The Best Cooper Quotes

Cooper: I went through Haley's office. Found some files. Lena Luthor's been working out of the DEO.
Querl: [eavesdropping] Sprock.
Ben: Why? She's got a whole building with her name on it.
Cooper: Maybe we'll find some answers in her lab.
Ben: Show me.
Querl: Double sprock.

DEO: Sir, we found the alien that killed your wife.
Ben: Where?
[she shows him her tablet]
Ben: Get our agents over there right now.
Cooper: They're all out searching.
Ben: Then assemble a DEO strike team. I'll lead.

Ben: [surprised to see George at the DEO] What are you doing here?
George: You left in the middle of Mother's funeral.
Ben: Yes, and I know. But I had to. You want me to catch your mother's killer, don't you?
George: Of course I do, but you... you left me alone in a church full of people and... I just lost my mother. And I need you.
Ben: I know, but we need justice, son. First your grandfather, now your mother. Everything that I am doing is for their memories.
Cooper: Sir, we found something I think you're gonna wanna see.
Ben: [to George, as he turns to leave] And for you.