The Best Clé Bennett Quotes

[In the control room, Chef and one of the chubby intern watch Ezekiel kidnap Courtney and Scott through one of the cameras, while Chef is eating ice cream, the intern is glaring at him]
Chef: What? I eat when I'm stressed.
[the cameras show Chris tied to a rope hanging over a vat of toxic waste]
Chef: Zoom in on the rope holding Chris!
[a camera zooms in, and a closeup can be seen of two rats squeaking as they are chewing on the rope holding Chris. Chef gasps]
Chef: We're gonna need more ice cream.

The: Siding with a human over a fae.
The: You could not take a more foolish position.
Bo: The day's still early.

John: If you had the chance to take the serum, would you do it?
Lemar: Hells, yeah.
John: You wouldn't be worried about how it might... how it might change you?
Lemar: I mean, power just makes a person more of themselves, right? Karli Morgenthau. Steve Rogers.
John: And me?
Lemar: You already have three Medals of Honor. You consistently make the right decisions in the heat of battle.
John: Yep. Three badges of excellence to make sure I never forget the worst day of my life. We both know that the things that we had to do in Afghanistan to be awarded those medals felt a long way from being right. Being Cap is the first time I've had the chance to do something that actually feels right.

Chef: [as Leshawna drinks the bran smoothie] Girl's gonna feel that.
LeShawna: My, my! Who knew liquid bran could be so tasty!
[she burps]
LeShawna: Even on the return trip!

Chris: We need to test the stunts first. You know that?
Chef: Do I look like an intern?
Chris: No, but the ones we had are all in the hospital. Come on, just jump it, you big chicken.
[cackles like a chicken]
Chris: .
Chef: I don't get paid enough for this, man.
[jumps off and screams]
Chef: .
Chef: [lands in the water] Hey, I made it. I made it, man, uh. Something just brushed by my foot. Hey, Chris, man, something ain't right down here.
[Chef runs off screaming, from a shark]
Chef: Down, boy!
Chris: [observing from the top of the cliff] Well, that seems safe enough.

Courtney: I'm in the middle of filing a lawsuit for wrongful termination of competition. These people are witnesses! I was unfairly kicked off!
Trent: I didn't see a thing, man.
DJ: You got me.
Noah: Must've missed that episode.
Katie: What's she talking about?
Eva: Didn't see it, don't care.
Courtney: Oh, you all know what happened!
Ezekiel: Hey, give her
Ezekiel: a break already, eh? I was kicked off in the first-
[Hit with lamppost]
Lindsay: You just would've been kicked off in another episode. No one liked you that much.
Courtney: [Gasps] That is so not true! Everyone likes me. I used to be a C.I.T.
[Hit with coconut]
Courtney: Ow! This is a coconut. We're in Muskoka people, if you're going to drop props on my head, at least make them geographically correct!
[Snow lands on her]
Courtney: Ow!
[Sled comes down with Eskimo]
Courtney: .
Lindsay: [to the Eskimo] Are you Tyler?

LeShawna: [fanning an exhausted Owen] Oh, poor baby! You don't look so good.
Chef: [bringing a blender] I got what you need right here, Owen. Tasty bran smoothie for your sorry bunged-up behind.
Owen: No bran smoothie! I need bacon cheese blendie.
Chef: Um, last time I checked, it was bacon blendies that got you here! Drink.
LeShawna: [grabbing the blender] I'll take it, Chef!
[She drinks it, then burps. Her stomach begins growling]
Owen: That sounds a little like the time I ate ninety-two chili dogs on a dare. It wasn't pretty.

[Confessional: DJ]
D.J.,: [laughs] .
[Confessional: Owen]
Owen: [laughs] .
[Confessional: Courtney]
Courtney: [laughs] .
[Confessional: Chef]
D.J.,: [laughs] .

Owen: [All the confessional] I had a wicked time!
Owen: It was awesome.
Owen: What was it like being here for eight weeks?
Owen: It sucked, that's what.
Chef: [irritated] You think it's easy cooking for 22 ungrateful teenagers? Man, I had better jobs in prison.
Owen: The food was awesome!
[flashbacks of Owen eating]
Chef: At least someone's appreciative. Slaving all day at a hot stove.
Gwen: The food
[flashbacks of Gwen eating]
Gwen: was disgusting.
Chef: Less rat droppings? Does this look like a five star restaurant to you?
Owen: And the people were just awesome!
[more flashbacks]
Gwen: The people here sucked. They were nothing but a bunch of: backstabbing and manipulative, two-timing, fame-hungry, dim-witted, certifiably insane, really weird, psychotic, rednecked, overbearing, goody-goody, know-it-all, party-obsessed jerks!
Gwen: I was lucky enough to meet five people here that are actually sane referring to Bridgette, Cody, DJ, Leshawna, & Owen.
Owen: What will I be remembered for?
[flashbacks of him farting]
Owen: I hope my great personality.
[farts again]
Gwen: What will I be remembered for?
Gwen: My great personality. Okay, I'm done here.