250 Best Timeless Quotes

Lucy: You're... you're Irene Curie?
Irene: Who are you?
Lucy: Your English is excellent.
Irene: Your French is terrible. What do you want?

Wyatt: Ask me something.
Kate: Wha... like what?
Wyatt: Anything. It relaxes me to talk.
Kate: Anything. Well... where the hell did this glowing clock come from? Or you, for that matter?
Wyatt: All right, look, I know this is hard to believe, but I'm gonna tell you the truth. My name is Buck Rogers and this thing came from outer space.

Wyatt: Went through a lot of trouble to keep this zombie alive. Be a shame if I put a bullet in his brain right now.
Emma: I was really hoping you were dead.
Wyatt: Sorry to disappoint.

Lucy: [as she is coming out of the lifeboat] Who did you vote for in the last election?
Denise: Hillary Clinton.
Rufus: Hey, who's president?
Denise: Donald Trump. Was that not supposed to happen?
Lucy: I don't know, but it wasn't us.

Wyatt: [having been shot by Flynn] This would take fifteen minutes to patch back home. Here, I'm gonna die of sepsis.
Lucy: [Rufus enters] You get it?
Rufus: Yeah.
Lucy: Okay.
Wyatt: [groaning as he lies down on the bed] Rufus, you're up. My knife's in the pocket. You gotta sterilize it over the lamp.
Rufus: Um... what?
Wyatt: The bullet's still in there. It's just under the skin, but you gotta take it out.
Rufus: Why me?
Wyatt: Because you work with your hands.
Rufus: Yeah, on circuit boards.
Wyatt: Think of me as a circuit board, that's gonna die if you don't help.
Lucy: [Rufus turns to her] Don't look at me. I faint.

Jiya: You said we can get Rufus back. How?
Lucy: [handing present-Wyatt her journal] Everything you need is in there.
Lucy: Uh, my journal? But... what... what are we supposed to do with it?
Lucy: Just figure it out together.
Lucy: Together?
Lucy: Yes, both of you.
Wyatt: What about the baby?
Wyatt: There is no baby. Jessica lied to manipulate me. Us.

Jiya: Are you OK?
Lucy: Could be worse. Could be the French and Indian War.

Denise: Our secret bunker's getting kind of crowded.

Emma: [after being brought to the past] What, no hug? What would Jesus do?
Rufus: And you brought Scrooge. Was it the Ghost of Christmas Past or Future that got her here?
Emma: I think I liked it better when you were dead.
Rufus: Sorry it didn't take.

Lucy: Nice place. Very cozy.
Eliot: It's a rat trap. Capone was tipped off as to where I lived, so, started getting death threats, occasional brick through the window. Sent my wife to Cincinnati to stay with her sister, and I moved in here.
Rufus: How do you cope with all that? Loved ones and family in that much danger... how do you still go after Capone?
Eliot: Well, how could I not? Couldn't look my wife in the eye and tell her that I'd given up. Couldn't look myself in the mirror.

Carol: [examining a box of printouts] This is Wikipedia. How much did you print out?
Nicholas: All of it.
Carol: All of it?
Nicholas: Scribed by your mechanical printmaker.

Rufus: What about the documents? How do we even start?
Lucy: We know they're connected to Watergate. I have an idea. You remember how to use a pay phone? We'll call every William M. Felt in the D.C. area until we find Mark Felt.
Rufus: Mark Felt? Who's that?
Lucy: Mark Felt. Deep Throat. Secret informant. "Follow the money"? Deep Throat?
Rufus: I know the porn one.
Lucy: Seriously? He was Associate Director of the FBI, and Deep Throat was his cover name. He tips off two reporters, Woodward and Bernstein, about Watergate, breaks open the entire case. If anybody knows about this document, it'll be him.
Rufus: Well, if he's such a secret informant, what makes you think he's gonna talk to us?
Lucy: Because except for Woodward and Bernstein, nobody knows his identity for thirty years. But we do.

Rufus: What the hell are we supposed to do?
Wyatt: It's one problem at a time. And right now, that is Flynn taking the Mothership to 1931.
Rufus: Except now Rittenhouse has taken over Mason Industries, and they might be ten times worse than Flynn. Maybe we're fighting the wrong battle.
Denise: You're the one who said we can't let Flynn take a wrecking ball to everyone and everything.
Rufus: That was before we stole a time machine, became fugitives, and Jiya was forced to work next to a bunch of homicidal dicks!

Denise: How'd you do it?
Jiya: Rufus told me to double-check the time dilation equation, and when I uploaded it to the motherboard, eight flight systems came online.
Connor: You fixed it?
Jiya: Yeah.
Wyatt: Where's the Mothership.
Jiya: I'll check.
Jiya: September 14, 1918, France.
Wyatt: That's World War I. Where?
Jiya: Uh, the nearest town is St. Mihiel.
Wyatt: Rufus, we gotta go. That's the Western Front. The Battle of St. Mihiel was the first one the American forces led. I mean, thousands died. It was... it was a bloodbath.

Connor: Before our system was operational, the Mothership visited ten different destinations in the previous six weeks.
Lucy: My mother never told me about that.
Wyatt: All those trips couldn't have been about Amy.
Denise: History could've changed, and we wouldn't even know it.

Garcia: Mr. Booth. I'm quite the admirer of yours.
John: Oh? What production did you see me in? "Richard III"?
Garcia: Oh, I'm not talking about the play. I know what you're about to do. I think I can help.

Wyatt: Security's pretty tight. I don't know how we're gonna get into the show with no tickets, which are sold out.
Lucy: Why don't we call in a bomb threat? They'll shut it down. Clear out JFK.
[spotting two black hotel employees, Rufus leaves and returns]
Wyatt: For once, I know where the son of a bitch is gonna be. I'm taking Flynn out at the show tonight.
Lucy: Okay, so how do you plan on keeping the president and a dozen other celebrities safe?
Wyatt: Saving history is your job. Mine is Flynn.
Lucy: What, so you just get to make this call? No debate?
Wyatt: No, there's no debate.
Rufus: Guys, I got uniforms. We can get in.
Wyatt: What? How did you...?
Rufus: 'Cause in '62, I'm pretty much invisible. It's my superpower.
Lucy: [holding up what looks like a negligee] Really? You couldn't have found me a thong?
Rufus: It's a cigarette girl's uniform. Hey, I didn't invent Vegas.
Lucy: Well, go back and invent me a waitress uniform.
Rufus: Got it.

Denise: [after the team returns from their mission] I've waited 37 years to say thank you to you.
[shakes Wyatt's hand]
Wyatt: No thanks necessary, ma'am.
Denise: Well, you saved my life twice. Guess that's why I always knew you were the right man for this job.
[turns to Lucy and Jiya]
Denise: "Cagney" and "Lacey."
[Jiya and Lucy walk up to her laughing]
Denise: You saved my family. I've never forgotten that.
[Lucy hugs her]
Lucy: I'm so sorry to put that kind of pressure on you. I can't imagine the stress.

Carol: I used to play this for you.
Lucy: Every night, while I was studying for my AP European History final. It drove me nuts.
Carol: Yes, but you aced the test.

Lucy: We know that Rittenhouse is terrible. We know that... that they want to take the Mothership back and destroy everything. So what if we let Flynn take them out? I mean, that's a good thing, right?
Rufus: Lucy, I'm gonna go.
Lucy: What? Why? I mean, after everything that Rittenhouse said they're gonna do to your family?
Rufus: Yes, they wildly and extravagantly suck, and I want them gone, but Flynn is going to hurt people. He is going to kill people, change history. You know that. And if we don't stop him... that's on us. I'll go alone if I have to.
Lucy: [pause] I'm in.

Wyatt: Think that's the sleeper?
Lucy: No, I think it's James Marshall.
Wyatt: Who's James Marshall?
Lucy: He's the millwright who discovered gold. He's bringing it here to show his boss, John Sutter.
[seeing a well-dressed man in a top hat]
Lucy: Speak of the devil. Looks like history's still on course.

Wyatt: Locking the door from the outside now? What are we, prisoners?
Denise: I have trust issues with you, Wyatt, obviously with good reason.
[blocking him as he moves to leave]
Denise: My agents are looking for her. They're using drones, satellites, cell records, every resource we have.
Wyatt: Yeah, what's the latest? Let me guess, you got nothing.

Rufus: Can I ask you a question? It bother you that not long ago you were in bondage, and now here you are, fighting so hard for your old masters' law?
Bass: Law ain't perfect, but it's all we got. If we ain't got that, we ain't got nothing.

Frank: [Flynn has told him to interrogate Rufus] That bounty hunter told me that you are an accomplice to the two shooters working with Bonnie and Clyde.
Rufus: No, that is not true.
Frank: He said that their names are Lucy and Wyatt, and that your name is Rufus Carlin. He said that you're their driver, which makes you an accomplice to armed robbery and the murder of two law enforcement officers.
Rufus: Wait, what did he say my name was?
Frank: Rufus Carlin.
Rufus: [pulls out a fake driver's license] And what does my driver's license say my name is?
Frank: [after looking at it, Frank walks back to Flynn] His name is Wesley Snipes.

Senator: Who are you working with? You cooperate now, you give us their names... you give us those names, or I'll put you up in front of a Senate subcommittee.
Wyatt: No, you won't. Because you're a coward. You're arrogant and loud-mouthed and terrified that people will find out you're a fraud, just like every bully.

Ernest: I told you Josie would help. If I had a nickel for every time I hit on this woman, I'd have...
Josephine: $1.05.
Ernest: Sounds about right.

Connor: The mysterious gunman also attempted to shoot General Grant, but he was saved by an obscure actress named Juliet Shakesman. Never seen again... though there is a high school in Point Pleasant, Ohio, named after her.

Emma: His shoulder's dislocated.
Garcia: I need him focused. We need to find something for his pain.
Emma: I don't think Vicodin's been invented yet.
Garcia: Well, people are getting drunk someplace. Improvise. Get me some absinthe.
[one of his thugs turns to leave, and Emma starts to follow him]
Garcia: Where are you going?
Emma: The Dingo Bar. That place is gonna be crawling with famous people. You think I'm gonna miss a chance to meet Picasso?

Lucy: So, have I proven myself? Or is Emma gonna make me shoot innocent people on every trip?
Carol: Emma still believes you're working for the other side.
Lucy: There is no other side anymore, right, mother? You got rid of all that.

Ernest: You really think that there's a chance Lindbergh is still alive? I'm a reporter for the Toronto Star. Name's Hemingway.
Lucy: Ernest Hemingway?
Ernest: You read my book.
Lucy: Oh, my god. I've... I've read all of them.
[he looks at her in confusion]
Lucy: I mean... all of the words in your one book, but maybe you will write more.
Ernest: I doubt it, but still, tell me you love whiskey, and I'll marry you.

Wyatt: It's not exactly what you were expecting to come home to, huh?
Lucy: I wasn't expecting to come home at all.

Rufus: The West is a lot different than I thought it would be. A lot more cold sores. Why is everybody lookin' at us like they want to kill us?
Bass: Because the two of us are black and one's Indian.
Rufus: So it's like the scary version of "Blazing Saddles".

Rufus: For some reason, none of them good, Flynn has already wormed his way in with Capone.
Wyatt: Yeah, well, with all that mob muscle, it's gonna be hard to get close to Flynn or Capone.
Rufus: Which makes this a first-class, grade A cluster...
Lucy: [spotting Eliot Ness] Maybe he can help.

Lucy: All this time, you knew what was in the journal.
Garcia: I told you it can be... unreliable.
Lucy: I mean with us.
Garcia: Oh, so you finally got to the good part, huh? Must have been, uh... awkward. Well? Was it everything you imagined? You were imagining it, weren't you?
Lucy: Why didn't you tell me that we were going to be together?
Garcia: Honestly? I didn't really believe it. I'm not exactly your type.
Lucy: You don't know anything about my type.
Garcia: Also, I've almost killed you a few times, so there's that.
Lucy: In the future, I must have seen a different side to you. I guess I've already started to.
Garcia: Well, then stop. 'Cause if you read the rest of the journal, that affair we have, it ends badly because... your heart always belonged to someone else.

Jiya: If you care about someone, if you trust someone, if you might even love someone, you tell them about something like this.

Wyatt: Rufus, you need to find a way out.
Rufus: A way out? There's two things everybody knows about the Alamo. One, everybody dies. Two, they die because there's no way out.
Wyatt: The Alamo didn't have anyone as smart as you. Figure it out. Make a way if you have to. We need to get the women and the children out. Same with the letter.
Lucy: Well, like I said before, Travis didn't finish it.
Wyatt: Then finish it for him. I'm gonna try and buy us some time.

Rufus: I'm in the damn Stone Age, but, man, I hope you live a long, long life. Long enough to see Michael Jordan dunk, Michael Jackson dance, Mike Tyson punch, really, just, any black guy named Michael. O.J.? Yeah, he gets off. He did it, but we don't care. And Obama, he's the president. 2008. That's gonna suck for you! I hope you see it all. Because the future is not on your side, boy.

Lucy: How can you be so calm right now?
Wyatt: Because I've been through a lot in the last couple of days, and I fought it for a long time. You can call it fate or God or the Force, but I am meant to do something. I am meant to protect the both of you. I see that now, and I will.
Lucy: You realize you sound like a crazy person, right?
Rufus: Mmm hmm.
Wyatt: I sound like you.
Lucy: Exactly.

Wyatt: All right, can't call, can't text, can't e-mail. What is this guy doing with this thing in 1918?
Rufus: I don't know. Porn, probably? Obviously.
Wyatt: They all knew him. They answered to him. I mean, how does a Rittenhouse agent become a captain in World War I?
Rufus: It'd take more than two days to gain that kind of trust.
Wyatt: It's like he rose his way through the ranks. How long has this guy been here?

Wyatt: [arriving at the Alamo] I expected soldiers.
Lucy: It's mostly local ranchers, farmers, families too.
Rufus: Part of me just wants to shout out "run for your lives", you know?
Lucy: I know.
Rufus: [spotting a group of black men nearby] Are those, uh...?
Lucy: Free men. Slavery was outlawed in Mexico, and this is all technically still Mexico. At least for one more month, anyway.
Rufus: Viva la Mexico.
Lucy: I wouldn't say that too loud around here.

Lucy: Carol's my mother, but Henry isn't my father and never was. My mother's been lying to me my whole life.

Lucy: This is it. This is Benedict Arnold's house.
Wyatt: Nice digs.
Lucy: Arnold had expensive tastes. He one time spend £1,000, which would be, like, $80,000 today, on one bottle of wine.
Wyatt: What? Who does that?
Rufus: A grade "A" douche nozzle.

Kayla: You really do look like him.
John F. Kennedy: Like who?
[she shows him his Wikipedia article]
John F. Kennedy: How did you get this photo? And what is this thing?
Kayla: It's an iPad. So... so this is you? You're President Kennedy?
John F. Kennedy: President of what?
Kayla: Of the United States.
John F. Kennedy: I become President of the United States? I-I don't understand. That was supposed to be my brother, Joe. Does this, uh, iPad know him, too?
Kayla: [showing him another article] Yeah.
John F. Kennedy: That's him. "Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. was the oldest of nine children. Graduated from Harvard College. Then went on to Harvard Law." Hey, good on him! "But he left before graduation to join the U.S. Navy during World War II." World War II? "A naval pilot, he was... killed off the coast of France during a secret mission at age 29."
Kayla: It's the Kennedy curse.
John F. Kennedy: The what?
Kayla: Mm, people think that the Kennedy family was cursed because so many of them died so young.
[trying to take the iPad back]
Kayla: You know what, John? You really shouldn't... John.
John F. Kennedy: My sister Kathleen died in a plane crash. Bobby was shot, just like...
Kayla: Just like his brother John.

Lucy: I'm so sorry, Wyatt.
Wyatt: How could anyone lie about something like that?
Lucy: It's Rittenhouse. It's how they get what they want, and they're so good at it, too. You don't realize it until it's too late. My mother was never the woman I thought she was. Now that she's gone, it still hurts. You okay?
Wyatt: Something tells me Jessica wouldn't have been the best mother, anyway. Doesn't matter. What matters is getting Rufus back.

Connor: I think I fixed the problem. There was a pin missing from the converter.
Rufus: That's the right lateral particle converter.
Connor: Yes, I know it's the right lateral particle converter. I invented it.

Emma: Screw bloodlines and all that family birthright, monarchy crap. What are we, British?

Lucy: There was a time I barely remember now, before all of... this. I have to remind myself what it was like then. A time when I had a mother I trusted, a sister I adored, a life that was familiar, safe, and then time travel happened, and history changed.
[flashbacks from previous episodes]
Lucy: I thought history was worth protecting; worth dying for, even. No matter what.
[more flashbacks]
Lucy: I thought I knew who the enemy was, but I was wrong. It was Rittenhouse, an organization that wanted to control the past, present, and future. And worse, my family was part of it. I thought I had lost everything, so all that was left to do was to fight. Not for the past anymore, but for our future; everyone's future. Fight for each other. It wasn't enough, though, and we lost the only thing we had left: hope. But this can't be the end of our story. We've come too far, we've sacrificed too much. There has to be a way to get back what we lost, to make things right and save the people we love, no matter what. But it's all up to you now. You have to change history.

Lucy: Lindbergh is set to touch down any minute. There's about 100,000 people waiting for him to land just west of here.
Rufus: Flying what, 3,500 miles in a crappy single-seater? Guy's like Indiana Jones.
Lucy: He was. Just a nice boy from St. Louis who becomes the most famous man in the world. About a decade from now he becomes a Nazi sympathizer, paranoid and anti-Semitic. Hitler awards him a medal.
Rufus: Boy, that story took a dark turn.

Wyatt: Where's the Mothership?
Jiya: Um... it's all over the place.
Wyatt: What the hell does that mean, Jiya?
Jiya: Flynn jumped to Sacramento, present day. He was there for maybe an hour, and then he jumped again to New York, 1780. I don't get it.
Denise: Well, how does Flynn jump so fast and so many times in a row?
Rufus: The nuke; the one he got in Vegas, if he's using it as a battery, the way we think he is.

Rufus: So like a reverse Back to the Future.

Wyatt: What do we know about this fair?
Rufus: Lot of stuff was invented there; Cream of Wheat, Hershey's chocolate, Aunt Jemima. How is that still a thing, by the way?
Wyatt: [impatiently] Rufus.
Rufus: Uh, Teddy Roosevelt was there. Thomas Edison, Susan B. Anthony, Helen Keller; not that I think Flynn is gonna take out Helen Keller.
[seeing his expression]
Rufus: Sorry, I... I ramble a lot when I'm stressed.
Wyatt: Okay, we start with Roosevelt. If we find Flynn, we find Lucy.
Rufus: We sure he's going after Roosevelt?
Wyatt: No, but he's gonna be president in eight years, so that's the best I got.

Lucy: Guys, follow me. Follow me. Commander Rosendahl? Oh--um, I'm sorry to bother you but it's urgent.
Commander: Yes?
Lucy: Um.. This man is working as one of your ground crew, and it's very important we find him quickly.
Wyatt: He's a threat to your base, sir.
Commander: How? Who are you?
Wyatt: Well, uh, we're actually... .
Lucy: This is Doctor Dré. I'm Nurse Jackie. We're from General Hospital. This man is a patient of ours which is, uh, why he's...
Lucy: wearing pajamas
Lucy: He has a bad case of Spanish Flu, which last time killed, what, almost 700,000 people in the US alone, so, you can see why we're nervous
Commander: Yes, yes, of course. I'll help however I can.
Lucy: Oh.

Jiya: I could use some help getting the rest of the systems online.
Connor: You're all correct, you know. I don't know how to turn a wrench, and my maths has gone to crap. Schematics seem to be written in Greek.
Jiya: You're just rusty. You're a great engineer, Mason.
Connor: Yes, I was. Once. I think becoming rich and powerful has made me useless. At least I don't have to worry about that anymore.

Lucy: [handing Wyatt a grenade] This is for the Mothership. Which you guy can take care of now. Okay, it's about three miles from here, near an abandoned farmhouse up the road, okay?
Rufus: Wait, hold on, let met get this straight. You were gonna kill a soldier and blow up the Mothership?
Lucy: I thought you were dead.
Wyatt: How are you gonna get home?
Lucy: I wasn't.

Carol: Sweetheart, this trip is your chance to prove your loyalty. Just do that and all your questions will be answered.

Marie: Come closer.
Lucy: Oh, I've heard radiation is dangerous.
Marie: The procedure is completely safe.
Irene: Don't believe what you've heard. We're in more danger from our drivers.
Carol: How so?
Irene: One night, my mom was on her way home from the field hospital.
Marie: The truck overturned.
Irene: My mom was crushed underneath the apparatus. Bleeding everywhere, and then, the driver, he rushed around the car, and he said...
Marie: "Madam, madam, are you dead?"
Irene: My sister and I wouldn't have even known had we not found the bloody bandages. I think she was afraid we'd try to stop her from her work, as if that were possible.

Denise: The only thing you do by leaving is give what's left of Rittenhouse another opportunity to kill you.
Wyatt: Yeah, well, I'll take my chances. After everything we did, there can't be that many of them.

Garcia: I've sent your friends to the, ah, World's Fair Hotel.
Lucy: You son of a bitch.
Garcia: But the hotel came to be known by another name. What was that again?
Lucy: The Murder Castle.
Garcia: [more to one of his lackeys] You know, the phrase "serial killer" was not even coined yet when H. H. Holmes, the owner of the Murder Castle, was caught?
Karl: Is that right?
Garcia: The press called him a, uh, "multi-murderer". And the hotel he built was an elaborate death trap. Trap doors, acid vats, torture racks; he'd even dissect them sometimes. But you know all this, Lucy, don't you?

Lucy: [entering the advanced Lifeboat] Whoa.
[seeing Flynn strapping in]
Lucy: Hey. Is your arm okay?
Garcia: It's fine. You have a little bit of something here...
Lucy: Makeup can only cover so much.
Jiya: Whoa. This thing has autopilot.
Wyatt: What, as in anyone could fly it?
Jiya: Apparently. You just plug in the date and location. I guess future me built a DeLorean out of the Lifeboat. It's a joke Rufus would have made. I wish he could see this.
Lucy: He'll see it, Jiya. I know he will.

Jiya: Hang on, that is not good.
Wyatt: What?
Jiya: The Mothership landed two days ago. What have they been doing?
Wyatt: Rufus, right now.
Jiya: Wyatt, your clothes.
Wyatt: We'll find 'em there.

Rufus: [following Booth] So we're a thousand percent sure we can't just shoot this asshat, save Lincoln here and now?
Lucy: Believe me, I want to. It might change things too much.
Rufus: Like maybe there'll be a lot less lynchings.
[Lucy sighs]
Rufus: I'm serious. I'm serious. I just met some black soldiers. We know Lincoln's death... it's gonna be a disaster for them, not to mention my great-great-grandparents.
Wyatt: [Lucy gives him a look] Don't look at me. I'm with him.
Lucy: Look, I understand, but we don't know the consequences. It's too risky. It's our job to protect history.
Rufus: Yeah, rich white guys' history. A lot of my history sucks.

Rufus: [he sees George Atzerodt raising his gun, ready to shoot Vice President Johnson] He's going to shoot him!
[he tackles Atzerodt just as he fires, making him miss Johnson. Atzerodt aims his gun at Rufus instead]
Nicholas: [holding a gun to his head] I wouldn't do that!
[the authorities take Atzerodt away and Nicholas helps Rufus up]
Nicholas: Buy you a drink, sergeant?
Rufus: I'm not a soldier.
Nicholas: You are in my book.

Denise: It's been a tough week for you.
Lucy: I'm on the mend.
Denise: That's not what I meant. You've been quiet since you got back from Salem, and I have a feeling I know why.
Lucy: You do?
Denise: Your mother tried to have you hanged as a witch. I imagine that'd be just a little bit upsetting. Do you want to talk about it?
Lucy: Not really, but thanks for asking.

Denise: So why did they visit so many places?
Wyatt: [a thought strikes him] Sleeper cells.
Denise: What?
Wyatt: Think about it. The captain we met in 1918, he worked his way up through the ranks. Emma, she'd been in the late 1880s for, what, like ten years? Maybe they're playing a long game here. I mean, what if they've already planted who knows how many agents in history? What if they're all just biding their time, leading regular lives, just waiting to be activated?
Lucy: Was there anything in there about a Nicholas Keens? That's the soldier that they saved and brought back to the present.
[seeing his expression]
Lucy: What?
Wyatt: Lucy, these plans, this manifesto... Nicholas Keens wrote it.

Garcia: Are you saying Rittenhouse is going after some blues singer?
Connor: *The* blues singer. Look, if it wasn't for Robert Johnson, there'd be no modern blues. No modern blues, no rock and roll; none of your Elvis, Beatles, Stones, Zeppelin. None of them.
Rufus: Which is bad, no doubt; no one wants to listen to Pat Boone on a radio 24/7, but I think I'm missing the larger geopolitical point.
Lucy: Actually, Mason makes sense. It wouldn't just be Rittenhouse killing rock and roll at its source, it would be them killing the cultural revolution of the 1960s, the civil rights movement, the... the fall of Nixon, the end of the Vietnam War. The counterculture as we know it.
Wyatt: Wait, wait, wait. You're saying all of this happens because two guys don't record an album?
Connor: Precisely.

Connor: What did you think would happen? That you'd get on your proud little soap box, make a speech and they'd just slink away into the darkness?
Rufus: Please don't do this.
Connor: You asked me to pick a side. Well, I did. Now I suggest you reconsider your allegiances, because once she's trained, you become expendable.

Jiya: Hey. You're awake. Fever dropped. That's a good sign.
Lucy: Wyatt?
Jiya: He's on a mission.
Lucy: He went without me?
Jiya: You were stabbed with a knife full of 17th century germs and running a fever of 105, remember?
Lucy: [Jiya tends to her wound] Ow. I don't care. He shouldn't have gone without me.
Jiya: Flynn's pinch hitting. I'm sure he and Wyatt have everything under control.
Lucy: [sarcastic] Sure. What could go wrong?

Bass: I'm not in the business of escorting women into danger, ma'am.
Lucy: You're not escorting me. I'm helping you. And, no offense, you don't really have a choice in the matter.

Lucy: You shouldn't have brought that gun.
Wyatt: Oh, the one I saved your ass with?
Lucy: We are surrounded by Nazis. What if one of them takes your future gun to Berlin?
Wyatt: Sometimes things get messy.
Lucy: It is my job to make sure there is no mess.
Wyatt: There's always a mess. That's the deal. So now we make it up as we go. And I take out Flynn. Which, by the way, might require the use of a damn gun.

Priest: You've been warming this bench for the past two hours. Look, I was about to step out for my fantasy football draft, but I can't leave you here looking like this. House rules. So, a penny for your thoughts?
Garcia: Might make you a millionaire, Father.
Priest: The rectory could use an upgrade.

Connor: You need to go with them.
Rufus: I can't. I am a coder. Okay? That is what I'm good at. All right? I don't like to leave my desk, let alone go in there or back then. Also, I don't know how it works across the pond, but I am black. There is literally no place in American history that'll be awesome for me.

Rufus: All you have to do is open your mouth to save him. And you're just gonna let Booth shoot him in the head?
Lucy: Do you think any of this is easy for me? My whole life, I've idolized Lincoln. When I was little girl, I would... I would memorize his speeches.
Rufus: Well, then do something.
Lucy: We would come back to an entirely different world. Who knows if it would be better, or if there would be anything left to come back to at all? The present isn't perfect, but it's ours. Awful as it is, what happens to Lincoln is meant to be.

Lucy: What's that?
Dave: It's a 1927 Colt .38.
Lucy: But where's your modern gun, like whatever Wyatt uses?
Dave: I was told not to bring anything back from 2017. Those are the rules.
Lucy: You're supposed to ignore *that* rule.
Dave: Now you tell me.

Lucy: Marie Curie? We are not taking them back to the farmhouse.
Carol: Honey, we may not have a choice. We'll get her back here in a couple of hours.
Lucy: Unless something happens to her. What if she gets hurt or... or dies?
Carol: I understand what's at stake here. But trust me when I tell you that this is that important.

Lucy: It's a red flag.
Rufus: What's a red flag mean?
Lucy: It means no quarter. No prisoners. Execute anyone who tries to surrender, which is not supposed to happen, by the way. Santa Anna was supposed to let the women and children go free.
Rufus: Am I missing something? None of this is supposed to happen. That army isn't supposed to be here for another three days.
Lucy: Flynn must have found a way to change it.
Rufus: But why?
Lucy: Must be about the letter.
Rufus: What letter?
Lucy: Travis's famous "Victory or Death" letter. It's... it's the one that was reprinted in U.S. newspapers all over the country. It's why we remember the Alamo. It's why they were able to defeat Santa Anna in a few weeks.
Rufus: It's only two sentences.
Lucy: Exactly. Because Travis was killed before he was able to finish it.
Rufus: So, no letter, no Texas.

Rufus: Okay, so you just want us to play wingman to the Terminator over there?
[to Mason]
Rufus: And you? You're fine with this? You're just gonna stand there and let this happen?
Connor: Flynn's mother may be innocent, but she still raised a monster. And given your performances, this may be the only way to get this done.
Rufus: Forget it. We refuse.
Lucy: You cannot make us do this. This is not right.
Jake: Maybe I haven't been clear. This operation has been green-lit at the highest levels. It's a go. You refuse, we will charge you with aiding and abetting a wanted terrorist. So, you can either spend the next few hours working for me, or the next ten to fifteen years wishing you had. That clear enough for you?

Jake: Do you remember Maria Thompkins? Wyatt Logan met her during your NASA mission.
Lucy: Yeah. Garcia Flynn's mother. Yes. But what does she have to do with it?
Jake: In 1962, Thompkins was a seventeen year old junior at Sam Houston High School. The mission is to eliminate her.
Jiya: Whoa.
Rufus: You can't be serious.
Lucy: No, no, no. There is no way that we are doing that. She's... she's innocent.
Jake: We don't expect either of you to pull the trigger. Meet your new tactical commander, Sergeant Major Caleb Sullivan. You just lead him to the front door, and he'll take care of the rest.

Garcia: Tell me about the meeting.
Mayor: I don't know what you're talking about. What meeting?
Garcia: The one Julian Charvet told me about in Paris four years ago.
Mayor: Julian Charvet was killed in Paris four years ago.
Garcia: Felt like it was yesterday. In his last few breaths, he told me about this Rittenhouse meeting where all members get together, but he didn't have the details, so here I am, asking you the details.

Rufus: Seven million people in the Bay Area, and we're supposed to find one horny teenage boy?
Jiya: It's gonna be fine. We'll find him.
Connor: You sound quite sure of that.
Jiya: Well, think about it. We all still know who JFK is, right? Must mean we're gonna find him.
Rufus: Come again?
Connor: What a fascinating loop. Jiya is suggesting that because we still know JFK becomes president in '61, very fact that we're still aware of him, really, proves that he eventually makes it back to where he's supposed to be.
Rufus: Yeah, for now, until he gets hit by a car or shot by Rittenhouse, then history changes in an instant and we don't even know it.
Connor: Yeah, that's true, too.

Rufus: "Your Excellency"?
Lucy: That's what they called him. He won't be president for ten more years. I know I should be getting used to all of this by now, but this one...
Wyatt: What? That it's George Washington or that he might want to kill us?
Lucy: Both. Maybe. I think both.
[a door behind them opens, and Wyatt raises his gun as Flynn enters]
Garcia: [raising his own] Easy. Easy. I got a man in the next room. If shots go off in here, he shoots Washington.
Wyatt: You're bluffing
Garcia: You're talking to the man who shot Lincoln. You really want to take that risk?

Town: Uh, Marshall Reeves? I'm with the "Missouri Star". We got word that a posse led by you just brought Jesse James to justice. Is that true?
Bass: No, it ain't.
Rufus: Hey Bass, Bass, you should talk to him. Wait, you should talk to a lot of reporters.
Bass: Why?
Rufus: Because if you don't tell your story, someone else might... some white dick in a mask might end up the legend instead of you. People are gonna want to know your story. Today, tomorrow, maybe even a hundred years from now.
Bass: I'm not doing this for them.

Denise: Flynn, you're on board this mission. Wyatt, you're staying here with me.
Wyatt: What?
Lucy: But why?
Rufus: You can't be serious.
Denise: Look, Flynn's already been on a couple of missions. We either start trusting him or we don't.
Rufus: We don't. We definitely don't.

Lucy: [talking about "Citizen Kane"] Spoiler alert! "Rosebud" is a sled.
Hedy: What's a spoiler?

Wyatt: Where have you been?
Denise: I need to speak with you.
Wyatt: What's up?
Denise: [an alarm blares] Damn it. The Mothership jumped. We got to deal with that first.
Wyatt: First? What are we dealing with second?

Jiya: Wait, where's Flynn?
Wyatt: We had to split up.
Denise: You left him there?
Wyatt: We're gonna go back and pick him up. After we deal with our, uh, situation.

Lucy: Okay, so let me get this straight. Uh, we just need to keep John alive long enough so we can return him so he can become arguably the most beloved president of the 20th century. No big deal.

Lucy: Jeez. We had to land in a marsh?
Rufus: Well, I thought it was a bit more private than the South Lawn.

Wyatt: These boots are giving me blisters. I need to invent sneakers. Rufus, you gotta get it together.
Rufus: So, what, I'm the bad guy 'cause I'm not thrilled to still be chasing these jackasses through time?
Wyatt: I'm just saying, all things considered, I think we have it pretty good.
[indicating a nearby car]
Wyatt: Look, wheels.

Rufus: The Lifeboat's battery is drained after two jumps. It'll need four hour to recharge, if it even can, and that's...
Wyatt: Okay. Okay! It's all right. One step at a time. First step: let's go get your sister back.
Lucy: What?
Denise: I think that's reckless. Flynn is still out there.
Wyatt: With all due respect, ma'am, we don't work for the government anymore. I think Lucy deserves a shot.

Jiya: What are Lucy and Wyatt doing?
Denise: Reading the journal, trying to figure out where we take this new toy.
Jiya: Okay, well, how long will that take? Let's just go. I mean, if we can go back to our own timelines...
Connor: Go back to our own timelines? Are you overlooking the fact that future Lucy's head nearly exploded? For all we know, that was their one and only trip before she...
Garcia: It wasn't the only trip. She came to see me in Sao Paolo, before all of this began.
Denise: What are you talking about?
Garcia: Christmas Eve, 2014, Lucy showed up and handed me the journal.
Connor: The Lucy we just saw?
Garcia: It was Lucy. She traveled to a same time she existed before. It's possible.
Connor: But not without side effects it isn't, and headaches are just the beginning. If you stay too long, even just minutes, there are... there are nosebleeds, seizures, and brain damage. And memory loss, and then...
Garcia: And then?
Connor: Well, everybody's tolerance is different, but eventually insanity and death.
Jiya: If Lucy and Wyatt are willing to risk their lives for Rufus, then so am I.

Rufus: Unbelievable.
Wyatt: What?
Rufus: You remember when we thought we were done with all of this?
Wyatt: Well, we got Lucy back. That's what's important.
Rufus: So the three of us die here now.

[Lucy, Wyatt, Flynn, and Mason arrive in 1936. This is Mason's first time travel mission]
Connor: Our earliest pilots would report that, like present, the past initially seems. The sand, the air, like nothing's changed. Except space-time compression.
[looking at his fingers]
Connor: Look, I can see the hairs... stand from the quantum gravitational bursts. And I can hear the faintest sparks... crackle in the air. Oh, this is quite ex...
[Mason suddenly feels nauseous and vomits]
Garcia: And boom goes the dynamite.

Rufus: We're good to go. Where's Lucy?
Wyatt: I don't know. I've called, texted. She's not answering.
Rufus: Where she say she was going again?
Wyatt: Her mom's, I think.
Rufus: Girl's been obsessed with trying to get her sister back. Now that she can, she's late?
Wyatt: I'll try her again.

Denise: Rufus, like it or not, we're the only ones who can stop Flynn from hurting people.
Lucy: And what about my sister, huh? I mean, this was my last shot. If we don't do this now, I may never see my sister again. They track us down after we get back from Chicago, it is over. My sister will be gone forever.
Wyatt: Okay, look, I get it. None of us should have to give up our families. I know. I'm the last person that should be saying that, because I'm the selfish ass that went after my wife, but still. Letting Flynn murder through time, that's madness. And I thinks somewhere deep down, we all can admit that. Rittenhouse or not, Flynn's not gonna stop until we stop him. So why us? There's nobody else but us.

Jake: I, for one, am sick of waiting for Garcia Flynn to dictate our actions. No more playing defense. We're gonna take the son of a bitch out once and for all.

Garcia: Are you... you are afraid of riding in your own invention.
Lucy: Wait a minute. All those test trips before we met you? You never once time traveled yourself?
Connor: Well, it's bloody dangerous.
Lucy: Yeah, I know.
Connor: And perhaps Rufus and Jiya have made the correct calculations to safely transport a fourth person.
Rufus: We did.
Connor: Yes, but perhaps you didn't, so, no.

Wyatt: What part of "Jesse James is killing people" don't you understand? People are dying that are not supposed to die. And the longer he's alive, the more he's gonna mess up history. And since when I am the one worried about protecting history? Lucy, I don't know what is going on with you, but you need to get your head in the game, like, right now.

Lucy: I found him, he agreed to meet with us! Come on!
Rufus: Deep Throat, here we come.
[as he exits with Lucy, a passerby overhears the last line and gives them a dirty look]

Wyatt: Somebody wanna tell me how that guy became a billionaire? I mean, he can't do anything. Can't weld. He can't cook. Doesn't even remember how the Lifeboat works.
Denise: He lost his whole life. 22 employees, his company, his fortune. Maybe he's grieving like all of us.
Wyatt: I'm not grieving. Because Lucy is not dead. Rittenhouse has her.
Denise: Wyatt, look, I think you need to prepare yourself for the possibility that Lucy...
Wyatt: Lucy's father was a member of Rittenhouse. They're not trying to kill her, he was trying to recruit her.
Denise: I hope you're right.
Wyatt: I am right. Lucy's alive. And as soon as I get out of this damn pit, I'm gonna find her.

Emma: Things didn't go as planned. They got JFK.
Nicholas: Did Lucy get involved?
Emma: No, I didn't see her there. But they took Kennedy in the Lifeboat. I think he's here somewhere.
Nicholas: Then find him. From everything I've read, Kennedy galvanized this nation in a direction that runs counter to our goals. We need someone in that Oval Office that we can control. Like Nixon.
Emma: I'm working on it.

Connor: [after one of Jiya's seizures] That's the second one today. It's barely noon.
Jiya: I'm fine.
Connor: No, you need to rest. Why don't you have a glass of water?
Jiya: [fighting him off] Do you mind? We're kind of trying to stop the apocalypse here.

Agent: Flynn went back to April 14, 1865. Now, you need to get moving, and you need to eliminate Garcia Flynn. Are we clear?
Lucy: Yeah. Yeah, okay.
Wyatt: Wait, what's April 14, 1865?
Lucy: The assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

Jiya: Any luck adding a fourth seat to the Lifeboat?
Rufus: Well, unlike the Mothership, this baby was put together with tinfoil and Juicy Fruit. But the math is good as long as the coding checks out.
[seeing the results, he kisses her in excitement]
Rufus: And that, my love, is how you upgrade a time machine.

Wyatt: Okay, so what the hell were they doing in all these places?
Rufus: I've been reading these plans they have. They're nothing like Flynn's old run and gun. It's about pressure points.
Denise: Pressure points?
Rufus: Key moments in history to change the present. Mostly a bunch of crazy ideas on how to make a perfect world somewhere between "Hunger Games" and "Handmaid's Tale".

Garcia: [to Lucy while Fleming is holding a gun to his back] You found your way to the British spy.
[to Fleming]
Garcia: Love your movies.
Ian: Movies?

Emma: He's crashing. We need the defribilator.
Soldier: The what?
[seeing Emma and Carol gel the paddles]
Soldier: What's that?
Emma: Clear.
Lucy: [trying to usher him out] Please, you have to go, okay?
Soldier: Uh, I'm not going anywhere.
Lucy: It's okay, they'll take care of him.
Soldier: [seeing the defribilator work] Whoa, you're killing him!
Emma: His pulse is back. BP is 90 over 50.
Soldier: Get your hands off him.
Emma: We don't have time for this.
Soldier: What're you doing?
Carol: [Emma shoots Edward in the leg] You're a better shot than that, Emma.
Emma: You're right. I thought Lucy should take care of this.

Wyatt: Look, I owe you, okay?
Rufus: Yeah, well, you might want to use that towel to stuff under the door to stop the, uh, noise. This is still, believe it or not, a work environment.
Lucy: [entering as they share a laugh] Rufus, why don't you and Jiya take our room for a few nights? I'll be fine on the couch, really. Morning, Wyatt.
Wyatt: Hi.
Rufus: [as Wyatt leaves, Lucy enters the bathroom and closes the door] But I really have to pee.

Wyatt: Please, you don't trust Flynn any more than Rufus or me. What the hell is going on here? Why am I not with the team?
Denise: How'd you like to take out Rittenhouse for good?

Connor: In their haste to find our rogue team and get the Lifeboat back, Rittenhouse... handed me an all-access pass to government servers.
Denise: I am the government, remember?
Connor: Not your pathetic servers, which, by the way, get hacked by the Russians on a regular basis. No. The other servers. The ones no one talks about.
Denise: You mean the NSA? That's...
Connor: Illegal? Immoral? Yes. Well, you can thank me later. But instead of searching for our intrepid time travelers, I found... this. Everything you've ever wanted to know about Benjamin Cahill. Enough to convict him seven times over. See, anyone, even you, can play the, um, crusading cop, but I was playing the long game. Rittenhouse thinks we were playing checkers while I was playing 3-D chess.
Denise: Why are you telling me all this?
Connor: Because... you're dull, but honest. So you can take this to the dull, honest authorities.
Denise: Why should I believe you after everything you've done?
Connor: Um, because, um... once Jiya can pilot the Lifeboat, Rittenhouse is going to eliminate Rufus. Just... see, I have no illusions about who I am. Whatever's coming, I richly deserve it. But Rufus... Rufus deserves better.

Agent: Badges should get you into Mission Control.
Wyatt: [impressed] FBI.
Lucy: I just feel like I would be able to cover a lot more ground if I weren't a secretary in the typing pool.
Rufus: She says to the guy whose only possible cover is janitor.
Lucy: Touché.
Agent: You want to fit in to NASA in 1969, that's the best I got for you. Now get dressed and get going.

Rufus: I quit, by the way.

Rufus: Dude, we're in a posse with the Lone Ranger.
Wyatt: Yeah, well, don't get too excited. They're not gonna be happy with us when this is all over.
Rufus: What does that mean?
Wyatt: We're not gonna let 'em arrest Jesse James. I'm gonna shoot him myself.
[seeing his expression]
Wyatt: What?
Rufus: Well, one, you gave Bass your word, and two, does the casualness with which we talk about murder ever bother you?
Wyatt: It's not murder.
Rufus: What is it?
Wyatt: It's stopping a bad guy from hurting good people. And no, it doesn't bother me.

Young: [saying good-bye to the team] Thank you. For everything.
Lucy: Of course, of course.

Emma: We have to protect the mission. Either you're with us or you're not.
Soldier: [cowering as Emma hands Lucy a shotgun] No, no, please. Please, you don't have to do this. Please. Please. No, ple...
Lucy: I'm so sorry.
Soldier: Please, you don't have to...
[shotgun blast]

Jiya: What's this?
Wyatt: Rufus picked it up in 1981. Hid it behind Spaghetti-Os so you wouldn't find it 'till Christmas, but... I think he'd want you to have it.
Jiya: [reading the tag] "Merry Christopher. A little pun from '81." He couldn't help himself, could he?
[opening the gift, she finds a Rubik's Cube]
Jiya: Original-issue packaging?
Wyatt: Rufus always told me there was no puzzle you can't solve.

Rufus: Dude, James Bond just hit on Lucy.

Lucy: [learning JFK escaped from the bunker] Oh, my god. If we don't put JFK back where he belongs, he doesn't become president, no JFK, no Peace Corps, no Civil Rights Act...
Jiya: No immigration reform.
Lucy: But there is nuclear war with Cuba.

Grant: I'm Grant Johnson. Who the hell are you? Hey, Bass?
Bass: Yeah?
Grant: Who in the hell are they?
Bass: Righteous townfolk who aim to bring down a criminal element.
Grant: Townfolk?
Wyatt: [Whispering to Rufus] Hey, I think he's Tonto.
Grant: The hell'd you just say? Hey, Bass.
Bass: Yeah?
Grant: This one just called me a fool. Trying to hide it in Spanish.
Bass: Maybe he's onto something.
Rufus: [to Wyatt] Tonto means fool in Spanish.
Wyatt: [to Rufus] I know what it means.
Rufus: Whoever wrote "The Lone Ranger" sucks.
Wyatt: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... I'm Wyatt.
Rufus: Rufus.
Bass: Grant, you want to come in here so I can tell you what for?
Grant: Yeah, yeah.
Rufus: [to Wyatt] Dude, we're in a posse with the Lone Ranger.

Rufus: I'm guessing you're happy she's still alive, huh?
Wyatt: [briefly absent] What? Yeah, of course. We need our historian.
Rufus: Yeah, sure. Our historian.

Rufus: So we're gonna track James, right? Follow his horse's hoof prints, stuff like that?
Grant: Yes, and the broken twigs and the scent of the wind. The spirits will guide us.
Rufus: Really?
Grant: No, not really. We're gonna interview witnesses and find out where they went because that's what we do. We're lawmen.
[to both Rufus and Wyatt]
Grant: Tontos.

Jiya: San Antonio, Texas. November 23, 1936.
Denise: Lucy?
Lucy: The Texas Centennial Exposition? Six million people attended, including President Roosevelt.
Wyatt: FDR sounds like a Rittenhouse target to me.
Lucy: Agreed, but the Exposition took place in Dallas, a few hundred miles away.
Denise: [to Flynn] What about you? Ever pick up any Rittenhouse intel about this?
Garcia: Zilch.
Wyatt: Well, if you're not here to provide intelligence, what are you good for?

Wyatt: All right, before I suffocate myself in polyester again, are we sure Flynn is headed to NASA?
Lucy: Man landed on the moon today. NASA's the only thing going on in Houston. Believe me, it's the only thing going on the world.
Wyatt: And Rufus, if Flynn's trying to screw the moon landing, how would he do it?
Rufus: [more to himself] He'd use Anthony. That's how he'd do it.
Wyatt: Huh?
Rufus: Um... the problem is there's about a dozen ways to scuttle it from the ground.
Lucy: So what do you think Flynn's gonna do? He's gonna knock over a radio tower, shoot the place up?
Rufus: Yes. No. I don't know.
Lucy: What?
Wyatt: [sarcastic] Great, going in blind. Love it.

Jessica: Oh, hey.
Lucy: Hey.
Jessica: Lucy, right? How you feeling?
Lucy: Not that great, actually. I think I'm gonna go back to bed and rest.
Jessica: Do you want some tea?
[Lucy can't say no]
Jessica: Sit down. I tend bar for a living, so it's, like, physically impossible for me to let someone else serve their own drink.

Denise: Lucy Preston, Rufus Carlin, this is Master Sergeant David Baumgardner.
Rufus: Bam Bam. Uh, Wyatt mentioned you before.
Dave: Dave's fine.
Denise: We've had him on standby since the Alamo mission.
Dave: I thought Agent Christopher was yanking my chain when she said "time travel", but...
[glancing at the Lifeboat]
Dave: Holy crap.
Lucy: I know how you feel.
Denise: He's been thoroughly briefed, but show him the ropes. You're the varsity squad now.
Rufus: That is not comforting.

Carol: We haven't formally met. I'm Carol Preston.
Denise: I know who you are.
Carol: I wanted to talk to you, one mother to another.
Denise: You couldn't just text, Carol?

Denise: I am seriously pissed at you, but I put in a call to Sam Dwyer. He's a JAG defense lawyer, a good one.
Wyatt: I don't want a defense. I deserve this.
Denise: [standing to leave] Good luck.

Wyatt: [SPOILER] Hey, we did something good. You should be thanking us.
Bass: Killing an injured man when he plain said he wished to surrender? That's a lot of things. Good ain't one of 'em. And you'll live with it.

Lucy: I don't want to do this job anymore. I want my sister back. I want to go home.

Jiya: If you think that scares me, then you don't know me very well.
Connor: Try to deceive me again, and we'll see how scared you get.

Gas: Can I help you?
John F. Kennedy: Pardon me. Where can I find a pay telephone?
Gas: A pay phone? I don't know, a museum?

Lucy: Do you know how much trouble you're going to get into? That's insane.
Wyatt: That's an understatement.

Ernest: If there's anyone who can help us find the folks you're looking for, Josie can.
Rufus: Josephine Baker? My mom had a record cover of her that got me through some lonely nights.
Dave: That is some antique porn, my friend.
Rufus: I prefer the term "vintage".

Wyatt: Trick or treat.
Rufus: Trust me, no one is more worried than I am that I am not a real soldier.
Wyatt: Where did these getups even come from?
Rufus: Civil War re-enactors club.
Wyatt: No wonder they smell like sweat and loneliness.

Rufus: [defending his friends from being killed] Now you can kill them and there is probably nothing I can do about it, but if you do... you're gonna have to kill me too.
[Cornstalk leans in and talks to Nonhelema]
Nonhelema: My brother says to kill you all.
[Rufus looks away and closes his eyes]
Nonhelema: But it is not his decision to make.
[Rufus looks back at her]
Nonhelema: If someone like him is willing to die for someone like you, then you're certainly not from around here, are you?

Carol: You haven't touched your breakfast.
Lucy: I don't recommend traveling on a full stomach. Trust me.
Carol: You've come so far these past few weeks, Lucy. I'm proud of you. I don't have to tell you how important this trip is, for both of us.
Lucy: I know, mom. I'm ready.
Carol: Yes, I believe you are. They're waiting for us.

Wyatt: [their car dies] What happened?
Rufus: We're out of gas. Wanna ask Siri for the nearest gas station?

Lucy: So, we just stole a giant piece of top-secret machinery and made ourselves fugitives from the U.S. government. All good.
Wyatt: You did the right thing. If Rittenhouse is running the shop, they can't have the time machine.
Lucy: Your sense of calm is super annoying.

Rufus: That's Al Capone? He looks so young.
Lucy: He was only 26 when he became a crime boss.

Jiya: Flynn went to September 25, 1780.
Lucy: Let me guess. Just north of Manhattan.
Jiya: How'd you know?
Lucy: Oh, this is bad. This is really, really bad.
Denise: What would Flynn want in New York City in the middle of the Revolutionary War?
Lucy: It's not New York City; it's West Point.
Rufus: The military academy?
Lucy: In 1780, West Point was just a fort, but Washington thought whoever had control over it would win the war.
Rufus: So what happened on September 25?
Lucy: Well, Washington was over at Benedict Arnold's house for breakfast when he learned that Arnold was plotting to give West Point to the British. Arnold fled before Washington got there.
Wyatt: Benedict Arnold, huh? The guy whose name basically means "total jerkoff".

Lucy: We've stolen, what, half a dozen cars on these trips? We're like hardened car thieves by now.
Wyatt: Hey, if they don't want us to borrow 'em, they shouldn't leave the keys in 'em.

Wyatt: So, March 13, 1931, Chicago. Where's Flynn headed?
Lucy: There's only one place I can think of.

Connor: This is like being stoned to death with popcorn. We're never gonna find the boy using such primitive technology.
Rufus: At least we have computers. Try doing this with a Civil War spyglass.

Garcia: So, Professor, as you well know, Edison was a paranoid son of a bitch. Didn't trust anyone near his prototypes; except Henry Ford, who was...?
Lucy: Edison's employee. His chief engineer at the time.
Garcia: This afternoon, Edison and Ford are going to meet with their financier, J. P. Morgan. They'll be in a heavily guarded room; very difficult to get into, even for me, even in 1893. But still, before they show up, I'm gonna plant a bomb there.
Lucy: I'm not going to help you. You'll have to kill me.

Lucy: You said you're a bartender?
Jessica: Yeah, yeah, yeah. At Gilroy's in the Mission. Drinks suck, but management's cool.
Lucy: Uh, is that where you and Wyatt met?
Jessica: No, Wyatt and I met in high school. Yeah. We've, uh... we've been together since senior year, if you can believe that. He didn't tell you this?
[Lucy shakes her head 'no']
Jessica: Yeah, he's not much of a talker. What about you? Are you married?
Lucy: No. Me... not married. I mean, I, uh... I was engaged once, kind of. For, like, a moment. I don't know. It's... It's complicated.
Jessica: It always is, isn't it? Wyatt and I have been in counseling for two years. I mean in my reality.
Jessica: I, uh, guess not in his. Or yours. It's, uh... this time travel stuff really messes with your head.

Wyatt: [watching Capone] Is he not afraid to be out in the open like this?
Lucy: The people of Chicago loved him. They would chant his name at Cubs games.

H.H. Holmes: I can't help the fact that I'm a murderer, no more than the poet can help the inspiration to sing.
Wyatt: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't shoot you.
H.H. Holmes: I'll confess. To everything. Every life I've taken, every body I've buried. I heard what you said in that chamber, Wyatt. Your worst fear is not knowing what happened to the people you love. Someone very important to you, right? Well, I can give my victims' families closure.

Wernher: My concern is whether the rockets go up, not where they come down.

Rufus: So, what do we know about JFK? Uh, does he serve a second term? Does he have, like, ten more kids?
Denise: What second term? JFK was assassinated two years into office.
Rufus: That's not right. I-I told him. I told him not to go to Dallas.
Denise: Dallas? It happened in Austin.
Jiya: [his face falls as Christopher leaves] Guess it was just meant to be.

Jiya: [interrupting Wyatt in the bathroom] Whoa! Sorry.
Wyatt: Be done in a second.
Jiya: Are you all right?
Wyatt: Maybe you could knock next time.
Jiya: Maybe you could follow the system we have in place and put the chair in front of the door.

French: Often the problem isn't the wound itself but the fever that comes with it, which, as you know...
Lucy: Is an infection, but really, sir.
French: I thought you said you were a nurse. No the sickness comes from an imbalance of the bodily fluids, but some calomel inserted rectally...
Lucy: Calomel? Isn't that mercury?
French: Of course it is. Then he just needs some healthy bloodletting. Maybe some blistering. Get the humors back in balance.
Lucy: Hit him.
Wyatt: What?
Lucy: Hit him.
Wyatt: What was he gonna do?
Lucy: Trust me, you don't want to know.

Garcia: Chicago World's Fair. That's the very first Ferris wheel, right?
[Lucy nods]
Garcia: We're not here to burn it down, if that's what you're worried about.
Lucy: I'm sure you intend to do something equally horrible.

Wyatt: Any ideas where this Rittenhouse summit could be?
Lucy: If I had to pick a place to start, I'd start with Joe McCarthy. McCarthy thought that there were communists everywhere; State Department, writers, journalists. He's in the middle of one of his most famous hearings, looking for reds in the army. The guy's practically wearing a giant neon sign that says "Rittenhouse".

Denise: April 3, 1882.
Lucy: It's the day that Jesse James died.
Wyatt: Check it out, Rufus.
Lucy: He was planning a robbery with Robert and Charles Ford. They're members of his gang. What he didn't know was that they had already made a deal with the governor to double-cross him for the reward money. And when they got the drop on him, they shot him in back while he was dusting a painting. I always remembered that detail.
Rufus: So, why's Flynn want Jesse James? Great psychos think alike?
Denise: Well, there's only one way to find out. Off you go, cowboys.

Jiya: Okay, what about my visions?
Rufus: What about your visions?
Jiya: I had a vision about a man dying and he died. You tried to stop it, but history doesn't change as easily as you want it to.
Rufus: Okay, that's more like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Jiya: Or maybe it's just a prophecy.
Connor: Sorry, what are we talking about?
Jiya: Never mind. Forget it.

Rufus: What kind of clothes did you pick out?
Wyatt: I don't know. Something shiny.
Rufus: Are there parachute pants in that bag?

Senator: Listen, I'm a busy man. You know a communist spy in the military, you tell one of my aides.
Garcia: Well, I'll tell you what I told them: that I only trust the great Senator Joe McCarthy himself.
Senator: Where's that accent from, son?
Garcia: Look, I'll tell you what I know, but first I need to find out something from you: where the Rittenhouse summit is tonight.
Senator: What are you talking about?
Garcia: Oh, come on. I think you're, um... how do you like to put it? A card-carrying member?
Senator: I don't know what you're talking about, and I don't have time for this nonsense. Now, if you'll excuse me...
Garcia: [he picks up the phone receiver] I wouldn't, unless you want your enemies to find out you faked thirty-two aerial missions to get that fancy Flying Cross on your wall.
Senator: That's a lie.
Garcia: Not so fun being on the other side of a witch hunt, is it? Now, the address, please.

Don: What's the matter, Robert? Too shy to be famous?
Robert: I'm gonna make us both famous.

Lucy: [about Rufus's plan to bury a message so it can be found in the future for their rescue] We're standing in what's going to be a suburb of Pittsburgh. I mean, who knows what could happen to this patch of land over 260 years.

Wyatt: Two lefts from headquarters, thirty minutes on the freeway, and four gravel roundabouts. That should put us somewhere in the... National Park. Smart place for a black site.
Denise: You stole a time machine, Wyatt. We can't exactly throw you in county jail.
Wyatt: Hey, you think you could, uh, slip me a snorkel before the waterboarding starts?

Clyde: [he and Bonnie are holding up a bank] Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. This here is a stickup. And we're the Barrow Gang. I'm Clyde Barrow and this here is Bonnie Parker. At your service.
Lucy: [steps forward in awe] Bonnie and Clyde.
Clyde: [to Lucy] What are you looking at? You heard of us?

Captain: Stealing a truck to run off? You know what the penalty is for desertion? I ought to shoot you right now, save the provost marshal the trouble.
Wyatt: Okay, we're not deserters.
Captain: What regiment are you with?
Rufus: The black one.

Wyatt: All right, look. Nothing is gonna happen to JFK. We're gonna find him. Rufus.
Rufus: Jiya and I will check traffic and security cams.
Wyatt: Okay, great. I'm gonna need a car.
Denise: No, not a chance. Rittenhouse could come after you.
Wyatt: Rittenhouse will come after him. So unless we're okay with finding out what a world looks like after a few dozen mushroom clouds...
Denise: All right. I'll run point from my office. I need all of you to stay in touch with me, okay?

Lucy: Oh, my god. Please tell me that's not who I think it is.
Rufus: It's not who you think it is, unless you think it's a young JFK. Then it's definitely who you think it is.

Wyatt: Is it just me, or is Rittenhouse way more gay than I thought it would be?
Lucy: I don't think this is the Rittenhouse summit. I think this might be a gay bar.
Wyatt: Well, when why is your grandpa... oh!

Rufus: If we can escape the Alamo, we certainly can ball-block Rick Springfield over there.

Emma: It's a common misconception, but it's not true.
Garcia: Well, why do they say short people have a Napoleon complex?
Emma: Well, that's just the thing. Napoleon wasn't short. He was 5'7". That's above average for his era. He just... he surrounded himself with tall men, and it just made him look short. It's all relative.
Garcia: How do you know that?
Emma: Because I met him.
[seeing his look]
Emma: What, you think the Wild West was my first trip?

Garcia: Maybe we're not meant to be a team after all, and if so, that makes you expendable.

Lucy: I am not surprised that Wyatt stole the Lifeboat behind your back. I am shocked that he didn't do it sooner. I'd do it myself if I thought it would bring Amy back. And you would do the same for your family.

Rufus: [about the new James Bond book and movie Weapon of Choice] Wanna bet James Bond sleeps with Lucy in that one?
[Lucy gives him a dirty look]

Carol: You can't smell history in books.
Lucy: 'Cause you wouldn't wanna.

Carol: You know, despite what you must think, I do care about my daughter very much. I was young when I got pregnant with Lucy. I naively thought that I could give her up for adoption without my family knowing.
Denise: So you didn't want your child to be Rittenhouse?
Carol: Unlike Lucy, I've known about my place in Rittenhouse since I was fifteen years old. It was a burden. So I convinced myself that not keeping my child was the right thing to do.
Denise: That must have been tough.
Carol: It wasn't. Not at first. Then the weeks went by, and I felt her growing inside me. Then I started to wonder what she might be like. And by the time she came into this world, I knew there was no way I was gonna let her go.
Denise: Why are you telling me this?
Carol: Because I can't protect my daughter anymore. Rittenhouse will kill Lucy if she continues to interfere with their plans. So I need you to keep my daughter off of these missions. It's the only way to keep her safe.
Denise: What do you expect me to do? Tie Lucy up...
Carol: Yes!
Denise: ...until all this is over?
Carol: Yes. If that's what it takes.
Denise: If you think that's gonna work, then you don't know your daughter at all.
Carol: Oh, I was hoping that you of all people would understand. You know, I would think long and hard about this, Agent Christopher. It'd be a shame if your children grow up without a mother.

Rufus: Merry Christmas, you filthy animals.

Connor: There's nothing on this recorder.
Rufus: That's 'cause I erased the recording.
Connor: And why would you do that?
Rufus: Because if Rittenhouse heard it, they'd know we killed their founder.
Connor: You did what?
Rufus: Well, technically, Flynn did, but we helped a little.

Lucy: What's changed in your lives?
Wyatt: Wh...?
Lucy: Since we got back from 1937, what has changed for you?
Rufus: I just had an unsuccessful evening with a girl, so nothing, really.
Wyatt: Why? What's wrong?
Lucy: My sister's gone.
Wyatt: Gone? Gone where?
Lucy: Gone as in erased from history. Something that Flynn did or we did to the Hindenburg has changed my family. My mother isn't sick anymore, and my sister was never born.

Emma: We'll run Rittenhouse better than they ever could.
Jessica: What makes you think that you won't just go home and the others will kill you?
Emma: Cause I'm the bitch with the time machine.

Wyatt: So Booth walks into Ford's Theatre at exactly 10:00 a.m., huh? Not 9:56, 10:07?
Lucy: Hundreds of books have been written about Booth's movements today.
Wyatt: Let me guess. You read them all.
Lucy: And wrote one of them.
Rufus: So why is Booth coming here now? What, is he scouting for tonight?
Lucy: No, he's an actor. He knew Ford's Theatre like the back of his hand, used it as his mailing address. Picks up his mail at exactly 10:00 a.m.
Wyatt: An actor.
Lucy: Pretty well known, too. But his brother Edwin was literally the most famous actor in America. John never quite measured up.
Rufus: So this is like if Donnie Wahlberg assassinated the president?
Lucy: Pretty much, actually.

Wyatt: Flynn just jumped again?
Jiya: Uh, yeah, to Illinois this time. May 30, 1893.
Rufus: It's the month the Chicago World's Fair opened.
Denise: Why would he go there?
Rufus: I don't know. We're kind of short a historian.

Wyatt: How bad is all this?
Rufus: Well, Armstrong and Aldrin are basically trapped on the lunar surface. There... there's no way they'll be able to take off without help from Mission Control. If no one is there to fix it, well, they run out of oxygen and they die up there. They got six hours, maybe.
Lucy: This is about more than the moon landing. The space race was much closer than most people think.
Rufus: The Russians have an unmanned probe orbiting the moon as we speak.
Lucy: After Apollo 11, the Russians basically throw in the towel. They start to abandon their missile program. They sign the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. If we fail today, the Russians, they could succeed. We could lose the Cold War.
Rufus: Not to mention Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are American heroes. Hell, they're my heroes.
Wyatt: Okay, so really freaking bad.

Connor: Rufus, do you have any idea how much trouble you're in? This was your last chance. Um... you should run.
Rufus: Run? Run where?
Connor: I'll help you. Um, you... you need a new identity and a new passport. Uh... your family will come with you, too, of course, and then I need to set up an offshore account for you, and that way you can...
[seeing Rufus is distracted]
Connor: Are you listening to me?
Rufus: I'm not going to run.
Connor: I don't think you're appropriately frightened here.
Rufus: Of course I am scared. Be crazy not to be. But I'm not going anywhere until we find Lucy.
Connor: By then, it may be too late.

Wyatt: [reading Lucy's journal entry about their mission in Hollywood] Lucy, I never meant to hurt you. I just wanted to do the right thing.
Lucy: I know.

Wyatt: [trying to fix a car] Why don't you and Jiya go get warm in the church?
Lucy: Cause we're woman and it's 1950?
Wyatt: Because you're starting to get frostbite. You look much prettier with ears.
Lucy: Good point.

[Lucy is with Robert Todd Lincoln at Ford's Theater when suddenly Lincoln and his wife walk into the president's box]
Robert: Miss Shakesman, allow me to introduce my mother Mary, and my father, the president.
[to Lincoln]
Robert: Father, please meet Juliet Shakesman.
Abraham: Miss Shakesman, how do you do?
[shakes her hand]
Abraham: It's a great pleasure to meet you.

Wyatt: [looking through Lucy's journal] What is all this?
Lucy: Our history. All of our missions. It was, uh, my way of keeping record of all of it, I guess.

Lucy: I told you, they had other followers. We don't know if killing that boy would've changed anything.
Garcia: It could have changed *everything*.

Wyatt: We can either shoot it out, or we can both walk away with the person we came here for. Drop the gun.
Emma: Drop yours first.
Wyatt: I'm gonna be real clear. You let Lucy go, or he dies right now.
Carol: [Emma lets Lucy go] You knew they were alive and you kept it from me.
Lucy: Just... come with us.
Carol: What?
Lucy: Come with us, mom. I would forgive you for every horrible thing that you did for them if you just... just be with us. Be on the right side of history.
Carol: Lucy, this is so much bigger than you or me.

[Lewis Powell is about to enter Secretary Seward's house when suddenly Wyatt shows up and grabs him from the front]
Wyatt: The tall man who gave you the gun, where is he?
[Powell grabs Wyatt's arm and pushes him back]
Wyatt: Why do I always get the big guys?
[Powell shoves Wyatt right through the door which bursts open. Wyatt grabs his foot as he walks past. Powell swings his knife at Wyatt, but Wyatt grabs him, turns him around, and starts punching him repeatedly. Powell grabs Wyatt by the throat, turns him around and starts choking him. Wyatt reaches for his gun, grabs it, then shoots Powell in the chest, killing him]
William: [he had been alerted by his daughter] What's going on?
Wyatt: [laying on the floor and panting] Mr. Secretary.

Bonnie: [holding a gun to Wyatt's head] I wouldn't if I were you, handsome.

Wyatt: You asked me what Jessica would think about all this. She'd be horrified. Honestly, I wonder if I can look her in the eye. But she's going to be there and she's going to be alive.

Carol: I hope you've had sufficient time to reconsider.
Denise: I have. In my line of work, we all have that one case we can't shake. Mine was a school shooting in 2011. After it happened, I yanked my kids out of their classrooms and decided that they were going to be homeschooled. There was no discussion. I needed them to be safe.
Carol: You did what was best for your family.
Denise: I did what was best for me. My son... he was so angry. It created such a rift between us that finally I had to give in and let go. We all have to do that at some point.
Carol: What are you talking...
[realization dawns on her]
Carol: You're stalling.
[checking her restraints first, she then notices a small mark on Christopher's neck]
Carol: She's chipped.
Denise: Your tax dollars at work. Thanks for giving me that time to reconsider. Someone should be here any minute now.

Garcia: My family's still dead, Rittenhouse survived and it's all your fault.

Lucy: Capone is supposed to be going to prison for tax evasion today. Flynn must have gotten him off somehow.
Rufus: Well, that's not troubling at all.

Wyatt: Jesse James is wanted dead or alive. Are we really just gonna capture him?
Bass: It's what's right.
Wyatt: Yeah, it's just... you're risking your life when shooting him on sight would be a little bit easier.
Bass: Who the hell ever said easy and right were the same thing? Look, I'm not saying I'm some sorta hero or anything. I've killed several men. But the thing is that I see them every time I close my eyes, every time I look in the mirror... And I think you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Betty: Some people say he made a deal with the devil. That true, Donny?
Don: Betty, these Delta blues singers are full of stories.
Betty: But how you know that for sure?
Don: It's all just superstitions and hocus pocus, that's how.
Robert: [entering] I wouldn't bet money on it. I might be the best guitar player around, Mr. Law, but five years ago, I couldn't play a lick. Now how else but the devil you think that could've happened?

Lucy: Rittenhouse would never allow you to take the Lifeboat, to make me sick all to get back some girl that no one but you knows or even cares about.
Lucy: What are you talking about? How do you know the name Rittenhouse?
Carol: No, no, no, Just listen. Just listen. How do you think I met your father? We both come from good, strong Rittenhouse families. And that almost makes you royalty. Sweetheart, you've made me so proud. You've made everybody so proud. And you have such... such an incredible future. And as we speak, Rittenhouse has an operative on the Mothership, and soon they will control everything. The past and the present... the future. And together... we will change history.

Lucy: Hey, mom. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I... just had to borrow a book or ten.
Carol: I see. What's got you reading about Charles Lindbergh?
Lucy: He still became a word-class a-hole. Isolationist, anti-Semitic, the whole nine.
Carol: You say that like it's news.
Lucy: I just don't get it. I mean, he-he gets injured in a... in a crash landing, and then disappears for a few weeks, only to re-emerge to claim credit for the first transatlantic flight. Why?
Carol: He was an ambitious man. I mean, his father was a Congressman. Maybe the love of the spotlight got passed down. I mean, he had money, adoration, power. How do you walk away from a family like that?
Lucy: I just thought he'd make a different choice.

Rufus: Are you drunk?
Connor: "Life is but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more."
Rufus: So, yes, then?
Connor: [handing them a tablet] But I have something to add to the merriment. "Icarus Descending: The Fall & Catastrophe of Connor Mason."
Jiya: Yikes.
Rufus: Why are you even reading this stuff?
Connor: Because, Rufus, today is the day I finally lose control... of Mason Industries and all of my holdings. Today, Connor Mason, is officially, um... nobody.
[raising his wine bottle]
Connor: A toast. To oblivion.

Wyatt: You okay?
Lucy: I killed someone this morning. Not a bad guy. Just an innocent person trying to help his friend. He just... got in the way.
Wyatt: Lucy, you... you did what you had to do.
Lucy: No, I chose to do it. To prove I was loyal.
Wyatt: To Rittenhouse?
[she gives a small nod]
Wyatt: Why?
Lucy: Because I thought you were dead. Because I thought the Lifeboat was gone. Because I thought I was the only one standing. I would've done anything, Wyatt. I would've stayed in 1918 forever. I would've blown up the Mothership with my mother and me in it to stop all this forever. And then you showed up. Alive. I just keep wondering if I could've stopped them if you hadn't have come.
Wyatt: Emma would have killed you.
Lucy: My mother wouldn't have let her do that.
Wyatt: You sure about that?
Lucy: No. I've lost everything.
Lucy: [holding her as she breaks down sobbing] You haven't lost me.

Emma: 'Tis the season. To finish what we started. Correct mistakes, create a better world. But we're doing it my way now. No more bloodlines or any cult crap. So if that's why you're here, walk away right now.
[as an agent turns to leave, she shoots him twice in the back]
Emma: Those of you who choose to stay, all I ask is loyalty.
Mike: What's the plan, boss?
Emma: You can set up my office. Big chair, mahogany desk. You can handle that?
Mike: Right away.
Emma: Then we're gonna do what St. Nicholas and Carol couldn't. We're gonna take out Lucy and her damn team once and for all.
Jessica: What can I do?
Emma: Mrs. Logan, I have a job for you. It's time to pay our last sleeper agent a visit.

Jiya: This thing is incredible. It has advanced re-entry stabilization, and templar cylinders.
Denise: Nice work, Jiya. I'm guessing you're the one who built it.
Connor: I might have made a suggestion or two.

Emma: Two days. How much longer do we have to wait around?
Carol: We don't know exactly when he's going to show up. The records are spotty. But we'll wait for him as long as we have to.
Lucy: Who? Why? Is it someone famous?
Carol: His name is Nicholas Keens. And that's really all you need to know.
Emma: Maybe Mom doesn't trust you.
Lucy: Because you're so trustworthy? You've lied to, what, everyone you've ever worked with?
Emma: I've always been loyal to Rittenhouse, from the start.
Lucy: Unless you're lying now. I mean, how many faces do you really have?
Emma: Some of us aren't royalty, princess. Some of us had to work our way up while you were busy running from having everything handed to you.
Lucy: Work your way up to what? Wicked stepsister?
Carol: All right, that's enough. Both of you.

Jessica: God, I hate hospitals. Remember Hawaii?
Wyatt: Ugh, don't remind me.
Lucy: What happened?
Jessica: Uh, we were on a surfing trip.
Lucy: You surf?
Wyatt: Yeah.
Jessica: Eh, not as well as he thinks he does.
Wyatt: No.
Jessica: You wiped out. Hit himself in the head with a board, got a concussion.
Wyatt: Ended up in this awful hospital.
Jessica: You remember that?
Wyatt: I remember that you never left my side. You slept in that uncomfortable chair for days. I remember that.

Denise: What happened?
Wyatt: Things got messy. Without Lucy, we were scrambling 'till we figured out who they were after.
Rufus: We were almost too late. Sleeper agent started shooting at us.
Wyatt: Yeah, and we couldn't shoot back 'cause there was kids.
Denise: Kids?
Rufus: We barely made it out alive.

Denise: They blew up Mason Industries. We have no idea how powerful they still are. I'm already down one asset.
Wyatt: That's what you think Lucy is? An asset?
Denise: Master Sergeant Logan, you are not leaving this bunker.
Wyatt: Court-martial me.

Carol: I know meeting your father has thrown you, and I get it that you don't want to talk to me about it, but what do we do in our family when we go through tough times? When we need to collect our thoughts?
Lucy: We write them down.
Carol: We write them down.
[she offers Lucy a gift; inside is the journal of which a copy from the future is in Flynn's possession]
Lucy: It's a journal.

Lucy: You're alive?
Wyatt: You're alive.

Becky: Most guys think I'm a weirdo.
Rufus: You are... I am too.

Carol: I know where we can find Kennedy.
Nicholas: I'm listening.
Carol: Kennedy's chronic health issues are one of history's best-kept secrets. Ulcers, colitis, blood infections. With everything that he's just been through, I wouldn't be surprised if he fell ill.
Nicholas: What do you suggest?
Carol: We search every hospital in the city. Sooner or later, Kennedy's bound to show up at one of them, and when he does, we take him out.
Nicholas: [considering it] All right. Send out one of our men.
Emma: No. I got this. I'll figure it out.
Nicholas: Thank you, Emma. And if you run into Lucy and her friends, take them out, as well.
Emma: With pleasure.

Agent: What's going on?
Jiya: Flynn's gone. To March 2, 1836. Looks like... around San Antonio.
Wyatt: That's days before the Alamo.
[seeing Christopher's expression of surprise]
Wyatt: I'm from Texas. We all know that one.

Lucy: You have to talk to me at some point
Wyatt: What do you call this?
Lucy: Look, I... I will say it again and I will keep saying it. I'm sorry for not telling you about the journal.
Wyatt: What about your little deal with Agent Christopher? When were you gonna tell me about that? Yeah, Christopher told me. So I kill Flynn, she helps you get your sister back. Nothing about me or my wife, but hey, as long as you get what you need.
Lucy: Okay, that is not fair. It is not a secret that I'm trying to get my sister back. I mean, you were the one that said "figure out what you're fighting for". Well, I am fighting for Amy, and you of all people should understand that.

Harry: You weren't kidding. Edison really is paranoid.
Garcia: Can you open it?
Harry: It'll take some time. Ten minutes, maybe.
Garcia: You got three. Those Pinkertons will be back soon.

Rufus: You know what I just realized?
Lucy: What?
Rufus: We're totally the Untouchables right now.
Lucy: Oh, boy.

Garcia: You're not fooling anyone dressed like that.
Lucy: General lack of females in the vicinity, two women on horseback. We'd have been flagged a mile away.

Lucy: You've defused a bomb before, right?
Wyatt: I've seen it done. Had some training in Afghanistan.
Kate: Since when we were fighting Afghanistan?
Wyatt: Hey. I need you to ground the ship and get the people off.
Rufus: How do we do that?
Lucy: We make it up as we go.

Wyatt: [having saved Judith from Flynn] Okay, she is hiding something.
Lucy: What she is hiding is that she is Kennedy's mistress.
Rufus: Seriously?
Lucy: For the last two years. And Sam Giancana's mistress.
Wyatt: The mob boss?
Lucy: Yes. Remember the plot to kill Castro I told you about? She is the one that delivers messages from JFK to the mob. Not a lot of people know her name, but she is at the dead center of 1960s politics.
Rufus: Okay, this is some real Oliver Stone stuff right here.

Rufus: Look, I know you wanna find Lucy, but you getting yourself killed out there isn't gonna help anyone, especially if you don't even know if she's alive.

Jiya: They're in Nevada. Uh... somewhere in this fifty-mile radius.
Connor: Uh, not exactly a pinpoint. Can we do any better than fifty miles?
Jiya: Sorry, no.
Wyatt: Well, it's either the desert or Vegas, so... Vegas.
Agent: But why would Flynn go there?
Lucy: I'm looking. Okay, September 21. Vegas, 1962. President Kennedy was in town for a DNC fundraiser at the Sands hotel. Sinatra headlining.
Rufus: So what are we thinking? Flynn's gonna "JFK" JFK one year early?
Lucy: Maybe. That room was filled with celebrities, politicians, Mafia. Flynn could kill any of them, and it would be a disaster.
Wyatt: Well, we need to get there first.

Lucy: I read your classified file.
Garcia: Don't believe everything you read.
Lucy: You saved people in Kosovo. You helped a family in Iraq. You used to care about people. You used to be good. That Rittenhouse killed your family, I believe you. But now you're putting all of us in danger.

Connor: It's not possible.
Wyatt: Well, actually, it is.
Wyatt: Where are you from?
Lucy: When are you from?
Lucy: 2023.
Connor: How are you even here, in your own timelines? If the side effects...
Lucy: We're not immune to the effects.
Wyatt: We don't have much time.
Lucy: I know.
Connor: Why would you endanger yourselves like this?
Wyatt: We didn't have much of a choice.
Lucy: We can't stop Rittenhouse without Rufus.
Denise: Rittenhouse still exists?
Garcia: In 2023?

Rufus: Ah, friggin clockblocker!
Denise: What happened?
Rufus: You wanna check my work? I may have miscalculated the second derivative of the time dilation equation.
Jiya: Okay. It's okay. We'll just adjust the levels on the capacitor and we'll try again.
Rufus: You should get some rest. You know, take a break. We don't need you having another one of those headaches.
Jiya: You're sweet, and a tiny bit condescending, and I'm totally fine.

Wyatt: Do you know what the very first Delta mission was?
Lucy: 1979, Iran.
Wyatt: That's right. Go get the hostages out of Tehran. One of my Delta intructors, name is Diamond Dave, he was on that mission. The plane carrying the operatives lands in the desert somewhere to refuel. While it's on the ground, a Navy helicopter crashses into it due to the heavy winds. So, Dave, he wakes up from a nap. He sees the plane is on fire. Now, he still thinks they're 20,000 feet up. He can't find a parachute, so he just flings himself right out the door, right through the smoke.
Lucy: Okay, this is all really nice, but what is the point of this story?
Wyatt: So the guys afterwards asked Dave "If you thought we were 20,000 feet in the air, why the hell would you fling yourself out the door without a parachute?". Dave just looks at him and he says "All I knew was the plane was on fire, and I figured one problem at a time." First, we stop Capone, and then we worry about what Flynn wants with him and everything else. So if Al Capone is supposed to be behind bars, how do we put him there?
Lucy: I don't know. I mean, without Ness, this is just...
Wyatt: [seeing a thought strike her] Lucy?
Lucy: I know who we can ask.

Wyatt: Oh, I think I just found something. Documents. It's, uh, eh... letters, manusripts. It's notes. It's all scanned in right here. It's ideas for what Rittenhouse could do with a time machine, written in 1910. What, so they've been trying to get a time machine for the last hundred years?
Rufus: So what's it say? Like, typical "take over the world" type stuff?
Wyatt: Sort of. Change history, correct past mistakes to make a present more favorable to them, one where they would be in charge. They wouldn't have to take over the world. They'd already own it.
Rufus: That's not troubling.

Lucy: [in 1937 New Jersey] Um, everyone's staring at you. Maybe you should just wait outside?
Rufus: On a scale of Million Man March to "Mississippi Burning", how safe do you think I'm gonna be out there?
Lucy: You should be fine. Just, uh... don't make eye contact with anyone?
Rufus: [sarcastic] So glad I came.

Rufus: So this U.S. Marshal's the guy that the Lone Ranger's based off of?
Lucy: That's what they say. Bass Reeves was responsible for over 3,000 arrests in his career. Arguably the best lawman in the Old West.
Rufus: If he's that good, why doesn't the town come to him for help?
[Seeing Bass Reeves for the first time]
Rufus: The Lone Ranger is black? That's... awesome!

Rufus: Fourth seat's ready. I say Connor takes it.
Lucy: Yeah.
Denise: Absolutely.
Connor: Absolutely not.
Rufus: Connor, you obviously know more about Robert Johnson and his albums than any of us.

Wyatt: Where could we find Capone right now?
Lucy: We are in a little bit of a time crunch. Garcia Flynn is... very dangerous.
Eliot: And Capone isn't?
Wyatt: Not by comparison.
Eliot: Capone? The man responsible for the St. Valentine's Day Massacre?
Lucy: I think we can all agree that both men are incredibly dangerous. Why don't we just focus on finding them and stopping them from whatever it is they're planning on doing?

Lucy: [after Humiston has finished her speech, President Wilson tips his hat to her] She did it. She did it!
Wyatt: I believe you did it.

Lucy: Where are you from?
Soldier: Uh, you ever been to Adrian, Michigan?
Lucy: No.
Soldier: You're gonna wanna keep it that way.

John F. Kennedy: I know about my siblings' deaths. My own assassination.
Rufus: Well, maybe you can change your fate. Don't go to Dallas on November 22nd, 1963.
John F. Kennedy: What about the curse? Everyone I love is going to die a tragic death.
Lucy: You may not be able to save everybody, John, but you are going to make the world a much better place. There are worse fates.
John F. Kennedy: Was I a good president?
Lucy: One of the greatest.

Garcia: My wife was the practicing Catholic. She'd drag me to mass once a month like clockwork. I never really took it seriously myself.
Priest: Neither did I, for the longest time.
Garcia: I have a job. In the beginning, I thought it was important, that it could help a lot of people, hopefully even bring my wife back to me. But no matter what I do, nothing gets better. If anything, it only gets worse.
Priest: I get it, but when times are tough, you just got to trust that God has a plan.
Garcia: What if you could change that plan?
Priest: I don't follow.
Garcia: What if you could, uh... make a person go left instead of right, backward instead of forward? What if you had the power to change the course of history? Does that mean, uh... nothing's meant to be? Does that mean God's not there? Would He stop me?
Priest: What are you asking?
Garcia: I'm asking for absolution.

Connor: January 28, 1848, near Sacramento. Lucy?
Lucy: That's four days after gold was discovered in Sutter's Mill, which instigated the Gold Rush, which basically made California a... a state.
Garcia: So Rittenhouse wants gold? Shocker.
Jiya: A time-travel robbery?
Wyatt: Let them have the gold. Let them have California. We need to focus on getting Rufus back.
Denise: Listen, when the Mothership jumps, we chase it. That's been protocol since day one. What is the point of getting Rufus back if we just let Rittenhouse decimate history?
Connor: Are you joking?
Jiya: Future Lucy said we need Rufus to stop Rittenhouse.
Connor: Yes.
Denise: Rufus trained you to pilot the Lifeboat for this very reason. The world needs saving. It's what Rufus would want. We need to find and stop their sleeper agent.

Rufus: [preparing to remove a bullet from Wyatt] This is gonna be the worst game of Operation ever.

Garcia: Recognize this room? You stayed here the night Abraham Lincoln was shot. A few weeks for us. A century for them. Remarkable, huh?
Wyatt: Oh, god. You're gonna talk us to death, aren't you?

Connor: You need to come with me.
Denise: Why the hell would I go anywhere with you?
Connor: Because I've disabled the security systems, and the guards still work for me. They'll look the other way. Trust me.
Denise: I'll take my chances.
Connor: With what? There's no due process here. Please, come with me, or let your family spend the rest of their lives wondering what happened to you.

Rufus: Hey, I'm glad you and Jessica are enjoying the room.
Wyatt: I know, I feel bad about...
Rufus: Because that 1950s Kem Weber sofa sleeps like a dream. It's like staying at the Four Seasons.
Wyatt: Really?
Rufus: Yeah, except there's only ever one season, and that season is winter.

Wyatt: It's hard to imagine that skinny kid grows up to bang Marilyn Monroe, huh?
Lucy: Hmm. Kennedy's intern and mistress, Mimi Alfred, said that he had a way of making a woman feel like she was the only one that mattered, even when he was married to someone else.

Connor: What happened to Lucy?
Wyatt: We lost track of her. I lost track of her. Flynn got her.

Wyatt: So if you exist, that means grandpa was, like, way deep in the closet.
Lucy: It's 1954. You could be arrested for being gay.
Wyatt: [spotting someone checking him out] He's looking at me like I'm a piece of meat.
Lucy: [sarcastic] Can't imagine what that's like.

Lucy: You're insane! I mean, even if I believed you, which I don't, I am not getting in that thing to... what? Go after some terrorist? I am not a soldier.
Agent: We have a soldier. We need a historian. A good one who knows the customs, can travel incognito, help us keep a low profile.
Lucy: Great. I'll e-mail you some names.
Agent: I think someone who loved history would want to save it. Besides, what if I am telling the truth? Don't tell me you're not the least bit curious.

Wyatt: [after delivering Young-Hee's baby] It's a girl.

Reporter: Mr. Ness, it appears if Al Capone is the Untouchable One. Got a comment?
Eliot: [slugging the reporter] Any more questions?

Lucy: Eliot Ness, he... he can't be dead. He's not supposed to die for another 26 years.
Rufus: How'd they even know he was here?
Wyatt: How do you think? Flynn.
Lucy: This can't be happening. I mean, Capone is out there on the loose, and the only guy that can stop him is gone!
Wyatt: We got to get out of here right now.
Rufus: We're just supposed to leave him here like this?
Wyatt: What do you want to do, wait for the cops? We don't have IDs. I'm wearing button-fly jeans from the Gap. There's nothing we can do.

John: Sic semper tyrannis! The South shall be free!

Lucy: What happened to all the talk about needing me? About us fighting side by side?
Garcia: You wrote in here that one day, we would stop Rittenhouse, together. And that day came, and you wouldn't help me. You let Rittenhouse live. I really thought we were gonna do great things. But maybe I was wrong about this journal. Maybe... maybe I was wrong about you.
Lucy: Maybe you're wrong about a lot of things.

Emma: His body's riddled with shrapnel.
Carol: Take it out.
Emma: I can't even see it without an x-ray.
Carol: Lucy. Lucy, are you okay?
Lucy: [poker-faced] I'm fine. What if we could get an x-ray machine here?

Wyatt: How's the letter coming?
Lucy: It's not. I'm having the world's worst case of writer's block. I know that there's something about patriotism and liberty and American character. I think.
Rufus: You don't know? You're the historian.
Lucy: Yeah, believe it or not, I have not memorized every single letter ever written in the history of time, and this letter, if I don't get every single word exactly right...
Wyatt: It's just a letter.
Lucy: It's not just a letter. It's the letter that created Texas. No pressure or anything.

Denise: I'm coming with you.
Wyatt: No, you're not.
Denise: The Lifeboat has three seats. You need all the help you can get.
Wyatt: No one is going in that seat except for Lucy. We're bringing her home.
Denise: Wyatt, you don't even know if she's alive. Or if Rittenhouse has her or if they took her on this trip. I'm sympathetic, I am, but there is no room for error here. We need to stop Rittenhouse, whatever they...
Wyatt: Agent Christopher, we are bringing Lucy home.

Rufus: Where are we going?
Wyatt: To find Capone.
Rufus: What about Flynn?
Wyatt: One problem at a time.
Lucy: Stop saying that. Why do you keep saying that?

Soldier: You're Americans?
Carol: Yes. My daughter and I are volunteers for the American Committee for Devastated France, and Emma is a nurse.
Lucy: A nurse?
Emma: Lived alone in a Missouri cabin for ten years. You pick up things.

Lucy: The Latin on the key, it means "The key to the beginning of all time" and "The key to the end of all time".
Wyatt: Oh, boy, that's not disturbing at all. What does that even mean?

Denise: John F. Kennedy? You brought President Kennedy? Are you out of your minds?
Rufus: Well, he was knocked out, okay? He doesn't know where or when he is.
Wyatt: They were gonna kill him. They chased us all the way to the Lifeboat. This was our best option.
Rufus: It was our only option.
Wyatt: Besides, we-we have a plan. Flynn's gonna take care of Rittenhouse in '34. We're gonna recharge the Lifeboat and take JFK back.
Lucy: And pick up Flynn.
Rufus: Yeah, sure, that, too.