The Best Darrell Bigelow Quotes

Darrell: I'm Darrell Bigelow.
Joe: Yeah, I know. Why here, Mr. Bigelow? Why not at your paper?
Darrell: I couldn't have it known that I was hiring a private detective. This matter must be absolutely confidential.
Joe: Fair enough.
Darrell: The owner of this carousel owes me a... favor or two, so we're assured of absolute privacy.
Joe: Except for your, uh...
Darrell: Employees. They can be trusted.
Joe: What's the job, Mr. Bigelow?
Darrell: I want you to find my wife.
[motions for one of his employees to start the carousel]
Joe: How long has she been missing?
Darrell: She disappeared a week ago.
[takes a picture of his wife out of his coat pocket and hands it to Joe]
Darrell: Her name is Rebekah.
Joe: [looks at the picture] You think she might've been kidnapped?
Darrell: No. Well, there'd have been some word by now.
Joe: Has she ever, uh, "disappeared" before?
Darrell: [thinks for a moment] I want you to find her and bring her back, Mr. Mannix. She's my wife... and I love her.
Joe: Of course.
Darrell: There is another aspect to consider, a selfish one, perhaps. My friends in politics have tested the waters. They say the temperature's just right for me to wade in and, uh, become a candidate for elective office. Now, any hint of a scandal...
Joe: Scandal? You think she may be with another man?
Darrell: Well... last summer... Rebekah met someone.
Joe: Who is he?
Darrell: You might say he was a... a professional boat bum.
Joe: What was his name?
Darrell: I don't know. Rebekah told me a little about him when she... came home. I realize now that she wasn't over whatever attraction he had for her, and my instinct leads me to believe that... she may be with him again. I want her back, Mr. Mannix. You'll find her for me?
Joe: I'll do what I can.
Darrell: [takes an envelope out of his coat pocket] Uh, this should be enough to get you started.
Joe: [takes the envelope and looks inside it] Very generous.
Darrell: There's one other thing, Mr. Mannix. My wife means more to me than any political career.
Joe: Naturally.