The Best Charlie Burton Quotes

Charlie: It's a beautiful morning. I have to thank you, John. To tell you the truth, I didn't think I'd see another one.

Charlie: I thought about killing you, John. But I realized that that would seem ungrateful. Besides, how do you take the life of someone so talented? I could really use a guy like you in my organization. I wish you luck, John. If you stay out of my way, I'll stay out of yours.
John: What if I don't?
Charlie: Then we'll meet again under less pleasant circumstances.

Charlie: [Reese breaks into a car] Hey, this isn't mine!
John: Not mine either. Get in.
Charlie: May I at least have your name Before we commit grand theft auto together?

- When we get you across the river,
- I'm gonna hand you off to my detective.
- You can trust him.
- Charlie, I need you to testify.
Charlie: One thing I know for sure.
- After everything we went through last night...
- I don't want to see these cretins running around my town ever again.

Scarface: [after the Russian mob boss is killed] It's done.
Charlie: No. It's just beginning. Veni. Vidi. Vici.

Charlie: I'm sorry I got you into this mess.
John: It's okay. It's my job.
Charlie: It's a dangerous career choice.
John: That's the second time today I've heard that. It's funny. You remind me of him.

Charlie: Don't make me shoot you, John. Drop your weapon and kick it to me, please.
John: I thought you didn't like guns.
Charlie: You know, sometimes you have to do things you don't like.
John: Like teaching history to the children of your enemies?
Charlie: Three years, I watched them; cleaning up after the children of those pigs. It's a good amount of time to learn What makes your enemies tick, what makes them weak.
[Turns to Lazlo]
Charlie: You know all the secrets you and your family tried to hide, Lazlo, I learned all about from your own flesh and blood? Your children hate you almost as much as I do

John: Sir, you have a Russian hit team closing in, which leaves us with approximately five seconds before you need to make a decision.
Charlie: How do I know you're not one of them?
John: Because I'm standing in front of you and you're still alive.

Charlie: What is that?
John: [Tending his bullet wound] Cocaine.
Charlie: I guess there's a first time for everything. Is that glue?
John: Yeah. Nothing like over-the-counter polymer to close a wound in a pinch.
Charlie: You learn all this in hero training?
John: Something like that.

Charlie: If I testify I never get to come back here. And I've worked too hard. This is my home. My students, for starters - I-I can't leave them. They need me.
John: Well, you won't do those kids any good if you're dead, Mr. Burton.
Charlie: Charlie, please - "Mr. Burton" Is for my students.
John: Do you want to die, Charlie? Because this isn't a history lesson. Those bullets are real.
John: My name is John.
Charlie: Thank you for saving my ass, John.

John: You were meeting Benny at the bodega that day, weren't you? The shooters were looking for you.
Charlie: Yeah, the benefits of no one knowing who you are Or what you look like. That's gone now, I suppose. It's time to evolve. I'm ready for the next step.
[Turns the gun]
Lazlo: Go ahead. I'd rather die than see you running my city.
Charlie: You know what Benny said before he died? He said, "Veni, vidi, vici" - I came, I saw, I won. He said your almighty Bratva was already crumbling. He said we'd already won.

Charlie: So how did you wind up doing whatever it is you do, john?
John: It's Complicated. What about you? Did you always want to be a teacher?
Charlie: No, it was sort of a career shift. I came to like the kids a lot. A lot of their parents are affiliated with the russian mob, So I try to give them other options.
John: They're lucky to have you.
Charlie: Only the ones that I get out of the life and into college.
John: What about the kids who don't make it?
Charlie: Probably the ones shooting at us.