The Best D. Supt. Martins Quotes

D.I. Burnside: You're not only gonna take a man away from me for six months, you lose me an entire day's work out of this office, on top of which, I'm liable to have a sectarian conflict on my hands.
D. Supt. Martins: Well you could have saved it all by recommending me someone.
D.I. Burnside: Oh yeah? Well what about the ones I don't recommend, how are they gonna react? And all this to get a nice, balanced team together? Well that's what I had here before you walked in.
D. Supt. Martins: Could I have a look at the arrest rates, please, Frank?
D.I. Burnside: No you bloody couldn't.
D. Supt. Martins: Was that "No you bloody couldn't", or "No you bloody couldn't, Sir?"