weapon wielded against those who would stand up for truth and justice. We have a responsibility as the elected representatives of the Republic to face our fears and challenge those who threaten the safety of its people. I stand before you today bruised, but not beaten. The voices of the people shall be heard. And together, we shall represent them. The homeless shall no longer be homeless and faceless, the soldiers who so valiantly fight to protect us must also be protected once their job is done. We need legislation to defend the displaced from slavery, to protect our soldiers from feeling as if there is no future beyond their warfare, and we must open channels through diplomacy so that we can end this war. I know there are those among the Separatists who would end this conflict. And I know there are those individuals in the galaxy who would seek to promote fear and spread chaos. To those who act as agents of chaos, I say this: I stand resolute and unyielding. And if you strike my voice down, know that a chorus of thousands shall rise up in its place, for you have no dominion over the righteous. We are the defenders of truth.

Yoda: [about Jar Jar] The innocence of a child, this gungan has.

Obi: [using the Force] Where is the bounty hunter?
Mahtee: [pointing a blaster at Obi-Wan] Bounty hunter? He... was a Jedi.
Obi: [pulls the blaster towards him with the Force] Jedi do not carry blasters
Mahtee: What have I done?

Suu: Captain Rex, are you going to turn in my husband?
Captain: I'm sorry, Suu. It's my duty. But in my condition I probably won't remember any of this.
Suu: Thank you!
Captain: You're still a deserter, Cut, but you're certainly not a coward.

Narrator: Ahsoka Tano captured! While on the run to prove her innocence, Padawan Tano teamed up with the deadly Asajj Ventress to find the rogue Jedi who framed Ahsoka for murder. The Jedi Council sent Anakin Skywalker and Master Plo Koon to track Ahsoka down and bring her back to the Temple. Now captured and imprisoned, Ahsoka faces punishment for crimes she did not commit...

Obi: Come now, the nose or the ear, which one do you think it will enter?
Anakin: [sighs] I think the nose...

BO: Ready for your decarbonizing buff?

Narrator: Villainy swells! With an army of the galaxy's most vicious criminals, Darth Maul and Savage Opress conspire with Pre Vizsla and the Death Watch to topple Duchess Satine, ruler of Mandalore. While the conspirators prepare to attack the Mandalorian capital Sundari from a base on Zanbar, the fate of 2,000 other neutral systems is under threat as Darth Maul moves closer to establishing a vast criminal empire...

Chancellor: Doctor, a word if you please.
[hands over a data pad]
Chancellor: Your new orders.
Dr. Sionver Boll: [shocked] What is this? You want me to clone the beast?

Ahsoka: That stubby little back-staber!

Narrator: Mission accomplished! Colonel Gascon and his droid squad steal an encryption module needed to crack a Separatist code and stop an impending attack on the Republic. After surviving The Void and escaping the hostile planet of Abafar, our heroes finally appear to be headed in the right direction...

Darth: There there, child. Soon you will cry no more.

Battle: [during sandstorm] O.M.5, are you still there?
Battle Droid O.M.5: Yes. I think I'm right next to you.
Battle: Where is Lord Poggle taking us. O.M.5?
[more urgent]
Battle: O.M.5?
[Poggle barks an order]
Battle: Yes sir, right away sir.
Battle Droid O.M.5: [cut to O.M.5 stuck in the sand] Don't... leave... me...

Pong: Time and rest are luxuries the Republic cannot afford.

TX: So. It's General Kenobi who is leading this assault. He is known for his deceptive maneuvers.
Battle: Roger Roger. Download his file.

Narrator: War on many fronts! While battles are fought by Clones in the field, a different war is waged in the Galactic Senate. As heavy losses add up, a group of senators led by Halle Burtoni of Kamino propose an escalation of troop production. Senator Padmé Amidala, recognizing that more troops will only prolong the fighting, works tirelessly with her allies to introduce a bill to cut down military spending and stop the creation of more Clone Troopers...

Narrator: The death toll rises. As the battles intensify and threaten a growing number of Republic worlds, planets are left to survive on their own while the Jedi struggle to fight a war on many fronts. A series of medical stations have been established as a lifeline for those in need. But the facilities are easy prey for Separatist attacks. After losing contact with the medical station orbiting Felucia, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano are sent to investigate...

[a crab-like battle droid enters the ship hanger and heads for Jar Jar]
C: [alarmed] Jar Jar, watch out! That battle droid is heading for you!
Jar: Headin' for meesa?
C: [speaking in Gungan lingo] Yes, yousa!

Priestesses: The beast is you, and you are the beast. To deny it simply gives it power.

Narrator: Clone crisis! After the mysterious death of his friend Tup, ARC Trooper Fives embarked on an investigation which led to the discovery of a hidden chip which is placed inside clone troopers when they are still embryos. The Kaminoan scientist, Nala Se, claims the chip is harmless, and is meant to restrain the clones from violent, unpredictable action. Fives claims otherwise and has convinced Jedi Master Shaak Ti to allow him to plead his case directly to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine on Coruscant...

Clone: We're all in it together, right?
Boba: Right.
Clone: With the training we got, I feel ready for anything.

Ahsoka: Where on Felucia do you think we are?

Wat: General Windu! Perhaps we can come to a compromise.
Mace: Not when I hold all the cards.

Qui: Be wary. Give power to that which you fear, and it will show itself to you.

Narrator: Secret transmission intercepted! The Jedi Council has intercepted an encoded transmission of General Grievous; however, Republican intelligence officers have failed to crack the new encryption code being used by the droids. Fears escalate that the Separatists are about to mount a major offensive. Having located the source of the transmission deep in Separatist space, the Jedi plan a counterstrike to capture an enemy decoding chip which will allow them to understand the transmission and thwart the Separatist plot...

Narrator: Diabolical defeat! Though Republic victories outnumber their losses, the Jedi have been unable to stop Separatist advances in the Outer Rim. The ever-elusive General Grievous stays one step ahead of his opponents. With thousands of droid armies at his command, the Jedi can never predict where Grievous will strike next until now...

The: Join me and together we will destroy this emperor you see in your visions and we shall end war, corruption and suffering throughout the galaxy.
Anakin: Will we bring peace?
The: Of course.

Cad: If I activate this control, the outside airlock will open and she will be sucked into oblivion. Do you think you can kill me and then save her before she's pulled out into space? It's a horrible way to die. Besides, isn't negotation the Jedi way?

Satine: I suppose we're even now.
Obi: How so?
Satine: I saved your life, you saved mine.
Obi: Yes, well, mine was the more daring of the two rescues.

Captain: Because I'm part of the most pivotal moment in the history of the Republic. If we fail then our children and their children could be forced to live under an evil I can't well imagine.

Anakin: The Jedi Council has given you a mission, Ahsoka. It's your duty to see it through.
Ahsoka: Don't you think I'm just a little overqualified for this?
Anakin: According to Senator Amidala: Mandalore is a deeply corrupt world. If the cycle is to be broken, the future leaders at the Royal Academy of Government must learn the evils of corruption. Yoda feels that only a young Padawan like you can get through to them.

C: [C-3PO is stuck on a large circular magnet during a droid shootout] Jar Jar, get me down from here!
Jar: Hang on, Three-so!
C: It's *3PO*!

C: Whoever you are, please note that my counterpart here is programmed in 47 schools of self defense.

Count: [via hologram] It's a shame you came so far to be frustrated. While the Viceroy is unavailable for capture, allow me to offer you an alternative prize.

Commander: I have a bad feeling about this.

Asajj: I suppose you expect me to surrender?
Anakin: Actually, I plan to let the clones execute you. Right now.
Asajj: Not this time.

Satine: [via a recorded transmission] This is a message for Obi-Wan Kenobi. I've lost Mandalore. My people have been massacred, and Almec is now the Prime Minister. I can't explain everything now, but Almec has the support of the crime families. Obi-Wan, I need your help.
[transmission ends]
Yoda: Your thoughts on this, Master Kenobi?
Obi: Satine has been at odds with the Death Watch for years. And according to a report from Padawan Tano, they're no longer in league with the Separatists. If there was a takeover on Mandalore, it was most likely an independent act caused by the Death Watch alone.
Ki: Without involvement from the Separatists, this is an internal affair for the Mandalorians. I'm afraid we cannot help.
Obi: We cannot just hand Mandalore over to these crime families and let Satine become a martyr.
Ki: I'm afraid her decision to keep Mandalore neutral makes this situation... difficult.
Yoda: Understand your feelings I do, Obi-Wan. But to take action, support from the Republic Senate we will need.
Obi: You know what the Senate will decide. They will not send aid to a neutral system.
Yoda: At this time, nothing more can we do.

Fives: But I am not just another number. None of us are!

Narrator: Conflict with no end in sight! Across the galaxy, the quagmire of war continues. While clone troopers suffer casualties at alarming rates, the Galactic Senate convenes an emergency session to debate the true cost of the war...

Ahsoka: Let me take the lead, Master. I've got a score to settle.

Ahsoka: [hanging on to two Geonosians] Stupid green bugger!

Mace: My name is General Mace Windu of the Jedi Order. At this point in the Clone War, I have dismantled and destroyed over one-hundred thousand of you Type 1 battle droids. I am giving you an opportunity to peacefully lay down your weapons so that you may be reprogrammed to serve a better purpose than spreading the mindless violence and chaos which you have inflicted upon the galaxy.
Battle: Blast' em!
Obi: Well, I guess it was worth a try.

Wat: [via hologram] Captain, what is the status of the enemy attack?
Mar: The Jedi were crushed of course. They fled the system, their ships in flames.

Jiro: [while Hondo's men were surveying the wreckage of Darth Maul and Savage's crashed spaceship] There's no sign of those two, boss.
Hondo: [to Kenobi] Well, if the condition of these goods is any indication,
[Hondo sniffs one of the weapons carried by one of his men]
Hondo: ah, your friends have been vaporized.
Obi: I wouldn't be so sure. I cut one of them in half once, and he survived.
Hondo: Well, isn't that interesting?

Darth: Why do you come to my tomb, Jedi?
Yoda: To learn.
Darth: Do you know who I am?
Yoda: Yes. Darth Bane, the ancient Sith lord you are.
Darth: And know why I am not forgotten?
Yoda: Created the rule of two, you did.
Darth: The Sith killed each other, victims of their own greed. But from the ashes of destruction, I was the last survivor. I chose to pass my knowledge onto only one, I created a legacy so resilient, that now you come before me. Have you come to be my apprentice? You must kill me to gain my place.
Yoda: Dead you are already.
Darth: [Chuckles] Then what stands before you?
Yoda: An illusion. Real, you are not.
Darth: You do not fear me?
Yoda: No. Exist, you do not anymore.

Bail: [via hologram] Help us, General Kenobi, you're our only hope.

Queen: My friends, my good friends, do not fear the Jedi. They are no different from others we have forced into submission. For they have forsaken their ideals to serve a corrupt senate. Every Jedi has become a slave to the Republic.

Colonel: [being told by BZ that he has a plan] Alright, what are you going to do?
[BZ tells them his plan]
WAC: You are going to open the airlock? Are you crazy, BZ?
[BZ dashes over to the airlock controls while being swarmed by buzz droids. He inserts his arm into the wall socket]
WAC: Everybody, magnetize your feet! Lock-down!
[the droids magnetize to the floor]
Colonel: BZ, magnetize! Magnetize!
[the airlock door opens and BZ and the buzz droids are sucked out into hyperspace]
Colonel: No!
[the rest of the buzz droids are sucked out as well]
Colonel: R2, close the door! Close the door!
[R2 rockets over to the airlock and quickly closes it]

Padmé: If only I could talk to Senator Bonteri.
Ahsoka: Who's he?
Padmé: He is a she, a senator in the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Ahsoka: Your friend is a Separatist? One of Dooku's pawns?
Padmé: The Separatists used to be a part of the Republic. I was close with many of the senators who left. I may not agree with them, but they're more than pawns.
Ahsoka: If you think negotiating is the right thing to do, let's talk to her.
Padmé: [sighs] The Senate's made it illegal.
Ahsoka: Illegal?
Padmé: They say official meetings would only legitimize the Separatists.
Ahsoka: Well, Master Skywalker and I hold what we call aggressive negotiations all the time. It's a shame you can't hold more peaceful talks when you want.
Padmé: You just gave me an idea. You're a Jedi, which gives you special clearance.
Ahsoka: Right.
Padmé: And Jedi are allowed to travel to neutral worlds like Mandalore, where we could then board a cargo ship to a Separatist system.
Ahsoka: Are you suggesting I use my status as a Jedi to smuggle you behind enemy lines?
Padmé: It's just that you could get us through to meet with her, and I haven't seen her or her family in so long.
Ahsoka: Relax. I'll help you. Besides, Master Skywalker said you should teach me about politics.
Padmé: Right.
Ahsoka: You know, you two have more in common than you think. It's no wonder you get along so well.
Padmé: Huh. Of course.

Obi: I have a bad feeling about this.

Todo: [faced with a room full of Jedi] Oh, uh... hey, guys. I was just... ah... testing the access hatch. Works great.

Lt. Tan Divo: Senator Amidala, is it possible you might be going deaf?
Padmé: Lieutenant?
Lt. Tan Divo: Because when I said I didn't want you to interfere with my investigation, I can only assume that you didn't hear me.
Padmé: I had some information about a lead here at the docks.
Lt. Tan Divo: Which you naturally brought to me straightaway so I could investigate, only- No, wait. You did the exact opposite of that. There are rules, Senator.
Padmé: My friend was murdered. I don't care about rules.
Lt. Tan Divo: [scoffs] Don't care about rules? My dear, without rules, there's only chaos. Everyone must care about rules.

Count: I foresee we will do great things together. I shall teach you the ways of the dark side. Soon, your powers will rival that of the great Sith Lord Darth Maul. We will be even more powerful than Lord Sidious. We shall rule the galaxy together, my apprentice.
Savage: I am your servant, master.

Ahsoka: [having just witnessed the Son transform into a gargoyle] What in the universe was that?

Narrator: Republic outpost, overrun! The Jedi have lost all contact with the clone security force stationed on the bleak, snow-covered planet of Orto Plutonia. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, accompanied by dignitaries from the nearby moon of Pantora are sent to investigate the disappearance of the clone troopers on the desolate and forbidding landscape...

Captain: I wish General Skywalker had discussed this plan with us. The odds are very much against us.
Ahsoka: They always are.

Gamac: [about Ahsoka] Where is she?
Lagon: This one was faster than most. I've lost the scent.
Gamac: [snarls] She can't hide forever. Mark my words, I'll have her hide and nail it to the wall for killing my son!

Kalifa: We were taken by those foul lizards for their amusement. To be hunted, killed and mounted on their wall as trophies.
O: We've been stuck here for more rotations than we can count. No one has come for us. I doubt anyone is still looking.
Jinx: Chew on that, Padawan, then rest. You'll need your strength.

Cut: Who are you? What are you doing here?
Captain: You're a clone.
Cut: So... I see the war has finally made its way out here, and I guess I can expect a visit from some droids soon.
Captain: What's your number and rank?
Cut: Heh. My name is Lawquane, Cut Lawquane, and I'm just a simple farmer.
Captain: You're a deserter.
Cut: Well, I like to think I'm merely exercising my freedom to choose: to choose not to kill for a living.
Captain: That is not your choice to make. You swore an oath to the Republic. You have a duty.
Cut: I have a duty, you're right. But it's to my family. Does that count, or do you still plan to turn me in?
Captain: Do I have a choice?

Super: [after the the buzz droids' failure] Have the buzz droids reported back in yet?
Battle: No. There has been no signal from them. In fact, I cannot even locate their signal anymore.
Super: We must assume then that the buzz droids have failed. I want those intruders found before they ruin our plans.
Battle: Roger, roger.

Narrator: A thief hunted! In a daring assault Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka boarded the warship of cunning bounty hunter Cad Bane to recover a stolen holocron containing a list of the galaxy's Force-sensitive children and future Jedi Knights. After a desperate chase and duel with the villain, Anakin and his troops defeated Bane, but were forced to evacuate his doomed vessel without the holocron...

Luminara: It's not that I gave up, Skywalker, but unlike you, when the time comes, I am prepared to let my student go. Can you say the same?

Obi: I must have Carbon sickness, because I could swear that's Ahsoka.
Anakin: [sighs] You're eyes are fine. It's Ahsoka's hearing that needs help.

Cad: Artoo? The astromech. Go fetch me his little pal.
[HELIOS-3E replies in droidspeak, then leaves]
C: Oh no. What have I done?

Asajj: Yes. But I warn you: men are easy to acquire, hard to control.
Mother: A man who we will deliver to the Count with all of the training and skill an assassin can posess.
Asajj: This warrior must have no loyalty to Dooku.
Mother: He will be our pawn.
Asajj: Yes... yes!

Chancellor: I should have known secrets do not stay secret for long around here.
Mas: Isn't that precisely the point of a democracy?
Anakin: Of course, in wartime, some things must be kept secret, even from the people, so as not to aid the enemy.
Padmé: It is unfortunate that the beast must die, Senator. But the greater good demands it.
Mas: How is killing the last of a species, in secret and without debate, good for anyone?

Anakin: [speaking into wrist comlink] Rex, I hope you found us a ride off this bucket!

Battle: Don't shoot, I'm not the commander. He, he's the commander.
[a clone trooper shoots the commanding droid]
Battle: Guess I'm the commander now.

Anakin: [about Grievous] Did he tell you your stubby little gold droid pal works for him?
Ahsoka: He... might have mentioned it.

Cad: Well, Hutt. It doesn't look like prison had too adverse an effect on you.
Ziro the Hutt: Oh, you can't imagine the unspeakable things I've suffered! The horror!

Ahsoka: Well, this is another fine mess you've gotten us into.
Anakin: What? Hey, it's not my fault. You were supposed to study the holomaps.
Ahsoka: I did! Remember when I reminded you about the giant wall, and you said, 'don't worry, Snips, we won't be anywhere near that?'
Anakin: Just get ready to climb.

Satine: Senators, I presume you are acquainted with the collection of half-truths and hyperbole known as Obi-Wan Kenobi?
Obi: Your Highness is too kind.
Satine: You're right, I am.

Dr. Sionver Boll: It's scales are remarkably strong and light. If we could examine their composition, we might be able to synthesize them to reinforce our clone armor.
Chancellor: And what is stopping you?
Dr. Sionver Boll: We need to remove the scales first. It's very difficult, not to mention painful.
Chancellor: Would it not be more efficient to simply kill the beast?
Mas: Kill it? Are you sure?
Dr. Sionver Boll: Chancellor, I must protest. Besides being the last of its kind, this creature may be intelligent.
Chancellor: I find that hard to believe. It is, after all, just an animal.
[Zillo beast growls]
Dr. Sionver Boll: It didn't seem to like your comment.
Chancellor: I applaud your high moral stance, Doctor. After all, principle is in short supply these days. However, every passing minute of warfare brings countless deaths, deaths that could be prevented once the beast's secrets are unlocked. If there is anyway to hasten that process, it is our moral duty to explore it.
Dr. Sionver Boll: I serve at your pleasure, Chancellor. I'm just not sure where to begin. The fact remains that the beast is indestructible.
Chancellor: Nothing is truly indescribable, Doctor. Wasn't there something in Malastare fuel that affected the beast?
Dr. Sionver Boll: It weakened the Zillo, yes, but...
Chancellor: Excellent. I suggest you start there. Doctor, you need to find a way to kill that beast, or we shall replace you with someone who can.

Count: With your Death Watch army in place, now all we need do is to sit and wait.
Pre: [via hologram] Bur for how long? My men are anxious to fight.
Count: Considering the plot we have just set in motion, I assure you, the republic will oblige you the fight you are looking for.

Padmé: How is killing the last of a species, in secret and without debate, good for anyone?

Ahsoka: [while fighting IG86 Assasin droids] Back at ya, piston-head!

Duchess: Perhaps if more citizens got hysterical, they'd be more inclined to speak up when the Republic tramples on its rights!

Cut: You're welcome to stay, Rex.
Captain: This is your home, Cut. My family... is elsewhere.

Almec: Satine's accomplishes have escaped, including the renegade Death Watch soldiers, but we will find them. The Duchess appears to have contacted the Jedi just as anticipated.
Darth: Good. You have done well.
Almec: What of the people?
Darth: You are the legitimate Prime Minister, Mandalore is a sovereign planet, you will maintain it's neutrality.
Almec: And what of the Jedi?
Savage: [Growls]
Darth: Because of Mandalore's neutrality, the Jedi have no jurisdiction here. If Kenombi comes to rescue his "friend", he will have to come alone.

Savage: Brother, what are we doing here? The Jedi won't be out this far in the galaxy.
Darth: In a galaxy at war, Savage, there is only one way to get the attention of the Jedi. Slaughter of the innocent. Mercilessly and without compromise.

Ahsoka: Master, they've just delivered your replacement astromech droid. This is R3-S6.
[R3 bleeps a greeting, Anakin does not reply]
Ahsoka: I've heard that the new R3's are far faster in thinking skills and more powerful than the old R2 units. And best of all, Master? He's gold! A gold droid for Gold Leader of Gold Squadron!
Anakin: You can't replace R2.

Obi: If they spot us, we'll be pulverized.
Anakin: They're too busy repairing the ship. They don't have time to notice us.
Obi: Subtlety has never been one of your strong points, Anakin.
Anakin: Everything I know I learned from you.
Obi: Oh, if only that were true.

Asajj: Master, I need your help quickly, I'm surrounded.
Count: [via hologram] You have already lost the battle, child. I've ordered your reinforcements to return.
Asajj: No! I will destroy the Jedi. I will show you.
Count: You have failed me for the last time. You are no longer my apprentice. And now you shall die.

Yoda: Perhaps we should look to armies other than clones to help our cause.
Mace: What do you suggest?
Yoda: A suitable ally we must find to help with this mission.
Saesee: Yes. An underwater race that has a standing army, and is close enough to send help quickly.
Obi: Naboo.
Yoda: Yes, to the Gungans we must look.

Mar: Still, I am certain this Skywalker will return. His ultimate defeat shall be my greatest victory.
Wat: [via hologram] You admire Skywalker?
Mar: As a general, yes. His record shows he is a great warrior. And I want him to know it is I who has beaten him.

Narrator: Dooku held for ransom! After escaping capture by Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, the villainous Count Dooku fell into the clutches of pirates led by the brigand Hondo Ohnaka. Eager to get custody of Dooku, the Republic agreed to pay Hondo a hefty sum in exchange for the Sith Lord. But Anakin and Obi-Wan had not counted on the treacherous cunning of Ohnaka and his band...

The: You are the Chosen One. You have brought balance to this world. Stay on this path, and you will do it again for the galaxy. But beware... your... heart...

Satine: Perhaps a Jedi, working undercover at the academy could be of service to us. And in more ways than one. For if we lose our young, Mandalore will indeed be lost.
Padmé: I will speak with Master Yoda. Don't lose hope, my friend.

Lok: Today is a grand day for the Separatist cause. We test a new weapon of my own design, which is capable of catastrophic destruction. A weapon which will destroy organic matter, but leave machines unharmed.
[the Battle Droids start hollering in approval]

Cadet: I have a bad feeling about this...

Bail: Why do you have a Jedi's lightsaber?
Padmé: The question is whether we should try to get it back to A- the Jedi Knight, or use it ourselves?

Aayla: [running on top of the Zillo Beast's back] We aren't having much of an effect.
Yoda: Time to leave, it is.

Padmé: Members of the Senate. Do you hear yourselves? More money, more clones, more war. Say nothing of fiscal responsibility, what about moral responsibility? Hasn't this war gone on long enough?

Narrator: Corruption discovered at the core of the Banking Clan! Reunited, Rush Clovis and Senator Amidala discover the full extent of the deception. Anakin Skywalker is sent to the rescue! He refuses to trust Clovis and asks Padmé not to work with him. Determined to save the banks, she refuses her husband's request, throwing their relationship into turmoil. Voted for by both the Separatists and the Republic, Rush Clovis is elected new leader of the Galactic Banking Clan. Now all attention is focused on Scipio as the important transfer of power begins...

Ahsoka: Well, I'd best be getting back to my Master before he misses me.
Tera: Certainly. But first, I need one last favor from you.
Ahsoka: Sure, name it.
Tera: Pass on what you have learned.

Clone: Buckle your belts and check your cells, soldiers. We're going in.

Chancellor: I understand you made an important arrest in the plot to destroy the Jedi. To think a simple bounty hunter could create such a plan...
Anakin: I believe someone else, someone much more powerful was behind this. And I don't think it was Dooku.
Chancellor: Oh? And have you any clues as to who it may be?
Anakin: Not yet, Chancellor.
Chancellor: [pats him on the shoulder] Have patience, my boy.

General: Prepare to fire all cannons. And be alert. Where there is Kenobi, you will always find Skywalker not far behind.

Barriss: How deep do you think we're burried?
Ahsoka: It's probably best not to think about it.

The: My nature is to do what is selfless, but my brother's will always be to do what is selfish.

Fiver: Permission to take point, sir?
Captain: I'm always first, kid.

Colonel: [upon realizing D-Squad is being surrounded by buzz droids] It's a trap!

Anakin: I lost R2 in the field.
Obi: [via hologram] Well, R2 units are a dime a dozen. I'm sure you'll find a suitable replacement.
Anakin: I could take a squad out there, track him down.
Obi: Anakin, it's only a droid. You know attachment is not acceptable for a Jedi.

Ahsoka: I will help you.
Maul: [Smiles]
Ahsoka: But you must answer one question.
Maul: You have but to ask.
Ahsoka: What do you want with Anakin Skywalker?
Maul: He is the key to everything.
Ahsoka: To bring balance to the Force?
Maul: To destroy. He has long been groomed for his role as my master's new apprentice.
Ahsoka: [Looks shocked] You lie!
Maul: I'm afraid not! In fact, I was so certain of his fate that I orchestrated this war to lure him here with Kenobi to kill him. Thus, depriving Sidious of his prized pupil.
Ahsoka: I know Anakin!
[she ignites her lightsabers]
Maul: [Growls in disappointment]
Ahsoka: Your vision is flawed!
Maul: I see the Padawan... needs one... last... lesson!
[he ignites his double-bladed lighsaber and attacks Ahsoka]

Ahsoka: Luminara Unduli may be a Jedi Master, but she has no idea what that bog witch is capable of. No idea.

Captain: There's no escape now, you piece of rankweed!

Narrator: Desperate times call for desperate measures! In one of the longest and fiercest battles of the war, Separatist forces are on the verge of claiming the planet Malastare. If the Republic loses this planet, it will cost them vital fuel resources necessary for maintaining their armies. In a final effort to turn the tide of this battle, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine has authorized the use of the Republic's newest weapon, the Electro-Proton bomb. Now at the Imperial palace of Doge Urus, the leader of the Dugs, the Jedi count down the minutes until the detonation of their doomsday device...

Narrator: Evil plans! With the Jedi Council focused on the war effort, criminal minds are left unchecked to spread fear and corruption. Galactic gangster Jabba the Hutt has sent bounty hunter Cad Bane on a nefarious mission, which shall strike at the heart of the Republic. Meanwhile, the unsuspecting citizens of Coruscant go about their daily lives...

Orphne: You can run, but cannot walk. You have a mouth, but cannot talk. You have a head but never weep. You have a bed, but never sleep. Ask yourself: who are you?

Padmé: [to Anakin] Ever since I've known you you've been playing with droids.

Darth: Your noble flaw is a weakness shared by you...
[lifts Satine into the air with a force choke]
Darth: ... And your Duchess. You should have chosen the dark side, master Jedi. Your emotions betray you. Your fear, and yesss... your anger! Let your anger deepen your hatred!
Satine: Don't listen to him, Obi!
Darth: Quiet!
Obi: You can kill me, but you will never destroy me. It takes strength to resist the dark side. Only the weak embrace it.
Darth: It is more powerful than you know.
Obi: And those who oppose it are more powerful than you'll ever be. I know where you're from, I've been to your village. I know the decision to join the dark side wasn't yours. The Nightsisters made it for you.
Darth: SILENCE! You think you know me? It was I who languished for years thinking of nothing but you. Nothing but this moment. And now, the perfect tool for my vengeance is in front of us. I never planned on killing you, but I will make you share my pain, Kenobi.

Narrator: Jedi mystery! A light saber was found on the moon of Oba Diah belonging to Sifo-Dyas, the Jedi responsible for the creation of the clone army. The Jedi have learned that before the start of the war, Count Dooku murdered Sifo-Dyas and skillfully manipulated the Republic into the galactic conflict, intending for the Jedi to fight with the clones at their side. Now as the Jedi Council meets to discuss the purpose of this deception, Master Yoda meditates deep into the Force in search of answers...

Ahsoka: How come every time we fly, we crash?
Anakin: It's not my fault, it's the ship!

The: You don't have to do this.
The: Then stand aside!
The: I can't! I won't!
[She attacks him]

Anakin: Pookums here really has her heart set on another R2. She lost the last one.
Ahsoka: [whispering to herself] Pookums? Oh brother.

Luminara: I thought I told you not to follow me, Master Kenobi?
Obi: Yes well, I took a lesson from Anakin and decided not to follow orders.
Anakin: Hey...

Satine: Thank you for coming, Padmé. I know our decision to stay neutral has caused distress in the Senate. But for many here, the fallout from your war has been too much.
Padmé: If your government has trade concerns, we can talk. Many systems have been affected. I assure you not everyone in the Republic has neglected Mandalore, and there are those of us who would still vote to give you any help you require.
Satine: The help we need now is opening trade routes so we may get supplies more freely.
Padmé: We are making progress in the Senate.

Narrator: A galaxy divided by war! Peaceful worlds must choose sides or face the threat of invasion. Republic and Separatist armies vie for the allegiance of neutral planets. Desperate to build a Republic supply base on the system of Toydaria, Jedi Master Yoda travels to secret negotiations on a remote neutral moon...

Mace: I'll hold them off. Get that bridge back up!

Aayla: Be mindful of your surroundings, Padawan. Those creatures are still out there.
Ahsoka: Got it. We won't be long.