The Best Chattar Lal Quotes

Chattar: Dr. Jones, in our country, it's not usual for a guest to insult his host.

Chattar: Dr Jones, wasn't it the Sultan of Madagascar who threatened to cut off your head if you ever returned to his country?
Indiana: No, it wasn't my head.
Chattar: Then your hands, perhaps?
Indiana: No, it wasn't my hands. It was my...
[looks down at his groin]
Indiana: My misunderstanding.

Indiana: Captain Blumburtt was just telling me something of the interesting history of the palace; the importance it played in the mutiny.
Chattar: It seems the British never forget the mutiny of 1857.
[Captain Blumburtt laughs]
Indiana: Yes, well you know I think there were other events before the mutiny going back a century - back to the time of Clive that are more interesting.
Chattar: And what events are those Dr Jones?
Indiana: Well, if memory serves me correctly this area, this province was the centre eventuity of the Thuggee.
Chattar: Dr Jones, you know perfectly well that the Thuggee cult has been dead for nearly a century.
Captain: Yes, of course. The Thuggee was an obscenity that worshipped Kali with human sacrifices. The British Army Knights did away with them.
Indiana: Well, I suppose stories of the Thuggee die hard.
Chattar: There are no stories anymore.
Indiana: I'm not so sure. We came from a small village; peasants there told us Pankot Palace was growing powerful again because of some ancient evil.
Chattar: Village stories, Dr Jones. They're just fear and folklore; you're beginning to worry Captain Blumburtt.
Captain: Not worried, Mr Prime Minister, just erm... just erm... interested.
Indiana: You know, the villagers also told us Pankot Palace had taken something.
Chattar: Dr Jones, in our country it's not usual for a guest to insult his host.
Indiana: I'm sorry. I thought we were talking about folklore.
Captain: What exactly was it they say was stolen?
Indiana: A sacred rock.
Chattar: [he laughs dismissively] Hah! You see, Captain? A rock.
Indiana: Something connected - the villager's rock and the old legend of the Sankara stones.
Chattar: Dr Jones, we're all vulnerable to vicious rumour. I seem to remember that in Honduras you were accused of being a grave robber rather than an archaeologist.
Indiana: Well, the newspapers greatly exaggerated the incident.
Chattar: And wasn't it the Sultana Madagascar who threatened to cut your head off if you ever returned to his country?
Indiana: No, it wasn't my head.
Chattar: Then your hands, perhaps?
Indiana: No, it wasn't my hands... it was my
[looks downward]
Indiana: ... misunderstanding.